Winter 2014 - Edison High School

Winter 2014-2015
A CALIFORNIA DISTINGUISHED SCHOOL — Dr. D’liese Melendrez, Principal
The Chargers continue the tradition of ex- students about real issues that face our
cellence at Edison High School as we cele- young people every day.
brate being a 3A’s School: Academics, Arts
As we head into the new year and semesand Athletics.
ter finals, I’d like to remind our families that
The Academic Booster Club honored 114 school starts at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday through
students in October with Academic patches Friday with a FREE Tutorial. Every stuand pins for 3 or more semesters of a 4.0 dent needs to attend tutorial - especially
grade point average. Thirty-three of our students earning D’s and F’s, as well as
fall student athletes were honored with the students who need to make up work due to
All Academic Sunset League Scholar absences. Please make tutorial a family
award - for varsity athletes earning a 3.8 “mandatorial!” We also provide a Math Tuweighted grade point average in the first t o r i n g
quarter of school. In addition, we are and Wednesdays after school in room 220,
thrilled to report that 47% of the fall athletes as well as English tutoring at lunch on
were awarded the distinct titles of being a Tuesday and Thursday in room 124. The
Scholar Athlete with a 3.4 grade point aver- extra support your child will receive from a
teacher could make all the difference in his/
her level of accomplishment. We encourAs for the arts – tryouts were just held for age parents to be active in your high school
the upcoming All School musical, Damn student’s progress. One way to do this is
Yankees which will be produced on Febru- to log in to the parent/student portal to
ary 20th & 21st of 2015. Mark your calen- check on attendance, grades and credits
dars. Our marching band and color guard toward graduation. Contact your child’s
did very well this fall – with the field show guidance specialist if you need assistance
making it all the way to state finals! Con- with logging on.
gratulations Chargers!
In closing, we have high expectations for
Our entire school community came to- every Charger. But we also want to give
gether for our second Resolution them support and help them celebrate their
Run fundraiser on December 14th held at successes. We appreciate the partnership
Edison High School this time. We thank of the parents and guardians in achieving
Kelly Prouty and her team of volunteers for these goals.
their passion, vision and planning to raise
approximately 8,800.0 to benefit the Please read this entire newsletter and join
McKenna Claire Foundation in funding re- us in celebrating the accomplishments of
search for pediatric brain cancer research, our students. We wish you and your family
as well as EHS Athletic and other student a happy holiday season with many special
memories, blessings and love.
Thank you to our PTSA for sponsoring the D’liese Melendrez
Real Teen Event once again in November.
The event grows every year with students Your Proud Principal
and adults attending this very important
event focused on educating parents and
Inside this issue:
Students and Staff the
Pins and Letters
Innovative Lab
The Arts
Band & Color Guard
Sunset League All Academic Team
Financial Aid
Foundation & PTSA
Resolution Run
Edison Students of the Month
Student of the month is an honor bestowed on twenty senior students
each school year. The students self-nominate themselves by filling out
an application and writing a short narrative. A selection committee
composed of staff and administration review and select the recipients.
Nicole Apodaca
Michelle Bui
Joanna Yuan
Kirsten Shiner
Samantha Apodaca
Veronica Neach
Sagar Telang
Allison Surber
Staff of the Month has been selected for September through December. The ASB Senate uses
the following criteria in determining outstanding
· Excels in the performance of their duties
· Attends or assists in an extra-curricular activity
or events
· Benefits students, the school and community
September-Dave Grace (Science)
October-Kelly Porter (Science)
November-Jill McBride (Math)
December– Sally Quay (Career Center)
Dave Grace
Edison High School
Masonic Lodge
Volunteer Teacher
of the Year
ABC Honors EHS Scholars with Academic Pins & Letters
Congratulations to the following students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement at Edison High School.
Edison’s Academic Booster Club awarded school letters and pins to these students on Oct. 14th.
