JANUARY 2015 The Staff of Pine Forest UMC Pastor: Dr. Andy Blackmon Administrator: John McBride Secretary: Nikki Childress Youth Director: Erin McClellan Children’s Director: Cheri Schofield Choir Director: Paul Morrell Worship Leader: Jacob Hall Pianist: Janet West Sound Technician: Maintenance: Don Pierce & Pete Wright Custodian: David Johnson Nursery : Jackie Davis , Kay Carmack & Clarissa Clayton Pine Forest United Methodist 2800 Wilde Lake Blvd Pensacola, FL 32526 Phone: (850) 944-0170 Fax: (850) 941-2111 Website: www.pineforestumc.org Email: office@pineforestumc.org Mission Statement Our purpose is to magnify the Lord our God by bringing people to Jesus and into membership within His family, nurturing them to a Christlike maturity, and equipping them for their ministry in the church and for their mission in the world. ANNIVERSARIES Jan. 1, 2014 BIRTHDAY’S 01/01 Jeanette Webb 01/26 Erickson Sweeney 01/02 Edwina Kirchharr 01/26 Jacob McBride 01/02 Heather Summerford 01/28 Eunice Williamson 01/06 Stan Brown 01/28 Carol Sasser 01/08 Wayne Shelton 01/28 Courtney Thompson 01/09 Betty Bratcher 01/29 Bob Mitchell 01/10 Paul Jones 01/31 Jerry Shelby Allen and Angela Williams Jan. 10, 1948 Carl and Eunice Williamson Jan. 12, 1957 01/10 James McClellan 01/11 Debbie Odom 01/13 Ashley Wright 01/15 Hubert Smith 01/15 Val Smith 01/17 John B. Webb 01/17 Jan Johnston 01/19 Marie Pierce 01/20 Angela Williams 01/24 Megan Howlett 01/26 Jack Browning If you have a Birthday or Anniversary in the month of January and your name is not listed, please contact the church office @ 944-0170. Please help us keep our records up to date! Thanks, Nikki, Church Secretary Charlie and June Daniel PLEASE PRAY FOR: Prayer Concerns Our Pastor, Our Church and our Shut-ins If you need to reach the Pastor, he may be reached by email Mike Heffner Brian Childress Gayle Cravey Daisy Carmen pastor@pineforestumc .org George Kirchharr Gordon Webb Charles Daniels Norman & Imogene Wells Kenneth Smith Prayer and Praise Reports Prayer requests should be sent to the church office, (850)944-0170 or email: office@pineforestumc.org. If an urgent need should arise after office hours, please contact: Janet Butler 324-3006. Email mijanbutl@cox.net or Kathy McBride 450-0133 Email mcb944@bellsouth.net. Thanks so much to Jetta Witt for all her years of service in this ministry. Prayer Shawl News The Prayer Shawl Ministry recently added a new member, Joann Hope. Her grandson is a kidney transplant patient and still sees doctors in Birmingham. Joann brought to us some prayer shawls to be blessed that she made for the children at the Birmingham clinic, choosing to use the clinic’s colors of green and blue. When she said that she will be making more for the next trip there in February, of course we offered our help. Our shelves are stocked well with prayer shawls, the craft show is over, and this new assignment AND JOANN are very welcomed. God sent Joann to us at just the right time. In Christ’s Love, Debra Jernigan Christmas Greetings “To our brothers and sisters in Christ, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and one of the best Happy New Years in a long time!” Duane and Phyllis Johnson Lets start the year off great! Help me keep the church records updated: If you’ve had a change in your address, phone, email etc. please let me know. Have you given me your birthday or anniversary information? If you are not sure I have updated information on you, just come to the office between 8:30 & 2:30 and feel free to fill out a ‘Contact Information Sheet.’ Thanks, Nikki God Keeps His Promises Let me encourage you to take the New Year, one day at a time looking for how God is keeping his promises to you, and praying for God’s direction as you face the opportunities and challenges of the next 12-months. It’s impossible to determine the exact number of promises in the Bible because they’re scattered throughout the scripture in many phrases and forms that it’s often hard to say whether a verse is a command, a promise or a prayer. It’s like a vault full of precious jewels, but wherever we find them in the Bible, they are precious and true; and A promise a day keeps the devil at Bay. So get a jump on 2015 by committing yourself to a promise anchored year. The New Testament writer assures God is not slack concerning his promises! Happy New Year and Shalom Dave Johnson The Mission’s Team would like to extend a huge THANK YOU! To all who have contributed so generously towards the Thanksgiving and Christmas outreach this year. With you’re continued support and love we’ve been able to help many people in need. Thanks, The Mission’s Team From the Prayer Team Nothing is more foundational to who we are as Christians than the principles of prayer and intercession. This is our starting place...everything we do flows from our belief in the power of prayer. Put simply, prayer is walking and talking with God. It is the very essence of why we were created...to be in relationship with Him. Prayer ushers in order out of chaos, pulls peace out of confusion and destruction, and brings joy in the midst of sorrow. It takes what Satan meant for evil and brings us good. Prayer...and the pulse that beats between us and God through it...is the essence of who we are as believers. Our life without prayer has no meaning, power, or purpose. Prayer for the Christian is as natural as