January 2015 - The Church at Litchfield Park

Pastors’ Columns
Be Transformed!
God’s Ideal
3 New Members
received in November
3F Dinner Clubs
Sign up in January
Spotlight on
Christmas at CLP
Picture Page
Christmas Tea Highlights
News from The Church
at Litchfield Park
January 2015
Important dates in 2015
An important event in the life
of the church will be coming up
Sunday, February 22, when the
annual congregational meetings
are held. There are actually two
meetings required by our Constitution and By-Laws: the Annual
Congregational meeting to elect
members of the Council on Ministries and to review and approve
previous minutes; and the Corporate (business) Meeting, to elect
members of the Board of Directors, approve previous minutes and
approve the proposed annual
budget for the coming year. While
everyone is invited to attend, only
church members may vote. The
meeting will be held immediately
following the 10:45 a.m. worship
service, in Souers Hall.
On Saturday, March 7, from
8:00 a.m. until noon, there will be
a long-range planning meeting for
all Board, Council and committee
members. The retreat will focus
on setting short (6-12 months) and
long range (3-5 years) goals for the
church utilizing the Mission and
Vision statements.
The Church at Litchfield Park • 300 N. Old Litchfield Rd • Litchfield Park AZ 85340
Phone (623) 935-3411 • Fax (623) 935-0560
Email: info@churchatlitchfieldpark.org • Web: www.churchatlitchfieldpark.org
Chris Martin, Editor (623) 979-8503 chrismartinaz@cox.net
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.
Be Transformed!
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what
God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.
~Romans 12:2
never actually painted in, reminding us that we are
still working on the transformation process. Renewal
is never fully accomplished, but is a state of perpetual submission throughout our lives to the will of
Living in Japan, I saw Daruma dolls crop up in the
department stores each year around this time. The
dolls started as a Zen Buddhist tradition around 1760
in the city of Takasaki, just north of Tokyo. These
dolls are round papier mache heads of a bearded man
where the eyes are all white without a pupil painted
in either eye. The doll is purchased each year when
individuals make resolutions which are goal oriented.
The buyer paints in a pupil in one of the eyes when
the goal is set. The other all-white eye serves as a
reminder of the goal and encourages the goal setter
to tenaciously work toward accomplishing it. When
the goal is reached, the missing pupil is then painted
in; the doll then serves as a reminder of what has
been accomplished.
If you are the kind of person who likes to make resolutions, perhaps I might suggest a resolution inviting
God to continue the teleos process in you this coming year. Engaging our faith through reading the Bible and devotional materials, serving others, regularly worshipping and attending Bible study, and
communing with God in prayer each day are excellent ways to move ourselves along in the transformation process.
If I or one of our dedicated church staff members can
be of assistance in helping you with your
“resolution,” let us know—that’s what we’re here
Happy New Year,
Pastor Dale
In the scriptures, we are admonished to allow our
hearts to be transformed and our minds renewed by
God. In doing so, we are then able to discern God’s
“perfect” will for our lives. The word translated
“perfect” in the English New Testament is the Greek
word in which it was originally written, teleos. This
word does not actually refer to a state of being, but
rather a movement toward something. In English,
we would add an ‘ing’ to the end of the term perfecting.
The concept of teleos suggests that none of us actually ever arrives at some state of perfection or completeness, but rather we are always in the process of
getting better; moving in a positive direction. Using
the Daruma doll as an example, the second eye is
Associate Pastor
Rev. Kerri Sandusky
God’s Ideal
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully
made; your works are wonderful, I know that full
well. ~Psalm 139:14
gives this command with the reminder that He will
be with us always, to the very end of the age. What a
When we look at Jesus’ vision and purpose for us, it
seems like our resolutions could be summed up in a
much shorter list:
Lose 15 pounds
Eat better
Quit chewing my fingernails
Write letters
Call family more often
Spend more time with the Lord
Appreciate time
Clean up after myself
Don’t procrastinate...
