December 28, 2014 - Church of St. Peter

The Parish of St. Peter
Quincy, IL
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Feast, December 28, 2014
~Mass Intentions~
Dec. 29-Jan. 4, 2014
29. Monday 8:00 a.m.
Special Intention
30. Tuesday 8:00 a.m.
Martha Heinze
31. Wednesday 8:00am
Jarrett Hunter
31. Wednesday 5:00pm
Bob Anderson
1. Thursday 8:00 a.m.
Bertha Sander
1. Thursday 10:00 a.m.
Blake Genenbacher
2. Friday, 8:00 a.m.
Millie Schwartz
3. Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Joe & Anita Lavery
3. Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Tracy Shaw McDonald
4. Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
4. Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Thomas Jackson
4. Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Eric Weiman
— Mass Schedule —
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.,
9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of
Saturday 7:30-7:50 am
or 3:30-4:30 pm,
or by appointment.
Dear Parishioners,
This weekend following Christmas, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of
the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It is fitting that this weekend, we remind ourselves that the Son of God became flesh, had a human family, and grew in
wisdom, age, and grace within the confines of that human family. We can only imagine that Jesus learned human virtues of love, respect, and gratitude from his
mother and foster father. We can only assume that this same Jesus experienced
prayer, trust, and faith, in the very people for whom he was their son. And we can
only assume that Jesus learned to appreciate humility, hard work, and the joy of being family from the very people He called His mother and father. This solemnity
celebrates the very humanity of Jesus who was like us in all things but sin. May our
own children learn the lessons of life, love, respect, gratitude, prayer, trust, faith,
humility and hard work within our own family settings. If so, then we like Jesus,
will experience what it means to be a Holy Family.
The family is one of the most important elements of our human lives. It is
in the family that we learn faith—that is why it is so important to pray together as a
family whether at home or at Church. It is in the family that we learn hope—
experiencing over and over the forgiveness of each other, knowing that every day
involves a new beginning for us. And finally, it is in the family that we learn
love—experiencing the giving of self to each other for the betterment of the family
itself. It is unfortunate in our society that the family either breaks down or is dysfunctional—from this outcome comes the lack of respect for oneself, traditional values, and life itself. We need God’s graces more today in our society to help us refocus on family life, for it is in the family life that we experience God firsthand.
This next Thursday, January 1st, is the Solemnity of the Mary, the Mother
of God. I remind you that this is a Holyday of Obligation. We have a tendency,
however, to bring in the new year with much gusto that we often neglect to celebrate this new life of grace with praise and thanksgiving to our God who blesses us
with the gift of time. Our Mass schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, December 31st, Mass will be at 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 1st, our Mass will be at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
As we celebrate this new year of our Lord, 2015, may the words of blessing found
in our first reading be in each of our lives:
“May the Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!”
A very Happy, Blessed and Joy-filled New Year be with all of you.
Saints Alive!
Happy New Year
Next Meeting to Be Announced Soon
All 7th, 8th, & 9th graders
& their friends welcome!
Let Me See Your Halo
Soon To Return In January
6:00—7:30pm in the gym (new time)
4th, 5th, & 6th grade students! Come have fun
with your friends while learning about the Saints &
your Catholic Faith. Sr. Alicia & others will lead these inspirational
evenings, spiritual, social, & service activities. Wear your Saints
Alive Shirt or pick one up that night!
Social Concerns Collection
Social Concerns will be collecting cereal next weekend, January 3-4 for the 1st Sunday collection for the Ladies of Charity.
Containers will be located in the Narthex. Thank you in advance!
CD of the Week: “Women Made New”, by Crystalina
Evert who says it’s never too late to start
begin again. It doesn’t matter what you have done or where
you have been. All that matters is where you go from here.
