The November-December 2014 Newsletter

Special Points of Interest
West Ways
Rotonda West Association
Published by the Rotonda West Association for Rotonda West property owners.
• Broadmoor Park Development Underway.................... .page
• 2015 Budget Set at $1.56 Million; No Change............ .page
• Open House Draws Record Newcomers Turn-Out...... page
• Future Brightens at Neighborhood Watch..................... .page
(a.k.a. Bob Jamison)
and Mrs. Claus
(Sandi Prientis)
heard cheers
all along
the parade route.
Photo by Davis
Record Crowds Enjoy the Christmas Parade
and Share Their Generosity
By Russ Kulp
Crowds totaling more than 2,000 onlookers, some in large
neighborhood parties, gathered along Rotonda Circle from
Rotonda Boulevard North to the Oakland Hills Marina to
watch the 7th annual Rotonda West Christmas Holiday Parade
on Saturday afternoon, December 6th. With the weather
cooperating with mostly sunny skies and warm temperatures,
the activities began with the Rotonda Cruisers Car Club
riding in over a dozen member antique and classic vehicles
accompanied by the Monster Truck rolling a few minutes
ahead of the main parade.
At 2 p.m., the 46 parade entrants started off with blaring
sirens from a Sheriff’s motorcyclist escort and an Englewood
Fire Department engine company. The parade line of march
included a wide array of participants: veteran’s and military
groups, floats with youth groups, clowns, businesses, and civic
and religious organizations, as well as Commissioner Bill
Truex, Sheriff Bill Prummell, Charlotte County Tax Collector
Vickie Potts and members of the Charlotte County School
Board. One of Charlotte County Fire/EMS’ ambulances also
joined the parade toward the end, making a quick response
from participating in Punta Gorda’s parade.
As the parade reached the Pebble Beach Memorial Park, it
passed the reviewing stand where the four judges, Tammy and
Ken Birdsong, Midge Meharchand, and Patty Gullota intently
evaluated and scored the various entries. Ken also did double
duty by describing the events live on WENG radio, 1530
A.M. and 107.5 FM. Five category trophies were presented
this year to the following winners:
Chairman’s Choice: Sinister Sisters
Best Theme Entry: Ice Queen & Ice Princess
Best Youth Entry: Englewood Daisy Scout Troop #111
and Brownie Troop #304
Best Organizational Entry: The Buckeye Club
̶ See Parade, continued on page 7
Volume 18, Number 6
November/December 2014
Published six times annually
We’re All Dressed Up
for the Holidays!
By Don Mahon
“Best ever!” That was the
sentiment of many who packed
the Oakland Hills Marina area to
watch the 25th annual lighting
ceremony and spectacular boat
parade on a Saturday night in
late November.
This marked our community’s
kick-off event for the holiday
season and a record crowd
turned out to witness the colorful
Among the many highlights
was the arrival of a fire truck
from the Rebel Court fire station.
Emcee Leo Leviton opened the
festivities by leading the throng
in the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’
and the singing of the ‘National
Anthem.’ Then 9 beautifully
lighted and decorated boats
came up the river and circled the
marina island while thousands
of holiday lights were activated
on the island. The stunning sight
was greeted with enthusiastic
cheers and applause.
When Santa (Bob Jameson)
and Mrs. Claus (Sandi Prentis)
disembarked from a boat and
were seated, long lines of kids
told Santa their wish list for
Christmas as parent’s cameras
Andy VanScyoc organized
the boat parade, and the
Rotonda West Woman’s Club
and The Hills Restaurant
provided refreshments.
Earle Simpson and his late
wife Alyn organized the first
lighting ceremony 25 years ago
and the continuation of this
crowd-pleasing event is a tribute
to them.
Event Chairman Earl Haas
lauded his committee for their
̶ See Ceremony, cont. on page 7
President’s Message
As I sit here and write this
message, I am pleased to have
been re-elected once again by
my fellow Directors for the fifth
consecutive year as President
of the Association at the reorganization meeting that was
held on Tuesday, December 9th.
I thank them all for the support
they give me in performing this role.
At the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday,
December 4th, the two Directors who stood unopposed, Mr.
David Kelly and Mr. Scott Schermerhorn, were confirmed
as Directors of the Association. I welcome them both back
for their second terms.
In addition, Russ Kulp was elected as 1st Vice President
and Scott Schermerhorn was elected 2nd Vice President
at the Board’s re-organizational meeting. Hank Killion
continues as Association Treasurer and David Kelly was
appointed as Association Secretary.
