0BRIDAL 2005.qxp (Page 1) - South Carolina Woman Magazine

South Carolina
Women You
Need to Meet
Jo Wayman
Teresa Kerr
Tomalina Coggins
Susan Hoffer McMillan
Time for a Change
It’s Soup Season
Once Again
Wedding Trends
A Healthier You
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January 2015
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
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J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
South Carolina
Southh Carolina
Women You
Need to Meet
Jo Wayman
Teresa Kerr
Tomalina Coggins
Susan Hoffer McMillan
Time for a Change
It’s Soup Season
Once Again
Wedding Trends
A Healthier You
Jo Wayman
receives the
Joy Pinson Award
for Exceptional
Service to the
Waccamaw River
Women In Bussiness
Teresa Kerr
Tomalina Coggins
w w w. s c w o m a n m a g a z i n e . c o m
08 Woman To Woman
13 Crady’s Cooking Classes
14 Style Wise: Less Makes Room for More
18 It’s All Going to Be Alright!
20 Local Historian Unearths Conway’s Past
25 Why New Year’s Resolutions Seldom Work
45 I Am A Forever Kitten
50 3 Surefire Tips to Keep the Sizzle in Your Relationship
54 12 Retirement Planning Myths That Convert Your Golden Years
Into Lead
58 5 Beliefs That Will Radically Transform Your Life
60 From J.O.B. To M.O.B.
12 Rejuvapen
16 Why Did I Wait So Long For My New Knee?
17 Time For A Change
21 Start The New Year Off Right With Better Hearing
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Exercise Induced Bronchospasm (EIB)
Are You Having A New Year With Old Resolutions?
Frequently Asked Questions about Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery for Weddings and Events
New News for the New Year
Winter Is Here!
37 Oysters Rockefeller
43 It’s Soup Season Once Again!
43 Nothing better than good bread to go with Soup!
23 Realtor Magazine: Lists of Hot Housing Trends for 2015
30 Ask the Organizer
47 Start Your New Year Being Energy Efficient
51 Outdoor Living – Indoor Lifestyle: Happy 2015
56 Five Ways to Stretch Your Design Dollars
28 That’s Wright
Sticks and Stones
36 Giving You More In (Social) Media
How To De-clutter and De-tox Your Online Life To Start the
Year Off Right!
38 Life’s Balance Wheel
The Triple Braided Cord
41 No Prissy Shoes
Fresh Starts
44 Credit Corner
48 Smiles Are Forever
Is Your Toothpaste Damaging Your Teeth?
62 Holistic Mom
A Healthier You in the New Year
10 Wedding Registry 101
18 Engaged? Start Planning Now!
32 Wedding Trends
59 Tips to Writing the Perfect Card or Note
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From the Publisher
“Woman to Woman”
Well here we are in 2015, already…I can’t
be the only one that thinks, WOW!...where
did the time go since 2000. January is
always my “do-over month”…the month I
try to do better, be better, eat better…sadly,
I moved a whole lot of my 2014 resolutions
to the 2015 list. Well, to be perfectly honest,
I just scratched out the 2014 at the top and
replaced it with 2015.
Have you ever had a year where you
didn’t do a thing you wanted and needed
to do? I had one of those this year. I really
can’t blame Jerry’s cancer diagnosis on it,
either. Truthfully, I was not getting my resolutions accomplished before that happened.
So, now, I’ve started over. I’m going to be
more organized, eat better, exercise more,
be a more thoughtful friend and do everything on my list…wish me luck!
I hope you all have a wonderful and
blessed New Year! Let me know if you get
your resolutions accomplished this year!
One finally thing…thank you all so
much for the lovely notes, emails and calls.
Your thoughts and prayers are greatly
appreciated during Jerry’s illness!
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Wedding Registry 101
or engaged couples, it can seem
as if there are a million things to
accomplish before the big day
arrives. One essential piece of the wedding puzzle involves creating a registry
that makes it easy for guests to celebrate
your union with gifts that reflect your
personality as a couple.
Before Building Your Registry
It’s no wonder why guests love the
ease and simplicity of a gift registry. But
many couples may not know where to
begin when setting out to create this
useful list. Here are some helpful pointers from Macy’s to help you get started
on creating a perfect wedding registry:
• Meet with a Consultant: These
trained professionals are on site to assist
and discuss everything you want and
need. It’s a good place to start if you
have questions on what items to include
and what brands are available.
• Look for Special Programs: Some
stores offer special features, such as
Macy’s, whose Dream Fund allows
guests to contribute any amount to the
ultimate gift card, so the bride and
groom can later choose exactly what
they want.
• Start Early: Most couples like to register 4-6 months before their wedding
date, which allows more time for choos-
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
ing items, planning for showers and
meeting other deadlines.
• Register Together: Whether it’s instore, online or both – make a day of it
and have fun selecting all the things that
will be part of your new life together.
• Choose Different Price Points:
Guests will appreciate a varied list that
has many gift options to fit their personal budget.
• Create a Registry That Reflects You:
If you’re a laid-back, easygoing couple,
consider registering for a more casual
dinnerware pattern that you can use
every day, then mix in some fancy pieces
to use for those special occasions. If you
enjoy entertaining friends and family, be
sure to choose a range of serveware and
Making the Right Choices
With all the things needed to properly
stock your home, selecting the right
ones can seem overwhelming. Here are
some tips to keep in mind while adding
to your registry:
• Select Your Settings: A five-piece
setting is meant to serve one person and
includes a dinner plate, salad plate,
bread and butter plate, tea cup and
saucer. If you want to serve eight guests,
you will need to register for eight fivepiece settings.
• Factor in Some Extras: When registering for drinkware, be sure to register
for a few extras in each glass size in case
some break down the road.
• Protect Your Cutlery: Be sure to
choose a sturdy cutting board to protect
your knife blades from chips and cracks.
You can keep your cutlery in top condition by registering for a honing steel and
knife sharpener.
• Stock Up on Kitchen Must-Haves:
When it comes to cookware, make sure
to stock up on the essentials. This
should include a fry pan, sauté pan, grill
pan, sauteuse (round, deep-sided design
for sautéing on the stovetop or baking in
the oven) and a chef’s pan.
• Opt for the Basics: White dinnerware allows you to transform the look of
your table year-round by changing the
décor and accessories around it. The
classic look will be a design that you can
appreciate for years to come.
Visit www.macys.com/registry for a
full registry checklist, helpful tips and
more information on
Macy’s Dream Fund.
(Family Features)
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
treatment or combined with existing
therapies creating results that are similar to IPL/Laser RF and microdermabrasion, resulting in collagen stimulation.
In summary, Rejuvapen provides the
most effective micro-needling treatment with its unique hand piece that
allows you to control speed and depth.
• Acne Scares 6-8 treatments
• Stomach 6-8 Treatments
• Arms 6-8 Treatments
• Thighs 6-8 Treatments
• Chest 4-8 Treatments
Post- Treatment/What to expect
Most patients look as though they
have a moderate severe sunburn and
your skin may feel warm and tighter
than usual. This is normal and will
subside after 1 or 2 hours. Most
patients usually recover within 24
hours or less. Your practitioner will
prescribe a Rejuvapen approved postprocedure skincare product or recovery kit.
• Minimizes pore size
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
• Lifts, tightens, rejuvenates skin
• Improves appearance of stretch
• Improves the appearance of scars
• Improves the appearance of acne
Before and After Rejuvapen
The system creates thousands of micro
perforations on the skin creating natural collagen and fibroblast stimulation.
Helping create beautiful skin that will
Number of Treatments needed:
• Facial wrinkle/Fine skin 4-6
For more information about
Of course, we’ll be glad to answer
your Rejuvapen questions, so don’t
hesitate to call DermaVogue at
(843) 357-2444. You can also request a
Free Rejuvapen Consultation
submitted by DermaVogue
As microneedling technology has
advanced, the Rejuvapen is the newest,
most effective system available.
Rejuvapen provides this phenomenal
treatment with its unique handpiece
that allows the certified technician to
control speed and depth for each individual. The Rejuvapen Automatic
Therapy System utilizes 9 precisely
spaced micro needles in a small cartridge to create invisible, vertical,
micro perforations into the epidermis
and the top layer of the dermis. As a
result, the skin shifts its natural repair
mechanism into high gear and starts
producing collagen and elastin to
repair these micro-perforations. The
self-repairing property of the skin is a
100% natural form of skin renewal
from the inside out.
The advantage of the Rejuvapen™
compared to other treatments is that it
not only activates cell regeneration, it
also enhances the absorption of active
ingredients into the skin during the
treatment before the skin closes. At
DermaVogue, we use a very specific
skin care protocol before, during, and
after your treatment. This ensures the
optimal treatment and treatment
results. Your skin becomes firmer and
regains elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced.
With each Rejuvapen treatment,
your skin becomes firmer and regains
its elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles are
visibly reduced. Pores become finer,
circulation is stimulated and the overall condition of the skin improves.
Rejuvapen can be used as a single
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Crady’ss Cooking Classes
To Resume in January
School is in Session
After a break
between sessions, Crady’s
Cooking Classes
are back by popular demand.
January - July,
the classes focus
on how to prepare some of
Crady’s most
popular items. Barbara Crady Whitley, owner and instructor, makes
it appear easy as she takes class participants through the basic steps.
“The fun is in the process,” said Barbara, “and it is always more fun
in a group setting.”
To ensure that instruction is hands-on, class size is limited to ten
participants. “That makes it easier to work with my students on an
individual basis,” Barbara continued. Since cooking is fundamental;
it is important to get the basic steps before moving on. That’s why
Barbara has included items like pie crusts and cake layers among
the more tantalizing items, like her own mother’s chicken and
dumplings, and her famous doughnuts.
Maybe one of the highlights of Crady’s Cooking Classes is the
light meal that is always served following the class. “People love to
enjoy the fruits of their labor and they like to have a little something
to take home. We do both,” she said.
This year’s class schedule has been expanded to include a ‘cooking camp’ for youngsters. “We tried this on a limited basis last year
and it was so successful that this year’s offering as been expanded.
During June and July, when regular school is out of session, cooking class will be in session,” she said with a laugh. Like the adult
version, classes always include a light meal and guaranteed fun!
“We also host cooking parties,” said Barbara. “Groups of ten can
host their own cooking class with me as the instructor. These are
gaining in popularity for birthday parties, girls’ nights out, and as
gifts for new brides. They are a lot of fun,” she continued.
Crady’s 2015 Cooking Class Schedule
is as Follows:
January: Grandmomma Crady’s Chicken & Dumplings
February: Pie Crust
March: Cake Layers
April: Delicious Doughnuts
May: Cook’s Choice
June: Children’s Cooking Camp
July: Children’s Cooking Camp
To enroll, or inquire about classes, call 843-248-3321.
A minimum of ten participants is required for
each class and reservations are a must.
Classes are held the last Tuesday of each month from
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. and tuition is $50 per class, including meal.
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Less Makes Room For More
by Sara Wise
Last month a sister in Christ handed
me a book titled 7: An Experimental
Mutiny on Excess by Jen Hatmaker.
Instead of bristling (Me, excessive?!),
I thanked her. I’ve learned to recognize
when God’s trying to get my attention.
The gist is this: Pare down focus on
our idols (for me that’s fashion) to make
more room for God. In Jen’s case, she
limited herself to seven items for a
month in various areas like clothing, food, and media.
The result: a richer relationship with our Heavenly Father
and a new view of personal wealth. Speaking of, if you earn
more than $35,000 a year, you’re in the top four percent of the
world’s wealth. Let that marinate for a moment.
Jen’s book is hilarious and inspiring, so I urge you to read it.
It changed my perspective, at least in theory. Let’s see how it
goes in practice. Here’s my real-time account of stifling my
passion for fashion by wearing only ten pieces of clothing for
all of December. We’ll call it Project 10.
Meet the Ten
Thoughtfully I have chosen my ten items: two pairs of jeans
(dark rinse and black), gray trousers, three cardigans, teal top,
leopard sweater, ballet flats, and riding boots. These are the
players for work, weekends, four holiday parties, and two
A Few Caveats
1 Underwear doesn’t count. TMI? Maybe, but I want you to
know that I won’t be spending the month of Baby Jesus’s birth
wallerin’ in filth.
2 I’m allowed a coat. Ashamedly, I own a dozen coats.
Temps dip below freezing only 40 days a year here, and I own
a different coat for every month. Must rectify this stat.
3 Limited accessories are allowed. As Clairee Belcher says,
the only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability
to accessorize!
Ok, enough stalling. Here we go.
Day 1
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
It’s office moving day at the university—jeans are acceptable! Already Project 10 is off to a great start. The forecast is 70
degrees. Happy Myrtle Beach December.
My thin leopard sweater is perfect. Footwear is an issue
though. Definitely not boot weather. Sweaty calves encased in
leather? Pass. That leaves leopard ballet flats, which means…
leopard on leopard???
Hmm. I could nix the black jeans and substitute another pair
of shoes. Or swap the leopard sweater for a solid. Already I’m
bargaining with myself. Bless my soul.
Leopard ballet flats win. Honestly, the dueling leopards are
sort of cool. I think I’m going to make mismatched animal
prints a thing.
Day 1.5
Part of the fun of Project 10 (playing fast and loose with the
word “fun”) is seeing if others notice my lack of clothing
diversity. I predict not. My boss is a priest so I told him, thinking he’d dig the spiritual element. He guffawed and attempted to wager a friendly bet.
Way to encourage this sheep, Padre. I promise this says
more about my reputed love of clothing than it does about his
cynicism or gambling habit.
Day 2
While cleaning out my closet (you know, to reduce my
embarrassing clothing glut), I unearthed a long-forgotten
sweater with tonal beadwork down the placket. This is THE
month when festive attire gets a day pass. My Counsel (committee of voices in my head) conceded to this substitution with
a lecture: one should be aware of the entire contents of her
wardrobe before committing to her ten. Rookie move, self.
Please strike from the
record one camel cardigan
with black lace trim. So
Day 4
I told my stylish married
guy-friend about Project 10.
He’s big into personal
He responded with a horrified look. “You can still
accessorize, right?” Then
added (voice laden with
stage-four sympathy),
“That’s a really commendable challenge…but what a
bad month. So many holiday parties.”
Even men recognize that
this is a sacrifice.
Day 5
Same shirt. Different day.
On another note, I refused to drop ten
dollars on fancy salad at lunch. Chili and
side salad was only four bucks. Tonight
was also date night at El Cerro. I usually
wolf down all three fajitas and roll home
Violet Beauregarde-style. Tonight I saved
leftovers for lunch AND dinner tomorrow.
After dinner I drafted my annual family-requested Christmas list. Perfume
topped my list but then I scratched it off.
Because a hundred bucks for threepoint-four ounces of smelly water is flipping ridiculous.
I know it’s early, but I think something is happening here, people.
Day 6
I finished my closet purge, filling
three bags with gently worn clothing
and some new-with-tags items. I probably spend as much a year on clothing as
would keep a third world family afloat
until the second coming of Christ. New
Year’s resolution: buy only accessories or
second-hand clothes.
PS, I am already looking forward next
month. SO many good clothes in my
closet that I can’t wait to wear!
PPS, I am enjoying sleeping later since
I don’t have to choose outfits! Project 10
is great!
Day 9
Spiritual growth and financial enlightenment aside, I may burn these clothes
after this month.
Day 13
Project 10 has me in an existential vice
grip. Christmas shopping today was paralyzing. Certain favorite items caught
my eye (hello, bracelet-sleeve snow leopard coat!), but overall, I was keenly
aware that the over-priced stuff on the
racks was just that: stuff. Even with gift
money for a new purse I’ve been wanting, it took two painful hours to pull the
trigger. My poor attending hubby!
Day 14
Had such heartburn over the darn
purse that I exchanged it for an equally
great bag on clearance. I kept thinking
of how much further that money could
go. Happy with my new bag and funds
to spare.
Day 18
I have to laugh at myself. I put skinny
jeans in Project 10 concurrent with the
perennial blossoming of my mother-inlaw’s peanut butter bonbons. Can a
pregnant friend show me that rubber
band button trick?
Day 22
Less time spent on my
appearance has cleared
space for personal and spiritual growth, but don’t get
me wrong—I have not
spent the entire month
striving for sainthood. I’m
ecstatic about getting to
wear the clothes I currently
own, versus new (just not
these ten duds for at least a
month please).
My money mindset has
become more responsible
and that’s a big victory. I’ve
learned that I can make due
with a LOT less, and I am
glad to do so. Turns out, I
hoard things for occasions
that may never come up. I
am confident that if such
occasions ever arise, God
will provide for me. I can
release my grip on material
possessions. I feel rich. I am
Look for the full article about
my Project 10 on Dr. David
Powers’ blog Mastering the Art of Living, at
Sara Wise is a wedding planner, style guru, career
coach, distance runner, wife and Christian. Contact
her at sara@thebridesmaid.org
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Why Did I Wait So Long For
My New Knee?
By Dr. Nathan D. Watts, PT, DPT, CSCS
As residents
of the grand
strand, we
have the luxury to live
where most
only dream of,
at the beach!
Walking on the
sand, watching
the white caps
crash along the
shore and having miles of available fairways to spend
the day on makes this a very active
community. Unfortunately, those with
knee pain begin seeing less and less of
the surrounding beauty our community
has to offer.
Too often we limit our activities with
our friends, children and grandchildren
due to pain. The most common cause of
chronic knee pain and disability is
arthritis. Take back control of your life;
there is another way. Total knee joint
replacements are an extremely common
procedure that resurfaces the bones,
essentially eliminating your painful
arthritis in the knee joint. The procedure is so common that there are more
than 4.5 million Americans that are currently living with one.
Why is this procedure so common? A
simple answer, the results: 9 out of 10
knee replacements last 10 years with
reports of “dramatic pain relief”. And
now with improved surgical techniques,
materials and enhanced physical therapy, an astounding 80% of knee replacements last up to 20 years! A knee
replacement on it’s own will however
not be your fix-all, silver bullet. This is
where your physical therapist comes in.
In order to fully maximize your investment in your new knee, physical therapy is needed. In physical therapy, we
will work closely with you to transform
you from the person that dreaded to
walk around to the person who is back
in action.
Contrary to popular belief, our first
goal is not to bend your knee as far as
we can. Actually, we want to initially
work on straightening out your leg. To
ensure proper gait, you must achieve
full extension of your leg. Without full
extension, you will begin to compensate
and perhaps even display a limp.
Today, many
orthopedic surgeons find
physical therapy so critical to
their outcomes
that they will
even prescribe
a shortened
series of physical therapy for
two weeks
prior to
During this
time, you will
prepare for
what is to
come and to
get you a head
start on achieving some of the goals you
will have post surgery. The contrast
between patients who go through the
shortened series before the surgery and
those who do not, usually display a dramatic difference the first 2-4 weeks post
surgery in motion and pain.
