Epiphany of Our Lord Church The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 28, 2014 Epiphany of Our Lord Church - December 28, 2014 Page 1 Annual EOL Youth Group Christmas Party From the Pastor Congratulations and prayerful best wishes to parishioner Jacob Antonello, an eighth grade student at Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School, who was named the first Neumann Scholar in our regional school’s history! The honor, bestowed annually by the Connelly Foundation, is named after St. John Neumann, the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia (1852-60). Jacob is one of 35 recipients of this year’s honor who achieved the highest test scores out of 897 students throughout the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia who qualified to take the examination. Neuman Scholars receive a four-year scholarship of standard parental tuition to an archdiocesan high school of their choice. Last year, the scholarship value for the 2014-15 academic year was $6,450. The 2015 Neuman Scholars will be installed in May at St. Joseph’s University. 7th-12th grades welcome and college students back from break. Wear an ugly sweater or Christmas pj’s (appropriate, of course). Bring on white elephant gift wrapped by this Sunday, Dec. 28, from 7-10 p.m. at the Parish Center. For more information, contact Gail Toto, Parish Youth M in is te r , a t ( 2 15 ) 3 6 7- 58 5 4 o r e m a i l a t ymmin@eol.comcastbiz.net. — — — — — — — — Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School 3040 Walton Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 825-0160 We congratulate the Antonello Family and the Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School community. New Year’s Schedule Masses Thursday, Jan. 1, is the Solemnity of Mary The Holy Mother of God and a Holy Day of Obligation. NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION 2015-16 Tuesday, Jan. 13, 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 14, 8-10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 22, 1-3 p.m. *Child must be at least age 5 by 9/1/2015 to register for Kindergarten. Child must be at least age 6 by 9/1/2015 to register for Grade 1. To complete the application process, the parent/guardian will need to provide copies of the following: • • • • • • • Masses will be celebrated on Wednesday, Dec. 31, at 5 p.m.; and Thursday, Jan. 1, at 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. — — — — — — — — Our Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for January Universal Intention: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. Intention for Evangelization: That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. • Birth Certificate Certificate of Baptism If your child has received additional sacraments, we must have their complete dates Immunization Record Registration Fee – $75 per student Letter of subsidy payment from your pastor, if applicable Custody Papers, if applicable If your child has an IEP, please submit the Evaluation Report and most recent IEP. Note that there will also be a technology fee of $75 per student and a lunch duty fee of $50 per family. These two fees are paid in the following manner: 1. If tuition is paid in full, the fees are due at the same time. If tuition is paid via Smart, the fees will be added to your monthly tuition payment. 2. In addition, there is an iPad insurance fee in grades six through eight of $75 per student that is due prior to the student receiving his/her iPad. If you have any questions regarding registration, contact Beth Sheldon at bsheldon@holyrosaryregional.com. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - December 28, 2014 Page 2 Knights of Columbus WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to Mary Beth Enslin for winning a one week vacation in Sea Isle City this summer. The winning ticket was sold by Holy Rosary sixth grader Kelsey O‘Hara. Mrs. Koneski’s kindergarten class sold the most tickets as a class and Joe Galleo sold the most tickets as an individual student. This raffle sold close to 500 tickets and will enable the Epiphany Knights of Columbus to make a generous donation to the school while also supporting a number of worthy K of C charities. A special thank you goes to parishioners, Ed and Becky O’Hanlon, for generously donating their vacation home for this fundraiser. Thanks to everyone who participated in this raffle. Your donations will go a long way to support Holy Rosary School, our church and other worthy charities. Archbishop Chaput Sunday Homilies Online Listen to athttp://archphila.org/archbishopchaput/ homilies/index.htm. The Archbishop’s homilies are also available as Podcasts on iTunes. Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul The Basilica conducts an evangelization ministry with Cathedral Ambassadors. This enthusiastic group of trained Ambassadors staffs the Basilica every day of the week and is comprised of volunteer parishioners from all over the Archdiocese. They answer questions, offer assistance and give tours. Cathedral Ambassadors provide a personal presence in the Basilica. They put a face on the Church. Cathedral Ambassadors are assigned 4-hour shifts. The schedule is flexible—one day or more a month. They are provided training and materials to support their evangelization ministry. Learn more about our Cathedral Basilica at www.cathedralphila.org. For more information on the Ambassador Program and/or to become an Ambassador, please contact Nick or Louise Pascale, coordinators of the program, at npascale@archphila.org. JOIN US NEXT YEAR Thank You for coming to this year’s Craft Show. We appreciate your support! DEC. 5-6 2015 Congratulations to our RAFFLE winners Flat Screen HD TV: Diane Johnston Laptop: Sara King Taylor Swift Tickets: Brittany Enslin Flyers Tickets: John Redington Apple iPod Touch: Peg Malory Kindle®: Joe McCollum XBOXt: George Weiss Godiva® Gift Basket: V. Marks Restaurant Gift Cards: V. Marks Entertainment Package: Dawn Haggerty Golden Inn Getaway: Affatato Wlalnut Street: Charles & Jeanne Dolway Camden Aquarium: Carol Skipper North Hills Golf: Linda Harris ConAir Gift Basket: Brad Vespe Yoga Basket: Ron Gamza Café Excellence, Einstein Montgomery Hospital, H & C Giamo Inc., Mercy Suburban Hospital, Elmwood Park Zoo, TD Bank, Keystone Property Group, Cahill Associates, Dr. William Baldassano, DDS, Henkels & McCoy, Inc., John and Cornelia Fruncillo, John Kennedy Ford Mazda and Subaru, London Life Reinsurance Company, McGaldrey, Monarch Staffing, Moore, Snear & Ruggiero Funeral Home, PJ Whelihans, Play & Learn, Representative Kate Harper, Roman Catholic High School, Salamone Concrete Contractors, St. Joseph's Preparatory School. Blue Bell Orthodontics, Certified Abstract, Ciavarelli Family Funeral Homes, Inc., Company's Coming Catering, Daylin Leach PA Senator, Dominic A. Coccia, Jr. CPA, D'Orazio's Landscaping, Eagleview Taekwondo Academy, Floccos, Flynn and O'Hara, Frank Simola - Allstate Insurance, Gateway Funding/Timothy Moran, Hercules Moving Co., Holy Rosary HASA Board, J.P. Mascaro & Sons, J L Building, Jake and Amy Fruncillo, John Couchara Heat & Fuel, Inc., Johnson Kendall & Johnson, Inc., Lansdale Catholic, Long Financial Group, Inc., Lucille Roberts, Maguires Market, Marcolina Family, Meridian Bank, Montgomery County Emergency Service, Music Training Center, Ray's Appliances, Salon 27, Salon Esperanza, Sandy Run Country Club, Shane Connor, Shelby Goodman-Coldwell Banker, Tri County Builders, and Trident Mortgage. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - December 28, 2014 Page 3 Epiphany Calendars 2015 Thanks to the following Funeral Homes we will be able to give these calendars during the Christmas season to all parishioners. Lownes Funeral Home http://www.lownes.com/ 659 Germantown Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 828-4430 Mr. Randall K. Lownes, Director We offer: Traditional Funerals/ Life Celebrations with either a casket or an urn, pictures or a video, either at our facility, your church or wherever families wish. We are always willing to present you with options that could also save money. We have a complete custom "concierge service " available to you and your family at no extra cost. Cremation Services: we have the largest selection of urns and memorial keepsakes in the area, all that can be seen in our showroom. Most items can be customized also. Please view our cremation page to better serve you and possibly answer some questions. Custom Printing along with our video tribute programs and webcasting. Unique preplanning / pre-financing options and you now can use our website to begin that process by filling out our pre-planning form and sending it in our secure mailbox system. Our funeral home was built in 1850 but it is fully handicap accessible with the largest off street parking in the area. Inside our home are various comfortable rooms for small or large gatherings. We may look old but we really are "state of the art"! Ciavarelli Family Funeral Homes, Inc., http://www.ciavarellifuneralhomes.com/ 951 E. Butler Pike, Ambler