At its November meeting, the Board of Directors approved
that the manager seek suitably qualified assessors to value all
its property, including the Community and Administration
Center on Cape Haze Drive. This has been done as a
pre-cursor to the decision on a development strategy for
Broadmoor Park.
In regards to the following statements I have made
to the Board over the past few months, I believe that we
should sell all our existing property holdings and move the
entire operation into the center of Rotonda at the acquired
Broadmoor Park. Once we move to this property, I personally
believe the whole dynamic of the organization will change
and that in going forward, the Association and its members
will be best served at that location. Administration will be
taking over the former Pro-Shop site and calling it home.
New meeting room facilities will be built to provide for all
other Association uses. The funds for these changes and
developments will be coming from our existing reserves
and those received from the sale of all other properties
mentioned above.
There is going to be a nine month planning period for
this development, with all meetings being held in public to
discuss the options available. I would ask that all of those
who are interested in this very exciting project attend these
meetings and offer up their comments and suggestions.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone the Complements of
the Season:
A Very Merry Christmas and a
Healthy, Happy, and
Prosperous New Year.
Glynn Perkins,
Broadmoor Park Development Underway
By Don Mahon
A newly-created Development Committee is moving
forward with a Master Plan and timetable for the newlyacquired Broadmoor Park.
“Our mission is to develop a workable plan for utilization
of the Park that will serve us well now and in the longterm,” said Glynn Perkins, RWA President and chairman of
the Development Committee. “We don’t want to make the
mistake of rushing things that will eventually prove to be
The 160-acre Park was acquired about two years ago
after the original 9-hole golf course closed. A Rotonda West
resident stepped forward and donated the $50,000 sale price.
A 26-member Planning Committee, led by Dean
Ziegler, created a conceptual Master Plan that will
now be implemented by the Development Committee.
Dean is a resident of the Broadmoor subdivision and a
professional parks and open land planner. About 600
residents submitted their choices for Park usage in a
community-wide survey. The passive use option, such
as walking and jogging paths, was heavily-favored.
The plan is to develop and prioritize a Master Plan by
September of 2015 and complete initial projects by the end
of 2016. There are funds available to begin development.
The first step approved by the Board is to install a 9-foot
wide, one-mile long, paved walking path surrounding
the large lakes in the center of the Park. The project
will also include the removal of Brazilian Pepper
trees and other non-native species around the lakes.
A paved walking path will circle the two large lakes in the middle of
Broadmoor Park. Photo by Wayne Mengel.
A long-range project is the utilization of the anchor
building, formerly the Pro-Shop, for the Association’s
Manager and Administrative team, with new facilities
being built for all RWA meetings and activities. The future
project, subject to change, is intended to replace the existing
Community Center on Cape Haze Drive that was built
some 40 years ago as the bowling alley for the ‘Superstars’
Members of the Development Committee are Glynn
Perkins, chairman; Hank Killion, Scott Schermerhorn, Dean
Ziegler, and Jay Lyons, RWA Manager.
The Development Committee will be scheduling
periodic open meetings at the Community Center that
will be announced to members on the RWA email list
and posted on the RWA website’s Community Calendar.
All members are invited to the meetings and are encouraged
to provide input.
Summary of Board of Directors’ Meeting
Special Meeting
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Directors Present: Glynn Perkins (Chairman), Hank Killion, Scott
Schermerhorn, Russ Kulp, Andy VanScyoc, David Kelly, and Peter
Management Staff Present: Jay Lyons, Manager, and Dianne Brophy,
This Board Special Meeting was called to declassify two (2) “Attorney/
Client Privileged” opinion letters. The two letters concern the Association’s
Fining Procedure and Solicitation in the Community. Director Killion
moved to have the Board of Directors declassify documents from Becker
& Poliakoff relating to the Fining Procedure and Solicitation in the
Community. Director Kulp seconded the motion; and it was passed
unanimously. The Board then discussed the fining procedure that could
be imposed on chronic violators of the Deed Restrictions. The Board
concluded that no amendment is needed for the fining procedure to go
back to the first day of a violation; however, Manager Lyons stated that
a resolution is needed for dealing with reoccurring violations. There was
significant discussion about how to deal with chronic violators in the
fining procedure. Director Schermerhorn moved that the proposed
2-Strike System as outlined and approved by the representative attorney
of Becker & Poliakoff for fines in the cases of recurrent violations (or
chronic violators) be implemented beginning on the day of the violation
for those violations that occur two (2) times within a period of six (6)
months. Director Kulp seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Chairman Perkins stated that the six-month timeframe can be revisited.
