Esculturas procedentes de Monterrey en Travis Park

No store does more for the Martinez’s
By Dennis M. Ayotte Jr.
Leonard Martinez Sr. has easily
made over a thousand trips to what
he calls his “little H-E-B” on 1601
Nogalitos St.
The 79-year-old Martinez, who
lives just down the street, made his
first visit to the store when he was 9
years old during the original grand
opening in 1945.
As a child he made plenty of
visits to the store with his brothers
and, later, as an adult those trips
A father of eight children, Martinez recalled many trips for diapers,
milk and toilet paper, sometimes
twice a day. His five daughters and
three sons kept him busy.
As his children grew older the
trips became fewer, but it still remained his little H-E-B.
During the construction of the
new two-story, 62,000-square-foot
H-E-B that took the place of the
old store, Martinez would drive by
wondering what might become of
the new store.
“Oh, man, this is impressive,
it’s something else,” Martinez said
about the new store. “I’ve been
waiting for this day.
“‘Where’s my little H-E-B,’ I’d
say. I call this my little H-E-B because I can come in here for three
or four items. I know where to grab
them, and I’m out of here.”
The store holds many memories
for Martinez, so many that his
daughter Loretta Martinez-Valero
took a half-day leave from her job
at Fort Sam to bring her dad to the
store’s opening.
“I saw you had to RSVP on
Facebook, so I did it right away,”
Loretta said. “This is going to be
his [my dad’s] store, and I wanted
him to come. I wanted him to see
La organización sin fines de
lucro que por más de dos décadas ha proporcionado préstamos
a pequeños negocios bajo el
nombre Accion Texas ahora será
conocida como LiftFund.
Nelly Rojas Moreno, jefe
ejecutiva de crédito de LiftFund,
explicó que el nuevo nombre
refleja mejor los servicios que
la fundación ofrece y representa
más adecuadamente al mercado
que sirve.
“Como la palabra Acción
está en español, muchas persoLeonard Martinez Sr., 79, enjoys one of the many samples H-E-B offered at a sneak preview of the new two-story H-E-B located at nas piensan que solamente le
damos préstamos a hispanos,
1601 Nogalitos St. (Photo, Dennis M. Ayotte Jr.)
pero la verdad es que le damos
it first.”
at the store her whole life, too, just
préstamos a todas las personas
H-E-B has been a big part of the like her father.
sin importar cuál es su raza o
Martinez family. Martinez’s two
“My cupboards and refrigerator
color”, comentó Moreno.
sons, and granddaughter, Camry, were empty because I was waiting.
Además, la organización ya
work for H-E-B.
I was not going to go to any other
no solamente opera en Texas,
“I have two boys who still work store,” Loretta added, half-jokingsino también en otros siete
for H-E-B, Leonard Jr. and An- ly. “I shopped at the McCreeless
estados, incluyendo Alabama,
drew,” Martinez said. “They started Market H-E-B, but I’m happy this
Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisana,
as baggers and worked their way one is open again.”
Mississippi, Missouri y Tenup and are still with the company.”
No other H-E-B will ever replace
Leonard Jr. works for H-E-B in the one on Nogalitos Loretta exLa organización se estabthe meat department and his other plained, “It’s intimate. I come here
leció en 1994 con el propósito
son Andrew is a sous chef at Cen- and see everyone I know. It’s like a
de darles préstamos a dueños
tral Market, according to Martinez. meeting place for the community.”
de pequeñas empresas en San
His granddaughter, Camry, works
“I stayed in the neighborhood
Antonio, principalmente a las
at the H-E-B in La Vernia.
because it’s home. My husband is H-E-B partners gather with District 5 Councilwoman Shirley
minorías que no calificaban para
His daughter, Loretta, doesn’t from the neighborhood, too, and I Gonzales to cut the ribbon signifying the re-opening of the of the
Vea Acción Texas
work for H-E-B but has shopped
See Martinez on page 4-A oldest H-E-B in Texas. (Photo, Dennis M. Ayotte Jr.)
en la pág. 3-A
The new Each One Teach One Facility, which will begin hosting
classes this weekend. (Photo, Amanda Lozano)
There is a major problem happening in San Antonio, and it’s
affecting one in every four adults.
According to statistics from
Each One Teach One, a quarter of
the population read below a fifth
grade level, which contributes to
the high number of high school
dropouts in the city: approximately 40 percent.
In 2010, nonprofit Each One
Teach One was created to help
combat those rates. The program
provides one-on-one tutoring
for adults to learn to read and
improve their skills. To this day,
it is the only program in the city
that works with students needs
“This is a service that is terribly
needed, in every council district
of this city,” Carolyn Heath,
executive director for Each One
Teach One said. “We have been
working very hard to help more
individuals. Reading at a higher
level helps transform lives.”
See Nonprofit on page 3-A
Esculturas procedentes de
Monterrey en Travis Park
Por Roberto J. Pérez
Patrocinada por Department
of Culture and Creative Development, está abierta al público
en Travis Park una exposición
de 30 esculturas que tienen el
mismo tema: la Victoria y la
Paz. Las esculturas se diferencian por la alegoría de sus motivos y emblemas, así como por su
diferente decoración y colorido.
La exhibición al aire libre
permanecerá hasta mediados del
mes de marzo.
Estas piezas artísticas fueron
esculpidas por artistas de la ciudad de Monterrey y fueron traídas a nuestra ciudad en virtud
de que San Antonio y Monterrey
son ciudades hermanas en un
acuerdo que propicia intercambios comerciales y culturales
como la exposición de referencia. Monterrey y San Antonio,
por la proximidad geográfica y
los nexos históricos, han sido
ciudades hermanas por más de
dos décadas en el seno del convivio internacional.
Cada escultura representa
una mano mostrando la “V” de
la victoria a la manera en que
Coloridas esculturas procedentes de Monterrey, que simbolizan la Victoria y la Paz, están en exWinston Churchill la hizo fahibición en Travis Park. Las piezas permanecerán en el lugar hasta mediados de marzo.
mosa durante la Segunda Guerra
(Foto, Roberto J. Pérez)
Vea Esculturas en la pág. 3-A
Armando califica para recibir ayuda suplementaria
para pagar su seguro médico. ¿Califica usted?
cambia de
nombre a
Por Natalie Bobadilla
continues mission
to improve literacy
in new home
By Amanda Lozano
18 de enero de 2015
Vea dentro
Comentarios... 18 de enero de 2015
Periodistas: No estamos en el negocio de quedarnos callados
Pude haber
sido yo o cual­
quier de mis
periodistas. El
brutal ataque
contra los inJorge Ramos tegrantes de la
revista satírica
Charlie Hebdo en París, que
dejó 12 muertos, fue también
un ataque contra todos los que
ejercemos el periodismo en
cualquier parte del mundo.
Los estúpidos atacantes creen
que matándonos nos van a
callar. No se dan cuenta que
cuando asesinan a un periodista
mil más retoman sus batallas.
De hecho, la consecuencia
inmediata de la matanza de comunicadores en Francia es que
el contenido de la revista –que
tanto ofendía a los pistoleros–
se ha reproducido por millones
de veces en las redes sociales y
en el resto del planeta.
No importa si el contenido de
la revista era ofensivo, racista
o antirreligioso. Eso es absolutamente irrelevante. Si no estás
de acuerdo con algo en un medio de comunicación, entonces
replicas, debates, argumentas,
lo ignoras o demandas pero no
censuras, silencias, golpeas o
mandas matar. Eso se aplica
por igual en Francia, Siria o
Matar periodistas no es nuevo. Lo nuevo es la influencia
global e incuestionable independencia de muchos periodistas en esta era digital. Es el fin
de la censura. Pero, también,
tener más poder y visibilidad significa ser un creciente
blanco de ataques de grupos y
gobiernos intolerantes.
El ataque en París fue planeado minuciosamente y tenía
por objetivo asesinar a periodistas involucrados en la
publicación de una revista que
se burla de todas las religiones
y que destruye mitos con hu-
mor. En Siria se ha recurrido a
la ejecución de corresponsales
extranjeros para vengar las ope­
raciones militares de Estados
Unidos en Irak y en el Medio
Oriente. Y en México el crimen organizado y la increíble
negligencia del gobierno han
convertido al país en uno de los
más peligrosos del mundo para
ser periodista.
En México han matado a 97
periodistas desde el 2010 a la
fecha, según la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos.
Solo en el estado de Veracruz
han asesinado a 10 reporteros
en cuatro años. Desde el 2006
han atacado las instalaciones de
42 medios de comunicación en
México. Y la mayoría de estos
crímenes se han realizado con
absoluta impunidad.
Gracias a valientes y ague­
rridos periodistas como Julio
Scherer, ahora en México se
puede decir cualquier cosa.
Scherer nos abrió el camino.
El riesgo fue enorme. Criticar
presidentes era casi imposible
en México durante décadas.
Pero Scherer fue brutal con
el poder y no vendió sus principios por “chayotes”, como
muchos periodistas lo hacían
(y siguen haciendo).
Hoy el presidente Enrique
Peña Nieto no puede censurar
burdamente a la radio, prensa
escrita y televisión como lo
hacían sus predecesores priístas. Pero con la complicidad
de muchos medios ha tratado
de presentar un México que
no existe. Es la estrategia del
avestruz. El problema es que el
avestruz ya se quedó sin cabeza.
La incompetencia y negligencia gubernamental en la
desaparición de 43 estudiantes
en Iguala es noticia mundial.
Barack Obama lo mencionó el
6 de enero en la Casa Blanca. Y
no se puede culpar a periodistas
independientes por reportar
sobre el enorme conflicto de
intereses en la compra de las casas de la esposa del presidente
y de su secretario de Hacienda,
Luis Videgaray. Así es como lo
reportó The New York Times:
“Peña Nieto ha sido golpeado
por las revelaciones de que
su esposa y su ministro de
Finanzas han comprado casas
a un conocido contratista del
Pocos periodistas mexicanos
siguen reportando sobre la llamada “casa blanca mexicana”
y la casa en Malinalco de su
principal asesor. Muchos han
cedido a la presión del gobier­
no de Peña Nieto. Pero, por
más que traten, no hay manera
de censurar los reportajes de
medios extranjeros.
Cuando hay dudas sobre
qué hacer como reporteros al
enfrentar al poder, basta preguntarnos: ¿Qué hubiera hecho
Julio Scherer? ¿O Elena Poniatowska? Exacto. La respuesta
es: Seguirían investigando y
reportando hasta sus últimas
consecuencias. Gracias a Elena
y su “Noche de Tlatelolco”
te­n emos un valiosísimo testimonio de primera mano de la
masacre de 1968.
La valiente entrevistadora
italiana, Oriana Falacci, decía
que ser periodista es, a la vez,
un privilegio y una responsabilidad. No conozco oficio
más bello.
Pero nos obliga, también, a
cantarle sus verdades a los que
tienen el poder y a los intoleran­
tes. Y eso a veces cuesta la vida,
como quedó demostrado esta
semana en Francia.
No estamos en el negocio de
quedarnos callados.
(En memoria de Julio Sche­
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico
Por favor incluya su nombre,
ciudad y país).
