Short notice elections leave little time to campaign

28 de diciembre de 2014
FDA recomienda Short notice elections leave
permitir que
little time to campaign
donen sangre
Por Natalie Bobadilla
Esta semana la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés)
anunció que propondrá levantar la prohibición que por más
de tres décadas ha impedido que los hombres homosexuales
donen sangre.
Margaret A. Hamburg, comisionada de la agencia, detalló en
un comunicado que en los últimos años la FDA ha colaborado
con otras agencias gubernamentales para examinar la evidencia
científica disponible para modificar la prohibición.
“La agencia tomará las medidas necesarias para recomendar
un cambio”, expresó Hamburg.
El cambio propondrá que hombres homosexuales puedan
donar sangre un año después del último contacto sexual con
otro hombre.
Según Hamburg, esta decisión alineará mejor con el periodo
de prórroga que se recomienda en casos de otros hombres y
mujeres que tienen un riesgo mayor de contraer VIH.
La FDA tiene la intención de detallar los cambios y comunicarlos con el público en el 2015 para que el público pueda
hacer sugerencias.
“Animamos a todos los que tengan interés de por medio que
provean toda la información que la agencia pueda considerar”,
indicó Hamburg.
Por su parte, Elizabeth Waltman, directora ejecutiva de
South Texas Blood and Tissue Center, le comentó a La Prensa
que hasta que no reciba la recomendación especifica propuesta
por la FDA, no sabrá cómo el cambio llegará a impactar al
centro, pero sí expresó que apoya la idea en general.
“Es genial que la FDA está estudiando evidencia científica y
está haciendo las recomendaciones basadas en evidencia científica”, comentó Waltman. “Al final del día todos queremos que
más donantes califiquen porque siempre necesitamos nuevos
donantes de sangre para asegurarnos que tengamos suficiente
sangre para los pacientes”.
El Instituto Williams de la Universidad de California calculó
que, aproximadamente, 8.5 por ciento de hombres americanos
han tenido relaciones sexuales con otros hombres desde que
cumplieron 18 años. Y que el cambio de política de donación
de sangre de podría generar un aumento de entre 2 y 4 por
ciento en las reservas de sangre de Estados Unidos.
La prohibición se estableció en 1983, cuando surgió la epidemia de sida y se sabía poco sobre la transmisión del VIH.
Waltman indicó que actualmente examinan a todos los
donantes de sangre para verificar que cumplen todos los
requi­sitos, y después examinan la sangre meticulosamente
para asegurarse que no esté infectada con algún tipo de virus.
En su comunicado Hamburg indicó que la FDA implementará un sistema de vigilancia para monitorizar los efectos
del cambio y para cuidar la reserva de sangre de los Estados
Algunos países, como México, Chile, España, Uruguay,
Italia y Polonia, permiten libremente donaciones de sangre
proveniente de hombres homosexuales y bisexuales.
Por otro lado, países como Canadá, Australia, Suecia, Japón
y el Reino Unido permiten donación de sangre de hombres
homosexuales y bisexuales si no han tenido relaciones sexuales
con alguien del mismo sexo por un año.
State Rep. Jose Menendez and Trey Martinez Fischer are running to fill the vacancy in the State’s Senate District 26.
(Photo, Steve Walker)
Candidates for State Rep. District 123 Melissa Aguillon, former Councilman Walter Martinez, Nunzio Previtera, Paul Ingmudson,
and former Councilman Diego Bernal. (Photos, Steve Walker)
Due to the decision of District
123 State Rep. Mike Villarreal
and State Senate District 26 Leticia Van De Putte to run for San
For the first time ever, Bexar Antonio mayor, candidates have
County is hosting elections during rushed in to fill those vacant seats.
the holidays.
Running for Senator, District
By Amanda Lozano
26 includes democratic candidates Trey Martinez Fischer, Jose
Menendez and Converse Mayor
Al Suarez. Republican candidates
are Alma Perez Jackson and Joan
Five are vying for the State Rep-
resentative District 123 position.
Democratic candidates include
Melissa Aguillon, former San
Antonio City Councilman Diego
Bernal, Walter Martinez and Paul
Ingmundson. Nunzio Previtera
See Elections on page 4-A
Bergdahl’s fate rests with Gen. Mark Milley
By Lea Thompson
The outcome of Sgt. Bowe
Bergdahl’s investigation now
rests on Gen. Mark Milley,
Commander General of U.S.
Army Forces Command, who
will decide whether the soldier’s
disappearance from an Afghan
outpost in 2009 requires courtmartial action.
The Army recently completed
an investigation by Maj. Gen.
Kenneth R. Dahl, who sent the
case results to Gen. Milley earlier
this week. The report reviewed
the facts of the case, but did not
recommend any specific actions
to discipline the soldier.
Un cambio de ley podría generar un aumento de entre 2 y 4 por
Although his term of duty has
ciento en las reservas de sangre de Estados Unidos. (Foto, cortesía) already expired, Bergdahl has
been assigned to a desk job at
Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam
Houston, pending the outcome of
the investigation.
The U.S. Army would not
comment or speculate on the
possible outcomes of the case.
“There is no timeline,” Wayne
Hall, a media relations officer for
the U.S. Army said on Tuesday.
“Milley will take whatever time
is needed to make an informed
decision as to the appropriate
action to be taken in this case.
This has been a special case, but
the decision cannot exceed that
of a court-martial order.”
Bergdahl reportedly was captured by the Taliban after leaving his post without instructions
while serving in Afghanistan in
2009. His parents’ lobbying efSee Bergdahl’s on page 3-A Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. (Courtesy photo)
28 de diciembre de 2014
El guardaespaldas de Fidel Castro Remembering
M i a m i .
Después de
más de medio
siglo como ene­
migos, Estados
Unidos y Cuba
dejarán de serJorge Ramos lo.
O al menos
El argumento del presidente
Barack Obama es sólido: No
podemos esperar resultados distintos si seguimos haciendo las
mismas cosas. Y lo que quiere
Obama y millones más es una isla
democrática, con respeto a los
derechos humanos y a la libertad
de expresión.
Pero hoy Cuba no es eso. Cuba
es una dictadura.
Los hermanos Rául y Fidel
Castro son los dictadores de esa
isla. Eso ha cambiado con el reciente espectacular anuncio. Ni
cambiará. Eso lo sabe bien Juan
Reinaldo Sánchez, quien durante
17 años fue guardaespaldas de
Sánchez protegió al gobernante cubano de 1977 a 1994
y cuenta sus experiencias en el
libro “La Vida Oculta de Fidel
“Mi familia era una familia
revolucionaria”, me cuenta Sánchez en una reciente entrevista.
Desde la escuela secundaria lo
identificaron para formar parte
de la escolta personal del gober-
nante cubano. “Era una de las
mejores seguridades que existían
en el mundo”. Nunca, me asegura, Fidel sufrió una atentado en
carne propia. Ninguna amenaza
“llegó al anillo (de seguridad) de
Su fidelidad era a toda prueba.
“Yo creía ciegamente en Fidel;
para mí Fidel era lo más grande,
era un dios en un pedestal”, me
explica. “Yo no solo estaba dispuesto a dar la vida por Fidel,
sino que deseaba dar la vida por
Fidel (en caso de un atentado)”.
Precisamente por esa cercanía
que tenía con el líder cubano, a
Sánchez le tocó ver cómo Fidel
se enriqueció. “Él crea toda una
serie de empresas que no están
supervisadas” dijo.
¿Dónde está ese dinero de
Fidel? le pregunto.
“Él tiene una parte del dinero
en Cuba”, me explica, precisando
que se encontraba en el Banco
Nacional de Cuba. “Se le llamaba
‘reserva del comandante en jefe’,
donde no solo había dinero sino
también bienes, autos, camiones”. Y tenía también “cuentas
cifradas fuera de Cuba”.
Además, Fidel tenía muchas
propiedades dentro de Cuba,
incluyendo Cayo Piedra. “Fidel
lo descubre en 1961”, me cuenta
Sánchez. “Había una casa de
visita con piscina, un delfinario,
criadero de quelonios... con una
exclusión de navegación de tres
millas a la redonda solamente
para que Fidel pesque”.
Parte de la fortuna de Fidel,
me explica Sánchez, viene del
narcotráfico. El escucha en 1989
–gracias a los micrófonos ocultos
en la oficina de Fidel– una conversación privada en que el entonces ministro del interior, José
Abrantes, “le estaba rindiendo
cuentas a Fidel sobre la droga.
En ese momento a mí todo se
me desbarató, se me cayó, se me
derrumbó el ídolo que yo tenía.
Yo pasaba más tiempo con Fidel
que con mi familia”.
Las cosas se le empezaron a
complicar a Sánchez cuando su
hermano sale en balsa a Estados
Unidos y su hija consigue una
visa para irse a Venezuela. Él
pide su retiro de la escolta de
Fidel –ya tenía la edad para
jubilarse– pero la respuesta fue
fulminante y termina en la cárcel
en 1994. Fidel había perdido la
confianza en su guardaespaldas.
Sánchez me cuenta que, tras
ser encarcelado dos años, hizo
11 intentos para escapar de la
isla hasta que, por fin, en el 2008
pudo llegar a Estados Unidos.
¿Por qué se tardó tanto tiempo
en contar su historia? “En Cuba
yo no podía hablar de esto”, me
dice. “Y tardé mucho tiempo en
recopilar todo este material que
había traído a Estados Unidos por
diferentes vías”.
Sánchez, como guardaespaldas
de Fidel, y yo, como periodista,
coincidimos durante la prime­
ra Cumbre Iberoamericana en
Guadalajara, México, en 1991.
Recuerdo que en un hotel me
le acerqué al dictador cubano
y le pregunté sobre la falta de
democracia en Cuba. Antes de
que pasara un minuto, sentí un
golpe en el torso y terminé tirado
en el piso, con Fidel y su escolta
caminando sin voltear.
Sánchez también recuerda ese
momento: “Si ya estás muy cerca
(de Fidel) y están las cámaras ahí,
hay que tener mucho cuidado.
Fidel era muy meticuloso con
su apariencia, con las cámaras,
en público. Entonces había que
tener un poco de tacto. Por eso te
dieron el golpe, pero te lo dieron
como a escondidas”.
Sánchez aprendió a golpear
a escondidas. Ahora, con su libro, lo vuelve a hacer pero muy
públicamente. Nadie conoce
mejor a un dictador que aquel que
durante años escondió sus secretos. Y él lo sabe: los dictadores
no cambian, ni voluntariamente
entregan el poder.
(Posdata: La entrevista se puede ver aquí:
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico a
Por favor incluya su nombre,
ciudad y país).
As 2014 winds down and the
New Year approaches, we can
reflect on some marquee events
that have changed the face of San
Arguably, the most notable
headline to come out of San
Antonio was rumors of former
Mayor Julián Castro’s Secretary
of Housing in Urban Development nomination that came to
light in late May. The news was
eventually confirmed and Castro
left San Antonio for Washington
D.C. Castro was officially announced as Secretary of HUD on
July 9, 2015.
Castro’s departure led to San
Antonio making history as City
Council appointed Ivy Taylor as
the new mayor. Her appointment
led to her becoming the first ever
black female to lead a city with a
population of 1 million or more
residents. Mayor Taylor has yet
to announce if she will run for
the post in 2015. Her formidable
staff consists of Cary Clack, Jill
DeYoung and Leilah Powell.
This next event was met with
a level of passionate protest San
Antonio has rarely seen: the
Nondiscrimination Ordinance or
NDO. Droves of citizens came
out in favor and opposition of
the ordinance proposed to offer
equality to the LBGT community.
The ordinance eventually passed
8-3 adding LGBT protections.
City Council didn’t have a
shortage of shakeups as Elisa
Chan started the trend at the end
In the September issue, I
of 2013 to run for state post.
touched on the Diez y Seis celMayor Julián Castro, Councilman
ebration. It was fitting since San
Carlton Soules and Diego Bernal
Antonio loves to party year round
especially in September because
we celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day from Spain. Since
Hispanics are the majority population in the Alamo City it is only
logical we continue to remember
that rich Hispanic heritage.
Now in its 35th year, the Raul
Jimenez Dinner was the focus
of my Nov. 23 column that continues to provide Thanksgiving
Dinner to senior citizens, homeless and the less fortunate from
all over the city. I have been
fortunate to have been an active
part of that event for many years
by serving food, shucking turkeys
and taking photos.
Next Sunday, I will begin my
third year writing new “Just a
Thought” columns about all
things Hispanic. I look forward to
continuing exploring the history
and culture of the Hispanic culture in San Antonio and sharing
it with La Prensa readers.
And as always, I write just a
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
Just a Thought: 2014 recap
W i t h
2014 coming to an
end and
2015 on the
horizon, I
many of
Steve Walker
my Sunday
“Just a Thought” columns and
reminisced how my articles progressed throughout the year.
Hopefully they were positive
reading for La Prensa’s readers.
I was surprised to realize that
I had addressed a fair amount of
topics ranging from immigration
to numerous local Hispanic icons,
to holiday celebrations such as
Dies Y Seis, Cinco de Mayo, and
Fiesta. Even Labor Day and Pearl
Harbor Day also made the cut.
Since I number my columns,
this one is my 102nd in the past
two years. Two articles were
delayed a week due to a lack of
space. In the newspapers business, it sometimes happens.
The year began with my first
writing published on Jan. 5 entitled “Dear Dad.” I composed a
letter to my long deceased father
who labelled me a “dumb kid” as
I was growing up. The letter was
from the perspective that he was
supportive and nurturing and not
negative. For me, the letter was
very therapeutic in sharing with
the readers.
In that first 2014 column, I
also alluded to the 10 part series
focusing on local Hispanic Icons.
From there, I continued to
write about all things Hispanic
since the newspaper is called “La
Prensa.” Since I spent most of my
adult life in San Antonio in the
Hispanic community teaching
in Harlandale, Edgewood and
SAISD, it works for me. I am
fascinated with the rich culture of
the Hispanic community although
I am not Hispanic.
In February, I wrote about attending the 85th Birthday of the
San Antonio Hispanic Chamber
and highlighting its accomplishments in San Antonio, which are
many. By March, my column
detailed the premiere of the César
Chávez movie that took place
March 12 at the Palladium at the
Rim that hosted a reception and
sneak preview that attracted over
300 excited invited guests. That
was really momentous for me
since I had interviewed Cesar
Chavez in 1982 for Eyewitness
In that article I wrote about
taking lots of photos of guests
walking the red carpet and posing
with the likes of the middle son of
César Chávez, Paul Chávez and
the son-in-law of César Chávez,
Arturo Rodriguez. Director Diego
Luna and Producer Pablo Cruz
also attended and mingled with
the crowd as well.
In April, I wrote a column on
Fiesta celebrations and in May,
I focused on local icon Willie
Velasquez, the Founder of the
Southwest Voter Registration Education Project. (SVREP) It was
his vision in 1974, to ensure that
Latinos would play an important
role in the American Democratic
process. Fortunately for us his
journey began here in Texas.
In July, I focused on Hispanic performers like Harlandale
High School grad and nationally
known actor Jesse Borrego, internationally known singer Vikki
Carr. I have had the pleasure of
hanging out with Jesse many
times over the years and twice
with Vikki Carr, taking photos.
That same month I weighed in
on Mayor Julián Castro when he
was nominated for Secretary for
Housing and Urban Development. (HUD)
also vacated their posts. Cris
Medina’s spot has been occupied
by Mari Aguirre-Rodriguez for
a couple months while he’s on
Military Duty, Dist. 2’s Keith
Toney replaced Mayor Taylor’s
vacant seat and most recently
Roberto C. Treviño succeeded
Outside of the political arena
the city had much to celebrate as
the Spurs captured the city’s fifth
NBA Championship. The Silver
and Black avenged the previous
season’s NBA Finals loss to the
Miami Heat in a five games.
Kawhi Leonard was named the
Finals’ MVP cementing his place
next to Manu Ginobili, Tony
Parker and Tim Duncan.
Off the court, the Scorpions’
football club brought a NASL
Championship to the Alamo City.
It was big news but was overshadowed by talks of the Scorpions’
possibly joining the MLS. Those
talks were eventually silenced
as the MLS announced that San
Antonio was no longer in the running to join the league.
Another huge victory for the
city was landing the 2018 NCAA
Final Four for the fourth time in
the city’s history. It was an early
birthday gift of sorts as the Final
Four will take place in the midst
of San Antonio’s 300th birthday.
Other notable events included:
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus stepping down
to take a position at CPS Energy,
Nico LaHood defeated Susan
Reed to become the new district attorney and the Uber-Lyft
Lic. #B12044
Walmart now accepts unwanted gift cards
By Trey Hilburn III
Walmart is now accepting returns on gift cards from other
retailers in exchange for Walmart
gift cards.
The new test program is designed to give consumers a chance
to use their unwanted gift cards
at the one of the world’s largest
However, shoppers will not be
able to redeem their full amount of
credit with Walmart. For example,
Amazon cards will redeem for 95
percent and Gap for 85 percent.
If the program is a success, the
card swap could become a permanent feature.
Some consumers who receive
gift cards might not end up redeeming because they forgot about
them or the hassle involved in
shopping for a designated amount.
The Boston Globe reports that up
to $1 billion in gift cards will go
unused this year.
Typically, 95 percent of consumers who receive gift cards from
Walmart redeem them by February
because of the close proximity of
most stores and the popularity of
Walmart’s website.
Walmart has partnered with
CardCash on the program. CardCash is the world’s largest gift card
exchange site. CardCash CEO
Elliot Bohm stated per the Boston
Globe that Walmart gift cards are
the highest requested gift cards
on the site.
The new program will work
Walmart’s test program allows you to change unwanted gift cards
to Walmart gift cards. (Courtesy photo)
on gift cards from 200 popular
To exchange unwanted gift
cards into a Walmart gift card go
to type in
your information, and the Walmart
gift card should be sent within
the hour.
S.A. River a global leader in restoration
By Lea Thompson
The San Antonio River Authority (SARA) was named as one
of the four finalists in the 2014
International River Foundation
competition, along with the River
Rhine in Europe, the Glenelg
River in Australia, and the Petitcodiac River in Canada.
The annual competition has
been hosted by the International
Riversymposium since 1999 to
recognize achievements in river restoration and management
throughout the world. The Sympo-
sium awards the illustrious Thiess
International Riverprize to the
winner while connecting global
leaders with innovative programs
and initiatives.
“We entered the competition to
highlight the San Antonio River
Improvement Project this year,”
Yvi Sebones, a Community Rela-
tions coordinator for SARA said.
”We really weren’t expecting to
make it so far, and we are really
excited for this honor.”