Next on the agenda was the Board’s discussion about Solicitation in the
Community. A suggestion was put forth to have “NO SOLICITATION”
put somewhere on the new entrance signs and there was discussion about
that. Director VanScyoc suggested that the Association purchase “No
Solicitation/No Trespass” signs for property owners who wanted them
in order to have those signs be uniform throughout the community and
that those signs could then be purchased at the Association’s Office. In
the opinion letter from Becker & Poliakoff, their attorney wrote:… “No
Trespass and No Soliciting” signs place the enforcement of trespassing
in the hands of the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office on behalf of
those specific property owners who do not want individuals coming to
their door to share their religious and political propaganda”. Director
Schermerhorn moved that the Board of Directors have the Manager
research “No Solicitation” signs for marking property supporting the No
Solicitation policy of the RWA which could then be sold at cost to RWA
members who wish to enforce that policy through the Charlotte County
Sheriff’s Office. Director Traverso seconded the motion. Further
discussion continued on the subject which included a suggestion from
Member Pat Kelly in the audience that the possibility of using decals
instead of signs be explored. Director Kelly observed that there should be
no RWA logo on such signs. The motion carried unanimously.
Summary of Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Directors Present: Glynn Perkins (Chairman), Hank Killion, Russ Kulp,
Scott Schermerhorn, Andy VanScyoc, David Kelly, and Peter Traverso
Management Staff Present: Jay Lyons, Manager, and Dianne Brophy
As part of the Treasurer’s report, Director Killion moved that the Board
of Directors approve the write-off of $6,621.00 due to a discharge of
debtor from bankruptcy. Director Kulp seconded the motion; and, the
motion passed unanimously.
With the Manager’s report, Jay Lyons reported that the repairs to the
Gazebo and bridge have been completed and the aquatic contract has
been executed. He also reported that invasive non-native tree species have
been cleared from 277 lots with 247 owners having taken responsibility
for the clearing of their lots. Of the thirty owners who did not comply,
and the Association having taken the clearing responsibility, sixteen
of those owners have fully repaid the Association and another two are
making payments. He stated that a lien will be placed on the remaining
lots for the clearing cost.
As part of the Administration/Personnel Committee report, Director
Perkins moved that the Board of Directors approve Scott Schermerhorn
doing temporary office work while Mrs. Romano is recovering. Director
Traverso seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with
Director Schermerhorn recusing himself from the vote.
As part of the Beautification Committee report, Chairman Perkins
reported that complications had arisen with the procurement regarding
the development of the Long Meadow Memorial Park. Director Perkins
stated that he had been ready to have the Board award the contract to
the low winning bid from Hazeltine Nursery; however, at the last
minute, Green Construction Technology had challenged the bid because
Hazeltine Nursery is not a general contractor and cannot subcontract
the cement and electrical work portions of the project. After discussion,
Director Schermerhorn moved that the Board of Directors approve
the Association’s Manager modify the bid specifications for the Long
Meadow Memorial Park to remove the concrete and electrical work
and to prepare to rebid the project in short order. Director VanScyoc
seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
As part of the Budget & Finance Committee Report, Director Killion
moved that the Board of Directors appoint Russ Kulp to the Budget &
Finance Committee. Director Traverso seconded the motion; and, it
passed unanimously. Also, Director Killion moved that the Board of
Directors approve funding the remainder of money budgeted for Reserves
($65,000.00) to the Broadmoor Park Reserves. The motion was seconded
by Director Kulp. The motion passed unanimously.
As part of the Community Relations Committee Report, Chairman Earl
Haas gave an update on Committee activities which included planning
for Newcomers’ Night, the Gazebo Lighting Ceremony and Boat Parade
and the Christmas Parade. During that Committee report, Director Kulp
moved that the Board of Directors authorize the expenditure of $180.00
for the purchase of six (6) tickets for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters
fundraising event “Chef Cooking for Kids” on October 25, 2014 with the
tickets to be donated to needy residents. Director Traverso seconded
the motion; and, it passed unanimously. Director Kulp, on behalf of the
Committee, also reported that they had discussed changing the Logo for
the Rotonda West Association which needed to be different than that
recently approved for the new community entrance signs. Then, Director
Kulp moved the Board of Directors approve the Community Relations
Committee move ahead with its effort to work with a professional logo
design firm in creating three (3) concept designs for a new Rotonda West
Association logo to be used on the Association’s letterhead, newsletter,
website, and elsewhere as appropriate for an expected cost of not more
than about $500.00; those designs to then be presented to the Board for
final selection and approval. Director VanScyoc seconded the motion.
The motion passed with Director Perkins voting in the negative.