Just a Thought: 28th Annual MLK March
Tomorrow is the
28th Annual Dr.
Martin Luther King
Jr. March.
I look forward to
Steve Walker
once again
making the 2.75 mile trek along
Martin Luther King Drive to the
Pittman Sullivan YMCA for
the festivities. As one who has
marched and participated consecutively for the last 17 years
without missing, I am ready to
do it again.
Up until 2007, I was strictly
a marcher and active participant
in the yearly tribute as a Balcones Heights Councilman, and
American Federation of Teachers Union President representing
Harlandale ISD. From 2009 to
2012, I marched as a judge and
was also blessed to simultaneously cover the March by taking photos of the event for my
photoblog, the Walker Report. I
am still covering the march for
the Walker Report.
In 1981, when I was the President of the Junior Chamber of
Commerce, our chapter was one
of the first non-African-American organizations in San Antonio who endorsed a National
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
when it wasn’t that popular to do
so. As president I received lots
of phone messages that were not
that complimentary about the
chapter openly endorsing the
move for the national holiday.
On the positive side, because
of that endorsement, I was
asked, as president, to speak
to the first group of about 500
people who gathered at MLK
Plaza to unofficially celebrate
the occasion. It was my first
public speech before a major
crowd. The following year MLK
Jr. Day became a nationally
recognized holiday.
During my coverage in photos
of the March, I have covered
grand marshalls, well-known
personalities to include civil rights activists Dr. Joseph
Lowry and Congressman John
Lewis and other notables who
marched with Dr. King in the
‘50s and ‘60s.
Three years ago, in 2012, the
guest speaker was Martin Luther
King III, eldest son of the slain
civil rights leader. I was fortunate to have covered MLK III a
few years earlier for a program
on poverty when he visited San
Antonio to be a speaker at a
conference. For me, that was a
thrilling experience. In 1982, I
met Coretta Scott King when she
visited San Antonio.
During the 2013 event, MLK
III told a reporter that he was
overwhelmed that San Antonio would turn out in force to
honor his father. He noted that
the March would have truly
impressed his dad.
In his speech to the throng of
marchers estimated at 100,000
, MLK III said in part, “You
love because you know God
calls you to do that. And when
we embrace that kind of love,
we will move America and the
entire world forward. We’ve
got to have that kind of love for
Last year’s crowd was also
estimated at 100,000-plus.
Assuming this year’s event
will continue to attract supporters and followers of Dr. King,
we can look forward to another
successful celebration of the
legacy of the national civil
rights leader.
When you look at the makeup of the marchers you will see
persons of all colors, ethnic and
socio-economic backgrounds
as well as all ages. Many of the
marchers also participate in the
annual Cesar Chavez March
scheduled in two months. Hispanic community leaders and
elected Latinos are well represented.
We can expect to see former
HUD Secretary and Mayor
Henry Cisneros, civil rights activist Jaime Martinez, a number
of city council members and
state reps. as well as the Castro
brothers who march every year.
If you haven’t ever participated, now might be the time to
do so. Don’t forget to be sure to
wear some comfortable shoes
for the 2.75-mile March to honor
Dr. Marin Luther King Jr.
And as always, what I write is
“Just a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
Statewide contest inspires healthy change
By Lea Thompson
For individuals like Tamlynn
Niemietz, weight was just a number until it got in the way of life.
Niemietz has struggled with
weight since she was a child diagnosed with scleroderma in her
right foot. The disease hardens
and stretches the skin, making
movement painful. Her foot
was amputated by the time she
entered high school, and she has
fought against weight gain since.
In the last two years, Niemietz
gained weight due to poor eating and fitness habits, but it
wasn’t until she was diagnosed
with polycystic ovary syndrome
that she decided to make a real
change. Neimietz signed up
for the 2015 H-E-B Slimdown
Showdown Challenge as a way
to regain her health and control
of her life.
“I have been trying to be
healthy on my own for for-
ever, but I have never been that
successful,” Neimietz said. “I
thought that if I had a program
where I was held accountable
it might help because I need a
Neimietz was selected as one of
35 contestants for the fifth annual
H-E-B Slimdown Showdown
Contest, in which community
members, and H-E-B employees
compete to get in shape through
weight loss and a healthy diet.
For Veronica Jones, a San
Antonio-based H-E-B partner,
health inspiration came from the
“One day I was watching ‘My
600 pound life,’ it’s a show about
people with weight issues, and
it showed me what I could be
possibly be going through in the
future,” Jones said. “It was very
ironic because I was sitting there
watching and eating chips at the
time, but it was like someone lit
a fire underneath me. That day
stopped me and changed me.”
Jones began her own health
journey last March by eating
healthier meals and beginning an
exercise regimen. She has since
lost 52 pounds, but she hopes
to learn even more information
about food and health during her
time in the contest.
“To be honest, I haven’t made
a new goal, I just want to be
healthy,” Jones said. “I don’t really know what that means for me
as far as weight goes, but being
able to feel more comfortable in
my body, thats enough for me. I
have come to not like the scale,
I try not to define myself by that
Niemietz and Jones will join
the other contestants in San Antonio for the Fit Camp program,
which will introduce participants
to food education and exercise
challenges. From Jan 17. to 23,
the contestants will meet with HE-B registered dieticians, fitness
experts and medical professionals
to set specific health and weight
loss goals.
After Fit Camp, contestants
will receive a year-long membership to their local Gold’s Gym,
and they will have access to
one-on-one access coaching sessions and meetings with health
The contest winners will be
announced on May 9 during the
H-E-B Health & Wellness Family
Expo held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, where
a $10,000 check will be awarded
to the winner.
Throughout the 16-week contest, the participants will use
social media to document their
health journey and share their
progress with viewers and readers. Community members are
encouraged to learn more about
the program and to participate
in the healthy eating challenges
posted each week.
“If I just inspire one person
to feel better and to better themselves, then it will be worth it,”
Jones said. “Believe me, it’s hard
to try, but once you try, I promise
it will all fall into place for you.”
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Fit Camp contestants push themselves to perform during the 2014 H-E-B Slim Down Showdown Contest in San Antonio. This year’s
contest features 35 participants who compete to lose weight and learn more about healthy living. (Courtesy photo)
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18 de enero de 2015
Calendario de la comunidad
variety of educational, inspirational and celebratory events
honor one of the nation’s most revered civil rights leaders.
The signature event, the annual Martin Luther King, Jr.
March, is scheduled for Monday, January 19, 2015. The
march will begin at 10 a.m. at the MLK Academy located in
the 3500 block of MLK Drive and end at Pittman-Sullivan
Park, 1101 Iowa (march route and info). Once again, it is
expected to draw more than 100,000 adults and children. San
Antonio hosts one of the largest marches in the United States.
SA Education Centers will be closed for the Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day holiday on Monday, January 19, 2015. The
Administrative Offices located at the South Education Center
also will be closed.
February 12 through March 1, over 2 and a half weeks of
high-flying PRCA Rodeo action, live musical entertainment,
family-friendly carnival, shopping at over 650 booths, livestock and horse shows and sales, fair food galore, a Texas
Wildlife Area and so much more will take place at the San
Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo.
Council and the City of San Antonio’s Charter Review
Commission invite the public to provide input on possible
amendments to the City Charter. Interested parties are
encouraged to provide comments at Citizens to be Heard,
scheduled for 6 p.m. through Wednesday, February 25, 2015.
For more information regarding the City’s Charter Review
Commission, visit
Antonio would like to invite you to the 8th Annual City
Manager’s Step Up to Wellness 5K Walk & Run on Saturday, Febuary 28, 2015, at SeaWorld San Antonio, 10500
SeaWorld Drive. Check-in for this event begins at 7 a.m.
with the race starting at 8 a.m.
RUN – The time has come for the 5th annual Culinaria 5k
Wine & Beer Run on Saturday, March 21, 2014, 8 a.m.,
The Shops at La Cantera, 15900 La Cantera Parkway,
Registration is open. Pricing Individuals: $35 Per Person,
Early bird until Jan. 1, 2015, $45 Per Person, Through March 14, 2015, $55 Per Person, March 14, 2015 - March
21, 2015 or Sell out. For more information, visit, Culinaria
San Antonio 5k Wine & Beer Run
MAY 2015 ELECTION INFORMATIONAL PACKETS – Residents interested in running for Mayor or City
Council in the May 9, 2015 Municipal Election can now
obtain informational packets from the Office of the City
Clerk, located on the second floor of City Hall, 100 Military
Plaza. Each packet costs $30 and may be purchased during
regular office hours: Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5
p.m. To obtain additional information regarding the May
9, 2015 General Election, contact Melinda L. Uriegas, Assistant City Clerk, at (210) 207-7253.
The program has worked with
350 students. According to Heath,
50 of them received their GED
and over 60 percent improved
their reading level.
Studies have discovered there
are direct connections between
the literacy level of the adult and
the success of children in the
household under their care, which
affects kindergarten readiness and
college attendance rates.
Each One Teach One was
hosting classes on the River City
Christian School campus for over
two years. With the rapid growth
of the program, space became
limited and finding a new residence was sorely required.
Located on 815 El Monte
Blvd., the former Fire Station 28
was the perfect candidate. Built
in the early ‘50s, the San Antonio
Fire Department left it empty in
In Aug. 2014, City Council, led
by District 1 Councilman Diego
(continued from page 1-A)
Bernal approved the sale of the
vacant fire house to Each One
Teach One, which now serves as
the nonprofit’s new home.
“We cherished our partnership
with River City,” Heath stated.
“But, our permanent space allows
us to serve more students and
offer longer hours to reach more
working individuals.”
With the new building, Each
One Teach One expects to cater
to 500 students.
Heath remains hopeful that
with the permanent residence,
others will be inspired to create
more programs like Each One
Teach One to continue to combat
the low literacy rates.
“We hope that this place will
be a prototype for future types of
facilities like this,” Heath added.
“There are no talks of it presently,
but we hope so. Now that people
see whats possible with resurfacing old property, the possibilities
are endless.”
(viene de la página 1-A)
“victoria” un símbolo de paz en
De la misma forma, los ar- un mundo convulsionado por la
tistas regiomontanos quisieron violencia.
Inauguró la exposición Félix
expresar conjuntamente con la
Padrón, director del Departamento de Cultura de la Ciudad
de San Antonio, en una ceremonia a la que asistió el Concejal
Lic. #B12044
del Distrito No. 8, Ron Niremberg, en representación del
Concilio de la ciudad y repre­
sentantes de la administración
municipal de Monterrey.
En el año que se inicia, este
es primer evento cultural que
presenta el departamento cultural de la ciudad de San Antonio siguiendo el propósito de
darle al Travis Park una utilidad
práctica, de beneficio, para toda
la comunidad y contribuir a la
mejora integral del centro de
la ciudad.
Telemundo 60 lanza segmento para
resolver problemas de la comunidad
Por Natalie Bobadilla
Por más de 25 años el noticiero
local de Telemundo le ha dado
una voz a la comunidad hispana.