Although SARA has worked
with the City of San Antonio and
Bexar County to improve the river
area and ecosystem since 1998,
See Restoration on page 3-A
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28 de diciembre de 2014
Calendario de la comunidad
Wednesday, December 31, 2014, the holiday season meets the
sea at SeaWorld San Antonio’s Christmas Celebration, a magical
holiday program offered on scheduled operating days. The park
will be transformed into a wintery, watery wonderland where
families of all ages can enjoy stunning live shows, sip hot cocoa
and stroll through a sea of sparkling lights. Plus, guests can even
play in real snow! SeaWorld’s Christmas Celebration is a tradition the whole family will enjoy.
GATSBY NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY- Unlike any other New
Year’s Eve Party in San Antonio, now is your time to get dressed
up, celebrate, dance with a live band, and have a fabulous dinner
with cocktails. Held on December 31 at the San Antonio Events
Center from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are available for purchase
you by the Parks Foundation, experience the biggest FREE
New Year’s Eve celebration on December 31 and fireworks
extravaganza in Texas – Celebrate San Antonio! With live
music on three stages, carnival games and rides and delicious
festival food, this downtown fiesta is the place to celebrate the
New Year. Admittance is free and festivities start at 6 p.m. in
between South Alamo St. and Cesar Chavez.
by OPERA San Antonio, Ring in the New Year in style at The
Tobin Center on December 31 with OPERA San Antonio and
world-renowned soprano Patricia Racette as she performs her
exciting Diva on Detour Cabaret Program, accompanied by
pianist Craig Terry. Tickets are available for purchase at www. and the show is form 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
GABRIEL IGLESIAS RETURNS – Gabriel Iglesias returns
to San Antonio at the Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club. Join him
on January 2 at 11:30 p.m. for a hilarious night you’re sure to
remember. The show is 18+, tickets are $45 and available for
purchase at
HOLIDAY IN THE PARK - It’s the most wonderful time of the
year as Six Flags Fiesta Texas celebrates the annual Holiday in
the Park featuring thrilling rides, tasty treats and exciting family
entertainment for the holiday season. Through Sunday, January
4, 2015, the park is transformed into a winter wonderland with
thousands of colorful lights, carolers performing classic yuletide
favorites and personalized meet-and-greets with Santa and his
VALERO ALAMO BOWL - The Valero Alamo Bowl showcases two of the premier conferences in the country, the Big
12 and Pac-12. The Bowl has quickly become one of the most
popular bowls, producing some of the most-watched bowl games
in ESPN history while selling out six of the last eight years. This
year’s game will be played on January 2, 2015 and will feature
#11 Kansas State vs. #14 UCLA.
CELEBRATE SAN ANTONIO NEW YEAR’S EVE FESTIVAL - This free event features something for everyone
including music on three stages and special entertainment areas
for children and families. Celebrate San Antonio attracts approximately 250,000+ people to the downtown area. Most hotels
report sellouts and local restaurants are at capacity during New
Year’s Eve, thanks to the event and its popularity.
PALO ALTO COLLEGE’S “COUNTDOWN TO COLLEGE” - Palo Alto College, one of the Alamo Colleges, will
host its semiannual Countdown to College event on Thursday,
January 8, 2015, to extend the opportunity to attend classes in
Spring 2015. Staff and faculty will be available from 8 a.m.
to midnight in the College’s Palomino Center to help students
complete steps necessary for enrollment.
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. MARCH - Each year, a variety of educational, inspirational and celebratory events honor one
of the nation’s most revered civil rights leaders. The signature
event, the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. March, is scheduled
for Monday, January 19, 2015. The march will begin at 10 a.m.
at the MLK Academy located in the 3500 block of MLK Drive
and end at Pittman-Sullivan Park, 1101 Iowa (march route and
info). Once again, it is expected to draw more than 100,000 adults
and children. San Antonio hosts one of the largest marches in
the United States.
of its kind in Texas, and now in its fourth year, the San Antonio Cocktail Conference was named one of the Best Cocktail
Festivals in America by Fodor’s Travel. Like its predecessors
the Manhattan Cocktail Classic and New Orleans’ Tales of the
Cocktail, every year we bring together top bartenders and cocktail aficionados for educational seminars, guided tastings and
cocktail parties. Houston Street Charities and the Conference
will once again donate 100 percent of all money raised during
the Conference to benefit children. The festival takes place from
January 15 – January 18.
One minute dash for toys
benefits local nonprofits
By Amanda Lozano
Sometimes a mere minute is all
you need to make a major change
in someone’s life.
In the spirit of the holiday
season, H-E-B selected three
local nonprofits that help the
youth of the Alamo City with a
toy shopping spree to aid their
organization. About a dozen kids
and adults came to represent
their nonprofit, and bring home
the goods.
The nonprofits chosen were
The Martinez Street Women’s
Center, which encourages and
helps out young women residing
in the Eastside; Operation Comfort whose purpose is to assist
veterans wounded in Afghanistan
and Iraq; and the Inman Christian
Center that helps everyone from
young kids to elders develop their
full physical, mental and spiritual
selves to help the communities
they serve.
“It’s a blessing to know that
you can help others. It’s that time
of year, and nobody — especially
kids should be without.” Connie
Barber, representative of Operation Comfort said. “All weekend
our son has been itching to do
this. He’s so excited to help out
the organization.”
The three organizations had one
minute to nab as many toys as
they could off of the shelves and
fill up as many carts as possible.
Particpants of H-E-B’s Toy Dash fill their carts with as many gifts as they can in a minute.
(Photo, Amanda Lozano)
Within that minute, anything with over six carts, members of perform such a hallowed task.
“I love this program,” Noriega
was up for grabs; from Dallas the Martinez Street Women’s
Cowboys footballs to $40 limited Center looked at the damage they said. “In the short time I’ve been
edition Barbies.
had caused. With plenty of gifts, here, I feel as if I’ve grown as
Representatives from all three everyone was tired, but content. a person. It’s empowering. I’m
nonprofits were raring to go. After
“It feels amazing. You know, honored that Ms. Figueroa would
the 10-second countdown, it was our girls were really excited to ask me to do this.”
a minute of madness as everyone come because they know these
Savannah’s father, Hector Godashed, grabbed, and tossed toys gifts are going to the families mez was pleased with the event,
we serve. They definitely had and didn’t hesitate to join in the
into carts.
Even H-E-B employees and those people in mind as they ran. festivities.
“This program has really helped
members of the media joined in We wanted to make sure we had
the merrymaking, helping out by something for everyone,” Andrea my daughter grow, so to be able to
throwing items into carts. This is Figueroa, program director Marti- do this for them is nothing at all,”
the first year that H-E-B employ- nez Street Women’s Center said. Gomez said, hugging Savannah.
Currently, the program is home “My achilles is bruised; everyees contribute to the dash.
Despite the short time, over 25 to 150 students. One of these stu- thing is bruised, and I’m really
baskets were filled to the brim, dents is Savannah Noriega. For a winded, but to see the good this
which totaled a hefty sum of over half year, she has been enrolled in organization does for my girl, and
the program and has done so well, to be able to help others out—
$15,000 in toys.
Standing in the checkout lane she was one of the girls asked to well, this was definitely worth it.”
Proposed annexation would boost city’s population
By Lea Thompson
San Antonio could move from
the nation’s seventh largest city
to the fifth largest city by 2020,
according to limited annexation
plans proposed by the City’s
Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD).
City Council recently approved
the limited purpose annexation
plans for five priority areas, and
authorized a DPCD evaluation
process of the annexation proposal over the next two fiscal years.
The limited purpose annexation areas includes land off Interstate 10 West near Camp Bullis
and U.S. Highway 281 North; an
area along Interstate 10 East inside Loop 1604; U.S. 90 near the
Lackland annex and land north of
Texas 151 along Culebra Road.
The annexation areas could
add up to 66 miles of land to San
Antonio, and increase the city’s
population by up to 200,000
“Limited purpose annexation
is sort of like an in-between
stage,” Ximena Copa-Wiggins,
the City of San Antonio’s Public
Relations Manager said.” It’s
sort of annexed temporarily or
conditionally, but the city has
three years to create studies and
analyses of the area. At the end
of that, they decide ‘Yes, we want
to annex,’ or ‘No, we do not want
to annex,’ or ‘We do not want to
annex at this time.’”
San Antonio’s population has
grown steadily in the last decade
due to high job growth and affordable housing options, and experts expect the trend to continue.
this marked the first year that the
team applied for consideration in
the Riversymposium. SARA was
selected from a group of 14 other
applicants throughout the world,
and chosen as a representative for
North America.
The International Commission
for the Protection of the Rhine
San Antonio surpassed Dallas
and San Diego in the last decade,
moving from the ninth to seventh
largest city in the nation. If the
annexations become permanent,
San Antonio would pass Phoenix
and Philadelphia by 2020, only
trailing behind Houston, Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles
on the list of top 10 cities in the
District 8 Councilman Ron
Nirenberg has stated that annexations should be used as a tool to
prevent the negative effects of
urban sprawl in South Texas.
“I think we need to be looking
at areas annexed long before they
become developed, so that we can
advance the public’s development and planning authority to
help select the best outcomes for
the region,” Nirenberg said.
Nirenberg said the city’s col-
laboration with these municipalities would help bring public
services to isolated areas and
determine how people would
pay for services and resources
like water.
DPCD staff will review annexation zoning plans for Interstate 10 West, U.S. Highway
281 North and Interstate 10 East
in January 2015. Staff will also
review the land’s fiscal analysis
and organize community meetings before hosting public hearings next fall. The City Council
expects to hear the staff’s recommendations on the three annexation areas by Dec. 2015.
We have to think globally
about the issues,” Nirenberg said.
“We need the city, the counties
and the state to work together
to create the solutions that the
people need.”
(continued from page 2-A)
(ICPR) won the 2014 Thiess
International Riverprize for their
revitalization of the River Rhine
after years of chemical pollution.
The pollution previously wiped
out most of the biological life along
the river, which flows through six
The efforts of the ICPR have
helped restore the fish colonies that
previously inhabited the area, created a system for clean, drinkable
water, and established guidelines
to prevent future pollution.
“The ICPR has done a tremendous job restoring the River Rhine,” Terry Baiamonte,
SARA’s Board of Directors ViceChair said. “Although the San Antonio River did not win this year’s
recognition, it is truly an honor to
be selected as a finalist. The San
Antonio River is undoubtedly
in an elite group of international
river systems which have been
recognized for successful restoration and best practice in river basin
SARA plans to continue efforts
to raise awareness of water quality
and river resources, while encouraging low-impact development
practices as San Antonio expands
as a city.
“We want to create more programs and events that attract
more locals to the river,” Sebones
said. “One of our missions is to
increase interaction with the river.
We definitely want to continue
to make this a community effort
and we will definitely apply again
next year.”
SARA has already established
programs that connect residents
with San Antonio museums, parks
and cultural areas. SARA’s clean
water initiatives have also helped
forts brought his disappearance
to the attention of President
The Obama Administration
intervened on his behalf in May
this year, when they traded his
safe return in exchange for five
Taliban prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay. The administration’s
decision brought criticism from
congress and fellow soldiers
who have described Bergdahl’s
actions as those of a “deserter.”
restore the biological wildlife and
water quality of the river area.
SARA will implement several
new programs in 2015, including
a program that trains citizens to use
special phone apps to help identify
the plant and animal species along
the river.
The success of the Thiess International Riverprize has led to an
increase in applications, and the
creation of the European Riverprize and the new North American
Riverprize, which will be available
in 2015.
SARA plans to enter the inaugural North American competition next year, competing against
leaders from Mexico, Canada, and
cities throughout the United States.
If they win the North American
Riverprize, they will automatically be entered in the International
Riverprize competition.
(continued from page 1-A)
Jeffrey Addicott, a former
Army JAG attorney who currently directs the Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary’s University described Bergdahl’s case
outcome as “all-or-nothing.”
“He either goes through Honorable Discharge or he’s courtmartialed, but there’s overwhelming evidence that suggests
he committed the crime,” Addicott said. “The problem is, his
term of duty has expired.”
In normal circumstances, a
similar case would be sent directly to the Court Martial and be
determined by jury of peers, not
the presidential administration.
“This is not a normal case obviously, this is a very special case
where the Obama Administration
intervened on his behalf,” Addicott said. “The Administration
took a position without sending
him through the normal process
that most soldiers would face.”
escenario politico
Hurd receives
key committee
28 de diciembre de 2014
political scene
The race for District 123
By Justin Hollis
Rep.-elect Will Hurd (R, TX23) has been named the Chairman
of the Subcommittee on Information Technology for the 114th
U.S. Congress, the only freshman
to receive this distinction. The
Subcommittee lies within the
Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Hurd will also
serve on the Homeland Security
Committee, a natural fit with his
extensive background in national
Homeland Security Chairman
Michael McCaul has high hopes
for Hurd.
“I am pleased to welcome fellow
Texan, Will Hurd, to the Committee on Homeland Security. His
expansive knowledge on cybersecurity issues and his experience
as an officer in the National Clandestine Service of the CIA will
prove invaluable as we conduct
continuous oversight of the Department of Homeland Security.
I look forward to working with
him on cybersecurity and intelligence issues to create a stronger
and more effective approach to
homeland security.”
Rep.-elect Hurd is honored to
Rep-elect Will Hurd.
(Courtesy photo)
receive such key committee assignments and is ready to get to
“My job for nearly a decade as
an undercover CIA officer was to
protect the homeland, and I am
excited to have the opportunity
to secure our borders and keep
America safe. I also look forward
to rooting out fraud and abuse
within our government on the
Oversight and Government Reform Committee. As Chairman of
the newly created Subcommittee
on Information Technology, I
know we can find ways to get rid
of government waste and save the
U.S. taxpayers money as it pertains
to our technology infrastructure.”
stands as the solitary republican,
and Roger Gary is running as a
Green party candidate Paul
Ingmundson joined the fray on
Monday, announcing his plans at
a forum hosted at the Finesilver
Building. Ingmundson challenged
Villarreal in a prior November
Candidates look to take over State Representative District 123. At the dais are Melissa Aguillon, Diego Bernal, Nuncio Privitera,
Walter Martinez and Paul Ingmundson. (Photo, Melendrez Entertainment)
By Steve Walker
Five candidates vying for the
vacated seat of State Representative
District 123 Mike Villarreal sparred
in a lively debate Monday night in
front of District 123 constituents.
An estimated crowd of over 50
voters turned out to listen to those
who placed their name on the ballot for the Jan. 6, 2015, special
Representative Villarreal recently stepped down to run for San
Antonio mayor in the May city
The informal debate was moderated by Alamo City Chamber
of Commerce Board Chairman,
Wayne Terry, and presented by
the: Alamo City Black Chamber of
Commerce; Alamo Asian American Chamber of Commerce; San
Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce; South San Antonio Chamber of Commerce and West San
Antonio Chamber of Commerce.
Each candidate was given three
minutes to convince the voters pres-
ent why they should support them
in the special election.
During the hour long debate
which ran overtime, each candidate
also answered numerous questions
posed by the by the panel and also
took a few questions from the
Early voting began Dec. 29,
word,” Bernal said. “As councilman, I’ve spent a tremendous
amount of time working and staying in touch with the community.
People know I can be found and
I’m accessible, and that they will
always have their voice heard.
Even with issues we disagree on.
There is a certain sense of solace
in that.”
Candidates campaigning in
both positions have resorted to
advertising via mail and block
walking. It’s been a crucial time
for everyone, but all candidates
seem pleased with their results
so far.
“It’s been a successful, albeit
fast campaign,” Martinez Fischer
said. “On the notion, it is disappointing that this takes place dur-
ing the holidays, but it’s positive
as well, because of being able to
celebrate and communicate with
your supporters during a special
“The best way to receive public
support is the traditional way:
knocking door to door,” Menendez stated. “I don’t think many
appreciate being interrupted during the holidays with election
announcements, but the decision
was already made and we need
to work hard to get people to
understand the importance of this
Other electoral candidates were
not readily available for comment.
The special election even has
Bexar County officials anxious
and don’t know what to expect
regarding voters.
“We’ve never had an election
over Christmas,” Jacque Callanen, early voting clerk for Bexar
County Administration of Elections said. “We are just waiting to
see voter turnout. As of now, we
cannot say whether there is going
to be a lot of people. We are sure,
however, that candidates will be
using any means to ensure voters
show up at the polls.”
There will be 13 early voting
sites open next week and four days
of early voting, which begin Monday, Dec. 29, and run until Jan. 2,
excluding New Year’s Day.
Voting locations will be open
from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Polls close
early on Dec. 31, running from 8
a.m.-5 p.m.
(continued from page 1-A)
Governor Rick Perry declared
Jan. 6 as the day for the Special
Election. Early voting begins on
Monday, Dec. 29, and has left
both House and Senate candidates
in a tizzy, without ample time to
earn money and public outreach
and support by campaigning door
to door.
“I started walking before the
public was aware of this issue,”
Aguillon said. “Many are so surprised at such a quick election, but
it’s been positive.”
“You have a challenging election date and we are all doing
everything we can to spread the
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett
Standing With San Antonio
to Keep Families Together
“The President’s pro-family immigration
action will expand opportunity for many
of our neighbors and spur economic
growth in Texas. Finally, many
immigrant families can stay together
without being forced to pay a price for
obstructionists in Congress.”
-- U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett
If you believe you or a family member may be
covered by the President’s executive order and have
questions, you can contact U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett’s
office at:
Phone: (210) 704-1080
Address: 217 West Travis Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
Aeropuerto Internacional
de San Antonio
El Parte 150 es un programa federal voluntario, administrado por la Administración
Federal de Aviación (FAA por su sigla en inglés), que determina pautas para el uso de
aeropuertos para que puedan documentar la exposición al ruido de los
aeronaves, y para establecer programas para reducir las faltas de
compatibilidad con usos de terrenos alrededor.
del Mapa de
al Ruido
y Revisión al
Programa para
con el Ruido
de acuerdo con Título 14
CFR Parte 150
Documentación del
Estudio Entregada
al FAA
La documentación de la actualización del Mapa de Exposición al Ruido (NEM
por su sigla en inglés), incluso las enmiendas propuestas al Programa para
Compatibilidad con el Ruido (NCP por su sigla en inglés), fue entregada a
la FAA el 22 de diciembre de 2014 para que la revisan, acepten las
enmiendas a la actualización del NEM y aprueben los cambios a las
medidas del NCP.
El documento está disponible en el sitio web del proyecto en:
El bosquejo del documento estaba disponible a la revisión y el
comentario del público desde el 24 de septiembre hasta el 13 de
noviembre de 2014 en varios locales y en el sitio web del proyecto.