Remember whose I am
Love others
Love the Lord
Make disciples for Jesus Christ
This list is all-encompassing. The great part? We
are never alone. God wants to walk with us – in
good times and not so good times. God wants to be a
part of all that we experience – to the very end of the
...You get the picture. These are a few resolutions
that have populated my list for years. It is a list that
is both therapeutic to write, yet frustratingly impossible for me to achieve. The list encompasses my vision of the ideal me.
Perhaps 2015 will be a year where the list shortens
and the focus shifts. The great part of this resolution
list is that it isn’t our ideal; it is God’s ideal.
One of the definitions of the word ideal is “a standard of perfection and excellence.” This is easily the
definition used when making resolution lists. They
become self-focused and a set-up for failure in many
instances. Resolutions should begin with our vision
and purpose defined for us by our Lord and Savior.
Pastor Kerri
Psalm 139 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully
and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.”
The Lord doesn’t make mistakes. The Lord makes
us. We are His masterpiece. The Lord knows us so
well that we are told “Even the very hairs of your
head are all numbered.” The great part of these definitions is that they remind us that we are God’s ideal.
Our purpose is defined by Jesus Christ when he says,
“Go and make disciples of all the nations.” Jesus
CLP welcomes three new members Nov. 23
Membership orientation resumes Jan. 18,
new members will be received on Jan. 25
Bob Caldwell is retired from systems consulting at Lincoln National Life Insurance. He lives in
Goodyear and enjoys playing golf
and bocce ball, gardening and
fishing. His family is his life’s
highlight. He has two daughters, a
grandson and a granddaughter.
The Church at
Litchfield Park celebrates the uniqueness
of each person and
believes there is a
place for you within
our church family.
We all have our own
gifts, passions and
purpose, yet we connect together in a
loving and welcoming community of
faith. There is a special place for you
pieces support and
connect each other,
so do we as Christ’s
If you are considering joining our
church family, or
simply want more
information, please
attend a brief membership orientation
on the third Sunday
of each month, immediately following
the 9:15 a.m. service, in the Zieske
Hall. New members
are received on the
fourth Sunday of the
month at both the
9:15 and the 10:45
a.m. services. The
next orientation is on
January 18.
If you have already been to an orientation session and
are now ready to join,
or if you have any
questions about the
process or alternate
times needed for the
presentation, please
contact Peter Dale,
membership chair, at
or (480) 280 - 9290.
Recent Baptisms
Shawn and Judy Zimmerman
live in Litchfield Park. Judy is a
Wal-Mart manager and enjoys history and travel. Shawn is selfemployed and also enjoys history
and travel, as well as playing golf.
One highlight of his life was a trip
to Israel. They have three dogs
and enjoy attending the 8:00 service.
The Church at
Litchfield Park is
pleased to announce
the baptism of the
following children in
our church family by
Rev. Dale L. Hopely,
William Francis
Lindsay V, born July
27, 2014, to William
Lindsay IV and Amy
Borrerro of Waddell,
was baptized on November 23. Grandparents are Bill and
Joni Lindsay, and
John and Barbara
Borrerro. His god4
mother is Stephanie
Malecki, born February
5, 2014, to Mike
and Kristy Malecki
of Waddell, was
baptized November
are Tom and Ann
Peterson, born November 28, 2000,
and Aiden L. Peterson, born August
25, 2003, to Michael and Darlene
Peterson of Belling-
ham, Washington,
were baptized November 30. Grandmother is Aileen
Hopely. Godparents
are Dale and Kimberly Hopely, and Ed
and Robin Jones.
Jesus answered, "I
tell you the truth, no
one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is
born of water and the
John 3:5 (NIV)
Lisa Hegarty
Clerk of the Council
Youth Update
Sign up in January!
Look to the New Year for a
great fellowship opportunity with
3F: that’s Fun, Food and Fellowship! Sundays in January, sign up
to join couples and singles of all
ages to create a dinner club. You
will then be paired with three
other family units made up of couples or singles.
