The Messenger Page 1 The Messenger February, 2015 Whitewater Area Regional Ministry - WARM Volume 10, Issue 2 SERVING submitted by Rev. Susan Bresser Obey the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. Remember the great things he has done for you. – 1 Sam 12.24 (GNT) I am so pleased that WARM is offering TWO adult mission trips for spring/summer 2015. Special points of interest: Lenten Lunches United Methodist Women Small Group Study Adult Mission Trips Promise Point Birthdays & Anniversaries May 11-15 – Midwest Mission Distribution Center, Springfield (Chatham), IL MMDC is a United Methodist disaster relief facility and relates to the IL Great Rivers Conference and the North Central Jurisdiction. It is a cooperating depot in the UMCOR (UM Committee on Relief) Relief Supply Network. Many mission opportunities await you at MMDC: organizing/packing relief kits, sewing school bags, building desks, repairing bicycles, filling shipping containers. No matter what your abilities, there is an important job that needs you! Dorms are provided for overnight comfort, as well as a fully-stocked kitchen for mealtimes. Volunteers will drive to Springfield for this week-long mission adventure. We have 16 spots to fill, but those spots are filling up fast! It would be a GOOD PROBLEM to add to our reservation list! June 20-28 – Sager Brown UMCOR Depot, Baldwin, LA Inside this issue: Lenten Lunches 2 Children’s Ministry 4 Prime Time 6 Scholarships 7 Worship Schedules 8 Birthdays/ Anniversaries 21 Calendar 22/23 At the Sager Brown Depot, volunteers engage in hands-on ministry that reaches out to the world. Through sewing items for various kits and through sorting, verifying and packing relief kits, you learn about the needs of people across the globe. You will help people in times of crises by offering relief support. There is also opportunity to be in service to the local community, learning firsthand about the effects of rural poverty, domestic violence and southern hospitality. Clean, comfortable housing and nutritious meals are provided. Sixteen spots have been reserved, but they’re filling up quickly! Other churches invited to take part in these mission opportunities are Delavan, Darien, Sharon, Bethel (Elkhorn), and all WARM churches. If you’re interested in either trip (or maybe both), please contact Pastor Kim (262-473-2131 or for further registration information. Why YOU should go on an adult mission trip: 1. You will encounter God’s heart. God is global. As you serve, you will discover God’s amazing compassion and grace for all peoples of the world! And you will be fully engaged with God’s global family as you offer your time and energy. 2. You will expand your limited perspective. Every now and then you need to step out of your comfort zone and allow God to stretch you. It’s important to recognize that the way we do ministry in Whitewater is not necessarily the only way. see SERVING on page 15 The Messenger Page 2 Lenten Lunches submitted by Jayne Haskey Once again First United Methodist Church (WARM) will participate in the Ministerial Association Lenten Lunches starting on February 25. The basic schedule is lunch at 11:45 am with a 10-15 minute devotion beginning about 12:15 pm. Each devotional leader has flexibility in deciding just what will be their focus for the day. Devotions can include music and liturgy, but each leader is expected to bring enough copies for the participants, which have reached close to 100 at times. I know the schedule, but I do not know the Devotional Leaders yet. Everyone in the community is welcome! February 25 - St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (location) along with Community of Christ the Servant March 4 - First United Methodist Church March 11 - First English Lutheran Church March 18 - St. Patrick’s Catholic Church March 25 - Congregational United Church of Christ 1st Quarter Mission @ LUMC Ebola Relief Imagine if we couldn’t be “WARM” with one another by shaking hands or hugging. What if we couldn’t share a meal for fear of disease, or couldn’t use our traditional ways and customs for burial and other ceremonies? What if meeting a loved one was combined with fear, both for that loved one and of the loved one passing on a disease? Our entire way of life would be affected. This has happened in the countries most affected by Ebola: Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. All are within the United Methodist Church’s connectional system. More than 70% of the population in these countries is dependent on subsistence farming. Restricted mobility has compromised farmers’ abilities to plant their crops. Schools, offices, and The Gathering submitted by Pat Bromley businesses are shuttered, mining has stopped, and cross-border trade has been halted. People aren’t receiving salaries. Health care centers are strained in being able to provide general medical service, let alone Ebola care. Reintegration of survivors, especially orphaned children, is a huge challenge, too. UMCOR is leading a coordinated effort to provide food assistance, Ebola education, reintegration sensitivity training, and workers to meet this huge need. Health efforts in these countries are focusing heavily on prevention and stemming the spread of the disease. Ebola Relief is LaGrange’s 1st Quarter Mission. Loose offering on the fourth Sundays of the months of January, February, and March will go to UMCOR’s Ebola response. submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is no longer providing The Gathering free meal at Brookdale. We know they will miss the fellowship they had at those meals, but there are now many other options, so our mission team decided to let it go. The Messenger A Gesture of Gratitude United Methodist Women’s Call to Prayer and Self Denial Pastor Susan mentions hospitality a lot. Did you realize it was actually in the Bible? Those exact words? Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as Page 3 submitted by Jen Soehner faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” —1 Peter 4:9-10 In United Methodist Women, we are focusing on this scripture to welcome all. We ask our members to come and welcome all, and we ask those who usually don’t attend to come and be welcomed. Join us for our first 2015 program on Sunday, February 8 at 11:45 am. We will pour over the scripture and reflect on how we can welcome each other and others in this new year. Contact Jen Soehner at 608.201.6408 with any questions or email Thank yous! I wish to express my appreciation for the cookies delivered to my door a few days ago. How very thoughtful. I loved them. Thanks again, Carolyn Stroupe Barb and I want to thank the United Methodist Women’s group for that thoughtful plate of assorted cookies, delivered by the ever faithful Ginger Katzman. We would also like to thank Mindy Wade and her daughters for delivering several special gifts made by We Care, and FLOOD, the youth of the Middle School Ministry. These thoughtful gifts were very much appreciated. We continue to make slow improvement, and we do attend church functions as often as possible. We can hardly wait for the time when we can be fully functional again in this warm and active Church of ours. Thanks again, Barb & Wendell Swift Dear members of First United Methodist Church, We wanted to thank you for the beautiful and fun Christmas Stockings. We are also including the Thank you card signed by the girls in the support group. Thank you again for your generosity and for bringing smiles to these young faces. All the best, Heidi Lloyd Director for the Association for the Prevention of Family Violence To my delivery helpers, Thank you for helping deliver all the gifts for the families at Bethel House! It made my job a lot easier, and I’m glad you could meet all the families! They are all so grateful for your generosity! Thank you again, Kristy Weinberg Bethel House Coordinator Dawn, Thank you so much for coordinating the Christmas gifts for Bethel House! I appreciate your organization, attention to detail, and care for the families! You do such a great job every year! Thank you, Kristy Weinberg Dear Miriam Circle, Thank you so much for the lovely flowers! Hugh enjoyed them at Fairhaven, then we both enjoyed them during the holidays. We know how fortunate we are during rough times and good times to have so many kind words and prayers. We are truly blessed. We are on the mend. Thank you, Hugh & Sue Gnatzig See More Thank Yous on page 13 The Messenger Page 4 Promise Point Winter/Spring 2015 January 14-April 29 3:30-6 pm Promise Point Winter/ Spring is under way. We are talking about Jesus’ life, learning our memory verses through music, and we’ll give those kids who want to a chance to recite the verses that we learn. Our stories and verses go on our Tree of Life that represents Jesus as the Tree of Life given to us. We will make our way through some of the miraculous stories of Jesus and into the epistles learning of the Holy Spirit, His fruit and the spiritual gifts He gives to each one of us in the church. Snacks begin right after school in the preschool room. Then we begin in the Youth Room with the Gathering (singing, teaching, skits, and video). We split up for games and musical Sunday School - A Rich Reward In Sunday School on January 18 we learned that there is rich reward in studying Jesus’ life through Scripture! John 1:43-51 contains the story of the calling of Phillip to follow Jesus and be one of his disciples. Immediately in the passage we see Philip going to one of the Rabbis he must have known well. “Come and see the man that Moses and the Law have been pointing us to,” Philip said. This Rabbi had been sitting beneath a fig tree studying the Scriptures, particularly the story of Jacob’s Ladder in which Jacob dreams of a ladder to the heavens with angels ascending and descending on it. How do we know this is the passage Nathanael was studying? Because Jesus shows himself a prophet to Nathanael when he gets to meet Jesus. The first thing Jesus says to Nathanael before he even speaks is, “Behold, a true Israelite, one in whom there is no deceit (in some translations “guile”). Nathanael is dumbfounded, and asks Jesus how He knows him? In choosing these words we see that Jesus was making an allusion to the story Nathanael had just been reading, since Jacob was indeed a man of deceit, i.e. stealing his submitted by Heidi Cook rehearsal, split up for 20 minutes of small group discussion, and then have dinner together from 5:206 pm. Those 4th-7th graders who would like to join Team Jesus Drummers with Christine Hayes stay from 66:30 pm in the Youth Room. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join us for dinner. submitted by Heidi Cook birthright and running away. However, we also learn that Jesus was able to see inside Nathanael’s heart to know that here was a man who wanted to interpret Scriptures rightly; he wanted a true understanding. He was rewarded in this desire for true understanding because he got to meet the man Jesus, Himself, the salvation of the world - Jacob’s Ladder! Lest we feel left out, we realize that his story is our encouragement to learn much more about Jesus through His word, with a right desire to understand what is true. Then we, too, will see Jesus: He is our rich reward! The Messenger Book Review Little Boys’ Bible Storybook for Mothers and Sons, by Carolyn Larsen, illustrated by Caron Turk This is a lovely little Bible storybook that I would recommend for boys from 4-8 years old. It is a simple collection of Bible stories with fair illustrations and a boy submitted by Heidi Cook angel and lizard hiding on each page. It has a “Becoming a Man of God” page at the end of each story that gives you something to reflect on with your son. I know my son loves it because it’s his book. It’s also the kind of Bible storybook he can pull out for family devotions and can take a Easter Musical “Alive Forever” Promise Point has started learning a new musical. Our musical is full of the joy and hope that comes to us through the story of Jesus’ Resurrection. We welcome Becky Smith, who used to be a children’s choir director, Page 5 turn reading to the whole family. I would say that it has been a tool in our family to help instill a love for the Bible. submitted by Heidi Cook to help teach the children the songs. Michelle Hixson is helping with props and scenery, and Jen Soehner is involving FLOOD Middle School through a dowel rod choreographed routine. Jim Athas will also be helping with music. We hope it is a joyful experience for everyone. If you would like to help with painting a simple backdrop for the musical, please contact Heidi Cook. The Messenger Page 6 submitted by Tim Otterbacher The Prime Time group is growing and growing. Nearly every week we have a new high school student coming to Prime Time. It is such a blessing to see the young adults able to connect and interact the way that they are. At the last count we have nearly 50 people heading to New Orleans in July for our mission trip. This is the first year that we are pretty much at capacity. Youth Works sets a maximum number of slots available to each group, and we have pretty much maxed that out. We are so