Stewardship Corner
“Happiness lies more in giving than in receiving.” (Acts 20:35)
Adoration Chapel Hours
There are several available hours in the Adoration Chapel:
Saturday 3:00-4:00PM, Sunday 2:00-3:00AM, Monday 3:00
Parish Office Closed
The Parish Office will be closed at Noon on Wednesday, De- -4:00AM, Wednesday 3:00-4:00AM, Thursday 4:00-5:00AM
1, 3, 5 week, and Friday 10:00-11:00PM. Please call Mary
cember 31st and closed on January 1st.
Voorhis 224-0084 or Sharon Zehnle 223-6279.
Weekday Masses Help
We are looking for help with the weekday Masses. If you are Coffee & Donuts, Blood Pressures & Fair Trade Next Sunday
an EMHC or Reader and would like to be in the rotation for
Please join us next Sunday, January 4, after all masses in
weekday Masses, please call the parish office at 222-3155.
the cafeteria for Coffee & Donuts, blood pressure screenings, and Fair Trade sale. The Fair Trade has lots of gifts,
Items Lost in Church
If you are missing an item from church, please stop by the home décor, jewelry, and more.
The School of
St. Peter
Week of December 28, 2014
A Message from Mrs. Janet Bick
“St. Peter School provides a quality education built on Catholic values and teachings.”
rectory office. We have a few items that have been left behind.
It's Not Too Late to Join PMO Choir!
The Parochial Music Organization Choir will resume reMoving?
If you are moving, please call the parish office at 222-3155 to hearsals after Christmas on Wednesday, January 7. Stugive us your new address. We get charged for any returned dents in grades 7-8 rehearse 3-4 pm, and grades 4-6 rehearse 4:10-5 pm. All rehearsals are held in the music
newsletters, contribution envelopes, or mailings.
room at QND. For more information, or to request a regisDon’t Forget to Turn in Your Commitment Card
tration form, contact Monica Scholz,
We’re still in the midst of or annual Stewardship Renewal. If
you haven’t returned your Commitment Card, you still can mail it All are welcome... come give singing a try!
to the parish. You’ll soon receive an extra card in the mail. Returning your card is an important part of being an active memThe Ladies of Charity of Quincy
ber of St. Peter. Please take this opportunity to express your
The Ladies of Charity of Quincy is completing another sucsupport for our parish with your time, talent, and treasure!
cessful year of ministering to those in need throughout
Quincy and the surrounding areas. This year, clothing and
QND Pancake & Sausage Breakfast
The Annual QND Pancake and Sausage Breakfast will be Sun- household necessities were provided to an average of 819
day, January 4th from 8am-1pm in the QND cafeteria. The cost families per month, with about 445 of these families per
is $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. (Children under 5 eat month also receiving food. It was only through the generous
free). All proceeds benefit the Catholic Heart Workcamp trip this acts of so many individuals and groups that the Ladies of
Charity were able to extend this assistance. Thank you to
all who made any sort of donation—clothing, food (including
Knights of Columbus New Years Day Party
the wonderful produce this summer), household items, toys,
Thursday, January 1st, 1:00 p.m. to ?????? Free food: chili and monetary contributions. We pledge to always be good
soup, cheese trays & pickled herring. Live music — 50/50 — stewards of your gifts, and to help fill the needs of as many
football — Bloody Marys $1.50. Open to the public. Enjoy the day people as possible.
with friends. Everyone bring a snack!
Those who received food from the Ladies of Charity of
this year were also the beneficiaries of a $1000 Rice
WCU Help Wanted
Grant, co-funded by Catholic Relief Services
Part-time Telemarketer for Western Catholic Union. NO sales.
Pre-screen candidates for appointments only. No more than 20 and the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Each year, 25% of
hours per week. Hourly wage plus bonuses. Call Bob 222-6434. the Lenten Rice Bowl Collection, to which many of you generously contribute, is used to support hunger-relief proPlease keep the following in your prayers:
grams within the local diocese. The Ladies of Charity used
~Kristopher Schreacke
~Sierra Miller
the grant monies to supplement food orders with a protein.
