The Parish of St. Peter Quincy, IL The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, November 9,2014 ~Mass Intentions~ November 10-16, 2014 10. Monday 8:00 a.m. Robert Page 11. Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Dale Tangy 12. Wednesday 8:30am Charles McCabe 13. Thursday 8:00 a.m. Catherine Johnson 14. Friday, 8:00 a.m. Mary Lou Geising Forst 15. Saturday 8:00 a.m. Jerry Brown 15. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Bob Anderson 16. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Our Parish Family 16. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Dr. George Eversman 16. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Dr. Donald Dowler — Mass Schedule — Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 7:30-7:50 am or 3:30-4:30 pm, or by appointment. Dear Parishioners, Our liturgical calendar has taken a short leave of our Ordinary Time because of differing solemnities or feasts. Last weekend, we celebrated the Solemnity of All Souls whereas this weekend we celebrate the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. You might sit back and question the rationale of the Church in these substitutions. But these celebrations are important in the life of the Church and need to be highlighted by celebrating them. All Soul’s Day reflects the doctrine of the Communion of Saints. Our celebration today of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica highlights the marks of the Church professed in our Nicene Creed. In that creed, we proclaim that we believe in “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.” To the extent that a Church of today can lay claim to these four marks, to that extent can’t it be said that this Church is the true Church founded by Christ. And we firmly believe that the Catholic Church today has those four marks within its structure and foundation. When I was in Rome in 2000, I was privileged to visit the Lateran Basilica. This Basilica is often called St. John Lateran, but its real name is engraved on the front of the Church, and this engraving states: “The sacred Lateran basilica which is the mother and head of all the Churches throughout the world.” This is the Cathedral of the Most Holy Savior, the Bishop of Rome’s (the Pope) Cathedral. When Emperor Constantine gave the Church religious freedom, he also gave the Church the property of the Laterani family. The Popes for centuries lived in the Laterani palace which was located near this Cathedral that was built to be the Pope’s Cathedral. It is from here that missionaries were sent throughout Europe, it was from here that the universal Church looked for guidance and authority, it is from here the successor of St. Peter would live and preside over the Church. Therefore, this Basilica became synonymous with the marks of the Church that was proclaimed to be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. So this feast celebrates who we are as the Catholic Church in our world today. We are in the process of taking part in our annual stewardship renewal. If you have not received the information to renew your commitment of time, talents, and treasures this year, I can assure you that you will be receiving these packets. What we ask is the you look over the packets, if married, talk to your spouse about your commitment, and most important, I ask you to take it to prayer. If we begin to think about all that God has done and continues to do for us, I challenge you to approach this annual renewal with a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. If you think about our feast today, each of us should be reminded that we make up this building that we call our Church. It is in this Church and through this Church that we meet the sacred, and each Sunday give God thanks for His presence in our lives. A steward realizes and acknowledges this sacred each and every day, is open to it, rejoices with it, and then with an open heart and life is willing to give back from the first fruits of who we are and what we are about. Stewardship is a way of life for us. F U N D Next Meeting Pack the Pantry November 9th : 6:30pm—8:00pm Meet in the Martha Jane Room All 7th, 8th, & 9th graders & their friends welcome! Saints Alive! Let Me See Your Halo November 23 6:00—7:30pm in the gym (new time) 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students! Come have fun with your friends while learning about the Saints & your Catholic Faith. Sr. Alicia & others will lead these inspirational evenings, spiritual, social, & service activities. Wear your Saints Alive Shirt or pick one up that night! Baptism Dominic Mark Rakers, son of Talor & Lynn (Neisen) Rakers was made a child of God through the reception of the sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, May 19, 2014. CD of the Week: “Prepare the Way of the King: Making the Most of Advent” by Scott Hahn who reveals what scholars know about the shepherds, the mysterious Magi and King Herod. Your Advent will take on a new meaning as you prepare your heart for the birth of Our Lord, the greatest gift ever given to mankind. Area Events Saturday, November 15: Blessed Sacrament