FUMC has WIFI!!! Password is: fumcwifi The Communicator First United Methodist Church 702 Avenue A Opelika, AL 36801 334-745-7604 www.fumcopelika.org Sunday Services 9:45am – Sunday School 11:00am – Traditional Worship Wednesday, December 24, 2014 To our Church Family: With Christmas comes faith, hope, and love. We wish all these things for you and your family during this Christmas season and for the New Year. The staff of FUMC: Randy, Scott, Rick, Ric, Nicole, Laura, Maudie, Sunny, Bruce, Don, Beverly, Sharon, Mary Virginia, Tina, Andy, Drew, Julia, John FUMC Staff: Rev. Randy Woodham Senior Pastor randywoodham@fumcopelika.org Rev. Scott Kaak Executive Pastor scottkaak@fumcopelika.org Rev. Rick Lane Associate Pastor, Student Ministries ricklane@fumcopelika.org Rev. Ric Smith Associate Pastor smithrw@auburn.edu Holiday Office Hours Today, Wednesday, Dec. 24th: 8:00am – Noon Christmas Day, Thursday, Dec. 25th: Closed Friday, Dec. 26th: Closed Monday, Dec. 29th: 8:00am – 4:30pm Tuesday, Dec. 30th: 8:00am – Noon Wednesday, Dec. 31st: 8:00am – Noon Thursday, Jan. 1st: Closed Friday, Jan. 2nd: Closed Ms. Nicole Agostino Pianist Mrs. Laura Boggs Administrative Assistant lauraboggs@fumcopelika.org Ms. Maudie Evans Church Maid Mrs. Sunny Hahn Organist sunnyhahn@fumcopelika.org Mr. Bruce Heath Sexton brchth@gmail.com Mr. Don Lawrence Facilities Supervisor donlawrence@fumcopelika.org Ms. Beverly Marlett Christmas Eve Services of Candlelight and Communion Tonight at 5:00 & 11:00 p.m. (A nursery will be available at the 5:00 p.m. service for children ages 3 year old and younger.) Celebrate the birth of our Savior with the singing of carols, the hearing of the Christmas Story, the taking of Communion, and the lighting of candles. Church Secretary beverlymarlett@fumcopelika.org Ms. Sharon McKinnon Director of Hospitality sharonmckinnon@fumcopelika.org Ms. Mary Virginia Norris Director of Music Ministries marynorris@fumcopelika.org Sunday, December 28th 9:45am – Sunday School 11:00am - Worship Mrs. Tina Roberts Financial Secretary tinaroberts@fumcopelika.org 9:00 Worship Service will not meet in the month of December. Our new service will begin on Jan. 4th @ 10:45am. Mr. Andy Snyder Sound Technician Mrs. Drew Speakman Director of Sonshine Preschool Asst. Director of Children’s Ministries drewspeakman@fumcopelika.org Mrs. Julia Stutts Director of Children’s Ministries juliastutts@fumcopelika.org WEDNESDAY CONNECTION will resume on January 7th!!! God’s Creation Calendars are available in the church office for $10.00. Help the youth raise money. Buy a calendar! Mr. John Vedder Help Wanted –Director of Hospitality. If there is anyone in the church family that is interested College Ministries jvedder@fumcopelika.org in this part-time position, please contact Rev. Scott Kaak. FUMC CALENDAR Wednesday, December 24 7:00am – Men’s Devotion 8:00am – Noon – Church Office Hours 5:00pm – Candlelight Communion Service 11:00pm – Candlelight Communion Service Thursday, December 25 Christmas Day Sonshine Preschool Closed Church Office Closed Friday, December 26 Church Office Closed Sunday, December 28 9:45am – Sunday School 11:00am - Worship Monday, December 29 8:30am – 4:30pm - Church Office Open Sonshine Preschool Closed Tuesday, December 30 8:30am – Noon - Church Office Open Sonshine Preschool Closed Wednesday, December 31 8:30am – Noon - Church Office Open Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day Church Office Closed Sonshine Preschool Closed Friday, January 2 Church Office Closed Saturday, January 3 Sunday, January 4 8:30am – Worship 9:45am – Sunday School 10:45am – Contemporary Worship 11:00am – Worship 5:00pm – 7:00pm – Disciple III (#308) 5:15pm – 6:15pm – Wesley Ringers NO Sunday Night Youth YOUTH NEWS SM Youth every Sunday at 10am on the 4th floor! Merry Christmas! No SN Youth next week on 12/28/14. Youth Ski Trip to Cataloochee is January 1 - 4, 2015! Cost is $325. Does not include food money which is $100. Deadline to sign-up with a $100 deposit is Sunday morning, Dec. 28th. See Ms. Beverly for paperwork!!! Money & paperwork due by 2:00pm on Monday, Dec. 29th. No