January 2015 First United Methodist Church of Wabash, Indiana F I R S T E D I T I O N Mission Statement…To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Vision Statement...To provide a loving fellowship that brings about spiritual transformation through worship, prayer, study and action in order to know Christ and to make Him known. 110 N. Cass Street, Wabash, IN 46992 THE PASTOR’S PAGE I hope you are ready for the plunge because January 4 we are diving right back into The Story. If you have forgotten, we are on chapter 14—A Kingdom Torn Apart. We will be following from the split between Judah and Israel for several weeks, into the time of the prophets and the conquering of Israel and Judah. After that, we follow the restoration of Israel into the life of Christ and the birth of the Church. Take a deep breath! It does not come all at once. You will get the most out of it if you do more than just attend worship. This life of faith is to be engaged fully for yourself and with others. The best way you can do that is by getting into a small group. It is never too late to start. Please sign up and get into one for the new year. If you’ve been in a small group, one of the best gifts you can give to family or friends for the new year is to invite them to join you at the small group you attend. I pray for you and our congregation as a whole that this year will be a blessing and will be a year we say, “We matured so much as disciples of Jesus Christ.” Shalom, Pastor Kurt Freeman Senior Pastor - Rev. Kurt Freeman Pastor of Visitation - Rev. John Cook www.wabashfirstumc.org office.wabfirstumc@cinergymetro.net Phone: (260) 563-3108 FAX: (260) 563-3109 Happy New Year! Welcome to a new opportunity to minister to some wonderful children. We currently have a wonderful group of K-2nd grade kids who would love to hear what you have learned from The Story. We have an easy to follow curriculum, and are looking for leaders during our 10:00 hour. You will be able to be in worship until the Children’s moment. I know our Sunday worship is fabulous, and you don’t want to miss a moment of it! However, you can still hear the entire sermon at 8 a.m., or on our weekly podcast. We are asking you to sacrifice only 3 Sundays at a time. Please volunteer today to make a difference in the lives of these children. We have immediate openings available! Our policy is to have two adults in the classroom, since we have up to 12 wonderful kids in the class. Please contact Elizabeth at 563-6905 or email her at elizabethcooks2@yahoo.com. You can also call the church office, and leave a message with Debbie. Volunteer today, and change your world! God will be pleased with you for doing it. Elizabeth Freeman, Children’s Ministries Director A NOTE FROM KIDS FIRST CHILDCARE We have been truly blessed with so much generosity from the congregation and our KF families. Since we have started the weekly donations we have cut about $50.00 a week from our grocery bill. We didn’t have huge participation in our gift wrapping fundraiser, but it was our first year and those that did participate were very generous and made it worth our time. So we would like to take this time to thank all of you for all of the wonderful blessings and support that you have given to us in 2014. Wishing for all of you a blessed 2015!!! Missie Edwards KF Director 3rd, 4th, 5th Graders COME JOIN THE FUN YOUTH CHRISTIANS IN ACTION If you are in 6th grade to 12th grade, youth events are for YOU! 1/12/15 Movie Night at the Eagles “God Is Not Dead” @ 7pm 1/18/15 Youth group hosted by Treaty Church of Christ @ Treaty. Bus leaves at 6:15 returns at 8:15 p.m. Call, txt or e-mail Emily for details : eboardman@crossroadsbanking.com 765.633.3018 Sunday, JANUARY 11 11:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m. WINTER FUN Andrea Schuler & Tammy Whitenack CHRISTMAS CANTATA 2014!! “The Christmas Story” Featuring Choir & Orchestra / Sunday, Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. In the Sanctuary Plan to come, bring your friends and family for this FUMC Christmas tradition. CHRISTMAS EVE AT FIRST CHURCH Wednesday, December 24, 2014 5:00 p.m. Family Christmas Service “THE LITTLEST STAR” Presented by our children 11:00 p.m. Candlelight Communion Service