current issue - Church of St. Peter

The Parish of St. Peter
Quincy, IL
The Baptism Of The Lord Feast, January 11, 2015
~Mass Intentions~
January 12-18, 2015
12. Monday 8:00 a.m.
Kathleen Schmitt
13. Tuesday 8:00 a.m.
Jerry Brown
14. Wednesday 8:30am
Daniel Bohan
15. Thursday 8:00 a.m.
Anita Lavery
16. Friday, 8:00 a.m.
Richard Hoebing
17. Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Evelyn Grossman
17. Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Dorothy & Wayne
18. Sunday 8:00 a.m.
D. J. Venvertloh
18. Sunday 9:30 a.m.
John Affre
18. Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
— Mass Schedule —
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.,
9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of
Saturday 7:30-7:50 am
or 3:30-4:30 pm,
or by appointment.
Dear Parishioners,
As you can see from your presence at Church, the Christmas decorations are
gradually being removed, preparing ourselves once again for the “ordinary time” of
the Church. I say gradually because it will depend upon the weather, especially
with the decorations outside. In fact, according to the liturgical calendar, the
Christmas season comes to an end this weekend as we celebrate the Feast of the
Baptism of the Lord. This is always a sad time of the year for me personally as I
always hate to see this time of the year end. But life continues, and thus do we as
we continue the Church’s time that we call “ordinary.”
Last weekend, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Epiphany. The word
“epiphany” means a manifestation of some glorious appearance. For the Latin rite
of the Church, there were three differing “epiphanies:” the appearance to the Magi,
the changing of the water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana, and finally, the
baptism of Jesus. In each of these “epiphanies,” God somehow reveals to us who
His Son is that dwells among us. This glorious appearance in these differing epiphanies begin to help us understand who Jesus is, what His mission is, and why He
dwells among us. In this epiphany of the Baptism of Jesus that we celebrate today,
Jesus enters into the water of John the Baptist to be immersed in this baptism of repentence. However, since Jesus was without sin, He had no need to repent. But the
deeper meaning helps us to understand the reason why Jesus entered these waters
was for our benefit, as He took upon Himself the sins of all humankind. In this
“epiphany” He reveals to us that He truly is the Savior and Redeemer. And then
when Jesus exits the water, God reveals to us who Jesus is. The gospel simply
states, “On coming out of the water He saw the heavens being torn open and the
Spirit, like a dove, descending upon Him. And a voice came from the heavens,
“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” This brief statement, or
“epiphany” unveils to us that Jesus is not only the Word of God made flesh, but the
very Son of God who is our way, our truth, and our very life.
In my bulletin column of Dec. 28th, I announced the various changes taking
place in our Grade School Administration and staff. Cindy Venvertloh will be our
new grade school principal, Sara Bradfield will be her administrative assistant, and
Roberta Hutson our new school secretary. Then I incorrectly stated that we will
be looking into hiring a new Administrator of Curriculum and Development.
This should have read a coordinator of curriculum and development. This
means that this position is not one of administrative pay but rather a teacher with a
teaching degree. I am very sorry if I misled anyone with regard to this position but
in my haste to make this announcement I failed to present the right information. If
anyone is interested in this position, I ask you to contact Cindy Venvertloh at St.
Peter School. This same announcement will be made in other parish bulletins of
Church’s in the area. Applications accepted until Feb. 13th.
Next Meeting
January 11th : 6:30pm—8:00pm
Meet in the Martha Jane Room
All 7th, 8th, & 9th graders
& their friends welcome!
Saints Alive!
Let Me See Your Halo
Soon To Return In January
6:00—7:30pm in the gym (new time)
4th, 5th, & 6th grade students! Come have fun
with your friends while learning about the Saints &
your Catholic Faith. Sr. Alicia & others will lead these inspirational
evenings, spiritual, social, & service activities. Wear your Saints
Alive Shirt or pick one up that night!
Rest in Peace
May the souls of
Shirley O’Hara and
Cathy Reed
sing praises with the Angels in Heaven forever.
Rohan Michael Chandler, son of Neal Schaffer &
Lindsay Chandler and Graham Edward Leach, son of
Nathen & Jennifer (Laaker) Leach were made children of God through the reception of the sacrament
of Baptism on Sunday, December 28, 2014.
CD of the Week: “The Hidden Battle” by Matt Fradd,
a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist
who explains that there is nothing shameful in seeking to
live a porn-free life. He lays out a seven-step plan on how to
uproot pornography in your life once and for all. He is the
founder of, a site offering help to people
recovering from pornography.
