December 2014 -

( E S T AB L I S H E D
17 7 7 )
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A monthly communication of the
Zion Moravian Church
Victoria Road,
St. Kitts.
Hilton J Joseph
December 2014
Volume 6, Issue 12
Provincial Theme
Fulfilling the Mandate
The Thematic Focus
Step Out in Faith
King who comes to rule, save, and judge the
world. Therefore, as you read the Chairman’s
article be reminded that the spirit of Advent is one
of expectation, of anticipation, of preparation, of
longing for our Lord’s second coming.
(Developing God’s People –
Relinquishing Fear; Focusing
on God) )
Foundation Text:
Matthew 14:23-33;
Luke 5:1-11
On behalf of my wife, Sharon and the Leadership
of this Congregation, may your Christmas sparkle
with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, and
may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy.
Conference Theme
Pursuing the Blessing:
Empowered to do Ministry
Rev Hilton J Joseph
In Essentials - Unity
In Non Essentials - Liberty
In All Things - Charity
My Family in Christ,
Clouds of Witnesses
Hymn of the Month
Health Tips
Moravian Daily Text
The Chief Elder Festival
Celebration Corner
Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas.
Yours in Christ,
Hilton J Joseph
This month’s issue of “From the Pastor’s Desk” is
an article written by the Chairman of the Moravian
Church, Eastern West Indies Province, Provincial
Elders Conference (MC EWIP PEC). Rev Dr
Cortroy Jarvis. The article is entitled “The Spirit of
Expectation, Anticipation, Preparation and
Longing: Advent”.
What Does Christmas
Means to Me?
6 to 9
10 & 13
Special Prayer Requests
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Unique Christmas Recipes
Youth Connection
Instrument of Peace
For Your Calender
The Spirit of Expectation, Anticipation,
Preparation and Longing: Advent
Few people know of the origin and beautiful
traditions of Advent. And even fewer have
observed this meaningful and powerful celebration
intended as a season of remembrance and tribute
marking the coming of Christ. The Lighting of the
My Family in Christ, the spirit of Advent is best Candles, and many other significant and
expressed in the parable of the bridesmaids who meaningful traditions, bring tender and new
are anxiously awaiting the coming of the definition to the heart of the Christmas Season.
Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13). There is profound
joy at the Bridegroom’s expected coming. And yet The time before Christmas is Advent, a season of
a warning of the need for preparation echoes preparation for Christmas. Christians prepare for
through the parable. But even then, the prayer of celebrating the birth of Jesus by remembering the
Advent is still:
longing of the Jews for a Messiah. In Advent, we
are reminded of how much we ourselves also need
Come, O Come, Emmanuel,
a Saviour, and we look forward to our Saviour’s
And ransom captive Israel!
second coming even as we prepare to celebrate his
first coming at Christmas. The word “Advent”
So, as we celebrate with gladness the great comes from the Latin word adventus, which means
promise of Advent, know that there is also a “coming” or “visit.” In the season with this name,
somber tone to the theme of God’s promise, which we keep in mind both “advents” of Christ, the first
is for us to be faithful to the role of the Coming in Bethlehem and the second yet to come.
Continued on Page 15
Page 2
What Does Christmas Mean to Me?
The sadness of the season for us however, is our
missing loved ones who are no longer at the
dinner table. However, they are now seated
around another table and we miss them dearly for
the good times we had.
Myrna Archibald
Mc Cardy-Joseph
(Deputy Chair)
So, do whatever is important to you. Keep your
loved ones close while there is time, not just
during this season but always. Remember, what
if Christ had not come?
Hilton Joseph (Rev)
Chesil Hamilton
Merry Christmas from our house to yours.
Gail Gumbs-James
Shernel James
Ministries Within
The Church
Board of Elders
Board of Stewards
Zion Youth Ministry
Youth Fellowship
Sunday School
Girls’ Brigade
ZMC Dancers
Ministry In Music
Zion Junior Choir
Zion Youth Choir
Zion Senior Choir
Zion Gospel Singers
Praise & Worship
Women’s Fellowship
Dorcas Ministry
Zion Outreach
Bus Ministry
Bible Study
Health Care Team
New Believers Class
Zion Senior Club
Zion Ushers Ministry
Zion Missions’ Team
Multimedia Team
The Rawlins Family
(Kezia, Bernard, Carmen and Nadia)
Sis Carmen Rawlins and Family
Yes, Christmas seems to come around very
quickly these days. You no sooner say, “Happy
New Year”, then it’s “Merry Christmas.”
Christmas is our favorite and important time of
year. It is a time when we give thanks to God for
allowing us to be here once more. It is a time
when we gather with friends and family (usually
from overseas) and enjoy being in each other’s
company. For me it is always a nostalgic time
when I look back with joy and sadness at the
years gone by. Joy – because of the fact that
Jesus came – suppose he had not? Joy – because
of the wonderful memories and traditions we hold
dear. My family knows it’s all hands on deck
because when some people are frantically trying
to prepare, I am finished and relaxed so that I can
watch all the Christmas concerts on television.
One thing I insist on is that my daughters
accompany me to the annual Anglican Church
Christmas concert – this event kick starts the
season for me. I usually take out my book of
traditional English carols (from school days) and
sing. Nowadays I sing alone, much to the
amusement of my daughters.
The Daly/Finley Family
(Kara, Kaidyn & Sonia)
Christmas is by far my most favourite time of
year. It is a season of great joy, a time of giving
and sharing, a time of healing and renewed
strength. It is also the time when we celebrate the
birth of the Christ child, God’s Son, Jesus. Luke
2: verses 4 to 19, tells of His birth which brought
great joy to the world. Even the shepherds, wise
On Christmas morning, we awaken to the aroma men, and angels shared in the excitement.
of Bernard’s baking (he is responsible for all
meats and considers himself the best Chef). He The Christmas messages constantly remind me to
also prepares his famous Christmas souse which stay in tune with God and to thank Him for His
he delivers to selected friends who wait patiently goodness towards my family. The melodious
for breakfast. Once the gifts are opened, we head singing of the Christmas carols as they fill the air
for the cemetery and lay wreaths on the graves of provides a sense of warmth, joy, serenity and
our loved ones.