Hubo audiencias públicas el 21 de octubre y el 10 de noviembre de
2014 para recaudar comentarios del público respecto a los
resultados del estudio. El documento se finalizó para entregarse a
la FAA después de terminar el periodo de comentario público el 13
de noviembre de 2014.
Para más información, visite el sitio web del proyecto en :
o comuníquese con Steven Southers, Gerente de Administración
del Medio Ambiente al 210-207-3402 ó
28 de diciembre de 2014
Ejecutivo de H-E-B alumbra la Navidad para niños maltratados
Por Natalie Bobadilla
La Navidad es la época del año
más esperada, especialmente por
los pequeños.
Por esto, Cory Basso, el vicepresidente de mercadotecnia y
publicidad de H-E-B, les ha brindado alegría a niños maltratados
por más de dos décadas. Y esta
Navidad no fue una excepción.
Basso y su familia organizaron
una fiesta navideña completa
con regalos, comida, entreteni­
miento y hasta los jugadores de
los Spurs para los 55 niños que
actualmente se hospedan en The
Children’s Shelter, un albergue
para niños abusados, abandonados y descuidados en el condado
de Bexar.
“He estado trabajando con niños abusados y descuidados por
más de 20 años”, comentó Basso.
“Desde que vivía en Los Ángeles, así es que cuando me mude
a Texas decidí que lo natural era
La fiesta se llevó a cabo el martes de esta semana por la noche y
fue la séptima fiesta de Navidad
anual organizada por Basso en la
ciudad del Álamo.
“Esta es nuestra época del
año favorita”, expresó Basso.
“Obviamente estos niños prefer-
irían estar con sus padres o sus
familiares, pero ese no es el caso,
así es que poder darles alegría yo
creo que es nuestro propósito”.
Aparte de la fiesta navideña
y los regalos, Basso también
remodeló los 18 cuartos de The
Children’s Shelter y renovó la
cancha de baloncesto.
Para cubrir los gastos, Basso
le pidió donaciones a amigos
y colegas. Así, este año logró
recaudar $20,000.
“Tengo amigos y colegas muy
dadivosos”, expresó el organizador de la celebración. “Todo ese
dinero fue para las remodelaciones y la fiesta”.
Cada niño detalló una lista de
sus regalos más deseados y Basso
les concedió sus deseos.
Por su parte, Annette Rodríguez, directora ejecutiva de The
Children’s Shelter, comentó estar
muy agradecida.
“Muchos de nosotros tenemos
recuerdos especiales durante
las fiestas navideñas”, expresó
Rodríguez. “Pero los niños que
están bajo nuestro cuidado,
desafortunadamente por las cir­
cunstancias de abuso o abandono
o negligencia, muchas veces no
tienen esos recuerdos especiales;
así es que esta fiesta les trae el
espíritu navideño a cada uno de
nuestros niños y les ayuda a crear
buenos recuerdos de su niñez”.
Los jugadores de los Spurs Manu Ginóbili, Kawhi Leonard y Matt Bonner estuvieron presentes en la fiesta organizada por Cory Basso,
vicepresidente de publicidad de H-E-B, para los niños al cuidado de The Children’s Shelter. (Foto, Natalie Bobadilla)
Además, los regalos tienen un sido parte de la comunidad del
Todos los niños en el centro decide si pueden regresar con
significativo muy especial para condado de Bexar por más de han sido alejados de su hogar familiares, si irán a un hogar
los pequeños porque muchos de 100 años y provee servicios para porque han sufrido algún tipo de de cuidado temporal o si serán
ellos llegan al centro sin nada.
niños maltratados de edades negligencia o abuso. Se quedan puestos en adopción.
The Children’s Shelter ha entre los 0 y los 14 años.
en el albergue hasta que la Corte
Las adicciones se pueden eliminar en el próximo año
Por José I. Franco
Durante el periodo que inicié
mi recuperación alcohólica tuve
que alejarme de todo problema
familiar o del trabajo. Ello como
herramienta para forjarme un
carácter duro que me ayudase a
no ser “frágil” en cuerpo y alma.
Claro que ello repercutió de
inmediato entre miembros de mi
familia con quienes, por un largo
periodo, dejé de comunicarme y
Una de mis hermanas –que
aparte es comadre– me cuestionaba el por qué de mi distanciamiento con ellos, a lo que le
respondía que eso era parte de mi
rehabilitación, ya que no deseaba
involucrarme con ninguna clase
de problema familiar.
Ello funcionó a la medida y
hasta hace dos años, tras trece
años de sobriedad, comencé
a entablar plática con ella, mi
madre y demás familiares. Solo
así pude dejar atrás sentimientos
que lo conducen a uno a recaer en
el alcohol o consumo de drogas.
Mi duro carácter me ha guiado
a decirle no a mis adicciones en
la bebida y comer en grandes
Mi nuevo carácter me ha llevado a eliminar el sentimentalismo
que todo ser humano posee. Ello
me ha dado el valor y conciencia
para soportar los embistes de la
vida cotidiana.
En mis quince años de sobriedad he logrado enfrentar grandes
problemas, a los que he dado
solución sin tan siquiera llegar
a usar la violencia, sino todo lo
contrario, he sido paciente durante el proceso para restablecer
mi situación físico-mental.
Tras haber dejado todas mis
adicciones, el cerebro comenzó a
mandarme señales de que extrañaba todos esos productos que de
una forma tajante dejé de sumi­
nistrarle a mi organismo. Le doy
crédito a uno de mis agentes de
sentencia probatoria que siempre
me estuvo aconsejando alejarme
de problemas familiares y en mi
fuente de trabajo.
“Si ahora que estás bajo liber­
tad probatoria le haces caso a
problemas que están sucediendo
con familiares que viven contigo
y en la distancia, ello te volverá a
conducir a la tomada, y acabarás
yendo a la penitenciaria”. Con
estas palabras mi agente de
probación me prevenía para no
recaer en mis vicios.
Creo que la gracia de El
Todopoderoso y haberle dado la
razón a mi agente fueron lo que
me llevaron a lograr establecer
mi sobriedad diciendo no a las
bebidas embriagantes. Solo así
logré pagarle a la sociedad las
multas impuestas por haber sido
atrapado en mi segundo DWI. La
sentencia fue dura, ya que tuve
que cumplir con programas que
dictan las sentencias, de acuerdo
al número de veces que el individuo es encontrado culpable
por conducir bajo los efectos
de bebidas alcohólicas o drogas
legales e ilegales.
Lo bueno de todo es que forzadamente tuve que seguir adelante
dejando atrás todo resentimiento,
formándome un duro carácter
para enfrentar y darle solución a
mis problemas. Entre las metas
que me formé fueron el darle
paz y tranquilidad a mi familia
(esposa e hijo), con quienes comparto cotidianamente el espacio
de nuestro hogar.
Ahora, mi esposa ya muy poco
recuerda cuando se preocupaba
por mí, porque me salía de casa
en estado de ebriedad, manejando y de vez en cuando con
mi entonces pequeño heredero a
bordo del automóvil.
Han pasado 59 años en mi
vida, tiempo que nunca pensaba
llegar a vivir. La sobriedad me
hace ver mejor todas las cosas.
Ya no amanezco “crudo” y maloliente, que es lo que dejan las
putrefactas bebidas embriagantes. Por igual, ahora me limito
comiendo porciones pequeñas
de mejor contenido alimenticio.
Ya mis familiares y su servidor
hemos establecido excelente
relación, se me ha perdonado
por el largo tiempo que dejé de
comunicarme y visitarles. Ahora
cuando están en problemas e­llos
acuden a mí para que les de
apoyo o ayuda moral.
Mi consejo para ustedes y
quienes se encuentren entrampados en el alcoholismo y con
problemas de comer demás,
para dejar sus adicciones, es que
no necesitan ser atrapados por
la policía por conducir bajo la
influencia del alcohol y drogas o
devorar a escondidas alimentos
chatarra, que lo único que les
causarán serán malestares gástricos. Es mejor buscar un programa de rehabilitación personal
que seguir programas impuestos
por la ley de Texas.
Si en verdad amas a tus seres
queridos, ese es el primer paso
a tu sobriedad y control en las
comidas que haces durante el día.
El segundo paso, como medida preventiva, es que puedes
consultar con tu doctor o acudir
a programas de Alcohólicos
Anónimos, así como en Al Anon,
que es una agrupación que brinda
ayuda en grupo familiar, entre
otras organizaciones gubernamentales y del sector privado.
Nunca es tarde para pensar en tu
bienestar, si es que estás sufriendo por dejar de beber, comer en
exceso y usar drogas legales (de
prescripción médicas) o ilegales.
Suena fácil para mí darles
ambas sugerencias, pero si se los
digo por escrito en esta sección
dedicada a la salud es porque
ya lo viví. Seamos concretos y
sinceros con nosotros mismos.
Cada fin de año nos proponemos
cambios que nunca se cumplen
o cuando menos se hace la intención para obtener una mejor
forma de vida.
A mí edad, les diré a mis tres
lectores que, con el cambio de
vida desde que comencé a vivir
sobrio, dejé mal paradas a varias
personas y familiares que –desde
que yo tenía diez años de edad–
me tachaban de ser un tipo pro­
blemático y que de adolescente y
mayor iba a ser todo un individuo
fuera de la ley.
Claro que tuve mis años de
vivir sobre el filo de la navaja,
pero se me llegó el tiempo en
que tenía que dejar todas mis
adicciones y violento comportamiento, por una vida mejor
respetando la ley y a mis semejantes.
Por ser esta edición domini-
cal la última del 2014, espero
que aprovechen dándose tiempo
para cuando menos darle una
repasada a estas cuantas líneas.
El 2014 me dejó grandes
satisfacciones. Entre ellas el
seguir siendo empleado por La
Prensa de San Antonio; convivir
placenteramente con familiares
y amistades, y haber tenido una
vez más la gran oportunidad que
la NBA me acreditara para la
cobertura de la sexta gran final,
que le dio a los Spurs su quinto
título del mejor baloncesto en
el planeta ganándole al Heat de
Miami en el quinto cotejo de sus
serie a ganar de 4 a 7 partidos
durante el Día del Padre.
El famoso trofeo Larry O’Brien
en el 2015 estará exhibiéndose
en la vitrina del AT&T Center,
casa de la empresa Spurs Sports
& Entertainment (SS&E), cuya
mesa directiva la preside el buen
amigo de La Prensa, el magnate
Peter M. Holt.
Por último, les recuerdo a
todos los automovilistas que el
programa anual policiaco para
detectar conductores ebrios
comenzó desde el lunes 15 de
diciembre, por lo que si se toman
mínimo una copa o cerveza, por
favor no conduzcan sus unidades
automotrices ya que con tan
solo por el aliento alcohólico,
en caso de ser parados en uno
de los retenes, podrán ir a parar
a la cárcel y ser procesados por
conducir bajo influencia del
alcohol. Existe cero-tolerancia.
Si lo hacen tomen un taxi o consigan un conductor designado.
Hasta la próxima D.M.
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28 de diciembre de 2014
Gebhard heads UT Health Science CTRC launching new drug study
Center’s tech-transfer efforts
By Elizabeth Allen
By Will C. Sansom
John Gebhard, Ph.D., is the
new senior executive director of
the Office of Technology Transfer
and Commercialization at The
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He
assumed his duties on Dec. 1.
Dr. Gebhard joined the Health
Science Center from the University of Utah, where he developed
and managed a portfolio of therapeutics and device discoveries,
working with researchers to move
innovations to additional preclinical studies and license agreements
with companies.
Dr. Gebhard previously was
strategic program director of
the Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation (JDRF) International,
where he managed a global portfolio of diabetes complications
therapies, working with JDRF investigators and industry partners
to further development.
He also served as vice president
of research and development at
Inflabloc Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
where he directed programs to develop therapeutics for metabolic,
oncologic and ocular diseases. Dr.
Gebhard is an experienced biomedical researcher with doctoral
training in cellular, viral and molecular biology at the University
of Utah and postdoctoral fellowship training in viral pathogenesis
at the Scripps Research Institute.
“San Antonio’s entrepreneurial
culture represents a tremendous
opportunity to commercialize
the innovations that are here at
the Health Science Center,” Dr.
Gebhard said. “I very much enjoy
interacting with external stakeholders in conjunction with academic investigators to commercialize the Health Science Center
innovations and technologies
that are constantly discovered.
My passion is to drive change in
health care through collaborative
commercialization between the
Health Science Center and the
external environment.”
Dr. Gebhard enjoys structuring
interactions between academics
and industry/entrepreneurs so that
both sides win.
“I believe that crafting milestone-driven awards between
the Health Science Center and
the interested industry is optimal
for development,” he said. “This
model is one in which the industry
and the investigators both have
skin in the game. I believe San
Antonio can really become a
leader in the area of biomedical
San Antonio’s unique health
challenges are also opportunities,
he pointed out.
“From my discussions with the
San Antonio community, it is my
understanding that San Antonio
and the Health Science Center can
establish a strong foothold in the
diabetes and obesity space,” Dr.
Gebhard said. “When you look at
the state of Texas, there is a real
need and opportunity to have that
type of interaction with industry
to tackle the diabetes and obesity
problem, especially by 2030 when
it is supposed to be pandemic and
Dr. Gebhard’s background
working in private industry,
academia and at JDRF prepares
him for such initiatives, said Michael E. Black, M.B.A., senior
executive vice president and chief
operating officer of the Health
Science Center. Dr. Gebhard sat
on a committee that established a
diabetes and metabolic center at
the University of Utah.
Dr. Gebhard also has an interest
in development of cancer therapies. “The Cancer Therapy &
Research Center at the UT Health
Science Center has a pipeline of
first-in-human drugs that need
further development, so that will
be interesting to understand how
we can facilitate relationships
with interested entrepreneurs or
larger pharmaceutical companies
to bring that to reality,” Dr. Gebhard said.
Dr. Gebhard said the Office
of Technology Transfer and
Commercialization will be “very
transparent to the community and
within the Health Science Center,
an office of such collaborative
spirit and excellence that we are
viewed as a ‘must-have’ to commercialize innovations.”
A still-experimental class of
drugs called PARP inhibitors has
shown promise in BRCA-positive
patients. They could help more
people still – but it will take a
medical detective to figure out
Virginia Kaklamani, M.D.,
director of the breast cancer program at the Cancer Therapy &
Research Center at the UT Health
Science Center, is leading a study
here that will focus on PARP inhibitors and which types of breast
cancer they can treat.
“These drugs are a lot more
useful for a lot more patients,” Dr.
Kaklamani said. “We just have to
figure out which ones.”
Kaklamani is presenting the
study in a poster at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium,
where all week the best new information in the world on fighting
breast cancer is being revealed to
an international gathering of more
than 7,000 oncologists, researchers and advocates.
To gather the most relevant
information possible, Dr. Kaklamani’s team is working with
other top research sites, including Northwestern University,
University of Wisconsin and
Emory University. Participation
in the study will be simple, as the
researchers can work with biopsy
samples that will be taken in the
normal course of diagnosis and
Dr. Kaklamani and a patient
will be available for interviews.
The 37th annual SABCS is presented by the Cancer Therapy &
Research Center at the UT Health
Science Center, the American Association for Cancer Research and
Baylor College of Medicine and
this year runs from Dec. 9-13 at
the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
One of the country’s elite cancer centers, the Cancer Therapy and Research Center offers complete
care through a full spectrum of medical, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual support services.
(Courtesy photo)
Millones están a riesgo Tips to manage stress
de la diabetes tipo 2
this holiday season
NAPSM - Entre esta temporada de festividades, cuando anticipamos reunirnos con nuestras
familias y amigos alrededor de la
mesa del comedor, es el momento
preciso para tomar cuenta nuestra
salud y cómo nuestros hábitos
alimenticios están afectando, no
solo a nuestras cinturas, sino a la
tendencia a desarrollar una enfermedad crónica.
“El aumento de peso es un pro­
blema para muchos americanos,
de hecho los adultos en el país
aumentan un promedio de una o
dos libras al año”, dijo A. Manuela
McDonough, Directora Asociada
del Instituto por Salud Hispano en
el NCLR (Consejo Nacional de
La Raza por sus siglas en inglés).
“Mientras que esto no parece ser
mucho, una o dos libras al año
ciertamente tienen un efecto acumulativo. Este aumento en peso es
un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de diabetes 2”.
Hay 29 millones de americanos
que sufren de diabetes y otros
86 millones más de prediabetes,
esto quiere decir que hay gran
probabilidad de que usted tenga
un miembro de la familia o un
amigo que este afectado por esta
Desafortunadamente, muchos
americanos desconocen los riesgos
y los síntomas de prediabetes que
puede resultar en el desarrollo de
enfermedades crónicas severas.
Prediabetes es una condición
que existe cuando un individuo
tiene los niveles de la glucosa más
alto de lo normal; del 5 a 30 por
ciento de las personas con prediabetes desarrollan diabetes 2 dentro
de cinco años. No hay cura para el
diabetes 2 pero tomar control de
El ejercicio y la comida saludable son la clave para prevenir la
diabetes, una enfermedad incurable. (Foto, cortesía)
su salud puede ayudar a aliviar o
controlar algunos de sus efectos.
Tomar control de su salud puede
ser un reto bastante difícil, particularmente durante los días festivos
donde tenemos la tendencia de
tomar decisiones sobre la comida
que no son las más saludables,
pero las consecuencias de esto
pueden ser bastante serias.
Las investigaciones han conclui­
do que perder peso en moderación
puede ayudar a prevenir o retrasar
el desarrollo de la diabetes 2 entre
adultos de alto riesgo.
“No es un secreto que el ejercicio y las comidas saludables
pueden ayudar a alargar nuestras
vidas”, dijo McDonough. “La
prediabetes no tiene que resultar
en el desarrollo de diabetes. Usted
puede cambiar esto con actividad
física por un mínimo de 30 minutos al día, cinco días a la semana,
y si come comidas bajo en grasa
e incluye más vegetales, frutas, y
comidas de granos enteros”.
Otros factores de riesgo incluyen niveles alto de colesterol
o la presión alta, pero hablando
con su proveedor de salud es la
mejor forma de aprender sobre sus
riesgos de desarrollar diabetes 2.
También el Centro de Prevención
y Control de Enfermedades (CDC
por sus siglas en inglés) tiene información disponible en el web:
Ocho organizaciones incluyen­
do al NCLR Y-USA, American
Diabetes Association, American
Heart Association, American
Medical Association, Diabetes
Prevention and Control Alliance,
National Association of County
and City Health Officials y el
National Council on Aging se han
unido para instar a un millón personas más en los Estados Unidos
que aprendan sobre el riesgo de
desarrollar el prediabetes. ¿Es
usted o uno de sus parientes entre
este millón? Una encuesta de
siete preguntas en este sitio (http://
html) puede ayudarle a aprender si
usted está a riesgo.