blessed that these young adults are eager to help the less fortunate!! Our Christmas Wreath sales were a success, and the kids worked as hard as ever to bring their costs of the mission trip down by all their efforts in selling wreaths. Above all, we thank you, the parishioners, for all your support in purchasing the wreaths. We hope you were happy with the product! In addition, we had an awesome Christmas Party at the bowling alley on campus. Each of us brought a White Elephant Gift to exchange. We probably had 25 young adults show up. We even left a little piece of us at the bowling alley for all to enjoy. On January 15 our community lost a great young man, Gabe Heller, who was a friend and schoolmate to many of our Prime Timers. We had listening sessions for the young people at our church with many from our congregation Salvation Army Bell Ringing Thank you to everyone who rang the bell for the Salvation Army at Sentry on December 20, 2014. The money collected was sent to the Walworth County Board/Salvation Army Board and is used to help fund the mission and ministry of the Salvation Army. They are most appreciative for our help! attending and eager to provide support and unconditional love to our young adults that were affected. Our community came together at a very nice Celebration of Life memorial service for Gabe at Cross Point Church. Gabe will be sorely missed by all. We are pretty much now back into our routine after a few Sundays off of Prime Time due to the holidays. If you are a high school student, or a parent of a high school student, of ANY high school, you are welcome to attend Prime Time which meets on Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm. Please contact Julie & Tom DuVal at 262.949.7309 or Tim & Lisa Otterbacher at 262.409.0300 for information. submitted by Jayne Haskey Thank you to First Citizens Bank, Whitewater for collecting the money and preparing the checks for the Salvation Army after each Church made a deposit. Money collected: Community of Christ the Servant - $169.49 Congregational UCC $315.24 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church - $123.74 First English Lutheran Church - $723.03 St. Patrick’s Catholic Church - $55.08 First United Methodist Church - $383.73 Page 7 The Messenger 2015 WARM Scholarships The Whitewater Area Regional Ministry Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the availability for the tenth year of a $500 scholarship from the Ike & Kate Schaffer Scholarship Fund. In order to be eligible for consideration as a recipient, one must satisfy the following criteria. While in the WARM area, you have: Attended, on at least a half -time basis, church services at one of the WARM churches, and Been actively involved in one or more of its studentrelated activities. Be an individual who is planning to pursue the continuation of his or her education, to include any of the following: full or parttime college/technical school course work, single class enrollment; workshop, seminar or trip of an educational nature. Applied for and been accepted to the program of any of the above educational institutions or functions. Be at least a current high school senior or older. Also available is a WARM Scholarship. The guidelines for this scholarship are: The WARM (Whitewater Area Regional Ministry) scholarship is open to students from any of the WARM churches – graduating high school submitted by Carole Schringer seniors through those of any age working to complete an initial undergraduate degree. The scholarship is available to those undertaking any course of undergraduate, post-high school education deemed appropriate by the Scholarship Committee. Both an applicant’s financial need and participation in the WARM congregations are to be considered in selecting a recipient. Typically, there will be a single recipient each year of a scholarship equivalent to $1,000 in 2015 dollars. The scholarship may be awarded to the same recipient up to four times (four separate years) at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee. A new application is required each year. The scholarship need not be awarded every year. Funds available and at least one highly qualified applicant will be the determining factors. Multiple scholarships or an increased scholarship amount may be awarded in a single year if funds are available. The scholarship award is to be paid only after the recipient has successfully completed a minimum of one semester of post-high school study. Successful completion will generally be defined as a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, but payment of the scholarship award will be at the sole discretion of the Scholarship Committee. Application forms for both of these scholarships will be available after the 1st of April from the Church Office at First UMC. The application form must be filled out in full and returned to the church office no later than Friday, May 8. ...application forms must be filled out in full and returned to the church office no later than Should you have questions in regard to the scholarships and/or applications for same, please feel free to contact any of the committee members: Carole Scharinger (Chair) 262.473.4745 Carol Colin-Beckman 262.473.1072 Terrie Parenteau 262.473.8667 Glenn Hayes 262.473.4036 Mark Hiebert 262.473.3288 Bruce Schroeder 262.473.6269 Chuck Taylor 262.495.8625 Friday, May 8! Page 8 The Messenger Loose coins of February FUMC The loose coins of February are going to work at the Whitewater Food Pantry. The need is great, and the shelves get empty very quickly. They will probably empty even more quickly this summer, when the kids no longer get school lunches, so keep the Pantry on your shopping list. Susan Hiscox writes of their gratitude for the many donations they receive (including a very generous donation from Dean and Shirley Taylor) and for the many volunteers who keep things organized and available. Cash donations help volunteers purchase perishable items. Please give generously! They have been considering a change in registration practices. We will keep you updated if and when those changes occur. Let your February loose coins help keep the shelves stocked. Food donations, placed in the grocery cart in the front hallway at First Church, are also very welcome. Items most needed at this time (January list) are spaghetti sauce, brown rice, peanut butter and jelly. Before shopping, check the Good Morning submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach Advertiser “Food for Thought” column for updates on that list. Paper money for the loose coin offering should be put in an envelope and marked ‘loose coin.’ Donations by check should be made out to FUMC with Food Pantry in the memo line, and you can do that any time during the year that you feel a nudge from God. WARM Worship Schedules First UMC 8 am - Chapel Service 10 am - Sanctuary 10:20 am - Sunday School 1st & 3rd Sundays First UMC February 1 Communion: Intinction “Epiphany: AUTHORITY” Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Mark 1:21-28 LaGrange UMC 9 am - Worship 9:20 am - Sunday School February 8 “Epiphany: HEALING” Isaiah 40:21-31 Mark 1:29-39 Richmond UMC 9 am - Worship Sunday School following worship February 15 “Transfiguration: SHINING” Mark 9:2-9 All three WARM churches have Food Pantry collections on the first Sunday of each month. Please continue to give generously to our local Food Pantry. February 18 Ash Wednesday Service begins at 7 pm (FUMC) “Emptied...and yet full of God” Matthew 6:1-16, 17-21 February 22 First Sunday in Lent “A JOURNEY OF RELEASE & GAIN: How is It with Your Soul?” Genesis 1:26-27 Philippians 4:8-9 Page 9 The Messenger A Stewardship Message The Enough stewardship study group discussed how giving and generosity was part of our makeup and resulted in a variety of blessings to ourselves and others. I recently read about several research studies showing emotional dividends associated with gratitude and how it results in happier people. One study showed participants who were more materialistic meaning that they place a lot of importance on acquiring material possessions - reported lower feelings of gratitude and lower satisfaction with life. In fact, the researchers determined that materialists feel less satisfied with their lives mainly because they experience less gratitude. These findings help to explain why, according to much previous research, materialistic people are less happy. We have heard this same conclusion from fellow members who talk about the “joy” of giving and the blessing they feel from giving. The studies talked about prior research findings that less happy people make more materialistic purchases, Community Clothes Closet Community Clothes Closet news as received from Kay Robers: The WTMJ and Daniel’s Sentry Community Baby Shower is approaching as I write this. All the volunteers are looking forward to it, and I will be reporting on it in the March newsletter. Kay anticipates that there will be a good supply of diapers from the shower, and they will be able to buy more with the gift cards bought by the cash submitted by Dave Gamble creating a vicious cycle. But the authors of this new study argue that gratitude can help break this cycle. Based on their results, they suggest that boosting one’s level of gratitude might reduce materialism and its negative effects on happiness. I didn’t find the research studies to be surprising. I have lots of material stuff, but my stuff never gives as much joy or feeling of blessing as when I give to others, whether the gift is service, money or other ways of giving. submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach donations – this is pretty much the only time of year that the Closet has diapers on hand. Kay reports that the Closet has had a good winter; your donations have kept up with the demand – thank you, thank you! Most families have gotten enough winter gear, and with the decrease in demand, the Closet is going back to its regular hours of first and third Saturdays from 8:3011 am, starting in February. As you begin to bring out your spring things, remember the shoppers at the Clothes Closet, and picture them enjoying the things you can’t use any more – especially pretty dresses for Easter, and prom dresses (PROM POSSIBLE is just around the corner!). And if you feel the urge to help out with sorting and managing the donations, give Kay a call (262.379.0187). February 16 Discovering the Joy through Simplicity and Generosity! Page 10 The Messenger Confirmation 2014-15 submitted by Rev. Susan Bresser Introducing Confirmation Student, Bennett Miles Introducing Confirmation Mentor, Doug Anderson Family: two older brothers - Zach & Ethan and a yellow lab named Ranger Hobbies: Mindcraft and XBox Gifts & Strengths: hand/eye coordination and good sense of balance - “I always land on my feet.” What I like best about church: learning about church God: family/friend/helper/forgiving Scariest thing that has ever happened: almost got hit by a deer Best thing that has ever happened: going to Washington DC Born: New Richmond, WI Family: 7th of 8 children (4 brothers and 3 sisters), married to Janie, 1 married daughter and 1 son Who I was as an 8th grader: quiet, nerd Gifts and Strengths: self-confident, like to talk Employment: school bus driver Best thing ever: getting married God: life guide How I’m involved in the life of the church: organize coffee hour, University Lunch greeter Joy in the church: it’s a nice place to reflect and think about other people Faith traditions growing up: always United Methodist WE CARE submitted by Terrie Parenteau Want to “give back” but haven't found what you’re looking for? Why not check out WE CARE? It’s a service group offering university students an opportunity to gather together to support those in need. All supplies are provided. We make quilts for “Linus Project,” create scrapbook pages for those who are in early stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s, sew dresses for young girls to start school, make “Capes for Kids,” design holiday stockings for the Association for the Prevention of Family Violence, make jewelry and do numerous other projects. All completed items are donated to local organizations. Have an idea for a charity need? Please come and share your thoughts, ideas, talents and skills. It’s a come-asyou-can group; no strings attached. Never done any of these things before? Not a problem; we’ll teach you whatever you need to know. We meet Sunday afternoons, 3-6 pm (flexible end time) at First United Methodist Church, 145 S. Prairie St. (they sponsor the Free Lunch on Tuesdays). Spring schedule: February 1, 8, 22 March 1, 8, 15 April 12, 19, 26 May 3 Snacks will be provided!!! Page 11 The Messenger Scrip - a No-Cost Fundraiser!! If you could give money to your church without it costing you a dime, would you do it? Scrip does just that! Each scrip/gift card you purchase gives the church a percentage of your purchase, yet you still get to spend the entire amount of the purchase price. For example, if you purchase a Woodman’s card for $50, you go to Woodman’s and spend the $50! If you don’t spend the entire $50 the remaining amount remains