There is no better time than now.
Don’t spend one more year missing
rounds of golf with buddies, passing on
an opportunity to walk with a loved one
on the beach or wondering whether
you’ll be able to dance at your daughters wedding. A total knee replacement
combined with physical therapy will
improve your motion, strength and pain
so you can get back to all the things and
people you love.
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
At Professional Rehabilitation
Services, we treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions using the latest
in evidence based therapies provided by
highly credentialed physical therapists.
In addition to being licensed physical
therapists, our providers have additional specialty certifications in orthopedics,
manual therapy, sports, and vestibular
treatment. Professional Rehabilitation
Services now has five locations, with the
newest office located in Conway. For
further information on physical therapy
for knee replacements or other related
topics, you can contact Dr. Richard
DeFalco, DPT, OCS, CSCS, CWcHP at
Professional Rehabilitation Services
(Myrtle Beach) (843) 839-1300, Dr. Brian
P. Kinmartin PT, DPT, MTC, OCS, STC,
CWcHP, Dr. Nathan Watts PT, DPT,
CSCS (Pawleys Island) (843) 235-0200,
Richard A. Owens, PT, MS, OCS, Cert.
SMT, CWcHP (Surfside/Conway), Dr.
Jill Phelan PT, DPT (Surfside) (843) 8310163, (Conway) (843) 733-3031, Dr.
Kristen Lies PT, DPT (Murrell’s Inlet)
(843) 314-3224, or visit our website at
Time For a Change
By Star Sade
I would
have to say I
love this
time of year.
It makes me
feel like I am
chance to do
it right :) To
make it happen :) To
learn the dance... 2014 was a pretty
good year for me. I did meet a lot of my
personal goals. Also, several goals I did
not get done. So, that’s what 2015 is for,
January is the time to get ready and
get prepared … set some goals and face
the music! Yes, I am talking about cleaning out your cupboards and closets and
taking out the trash “so to speak”.
Replacing the “bad” with the “good”.
Making it a “live-it”.
That’s what it is to lose weight and
keep it off, exercise and eating clean...
it’s a “live-it”, I got that word from a
patient who has lost 80 lbs... “It’s not a
diet, it’s a “live-it”, she said. That is
exactly right, how we choose to live our
lives, WILL show!
Making a change can be easy or it can
be hard, just depends on how bad you
want it. Knowing what to do to lose the
weight and keep it off, holding ourselves accountable (highly suggested for
success), staying focused and dedicated
to your health and well-being are all
principles that we can help you obtain
and live by at Metabolic Medical Center.
One of my goals for this year is to
drink more water. I would like to get
close to a gallon a day in. There are so
many health benefits to drinking more
water such as helping to control calorie
intake, energizing muscles which prevents fatigue, helps your skin to look
good, and these are just a few.
I am holding myself accountable to
all the readers out there ! Let us do the
same for you Make an Appointment
with us at Metabolic Medical Center.
Start your new year off right.
First Visit Includes:
• Assessment and Evaluation
• Individualized treatment plan
• Blood work (chemistry panel, thyroid
panel, lipid profile, insulin levels and
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• Appetite Suppressants (if needed)
Metabolic Medical Center:
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Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 831-0163
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Dr. Brian P. Kinmartin. PT, DPT, PCS, STC, CWcHP. • Richard A. Owens, Jr., PT, MS, OCS, Cert. SMT, CwcHP. • Dr. Richard DeFalco, DPT, OCS, CSCS, CWcHP.
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
A to-do list for brides-to-be
Preparing for the big day means planning a multitude of
details; everything from the flower arrangements to that
something blue must be decided upon well in advance of
the ceremony. Here are some tips to help ensure your big
day goes off without a hitch.
The Big Decisions
The decision to get married is the first of many big decisions you will be making in the weeks and months to
come. Here are some things to consider right away:
—Pick a date. Talk with your fiancé and family (and your
fiancé’s family) about potential wedding dates to ensure
the important people in both your lives will be able to take
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
—Select your guests.
The number of guests
you invite will directly influence the cost of
your wedding.
—Set a budget.
Budgeting for your
wedding is crucial, as
this will have a great
impact on every other
aspect of your day, as
well as your honeymoon. Plan for a little
wiggle room for unexpected expenses.
—Choose a location. Because most popular bridal spots
are just that — popular — you may want to start searching
for a location quickly.
—Organize the bridal party. Make careful decisions about
who you want supporting you leading up to the big day,
and who will be displayed in front of everyone in your life.
—Pick a style. Many brides choose wedding styles that are
reflected in their save-the-dates, invitations, ceremonies,
receptions and thank-you cards. Choosing a theme and
color scheme in the beginning will help narrow down
options later.
—Hire a caterer. Take into account the dietary needs of
your guests by offering a variety of
menu options, including a vegetarian
—Order the cake. Whether you
choose a large multi-tiered cake or
cupcakes, remember to keep your
budget in mind—and pick flavors you
and your fiancé truly enjoy.
—Make the announcement. Decide
how you want to let the community
know of your planned nuptials. Do
you want to take professional engagement photos? Do you plan to contact
your local paper? Will you include a
link to a wedding day website on
your save-the-date or your wedding
—Get the gown. On your wedding
day, everyone will be awaiting a
glimpse of your gown. Listen to your
instincts and choose a gown that
“feels right” and reflects your personality and style.
—Dress your party. Once you have
chosen the wedding dress of your
dreams, speak with your fiancé about
his wishes for his suit, as well as the
bridal party attire.
—Hire a photographer. Choose your
professional photographer wisely.
With a walk down the aisle,
father/daughter dance and toast, your
father is sure to get photographed, but
your mother might get overlooked.
Make sure to ask the photographer to
get shots of your mother throughout
the day as well.
—Choose your flowers. Once you set
the date, discuss with your florists
which flowers are in season to help
narrow down your selection. You may
love tulips, but if you have a winter
wedding, they may be hard to come
by, and may be more expensive.
—Book the entertainment. Do you
want a DJ or a live band? Talk with
your fiancé about your music preferences, as well as the types of tunes
you want played at your reception to
keep your guests on the dance floor.
Before the Big Day
—Create a website for your wedding
to keep guests informed of events and
for easy access to registry information.
Provide accommodation information
for those guests traveling from out of
—Insure your engagement and wedding rings against loss, damage, theft
or mysterious disappearance.
According to a survey conducted by
Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company,
44 percent of married women either
don’t insure their engagement ring, or
don’t know for certain whether their
engagement and wedding rings are
insured. For a free, no-obligation jewelry insurance quote, visit
—Make sure your marriage license,
travel documentation and insurance
information are ready to go and stored
in a safe place in advance of the wedding day.
—Practice reciting your vows and
speeches until you feel comfortable.
—Wear your wedding heels around
the house to “break them in.” Pack a
back-up pair of flats to wear during
the reception.
—Remember to ask for help.
Designate members of your family or
close friends to specific assignments.
Photos courtesy of Getty Images
Wedding Day Details
Provide bottled water for your wedding party. To ensure no one gets overheated, hide water near your bridal
party during the ceremony for emergencies.
Choose meaningful gifts for your
wedding party. Necklaces, earrings or
bracelets are great for bridesmaids;
cufflinks are perfect for groomsmen.
Create individual envelopes for tipping drivers, caterers, musicians, etc.
Separate envelopes will help ensure
you don’t forget anyone.
Plan for weather:
In case of rain — Order a tent or
choose a venue with indoor space for
last-minute protection from the elements. Offer extra umbrellas to usher
people from their vehicles to the
In case of heat — Place fans
throughout the venue and provide
plenty of water for guests.
In case of cold — Space heaters can be
placed throughout the space to warm
up the room in advance of the event.
Over-estimate the amount of parking needed for guests.
Following the Honeymoon
Open wedding gifts and keep an
accurate list of each guest in correspondence with their gift.
Write thoughtful, personalized
hand-written thank you cards.
The Big Day Bridal
Kit Supplies
Bobby pins, elastic hair bands
Panty hose
Nail file, nail polish, remover
Baby powder
Stain remover
Sewing kit with scissors
Ballet flats
Pocket mirror
Extra post-earring backs
Static cling spray
Pain reliever
Dental floss
Eye drops
Bottled water
Breath mints
Duct tape — for last-minute dress
fix-ups and to adhere to the bottom
of slippery dress shoes
For more information about protecting your bridal jewelry, visit
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Local Historian Unearths Conway’s Past
Digging through local
photographs reaps positive rewards for new book
The newest title in Arcadia Publishing’s Images of
America series is Conway, by seasoned author, historian and former tour guide, Susan Hoffer McMillan.
Being the sixth book that McMillan has completed
with Arcadia Publishing, Images of America:
Conway boasts more than 200 vintage images and
spans seven decades with stories of the life, trials and
triumphs of a beautiful southern region.
Conway, South Carolina has seen many changes
over the years. Originally established as Kingston in
1732, it was later renamed in honor of local politician, Robert Conway. Featured in this title are historical homes, beautiful landmarks, hotels, motels,
churches and schools. McMillan dug deep into the history of the
town to uncover images and stories about the families of Buck,
Beaty and Burroughs and the businesses that progressed from turpentine and timber to tobacco and tourism.
the Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation.
Now semi-retired, McMillan and her husband
live in a century old home they recently restored in
Conway. They have three grown children and three
What lasting impact do you hope your book will
My hope is that this book reminds its readers of
the generations who preceded them in making
Conway a special place to live. We owe these earlier citizens much gratitude for our charming city
with its historic downtown, beautiful parks and
churches, and friendly people. This book is my gift
of appreciation to all past and present citizens who helped Conway
to realize its potential.
2015 Events
Where: Horry County Historical Society
606 Main Street, Conway, SC
When: January 11, 2015 at 3:00pm
Where: Myrtle Beach Stamp and Postcard Show
at Clarion Hotel
101 Fantasy Harbour Blvd, Myrtle Beach, SC
When: February 7, 2015 from 10:00am to 5:00pm and
February 8, 2015 from 10:00am to 4:00pm
Available at area bookstores, independent retailers, and online
retailers, or through Arcadia Publishing at
(888)-313-2665 or online.
Arcadia Publishing is the leading publisher of local and regional
history in the United States. Our mission is to make history accessible and meaningful through the publication of books on the heritage
of America’s people and places. Discover more than 8,500 small
towns and downtowns at http://www.arcadiapublishing.com
Susan Hoffer McMillan has combined her passion for collecting
historic images with her dedication to researching their stories to
produce six Arcadia Publishing titles about coastal South Carolina.
Conway is her newest title, reflecting the small town charm of the
pre-Revolutionary city where she has lived since 1971.
McMillan doesn’t mind getting dirty in her pursuit of history; she
has been the director of Waccamaw Archaeology Partnership since
2000, leading archaeological digs on Georgetown County rice plantations. Her excavation crew of retirees works part-time and is now
in their third year of slave village excavations at Brookgreen
Gardens in Murrells Inlet.
McMillan has a journalism background and is a graduate and former trustee of Winthrop University with a master’s degree from
University of South Carolina. She has enjoyed a lifetime of volunteerism and is a former president of the Confederation of South
Carolina Local Historical Societies and a former board member of
January 2015
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Susan Hoffer McMillan has combined her passion for collecting
historic images with her dedication to researching their stories to
produce her sixth Arcadia Publishing title about a coastal South
Carolina town. This new titles depicts Conway and nearby
locales from the 1890s through the 1960s. With a few exceptions which are credited to their source, the majority of the
images for the book are from McMillan’s personal collection.
by Susan Hoffer McMillan
Images of America Series
Price: $21.99
128 pages/ softcover
Start The New Year
off Right with
Better Hearing
By Jennifer Reed & Kayla Bracey,
Owners, Hearing by Design
The holidays have
come and gone, how
did you hear this year?
This time of year can
be an eye opening experience for those who
have been struggling
with their hearing. You
may have noticed that
you didn’t hear some of
the things that you
remember hearing last year. You might have even missed
some things you didn’t even realize you were missing, such
as a conversation over a holiday meal or gift exchange, or
even a question from a grandchild.
Hearing loss is something that many times gets put “on
the back burner”. There’s this payment to make first or this
other thing to take care of first, but the truth is, that your
hearing should be a priority. Along with eye and dental
exams, your hearing should be checked annually. Often
times, hearing is left unchecked and therefore hearing loss is
left unaddressed for many years.
Starting with a look inside your ears to check for wax, we
will be able to see if maybe it’s just a build up of wax inside
your ear canals that may be causing you to miss some
things. For some folks, that’s all it is!
If you feel that you are asking others to repeat more often
than you used to, or if you are turning the tv up a little
louder than you did before, a hearing evaluation may be just
what you need.
So many people say that they hear but do not understand
words, or that they hear fine in quiet but not in groups or at
If any of these things sound familiar to you, it might be
time to get your hearing checked. At our new office in North
Myrtle Beach, we offer FREE comprehensive hearing evaluations using state of the art equipment to complete both
speech and tone testing. We also offer FREE demonstrations
of the latest hearing aid technology.
Starting the year off with a hearing evaluation should be
part of your New Year’s Resolution! Please take the time to
make your hearing a priority this year! Don’t let it go another year untreated.
Call us today at 843-272-1486 or for more information, visit
our website at: www.hearingbydesignnmb.com.
Like us on Facebook!
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Exercise Induced
Bronchospasm (EIB)
By Mark Schecker, M.D.
Coastal Carolina Allergy and Asthma Associates
Has the following ever happened to you?
Suddenly within minutes
after starting to exercise you
begin to feel chest tightness,
wheezing, and shortness of
breath. Does your child start
to cough while running
jumping or playing? If so,
you or your child may be
suffering from “Exercise Induced
Bronchospasm” (aka, E.I.B.) and you
would not be alone because a number
of elite and professional athletes like
Jackie Joyner-Kersey and Amy Van
Dyken suffer from Exercised Induced
Bronchospasm too.
E.I.B. is a narrowing or spasm of the
bronchial tubes in the lungs caused by
exertion. Symptoms occur either during or occasionally shortly after exercise is completed. The exact mechanism is unknown but the constriction
of the airways is thought to occur as a
result of the breathing passages drying
out. Because of this, exercising in cold dry air seems to
trigger symptoms more frequently than doing activity
in warm, moist environments. Some individuals
have their E.I.B. in addition
to a more extensive Asthma
condition caused by a variety of triggers; while in
other individuals their bronchospasm
symptoms are solely triggered by exercise. The biggest problem with
Exercise Induced Bronchospasm is
that it usually severely limits the ability to participate in sports and other
physically demanding activities like
dancing, for example.
Diagnosing E.I.B. requires a careful
history and physical exam by a physician knowledgeable in this area.
Sometimes an exercise challenge test is
done. This consists of doing exercise
either in a laboratory on a bicycle or a
treadmill, or outdoors near the doc-
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
tor’s office. Usually an activity similar
to the one stimulating the patient’s
symptoms is chosen. Immediately
after the activity is completed breathing tests called spirometry are done
with the use of a computer to determine whether or not evidence of E.I.B.
is present.
Fortunately E.I.B. is a very treatable
condition and individuals who suffer
from this malady should be able to
participate in any physical activity,
sport, or exercise they prefer.
Obviously some very talented athletes
have been able to accomplish the ultimate successes including Olympic
gold medals, despite suffering from
this problem. As with all types of
bronchospasm, individual treatment
plans are devised according to a particular persons needs. This can be
done by any physician who is fairly
well versed in respiratory diseases,
but is usually accomplished by either
a pulmonologist or an allergist.
Treatment plans may include a variety
of modalities including “warm-up”
exercises alone or in combination with
the use of medications designed to
block symptoms from occurring in the
first place. These medications called
“beta-agonists” are preferably used in
an inhaled form. Again, however the
exact types of medications used need
to be individualized to a particular
patient’s profile. In certain situations
new sports that are less likely to provoke symptoms, like swimming, may
be suggested to replace other activities
that more commonly trigger Exercise
Induced Bronchospasm problems.
Unfortunately there is no perfect exercise for people with this condition.
However, when treated appropriately,
Exercised Induced Bronchospasm
should not be a disruption to anyone.
Dr. Schecker, a Board Certified
Allergist, is the founder of Coastal
Carolina Allergy & Asthma Associates.
He is a Certified Take Shape For Life
Health Coach, a COPE Certified Health
Coach, the co-founder of the Myrtle Beach
Marathon and the founder of Camp
Airwaves (a camp for children with asthma). Dr. Schecker has been recognized as
the “Allergist of the Year” by the Myrtle
Beach Herald (2005-2014).
Realtor Magazine: Lists of
Hot Housing Trends for 2015
By Kimberly Dahlin
1. Coral shades. A blast of a
new color is often the easiest
change for sellers to make,
offering the biggest bang for
their buck. Sherwin-Williams
says Coral Reef (#6606) is
2015’s color of the year
because it reflects the country’s
optimism about the future. “We
have a brighter outlook now
that we’re out of the recession.
Pair it with crisp white, gray, or
similar saturations of lilac,
green, and violet.
2. Open spaces go mainstream. An open
floor plan may feel like old hat, but it’s
becoming a wish beyond the young hipster
demographic, so you’ll increasingly see this
layout in traditional condo buildings and
single-family suburban homes in 2015.
3. Porcelain floors. If you’re going to go
with imitation wood, porcelain will be your
2015 go-to. It’s less expensive and wears as
well as or better than the real
thing. Good places to use this
material are high-traffic
rooms, hallways, and areas
exposed to moisture.
4. Multiple master suites.
Having two master bedroom
suites, each with its own
adjoining bathroom, makes a
house work better for multiple
generations. When both suites
are located on the main level,
you hit the jackpot.
5. Fireplaces and fire pits. The sight of a
flame—real or faux—has universal appeal
as a signal of warmth, romance, and togetherness. This year, be on the lookout for the
latest iteration on this classic: chic, modern
takes on the humble wood stove.
6. Wellness systems. Builders are now
addressing environmental and health concerns with holistic solutions, such as heat
recovery ventilation systems that filter air
continuously and use little energy
7. Storage. The new buzzword is “specialized storage,” placed right where it’s
needed. More home owners are increasingly
willing to pare the dimensions of a second
or third bedroom in order to gain a suitably
sized walk-in closet in their master bedroom
8. Grander garages. According to Troon
Pacific, the new trends here include bringing the driveway’s material into the garage,
temperature controls, sleek glass doors, specialized zones for home audiovisual controls, and a big sink or tub to wash pets.