People who are experiencing mental health problems during the holidays will often find it therapeutic when they can talk about their problems. (Photo, courtesy)
NAPSI - The holidays are
often a joyous time to celebrate
with family and friends, but for
individuals who struggle with
mental health issues, this time
of year often brings unwelcome
stress, anxiety and depression.
In fact, a recent mental health
survey by the College of Social Sciences at the University
of Phoenix® reported that 97
percent of Americans believe
mental health issues to be a
serious problem in the United
According to the survey,
more than three in five (62
percent) of all respondents
said they have experienced a
mental health issue, such as
anxiety (42 percent), grief (38
percent), a mood disorder such
as depression (37 percent),
marital/relationship issues (36
percent) or family relationship
issues (34 percent).
Although mental health incidents generate high-profile
news stories, millions more
suffer in silence. The World
Health Organization reports
that one in four people will experience an episode of mental
illness in their lifetime and approximately 600 million people
worldwide are disabled as a
consequence. While the survey
noted that 44 percent of individuals would seek counseling
if they or a family member
had a mental health concern,
others avoid getting the help
they need.
“Most Americans recognize
the benefits of mental health
counseling but may be reluctant
to seek help due to financial
constraints, lack of comfort
level with a counselor or the
inability to determine whether
the treatment will be effective,” said Dr. Stephen Sharp, a
licensed counselor and dean in
the College of Social Sciences,
University of Phoenix.
The problem is compounded
by a global shortage of individuals employed in mental health
positions worldwide. “There
are too few mental health professionals to meet the growing
worldwide need. Many areas of
our country are experiencing a
shortage of professionals such
as psychiatrists, psychologists,
counselors and social workers.
The human impact as well as
the costs of mental illnesses can
be staggering,” added Sharp.
As more individuals have insurance, the gap between need
and provider availability has
If you or someone you know
is experiencing mental health
problems during the holidays
or throughout the year, Sharp
recommends the following tips:
1. Be sensitive to individual
responses to seasonal/holiday
2. Avoid stigmatizing and
learn to recognize symptoms
of some of the more typical
seasonal mental health issues.
3. Know your community
resources and referral points,
and be willing to listen. Oftentimes, just voicing your experiences can be therapeutic if the
listener is compassionate and
28 de diciembre de 2014
negocios & finanzas business & finance
SeaWorld San Antonio unveils name, PlayStation y Xbox, víctimas
concept of new sea lion show
By Josie Villela
SeaWorld announced “Clyde
& Seamore’s Sea Lion High”
as the name of its newest sea
lion show. Opening in spring
2015, this show will be part of
“Pacific Point Preserve”, which
will also feature a new restaurant
and renovated habitats for the
“Clyde & Seamore’s Sea Lion
High,” stars the comedic sea
lion duo, Clyde and Seamore.
This hilarious tale is filled with
amazing animal behaviors and
splashy audience fun. Clyde and
Seamore find themselves in slippery pursuit of their high school
diplomas and judging from the
slapstick, high-energy pranks
and hijinks, there’s no doubt
Clyde and Seamore will emerge
as heads of their class following
Sea Lion High’s motto, “Education through Exploration and
… Imagination.” When joined
by mischievous otters, a Pacific
walrus and a cast of goofy human characters swimming along
in the fun, it certainly won’t be
a normal class.
Pacific Point Preserve will
also open a brand-new restaurant
called Harbor Market which will
give guests the option to choose
among four different styles of
food, including Asian cuisine,
hamburger sliders, freshly-prepared sandwiches and a homestyle menu. SeaWorld will also
be introducing a pre-order system that will allow for quicker
order delivery. The restaurant
will be themed as a west coast
harbor, which is where California sea lions are naturally found.
The centerpiece of this new
realm will be the animals’ habitat. Guests will have the opportunity to visit and feed sea
lions and seals inside the newly
remodeled area, and reservations can be made for sea lion interaction programs, an in-water
experience offering the closest
connection the park offers with
these amazing animals. In addition, Pacific Point Preserve
will feature all-new educational
elements designed to inform
guests about animals and how
to protect them in their natural
“SeaWorld is deeply committed to providing our animals and
guests with the most enriching
and engaging environments.
With the new additions coming
to this area, what we’re doing
is not only going to provide a
more enriching environment for
our animals, but also take our
guests’ experience to a whole
new level,” said Dan Decker,
President of SeaWorld San
Guests can get in on the 2015
fun with a limited time offer for SeaWorld’s Annual
Pass. Guests who purchase a
SeaWorld+Aquatica Annual
Pass between now and December 31, 2014 will get 30 percent
off the price of that product,
which includes unlimited admission to both parks for full
year. Annual Passes also include
free parking, 20% off food and
merchandise, discounts on education programs, and exclusive
members-only offers. More
details on this promotion are
available at
VIA bus route changes
go into effect Jan. 5
By Andy Scheidt
VIA Metropolitan Transit has
revised the services for some of
its bus routes. These changes,
which affect the following
routes, will go into effect Monday, Jan. 5, 2015.
• 2 Blanco Frequent – Service
will be increased from every 30
minutes to every 20 minutes
during the midday base period
on weekdays.
• 5 McCullough – Service
will be increased from every
30 minutes to every 20 minutes
during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods on
• 7 Sightseer Special – Route
will be modified to travel on
Parland Place after leaving the
San Antonio Botanical Garden.
• 16 Fort Sam Houston USO
Express – Some Saturday morning trips will be eliminated.
• 30 Rigsby – Service will be
increased from every 30 minutes to every 20 minutes during
the morning and afternoon peak
commute periods on weekdays.
• 34 S. St. Mary’s Frequent –
Service will be increased from
every 30 minutes to every 20
minutes during the midday base
period on weekdays.
• 42 Roosevelt – Service will
be increased from every 30
minutes to every 20 minutes
during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods on
• 51 Nogalitos Frequent –
en la
Service will be increased from
every 30 minutes to every 20
minutes during the midday base
period on weekdays.
• 65 Lackland AFB USO Express – Some Saturday morning
trips will be eliminated.
• 82 Culebra Frequent – Service will be increased from
every 30 minutes to every 20
minutes during the midday base
period on weekdays.
• 88 Bandera – Service will
be increased from every 30
minutes to every 20 minutes
during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods on
• 534 Wurzbach Frequent –
Service will be increased from
every 30 minutes to every 20
minutes during the midday base
period on weekdays. Route
will also be modified to use
NW Military Drive rather than
Lockhill-Selma Road between
Loop 410 and Belair/LockhillSelma/NW Military.
• 550/551 Looper Skip –
Service will be increased from
every 30 minutes to every 20
minutes during the morning
and afternoon peak commute
periods on weekdays and during the midday peak period on
• 609 Ingram/Mainland –
Service will be increased from
every 60 minutes to every 30
minutes during the morning
and afternoon peak commute
periods on weekdays.
• 630 Randolph/Sunrise –
Service on the trunk portion
of the route will be increased
from every 30 minutes to every
20 minutes during the day on
weekdays and Saturdays. Also
during the day on weekdays and
Saturdays, the Sunrise extension will be separated into two
loops with one running on Summer Fest Drive and the other
running on Candlemeadow.
In addition to the changes
listed above, the following
routes will be modified to
return service to normal operations following the completion
of road construction: 24, 25,
51, 54, 100, and the Blue Circulator.
Look for new pocket schedules online now at
Printed pocket schedules will
soon be available at all VIA information centers and on buses.
To see how these changes affect your trips, use the online
Personal Trip Planner up to 14
days in advance and enter a trip
date later than Jan. 15, 2015.
For more information on the
service changes, call 362-2020
de un aparente ciberataque
EFE - Las web de las consolas
PlayStation (Sony) y Xbox
(Microsoft) registraron
caídas y problemas
de conexión durante
el día de Navidad
que continuaban el
viernes, mientras
un grupo de piratas cibernéticos
ha reivindicado
los ataques.
Los responsables de PlayStation
indicaron, a través de su cuenta
de la red social Twitter, que sus
ingenieros siguen “trabajando
duro” para resolver el problema
y agradecieron la “paciencia” de
los usuarios.
Xbox publicó un mensaje
similar también en Twitter, pero
ni Sony ni Microsoft han atribuido, hasta ahora, lo ocurrido a
un ciberataque.
No obstante, un grupo de
piratas que se hace llamar “Li­
zard Squad” ha reivindicado los
En agosto pasado, ese mismo grupo bloqueó las webs de
videojuegos de PlayStation y
Xbox, y se atribuyó, además, una
amenaza de bomba que provocó
el desvío de un avión en el que
viajaba un directivo de Sony.
A finales de noviembre, Sony
Pictures Entertainment (SPE)
sufrió un ciberataque que el Gobierno de EEUU atribuye a Corea
del Norte y que cree que fue en
respuesta a la película “The Interview”, una comedia de Seth
Rogen y James Franco que relata
un complot estadounidense para
asesinar al dictador norcoreano,
Kim Jong-un.
Un grupo llamado “Guardians
of Peace” (“Guardianes de la
Paz”) se atribuyó el ciberataque,
advirtió de que sembraría el te­
rror en los cines que mostraran
la película y comparó su plan
con los atentados terroristas del
11 de septiem- bre de 2001 en a sufrir un acto terrorista, SPE
anunció el pasado día 17 la
cancelación del estreno de “The
Interview”, previsto para el 25
de diciembre.
No obstante, unos 300 cines
independientes proyectaron
el día de Navidad el polémico
filme, que también está disponible en varias plataformas
El presidente de Estados UniDespués
dos, Barack Obama, aplaudió
de que las princiel martes la decisión de Sony
pales salas de cine
de autorizar la proyección de la
del país rechazaran
película en cines independientes.
el filme por temor
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28 de diciembre de 2014
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28 de diciembre de 2014
Week In
MLB average salary increases
Dez Bryant contract talks
The MLB average salary went up to
more than $3.8 million this year. It’s the
largest increase since 2001. The increase
is said to be from the MLB’s record $9
billion in revenue from national TV
contracts and club deals with regional
sports networks.
Now that the Cowboys have made the
playoffs, talks about their star wide
receiver’s, Dez Bryant, contract is the
headline following the team. Team
owner Jerry Jones said on Tuesday that
they will apply the franchise tag if they
can’t agree on a long-term extension.
Newton rips
By Zac Jackson
FOX Sports
By Jessica Duran
Playoffs start this week for
some NFL teams or at least they
have that mentality, as some division titles are still up for grabs. This
season the race for playoff has been
closer than most recent past seasons.
For some teams, their situation is
“a win, you’re in”. For others, it is
a bit more complicated. This is the
week fans spontaneously root for
other teams besides their favorite,
which even includes rivals. That’s
because some teams rely on other
teams to win in order to get into the
Notable division matchups this
week include the AFC East and the
NFC North. Both matchups include
four of the best teams in the league
right now. The Green Bay Packers
and the Detroit Lions face off for the
NFC North division title this Sunday
at Lambeau Field. Both teams are
11-4 coming into this final matchup.
The Packers have been undefeated at
home making it one of the toughest
places to play in the NFL this season.
Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has lead this team to this point
with confidence every week. Rodgers is up for debate to be named the
NFL MVP this season. This season,
Rodgers has 36 touchdown passes,
4,155 passing yards with just five
interceptions. After winning his
first MVP award, he led the Packers to the Super Bowl in 2010 with
a phenomenal victory against the
Pittsburgh Steelers.
Detroit is ready for Green Bay.
The Lions beat the Packers in another match up earlier in the season.
Detroit’s defense has been outstanding and considered a brick wall for
even some of the best offenses in the
league. “Megatron” or Calvin Johnson has been almost uncontestable
for cornerbacks. Johnson has 1,030
receiving yards and six touchdowns.
This rivalry matchup will not want
to be missed.
In the AFC East, the Denver
Broncos will face off the New England Patriots. Although these teams
are not considered rival teams, there
is definite rivalry between their
Tom Brady is playing like Brady
for the Patriots. Whereas Peyton
was doing good flying under the radar until his previous game against
the Bengals. Peyton threw four
interceptions, totaling his season
count to 15. That is two more than
his struggling younger brother,
New York Giants quarterback Eli
So get your snacks ready for
some good football. You won’t
want to leave your couch this
Scan with
QR reader
for more
sports news
from La
Tim Duncan celebrates a win over the Oklahoma City Thunder during the 2014 playoffs in route to his fifth NBA Championship.
(Courtesy, FOX Sports)
Top 5 S.A. sports moments of 2014
By Kyle Spishock
Decorated river boats slowly
floated down the Riverwalk,
navigating the San Antonio Spurs
roster through water channels
lined with thousands of cheering
fans. The championship parade
signified what would be a fantastic year for San Antonio sports.
The city is evolving both progressively and ambitiously. A
woman was hired to the coaching
staff for the first time in the NBA,
San Antonio is now a contender
for hosting championship boxing
broadcasted to millions around
the world, the Final Four is coming back to the Alamodome, bolstering the downtown economy,
and the Scorpions won their first
Here are the Top 5 San Antonio
sports moments of 2014:
Spurs win fifth championship
The Spurs season was dedi-
cated to a simple concept of
unrelenting vengeance. Popovich
and company were driven all year,
eager to forget the previous Game
6 collapse and subsequential
failures in the Finals loss of the
last season.
King James was the target – a
patriarch the Spurs revolutionists
aspired to usurp.
The Spurs annihilated the Miami Heat so violently, that it fractured the kingdom of “The Big 3
.” Clinging to his crown, LeBron
vacated the Miami throne and
took his rule back to Cleveland.
Wade and Bosh stayed, desperately trying to maintain order of
the Heat's disorganized court.
Pundits labeled the Spurs as
possibly the greatest basketball
team since the 1995-96 Chicago
Who didn't get chills witnessing The Big Fundamental accept
his ring as the fifth championship banner of the franchise was
San Antonio develops into a
legitimate fight destination
Amidst looping and swirling
roller coasters, Floyd Mayweather attended a press conference
against Marcos Maidana at Six
Flags Fiesta Texas last July. As
he hyped up the rematch, he
discussed San Antonio evolving
into a legitimate fight destination.
You could dismiss the tactic as
a way to increase Pay-Per-View
buys, but why stage a press conference in San Antonio? Other
destinations on the “Mayhem”
press tour included New York
City, Chicago, Los Angeles and
Washington D.C.
The Alamodome staged several
nationally broadcasted fights this
year. The location is considered
the hometown arena for Canelo
Alvarez, who fought there twice
for Shotime Boxing.
The Alamodome is a contender
for staging a possible CaneloCotto megafight May 2, and is a
particular favorite of Golden Boy
founder Oscar De La Hoya.
Becky Hammon named assistant coach
Coach Popovich and the Spurs
organization set a new precedence
hiring Becky Hammon as the first
full-time woman coach in NBA
The 16-year WNBA veteran
interned with the team after she
suffered a season-ending torn
knee ligament. Hammon ran the
Stars offense at point guard since
2007, and possessed a high basketball IQ that wooed the Spurs
coaching staff into the hire. Her
coaching style has been compared
to former Spurs players turned
coaches Steve Kerr and Avery
Additionally, the San Antonio
Stars legend was named espnW
Woman of the Year as a trailblazer for her unique impact on
the sports community.
Final Four returns in 2018
See Top 5 page 2-B
Carolina Panthers quarterback
Cam Newton said his counterpart,
Cleveland Browns rookie Johnny
Manziel, "has a lot to learn."
Newton also said Manziel deserves better than the reaction Newton said he heard from some fans
when Manziel left Sunday's game
with 1:49 left in the first half after
suffering a hamstring injury.
Newton said he heard fans cheering as Manziel was attended to by
members of the Browns medical
"That was classless," Newton
said. "Anytime a person is hurt, you
don't celebrate."
Manziel watched the second half
from the Browns sideline. He said he
was willing to go back in the game
if necessary.
"I was saddened to see the crowd's
response to him getting hurt," Newton said. "I've had that done in my
career and it takes the integrity out
of the game. I told Johnny after the
game I was pulling for him and I
hope in the offseason we can link up.
"For the crowd to respond that
way, we're better than that. That's
not who we are."
Newton played for the first time
since a Dec. 9 auto accident near
Bank of America Stadium that left
him with two small fractures in his
Newton won the Heisman Trophy
in 2010. Manziel became the first
freshman ever to win it in 2012.
"I'm a fan of Johnny's like a lot of
people are," Newton said. "There's
just a learning curve."
Manziel was 3-of-8 for 32 yards
before the injury. Newton finished
18-of-31 for 201 yards with one
touchdown and one interception.
He also rushed for 63 yards and
a touchdown.
Reseña de Los Spurs en el 2014
Por José I. Franco
La organización Spurs Sports &
Entertainment, cuya mesa directiva
la preside el magnate Peter M. Holt,
cerró el año 2014 con excelentes
La empresa es también es conocida como la franquicia Silver &
Black por los colores que en 42
años han portado en los uniformes
los jugadores del equipo Spurs de
San Antonio asociado a la National
Basketball Association (NBA).
La franquicia, que está en expansión desde los primeros años de la
década del 2000, tuvo el acierto de
añadirle un plantel de baloncesto
femenil asociado a la Women’s
Basketball National Association
(WNBA): el equipo Silver Stars,
ahora llamado Stars de San Antonio. También el equipo de la liga
de desarrollo D-League de la NBA,
Toros de Austin, que recientemente
cambió de razón social por los
Austin Spurs, y el club San Antonio
Rampage, asociado a la American
Hockey League (AHL), que es
la sucursal del equipo Panthers
de Florida, para el que produce
talento entre novatos, prospectos y
jugadores de experiencia.
Las tres franquicias se han sostenido gracias al apoyo de su base
de aficionados, y cuentan con los
Spurs como pentacampeones de
la NBA tras haberse coronado
campeones por quinta ocasión al
derrotar el Día del Padre al Heat
de Miami. Esto resultó en cinco
partidos de su serie a ganar 5 de 7
Con Spurs, el escolta argentino
Manu Ginóbili, logró establecer
jerarquía como el único basquetbolista latino que ostenta cuatro
anillos de la NBA.
Hockey y Stars
En el hockey, Rampage ha
venido destacándose en la AHL
bajo la dirección del timonel Tom
Rowe y su asistente Scott Allen,
quienes lo llevan por buen camino
con la esperanza de clasificarlo
en los playoffs de la Conferencia
del Oeste. Rampage se encuentra
ubicado en el segundo escaño de
la división oeste con 27 partidos
jugados, 16 victorias por 19
derrotas, 2 de ellas en tiempo extra.