Continued on Page 3
Page 3
What Does Christmas Mean to Me? (Cont’d)
Year after year, my family anxiously looks forward to Christmas
day to socialize with each other, as we have done for the past
thirty (30) years. There is always so much to tell, so much to see,
especially among the younger ones who grow by leaps and
bounds, physically and academically.
door and the re-enactment of the birth of Jesus Christ in church.
There were the preparations for Christmas as the season got
closer, in the hope that an early start would eliminate the
workload of household chores, but this was not so. There was
also the putting up of new curtains and Christmas trees, hanging
lights in the windows, baking lots of cakes, turkey, ham and
It is the time of year when I think of others who are unable to be cooking in galore. Attending Church was mandatory, no matter
joyous because loved ones are absent for one reason or the other; how tired you were after all that cleaning and cooking. Finally
there is no money to buy food and presents; or ill health restricts the day is here, friends and family would gather for a great time
activities of daily living.
while receiving and exchanging gifts with each other, and having
a great time.
I remember the essential workers, the individuals who are
expected to be away from their loved ones in order to take care of As I got older and having my own family, I realized that
the needs of mankind, and I thank God for them. I also thank the Christmas can be a time of great joy, healing (forgiveness),
Almighty for all the blessings that He has showered on us.
renewed strength , loving and giving to those in need rather than
receiving. It’s when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, which
Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year to all. brought joy to the world. Shepherds, wise men and angels all
May God continue to shower us with His blessings at Christmas shared in the excitement of knowing of his birth. It was no
and always.
ordinary baby. The Messiah was born, the prophets had foretold
of his coming years ago. Reference Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew
The Daly/Finley Family 2:1-12, Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 2:1-20. God loved his own and
provided a way. That Love was given to a lost world so that we
could spend eternity with Him. The punishment of our sins was
upon Him and He paid the price in full, so that we could be free
from condemnation when we accept his free gift of Love. God
demonstrated his own Love for us in that, while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us. Out of gratitude his gift is
remembered in worship and giving to the poor and less fortunate
as we celebrate Christmas. Isaiah 9:6 says: For unto us a child is
born; unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be on his
shoulder. These will be his royal titles: “ Wonderful” ,
“Counselor”; “The Mighty God”; “The Everlasting Father”; “The
Prince of Peace”.
Sis Cynthia Matthew & Family
The Matthew Family
(Cynthia, Ayanda, Ayanna & Lloyd)
As a child growing up, the month of December came with all the
excitement and joy as loved ones, inland and overseas, brought in
the season with postcards and barrels. There was Father
Christmas who drove around ringing in the season with his bell
and throwing out a gift or two to the needy children on the
streets. I can reminisce of the days of going caroling from door to
behold, the king!
A programme of Christmas Music,
featuring the Choirs of the Church
with special guest soloist Soprano – Ms Pauline Herbert
Sunday 28 December 2014
Page 4
PEC Reports
Clouds of Witnesses
The Right Reverend John Knight
This monthly feature is to retell
the stories of ordained Pastors
who served in the Eastern West
Indies Province in recent past. It
is intended to inform us of the
life and witness of these ministers
and their spouses so that we can
better appreciate the sacrifices
they have made. Moreover, it is
hoped that both the ordained and
un-ordained will be inspired to
continue our ministry diligently
knowing that our labour will never be in vain in the Lord.
The following biography of Rt Rev John Knight was
submitted by his daughter Sis Joan Knight. It is an edited
version of an interview done and written by Pat Lewis. On a
personal note, I count it a privilege to have been baptized by
Rev Knight when he served in Barbados. My godmother
always told me that when she went to the minister to ask if he
can baptize a baby for her he looked at her and said “Mam,
bring de pickney and come.”
Following this, Bro Knight served the St Kitts Conference four
times in his ministry.
By 1936, John Knight went to serve Emmaus and Bethany on St
John and was called to assist Friedensthal and Midlands on St
Croix. He had a second call to St Croix in 1940.
In 1938, he was called to assist the Minister of Spring Garden,
Antigua. He has served the Antigua Conference five times and
had the honour of serving most of the congregations. He was
appointed Superintendent in Antigua in 1960.
For two years 1950 to 1952 he was called to the Tobago
Conference. At one point he was responsible for seven (7)
In 1967, John Knight accepted a call to serve the Barbados
Conference. While there he helped in the building of the Sharon
Manse. He remained in Barbados for four (4) years.
The Provincial Synod elected John Knight as a Bishop in 1975.
He officially retired from active ministry in 1985.
Bishop Knight was married to Sis Edna Knight. They have one
daughter Joan Elizabeth Knight and three grandchildren.
~ Rev Dr Winelle Kirton Roberts
John Ephraim McLaurin Knight was born on November 24, 1911
in Plymouth, Montserrat. His father was the Superintendent of
Prisons and his mother was Matron of the Mental hospital.
Although both parents were Moravians from Antigua, John was
baptized a Methodist as there was no Moravian Church in
Montserrat. Later, John Knight became a Moravian while living
in St Kitts.
At the age of 19, John Knight entered Codrington College, which
was then attached to the Durham University in England. In
addition to the solid theological education, Bro John Knight
possessed great financial skills and outstanding athletic abilities.
Although he battled ill-health throughout his ministry, John
Knight served the Eastern West Indies Province for over 50 years
with grace, zeal and humility.
Hymn of the Month for November 2014
The month of November signals in many congregations a focus
on Harvests ingathering. With that in mind, the hymn for the
month of November is “With Thankful Harvest Song Lord”
which was written by the late Jamaican poet Lena Kent. This
Caribbean hymn was originally published in the Caribbean
ecumenical hymnal Sing a New Song No. 3 which was produced
Except for Trinidad, Rev John Knight served every Conference by the Caribbean Conference of Church in the mid 1980s. The
and in some cases he served multiple times.
tune of this original Caribbean hymn was written and arranged
by eminent Caribbean musician and cultural icon, Mr Noel
John Knight’s first call was to the St Kitts Conference in 1935. Dexter.