9. Return to human scale. During the
McMansion craze, kitchens got so big they
almost required skates to get around. In
many living or family rooms that will mean
just enough space for one conversation
grouping, and in kitchens one set of appliances, fewer countertops, and smaller
10. Outdoor living. Interest in spending
time outdoors keeps mushrooming, and
2015 will hold a few new options for
enhancing the space, including outdoor
showers adjacent to pools and hot tubs
along with better-equipped roof decks for
urban dwellers.
For more information call
Kimberly Dahlin, Realtor
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5
Jo Wayman receives the Waccamaw RIVERKEEPER®
Joy Pinson Award for Exceptional Service
to the Waccamaw River
By Christine Ellis
RIVERKEEPER® office along with previous years’ recipients. In addition, Jo
received her own plaque commemorating this honor. It is proudly displayed at the Visitor Center at Lake
Waccamaw State Park.
Jo’s commitment to the Waccamaw
watershed is much appreciated by
Winyah Rivers Foundation, its Board
of Directors, staff and members, as
well as the Volunteer Water Quality
Monitoring Program’s administrators
at Coastal Carolina University’s
Waccamaw Watershed Academy and
at Lake Waccamaw State Park, and
many others!
Congratulations and thank you to
Jo Wayman for protecting clean water
and healthy habitat in the Waccamaw
watershed and for her support of the
Program of Winyah Rivers
Volunteer Team #9 includes (L-R): Warren Stephens, Steve Smith, Jo Wayman,
David Scott, Rick Keenan, Andy Buchanan.
Jo, a resident of Lake Waccamaw,
NC, is a founding member of the volunteer water quality monitoring program in the North Carolina portion of
the Waccamaw watershed. Since 2011,
Jo has taken a leadership role in this
important citizen science project. She
coordinates many of the activities necessary to maintain the water sampling
equipment and supplies, is the team
leader for the volunteer team that
samples at two sites at Lake
Waccamaw, prepares and analyzes
both the turbidity and bacteria samples not only for her team but for the
other lake team and its two sites,
uploads sampling data into the online
database, troubleshoots issues that
occur from time to time and coordinates with the program administrators
at the Waccamaw RIVERKEEPER®
Program, Coastal Carolina
University’s Waccamaw Watershed
Academy and Lake Waccamaw State
Jo’s contributions to the program
have been enormous since 2011 and
have resulted in its success over the
past years. Jo was recognized by Paula
Reidhaar, Waccamaw Riverkeeper,
Christine Ellis, River Advocate and
the Board of Directors of Winyah
Rivers Foundation at our recent River
Celebration event held in Conway, SC.
A plaque that bears Jo’s name is
proudly displayed in the
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Jo in the lab at the State Park includes
(L-R): Andy Buchanan, Jo Wayman,
Toby Hall
It’s All
Going To Be
By Kristi Falk
In all honesty, I
am probably the
last person who
should be talking
about how to
manage stress, but
I have gotten better over the years.
I have learned a
few tricks that I
can share.
I know how
stressful planning a wedding can be, and the
actual wedding day itself. Trying to nail down a
date in itself can be difficult. I was actually very
lucky in this regard because my husband we very
hands on for the majority of the planning and we
have great friends who had the perfect location
and friends who handled the catering and the
For me one of the most stressful aspects was
the dress. It wasn’t finding the perfect dress. I
did that rather easily.
It happened the day of the wedding. But let
me back up just a bit. The day BEFORE the
wedding, my bridesmaids and I were enjoying
our spa day with massages and body scrubs,
mani/pedis. We were getting the works. It was
pure heaven! What we didn’t know was that at
the wedding site, the rain was coming down
hard. Complete with hail. Our friends and family
who were there to get everything set up were
hiding under the newly built shelter while the
rain and hail took down all of the decorations
that we had put up the day before. Luckily when
it was all over, one of our friends was able to put
all of the décor back up, and make it look even
better than it did before. I am so grateful that I
was not there to witness the destruction portion.
The next morning, I went to get my hair done.
It was done just the way I had envisioned. Then
I headed to the dry cleaners to pick up my dress
where it was being pressed. I get there, and the
place was CLOSED!! The doors were locked. I
was beside myself. I called my soon-to-be husband. I called my bridesmaids. One of them
offered to sneak in a window and grab my dress
from the line. I could not stop crying. One of our
friends was mentally going through the inventory
he had at his shop to determine if he had a dress
for me that would work. It was all just horrifying
and unbelievably stressful. A couple of hours
went by and we found the owner of the shop. He
was out of town but was able to call one of his
employees to come open up for me. What a
The rest of the day went off without a hitch,
thank goodness!
What I have learned since that fateful day –
“It’s all going to be ok”. I know it’s cliché, but
it’s so true. Now, if I start to get stressed about
something, I take a step back and breathe. I have
a favorite place here at home that I go to relax
and clear my mind. We have a small pond in the
back yard filled with turtles and fish, and a rock
fountain. I go out and feed the fish and turtles,
focus on the sound of the fountain (now it even
drowns out the sound of the traffic on Hwy. 544
behind us), and just let my mind go calm. It really works for me.
I have also taken some meditation workshops
that have helped. The deep breathing techniques
are especially helpful. So when a stressful situation arises (like a magazine deadline) I can calm
myself and get it done. I know that it will all be
ok, no matter what.
So when you are starting to get stressed planning your big day, just go to a favorite place,
maybe a walk on the beach, take some deep
breaths, and just trust yourself. The bumps in the
road keep us on our toes. They help us to appreciate when the roads are smooth.
Like the saying says, Keep Calm
and Carry On.
Kristi Jacques Falk
Founder and Executive Director
The Wellness Council for South Carolina
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Are You Having
A New Year
with Old
By Dr Kevin Sattele
Another year
has passed and
they seem to
keep passing
more quickly. If
you are like
most people,
you are again
looking at a new
year with resolutions and a great
deal of high expectations only to let it fizzle out in a few weeks. It is no surprise that
the New Year is the most popular time for
setting weight loss and fitness goals. Last
year a survey conducted by the University
of Scranton found that in 2014, weight loss
was the number one resolution among
Americans. The same survey found that
only 46% of people maintained their efforts
past 6 months and that only 8% were successful in achieving their weight loss goal.
Therefore, most people will have the same
old resolution again this year so why not
do things a little differently and increase
your chances of success?
First of all, you need a plan of action but
your goals need to be realistic and obtainable. Otherwise you will just be setting
yourself up for failure. Write your goals
down and have a way to document your
success along the way. Try to set specific
goals instead of generalized ones. For
instance, instead of saying “I am going to
lose weight this year”, say “I am going to
do 30 minutes of cardio exercise every
day”, or “I am going to eliminate junk
foods and eat smaller portions”, or “I am
going to lose 10 pounds in the next
Keep a food journal listing everything
you eat or drink during the day and also list
your exercise. This helps you ensure that
you are staying within your calorie limits
but also makes you more accountable.
Patients that do the best in our Rapid
Weight Loss program are the ones that
keep a food journal every single day. Share
your goals and success with friends and
family. You are more likely to be successful if you have their support.
Remove unhealthy temptations from the
home or office. Try not to put yourself in
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
situations where you will be tempted.
Focus on being healthier as the weight loss
will reduce your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease and many cancers just to name a few. This is something
you have to do for yourself, not for others.
Reward yourself for your accomplishments with shopping, travel, relaxing or
something special that you really enjoy.
Above all, be patient! You can’t just make
a decision that you are going to change
years of bad habits and expect to change
overnight. Don’t beat yourself up if you
slip up. Just get right back on track as soon
as possible. Stay focused and you will soon
see the difference and hopefully won’t be
making the same resolution again next
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What Our Advertisers Are Saying About
South Carolina Woman Magazine
The Grand Strand can be a difficult place for small businesses to advertise, with the tourist industry dominating the area. I have
found that SC Woman is a great way to effectively and economically reach both locals and newcomers to the area, who are critical to our business. The distribution is fantastic, with placement in doctor’s offices, salons and retailers where the shelf life of the
magazine lasts the whole month - both men and women have mentioned they read it while waiting for an appointment. Diane and
her team have worked hard to build a magazine that offers unique, quality content and visibility for her advertisers beyond the
print ad. We’re committed to SC Woman as part of our long-term marketing plan - thanks, Diane, for all you do!?
Kerry Ann Dame
(843) 238-0078
Dale Publishing has provided Professional Rehabilitation Services with a forum to provide information to the public that allows
for consumer choice when it comes to choosing a physical therapy provider. We value the opportunity to inform the public about
what makes Professional Rehabilitation Services the Outpatient Physical Therapy Specialists, and this is because of the circulation of South Carolina Woman and Transitions News Magazines! Thank you for the opportunity!
Professional Rehabilitation Services
(843) 235-0200
Over three years ago, Carolina Home Exteriors began advertising our exterior home improvements in South Carolina Woman
Magazine and have found it to be an effective print advertisement. Each month that we advertise, we sell more sunrooms, screen
rooms, patio enclosures, pergolas and other custom home improvement projects.
We are proud to be a part of our community’s hometown magazine and offer monthly educational articles. As a locally owned
and operated residential home remodeler, we are happy to have an outlet to reach out to so many local households and businesses
to provide custom outdoor living designs.
The magazine has increased my business throughout the community and I am looking forward to a long term relationship. The
price is right, the staff is easy to work with, and the magazine is effective. A winning combination!
I believe in South Carolina Woman Magazine and the potential to reach new clients in the area. Your website’s ability to link to
our own website (www.CarolinaHomeExteriors.com) has been especially beneficial. Thanks to your magazine, we’ve been able to
couple our predominantly referral-based business and increase our free design consulting appointments. Customers often tell us
they’ve seen Carolina Home Exteriors’ ad in the magazine and that’s why we’ll continue to advertise with Dale Publishing, Inc.
Ted Cligrow, President & Owner
Carolina Home Exteriors
11730 Highway 17 Bypass, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
(843) 651-6514
When opening a new business, you face tough choices on how to get your name out there. So many choices…How do you know
what will work for you? Through a networking event, we made contact with Gale Mulcahy and Dale Publishing. They were able
to put together an amazing package for us so that we were able to affordably advertise in 3 separate publications! We get a lot of
compliments on our ads and our patients frequently mention the magazines by name. Choosing to advertise with Dale Publishing
has been great for our new business!
Thank you for everything!
Hearing By Design
Jennifer Reed and Kayla Bracey
(843) 272-1486
Let us help you grow your business, email us at cwoman@sccoast.net.
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
That’s Wright
Sticks and Stones
By Jill Wright
Ever hear
someone tell
you a story
about someone
else in order to
influence your opinion about that person? For instance, your neighbor casually tells you that the old woman in the
red brick house down the street screams
at her children all the time and you
immediately imagine that she is abusive? At least that is the opinion your
neighbor wishes to impart upon you
during their telling of the story. Pretty
harsh accusation, don’t you think?
What about the business man who
believes he is doing you a “favor” when
he tells you not to trust such-and-such
because they are a “loose cannon?” Or
you hear, “I just know that if given the
chance, he would cheat on his wife.”
My favorite is when I hear someone say,
“And we think he does cocaine!!!” I
love it. “We think he does cocaine.” But,
they do not KNOW he does cocaine, or
cheats on his wife. All it takes is one
statement made out of context and a
person’s reputation is tarnished.
I believe wholeheartedly that our
human nature causes us sometimes to
believe what we want to believe about
someone. Another example: John has a
bladder problem and disappears to the
bathroom several times. His bladder
problem causes him to lose sleep
because he is up all night going to the
bathroom. His baggy eyes and frequent
trips to the bathroom during work
spark his co-workers to “assume” he
uses cocaine. Almost as if they want
this assumption to be true, they carelessly share their assumption with others and so on. Next thing you know,
John is treated differently, maybe even
fired from his job. All because he is
guilty of is failing to share every intimate detail of his personal health with
his co-workers. Makes me kind of ill. I
see it every day.
Latest example? My new friend,
Russell Cavender, better known as “The
Snake Chaser.” Many of you may have
seen The Snake Chaser tooling around
town in his custom painted van,
answering desperate calls from community folks trying to ward off everything
from snakes, to rodents, to stray cats.
His business is based upon his love for
beasts of every kind. He partially got
into the business because he would
rather see these animals and reptiles
handled in a humane way rather than
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
be killed or maimed at the hands of a
distressed neighbor. That is why it was
particularly hurtful for Russell to learn
that community members began
responding to a nasty rumor that he
was feeding cats to his pet boa constrictor! First of all, he does not have a boa
constrictor to feed. Second of all, he
ALWAYS takes the cats he catches to the
humane society.
Unfortunately, this nasty rumor has
affected Russell’s business. Many
potential (and maybe former customers)
may have decided to avoid Russell’s
invaluable services based upon this
false rumor. That is the trouble with
rumors. They are not prejudice against
truth or falsities. Also unfortunately, the
harm that results from rumors is never
dependent upon the level of truth in the
rumor’s content. And can you believe?
The person that started the rumor about
Russell’s business, a businessman himself! A businessman that, I am sure,
would not appreciate anyone carelessly
starting or spreading rumors about his
It is getting to the point where I do
not believe anything I hear about anyone else anymore. Unless I see it firsthand or hear it from the horse’s mouth,
I try to dismiss the rumor. As human
beings we often form opinions about
people and situations based upon the
limited experiences of others. Lawyers
often rely on this factor of human
nature regularly. We hope that when we
parade a witness in front of the jury
that the jury will form the desired opinion of that person based upon a few
well chosen words. The word verdict,
afterall, comes from the latin word
“veredicto” which means, “to speak the
This “let me tell you what to think”
approach undermines our justice system in that it inhibits a jury’s ability to
make decisions based upon the truth of
the matter. Or does it? I am hopeful that
the very design of the American judicial
system leaves little room for success in
twisting the truth. Hopefully, our sys-
tem of 12-juror deliberations defeats
attempts to pull the proverbial wool
over a jury’s eyes. Hopefully, jurors will
see that anyone who so caustically and
falsely accuses another of wrongdoing
will immediately be discredited for benefiting in some way by making the
Wouldn’t you agree that many a reputation has been tainted by a few “well
chosen words?” The child’s rhyme goes
something like, “Sticks and stones may
break my bones but words will never
hurt me!” But, as adults, we now know
this is not exactly a reliable mantra.
Words can, and do, hurt. And did you
know that there is a law against harmful words? Defamation laws were
passed designed to protect people from
the careless and/or intentionally harmful statements made by rumor hounds.
Under South Carolina law, if you make
a statement about someone, knowing it
to be false or have reckless disregard for
its truthfulness, you may be found
liable to that person for damaging their
reputation. The harmful effects of
defamation are not limited to the
dramatizations we see on TV. The sub-
ject matter is a very real danger and
obviously presents a prevalent enough
problem to warrant our courts enforcement of the law against it.
Now, I admit. I am not completely
innocent when it comes to these situations. I often find myself playing polite
by standing silent when I hear someone
say something that they either know
NOT to be true, or just don’t care
whether it is true or not. My husband’s
cousin gained my immediate respect
when in the middle of a seemingly
harmless family discussion about fellow
community members, he responded to
the speaker’s request for validation
with, “I am sorry. I just don’t talk bad
about people.” “Wow,” I thought, “that
takes guts.” The speakers appeared to
be offended and disgusted with the
cousin’s dismissal of their conversation.
But, if they are honest, they must
applaud his stance against such negativity.
It serves no one to tell rumors about
someone. It just doesn’t. I feel certain
that only in rare circumstances does the
subject of a rumor actually deserve the
disparaging treatment the rumor caus-
es. I know it is easier to entertain your
listeners with rumors. I know that it
often makes people feel “important”
when they capture the attention of others by feeding them a few “juicy”
rumors or assumptions. But, as a very
reliable mantra dictates, “what goes
around comes around comes around.”
You may have suffered in reputation
because of the careless words of another
and not even know it.
Rumors are like a disease. They
spread only to harm their hosts. I
believe they are of the devil. I cannot
think of a better way to ring in the year
2015 than to adopt the resolution to
avoid rumors. I am. My New Year’s resolution is not only to avoid repeating
rumors, but to avoid listening to them.
Not only may the subject of the rumor
not deserve the harm caused by the
rumor, but choosing to act on the rumor
may cause me to miss out on an important business or personal relationship!
Jill Wright is an attorney with the Mike
Kelly Law Group and can be reached by
telephone at (843)946-7550, by email at
jwright@mklawgroup.com or by mail at 816
Broadway, MB, SC
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Ask the Organizer
How will 2015 be Different for You in the
Clutter Department?
Diana Aversano, Organizing Made Simple
Insanity, they say, is continuing to
do the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results. What is
it that you’ve done over and over again
in the past to get organized?
Are you ready to surrender to the mess
rather than continue to do battle with
Start by nurturing your inner child!
Cluttering is actually more about
emotions than we are aware of. It’s
about What’s keeping us crazy and confused rather than What we’re trying to
organize. Being unorganized can be the manifestation of rebellion,
of pain, of sadness, of resentment, or of whatever emotion is robbing you of your life force! Once these emotions are brought to the
light of day, they lose their punch. Thinking becomes clearer.
Decision-making becomes easier. Living a clutter-free life becomes
a possibility that can be expanded upon and believed in.
Carry on with these words...
”Even though I’m up to my eyeballs in stuff, I completely and
profoundly accept and love myself.”
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selection of
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J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Then, just start with the first thing you see. It doesn’t need to be any
more complicated than that.
Decide whether it is needed, is beautiful, or is treasured. If so,
then think of a place that it can call home, and put it there.
• Be prepared that sometimes finding a home for an item leads to
clearing out a place that is already packed to the gills. Take a
breath...make a detour to consider which of those items will be kept
or not. Then resume.
• Also, you may find a bunch of things that are like the item you
just put away. That’s great, just keep like-things together.
• Don’t worry about purchasing pretty containers just yet. Wait
until every item has been corralled because then you will see how
many and what size containers you’ll actually need.
If the item is not needed, beautiful or treasured, then decide to
give it to someone you know, donate it, or chunk it. It would be
helpful to have a container for each of these categories handy where
a number of items could be collected before dispersing them. Fill,
empty, repeat!
The Life Changing Magic of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie
Kondo describes a unique and gentle way to view your belongings.
Incorporate a few simple practices.
1. Put items back into their homes after using them. Clutter starts
with a simple, “I’ll leave this here for
now until I get a minute to put it
away later.” That, right there, is the
beginning of a pile! That one innocent item attracts other items to join
the party and we know where that
2. Plan your day the night before.
In the evening, set out things you’ll
need to take with you in the morning so you can simply “grab and
go.” Do the same for your children.
Even plan in an extra 15 minutes to load the dishwasher so the
kitchen will be ready for dinner preparations when you return.