Academic Pin Recipients
Awarded for addition semester of 4.0 or greater after the Academic
Letter is received. * Indicates 2 Pins
Miranda Ageson *
Samantha Kerr *
Victoria Sneddon
Wyatt Annala
Asianna Khong
Taylor Spaulding
Nicole Apodaca *
Ava Kime
Allison Surber
Samantha Apodaca *
Mira Kirilova *
Sagar Telang *
Jordan Augsburger
Leilani Kwe
Timothy Dang Ton
Erin Ballard *
Jonathan Kwok *
Brennan Tracy
Adriana Baquero
Kyle Le
Megan Tran *
Morgan Baumgartner *
Jessica Leas
Virginia Tran
Truman Bazer *
Raymond Lee
Victor Truong *
Kelcey Bligh *
Brooke Lemminge
Allison Turnbaugh
Blake Bonnet
Hong Lim *
Denise Vo
Isabella Brodt
Rachel Lim *
Vanessa Vu
Jacob Brooks
Madelynne Lunde
Jade Vulgamott *
Alexandra Brown *
Liam Macias
Sabrina Vuong
Katherine Bui
Michael Mahony
Jason Webb
Michelle Bui *
Nicholas Mailman *
Hollie West
Rachel Buyan *
Gabriela Mc Cain *
Audrey Whiteside
Seth Campbell *
Matthew Mcbride *
Christian Willerth *
Gino Carfano
Kalista Mccauley *
Lyndsie Williams
Amanda Cawley
Coleman McGee
Paige WilsonTatiana Chavez *
Summer Miqueleiz Kaylee Emi Yasuda
Casey Chu
Tatiana Moreno
Alyssa Yasutake *
Patrick Crossen
Veronica Neach *
Trevor Yasutake *
Megan De Benon
Zachary Nelson
Shane Yoshiyama
Marlies de Jong *
Khanh Ngo
Leslie Young *
Dhalila DeLaCruz
Jonathan Nguy
Joanna Yuan *
Noah Eley *
Alexander Nguyen *
Dane Estrella
Rebecca Nguyen
Brendan Fix
Tam Nguyen *
Keegan Fowler
Andrew Oeung *
Shane Fullbright
Kiana Pancino
Gorune Geloian *
Alexyss Pawlak
Julio Gonzalez Jr
Cynthia Phan *
Erica Granados
Carissa Prevratil
Leah Grayson
Mackenzie Quenneville
Samuel Greenberg
Matthew Raidy *
Erin Hitomi *
Nicholas Riasanovsky *
Tatum Holdaway *
Sarah Riley
Michelle Hwang
Rachel Rudolph *
Matthew Johnson
Kayla Russick
Libby Jubas
Daniel Scheid *
Austin Smith *
Steffani Seiler *
Ryan Smith *
Jackson Sipple *
Thomas Smith *
Elizabeth Slebodnick *
Victoria Sneddon
Victoria Sneddon
Taylor Spaulding
Taylor Spaulding
Allison Surber
Academic Letter Recipients
Three semesters of 4.0 or greater an Academic Letter is awarded.