He assisted Rev Mansfield Williams at the Zion congregation at
Basseterre. The country was in the midst of unsettling riots which The central message of this hymn is for us to celebrate the
affected the congregation. Through his calm unruffled approach goodness of the Lord which has been shown to us here in the
to ministry, Rev John Knight did much to restore the equilibrium Caribbean. God’s goodness is reflected in so many and varied
of the congregation.
ways to us here in this region. The beauty of God’s creation as
Continued on Page 5
Page 5
PEC Reports (Cont’d)
seen in the “crimson dawns and sunsets” points to God’s
goodness. The fact that we have been given each day our “daily
bread” ought to cause us to praise God for His goodness. In the
second verse we are drawn to recognize God’s goodness to us in
the multiplicity of fruits and vegetables which our rich
Caribbean soils produce year after year. God forbid that we
should not appreciate just how good God has been to us. As a
result, the last verse challenges us to always maintain a posture
of gratitude for God’s unmerited goodness to us. It is this
attitude of gratitude that should cause us to turn away from
displeasing God through our sins. At the same time, being
mindful of how we have been blessed with so much, we cannot
help but continually express our love not only for God but also
for each other. Below are the words for this hymn:
Health Tips
Benefits of Red fruits:
 Red fruits protect against – Heart
disease, prevent blood clots and improve
blood circulation.
Red fruits are rich sources of antioxidants which
protect against cancer-related diseases.
Red fruits contain Lycopene which is an antioxidant
and gives them their red colour.
With thankful har vest song, Lor d
We lift our hearts to thee,
As in thy holy house we meet,
Where oft we bend the knee.
For fruits and flowers we praise thee,
For mind and body fed;
For crimson dawns, for sunsets,
And for our daily bread.
Bless the Lord for beauty,
And abundant food.
Lift your hearts in thanks to him
And sing, ‘The Lord is good’.
O see the glowing orange
Hang on laden bough;
O see the golden mango,
That gladdens high and low:
The breadfruit, in its season
Which nourishes and cheers;
Bright ackees scarlet-painted,
And green and purple pears.
All these, and more, God giveth,
And food beneath the ground;
Each in its season, year by year,
In this our land are found.
Ah, how can man, ungrateful
Still sin against thee so?
Forbid it, Lord, and cause us
With love to overflow.
Lena Kent
Mikie Roberts (Rev)
Chair, Provincial Hymnal Committee.
Moravian Daily Text
Second Sunday of Advent
Watchword for the Week – He will feed His flock like
a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in His arms, and
carry them in His bosom. Isaiah 40:11
Sunday 07 December 2014
Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a;
Mark 1:1-8
“Remember the days of old, consider the years of all
generations. Ask your father, and He will inform you,
your elders, and they will tell you”. Deuteronomy 32:7
“Paul wrote to Timothy: I am reminded of your sincere
faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and
your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you”. 2
Timothy 1:5
Thank you great Teacher, for those who have passed on
their faith and stories of you from generation to
generation. Give us words and courage to teach those
you have placed in our lives. Amen
Page 6
Chief Elder Conference
In Spirt and In Truth
alternate community based in love to reach a lost and dying
world for Christ. He also listed some of the things that the church
must not do. He said that we must not compromise its holiness,
we must not collude with evil, we must not be concerned with
material wealth and we must not miss opportunities for ministry
or squander grace moments.
Having had our appetites whetted and many of our expectations
met, most of the attendees left the first night of the conference
more enlightened and more eager to know and hear more of what
God had in store for us over the next few days.
Sis Lilette L. Lewis (Rosie)
Friday 14 November 2014
The Rev T. G. Morrison of The Bahamas
Presenter - Day One
Thursday 13 November
On Thursday 13 November 2014, attendees to the first Chief
Elder Festival, hosted by The Moravian Church - St. Kitts
Conference entered the sanctuary engulfed in an air of excitement
and anticipation. The conference promised to bring new insight
to the origins of the church, the purpose and relevance of the
church according to Our Chief Elder, Jesus Christ and
empowerment for the 21st century. The theme “In Spirit and In
Truth” completely encapsulated the fact that Christ, while on
earth identified Himself in John 14:6 as “The Way, The Truth
and The Life,” and also encourages us in John 4:24 to worship
Him in spirit and in truth. With such a mandate, the expectation
of the conference attendees was that we would be more
empowered and equipped to fulfill this mandate.
Rev Terrance G Morrison, Pastor of the Zion Baptist Church in
Nassau, The Bahamas, was the presenter of the first session
entitled, The Genesis and Purpose of the Christian Church.
Following a spirit filled time of praise and worship he laid a
foundation that gave a detailed account of the origins of the
church and the reasons for its existence. He explained that the
church is built on the belief that Jesus Christ was raised from the
dead and that He is God’s Messiah. He stated that church is not a
building or a place but who we are as baptized people in the
community of faith. He also stated that the church is the witness
of Christ in the world.
The Rev Lucille Harris of Antigua
Presenter - Day Two
The second night of the Moravian Chief Elder Conference was
Friday 14 November 2014. The night began with powerful and
impactful worship. The Holy Spirit moved and persons were
delivered, healed and brought into a closer relationship with our
Saviour, Jesus Christ. For a believer, worship is paramount and
as Kingdom People we cannot walk in spirit and in truth if we do
not have a prayer and a worship life. The two go hand in hand
and are vital.
The facilitator for the night’s session was Rev Lucille Harris of
Antigua. The topic for the night was ‘The “Why” for
Some of the reasons he stated for the existence of the church are Empowerment’ – Scriptural text: Acts 1:8.
to preach the reconciling grace of God, to present a people
wholly engulfed and motivated by love, unswerving and What stuck with me are the following points.
unyielding in their loyalty and devotion to Christ and to create an 1. When you flow in the power, you have Divine and
Continued on Page 7
Page 7
Chief Elders Conference
supernatural covering. (Luke 10:19; Mark 16:15-18) The On Saturday 15 November 2014, the youths of Moravian Church
ability to accomplish beyond the norm only comes when a as part of the Chief Elder Conference, had their own Youth
person is empowered.