Beginning in February and
once a month for four months,
each couple or individual in your
personal club will host dinner, and
other members of your club will
assist. This will give folks the opportunity to meet in the comfort of
someone’s home instead of a restaurant to share a meal. Each family unit will have the opportunity
to serve as host.
We will join together to create intimate groups, get to know
each other better, enjoy a little
food and drink, experience fellowship, develop deeper, more meaningful relationships, and share the
love of God together. You won’t
want to miss all the fun! If you
have specific questions, please
feel free to contact Rob anytime.
Rob Gimbl
Director of Fellowship
(623) 640-8013
Ignite and Pulse, the youth
groups at CLP, will resume
meeting on Sunday, January 11,
from 5:00-6:30 p.m. If you are
in grades 6-12, come join the fun
and fellowship! January 11 will
be Sundae Sunday—bring an ice
cream topping and lots of
Rev. Kerri Sandusky is assisted by Sean and Allison
McDermott, who work with the
senior high group, Pulse; Steve
and Beth Charney will work with
the junior high group, Ignite.
youth choir
Beginning Sunday, January
11, Adrenaline Youth Choir will
meet from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the
choir room. If you’d like more
information about joining this
lively group, contact the church
office: (623) 935-3411.
Would you like to assist
with meals, help with receptions
following memorial services, and
provide cookies or sandwiches?
You can sign up for this special
ministry, which is led by Joann
Forstner, in Souers Hall on Sunday, or by contacting Joann at
Coral Lewis was selected Artist of the year by her peers at Art
League West. Art League West
was founded in
May, 1997 to
encourage the
visual arts in
the West Valley. Its members are amateur and professional artists from all parts of the
greater Phoenix area.
Coral has also exhibited and
received awards for her watercolor, acrylic and oil paintings at
the West Valley Arts Council,
Surprise and Avondale City Halls,
Glendale and Scottsdale Galleries.
She currently serves as Art
League secretary. At CLP Coral
sings in the Chancel Choir and is
actively involved in WCSF.
What Christmas is all about
Learning about Advent in Sunday school included listening to Bible stories, lighting the Advent wreath, making holiday crafts, enjoying cake and
decorating Christmas cookies, and talking about the excitement of celebrating the birth of the Baby Jesus. Thanks to all our volunteer helpers!
4C sang for Litchfield Park’s downtown Christmas celebration, then
performed the National Anthem at the Coyotes hockey game, and the
Chimin’ In Youth Choir rang out loud and proud in Sunday worship.
Hay wagons loaded with merry carolers rode through the Park, then
returned to church for cocoa, cookies and a special visit from Santa!
Crafter’s Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship meets on the first Saturday of the
month from 7:00-8:30 a.m. in Souers Hall. Breakfast
is followed by a unique Bible Study led by Eric
Jameson. Eric provides a short presentation of the
historical and cultural background of New Testament letters being studied, followed by reading the
letter, and discussion. Please join us on January 3 at
7:00 a.m. as we continue our study of 1 Corinthians.
All men are welcome! Contact Eric at (623) 2170462 or ericjameson@gmail.com.
The Church at Litchfield Park has a vibrant community of artists and crafters. Those artisans who
would like to become acquainted with others who
share their passion are invited to join Crafter’s Fellowship on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. in Zieske
Hall. The group’s next meeting will be on January
11. The group meets on most Sundays, following
the youth group schedule, but please check the bulletin calendar to confirm, or contact Dana Dale at
(623) 826-0968 or dana@pdale.com.
WCSF’s Thrift Shop will be open on Saturday, January 3, and Thursday, January 15, from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Watt House. Donations are welcome on the days prior, only between 8:30-10:30
a.m. Call Monica at (623) 935-2656 or Millie at
(623) 935-3953 to schedule a specific drop-off time.