As part of the Compliance Committee report, Director Perkins moved
the Board of Directors approve a $20.00 per day fine to the violations
listed in the Compliance Committee’s report. The violations are for
the following addresses: 11 Annapolis Lane, 162 Annapolis Lane, 206
Annapolis Lane, 283 Annapolis Lane, 49 Boundary Blvd., 76 Caddy
Road, 116 Caddy Road, 2 violations for 1 Oakland Hills Road, 152
Rotonda Circle, 2 violations for 87 Mark Twain Lane, 89 Mark Twain
Lane, 209 Rotonda Circle, 241 Fairway Road, and 491 Rotonda Circle.
Director Kulp seconded the motion; and it passed unanimously.
With the Properties Committee report, Director Kelly moved the Board
of Directors direct Manager Lyons to go out to bid for the one (1) mile
asphalt path at Broadmoor Park. Director Kulp seconded the motion.
Discussion ensued during which Director Kelly stated the price probably
would be around $100,000.00 when completed although the work could
be done in phases. The motion carried unanimously.
As part of the New Business and Communications portion of the agenda,
Director Perkins moved that the Board of Directors allow the Arts &
Continued on Page 4
-4Summary, Continued from Page 3
Apples signs be allowed to be displayed from October 26 to November
2nd. Director Traverso seconded the motion; and, it passed unanimously.
Also, Director Perkins moved that the Board of Directors donate
$1,200.00 to Big Brothers/Big Sisters, with the $1,200.00 to go to the
local Chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters and be used in the 33947 zip
code area. Director Traverso seconded the motion; and, the motion
passed unanimously.
Summary of Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Directors Present: Glynn Perkins (Chairman), Hank Killion, Scott
Schermerhorn, Russ Kulp, Andy VanScyoc, David Kelly and Peter
Management Staff Present: Jay Lyons, Manager, and Dianne Brophy,
As part of the Beautification Committee Report, there was discussion
about the completed rebid for the landscaping portion of the installation
of the Long Meadow Memorial Park. The concrete and electrical work
was removed from that bid and there will be a separate bid for that.
Director Perkins moved that the Board of Directors approve the bid
from Hazeltine Nurseries for installation at Long Meadow Memorial
Park for a price of $67,124.82. Director Killion seconded the motion;
and, it passed unanimously.
With the Budget & Finance Committee report, Director Killion moved
to have the Board of Directors approve moving funds from the Reserve
Item “Wind Insurance” to Broadmoor Park in the amount of $4.646.98.
Director Kulp seconded the motion; and, it passed unanimously. Then,
Director Killion moved that the Board of Directors approve Greg Jolliff
for the Budget & Finance Committee. Director VanScyoc seconded the
motion. It passed unanimously.
As part of the Community Relation Committee report, Chairman Haas
gave an update of upcoming events, including New Comers’ Night on
November 21st. After discussion about having a new RWA logo designed,
Director Traverso moved that the Board of Directors retract the original
approval for the Committee to work with a professional logo design firm
to create 3 concept designs for a new Rotonda West Association logo.
Director VanScyoc seconded the motion; and, it carried unanimously.
As part of the Compliance Committee report, Director Perkins
moved that the Board of Directors institute fines of $20.00 per day
as recommended by the Compliance Committee. Director Traverso
2015 Budget Set at $1.56 Million; No
Change for Assessment
By Don Mahon
At the November 19th meeting, the RWA Board of
Directors unanimously approved a $1,560,209 budget
for 2015. The budget for 2014 was $1,489,300.
The good news for owners is that the Board held
the line on the annual assessment and it will remain
the same at $166.00 per lot. The assessment has not
increased in the last 3 years, and 5 of the last 6 years.
Treasurer and Budget & Finance Chairman Hank
Killion attributes several factors that have held the line
on assessments. One is the good work of the RWA staff
to collect current and outstanding assessments. Another
key factor is the Board, committees and staff; they are
keeping a sharp eye on expenses and keeping within
budget. Another is the introduction a few years ago of
what is called Estoppel fees and transfer fees. These
are applied at the time of real estate transactions and
property transfers. When one buys or sells property in
seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. The fines were for 85
Oakland Hills Place, 38 Bunker Road, 201 Bunker Road, 61 Mark Twain
Lane, 250 Fairway Road, 125 Sportsman Road, 173 Sportsman Road,
and 72 Long Meadow Lane.
As part of the Deed Restrictions Committee report, Director Traverso
moved that the Board of Directors approve the following changes be
made to the Deed Restrictions and sent to the developer for approval.
Remove “Readily” wherever it appears within Deed Restrictions when
used with the term readily visible”.