Holiday Bazaar, Adoration Chapel Hours 9:00am-2:00pm; Knights of Columbus Fr. McGivney Hall. We There are several available hours in the Adoration Chapel: will have beautiful wreaths, floral arrangements, American Girl doll clothes, bake sale, jewelry sale, handmade items, arts & Wednesday 3:00-4:00AM, Saturday 3:00-4:00PM and Sunday 2:00-3:00AM. Please call Mary Voorhis 224-0084 or crafts, raffle, kids corner, and lunch is available to purchase. Sharon Zehnle 223-6279. St. Veronica Guild Stewardship Corner The St. Peter Veronica Guild will meet Thursday, November 13 “Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found in the Lower Level of the rectory after 8:00 a.m. Mass, making prayer shawls & blankets for those who need to feel the love of faithful to his gifts.” (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) Jesus in a time of need. All are welcome, please join us! Next Sunday is Commitment Sunday Today we will hear from a parishioner who will share what stewardship has meant in his or her life. Reflect on how you are involved at St. Peter… Do you serve in parish ministries? Do you come to parish-wide events? Are you taking steps to improve your spiritual life and further study our Catholic Faith? The Commitment Card you received in the The Rest of the Story mail offers suggestions for how you can take a step forward After DJ's funeral many parishioners inquired of me whether in all these areas. Don’t forget to bring your Commitment Peyton Manning did in fact return the autographed jersey that Card to Mass next Sunday! DJ had requested as a final gift and remembrance to his godson Moving? and nephew, John. The jersey was in fact autographed and reIf you are moving, please call the parish office at 222turned by Peyton Manning about a month before DJ's death, bringing a smile to both DJ and his godson. Thanks again to eve- 3155 to give us your new address. We get charged for any returned newsletters, contribution envelopes, or mailings. ryone for their support and honoring DJ at his funeral. Dale Venvertloh World Youth Day, Krakow, Poland Baptism Class - Monday, December 1st St. Peter will offer its next baptism class at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 1st in the Parish Office. Expectant parents welcome, call the Parish Office for reservations. Quincy Catholic Cemeteries There is an envelope in your November packet for a collection to help support the Catholic cemeteries of Calvary, St. Boniface and St. Peter. This collection is taken up twice yearly-near All Saints Day and Memorial Day. This money is used for capital improvements such as new equipment, improvements to office, resurfacing of roads and tree removal and replacement. We maintain nearly 50 acres of plots and have plots available in St. Peter and St. Boniface cemeteries along with Calvary. Your parish representatives are: Mike Lavery and David Stegeman. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact them. Registration for the 2016 World Youth Day pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland is now open. WYD is a chance for young adults to gather with people from all over the world and pray with the Holy Father. Go to Knights of Columbus All You Can Eat Breakfast The KC Volunteer crews will be serving breakfast every Sunday through Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 from 8:30am to Noon. Features scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, biscuits & gravy, fruit cocktail & toast. Price includes coffee, milk & orange juice. Adults $6.99, kids 612 $3.50, and kids 5 & under Free. Eucharistic Minister Cross Necklaces Knights of Columbus 2015 Calendar Raffle If you have been an Eucharistic Minister lately and you acciYou could be a winner everyday in 2015 by purchasing a dentally wore the cross necklace home, please return it to K of C raffle Calendar. Each day a calendar name is drawn church. We are short a few of them and they have been gone and the lucky person is notified by mail that they are a winfor a while. Please look around at home. Thank you! ner. Their calendar stub is then returned to the barrel for another change to be drawn again. There will also be a winPlease keep the following in your prayers: ner’s circle for an additional $1,000 prize at the end of the ~Kristopher Schreacke ~Sierra Miller year. To purchase a 2015 Calendar, please call Mike Schlip~Michael Dolan ~Karen Wiewel mann at 223-6658 or John Veith at 653-0258. The cost is ~Dick Heckenkamp ~Barb Sohn $25 and the calendar shows what the cash prize will be fore ~Isabelle Meyer ~Gerald Mast Sr. ~Billy Smith each day. By purchasing a calendar, you are supporting ~Shirley O’Hara ~Eileene Anderson ~Jamie Doane Concil 583 and its charities which includes our Catholic ~Theresa Althoff ~Arlene Lansing ~Donald Vancil schools. Thank you for your generosity and support. ~Dr. Robert Murphy ~Joan Hellhake ~Arlene Lansing - 365 chances to win ~Paul Gerding ~Irene Gooding ~Russ Terstriep - $24,000 in cash prizes ~Mary Dietrich ~Robert Giuliani ~Roy Steffen - A lucky winner everyday in 2015 ~Lana & Richard Krigbaum ~Ariel Prost ~Kevin Hubble - A $1,000 winners