PLEASE do not leave items outside the thrift shop
doors. The thrift shop is WCSF’s main fundraising
project, providing funds for mission projects in our
own church, local community, and beyond.
You can find us at www.churchatlitchfieldpark.org,
and there is so much information about our church,
its history, upcoming events, slide shows and photos
of activities, audio and videos of Sunday services,
thanks to our webmaster, Carroll Frison!
Traditional Worship: 8:00 and 9:15 a.m.
Contemporary Worship: 10:45 a.m.
January 04: Communion Sunday
Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.
Thanksgiving Eve
January 18: Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.
January 25: Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.
Hanging of the Greens
January 11: Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.
20 Questions—2014 in Review
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past
2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
4. What was an unexpected obstacle?
5. Pick three words to describe 2014.
6. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe
your 2014 (don’t ask them; guess based on how you think
your spouse sees you).
7. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe
their 2014 (again, without asking).
8. What were the best books you read this year?
9. With whom were your most valuable relationships?
10. What was your biggest personal change from January
to December of this past year?
11. In what way did you grow emotionally?
12. In what way did you grow spiritually?
13. In what way did you grow physically?
14. In what way did you grow in your relationships with
15. What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both
professionally and at home)?
16. What was the most challenging part of your work (both
professionally and at home)?
17. What was your single biggest time waster in your life
this past year?
18. What was the best way you used your time this past
19. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?
20. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2014 for
you. (Source: www.incourage.me)
Everyone’s invited! Come and enjoy free hot dogs,
popcorn and drinks with movie fans of all ages as
you enjoy Disney Pixar’s “Toy Story 3.” The toys
are mistakenly delivered to a day-care center instead
of the attic right before Andy leaves for college, and
it's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they
weren't abandoned and to return home. “Toy Story
3” begins at 6:00 p.m. in Souers Hall, Friday, January 23.
Mission NEWS
Feed My Starving Children
Volunteers are invited to pack meals at the FMSC
Tempe site on specific dates or at your convenience;
January 17 and February 21 are upcoming opportunities. Sign up in Souers Hall on Sundays, contact Judy
Anderson at (623) 386-7473, or go to www.fmsc.org
to volunteer on a different date.
A Quick Look
at the Budget
December 31, 2014
Enjoy “The King and I”
Seniors, sign up now for our next dinner/show, “The
King and I,” at the Arizona Broadway Theater, Friday, February 13, at 5:30 p.m. The ticket price is
$70, and includes dinner, show, sales tax and ticket
gratuity. Please indicate if you desire to be seated
with someone else. This would make a loving Valentine’s gift. Make checks payable to The Church at
Litchfield Park, and note “King and I” on memo
line. Ticket sales end January 16! For more information, call Mary Meese: (623) 935-2136.
YTD Revenues
YTD Expenses
Net YTD Revenues over Expenses
Revenue and expense summaries were prepared by
Lori Orth, church treasurer, as part of the monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors. If you have questions, please contact Lori at Lorilovestennis@aol.com or
(623) 935-5057.
Welcome to WCSF
Information on
Circle Meetings:
Circle 1 will meet at the home of
Jeanne Hall at La Loma, 14154
Denny Blvd., #124, on January
14, at 9:30 a.m. Jeanne's phone
number is (623) 533-5837 for information.
Circle 2: Contact Jennifer Neal at
(602) 826-7200 for information.
Meeting days/times vary.
Circle 3: Contact Gwynn Henline
at (623) 877-2453 for details. Circle 3 meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month for lunch.
Circle 4 will meet at the home of
Grace Luciani, 5126N 191st Dr,
Litchfield Park on Thursday,
January 8, at 10 a.m. Marilyn
Kimmins will present the program. If you are interested in
knowing more about Circle 4
please take the opportunity to
come meet us. Contact Judy Hilt
at (623) 234-4616 for information.
