Annoc 12-28-14 - River Hills United Methodist Church

Welcome - We’re honored that you have chosen to worship with us!
If you are a first or second time visitor or new to our community, please stop by our
Welcoming Desk in the Narthex. You may also fill in a visitor card in the
pew or at the desk if you wish.
Last Sunday in worship:
Sisters Class — For Women
The Sisters Class is studying a book today based on
Adam Hamilton's book, Why? Making Sense of
God's Will. Questions the book considers are where
is God when innocent people suffer? Where is God
when my prayers go unanswered? And why is God's
will so difficult to understand? All adult women are
invited to participate; books are available on the education kiosk with a suggested donation of $8.00. We
meet on Sunday mornings at 10:05 in the Library.
Flowers Given by:
Jim and Julie May in honor of Julie mother’s birthday (Vi Johnson).
Next Sunday, Dec. 28th,
No Children's Church
Bishop Ough—to Preach at RHUMC Jan. 4
Bishop Bruce Ough will
deliver our sermon at both
services on Sunday, Jan. 4.
You won’t want to miss his
message and the chance to
welcome our bishop!
Pastor’s Study—10:05 NOT MEETING TODAY
All are welcome to drop by Pastor Robert’s office in
between services for an informal (and often insightful
and inspiring) conversation about a chapter in the Bible. We looking at the birth narrative in the gospels. Sometimes we take for granted that we know
what the Bible says about the birth of Jesus. Let’s
look with new eyes as we prepare for Christmas. Come join us in the conversation or sit back
and reflect as you hear different insights and perspectives! There is always room around the table.
Save a Life Learn First Aid and CPR!
A First Aid class will be offered Thursday, Jan. 22,
from 6 to 10 p.m. A CPR/AED class will be offered
Thursday, Jan. 29, from 6 to 10 p.m. Classes will be
in the Bosshardt Room. Space is limited, so register in
advance with Warren Pyle, 612-869-8659 or
FAITH ON FILMFaith on Film views movies and documentaries
and discusses how the issues raised by the particular film relate to our faith as United Methodists. The class meets Sundays at 10:10 am in the
Annex. Feel free to drop-in as your schedule allows. There is no weekly commitment. Upcoming schedule:
December 28 Time and Calendars
Tuesday Bible Study—
Class resumes January 13th with Chapter 5
Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the Bosshardt Room
we are studying “A Hop, Skip, and a Jump Through
the Bible” by J. Ellsworth Kalas. Contact Pastor Emma
if you have questions 952-890-2515
Wednesday Nights for Kids this week.
No Jam Club Dec. 31.
Sunday School - No Sunday School Dec. 28th
Book Club
Join us in the library Feb. 4 “ from 6-7:15 pm for a discussion on “Pope Joan” by Donna Woolfolk. For 1,200
years, her existence has been denied. She is the legend
that will not die —the woman who disguised herself as
a man and sat for two years on the papal throne. Contact Pastor Emma if you have questions 952-890-2515,
ext.205 or
Thursday Night Discussion Group
January 8th, 7:00 pm in the Bosshardt Room
Are you interested in some lively conversation, fellowship, and great Bible study? Please join us
Thursday evenings January 8th through March 27th
at 7:00 pm as we discuss Pete Wilson’s book, “Plan
B- what do you do when God doesn't show up the
way you thought he would?” “Plan B” offers honest
encouragement, hope and spiritual insights as we
struggle with our shattered dreams, unmet expectations or life simply does not go as planned. Books
and a sign-up sheet are available in the Narthex. For
further information please contact Barb Skochil at
612-492-9384 or e-mail
Beginning Monday, Jan. 19th for 5 weeks
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.—River Hills UMC
Are you finding yourself needing to make transitional
care decisions concerning a spouse, parent, or other
family member either now or in the near future? Or
are you already in the midst of the transition of being a
caregiver? Then this series is for you. Over the course
of 5 Monday evenings the discussion topics will include:
 Recognizing the need
 Addressing the need
 Exploring alternatives
 Taking care of yourself
 Addressing your future
There is no cost for this series but please sign-up either
on the sign-up board on the education kiosk in the
church narthex, calling the church office 952-8902515, or from the church website . If you have questions you
may contact either Allen Moore 952-388-1306 or Pastor Emma Melin .
Community Partnership Helps Break Barriers
to Addiction Treatment and Recovery
Public Invited to Join New York Times
Best-Selling Author William C. Moyers
on Jan. 15, 2015, Open for Discussion — Addiction:
The Science, Help and Hope behind the Disease, Moyers will discuss genetics and other factors influencing
addiction, as well as prevention, treatment, recovery
and more. The event is free to the public and will take
place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Hosanna! Church
sanctuary, located at 9600 163rd St. W., Lakeville,
MN, 55044.