Wyatt Annala
Jordan Augsburger
Cody Baca
Adriana Baquero
Liam Sahil Bhakta
Blake Bonnet
Isabella Brodt
Jacob Brooks
Chandler Brunelli
Katherine Bui
Gino Carfano
Anica Carnahan
Allyson Carrillo
Amanda Cawley
Casey Chu
Taylor Conner
Jacob Cooper
Patrick Crossen
McKenna Davis
Megan De Benon
Dhalila DeLaCruz
Jack Doti
Megan Ely
Grant Estrin
Madison Feldman
Brendan Fix
Keegan Fowler
Lindsay Frazin
Shane Fullbright
Julio Gonzalez Jr
Jack Good
Erica Granados
Leah Grayson
Samuel Greenberg
Andrew Halloran
Julie Harrison
Elizabeth Hong
Michelle Hwang
Stephen Ingles-Garcia
Matthew Johnson
Libby Jubas
Thomas Kalatschan
Jackson Kerins
Asianna Khong
Ava Kime
Thomas Kurzawinski
Leilani Kwe
Kyle Le
Jessica Leas
Raymond Lee
Madelynne Lunde
Liam Macias
Michael Mahony
Kelsey Mc Carthy
Coleman McGee
Summer Miqueleiz
Tatiana Moreno
Zachary Nelson
Taylor Newton
Khanh Ngo
Jonathan Nguy
Hanh Nguyen
Nolan Nguyen
Rebecca Nguyen
Chandler Ooms
Kiana Pancino
Alexyss Pawlak
Alisa Pierce
Carissa Prevratil
Mackenzie Quenneville
Emily Read
Abigail Rosenberg
Ryan Shiner
Julia Sienski
Autumn Small
Victoria Sneddon
Taylor Spaulding
Julia Stevens
Allison Surber
Timothy Dang Ton
Virginia Tran
Danny Truong
Allison Turnbaugh
Denise Vo
Vanessa Vu
Sabrina Vuong
Cassidy Wakeham
Austin Warren
Jason Webb
Hollie West
Garrett White
Audrey Whiteside
Lyndsie Williams
Paige Wilson
Kaylee Emi Yasuda
Shane Yoshiyama
Leslie Young
Joanna Yuan
PSAT Score Interpretation Night Wednesday, January 7 6:00 pm
EHS Student Cafeteria
All parents of students who took the PSAT on
October 16 are encouraged to attend this event.
Rutgers MUN Conference
Jordan Augsburger
Sam Greenberg
Kimo Gandall
Julio Gonzalez
Best Delegate
Panagiotis Frousiakis
Jake Yokoe
Shane Yoshiyama
Cassidy Wakeham
Julia Stevens
Best Large School
Entire Team
Shane Fullbright
Hank Skolnick
San Francisco MUN Conference
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Award of Merit for School Delegation
(Research and Preparation)****
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Edison High School Pins and Letters Honor Ceremony held
on October 14, 1014. Congratulations to all the students who earned either a letter or gold Edison Pin
for their academic achievement. Students with a 4.0 or above for three semesters, earned an Edison
Academic letter and for each subsequent semester ,earned a gold Edison Pin. The pins can be proudly
worn on your graduation gown/sash for graduation. For those students who were unable to attend,
please see Cindy Berman for your awards. Thank you to all the parents for your generous donations of
food and drinks for the Student Store. Just a reminder, in order to qualify for our ABC scholarship, a
member in your family has to be a member of ABC. Scholarship applications will be out in April 2015.
Carolyn Seiler, ABC President
Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.
Edison Innovation Lab
Over the past year a major transformation has taken
place in the former auto shop. What was once an
empty space is now an active science lab where students learn real world skills and do science. Created
through grants from the California Department of Education, private donations, and the school district, the Innovation Lab has an active aquaphonics program. Currently students are raising three species of fish and a
variety of plants. Students are helping to raise White
Sea Bass in conjunction with Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute. The sea bass will be released into
Huntington Harbor to help restore the stock of fish in the
local area. Trout raised in the lab are released in Big
Bear Lake to supplement that fish population. Tilapia
are raised to support the plants grown in tanks systems
maintained by the students. This lab was created to
provide students with real world hands-on experiences
in science and math. AP Statistics students are monitoring a variety of aspects of the lab as their class projects. Science students who visit the lab range from AP
Environmental students to SAC students. These students track plant growth, growth of fish, monitor water
quality, and feed the fish. Next we plan to add alternative energy sources to support the lab and provide students with that experience.
A collaborative Mural inspired by artist Wayne Thiebaud, created Spring 2014 by
students Meah Collins, Rachel Heil, Mia Colorado and Jenna Serna
The Arts have a powerful influence on student learning
Arts education continues to be an integral part of a well-rounded, 21st century education program, which serves to educate the whole student for success in school and beyond. Imagine
classes in which students create original artwork filled with color that displays a creative use
of space, they develop their own rhythms, or they write and produce their own plays.
Through the arts, students learn to observe, interpret, see different perspectives, analyze,
and synthesize. These classes provide a wonderful environment for fostering creativity,
which is an important skill to have in a rapidly changing world, where career opportunities are
based on creative thinking. The arts foster higher levels of thinking that carry over to learning
other academic subjects as well as to life outside of school.
