ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEBURG, ILLINOIS December 28, 2014 Feast of the Holy Family St. Joseph Church Office 6 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3209 Fax: 618-539-4772 Website: Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Monday - Thursday Rev. Mark D. Reyling, Pastor Email: Mrs. Laura Wolf, Parish Secretary Email: Deacon Corby Valentine, Permanent Deacon Email: Mr. Rick Barthel, Maintenance Mrs. Jean Reinneck, Music Director Mrs. Carol Schlitt, Choir Director ____________ St. Joseph School Office 2 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3930 Fax: 618-539-0254 Web: Mr. Tim Queern, Principal Email: Ms. Sara Keeley, School Secretary Email: –––––––––––– Pastor’s Residence 618-539-3743 Mass Schedule Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday: 6:30pm Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am and 10:00 am Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm Holy Day Mass: 8:00 am Reconciliation Saturday: 4:30–4:45 pm (or by Appointment) Baptism Usually celebrated during the weekend Masses except during Advent and Lent–Please call the Pastor for an appointment. Marriage Please contact the Pastor as soon as you set your wedding date. Couples must be free to marry (no previous marriages) and are expected to be regularly participating in the practice of their faith. Sacrament of the Sick If you are sick and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Pastor. Also, please have someone call should you be admitted to the hospital. Communion Calls Father brings communion to all the home bound on the First Friday of each month. If you would like to have someone bring you communion, please call the parish office. Tuesday, December 30 8:00AM No Mass Wednesday, December 31 5:00PM Maggie Janssen Thursday, January 1 8:00AM Delmar & Luella Feurer Friday, January 2 8:00AM No Mass Saturday, January 3 5:00PM Bill Gordon Sunday, January 4 7:00 AM 10:00 AM Carolyn F McGuire II Grandmother of Melisa Noles Charlotte Heiligenstein Rita Hill Don Rauch Joe D. Shaffer Jack Crowe Larry Cook Richard Reyling Brooks Wyman Virginia Crouch Charlie Sandheinrich Ann Mezo Pellagia Beckfeld Gary Campbell Jared Emig Ralph Weilbacher Sr. Jimmie McMillon Mary Niemann Shirley Nold Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove someone from the prayer list. Each prayer request will be honored for approximately six weeks, but can be added again. Dear Parish Family Today is 16 December 2014 as bulletin deadlines dictate that I am writing this for the Feast of the Holy Family…28 December. WATCH…PREPARE….VOICE….DWELLING. What made the family of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus holy? Because the presence of Christ was part of their family and that they recognized that presence of Christ by accepting God’s will for them. Soon we are going to enter a New Year 2015. Each year we make “resolutions” … things we want to do differently in the New Year. What if each family in our parish tried to be a more “Holy” family in the New Year: • Pray together as a family • AƩend Sunday Mass more regularly • Share significant Bible stories with the kids. • Perform a work of charity as a family (remove snow for a neighbor, collect clothing for pantry, etc) In some way each and every one of our families can be more Holy. It is in holiness that Christ dwells among us. BE BOLD…..BE CATHOLIC® Have a good week, THE WEEK AHEAD…. Weekend of December 14, 2014 Sunday Collection (6/7) Faith Direct (4) Sunday Collection (13/14) Faith Direct (15) Sunday Collection (20/21) Sunday Collection (27/28) Total (November Goal: $32,000) Parish Center Loan Christmas Flowers Immaculate Conception $5,380.35 $7,615.00 $8,774.00 $21,769.35 $1,650.00 $440.00 $487.00 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE INFORMATION (calculated on weekly envelopes only) Collections required to date: $184,946.22 Total Collected to date: $190,578.55 PRINCIPAL BALANCE—PARISH CENTER LOAN $487,414.20 Monday, December 29 8:00AM Yoga Tuesday, December 30 8:00AM No Mass Wednesday, December 31 5:00PM Mass Thursday, January 1 8:00AM Mass Friday, January 2 8:00AM No Mass Saturday, January 3 4:30PM Confessions 5:00PM Mass Sunday, January 4 7:00AM Mass 10:00AM Mass PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS DEACON CORBY’S CORNER DECEMBER FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: My Dear Parish Family, Bar soap, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, Kleenex, and toilet paper . May Your New Year be filled with God’s Blessing’s, Happiness, and Peace. BULLETIN NOTICES FROM ELSEWHERE Happy New Year Deacon Corby <>< CHRISTMAS CASH RAFFLE WINNERS The winners of the 12th annual Christmas Cash Raffle were drawn at the Dec. 12 fish-fry. Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket. Every ticket was sold! Thank you also to everyone who helped to sell all the tickets. The winners are: Grand prize $6000 Mary Casey; $2500 Jenna Higgins; $1000 Tracey Drennen and Lori Kreher; $500 Pam Redding/ Kathy Belding; $250 Ralph Weilbacher and Wayne Harris; $100 Rich Boehing, Whitey Schesinger, Mike & Diane Vogel and Todd Vonderheide; $75 Dorothy Herzog, Paul & Laura Wolf, Janel Davinroy, Mavrick Queern, Katie Mense, Clarence Wiskamp, Nancy Krause and Larry & Jean Price; $50 Stan Schwab, Jessi Gianino, Patty Vogel, Anne Proctor, Debbie Lane, George Vollert, Dennis Fredrick, Jackie Taylor, Nanette Rieso and Claire Hill. ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL ANNUAL FUNDS Thank you to our generous donors. We have reached 62% of our annual fund goal--$18,882 has been donated! If you haven't had a chance to donate, there is still time to make a donation and take a tax deduction for 2014. Donation envelopes are on the back registers in church. PAPAL VISIT As you know, His Holiness, Pope Francis has recently confirmed that he will be in Philadelphia from September 22 through September 28, 2015. It is possible for participants to attend the Conference, or the Papal Mass, or both. Anyone who wishes to attend these events is free to make individual reservations on-line via the website: The Diocese is considering a group bus pilgrimage to Philadelphia, if you would be interested in that please call the church office for more information, reservations are due by January 30, 2015. READINGS FOR THE WEEK • • Jan 3—St. John the Baptist-Smithton Chicken & Beer Dance 6:30PM at the Munier Center, contact Mary Alvarez at 314-420-5840 or for tickets Jan 10—St. Agatha Trivia Night doors open at 6:15 trivia begins at 7PM. Reserve your table by calling Julie @ 5508453 or email: BIBLE STUDY Last Sunday the group watched the chapter video that provided added insight to Chapter 16 of Matthew. Topics included how the Papacy relates to the Primacy of Peter, Jesus' plan to build His Church, how Kingdom and Church are synonymous, Old Testament basis for Papacy, and how “binding and loosing” is a juridical term of 1st century rabinnic canon law. The group is taking a short break for the holidays and will resume on January 11th picking up with Chapter 17 of Matthew. We pray you had a most Holy Christmas and will have a Blessed New Year. Join us in lively discussions this and every Sunday in the Parish Center, 8:00-9:30 AM as we examine the Lord's word in depth and discuss how to incorporate it into our daily lives. CATHOLIC RADIO Make a resolution to listen to AM 1080 WRYT Catholic Radio in the New Year. Tune in to daily Holy Mass, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the Rosary. Plus programs such as, Catholic Answers Live, Open Line, St. Louis Faith Journeys, and more. For a program schedule and a free CD call (314) 752-7000 or toll free at (877) 305-1234. PART TIME HELP WANTED Dolores Nehring, who has cleaned the Church and the Rectory for the past many years, has decided to hang up her dust rag and mop and retire. Therefore, we are currently looking for someone to clean Church and the Rectory. All together this would be a one 8 hour per week position. If you are interested or would like more information call the parish office. If you have questions about what the job entails give Dolores a call and she would be happy to answer your questions. Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE OF THE WEEK Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 In preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates will be presenting a weekly information poster in the back of church. One candidate will be featured each week. The poster will contain information about the candidate complete with a photo. Please take a moment to check out the poster. Also keep the candidates in your prayers as they prepare for this Blessed Sacrament. This week’s candidate’s are Emily Dermody and Nick Vonderheide. Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29 -- 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK The school office is closed this week. We will return on Monday, January 5, 2015. You may still contact the main office by voicemail at 539-3930 ext. 111 or by email at with any questions. We wish you all a very safe and happy new year! Have a blessed week, Mr. Tim Queern School Principal CURSILLO WEEKEND Are you wanting a closer and more personal relationship with Jesus? Come and join us for a week-end and experience a “little bit of Heaven” held in Ruma at the motherhouse. Women’s weekend: Feb 26—March 1 Men’s weekend: March 5—March 8 For further information please contact: Alex Nast 618-539-3264, Margie Reaka 618-539-3765 or John Tolan 618-410-8224. RESPECT LIFE CORNER Family Prayer – Praying together as a family is a beautiful way to increase your family’s relationship with the Lord and with one another. The Holy Family of Nazareth experienced both joy and sorrow as do families of today. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: In daily family life, Pope Francis affirmed the importance of speaking key words within our families: “may I,” “please” and “sorry”. We must use our words to treat every person with dignity and respect. Pray for healing and reconciliation within families so that no one feels unloved or unwelcome. PARISH CENTER LOAN INFORMATION A little information about the Parish Center Loan Originally we borrowed $887,726.00 from the Diocese. Since that time we have paid $400,311.80 in payments towards the Principle leaving a balance of $487,414.20. During that same time we pay interest on the loan at a rate of 5%. The monthly interest payment is approximately $2100.00 per month. This is paid from the General Fund (white envelope) of the parish. To date we have paid $187,867.20 in interest payments on the loan. Please continue to support the paying off of the Parish Loan by using the Debt Reduction envelope in your packet or on Faith Direct. Monies received in this envelope are applied to the Principle on the loan. If you are not currently helping with the loan payment…think about all the community activities we host here in the Parish Center….the school activities, the picnic, the quilt social, the many meetings…etc. We are currently challenging every parish family to give at least $20 per month to the Loan. STEWARDSHIP GARDENS Brothers and Sisters in Christ: In just a few days it will be a new year; the time most of us make our “New Year resolutions”. Do not overlook the need to review how you did as stewards this past year. Look at your stewardship roles God has given you: Parent, church, community, work. You apprentice and journeyman stewards need to reflect as well. Here is an effective model to use: Settle yourself so you can be open to God's guidance without interruption. Open with a prayer telling God why you are there. Ask God for Light. Look at your performance from God's eyes not just your own Give Thanks for the gift of stewardship and all the gifts you received from God to help you do the job Review what you have done since your last “performance review”. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Face your shortcomings; what went wrong/could be done better, what do you need to change in your life and yourself. Look to tomorrow and ask where you need God in the days to come. Seek AND ACCEPT help from the Holy Spirit. Where is a quiet place? A quiet place in your home will do. Where is the BEST place? Tuesdays any time during Adoration. Parents, bring your family. Just stop in and tell Jesus what you are doing and ask for His help. Open your heart and let Him be you guide. When you are done with this review, kneel for a while at His feet with your mind and heart open to His words just to you. Close with a prayer of thanksgiving. Give serious thought to making this review a weekly activity during Adoration.... and combine that with spending a few minutes at the close of each day before bed...... We'll look at the process in more detail next time. May our Lord God bless, guide, prosper and make bountiful the work of all His stewards. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Copies of the Parish Council minutes can be found in the vestibule of church in the magazine holders. Please take a copy. SAVE THE DATE St. Joseph School Bi-Annual Dinner Auction. Roaring 20’s Dust off your flappers and join us on April 25, 2015. 50/50 WINNER The November 50/50 winner is Mr. & Mrs. Trautman. There were 106 tickets sold. They will receive a check for $53. GIBAULT CATHOLIC WELCOME WEDNESDAY Experience your Catholic high school in action! The Gibault Catholic Welcome Wednesday series continues January 7th, 9 – 11 am. Meet Principal Russ Hart for coffee and conversation about Gibault Catholic – an area leader in academics, technology, fine arts and athletics. Tour the campus “live” when classes are in session. RSVP: Pat Herzing or 618.939.3883. Join us for part or all of the morning – We would love to see you! PARISH STAFF DIRECTORY (539-3209) Rev. Mark D. Reyling - Pastor Mrs. Laura Wolf - Parish Secretary Deacon Corby Valentine—Permanent Deacon Mr. Rick Barthel - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance LITURGY AND WORSHIP Music Director Choir/Schola Director Organists ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL (539-3930) Mr. Tim Queern - Principal Ms. Sara Keeley - School Secretary Mr. John Middendorff - Athletic Director SOCIAL MINISTRY Soup Bus John Tolan Cosgrove Kitchen Food Drive Catherine Wolf Coat and Blanket Drive/Soup and Casserole Mary Francis Soltys Food and Clothing Bank Mary Ann Wild PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Fr. Mark Reyling—Pastor Deacon Corby Valentine Mr. Frank Heiligenstein - President Mr. Charlie Hill- Vice-President Ms. Mary Feurer - Secretary Mr. Andy Vitale—School Board President Mr. Tim Queern—Principal Mrs. Donna Rakers, Mr. Jim Middendorf, Mrs. Shirlene Kassing, Mr. Bill Schwartz, Mr. Kevin Schoenborn PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Fr. Mark Reyling—Pastor Mr. Andy Schilling, Mr. Rich Ostman, Mrs. Diane Schaefer Mrs. Josie Schwab SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Fr. Mark Reyling—Pastor Mr. Tim Queern—Principal Mr. Andy Vitale - President Mr. David Wathen - Vice-President Ms. Jessica Krauss - Secretary Mrs. Margie Reaka, Mrs. Melissa Reinhart PARISH TRUSTEES Mr. Frank X. Heiligenstein Mr. Charles Hill ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY BOARD Fr. Mark Reyling—Pastor Mr. Rich Ostman Mrs. Josie Schwab PARISH FAITH FORMATION PSR Program RCIA Program Small Faith Groups Sunday Bible Study Youth Ministry Catholics Returning Home Adult Education Theology on Tap Carolyn Volpert 618.539.5975 Roni Juracek Sue Gass Leo Wolf Melissa Kinard Deacon Corby Valentine Fr. Mark Reyling Mr. Tim Reinhart Eucharistic Adoration COMMUNITY LIFE Parish Picnic Quilt Social Christmas Pot Luck Welcoming Committee New Baby Ministry Parish Fish Fry contact Funeral Luncheon Committee SJS Tots Program ORGANIZATIONS Men’s Club Parish Quilters CYO CYO Adult Leader Catholic Holy Family Society Knights of Columbus Bishop Wm. M. Cosgrove Assembly Parents, Teachers, and Friends Together We’re Better Cursillo Jean Reinneck Carol Schlitt Catherine Clayton Nicholas Green Sarah Kuester Jean Reinneck Catherine Wolf Geralyn Erwin Geralyn Erwin Lori Kreher Robin Schutzenhofer Jennifer Hopfinger Catherine Wolf Melissa Reinhart John Dittman Betty Sommer Kristen Ingold Missy Kinard Charlie Merker Patrick McKillip Jeff Smythe Stacy Collins David/Stacy Collins Alex Nast PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Joseph Parish is a Catholic community of faith responding to the call of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the Word of God, the celebration of the Eucharist, and in living the sacramental life of the Church. We are committed to responding to each other through ministries of faith and love, addressing our spiritual, social and educational needs. We believe that each of us is called to be a supportive, compassionate and caring Christian witness in Freeburg, the Diocese of Belleville and in the world. 