January 11 between services
Wednesday, January 14, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 18, 9 and 11:05 am
Upcoming Baptism
Sunday, January 11
at the 9 or 11:05 a.m. service.
Call the church office,
to register for the class on
Wednesday, January 7 @7:00 p.m.
Support Groups
Al-Anon Meeting
Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at River Hills UMC.
Rhum Cafe!
AA Meetings
Thursdays at 7:30 pm and Fridays at 8 pm at Grace
UMC, Burnsville
Dec. 31st
Closed See you on Jan. 7th for
Something Delicious
ADHD, Autism & Other Disabilities on the
Monday, Jan. 26, 6:45-9:00 p.m. at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, AV
“What’s Next...and How Do I Get There?” Marcia
Mayo, M.A. Psychotherapist, ADHE Specialist, Educator
Youth Group Events
There is no youth group Dec 28 or Jan. 4 and no
Sunday school Dec. 28.
Dinner for 8 is Back!!!
Many have asked, and it is finally
here!! Dinner for 8 is coming
back to River Hills. Sign –ups
will be during the
month of December (in the narthex/entryway of the church),
with the Kick-off Potluck being on Sunday, January 11th 2015 in the fellowship hall at noon. Sign
ups will close when the potluck begins.
For those who are new to River Hills, you might be
wondering what this is: Dinner for 8 is a great way
to get to know other people at River Hills that you
have or have not met yet. 8 adult representatives
(individuals and families are welcome) are paired
together and meet for the first time at the kick-off
potluck. At that point you meet and plan who will
host the first Dinner for 8 and pick a date, time,
etc. Then the host contacts you with what they are
making and what they would like you to bring (a
side dish, salad, bread, dessert, etc.) Eventually
over the next several months each couple takes a
turn and hosts the meal, while others help by bringing side dishes.
For questions or more info please stop by our sign
up table in between services or contact Cary Suriono at 952-432-6717
email: or Greg Helenburg at
the church 952-890-2515
Gamblers Anonymous
Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at River Hills UMC.
Grief Support
Mondays 6-7:30 p.m. at Prince of Peace Lutheran
Church, Burnsville.
Dec. 29 — Happy New Year? You Must be Kidding!
Group meets year-round in the Chapel in the Christian
Life Center. For more information, please call Parish
Nurse, Leu Killion,
952-898-9320. There is no fee.
“Growing Through Loss” Fall Series
If you have experienced a loss or major crisis, you are
invited to the “Growing Through Loss” Series presentations. Sessions are 7 to 9 p.m., Thursdays, at Church of
St. John Neumann, 4030 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN
55122. Suggested donation per session is $3. For further
information, call 651-454-2079.
The SpLINT Worship
Christ in Your Recovery-Christ-Centered, For Everyone
in Recovery, Families & Friends Welcomed, Based in
Holy Scripture & AA Big Book, Follow the Light of
Christ in your Recovery
First Saturday of the month @ 5:00 p.m.
United Methodist Church of Peace, Richfield
Service & Mission
Thank you for special collections last
week for:
 Imagine No Malaria $211 to date $48,450
Undecorate the Church
January 3rd from 12-3 pm come out and join the fun.
Food Shelf
River Hills collects food for 360 Communities food
shelf the first Sunday of every month. Donations can
be left in the east entrance any time.
Volunteers Needed to Help with
Annual Homelessness Count
January 21, 22, 23
You are invited to join a team of community members that will reach out to families, single adults and
youth who may be experiencing housing instability
during the annual count of homelessness in January.
Volunteers are needed to engage in conversations
about housing issues and conduct surveys at local
food shelves and community meals. Volunteers will
work 2 to 3 hours for 1 or more shifts during Jan. 21 23. Mostly daytime hours, but some evening shifts
are available. Count results are important to understand the extent of homelessness in Dakota County
and will be used to promote services and permanent
housing for all. Training provided. For information
& signup contact Jean MacFarland at 952- 8942033 / or Paul Smith
(RHUMC) at 651-890-4189/
Calling all Musicians
Do you enjoy singing or playing a
musical instrument to praise God?
The River Hills Church Praise Team
needs YOU! The Praise Team rehearses Thursdays 7:00-8:30PM, does
a run-thru of the music Sundays 9:3010:50AM, then sings and plays during
much of the 11:05 Sunday Service.
We would like to put together two
complete praise teams, and have them
alternate Sunday services. (Praise
Team sings and plays every Sunday, all year long.)
We provide you with the music, so you can practice
the music on your own and come to rehearsals
somewhat prepared.
