CM 01-15 COV_CMK COV 18/12/2014 11:44 Page 1 Vol 28: January 2015 CONTENTS The Canmaker, Volume 28, January 2015 FEATURES Crown’s taller cans cash in on Brazil’s sharing culture 17 Crown Brazil has recently commissioned a beverage can line capable of making seven different can formats, including the fast growing 55cl size From little acorns great oak trees do grow 41 19 Editorial Board member Bev Page charts the history of Ardagh’s plant in Sutton-in-Ashfield, a general-line decorative canmaking plant that became the first D&I tinplate two-piece food can operation in Europe Canmaking in Sri Lanka 21 Hong-Kong based GM Metal Packaging now makes decorative and fancy cans in China and Sri Lanka A money-making merry-go-round 26 The US Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has published its findings on the involvement of Wall Street bank holding companies with physical commodities, including aluminium Metal strives for visual impact in Japan 21 NEWSCAN 29 Japan’s canned coffee market has volumes of 10 billion a year, dominated by steel cans, while aluminium has been penetrating the sector in canned black coffee applications Designs on success 33 SPGPrints Austria supplies machines for producing embossing rollers and engraving decoration plates and rubber blankets used by metal decorators to allow flexible printing on beverage cans Brew up 36 The leading canmakers were present at Brau Beviale trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany, in November In it together Jim Koch, co-founder of The Boston Beer Company, tells us he wanted to reinvent the can and optimise the interface between the consumer and beer JANUARY ● THE CANMAKER © 2015 Sayers Publishing Group Crown to sell general line can plants to Germany’s Huber 8 Canned foods are often better than fresh 8 Nussbaum updates its colour management 8 Bigger range of monobloc aerosols 9 Crown to convert beverage can line to aluminium in France 10 Environmental award for Peru canmaker 10 Rexam’s first distribution centre in Peru 10 Crown expands speciality can capacity 10 Orora offers resealable end 11 Canmakers comply with French ban on BPA 12 ORG celebrates its 20th anniversary 12 Can-Pack celebrates its 25th anniversary 13 Coca-Cola and SABMiller join forces in Africa 14 PepsiCo divests Indian canning 14 Stronger shelf impact for Ambrosia 14 Wattie’s stops NZ asparagus supply 15 Hormel to close California cannery 15 REGULARS 41 Comment 3 Inside information 4 Newscan 8 25 Years Ago in The Canmaker 11 Filling projects 16 US View 17 View from the Board 19 Product Focus 24 Canmaking on the Web 40 The Directory 42 Candates 64 A Day in the Life 64 CONTRIBUTORS Richard Estrada, Joanne Hunter, Bev Page, Arthur Stupay 1 The Canmaker Editor: Mónica Higuera. 44 1293 435133. E-mail: Contributing editor: Tom Woerndl. 44 1293 435100. E-mail: Production manager: Mark Stroud. 44 1293 435172. E-mail: Editorial director: John Nutting. 44 1293 435128. E-mail: Publisher: Allan J Sayers. 44 1293 435124. E-mail: Advertisement manager: Tanya Lewis. 44 1293 435177. E-mail: Advertisement manager: Pri Kapadia. 44 1293 435179. E-mail: Display advertisement production: Jane Dobson. 44 1293 435100. E-mail: Directory department: Jane Dobson. 44 1293 435106. E-mail: Subscriptions: Jeanne Tischbein. 