Por su lado, Stars de San
Antonio, bajo la dirección del
entrenador en jefe Dan Hughes,
estuvieron dentro de los primeros
lugares en la temporada 2014 de
la WNBA, en la cual fue donde
marcó su despedida del baloncesto
profesional la guardia estelar Becky
Hammon, quien durante el 2013
por estar lesionada no tuvo acción.
Posteriormente, fue invitada por el
estratega Gregg Popovich para que
estuviera de “observadora” desde la
banca en cada partido que se jugó
en el AT&T Center.
Al final de la temporada, Hughes
tuvo el honor de agradecerle a
Hammon los valiosos servicios que
aportó a la franquicia femenil por
espacio de ocho años, en los que
ayudó a la conquista del banderín
del oeste en la temporada del 2008.
Hammon fue llamada por el
alto mando de los Spurs para convertirse en la primera mujer que
desempeñase el trabajo de asistente
de entrenador de tiempo completo.
Así, se convirtió en la primera mujer entrenadora en la NBA. Con esta
posición estará abriendo la puerta
Vea Los Spurs en la pág 2-B
El trío de los Spurs formado por el delantero titular Tim Duncan, el guardia argentino Manu
Ginóbili y el guardia tirador francés Tony Paker (balón en mano), ante Clippers y su guardia estelar
Chris Paul, se combinaron encestando 66 puntos para lograr quitarse la mala racha. (Foto, Franco)
La Prensa de San Antonio
28 de diciembre de 2014
TCU's season success paying off on recruiting trail
By Jeff Caplan
FOX Sports Southwest
To join the club of college football royalty, as TCU coach Gary
Patterson says it must to compete
for national championships, the
No. 6 Horned Frogs have to be
able to sustain success.
How do you that? You recruit
like crazy.
Just in the last week, TCU
has reeled in a defensive tackle
that initially committed to South
Carolina and had offers from
Arkansas, Mississippi State and
Oklahoma State; two defensive
backs that originally committed
to Baylor; and a defensive end
that could have chosen Oklahoma
State or Texas Tech.
"What's happened is," TCU
athletic director Chris Del Conte
said "you know what, TCU's in
the Big 12, here you go."
The Frogs' fortuitous jump
from Mountain West Conference
power to Big 12 member three
years ago, to 11-1 Big 12 cochamp this season has certainly
raised TCU's profile and has
provided coaches with the kind of
recruiting ammunition they once
only dreamed of delivering to a
recruit's doorstop.
"When you think about Andy
Dalton, Andy Dalton was between us and UTEP. You think
about Jake Fitzpatrick, it was
us and Arkansas State," Del
Conte said. "We've been known
to develop players. Now all of a
sudden it's like a kid flips from
Baylor to TCU, we've got a kid
from Texas coming, you have all
these kids coming because you're
relevant in the major-player conference."
To that point, current Frogs
quarterback Trevone Boykin was
part of the 2011 class, entering
TCU the year before it joined
the Big 12. His other suitor was
UTEP. How badly would Texas
coach Charlie Strong like to have
the fourth-place finisher for the
Heisman Trophy handling his
A recent survey conducted by
the Fort Worth Star-Telegram
asked 41 players, including some
of the nation's top recruits as well
as top underclassmen, which team
was the class of the Big 12. A
whopping 71 percent answered
either TCU or this season's other
conference co-champ, Baylor.
It's why the power brokers at
Texas never wanted TCU in the
conference in the first place. Only
desperation after other schools
fled to other conferences allowed
it to happen. That Baylor has also
significantly closed the gap on
Texas and Oklahoma has only
increased the intensity of the
recruiting battles.
Patterson's remarkable success
at TCU while mostly playing outside of the college football power
structure is a credit to his and his
staff's ability to identify underthe-radar talent and develop them
Los Spurs...
into high-level contributors.
Patterson's true genius is envisioning players at other positions
than they were playing in high
school. He might target a high
school running back, but see him
as linebacker or a defensive end.
"To become great, I tell them
you can be a four-star [recruit],
but you have to have an attitude
like a two-star," Patterson said.
"You have to have a chip on
your shoulder, or you have to be
a two-star that plays like a fourstar, I don't care how you do it.
Ability doesn't get you anywhere.
It's what yo do with ability, and
that's what TCU has always been
And now not only has the
caliber of athlete that will put
TCU side by side with Texas and
Oklahoma on his recruiting list
changed, the facilities the player
will discover at TCU no longer
pale in comparison to the wellheeled state schools.
The Frogs' trips to the 2009
Fiesta Bowl and 2010 Rose Bowl
have paid off with a total reconstruction of what was a dilapidated Amon G. Carter Stadium. Now
it's a jewel visible from all points
in Fort Worth. There's an indoor
practice facility, a brand-new
locker room and weight room, and
an entire athletic department that
gleams with modernity.
"Sometimes I get upset with
the new kids because what they
got recruited to is this," Patterson
said. "Every once in a while we'll
walk over to the soccer fields
where we used to practice -- we
used to walk from here, out down
the street, through the physical
plant over to the soccer fields
-- so they understand that this
is what the Aaron Schobels, the
L.T.'s [LaDainian Tomlinson],
and people like that, that have
been Pro-Bowlers, that's what
they had to do."
Everything is now maximized
to sustain success at TCU, the
school with the Big 12's smallest enrollment and alumni base
of any. Patterson just signed a
contract extension through 2020.
The facilities are first rate. The
membership in a Power 5 conference is secured.
TCU and Baylor could never
sustain success in the old Southwest Conference. But times have
changed. The playing field is
more level than ever before, and
the Frogs, and Bears, appear to be
here to stay.
"I can't speak for anybody
else, but because of 85 scholarships, parity is now in in college
football," Patterson said. "Those
who want to use the energy and
the resources and do the things ...
we've [the Big 12] had six new
champions in the last six years,
with co-champions. I think that
pretty well sums it up. You just
have to go do what you need to
TCU head coach Gary Patterson. (Courtesy, FOX Sports)
(viene de la página 1-B)
de las oportunidades a mujeres que
estén capacitadas para ser contratadas como asistentes de entrenador.
En cuanto a la conquista del quinto
campeonato de Spurs, la comunidad
de San Antonio la vivió mucho
mejor y con mayor espectacularidad
que los campeonatos conquistados
en las temporadas de 1999, 2003,
2005 y 2007.
El público y los turistas disfrutaron
del tradicional desfile de campeones
en el Paseo del Río y presentación
del quinto trofeo Larry O’Brien en
el Alamodome, que se quedó corto
para darle cabida a miles de fans
que se quedaron sin poder entrar a
convivir con sus héroes.
En su retorno a la defensa de su
campeonato, los Spurs no se han
visto del todo bien, ya que han
tenido cuatro derrotas consecutivas.
Entre sus derrotas, dos partidos
jugados en tres tiempos extras con
los visitantes Grizzlies de Memphis, que ganaron con marcador
de 117-116. Con Trail Blazers de
Portland con pizarra de 129-119.
Y ante su acérrimo rival de la
autopista I-H 35, los Mavericks de
Dallas, los Spurs sin sus titulares el
guardia francés Tony Parker y el
alero californiano Kawhi Leonard
(MVP de la final NBA 2014) cedieron terreno cayendo derrotados
con marcador de 99-93.
En su regreso a casa, los Spurs
comandados por los capitanes Tim
Duncan y Parker, quien fue dado
de alta, contando con el apoyo
del sexto hombre, Manu Ginóbili,
retomaron el vuelo derrotando al
visitante Clippers de Los Ángeles
con pizarra de 125-118.
“Esta fue una victoria con gran
significado para nosotros. Todos
jugamos para reponernos de los
trastornos sufridos en cuatro contundentes partidos”, dijo Ginóbili.
Sean Elliot drain several jump
shots on a crudely constructed
basketball hoop, a crowd cheering after each shot when event
organizers and youth community group members gathered to
welcome the NCAA Division 1
Men's Basketball Committee to
San Antonio. The city pitched
the Alamo City as a site to host
the NCAA Men's Final Four
tournament between the years
Sean Elliot preached the benefits and cultural influence of
the city, urging the Committee
members to consider the Alamodome as a landing spot for the
Final Four. The venue will also
undergo renovations to satisfy
NCAA regulations.
The wining and dining ultimately seduced the NCAA into
giving San Antonio the Final
Four in 2018. It will mark the
fourth time the city has hosted
the tournament, and the first time
since 2008.
Scorpions win first title
The San Antonio Scorpions
were more relevant in the news
for competing on a crowded field
of teams for MLS consideration.
Although the Scorpions were
not selected to fill the vacant
MLS opening, the team was
dominate in post-season play,
earning their first NASL Championship. In their third season,
the Scorpions bested Fort Lauderdale Strikers in the Soccer
Bowl by a score of 2-1.
The Scorpions plan on expanding the Toyota Field, and
will continue to lobby for MLS
Honorable mention:
The NFL talks
Once considered a move for
leverage, the Oakland Raiders
turning into the San Antonio
Raiders is still a viable possibility. Former Mayor Henry
Cisneros is insistent that the
move would be a success in the
21-year-old Alamodome, and
owner Mark Davis is sold on the
market, reportedly.
Oakland delegates have visited
the city and attended meetings
concerning the potential move.
San Antonio is the seventh most
populated in the U.S., and is the
only city with one professional
franchise in the Top 10 of city
population nationally.
No matter the results, the
Alamo City has presented itself
as a legitimate landing spot
for a professional franchise.
The most telling example of
potential NFL interest is the
Alamodome's successful stint
with the New Orleans Saints
in 2005, averaging a sold-out
62,000 fans per three home
Top 5...(Continued from 1-B)
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28 de diciembre de 2014
La Prensa de San Antonio
Piratas vs. Águilas van por título Guayo Jinéz anotó 6 goles
“Piratas fue líder general de
temporada. Estamos listos para
la gran final contra Águilas”, dijo
El estadio nombrado en honor
De Luna.
del coach Arthur Bain, ubicado
En cerrado partido Águilas
en el complejo deportivo Rusty
de la Sauceda, equipo dirigido
Lyons (500 Basse Road y
por el manager Benito Martínez
McCullough Avenue), resultó
y el coach Samuel Villarreal,
insuficiente en la serie del playoff
pudieron rendirle buenas cuentas
de Liga Dominical Potranco para
al propietario Héctor Ibarra tras
acomodar a seguidores de los
eliminar a los Bravos con pizarra
equipos semifinalistas Piratas,
de 2-1.
En este encuentro se
Titanes, Águilas de La Sauceda
enfrentaron en tremendo duelo
y Bravos.
los serpentineros derechos Iván
Este circuito invernal se
Vaquera de Bravos y su tocayo
inauguró en su primera edición
Iván de Anda, que en plan grande
en memoria del beisbolista Ever
hizo volar a sus Águilas.
Gloria, lo cual fue un gran acierto
De Anda, en nueve entradas,
del coordinador general Juan
concedió una carrera y dos
imparables, cerrando en orden
ante los tres restantes bateadores;
entre ellos César Muñoz, quien
era la última esperanza de Bravos
para que se embazara o pegara
cuadrangular para irse al empate.
“Vamos a estudiar bien nuestras
estrategias que usaremos ante
Piratas, que traen buen pitcheo;
sin embargo, Águilas confía en
nuestro as, Iván de Anda, para
que vuelva a lanzar otra joya de
pitcheo”, afirmó el timonel Benito
El primer partido de campeonato
en serie a ganar 2 de 3 partidos se
jugará en el horario de las 11 a.m.
Iván de Anda lanzó toda la ruta por Águilas de La Sauceda Este domingo 28 de diciembre
A las 2 p.m. se jugará el tercer
doblegando a los Bravos con pizarra de 2-1, dándole el boleto a su
equipo para disputar la gran final contra Piratas. (Fotos, Franco) lugar entre Bravos y Titanes.
Por Sendero Deportivo
Los del ojo parchado (Piratas),
comandados por el timonel Sergio
de Luna y el coach y lanzador
Francisco Cano, doblegaron al
duro rival Titanes con pizarra de
4 a 2 carreras.
La victoria se la anotó el
lanzador Miguel García, quien
lanzó 7 entradas y un tercio
concediendo 2 anotaciones y un
par de imparables, dejándole la
lomita de los disparos al relevista
Ángel Medina, quien salvó el
partido aceptando un imparable;
regaló 2 bases por bolas y recetó
4 ponches. Por Titanes perdió
el abridor Ozzie Barba, que fue
relevado por Pablo García Jr.
Por José I. Franco
El delantero Eduardo
“Guayo” Jinéz condujo a su
equipo Pique F.C. a holgada
victoria anotándole 6 goles al
duro rival Liberty.
El encuentro finalizó con
marcador de 8 a 5 goles y
fue celebrado en la cancha
del Amistad Park, donde el
cofundador Rudy Ramírez
–tras cinco años de no vestir
el uniforme de portero– se
destacó bajo los tres palos,
atajando tiros a gol en los
últimos minutos.
Rudy, a la vez, recibió la
ración de “golpes” que dejan
las embestidas contra rivales
que, desesperados por remontar
el marcador, atacan sin medir
consecuencias. Ramírez no quiso
abandonar el partido a pesar
de haber recibido golpes que
ameritan atención médica.
“Nunca he anotado seis goles
en los años que tengo jugando
fútbol amateur. Y vaya que en
México me calé con grandes
equipos dentro de las filas en el
sistema de desarrollo del club
Necaxa, mi equipo favorito”,
afirmó Jinéz.
Los otros dos tantos del Pique
fueron anotados por Alejandro
Chávez, que también fue
felicitado por el entrenador en
jefe Alberto Ramírez “Malancas”.
Por Liberty anotaron Víctor
Plata 3 y Marlon Bustillo 2.
En otros resultados, de acuerdo
al presidente Manuel de la Rosa,
los Halcones en el medio tiempo
abandonaron la cancha por estar
con marcador de 4-0, ya que los
jugadores estelares se fueron a
jugar a otra liga que para nada
le hace la competencia a este
circuito que es el pionero del
balompié independiente de San
El Valle de S.L.P. (subcampeón
de primera división) goleó 12-0 a
Leones Rojos. Independiente ganó
8-2 al Manchester. Xolos doblegó
3-1 al Juniors de Jesús Pérez.
“Nuestro mensaje de año nuevo
es que todos los jugadores y sus
porras continúen demostrando
disciplina en cada partido. Aquí no
se tolera a equipos indisciplinados,
ello nos ha sostenido por espacio de
46 años en los que se han jugado 66
temporadas. Les deseamos a todos
los clubes que le sigan echando
ganas a la presente temporada en la
que todavía seguimos convocando
equipos para que vengan a probarse
en la pionera Liga Latina”, afirmó
el presidente De la Rosa.
Los directivos de equipos que
deseen registrarse en Liga Latina
pueden obtener informes llamando
al teléfono (210) 420-0411. Solo se
aceptarán llamadas serias.
Eduardo “Guayo” Jinéz, nativo de Monclova (Coahuila), con 6 goles anotados estableció su propio
récord en la organización del club Pique F.C. que derrotó 8-5 al duro rival Liberty en la sexagésima
sexta edición de la Liga Latina. (Foto, Franco)
Jugadores del equipo Águilas de La Sauceda, al caer el out número 27 contra Bravos, celebraron su
pase a la final: mientras que el utility César Muñoz, cabizbajo (segundo a la izquierda), regresaba
a reunirse con su equipo para deportivamente en fila felicitar al rival.
Broncos ganaron de cierre
Como los buenos caballos
de carrera larga, los Broncos de
Reynosa –en sorpresivo cierre
dentro de la recta final– dejaron
atrás a los Cachorros de Nava
derrotándolos con pizarra de 9 a
8 carreras en el béisbol sabatino
de Liga Regional Veteranos
Carramán, donde comenzando de
cero en la apertura de la segunda
mitad dieron muestras de no
estar olvidados y mucho menos
acabados, ello de acuerdo a su
timonel Roberto Garza.
Broncos iba perdiendo 8-7. En
su último turno al bate con 2 outs,
Rick Felan logró conectar jonrón
de campo impulsando así un par de
carreras que bastaron para superar
al rival comandado por el popular
manager Alejandro Becerra,
apodado “Rábano”, quien contó
con la gran estrategia y ayuda de
sus entrenadores Rubén Galindo
y Marco Fraga.
Águilas de Piedras Negras con
su lanzador estelar en el montículo
Luis Alfonso Velázquez blanqueó
Oved Alatorre, receptor de Cardenales, en espera del lanzamiento
contra el bateador rival José Espinoza, campo corto de Red Sox
que pegó para de imparables. (Fotos, Franco)
Manuel Romo, el lanzador zurdo exprofesional, en su debut
con Cardenales se ayudó bateando extra base y produjo así tres
anotaciones que le bastaron para adjudicarse la victoria ante
Red Sox. “Nunca he sido bueno para batear. Se dio la suerte que
pude hacer contacto con la pelota que nunca esperaba volara tan
lejos”, comentó Romo.
3-0 a Pirates, destacándose con
el tolete al hombro el tercera
base José Concepción (Chon)
Rodríguez, que bateó de 3-3 con
2 carreras producidas.
La derrota fue para Óscar
Minor en toda la ruta.
En el clásico entre Cardenales,
de Saúl Navejar y Juan Dueñez,
y el rival Red Sox, del trío Luis
Sánchez, Pedro Espinoza y
Faustino Cortina, los pajaritos
rojos –que tenían la pizarra en su
contra 5-4 carreras– con efectivo
racimo se adjudicaron la victoria.
Y fue su propio pitcher, el zurdo
Manuel Romo, de 53 años de
edad, quien se ayudara a su propia
causa bateando doblete con las
bases llenas para remontar el
score 8-5 carreras.
Posteriormente, Navejar vio
a sus pupilos anotar un par de
anotaciones para ubicar la pizarra
10-8, con derrota para el abridor
Philip Galloway y el relevista
Chris Hox.
Por derrotados destacaron con el
bate el campo corto José Espinoza,
que dio de 2-2 y Faustino Cortinas
con perfecto 3-3.
Por Cardenales, Nacho García
bateó de 5-4 con par de anotaciones
Por otra parte, en el softball
rápido femenino, Las Pistoleras de
Colt 45 cayeron ante Cardenales
Lady Bombas quitó lo invicto a
Lady Astros con pizarra de 10-0.