on the card for you to spend the next time you go to Woodman’s. You don’t lose that balance. submitted by Gina McManaway This is true for any “Scrip” card you purchase! Start thinking Spring Break and Easter. Are you planning a trip? Are there Scrip cards you might use on your trip? You could buy your cards now, like maybe gas cards, and that might help you stick to your vacation budget. Are you planning a little something special to put in an Easter basket? Our college students always appreciate a gift card to Subway, or a gas card would also come in handy. As always, there is a long list of retailers who participate in this program. Pick up a current list at the Scrip table at either First UMC or Richmond UMC. This truly is a way to give to your church without it costing you a dime. If you have any questions about this fundraiser, call Gina at 262.473.2131. Happy shopping, and thank you for supporting our ministries! New Year’s resolution you can keep: Do all your grocery shopping with a Scrip card! WARM Singers submitted by Rev. Susan Bresser If you’d like more music in your life, come to a WARM sing-a-long. On the second Monday of each month singers will gather in the Chapel at First Church to enjoy some favorite hymns. We will begin at 7 pm on Monday, February 9. Sweeping the Treasury at LUMC Thanks to everyone in WARM who volunteered at our food tent at the Walworth County Fair. We couldn’t do it without you! Most years, the Fair funds cover about one third of our budget. And sometimes, we have a little bit left over, which we try to contribute to a mission. We call it “sweeping the treasury.” There was some money left over at the end of Everyone of WARM and their friends are welcome, and no special talent is required, just an enjoyment of singing! submitted by Pat Bromley 2014 that we will be using for a specific project: repairs at Twin Oaks Homeless Shelter’s kitchen. You will be hearing more about this later. Plans are underway. Page 12 The Messenger 2015 Adult Mission Opportunities If you are new to Mission trips, this is a great place to start!! Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC) in Chatham, IL could not carry out its mission without volunteers. MMDC needs volunteers and loves its volunteers! There are many ways in which you can volunteer at MMDC. They offer opportunities to serve for a day or for a week. They have volunteers that stay on campus and those that come from right there in Chatham. If you want to volunteer at MMDC, we will gladly work with you to find a time that works. For more information, contact: www.midwestmissionsdc. Org May 11-15, 2015 $130 (need half of the cost by February 15) Carpool to Springfield, IL (about four hours) We will work Tuesday -Thursday and use Friday to tour the area and then commute home. More on Adult Mission Trips MMDC needs volunteers and loves its volunteers! MISSION TRIPS FOR ADULTS are NOW AVAILABLE FOR BOARDING! (Joining?) SIGN UP NOW! Come with us to visit and work at Midwest Mission Distribution Center during the week of May 11 -15. We have space for 16 people (32, if 16 of them can handle a top bunk ). February 16 submitted by Kim Brumm Costs for MMDC: Deposit - $20 Materials fee - $50 Lodging $15/night x 4 $60 We will split the cost of gas (carpooling) and groceries. Please bring extra money for sightseeing or purchases at the Fair Trade shop onsite. submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach If Chatham, IL is not far enough for you, check out the trip to Sager Brown Depot in Baldwin, Louisiana, June 20-27. There are only 10 spots available on that trip. Pastor Kim is keeping the lists of participants, and you can ask her for details. Don’t think too long – the first payment needs to be made in early March. For MMDC, that is $72.50, which doesn’t include small travel costs (it’s less than a 5 hour drive). Sager Brown is a little more expensive, due to the length of the trip. The Messenger More Thank Yous Thank you UMW for the many delicious cookies at Christmas time. I enjoyed sharing them with friends. Bless each one who took the time to make, assemble and deliver them at such a busy time of the year. Jean Leedham brought me my plate. We had a good visit. Joyce Dougherty Dear Prayers & Squares, The quilt was such a kind and supportive way of showing prayers and caring. It truly helped me get through my recovery. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Hugh Gnatzig & family To the young people of FUMC, We Care for the interesting wreath, FLOOD for the corn bag, and the children who made the card that accompanied them. Page 13 continued from page 3 Thank you for thinking of me. I will think of you as I enjoy these. Clara Bastian Thanks so much for the delicious plate of cookies. I really appreciate them as I am not much of a cook. Your efforts are greatly appreciated each Christmas! Thanks again, Dean Taylor Tis the most wonderful time of the year - and we thank the Methodist Women for bringing us “Cookie Cheer.” Jean & Rev. John Lyford Dear UMW Members, Thank you so much for the lovely cookie plate. The cookies are not only pretty to look at, but are delicious to eat!! I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Thank you for the lovely plate of home made cookies - I enjoyed every morsel. The visit with Mary Beth was extra special. Sincerely, Audrey Tuinstra Thank you for giving me the delicious plate of Christmas cookies. It was very thoughtful of you and much appreciated. Happy Holidays and best wishes in 2015. Doris Peters It was a delight to receive your ‘Handmade’ cards. I enjoyed the “Button Tree” and Rev. John liked the “Merry Christmas & Holly Leaves.” With our love to each of you, Mrs. Jean & Rev. John Lyford Ruth Nicholson Two Last Minute Requests from Africa University My sincere THANK YOU to all of you for your prayers and numerous kinds of support for my mission at Africa University. I have just received two new requests that you might be interested in helping with: 1. The Counseling Office will be asking for nominations for a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership. Dr. Machinga is hoping to provide an award of $100-$200 to the winner. Monetary donations can be made through Jayne in the church office. . 