Section 9: remove the word “freestanding” here and anywhere else where
it appears when referencing sheds.
Section 21: add “temporary” after “All” in (i). Change 12 inches to 18
inches and 18 inches to 24 inches when referring to sign size.
Section 21(a): change “specifications” to “guidelines” in two places.
Section 26(c): remove “or electronically transmitted when authorized”
in two places.
Section 26 (c) iii: remove “and first class United States mail” in two
Section 26 (c) iv and also in (d): check with the attorney to see if the term
“Satisfaction of Lien” is the correct terminology.
Section 34 (a), 7th line: change “the aggregate” to “total”.
Director Schermerhorn seconded the motion; and the motion passed
During “Unfinished Business”, there was discussion about the process for
placing liens on property of owners for nonpayment of assessments and
for proceeding with foreclosures against non-responders after noticing.
Director Schermerhorn moved that the Board of Directors direct the
Manager to cease maintaining the three (3) County lots containing lift
stations. Director Traverso seconded the motion. Discussion followed
during which Director VanScyoc commented that if the lots were left
to the County to maintain they would turn into eyesores. There was
general agreement on that point. Director Schermerhorn and Director
Traverso withdrew their motion and second. Then, Director Perkins
moved that the Board of Directors lien the three (3) unencumbered
County lots. Director VanScyoc seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
During “New Business and Communications”, Director Perkins moved
that the Board of Directors approve the formation of the Broadmoor
Park Development Committee consisting of Glynn Perkins (Chairman),
members from the Properties and Budget & Finance Committees along
with Jay Lyons and Dean Ziegler. Director Killion seconded the motion;
and, it passed unanimously.
Rotonda West, the RWA office sets out to research full
disclosure of the property. Some questions include:
Are assessments up-to-date? Are there any lawsuits
or liens on the property, and the like? Also, the buyer
is advised of the amount of the annual assessment and
if the owner is current on payments, as well as other
financial information. An Estoppel search benefits
the buyer, seller and lender. The transaction fee is
$75.00. There is a transfer fee that is the responsibility
of the buyer as well. It is also $75.00 per transaction.
New home construction is increasing in our
community. Currently, about 50 new houses are under
construction, compared with only a handful during the
recent down economy years. Hank Killion notes that
we are beginning to see the arrival of the so-called
Baby Boomers as buyers. Baby Boomers were born
between 1946 and 1964.
The mailing of the annual statement is planned for
January 15th, 2015 with assessment payments due by
March 15th to avoid a late fee of $25.00.
Section 18 of the Deed Restrictions TRASH – GARBAGE
– OUTSIDE EQUIPMENT states: Except on the day
immediately preceding the day of collection and the day of
collection, trash containers shall be kept either inside the
garage or within a site-screened area. Bottled gas tanks,
swimming pool equipment, sprinkler pumps, generators
and any other such outdoor equipment, excluding air
conditioning units and pool heaters, shall be placed in a site-
Open House Draws Record Newcomers
newcomers came from. Michigan had the most, followed by
Iowa, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. Event Chairman
Earl Haas made the surprising announcement that no one
came from Ohio.
Dishing out refreshments in the kitchen area were Johnnie
Haas and Ginni Mahon. RWA Manager Jay Lyons came up
with the idea of an open house for new residents and it has
drawn well ever since.
The next Newcomer’s Reception will be held in March.
Bunky and Maureen McDowell
attended Newcomer’s Night,
they are building a new home
in Pine Valley.
By Don Mahon
At the 13th Newcomers Reception on November 20th, 62
new residents came through the Community Center doors
to find a very populated room. The room was filled with
representatives of community clubs, organizations, and RWA
committees waiting to greet them. Representatives were
kept busy by describing their organizations and answering
questions from an inquisitive group. It was a record number
of attendees.
It turned out to be a lucrative night for many. The Woman’s
Club added 14 new members and handed out 32 ‘Welcome
to Rotonda’ books. The Fiesta Association, our community’s
premier social organization, recruited 12 new members
and Neighborhood Watch added 9 patrols to its rolls. The
Community Relations Committee may have found a muchneed writer for West Ways. Big Brothers and Big Sisters, a
community partner with the RWA, added one mentor and
possibly 3 more. The Deed Restrictions Committee added
one new member.
Jack Alexander, author of “Rotonda: The Vision and the
Reality,” was kept busy signing 30 sold copies of his book.
Since the RWA assumed rights to the book, some 600 copies
have been sold to date.