Ahora esa voz cuenta con más
Con el propósito de informar
a sus televidentes sobre sus
derechos como consumidores,
Telemundo San Antonio ha lanzado una unidad de investigación
que se encarga de resolver quejas,
denuncias y aclarar dudas.
Esta iniciativa, conocida como
Telemundo Responde, surgió
hace nueve meses en otras estaciones de Telemundo en los
Estados Unidos.
Desde su incepción, la unidad
en estas estaciones ha contabilizado más de 13,000 quejas que
han resultado en más de 700
historias de injusticia expuestas
al público. Aún más significativo,
Telemundo Responde ha ayudado
a sus televidentes a recuperar más
de $1 millón en menos de un año.
La unidad de investigación
ha resuelto quejas de fraude,
robo de identidad, estafas por
preparadores de impuestos, entre
otras cosas.
Debido a este éxito, Telemundo
60 San Antonio se unió a la iniciativa en diciembre del 2014.
“La necesidad es muy grande”,
indicó el presidente y gerente de
Telemundo San Antonio Luis
Hernández. “Tenemos llamadas
cada semana de consumidores
que están buscando orientación
y que nos están pidiendo que
ir a
y hacer su queja o pedir información”, señaló Hernández.
Recientemente, la unidad ha
estado trabajando con una familia
les ayudemos en algún asunto
que les afecta a nivel personal o
Localmente, la unidad de investigación sale al aire los lunes
y miércoles a las 4:30 p.m. y
es encabezada por el periodista
Ciro Villareal, quien dirigía un
segmento similar conocido como
Reportes 60.
La diferencia principal, explicó Hernández, es que ahora el
proyecto es mucho más grande y
tiene más recursos, incluyendo
un número telefónico a dónde la
gente se puede comunicar y una
plataforma digital más amplia y
“Técnicamente, cualquier consumidor en el área de Telemundo,
que incluye 33 condados, puede
de la tercera edad y discapacitada
que no puede usar una banqueta
que frecuentan porque el concreto
está despedazado.
“La banqueta es responsabilidad de la ciudad de San Antonio”,
indicó Hernández. “Se necesita
renovar la banqueta para que esta
familia pueda trasladarse porque
ellos usan caminadores y sillas
de ruedas y ni siquiera hay una
El equipo de Telemundo Res­
ponde realizó una petición a
través de los conductos adecuados a la Ciudad de San Antonio.
Al principio no recibieron una
respuesta, pero la Ciudad ya está
tomando cartas en el asunto.
Para reportar su queja puede
marcar al (210)-568-0160 o pue­
Acción Texas...
recibir préstamos de instituciones bancarias.
Sin embargo, con la expansión de la organización, la
demografía de los clientes ha
“En estados como Alabama
y Arkansas, la comunidad que
es la minoría no es la comunidad que habla español”, indicó
Según encuestas realizadas
por LiftFund, 60 porciento de
sus clientes son hispanos, 19
porciento son afroamericanos
y 16 porciento son caucásicos.
Típicamente, los clientes de
LiftFund tienen un ingreso
económico bajo de lo normal.
El nuevo logo, completamente
en inglés, usa los colores azul y
verde para deletrear Lift mientras que la palabra Fund está un
poco elevada y escrita en gris.
Lift significa levantar y Fund se
traduce a un fondo monetario.
“Durante los últimos 20 años
hemos levantado a personas que
tienen acceso limitado a dinero
para darles una oportunidad para
que logren sus sueños”, expresó
Janie Barrera, presidenta de la
organización. “Hemos combinado dos palabras para fomentar
un fuerte sentido de lo que hace­
mos todos los días”.
Actualmente, la organización
les proporciona préstamos desde
$500 a $250,000 a empresas
pequeñas. Además, la agencia
está asociada con U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA)
para proveer préstamos de hasta
$5.5 millones.
La organización también ofre­
ce consejería y educación financiera para ayudar a empresarios
a lanzar, cultivar y a dirigir su
propio negocio al igual que a
ayudarlos a establecer y mantener un buen crédito.
“La diferencia entre hace
20 años y ahora es que ahora
tenemos la capacidad de trabajar con dueños de empresas
pequeñas en cualquier etapa
que estén”, expresó Barrera.
“Hemos acogido este nuevo
nombre y estamos comprometidos a continuar nuestro
servicio en las comunidades
donde vivimos porque es nuestra
meta y nuestra misión continuar
creando el camino al éxito para
empresarios por muchos años
más”, añadió.
Desde su incepción en 1994,
Acción Texas –ahora LiftFund–
La Prensa
de ingresar a www.telemundosanantonio/responde para llenar
un formulario.
La cadena Telemundo expandirá el proyecto y establecerá
unidades adicionales en las estaciones en Chicago, Phoenix,
Tucson y Puerto Rico este año.
Más cambios
Muy pronto la periodista Arlena Amaro será la co-presentadora
de Noticias Telemundo 60 de
lunes a viernes a las 4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m. y las 10 p.m.
“Arlena Amaro es una perio­
dista de primer nivel que tiene
mucha experiencia y ya pronto
va a estar al aire acompañando
a Alex Hernández como co-presentadora”, expresó Hernández.
Según estudios que la cadena
ha realizado, la comunidad hispanoparlante recibe mejor las
noticias cuando los presentadores
son representativos del sexo masculino y femenino.
“Aunque Alex ha hecho un
trabajo fenomenal, nos faltaba la
otra mitad”, explicó Hernández.
“Queríamos darle un balance a
la noticia y algo que trae Arlena
Amaro es su habilidad de decir
las noticias con mucha pasión y
mucha experiencia”.
Amaro viene de Univisión
23 Miami donde desempeñó su
papel como reportera y como co­
rresponsal de Noticiero Univisión
Edición Nocturna y Despierta
América del 2010 al 2014.
(viene de la página 1-A)
Con mucho entusiasmo y orgullo, Janie Barrera, presidenta de Accion Texas, afirmó que la
organización oficialmente ha cambiado de nombre a LiftFund. (Foto, Natalie Bobadilla)
ha realizado casi 15,000 préstaPara más información sobre grese a El
mos y ha prestado más de $180 la organización y sus servicios 30 de enero la página de Internet
marque al 888- 215- 2373 o in- cambiará a
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negocios & finanzas
18 de enero de 2015
business & finance
Foodies Rejoice! S.A. Restaurant Week has arrived
By Lea Thompson
It may be cold outside, but San
Antonio’s culinary scene is heating up for Culinaria’s first winter
edition of Restaurant Week
From Jan. 19 to 24, more than
50 local restaurants will offer a
prix-fixe menu which features a
special three-course lunch and
dinner, with two price tiers.
Diners can enjoy the best of San
Antonio’s culinary scene with
$10 lunches and $25 dinners at
mid-range restaurants, or $15
lunches and $35 dinner options at
high-end establishments.
“I think San Antonio is quickly
catching up with the bigger cities
in the country,” Patrick Bean,
the general manager of Bob’s
Steak & Chop House said. “San
Antonio is becoming a place for
great food, and Restaurant Week
is great because it allows so many
people to try new places and explore what our chefs are doing.”
New and established restaurants offer diners a chance to
experience the city’s food revolution first hand all week long.
Visitors can enjoy restaurants
at their best, with options like
filet mignon and Atlantic salmon
at Bob’s Bob’s Steak & Chop
House, or small mixed plate options at FEAST.
Chef Stefan Bowers of FEAST
looks forward to showing visitors
the variety and creativity in San
Antonio’s restaurants again, after
a successful run during a Restaurant Week in August 2014.
“I like the new customers
coming in, I think we get a lot of
people from up north for Restaurant Week,” Bowers said. “They
may never come back but we had
a lot of people come here and
say ‘this was incredible,’ ‘this is
a fantastic meal,’ and they were
the first-timers. That’s what I get
stoked on. When that happens, it’s
all worth it, and it happened a lot.”
Restaurants will donate $1
and $2 to Culinaria programs for
every meal specifically ordered
from the special menus during
Restaurant Week. Culinaria, a
nonprofit organization dedicated
to making San Antonio a food and
wine destination.
The organization is currently
working to create an urban farm
for local chefs to grow their own
produce, while teaching the community where their food comes
“The idea for the farm came
out of the spirit of having a place
could not live anywhere else.”
The store will provide for a
whole new set of memories for
the Martinez’s. It has an all-new
deli, bakery, floral department and
pharmacy that offers drive-thru
services and delivery for those who
order two or more prescriptions,
according to H-E-B spokesperson
Kim Harle.
Additionally, the store has an
expanded beer and wine selection;
a produce section with organic
selections and fresh juice station;
and expanded meat and seafood
Culinaria’s Restaurant Week begins Jan. 19 and ends on Jan. 24. (Courtesy photo)
where we can educate the public
It’s really us taking a look at grow their own gardens, no matter
on what farm to table really is,” the food culture and educating where they live.”
Suzanne Taranto-Etheredge, Cu- first, San Antonians, but also
Restaurants recommend that
linaria’s president and CEO said. giving kids the tools they need to diners make direct reservations
(continued from page 1-A)
“I’ve never seen a store like this,
even on the Northside. We got ‘em
beat,” Martinez joked.
Part of the reason Martinez has
never seen a store like this is because they don’t exist in Texas. The
two-story design has been used in
Mexico, but it’s the first ever built
in Texas.
H-E-B used a model similar
to stores built in Mexico because
they were landlocked, according
to Harle. The multi-level approach
allows for shoppers to park on the
first level and do their shopping
on the second level. “Travelators,”
similar to escalators, and elevators
will take shoppers and their carts
from the first-floor to the secondfloor.
One thing that hasn’t changed
about the Martinez’s H-E-B is the
iconic façade built in 1945.
“I was hoping they would keep
it,” Martinez said. “I would pass
by here when they were knocking
down the old store down, and I noticed it was still intact. I said ‘good
idea.’ They kept the old interesting
look that I remember as a child.”
The new Nogalitos store officially opened Friday.
to avoid long waits and hungry
crowds. For a complete list of participating restaurants and available menus, visit
18 de enero de 2015
7 propósitos para las personas que cuidan a otras con mucha eficacia
Por Dr. Jamie Huysman
1. ¡Tome su oxígeno primero!
Únase a un grupo de apoyo
para personas que cuidan a otras
y haga tiempo para participar en
otras actividades que compensen
sus deberes de cuidar a otra persona con las necesidades de su
propio cuerpo, mente y espíritu.
Es importante que usted tenga
un lugar donde desahogarse y
atender sus sentimientos. Sobre
todo, no olvide que usted es
2. Haga preguntas y consiga
las respuestas
Aprenda todo lo que pueda
acerca de la enfermedad principal y las condiciones por debajo
de esta que tenga la persona que
usted cuida. A la larga, el equipo
médico de su ser querido agradecerá el hecho de que usted está
informado y tal vez esté más dispuesto a compartir información
con usted.
3. Sea la persona a quien
Si usted es la persona principal que cuida a otra, avísele al
equipo médico de este individuo
que usted es la persona con quien
comunicarse cuando se trate
de su ser querido. El tener un
solo familiar principal a quien
dirigirse permite que usted sea
un intermediario eficaz entre
su familia y el equipo médico
de su ser querido. Si es posible,
organice reuniones o llamadas de
conferencia regulares con un trabajador social o administrador de
cuidados geriátricos para que los
otros familiares puedan expresar
sus preocupaciones.