3. Ease up on the rate of accumulation. Buy with intention. Is
emotion leading your choice? Try to visualize where that new item
will be housed before purchasing it.
As the accumulation starts to clear, you’ll notice a hopeful giddiness of sorts begin to bubble up in you as your emotions change to
relief and satisfaction.
• You’re no longer doing battle with clutter.
• You’ve learned to co-exist with clutter as you keep ahead of it!
• You’ll have a sense of peace and accomplishment!
• You’ll be surrounded by things that bring you joy!
Be gentle with yourself, after all, you’re in it for the long haul,
not just a brief encounter!
You’re on your way to being clutter-free in 2015!
Asked Questions
Plastic Surgery
Topic: Breast
Part I of III
By Steven K. White Sr., M.D.
Carolina Coastal Plastic Surgery
& Medical Spa
Deciding to
have plastic
surgery isn’t a
big decision; it’s
a HUGE decision. What we
recommend is
that you do a lot
of research
before you seek
out a surgeon for
a consultation.
There are several things you need to be looking for:
• A Board Certified Surgeon
• A Surgeon with good reviews
• A Surgeon with hospital privileges
• The facility where the surgeries take
place should also be certified
• Consider how long the Surgeon has
been in practice and what kind of
experience they have
• Talk to people you know who have been
to the Surgeon you are interested in
Once you have settled on a Plastic Surgeon
and you have scheduled your consultation, you
should be considering a myriad of different
questions to ask. Many of your questions will
depend on the surgery you are interested in
having. Be sure to research your procedure
before your consultation so that you can ask as
many questions as possible. So let’s talk about
some of the more popular body surgeries.
Breast Augmentation –
Question: Is there a difference between silicone and saline implants?
Answer: Both silicone and saline implants
have a silicone shell. The silicone gel
implants are silicone throughout. The gel
inside is very cohesive (sticky) and does not
leak out like the old one’s in the 1980’s. The
implant is soft and pliable (feels like a breast
that is not lumpy). The saline implant is silicone water. It feels like water movement when
compressed; but depending on the size it can
feel very natural in the breast also.
Question: Under or over the muscle?
Answer: Most people in my practice choose
implants over the muscle, and gels ten to one
over saline. The patient can choose the type of
implant, location and one of three incision
sites. These decisions are made after a detailed
consultation and in collaboration with the
patient and surgeon. Things that play into
these decisions include: size, anatomy of the
patient, occupation and personal wishes.
Question: Is one safer than the other?
Answer: Both implant options are safe and
have undergone extensive research and documentation. If someone has an augmentation
they will likely need another operation at some
point in their life to: a. go larger, b. go smaller,
c. have adjustments, or have a removal all
Question: Does one cost more than the
Answer: Yes, gel implants are roughly twice
the cost of saline. Gel implants also come
“shaped” so that they can be ordered and customized to the patient’s anatomy.
Question: What is the recovery time like?
Answer: Recovery time, generally speaking
depends on where the implant is placed on the
body, and if it’s under or over the muscle. By
in large, implants under the muscle take longer
to recover from. Children who have small
children to pick up or a job that requires lifting
need to be very cautious in recovery.
Question: How do you know how big to
Answer: The size of the breast in large part
is based on the patient’s choice. There are limits, mainly related to the patient’s anatomy
measurements, and body structure. This is all
discussed in the consultation. When the patient
comes in she’ll understand that “what she
imagines, we create!”
Next month we will continue this article
with part II. In the second article we address
questions about liposuction, tummy tucks and
more! The most important take away to these
articles is that you should always have questions for your surgeon. It’s our job to make
sure we have an informed patient. We’re here
for you and at my practice, and the initial consultation is just important as the surgery itself.
I want you to be happy and excited about your
future surgery.
Remember …
Steven K. White, SR., M.D.
Certified by the
American Board of Plastic Surgery
and The American Board of Surgery
Carolina Coastal Plastic Surgery
& Medical Spa
1275 21st Ave. North,
Myrtle Beach, SC
Ringing in the New Year with a New You!
Save $675 any major surgery when
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Specializing In The Latest Advances
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Steven K. White, SR., M.D.
Certified by the
American Board of Plastic Surgery &
The American Board of Surgery
1275 21st Ave. North,
Myrtle Beach, SC
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Delicious and Affordable
Ways To Say “I Do”
pringtime ushers in the glitz and
glamour of wedding season, which
lasts into late fall. This year, economizing is foremost on everyone’s
minds, but betrothed couples want their
weddings and the events leading up to
them to be as special as ever.
These wedding trends are how brides
and grooms are turning bridal showers,
couples’ showers and, of course, the
wedding itself into priceless yet affordable experiences for everyone involved.
—Revisiting food classics that are guaranteed to please the palate but don’t
break the bank, like the Sizzling MiniSliders featured.
—Choosing fresh and flavorful wines
that present incredible value for the
price but don’t compromise a smidge on
—Serving food in smaller portions, a
restaurant trend, is a hit for guests and a
boon for the budget.
—Conserving resources with 3L
Premium Wine Casks, a convenient, nowaste way to serve a crowd.
Here are some stylish, budget-friendly food and wine options that allow
happy couples to have their cupcakes
and eat them too.
Bridal Shower
notes and a refreshing finish.
To create an elegant and festive party
atmosphere, decorate the event space
with fresh flowers and set aside a table
where gifts can be presented. A buffet
table lets guests serve themselves and
also provides a tableau for food and
wine selections to be artfully displayed.
Arrange an inviting layout of fresh seasonal salads and bite-sized desserts,
with a delectable angel hair pasta dish
as the centerpiece. Pair with the delicious Angel Juice Pinot Grigio, quintessentially Californian with delicate peach
A couples’ shower is the ideal way to
informally celebrate the upcoming marriage. Commonly known as a Jack and
Jill party, the event can be a luncheon, a
laid-back barbeque or a party at a local
park. A couples’ shower is a prime
opportunity for everyone to take a
break and enjoy spending time together.
Mini-burgers, or gourmet sliders, have
universal appeal and offer up a new
twist on an old favorite. Paired with the
vibrant Big House Red, a California
Couples’ Shower
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
blend bursting with ripe red fruits that
costs less than $10 a bottle, they will
easily satisfy guests.
Wedding Reception
As an alternative to the traditional
wedding cake, a cupcake wedding tree
is a sophisticated way to end the
momentous occasion on the sweetest of
notes. Paired with the luscious, foodfriendly Cupcake Chardonnay from the
prized Central Coast winegrowing
region, this spectacular dessert and the
creamy, fruit-forward wine are a match
made in heaven.
Wine Planning Checklist for Parties
—Use 3L Premium Wine Casks for large groups, as each cask
will serve up to 20 guests, each guest with a standard fiveounce glass.
—Guests at daytime parties usually drink less wine. Serve
approximately one glass of wine per guest every 90 minutes.
—For evening parties, serve approximately one glass of wine
per guest every hour.
—Chill white wine for at least three hours before guests
—Open and decant red wines about 30 minutes before guests
arrive to allow the flavors to open up and breathe.
—Be a responsible host and offer special non-alcoholic beverages and plenty of water for thirsty guests.
Angel Hair Pasta With Shrimp & Rosemary
Serves 6
Prep time: 30 minutes
ounces dried angel hair pasta
tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
cup chopped onion (about 1/2 onion)
teaspoons minced garlic
teaspoons seeded and minced serrano chile (about 1
teaspoons finely chopped fresh rosemary and sprigs
for garnish
cups Angel Juice Pinot Grigio
tablespoons fresh lemon juice, about 1 lemon
large shrimp, peeled and deveined
tablespoons butter
cup pine nuts, toasted in a 350°F oven for 10 minutes
until lightly browned
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Cook pasta according to package directions. Set large
saucepan over medium heat and add olive oil. Sauté onions,
garlic, chiles and rosemary about 4 minutes or until soft.
Add wine and lemon juice, raise heat to high and boil until
liquid is reduced by half.
Add shrimp and cook until pink, about 2 minutes. Remove
pan from heat, stir in butter and pine nuts, and toss with
drained pasta. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to
taste. Pairing suggestion: Angel Juice Pinot Grigio
Sizzling Mini-Sliders
Serves 4
Prep time: 30 minutes
teaspoon onion powder
teaspoons minced garlic
cup Big House Red
1 1/2 pounds ground chuck
teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
teaspoon kosher salt
3-inch dinner rolls
Caramelized onions (sauté in olive oil, very slowly, about 20
cup loosely packed watercress
cup thinly shredded radicchio
In medium bowl, combine onion powder, garlic, wine,
beef, salt and pepper. Shape into twelve 1/2-inch-thick patties. Grill until browned, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Grill dinner
rolls until slightly toasted. On bottom of each roll, place
caramelized onions, patty, watercress and radicchio. Top with
roll top.
Pairing suggestion: Big House Red
For more information about these wines, please visit
www.UnderdogWineMerchants.com. Family Features
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Cosmetic Surgery for
Weddings &
By Kimberley B. C. Goh, M.D.
Anniversaries, reunions and weddings are often the inspiration to
look your best. Consultations for
cosmetic surgery before a wedding
are popular among brides, grooms,
their families, as well as their wedding parties. Interest in the procedures before an event ranges
from body contouring to facial rejuvenation, all with the common goal of looking one’s best.
If you are considering cosmetic surgery before a wedding
or other event, there are several points that should be consid-
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
ered: timing, recovery, risk, stress, expense and family perception and support. These are critical components in your
choice of procedure and the desired outcome.
It is important to book your consultation with a plastic surgeon early to ensure adequate time for the procedure and
recovery prior to the big event. For the best results, I prefer to
perform major facial and body contouring surgery at least
three months in advance of a special occasion. This gives
adequate time for healing and for the swelling to settle. Breast
augmentation is an
exception but it should
still ideally be done more
than six weeks, if possible, before the event or
wedding. Dress fittings
take time!
Liposuction and even
SmartLipo require a girdle or compression garment for about six weeks
after your surgery (for 24
hours a day) to attain the
best result and the optimal skin shrinkage. This
is not something desirable to wear under your
wedding dress (or on the
CoolSculpting, the new
non-invasive fat reduction technique does not
involve needles or girdles but it does take three months to achieve maximum fat
reduction, which is why it’s important to plan accordingly.
Facial cosmetic surgery takes a time to settle and soften, and
you may not be able to be in the sun in the immediate postoperative period to ensure optimal scar healing. Such postoperative restrictions can impact honeymoon plans for example, and thus need to be taken into consideration when choosing the date for surgery.
Major body contouring, such as tummy tucks or thigh lifts
have a more extensive recovery period. If not properly
planned in advance, the recovery may keep you from actively
doing those last minute tasks associated with an event or
enjoying pre-event activities.
CO2 laser skin resurfacing can have a significant impact on
skin, however it requires more recovery time for the optimal
result and skin color. There are other laser treatments that
take less time to recover, but make less of a change in wrinwww.scwomanmagazine.com
However, fat injection can cause
swelling initially and your lips or areas
of injection may be swollen for a few
weeks after injection. Therefore, this
procedure should be planned a few
months in advance of your event.
Cosmetic surgery before a wedding is
an issue that should be discussed with
your fiancé. While it is your right to
make decisions about your own body,
his/her feelings should be taken into
consideration. You will do better after
surgery if you have a positive emotional
support structure around you.
There are many ways to improve
your appearance before a wedding,
reunion or other event; surgery is just
one option. Let your plastic surgeon
know the wedding/event date and your
timetable. Make sure you understand
the actual procedure, and who will actually be doing the procedure, what their
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level of training is, what the recovery
time will be and the risks involved. If
you decide to have cosmetic surgery or
a procedure to enhance your appearance, plan carefully and be honest about
your expectations.
Ask for a surgeon certified by the
American Board of Plastic Surgery. The
ABPS is a board approved by the
American Board of Medical Specialties.
A plastic surgeon has from six to seven
years of formal surgical training after
medical school. Your surgeon should
also have privileges to perform the
same procedure(s) at a local hospital
and the surgery center that you will be
using should be certified by a nationally
recognized agency, such as AAAASF.
Grand Strand Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery Center, P.A. 4610 Oleander Drive,
Suite 101, MB, SC 29577(843) 497 2227,
w w w. r e t i r e r i g h t . i n f o
kles or age spots. These are the fractional laser peels. Medium depth chemical
peels have about a week’s worth of
down time and can give your skin a
fresher look. Skin peels or microdermabrasion can enhance your skin tone
with no down time. There are other new
techniques for tightening the skin with
no down time, but they are not yet
proven techniques and it has been difficult to separate the market hype from
real results.
If you determine that you do not
have adequate time for a major procedure, sometimes modified procedures
can be of benefit. For example, many
people chose SmartLipo for their neck,
even though it does not tighten the skin
as much as neck lifts or facelifts because
there is less down time and minimal
scarring with noticeable improvement
in appearance. Cheek lifts are a good in
between procedure. This can be done
under local anesthesia and only takes
about 1- 1 1/2 hour. There is little bruising and the swelling quickly resolves,
and tightens the cheeks and has a small
effect on the neck.
There are also minor procedures that
can be done to enhance your appearance other than surgery. These procedures have a short “down” time, and
can be done within a few weeks of an
event. Botox can be used to smooth
wrinkles; you should get this at least
two weeks before the event in case of
bruising. Botox is an agent used to temporarily immobilize the muscles that are
causing wrinkles. Unless you plan to
get injected regularly, do not get treated
too early or the wrinkles may return
prior to your event.
Restylane, Juvaderm and other
hyaluronic acid fillers, can be used to
fill wrinkles and enhance lips. Like
Botox, they should be planned at least
two weeks prior to the event in case of
bruising. Sculptra is another product
that has been used for several years in
the US, and is approved by the FDA for
facial cosmetic purposes. This is a fillerlike product that causes your own tissue
to grow and replace lost volume. It
takes about two months to grow
enough to fill or enhance an area, so
again it is important to plan accordingly.
Fat injection, using fat from your
body to fill an area, has the potential to
be permanent unlike other fillers.
what does yours
look like?
Fax: 843-839-9735
#305-2411 N. Oak Street
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
How To De-Clutter and De-Tox
Your Online Life
To Start The Year Off Right!
By Dorien Morin-van Dam
I don’t have a
crystal ball (I do
sometimes wish I
had one, let me
tell you!) but if
your life is anywhere close to
mine, you could
use a de-tox or
de-clutter feature
on your online
footprint! What do I mean? How many
emails do you get per day? How many
spam messages do you get? How many
Facebook posts do you see in your
newsfeed that make you cringe? How
many coupon-saving-sites did you sign
up with and how often do you remember to print and bring the darn thing
when you shop? Is your email inbox
overflowing with offers, notifications
and useless emails?
Ok, so you get what I am referring to,
It is easy to quickly feel overwhelmed when you turn on your computer and see all these massages, emails
and notifications. Don’t worry, you can
do it! You can break free from it and
take back your life, your time and have
both on online and offline life you
enjoy! Here are 10 ways to de-clutter
and de-tox your online life to start the
year off right.
1. Unsubscribe to all newsletters and
store email lists you are on meaning;
the ones from which you receive emails
you never read. Period. I started doing
this in December and sadly, I unsubscribed to about 200 email lists I was
on. I say ‘sadly’ because I could not
believe I’d actually signed up for that
many! I am really glad I did remove
myself from those lists now though,
because I have fewer emails to toss in
my ‘trash’ bin each day.
2. Report spam when you do get it. I
use gmail and there’s a very easy and
convenient one-button reporting system
for spam emails. I use it all the time!
Yeah for all of us, because the more
people report that spam, the more likely
that person will get shut down!
3. Archive (or delete) all read emails!
It might take you a bit to get through
this – I did this recently with 2800
emails I had sitting in my inbox. Most
of them I’d read, but did not archive. It
feels so good to get that (back) under
4. Unfriend people on Facebook!
(gasp) Yes, I just wrote that! If you see
things in your Facebook newsfeed you
do not like, offend you or are just plain
outrageous, you can unfriend that person. Truth: that person will not receive
a notification that you unfriended them!
If you do find measure this too drastic,
you can toggle to the little triangle on
the top right side of the offending post
for alternative options. Alternative
options include unfollowing that post,
unfollowing the user, reporting spam to
Facebook or turning off notifications to
that post (this is helpful after you commented on a post and 546 people comment after you!)
5. Delete all your inactive social
media accounts IF you have the passwords and/or login information.
Remember MySpace? Yeah, me neither!
But if you are still listed with them
someday, somewhere, you might find
something about you online associated
with it. Take this de-clutter and de-tox
time to delete any and all accounts you
remember you set up in the past.
6. Delete multiple email addresses,
especially old work addresses you
might be associated with.
7. Turn off annoying notifications! On
your phone, on your desktop and yes,
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
those email notification that ‘so-and-so
followed you on Pinterest’ can be
turned off, too! Did you know that as a
social media manager that is the top
two most popular question I get from
people? ‘How do I get rid of the notifications?’ It’s all in the settings of your
profiles, people.
8. Go over all of your security settings
on Facebook, Twitter etc. Why? Because
in most of the Terms of Services you
agreed to when you signed up, it states
that they can reset those settings at
will/random. Also, when new a feature
gets added to that social media platform, it of course has no security setting
on it at all, most of the time! So check
your settings periodically, and re-set
everything to what you are comfortable
9. Update app access to your social
media profiles. Often, hackers get into
your accounts via these apps. You can
revoke access with just a click and then
only when you use an app, allow access
10. Reset passwords on all your
accounts! This is a habit you should
have, much like replacing your AC filters monthly and your smoke detector
batteries yearly.
Now there’s another way you can detox from your online life. Shocker! This
is where I tell you to ‘get away from the
phone’ and take a few days off. Ha ha,
how’s that for de-toxing? It won’t help
your de-cluttering, but it will make you
feel a whole lot less stressed if you just
go off the grid for a while. Maybe you
did just that over the holidays and you
know what I am talking about. I try
really hard to keep my desktop off during the weekend days. Yes, I still have
to monitor my clients’ accounts and
check in on them on the weekend, but I
will not do anything that requires turning on my computer, unless I have a
deadline I have to deal with.
How has your online life interfered
with your offline life in 2014? Are you
willing to take the next step and declutter and de-tox to take back your life
in 2015? If you are, start by taking these
steps outlined above.
Go. For. It.
Dorien Morin-van Dam
More In Media
Social Media Consultant
Eric Masson
Chef/Owner, The Brentwood
Restaurant & Wine Bistro
Little River, SC
3. Bring milk to a boil. Poor milk in
cooled roux. Cook on medium heat for 5
minutes. Remove from heat and add
yolk and grated parmesan. Season with
salt and nutmeg.
4. Place bacon in a large, deep skillet.
Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Remove from pan and chop.