Convocation for ages 12 to 25, under the theme; “IN Spirit and
IN Truth - Worship as My Lifestyle” held at the Bethesda
2. When the church is endued with power, she has the ability to Moravian Church in Cayon. The Speakers at this Convocation
do the WILL of God, work the WORKS of God and were our very own local Minister James Brown and the Rev
manifest the WAYS of God. When enduement comes, the Adrian Smith, Pastor of the Calvary Moravian Church on the
effect is called the anointing.
island Barbados. With over 60 youth registered and in
attendance, the sessions lasted four hours starting from 9:00am
3. The Greek word for “Power” is Exousia which refers to until 1:00pm in the afternoon. Minister Brown started the
capacity, ability, power or enabling, the freedom to function sessions with devotions and a few choruses, he then smoothly
effectively. Once you have power, you need to have the transitioned his way into his topic “WHAT IS WORSHIP?”. The
right timing and momentum which are very critical. Using question provoked the thoughts of most of the youth as they
that power out of context or in the wrong timing can be found it hard to give an answer, He delighted us with an answer
detrimental to the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ.
being, “Worship is my response to God with Words, Actions or
Affection to the revelation of God.” Also, Worship is you rising
4. Authority – authority and anointing go hand in hand. As to meet God’s level not God coming to meet yours. Minister
Rev Harris put it, they are the Christians’ “AA battery”.
Brown went on to speak, saying, the way you act as being
worship. The youth were very interested and engaged with
5. Faith has to press against the facts. Activate your faith Minister Brown and the topic. He ended on a note which left us
beyond the facts. (Acts 3:2-11)
eager and hungry for more. One thing he said that stayed with me
was that “Everything we do is worship”.
Rev Harris left the gathering with the following food for thought:
 Guard your relationship with God;
After a short ten (10) minute break, the Rev Adrian Smith then
 Guard your relationship with the Holy Ghost;
filled the atmosphere ever more, as he spoke on the theme of the
convocation; “Worship as my lifestyle.” After hearing Minister
 Put first things first;
 Build your relationship with Jesus and know the purpose Brown explained to us what is worship, The Rev Adrian’s high
spirited approach, had all the youth alerted and once again
engaged and eager to hear the message. He said “when worship is
Sis Desarie Williams your lifestyle, there is a paradigm shift. He also said worship is
centered on Obedience to God. Rev Smith then posed a question
in reference to the topic, “The food we eat on a Sunday?, can it
sustain us until the next Sunday?” Simply saying, the worship
experience we have on a Sunday morning, can that sustain us
Saturday 15 November 2014 - Youth Convocation
until the next Sunday. He said worship as a lifestyle requires
living that lifestyle every day. Confirming some points which
Minister Browne spoke on, he said we must dress appropriately,
worship God in our actions and in the way we talk. Also, we
must stay focus and on course by Praying Daily and Reading and
studying the Word of God. Before ending Rev. Adrian anointed
and prayed for all the youth. Members of the Zion Moravian
Youth praise team then closed of the sessions in praise and
worship choruses.
After being spiritual fed by the Powerful speakers of God, the
youth were then physically fed with a light snack before they
departed to their various homes.
Bro Omandey Byron
The Youth Convocation at Bethesda
Continued on Page 8
Page 8
Chief Elders Conference
Saturday 15 November 2014 Worship and Intersession people’s lives, we must not become fundamentalists and we are
to use our anointing to speak life to people.
Prayer Workshops
The Reverend Lucille Harris conducted the Saturday morning
session which focused on Empowerment for the Twenty-first
Century. The focus was on the concept of the three types of
change which the Christian church experiences; change that
happens to us, change that happens around us and change which
we can make happen. The fact of change being inevitable, the
power and authority which the Christ invested in the church
along with the Great Commission (Mar 16:15) shows that the
church is still empowered to change the world. The Reverend
showed that the family is a foundation unit of the church as
created by God, and was created with a purpose and not with
love, even though love may have come later. The family and the
church have the capacity, ability, enabling power and freedom to
be capable and competent for the purpose for which they were
created. and called to make change with purpose, God’s purpose.
The overwhelming relevance of the church is however, for people
to gather to meet with God and that need still and will always
continue to be relevant to the human being. Thus, the church will
always be relevant if it; does not become isolated, does not fail to
address people’s needs, does not acknowledge and speak to the
world and politics of the time and place, does not partner with
corrupt and world centered groups, does not move from poor
people to become elitist, does not preach contrary to Jesus, does
not become afraid of becoming involved with people, does not
become afraid to seek justice and if it tells of her faith in God,
interprets scriptures for today’s situations.
The first afternoon session by Reverend Harris focused on
Prayer. She discussed the principle which governs prayer and the
elements which sharpen our prayer and prayer life. The elements
include fasting and praying in the spirit. The differing levels of
prayer were outlined as 1. Asking; 2. Seeking the face of God; 3.
Knocking; 4. Speaking decrees. The discussion moved to
hindrances to prayers and what might be done to remove those
hindrances; such as mending relationships, especially marriages;
forgiving persons; removing self-will, rebellion and disobedience
which are contrary to God.
The Reverend expounded on empowerment through multiple
factors; Knowledge (Hosea 4:6, Rom 13:11); Finances (Mal
3:10) Cohesiveness (Acts 2:42-47); and unity (John 17:11,21-23).
She also pointed to the need for the church to present changeless
truths of God in changing times, through communication and
ministry and the fact that the Holy Spirit is still in the church
giving power to carry out the mandate given by Christ to the
church. The true church will continue to be empowered as long The fourth session was a general session chaired by our own
as it remains connected to its source of life, light and power – Pastor and Superintendent, Rev. Hilton Joseph which was an
The Almighty God.
open question and answer period. Questions were posed by
attendees to the pastors. Several intriguing questions were asked
The second morning session which was undertaken by Reverend and answered as to the future of the wider church in the
T.G. Morrison was, The Relevance of the Christian Church. Caribbean and the globe, given shifting worldly morality and
Reverend Morrison pointed to the fact that the church is not an needs and changing methods of delivering ministry and the Word
institution filled with exactly identical people with identical of God.
circumstances, but instead is filled with different people with
differing needs, these differences cause people to have different The Chief Elders Conference then ended as a wonderful learning
needs for the members of the church. He presented the concept experience for the attendees who were of different
that as long as we are not selfish and egotistical the church will denominations, yet united in the concerns and the Lord’s church.
remain relevant, as it is given all the giftings and qualities
needed for execution of its ministries to help meet the needs of
Bro Wycliffe Morton Jr
the people spiritually ad physically.