circle ~Jim Clark ~Deacon Wayne Zimmerman Diocese Victim Assistance Coordinator ~Rob Hyer ~Bill Irvin ~Teresa Stark-Pillsbury Pat Kornfeld, the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, To have a name added to this list, please call the Parish Office can be reached at (217) 321-1155 or 222-3155 or email 5 The School of St. Peter Week of November 9, 2014 A Message from Mrs. Janet Bick “St. Peter School provides a quality education built on Catholic values and teachings.” SCHOOL SAFETY DRILLS: We have been practicing and holding our official safety drills, as required by the State of Illinois. Personnel from the Quincy Fire Department were recently here to hold a surprise fire drill to ensure we know how to exit our buildings quickly and safely. While they were here the firefighters gave a presentation to the 3rd and 5th grade classes on the importance of smoke detectors in the home and in practicing escape routes with their families. They brought the children’s Safety House with them and the students were able to practice escaping out of the house. In the near future the Quincy Police Department will be here to conduct an official intruder lockdown drill with our students and staff. COLLECTION OF NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS: St. Peter students and staff are collecting non-perishable food items from November 17th through November 25th for the Quincy Catholic Charities Food Pantry. If you would like to bring items to add to our collection you may bring them to the school office during that week. FATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE: Don’t forget to put in your reservation for the Father/ Daughter Dance on December 5th, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the gym. Cost to attend is $16 per Father/Daughter or $8 per person. This includes an evening of dancing, a memorable picture an opportunity to win prizes, enjoy delicious dessert and enjoy a visit with Santa! This event is open to all St Peter parish fathers and daughters. GSA is sponsoring this event. If your daughter does not attend St. Peter School and you would like to attend the Father/Daughter Dance please contact the school office for a reservation form. ST. PETER CRAFT AND BUSINESS SHOW: It is that time of year to shop area craft shows and you will not have to go far. Saturday, November 15th, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. St. Peter will hold their own craft and business fair in the gym. QUINCY NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL PLACEMENT TEST: Quincy Notre Dame will hold a Placement Test on Saturday, December 6, 2014, 8:30-11:00 a.m. at QND for 8th grade students. This standardized test is the ACT Explore Test providing a baseline for where a student is academically. All incoming freshmen are encouraged, but not required, to take the Placement Test. If students are unable to take the test, they are still welcome to enroll at QND. A parent meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. regarding information about the test and QND. Students will need to bring the following to the test: $13 testing fee (cash or check payable to QND), three #2 pencils and a calculator (no graphing calculators). Students need to arrive between 8:00 a.m. and 8:25 a.m. Pre-registration is not required. For more information, contact Bob Sheffield or Judy Liesen, QND guidance counselors, at 223-2479. MENU Monday: Pork chop, cheesy potatoes, wg dinner roll, fruit, milk. Tuesday: No School— Veterans Day. Wednesday: Chili dogs on wg bun, baked beans, rf Cheetoes, fruit, milk. Thursday: BBQ rib on wg bun, cooked carrots, fruit, milk. Friday: French toast sticks, sausage links, yogurt, milk. THIS WEEK Sun., Nov. 9: 8th grade Reap Retreat for Confirmation at St. Anthony 12:305:00 p.m. Mon., Nov. 10: GSA Meeting 9:30 a.m. in gym kitchen; School Advisory Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. in library; Chess Club 6:30 p.m. in Maria Goretti Room; IESA Girls Crusaders Basketball game vs. Payson 6:00 p.m. at St. Peter Tues., Nov. 11: Veterans’ Day-No School Wed., Nov. 12: School Mass 8:30 with the 4th grade assisting; IESA Girls Crusaders Basketball game vs. Turner Jr. High 6:00 p.m. in St. Peter gym Fri., Nov. 13: Yearbook group pictures School of St. Peter 2500 Maine Street Quincy, IL 62301 Phone: 217-223-1120 2 Mark Your Calendar Mon. Nov. 10: Chess Club 6:30 p.m., Maria Goretti Room Tues. Nov. 11: Novena 8:30 a.m., Church RCIA 7:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room Wed. Nov. 12: PSR 6:15 p.m., School Ladies Cursillo 7:00 p.m., Fr. Bauer Room Thurs. Nov. 13: Cribbage 1:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room Fri. Nov. 14: TMIY 5:45 a.m., Gym Novena 8:30 a.m., Church Sat. Nov. 15: Rosary 7:30 a.m., Church Weekday Masses, November 10-16: 8:00 a.m. Katie Hogge, Wyatt Smith Saturday Mass, November 15: 5:00 p.m. Ben & Gabe Whittaker Sunday Masses, November 16: 8:00 a.m. Jack Schieferdecker, Ben Nord 9:30 a.m. Clayton & Philip Dyer 11:00 a.m. Katelyn Nelson, JJ & Magdalen Hun A thought to remember: A perfect parent is a person with excellent child-rearing theories