2. The Counseling Office would also like a set of ZUMBA DVDs for our weekly exercise therapy program. So, I need your expertise to know what would be good to purchase, if any of you have experience with submitted by Mary Beth Byrne this, I do not!! Funding is also needed for this purchase - I checked online and one set was about $40 - hopefully one can be found at Best Buy or WalMart to save on shipping charges. Thank you again for your interest and wonderful support! The deadline is Wed., February 4 The Messenger Ingathering Page 14 submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach Plan on participating in Ingathering 2015 this year, otherwise known as the gathering of materials to put together kits used to minister to people around the world. This is a great donation opportunity to help make a difference. This year, we will be asking you to bring your donations by early May, so that our Volunteer In Mission team to MMDC can take them along as part of our gifts of materials and service. The 2015 Ingathering information sheet will soon be available on the Meals on Wheels Reminder!!! Meals on Wheels delivery drivers are needed!! We have agreed to supply drivers for two weeks in February, as well as our Stephen Ministry We celebrate that Wanda Richards has completed Stephen Leader training in Orlando, FL. Wanda joins Mindy Wade and Revs. Susan and Kim as Stephen Leaders who are trained to train ministers for oneon-one ministry. We will have a recognition for mission bulletin board, and there will be takealong copies in the bin beside it. Note that the mission kits mentioned on the sheet include MMDC lists for cleaning buckets, layette kits, bedding kits, birthing kits, sewing kits, and school bags (we’ll probably do the school bags in August, when school supplies are really cheap). There are also Wisconsin Conference kit lists for mens’, womens’ and kids’ kits to be used at Harbor House Shelter in Superior, Milwaukee Children’s Services, and Northcott Neighborhood House – these items will be taken to Wisconsin Annual Conference in June, to be distributed from there. Any MMDC kit items coming in after our VIM trip will also go to Annual Conference and ride in the MMDC truck back to Chatham. Please note that only items mentioned on one of the lists can be accepted for a kit – an off-list item will probably go to a local charity in Chatham. submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach usual month of July. Look for a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall at First Church, where you can volunteer to deliver (11:50 am –12:30 pm approx.) for a day or more during the weeks of February 16-27. submitted by Rev. Kim Brumm Wanda when she and Jim return from Florida. WARM will be hosting another Stephen Ministry training in the spring. Please be in prayer to see if God is calling you to this ministry. Stephen Ministry equips congregation members to provide one– on-one Christian care to people who are hurting. To learn more, please contact our coordinator Mindy Wade, Rev. Susan or Rev. Kim. Or go to to view video clips. Page 15 The Messenger SERVING continued from page 1 3. You will become more grateful. Every time I serve on a mission trip, I receive an attitude adjustment. I come back with a renewed appreciation for life’s little blessings. Most of our problems are ‘first-world’ - and when you’re packing birthing kits for third-world countries, you will come to recognize that your problems are pretty puny. 4. You will discover your spiritual family. You will work alongside other faithful United Methodists, many from your church family, but you will connect with them in an even stronger relationship than you might not have now. God bonds us together when we’re working for Christ. 5. You will expand God’s kingdom. The Kingdom cannot be built without bold leaders. To share the gospel and to serve our brothers and sisters all over the world, we must be willing to pack our bags, overcome our fears and place ourselves outside of our comfort zones. Lessons Learned Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah’s Ark: Smile, it makes people wonder what you are up to!!! Don’t miss the boat. Remember that we are all in the same boat. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark. Stay fit. When you’re 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. Build your future on high ground. For safety’s sake, travel in pairs. When you’re stressed, float awhile. Remember, the Ark was built by submitted by Jayne Haskey amateurs, the Titanic by professionals. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow waiting. Slow Food Days A young friend asked me the other day, “What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up?” “We didn’t have fast food when I was growing up,” I replied. “All the food was slow.” “Seriously, where did you eat?” he asked. “It was a place called ‘home,’” I explained. “Mom cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table and prayed before eating. My mother saw to it that we always had healthy, fresh foods on the table. And if I didn’t like what she put on my plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.” My young friend was laughing so hard I didn’t tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the dinner table. Humor for the Hard Times The famous Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced Pea-KaBoo) is now a nurse working at an intensive care unit of a large metropolitan hospital. But she is not pemitted to answer the hospital telephone any longer because it caused too much confusion when she would answer and say, “Picabo, I.C.U.” Page 16 The Messenger Small Group Lenten Study “GIVE IT UP!” (for Lent) submitted by Jen Crone Lent Small Groups, Sermon Series and WARM-Wide Challenge Have you ever given up something for Lent or wondered about its purpose or value? I never have tried this, so I am excited to explore this spiritual practice through the book we have chosen as the theme for Lent this year. The book is called Give It Up! A Lenten Study For Adults by Dottie Escobedo-Frank. The author invites us on a guided journey to give up something different each week. The things we will give up are intended to release you from the world of distractions and to fast from some of the things that monopolize our minds and isolate us from God. We invite all of WARM to follow along and try giving up a different thing each week during the six weeks of Lent. You can participate in any number of ways. Rev. Susan Bresser will be using the book as a resource for her sermons during Lent. You can read the book on your own, join a small group, or just challenge yourself to Give It Up each week according to the schedule below, or simply come to church to take in Rev. Susan’s perspective every week in her sermon. . Do what you can and see what happens. It is recommended you Give It Up for Monday through Saturday, and then allow Sunday to be a break. But even