The church is held together by Christ through the Holy Spirit and
love. The church having different people is able to draw from
each person’s giftings and strengths, to aid it in its relevance to
the individual members and the wider community. These
different parts of the body performing their individual functions
enable the entire body to operate properly in order to maintain its
relevance and its pursuit of God, but we must be willing to deal
with each other’s brokenness and pain while recognizing that
other people are dealing with our own imperfections. While the
gospel must be brought forth and used to bring transformation to
Sunday 16 November 2014
The Chief Elder Festival culminated on 16 November 2014 with
a Service of Holy Convocation at the Zion Moravian Church.
The service was ably led by Rev Adrian Smith and was a
blessing to all in attendance. Rev Terrance G Morrison delivered
the Word and shared the following:
It is the uncompromised Word of God only that is going to
‘keep’ us since it is able to transform situations.
Continued on Page 9
Page 9
Chief Elders Conference
The Church is the entity that reminds us that we are a chosen
The Church is a visible community that reminds the world
that God is able and willing to serve.
The Church recharges, informs and re-invigorates us. We
therefore go to Church not because of ‘us’ but to get access
to divine power.
The purpose of what we do on a Sunday in Church is to
remind us of what we are to do every day – praise God
(Psalm 113:3)
We are not subordinate to the principalities and powers at
work in this world; we are people with authority (Ephesians
ZMC Dancers
We should stop allowing the negative speech of others to
make us ‘second-guess’ ourselves and we shouldn’t allow
the circumstances of life to play with our mind.
It is the power of God working in us that enables us to
accomplish things (Ephesians 3:20).
Following the declaration of the Word, Evangelist Lucille Harris
prayed and the Cup of Covenant was shared, symbolizing our
renewed commitment to the service of Christ.
At the end of the Service, all persons were invited to fellowship
and have lunch.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Joint Service of Holy Convocation
Page 10
Special Prayer Requests
Celebration Corner
Whether your need is small or great, you are
welcome to use God's direct 24-hour hotline —
His promise is, “Call to me and I will answer
you.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
This month, let us
remember in prayer the following per sons
listed below and be reminded that “you will receive whatever
you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 21:22)
Sisters Laverne Huggins, Gloria James, and Veronica Stevens
(USA). Brother Tonito Lee (UK).
Sisters Desdemona Henry, Ellenitta Nathaniel, Dahlia John,
Dorette Rawlins, Jillian Musgrave-Archibald, Althea Byron and
Pearl Lewis and Brothers Ernest Christopher and Earl
Brotherson (St. Kitts).
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Please remember in prayer our Zion Shut-Ins. Their names
are as follows:
Sisters Connie Smith, Nor a Godwin, Winifr ed
Phipps, Brenda Manners, Mavis Deosaw (Overseas)
and Abdelita Glasford (Barbados).
December Birthday Celebrants
2nd - Bro Heinz Gumbs, Sis Tanya Belle, 03rd – Bro Zeon
Sargeant (USA), 4th - Sis Frances Williams, Sis Sonia DalyFinley, Sis Rahmona Casey, Sis Agnola Rogers and Sis
Lysandra Hook, 5th - Sis Emileta Warner-Paul, Sis Najee’
Warner, and Bro Trovaun Henry, 6th – Sis Kiana Merritt, Sis
Irma Bailey and Sis Sharon Kelly, 7th - Bro Ernest Christopher,
Sis Dorette Rawlins, 8th - Sis Josephine Christmas, 11th - Sis
Albertha Brotherson, Sis Telca Francis, Sis Joycelyn Mitcham
and Bro Dawud Byron, 12th - Bro Antonio Dandressol, 13th Bro Steven Casey, Sis Julia Hodge, Sis Urline DeSilva, Sis
Shirley Phillip, Sis Tamia Martin, 15th - Bro Alester Thomas
(Canada), Sis Adeola Wiggins, 16th - Sis Rebecca Skeene, Sis
Nora Godwin, Sis Rasheda Matthew, Sis Michelle Taylor, Sis
TeJunique Davis, 17th - Sis Iditha Boncamper, Bro Julian
Pennyfeather Jr, 18th - Rev Hilton Joseph, 23rd - Sis Ilynda
Henry, 24th - Sis Vincelle Boncamper (USA), Sis Larida Payen
25th - Sis Mathilda Stevens, Bro Christian Nathaniel, Bro Noel
Nicholas, 26th - Sis Charlesia Blake, 27th - Sis Rasheda Payen,
28th - Bro Sherwin James and Sis Elizabeth Warner, 30 th - Sis
Pearl Lewis and 31st - Sis Connie Smith.
Brothers Ver non Connor and J ames Phipps.
College Prayer Watch
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life
that God has promised to those who love him (James 1:12 (NIV). Studying abroad and being away from family
and loved ones is a stressful time for many students. Hence, this is why the Zion Community is asking members of
the Congregation to bear up in prayer our student members studying overseas. Their names are as follows:UNITED STATES
Sis Y’Cole Boncamper
Sis Evah Liburd-Barzey
Bro Withley Williams
Bro Zaavan Hobson
Bro Dujon DeSuza
Bro Glassil DeSilva
Sis Vicky Liburd
Sis Tonya Watts
Sis Akila Moore
Bro Christin Scarborough
Bro Kyle Bradshaw
Bro Alester Thomas
Bro Hasani Lapsey
Bro Lindbergh Belle
Sis Nadia Francis
Sis Avicia Sweeney
Sis Giovanna Matthew-Mattenet
Sis Asha DeSuza
Bro Mervin Hook Jr
Page 11
Unique Christmas Recipes
Black Fruit Cake
Fruit Cake or Black Cake, as it is
referred to, is a favourite during
the Christmas season, is not only
popular during the Christmas
season. It is also year round,
especially at weddings and
birthdays. It seems that black
cake is a Caribbean thing also.