1 303 439 0709. Fax: 1 303 439 7838. Email: Managing Director: Christina Kerr The Canmaker is published monthly by Sayers Publishing Group Ltd, Durand House, Manor Royal, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9PY, United Kingdom.Tel: 44 (0)1293 435100 Fax: 44 (0)1293 619988 E-mail: Web: US Office: TSPG, PO Box 2019, Arvada, Colorado 80001, USA. Tel: 1 303 439 0709 Fax: 1 303 439 7838 E-mail: China Office: Tan Fang. Tel: 86 18611227126 All Rights Reserved. © 2015 Sayers Publishing Group Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the UK by The Manson Group. ISSN 1354-5396 COMMENT I t is a safe prediction for the year ahead to say that the canmaking industry will further fine-tune its processes to save materials and resources. At the end of 2015, almost 200 countries will meet at the United Nations (UN) climate change conference in Paris for what it could be, for the first time in more than 20 years of UN negotiations, a binding and universal agreement to combat climate change. It will follow the recent UN climate change conference in Lima, Peru, where a framework for setting national pledges was approved. Last month’s conference also saw the launch of Peru’s first national environmental prize, which was awarded to a metal packaging producer in the ‘ecoefficiency’ category. Packaging Products del Peru (PPP) was recognised for its reduction in the consumption of raw materials with its bottle crown closure that uses a steel gauge of 0.17mm. PPP is already making crown caps of 0.15mm and this year expects to start production with 0.14mm gauge, as well as launching its crown closure that saves a quarter of lining material. JANUARY ● THE CANMAKER © 2015 Sayers Publishing Group A nother safe prediction is to say that the best chance to meet existing and potential suppliers and customers in the canmaking and canning industry will be Cannex & Fillex – The World Canmaking Congress which is being held on 1-4 June in Guangzhou, China. Since 1994, Cannex has toured the US, Singapore, Thailand, the Netherlands and Australia, and in 2015 returns to China for the third time. Each convention has surpassed the previous one and extra floor space has been added to accommodate demand from exhibiting companies. Cannex will be the best chance in 2015 to meet your peers and glimpse into the future of this business in the most dynamic market in the world. The events calendar will culminate on 28-30 October with The Canmaker Summit and the Cans of the Year Awards which returns to Scotland by popular demand, this year to the fine location of Gleneagles. Here’s to a successful canmakers’ year. Mónica Higuera 3 INSIDE INFORMATION Editorial board Companies in this issue The Canmaker is backed by an Editorial Board made up of key figures from the industry — canmakers, equipment manufacturers, suppliers and consultants — whose knowledge of the industry is second to none. Viewing things from a different angle, the Editorial Board provides us with a solid foundation, ensuring that The Canmaker is the premier journal for a prestigious industry. Air Innovation (64); Altana Group (24); Amalgamated Beverage Industries (15); Appletiser (15); Arbor Brasil (9); Ardagh Group (38); Ball Corporation (10,28,33,36,41); Bell’s (38); Beverage Can Makers Europe (36); Blackstone Capital (14); Blue Ribbon Intermediate Holdings (14); Brau Beviale (11,33,36,37,38,41); Brewers Association (14); CanPack (36,37); Closure Logic (38); Coca-Cola (14,15,29,30,33); Coopers (15); Crabtree of Gateshead (21); Crown (8,10,11,28,33,36,41); CSR Carlsberg (9); Daiwa Can Company (8,9); DS Containers (8,9); Ecocaps (36,38); Firestone Walker (38); GEW (EC) Ltd (25,40); GM Metal Packaging (21); Gutsche Family Investments (14); Heinz Wattie’s (15); Hereford Cider Company (38); Hewlett Packard Indigo (29); Hormel Foods (15); Huber Packaging Group (8,9); Japan Canners Association (30); Japan Gary Alexander Container Fabrication Machinery (USA) Emilio Amati ASA San Marino (Italy) Geoffrey Beeston Consultant (France) Scott Biondich Coca-Cola (USA) Antonio Bove Easytech Closures Solutions (Italy) Joseph D Bulso Industrial System Technology Corp (USA) Jackson Cheng Zhuhai Cosmos Products (China) Jan Driessens Quopa Sarl (Switzerland) Joe Finan INX International (USA) Sunil Gidumal GM Metal Packaging (Hong