Las acciones al Colt 45 Baseball
Field retornarán el próximo sábado
3 de enero del 2015, de acuerdo
al presidente Gonzalo Carramán,
quien desea un feliz Año Nuevo
a todos los integrantes de este
circuito invernal que se juega en
honor de Linda y Roberto Garza,
propietarios del club Broncos de
Reynosa S.A.
Package includes:
Game Ticket, Collectable Austin Daye Poster, Hot Dog, Chips and Soda
*While supplies last. Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, including select
H-E-B Locations, online at (all Ticketmaster fees apply). Call 225-TEAM or at the
AT&T Center Southeast Box Office.
La Prensa de San Antonio
28 de diciembre de 2014
Comienzan solicitudes para Armed Forces Financial Network
donates “Thank You” gift cards
plan de refugio a niños
centroamericanos en EE.UU.
By Danny Sanchez
EFE - Los padres que residen
legalmente en Estados Unidos ya
pueden comenzar a solicitar el
refugio o la admisión condicional
para sus hijos que residen en
El Salvador, Guatemala y
Honduras, anunció recientemente
el Departamento de Estado.
Las peticiones de refugio se
enmarcan dentro del programa
que el gobierno anunció en
noviembre pasado durante la
visita de los tres presidentes
centroamericanos a Washington,
y que se presenta como alternativa
al peligroso viaje que realizan
algunos menores solos para
encontrarse con sus padres en
Estados Unidos.
El objetivo es permitir a ciertos
padres que residen de forma legal
en Estados Unidos que soliciten
que sus hijos, si residen todavía
en alguno de esos tres países, se
acojan al Programa de Admisión
de Refugiados.
Los detalles sobre el comienzo
de este programa los ofrecieron,
en una conferencia telefónica, el
subsecretario de Estado adjunto
para Poblaciones, Refugiados y
Migraciones, Simón Henshaw; y
el subsecretario de Estado adjunto
para América Central y el Caribe,
Francisco Palmieri.
Los padres residentes en
Estados Unidos ya pueden iniciar
el proceso cumplimentando un
formulario del Departamento de
Estado en el que requieren que a
su hijo (menor de 21 años y que
no esté casado) se le programe
una entrevista en su país de origen
para determinar si cumple con los
requisitos para solicitar el refugio.
Este formulario (
Tktgck) debe presentarse con la
asistencia de una de las más de
180 agencias que trabaja con la
Oficina de Población, Refugiados
y Migración del Departamento
de Estado.
Una vez iniciado el proceso,
los menores recibirán asistencia
en su país de origen para seguir
el proceso a través del programa
de la Organización Internacional
para las Migraciones (OIM), que
administra el Centro de Asistencia
de Restablecimiento de EEUU
(RSC, por sus siglas en inglés)
en Latinoamérica.
En concreto, los niños y
jóvenes serán entrevistados en
su país, tendrán que someterse
a exámenes de ADN para
confirmar su relación biológica
con el pariente que les reclama
y, además, deberán cumplir con
ciertos requisitos médicos y de
El costo de la prueba de ADN
será de unos 300 o 400 dólares,
según los altos funcionarios del
Departamento de Estado.
El DHS entrevistará a los
menores individualmente para
determinar si cumplen los
requisitos para acceder al estatus
de refugiado y, una vez decidido,
los padres se responsabilizarán
del pago del viaje a Estados
Unidos, donde tendrán acceso
a la escuela y podrán solicitar
Los dos altos funcionarios
mantuvieron la cifra de 4,000
menores que, en principio,
estimó el Departamento de
Estado que el país admitirá
durante el año fiscal 2015, que
acaba a finales de septiembre del
próximo ejercicio.
En cuanto a los niños que no
cumplan con los requisitos para
acogerse al estatus de refugiado,
podrán ser considerados para un
permiso especial de admisión
condicional, alegando razones
El permiso de ingreso
humanitario permite la entrada
temporal a Estados Unidos a
personas por razones de urgencia
humanitaria o un beneficio
público significativo, pero no
otorga beneficios migratorios a
largo plazo.
Estas personas tendrán un
permiso de estancia inicial de dos
años, para el que pueden solicitar
renovación, y un permiso para
trabajar o ir a la escuela, pero no
se les da acceso a los beneficios
médicos que facilita el Estado.
Aunque el plan está pensado
para los menores, si el cónyuge
de la persona que vive legalmente
en Estados Unidos todavía reside
en el país de origen, en algunas
circunstancias podría ser incluido
en la petición de refugio del
The Armed Forces Financial
Network (AFFN), in partnership
with on-base financial institutions
on Lackland AFB, presented
80 “Thank You” cards worth
$50 each to the Lackland Fisher
House to distribute to military
families this holiday season. The
card is the organization’s show of
appreciation for the service and
sacrifice made by the men and
women in our military.
AFFN, along with the Association of Military Banks of America
(AMBA) and the Defense Credit
Union Council (DCUC), has
proudly supported the Fisher
House Foundation and individual
Fisher Houses in Germany and
the United States for the last 12
years with the community support program. It has provided
over $2,400,000 in direct support
during that period. Every dollar
distributed has assisted military
service members and their family
members for care, comfort, and
food while staying at the Fisher
Air Force Federal Credit Union
President/CEO Bob Glenn made
the presentation of the gift cards,
which totaled $4,000.00, to CMSgt Maurice James (59th Medical
Wing), Dwayne Hopkins (Fisher
House Executive Director), and
Ramona Lewis (House Manager)
on behalf of the financial institutions on Lackland AFB.
“Thank you to the staff and
all the members at the Air Force
Federal Credit Union,” Dwayne
Hopkins said. “This is the sixth
year I have enjoyed the pleasure
of working with the great team at
Air Force Federal Credit Union.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the military families at
the Fisher Houses, thank you
so much for all you do for our
military families.”
The cards can be used at any
of the 1.3 million locations
worldwide accepting AFFN
payments including DeCA and
AAFES. The cards function the
same as Debit or ATM cards,
and will be distributed to military personnel by Fisher House
L-R Ramona Lewis, Fisher House Manager; Danny Sanchez, VP Marketing Air Force FCU; Terry
Jo Lechner, Branch Manager Security Service Federal Credit Union; Dwayne Hopkins, Executive
Director Lackland Fisher House; Bob Glenn, President/CEO Air Force FCU, CMSgt Maurice
James, USAF AETC 59th MDW/CCC; TSgt Leslie Hernandez, USAF AETC 59th MDW/CCCE;
Brian Posten, Business Development Officer Air Force FCU. (Courtesy photo)
South Texas RV Super Sale
pulls into S.A. Jan. 2015
By Rudy Arispe
Un trabajador de la Procuradoria General de la Nación en Guatemala (PGN) escolta a dos menores
junto a varias personas que fueron deportadas de Estados Unidos. (EFE/Archivo)
Cómo obtener el dinero necesario
para ir a la universidad
NAPSM - Los varones jóvenes
que están tratando de obtener
el dinero necesario para ir a la
universidad deberían comenzar la
búsqueda chequeando el estado de
su registro en el Servicio Selectivo
por Internet en
Eso es porque los varones
jóvenes se deben registrar dentro
de los 30 días de haber cumplido
los 18 años, esa es la ley.
Cumplir con esta obligación
mantiene a un varón joven
elegible para obtener el dinero
que necesita para ir la universidad.
Registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo
es requerido para obtener las becas
Pell Grants, para conseguir empleo
mientras estudias gracias al Federal
Work-Study y también para recibir
préstamos garantizados por el
Guaranteed Student PLUS Loans
así como entrenamiento para
empleos federales.
Registrarse solo toma un minuto,
ya sea chequeando el párrafo #22 en
la solicitud FAFSA, que suministra
ayuda financiera para estudiantes;
también te puedes registrar por
internet en
Si no tienes acceso a una
computadora, puedes obtener un
formulario de registro en cualquier
oficina de correos.
Algunos estados también
requieren el registro para otorgar
licencias de conducir. Registro
en el Servicio Selectivo también
es requerido para quienes desean
obtener ciudadanía.
No registrarse puede resultar
en una multa, encarcelamiento o
Para aprender más sobre el
registro, visita
Un varón joven se debe registrar en el Servicio Selectivo para ser elegible para obtener préstamos
universitarios del gobierno federal. (Foto, cortesía)
attendees,” Elam said.
The RV Super Sale offers
something for everyone, ranging
from the long-time RV owner to
the first-time buyer. In addition
to dozens of vendors, attendees
can come meet the Texas RV
Professor Terry Cooper and
learn all about the mechanics of
RV’ing through a number of all
day seminars including “General Maintenance For Your RV,”
“Choosing the Right RV For
You,” “Your RV Kitchen – How
Does It Work” and “5 Things You
Need To Know Before You Buy
an RV” and more. In addition,
seminars will be presented by
Texas Parks & Wildlife and Escapees RV Club. For a complete
seminar schedule, please refer to
the show’s website
RV’ing provides one of the
most exciting and affordable
opportunities to see America and
experience the Great Outdoors,
Elam said. Even more so, the cost
to own a RV is far more affordable
today than before with interest
rates at or near an all-time low. In
addition, many RV models meet
the IRS qualification for living accommodations so that interest paid
on an RV loan may be deductible
as mortgage interest on a second
home. Consumers should consult
with their tax professionals for
specific details.
Consumers looking to get away
more and save on travel should
go RVing, according to a new
study comparing vacation costs.
Research shows that recreation vehicle travel remains comparatively
inexpensive even during times of
high and fluctuating fuel prices.
The study, prepared for Recreation
Vehicle Industry Association
(RVIA) by PKF Consulting USA,
a member of an international travel
and tourism consulting group,
found that RV travel is 23 to 59
percent less expensive than other
types of vacations for a family
of four who owns a RV. For an
"empty-nester" couple traveling by
RV, savings were 11 to 46 percent.
Even after accounting for factors such as RV ownership costs
and fuel prices, the study confirms
that RV vacations offer greater
savings than those taken using
a personal car or airline, staying
in a hotel, rental house or condominium, and eating in restaurants.
“The study puts numbers to what
RV owners have known for years;
if you want to save money on
travel, go RV’ing,” the RVIA report states. “With the opportunity
for frequent getaways to spend
quality time outdoors with family
and friends, RV ownership is a
great value.”
For more information, visit
or call (512) 327-4514.
Decades ago, RV’s didn’t have
the luxurious and comfortable accommodations that they do today.
For instance, older RV’s didn’t
have slide-outs, which transform
a standard 8-foot wide RV up to a
whopping 16-foot unit. The water
was cranked up to the sink, and
there was no restroom on board.
“Today, you can take your
bedroom, kitchen, living room
and bathroom with you wherever
you go,” said Phil Elam, executive
director of the Austin-based Texas
Recreational Vehicle Association.
Now consumers can experience for themselves what it’s
like to enjoy the RV lifestyle
while shopping for a RV from
virtually every size, shape, make
and model equipped with 21stcentury amenities, such as flat-screen
TVs, custom-made kitchens,
granite counter tops and more
during the 2015 South Texas RV
Super Sale from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Friday-Saturday, Jan. 2-3; and 10
a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 4 in the
Exposition Hall of the Freeman
Coliseum, 3201 E. Houston St.
Parking is free.
Admission is $12 for adults;
$8 active duty military with ID;
free for children 13 and younger.
Special daily pricing: $8 for
seniors, 65 and older on Friday;
$8 for active RV Club members
with ID on Saturday and Sunday.
Attendees can receive a $2 off
discount coupon at Discount
coupons cannot be combined with
other special daily pricing.
South Texas’ top dealers, including Ancira RV, Crestview
RV Superstore, ExploreUSA
RV Superstore, Ron Hoover
RV, Outdoor Living RV, Seguin
RV and South Texas Fun Center
have created a market place for
consumers to view and choose
from more than 300 RV’s at the
Freeman. “They can compare
pricing among the various models As many as 7,000-plus people are expected to discover what it’s
on display, and there will be show like to enjoy the RV lifestyle while shopping for every size, shape,
specials created especially for the make and model. (Courtesy photo)
28 de diciembre de 2014
La Prensa de San Antonio
The message that Christmas holds for us
By Archbishop
Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS
Recently I was invited to celebrate the sacraments of baptism,
confirmation, and Eucharist
during a Mass at the Connally
Unit, a prison near Kenedy. It
is about a 90 minute drive from
San Antonio. As we traveled
south on Route 181, our mood
of eager anticipation turned to
a reflective silence as we stood
in the shadow of the imposing structure that defines this
high security prison. Its walls
and bars seemed impossible to
breech from the inside or out,
despite Connally’s notable place
in Texas history for the breakout
of the so-called “Texas Seven.”
However, not even these walls
can stop the power of the Holy
Spirit from penetrating the
hearts of the inmates we would
After passing security, we
were escorted to a chapel that
is uniquely marked with 14 Stations of the Cross. The stations
are surprisingly appropriate
as they retell the journey of a
convicted felon, Jesus Christ,
to our redemption; a reminder
to these men that their life's
journey can lead to their own
salvation. There is also a tapestry of a peaceful vision of the
Holy Family, displayed in stark
contrast to the separation from
love and acceptance that must
haunt so many of the inmates
as each day.
As we entered the chapel,
there was an odd air of familiarity; after all, I had been here
before. The men waiting for
my arrival stepped forward and
hugged me with the affection
you reserve for a member of the
family. I hugged them back, for
these inmates are my brothers.
More than two dozen of these
men would receive the gifts of
the Holy Spirit through confirmation. Four would be baptized
and 12 would become newly
formed disciples of Christ,
receiving their first Holy Communion and confirmation.
I was struck by the gratitude
so many of them voiced for my
specifically naming those who
are incarcerated as part of the
consecration of the archdiocese
to the Holy Spirit at the last
Pentecost Vigil. One inmate
confided that only a few days
later after Pentecost, 22 of the
men left the gangs that threaten
them to gain their obedience every day. It is apparently easier to
escape the gangs on the outside
than it when they are confined
to these close quarters and the
threats that surround them. Yet,
these men took the risk that
often comes with courageously
doing the right thing. However,
they acted with the assurance
that the power of the Holy Spirit
would guide and strengthen
Christmas offers all of us a
reminder of Gabriel’s message
to a pure and innocent young
girl in Nazareth. “The Holy
Spirit will come upon you, and
the power of the Most High
will overshadow you.” On this
day, without fear, these men are
opening up their souls to the
possibility of God’s Grace with
humility and obedience.
As the liturgy unfolded, the
chapel was filled with the quiet
and remarkably gentle voices of
these inmates rose up in song
that in a way that provided a
peaceful contrast with their
rough exteriors. In their faces
I could see the expectation that
in a moment they would experience a profound and personal
encounter with Christ. I prayed
that the fruits of these sacraments would be Hope, love,
fraternity, and communion. I
told them that “While ‘outside’
of your life -- your daily routine
here in prison -- will not change,
your inner life will change if you
make good use of their grace. I
confidently assured them that
their relationship with God the
Father will be deepened; your
closeness with the risen Lord
Jesus will be stronger; your
gifts of the Holy Spirit will
be increased; your bond with
the Catholic Church will be
strengthened; and your witness
to Jesus Christ will be more effective.”
I wanted them to know that the
concrete walls and iron bars of
prison could not separate them
from the Body of Christ. That
what happens inside touches of
the community outside. In faith,
they are no longer in isolation.
If you hurt, we hurt. Just as you
pray for us, we pray for you.
Their remarkable pilgrimage
will be encouraged and enriched by many people who are
willing to share their faith and
the hope that follows each day.
The inmates now rightfully can
be called Disciples of Christ,
thus share in his calling to be
missionaries, proclaiming the
Good News with their lives. It
won’t be easy, but with the help
of the Holy Spirit, they need not
be afraid.
I share this story as we approach Christmas, so that you
will know that Jesus is born
in these men. The Holy Spirit,
having given them these gifts,
nourishing them, allowing their
encounter to deepen in love.
This is the message that Christmas holds for us, so that we can
experience Jesus’ saving mercy
in our lives, allowing the Grace
of God to move us beyond
the routine of each day and
acknowledge that God is truly
doing something new and wonderful in each one of us. This
gift that Jesus’ gives each of us
provides us with new opportunities, setting us forth on new adventures, helping us to imagine
new possibilities for our lives.
Just as these men at the Connally
Unit made a choice, we are each
called to choose to be obedient
to God’s calling.
I pray that by the power of the
Holy Spirit Jesus Christ will be
born inside you this Christmas.
As Mary said to the Lord, in
the spirit of humble obedience,
may we all say, “Thy will be
done.” May you have a blessed
Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, leads men in prayer at the Connally Unit in Kenedy in
early December. (Courtesy photo)
Archbishop makes public statement about
immigration detention center in Dilley
Today’s Catholic
Archbishop Gustavo GarciaSiller, MSpS, made public his concerns over the opening of the 2,400
bed, family immigration detention
center in Dilley at a news conference held in the Plaza de la Cruz
outside San Fernando Cathedral
Dec. 18. The Dilley facility is the
largest of its kind and has raised
criticism from the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops,
among others.
The archbishop has been a consistent advocate for comprehensive
immigration reform in the United
States and has written extensively
on the topic.
Also attending the news conference were Jose Antonio Fernandez,
president and CEO of Catholic
Charities, which is responsible for
much of the immigration ministry
in the archdiocese, and Father
Lawrence Christian, vicar general.
Archbishop statement concerning immigration detention center
in Dilley
In recent days, I have become
deeply troubled by the announcement of the opening of the immi-
gration detention center in Dilley.
It will ultimately house young
mothers with children including
other migrants and refugees.
It is the largest facility of its
kind and some have called it
“history making.” That forces
me to ask, “What kind of history
does our country want to make?”
Will our history be defined by the
detention of children and their
mothers who do not threaten us
with either violence or security
risks? Confining children and their
mothers in such detention centers
has proven to be damaging to them.
I realize that reports about the Dilley
facility draw images of red Christmas
bows, flat panel TVs, and colorful
classrooms, but prison is prison, not
matter how you dress it up.
I fully support the statement published by Bishop Eusebio Elizondo,
chairman of the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops’ Committee on
Migration who said “It is inhumane
to house young mothers with children
in restrictive detention facilities and
should be afforded the full benefit
of domestic and international law.”
While we urge our government to
ensure the protection of their human
rights, affording them informed ac-
cess to due process, I must add that
our concerns go beyond legal and
civil action. Many of these women
are fleeing violence, in fear of their
lives and the safety of their children.
They need mercy and compassion,
not derision and detention. The deep
emotional and spiritual wound that
have been inflicted on them remain
open soars without proper counseling and care. Through Catholic
Charities of the Archdiocese of
San Antonio, we continue to reach
out with humanitarian and legal assistance to help these families in this
time of personal crisis.