Almost everyone I know makes
one or eats it during the season.
Eggplant and Tomato Stew with fresh Oregano
This recipe is a little different from the traditional black cake
recipe because it does not require you to soak the fruits. Yes!
That’s right, no soaking of fruits for weeks before you could
make your black cake. If you feel to make your black cake
today you can make it. Here is a black cake, you will enjoy.
In non-stick pan, sauté onion and garlic in olive oil for 2
minutes, add eggplant, cook for another 4 minutes until eggplant becomes wet in appearance. Season with salt and peeper
and add canned tomato. Simmer on low for 10-15 minutes,
adding a touch of water if necessary. Finish with fresh oregano
and serve. This is a perfect vegetable to serve with fish or
3 1/2 -4 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup shortening
4 eggs
1 bottle cherry brandy
1 cup browning
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
3 lbs. fruits (raisins, currants, dates, cherries, mixed peel,
grated orange rind
Sift the flour and the baking soda together in a separate
bowl. Add spices to flour.
Cream the shortening and sugar.
Add browning to the mixture
Beat the eggs. Add the eggs, browning and vanilla essence.
Mix well.
Add the flour to the cream mixture.
Blend about 3/4 cup of fruits and 1/2 cup of sherry brandy
to the consistency of a jam.
Add the blended fruits and dried fruits to the mix.
Placed in a greased and floured baking dish
Bake in a preheated oven 270-300 degrees Fahrenheit or
until cake leaves the sides or for about (3 hours). Test with
a thin knife, insert in the centre of the cake, if it comes out
clean the cake is done.
Pour some cherry brandy over the baked cake immediately
after it is baked.
Yield: Makes two five pound cakes… Eat to your discretion!
3 ounces diced eggplant
1 ounce canned tomato
1 Tablespoon chopped onion
1 clove chopped garlic
1 teaspoon olive oil
Pinch of salt
Pinch of Pepper
Nutritional facts: calor ies -76, fat -5 grams, protein -1 gram.
Honey Whipped Sweet Potato Mash
4 ozs peeled sweet potatoes
1 Tablespoon honey
Pinch of salt
Pinch of Pepper
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
Cut peeled sweet potatoes into 1-inch chunks and place into
cold water. Bring to boil and simmer for 7-10 minutes, until
tender. Drain and mash with fork, add honey, salt and pepper,
finish with parsley.
Nutritional facts: calor ies -150, fat –trace amount, protein -1
Youth Connection
Page 12
Advent and the Candles of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace
Advent marks the beginning of the most All these words come from the Christmas story. Can you
exciting time of the year. It is the countdown to unscramble them?
the day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It
is also a time of spiritual reflection, as well as
the cheer and anticipation of what is to come!
During the season of Advent on each Sunday,
one candle on the Advent wreath is lit. These
candles represent the coming of the light of Christ into the world.
They also signify an aspect of the spiritual preparation for
the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ and his
second coming.
On the first Sunday of Advent, we light the purple Candle of the
Prophecy or the Candle of Hope in remembrance of the prophets,
primarily Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ. This candle also
represents hope or the expectation in anticipation of the coming
Messiah. It tells us that we can be hopeful because God is faithful
and will keep the promises made to us.
On the second Sunday on Advent we light the Bethlehem
Candle (purple), the Candle of Pr epar ation. This candle
typically represents love. The Bethlehem Candle, symbolizing
Christ’s manger, reminding us that God has kept his promise of a
Saviour who would be born in Bethlehem.
On the third Sunday of Advent we light the Shepherd Candle
(rose) or the candle of joy to signify that the angels sang a
message of JOY!
On the fourth Sunday of Advent we light the Angel Candle
(purple) or the Candle of Peace: the angels announced the good
news of a Saviour and of peace on earth and goodwill to all
men. God sent his only Son, in the form of a baby to earth to save
us, to bring us peace because he loves us!
On Christmas Eve or Christmas day a 5th candle (white) “Christ
Candle” is lit. The white candle r eminds us that J esus is the
spotless Lamb of God, sent to wash away our sins! His birth was
for his death, his death was for our birth!
Today as we observe the second Sunday of Advent, and light the
Candle of Love, let us be reminded of God’s ultimate sacrifice of
love to humanity, and the glorious hope of eternal life in heaven
through the love of God and death of Jesus Christ. Therefore,
prepare your hearts with Hope, Love, Joy and Peace as we
eagerly look forward to the second coming of our Lord and
Saviour. Let us celebrate Christmas–the celebration of His birth
as we seek to continually prepare our heart, mind and soul for His
second coming.
Page 13
Instrument of Peace
The Season of Advent
important preparation
for the coming of
persons are more
Christmas (the birth of
Jesus Christ), but do
not realize that there is
a liturgical season
before the celebration
of Christmas. Advent
The Advent Wreath
comes from the Latin
which means arrival or coming, particularly of something having
great importance. This season starts four Sundays before
Christmas Day (25 December), or the Sunday which is closest to
30 November and lasts until Christmas Eve (24 December).
Advent presents an opportunity for us to be reminded about
Christ’s humble beginnings and the joy that He has brought into
our lives. It also motivates us to give thanks and show genuine
appreciation for this wonderful and mighty Saviour who
continues to be with us on our earthly sojourn through the Holy
Spirit. Most importantly, each year, this wonderful season helps
us to re-focus on His ‘second coming’- -a period of great
anticipation and expectation.
Waiting Here For You
Waiting here for you
With our hands lifted high in praise
And it's You we adore
Singing Hallelujah
Verse 3:
You are everything You promised
Your faithfulness is true
And we're desperate for Your presence
All we need is You
Waiting here for you
With our hands lifted high in praise
And it's You we adore
Singing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
We're singing, Hallelujah
We're singing, Hallelujah
*Chorus repeats until the end*
Authors: Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Martin Smith
As we reflect on this important celebration, let us use the
following contemporary worship song as a reminder of God’s
love and how important it is for us to wait with high expectation
for His second coming.