~Karen Wiewel
Thank you, charitable people of the Springfield Diocese, for
~Billy Smith
~Barb Sohn
your donations to the Rice Bowl Collection, thereby helping
~Isabelle Meyer
~Gerald Mast Sr.
those locally, as well as around the world.
~Shirley O’Hara
~Jamie Doane
Thank you, too, to the more than 80 women (and a few
~Theresa Althoff
~Arlene Lansing
men) who donate hours of their time and much talent every
~Dr. Robert Murphy
~Donald Vancil
week, keeping the Ladies of Charity Center (510 S. 4 th) and
~Paul Gerding
~Irene Gooding
~Russ Terstriep Thrift Store (934 N. 12th) running smoothly and efficiently.
~Mary Dietrich
~Robert Giuliani
~Roy Steffen
Thank you and welcome to the 10 new volunteers who an~Lana & Richard Krigbaum ~Ariel Prost
~Kevin Hubble swered our request for help. We still have need for a few
~Jim Clark
~Bill Irvin
more willing helpers at the Center.
~Teresa Stark-Pillsbury
~ Rob Hyer
Thank you to all for wanting “to serve, rather than to be
~Wanda Perry
~Brycen Scott
Jane Haas (c 217-257-0533)
To have a name added to this list, please call the Parish Office Ladies of Charity of Quincy
222-3155 or email
The Faculty and Staff of
St. Peter School wish
each of you a
Blessed and Merry
Taegan Orpit visited with the third
grade to share information about the
weather as this was their unit of
study at the time.
7th grade working with icing and
graham crackers to help them
understand plate tectonics.
Santa was a big hit at the Father/Daughter
Christmas Dance!!
Above: The 4 yr. old preschoolers are
decorating their gingerbread men.
Left: Kindergarten parents are helping their child make a traditional gingerbread house.
School of St. Peter
2500 Maine Street
Quincy, IL 62301
Phone: 217-223-1120
Mark Your Calendar
Wed., December 31:
Parish Office closes at Noon.
Mass at 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Thurs. January 1:
Masses at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Sat. January 3: Rosary 7:30 a.m.; Church
Sun. January 4:
Daycare 9:30 a.m., Maria Goretti Room
Liturgy of the Word 9:30 a.m., Martha Jane Room
—Mass Servers—
Parish in Action
Weekday Masses, December 29-January 3:
8:00 a.m. Peyton & Joshua Sheffield
Wednesday Mass, December 31:
5:30 p.m. Luke & Meredith Siebers
Thursday Mass, January 1:
10:00 a.m. Grace & Gavin Frese
Saturday Mass, January 3:
5:00 p.m. Ben & Gabe Whittaker
Sunday Masses, January 4:
8:00 a.m. Ben Nord, Jack Schieferdecker
9:30 a.m. Tori Felde, Shelby & Jackson Connell
11:00 a.m. Hayden & Alexandra Barnes
Proceeds will provide QND students with financial assistance
Saturday, January 24, 2015
St. Peter’s Gym (2500 Maine Street)
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the event will start at 7:00 p.m.
$100 per table of 8 (only one payment per team)
Reservations confirmed when payment is received.
Get your friends together and test your music knowledge!
Bring your own refreshments and snacks. Must be 21 to participate.
For more information, call the QND Foundation at (217) 224-2598
or email
—Daily Mass Ministry Schedule—
December 29-January 3:
Ed Lavery
Juett & Daniella Kendrick, Mike Lavery
Fr. Leo’s column continued
As many of you have heard, Mrs. Janet Bick,
our St. Peter Grade School principal will be retiring at
the end of this school year, having served us as principal since 1987. She has been a gift to our parish and
school and has served us well. After much discussion,
reflection, and prayer, it was evident to me that Cindy
Venvertloh, our assistant principal since 2005, would be
the best candidate. Fortunately for us, she has accepted
the position for our next school year, 2015-16. I also
have eliminated the assistant principal position, and
have asked Sara Bradfield (our school secretary) to become what we term, the administrative assistant to Cindy. Filling the role as our new secretary for next school
year is Roberta Hutson. I have much confidence in
each of these people to continue the rich tradition of
quality Catholic education that Janet has reflected and
promoted in her tenure here with us. There is still one
more position that remains open—and the interview
process will begin for the position as the administrator
of curriculum and instruction. I ask that you remember
in your prayers each of these people as they assume
their new roles in our next school year.