Greeter Linda Bondeson kept track of where the
Year End – Odds and Ends
2015 Annual Assessment
The statements for the 2015
Assessment will be mailed no later
than January 15, 2015. The Board of
Directors is pleased to announce that
there will be no increase in the PER LOT ASSESSMENT
for 2015. The annual assessment will remain at $166.00 Per
Lot. Payment must be postmarked by March 16, 2015 to
avoid a $25.00 Administrative Fee.
All annual statements will be sent by snail mail from here
on out.
Site Screening for Trash, Garbage & Outside
The number one violation of the Deed Restrictions these
days is the failure of property owners to properly stow trash
containers and/or to site screen outside equipment.
Jay Lyons, Manager
Rotonda West Association
screened area so that they shall not be Readily Visible.
If you must build a new site screened area to accommodate
all your trash containers (including yard trash containers)
and outside equipment or expand an existing site screened
area, please make sure you understand the Residential
Modification Guidelines for site screening and complete a
Residential Modification application before you erect a new
site screen or expand an existing site screen. If you have
any questions, please call Dianne Brophy, Deed Restriction
Secretary, at 941-697-1780.
Failure to comply with any Deed Restriction will result
in a $20.00 per day fine until the violation is cured. The
maximum fine for any Deed Restriction is $5,000.00.
Rental Properties
If you are a property owner who rents your property on a
seasonal or annual basis we would appreciate you providing
the Association with contact information for your Property
Management Company and/or your Property Manager. From
time to time we receive calls from concerned neighbors
reporting any number of issues at rental properties. These
problems may include open windows/doors, pool equipment
and/or irrigation equipment not working properly, water
leaking under a garage door or front door, stolen air
conditioners and pool heaters and break ins. If we have a
contact number for your management company we may
be able to save you some aggravation and money. Please
contact Dianne Brophy at 941-697-1780 or email Dianne at with this information.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
From the Manager
Tom and Donna
Gleason manned the
Aquatics Committee
table and fielded
questions from Gail
and Ray Cislo.
Photos by Sue Killion.
Woman’s Club Is Hosting Two Major
Upcoming Fundraisers
By Russ Kulp
Fashions and some intellectual fun highlight this winter’s
activities of the GFWC (Greater Federation of Woman’s
Clubs) Rotonda West Woman’s Club. On the heels of their
very successful Arts-and-Apples event held at the beginning
of November, the Club will be hosting a special Trivia Night
at the Rotonda Elks as its first fundraiser in 2015.
Here are the essential details.
When: Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
Where: Rotonda Elks Lodge #2710, 303 Boulevard East
Guest Host: Trivia Master Jim Wasowski
Donation: $20.00
For Tickets: Call 941-697-5303 or 941-460-4184.
No tickets will be sold at the door.
This promises to be a fun-filled evening. There will be
food and cash prizes. The proceeds from this event will
benefit Canine Companions for Independence and Charlotte
County C.A.R.E.
The Club will also hold its annual spring fashion show
and luncheon to support a variety of community projects
on Saturday March 21, 2015. The event will be held again
this year at the Jacaranda Country Club, 1901 Jacaranda
Boulevard, Venice, FL beginning at 11 a.m. Fashions will
be by Boutique on Wheels. Tickets are $30.00 and include
a delicious lunch with dessert, many excellent door prizes
and opportunity drawings. Please contact Karen Lambert
at 941-830-8499 or email for more
information or to purchase tickets.
Glynn Perkins Re-Elected RWA President
For 2015
By Don Mahon
At December 9th special re-organization meeting of the
2015 Board of Directors, Glynn Perkins was elected to his
fifth consecutive term as President of the Association. He
is the first RWA President to serve for five terms. The vote
was unanimous.
Elected First Vice President was Russ Kulp, who was
elected to the Board for the first time last year. Scott
Schermerhorn returns as Second Vice President.
Hank Killion is Treasurer and David Kelly is Secretary.
Other 2016 Directors are Peter Traverso and Andy
Each member of the Board serves for 3 years and has the
fiduciary responsibility to serve effectively all residents of
the community. The Board is supported by 12 committees
with more than 100 volunteers working for the betterment of
the community. In 2015, the Board will work with a budget
of $1.5 million.
• Administrative & Personnel - Glynn Perkins, Russ Kulp
and Hank Killion.
• Aquatics - Hank Killion, Beautification - Glynn Perkins.
• Broadmoor Park Development - Glynn Perkins.
• Budget & Finance - Hank Killion.
Future Brightens at Neighborhood Watch
By Don Mahon
After months of operating with openings on its Board of
Directors, the Rotonda West Neighborhood Watch will
have a full complement of officers heading into 2015.
Alan Deckebach, who has been serving as Vice PresidentAdministration, will become the new President. Nikki Tusia
will continue as Vice President-Operations and Ron Quinn
will assume the role of Vice President-Administration.