In the pastoral letter, “Strangers
No Longer: Together on the Journey
of Hope, the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops” we find a clear
statement of the Catholic Church
on this profound humanitarian and
moral concern. We recognize the
right and responsibility of a nation
to protect and regulate its borders,
Archdiocese of San Antonio and
enforce immigration laws. However, the U.S. bishops declared that
“Regardless of their legal status,
migrants, like all persons, possess
inherent human dignity that should
be respected.”
There is no clear evidence that
would indicate that detention acts as
a deterrent. This is just another ex-
ample of the great need our country
has for comprehensive immigration
reform. I implore our elected officials to stop making immigration
reform a matter of partisan politics
and reform this broken immigration
system. We need the security and
clarity of law to properly enforce
our immigration laws while ensuring human dignity. There are financially responsible alternatives and
compassionate alternatives to the
detention of mothers and innocent
children. It is time for our government officials to pursue them.
Ours is not a political message,
but a one that is based on our most
deeply held beliefs that we see the
Face of Christ in every person, especially those most in need; those who
hunger and thirst for justice and
the peace that our faith in Jesus
Christ can give. The Holy Family
was a refugee family! They fled
Herod’s violence, until it was safe
to go home. As we prayerfully
approach Christmas let us hold in
our hearts the plight of all those
who are forced to flee in fear.
Thank you and may God bless
you at this special time of year. I
pray that the hearts of all families,
and most especially all children,
will be warmed with the Christmas spirit of joy and love.
entendimiento para
seguir tus preceptos,
pues quiero meditar
en tus maravillas”
Salmo 119:27
Flanking Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, at the Dec. 18
press conference outside San Fernando Cathedral are left, José
Antonio Fernández, president and CEO of Catholic Charities
of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and Father Larry Christian,
archdiocesan vicargeneral. (Courtesy photo)
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
La Prensa de San Antonio
NEW Tires, 4
$13,025. (210)
------------------------Drivers: Carter Express - New Hiring CDL-A Excellent Benefits. New
Terminal Coming
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to start. Teams up
to 47 cm to start.
Home Weekly.
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Touch, Newer
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------------------------Se solicita hombre trabajador con
carro para limpieza de camiones
de lunes-sábado
empezando a $9
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va aprendiendo y
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------------------------Drivers: Owner
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------------------------Stable hand needed. Experience with
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TX. Excellent Pay,
work week 6 days
per week. Please
call for reference
from last ranch you
worked for. Call for
appointment. (210)
O’Connell Robertson, a full- service
architecture, engineering and interior design firm
with offices in Austin and San Antonio, is responding
to Requests for
Qualifications for
public work in the
State of Texas for
the 2015 calendar
year. Projects may
include public buildings, healthcare and
educational facilities. We are seeking qualification
statements from
interested firms for
the following disciplines: Structural
Engineer, Civil Engineer, Landscape
Architect, Cost
Consultant, Environment Engineer,
Data/Communications, Accoustics
and Security. Interested parties should
request additional
information or submit qualifications via
fax or email to: Allison Taylor. (512)
478-7441 or
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Bread & Cookies.
Good working environment. Please
call (210) 226-2979
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at 2200 W. Martin.
------------------------Solicito mecánico,
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nivelador, yardero
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(210) 362-0875.
------------------------Se solicitan
meseros(as) con
experiencia, lavaplatos, ayudantes
de mesero (Busboy), cajera, interesados presentarse
en persona entre
2:00 p.m. y 5:00
p.m. de la tarde a
1322 S. Laredo. COMPRO CASAS
(210) 227-7777.
TexSCAN Week of
December 28, 2014
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any
areas and any condition, 25 yrs. experience. Privacy
assured! Call John
(210) 300-4000.
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
Financed – 2 Bed 1 Bath • 1922 San
Fernando, near Zarzamora • $64,000 •
$3,000 Down • $695
Month Includes Tax
& Insurance. Call
John (210) 4144210.
-------------------------FOR SALE • OWNER FINANCED –
1 Bed - 1 Bath •
Needs a Lot of Work
• 1708 Montezuma
• $29,500 • $1,000
Down. Owner: $395
MO includes Tax &
INS. Investor: $288
MO - Pay your own
Taxes/INS. Call
John (210) 4144210.
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
to Owner – 2 Bed –
1 Bath • 314 Arrid
$64,000 • $3,000
Down • $695 Month
Includes Tax & Insurance. Call John
(210) 414-4210.
Own and operate your own floral
and/or gift shop in
downtown San Antonio area for as
little as $795 per
month, $95 equipment rental fee per
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existing floral inventory. This shop is
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from the newly developed Riverwalk
and Pearl Brewery
areas. We are leasing floral section
and selling most of
the floral tools and
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to run and operate
a full service floral
shop. We also own
a professional floral
school so we can
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little as $800 and in
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your own business
for just slightly over
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-------------------------$99 Especial de
Navidad. Excelente
ubicación, céntrico,
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1010 N. Frio Street.
Llame a (210) 2222992.
-------------------------Rento terreno para
taller mecánico de
un acre entre Nuevo
Laredo y Military Dr.
$1,600 por mes, y
un acre. (210) 6092344.
-------------------------Cuarto privado
céntrico $185
mensuales, también apartamento
2 recámaras $450
mensuales. (210)
-------------------------Rento dúplex: personas mayores,
solicito remedios
caseros para curar
diabéticos. (210)
Rento efficiency
en el área de Las
Palmas, solo una
pareja $300/renta,
(210) 952-1484 o
(210) 495-7352.
½ acre, Bandera
Hill Country, water & sewer already
installed. WILL FINANCE (210) 6831121, NO CREDIT
-------------------------LAND REPO,
Water & Sewer &
electric installed,
call (210) 683-1121.
-------------------------2 acre Mini Ranch
with Home for
SALE. Call (210)
-------------------------For Sale: 2011
Used Doublewide
Home. 1,680 sqft.
only $44,500. (210)
591-0129. RBI
-------------------------Vendo Mobile Home
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RBI 36845.
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sale & repair Dearborn heaters. (210)
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Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal.
Si en este mundo
de injusti­c ias, de
miseria y pecado
ves que nuestra vida
se turba, no nos
abandones. Madre
Querida, protege
a los peregrinos,
acompañamos por
todos los caminos,
vela por los pobres
sin sustento y el
pan que se les quita retribúyeselos.
Acompáñanos en
toda nuestra vida
y libéranos de todo
tipo de pecado.
Doy gracias a la
Virgen de Juquila,
por los favores recibidos. Rece los
9 días esta oración
y publíquela al noveno día, nueve
Ave Marías durante
nueve días. Pida
tres deseos. Uno
de negocios, dos
imposibles. Al noveno día publique
esta oración y se
cumplicará aunque
no lo crea.
----------------------Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector
of the invalid and
almighty doctor of
the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you.
Here you say
three Our Fathers,
Hail Marys, and
Glory be to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you to
answer my requests.
Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with
all my heart to help
me. Please be with
me in thought and
spirit when I find
my peace and that
you will be with me
in the Heavens of
Bethlehem. Amén
Dear Heart of
Jesus, in the past
I have asked for
favors. This time I
ask you this very
special one (mention favor). Take
it dear Jesus and
place it within your
own broken heart
where your father
sees it, then in your
merciful eyes it will
become your favor
not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days, promise å and
favor will be granted. Never known
to fail.
----------------------Divino Niño
Niño amable de
mi vida, consuelo
de los cristianos, la
gracia que necesito,
pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo
de Dios y auxilio
de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza este favor yo
te pido.
Pedir la gracia
que se desea y decir
siete veces.
Divino Niño
Jesús, bendícenos.
----------------------Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and
friend of Jesus, the
Church honors and
invokes you universally, as the patron
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with
God for me that He
brings visible and
speedy help where
help is almost despaired of. Come
to my assistance
in this great need
that I may receive
the consolation and
help of heaven in
all my necessities,
tribulations, and
sufferings, particularly - (make your
request here) - and
that I may praise
God with you and
all the saints forever. I promise, O
Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by
God and to always
honor you as my
special and powerful patron, and to
gratefully encourage devotion to you.
----------------------Para los casos
más difíciles
Ante ti vengo con
28 de diciembre de 2014
la fe de mi alma,
a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi
difícil situación, no
me desampares de
las puertas que se
me hacen de abrir
e mi camino, sea tu
Brazo Poderoso el
que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace
un corazón afligido
por los duros golpes del cruel destino
que lo han vencido
siempre en la lucha
humana, ya que sin
tu poder divino no
intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por
falta de ayuda. Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes).
Publicar antes de
los ocho. Confío en
Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y
observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día.
----------------------Prayer to the
Sacred Heart of
O most holy heart
of Jesus, fountain
of every blessing,
I adore you, I love
you, and with lively
sorrow for my sins I
offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, Good Jesus,
that I may live in
you and for you. Protect me in the midst
of danger. Comfort
me in my afflictions.
Give me health of
body, assistance in
my temporal needs,
your blessing on
all that I do, and
the grace of a holy
death. Amen.
La sombra de
----------------------El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones
de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el
fuego de tu amor.
Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas
la faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a
los corazones de los
fieles con la luz del
Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del
mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar
de su consuelo. Por
Cristo nuestro Señor.
----------------------Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal. Si
en este mundo de
injusti­cias, de miseria y pecado ves que
nuestra vida se turba,
no nos abandones.
Madre Querida,
protege a los peregrinos, acompañamos por todos los
caminos, vela por
los pobres sin sustento y el pan que se
les quita retribúyeselos. Acompáña-
que necesito,
pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo de
Dios y auxilio de los
cristianos, Gloria al
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza
este favor yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño
Jesús, bendícenos.
----------------------Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful
servant and friend
of Jesus, the Church
honors and invokes
you universally, as
the patron of difficult cases, of things
almost despaired of,
Pray for me, I am so
helpless and alone.
Intercede with
God for me that He
brings visible and
speedy help where
help is almost despaired of. Come
to my assistance
in this great need
that I may receive
the consolation and
help of heaven in
all my necessities,
tribulations, and
sufferings, particularly - (make your
request here) - and
that I may praise
God with you and all
the saints forever. I
promise, O Blessed
St. Jude, to be ever
mindful of this great
favor granted me by
God and to always
honor you as my
special and powerful
patron, and to gratefully.
nos en toda nuestra
vida y libéranos de
todo tipo de pecado.
----------------------Doy gracias a la
Virgen de Juquila,
por los favores recibidos. Rece los 9
días esta oración y
publíquela al noveno día, nueve
Ave Marías durante
nueve días. Pida tres
deseos. Uno de negocios, dos imposibles. Al noveno
día publique esta
oración y se cumplicará aunque no lo
----------------------Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector of
the invalid and almighty doctor of the
infirm. Holy Infant,
we honor you.
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you to
answer my requests.
Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with
all my heart to help
me. Please be with
me in thought and
spirit when I find
my peace and that
you will be with me
in the Heavens of
Bethlehem. Amén
Dear Heart of
Jesus, in the past I
have asked for favors. This time I ask
you this very special
one (mention favor).
Take it dear Jesus
and place it within
your own broken
heart where your father sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days, promise å and
favor will be granted. Never known
to fail.
----------------------Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo de
Dios y auxilio de los
cristianos, Gloria al
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza
este favor yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño
Jesús, bendícenos.
----------------------Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful
servant and friend
of Jesus, the Church
honors and invokes
you universally, as
the patron of difficult cases, of things
almost despaired of,
Pray for me, I am so
helpless and alone.
Intercede with
God for me that He
brings visible and
speedy help where
help is almost despaired of. Come
to my assistance in
this great need that
I may receive the
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (make your request
here) - and that I may
praise God with you
and all the saints
forever. I promise,
O Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful
of this great favor
granted me by God
and to always honor
you as my special
and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
----------------------Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con
la fe de mi alma,
a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi
difícil situación, no
La Prensa de San Antonio
28 de diciembre de 2014
me desampares de
las puertas que se
me hacen de abrir
e mi camino, sea
tu Brazo Poderoso
el que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace
un corazón afligido
por los duros golpes del cruel destino
que lo han vencido
siempre en la lucha humana, ya que
sin tu poder divino
no intercede en mi
favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso,
asísteme, ampárame
y condúceme a la
gloria celestial.
Gracias dulce Jesús
(rezar quince días
empezando viernes).
Publicar antes de
los ocho. Confío en
Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino
y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo.
Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que
ocurrirá el cuarto
----------------------Prayer to the
Sacred Heart of
O most holy heart
of Jesus, fountain
of every blessing,
I adore you, I love
you, and with lively
sorrow for my sins I
offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, Good Jesus,
that I may live in
you and for you. Protect me in the midst
of danger. Comfort
me in my afflictions.
Give me health of
body, assistance in
my temporal needs,
your blessing on
all that I do, and
the grace of a holy
death. Amen.
La sombra de
----------------------San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro. Singularísimo
príncipe de los discípulos del redentor, primer vicario
de Jesucristo en su
Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes
y, especialmente a
la de tu Santísima
Sombra, pues con
ella se libra el que
con devoción implora tu amparo a
tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con
tu sombra se aux-
ilia al que sorprende
el malhechor, tu
sombra refrigera al
afligido, al enfermo y a cuantos te
piden favor. ¡Oh!
Sombra prodigiosa
por cuya intercesión
obró el Señor tantos
favores y tan admirables prodigios,
permíteme, Pedro
Santo, que a tu sombra los pecadores alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten en las banderas
de la gracia y a tu
sombra no pierdan el
derecho que tienen a
la gloria.
----------------------Saint Ignatius
Dearest Lord, teach
me to be generous;
teach me to serve
You as You deserve: to give, and
not count the cost;
to fight, and not to
6 de enero de 2015
Lunes 29 de diciembre de 2014/ el martes 30 de diciembre de 2014... 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Miércoles 31 de diciembre de 2014........................................................8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Enero 1 de 2015.........................................................................................................CERRADO
Viernes 2 de enero de 2015 ....................................................................8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
29 de diciembre de 2014 – 2 de enero de 2015
Leyenda: ******** Indica fechas abiertas para votación adelantada
Localidad Principal de Votación Adelantada:
*BEXAR COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER................................................................... 300 Dolorosa
*DEAFLINK disponible para personas con problemas de audición
Además de la localidad principal, votación adelantada se llevara a cabo en las siguiente
CODY LIBRARY...................................................................................... 11441 Vance Jackson
COLLINS GARDEN LIBRARY ............................................................................200 North Park
CONVERSE CITY HALL .................................................................................405 S. Seguin Rd
GREAT NORTHWEST LIBRARY……………………………………………........... 9050 Wellwood
HENRY A. GUERRA, JR. LIBRARY.....................................….….…….…7978 W Military Drive
LAS PALMAS LIBRARY...........................................................................515 Castroville Road
LION’S FIELD.....................................................................................................2809 Broadway
MAURY MAVERICK, JR. LIBRARY............................................................... .8700 Mystic Park
MCCRELESS LIBRARY……………..………………….………………...….…
1023 Ada Street
MEMORIAL LIBRARY……………………………………………………….…….……. 3222 Culebra
WINDCREST TAKAS PARK CIVIC CENTER……………..………….…....……9310 Jim Seal Dr.
Sujeto a cambio
Para mas informacion comuniquese con oficina del Condado de Bexar Administrador de
Elecciones, Jacquelyn F. Callanen, al telefono (210) 335-VOTE (8683)
Solicitudes para votar por correo deben ser solicitadas a:
Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Early Voting Clerk
Bexar County Annex
203 W. Nueva, Ste. 3.61
San Antonio, TX 78207
Solicitudes de voto por correo deben ser recibidas no más tarde de las 5:00 pm
del 26 diciembre de 2014.
heed the wounds; to
toil, and not to seek
for rest; to labor,
and not to ask for
reward, except that
knowing that I am
doing Your Will.
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of Jesus,
in the past I have
asked for favors.
This time I ask you
this very special
one (mention favor).
Take it dear Jesus
and place it within
your own broken
heart where your father sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days, promise publication and favor will
be granted. Never
known to fail.
----------------------San Judas Tadeo
¡San Judas Tadeo!, pariente de Jesucristo, glorioso
apóstol y mártir
reconocido por tus
virtudes y milagros.
Fiel y puntual intercesor de todos los
que te honran y confían en ti. Tú eres
poderoso protector y auxilio en las
grandes aflicciones.
Te ruego, desde lo
más profundo de mi
corazón, que vengas
en mi ayuda con tu
poderosa intercesión, pues has recibido de Dios el privilegio de socorrer con
tu ayuda a aquellos
que casi carecen de
toda esperanza. Vela
por mí. Mi vida es
una vida de cruces,
mis días son días
de tribulación y mi
corazón es un océano de amargura. Mi
alma está envuelta en las tinieblas.
El desasosiego, el
desánimo, la desconfianza, y a veces, aún
la falta de esperanza,
agobian mi alma.
La Divina Providencia parece perderse
de mi vista y la fe
parece fallar en mi
corazón. Abrumado
por estos pensamientos, pido tu ayuda.
No me abandones en
esta triste situación.
Apresúrate en mi
ayuda. Te lo agradeceré toda mi vida
y te honraré como
mi especial patrono.
Agradeceré a Dios
todos los dones que
te ha otorgado y fomentaré tu culto cuanto me sea posible.
A prayer to
St. Peregrine for
sick relatives and
Saint Peregrine,
as a humble servant
of Mary, you experienced human weakness and the pain and
suffering of sickness. Knowing that
medicine and human
knowledge have limits, we pray for all
those involved with
the medical profession that they will
be a true source of
healing and comfort
to all people.
Like you, we also
turn to God in our
suffering. Just as Jesus reached out and
touched you with
His healing hand, we
pray that the following sick person(s)
will be strengthened
in body and spirit
and cured of their illness by Jesus Christ
through your intercession.
In gratitude we
pray for all the people of the world that
they will come to
know you, St. Peregrine, and the love
that God has for each
of them. Amen
----------------------Oración de
las dificultades
Señor, que has
creado todo el universo, y has dotado
a la tierra de riquezas suficiente para
alimentar a todos los
hombres que habitan para alimentar
a todos los hombres
que habitan. Ven en
nuestra ayuda. Señor
que cuidas de los
lirios del campo y de
las aves del cielo, los
vistes, los nutres y
los haces prosperar,
manifiesta sobre nosotros tu providencia paterna. Ayúdanos, Señor, ya que
nuestra salvación
solo puede venir de
hombres honestos
y buenos. Infunde
en el corazón de
nuestros prójimos el
sentido de la justicia,
de la honestidad, y
de la caridad. Cuida
de nuestra familia
que confiadamente
espera de ti el pan
de cada día. Fortalece nuestros cuerpos. Da serenidad
a nuestra vida, a
fin de que podamos
corresponder más
fácilmente a tu gracia divina. Y sentir
que sobre nosotros,
sobre nuestras preo-
cupaciones y angustias, vela tu amor de
Padre. Amén. INICIALES A.J.D. *Ver
más oraciones *
----------------------Oración a la
Divina Providencia
* ¡Oh Divina
Providencia! ¡Concédeme tu clemencia
y tu infinita bondad!