FREE Tutoring
English Language Arts Tutoring
During lunch on Tuesdays, Room 124
Are you struggling with writing? Is your
English grade plummeting? We can
help! Bring your textbook, questions,
and essays.
High Visual Performance
2nd Place
High Music
3rd Place
High Visual Effect
2nd Place
High Visual Effect
4th Place
Outstanding Soloist
Rachel Lim
BELL Champions for a Decade...
TEN in a row! The Charger football team defeated the Fountain Valley Barons for the 10th consecutive year (33-15) on Friday night October 31st at Orange Coast College.
A week’s worth of activities included an all school assembly, break-time activities, an ASB
Breakfast, and the traditional (4:00-Midnight) “Poster the Campus party” on October 30th.
Special thanks to our football parents, cheer parents and ASB Senate and their parents for the
many hours devoted to this traditional event.
Lets taLk sports….
By Rich Boyce, Athletic Director
What a great start to the 2014-15 season!
Girl’s Field Hockey team won the CIF Tournament of Champions versus Huntington Beach. Our girls
did something remarkable in that they never lost a match all season. Congrats to Coach Antongiorgi
and her team on a most memorable season.
Girl’s Volleyball team tied for 2nd in league defeating Los Al in a heart stopping final match.
Boys Water Polo team came in 2nd in league after defeating Los Al twice in a 21 hour period to finish
Football Team had their usual excellent season finishing 2nd in league.
Cross Country Teams both finished 2nd in league. Julia Sienski won the league title for the second year
in a row.
Girls Golf Team also finished 2nd in league and qualified for CIF as all of the above teams did.
Girl’s Tennis Team finished 5th in one of the best tennis leagues in CIF.
All in all an outstanding fall season for the Chargers. Plan on coming out and watching our highly
ranked winter teams. Hopefully they can continue the wonderful year that the Fall teams have started.
Thirty-three of our fall student athletes were honored with the All Academic Sunset League Scholar award for varsity athletes earning a 3.8
weighted grade point average in the first quarter of school.
Miranda Ageson
Heather Harris
Jacob Price
Ryan Smith
Weston Bennett
Luke Heydorff
Lindsey Sparks
Tyler Bond
Tatum Holdaway
Raina Walencewicz
Meah Collins
Matthew Johnson
Allison Rasmussen
Garrett Wasserman
Taylor Conner
Libby Jubas
Emily Read
Gus Weiss
Avery Dorff
Samantha Kerr
James Rydjeski
Garrett White
Dane Estrella
Cooper Kossick
Michael Saffell
Audrey Whiteside
Shane Fullbright
Emma Latham
Steffani Seiler
Braydon Wilson
Hannah Gallegos
Kelsey McCarthy
Julia Sienski
Shane Yoshiyama
Blood Drive:
In conjunction with UCI Medical Center, EHS conducted the first of two blood drives this
school year on Wednesday December 3rd. Students wishing to donate next spring must be
17 years of age on or before April 22nd, must weigh at least 110 pounds, and must be in
good health. Other criteria apply. To find out more, students can pick up an information
sheet outside the Activities Office. Parents and older siblings are invited to donate as well.
iCan Food Drive:
Edison’s iCan Food Drive collected 1193 food items weighing in at 1,156 pounds of the food.
It was the largest donation the Giving Child Hope organization has ever received from a high
school. Ucan make a difference and you did!
Surf Blanket Drive:
The surf team collected donations of blankets and coats for the Santa Ana Homeless Shelter.
Red Cross Miracle Minute:
The EHS Red Cross Club collected $350 for the Red Cross Children’s Safety Festival. They also
face painted at the festival.
Financial Aid
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is now available online at in December. It is FREE to submit your application! The dates for submission are beginning January 1st through March 2, 2015. Use your 2013 tax information to complete and submit the FAFSA application online. You can update your tax information later once
your 2014 taxes are complete. All senior students are encouraged to apply for financial aid regardless of the family financial background. All students wishing to be considered for SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS, WORK STUDY, and/or LOANS must fill out the FAFSA. The first step to apply for the FAFSA online is for the student and one parent to obtain a PIN number. PIN numbers are obtained at and are used as your electronic signature when you submit your FAFSA application online.