5. Quickly sautéed spinach in bacon
fat. Flambéed with Pernod, season and
set aside.
6. In large bowl, mix sautéed spinach,
chopped bacon, parsley, hot sauce and
Mornay sauce.
7. Arrange the oysters in their half
shells on a pan with kosher salt. Spoon
some of the spinach mixture on each
oyster. Bake 10 minutes until cooked
through, then change the oven’s setting
to broil and broil until browned on top.
Serve hot.
Bon Appetit!
Recipe from Chef Eric Masson
Chef/Owner of The Brentwood
Restaurant & Wine Bistro
“Low Country French Cuisine”
4269 Luck Ave.
Little River, SC 29566
Southern Style Weddings
without the Plantation Price
Oysters Rockefeller
For 4 people
2 slices bacon
24 unopened, fresh, live medium oysters
2 cup fresh spinach
3 tablespoon butter
4 tablespoon flour
2 cup milk
1 pinch nutmeg
2 yolks
1/2 cup grated parmesan
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 dash hot pepper sauce
1 teaspoon anise flavored liqueur
4 cups kosher salt
1. Clean oysters and place in a large
stockpot. Pour in enough water to cover
oysters; bring the water and oysters to a
boil. Remove from heat and drain and
cool oysters. When cooled break the top
shell off of each oyster.
2. In medium saucepan, cook butter
and flour to a blond roux. Set aside.
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Rooms for small or
large events
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4269 Luck Ave, Little River, SC 29566
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Life's Balance Wheel
The Triple
Braided Cord
By Donna Tyson
My heart was touched again
and again during the
Christmas holidays by the
overwhelming kindness of
both friends and strangers.
People seem to get nicer during the holidays. They smile
more, laugh more, share more,
love more, and give more. I
loved watching the you-tube
clips of policemen pulling
over unexpecting motorists
driving old or beat up cars
and delivering $100 bills or gifts from a Secret Santa.
Perhaps we all secretly believe that Santa is indeed watching to see if we are naughty or nice. Perhaps our positive
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
attitudes are because we are thinking more about the birth
of Jesus and our blessings. Christmas is indeed a season of
Miracles, Faith, Hope, and Love…but there is no reason
for this to be only a seasonal state of mind.
As I look back on my emotional struggle through Triple
Negative Breast Cancer this past year, I am aware of the
important role that these emotions played in my healing
and peace of mind. I felt overwhelmed by this aggressive
cancer and its power to destroy me. I needed a miracle,
and I got one! My faith became a life line, a strong rope to
hold to whenever I felt I was sinking in despair. I envisioned a triple braided cord securely holding me above the
ravaging ocean of cancer and death. The strong bands of
that triple braid were Faith, Hope and Love. It was my
Faith that gave me Hope by reminding me of the power of
Love. These beautiful emotions became my survival tools
and are indeed intertwined in my psyche. I can not cling to
one part of the braid without recognizing the presence and
power of the other two parts of the braid. I needed the
strength and power of all 3 emotions – Faith, Hope and
Love - together in order to survive. That triple braided life
line was lovingly thrown down to me from Heaven and
held tightly by the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. My triple negative breast cancer didn’t stand a
When you are diagnosed with cancer, you begin a new
journey. Your Faith will help you decide which path to
take. You will either travel closer to God or run from Him.
As you face your fears and the possibility of your death
daily, you must decide what you truly believe about God,
death, heaven and hell. I would never have signed up for
cancer, and I do not want to repeat the experience, but I
can honestly tell you that I would not trade the spiritual
experience of being carried in the sweet loving arms of my
Lord for anything in the world. I thought I was walking
with God before my cancer, but it was in my cancer battle
that I was drawn into a sacred chamber of the Heart of
God. When I had nothing but God, I found that He was
indeed enough. Cancer reminded me of who God is to me
and who I am to Him. What a beautiful Gift!
Wikipedia defines Hope as “an optimistic attitude of
mind based on an expectation of outcomes related to
events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at
large.” I do not believe Hope is a naive Pollyanna emotion.
I found my Faith gave me Hope, a deep subconscious
knowledge that the Creator of the Universe is still in control and that He is working everything out for good in my
life. My Faith reminded me that I serve a mighty God and
Hope allowed me to believe in the possibility of my very
own Miracle. I love the acrostic for Hope that says Hold
On, Pain Ends. I claimed that powerful promise everyday
that I was sick and hurting. “Don’t give up Hope, Donna.
Hold On, Pain Ends!”
As I now look around me into the hurting eyes of so
many people who have lost their joy, I realize that they
also need Hope. They need something to give them
courage and an enthusiasm for life
again. I search my heart for what I can
possibly do to make a difference in
their lives. I have little money and few
tangible assets to share.I can not fix
their hurting hearts or offer them a job
that will give them a sense of purpose. I am then reminded of the powerful lesson that I learned as a missionary in Haiti. Missions is not about
going to a fifth world country or
preaching to others: Being a missionary is learning to live this simple
truth…”What you learn, teach. What
you get, give.” I am covered in truth
bumps as I realize that I can do just
that. I can share the Amazing Love
that was constantly poured out on me
through my journey with cancer.
Love gives Hope! I can begin with
sharing a simple smile. Deep calls
unto deep, and I can make a heart
connection by simply taking time to
truly see them and listen to their story.
I can offer compliments and words of
encouragement. I can give of my time
and energy and create simple
moments of joy with them. And most
important of all, I can fall to my knees
and lift them high in prayer and
unconditional love. I know for a fact
that there is great power in prayer,
and there is great comfort in knowing
that someone loves you enough to be
enfolding you in loving prayers on a
regular basis. I must remember to tell
others through a simple card, phone
message or text that I am praying for
them and sending love to them.
Oh that we would embrace the
truth of the scripture that proclaims “
So now faith, hope, and love abide,
these three; but the greatest of these is
love.” I have known great sorrow in
the past year, but I have also known
great Love. The power of Love was
stronger than the pain. With Love
came restored Faith and renewed
Hope. I am committed to passing that
Love on to others now that I am healing. The Miracle is that as you pour
Love out on others, it wells up within
you as well. May you overflow with
Faith, Hope, and Love in the
New Year, my friends.
God Bless.
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
New News for the New Year
By Diane DeVaughn Stokes
Great news was announced by
Harvard University just a few months
ago that lasers have been proven to
stimulate stem cells to regrow tissue.
They have even grown teeth using a
laser. CuraLase Laser Therapy right
here in Myrtle Beach has been stimulating cells, getting the blood flowing
again, and getting folks out of pain
for the past eight years. More than
6,000 patients have been rejuvenated
and made pain-free as a result of this amazing laser treatment.
Let’s face it; no business stays in business for eight years
without doing something very right. CuraLase has a 90%
success rate getting patients back to life enjoying their
favorite activities with no adverse side effects. The
Harvard study adds credibility and understanding of the
use of laser therapy. According to The Boston Globe and
Dr. David Mooney, Professor of Bioengineering at the
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, who
led the study, this provides proof of concept and “lays the
foundation for a host of other clinical applications…such
as wound healing, bone regeneration, and more.”
How fortunate we are to have CuraLase here in our own
backyard with more experience treating patients with
lasers than anyone else in the country, a 90% success rate,
and medical doctors on staff overseeing care. No one else
has a laser powerful enough and the experienced staff to
provide this level of care and success. Here are some of the
conditions that have seen such success with CuraLase
Laser Therapy for Pain: fibromyalgia, back pain, neuropathy, sciatica, hip and knee pain, carpal tunnel, neck pain,
plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff and shoulder pain, and postherpetic neuralgia.
There is no charge for the initial visit with the CuraLase
physician. If you have had recent MRIs, you may want to
take the report with you. If reports are not readily available, don’t be concerned. At your request, CuraLase can
get them. Also, you do not need a reference from your personal physician. CuraLase’s medical doctor will talk with
you about your condition to determine the best plan of
care for you.
Best of all, CuraLase offers free dinner seminars weekly
so you can meet the inventor of the laser and see how it
works. You can also ask questions to see if this is right for
you. It’s easy to sign up! Just call the office at
843-294-5273 to let them know you will be attending as
they have to give the restaurant a head-count.
Monday, January 5, 5:00 p.m.
at Ryan’s, 3607 Highway 17, North Myrtle Beach
Monday, January 12, 5:00 p.m.
at Wahoo’s, 3993 U.S. 17 Business, Murrells Inlet
Monday, January 19, 5:00 p.m.
at Rossi’s, 9636 N. Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach
Monday, January 26, 5:00 p.m.
at Ryan’s, 8671 Highway 17 Bypass South, Surfside Beach
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
This is good news for the new year from Harvard
University, one of the most trusted names in medicine.
And having been a patient myself at CuraLase for sciatica,
I know they can help you have a pain-free new year.
What are waiting for? Take charge of your own health.
Try CuraLase in 2015.
Diane DeVaughn Stokes
President of Stages Video Productions
Host of “Diane At Six” on EASY Radio
Host and Producer of TV show
“Inside Out”, HTC channel 4
No Pr s
Linda rabem
Maybe your tree is long gone, either packed up or taken to
the dump. Perhaps the ornaments are carefully placed in their
boxes for another twelve months. Guess what? There’s one
more gift to unwrap, and it’s a doozy. Better than you can
imagine, this love offering never wears out or gets used up,
because it comes from the Gift Giver extraordinaire, the One
who came as the Best Gift ever. So what is this present beyond
compare? It is the Fresh Start, the Clean Slate, the Forgiven
and Forgotten, the New Beginning. The Lord gives us this gift
above all gifts every January 1. But He also gives it on Jan. 2,
3, and 4, even if we have called upon it the previous day. It is
the gift of Hope. Remade, Refreshed and Revitalized...and
only a Holy God who forgives without end and brings life out
of death could give this inexpressible present. Are you in need
of it yet this year? If you answer, “Yes!”, it’s okay. He’s got it
waiting for you. If not, your day will come, and the Lord will
be ready. Ready to lift your spirits and get you moving in the
right direction. Oh, the love which birthed this extravagance!
A love which sees our needs and our mistakes with perfect
understanding, long before they ever manifest in our lives.
Here’s the hard-to-believe truth: The Lord is never disappointed in us! Can you even imagine? I can’t, because I often
exasperate myself. But think about it...the reason I get disappointed or disgusted with myself is because I have unrealistic
expectations. God does not. He is never caught off guard or
shocked at anything I do or fail to do. He’s known my whole
story for a long time; anticipated it from before my birth.
That’s what makes this always-get-a-new-start offering possible. He gets us. Understands our every quirk and obsession.
He has no wrong expectations of us, so we don’t have to deal
with the regret of His disfavor. He knows exactly how we will
mess up, and when, and He has grace and mercy waiting to
pour out on us. Now Satan will try his hardest to get us to
believe that God is ticked off at us at any given moment. It’s a
lie. Remember that Jesus called him “the Father of Lies”.
So, back to the Good News...He has His cleaning-us-upand-making-us-new Spirit always at attention, ready to spiritually wash us after hearing even our most feeble request for
His help. That gives us the confidence and oomph to try new
things, to take chances in life, to follow our dreams, knowing
that the only permanent mess-up is not accepting this Gift.
Does that give you a new sense of expectation as you begin
this year? It should. It’s never “same old” with God. He is
always a spanking-new, fresh, Let’s-GO!-God. Dragging our
feet is not the proper response. Living in the past or failing to
even make an attempt is inappropriate when we have a God
who is so totally on our side and in our corner.
As His children, we are wrong when we imagine a scowl
on His face. He gives us more grace than we give ourselves.
Don’t you know that is true? I certainly beat myself up regularly. Satan has taken me on his legalistic, not-good-enough
train for way too many rides. My son was reading me an
excerpt from a book recently, which perfectly pegged me.
Here’s the gist of what it said: We see an artistic person, and
let their ability diminish us. We compare and criticize ourselves. I definitely do that! I read Max Lucado’s books and
decide that I can’t write. When I think that way, I’m tempted
to quit...and God sighs. No, I don’t write like he does, but that
doesn’t mean that I can’t write. I have my own style, and God
wants it in print too. No competition, no comparison, just two
different expressions of God’s gifting. See what we do to ourselves? That’s why this gift of a New Start is extraordinary.
Maybe some of you should tear out this page in your South
Carolina Woman magazine, and put it in a handy spot somewhere! You’ll need to re-read it one day down the road when
you’ve compared or criticized yourself into the ground, and
need a reminder that God is in the re-do business. You’re
dealing with the God of Grace. He’s always ready to give you
a Fresh Start.
It’s a new year and God has things to do in and through
you! Believe it and walk into it!
“Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be— you get a
fresh start, your slate’s wiped clean.” Psalms 32:1
The Message
Enjoy Linda’s new 365-day devotional called Praise on Purpose
Visit her at www.lindagrabeman.com
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Potato Corn & Bacon
1 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. butter
1 c. whole milk or half & half
4 c. or (1) 32 oz. box chicken broth
3 slices of thick-cut bacon, cooked until
crisp and diced
1/2 c. medium-sharp cheddar cheese,
3 russet potatoes, rinsed, peeled (optional) and cubed into 1” chunks
2 c. fresh corn
1/2 of a yellow onion, diced
1 leek, rinsed well and diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp. sea salt + a pinch for sweating
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
1/8 – 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper, depending on personal taste
Set a large stock pot or dutch oven
over medium-low heat. Add butter and
melt. When butter has melted add onion
and leek. Add a pinch of salt to help the
onion and leek sweat and cook for 4-5
minutes until tender and transparent.
Add garlic and corn and cook for 3 more
Sprinkle in flour and whisk. Slowly
add chicken broth and then milk. Turn
heat up to medium-high, then add potatoes. Season with salt, pepper and
cayenne. Simmer for 30 minutes or until
potatoes are tender.
Once the potatoes are tender and the
soup has thickened, turn heat off. Add in
cheddar cheese and stir until incorporated. Spoon into individual bowls and top
with crisp bacon pieces. Serve immediately.
Makes approximately 4-6 servings in
under 30 minutes!
White Bean, Kale and
Sausage Soup
1-2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
12 ounces smoked sausage links, such as
kielbasa or andouille, cut into 1/4-inch
5 cloves garlic, minced
5 cups chicken broth or stock, divided
8 ounces kale, tough stems removed and
finely chopped/shredded
1 small bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
4 (15-ounce) cans white beans (such as
Cannellini, Great Northern, or Navy),
rinsed and drained
A few dashes hot pepper sauce
It’s Soup
Once Again!
Salt & freshly ground black pepper,
to taste
Shredded Parmesan cheese OR crumbled
feta cheese, for garnish
Place a large pot over medium heat.
Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in pot,
swirl to coat, and add sausage. Cook,
stirring occasionally, for about 5 to 7
minutes or until the sausage is browned.
Remove sausage to a paper towel-lined
plate, pour a bit more oil in the center of
the pot, and add minced garlic. Stir and
cook for about 1 minute, or until garlic is
fragrant and light golden brown.
Pour 4 cups chicken broth/stock into
pot and stir in kale, bay leaf, and garlic
powder. Increase heat to high and bring
to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and
cook for 5 minutes.
Place about 1/3 of the drained beans
in a blender or food processor along
with the remaining 1 cup chicken
broth/stock. Puree until smooth.
Once kale is tender, add whole beans,
pureed beans, and browned sausage to
the pot. Season with dashes of hot pepper sauce, salt, and pepper, to taste. Stir
and simmer for a few minutes until heated through. Remove bay leaf before serving.
Tomato Basil Parmesan
2 (14 oz) cans diced tomatos with juice
1 cup finely diced celery
1 cup finely diced carrots
1 cup finely diced onions
1 tsp dried oregano or 1 tbsp fresh
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
1 tbsp dried basil or 1/4 cup fresh basil
4 cups chicken broth
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup flour
1 cup parmesan cheese
1/2 cup butter
2 cups half and half, warmed
1 tsp ground sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
Add tomatoes, celery, carrots, chicken
broth, onions, oregano, basil, and bay
leaf to a large slow cooker.
Cover and cook on LOW for 5-7
hours, until flavors are blended and vegetables are soft.
About 30 minutes before serving prepare a roux. Melt butter over low heat in
a skillet and add flour. Stir constantly
with a whisk for 5-7 minutes. Slowly stir
in 1 cup hot soup. Add another 3 cups
and stir until smooth. Add all back into
the slow cooker.
Stir and add the Parmesan cheese,
warmed half and half, salt and pepper.
Add additional basil and oregano if
needed (the slow cooker does a number
on spices and they get bland over time,
so don’t be afraid to always season to
taste at the end).
Cover and cook on LOW for another
30 minutes or so until ready to serve.
Nothing better than
good bread to go
with Soup!
Jalapeno, Cheddar and
Cauliflower Muffins
(a low carb and gluten free favorite)
Makes 12 muffins
2 cups finely riced, raw cauliflower ( To
“rice”…cut the cauliflower into slices,
then process it in a food processor until
the cauliflower pieces are about the size
of rice grains or you can cut the cauliflower into chunks and grate them into
small pieces using a grater.)
2 Tbs minced jalapeno
2 eggs, beaten
2 Tbs melted butter
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 Tbs dried onion flakes
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup coconut flour (you can find coconut flour at natural
food stores or online)
Combine the cauliflower, jalapeno, eggs, add melted butter
in a medium bowl. Add the grated cheeses and mix well.
Stir in the onion flakes, salt, pepper, garlic powder, baking
powder and coconut flour until thoroughly combined.
Divide the batter evenly between 12 greased muffin cups.
Bake in preheated 375 degree (F) oven for 30 minutes or until
golden brown. Turn off the oven and leave the muffins
inside for one hour to firm up. Remove and serve warm or
Rosemary Cheddar Beer Biscuits
Serves: 12
1 cup flour
1 cup corn flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 Tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped finely
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup cold butter, cubed
3/4 cup lager beer (or your favorite beer)
1/4 cup plain Chobani Greek Yogurt
1 egg lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray sheet pan
with cooking spray.
In medium bowl, mix together both flours, baking powder,
salt, rosemary, cheese, and cold cubed butter. With a pastry
cutter or your hands, mix and break-up butter in flour mixture until mixture is crumbles. Add in yogurt, and mix well.
Then add in beer, and mix well. If your biscuit mixture is too
dry, add more beer. If your biscuit mixture is too sticky, add a
little flour.
Bring mixture together with hands and place on a lightly
floured surface. Spread out dough with hands. You can make
the biscuits thicker if you choose. Use biscuit cutter to cut out
biscuits. Makes about 12 biscuits, it depends on how thick
you make them.
