LITCHFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL EDUCATION REPORT (AER) September 1, 2012 Dear Parents and Community Members: We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER) which provides key information on the 2011-2012 educational progress for the Litchfield Middle and High School. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and some requirements of state laws. The school’s report contains information about student assessment, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and teacher quality. If you have any questions about the AER, please contact Anne Riddle, superintendent, for assistance. The AER is available for you to review electronically by visiting the following web site or you may review a copy in the superintendent’s office at your child’s school, 210 Williams Street, Litchfield. The report contains the following information: For 2011-2012, Litchfield Elementary School made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in English language arts and mathematics. While we are pleased to reach this important goal, we are continuously working to improve student achievement. For 2011-2012 Litchfield Middle School and Litchfield High School did make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). We were designated a Priority school, which means our scores in the state assessment of the MEAP (6th-8th) were in the 5% range of the Top to Bottom List based on student achievement, achievement gaps and student growth over time in the tested subjects (mathematics, reading, science, social studies and writing; as appropriate for the school grade levels tested). The dedicated staff of Litchfield Schools met every Monday this summer and re-wrote the writing curriculum, K-12, as writing was an area of need on our state assessments. We also piloted Accelerated Math (AM) last year in grades 1, 6, 7 and 8 to address our need to increase math scores. AM uses the CCS and is prescriptive in nature with mastery as the goal. It supports struggling learners, as well as independent learners who are not held back and are able to go ahead to the next level. It was so successful we implemented it fall of 2012 in grades K-12. State law requires that we also report the following additional information: The status of the 3-5 year school improvement plan Litchfield’s School Improvement Plan, compiled by a team of teachers, technology coordinator, business manager, parents, and administration, has a focus on three areas of achievement: reading, writing and math. We have determined current achievement status in each area through the MEAP, MME, ACT, as well as local assessments; we have set our goals to increase achievement; put strategies in place to reach these goals; and this year’s assessments will determine if we have met our goals. A copy of the School Improvement Plan can be found on our district Website Core curriculum access and implementation Litchfield Middle and High School (LHS) is a beautiful rural school in the City of Litchfield. LHS offers a complete educational program to approximately 70 students 6th-8th grades, and 120 students in grades 9th-12th. The Curriculum of the Common Core Standards is being built by Oakland K-12 Rubicon Atlas and parents can peruse the curriculum at Included in the curriculum are the following skill and subject areas: reading, writing, speaking/listening, foreign language, math, social studies, science, visual/vocal and instrumental arts, technology and physical education. Instruction will be based on the current curricular requirements of the State of Michigan. Parents can view these state requirements at Curriculum requirements are also available in the Handbook. Aggregate student achievement results from local common assessments Litchfield Middle and High School students’ results from local common assessments are available on our Website by following the link: Questions regarding aggregate student achievement results from local common assessments may be addressed to the principal, Anne Riddle. Number and percentage of students represented at parent/teacher conferences The families of Litchfield Middle and High School students are very supportive of their student(s). This is reflected in the excellent attendance at parent/teacher conferences, which are held twice a year, once in the fall and again in the spring. Fall Conference: 131 students represented totaling 69% participation Spring Conference: 101 students represented totaling 53% participation Our goal for the district has been to put systems in place so the school functions efficiently and teachers can spend more time teaching and students learning. Last year we implemented the Pinnacle Student Information System which allows parents to see their student’s academics, attendance, behavior and teacher comments, as well as the curriculum, at a moment’s notice. Our students are empowered learners and are provided time during the day to access their own Pinnacle account. We implemented Pinnacle Instruction which houses Oakland K-12 Rubicon Atlas and all teachers are teaching the national Common Core Standards (CCS). We are now training on Pinnacle Insight which is an assessment tool with the data flowing into our students’ individual Pinnacle accounts. To further our communication with parents, we have implemented the Instant Alert System for school closings and events. Our Pinnacle SIS also generates absence letters upon a third or sixth absence in a class. We are now implementing an automatic call to parents if their student is absent as of 9:00 a.m. By having these systems in place, we can better work with our parent partners to help their student be successful in school. We have partnered with our local business and industry to create the Litchfield Initiative which is a group of business people, Litchfield alumni, representatives from Hillsdale County Economic Development and South Central Michigan Works, and Litchfield Community Schools (LCS). Litchfield employs over 2,000 people in our industrial park and when we surveyed our industries, they told us they needed welders, robotic programmers and CNC operators. With local support we have remodeled our previous shop building into The Richard E. Krohn Center for Excellence and are running welding classes for dual enrollment credit for our students who are guaranteed a job with our local industry when they receive their welding certificate. We have hosted two Litchfield Initiative meetings at our school which were attended by 65 and 45 business people respectively. On professional development days LCS teachers have toured local manufacturers and businesses to gain a better understanding of what employers expect of their future employees. Our goal is that LCS will become a model school for college and career readiness. The Litchfield Schools staff has worked to create a culture of high expectation. We have welcomed the community and industry into our building and have become their partners to better the lives of our students. We are looking forward to the help of the Michigan Department of Education and Michigan State University so we can become masters of data at LCS---because we want to be the best we can be for the children. I welcome comments and questions from the community, parents and students. With concentrated efforts in the academic areas, including Hillsdale Workforce Development Center, dual enrollment in local colleges, classes available on Michigan Virtual High School, and The Richard E. Krohn Center for Excellence, students have the opportunity to open the doors of their future post-secondary and/or employment upon graduation from Litchfield High School. Thank you for visiting our Annual Education Report and thank you for supporting our most cherished possession, our children. Sincerely, Anne Marie Riddle Superintendent
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