To receive a CAL GRANT (State money), you must submit your FAFSA application. Our District
Office will download all GPA’s for seniors online. The State will match your GPA with your name
and birth date from your FAFSA application. The Cal Grants can be used at University of California, California State University, California private institutions and California community colleges.
Some private institutions may require applicants to complete a CSS/Financial PROFILE at Check with your colleges of choice to see if they require a CSS Profile
as there is a fee through the College Board to complete this form.
Scholarships: students can access free scholarship information online using the list of free websites on the College & Career Center website at, click STUDENTS,
CAREER CENTER. Remember, students should not have to pay for scholarship information! The Edison College & Career Center website contains valuable information regarding
careers and colleges including information on the UC System, Cal State University, Community Colleges, SAT/ACT test dates, college research and career development, volunteer service,
and forms students can use to stay organized.
Junior Parent Night – scheduled for Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 6 p.m. in the Edison cafeteria. Students will receive their PSAT scores and access codes for the College Board website.
Students will receive college planning information for the community colleges, CSU’s, UC’s and
private colleges.
Edison Chargers are in full swing this semester embracing our theme for the year: Creating
the Future Together. ROP is a great way to begin creating that future. As we continue to
work to make our students college and career ready, career technical education (CTE)
classes are becoming more and more relevant. ROP offers CTE classes giving students the
opportunity to gain work experience along with enriching their academic schedule. More
and more we are hearing from the business sector and industries that students are academically ready, but they are not “skills ready” to enter the work force. ROP offers students an
opportunity to start gaining those skills early. Many of our ROP classes have an internship
component attached to them, where students put the skills they learned in the classroom
into practice. Participating in an internship has many benefits. It allows students to start
building their skills base, internships in fields related to a course of study shows perspective colleges that a student is serious about their course of study, and it also allows students
to explore areas of interest in a no cost setting.
Part of creating a future is exploring what that future has the potential to look like. Now is
the time for students to explore as many college and career options as they can. Studies
show students who take the time to explore different career choices before college are
more satisfied with their course of study/training than those who do not. So, as we look at
preparing students for the future, we need to make sure we are asking the right questions
for student success. Instead of asking a student where do you want to go to college or what
do you want to be, we need to be asking: What do you love to do? What are you good at?
What can you get paid to do?
Stop by and see Mrs. Krueger in the College and Career Center to explore the right ROP
option for you.
Fall ROP Spotlight Student
Amanda Cawley Sports Medicine
A big thank you to all the EHS families who have joined the Foundation! We appreciate your generous donations and are continually striving to use them in ways that
benefit all students at Edison. If you have not joined, it is not too late! See our website to become a member today. Also thank you to
everyone who came out to support our annual Holiday Boutique. What a fun day we
had shopping with over 30 vendors in the cafeteria. Thank you to Suparna Lundquist
for the outstanding job she did organizing this event!
Looking for a unique gift? Consider giving an alumni brick. More information is
available on our website, under the store tab. Remember Edison Aloha wear is now priced at just $25 and flip-flops are $5. Both can
be purchased during tutorial and lunch at the Student store. This is a great holiday
gift to show your school spirit.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you again for your support!
Chris Gandall
EHS Foundation President
Edison High PTSA has been busy collaborating with staff, business and community partners
and elected officials to bring Edison families important and timely information.
Education and Programming: PTSA hosted a college planning presentation for parents
and students on October 2nd, “7 Steps to Graduate From a Top College Debt-Free.” Tom
Bottorf of GetCollegeFunding shared tips to enhance students’ chances of admission to the
colleges of their choice and the availability of and strategies to secure grants and scholarships to make college more affordable.
Youth Matters: On Wednesday, October 8th, PTSA sponsored morning and afternoon sessions of Parenting Teens 101 at which school psychologist Linda Temple discussed antistress and anxiety strategies for both students and their parents. Parents were able to share
their concerns and strategies and support each other. On Saturday, November 15th, PTSA
partnered with HBUHSD's Parent University to host the fourth annual REAL Teen Event.