You would also have the opportunity to join in song
selection once each month. Praise Team singers and
musicians have to be committed and dedicated musicians, have a strong Christian faith, and be Teamplayers (pun intended!). You DO NOT have to be a
professional to join, just willing to make the time
commitment and have a servant's heart. Contact
Kurt Triebenbach (651-278-8617) or Lesli Anderson (612-822-4041) for more information.
Knitting Needs
We are in need of more
prayer shawls to be knitted,
crocheted or woven!
Please contact Lesli Anderson at 612-822-4041 for
more information.
The River Hills Prayer
Shawl Ministry provides
hand-made prayer shawls to anyone who would like
one. Prayer shawls and scarves are available for you
in the Narthex, in a variety of styles and colors.
They are free to those who want to wrap one around
themselves, to feel the comforting touch of the Holy
Spirit and God's love. The shawls and scarves have
been lovingly and prayerfully created by members
of River Hills Church.
Please feel free to take one and give it to a friend or
relative in need.
2015 Flower Chart
If you would like to donate an altar flower arrangement for a Sunday morning in 2015, please see the
new flower chart located on the bulletin board in the
Narthex just outside the Bosshardt Room. Our cost
for 2015 is holding steady at $40 thanks to the generosity of our supplier Flowerama who provides the
flowers and her design to us at her cost.
The Week at a Glance
Sun Dec 28, 2014
9am Worship
10:05am No Children's Church or Sunday School for Children & Youth
11:05am Worship
Mon Dec 29, 2014
11am Staff Meeting
7pm Boy Scouts
Tue Dec 30, 2014
7:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting
Wed Dec 31, 2014-All day New Years Eve - Church Office Closes Early,
ECC closes at 3 pm
Thu Jan 1, 2015-New Years Day - Church Office and ECC Closed
7pm Praise Team Rehearsal- L
Fri Jan 2, 2015
1pm Organ Rehearsal- Cathleen Harris
4:30 pm RHUMC to Simpson Shelter
7:30pmGamblers Anonymous- F
Sat Jan 3, 2015
11am Organ Rehearsal - Cathleen Harris
12pm Undecorate from the Advent Season-Pot Luck
6pm River of the Living Waters-Worship
Sun Jan 4, 2015
9am Worship
10am Sunday School for All
11:05am Worship
S-Sanctuary • B-Bosshardt Room • Y-Youth Room Lower Level •
F-Fellowship Hall Lower Level • L-Library • A-Annex room •
P-Pastors Office
of the
Church Family
Carrie Maeser; Al Shimp; Dee Foss; Dorothy Childs; Bob Hudgins; Marv Williams; Samantha Davis; Dave Willetts;
Gordon Manchester; Jay Dee Yearous; Monna Cochran; Mitch Miller; Don Walker; Marian Watson; Asher Moore;
Katie Burch; Lee and Bonnie Covart; Carol Walker; Ramona Mackie; Voncile (Mei Mei) Henderson; Eric Manchester; Ellie Schnoor; Jackie Earth; Donald Leaon; Dick, Corky and Laura Nicholson; Jerome Melhouse; Randy Skipton,
Sr.; Phil Devolites; Lynea Schmidt; Jen Hill; Dustin Mattingly
Friends and Family
Joan Noser, friend of Joan Benson; Michelle Fineran, Cary Suriono’s sister-in-law; Larry Sandmeyer, brother-in-law of
Denise & Jeff Poetter; Nancy Hamilton, friend of Al and Kris Harmon; Dan Nelson, friend of Scott McGuire; Stuart
Skulborgstad, father of Susie Wasmund; Mason, grandnephew of Jonnel Green; Jeff Stump, Son of Connie Arnie and
Connie Anton; Winnie Price, friend of Dixie Larson; David Gerfast, friend of Aaron Raschke; Family of Tom Kenyon; Joan Schultz, friend of Al & Sue Johnson; Randy Casper, Uncle of Heather Garcia; Cathy Brooks and Jim Clark,
friends of Vi Johnson and Julie May; Becky Leagjeld, mother of RHECC child; Vicki Babbs and mother; Mary
Melin, sister-in-law of Pastor Emma Melin; Sharon, Aunt of Tim Green; Mary Montgomery, aunt of Kim Henry; Savannah Henricks, niece of Beth & Pete Davis; Emily Grace Swanson, neighbor of Beth & Pete Davis; Kip and Nancy
Robinson, Missionaries in Sierra Leone; Alex and Barbara Awad, missionaries in Bethlehem; Eveline and Ophelia,
daughters of Everet Goodridge; Tom Everson, friend of Murien Jeffers; Glenn and Phyllis Hindal, friends of Arnold
and Connie Anton; Nancy Graf, good friend of Les and Monna Cochran; Mark VanDerWerf, brother of Joan VanDerWerf; Kevin S.; friend of Gail Hammond; Denealia Carter, niece of Everett Goodridge; Hectoria Howard, daughter of
Everett Goodridge; Isaiah Howard, son of Ruth Goodridge Clare McDonough, Karen Miller’s nephew’s daughter;
Debbie and David Fread; Pete Shean, neighbor of the Heitkamp’s; Sue Luebe, friend of Connie Barrett; Andrea and
son Donovan, friend of Kasey Johnson; Judy Meyers, mother of Sheri Brezinka; Stephanie Hill, granddaughter of
Jane Moist; Dwight, uncle of Ben Johnson; Lars, uncle of Ben Johnson; For the family of Dick Fread, brother-in-law
of Marge Fread; Brady Nelson, neighbor of Jan Snyder, Mickala Morinville, student of Jerome MelHouse’s nephew;
Mike Beason; Judy and Teri, friends of Marge Fread; Linda Leat, sister of Tim Payne; Juanita, friend of Marge Fread;
Rod Stotler, father of Becky Sefton; Rose Campbell, mother of Alan Campbell; Bishop Bruce Ough; and Rev. Clay
Oglesbee, River Valley District Superintendent.