4. Consiga la capacitación
que usted necesite
Si se espera que usted dé tratamientos médicos necesarios de
los cuales no tiene conocimiento
o que le harían sentirse inseguro al
darlos, tiene derecho a capacitarse
adds to
By Christina Kenny
Wednesday, the Arthritis
Foundation South Central Region announced the recent addition of Chris Nieto, Regional
Community Leadership Board
Member, to its national board of
The announcement was made
by Margaret Jackson, Chairman
of the Board of the Arthritis
Foundation South Central Region. The Arthritis Foundation
South Central Region serves
those living with arthritis, including four million Texans, 820,000
Oklahomans and 372,000 people
in New Mexico.
Nieto became involved with
the Arthritis Foundation following his daughter’s diagnosis with
Juvenile Arthritis at the age of 9
months old. His family credits
the Foundation with helping
them with vital arthritis resources
and connecting them to other
families of children with arthritis.
Since joining the South Central
Region Board of Directors in
2012, Chris has been an outspoken champion of people living
with arthritis and has advocated
on their behalf across the region
and on Capitol Hill.
As president of Qobe Group,
Nieto has provided professional
and leadership training experiences throughout the United
States for nearly 20 years. His
passion is creating interactive
and engaging environments for
people to discover their natural
talents, identify growth opportunities, and amplify their skills
to have a greater impact in their
personal and professional lives.
Nieto formed Qobe Group, a
company that develops platforms
See Arthritis Foundation
on page 7-A
para que sepa cómo. Nunca tenga aspecto de cuidar a una persona
vergüenza cuando pida ayuda que más afecta la calidad de vida
nunca. Por ser el eje central de de la persona que usted cuida
la atención de largo plazo en los (y su propia tranquilidad). A la
Estados Unidos, la Ley de Ser- mayoría de nosotros no nos gusta
vicios Médicos Asequibles tiene si no podemos hacer las cosas
una estipulación precisamente sin ayuda. El hecho de tener que
para esto.
depender de otras personas para
5. Hable con su ser querido
nuestras necesidades básicas
Pasar un tiempo agradable con puede volver a algunas personas
alguien que
está enfermo es un totalmente
11:04 yAMdifíciles
acto de bondad deliberado. Es el de tratar. Usted puede ayudar a
su ser querido a aceptar más la
situación al tratarlo con bondad y
respeto, ¡sobre todo cuando le esté
sacando de quicio! Dígale que no
está solo y anímelo a lo largo de
todo el camino.
6. Pida ayuda cuando la
Dependa de su grupo de apoyo.
Así como su ser querido no está
solo, usted tampoco lo está. Usted
no es una isla. No se aparte. Use
todos los recursos que tenga a su
alcance para ayudarle. ¿No tiene
un grupo de apoyo? Pues ahora
le toca hacer uno.
7. Viva su vida
Su vida no se acaba cuando
empieza a cuidar a otra persona,
simplemente cambia. Cuidar a un
ser querido enfermo, delicado o
discapacitado no es la única obra
de su vida. Puede ser la que está
haciendo en este momento, pero
no es ni el todo ni lo último que
definirá quién es usted. Su vida es
lo que usted hace de ella; ¡tome
decisiones con sabiduría!
El Dr. Jamie Huysman es un
psicoterapeuta renombrado y
autor de varios libros sobre el
cuidado de personas, incluyendo
Take Your Oxygen First. El doctor es Vicepresidente de Asuntos
del Proveedor en WellMed Medical Management.
18 de enero de 2015
Armando califica para recibir ayuda
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Estamos aquí para ayudar.
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Fuente: Commonwealth Fund. Abril – Junio 2014
18 de enero de 2015
Make a “PACT” to prevent birth defects Alzheimer’s Association provides
By Cheryl Weise
January 2015 is National Birth
Defects Prevention Month. The
theme for 2015 is: “Making
Healthy Choices to Prevent Birth
Defects—Make a PACT for Prevention.”
• Plan Ahead—get
as healthy as possible before becoming pregnant
• Avoid harmful
drinking alcohol and
smoking, harmful
work exposures
• Choose a healthy
lifestyle—diet, activity and control medical conditions
• Talk to your doctor—get
early prenatal care, take prenatal
vitamins and discuss medications
Are you thinking about getting pregnant? Are you already
pregnant? Is this your first baby?
There is a program in Bexar
County that pairs a first time, low
income mother in her pregnancy
with a highly trained BSN prepared registered nurse. It is free
to those who are eligible. It’s
called Nurse-Family Partnership.
One of the important goals of
this program is healthy outcomes
for pregnant women and their
babies. If you’re in this program,
your nurse will work with you to
decrease the risks and chances of
having a baby with a birth defect.
A birth defect is a physical or
biochemical abnormality that is
present at birth and that may be
inherited or the result of environmental influence.
Every 4 ½ minutes a baby is
born with a birth defect. One in
every 33 babies is born with a
birth defect. About 120,000 babies are affected by birth defects
each year in the United States.
They are the most common cause
of death in infants and the second
most common cause of death in
children aged one to four years.
The health of a woman prior to
pregnancy can affect the risk of
a child with a birth defect. Most
people are unaware of how common, costly and critical birth defects are in the US or that many
are preventable. Small steps, like
making healthy choices, visiting
a healthcare provider, controlling your weight through healthy
diet, activity and taking a multivitamin every day can all play a
role in preventing or decreasing
the risk of birth defects.
Nurse-Family Partnership
(NFP) is an evidence-based,
community health program that
serves low-income women pregnant with their first child. It is a
life-transforming partnership,
for the mom and her child.
Nurse-Family Partnership helps
families — and the communities
they live in — become stronger
while saving money
for state, local and
federal governments.
The Children’s
Shelter is an implementing agency for
one of 20 active
Nurse-Family Partnership programs in
Texas. At NFP with
The Children’s Shelter, we pair a highly trained BSN
prepared registered nurse with a
first-time mother to work with
her from pregnancy until her
child turns two years old.
To learn more about birth
defects, and/or The Nurse-Family Partnership program at The
Children’s Shelter, please call
210.212.2534 or contact Cheryl
Weise, Nurse Supervisor, at
The Children’s Shelter and
Nurse-Family Partnership join
with March of Dimes, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and
the National Birth Defects Prevention Network by participating
in this promotion.
Cheryl Weise is a nurse supervisor for The Children’s Shelter
Nurse-Family Partnership Program.
Arthritis Foundation...
to advance human capital within leadership development with a
organizations, companies, and focus on effective communicacommunities. His emphasis tion. A seasoned, professional
through Qobe has always been to speaker, Nieto actively engages
identify opportunities for growth the audience to create an optimal
versus focusing only on problems experience.
or challenges. This ensures that
Coming from a family history
training initiatives are designed of community involvement, beto make learning and develop- ginning with his grandparents
ment meaningful.
serving as Park Directors in
Since 1996, Nieto
for 25
Ad - Health
thousands of presentations on father’s non-profit, The National
Hispanic Institute (NHI), Nieto
remains active in his community
by serving on numerous community Advisory Councils, including the ACC Hays Campus Advisory Board. Nieto also serves
as a National Board Member for
the Juvenile Arthritis Alliance
Leadership Group, and continues
to volunteer with NHI.
“We xare10.5”,
to welcome
Chris as our new board member
legal and financial help
The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease makes planning for the
future more important than ever.
Concerns about care provision
and programs that can help offset
costs mean that families need accurate information about legal and
financial planning specific to the
disease. To assist our community,
the Alzheimer’s Association, San
Antonio and South Texas Chapter,
offers free Legal and Financial
Planning Classes.
The Alzheimer’s Association’s
Legal and Financial Planning
Classes are conducted by trained
experts in their field (lawyers and
CPAs) who have joined with the
effects of the Alzheimer’s Association to assist those dealing with this
extremely complex and expensive
disease. The classes cover information for families and individuals
dealing with Alzheimer’s disease
or a related dementia. This is an interactive two-part program where
you will have a chance to learn
about important legal and financial
issues to consider, how to put plans
in place, and how to access legal
and financial resources near you.
“The attendees who come to
these classes clearly want to be
there. They are in the middle
of complex issues dealing with
dementia for their loved ones”,
said Spencer Brown, Legal and
Financial Education Instructor.
“This program is a tremendous as-
set and need as dementia becomes
more prevalent.”
Topics covered in the classes
include: making legal plans that
fit your needs; legal documents
you’ll need and what they mean
for all of you; how to find legal
and financial assistance; practical
strategies for making a long-term
plan of care; tax deductions and
credits; and government programs
that can help pay for care. The goal
of the program is to help attendants
to better understand and manage
the legal and financial issues that
may impact them as a result of
Alzheimer’s disease.
“The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease or another type of dementia makes planning for the future
more important than ever,” said
Margaret Barron, the Executive
Director for the Alzheimer’s Association, San Antonio and South
Texas Chapter. “Funds from the
Texas Bar Foundation will assist the Chapter in establishing
much-needed classes on Legal
and Financial support available to
individuals and families affected
by Alzheimer’s disease.”
Funding for the Legal and Financial Education Classes in Bexar
County was funded by the Texas
Bar Foundation. Since its inception
in 1965, the Texas Bar Foundation
has awarded more than $15 million
in grants to law-related programs.
Supported by members of the
(continued from page 5-A)
to the Arthritis Foundation,”
Jackson said. He has demonstrated unwavering support for
the Arthritis Foundation’s mission, he will provide dynamic
leadership for our organization.
Chris will also bring a fresh regional perspective to the national
board, as well be a voice for children and families with Juvenile
The work of the Arthritis
Foundation South Central Region supports the organization’s
fight against arthritis, the nation’s most common cause of
disability. Currently, 53 million
Americans (one in five) are living
with arthritis pain every minute of every day. The Arthritis
Foundation leads initiatives to
support research to find a cure,
provide public health/educational programs for those who
have arthritis, and continue its
advocacy efforts throughout the
South Central Region and across
the U.S.
State Bar of Texas, the Texas Bar
Foundation is the nation’s largest
charitably-funded bar foundation.
Alzheimer’s disease is a growing epidemic and is now the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death.
As baby boomers age, the number
of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease will rapidly escalate,
increasing well beyond today’s
more than 5.2 million Americans
living with Alzheimer’s. In Texas
alone, there are 330,000 people
living with Alzheimer’s.
Experts are available to take
calls from individuals concerned
with their own cognitive health, as
well as from family members and
friends concerned about a family
member and seeking resources.
The Alzheimer’s Association
is the world’s leading voluntary
health organization in Alzheimer’s
care, support and research. Our
mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research, to provide and
enhance care and support for all
affected, and to reduce the risk of
dementia through the promotion of
brain health. Our vision is a world
without Alzheimer’s.
Anyone with questions about
Alzheimer’s disease or for more
information on Legal and Financial Planning Classes, contact the
Alzheimer’s Association (800)
272-3900 or visit
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18 de enero de 2015
soluciones 2015
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Datos de Nutrición
Porción por envase
Grasa Total
Grasa Saturada
Grasa Trans
Carbohidratos Totales
La cantidad de producto en una porción.