SN Youth next week (1/4/15) WN Youth starts back up on 1/7/15! MATT is from 4:30 - 6pm and small groups from 6 - 7pm. On Line Giving Is Here! Simply follow these easy steps: 1. Visit the church website at www.fumcopelika.org 2. Click on the Online Giving button, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. Save your Campbell's labels! OUR LIFE TOGETHER December 21, 2014 Attendance: Sunday School – 174 Worship – 413 (100/313) GENEROUS GIVING Designated Funds Given this week: $ 5,429 Given this YTD: $257,647 General Fund Given this week: $ 28,619 Given YTD: $1,092,624 Need YTD: $1,191,615 Total Debt: $ 710,860 College Ministry Bible Study and snacks every Sunday morning at 10am in Condon Hall, we are going through a study on the stories of the Bible from the kid’s books and scripture versions! Worship on December 28th is at 11:00am. We have a lot of work projects to be working on so call John Vedder if you have some free time to help. MEMORIALS: A gift has been given in loving memory of: Lydia Ingram by Anna & Harris Asbury; Dee Dee Harper. Henry Stern by Friends to Israel. HONORARIUMS: A gift has been given in honor of: Melba Cosby by Auston Cherry & Kathryn Spicer. Sara Nan Levins by Auston Cherry & Kathryn Spicer. Dan & Beverly McKeever by The Bible Basics Sunday School Class. Searchers Sunday School Teachers by Searchers Sunday School Class. Sara Jane & Tim Tatum by Hattie & Scotty Lett. Jeanette Torbert by Hattie & Scotty Lett. Servants in Christ + + + Sunday, December 28, 2014 Greeters: Payton & Myles Tatum; Myles, Jr. & Banks Pre-Service Music: Carl Mathews Crucifer: Adam Cason Acolytes: Susan Gaston; Lola Grossman Ushers: Jim Levins (Captain); Claud Brown (Co-Captain); Newell Floyd; Jason Halverson; Bob Humphries; Richard Moreman Sound: Andy Snyder Media: Chuck Wacker Transportation: Martha Hicks; Leslie Anabtawi Nurturing Notes: Sarah Wilson Welcome Notes: Pat Brown Monday Visitation: Patty Allen & Leisa Story Monday Flowers: Claud Brown; Nell & Bill Samford Prison Ministry: Fay Burns; Nann Ogletree; Margaret Rogers; Danielle Goff; Rev. Scott Kaak Hospital Visitor: Mon., Dec. 29th & Wed., Dec. 31st – Ginger Perkins; Tue., Dec. 30th - Mary Carol Hitchcock What an Advent! This Advent season at FUMC has been an incredible busy one for the Music Ministry area. The children provided their voices for the Hanging of the Greens service, and their lovely singing added a new chapter to the life of this historic service. One Accord led us in the musical portions of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Their hard work and commitment to this ensemble provided the congregation with a special worship service to culminate our Advent celebration. The Wesley Ringers grew over the past few months in number which allowed them to tackle some more difficult music. They did so ably and added a special “course” to the Feast of Carols. The Chancel Choir not only sang during our morning worship services throughout the season, but they also presented a special concert that became a unique worship experience for those in attendance. Overall, it has been a busy, but worshipful and joyous season for the worship community at FUMC. Our ensembles will take a break for a week or two, but will start again after the New Year. If you, a friend, or a family member want to join any of our ensembles in 2015 and participate in the worship life of our community, contact Mary Virginia at marynorris@fumcopelika.org. Worship starts in the Parking Lot! On Sunday, January 4th 2015, FUMC will begin its Parking Ministry. A team of volunteers headed by Shey Knight will have the opportunity to be the first persons to offer the love of Christ to the people who come to FUMC. This ministry team will help: manage the flow of traffic by ushering cars into spaces in a safe and feasible manner protect the safety of our pedestrians provide easy access from the parking lot to the church building by using a shuttle service welcome people with a warm, friendly greeting and the love of Christ FUMC is starting a new ministry called Celebrate Recovery. CR is a Christ centered recovery