taking a breath. It is a relationship that is extraordinary. We pray (or talk to God) because it is part of the DNA stamped into our genetic makeup. Quite simply, we were created to talk with God! (from Generals of Intercession, international) Join us for a Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, January 17th, 2015 at 8:30AM in the FH Your Prayer Team Communication . . . Health Update . . . Praise the Lord . . . I’m continuing to improve! While I’m still not ‘cancer free’, I am able to get around much easier and I am thank God every morning for another glorious day to be a small part of. Please continue to keep both Nikki and me in your prayers that the Lord will completely heal me and allow us to resume some ‘normalcy’ of life. Christmas Cantata… The Christmas Cantata was on December scheduled for 5 PM. Sunday, 1/18, there is a Baby Shower in the Fellowship Hall at 2:30 PM for Lani Powell. She is registered at Target and Babies-RUs. Everyone is invited. Saturday, 1/24, the Wilde Bunch has an outing planned. Time and location to be announced. For the latest information about Pine Forest and the complete church calendar, please visit the web site: I’ll leave you with this Thought: Success is... Success is setting goals, but not in concrete. Success is staying focused, but turning aside to help someone. Success is following a plan, but remaining flexible. Success is moving ahead, but not too fast to smell the flowers. 14th at a combined service. It was a blessing to behold. The Choir and musicians were great and the performers did an outstanding job presenting “Coffee With Jesus”. Also, the Sanctuary was full with 206 in attendance - Praise the Lord! January… Some of the upcoming January highlights include: Monday, 1/5, regular office hours resume. Monday, 1/5, there is an Evangelism meeting scheduled at 6:30 PM. Wednesday, 1/7, the Wednesday Evening meal and all Wednesday activities resume. Sunday, 1/11, UMM Men’s Breakfast and meeting is scheduled. Success is taking a bow, but applauding those who had a part in your success. Until next month, Brian 2015 Council Members Thanks to all the people who are continuing to serve again this year and welcome to all our new leaders. Council Chair Lay Leader Staff Parish Chairperson Treasurer Lay Delegate Alternate Lay Delegate Finance Chair UMM President Trustees Chair Finance Secretary Pam Lord Marcia Nowlin Marie Strohl Jim Witt Ella Minchew Mike Butler John Coe Dave Johnson Elected Marcus Lord Adult Ministry Coordinator Communications Coordinator Stewardship Coordinator Worship Chair Missions Chair Education Chair Evangelism Coordinator Family Ministry co-chairs Historian co-chairs Benevolent Chair Librarian Young Adult Ministry Arts & Crafts Prayer Committee Roberta Loy Brian Childress Rick White Dave Johnson Kathy McBride Allie Holland Olivia Brill Jennifer Thorne & Christie McBride John Webb & Mildred Jackson Francis Fowler Margie Shelton Rhett & Heather Summerford Sue Wilson Janet Butler Members at Large Terry Lee Smith Charles McCormick Jim Rockwell Tammy Smith Claudia Lambert Carolyn Livingston Carolyn Voight Trudy Youngs Rhett Summerford Heather Summerford Leilani Powell Daniel Hansen Cheryl Voight Church Wide Baby Shower honoring Lani Powell Sunday, January 18th 2:30PM Fellowship Hall Lani is registered at Target and Babies R Us January Menu Wednesday night dinners are at 5:30PM in the F.H. Cost is $5.00 each, children are free For dinner reservations please sign the attendance sheets Sunday morning or call the church office by noon on Monday. January 7 Baked Chicken Squash Casserole New Potatoes Salad Yeast rolls Dessert January 14 Baked Ziti Corn Salad Garlic bread Dessert January 21 Chicken Noodle Casserole Green Beans Salad Yeast rolls Dessert January 28 Smothered Hamburger Steak Mashed Potatoes Mushroom & Onion Gravy Sweet Peas Salad Yeast rolls Dessert UPCOMING EVENTS Routine weekly events listed below Monday, Jan. 5 Evangelism Meeting Room 214 6:30PM Wednesday, Jan. 7 All Wednesday activities resume Sunday, Jan. 11 Men’s Club Breakfast (Postponed from the 4th) Sunday, Jan. 11 Council Meeting Room 213 5:00PM Saturday, Jan. 17 Prayer Committee Breakfast FH 8:30AM Saturday, Jan. 17 Kairos Meeting FH 4:00PM-8:00PM Sunday, Jan. 18 Church wide Baby Shower for Lani Powell FH 2:30PM Saturday, Jan. 24 Wilde bunch Outing (time and location TBA) Calendar Weekly Events Sunday 8:30AM 9:30AM 9:45AM 11:00AM Monday 10:00AM Contemporary Worship Fellowship Sunday School Traditional worship Prayer Shawl Ministry (FH) Tuesday 8:00AM 8:00AM 7:00PM Walk the Walk (FLC) T.O.P.S (Bldg 2) Boy Scouts (Scout Hut) Wednesday 5:30PM 6:00-6:50PM 6:00-7:00PM 6:00-7:30PM 6:30-7:15PM 6:30-7:30PM 7:00-7:30PM 7:00-8:00PM Fellowship Dinner Handbell Practice Children/Youth Prayer Group (Chapel) Bible Study Bible Study Worship/Doxology, Youth Chancel Choir practice Thursday 8:00AM Walk the Walk (FLC) Calendar Monthly Events 1st Sunday UMM Breakfast (FH) 8:00 AM 2nd Monday Alzheimer’s Support Group 2:30PM (Bldg 2) 3rd Tuesday Friendship Circle 10:00AM (FH) 2nd Thursday 4-H Meeting 5:30-9:00PM Room 209 Last Sunday of each Month Richard’s Memorial Dinner Outreach Meet at Richard’s at 3:30PM 20th of each month Deadline for newsletter articles to be in church office. The church calendar is available anytime on the website.
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