Treasurer is Lois Burger for the eighth year. The Secretary
also for the eighth year is Carol Louisgnan. Donna Gleason
continues as editor of “The Watch Word” and Don Mahon
will stay on as publicity chairman.
Watch member Gary Goll has been working diligently for
months to re-activate the Watch website. It is now up
and running and can be accessed by going to www.
All patrols and base operators were saluted for their
service at a well-attended Member Appreciation Party
on December 14th. New officers were elected for 2015
and members enjoyed pizzas and other refreshments.
Camaraderie prevailed.
At 7 p.m. on January 15, Sheriff Bill Prummell will address
the membership and guests at the annual Sheriff’s Night. It
will be held at the Rotonda West Association Community
Center and all members and non-members are invited.
Sheriff Prummell is a native of Long Island, New York. He
joined the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office in 1993 as a
road patrol deputy. Over the years, he advanced through the
ranks and was elected Sheriff in 2012. He has often referred
to our Neighborhood Watch as tops in Charlotte County.
• Community Relations - Earl Haas with Russ Kulp as
Director Liaison.
• Compliance - the committee will elect the chairman.
• Deed Restrictions - Peter Traverso.
• Election - Barbara Peszko with Peter Traverso as Board
• Properties - David Kelly.
• Policies & Procedures - committee may be retired.
• Residential Modification - Peter Traverso and Andy
VanScyoc as co-chairs.
Glynn Perkins, seated center, will serve his fifth term as President of the
Board of the Rotonda West Association. Seated with him are Russ Kulp,
First Vice President, and Scott Schermerhorn, Second Vice President.
Standing, left to right are Andy VanScyoc, David Kelly, Hank Killion and
Peter Traverso. Photo by Sue Killion.
Holiday Helpers Come to the Aid of 30
By Don Mahon
Thanks to the generosity of some 25 couples and individuals,
Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in a traditional way by 30
families in the Rotonda area.
They are Rotonda West residents who have been sponsoring
needy families at Thanksgiving for seven years. They call themselves “The Holiday Helpers” and most are
members of the proactive Rotonda West Men’s Breakfast
Club. The project was initiated by Claudette and Joseph
Romano to help those in need during the holidays.
The largest donation, totaling $1,885, provided complete
Thanksgiving dinners for 30 families, some with as many
as 10 members. The Staff of Englewood’s Winn-Dixie store
played a major role and provided full breakfast items.
Kristen Rigney, Professional School Counselor at Vineland
Elementary School, selected the recipient families.
Rotonda West residents contributing were: Bob and Linda
Bondeson, Dianne and Charles Brophy, Margie Carroll, Nick
and Kathy Gizzi, Ken and Pat Guillerm, Earl and Johnnie
Haas, Hank and Sue Killion, Russ and Ellen Kulp, Mel and
Norene Kugler, David Kelly on behalf of Rotonda Golf
Partners, George and Donna Krabbe, Jay and Linda Lyons,
Don and Ginni Mahon, Bob and Dolores Mazzola, John and
Barbara Peszko on behalf of the RV Association, Glynn and
Julie Perkins, Stan and Charlotte Plizga, David and Wanda
Pulaski, Claudette and Joseph Romano, Brad and Ruth
Sargent, Scott and Karen Schermerhorn, and Walter and
Parade, continued from page 1
Best Commercial Entry: Charlotte County Tax Collector
These beautiful trophies were donated for the event by the
Placida Rotary. After the winners were selected, as was the
case last year, the judges remarked that their decisions were
very difficult because of the many beautifully decorated floats
and other excellent entries.
Besides the parade, the other significant part of this event is
the collection of non-perishable food and other items, toys and
cash by the Community Relations Committee, its volunteers
and members of the community. The collections were then all
donated to the Englewood Helping Hand organization which
will help many needy families and individuals in this area.
This year new records were established for the collection: 2320
pounds of non-perishables (more than a ton), 22 toys and $500
cash! On the Monday following the parade, 3 pickup trucks
were unloaded and the donations filled the food pantry and
the offices at Helping Hand. Earl Haas, Community Relations
Committee and Parade Chairman expressed his thanks:
“Spectator donations were record-setting this year. I am so
very proud of everyone in Rotonda West and surrounding
Rotonda West ‘Holiday Helpers’ and members of the WinnDixie staff gather around the turkeys and all the fixings
to enable 30 families to celebrate Thanksgiving. Photo by
David Pulaski.
Claudette Taylor. Also contributing was Barbara Knodel
on behalf of the Placida Rotary Club and Bob Reynolds of
Ecological Clearing.