Important CD Patrons
For several reasons our wonderful Lighthouse CDs will no
longer be available here at St. Peter after February 15th.
Until then, please pick up whatever titles you might want for
future needs. Thank you for all the support over the past
almost five years.
Social Concerns Meeting
Social Concerns will be meeting Friday, January 16 at
8:30 a.m. in the Martha Jane Room. All welcome!
Please welcome to our parish family Ross & Patricia (Bauer)
4th Annual St. Peter Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
Glidewell and their daughter Katherine; Tim & Becky (Postle)
January 25th, 8:30am-12:30pm
Bliefnick and their sons Deacon & Greyson; and David & Barb
$5 per plate - all you can eat!
(Campbell) Rowland!
Featuring Chris Cakes Flying Pancakes
Coffee & Donuts, Blood Pressures & Fair Trade This Sunday
Join us for a Flippin Good Time!
Please join us This Sunday, January 11, after all masses in the St. Peter School Gym, 25th and Maine
cafeteria for Coffee & Donuts, blood pressure screenings, and Any questions contact: Amanda Monteyne
Fair Trade sale. The Fair Trade has lots of gifts, home décor, at (563) 349-0477.
jewelry, and more.
Steven Soebbing Recital January 11th
Weekday Masses Help
Quincy native Steven Soebbing will present a recital on
We are looking for help with the weekday Masses. If you are January 11th at 3:30pm as part of the Sunday Music Series.
an EMHC or Reader and would like to be in the rotation for The concert will be in Quincy at the Unitarian Church at 16 th
weekday Masses, please call the parish office at 222-3155.
and Hampshire. The concert will feature songs and arias by
Handel, Loewe, Tosti, Finzi, and Poulenc. Robert March will
If you are moving, please call the parish office at be at the piano. The recital is free and open to the public.
The focal points of the recital will be three complete song
222-3155 to give us your new address. We get
Le Bestiaire by Francis Poulenc is short, humorous
charged for any returned newsletters, contribution
depicting various animals, while Let Us Garlands
envelopes, or mailings.
Bring is five settings of Shakespeare’s poems composed by
Adoration Chapel Hours
Gerald Finzi during World War II. Carl Loewe’s setting of
There are several available hours in the Adoration Chapel: Frauenliebe und –Leben will be the majority of the first half.
Sunday 2:00-3:00AM and Friday 10:00-11:00PM (alt. weeks), Composed before Robert Schumann’s more famous setting
Saturday 6:00-7:00AM 1, 2, 5 weeks. Please call Mary Voorhis of the same poems, Loewe’s settings take a more re224-0084 or Sharon Zehnle 223-6279.
strained and classical approach to the feelings of a woman’s journey through life. Handel’s humorous aria “Oh RudItems Lost in Church
dier than the Cherry” will start the recital, while three popuIf you are missing an item from church, please stop by the lar Italian songs by Tosti will start the second half.
rectory office. We have a few items that have been left behind
Steven Soebbing has performed in numerous operas, inover the last month or two.
cluding such diverse roles as Seneca (L’incoronazione di
Poppea), Mercutio (Roméo et Juliette), The Count (Le Nozze
Please keep the following in your prayers:
di Figaro), and Nick Bottom (A Midsummer Night's
~Kristopher Schreacke
~Sierra Miller
Dream). On the concert stage, he is known for his perfor~Karen Wiewel
~Donald Vancil
mances of Schumann’s Frauenliebe und –leben. This fall,
~Billy Smith
~Barb Sohn
he performed as part of the annual benefit for the Muddy
~Isabelle Meyer
~Gerald Mast Sr.
River Opera Company.
~Jamie Doane
~Dr. Robert Murphy
Steven Soebbing was born in Quincy and graduated from
~Theresa Althoff
~Arlene Lansing
Peter’s Grade School and Quincy Notre Dame High
~Paul Gerding
~Irene Gooding
School. He received his doctorate in vocal performance
~Russ Terstriep
~Mary Dietrich
from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he studied
~Robert Giuliani
~Roy Steffen
~Lana & Richard Krigbaum ~Ariel Prost
~Kevin Hubble with William Shomos. He also holds an M.M. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a bachelor’s in vocal perfor~Jim Clark
~Bill Irvin
mance and English from the University of Notre Dame,
~Teresa Stark-Pillsbury
~Brycen Scott
where he studied with Georgine Resick and worked closely
~Wanda Perry
~Rob Hyer
To have a name added to this list, please call the Parish Office with Susan Youens. Dr. Soebbing currently serves as a faculty member at Frostburg State University in Maryland.