Bake for 10-15 minutes depending on oven, or until golden
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Craft & Antique MALL
Sour Cream Corn Bread
1/2 stick butter – melted
1 cup sour cream
2 eggs
1 cup fresh cut corn (or 1 cup of canned creamed corn)
1 cup self-rising corn meal
1/2 cup chopped sweet onion
1/4 cup chopped jalapeño peppers (optional)
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese (optional)
2 more Tablespoons melted butter
Melt butter in a 8” iron skillet. In a medium bowl add the
sour cream and eggs and mix well. Add the corn, meal, and
chopped onion, and melted butter. Add peppers and cheese if
desired. Stir until blended and pour into iron skillet. Bake
425 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until top is golden brown.
Add a couple of Teaspoons of melted butter to the skillet
before pouring the batter in for an extra measure of butter
taste and crisp crust.
114-A Hwy 17 N.
Surfside Beach
Gift Baskets
Sun. 1-5 Mon-Fri 9-6
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Sat. 10-5
January 2015
Credit Corner
By Theresa Ross
Here we are at the beginning of a
New Year; new things to ponder, new
goals to establish, new beginnings and
a time to re-position ourselves. Isn’t it
great that at least once a year we have a
‘do-over’? It is at this time we can reposition ourselves into a better place
whether it be physically or financially.
We are all pondering what we would
like to accomplish this New Year of
2015 and for each one of us that looks totally different.
I would like to think we are thinking about repositioning ourselves into a better place financially. It is said that
one-third of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck
and have no savings; that we are spending $1.26 of every
$1.00 we earn. Our economy still has not fully bounced
back from the fall-out a couple of years ago. We are still
climbing out ever so slowly, but still climbing out.
If we think about our finances and where we would like
to be at the end of 2015 we have to also think about repositioning ourselves today. We have to not only think about
what we need to do, but also what is it going to take to get
us to that position and then actually take action. I have
always said a written plan is always best because you can
always look at that written plan and revise it if needed or
perhaps look at it with excitement as we realize that we
are meeting our goals or at best are in a better position
than we were when we started our written plan.
What does that plan look like to you? Do you need to
put away the credit cards? Start a “cash only’ system? Or
going back to what our grandparents did – if you don’t
have the money you either save for it or just don’t buy it.
Do you need to sell some stuff that you no longer use or
need? I think we all have more than we actually need. Do
you need to think about how to generate more income?
For some would that be taking on an extra job or coming
up with something creative to sell or market. Do you need
to learn how to say the word “no”? This is a hard one
especially for parents or those who have the heart that
wants to help everyone. Just a word of advice: just because
there is a need does not mean that it is you that needs to
meet that need. Only help because you want to or you feel
lead to, not because you feel pressured or obligated to do
so. What does your written plan look like and are you
ready to take that step to write it?
Do I Really
Whatever your plans, whatever your goals I think we all
want to reposition ourselves to a better place for 2015 and
be able to say at the end of the year that we are better
because we had a plan and we stuck to that plan.
I wish you much happiness and prosperity in the New
Theresa can be reach for questions or comments at
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
I Am A Forever
By Kim Hurley
Cat’s Meow Veterinary Hospital
I’m not an “until I grow up and you get bored with me” kitten
I’m not an “until you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or get
married” kitten.
I’m not an “until you have a baby” kitten.
I’m not an “until you have no time for me” kitten.
I’m not an “until you move into a new home” kitten.
I’m not an “until I grow old or you get a new cat” kitten.
I’m not an “until I need medical care” kitten.
It’s Really That Simple.
Cat’s Meow Veterinary Hospital promises to always take care
of your Forever Feline Friends.
Come see us in the new year at our brand New Location.
We have grown to better serve you!
Kim Hurley, owner, Cat’s Meow Veterinary Hospital
4720 Hwy. 17 Bypass S. Unit B, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Women in Business
Teresa Kerr & Tomalina Coggins, August Spa & Wellness
Teresa Kerr
Nail Specialist & Esthetician
Tell our readers about your business....
August Spa & Wellness is a cozy little
day spa that offers luxury services at
reasonable prices. We hope that when
our customers walk in they feel right at
home with us and their surroundings.
Our services are designed to relax and
replenish your skin, nails, body and
How did you get started in your business...
After reinventing myself at 50 and
going back to school I received a call
from Tomalina Coggins, my now business partner, asking me
if I wanted to join her in a leap of faith and open up our own
place. I am a firm believer in “if it’s meant to be it will work
out” and all the pieces just fell into place one by one.
What is the most important lesson you have learned from
having your own business...
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, always be open to new
ideas, and surround yourself with great people. ( I guess that
is really three lessons )
What hobbies or activities do you like to do when you’re
off ...
I have a great love for repairing and re-purposing old furniture that others may have giving up on.... And of course...
Spending time with my furry baby, Bella.
What do you think has made you the woman you are today?
Who had a positive influence on you?
My family that has always been there to support me, lift me
up and give me strength, they have collectively shaped the
woman I am today.
In business, Ed Fleming of J Edwards restaurant had the
most positive influence on me. He taught me customer service always comes first, his philosophy was “Treat them the
way you like to be treated”... And most of the time respect gets
respect. These values have guided me for several years and
still resonate with me today; it’s a simple idea that really goes
a long way in customer service – which in turn helps your
business grow.
Tomalina Coggins
Tell our readers about your business...
August Spa & Wellness is a cozy place where you can
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
unwind and relax your mind and body.
We have everything you need to pamper yourself from head to toe. We offer
massage, facials, waxing, lash extensions, manicures and pedicures. All of
our services are customized to your
specific needs.
So come in and let us de-stress, pamper
and rejuvenate your body and soul!!
How did you get started in your business?
Who doesn’t like being pampered!! I
love helping others and making people
feel and look their very best. I have
been an Esthetician for over 10 years
and a Massage Therapist for 3 years. I
have worked in different spas along the Grand Strand over
the years and I knew at this point I was finally ready to open
my own place. I am very passionate about my work and love
to educate my clients on the importance of taking care of their
skin and overall well-being.
What is the most important lesson you have learned from
having your own business?
You get out what you put in and having your own business
gives you a great sense of self-worth.
What hobbies or activities do you like to do when you’re
When I am not at work I enjoy spending quality time with
my family.
Whether it’s going to the beach or just hanging at the house,
as long as I am with them my life is complete!!
What advice can you give to women starting their own business?
Work hard and believe in yourself!! You are in charge of
your own destiny.
What do you think has made you the women you are today?
Did someone influence you?
My Mom has always been my biggest supporter no matter
what I was doing and has been a driving force behind the
business decisions I have made. She has always allowed me
to live my life, make mistakes and learn from them all while
never criticizing me. Everything she has done for me has
made me the person I am today and without her guidance
August Spa wouldn’t have been possible. I also have such
an amazing family and support group and thank God every
day for my blessings and allowing me to do what I love.
August Spa & Wellness is located at 3691 Palmetto Pointe
Blvd., Suite 102 in Myrtle Beach. Call 843-294-8014 for an
appointment or check them out on facebook at August Spa &
Wellness for more details and special promotions.
Start Your New Year Being
Energy Efficient
Fast and Free
Cutting back unnecessary energy use is an
easy way to keep your hard earned money in
your pocket. Here are some suggestions you
can do at home, at absolutely no cost to
Let the sunshine in. Open drapes and
let the sun heat your home for free
(get them closed again at sundown so
they help insulate).
Rearrange your rooms. Move your
furniture around so you are sitting
near interior walls - exterior walls
and older windows are likely to be
drafty. Don’t sit in the draft.
Keep it shut. Traditional fireplaces are an
energy loser - it’s best not to use them because
they pull heated air out of the house and up
the chimney. When not in use, make absolutely sure the damper is closed. Before closing
the damper, make sure that you don’t have any
smoldering embers. If you decide not to use a
fireplace, then block off the chimney with a
piece of rigid insulation from the hardware
store that fits snugly into the space (dampers
don’t shut fully without some leaking).
Eliminate wasted energy. Turn off lights in
unoccupied rooms. Unplug that spare refrigerator in the garage if you don’t truly need it this seemingly convenient way to keep extra
drinks cold adds 10-25 percent to your electric
bill. Turn off kitchen and bath-ventilating fans
after they’ve done their job - these fans can
blow out a house-full of heated air if inadvertently left on. Keep your fireplace damper
closed unless a fire is burning to prevent up to
8 percent of your furnace-heated air from
going up the chimney.
Shorten showers. Simply reducing that lingering time by a few minutes can save hundreds of gallons of hot water per month for a
family of four. Showers account for 2/3 of
your water heating costs. Cutting your showers in half will reduce your water heating costs
by 33 percent.
Use appliances efficiently. Do only full
loads when using your dishwasher and clothes
washer. Use the cold water setting on your
clothes washer when you can. Using cold
water reduces your washer’s energy use by 75
percent. Be sure to clean your clothes dryer’s
lint trap after each use. Use the moisture-sensing automatic drying setting on your dryer if
you have one.
Put your computer and monitor to sleep.
Most computers come with the power
management features turned off. On computers using Windows, open your power management software and set it so your computer
goes to sleep if you’re away from your
machine for 5 to 15 minutes. Those who use
Macintosh computers look for the setting in
your Control Panels called “Energy Saver”
and set it accordingly. When you’re done
using your computer, turn it off (see next tip).
Do not leave it in sleep mode overnight as it is
still drawing a small amount of power.
Plug “leaking energy” in electronics. Many
new TVs, VCRs, chargers, computer peripherals and other electronics use electricity even
when they are switched “off.” Although these
“standby losses” are only a few watts each,
they add up to more than 50 watts in a typical
home that is consumed all the time. If possible, unplug electronic devices and chargers
that have a block-shaped transformer on the
plug when they are not in use. For computer
scanners, printers and other devices that are
plugged into a power strip, simply switch off
the power strip after shutting down your computer. The best way to minimize these losses
of electricity is to purchase ENERGY STAR®
Inexpensive Energy Solutions
Every home is different. With a quick trip
to your local hardware store, you have even
more choices at hand.
Choose ENERGY STAR® Products.
Replace incandescent light bulbs with
ENERGTY STAR compact fluorescent light
bulbs, especially in high-use light fixtures.
Compact fluorescent lights use 75 percent less
energy than incandescent lights.
Plug your home’s leaks. Install weatherstripping or caulk leaky doors and windows
and install gaskets behind outlet covers.
Savings up to 10 percent on energy costs.
Install low flow showerheads. If you do not
already have them, low-flow showerheads and
faucets can drastically cut your hot water
expenses. Savings of 10-16 percent of water
heating costs.
Wrap the hot water tank with jacket
insulation. This is especially valuable
for older water heaters with little
internal insulation. Be sure to leave
the air intake vent uncovered when
insulating a gas water heater.
Savings up to 10 percent on water
heating costs.
Check out our Tighten It Up
Section for more ways to make your home as
comfortable and energy-efficient as possible.
Good Energy-Saving Investments
Do you need any new appliances, or are
you planning to do some remodeling?
Consider these energy efficiency suggestions
before you purchase.
Choose ENERGY STAR appliances and
electronics. When buying new appliances,
choose ENERGY STAR-certified models. For
example, a new ENERGY STAR refrigerator
uses about 20 percent less energy than a standard new refrigerator, and 46 percent less than
one made in 1980. A new Energy Star® clothes
washer uses nearly 50 percent less energy than
a standard washer.
Install a programmable thermostat. If
you have a heat pump, select a model
designed for heat pumps. Set-back thermostats
can save up to 15 percent on energy costs.
Increase ceiling insulation. If your ceiling
is uninsulated or scantily insulated, consider
increasing your insulation to up to R-38 to
reduce heating costs by 5-25 percent.
Seal ducts. Leaking ductwork accounts for
more than 25 top 30 percent of heating costs
in an average California home. Consider hiring a contractor to test the tightness of your
ducts and repair leaks and restrictions in your
duct. Many utilities have programs to assist
you. Check out the Flex Your Power Web site
for rebate and consumer programs or contact
or local utility.
High-efficiency windows. If you are planning to replace your windows, choosing
ENERGY STAR windows can reduce your
heating and cooling costs by up to 15 percent.
For more ways to make your home as comfortable and energy-efficient as possible, check
out our Tighten It Up Section.
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Is Your Toothpaste Damaging Your Teeth?
By Jeffrey W. Horowitz, DMD, FAGD
Just take a stroll down any toothpaste aisle and it becomes apparent
why people are so confused as to
which toothpaste is best. Perhaps a
better way to look at this is to ask
which toothpastes are worst. By worst
I mean which toothpastes have the
highest propensity to damage the
teeth; And yes, many FDA and ADA
approved toothpastes can be harmful
to the teeth! Toothpaste makers are well aware of this and
regularly measure their product’s abrasivity. It’s necessary
for FDA approval and usually is not included in marketing.
Abrasivity measurements are given in what’s known as an
RDA value, which stands for the relative dentin abrasivity.
So how hard is a tooth? A Mohs unit is how you rate the
hardness of a crystalline structure (this includes teeth). For
instance, the Mohs hardness of a diamond is 10, while the
Mohs hardness of glass is 5. The Mohs hardness of tooth
enamel is also 5, while Mohs hardness of dentin (the second
Myrtle Beach
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J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
layer of the tooth is 2.5. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
has a Mohs hardness value of 2.5 and an RDA value of 7. It
is the dentin or root of the tooth that is most effected by
toothpaste abrasion.
This means that any toothpaste with a higher RDA value
than 7 has the potential to cut dentin.
Research shows that 50% of toothpaste abrasion occurs in
the first 20 seconds of brushing. So the spot that your toothbrush-toothpaste hits first will receive the most abrasion
damage. Big toothbrushes and lots of highly abrasive toothpaste, such as whitening toothpastes and Crest Pro-Health,
have the potential to do an incredible amount of damage.
The Crest Pro-health RDA value is 189!
But there are also many other modifying factors that can
enhance toothpaste abrasivity, such as amount of toothpaste, size of brush, bristle size and texture, frequency of
brushing, length of brushing time, force of brushing, brushing speed or strokes per minute, recent soda consumption,
recent bleaching, dryness of mouth, and many more factors.
As the topic of this article is toothpastes, I have provided
a list of frequently used toothpaste products and their corresponding RDA values. See if you can find your favorite
brand of toothpaste. If your toothpaste RDA exceeds 7 and
you’re experiencing sensitivity, a simple test would be to
change toothpastes to a lesser RDA toothpaste for a short
while. If the sensitivity goes away, you have diagnosed the
Whitening and tartar control toothpastes by nature are
more abrasive and should be avoided when possible.
Interestingly enough, some sensitivity toothpastes are quite
abrasive, and actually strip away the surfaces they are desensitizing; Talk about creating life-long customers!
Toothpaste RDA Values
(Relative Dentin Abrasivity) – Tooth Cutting Ability
These are RDA values for common toothpaste: 0-70= low
abrasive, 70-100= medium abrasive, 100-150= highly abrasive, 150-250= regarded as harmful limit.
So with all of this information, which toothpaste is best?
My professional opinion is that the Arm and Hammer products offer many of the features patients are looking for along
with small particle size. Colgate and Pronamel products are
also very kind to tooth structure. As a general rule, I never
recommend tartar control toothpastes, particularly those
with Triclosan, as many have been known to cause sensitivity. Please make sure that any toothpaste you choose contains fluoride. The right toothpaste along with good brushing and regular dental cleanings will help assure fewer
long-term dental problems.
Toothpaste RDA Values
Toothpaste Brand and Variety
non-alcoholic mouthrinse (Biotene PBF(*Green Label), Act II Anticavity, Crest Pro-Health
Complete, Oasis, Listerine Zero, Peridex, Peroxyl and water)
straight baking soda (The Arm & Hammer Yellow Box)
Arm & Hammer Tooth Powder
Biotene PBF Drymouth Toothpaste
Church & Dwight
Church & Dwight
Elmex Sensitive Plus
Arm & Hammer Peroxicare Tartar Control
Church & Dwight
Arm & Hammer Advance White Baking Soda Peroxide
Church & Dwight
Arm & Hammer Peroxicare Regular
Church & Dwight
Squigle Enamel Saver
Arm & Hammer Peroxicare Tartar Control
Tom’s of Maine Sensitive (given as 40’s)
Rembrandt Original (RDA)
Church & Dwight
Tom’s of Maine Children’s, Wintermint (given as mid-50’s)
Boiron Homeodent Natural Toothpaste-Lemon Flavor
Clinpro 5000 Fluoride Toothpaste
Rembrandt Mint (‘Heffernan RDA’)
Biotene Regular
Colgate Regular
Colgate Total
Arm & Hammer Advance White Sensitive
Church & Dwight
Colgate 2-in-1 Fresh Mint (given as 50-70)
Squigle Tooth Builder
Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength
Biotene Sensitive
Aquafresh Sensitive
Tom’s of Maine Regular (given as high 80’s low 90’s)
Squigle (Tom’s)
Rembrandt Plus
Plus White
Indiana Study
Kid’s Crest
Crest Regular (possibly 99)
P&G (P&G)
Natural White
Indiana Study
Sensodyne Extra Whitening
Sensodyne Repair and Protect with Novamin (Purchased on Amazon.com)
GSK Pharmaceuticals
Colgate Platinum
Indiana Study
Arm & Hammer Advance White Paste
Church & Dwight
Crest Sensitivity Protection
Amway Glister (given as upper boundry)
Patent US06174515
Prevident 5000 Booster
Aquafresh Whitening
Indiana Study
Arm & Hammer Advance White Gel
Church & Dwight
Close-Up with Baking Soda (canadian)
Colgate Whitening
Indiana Study
Crest Extra Whitening with Scope
Indiana Study
Crest Pro-Health with Scope (Crest for Me)
Burt’s Bees, Inc.
Ultra brite (or 120-140)
Crest MultiCare Whitening
Ultra brite Advanced Whitening Formula
Pepsodent (given as upper bound)
Colgate Tartar Control (given as 155-165)
Crest Pro-Health
Colgate 2-in-1 Tartar Control/Whitening or Icy Blast/Whitening (given as 190-200)
recommended limit
recommended limit
Dr Horowitz is a 1991 graduate of The Medical University of
South Carolina, College of Dental Medicine and completed a
General practice residency at the Mountainside Hospital in
Montclair, N.J. He is a Fellow of the Academy of General
Dentistry as well as a member of the American Academy of
Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Orthodontic Society, The
American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, The Dental
Organization for Conscious Sedation, and The American
Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. He is the founder and owner
of the Carolina Center for Advanced Dentistry/ Advanced Sleep
and Breathing Centers at 1515 9th Ave., Conway, S.C. He can
be contacted at (843) 248-3843 or via the practice website.