La información de la etiqueta alimenticia se basa en el tamaño de una sola porción.
Un producto “bajo en calorías” contiene 40 calorías o menos por porción;
100 calorías es considerado moderado y 400 calorías por porción como alto en calorías.
Se considera baja una porción de 20mg o menos.
Se recomienda un total de menos de 300mg por día.
Un alimento bajo en sodio tiene 14mg o menos por porción.
El valor diario recomendado del consumo de fibra es de 25 gramos. Opta por alimentos que provean un 10% o
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Se encuentra en una amplia variedad de alimentos incluyendo granos enteros, frijoles, nueces, lácteos sin
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Recetas nutritivas, consejos y más para todos los presupuestos.
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18 de enero 2015
Week In
Scorpions ink nike deal
Cowboys resign coaches
“Nike has been an outstanding partner
with us since our first season in 2012,”
said Team President Howard Cornfield.
“We’re very pleased that we’ll be associated with one of the most iconic
brands not only in sports, but in the entire business world, for years to come.”
The Dallas Cowboys have resigned
coached Jason Garrett, Rod Marinelli,
and Scott Linehan this week. As of
Thursday, it was expected coach Bill
Callahan would not rejoin the Cowboys.
Now they must focus their efforts on
players like Dez Bryant and DeMarco
Murray, among others.
set to host
By Jessica Duran
Just four more weekends until we see not only the most
anticipated commercials of the
year, but also the most anticipated
game of the NFL season, which
is none other than the NFL Super
For football players and coaches, this grand stage is what many
work their entire lives to compete
and be victorious. Many want to
hold up the infamous Lombardi
Trophy, but only one team can
stand above the rest and call
themselves Super Bowl Champions.
Four teams are left in the NFL
playoffs looking to play in Phoenix, Ariz. where Super Bowl
XLIX will be held this year.
Those four teams are the Seattle
Seahawks, Green Bay Packers,
New England Patriots, and the
Indianapolis Colts.
For the NFC title the Packers
will face the Seahawks in Seattle,
home of the “12th Man,” on
Sunday with a 3:05 p.m. kickoff
on FOX. The Packers lost to the
Seahawks in Week 1 of the NFL
season 36-16.
Packers quarterback Aaron
Rodgers is still recovering and
pushing through his calf injury.
Despite the drawbacks and limitations due to his injury, Rodgers
continues to step up and provide
leadership to his team.
Rodgers told the media following the Packers against the
Dallas Cowboys this past Sunday,
“I think I’ve got 120 minutes of
football left in me,” also stating
that he was going to do everything
he could so that he can play every
minute. Rodgers is going to have
to give it his all against Seattle’s
powerhouse defense.
To leave with no excuses and
surprise Seattle, the Packers
cannot show fear of safety Kam
Chancellor, and the highly outspoken cornerback Richard Sherman. Rookie wide receiver for the
Packers Davante Adams showed
young strength to shed tackles
in the previous game against the
Cowboys. The Packers might
look to match him up with Sherman, just another cornerback with
a loud mouth (sorry Seahawks
Coming off a win against the
Carolina Panthers, the Seahawks
will look to use their momentum
to beat the Packers. With Rodgers
very limited, look for Seattle’s
defensive line to get a shot at
him and running back Marshawn
Lynch to run over the Packers
In the AFC, the Patriots are
coming off a thrilling victory
against the Ravens. Although
many would say that more so the
Ravens lost than the Patriots lost,
Patriots quarterback Tom Brady
played at his highest level.
See divisional on page 2-B
By Stephen Sanchez
Contributing Writer
Tim Duncan, alero titular y capitán de los Spurs, se encuentra contento por la gran defensiva que han venido desempeñando sus
compañeros. En la acción, que es admirada por el entrenador Gregg Popovich, el capitán Duncan con su experiencia logró quitarse
la marca del poste Alex Len y del guardia P.J. Tucker de los Suns de Phoenix. (Foto, Franco)
Defensiva saca de apuros a los Spurs
Por José I. Franco
De acuerdo al entrenador
en jefe Gregg Popovich, los
Spurs se han sobrepuesto en los
marcadores adversos gracias
a su efectiva estrategia en la
Prueba de ello fue el cerrado
partido que el pentacampeón de
la NBA sostuvo ante el visitante
Suns de Phoenix, que los contuvo
por buen tiempo con una ventaja
de 12 puntos.
Spurs, por consiguiente, en el
cuarto periodo logró contener los
ataques del alero P.J. Tucker, el
escolta Goran Dragic, el guardia
Eric Bledsoe, y los escoltas
suplentes Isaiah Thomas y Gerard
Green, que fueron anulados en
sus ofensivos ataques.
Con 41 unidades los Spurs
pudieron doblegar a Suns en el
cuarto periodo en el que solo
pudieron fabricar 26 puntos.
San Antonio se alzó con la
victoria por pizarra de 100 a 95
en partido que tuvo duración de
2 horas con 20 minutos.
El triunfo ante Suns fue la
victoria número de 22 de los
Spurs que –con 16 descalabros–
sumaron 38 partidos,
aproximándose a la primera
mitad del rol regular que es de
41 partidos.
La temporada regular de la
NBA 2014-15 consiste de 82
partidos, con 41 en calidad de
local y 41 de gira.
“Spurs pudo superar a los Suns
en el último cuarto porque jugó
excelente defensiva. Phoenix
hizo bastantes tiros al aro sin
concretarlos. Por nuestra parte
todo salió a la perfección:
se logró encontrar la canasta
fallándose una mínima cantidad
de tiros al aro. La energía de
nuestros jugadores superó el
resultado del partido, se jugó
consistente agresividad y un
buen baloncesto. El cierre fue
perfecto en la defensiva, se
defendió el área chica y hubo
buen número de rebotes a nuestro
favor. Le doy bastante crédito a
todo el equipo que impuso su
estilo de juego defensivo sobre
la duela”, expresó el timonel
El capitán y delantero titular
Tim Duncan sin quedarse atrás
reconoció el trabajo defensivo
de sus compañeros, destacando el
trabajo de Popovich y su equipo de
entrenadores, que en cada partido
los han venido acomodando
con diferentes rotaciones en las
que sorpresivamente combinan
jugadores titulares con suplentes.
La banca (suplentes)
encabezada por el sexto hombre,
el guardia argentino Manu
Ginóbili, desde la temporada
2013-14 se ha destacado como
la mejor en el circuito de la
NBA por su promedio de puntos
anotados por cotejo, el cual no ha
bajado en la presente campaña en
la que siguen aportando entre 40
y 50 puntos por partido. Prueba
de ello fue el partido contra Suns
en el que los suplentes aportaron
40 unidades por 33 de Phoenix.
Imperó la aportación del guardia
australiano Patty Mills con 4
Vea los Spurs en la pág 2-B
For the first time in the Alamodome’s 22-year history, it will host
an international friendly between
the U.S. Men’s National Team and
Mexico, U.S. Soccer announced
The exhibition is set for April 15,
the day before Fiesta officially kicks
off, and is expected to draw a sellout
crowd of 65,000.
The match is scheduled to begin
at 7:30 p.m. and will be broadcast
live on FOX Sports 1, UniMas and
Univision Deportes Network.
Tickets go on sale Friday, Jan.
30, at 10 a.m. CT, according to a
In January of 2014, the Alamodome hosted a Mexico-Korea international friendly, which brought
a crowd of over 54,000.
The U.S. Men’s National Team
was scheduled to play Columbia inside the Alamodome last September
until a verbal agreement fell through.
The match is not a FIFA fixture
date, meaning most Europe-based
players won’t be available to play.
The U.S. begins its 2015 campaign on Wednesday, Jan. 28, with
a match against Chile at Estadio El
Teniente in Rancagua, Chile.
Qualifying for the 2018 World
Cup starts with a pair of matches
from Nov. 7-17.
UTSA announces addition of two more junior college transfers
Courtesy of UTSA Athletics
Head football coach Larry
Coker announced the addition
of two more junior college transfers to his program on Thursday.
Defensive end Ben Kane (West
Covina, Calif./South Hills HS/
Citrus [Calif.] JC) and defensive tackle Vontrell Williams
(Chicago, Ill./Mount Carmel
HS/Illinois/Butler [Kan.] CC)
both signed National Letters of
Intent and are scheduled to begin
attending classes next week.
"We are excited to add Ben
and Vontrell to our junior college recruiting class," Coker
said. "Both players had outstanding seasons a year ago
and we are looking forward to
them to joining our program for
spring drills."
Kane is coming off a sophomore season that saw him
record 57 tackles, including
four for loss and two sacks, in
10 games for head coach Ron
Ponciano. As a freshman in
2013, he racked up 31 stops,
three TFLs and 2.5 sacks in
nine contests. The 6-foot-4,
240-pounder was a three-year
prep starter who earned firstteam All-Sierra League and
second-team All-San Gabriel
Valley honors as a senior.
Williams saw action in nine
games this past season and he
registered 39 tackles, 2.5 TFLs
and 1.5 sacks. He also blocked
a kick for the Grizzlies, who
were coached by Troy Morrell. The 6-foot-2, 325-pounder
originally began his career at
Illinois, but he did not play in
2013 after sitting out the previous campaign as a redshirt.
Williams was named to the
2012SuperPrep Midwest team
and also tabbed second-team
all-state (Chicago Tribune) after accumulating 39 stops and
15 sacks as a senior. He helped
lead his high school team to
the 2011 Chicago Prep Bowl
Championship and also played
in the 2010 Illinois Class 8A
Championship Game.
The pair joins La’Kel Bass
(St. Louis, Mo./Christian Brothers HS/New Mexico Military
Institute/Hutchinson [Kan.]
CC), Jonathan Tuiolosega (Seaside, Calif./Seaside HS/Monterey [Calif.] Peninsula JC)
and Corbin White (Nettleton,
Miss./Nettleton HS/Northeast
Mississippi JC), who all signed
National Letters of Intent last
The UTSA Roadrunners continue to add to their roster. (Photo, Kristian Jaime)
La Prensa de San Antonio
18 de enero 2015
Hugo Sanchéz firmó
con ESPN Deportes
Especial para La Prensa
Como parte del undécimo
aniversario de ESPN Deportes,
celebrado recientemente, la
cadena anunció formalmente la
integración de Hugo Sánchez
al equipo de reconocidos
Considerado como el mejor
jugador en la historia del
fútbol mexicano, Sánchez se
integrará a ESPN Deportes
para fungir como analista de la
programación Fútbol Picante y
otras plataformas de importantes
competencias en el balompié
Sánchez debutó en las
programaciones de ESPN
durante la cobertura de noticias e
información de la Copa Mundial
de la FIFA en Brasil 2014, donde
participó como analista invitado.
El legendario exjugador
ahora se reintegra al canal y así
participará regularmente en el
Fútbol Picante por lo menos dos
veces por semana. También será
parte esencial en la cobertura
de la liga mexicana y las
participaciones internacionales
de la selección nacional.