Circle 5 meets on the fourth
Thursday of the month at 6:30
p.m. in member’s homes or at an
area restaurant. For information,
contact Marcy Clement, (602) 473
-1395, or email her at meclement14@gmail.com. Newcomers are always welcome!
Circle 6 meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:45 p.m. in
the Watt House. Contact Aimee
Wickersham at (480) 445-9460 or
abwickersham@gmail.com if
you’d like specific information.
New WCSF Board
Officers for 2015:
Marcy Clement
Vice President
Betty Gerlak
Women’s Christian Service
Fellowship is for all women
who are members, visitors or
friends of The Church at Litchfield Park. It provides a working
organization of women for fellowship, spiritual enrichment, mission
and outreach work in the community and beyond, as well as in
serving the church as needs arise.
WCSF also hosts the annual
Mother’s Day salad luncheon and
Christmas tea. For more information please contact:
Marcy Clement, President
(602) 471-1395
Dortha Apland
Recording Secretary
Jacque Hough
Corresponding Secretary
Chris Martin
Lauren Byrd
Susy Simonsgaard
Elected at the annual business
meeting on December 7, these
officers will assume their duties
on February 1.
Save the date:
April 24-25
2015 Women’s Retreat
“Seasons of Our Lives”
Ecclesiastes 3
All women are invited to
"Ladies Who Lunch" on Tuesday,
January 13, at 12:30 p.m. for a
Dutch-treat meal at Black Angus
Steakhouse, 13766 W. McDowell
Rd., Goodyear. This monthly
event is sponsored by Women's
Christian Service Fellowship to
support and encourage women in
the church to get to know each
other beyond Sunday morning
Your RSVP is required by
noon Monday, January 12, to
insure adequate seating. For details or to RSVP, contact Kathy
Christensen at (623) 536-1207,
Chris Martin at (623) 979-8503,
chrismartinaz@cox.net. Come and
join us; all women of the church
are welcome!
Women enjoy 31st Annual Christmas Tea on December 7
The sights, sounds and smells of Christmas filled Souers
Hall for the annual WCSF Christmas Tea, with about 115 women
in attendance. Circle 3 members provided beautiful and unique
nativity decorations; Circles 2 and 6 were the official hostesses,
serving refreshments and beverages, and cleaning up afterward;
Circles 1, 4 and 5 invited organist/pianist Debra Weber and vocalist Lisa Collier to lead the caroling, and they also performed
two beautiful songs, “All I Want for Christmas Is You” and “O
Holy Night.” Non-perishable food was collected for the Agua
Fria Food Bank, with 86 pounds delivered there the following
week. In a brief business meeting, new officers were elected for
the coming year—see slate of officers for 2015 on previous page.
Wednesday Nights at CLP
Cartoon Corner
4:30-6:00 p.m. 4C, G.O. Kids Rec Room, CLP Café
~ 6:00 p.m. Dinner ~
6:45 p.m. Bible Study, G.O. Kids, Chancel Choir
January 7
Winter Break - No Regular Wednesday Activities
January 14
Stew, Salad, Rolls, Pudding, Cookies
January 21
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Salad, Rolls, Italian Ices
January 28
Oven Fried Chicken, Twice Baked Potatoes, Corn, Salad, Cake
Activities and Rehearsals
4:30 p.m. 4C “Chimin’ In” - Fireside North
4:30 p.m. G.O. Kids Rec Room - K-5th, Classroom 6
4:30 p.m. Heavenly Handbells - Sanctuary
4:30 p.m. CLP Café - Souers Hall
5:00 p.m. 4C “VIP” - Fireside Room North
5:00 p.m. Nursery Care available until 7:45 p.m.
5:30 p.m. 4C “Joyful Noise” - Classroom 2
6:45 p.m. Adult Bible Study - Souers Hall
6:45 p.m. Chancel Choir - Choir Room
6:45 p.m. G.O. Kids Club - Classrooms 3 and 4
The Church at Litchfield Park
300 North Old Litchfield Road
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