PA, (215) 646-1155 Or 516 Fayette St., Conshohocken, PA, (610) 828-1336 Mr. William L. Ciavarelli J. Ciavarelli Family Funeral Homes and Crematory are Montgomery County’s most valued funeral home. The Ciavarelli Family has been providing dignified funeral and cremation service to the community since 1948. Our state-of-the-art crematory, located on site, provides you with the comfort of knowing that your love one never leaves our care. Founded by Emil J. Ciavarelli, with the assistance of his wife Ethel, the Ciavarelli Family has gained the reputation of having the finest facilities and services in the area. The quality of work we provide, along with the dignity, compassion and support we bring to the families we serve, have been recognized by many. We strive to provide Comfort, Value, and Convenience to all we serve. We take pride in all we do, no matter how small of a detail. Our directors, Bill, Chris, Billy, and Andrea, offer honesty, integrity, and personal service to our clients. We serve all faiths, ethnicities, cultures and customs to arrange a dignified tribute to their loved one. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - December 28, 2014 Page 4 Commitment to Life Annual Pro-Life March Epiphany Parish’s annual bus trip to Washington, D. C. March for Life Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015 Our bus will leave Epiphany parking lot at 6:45 a.m. sharp and return at approximately 9:30 p.m. Cost per adult is $20. Cost per student (elementary, H.S. or college) is $5. For lunch we recommend that the marchers bring a bag lunch or eat at the Basilica. We will stop for a coffee break on the way up. Our goal is to arrive in time for Archbishop Chaput’s 10 a.m. Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (where we park). Those not wanting to participate in the march can stay at the shrine. On the way home, we will stop for dinner. Cost approximately $14. Sign up promptly to facilitate planning. Sign up sheets are located in the church vestibule. Provide your Name and Phone #. If you have questions, call Bertnie Toth (610) 279-2788 of the Respect Life Committee. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - December 28, 2014 Page 5 Adoration Chapel Votive Candle MASS INTENTIONS Monday, Dec. 29 8:30 a.m. – Silvia & Rosario Condo Dec. 21 Dec. 21 Dec. 21 Joseph Steuer Lenore Phipps Charles W. Markward Health Wishes Epiphany Staff In Memory Tuesday, Dec. 30 8:30 a.m. – Margaret Enslin Wednesday, Dec. 31 8:30 a.m. – Kuntz & Ference Family 5:00 p.m. – Celebrant’s Intention Thursday, Jan. 1 7:30 a.m. – Celebrant’s Intention 9:30 a.m. – Celebrant’s Intention 11:30 a.m.– Celebrant’s Intention In Memory Dec. 28 Dec. 28 Dec. 28 Joseph Steuer Lenore Phipps Lily Gallagher Health Wishes Epiphany Staff In Memory In Memory The Respect Life Rose is dedicated to Anthony Pellechio Friday, Jan. 2 8:30 a.m. – Mario Carlo, Jr. 2nd Anniversary In loving memory Saturday, Jan. 3 8:30 a.m. – Don McFadden The Blessed Mother Please Remember in your Prayers Frances C. Phelan Parish Office Closed Who died Dec. 14 The Parish Office will be closed at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 31, until 8:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 2. Aunt of Jacquelyn Pritz Happy New Year ! Our Parish Priests and our staff members wish all our parishioners a healthy, happy and holy happy New Year! Ebola Crisis Appeal Stewardship is a way of life. Tithing is God’s Plan for Giving. Archbishop Chaput has asked parishes to consider taking up a voluntary collection. In response to his request, our Ebola Crisis Voluntary Appeal will take place on the weekend of Jan. 10-11. There are no church envelopes for this special collection. Due to the holiday deadline for printing, the tithe information is not available for this week. Thank you for your continued support! From the Pastor O God, who were pleased to give us the shining example of the Holy Family, graciously grant that we may imitate them in practicing the virtues of family life and in the bonds of charity, and so, in the joy of your house, delight one day in eternal rewards. (Opening Prayer, Feast of The Holy Family). Please Pray For The Sick Robert Auch* Miriam Beaumont* Bartholomew Cahan Maureen Cahan Stacy Callahan, 8yrs Old Kathy Fonash* Esperanza Galshack* Steven Hedricks Kathy Kane* Bill Keenan* John P. Kelly* Eleanor Klug Flora McVay* Helen Miller* Mary Mirabile Janet O’Connor Mary Pizzico,* Deacon Bill Radetzky,* Jill Ramos Gloria Scandale* Joe Steuer* Katty Tucker Margaret Zenner *Parishioner