featuring The Chancel Choir Message by Pastor Kurt Freeman FUMC 2015 COMMITTEES Kids First Childcare Andrea Bakehorn, Cathy Cook, Brandi Stackhouse Pastor, Director, new Parent Rep. 1 representative from each of Outreach, Staff Parish, Trustees, Finance Committee Wesley Academy Pre-School Whitney Myers (chair), Jennifer George, Pastor, Director, new Parent Rep. 1 representative from each of Outreach, Staff Parish, Trustees, Finance Committee Witness (no chair yet for 2015) Kelly Schuler, Mike Beauchamp, Jane Hentgen, Myra Perkins, Linda Gilpin, Sondra Harrell, Kathy Doran, Kari Halderman, Anne Curless Outreach (no chair yet for 2015) Bob Gillespie, Gloria McClatchey, Denise Stouffer, Esther Keffaber, Dan Stauffer, Leslie Stauffer, Carol Berg Rep from Kids First Childcare & Wesley Academy Pre-School Nurture Max Highley, Donna Highley Nominations (Chair, Pastor Kurt Freeman) Nelda Love, Gail Bussard, Patsy Myers, Cathie Lefforge, Dick Tschantz, Sharon Jones, Alan Palmer Trustees (elect their own Chair) Mel Rennaker, Chuck Bair, Oren Wagner, Linda Konkle, Bob Vanlandingham, Nick Hentgen, Chad Maple, Joe Eddingfield, Marge Young Finance (Chair, David VanCamp) Emily Boardman, Marc Shelley, David VanCamp, Dan Ford, Jeff Myers, Tracy Peas Staff Parish Relations (Co-Chairs Angie Beauchamp & Jeremy Stackhouse) Angie Beauchamp, Doug Konkle, Jim Getz, Austin Deardorff, Amy Poole, Jim Lefforge, Jeremy Stackhouse, Ann Eddingfield, Tammy Ford Memorial Fund Screening Committee (Chair, Cal Eichenauer) Cal Eichenauer, Tom Ehret, Toni McKillip, James Flack, Tammy Whitenack Tellers Janet Leeka, Carol McVicker, Joyce Tschantz, Marge Young, Josie Ridenour, Linda Konkle, Carolyn Eichenauer, Pat Vanlandingham Administrative Council Secretary, Sharon Bair Lay Leader, Larry Curless Lay Members to Annual Conference, Mike & Angie Beauchamp “THE STORY” (MEET THE AUTHORS) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 Bible authors will be with us during both worship services on Sunday, December 28th. The Authors are Esther, Mordecai, Jonah/sailors, Mary and Joseph & Paul/the man in the window. PLEASE HELP KIDS FIRST CUT COSTS Kids First Weekly Donations: Jan. 4-Gold Fish, Austin Crackers, Veggie Crackers, Animal Crackers Jan. 11-5oz cups, Paper Plates, Disinfectant Spray, Disinfectant Wipes Jan. 18-Canned Pineapple, Mixed Fruit, Green Beans, Apple sauce Jan. 25 -Ketchup, Ranch Dressing, 100% Juice, Potato Chips ALTAR FLOWER SIGN-UP FOR 2015 The sign-up chart to provide Altar Flowers in 2015 is on the table located in the foyer under the stairs. These dates usually are filled quickly, so if you have specific dates you want to choose, now is the time. Altar flowers are usually provided in memory or in honor of someone or some event. The cost is $30 and the flowers will automatically be ordered for you. Do not pay the church, a bill will come from “The Lovebug.” If you pay for your flowers before billing is necessary, the money saved by not sending a bill will be added in flowers to your arrangement. If you choose to add extra flowers or have specific requests for types of flowers you can let “The Lovebug” know and they will be happy to provide your request at extra cost. Feel free to take your flowers with you following the 10:00 a.m. worship service, please do not take the inserts from the gold vases with you. Thank you to all who provided Altar Flowers in 2014, you are appreciated. CHRISTIAN BOOK CLUB NOVELS FOR 2015 January 20: Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory McGuire February 17: Letters from Skye by Jessica Brockmole March 17: Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler April 21: Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter by Shelly Brady May 19: Bonesetters Daughter by Amy Tan September 15: Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout October 20: Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallas November 17: The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin All of these books except for Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter will be available from the Indiana Humanities book collection. We will continue meeting at the Great Wall Restaurant at 12:30 P.M. If you are unable to join us for lunch, we begin discussion