if you are only able to give it up for a few days, or just one day, you may still experience the intended purpose and insight. Here’s the schedule (with the date of the Sunday beginning each week): 2/22 - Give up mirrors -- Gain internal significance 3/1 - Give up social media -- Socialize in real time 3/8 - Give up extraneous talking - Listen deeply to God, people, and the sounds of life 3/15 - Give up TV -- Gain attention to cycles of rest and restorative time 3/22 - Give up cell phones -- Increase in knowing God’s faithfulness 3/29 - Give up all of the above -- Gain the power of living without distraction and the benefit of silence If you would like to discuss this book and experience together with a group of people you can join a small group. Small groups are being formed based on interest and availability, but we hope to offer groups at the following times: Saturday morning, Sunday evening, and some weeknight. If you are interested, please fill out the slip below and turn it in to the office. Or contact Jennifer Crone directly by email ( or phone (262-458-2006). DETAILS! Books will be available soon in the office for $10. Small groups are being organized to meet for 6 weeks during Lent. First group meetings will be the week of February 22 (Saturday group will start 2/21). Sign Up Now! GIVE IT UP (for Lent) Name: Phone: Email: Meeting Time Preference: Saturday Morning (please check one) Sunday Evening Other The Messenger Page 17 Left and above Children’s Musical 2014 “God With Us” Above Dedication of Robes to Africa University Above and right Worship Page 18 The Messenger Proposal: WARM Boundaries Expanded PROPOSAL: Whitewater Area Regional Ministry Boundaries Expanded The proposal to bring Bethel UMC into partnership with the Whitewater Area Regional Ministry (effective July 1, 2015) has been approved at both the WARM Church Conference (December 1) and Bethel UMC Church Conference (December 14). The proposal now rests with Bishop Hee-Soo Jung. Our prayer is that he will approve this proposed partnership early in February. ...a diversity of gifts and experience that will complement those of the laity already in WARM. Why the proposal? Rev. Kimberly Brumm has requested a new appointment, which leaves Richmond UMC in need of a pastor. We propose that Richmond UMC and Bethel UMC become ‘yoked’ – becoming a two-point charge (one pastor, two churches). What will change? Staffing. Effective July 1, 2015 there will be one pastor serving Richmond UMC and Bethel UMC. University Ministry will be led by a laity team. A WARM Pastor of Visitation will be hired (though not under appointment). Rev. Susan Bresser and Rev. Don Norman will continue their current appointments. We are requesting that Rev. Joyce Rich, the current pastor at Bethel UMC, be appointed to serve both Richmond UMC and Bethel UMC. Worship Times. Currently, both Richmond UMC and Bethel UMC have Sunday morning worship at 9 am. The congregations will work out a new schedule. Pastoral Housing. The Bethel UMC parsonage will be used by the pastor serving Bethel UMC and Richmond UMC. The current WARM parsonage (next to First UMC) will be ‘on hold’ as the FUMC Board of Trustees discusses all options. WARM administrative staff will have additional responsibilities supporting Bethel UMC. Missional Reasons for Partnership With the addition of Bethel UMC, WARM’s primary outreach and ministry area will cover the entire northwest corner of Walworth County. The churches can make a concerted effort to reach the unchurched in this geographical area. The unique characteristic of Bethel, Richmond, LaGrange and FUMC enable WARM to attract new people who desire both the intimacy of a smaller worship community and the opportunities of shared ministry for generational and intergenerational faith development and special interest groups, choral and instrumental music ensembles, mission trips, special worship services and community events. Combined, effective use of personnel and other church resources witnesses to our ability to live and work in connection as United Methodists. Maintaining healthy, vital local congregations – both large and small – is a springboard for creating new ministry relationships within WARM and with our ecumenical partners. The laity of Bethel UMC bring a diversity of gifts and experience that will complement those of the laity already in WARM. The Messenger First UMC offers electronic giving, which allows you the convenience of making donations on a scheduled, automatic basis. If you are writing checks and preparing envelopes every week, or if you prefer to stop writing Page 19 To set up an electronic donation, simply fill out the form below or ask Jayne for an authorization form to fill out and return it to the Business Office. Donations can be debited automatically from either a checking or savings account. If you are interested, please contact Jayne Haskey (262.473. 2131) for more details. checks altogether, you will especially appreciate electronic giving. It is convenient for you and provides a donation consistency for our church. We use a company called Vanco Services through the Wisconsin Annual Conference. We have several families participating, and the process is very simple. You set the amount and the date you want to give. The monies are transferred from your checking/ savings account to the church account. Authorization Form Church name: Your name: Address: City, State, Zip: E-mail address: I would like to make the following contribution: General Operating Fund $ per week per month (circle one) Date or days of month/week Checking/Savings Information Please debit my (check one) Checking account (attach voided check) Routing #: Savings account (attach voided deposit slip) Account # Valid routing # must start with 0, 1, 2 or 3 I authorize the above organization and Vanco Services to process debit entries to the above account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization. Authorized signature: Date: / / Page 20 The Messenger WARM Business Meetings for February Looking for information? See who to contact!! February 3 WARM Staff Mtg., 9 am (FUMC) February 17 WARM Staff Mtg., 9 am (FUMC) February 15 Ad. Council, 8 am (RUMC) February 19 SPRC, 6:30 pm (FUMC) WARM Contact Information First UMC Pastor Susan Bresser 262.458.2309 (home) 608.333.4249 (cell) Richmond UMC Pastor Kimberly Brumm 262.473.5622 (home) 608.289.8615 (cell) LaGrange UMC Pastor Don Norman 262.472.9166 (home) 920.723.3862 (cell) Prime Time (High School Youth) Tom & Julie DuVal 262.949.7309 (cell) Tim & Lisa Otterbacher 262.409.0300 (cell) Promise Point Mike