Waiting Here For You
Verse 1:
If faith can move the mountains
Let the mountains move
We come with expectation
We're waiting here for You
I'm waiting here for You
Verse 2:
You're the Lord of all creation
And still You know my heart
The Author of salvation
You've loved me from the start
December Wedding Anniversary Celebrants
09th ………………………..… Sis Josephine Christmas
16th ………...……. Bro Arthur & Sis Gloria Thompson
17th ……………………………...… Sis Agnola Rogers
21st …………...………... Bro Nigel & Sis Seana Mack
22nd ………......…… Bro Errol & Sis Joycelyn Connor
27th ………….…. Bro Rudolph and Sis Janice Wattley
29th …………...…….. Rev Hilton & Sis Sharon Joseph
30th ………….…..…… Bro Frank & Sis Dian Sargeant
For Your Calender & Notices
Opportunity for Giving
A “special offering” entitled My Gift for
the King will be collected this morning.
This will go towards the Windows Project.
Last Sunday a total of $7040.00 was
collected. If there are members of the
congregation who have not received a
‘purple’ special offering envelope, one
can be obtained from the ushers.
Voice of Zion Contributions
contributions towards this ministry are
always welcomed.
This monthly
publication has a cost attached to it and we
continue to ask for your support in this
regard. Your contributions can be made at
any time, but if you wish, you can
donate during the month of your birth.
Please submit your monetary gifts at the
Church’s office. We look forward to your
continued support.
Shut-in Communion
Shut-in Communion will be held on
Tuesday 09 December 2013 at 9:00am.
Bible Study
Bible Study continues on Tuesdays at 7:00
pm. All ar e invited as we continue our
study of Ephesians under the theme
“Putting first things first”.
Zion Youth Ministry
Youth Fellowship continues on Fridays
at 7:00 pm.
Girl’s Brigade meets every Monday at
The Zion Youth Choir meets every
Saturday at 3:00 pm. Members are asked
to take note and to be punctual.
Feed My Lamb Ministry
Parents and guardians are asked to note
that owing to the time change in school
hours for the students of Basseterre High
School (BHS), classes for Feed My Lamb
Ministry will be divided into two. BHS
students will meet on Sunday during the
period in which Sunday school would
Page 14
December 2014
normally be held; other students will Family and Men’s Sunday
continue to meet on Mondays at 4:00pm.
As is our custom, we celebrate Family
Sunday on 21 and 28 December 2014 at
9:30am. Persons are encouraged to invite
St. Kitts Outreach Centre
The Moravians will be responsible for their families to worship on these days.
ministering at the St. Kitts Outreach Centre On Sunday 21 December, our men will
from 08 to 12 December 2014. Members share in the service. Brothers, please
are asked to note and assist wherever invite another brother to that service.
Church Council
Church Council will be held on Thursday
Men’s Ministry
All men are reminded of Men’s Ministry 22 January 2015 at 6:00 pm.
Sunday on 21 December 2014.
All Group Leaders are kindly asked to
submit their reports to the Church’s office
2014 Emancipation Concert DVD
Copies of the 2014 Emancipation Concert on or before Friday 19 December 2014.
Collector's Item DVD are available at the
church office at a cost of EC$40. However, All Financial Statements are due on 31
you are welcome to give a love offering of December 2014.
$50. Persons purchasing three (3) or more
copies will be entitled to a special price of SSD Christmas Programme
$30 each.
The Sunday School Department Annual
Christmas Programme and Candlelight
Service will be held on Sunday 21
Advent and Christmas Celebration
As we celebrate the festive season, we are December 2014 at 6:30pm.
invited to join the celebration by noting the
colour codes to wear on each Sunday of Christmas Morning Service
the Advent/Christmas:
Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn
- an invitation is extended to all Members
to our Christmas Morning Service which
 White - 07 December
will be held on Thursday 25 December
 Green - 14 December
2014 at 5:00 am.
 Purple - 21 December
 Blue and White - 28 December
Conference Missionary Ingathering
The Conference Missionary Ingathering
70+ Service and Luncheon
The Annual 70+ Service and Luncheon which will be held on Wednesday 31
will be held on Sunday 14 December 2014 December 2014.
at 9:30 am.
Watchnight Service
Come Let us give God thanks for 2014 on
ZMYF Annual Banquet
The Zion Moravian Youth Fellowship will Wednesday 31 December 2014 at 10:30
be holding its annual Youth Awards pm at the Watchnight Service. All are
Banquet under the theme *STARS* at the invited.
Manhattan Gardens, Limekiln Project on
Friday 12 December from 7:00 pm.
Donation is only fifty-five Moravian
dollars ($55.00). Kindly confirm your
attendance on or before Thursday 11
December 2014 (5:00 pm).
Page 15
From the Pastor’s Desk (Cont’d)
Is Advent really important to us as
Christians? I rather like the season, for it
brings a sense of expectation and
anticipation. I have come to love this season
that has been generally ignored, for two
reasons. First, I have found that observing
Advent enriched my celebration of
Christmas. Taking four weeks to focus on the
hope of Christ’s coming made me much
more joyful when I finally got to celebrate it.
The more I got in touch with my need for a
Savior, the more I rejoiced at the Savior’s
Second, I have found in Advent, a solution to
the problem of secular Christmas versus
spiritual Christmas. We recognize that
Christmas is most of all, a time to celebrate
the birth of Jesus. It’s a holiday that focuses
on the meaning of the Incarnation. Yet, given
the secular traditions of Christmas, we spend
most of our time preparing, not for a
celebration of the birth of Jesus, but for
fulfilling the demands of the season. We
have to buy lots of presents for lots of people
and make sure they are all wrapped and delivered. We have parties to attend and parties
to host. We have relatives who come to visit
or, alternatively, we are the relatives who go
elsewhere to visit. This requires lots of
planning, not to mention the energy required
to get things in place.
The season of Advent brings us the
magnificent vision of life and hope for the
future given to us by Christ. Advent is our
time to become more involved, more caught
up in the meaning and the possibilities of life
as a Christian community. Thus we are
preparing not only for Christmas but also for
Christ's Second Coming.