at 1:00 so feel free to join us then. Contact Sondra Harrell if you have any questions. BOOK reMARKS THANK YOU Dear friends, Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support for us throughout this year. Your partnering with us has enabled us to continue the work God has called us to do in Zambia. May God continue to bless you, as you are a blessing to others. Yours in Christ, Ken & Deb Vance AUDIT RESULTS Members of the FUMC Finance Committee met with the audit group from Manchester University who performed an audit on the church books. I am pleased to inform you that all cash accounts are balanced and the church books are compliant with generally accepted accounting principles. Marc Shelley, Finance Chair THE STORY PAUSED FOR ADVENT TAKING OFF AGAIN JAN. 4 Plan to take off with renewed energy and interest in 2015. January 4, 2015 begins with “A Kingdom Torn in Two” Kings 12-16. Make a special point to invite someone to experience this amazing study in a small group setting. Small Group sign up is still available at the table by the stairs in the foyer. THE DANIEL PLAN Anyone interested in joining a class of The Daniel Plan beginning in January on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m., please contact Cindy Hoffman or Marilyn Mitchell. If we get at least 8-10 people interested we will do another series of classes on "40 Days to a Healthier Life". You will be responsible for getting your own book by Rick Warren which you can find at Joy Bookstore and other places that sell books or ask for one for Christmas! The plan focuses on Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, and Friends. We did this last summer and it was a great class. Others have seemed interested that were unable to come last time. It will be an 8 week study and would be a great way to start out your year! Cindy Hoffman PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES AND ALUMINUM CANS continue to be collected at FUMC. A box for empty ink cartridges is on the table under the foyer stairway. A container for aluminum cans is in the old kitchen downstairs. REMEMBER F.I.S.H. ON January 4 Please bring dry and/or canned items you would like to contribute to the Friends In Service Here food pantry to church on January 4. Your contributions will be delivered to F.I.S.H. during the week. All contributions greatly appreciated. GRATEFUL Sometimes there just aren’t enough words to describe the appreciation. Thank you so much. We are so thankful for everything the church has done for us. The meals, prayers, moral support and gifts were so wonderful. God bless you all. Pat & John Corcoran 2015 Offering Envelopes will be available on Friday, January 2nd in the Gathering Area. HELP NEEDED TO “MAN” THE WELCOME CENTER People are needed to be at the Welcome Center each Sunday to answer questions and guide visitors. If you can help, sign up at the Welcome Center. PRAYER TIME Join others in a weekly “prayer time” each Monday, from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Prayer Room. Please feel free to come anytime during that hour. We will meet every Monday. Encourage all who want to pray for our church, our country, our state, nation & world to join us. If you have questions, call Sondra Harrell. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE FOR FEBRUARY NEWS IS JANUARY 15. Deadline is always on the 15th. 2014 FINANCIAL REPORT November Monthly Amount Approved Budget $371,437.00 $30,953.08 October Year-to-Date Percentage $340,483.92 91.67% Year-to-Date Income $19,400.81 62.68% $356,911.63 104.82% Expenses $25,162.56 81.29% $346,154.53 101.67% Difference ($5,761.75) $10,757.10 GENERAL BUDGET OVERVIEW 2014 Beg Balance Income Expense 2014 Ending Balance $65,325.87 $356,911.63 $346,154.53 $76,082.97 GENERAL BUDGET November YTD Income INCOME YTD Estimate Annual Est. Member Pledges $ 11,471.00 $ 295,857.05 $290,130.50 $316,506.00 101.97% Member Contribution $ 4,567.40 $ 38,848.17 $ 27,775.00 $ 30,300.00 139.87% Non-Member Contribution $ 1,325.00 $ 13,886.00 $ 7,333.33 $ 8,000.00 189.35% Loose Offering $ 708.01 $ 4,132.63 $ 3,666.67 $ 4,000.00 112.71% Sunday School Offering $ 1.00 $ 85.25 $ 275.00 $ 300.00 31.00% Checking Interest $ 28.65 $ 236.78 $ 275.00 $ 300.00 86.10% Upper Room $ 9.75 $ 85.75 $ 55.00 $ 60.00 155.91% Offering Envelopes $ $ 33.00 $ 55.00 $ 60.00 60.00% Building Use $ 150.00 $ 1,612.00 $ 1,833.33 $ 2,000.00 87.93% Extra Gift Contribution $ 1,140.00 $ 2,135.00 $ 13,750.00 $ 15,000.00 15.53% TOTAL $ 19,400.81 $ 356,911.63 $345,148.83 $376,526.00 GENERAL EXPENSES - November BUDGET YTD Expenses Missions $ 1,627.00 $ 18,108.00 $ 17,800.00 101.73% Denomination Ministries $ 2,134.00 $ 39,260.00 $ 38,720.00 101.40% Personnel $ 15,011.48 $ 155,447.63 $169,997.00 91.44% $ $ 15,186.87 $ 28,825.00 52.69% $ 5,504.23 $ 113,463.93 $109,400.00 103.72% Office Operations $ 464.44 $ 2,833.56 $ 4,025.00 70.40% Finance & Stewardship $ 184.91 $ 1,854.54 $ 2,670.00 69.46% Committee Groups Council of Ministries Building & Grounds 236.50 TOTAL $ 25,162.56 $ 346,154.53 NON-BUDGET MISSIONS INCOME November Year-to-Date UMCOR - US Disaster Relief $ 300.00 $ 2,411.00 Access $ 200.00 $ 300.00 FISH $ 20.00 $ 40.00 Budget $371,437.00 Mel Rennaker, Church Treasurer January 2015 B=Birthday A=Wedding Anniversary Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 4 11 5 6 B-Jane Hentgen B-Debbie Wagner 12 13 7 14 B-Ariel Benner B-Ramen DuBois B-Cathie Lefforge B-Bill Ridenour 20 Fri Sat 2 3 B-Dorothea Blackburn B-Megan Palmer 8 9 10 B-Norma Pottenger B-Quinton Siders A-Orion & Mary Jane Toepfer B-Dorotha Harvey B-Cathy Cook B-Teresa Witkoske 15 16 17 B-Mary Corso B-Andrea Schuler B-Debbie Bryant B-Ilah Wagner 18 19 21 A-John & Cathy Cook A-Larry & Marge Young B-Henry Beauchamp B-Dee Byerly B-Benjamin Snyder B-Larry Young 25 26 27 28 B-Sue Burton B-Shelly Myers B-Julie Sadler B-David VanCamp B-Thaddeuas Leach B-Zach Simpson B-Bridjet Rowan 22 23 B-Josie Wade A-Darin & Lauren Hoffman B-Marta Gidley B-Taylor Poole 29 30 B-Nancy Kramer 24 B-David England B-Elizabeth Freeman B-Claralou Martin 31 B-Troy Payton January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY Church Building Closed 4 Epiphany (white) 9am-”The Story” (MAC) 5pm-”The Story (Modoc’s) 11 1st Sunday after Epiphany (white) 9am-”The Story” (MAC) 11:30am-Club 345 5pm-”The Story (Modoc’s) 18 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (green) 9am-”The Story” (MAC) 5pm-”The Story (Modoc’s) 6:15pm-Youth leave for Treaty Church of Christ 25 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (green) 9am-”The Story” (MAC) 5pm-”The Story (Modoc’s) 5 6:15pm-”The 6 Story” (Conf. Rm 6:30pm-Wesley Academy Board 6:30pm-”The Mtg. (Conference Story” (Tschantz Room) 7pm-”The 7pm-Boy Scouts Story” (Mann’s) (Scout Room) 12 6pm-Cub Scout Pack Mtg. (MAC) 6:15pm-”The Story” (Conf. Rm 6:30pm-”The Story” (Tschantz Youth attend “God Is Not Dead” (Eagle’s) 7pm-Emmaus Board 7pm-Boy Scouts 7 6pm-Daniel Plan (Rm TBA) 6pm-”TheStory” (Conf Rm) 6:15pm-Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Handbell Room) 7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 13 14 6pm-Daniel Plan (Rm TBA) 6pm– The 5:30pm-Trustees Story” (Conf Rm (copier room) 6:15pm-Handbell 6pm-Cub Scout Choir Rehearsal Den Mtg. (MAC) (Handbell Room) 6:30pm-Kids 7pm-”The First Board Mtg. Story” (Mann’s) (daycare area) 7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 19 Martin 20 Luther King Day CHURCH OFFICE 11am-Red Cross CLOSED Blood Drive 6:15pm-”The (MAC) Story” (Conf. Rm 12:30pm-Book 6:30pm-”The Club (The Great Story” (Tschantz Wall) 7pm-Ad Council 7pm-”The (Conference Rm Story” (Mann’s) 21 6pm-Daniel Plan (Rm TBA) 6pm-”The Story” (Conf Rm 6:15pm-Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Handbell Room) 7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 26 6:15pm-”The Story” (Conf. Rm 6:30pm-”The Story” (Tschantz 7pm-Boy Scouts (Scout Room) 28 6pm-Daniel Plan (Rm TBA) 6pm-”The Story” (Conf Rm 6:15pm-Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Handbell Room) 7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal 27 6pm-Cub Scout Den Mtg. (MAC) 7pm-”The Story” (Mann’s) 8 Fri Sat 2 3 9 10 16 17 6:30pm-”The Story” (Chapel) 7pm-”The Story” (New Beginnings) 15 6:30pm-”The Story” (Chapel) 7pm-”The Story” (New Beginnings) 22 MAC reserved 23 24 30 31 6:30pm-”The Story” (Chapel) 7pm-”The Story” (New Beginnings) 29 6:30pm-”The Story” (Chapel) 7pm-”The Story” (New Beginnings)
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