222-3155 or email
The School of
St. Peter
Week of January 11, 2015
A Message from Mrs. Janet Bick
“St. Peter School provides a quality education built on Catholic values and teachings.”
CONGRATULATIONS to Elena Mast, one of our second graders, who was chosen as
the 2015 QND Pom Pon mascot. Elena is the daughter of Matt and Maria Mast. We
are looking forward to seeing Elena perform at the QND games.
held on Sunday, January 25th, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in the gym.
Chris Cakes will be cooking, serving and tossing pancakes again!
For $5.00 per person over the age of 2 years old you will enjoy all
you can eat pancakes, sausage, coffee, water and Tang. Each person may have one carton of milk upon request. Just remember to
keep your plate in order to get more to eat. What a wonderful way to enjoy breakfast
and visit with fellow parishioners!
GSA BAKE SALE: There will also be a bake sale during the
Pancake and Sausage Breakfast located in the preschool
room off of the gym lobby. You may help us by baking a
batch of cookies, a pie, a cake or your specialty baked good
for this event.
Baked items may be brought to the preschool room on Saturday, January 25th or by 8:00 a.m. on Sunday. If you have
any questions please contact Sandy Gallaher at Don’t forget
to stop by the bake sale when you attend the breakfast to purchase some baked
goods to take home!
FAMILY FUN EVENT-Super BOWL(ing) DAY! Join us on Sunday,
January 18th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the Tangerine Bowl, 36th
& Maine, for a family fun event. There will be Free Shoe Rental
and each game is only $2! Big screen TVs will have Superbowl
playoff games on. RSVP is required for this event to reserve
Please contact Theresa Quintero at or 430-8988 to make reservations. She will
need the family name and how many will be bowling. Make sure you mark this on
your calendar!
2 HOUR DELAY DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER: The Quincy Public Schools have
adopted the “two hour delay” when weather conditions are questionable due to cold,
snow and ice. We will be following the same plan. The following procedure will be
followed for the days we have a two hour delay due to weather:
There will not be any before school care.
There will not be morning preschool classes.
Doors will open for the students at 9:50 a.m.
The tardy bell will ring at 10:05 a.m.
Monday: Beefy cheesy
nachos, refried beans,
fruit, milk.
Tuesday: Toasted ravioli,
Bosco stick, tossed salad,
fruit, milk.
Wednesday: Tenderloin wg
bun, corn, fruit, milk.
Thursday: Tomato soup w/
crackers, grilled cheese,
fruit, milk.
Friday: Cereal, string
cheese sunset juice, fruit
cup, milk.
Mon., Jan. 12: GSA Meeting
9:30 a.m. in gym kitchen;
Technology Committee Meeting 4:00 p.m.; School Advisory Board meeting 6:00 p.m.
in library
Tues:, Jan. 13: IESA Volleyball game at Carthage 6:00
p.m.; St. Peter night at Papa
John’s: Brandon Thomsen
here from QCT
Wed., Jan. 14: School Mass
8:30 with the 3rd grade assisting
Thurs., Jan. 15: IESA Boy
basketball game at Carthage
at 6:00 p.m.; Brandon
Thomsen here from QCT
Fri., Jan. 16: IESA 7th grade
boys basketball at Peoria
School of St. Peter
2500 Maine Street
Quincy, IL 62301
Phone: 217-223-1120
Mark Your Calendar
Mon. Jan. 12: Chess Club 6:30 p.m., Maria Goretti Room
Tues. Jan. 13: Novena 8:30 a.m., Church
Ladies Bible Study 9:00 a.m., Martha Jane Room
RCIA 7:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room
Wed. Jan. 14: PSR 6:15 p.m., School
Ladies Cursillo 7:00 p.m., Fr. Bauer Room
Thurs. Jan. 15: Cribbage 1:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room
Fri. Jan. 16: TMIY 5:45 a.m., Gym
Novena 8:30 a.m., Church
Sat. Jan. 17: Rosary 7:30 a.m., Church
Sun. Jan. 18: Daycare 9:30 a.m., Maria Goretti Room
Liturgy of the Word 9:30 a.m., Martha Jane Room
Parish in Action
—Mass Servers—
Weekday Masses, January 12-17:
8:00 a.m. Madeline VanDyke, Ty Bertram
Saturday Mass, January 17:
5:00 p.m. Katelyn Nelson, Emily Hagedorn
Sunday Masses, January 18:
8:00 a.m. Vincent Bowen, Hanna Folkenroth
9:30 a.m. Nathan & David Kewney
11:00 a.m. Ben & Gabe Whittaker
QCES Foundation to Honor School Sisters of Notre Dame
at the 2015 Friend of Catholic Education Award Dinner
The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) have been selected to receive the 2015Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools (QCES) Foundation’s Friend of Catholic Education Award in recognition of their many years
of service to both Catholic elementary and secondary education in Quincy. Since November 1, 1859, the
SSNDs have had a continuous presence in Quincy, Illinois. During these past 155 years, more than 100 young
women from Quincy have entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame Religious Order, and more than 1,040
SSNDs have served as principals and teachers in Quincy’s Catholic schools, as well as in a variety of parish
ministries and outreach within Quincy.