Arrodillada a tus
plantas a ti caridad
portento. Te pido
para los míos casa,
vestido y sustento.
Concédeles la salud,
llévalos por buen
camino. Que sea
siempre la virtud
la que los guíe en
su destino. Tú eres
toda mi esperanza.
Tú eres el consuelo
mío. En la que mi
mente alcanza, en
ti creo, en ti espero,
y en ti confío. Tu
divina providencia
se extiende a cada
momento, para que
nunca nos falte casa,
vestido y sustento.
----------------------Oración al Sagrado Corazón de
Jesús. Oraciones
para una grave
Oh Divino Jesús
que dijiste: “Pedid
y recibiréis; buscad
y encontraréis; llamad y se os abrirá;
porque todo el que
pide recibe, y el que
busca encuentra, y
a quien llama se le
abre”. Mírame postrado a tus plantas suplicándote me concedas una audiencia.
Tus palabras me infunden confianza,
sobre todo ahora que
necesito que me hagas un favor: (Se ora
en silencio pidiendo
el favor)
¿A quién he de
pedir, sino a Ti, cuyo
corazón es un manantial inagotable de
todas las gracias y
dones? ¿Dónde he
de buscar sino en el
tesoro de tu corazón,
que contiene todas
las riquezas de la
clemencia y generosidad divinas?
¿A dónde he de llamar sino a la puerta
de ese Corazón Sagrado, a través del
cual Dios viene a
nosotros, y por medio del cual vamos
a Dios? A Ti acudimos, oh Corazón de
Jesús, porque en Ti
encontramos consuelo, cuando afligidos y perseguidos
pedimos protección;
cuando abrumados
por el peso de nues-
tra cruz buscamos
ayuda; cuando la
angustia, la enfermedad, la pobreza
o el fracaso nos impulsan a buscar una
fuerza superior a las
fuerzas humanas.
Creo firmemente
que puedes concederme la gracia que
imploro, porque tu
misericordia no tiene
límites y confío en
que tu corazón compasivo encontrará
en mis miserias, en
mis tribulaciones y
en mis angustias, un
motivo más para oír
mi petición. Quiero
que mi corazón esté
lleno de la confianza
con que oró el centurión romano en
favor de su criado;
de la confianza con
que oraron las hermanas de Lázaro,
los leprosos, los
ciegos, los paralíticos que se acercaban a Ti porque
sabían que tus oídos
y tu corazón estaban siempre abiertos
para oír y remediar
sus males. Sin embargo... dejo en tus
manos mi petición,
sabiendo que tú
sabes las cosas mejor que yo; y que,
si no me concedes
esta gracia que te
pido, sí me darás
en cambio otra que
mucho necesita mi
alma; y me concederás mirar las cosas,
mi situación, mis
problemas, mi vida
entera, desde otro
ángulo, con más espíritu de fe. Cualquiera que sea tu decisión, nunca dejaré
de amarte, adorarte
y servirte, oh buen
Jesús. Acepta este
acto mío de perfecta
adoración y sumisión a lo que decrete
tu corazón misericordioso. Amén.
Padre Nuestro,
Ave María, Gloria.
Sacratísimo Corazón
de Jesús, en vos confío. (3 veces).
----------------------San Chárbel
¡Oh Dios! Infinitamente santo y glorificado por tus santos,
tú que inspiraste al
santo monje y ermitaño Chárbel a vivir
y a morir en perfecta
semejanza con Jesús,
otorgándole la fuerza de separarse del
mundo a fin de hacer
triunfar, en su ermita
el heroísmo de las
virtudes monásticas:
la pobreza, la obediencia y la castidad.
Te imploramos nos
concedas la gracia
de amarte y de servirte siguiendo su
¡Oh! Señor Todopoderoso que manifiestas el poder de
la intercesión de
San Chárbel con numerosos milagros y
favores, concédenos
la gracia …….. que
nosotros te imploramos por su intercesión. Amén.
We beseech Thee,
O Lord, to grant us
the pardon of our
sins by the intercession of Saint , virgin and martyr, who
was always pleasing
in Thy sight by her
eminent chastity and
by the profession of
every virtue. Amen.
Illustrious virgin and
martyr, Saint Philomena, behold me
prostrate before the
throne whereupon
it has pleased the
Most Holy Trinity
to place thee. Full
of confidence in thy
protection, I entreat
thee to intercede
for me with God,
from the heights of
Heaven deign to
cast a glance upon
thy humble client!
Spouse of Christ,
sustain me in suf-
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¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio
personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté
interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave
que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
----------------------------Que no tenga vicios, no tome, no fume y que no no fumo, hogareña. Me encanta leer, tejer, familia. Sea libre, no tenga compromiso y
Hombre soltero busca compañera para aparento menos. Peso 150 libras, cuerpo
tenga problemas familiares. Que sea soltero, cocinar, caminar con diversiones sanas. Peso desee y quiera unir una familia cuando él
compartir vida. Tengo 42 años. Soy trabajador, atlético. Voy al gimnasio 6 días por semana. Busco linda dama. Tengo 56 años. Me
viudo, o divorciado. Que sea fiel, respetuoso 160 libras y mido 5’1”. Me gustaría conocer decida y me conozca. Cuando él quiera,
no tengo vicios, no tomo, no fumo, mi único Mido 5’2” pulgadas. Católico de buen interesa mucho encontrar a una dama que le
y que sea un caballero en toda la extensión de una persona sin compromisos, trabajadora y no me interesa su físico y la religión que
vicio es trabajar. Me gustaría conocer alguien carácter. Buen sentido de humor, noble y guste ir al cine, bailar y le guste la diversión
tenga, deportes y amigos que tenga. Yo
de 30 a 42 años. Si no te importa lo físico, sencillo, nada vanidoso. Busco una dama y la música romántica. A quien regalarle una su palabra. Que me dé mi lugar y sea sincero. cariñosa para compartir nuestra soledad.
rosa y tal vez algún día decirte que le amo.
D-218 respeto su decisión. Yo soy una mujer sin
Yo espero y sea de agrado y sé que no te vas a
llámame o escríbeme. Te aseguro que no te de 50 a 55 años de edad, blanca, ojos de
C-217 arrepentir cuando me conozcas. Espero yo sea
compromiso, sin problemas de familia.
----------------------------color, muy bonita pero aún más importante
lo que tu buscas para formalizar una relación. Busco caballero edad 50-53 años, que sea No tomo ni fumo. Me gusta la cocina. Me
----------------------------C-209 que tenga buenos sentimientos y que esté Hola soy un hombre de 50 años y deseo Manda foto y número de teléfono.
persona seria honorable de buenas costumbres, gustan las diversiones sanas, el baile, la TV,
dispuesta a quererme y amarme como yo conocer una mujer de 30 a 60 años, solteras,
----------------------------D-210 católico y que no tenga compromiso con nadie. la música y salir a pasear. Vivir y disfrutar
Hola, busco a una mujer entre 60 a 70 años, también lo puedo hacer. 5’ pies o menos de casadas, viudas o divorciadas sin compromiso.
Que sea sincero respetuoso, compatible a de un hogar o una amistad sincera. Yo no
----------------------------de 120 a 150 libras. Honesta, no juegos, que altura, no más de 110 libras. Por supuesto que Soy muy romántico y cariñoso. No se Soy una mujer mexicana de 50 años, piel mis ideas. Soy viuda de 57 años de buenas tengo ningún defecto físico. Soy agradable
le guste bailar, que no fume, sin compromisos sea católica también. Espero tu contestación arrepentirán.
morena clara, 5’4” de estatura, 190 libras, pelo costumbres. Físico: morena clara 5’2”. Peso y tengo cualidades. Yo tengo demasiados
C-221 largo, ojos cafés, no fea, trabajadora, sin vicios, 130, según mis amigas, atractiva. Mi Trabajo años viviendo sola en San Antonio, Texas,
de familia. Yo tengo 67 años, 150 libras de y muchas gracias.
alegre con buen sentido del humor, educada, es en una escuela, altamente educada. Prefiero de vivir y sostenerme sola. Tengo familiares
peso, 5’4” de alto, no gordo, ni flaco. Sin
me encanta la música me gusta la cocina, soy personas serias. Absténganse si solo quiere pero no me dan problemas de ningún aspecto
----------------------------compromisos, voy al gym. Si alguien se
50 year old Christian man seeks Latina to alegre con diversiones sanas no tomo, no hogareña. Busco la amistad con un hombre divertirse, no contestaré si solo encuentro y viven separados de mí. Yo los visito a ellos
interesa que escribe por mi número.
cuando y tengo tiempo. Respeto el espacio
C-211 marry. I live in the state of Iowa. I work fumo, no tengo vicios. Soy cariñosa. Me que tenga cualidades semejantes a las mías. mentiras.
D-219 y tiempo de cada uno. Puedo vivir donde él
gusta viajar, leer, caminar, convivir sanamente No importa el físico, ni la edad.
----------------------------quiera de Estados Unidos, yo puedo trabajar,
----------------------------Latina to stay a home help with raising animals en una fiesta, algún restaurante. Me gustaría
trabajo hay demasiado.
----------------------------and garden. Send picture and email.
Soy mexicano durangueño, tengo 67 años,
C-215 amoroso, cariñoso y de buenos sentimientos. Soy mexicana de 56 años y viuda. No tomo, de 60 años) y que no tenga problemas de
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
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28 de diciembre de 2014
28 de diciembre de 2014
H-E-B celebra 22 años de “Feast of Sharing”
Texto y fotos
por Roberto J. Pérez
Como muestra de agradecimiento a su incontable clientela, la empresa H-E-B celebró
el sábado 20 de diciembre en el
Centro de Convenciones Henry
B. González la fiesta de fin de
año “H-E-B Feast of Sharing”
ofreciendo un sabroso platillo de
jamón con los aderezos típicos,
que fueron disfrutados por una
entusiasta asistencia estimada en
quince mil comensales.
En el espíritu de “Feast of
Sha-ring”, el miércoles 17 de
diciembre H-E-B llevó un platillo
navideño a la casa de 4 mil adultos
mayores o personas deshabilitadas
que no pueden transportarse al
lugar de la fiesta. Los platillos
fueron entregados por los voluntarios
que habitualmente prestan su tiempo
en Christian Seniors Services.
Los Spurs, cumpliendo con la tradición navideña de su visita anual al nosocomio infantil Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, llevaron alegría y regalos (mini balones autografiados) a los pacientes convalecientes
en este prestigiado centro médico. Los jugadores Jeff Ayres, (delantero y poste), Patty Mills (guardia),
y la mascota The Coyote convivieron alegremente con personal y directivos, así como con familiares de
pacientes que a la vez aprovecharon para tomarse la respectiva “selfie”. Una abuela contó que su nieto
se puso contento al ver a los jugadores de su equipo favorito, y en especial la presencia del Coyote. “Mi
28 de diciembre de 2014
nieto siempre ha sido fan de los Spurs. Les agradecemos que hayan tomado parte de su valioso tiempo
para traernos felicidad”, expresó la emocionada abuelita. Por su parte Ayres y Mills dijeron sentirse
emocionados por visitar a los pacientes, pequeños y adolescentes. “Aparte de jugar baloncesto nos da
gusto visitar a estos niños y verlos disfrutar de momentos alegres al lado del Coyote”, dijo Ayres. “Ver
caras felices es todo para nosotros. Venimos a darles su Navidad a estos pacientes a quienes les deseamos
todo lo mejor en su convalecencia”, apuntó el guardia australiano Patty Mills. (Fotos Franco)
Mariachi Mujer Internacional de Los Spurs, bajo la dirección de Lucila Díaz, alegró el ambiente La gerencia general del AT&T Center y Spurs Sports & Entertainment hizo reconocimiento del
de la Spurs International Night, celebrada en el partido contra Grizzlies de Memphis.
personal en el intermedio del partido Spurs vs. Grizzlies, que se jugó en 3 tiempos extras.
Jugadores y directivos del club Águilas de La Sauceda, que presiden Héctor Ibarra, Samuel Villarreal y Benito Martínez disfrutaron, en el parque Rusty Lyons, una gran fiesta fue por haberse
ganado el boleto para la gran final contra Piratas. Los enfiestados fueron felicitados por Juan
Sánchez, coordinador general de Liga Dominical Potranco.
En el medio tiempo del partido Spurs vs. Grizzlies de Memphis, la orquesta juvenil Youth Orchestra of San Antonio (YOSA) interpretó temas navideños que fueron aplaudidos por el respetable
público que disfrutó de su tradicional presentación en el AT&T Center.
Tras grandes representantes del vecino estado de Coahuila. Ellos son los populares beisbolistas
Johnny López, jardinero izquierdo del club Cardenales, José Concepción (Chón) Rodríguez, tercera
El club Piratas, con su manager Sergio de Luna y el coach Francisco Cano, celebró en grande con base del club Águilas de Piedras Negras, y Mario Ibarra, antesalista de Cardenales.
bombo y platillo su clasificación a la gran final de Liga Dominical Potranco. “Los festejos seguirán
hasta el día que alcemos el trofeo de campeón”, comentó de Luna.
El señor Antonio Andrade (quinto de pie) y su familia hicieron viaje ex profeso desde la ciudad
de San Luis Potosí para visitar a su hermana, Graciela Ramírez, su cuñado Alberto Ramírez y Roberto Garza “El Bronco Mayor”, dueño del club Broncos de Reynosa S.A. y don Goyo Prado
sobrinos Rudy y Adrián, a quienes los pasearon por diversos sitios de nuestra bella y turística (patrocinador) desearon feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo a sus familiares, amigos y rivales
deportivos. “En el 2015 iremos por más victorias”, indicaron Garza y Prado.
región de El Álamo.
de Res
$ 77
Pancita fresca cortada, $1.97 lb.
Patas de Res
o patas de
puerco cortadas
en cuartos
$ 48
Maíz para
Hill Country Fare
lata de 30 onzas.
Blanco o amarillo.
28 de diciembre de 2014
Golden Gala para los residentes de SAHA
Texto y fotos
por Roberto J. Pérez
San Antonio Housing Authority celebró su décima séptima
Golden Gala como regalo de
Navidad a todos los residentes
en departamentos y multifamiliares que administra en la
A la celebración realizada
en el Centro de Convenciones
Henry B. González este reciente
jueves y presidida por Lourdes
Castro Ramírez, de SAHA,
asistió una numerosa concurrencia que disfrutó de la cena
navideña, que estuvo acompañada de la actuación de Patsy
Torres y del Ballet Tesoro que
dirige Chayito Champion.
En comediante Cleto y el representante estatal José Menéndez,
invitados a la décima séptima Golden Gala de San Antonio Housing Authority.
Coro San Antonio Christmas Carol.
Mercedes Carter.
Invitando con el popular comediante Cleto.
Dolores Savage y Estela Hinojosa.
Patsy Torres.
Dr. Carlos Moreno, Lourdes Castro Ramírez y el congresista
Lloyd Doggett.
Rosalinda R. Rodulfo, del Ballet Tesoro.
Gary García, vocalista con el grupo de Patsy Torres.
Ballet Tesoro, que dirige Chayito Champion.
Integrantes del coro San Antonio Christmas Carol e invitados a
Personal de CIMA Health Services prestó servicio voluntario en el evento de SAHA.
la celebración navideña de SAHA.
Everyday de
Hill Country Fare
paquete de 16 piezas
de 28 onzas.
$ 72
Cucharas grandes
Texas Size
paquete de 18 piezas.
Bolsa de 2 libras.
$ 48
Precios válidos hasta el 30 de diciembre del 2014.
©2014 HEB, 14-5638
28 de diciembre de 2014
Jimador Restaurant & Bar is finally opened
By Joe Sandoval
Price: $-$$
Got an early Christmas gift
earlier this week, but it really
wasn’t a surprise just a wait that
finally ended.
For months, six to be exact,
passers-by had seen the construction and renovation of
Jimador Restaurant & Bar at
1106 Vance Jackson Rd., about
a block before I-10 West.
After the project, Jose Melendez re-opened the doors to this
northwest San Antonio eatery
and for a Tex-Mex/Mexican
cuisine foodie it was a long-time
This is a bit above the usual
restaurant you’re used to because
there’s a full menu of traditional
Tex-Mex/Mexican food for you
choose from for your meal. The
atmosphere is comfortable, too.
It offers breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night dinner, and
it’s all available throughout the
day. In other words, you can
satisfy any and all of your food
We checked it out after the
regular lunch hour, but before
the usual supper time got underway. Because of restaurant lay
out we didn’t have to wait for
a table and were immediately
seated. The fact that we seated
ourselves is irrelevant. There’s
no waiting.
The staff is attentive and you
get your drink order filled without any hesitation. The usual is
available, along with fresh fruit
drinks of lemonade and jamica
and don’t forget the horchata.
If it’s a dinner or late dinner,
Jimador offers a full service bar.
A jimador is the individual who
prepares the pineapple for the
tequila, and tequila is very much
Our selection wasn’t anything
out of the ordinary, but we figure
if they can prepare a tasty meal
of an everyday selection the rest
will be just as good.
My companion went with the
green chicken enchiladas. The
customary beans, rice and small
salad completed the plate and,
needless to say, she enjoyed it.
The enchiladas weren’t tough
and the chicken was seasoned
just so, and it didn’t over power
the dish.
The pork chop plate I went
with had two chops covered with
ranchero sauce and the usual rice
and beans. Although they ask
that you not substitute, I asked
for charro beans and they were
really, really good. Seasoned
just so and the bits an pieces of
chopped green peppers, onions
and tomatoes that give gives
them that well-seasoned taste.
We opted for flour tortillas and
weren’t disappointed.
If you’re a seafood lover,
Jimador has some pretty interesting selections. A number of
shrimp dishes are offered. Ca-
The pork chop plate and green enchiladas are just a couple of the
selections available at Jimador. (Photo, Joe Sandoval)
marones a la diabla, breaded,
grilled and shrimp a la Mexicana
are your shrimp dishes. Breaded
tilapia and mojarra frita are also
available. Pescado Vera Cruz
rounds out the fish choices.
Sunday through Thursday,
they’re opened from 6 a.m. to
11 p.m. and Friday and Saturday
they close at midnight.