Kong) Colin Gillis Ball Packaging Europe (Switzerland) Tony Greensall Chen Lain (Taiwan) Ray Good Consultant (UK) Janelle Harris IMDA (USA) Frank Hoffmann Biagosch & Brandau (Germany) Len Jenkins Crown Holdings (USA) F C Lo F C Packaging (Hong Kong) Chee Wee Loy MC Packaging (Singapore) Mike Masenoir IMDA (USA) Ken Matyska Consultant (USA) John McHugh Crabtree of Gateshead (UK) Chris McKenzie Stolle Machinery (Australia) Richard Moore Consultant (Hong Kong) Peter Moran CMB Engineering Seaming Systems (UK) Dr Ulrich Nehring Institut Nehring (Germany) Amir Novini Applied Vision (USA) Bev Page Consultant (UK) Neal Santangelo Crown Aerosols (USA) Brian Schofield Greenbank Technologies (UK) Anthony See Kian Joo (Malaysia) Tolga Sezer Aujan Group Holding (Dubai) Arthur Stupay Tower Research (USA) Yasufumi Tadaki Toyo Seikan Kaisha (Japan) John Taylor T&S Overseas (UK) Antonio Teixeira Brasilata (Brazil) Reynold Wong China Metal Packaging Group (China) GOLD CLUB MEMBERSHIP Contact Jeanne Tischbein Tel: 1 303 439 0709 Fax: 1 303 439 7838 Email: Membership of The Canmaker Gold Club is available at no charge to canmakers, fillers and suppliers who are active subscribers to The Canmaker magazine at the professional rate of UK£190 a year (12 issues). Named members have access to a huge range of information and resources including the extended online news pages and news archive, discounts on books and services, and priority reduced-rate registration for The Canmaker Summit and conferences. They also have use of the exclusive Gold Club Lounge at Cannex & Fillex. Advertisement index Packaging Institute (30); KHS (36,38); Kirin Beverage Co (30); Kleeman (36); LME (26,27,28); Mall & Herlan (38); Meltog (21,24); Metro (26); Miller’s Brewery (38); Monster Beverage Corporation (15); Novelis (26); Nussbaum (8,9); Orora Ltd (11); Oskar Blues (38), Pabst Brewing Co (14); Packaging Products del Peru (3,10); Packaging Strategies Japan Corp (30); PepsiCo (14); Pioneer Foods (14); Premier Foods (14); Refresco Gerber (14); Rexam (9,10,11,26,28,33,36,38); Roeslein & Associates Inc. (24); SABMiller (14); Sedwall Manufacturing Co (24); SPGPrints Austria (33); Summit Brewing (38); Sun Chemical (8,9); Suntory Beverage & Food (30); The Boston Beer Company (41); The Shepton Mallet Cider Mill (36); Tokyo Pack (29,30); U.S. Can Corporation (8,9); Varun Beverages (14); Veldkamp (25); Xolution GmbH (11); AkzoNobel Packaging Coatings Altek Company Applied Vision Bear Products Cannex 2015 CK Corporations CMC-Kuhnke DRI Inc Easy Open Lid Industry Corp Yiwu Galland Henning Nopak, Inc GED Intergrated Solutions GEW Engineering UV Hengli CNC Technology Co, Ltd iBooks I-Mer Co Ltd International Thermal Systems Jiangyin Comat Metal Products Co, Ltd Jorson Trading Co, Ltd 2 32 OBC 20 6&7 10 35 25 3 32 31 18 25 28 31 23 22 17 Lacueva Can Making Machinery S.L. 13 Micromec S.r.l. 16 Prime Controls IFC Roeslein & Associates, Inc 4 Rushserve Limited 20 Sencon 19 Shantou Xinqing Cannery Machinery Co, Ltd 11 Shinyi Can Making Machinery Ltd 12 Soudronic AG Stolle Machinery 5 OFC SwissCan 35 The Canmaker Gold Club Membership The Canmaker Summit 39 IBC The Filling Business 32 Versatile Technology Pty Ltd 20 YP International Limited 40 Click, because you can... Visit The Canmaker’s web site, where you’ll find late breaking news, news about the Cannex shows, links to key manufacturers and suppliers to the canmaking industry, and, if you are not already a subscriber to the magazine, the opportunity to subscribe on-line. Just complete the form and after one keystroke our subscriptions department will do the rest. You will also find out more about The Canmaker’s sister magazine, Plastics in Packaging, and other SPG products including industry text books. 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