—Daily Mass Ministry Schedule—
January 12-17:
John Ley
Kathy Harman, Juett & Daniella Kendrick
Fr. Leo’s column continued
This year, the School Sisters of Notre Dame will
be honored with the Friend of Catholic Education
Award sponsored by the Quincy Catholic Elementary
School foundation. This award is given to any person
or persons who have somehow contributed to the Catholic education experience of our young people here in
Quincy. This award is well earned by the SSND who
have been involved in our educational experience here
in Quincy since 1859. The award and recognition will
take place at the Seventh Annual “Friend of Catholic
Education” dinner on Saturday, January 31st, at the
Quincy Holiday Inn beginning with a social hour at
6:00 p.m. If interested in attending, please see the announcement regarding ticket information on the next
page. For all that the SSND’s have contributed, it
would be great if we had a full house in attendance,
showing our appreciation and gratitude.
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: In many parishes
parents prepare their children for First Communion.
When I thought that seven year old Lisa was ready, I
invited Father to dinner. After we had eaten, Father
questioned Lisa about the Mass and her prayers. Each
question drew nervous silence. Finally, Father turned to
a picture of the Last Supper and asked, “what did Jesus
say to the apostles at the Last Supper?’
Lisa thought for a moment and then answered
with a smile, “you guys better get over on this side of
the table if you want our picture took.”
Jan. 1 & 4
Total to Date
The School Sisters of Notre Dame will be honored at the Seventh Annual “Friend of Catholic Education
Award” Dinner to be held on Saturday, January 31, 2015, at the Quincy Holiday Inn, 4821 Oak St. Dinner will
be catered by Tony’s Too. A social hour will begin at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and the awards program at 7
p.m. Tickets for the dinner are $100 per person. Corporate table sponsorships are available for $1,000 and include 8 dinner tickets. The deadline for corporate table sponsorships is Monday, January 12, 2015. The preferred deadline for individual dinner reservations is Friday, January 23, 2015. Revenue from the dinner is designated for the QCES Foundation’s Tuition Assistance Fund for students enrolled in one of Quincy’s four Catholic elementary schools. Since 2009, the QCES Foundation has awarded more than $450,000 in tuition assistance to families with students enrolled at Blessed Sacrament, St. Dominic, St. Francis and St. Peter schools,
regardless of their faith tradition.
Annual School Fund
Holy Days
Total Budget Goal
Proceeds will provide QND students with financial assistance
Saturday, January 24, 2015
St. Peter’s Gym (2500 Maine Street)
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the event will start at 7:00 p.m.
$100 per table of 8 (only one payment per team)
Reservations confirmed when payment is received.
Church Sound System
Diocesan Collections
Retired Religious: $10 Dep. Children: $ 40
First Offering: $926 Catholic Times: $360
Sol. Of Mary: $ 2,866 Immac. Conception: $10
Latin America: $60 Hope & Justice: $10
Eastern Europe: $20 CYO” $50
World Mission Day: $10
Those interested in purchasing dinner tickets or wishing to sponsor a corporate table for the dinner honoring the School Sisters or of Notre Dame, as well as those wishing to donate to the QCES Foundation’s Tuition Assistance Fund in honor of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, may contact Paul Rittof, executive director
of the QCES Foundation, at 217-779-3157 or
Get your friends together and test your music knowledge!
Bring your own refreshments and snacks. Must be 21 to participate.
For more information, call the QND Foundation at (217) 224-2598
or email or go to
It's not too late to join PMO Choir!
The Parochial Music Organization Choir will resume rehearsals after Christmas on Wednesday, January
7. Students in grades 7-8 rehearse 3-4 pm, and grades 4-6 rehearse 4:10-5 pm. All rehearsals are held
in the music room at QND. For more information, or to request a registration form, contact Monica Scholz, All are welcome... come give singing a try!
Amt. Assessed
2014 $105,019
$ 41,399.33
Amt Due: $ 63,619.67
Balance as of 11/25/14