7 Sun December 2014 7PM Renew 3 8AM Tai Chi 4 12 COMMUNION CALLS 5 13 9AM COOKIE WALK 6 Sat 2 4PM FISH FRY Fri 8AM Quilting 11 Thu 1 10 8AM Tai Chi 9AM SJS Tots 19 Wed 8AM Yoga 6PM Quilting 7:30PM Big Band 9 7PM Renew 7:30 Men’s Club Mtg. 18 Tue 8 8AM Quilting 6:30PM PTF 7PM K/C Asmbly Mtg. 7:30PM Cursillo 17 Mon 8AM Yoga 3PM Girl Scouts 6PM Quilting 7PM Parish Council 8:30AM Adult Bible Study RCIA, PSR 9AM Choir 11AM HS Youth Mtg. 16 Wedding 27 20 15 14 8AM Tai Chi 6:30PM School Christmas Play 7:30 K of C Mtg. 8AM Yoga 6PM Quilting 7:30PM Big Band 8AM Quilting 6PM School Board 7PM HS Youth Mtg. 4PMChristmas Potluck/Social 8:30AM RCIA, PSR Adult Bible Study 9AM Choir 23 24 22 8AM Yoga 31 ADORATION: Tuesday after Mass until 7AM Wednesday. Prayer Hour Tuesday @ 7PM 25 26 Merry Christmas 29 8AM Yoga 30 21 8:45PM PSR Christmas Program 8:30AM RCIA, PSR Adult Bible Study 9AM Choir 28 8:30AM Adult Bible Study RCIA, PSR 9AM Choir 1PM Cursillo Novena FREEBURG OLD MILL STORAGE 550 West Phillips CONSTRUCTION SALE! I-255 Exit 13 332-CARS GRAND OPENING ★★★ in Columbia Summer 2014 ★ ★ ★ AS LOW AS $30.00 Freeburg Pharmacy 10 Southgate Center Freeburg, IL R. S. DANFORD, R. PH. Phone: 539-5577 FUNERAL HOMES 233-5400 Family Owned For All Your Real Estate Needs Call: 398-4175 558-2526 Office Space Available RENNER Georgia Huelsman Broker PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE 618-781-7374 Funk Heating & Cooling Inc. 201 W. High St. • Freeburg, IL 618-539-5513 $49.95 Complete Interior & Exterior Pest Control Belleville: 618-235-5281 Freeburg: 618-539-4801 2607 Main Ave. Fayetteville, IL 62258 Office (618) 677-2722 Cell (618) 973-7828 Brian Funk President American Standard HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Come to my 1st Annual Christmas Sneak Peek Open House Thursday, November 13th 5:30 - 8:00 Don’t forget to preorder your Thanksgiving Center Pieces while supplies last NIEBRUEGGE INSURANCE AGENCY Cindy Niebruegge, Independent Agent, Parishioner 117 South State Street • Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-6000 OFFERING COMPETITIVE QUOTES 830 State St. (618) 539-9197 Mon - Sat 6am - 9:30pm • Sun 9am - 9:30pm Drive Through Open Until 10pm 490 Urbana Drive - Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-9190 Email - Website - Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 13197 4th Degree Assembly 3151 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 (618) 254-8122 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Delivering Excellence Every Day 4136 Cemetery Rd. FAX: (618) 254-8708 P.O. Box 87183 South Roxana, IL 62087 Dr. Burl W. Hand III D.D.S. 1 Southgate Center Freeburg, Illinois 62243 618-539-5519 234-3001 AFFORDABLE AUTOMOTIVE Ace Hardware of Freeburg 401 Market Place Dr 618-539-2233 Complete Auto Care 302 North State Street Freeburg, IL 62243 618-539-3500 Ken Woolford DAVE’S HOME IMPROVEMENT P.O. BOX 11 • FREEBURG 618-779-3552 258 Lebanon Ave • Belleville 62220 Phone: 234-2056 Buy One Product Get One 1/2 off 715 N. State St. Freeburg, IL 62243 TWO FREEBURG LOCATIONS NORTH 539-4704 SOUTH 539-5878 MEMBER FDIC Gilded Lily Floral & Gift Shoppe Mexican Restaurant FREEBURG 539-9820 442550 St Joseph Church Come shop locally! Space available call 618-281-3400 539-9168 • GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE • GUARANTEED QUALITY! • Great Food • 341 MARKET PLACE DRIVE (618) 539-3069 Freeburg Centre 405 South State, Freeburg Carryouts Available Full-Service Catering Available 506 S. Main St., Smithton, IL • 233-3313 TEQUILA’S Paintless Dent Repair Freeburg Development Corporation Deli • Bakery and Café 369 Market Place Drive • Freeburg IL Store 539-3163 Pharmacy 539-3164 Daily Lunch & Sandwich Specials, Homemade Pies Breakfast Buffet $6.50 • Sat & Sun 7-10:30am Lunch/Dinner Buffet $7.50 • Sun 11am-7pm Weekly Dinner Specials Every Friday Cod Cut Ups, Salmon Patties & Whitefish • Sat 4-8pm 8oz. Strip Steak or Jumbo Shrimp Dinner $7.95 Most Dinners Served With Potato, Vegetable & Salad For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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