OPPORTUNITY CENTER HDC, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:00 PM Conference Room A At the Office of the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara 505 West Julian Street, San Jose, CA 95110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Board of Directors may take any actions relating to the issues on the agenda following the Board’s consideration of the matter and discussion of the recommended action. I. II. III. IV. Call to Order Roll Call Welcome Public Comment Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.3, public comments at a special meeting are permitted only on items on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two minutes. The law does not permit board action or extended discussion of any items not on the agenda except under special circumstances. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff for reply in writing. V. Consent Calendar Items on the Consent Calendar are considered to be of a routine nature, and will be approved by one motion and one vote, unless an item is removed from the consent calendar for discussion. A. Minutes: Regular Meeting: October 29, 2014 (Page 3) VI. General Business Persons wishing to address the Board on a regularly scheduled item on the agenda are requested to complete a form located on the table as you enter the room. (Government Code Section 54953.3). The Board will hear comments on an item during their consideration of the item, prior to taking action, if any. Individual speakers will be asked to limit their presentations to three minutes. NOTE: The Chairperson may limit the number or duration of speakers on any matter. Under the Brown Act, the public is guaranteed the right to provide testimony at any regular or special meeting on any subject which will be considered by the Board, before or during its consideration of the item. A. Report on results of solicitation for replacement property manager for the Opportunity Center; and approve delegation of authority to the President or his designee to negotiate and execute an agreement with The John Stewart Company for property management services at the Opportunity Center for a term of three years, with two, one year renewal options, for a cost not to exceed 10% of revenues, and additional compensation for transition services not to exceed $19,000. VII. Board administration None VIII. IX. X. Correspondence Director Comments Date, Time and Place for Next Meeting: TBD Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara Conference Room A/B XI. Adjourn The Housing Authority will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you require special accommodations, please call (408) 975-4623 at least three days in advance in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For assistance in attending the meeting once at the location or once the meeting is in session, please call (408) 398-0380. For translation services in Spanish or Vietnamese, please contact (408) 975-4623 at least three business days in advance. OPPORTUNITY CENTER HDC, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Monday October 29, 2014, 3:00pm Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara 505 West Julian Street, San Jose, CA 95110 Conference Room A MEETING MINUTES Upon a proper notice duly given, the Board of Directors of OPPORTUNITY CENTER HDC, INC. held a Board Meeting on the above stated date, time and location. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:10 PM by Director Alex Sanchez II. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Directors Alex Sanchez, Aleli Sangalang, Karyn Ezell, and Karae Lisle ABSENT: John Barton ALSO PRESENT: Lisa Caldwell, RESD Asset Manager. Christina Parra, RESD Administrative Assistant. Ridvana Perdue, RESD Asset Manager. Terri Fukada, Controller, Charities Housing Corporation. III. IV. WELCOME PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the public. V. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: Regular Meeting: September 17, 2014 A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes from September 17, 2014 by Director Sangalang. Director Sanchez seconded the motion. Directors Sangalang and Sanchez voted in favor of the motion; Director Ezell abstained. The motion passed. VI. GENERAL BUSINESS A. Review and approval of the 2015 Operating Budgets for Opportunity Center: Total Operating Expenses: $753,738 Total Operating Expenses per unit per year: $8,469 Proposed Rent Increases: to HCD maximum Average rent increase: $10 A motion was made to approve the 2015 Operating Budget for Opportunity Center by Director Ezell. Director Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Acceptance of tax return Accept 2013 tax return for Opportunity Center HDC, Inc. A motion was made to approve the tax return Accept 2013 tax return for Opportunity Center HDC, Inc by Director Sangalang. Director Ezell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VII. BOARD ADMINISTRATION A. Report on the status of Opportunity Center’s Property Management solicitation process. A verbal report was given by Ridvana Perdue, Real Estate Services Department Asset Manager on the status of Opportunity Center’s Property Management solicitation process. The solicitation was conducted through BidSync system. Proposals were due on October 23rd, 2014. Procurement did not receive any proposal. HACSC will be reaching out to other property management providers, and explore the best options for securing a property management agent for Opportunity Center. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE None IX. DIRECTOR COMMENTS None X. DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR NEXT MEETING: Thursday June 25, 2015, 9:00 am Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara Conference Room A/B XI. ADJOURN Director Sanchez adjourned the meeting at 3:25pm
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