“Estoy muy contento de
regresar a la mesa Picante y ser
parte de la cobertura de ESPN del
fútbol mexicano e internacional
al lado del gran equipo de
expertos, contribuyendo a la
discusión, ofreciendo mi análisis
y experiencia dentro y fuera de
la cancha”, dijo Sánchez.
La integración de Sánchez a
Fútbol Picante eleva aún más al
reconocido equipo de analistas,
exjugadores y periodistas en la
televisión deportiva que incluye
a José Ramón Fernández,
Roberto Gómez Junco, Luis
Roberto Alves “Zague”, Jared
Borgetti, Paco de Anda, Rafa
Puente, Heriberto Murrieta, Ciro
Procuna, Héctor Huerta, Ángel
García Toraño y Felipe Ramos
Hugo Sánchez es considerado
por mucho tiempo como el
mejor jugador mexicano de
fútbol. Fue parte del equipo
nacional Azteca por gran parte
de su carrera y participó en tres
Copas Mundiales. Fue el máximo
anotador en la Liga de España
por cinco temporadas; ganó
una Bota de Oro europea y fue
nombrado uno de los mejores
once jugadores de todos los
tiempos en el Real Madrid.
Sánchez comenzó su carrera
de fútbol a una edad muy
temprana. Jugó para el equipo
nacional mexicano en los Juegos
Panamericanos en 1976 y luego
en las Olimpiadas del 1976.
Luego de haber jugado en 80
partidos internacionales, a sus
18 años de edad Sánchez firmó
como un jugador juvenil para los
Pumas de la UNAM. Dos años y
26 goles más tarde, se convirtió
en el máximo anotador de la
Primera División de México.
Luego de cinco temporadas
exitosas en México y 99 goles
a su nombre, Sánchez firmó
con el Atlético de Madrid en el
1981. En el 1985 fichó con el
Real Madrid donde ganó cinco
campeonatos consecutivos de
la Liga (desde 1985-86 hasta el
1989-90), la Copa del Rey en el
1989 y la Copa de la UEFA en
el 1986.
En 1992, Sánchez regresó a su
natal México por una temporada,
ganando la Champions Cup
de la CONCACAF con el club
América. Luego jugó con una
variedad de clubes en España,
Austria y los Estados Unidos
antes de retirarse en el 1997.
Unos años después de su retiro,
Sánchez comenzó su carrera
como técnico con los Pumas
de UNAM donde ganó d o s
campeonatos, antes de una
movida breve al Club Necaxa.
Luego sirvió como director
técnico del equipo nacional
mexicano desde el 2006 hasta
el 2008.
Clash of CONCACAF rivals
will be first U.S. Men’s National Team match in San Antonio
on Wednesday, April 15, 2015,
when it takes on longtime rival
México, presented by AT&T
at the Alamodome at 7:30 p.m.
Central Time.
The match will be broadcast
live on FOX Sports 1, UniMás
and Univisión Deportes Network. Fans can also follow the
match live on Twitter @ussoccer and @ussoccer esp.
Tickets will go on sale to the
public Friday, January 30, at 10
a.m. CT through,
by phone at 1-800-745-3000 and
at all Ticketmaster ticket centers
throughout San Antonio, as well
as the Alamodome ticket office
(open Monday-Friday 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m.)
Groups of 30 or more can
obtain an order form at or call 312-528-1290.
Ultimate Fan Tickets (special
VIP packages that include a
premium ticket, a custom-made
official U.S. National Team
jersey with name and number,
VIP access to the field before
and after the game, and other
unique benefits) are also available exclusively through
The U.S. and México will
meet for the first time since both
teams advanced to the Round of
16 at last summer’s FIFA World
Cup. The previous friendly
between the teams was a 2-2
draw in front of 59,066 fans on
April 2, 2014, at University of
Phoenix Stadium in Glendale,
San Antonio’s Alamodome
previously hosted U.S. Soccer
when the Women’s National
Team won 4-0 against Australia
on October 20, 2013. Despite it
being the first U.S. MNT visit
San Antonio, the team is no
stranger to the state of Texas.
The game in April will be the
team’s 19th game in the state of
The Patriots defense held their
ground but thanks to Ravens
quarterback Joe Flacco’s terrible
decisions late in the game, the
Patriots defense made huge momentum changing plays. Look for
the Patriots to do the same to their
next opponent, the Colts.
The Colts played against future
hall of fame quarterback Peyton
Manning and the Denver Broncos.
Manning played like a high school
junior varsity player against the
Colts defense.
Perhaps, he put too much pressure on himself, perhaps not. Whatever the case may be, the Broncos
simply did not step up and show the
same dominance they previously
had last season.
Colts quarterback Andrew Luck
looks to go to his first appearance
in a Super Bowl as well as an AFC
Championship game. As for Brady,
he is no stranger to AFC Championships and the Super bowl.
Los Spurs...
puntos. El guardia canadiense
Cory Joseph finalizó con 11
unidades, seguido por Ginóbili
con 4, el alero y el poste francés
Boris Diaw hizo 9. El delantero
y central Jeff Ayres aportó 5,
Matt Bonner delantero y poste
en más de nueve minutos de
acción con perfecto 2 de 2 tiros
triples contribuyó al triunfo con
6 puntos.
“Estoy contento porque Pop en
este partido logró acomodar una
rotación defensiva, especialmente
en el cuarto periodo en el
que estábamos por debajo del
marcador por diez puntos. A la
cancha entraron compañeros con
bastante energía física y ello fue
lo que nos ayudó a contrarrestar
el marcador”, expresó Duncan.
El capitán con énfasis se
expresó agradecido con el
trabajo defensivo que ha venido
realizando el guardia canadiense
Cory Joseph, quien se ha puesto
a la altura relevando al guardia
francés en calidad de jugador
“Joseph continúa desarrollando
sus habilidades. Él simplemente
continúa trabajando duro en su
estilo defensivo y en la ofensiva.
Cory en los dos años anteriores
no tuvo las oportunidades
que ahora se le han venido
Texas since 1988, and the fifth
against México in the Lone Star
State. The U.S. MNT has previously played in Arlington, Dallas,
Frisco, Fort Worth, Houston and
The U.S. begins its 2015 campaign on Wednesday, January
28, with a match against Chile at
Estadio El Teniente in Rancagua,
Chile (6 p.m. ET, FOX Sports 2,
UniMás, UDN). Following the
game in South America, the U.S.
returns to host Panama on Sunday
February 8, in a 1 p.m. PT kickoff
at StubHub Center in Carson,
The game against México
comes 15 days after the U.S.
closes out a two-game trip to Europe that includes games against
Denmark on March 25 (3 p.m.
ET, ESPN2, UniMás, UDN) and
Swithzerland on March 31 (12
p.m. ET, FOX Sports 1, UniMás,
2 for Tuesday
Buy one ticket, get one free!
presentando, ha sido paciente
para ser llamado a la titularidad
o en acción de breves minutos.
La oportunidad para él se ha
presentado por sí sola y se ha
dedicado a repartir balones y a
burlar rivales anotando de forma
espectacular. Claro que Cory
seguirá aprendiendo en nuestro
sistema de juego, estoy orgulloso
de él porque sigue haciendo un
excelente trabajo en la defensiva.
Joseph nos ha demostrado que
tiene potencial para jugar en esta
liga y seguir desarrollando su
estilo de juego que es bastante
productivo” añadió el capitán
Hugo Sánchez firmó contrato con la influyente cadena deportiva
ESPN Deportes, donde estará narrando sus experiencias y
analizando el balompié internacional en la programación Fútbol
Picante y otras plataformas de ESPN. (Foto, EFE)
With experience on Brady and
the Patriots’ side, Luck and the
Colts are a strong underdog and
are hopeful to bring another championship home for the Colts organization.
As the Super Bowl draws even
closer, the four teams look to push
through this week and be one step
closer to holding the Lombardi
Trophy in Phoenix.
And as your weekly reminder, in
case you forgot, “Go Pack Go!”
(Viene de pág. 1-B)
U.S. vs. El Tri in San Antonio
Special to La Prensa
Divisional ...(Continued from 1-B)
at pm
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and a FREE Poster!
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For tickets call 444-5554 or visit Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster ticket centers including H-E-B locations, online at or sarampage.
com (all Ticketmaster fees apply), by calling 225-TEAM, or at the AT&T Center Southeast Box
Office. Not valid with any other offer. Valid only while supplies last. Not valid on previously
purchased tickets. Seating based upon availability. Box Office hours are Monday thru
Friday, 8am until 6pm and weekend game days at 10am.
at pm
18 de enero 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio
Independiente y Pique Piratas vs. Águilas
empatados en puntos a morir por título
Por José I. Franco
Este domingo 18 de enero el club
Independiente se enfrentará en el
clásico entre punteros en el Amistad
Park al duro rival El Valle de San
Luis, que es el actual subcampeón en
la máxima división de la pionera Liga
Latina, que preside el señor Manuel
de la Rosa, con su segundo de abordo
el nazareno Alfredo Guajardo, quien
firma en la directiva como jefe de
El combate entre el Independiente
y El Valle está programado para
escenificarse en el horario de las
11 a.m.
Independiente con 16 puntos
comparte el liderato de la tabla
general con el plantel Pique F.C. que
cuenta con el líder de goleo Eduardo
“Guayo” Jinéz, quien tiene la friolera
cantidad de 16 tantos.
En el rol de juegos a celebrarse
en el Amistad Park a las 9 a.m. van
Los Chapines contra el Liberty. A la
1 p.m. Xolos tratará de parar al Pique
que, bajo la batuta de su cofundador y
director técnico Alberto “Malancas”
Ramírez, está pasando por buena
racha, prueba de ello son las 16
unidades que lo tienen empatado con
el Independiente.
A las 3 p.m. contenderán los
equipos La Raza de Laredo y el
Manchester, encuentro que promete
bastante acción porque ambos
equipos estarán buscando la victoria
para lograr retomar el vuelo en la
sexagésima sexta temporada invernal
que se está jugando con el formato de
la Copa MX.
En la cancha del Normoyle Park
(Culberson Street y Zarzamora St.) a
las 3 p.m. el clásico del suroeste se
lo estarán disputando las oncenas del
Veracruz y el excampeón Halcones
de don Carmelo Niño, que una
vez más estará depositándole su
confianza al artillero Juan “Cadillac”
Sánchez, quien se ha comprometido
a continuar colaborando en la
restructuración del plantel.
“Van a ver a un Halcones
diferente, será el equipo a vencer
ya que estaremos armándolo como
es nuestro sistema y meta, la de
ganar partidos y llegar a la liguilla
en cómoda posición”, comentó el
popular Cadillac Sánchez, quien es
catalogado como uno de los mejores
delanteros y preparadores en el
balompié regional independiente de
San Antonio.
En el partido mañanero (9 a.m.)
se miden el Real San Luis contra
Real Felinos.
A las 11 a.m. van Los Júniors
contra el campeón San Pablo, que
comanda su técnico y propietario
Pablo Rivera y su goleador y
delantero Diego Rivera.