Participating for Winn-Dixie were Craig Clemons,
Store Director, Nick Hauschild, Area Manager; and Ross
Camfield, Service Area Manager.
“Our sincere thanks to all for your special gifts and for
making this our best year to support our neighbors in need,”
said Claudette Romano. “As families entered the store to
claim their food packages, many had tears of appreciation,”
she added. communities for stepping forward in this time of need.”
Parade Chairman Haas was assisted in the significant effort to
plan, prepare for, and conduct this parade by Linda Bondeson,
Russ Kulp and several community volunteers. With the 2014
edition now wrapped up, we will begin this summer planning
for the 2015 Christmas holiday parade.
“Ice Queen
& Ice
Ceremony, continued from page 1
hard work and generosity of time to decorate the island and
memorial parks, and added lights on five entrance bridges
for the first time. “It always takes a team effort” said Earl.
“Thanks go to all for a wonderful evening.”
One of the several large lawn party gatherings along Rotonda
Circle enjoying the parade. Photos by David W. Pulaski.
Rotonda West Association, Inc.
Mission Statement
The role of Rotonda West
Association, Inc. is multi-faceted:
To protect the property interests of
the members; to enhance living in the
community; to plan for the future in
its role as a community association.
(Approved November 13, 2002)
Board of Directors
Glynn Perkins, President
Russ Kulp, 1 st Vice President
Scott Schermerhorn, 2nd Vice President
David Kelly, Secretary
Hank Killion, Treasurer
Andy VanScyoc, Director
Peter Traverso, Director
Rotonda West Association
3754 Cape Haze Drive
Rotonda West, FL 33947
Phone 941-697-6788
Deed Restrictions 941-697-1780
Office Staff
Jay Lyons, Manager
Norene Kugler, Assistant Manager
Dianne Brophy, Deed Restrictions
Merle Fulton, Accounting
Claudette Romano, Administrator
West Ways Staff
Christine Lee, Editor
Russ Kulp, Writer
Don Mahon, Writer
Sue Killion, Photographer
David Pulaski, Photographer
Julie Gaustad-Ruhr, Layout
“Can I have one more?” asks this
little girl at the Island Lighting
and Boat Parade. See page 1
for the story. Photo by David
All committee meetings are open to RWA
members and meet monthly on the days
listed at the RWA Community Center.
Rotonda West Association, Inc.
3754 Cape Haze Drive
Rotonda West, FL 33947
• Board of Directors
3rd Wednesday @ 2 p.m.
• Aquatics Committee
4th Wednesday @ 2 p.m.
• Beautification
1st Thursday @ 3 p.m.
• Budget & Finance
3rd Tuesday @ 2 p.m.
• Community Relations
1st Wednesday @ 2:00 p.m.
• Compliance
3rd Monday @ 10:00 a.m.
• Deed Restrictions
1st Monday @ 2 p.m.
• Election
3rd Thursday @ 2 p.m.
• Properties
4th Monday @ 10 a.m.
• Residential Modification
2nd & 4th Monday @ 2 p.m.
Endless line of kids
kept Santa (aka Bob
Jameson) busy
A beautiful sight as the island lit up.
Santa and Mrs. Claus arriving by boat at the
docks. Photo by Sue Killion.
Island Lighting &
Christmas Parade
Photos by David Pulaski (Except as noted)
Santa & Mrs. Claus waiving to the crowd and
exciting the children along Rotonda Circle.
Rotonda Cruisers Car Club with over a dozen
member antique and classic vehicles cars and classic
cars of Rotonda Cruisers Club members proceeded
first along the route of the parade, alerting spectators
that the line of march is coming.
Hig lig ts
Nine lighted boats wowed the crowd. Photo by Sue Killion.
Best Youth Entry: Englewood Daisy Scout Troop
#111 and Brownie Troop #304.
The American Legion Post 113 Honor Guard
marching at the head of the parade along Rotonda
Patrols and base operators from Neighborhood
Watch proudly carry their banner.
RWA was recognized as the “Community Partner
of the Year for 2014” by Big Brothers Big Sisters
of the Sun Coast.
“Let it Snow”, Charlotte County Tax Collector won
Best Commercial Entry. Photo by Sue Killion.
Commissioner Bill Truex waves to the crowds.
Lemon Bay Garden Club waving to the parade
The parade trophies donated
by the Placida Rotary
on display at the judges
reviewing stand.
Reviewing stand where the four judges, Tammy and Ken Birdsong,
Midge Meharchand, and Patty Gullota intently evaluated and scored the
various entries.