EAGLES www.gbaps.org/MS/Edison EDI SO N JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 PRINCIPAL—JO WIEBEL ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS—MATT WELLER & DAN SLOWEY Edison Families- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: HEARING/ VISION CLINIC 2 CHESS CLUB NEWS 3 BATTLE OF THE BOOKS 4 BACKPACKS & LOCKERS 5 IMPORTANT DATES 6 INTRA DISTRICT 7 TRANSFER WINDOW CALENDAR 1516 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Be Friendly—Like Us on Facebook We’ve been updating our Facebook page and would like you to join us. To see all the postings and pictures go to the Edison Middle School page and hit the like button. (When you search, make sure to select the page that has an Edison Eagle for a profile picture.) EAG LE S As the days of December pass by, many thoughts turn towards the new calendar year as we anticipate the arrival of 2015. During this time at Edison, we begin to focus on the upcoming 2015-16 school year. When we return from winter break, Edison school counselors will meet with all current 6th and 7th grade students to begin the scheduling process. We’ll also welcome the Preble counselors as they help prepare our current 8th grade students for the transition to high school. Parents and guardians play an important role in helping their child select the appropriate classes and elective courses for the next year. One decision for returning Edison students is the choice to add a study hall to their daily schedule. I encourage you to discuss with your child if a study hall is necessary. Edison has many wonderful elective classes and study halls limit the ability for students to explore academic options that might help determine future pathways. Additional information will be shared with families regarding student scheduling. Please take the opportunity to speak with your child’s counselor if you have questions about electives or the scheduling process. I hope the winter recess is an enjoyable time for your family. We only have nine school days remaining during first semester when we resume classes on Monday, January 5! Looking forward to 2015! Jo Wiebel Edison Principal EDISON EAGLES Page 2 PBIS CORNER The PBIS team hopes that you and your family have a restful and safe winter break. As we gear up to start 2015, there are a few things to be aware of. First, many teachers will be reviewing and reinforcing classroom expectations. These include wearing ID badges, using daily planners to keep track of assignments, and being prepared to learn (book, pencil, and any other necessary supplies). This is a great chance to start fresh in the new year. Please speak with your child about following classroom expectations so they can get the most out of their educational opportunity here at Edison Middle School. Also, please remind your child to dress appropriately for the cold weather. Hats, boots, and mittens are a necessity in Wisconsin’s winter, and an extra sweater or sweatshirt can be helpful in the classroom. We want your child to be as comfortable as possible in their learning environment. A final reminder is that the end of the first semester will come quickly after we return to school January 5th. The end of the middle school semester is January 15th. Please encourage your child to check with their teachers so they can hand in any missing work and get caught up before final grades for the semester are due. If you have any questions about how your child is doing academically, you can check Infinite Campus and/or contact your child’s teacher. By discussing any or all of the above with your child, you help the staff at Edison ensure that our school environment continues to be safe, friendly, respectful and full of responsible students! The hearing/vision clinic will take place on January 8, 2015 at Edison Middle School in the Student Services Office. If you would like to have your child tested, please contact Pat Thut, Student Services Secretary, at (920) 391-2452 no later than January 6, 2015. DID YOU MOVE??? If you moved, we need your new address! We would be very disappointed for you to miss out on exciting news at Edison! Please stop in to update our records with your new address. In order for us to update, we need a DO WE HAVE YOUR E -MAIL ADDRESS?? change of address form filled out (can be picked up in the Main Office) and proof of your new address (something with your name and new address on it, i.e. WPS bill, cellphone bill, etc.). Thank you for your cooperation! Edison Middle School sends out important messages during the school year and the news- letter via e-mail. If you haven’t updated your e-mail address with us, please let us know by e-mailing Marion Olson at maolson@gbaps.org. Thank you! Page 3 EDISON EAGLES Chess Club News On Saturday, December 6, at Eisenhower Elementary School, five Edison students participated in a chess tournament. Dakwaun Buechner, Elliot Gerondale, Lance Cordova, Tyler Riley, and Saysha Temple all enjoyed playing competition from other schools. Although none of the Edison chess club participants earned a trophy, all won a medal and had fun. Chess club continues to meet every Tuesday after school in the cafeteria from 2:45—3:45. ALL students interested in playing or learning chess or in competing against students with equal ability is welcome to attend. 18th Annual Green Bay Scholastic Chess Tournament Save the date! The 18th Annual Green Bay Scholastic Chess Tournament is quickly approaching. It will be held on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at Franklin Middle School from 8:45 a.m.