Epiphany of Our Lord Church - December 28, 2014 Page 6 We have the Greatest Respect for your thoughts, =feelings and wishes An Excellent Choice for Epiphany of Our Lord Families Come for a Personal Visit! Call Brightview East Norriton at 610.239.7700 70th Anniversary McGOLDRICK LEASING COMPANY For All Your Leasing Needs Vehicles & Equipment 628 Ridge Pike (610) 834-8200 421 W. Ridge Pike Conshohocken Over 50 Years of Service Elizabeth V. Moore, FD (1916-2003) Robert W. Moore, FD Adam R. Moore, FD MASCIANTONIO PLUMBING For All of Your Plumbing & Heating Needs 610-828-0428 610-825-RAYS (7297) Richard Harrison / President 520 Wood St., Conshohocken, PA Chris LaPenta, Parishioner East Norriton Women’s Healthcare For all women’s healthcare needs, please call 610-239-8970 for an appointment 325 West Germantown Pike, Ste. 300 • East Norriton, PA 19403 GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL PARK IN THE CATHOLIC SECTION (GOOD SHEPHERD) FAMILY MOVED • VALUE: $9400 WILL CONSIDER REASONABLE OFFERS William A. Moore www.raysappliances.com Obstetrics: Individualized Pre-natal Care & Delivery • Gynecology: Specializing in Robotic Surgery Accepting new patients and offering evening and weekend appointment hours FOR SALE TWO CEMETERY PLOTS 300 E. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19401 www.BrightviewEastNorriton.com Mike Devlin’s 708 Fayette St. • 828-4006 Serving With Old Fashioned Dependability Joann Sansone, DO • Grace Adofo, MD Dominick Giuffrida, DO • Jeffrey Blatt, MD Margaret Toth, CRNP • Christine Shea, MSN, CRNP Katherine Schneider, CRNP Serving NJ, PA & DE Barber Shop Parocial Hair Cuts • Fades • Senior Discounts 610.696.0100 Monday: 8:30 - 6 p.m. Tues. - Fri.: 8:30 - 7 p.m. Saturday: 7:30 - 5 p.m. 1380 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 at RT. 73 & 202 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 610-277-2677 770.393.9500 FUNERAL HOME BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? LET’S CHAT OVER A CUP OF COFFEE! www.ConnieBrady.com CONNIE BRADY GRI, CRS, ABR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED Follow us on: CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com ASSOCIATE BROKER, REALTOR 610.633.5908 Connie@ConnieBrady.com *BOARD CERTIFIED RE/MAX LEGACY 610.567.5600 502 W. Germantown Pike, Mack Cali Bldg. Suite 101, Plymouth Meeting, PA *P. MICHAEL SCHELKUN, M.D., D.D.S. MARK P. KIENLE, M.D., D.M.D. *LEWIS J. SCHWARTZ, D.M.D. (Emeritus) Personal, Professional Real Estate Services BOB MARCINEK WALLPAPERING “Nothing Decorates Like Wallpaper” Conshohocken East Norriton, Trappe www.msrfh.com 610.277.1600 Donald E. Moore, Supervisor Dental • Facial • Reconstructive • Cosmetic & Implant Surgery 158 York Road Warminster, PA 18974 Phone (215) 672-6560 www.omscenters.com 46 Blacksmith Road, Suite Dreams Newtown, PA 18940 Phone (215) 579-1525 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 106 Fort Washington, PA 19034 Phone (215) 591-3590 Neat & Reliable 215-482-2354 Parishioner • Tree Work • Backhoe Service • Mulching • Snow Plowing • Grading • Seeding Complete Design & Maintenance Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Michael Babyak For further information, please call the Parish Office. 215-646-1052 Parishioners of St. Philip Neri 215-793-9575 HANDY HOME REPAIR SPECIALISTS Lafayette Hill, PA Bathroom Renovations LICENSED 610-832-9911 INSURED THOMAS E. DEEM FAMILY DENTISTRY Thomas E. Deem, D.M.D., Lisa Poole-Deem, D.M.D., JD Epiphany Parish Member Watertower Office Bldg., Ste. #140 • (across from Phil’s Tavern) 6198 Butler Pike., Blue Bell, PA 215-643-9858 Abbey Plumbing & Heating Quality Service Since 1976 Free Estimates • Bonded & Insured 24 Hour Emergency Service 215-643-6645 212450 Epiphany of Our Lord Church ■ ■ Prompt Professional Service KEVIN M. CAMPBELL, MD an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com ■ INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 PLUMBING HEATING AIR CONDITIONING WATER HEATER BOILER REPLACEMENT PARISHIONER CARPETING • HARDWOOD CERAMIC TILE • NO WAX FLOORS WINDOW TREATMENTS FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 180 S. MAIN ST., AMBLER (215) 793-9000 www.dagostinocarpets.com www.jspaluch.com Specializing in Back, Neck & Extremity Pain ASA, ABPM BOARD CERTIFIED Mercy Health Care Center • Plymouth Meeting Mall 500 W. Germantown Pike • Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 484.468.1480 • Fax 484.450.2533 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Epiphany of Our Lord Church Mass Schedule