A la 1 p.m. el club Real Azteca,
entrenado por su propietario
Armando Lares, irá por los dos
puntos ante los melenudos Leones
Rojos que andan de capa caída sin
poder retomar su paso triunfador,
ojalá el nuevo año los ubique por el
sendero del triunfo. “Independiente
no tendrá nada fácil su partido contra
El Valle, ambos van punteando
en la tabla general, por igual el
Pique que tiene de rival a los
Xolos, que bien pueden darle la
sorpresa. Independiente y Pique
se encuentran empatados con 16
puntos, por lo que de ganar, ambos
seguirán en el mismo escaño, por
lo que recomendamos a la afición
no perderse los partidos”, dijo
Por Sendero Deportivo
“Este domingo esperamos ver
coronarse al primer campeón de la
Liga Dominical Potranco. Piratas,
que lleva el primer ganado en serie
de tres partidos, se batirá a morir
contra Águilas de La Sauceda, que
bien puede remontar el vuelo y
forzar la serie al tercer encuentro”,
afirmó Juan Sánchez, coordinador
en jefe de la Liga Dominical
Potranco, que está por ver caer el
telón de la temporada dedicada
en memoria del beisbolista Ever
Gloria (QEPD).
La serie se ha alargado por
cuestiones de humedad sobre el
terreno de juego, por lo que este
domingo 18 de enero Sánchez
y directivos de ambos equipos
esperan ver un cambio en el clima,
que al parecer estará placentero
para que se juegue el rey de los
Piratas, que dirigen Sergio de
Luna y Francisco Cano, con su
lanzador estelar derecho Moisés
Montalvo celebraron la primera
victoria con pizarra de 9-0 carreras,
encuentro en el que Águilas de La
Sauceda bajo el timón de Benito
Martínez y Samuel Villarreal se
vieron en la necesidad de enviar a
la lomita de las responsabilidades
al lanzador abridor José Gómez y
los relevistas Arnoldo Farías e Iván
Maldonado, quien cerró el partido
que concluyó en blanqueada.
La esperanza para Águilas es
su lanzador estelar Iván de Anda,
quien se espera que esté dispuesto
para darle un buen empujón a
los de La Sauceda, ya que es
imperante verlo sobre la lomita de
los disparos.
Por su lado, Piratas tiene en
su departamento de pitcheo a los
descansados serpentineros Miguel
García, Ángel Medina, y al mismo
Moisés Montalvo, quienes están
ansiosos de retornar a la acción y
de una vez por todas ir con todo
para conseguir ganar el banderín
de campeón.
“Águilas confía en tener de nuevo
a nuestro lanzador estelar Iván de
Anda, sin descartar a nuestros
otros lanzadores, quienes estarán
listos para aportar su respaldo en el
segundo partido. Nuestra esperanza
es retomar el vuelo en lo que sigue,
ya que todo puede suceder, que
no se confíen los rivales porque
tenemos con que salir adelante”,
comentó el magnate Héctor Ibarra.
El segundo partido está
programado a jugarse en punto de
las 10 a.m.
Si la serie se empata el tercer
partido se jugará en el horario de
la 1 p.m. de acuerdo al coordinador
Sánchez, quien dijo a La Prensa
que al concluir la serie se premiará
con flamantes trofeos al campeón,
subcampeón, y al tercer lugar
Titanes. Así como también se
realizará la presentación de placas
de reconocimiento para el mejor
lanzador de la serie y al jugador
MVP, ambos recibirán placas
Moisés Montalvo, lanzador derecho de Piratas, con su blanqueada
ante Águilas de La Sauceda se perfila para llevarse los honores
del mejor pitcher en la serie de campeonato de Liga Dominical
Potranco. Montalvo en el primer partido ganó con pizarra de 9-0
carreras.(Foto, Franco)
Las acciones en el balompié independiente de la pionera Liga Latina retornan a la cancha del Normoyle Park donde este domingo 18 de enero se han programado cuatro interesantes partidos. La
foto corresponde al partido del campeón San Pablo contra Real Azteca. (Foto, Sendero Deportivo)
Si el clima lo permite, las acciones del béisbol sabatino veterano retornarán al legendario diamante
Colt 45 Baseball Field, sede de la Liga Regional Veteranos Carramán que preside su fundador y
beisbolista Gonzalo “Chalo” Carramán. Los aficionados podrán acudir a ver tres partidos que
regularmente se programan en los horarios de las 10 a.m. 12:45 p.m. y 3:30 p.m. En la foto aparecen el presidente Carramán premiando al magnate Roberto Garza, timonel y propietario del club
Broncos de Reynosa S.A. que se coronaron campeones en el torneo del Día de Acción de Gracias.
Broncos ahora en la segunda vuelta tratará de remontar el vuelo en su segunda opción y meta por
clasificarse al playoff de la temporada de otoño-invierno, dedicada a él y su esposa Linda Garza.
(Foto, Franco)
Package includes:
Game Ticket, Collectable Manu Ginobili
Poster, Hot Dog, Chips and Soda
El manager y propietario del club Cachorros de Nava, Alejandro “Rábano” Becerra (quinto de
izquierda), celebró la llegada del 2015 acompañado de fans de su equipo y del club Águilas de La
Sauceda que se encuentran disputando contra el rival Piratas el campeonato invernal en Liga
Dominical Potranco. “Doy gracias a nuestros jugadores, seguidores y familiares por el apoyo que
le dieron en el 2014 a los Cachorros. Deseamos que Águilas retome el vuelo y le de la voltereta a la
serie de campeonato”, dijo Becerra. (Foto, Sendero Deportivo)
Package includes:
Game Ticket, Collectable Cory Joseph
Poster, Hot Dog, Chips and Soda
*While supplies last. Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, including select
H-E-B Locations, online at (all Ticketmaster fees apply). Call 225-TEAM or at the
AT&T Center Southeast Box Office.
La Prensa de San Antonio
18 de enero 2015
Obama busca eliminar barreras al Big Give S.A unveils 2015 plans
acceso a Internet de banda ancha
By Scott McAninch
EFE - El presidente Barack
Obama presentó esta semana un
plan para acabar con las leyes
que impiden a ciudades y pueblos
de 19 estados del país el acceso
a Internet de alta velocidad, al
asegurar que la banda ancha “no
es un lujo, sino una necesidad”
para la creación de empleo y la
Obama desveló su propuesta
en una visita a la ciudad de Cedar
Falls (Iowa), en la que todos los
residentes tienen acceso a Internet
de alta velocidad gracias a la
inversión colectiva en una red de
fibra óptica.
Aunque el 98 por ciento de
los estadounidenses tienen
acceso a Internet con una banda
ancha básica, “45 millones de
estadounidenses no pueden
comprar una banda ancha de
última generación, que genera
conexiones seis o siete veces más
rápidas”, y solo “la mitad” de
quienes viven en zonas rurales
consiguen conectarse a esa
velocidad, dijo Obama.
“Hoy, una banda ancha de alta
velocidad no es un lujo, es una
necesidad” en una economía
donde buena parte de la creación
de empleo “depende de nuestra
capacidad de conectarnos, de
comprar, de hacer negocios
y aprender en línea, en el
ciberespacio”, añadió.
Diecinueve estados tienen
leyes que limitan la capacidad
de las comunidades de unirse
para invertir en una red de banda
ancha de alta velocidad, como
hizo Cedar Falls, aseguró la
Casa Blanca.
Obama anunció que enviará
una carta a la Comisión Federal
de Comunicaciones (FCC)
en la que pide invalidar esas
leyes estatales, para que “las
comunidades tengan el derecho
a tomar la decisión por sí mismas
y proporcionar una red de banda
ancha si es lo que quieren”.
El presidente de la FCC,
el demócrata Tom Wheeler,
indicó el año pasado en una
audiencia ante el Congreso
que considera que las leyes
estatales no deberían prohibir
los proyectos de banda ancha a
nivel municipal.
No obstante, la FCC es una
agencia independiente del
Gobierno, y dos de sus cinco
comisionados, Ajit Pai y Michael
O’Rielly, se mostraron en contra
de la propuesta de Obama, al
considerar que la Comisión no
debe pronunciarse sobre leyes
La Casa Blanca argumenta que
muchas de esas leyes estatales
“fueron impulsadas por intereses
especiales que tratan de ahogar
nuevos competidores”, lo que
ha “retenido el acceso a la banda
ancha, y con él, las oportunidades
Obama reiteró también su
preferencia por regular Internet
como un servicio público y prohibir
la creación de canales prioritarios y
más rápidos, que permitan acceder
más velozmente a contenidos
cuyos creadores hayan pagado
previamente una tasa a la compañía
El mandatario lamentó que, en el
caso de los estadounidenses que sí
tienen acceso a un Internet rápido,
“es muy probable que solo tengan
acceso a un proveedor”, dado
que las empresas como Comcast
o Verizon llegan a acuerdos para
obtener el monopolio sobre un área.
“Una mayor competición
significa mejores productos y
precios más baratos. Es lo que
hacemos con casi todos los demás
productos y deberíamos hacerlo
con la banda ancha”, defendió
El presidente anunció además
que el Departamento de Comercio
lanzará una nueva iniciativa,
BroadbandUSA, para proporcionar
asistencia técnica a las comunidades
que quieran invertir en sus propias
redes de banda ancha.
Por su parte, el Departamento de
Agricultura concederá subsidios a
proveedores de zonas rurales que
inviertan en proporcionar Internet
de alta velocidad a zonas con pocas
opciones de conexión.
Asimismo, Obama ha pedido a las
agencias federales que le entreguen
recomendaciones dentro de seis
meses sobre regulaciones que
pongan barreras a la competición
en el campo de la banda ancha y
que puedan eliminarse.
Por último, la Casa Blanca
celebrará en junio de este año
una cumbre en la que reunirá a
alcaldes comprometidos con la
mejora del acceso de su localidad
a Internet de banda ancha, indicó
Las propuestas forman parte de
las medidas que formarán parte
del discurso sobre el Estado de la
Unión que Obama pronunciará
el 20 de enero ante el Congreso,
y que el presidente ha estado
adelantando en varios discursos
en todo el país.
To say The Big Give S.A. has
big plans for this year’s event is
a big understatement.
To begin with, this year’s event
is expanding to New Braunfels,
Kerrville, Boerne, Seguin, and
Fredericksburg all in a 12-county
The 2015 Big Give S.A. is
part of the
Give Local
crowdfunding event
that allows
every person in the
to give back to the community
with donations as little as $10.
The first Big Give S.A., held
in 2014, more than doubled its
million-dollar goal. In fact, 467
nonprofits raised $2.09 million
from 21,361 donations.
“The Big Give S.A. is a highly
effective and efficient way for
organizations to raise funds, while
generating awareness for their
programs and the clients or causes
they serve,” said Jared Skok,
executive director, Tesoro Foundation. “Tesoro was extremely
impressed with last year’s results and incentives. A study released
and is proud to return and help by the Nonprofit Council showed
underwrite the 2015 initiative.” that organizations that registered
early, set a goal, engaged their
The San Antonio Nonprofit boards and leveraged social media
Council surveyed last year’s raised the most funds last year.