program for everyone. If you have a Hurt, Hang-up or Habit, CR is for you. If you would like to learn more about this World Wide Ministry that has helped thousands of Christians lead a happier, healthier life contact Scott Kaak or Chuck Wacker through the Church office at 745-7604. WOMEN’S CELEBRATE RECOVERY 12 STEP STUDY A women’s 12 Step Study is scheduled to begin in January. The study is open to all women who would like to deepen their faith in God and to work on their hurts, hang-ups and habits. The group meets once a week and works together through 4 study guides; the entire study takes a commitment of 9 months to a year. The day of the week and the time of the day will be determined by the group. If you would like to register for the class or would like additional information, please call the church office (334-745-7604). !!!IT’S A GIRL!!! Congratulations to Jean & Bruce Heath upon the birth of their granddaughter, Sadie Virginia Heath. Sadie was born on December 20, weighing 6 lbs and 191/2 inches long. Sadie is the daughter of Stacey & Will Heath and they live in Leeds, AL. Her great grandmother is Jean Meadows. PRAYER CONCERNS (as of Wednesday, December 24 th ) EAMC: Walter Boucher; John Waldrip UAB (Birmingham): Leslie Gaston (Mike & Becky Gaston’s cousin) Home: David Alexander (Marcia Alexander’s husband); Barbara Allen; Don Allen (friend of Tori Beth Thompson); Marlo Burdette; Genevieve Canonica (friend of Leigh & Michael Bass); Beverly Collins; Rossie Culley; Virginia Cumbie; Judy Dorris (friend of Corinne & Jimmy Hurst); David Eastridge, Jr. (Rhonda Boothe’s nephew); Shirley Flora; B J Horn; Charles Huling; Malcolm Humphries; Joan King; Paul Knight (Shey Knight’s father); Amanda Mayhall (Sonshine preschool mom); Charles Orange (friend of Gene Smith); Carly Parker; Joan Salter; Tammy Samford (friend of Patty Allen); Celia Satterwhite (Ruth Meadows’ mother); Gene Smith; Martha T. Smith; Mary Rose Smith; Doris & Bill Southers (Laurie Williams’ parents); Travis Spraggins (friend of Kate Larkin); Ileta Sumners (Arbor Springs); Merle & Quinton Walton; Alice Williams Out of Town: Bob Bowen (Julia Moreman’s brother-in-law); Dorothy Jean Bush (Paul Bush’s aunt); Sharon Dennis (Sandra Holloway’s sister); Ned Grove (friend of Jennifer & Clay Harper); Vernice Hart (Pam Hope’s step-mother); Morgan Hasty (friend of Ginny Gaberlavage); Bryan Hoch (Sue Bentley’s nephew); Penny Krennerich (friend of Wei Beach); Sam Lowery (friend of Nell & Bill Samford); Donna Martin (Becky Bailey’s sister-in-law); Frieda & Anthony Meacham (Emily Finck’s parents); Bob Miller (Sam Bailey’s brother-in-law); Robert Mills (Becky Bailey’s son); Ray Ramage (friend of Joyce Windsor); Kenny Reding (friend of Allen Blythe); Willie Mae Roberts (Lybbi Epperson’s grandmother); Marian Rogers (Emily Finck’s grandmother); Carolyn Sell (Jo Vaughan’s daughter); Jeff Shipman (Todd Shipman’s brother); Jim Short (friend of Jerrell Askew); Greg & Skip Wheelus (Ginny Gaberlavage’s father & brother); Grover Worth (Bobby Worth’s father) Military: Josh Beasley (Ann & David Canon’s grandson); Lindsey Cooper (Mary Rose & Albert Smith’s granddaughter); John Dukes (Trinchua & Keith Dukes’ son); Michael Fischer & T J Fischer (friends of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Robert Groszmann (Bob Ingram’s nephew); Garrett Guess (Becky Mills’ nephew); Samuel Hayes (Sharon & Ron Rooks’ son-in-law); Drew Hill (friend of Kate Larkin); Trey Long (Becky Mills’ nephew); Harry & Jake Meadows (Tamara & Bill Meadows’ sons); Steven Olaveson; Alex Pendergraph (Janet Taylor’s grandson); Jacob Ramus (Phyllis & Jim Mayfield’s son-in-law); Frank Rielly (friend of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Kennard R. Smith (friend of Anne & Sheldon Whittelsey); Ronnie Snyder (Arden & Dave Snyder’s grandson); Patrick Thompson (Laura Boggs’ nephew); Jim Whaley (Beverly Collins’ grandson) Missionaries: Orphanage Emmanuel: Burrows family Orphanage Emmanuel: Abdi Abisai Casco (young son of the mechanic and driver that takes our team to & from the airport)
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