www.epiphanyofourlord.com epiphanych@comcast.net Tel (610) 828-8634 Fax (610) 828-1802 3050 Walton Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA Saturday 5 p.m. Vigil (fulfills the Sunday Obligation) Pastoral Staff Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen, Pastor Rev. James J. Kelly, In Residence (Retired) Permanent Deacons Emil J. Wernert, Michael Pascarella, Jr. William R. Radetzky (Retired), Kenneth P. Clancy (Retired) Joel M. Ziff, (Retired) Parish Staff Business Manager, Paris A. DiPietro Director of Music, Constance M. Steuer Business Secretary, Lydia Hayward Administrative Assistants* *JoAnn O’Connor *Cecilia T. Dadario, part-time Information Technology Coordinator, Nicole Zimmerman, part-time Maintenance Supervisor Anthony R. Mashaintonio Church Sacristan, John F. Phipps, part-time Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:30 a.m. Daily 8:30 a.m. Monday to Saturday Holydays 7 p.m. Vigil, 8:30 a.m., 12:05 & 7 p.m. Confessions Saturday 3:30-4:30 p.m. & by appointment Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. After 4:30 p.m. by appointment only Closed for lunch: 12 p.m.-1 p.m. Saturday By appointment only Sunday By appointment only A mail slot is located in the rectory front door. Religious Education Youth Ministry Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School www.holyrosaryregional.com (610) 825-0160 3040 Walton Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Lisa S. Hoban: Principal lhoban@holyrosaryregional.com Beth Sheldon, Administrative Assistant bsheldon@holyrosaryregional.com Anointing of the Sick First Saturday of the month during 8:30 a.m. Mass or by special request. Marriage Notify the priest of your intention to marry at least six months before the date of the wedding to assure sufficient preparation and to arrange for Pre-Cana sessions. Pre-Registration for the class is required by contacting the rectory. Sponsors not from Also, please advise our office Epiphany are required to staff of any change of submit a Certificate of address, telephone number Eligibility from their parish two weeks prior to the Baptism. or family status. Please notify the rectory as soon as possible when any parishioner becomes seriously ill or is admitted to the hospital. Pre-Cana Days are held in March and October. Baptism Baptisms are celebrated after the 11:30 a.m. Mass every Sunday, with the option of Miraculous Medal— Perpetual Novena After 8:30 a.m. Mass every Saturday. Since many people come to pray at our Adoration Chapel, we are in urgent need of volunteers to help clean. Consider helping ONLY ONCE every eight weeks on Mondays, from 8-10 a.m. Please call Dolores Gallagher at (610) 825-0287. Baptism during the 11:30 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday of the month. Both first-time parents must attend a PreJordan class, which is held the first Wednesday of every month. CHAPEL CLEANERS NEEDED www.epiphanyofourlord.com (215) 367-5853 rep@eol.comcastbiz.net Stephanie Quigley, Coordinator, part-time Carla Manno, Adm. Assistant, part-time www.epiphanyofourlord.com/youth (215) 367-5854 ymmin@eol.comcastbiz.net Gail Toto, Coordinator, part-time Parish Office Requests To register in the parish, arrange for a baptism, or request a Certificate of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, contact the rectory Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (email is preferable). Perpetual Adoration Chapel In order to keep our Perpetual Adoration Chapel open 24/7, we need your help. Please ask a family member or friend to consider spending time with our Eucharistic Lord Jesus. You can come to HIM, to praise and adore HIM or to pour out one’s heart to HIM, to ask for inspiration, to be consoled and comforted, to ask for favors and guidance, and to give thanks. Please call Elaine Thorpe at (610) 828-6925. If you can commit to any of the following Open Hours: SUNDAY: MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY: SATURDAY: 5-6AM, 12-1 PM,1-2PM, 3-4PM, 8-9PM 5-6AM, 11AM-12PM, 4-5PM 5-6AM, 11AM-12Noon, 2-3PM, 4-5PM, 9-10PM 4-5PM, 5-6 PM 6-7PM, 7-8PM, 10-11PM 5-6AM, 3-4PM, 6-7PM, 7-8PM, 9-10PM, 10-11PM 11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 1-2PM, 3-4PM, 7-8PM, 9-10PM NOTE: We are asking the men of the parish to cover the early morning times. Please do not leave any religious articles in the chapel, ie, books, magazines, metals, prayer cards, rosaries, etc. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - December 28, 2014 Page 7
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