—2:00 p.m. The tournament is open to all students in grades 3-8 and is FREE to GBAPS students. All students compete in four rounds of competition. Registration forms will be available in January (in English and Spanish) in Edison’s Main office. Battle of the Books This year’s battles will start the week of January 19th. We will have three rounds at the school level. The three teams scoring the most points will advance to the district Battle of the Books. Winning team members will be given permission slips to attend the district battle. Participants in the district battle are responsible for their transportation to and from Lombardi Middle School. District Battle of the Books: February 24th / 6:00 p.m. Lombardi Middle School Library Media Center. Athletic Activities To find out when athletic activities take place, go to Edison’s web site, under “Quick Links” select “Edison Athletics and Activities”. You will find practice times, game times, and directions to away games. Stay in Touch How is my child doing in class? What time does practice end? What’s happening at Edison Middle School? Announcements Announcements are made each day at 7:35 a.m. Information such as activities/clubs/meetings/times/dates, etc. are announced. They are posted in the main hallway by the Main Office and posted on our web site daily. Infinite Campus Parent Portal Keep in touch with how your child is doing in class (assignments, grades, attendance plus other important information). If you’d like access, e-mail maolson@gbaps.org. Parents, please take a moment over winter break to discuss with your child the importance of using their locker to secure their valuables. Lockers in the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms for gym are very small. The lockers can not accommodate a backpack. Backpacks are then left on the floor with students’ valuables in them. This situation makes the backpack easily available to other students. Therefore, items could become stolen. Backpacks need to fit under the classroom desks. Students are carrying too many books and/or clothing. Your child needs to put his/her winter coat in their locker in the morning. They should be going to their locker throughout the day and not taking more than one half of the day’s materials with them. The safety of all students and staff are very important. Backpacks need to fit under the desks so students and staff members do not trip or fall because of them. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this issue with your child! Mark Your Calendars On Monday, January 12, a presentation titled “Rise Together”, a substance abuse prevention program will be held in the Preble High School auditorium from 6-8 p.m. We encourage parents of all Green Bay Area Public School students to attend this dynamic and informative presentation. More information will be available soon. Winter Break Wednesday, December 24 through Friday, January 2 Classes resume, Monday, January 5 Edison Middle School Important Dates 2014-2015 Early Release Dates (released at 12:35 pm): January 30, 2015 February 13, 2015 April 10, 2015 May 8, 2015 No School Dates December 24, 2014 – January 2, 2015 January 16 & 19, 2015 March 13, 2015 March 23 - 27, 2015 April 3, 2015 May 25, 2015 May 26, 2015 – Weather make-up day; if not needed, will be a recess day Last Day of School: June 9, 2015 Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences sign-up sheets will be sent home with students for parents to fill out and have their child bring back to the teachers for conference times. March 5 Evening March 13 Afternoon March 10 Evening Report Cards: Report cards are given to the students to bring home. The semester and final report card is mailed home. Questions? Main Office – (920) 391-2450 Option 3 Attendance – (920) 391-2453 Student Services (Guidance-Counselors) – (920) 391-2452 INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFER WINDOW The application windows for students requesting to attend a different Green Bay Public School (other than the one in their attendance area) for the 2015-16 school year are as follows: Preference Window: January 5 - February 28, 2015 Applications submitted during this window will be considered prior to those submitted through Open Enrollment. Additional Window: March 1 - April 30, 2015 Applications submitted during this window will be considered at the same time as applications that are submitted through Open Enrollment. Information Letter and Application form: The information letter and application form can be found on the Green Bay Area Public School District webpage (www.gbaps.org) by clicking on the Parents tab and then choosing Forms, or at a district school building starting December 1, 2014. Applications will not be accepted before January 5, 2015. Applications should be submitted to the Green Bay Area Public School District, Central Registration – Room 114, 200 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54303. Students who have previously completed an Intra-District Transfer Application and were approved are not required to reapply unless the approval was for the current year only. Questions? Please contact Joann Metzler at 920-448-2001. You can order this year’s memory book by filling out the envelope that was given out on Thursday, December 18 and turning it in to the Main Office with $18 through February. The cost will increase to $20 in March. OR You can order this year’s memory book online at: www.jostensyearbooks.com. Search for Edison Middle School in Green Bay, WI. You will need to pay for it with a credit card. Agriscience Update September 2014- December 2014 *The wildlife classes have graphed natural resources, explored alternative energy, created a timeline of 10 dates in the history of conservation, and designed and built their own bird beak to compete in a bird survival challenge. Pictured is the Rip It! Twist it! Tear it! station from the Bird Survival Challenge. At this station students had to unwrap a tootsie roll with their BEAK and FEET—just like an Eagle eating a fish using its beak and talons!! *The animals and plants classes have been just as eventful, studying such topics as domestication, genetics, and comparative anatomy. During the comparative anatomy students created a model animal skeleton using noodles and created models of animal digestive systems using play-dough. Check out these great student projects!! *Thirty-six animals and plants students attended the first ever PIZZA PLUNGE!! The students spent the day traveling around the area to a wheat