The vision of life that Advent gives us is
twofold; it looks back to the first coming of
Christ at Bethlehem, and it looks to the
future when Christ will come again. In the
interval between these two events we find
meaning for our lives as Christians.
In Advent, we celebrate Christ becoming
human. We view his life and experience his
presence as a human being in our history.
Christ came to show us what life can and
should be. He gave us true and valid
principles by which we can live true and
valid lives. But Jesus knew that the human
heart could not live in isolation. He formed
the Church around the concept of a people
held together by love. In that community we
discover unlimited possibilities and meaning.
Alone we can do nothing. Together we find
real meaning.
When Christ left this earth, he did not
abandon us. He remains with us in his Spirit,
the Church, the sacraments, the Scriptures
and each other. He lives in community with
us and keeps his vision of life before us.
When Christ comes again, his presence will
no longer be hidden behind the signs and
symbols or the words of the Scripture. His
presence among us will be revealed in all its
fullness: a presence that will never end; a
presence that will perfect and complete our
judgment on sin will shine just as brightly on
God’s people.
So, we celebrate with gladness the great
promise in the Advent, yet knowing that
there is also a somber tone as the theme of
threat is added to the theme of promise. This
is reflected in some of the Scripture readings
for Advent, in which there is a strong
prophetic tone of accountability and
judgment on sin. But this is also faithful to
the role of the Coming King who comes to
rule, save, and judge the world.
Because of the themes of threat and promise,
Advent is a time of preparation that is
marked by prayer. While Lent is
characterized by fasting and a spirit of
penitence, Advent’s prayers ought to be
commitment; prayers of submission; prayers
for deliverance; prayers from those walking
in darkness that are awaiting and anticipating
a great light (Isaiah 9).
In the double focus on past and future,
Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey
of individuals and a congregation, as they
affirm that Christ has come, that He is
present in the world today, and that He will
come again in power.
The spirit of Advent is expressed well in the
parable of the bridesmaids who are anxiously
As the church celebrates God’s in-breaking
awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom
into history in the Incarnation, and
(Matthew 25:1-13). There is profound joy at
anticipates a future consummation to that
the Bridegroom’s expected coming. And yet
history for which “all creation is groaning
a warning of the need for preparation echoes
awaiting its redemption”, it also confesses
through the parable. But even then, the
its own responsibility as a people,
prayer of Advent is still:
commissioned to love the Lord your God
with all your heart and to love your neighbor
Come, Thou long-expected Jesus,
as yourself.
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Advent is marked by a spirit of expectation,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
of anticipation, of preparation, of longing.
Israel’s Strength and Consolation,
There is a yearning for deliverance from the
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
evils of the world, first expressed by the
Dear Desire of every nation,
Israelite slaves in Egypt as they cried out
Joy of every longing heart.
from their bitter oppression. It is the cry of
those who have experienced the tyranny of
Born Thy people to deliver,
injustice in a world under the curse of sin,
Born a child and yet a King,
and yet who have hope of deliverance by a
Born to reign in us forever,
God who has heard the cries of oppressed
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
slaves and brought deliverance.
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
Part of the expectation also anticipates a
By Thine all sufficient merit,
judgment on sin and a calling of the world to
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.
accountability before God. We long for God
to come and set the world right. Yet, as the I challenge you to remember that this
prophet Amos warned, the expectation of a Advent is our time to become more involved,
coming judgment at the "Day of the Lord" more caught up in the meaning and the
may not be the day of light that we might possibilities of life as a Christian community.
want, because the penetrating light of God’s
Rev Dr Cortroy Jarvis
~ Divine Worship & Holy Communion ~
Pastor & Celebrant:
Rev Hilton J Joseph
Victoria Road
St. Kitts
Worship Leader:
Sis Tryphena James
Phone: 1 (869) 465-2402
Mobile: 1 (869) 662-1777
Fax: 1 (869) 465-6748
Sis Blondell Franks
Sis Gail Gumbs-James
The Voice of Zion…
Empowered to do Ministry
Bro Nigel Williams - Trumpet
Bro Victor Payne - Guitar
Bro M. J. Byron - Drums
Bro Christian Nathaniel - Keyboard/Piano
Bro Jermaine James - Keyboard/Drums
Sunday 7th December 2014
(2nd Sunday of Advent )
Processional Hymn #389 ……..… Christ For the W orld W e Sing
Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Communion
Hymn # 246 .……………..…. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Call to Worship
Hymn # 679 vs. 1 & 2 ..…….… Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Hymn # 286 ...………………..…. Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
Prayer of Approach
Litany for 2nd Sunday in Advent
Item of Praise ..……………………………… Zion Senior Choir
The Sacrament of Communion
The Invitation
Hymn # 242 ..…...………………….. In Heavenly Love A biding
1st Eucharistic Prayer
Distribution of Bread
Ministry of the Word
OT Lesson ….....… Isaiah 40: 1 -11 ………… Sis Shernel James Hymn # 243 …….………..…… W e Bless for Thy Peace O God
NT Lesson ………. 2 Peter 3: 8 - 15 …..…… Sis Kezia Rawlins Hymn # 247 …………………..……… I Could Not Do W ithout
Hymn # 248 ...……………. A ll The W ay my Saviour Leads Me
Special Selection
Sermon ………..……………..………….. Rev Hilton J Joseph 2nd Eucharistic Prayer
Altar Encounter: Prayer of Supplication … Sweet Hour of Prayer Distribution of Wine
Hymn # 139 …...….………...… Jesus the V ery Thought of Thee
Hymn # 180 …….………………………… I’ve Found A Friend
Worship in Giving
Tithes & Offering, Bus Ministry, Youth Bottle,
Hymn #186 .…………………..…………….. Blessed A ssurance
Free Will Offering, Voice of Zion, Windows Project
Worship Text: “Give and it shall be given unto you” Luke 6:38a
Church Concerns and Pleasantries
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Covenant Hymn # 547 ……….... For the Bread and for the W ine
The Blessing
This month’s edition of the Voice of Zion is sponsored by Desuza Family in Celebration of Bro Tonito’s Birthday