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Falling in love is magical, but staying in love can feel like the impossible
dream! This Valentine’s Day rekindle
the fire in your romance with three
easy tips offered by Deanna Brann,
PhD, Huffington Post Wedding blogger and author of Reluctantly Related:
Secrets To Getting Along With Your
Mother-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law:
1. Schedule at least two date nights
a month. Once a week would be better, but start with two times a month
and work your way up to once a week.
Insist on two important ground rules
for date night: No smartphones or
tablets and no conversations about
kids or work (unless work is part of
your goal setting, which we’ll get to in
a moment). Find other things to talk
about—get to know each other all over
again. Neither of you are exactly the
same person the other first fell in love
with. You’ve both grown and matured.
So allow your partner to be part of
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
your personal evolution and allow
yourself to be part of his.
2. Discuss your deepest desires by
establishing short-term and longrange goals as individuals, as a couple, and as a family. Once a year, take
some time away from all your other
responsibilities so you and your
spouse can talk about these different
goals, the steps you’ll need to take to
make them happen, and how you can
help each other achieve them. After all,
it’s easier to reach your goals if you
support each other—and if you make
sure you’re not unwittingly working
against each other, as well. But more
importantly, opening up to one another about what you most want in life
can be a very emotionally intimate
experience. So go for it! Don’t hold
3. Establish a monthly desire
debriefing. Sit down together (maybe
over a nice dinner out) and talk about
the headway you’re making toward
achieving all these goals. Is there
something your spouse could help you
with that would make reaching your
goals easier? Is there something you
could help him with? Do you need to
re-evaluate your goals? What are each
of you feeling good about in this
process? Checking in once a month
increases the likelihood that you’ll
reach your goals, and it ensures you’ll
be regularly connecting at a deep and
meaningful level. It certainly trumps
talking about your toddler’s penchant
for putting peas up his nose. Trust me
on this.
Deanna Brann, Ph.D., is a leading
expert in the field of mother-inlaw/daughter-in-law relationships.
She has over 25 years experience as a
clinical psychotherapist and ran her
own private practice for more than 18
years. Based in Knoxville, TN, Dr.
Brann is a sought after speaker, author
and seminar leader. She is also the
author of Mothers-in-Law and
Daughters-in-Law Say the Darndest
Website: www.drdeannabrann.com
Reluctantly Related is available on Net
Galley, www.amazon.com and through
Outdoor Living – Indoor Lifestyle:
Happy 2015
20 Minutes at a Time
Making 2015 your happiest year yet,
twenty minutes at a time.
When life gets busy, and it
always does, it’s easy to let our
wellness routines become anything
but routine. While taking some
time for ourselves can be a challenge, it doesn’t have to become an
afterthought. Activities like exercise, meditation and personal
reflection may very well be the
missing ingredient to jump-starting
productivity and regaining a positive outlook on our day-to-day lives.
The next time your schedule has you feeling out-of-sorts or
maybe just a little overwhelmed, remember to carve out some
time for you. Try challenging yourself to one of the activities
below. They’re only twenty minutes and the benefits will
truly start to add up. These quick breaks are perfect for weaving into a busy schedule and will leave you feeling refreshed
and ready to tackle whatever life has in store.
Give it a try. Whether you make time for one or time for
four, the important thing is you’re taking control by making
time for what’s important…you!
Here are a few ideas to start with, but remember to choose
what makes you feel the best.
20-Minute Spa Session
Give your body the renewal it craves.
Release muscle tension and relieve joint pain.
Improve circulation by 102%.
Flush toxins out of the body.
Carolina Home Exteriors is ready to get you happy in your
ideal Caldera Spa® today.
20-Minute Walk, Hike or Run
Get out there and soak in the sun.
Burn 75 calories by walking just 2 mph
Reduce stress and improve your mood with the release of
Improve bone health with Vitamin D from the sun
20-Minute Meditation
Find a little inner peace.
Manage stress and reduce blood pressure Improve focus
throughout the day
Sleep deeper and go to sleep faster
20-Minute Yoga Session
Get in shape and loosen up those muscles.
Release muscle tension.
Build strength and gain flexibility
Reduce cytokine by 41% to energize and boost mood
Meditating under the shade of a pergola will allow you the
fresh air you need without worry of too much sun. Carolina
Home Exteriors can help you figure out exactly what is right
for your needs.
20-Minute Mind Challenge
Sharpen your mind with brain-teasers and logic puzzles.
Improve your memory.
Develop your logic and reasoning skills Increase focus and
strengthen concentration
An outdoor living space such as a sunroom or screen room
will allow you to challenge your mind in the comfort of the
outdoors with all the luxuries of the indoors.
20-Minute Reflection
Write a story, poem, or journal entry about your day.
Enhance your memory with expressive writing
Get a handle on stress by venting your emotions
Enjoy the benefits of having a record of your life
Share these wellness challenges with your friends and family. What challenges will you take on? Tell us on our Facebook
page, give us a call at (843) 651-6514 or visit our showroom
located at 11730 Hwy 17 Bypass in Murrells Inlet. The friendly professionals at Carolina Home Exteriors are here to work
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
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J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Why New Year’s
Resolutions Seldom Work
(What to do instead)
By Kim Fowler, Fowler Life Coaching
According to the University of
Scranton, Journal of Clinical
Psychology, (January 2014), only 8% of
people who make New Year’s resolutions keep them. I can’t even begin to
tell you how many resolutions I have
made and failed to keep. Any healthy
eating, weight loss or workout resolutions came tumbling down at the first
sign of my birthday celebration. Since
mine is the 13th of January, I figured out
quickly that unless I planned around roadblocks, I wouldn’t
pass the 2-week mark!
Most of us make resolutions we really want to achieve
around self-improvement, education, weight, money or relationships. We also have good intentions when we make
these important promises to ourselves. However, there are
some really good reasons we are not successful in keeping
these promises.
There are five main reasons most resolutions don’t work:
1. Many resolutions require a behavioral or physical
change, and we try to make that change much too quickly.
Instead of saying to ourselves “I will start walking a few
days a week” and then gradually increasing the pace, we
say “I will start running 2 miles a day 6 days a week” and
then we burn out quickly.
2. We may not be that committed to the resolution to begin
with and it quickly becomes an irrelevant goal.
3. Some resolutions are made without a real compelling
reason. What is your real “why” for achieving this resolution? If you have success, then what would be the great
result or outcome and what would it mean to you?
4. Some people actually make resolutions just to make
them, without any intention of following through on them.
They are made on a whim just because the New Year is
rolling in, and it makes them feel good to have one.
5. Resolutions don’t always have a plan for success
because people don’t think of them as goals. There are many
steps to setting and planning goals. Often we don’t think
that resolutions deserve the same kind of planning.
There is some good news though! If you really want to
make big positive changes in the New Year, make real specific meaningful goals. We have a much better success rate
in achieving planned, well-thought out goals. So, turn your
resolutions into goals and watch yourself succeed!
We all have dreams, visions and goals we want to accomplish in our lifetime. Setting and achieving lofty goals gives
our lives direction, and brings us closer to our ideal lives.
Getting clear about your goal is the most important step.
Once you figure out how important your goal will be to you,
the whole process becomes easier for you to plan, take action
and stay motivated.
Here are some tips for setting your goals so that you will
achieve the goals that are important to you.
Write Your Goal as a Positive Statement
Once you figure out which goals are truly important to you,
they should be written as positive action statements. They
should be worded in a way that motivates you just by saying
them. State what you are going to do, not what you are going
to stop doing. For instance, instead of saying “quit smoking,”
say “live a smoke-free life.”
Make Your Goals SMART Statements:
Your goal statement should also include the SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) criteria.
Specific: Make the goal statement specific so there is no
room for interpretation. What specifically do you want to
achieve? If your goal is to “run in a race”, and your goal
statement is “run”, then your goal may have a different
Measurable: Include tangible measurement criteria in your
statement. This will help you manage your goal and track
your progress. If your goal is to “run in a 5K race at a pace of
8-minute miles,” then state it.
Achievable: Make sure your goal is achievable. If you
have never run a mile before, don’t plan to reach your 5Krace goal by next week. Break it down into smaller attainable
steps, such as running one mile in 10 minutes by next week
and two 9-minute miles in four weeks. Keep the goal within
Realistic: Your goal must be realistic, otherwise you are
setting yourself up for failure. If you set a plan to run everyday without any days off for your body to rest, you will not
be able to reach your goal.
Timely: Finally, give yourself a timeframe for completing
your goal. If you are going to run your 5K race six months
from now, then state it. Give yourself enough time to accomplish the goal, but still keep it challenging so you won’t get
Finished Goal Statement: Run a 5K Race for charity, pacing an 8-minute mile on July 15th, 2012.
Once you are finished writing your SMART goal statement, display it prominently so you will see it everyday.
Now, you are ready to develop your action plan. If you get
off-track or derailed, don’t beat yourself up or feel guilty.
Remember, today is a new day, and you will find your way.
If you would like a free copy of the Seven Proven Steps to
Reach Your Goals eBook, then email
Kim@fowlercoaching.com. Or feel free to call me at
202-294-1080 with any questions or comments you may have.
Kim Fowler, founder of Fowler Life Coaching (www.fowlercoaching.com), specializes in transitional coaching for those are ready for
a big change in their lives. She has her training and certification
from the Fowler Wainwright International Institute of Professional
Coaching and the International Association of Coaches. She holds
her Master ‘s of Business Administration from George Mason
University, and lives in Surfside Beach with her husband, Rich,
their three cats and Sam the parakeet.
Call today for your appointment!
Dr. Pamela Benbow
Doctor of Audiology
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South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
12 Retirement Planning Myths That
Convert Your Golden Years Into Lead
Are These Common
Misconceptions Getting In
The Way Of Your
Retirement Security?
When it comes to retirement planning there is no
shortage of conventional
wisdom – some of it dead
wrong. Beware of formulaic
rules of thumb masqueradBy
ing as truth because they
can still be wrong no matter
how often they are repeated.
What you don’t know can really hurt you in retirement
planning. Below are twelve of the most common myths in
retirement planning. If you are believing any of these retirement planning myths you could convert your golden years
into lead.
Retirement Planning Myth 1: I’ll Delay Saving For Retirement
Until Later When It is Easier
Visit our showroom at
11730 Hwy 17 Bypass
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
Many people correctly
determine that it will be
easier to save money for
retirement later in their
careers rather than now so
they procrastinate getting
started – but that is asking
the wrong question. The
real question is what the
easiest and the most secure
Patrick Munro
path to a bountiful nest egg
will be – not when is it easiest to save for it. A secure retirement requires you to begin
saving now – whether it is easy or not.
Retirement Planning Myth 2: My Company Or Government Will
Take Care Of My Retirement
The old rule-of-thumb was retirement income came from
a three-legged-stool consisting of Social Security, company
pensions, and personal savings. All that is changing…
The new reality is you can’t rely on the government or
your employer to take care of retirement planning for you.
Instead, you must do it yourself, and for a much longer lifetime.
Retirement Planning Myth 3: My Inheritance Will Take Care Of
My Retirement
Some people use the potential for an inheritance as an
excuse to not save for retirement. This could be a major mistake unless your parents are extraordinarily rich and have
health so bad you can rely on them dying soon. Otherwise,
there are just too many unknowns to plan your retirement
for this outcome.
Retirement Planning Myth 4: My Spouse Will Take Care Of My
It’s a good bet to rely on your spouse’s retirement – but
not a sure bet. Small details like divorce and death can get
in the way.
Just because your spouse’s retirement was adequate
while he/she was alive does not necessarily mean you will
be financially secure in the event of death or divorce. Before
you bet your retirement security on your spouse’s retirement make sure you understand all the details.
Retirement Planning Myth 5: My Company And Medicare Will
Take Care Of My Health Insurance Needs During Retirement
Businesses are having a hard time coping with increasing
health insurance premiums and are aggressively reducing
retiree health coverage. Depending on when you plan to
retire and who you work for you will probably be on your
own for health insurance.
Retirement Planning Myth 6: I Will Only Need 70% – 80% Of
nobody knows because the future is unknowable. What we
My Pre-Retirement Income During Retirement
do know, however, is if your retirement budget is based on
If only life were so simple…
The truth is estimating the amount you will spend during average expectations and you get less than average results
you could be in for a real problem. You need a better plan.
retirement is complex and unique to each individual.
Retirement Planning Myth 12: I Will Be In A Lower Tax Bracket
Oversimplified rules-of-thumb like 70%-80% of pre-retireWhen Retired
ment spending deceive more than they illuminate.
Says who?
Retirement Planning Myth 7: Invest In “Super Safe” Bonds and
You may need as much income during retirement as you
CDs To Lower Risk and Preserve Capital
did before retirement. If your income isn’t going to drop
A retirement portfolio built on bonds and CDs made
then there’s not much credibility to the idea your taxes are
sense for earlier generations when life expectancies were
short and inflation was tame, but that isn’t the situation fac- going down. Similarly, top tax rates have been cut by more
than half in recent decades and the country has a serious
ing today’s retirees.
debt and spending problem so the odds are just as good
Greater longevity combined with government indebtedthat tax brackets will be rising instead of falling.
ness has magnified the risk of inflation to equal or exceed
When planning your retirement make sure to plan a fulthe risk of losing principle from fluctuating, growth oriented investments. Most retirees have no choice but to embrace filling lifestyle for yourself. Spend as much time developing
this new reality with a less traditional portfolio allocation or your life plan as you do your financial plan. Putting the two
together is what makes the golden years truly golden, and
face the potential risk of outliving their assets.
Northstar Financial is here to help you achieve that goal.
Retirement Planning Myth 8: Retirement Means Not Working
So be sure to talk to us here at Northstar and go to
The traditional retirement converted full time work into
www.retireright.info for more information.
full time leisure, but all that is changing. Many people are
Consider setting a new direction in your life and contact
choosing phased retirement, second careers, and stint work
Northstar Financial at (843)-448-7305 or go to
as an alternative to full-time leisure. The reason for the
change relates to issues of fulfillment and the other bugaboo
to secure a confident Retirement future tomorrow.
facing new retirees – increased longevity.
You will be thankful you did!
Retirement Planning Myth 9: Retire At Age 65
Patrick Munro
What’s the magic of age 65?
Northstar Financial Advisors
This myth began because traditional pensions and Social
Security were paying full benefits at age 65. When
people became eligible for full benefits it created a
disincentive to work so most people naturally chose
retirement as a response. Since everyone else retired
at that time it became an expected standard. But
those times they are a changin’.
Retirement Planning Myth 10: My Expected Lifespan Is
75-85 Years
This fact is a statistical truth and a retirement myth
4720 Hwy. 17 Bypass Unit B • Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
The truth is the fastest growing population age
group is 85+ and living to age 100 may become relaFull Service
tively common with all the developments in biotechMonday - Friday
nology, nanotechnology, and health care. Equally
• Digital X-rays
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possible is that you could die tomorrow – but you
• Medical &
can’t build your retirement plan around that outcome
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because you would have a financial disaster if you
were wrong.
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Retirement Planning Myth 11: I Can Plan The Growth Of
• Vaccines
My Savings Based On Long-Term Historical Average
• Declaws
• Nutrition
Most computer models for retirement planning
• Microchipping
assume long-term historical average returns to deter• Dental Care &
mine the expected asset growth in a portfolio going
forward. It would be nice if the process was that simOscar
Massage Therapist
ple, but it’s not. The past is not the future. Average
returns deceive just like average life-spans deceive.
The investment returns during your retirement
may be way above average or way below average –
Happy New Year!
We are in our New Home!
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
Way to Stretch
Your Design
by Kerry Ann Dame
WITH THE REAL ESTATE MARKET at a low point, most of us
won’t be moving anytime soon, but
that doesn’t mean we can’t indulge
our desire to beautify our surroundings. Here are some tips.
First, bring a breath of fresh air
into your home by de-cluttering.
Furniture with doors and drawers
can be used to hide daily clutter
like magazines, bills and projects. A collection of CD’s can
hide in a chest of drawers. An armoire can hide sports
equipment, or a home office. Inexpensive baskets on bookshelves add a fresh, modern look.
When it comes to accessories, think fewer, bigger –
instead of four tiny lamps, have two big ones. Group collec-
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J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
tions of small items
(like seashells or small
photo frames) onto a
large tray. This effectively turns lots of
small items into one
larger thing, calming
down the room. If you
have multi-layered
window treatments, let
the sun in. Take down
heavy valances, but
leave the side panels
on a simple iron rod.
Hang framed art close
together in a group,
and leave some wall
space empty.
Alternating patterned
and plain areas gives
the eye rest as it moves
around the room, creating calm. If you have
patterned upholstery,
have one or two pieces slipcovered in a solid fabric to create
more plain areas. Slipcovering costs less than half of the
price of new furniture, and can be used for seasonal color
change as well.
Go shopping in
your own house for
pieces you can reuse
in other rooms. Bring
a chest of drawers
from a rarely used
guest room into the
living room for use as
an end table. Shortterm guests don’t
need drawers; you’ll
gain storage in one
room and declutter
the other.
If you need a comfortable reading chair
in the bedroom, borrow one from the living room and have a
slipcover made that
matches the bedroom.
You’ll have a new
chair, and the living
room will gain some
space. If you need the chair again when entertaining a
crowd, just take off the slipcover and move it back out for
company. This is one area where some interior design help
can be very useful; a designer will look at your home with
fresh eyes, and for an hourly fee can create new floor plans
and new uses for pieces you have.
Check out antiques and shops that have vintage pieces.
Not only is vintage furniture a bargain, it is often better
made than today’s imports. Certain new pieces, like dining
room furniture, can cost a small fortune nowadays, and
there are beautiful dining sets made in the last 40-80 years
at resale shops for a fraction of the cost. Usually they are
solid wood, and can have gorgeous mahogany veneers.
With a little touch-up and fresh fabric you’ll have whole
new room.
For upholstered pieces, a bargain chair or sofa from an
estate sale can work well with a slipcover to provide occasional seating. This can be a great way to add a piece to a
bedroom corner or little-used living room where heavy use
isn’t required. Reupholstery can be expensive if the piece
needs springs and cushions, so look carefully for items in
good condition that just need a facelift. If you have a large
house to furnish and are on a budget, vintage pieces can
really stretch your decorating dollars and add a lot of personality. In addition, the fabric selection in a decorating
shop is much better than the fabric offerings on new sofas.
With slipcover fabrics, the choices are tremendous and you
can create something truly chic and unique.