farm, dairy farm, NWTC, and UW-Extension and learned what was needed and how long it would take to grow a cheese pizza from start to finish! They even made their own pizza sauce and mini pizzas. Thank you Melinda Pollen (UW- Extension) and Nicole Nohls (WI Dairy Ambassador) for organizing this awesome experience. Mike Austin, local ag analyst and news/radio broadcaster, tagged along to film the event. We were featured on channel 5 news!!! *The FFA, a student leadership organization in the Agriscience department has also been busy by attending the Sectional Leadership Conference in Mishicot, selling flowers before the musical performances (a big congrats to all that were part of the WONDERFUL “ANNIE” cast and crew), and selling beef jerky during Day 2 Friday lunches. We are preparing for competitions and looking forward to assisting at the Gambler’s Teddy Bear Toss event on Saturday, January 31st. All the agriscience classes were able to meet Kelly Wilfert, our section 9 state officer. She shared knowledge about the FFA and working together. AVID is an elective course at Edison Middle School for 7th and 8th grade students. The course places students on the college track, requiring them to enroll in their school’s advanced classes to prepare them for the rigors of high school and college. To support them in the rigorous coursework, AVID students learn organizational and study skills, develop critical thinking, learn to ask probing questions, receive academic help from peers and college tutors, and participate in enrichment and motivational activities to make their college dreams a reality. Each month AVID will feature a strategy in the Edison newsletter to support ALL students. This month’s strategy involves Costa’s Levels of Questioning. To better understand the content being presented in core subject areas, it is essential for students to learn to think critically and to ask higher levels of questions. By asking higher levels of questions, students deepen their knowledge and create connections to the material being presented. Students need to be familiar with Costa’s levels of questioning to assist them in formulating and identifying higher levels of questions. Orientation and Curriculum/Activities Fair Thursday, January 8, 2015 5:30-6:30 p.m. OR 7:00-8:00 p.m. School counselors will be visiting students beginning in January to schedule for the 2015-16 school year. You are invited to our Orientation/Curriculum Fair. Discover the opportunities we have for you! Snacks will be served in the commons, and attendees will receive a free gift. Our curriculum department teaching staff, athletic coaches, and co-curricular advisors will feature exhibits and be available for questions. Preble has a place for every student. A wide variety of athletics, clubs, and activities are offered to engage students in all their interests. From community service clubs, academic competitions, and performances on the field and on the stage, all students at Preble can get involved as a Proud Hornet. Advanced Placement Classes Athletic Activities such as football, basketball, soccer, golf, tennis, volleyball, track and field, cross country and swimming just to mention a few! Co-curricular activities such as Student Council, FFA, FBLA, Diversity Club, Dance Team, DECA, Forensics and so much more! IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU! HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE PREBLE HIGH SCHOOL Edison Parent Network January, 2015 Dinner and a Movie! January 23 Mr. Peabody and Sherman Bring your family back to school for a fun, family Friday night. We’ll have a meal together and then head into the auditorium to watch this funny movie. Date: Friday, January 23 Time: 6:00 meal, 6:30 movie Cost: $1.50/person, includes a hot dog, chips, dessert and a drink. Popcorn available for 50¢/bag. UPCOMING EVENTS Want to get involved at Edison but just not sure how? Parent Network is the perfect way to make a great connection between home and school. There are many opportunities to help throughout the school year and you can pick your level of involvement. The easiest ways to learn about what’s going on or to find out ways you can help are: Attend evening Parent Network Meetings. They’re very casual and everyone is invited. Put your name on the Parent Network email list. Periodically you’ll receive messages with reminders and requests for help. No pressure…just opportunities. To be added to the list, please send an email to Jen Metcalf: mmjmet@gmail.com We are looking for volunteers to help with the Dinner & A Movie and Teacher Appreciation Breakfast in May. January 22 Parent Network Meeting 6 pm Library January 23 Dinner & A Movie February 20 Dinner & A Movie April 30 Parent Network Meeting May 8 Teacher Appreciation Breakfast For more information about Parent Network, including meeting agendas, meeting notes and contact information, check out the Parent Network pages on Edison’s website : www.gbaps.org/MS/edison 19 Martin Luther 20 King Jr. Spelling Bee Day No School 26 18 25 27 13 12 11 6 TUE 5 Classes Resume MON 4 SUN Dates are subject to change. 28 21 Spelling Bee Make-up Day 14 7 WED 29 22 Parent Network Meeting Library 6-7 p.m. 15 8 Hearing Vision 7:45—Noon 1 Happy New Year! Winter Break THU 17 10 3 30 Early Release 12:35 p.m. 31 23 24 Dinner & A Movie Dinner 6:00 p.m. & Movie 6:30 p.m. 16 No School 9 6th Grade WPS Presentation 2 Winter Break FRI Students should listen to the morning announcements for the latest information or check the website. www.gbaps.org/Edison Edison Middle School January 2015 SAT Dates are subject to change. 2 9 16 23 1 8 15 22 SUN MON 24 17 10 3 TUE 25 18 11 4 WED 26 19 12 5 THU 27 8th Grade WPS Presentation 20 Dinner and A Movie 6:00 Dinner 6:30 Movie 13 Early Release 12:35 p.m. 6 String Fling @ Preble 7:00 p.m. FRI Students should listen to the morning announcements for the latest information or check the website. www.gbaps.org/Edison Edison Middle School February 2015 28 MS Solo Ensemble 21 14 7 SAT
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