Soehner 608.201.6494 (cell) Steven Ministry Coordinator Mindy Wade 920.723.4385 (cell) Children’s Ministry Coordinator FLOOD (Middle School Youth) Heidi Cook 262.379.0421 (cell) February 16 The Messenger Page 21 LUMC Birthdays Michael Maas Corina Schramm Anna Dow Katherine Dunham Kathleen Dunham Abby Dama Mark Bromley RUMC Birthdays FUMC Birthdays Lydia Bols Alisandra Edmonds Kim McCrea Joyce Dougherty Katy Katzman Pam Houghton Glenn Hayes Carol Colin-Beckman Robert Gabbey Kathryn Mattingly Britt Minton Hannah Hoffmann John Houwers Eva Hughes Bonnie Minette Karen Raufman Tom Marshall Rachel Welter Lorrie Koppein Deb Gamble Lauren Hoffmann Ruth Beattie Hallie Runez Nick McCulloch Don Sorensen Maggie Mroch Ruth DuCharme Karen Wilson Greg Leason Gabriela Villasana Carol Behrens RUMC Anniversaries Ed & Betty McManaway Jack & Veda Fearn Food Pantry Sunday On the first Sunday of each month all three churches of WARM have Food Pantry day. On those days, everyone is invited to bring food pantry items that will be donated to the local Whitewater Food Pantry. The Food Pantry is always in need of canned goods, fresh produce, baked goods, dish soap, laundry soap and any other cleaning products. Thank you for your generous donations! Page 22 The Messenger CLR - Cristo La Roca FUMC - First United Methodist Church LUMC - LaGrange United Methodist Church RUMC - Richmond United Methodist Church Sun Mon February 2015 Tue Wed Thu Church Events Fri Sat 1 Food Pantry Sunday/ Communion Souper Bowl Sunday (FUMC) 8 am - Chapel Service (FUMC) 8:15 am - Choir Practice (LUMC) 9 am - Worship (LUMC & RUMC) 10 am - Sanctuary (FUMC) 1 pm - CLR Worship (FUMC) 3 pm - WE CARE (FUMC) 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 9 am - Devotions @ 6 pm - Prayer/ Brookdale Worship (CLR @ 10 am - Devotions FUMC) @ Blackhawk 13 St. Valentine’s Day 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 8 am - Chapel Service (FUMC) 8:15 am - Choir Practice (LUMC) 9 am - Worship (LUMC & RUMC) 10 am - Sanctuary (FUMC) 11:45 am - UMW (FUMC) 1 pm - CLR Worship (FUMC) 3 pm - WE CARE (FUMC) 8 am - Ad. Council (RUMC) 8 am - Chapel Service (FUMC) 8:15 am - Choir Practice (LUMC) 9 am - Worship (LUMC & RUMC) 10 am - Sanctuary (FUMC) 1 pm - CLR Worship (FUMC) 22 8 am - Chapel Service (FUMC) 8:15 am - Choir Practice (LUMC) 9 am - Worship (LUMC & RUMC) 10 am - Sanctuary (FUMC) 1 pm - CLR Worship (FUMC) 3 pm - WE CARE (FUMC) Groundhog Day 1:30 pm - Esther Circle (FUMC) 7 pm - WARM Singers (FUMC) President’s Day Messenger Deadline Messenger Deadline Messenger 9 am - Staff (FUMC) 10 am - Womens Group (CLR @ FUMC) 1:30 pm - Kindred Caregivers (FUMC) 6:30 pm - Financial Peace (FUMC) 10 am - Womens Group (CLR @ FUMC) 6:30 pm - Financial Peace (FUMC) 9 am - Staff (FUMC) 10 am - Womens Group (CLR @ FUMC) 1:15 pm - Ruth Circle @ Fairhaven 6:30 pm - Financial Peace (FUMC) 9:30 am - Wed. Morn. Bible Study (FUMC) 3 pm - Communion @ Fairhaven 7 pm - Chancel Choir (FUMC) 9:30 am - Wed. Morn. Bible Study (FUMC) 6 pm - Potluck (RUMC) 7 pm - Chancel Choir (FUMC) Ash Wednesday 9:30 am - Wed. Morn. Bible Study (FUMC) 7 pm - WARM Ash Wednesday Service (FUMC) 9 am - Prayers & Squares (FUMC) 4:30 pm - Worship Planning (FUMC) 9 am - Prayers & Squares (FUMC) 6:30 pm - SPRC (FUMC) 6 pm - Prayer/ Worship (CLR @ FUMC) 6 pm - Prayer/ Worship (CLR @ FUMC) 7 8:30-11 am Clothes Closet @ Cong. Church 14 8:30-11 am Clothes Closet @ Cong. Church Deadline 23 6 pm - Miriam Circle 24 10 am - Womens Group (CLR @ FUMC) 6:30 pm - Financial Peace (FUMC) 25 9:30 am - Wed. Morn. Bible Study (FUMC) 11:45 am - Lenten Lunch @ St. Luke’s 7 pm - Chancel Choir (FUMC) 9 am - Devotions @ 6 pm - Prayer/ Brookdale Worship (CLR @ 10 am - Devotions FUMC) @ Blackhawk Page 23 The Messenger CLR - Cristo La Roca FUMC - First United Methodist Church LUMC - LaGrange United Methodist Church RUMC - Richmond United Methodist Church FLOOD - Middle School Youth Group Prime Time - High School Youth Group Sun Mon February 2015 Tue Wed Thu Youth Events Fri Sat 1 Food Pantry Sunday/ Communion 10 am - Sunday School (RUMC) 10:20 am - Sunday School (FUMC) 7 pm - Prime Time (FUMC) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 10 am - Sunday School (RUMC) 7 pm - Prime Time (FUMC) 10 am - Sunday School (RUMC) 10:20 am - Sunday School (FUMC) 7 pm - Prime Time (FUMC) Groundhog Day President’s Day Messenger Deadline 10:45 am University Ministry Free Lunch 10:45 am University Ministry Free Lunch 10:45 am University Ministry Free Lunch Messenger Deadline Messenger Deadline 22 Confirmation Retreat 10 am - Sunday School (RUMC) 10:20 am - Sunday School (FUMC) 23 24 10:45 am University Ministry Free Lunch 6:45 am - Breakfast Club (FUMC) 3:15 pm - Promise Point 5 pm - Confirmation 6 pm - Drumming 6:30 FLOOD All Wednesday Night WARM programs held at FUMC 6:45 am - Breakfast Club (FUMC) 3:15 pm - Promise Point 5 pm - Confirmation 6 pm - Drumming 6:30 FLOOD All Wednesday Night WARM programs held at FUMC Ash Wednesday 6:45 am - Breakfast Club (FUMC) 3:15 pm - Promise Point 5 pm - Confirmation 6:30 pm - FLOOD All Wednesday Night WARM programs held at FUMC 25 6:45 am - Breakfast Club (FUMC) 3:15 pm - Promise Point 5 pm - Confirmation 6 pm - Drumming 6:30 pm - FLOOD All Wednesday Night WARM programs held at FUMC St. Valentine’s Day 4 pm - Confirmation Confirmation Retreat Retreat Noon - 30-Hour Famine begins 30-Hour Famine ends @ 6 pm (FUMC) WARM: First UMC, LaGrange UMC & Richmond UMC The Messenger is published by the Whitewater Area Regional Ministry 145 S. Prairie Street Whitewater, WI 53190 Phone: 262.473.2131 Fax: 262.473.2362 E-mail: Return Service Requested We’re on the Web First UMC LaGrange UMC Richmond UMC Susan Bresser Lead Pastor, Whitewater Area Regional Ministry (WARM) Donald Norman Pastor, LaGrange UMC Kimberly Brumm Pastor, Richmond UMC, University Ministry and WARM Caring Ministries Norma I. Albino-Noriega Pastor, Cristo La Roca Heidi Cook Children’s Ministry Coordinator Michael Soehner Wednesday Youth Director Tom & Julie DuVal/Tim & Lisa Otterbacher High School Youth Leaders Megan & Brooke Linse and Renee Stoll Nursery Care, FUMC Dolores Feltych University Ministry Lunch Coordinator Jim Athas Director of Music, FUMC Christine Hayes Chancel Choir Director & World Drumming Instructor, FUMC Janet Hardt Pianist & Choir Director, LUMC Elizabeth Asher Pianist, RUMC Mindy Wade Stephen Ministry Coordinator Betty McManaway & Joe Sherman Custodian & Maintenance, FUMC Jayne Haskey Office/Business Manager/Administrative Assistant, WARM Gina McManaway Clerical Assistant, WARM
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