Buy Quality:
One of my favorite bits of advice for my clients is to buy
the best quality they can. This does not necessarily mean
you should buy the most expensive brands, however. A
more eclectic, personal style of decorating mixes inherited
pieces, vintage recovered pieces, and modern pieces for
media and seating. I have always liked antiques and rustic
furnishings because they create a lot of warmth. We prefer
American made furniture since it doesn’t warp or crack like
some imports. If you choose rustic or painted woods the
prices are great and the craftsmenship is excellent. I also
like the inviting look of slipcovered upholstery. Soft and
comfortable, slipcovered furniture mixes well with both formal antiques and rustic pieces. Washable cotton damask or
linen have a unique elegance and are so practical. Looking
for quality guarantees that your furniture purchases will
last – and not needing to replace furniture is the best barwww.scwomanmagazine.com
gain of all. In my design practice, we take the time to show
our clients how a good quality piece of furniture is made so
they can make an informed decision. Once they have a
great sofa frame, all they have to replace in the future is the
slipcover, and they can turn their attention instead to other
purchases. Over the years they are able to create a much
more interesting and personal home.
Give Yourself A Lift:
Don’t decorate to impress other people – pick your
favorite colors, and do what you like. Get a quick lift by
adding some colorful new throw pillows. We’ve all heard
this tip, but the trick is to go bold for an interesting display.
Mix big and small patterns freely, but keep them organized
by repeating a major color on each one. Have a few custom
made for an elegant result. Learn to do your own painting,
and tackle just one room for a splash of new color. Ask a
designer to help you rehang all of your art. Change your
lampshades to ivory to brighten the whole house. Paint an
old piece of furniture a cheerful color, and replace heavy
patterned rugs with light colors. You may need some advice
to bring in more color and make the most of what you have
– but that’s the true joy in creating a home.
Kerry Ann Dame
is a designer who owns
Posh Living Fabric and Furniture in Surfside Beach.
Posh is open 12-6
Tues-Fri and 12-4 Sat.
(843) 238-0078 PoshSurfside.com
to the treatment of venous disease,
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Karl S. Hubach, MD, RVT
4545 Hwy. 17 Bypass Suite A • Murrells Inlet, SC
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
January 2015
5 Beliefs That Will Radically
Transform Your Life
By Shannon Kaiser
For most of my
life, I’ve been chasing success,
approval and happiness. I was attracted
to shiny objects.
Nothing was working. I read new
books, attended
spiritual retreats,
started following new gurus, tried the next
best diet craze and juice cleansed for days
that felt like months. But after all of it, I still
felt bored, lost, empty and alone.
Realizing none of my outward efforts
ever worked, I did something radically different. Instead of looking on the outside, I
retreated inward.
The happiness, success and approval I
spent years chasing were always just outside
my reach. It didn’t matter how many successful benchmarks I hit or could check off
my list, or how many people said nice things
about me or my work. Because if I didn’t
believe it, it never registered.
It didn’t matter how others saw me. What
mattered is how I saw myself. And that was
a pretty grim view. In fact, I spent years
avoiding myself. Walking past mirrors with
my head down, avoiding looking at people
in the eye, ashamed of how I looked and
what others might think about me.
So many people focus on the opinions of
others: Will they like me? Is this idea good
enough? Am I loved? But we don’t ever put
ourselves into the journey. We don’t ask, Do
I like me? Do I love this idea? Do I love
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J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
The pivotal moment for me came when I
stopped focusing on how my life looked and
instead focused on how it felt. I started to
ask myself the questions I was seeking outwardly.
My inner deep dive revealed new layers.
If the answer was no, I asked a follow-up
question. What can I do to like myself more
With small steps I was able to peel back
the layers of self-abuse, shame and insecurity. Decades of inner shame were slowly
replaced with compassion, gentleness and
I adopted the belief that there’s a reason
I’m going through what I’m going through. I
could choose to resist it and push back on
life, or I could dive headfirst into the experience and embrace it as if I had chosen it
myself. Which is what I did.
This choice to embrace life fully must
come from inside. Once you find it, your
world is forever changed. Choosing to
accept yourself as you are in this moment is
real freedom. It is also what I was searching
for so many years of my life.
That emptiness I walked around with was
just a lack of self-attention. By giving
myself more approval, my life began to
transform. My work became more fulfilling,
my relationships deeper and, most importantly, I got an inner peace and knowing that
all is well and I am as I should be in this
A new awareness and acceptance was
born. It took time to fall in love with myself,
but it started by me first believing in something I couldn’t see or even feel. Hope was
my connector.
I had to adopt new beliefs in order to
reach a new level of self-acceptance. If
you’re ready to radically change your life,
try believing in these.
1. The unseeable is real.
Believing in the unknown, no matter what
it is, is part of getting to a new level in your
If you have a goal, such as losing weight,
making a certain amount of money, or meeting your soul mate, but you don’t fully
believe it, your efforts will always feel
strained. Focus on believing in what you
can’t see and turning inward to accept your
true self.
2. Beliefs become reality.
Our beliefs make up our reality. What we
choose to believe dictates our outcome. If I
believed I was unworthy of love and bored
with life, then that was my reality. But if I
believed self-acceptance and self-esteem
were possible, that became my new reality.
Tips to Writing the Perfect
Card or Note
Everyone loves to discover a handwritten card or note among a
thick stack of mail. Regardless of how many electronic words we
get bombarded with each day, the personal touch of a message
written by hand remains a special gesture that never goes out of
From choosing a card or stationery
that reflects a personal style to accenting the letter with the right seal or
stamp, every detail matters to underscore a thoughtful message. Stamps
are often one of the first details noted
by a letter recipient, so choosing a
stamp such as the love-letter themed
Sealed with Love Forever stamp from
usps.com/stamps or your local post
office is perfect for the occasion.
Not sure what sentiment to write
for the occasion? Here are a few
Notes of appreciation: Whether the recipient gave you a gift,
hosted you for dinner or did a special favor, keep the message brief
and sincere. Don’t ever hesitate to send a note of appreciation just
to let someone know how truly special they are. Unexpected notes
3. There is always a choice.
We’re only stuck by the confines of our fears. Everything we do
is always just one choice away. I had the power to choose a new
belief. And in doing that, I could change my reality. I chose to
believe in myself, and it changed everything.
4. Everything you need is within you right now.
If you have a hard time believing in yourself, know that you have
the ability to change within you. Remember, just because we can’t
see something doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Some of the most magnificent things in the world can’t be seen, but only felt in the heart like
love, forgiveness, faith and trust.
5. Struggles and obstacles are part of a plan.
Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you
have asked for. What you are currently experiencing is part of a bigger plan. Trust the order of life and instead of resisting it, put yourself into it.
Trust yourself and have faith you will love yourself. It is already
there within you. Just believe.
Shannon Kaiser has been labeled a “New Thought leader on the
Rise,” by Café Truth. She’s helped thousands of people worldwide
through her private life coaching practice, articles, her bestselling
book, meditation albums, workshops, courses, and her award winning website PlayWithTheWorld.com.
She’s an inspirational author, speaker, travel journalist, teacher,
and life coach who left her successful career in advertising several
years ago to follow her heart to be a writer. She is the bestselling
author of Find Your Happy, an Inspirational Guide to Loving Life to
Its Fullest, and a six-time contributing author to Chicken Soup for
The Soul
are always wonderful to receive.
Birthday cards: Celebrate one’s personal accomplishments in
the past year and any special events planned in the next year ahead.
End by telling your friend or loved one why he or she is so important to you. That message may just be the best
gift you can give.
Celebratory cards: When acknowledging
the birth of a baby or the recent wedding of a
friend or relative, pick a card they will want to
save and treasure for years to come. When
writing your sentiment inside, keep congratulations simple and let them know you share in
their joy.
New job: Starting a job at a new company
or changing one’s career path can be a time for renewal and exciting beginnings. A sincere message wishing a friend or loved one
luck and adding advice that he or she might find helpful is often a
welcome message to show someone you care.
Condolence cards: If a friend is going through a difficult time,
share special memories you have of the person who passed away
and why you will miss having that person in your life. End by
offering to call or visit in the near future. These gestures, plus the
card itself, will remind the recipient they aren’t alone in their grief.
Remember, cards and notes are about letting another person
know how much their friendship, gifts or presence means to you.
Follow a simple formula, add a few personal touches and you will
soon be writing cards with ease. (Family Features)
Photos courtesy of Daniel Afzal/United States Postal Service
offers expires 8/18/14
4017 Hwy. 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet 843.357.2851
570 Long Point Road, Suite 100, Mt. Pleasant • 843-971-1919
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5
From J.O.B. to M.O.B.
“What Dick Taught Me About Reading People”
By Gina Trimarco Cligrow
able to
read people
observation is one
of my
skills that
has truly
over time
practice. We all have the ability to do
this and it’s very connected to developing a strong intuition, also an innate
skill. When I first noticed how strong
this skill had become for me I was
almost a little weirded out by it; it felt
like I had strange overnight psychic
abilities to read minds. There have
been times when I almost hated having
the skill because it comes with a
responsibility to others.
As busy as I am at the “day job” I
would never give up performing and
directing shows at my theater (Carolina
Improv Company) because it’s the best
professional development tool for
keeping me on my game in the areas of
engaging, leading and selling. It’s rare
that I get this opportunity these days
due to the success of our consulting
Recently, the night before
Thanksgiving, I directed a show, which
is basically being the MC of the show. I
instantly connected with a 77 year old
man in the front row. His name was
Dick. He laughed at everything and
nothing, which made me laugh. His
affability was my go-to throughout the
night; that friendly face that I knew
would support every choice I made on
stage, even the ones that didn’t work.
He was with his family – daughter,
grandchildren, cousins. He was clearly
the loving and revered patriarch of
quite the rowdy bunch.
As directors and performers, we typically connect with audience members
by “interviewing” them and then using
information they provide as ideas for
the improv scenes we create. It’s organic and engaging. It makes people feel
special because a part of the show was
about them. So, I interviewed Dick and
asked him what his favorite Christmas
gift of all time had been and he said,
“My wife.” And the audience melted
at his sentiment. Through observation I
knew his wife wasn’t in the audience.
His answer stifled me internally. There
was no need to ask another question
like “where is she?” I knew instantly
she had passed away. I could see it in
his eyes and my heart sunk. This was
clearly a sentimental moment for him
as he reflected upon his most precious
gift as he sat in the audience with his
family on the night before
Thanksgiving. I moved on though I
could feel the audience wanting to
know more. I knew that knowing more
would bring them down during a comedy show when so many of them,
including me, miss loved ones. We proceeded to do an improvised song about
“A Man Named Dick” intertwining
details about his life that made everyone laugh, especially Dick.
At the end of the show Dick hugged
me and said thank you for the night.
He locked his eyes with mine and his
eyes filled with tears as he said, “My
wife was truly my best gift for 52
years. I lost her four years ago.” And I
said, “I know.” I asked him to please
come back and laugh as much as possible because his laughter was so infectious. After everyone left I told the performers about this interaction. Many
were surprised. They hadn’t picked up
on the cue about Dick’s wife. I was
grateful for being able to create an
experience for Dick while honoring his
need to share his pain. Now, I’m not
ALWAYS perfect with this intuition
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
thing as I recently mistook a 26 year
old woman for a 12 year old boy …
thankfully I was able to recover that
situation quickly without embarrassing
me or her.
To be successful in business you
need to be able to read people to create
connections and deeper relationships.
Re-training your brain to read people
will also improve your intuition skills.
Here are my top three tips for
Reading People:
1. Actively Listen
2. Intently Observe
3. Identify Behavioral Patterns
Actively Listen
People love to talk and love to be
heard. Ask one or two questions about
a person and then shut up. It’s the
fastest way to create trust and connection. It’s also a quick way to learn
about a person and form a baseline for
their personality patterns.
Listening to vocal cues will also help
you read people effectively, whether in
person or on the phone. Specifically listen for tone and volume, cadence,
word choices, length of responses and
accents/dialects. Vocal cues communicate emotion, state of mind, knowledge, points of origin and points of
Being an active listener takes practice and commitment to re-train the
brain, especially with so many distractions in our daily lives. Almost all
improv exercises focus on listening and
are great tools to improving this skill
that many take for granted.
Intently Observe
Similar to active listening, being a
keen observer takes practice and commitment. Sit back, watch and learn!
There are many resources out there
about body language but there are
some basic behaviors that will clue you
in what people are thinking and feeling. Take notice of how people lean in
to (or away from) you, cross their arms
and legs or nervously shake or pace.
Also notice the distance between between themselves and
others, in addition to their sense of touch (hands on others’
shoulders, hugging). In addition to body language cues are
facial expressions. Much is communicated through eye contact, smiling, frowning, tearful/tire eyes, lip twitches,
clenched/tense jaws, and burrowed brows.
Identify Behavioral Patterns
One of the most important things improv performers learn
in the improv comedy world is the importance of patterns
and “game of the scene”. Improv scenes have patterns, usually inspired by audience reaction. It’s the cause and effect of
doing something that creates a reaction in others and then
choosing to repeat or change the action. For example, when a
child does something that elicits a laugh from adults that
child will typically repeat the action until the laughter stops.
Improv performers do the same thing on stage in comedy.
Contrastly, if the audience groans at something the performers do they know they need to pull back and try something
new. Doing this dance of identifying and establishing patterns can help you determine what makes people tick so that
you can better connect with them.
To reiterate, reading people is a practice that results in
better relationships and increased revenue. AND it’s fun!
It’s guys like Dick who remind me of the importance of
human connection and customer experience. Most of us
truly want to create that for others. And the moral of the
story? Pay attention to Dick!
How can I help you build your business? Want to bounce
something off me? Let’s talk! www.TimeWithGina.com
Gina Trimarco Cligrow owns and operates Gina & Company
Coaching & Consulting, a business coaching and consulting firm,
in addition to Carolina Improv Company, a business training and
entertainment company with a 75-seat theater (Uptown Theater)
located inside the Myrtle Beach Mall. For more information visit
Let me know what you think. Drop me a line at
Gina@ginaANDcompany.com or call me at 843-597-6393.
Diane Aversano, Organizing & Productivity Consultant
3822 Palmetto Dr. Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5
A Healthier You in the New Year
(And it has nothing to do with food and dieting!)
By Meaghan Grettano
Well we’ve
blinked and
another year
has passed us
by. 2015 is here
welcoming us
with arms
wide open and
of course this
leaves us
thinking about
some resolutions for ourselves. This so
often brings us to thoughts of how we
can improve our health in the coming
year. Maybe we want to drink less soda.
We want to lose 30 pounds. We want to
get to the gym more and have more
Over the past several years my
career as a health coach has taught me
that our health is about so much more
than the food we put in our mouth. This
is important, of course! We all could
benefit from eating more green vegetables and less fast food. But, truth of the
matter is that things such as our environment, our thoughts, our relationships, and our careers play a big part in
whether our body is healthy or not.
So this year, let’s turn our thoughts
and attention to simple small changes
that we can make each and every day
which can make massive, positive
impacts on our physical and mental
health. Because really…it’s all about the
little things!
These are just a few habits I’ve committed to in my life over the past few
years and I can honestly say, they’ve
made a big positive impact on my overall wellness.
1- Expressing gratitude. Doing this
outwardly towards others in the form of
showing thanks and appreciation is
wonderful. But here’s another
thought…when you wake up in the
morning and before you get out of bed,
give yourself a quiet moment to show
appreciation for all you have in your
life. This can be done as you’re stretching and rolling out of bed. Give thanks
for something you’re looking forward to
that day, no matter how small and simple it is. Your first hot cup of coffee.
Having lunch at your favorite restaurant on your lunch break. A long stretch
and a few deep breaths. A hug from a
loved one. Beginning your day with
recycled wine bottles into nitelites!
Come visit us at
Send your check for
$20 to:
Open Friday & Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM
Donna Tyson
P.O. Box 15052
Surfside Beach, SC 29587
Building F (behind Bldg A!)
Wine Lights As well as Chandelier,
wreaths,candles and more!
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine
thoughts of gratitude as opposed to worry
and anxiety can play a massive part in
improving our health.
2 - Drink a glass of lemon water. First
thing. Our bodies could all use some help
eliminating toxins and cleansing. One of the
single most beneficial things you can do to
improve your health is to drink a tall glass
of water with lemon upon rising, before anything else. You can use the juice from a fresh
lemon, or simply add a drop of essential oil
to your water. (which is so much more convenient and a lot quicker!)
Lemon water is extremely cleansing to
our system. When taken first thing in the
morning, it helps get our internal systems
going, helps to cleanse our organs and flush
out toxins. This is an amazing habit to get
into. Challenge yourself to make this one
simple addition to your morning in the coming year and your body will surely thank
3 - Designate screen free time. We are
inundated with information today by way of
email and social media. And often, our work
bleeds into our personal time at home with
the use of smartphones and technology. This
can make us very efficient at what we do
and helps us to stay connected in ways that
were never imaginable before, but it can also
be harmful. With a screen in our face much
of the day, we are often times distracted
from what is happening right before us.
We’re working and responding to emails at
obscene hours of the day and night. This is a
delicate thing to balance because, like I said,
it creates enormous efficiency, but with that
comes an overload of stress and anxiety.
(which are toxins!) This can wreck havoc on
our health.
Designate screen free time in your life.
This can be on Sunday when you are with
friends and family. It can be between certain
hours of the day where you feel you need to
prioritize some rest and relaxation or connect with a loved one. Or, you can turn off
all electronics after 9 pm. It’s really just
whatever schedule and time frame works for
you. The point is to give your body and
mind a chance to relax and unwind in other
ways. This can help with stress in huge
Happy New Year and here’s to
good health in 2015!
Meaghan is a holistically-minded certified
health coach living in Wilmington, NC with her
husband and two children. You can read more
from her on her website
www.meaghangrettano.com and find her on
Facebook and Instagram @meaghangrettano
HealthCare Directory
Anti Aging Medicine
en Health Matters
Myrtle Beach
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery
Carolina Coastal Plastic Surgery
& Medical Spa
Myrtle Beach
Grand Strand Plastic &
Reconstructive Surgery
Myrtle Beach
Carolina Center for Cosmetic &
Restorative Dentistry
David E. Grabeman, D.D.S., P.A.
Pawleys Island
Hearing by Design
Pain Therapy
Myrtle Beach
Professional Rehabilitation
Myrtle Beach 843-839-1300
Conway 843-733-3031
Surfside Beach 843-839-0163
Murrells Inlet 843-314-3224
Pawleys Island 843-235-0200
Derma Vogue
Garden City
The Facial Aesthetic Center
Myrtle Beach
Speech Therapy
Young Talkers
Myrtle Beach
Inlet Vein Specialists
Murrells Inlet
Hearing Health Care
The Vein Center
Myrtle Beach
Agape Hospice
Conway/Myrtle Beach
Weight Loss Centers
Dr. Sattele’s Rapid Weight Loss
& Esthetics Center
North Myrtle Beach
Magnolia OB/GYN
Myrtle Beach
Metabolic Medical Center
Murrells Inlet
South Carolina Wo m a n Magazine J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5