and no actual children. Quincy Notre Dame High School to Hold Placement Test QND will hold a Placement Test on Saturday, December 6, 2014, 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at Quincy Notre Dame High School for 8th grade students. This standardized test is the ACT Explore Test providing a baseline for where a student is academically. All incoming freshmen are encouraged, but not required, to take the Placement Test. If students are unable to take the test, they are still welcome to enroll at QND. A parent meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. regarding information about the test and QND. —Daily Mass Ministry Schedule— Students will need to bring the following to the test: $13.00 testing fee (cash or check payable to QND), three #2 pencils and a calculator (no graphing calculators). Students need to arrive between 8:00 a.m. and 8:25 a.m. Pre-registration is not required. For more information, contact Bob Sheffield or Judy Liesen, QND guidance counselors, at 217-223-2479. November 10-15: Lector: Mary Brahler EMHC: John Ley, Juett & Daniella Kendrick Sun. Nov. 16: Daycare 9:30 a.m., Maria Goretti Room Liturgy of the Word 9:30 a.m., Martha Jane Room Fr. Leo’s column continued And we are challenged to renew ourselves in this attitude of stewardship as we continue to grow in our faith, ever mindful of God’s gifts to all of us. So this is why we ask you each year to recommit yourselves by filling in these forms and returning them to us. I also want you to know that we do not see these forms—they go to our consultants and we receive the final tallies with no names attached. The only way that we know if someone is interested in a ministry is that you state this fact and someone has to contact with you to make it happen. So thank you again for all that you do in helping us to become a stewardship parish. Our commitment weekend is November 15-16th. I remind you to continue to support our Catholic Cemeteries of Quincy by using your parish envelopes in our collection during November. I also ask you to support the Annual Catholic Services Appeal of the diocese. I have sent my money to Springfield and ask you to help us in sending in your donation. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: As part of the regular service, members of the congregation are permitted to make announcements or requests for prayers. One man, Bob, mentioned his upcoming 37th wedding anniversary. At the obvious nudging of his wife, he quickly corrected that to 38. As the chuckling died down, heard from the back of the Church, was, “I’d like to offer a prayer for Bob.” Parish in Action —Mass Servers— Cursillo Quincy Area Ultreya will be November 14, 2014. Ultreya will begin with a special Mass at 6:30 pm. In the Quincy University Chapel. (Main Campus) Celebrant is Fr. John Doctor. St. Francis is providing hospitality. Handicapped entrance is available. Anyone interested in making a Cursillo or needing more information about the Ultreya may contact Gabe and Holly VanderBol 217-779-1329. Please Support the Upkeep of the Roman Catholic Cemeteries Please contribute to the upkeep of the Roman Catholic Cemeteries with an envelope supplied in your packet this month. WEEKLY COLLECTION Nov. 2 Loose Total to Date $875.25 $15,028.45 Envelopes $18,959.24 $362,639.91 Annual School Fund $17,977.00 $168,749.00 $3,613.00 $6,839.75 Totals $41,424.49 $553,257.11 Total Budget Goal $30,200.00 $543,600.00 Difference $11,224.49 $9,657.11 $3,000.00 $7,250.00 Holy Days Church Sound System Diocesan Collections World Mission Day: $175 Cemetery: $871 Your parish representatives are: Mike Lavery & Dave Stegeman There are graves available at Calvary, St. Peter and St. Boniface Cemeteries. The prices are: Grave: $775.00 Babyland burial: $50.00 Opening and closing: $900.00 Baby on another grave: $50.00 Cremations: $250.00 Saturday and Monday burials called in after Noon on Friday: extra $300.00 Disinterment of Adult: $950.00 Disinterment of Baby: $50.00 Christmas Gift Wrapping Are you a wiz at wrapping presents? Do you have extra wrapping paper to spare? Do you want someone to wrap your presents for you? If you answered yes to any of these, Quincy Catholic Charities needs you! We will be wrapping presents at the Quincy Mall November 28-December 7 for free-will donations. We need new and used rolls of paper, bows, tape, etc. We also need groups of volunteers to help wrap presents. To donate supplies or to volunteer your time, please call Tina or Jackie at 222-0958. 52-Week Raffle Quincy Catholic Charities will be holding a 52-week raffle starting January 2015 and tickets are being sold NOW! A winner will be drawn weekly for $25 and 8 additional holidays for $100. Tickets are only $20 and can be purchased from a board member or at Quincy Catholic Charities. You can win multiple times throughout the year. These raffle tickets make great birthday, anniversary, Christmas and “just because” gifts. And get tickets for yourself—because you believe in the mission of Quincy Catholic Charities! Human Development: $55 Amt. Assessed 2014 $105,019 3 4
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