Church Staff
Rev. Robert Braudt..……..…….Lead Pastor
Rev. Emma Melin………...…..……... Deacon
Pat Hammond….Dir. Contemporary Worship
Melissa Miller..….Dir. of Children’s Ministries
Greg Helenburg……..Dir. of Youth Ministries
Denise Poetter……..Administrative Assistant
Carrie Wilkens……...Office Communications
Dr. Jong-Won Park…...Dir. of Chancel Choir
Cathleen Harris…...…………….……Organist
Marilyn Pyle……...…………Dir. of Bell Choirs
Cary Suriono….Sunday Nursery Coordinator
Lori Bergsten…The Herald Newsletter Editor
Rachel Udelhoven…Dir. of Early
Childhood Center
Office Hours:
Mondays - Thursdays 9:00 - 3:00
and Fridays 9:00 - 1:00
Emergency pastoral care after
office hours and on weekends,
please call:
Rev. Robert Braudt,
@612-839-2111 or
Rev. Emma Melin,
11100 River Hills Drive
Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: 952-890-2515
Fax: 952-890-4536
A Note from the Trustees
Due to the early arrival of winter this year, the planned fix to the
narthex roof has been delayed until spring.
We will be watching the snow load this winter and having it
cleared as needed. hat said, we may need to watch for the drips this
spring. Thank you for your patience.
End of Year Giving
As the year begins to wind down some of you may be thinking of
gifting stock or a donation from your IRA. Please remember that
the IRS states that all gifts to a non-profit must be either received
or postmarked by Dec. 31 to be included in the current year’s giving. Therefore if you are gifting stock or other donations that take
a few days to a few weeks to process please give yourself enough
time. As a “rule of thumb” you should begin instigating these
transactions by the middle of December in order for the funds to
arrive to the church by December 31. Thank you all for your generosity and continued support of the many ministries of River Hills
UM Church. Denise Poetter, Administrative Assistant
Large Print Bulletins, Hymnals and Hearing Devices: available, ask
an usher for assistance.
Thank you for wearing your nametags: If you need a nametag,
contact the church office, 952-890-2515.
Child Care is available for ages 3 and under.
Children are always welcome in worship: Children’s activity
books and bags are located just outside the sanctuary doors on the “Kids
Refreshments Inside of Sanctuary: The Trustees ask that food or
beverages please not be brought into the sanctuary. However, bottled
water, bottled formula for infants, and spill-proof cups for small
children are permitted.
Online Giving: The church offers online giving. Just visit the
church’s website (, click the “Share” tab, and
follow the simple step-by-step directions. It’s secure, convenient and
Posting Materials in the Church: If you wish to have something
posted in the church, please get a copy to the church office for approval.
Please do not use scotch tape or duct tape to tape things to the walls,
doors, windows, etc. Use instead either tacky putty or painter’s tape,
which you can find in the cabinet above the mailboxes in the church
office. The Trustees thank you.
From the Finance Committee: Any groups or individuals wishing to
do fundraising activities in the church/congregation should submit
requests at least 2 (two) weeks in advance to the Missions Committee
and the Finance Committee of the church. The rationale for this policy
is to limit the number of simultaneous fundraiser activities and to ensure
the fundraiser meets the mission of the church.
RHUMC Has A No-Latex Policy.
Deadline for Bulletin Announcements: Tuesdays at noon.
Carrie at
Deadline for The Herald Newsletter: 15th of each month. E-mail
The Herald editor, Lori, at