Attendees heard speakers Nanette Zumwalt, CEO & President of Hired Power and Stacy
Deeble-Reynolds, Prevention Coordinator for the Orange County Department of Education,
as well as members of a “Real Life” panel. The topics included information on drug abuse
and addiction in our community and the dangers associated with e-cigarettes and vapes.
Separate sessions were held for parents and teens. Clubs and professional organizations
were available to answer questions and provide resources. Thanks to Kim Green, the event
coordinator, her hard-working team of volunteers and generous donations from our business
community for making this event a success.
Communications: Edison High PTSA has a Facebook page
as part of its overall communications strategy. Check us out
and "like" us on Facebook!
Sue McCortney, Edison PTSA President
2nd Annual Resolution Run
This year the Resolution Run was held at Edison High School and consisted of a double loop touring the campus. It rained fiercely the week before flooding portions of our course, which required
running a “rain course.” The distance was a little short, but the clouds parted for the day and the
weather was exceptional for the run. Julia Sienski, a Senior at Edison and Jeff Thies, Edison Alum,
took top Female and Male trophies out of a field of approximately 200 hundred runners. Our Expo
Coordinator, Jeff Lam worked tirelessly to create the perfect expo, and that he did! The Resolution
Run Board and McKenna Clarie would like to give a special shout out to Edison Lacrosse and the
HB Fire Department for hosting an awesome breakfast bar and for feeding our volunteers.
Funds raised from this event benefit the McKenna Clarie Foundation which aids in Pediatric Brain
Cancer Research, as well as Edison High School Athletics and ASB. This year’s run raised
$8,800.00. Thank you to all who worked so hard to bring this race into reality and to those who
We hope to see YOU, next year…..AT THE
Kelly Prouty
Sr. Secretary, EHS Activities
Resolution Run Race Director
The Edison families, staff and The Huntington Beach
Elks Club for their generous donations of gift cards
to our Chargers in Need for the Holidays. We were
able to make the holidays a little brighter for 47 students.
All our Edison Volunteers. We appreciate all your
help with Registration, Ellis Island, Student Store,
Booster Groups, Resolution Run, Driving students
for CIBACS and sports. Sign up to volunteer by
sending an email to
Everyone who supported the Science fundraiser by
eating at Mama’s. We raised $1,585.
Everyone who supported the SAC Department Mc
Takeover at McDonalds which raised $387.16.
Edison Winter-Spring Calendar
7 PSAT Score Interpretation Night EHS Cafeteria 6pm
19 SCHOOL HOLIDAY-King’s Birthday
23 Last Day of 1st semester
26 NO SCHOOL-Staff Development Day
26 Parent University-“Executive Skills” at EHS 7pm
27 First Day of 2nd semester
9 SCHOOL HOLIDAY-Lincoln’s Birthday
16 SCHOOL HOLIDAY-Washington’s Birthday
23 Parent University-”Student Support & Mental
Wellness” at MHS 7pm
30 Parent University-”Common Core” at OVHS 7pm
4-10 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS-Spring Recess
2 Prom
25 SCHOOL HOLIDAY-Memorial Day
11 Last Day of School & Senior Graduation
Edison High School
21400 Magnolia Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
*Our mission is to educate all students by providing a challenging, relevant curriculum and by addressing their personal and academic needs
in a safe and supportive environment, developing critical thinkers, effective communicators, and self-directed, productive individuals.
*Dr. Greg Plutko, HBUHSD Superintendent; Dr. D’liese Melendrez, Edison High School Principal; Cindy Berman, Community Resource
Coordinator and editor(714) 962-1356 ext. 4601, Fax (714) 963-4280.
*Board of Trustees: Dr. Bonnie Castrey, Dr. Duane Dishno, Susan Henry, Kathleen Iverson, Dr. Michael Simons
*We thank the advertisers who support the publication of this newsletter. Advertisements in this newsletter do not constitute an endorsement by the Huntington
Beach Union High School District or Edison High School.