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: A little boy was
overheard praying: “Dear God, please take care of my
daddy and mommy, my sister and my brother, and my
doggy and me.” Then he paused and remembered:
“Oh, please God, take care of Yourself. If anything happens to you, we’re gonna be in a big mess.” (out of the
mouths of babes)
On behalf of the parish staff, school administration and
teachers, Fr. Tom and myself, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Come perform with the Quincy Notre Dame Pom Pon Squad at halftime of a Varsity Boys Basketball Game. WE WILL BE PICKING A NEW MASCOT at this CAMP!!
WHO: Girls in Pre-School-8th grade (Age 3 and up) ***Girls we be split up in age groups for this
camp performance.
WHEN: Saturday, January 3rd from 4:30PM-Halftime (check in starts @ 4:00pm) ***Varsity game starts at
6:30PM. Parents pick girls up after halftime in the multipurpose room.
WHERE: QND Multipurpose Room! Check in at front lobby of QND.
ATTIRE: Comfortable sweat/dance pants and/or shorts. T-shirt will be provided to wear for the performance.
COST: $30 - Includes t-shirt, pizza & snack, and admission into the game
To guarantee T-shirt size, please return by Tuesday, December 23th – if not pre-registered we will have
some additional t-shirts for those who register the day of camp just not a guaranteed size.
Dec. 21
Questions: Contact Coach Jennifer Terwelp (217) 316-2046 or
Total to Date
Annual School Fund
Holy Days
Total Budget Goal
Diocesan Collections
Cemetery: $45 CYO: $5
Human Development: $5 World Mission: $5
Retired Religious: $517 Dep. Children: $ 128
Amt. Assessed
2014 $105,019
$ 44,649.33
Amt Due: $ 60,295.67
Balance as of 12/11/14
Pre-registration not required, but recommended for T-shirt size
WHEN: Saturday, January 10th, 2015
TIME: 5:30 pm — halftime of Varsity Basketball Game
WHO: 3 years to 8th grade
COST: $25 per child. Any additional siblings after 1st child is $20
Pre-register by January 8th and receive $3 off registration fee. Pre-registration not required.
Cost includes: Camp fee, t-shirt, pizza, drink, treat bag, and much more!!!
For more information contact Coach Tracy Grant at 217-257-2524.
Saturday, 5:00 p.m. Mass
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Tom Klene (1), Ruth Koch (2), Angela Lepper (3), Jeff Mayfield (4), Bill Prichard (5), Helen & John Terstriep (6 & 7) Lead Usher: Tom Bordewick Ushers: Jack Deters, Rick Halter, Bob Rakers, Ted Siebers
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Mass
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Marydine Frankenhoff (1), Pam Holiday (2), Jim Palmer (3), Connie & George Schrage (4
& 5), Ashley Wensing (6), Beth Young (7) Lead Usher: Tom McLaughlin Ushers: Ernie Bain, Wayne Fessler, Tom Schutte, Dale
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Mass
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Jake Bertram (1), Lori Bertram (2), Mike Lavery (3), Amanda Liesen-Miller (4), Bill
Siebers (5), Laurie & Martin Stegeman (6 & 7) Lead Usher: Kevin Haider Ushers: Tim Brenner, Jake Greving, Mike Schwartz,
Larry Viar
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Mass
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Mary Ann Kroshinsky (1), Terri May (2), Nick Moran (3), Donna O’Neal (4), Kent
Stegeman (5), Char Stocker (6), Barb Wolf (7) Lead Usher: Steve Koester Ushers: William Black, Tom Deters, Tim Haubrich,
Gerald Orr