“Last year was exciting as doparticipating organizations to
gain insights into best practices. nations poured in from the whole
The Big Give S.A. organizers are area,” said Linda
planning a series of workshops for
McDavitt, president Genevieve
participating nonprofits to help and Ward Orsinger Foundation.
them set and meet their goals for “It builds community as well as
raises funds.
That’s why
are very
excited to
work with
The Big
Give S.A.
“ T h i s
day of giving is about more than
the day of giving.
“Whether a large or small or- just raising money,” said Haley
ganization, the keys to The Big Lamm, Assistant Director, Give
Give S.A. fundraising success lie Local America, the umbrella
in setting a goal, starting early, group for the nationwide event.
attending workshops, investing “It’s a chance for communities
time, getting your board involved to see how much they rely on and
and leveraging social media,” said benefit from nonprofit organizaScott McAninch, San Antonio tions.”
Nonprofits can register at www.
Nonprofit Council executive or visit the site
Local businesses, corpora- to sign up for
workshops, which begin Feb. 3.
tions, foundations and donors
already have pledged more than The day of giving will take place
$120,000, much of that for prizes midnight to midnight on May 5.
Public invited to attend Charter Review Commission Meetings
Special to La Prensa
The public is encouraged to
attend the next regular meeting of
the City of San Antonio’s Charter
Review Commission at 2 p.m. on
Friday, Jan. 16 in the City Council
“B” Room, 114 W. Commerce.
Charter Review Commission
meetings take place every Friday
at 2 p.m. through Feb. 27.
Last fall, the City Council ordered an election for Saturday,
May 9, 2015, to amend the City
Charter by requiring an election
before any use of the City’s rightof-way for streetcar or light rail. In
addition to this proposed Charter
amendment election, the City
Council created a Charter Review
Commission charged to study
the issues of Council pay, filling
of the office of the Mayor in the
event of a midterm vacancy and
to make any other suggestions for
amendment that it finds advisable,
including identifying obsolete, inconsistent or unwieldy sections or
terms. The Commission will then
bring all recommended amendments to the City Council for
consideration in February 2015.
City Council and the Charter
Review Commission invite the
public to provide input on possible
amendments to the City Charter.
Interested parties are encouraged
to provide comments at Citizens
to be Heard, scheduled for 6 p.m.
on the following Wednesdays: Jan.
28, Feb. 11, Feb. 18 and Feb. 25.
To register to speak, residents can
sign up online between 8 a.m.- 6
p.m. at
Although the site is accessible
now, please note that the actual
link that takes visitors to the online
sign-up will not appear until 8 a.m.
the day of the meeting. Therefore,
it is not available until then. Residents may also sign up to speak
in person between 4-6 p.m. in the
Council Chambers on the day of
the meeting.
Residents are also invited to
provide input at Charter.Review@ or by calling Camila Kunau, Assistant City Attorney, at 210-207-5602. For more
information regarding the City’s
Charter Review Commission,
St. Mary’s University launches Texas’ only
Master of Jurisprudence law program
By Jennifer Lloyd
El acceso a la banda ancha de Internet influiría en la creación de empleos, según el mandatario
estadounidense. (Foto, cortesía)
Aumentan los registros
aleatorios en aeropuertos
EFE- Estados Unidos
aumentó a raíz de los atentados
de París los registros aleatorios
a pasajeros que vuelan al país,
así como las inspecciones de
las maletas que introducen en
la cabina del avión.
La decisión se produjo con
el objetivo de aumentar la
seguridad tras los atentados en
Francia, según el Departamento
de Seguridad Nacional (DHS).
La Dirección de Seguridad
en el Transporte (TSA,
por sus siglas en inglés)
implementará las nuevas
medidas en los aeropuertos
tanto en vuelos nacionales
como internacionales, donde los
controles ya fueron reforzados
en julio.
En ese momento, Estados
Unidos estableció que los
viajeros que quisieran volar
hacia su país debían de cargar
las baterías de sus celulares,
ordenadores portátiles, tabletas o
cualquier otro artefacto electrónico.
Esta medida sigue vigente,
de forma que los artefactos
electrónicos que no se enciendan
en el momento del control corren
el peligro de ser confiscados.
Esta medida se anunció
después de que las autoridades
estadounidenses expresaran su
preocupación por la labor de
grupos terroristas en Yemen y
Siria, vinculados a Al Qaeda,
para el desarrollo de un artefacto
explosivo que pueda pasar sin
detección por los controles de
los aeropuertos.
Por los aeropuertos
estadounidenses pasan alrededor
de 1,8 millones de pasajeros
cada día, según cálculos de la
Like us on Facebook
for updates, local
news and weekly
As lawmakers begin to debate future laws in the State
Capitol this month, the St.
Mary’s University School of
Law announces a new Master
of Jurisprudence degree program — the only degree of its
kind offered at a law school
in Texas.
The graduate degree will
equip non-lawyers with the
tools to understand current and
future laws and enable them
to gain the professional edge
needed to further careers in
fields that frequently intersect
with the law, such as healthcare, business and education.
“This significant expansion
of our degree options fills a
void in the educational and
workforce landscape,” said
Dean Stephen M. Sheppard,
The addition of a new type of
degree program is the first for the
St. Mary’s School of Law since
1996, when it added the Master
of Laws (LL.M.) program, which
typically draws students who have
already earned a Juris Doctor or
the foreign equivalent.
Though the St. Mary’s University School of Law’s Master
of Jurisprudence degree program
is unique among the state’s law
schools, the new offering follows
a trend of developing similar
degrees at law schools across the
Market research shows that
graduates of similar programs
have said the credential enabled
them to advance their careers and
earn larger salaries.
The program encourages students to explore the connections
between the law and their respective disciplines and to study the
American legal system more
comprehensively than through
on-the-job training.
“As businesses seek to lower
their costs, these graduates will
be ideally situated to take on basic
tasks that intersect with the law,
such as compliance work,” said
Professor Colin Marks, director
of the Master of Jurisprudence
Pet of the week
Aged to Perfection! Meet
Molly, an 8½ year old female Shepherd mix with a
beautiful chocolate brown
coat and soulful eyes. This
sweet gal is a gentle canine
companion longing for a forever family to call her own.
While Molly is known as
an Oldie But Goodie, don’t
be fooled by her age, as she
still has lots of energy to
share with those she loves.
She enjoys chasing tennis
balls but might need some
assistance when bringing
them back. She would be
the perfect fit for someone
who is more relaxed but still
willing to play with her from
time to time. Molly has a
calm personality but when
she gets excited she can’t
contain it and likes to run,
jump, and gives kisses to
her best friends. Come by
the SAHS soon to find your
new BFF! Please remember
to spay/neuter your pets to
help ensure every dog and
cat born has a home waiting
for them. San Antonio Humane Society, Connecting
Friends for Life.
Adoption fees for Dogs:
25 pounds & under - $99
26 pounds & over - $65
*Adoption fees may vary
This adoption fee includes:
spay/neuter surgery, first set of
vaccinations, microchip, dewormer, flea and heartworm
prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within
the first 5 days of adoption, 14
day complimentary follow up
care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet
Insurance, and a starter bag of
Hill’s Science Diet pet food.
For more information, visit the
San Antonio Humane Society
at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd. or
call (210) 226-7461.
18 de enero 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio
Praying to ease the struggles of immigrants, Abramos bien los ojos
migrants, and vulnerable populations
Por Carlos Rey
Today’s Catholic
he is so that he may do him
homage — intending, instead,
to murder the boy! Herod and
his court, despite the splendor
surrounding them, continue to
live in the darkness of deceit,
ignorance and evil.”
In Bethlehem the wise men
encounter the newborn child
Jesus and Mary his mother. The
three offer the child gifts and do
him homage.
“Mary says nothing. Jesus
says nothing. But the light of
God’s presence and majesty
shine brightly in this entire story,” says Archbishop Gustavo.
“Recall that the Holy Family is
from Galilee, not Judea. They
are far from home and live in
a stable or cave because they
were not welcome at the inn.
And we know what happens
Herod then decides to kill all
the young boys in Bethlehem,
and the Holy Family take refuge
in a foreign land, Egypt.
The archbishop adds, “The
shadow of the cross falls upon
the child Jesus from his earliest
days even though Herod cannot extinguish the light of the
world, Cristo Rey!”
He continued, “This feast of
the Epiphany is a celebration
of light! Jesus is the light of
the world — a light offered to
Jew and Gentile alike, to all
people without exception. No
one needs ever again to walk in
darkness, apart from the God of
light and love. This feast chal-
lenges us to seek and encounter
the Lord Jesus and to walk in
God’s light all the days of our
To shine the light of the Gospel on the plight of migrants
and refugees, Pope Francis
issued a message for the 101st
World Day of Migrants and
Refugees (which was celebrated on Jan. 18) with the theme,
“Church without frontiers,
mother to all.”
The Holy Father points out
that “the church without frontiers, mother to all, spreads
throughout the world a culture
of acceptance and solidarity, in
which no one is seen as useless,
out of place, or disposable.”
He reminds all that “large
numbers of people are leaving
their homelands, with a suitcase
full of fears and desires, to
undertake a hopeful and dangerous trip in search of more
humane living conditions.”
A r c h b i s h o p G u s t a v o d escribed how many of the immigrants who come to the United
States along the Southwest border
carry no suitcase and are fleeing
violence that threatens their very
The Holy Father added in his
message that “migration gives rise
to suspicion and hostility, even in
ecclesial communities, prior to
any knowledge of their migrants’
lives or their stories or persecution and destitution. Migrants and
refugees are real people, with real
names, real faces, real families!”
“Suspicion and prejudice,”
Pope Francis says, “conflict with
the biblical commandment of
welcoming with respect and solidarity the stranger in need. Jesus
commanded his followers to love
one another. The Lord identified
himself with the stranger, with
the one who suffers, with all the
innocent victims of violence and
Pope Francis says that “the
courage born of faith, hope and
love enables us to reduce the
distances that separate us from
human misery. Jesus Christ is
always waiting to be recognized
in migrants and refugees, in displaced persons and in exiles and
through them he calls us to share
our resources.”
The Holy Father closed his
message by addressing the migrants and refugees themselves:
Dear migrants and refugees! You
have a special place in the heart
of the church, and you help her to
enlarge her heart and to manifest
her motherhood toward the entire
human family … Just as the maternal heart of the Blessed Virgin
and the kind heart of St. Joseph
keep alive the confidence that
God would never abandon them,
so in you may the same hope in
the Lord never be wanting.
Archbishop Gustavo concluded, “Let us recognize the face of
Christ in migrants and refugees.
Let us welcome them as our
true sisters and brothers within
the church as our mother, one
family under God.”
National Migration Week, an
opportunity to raise awareness
about the hardships faced by
migrants, including children,
refugees and victims of human
trafficking, was observed in
early January with the theme,
“We are One Family under
The observance of National
Migration Week began over 25
years ago by the U.S. bishops to
give Catholics an opportunity
to take stock of the wide diversity of peoples in the church
and the ministries serving them.
The week served as both a time
for prayer and action to try and
ease the struggles of immigrants, migrants and vulnerable
populations coming to America
and a time for reflection on the
church’s call to “welcome the
In the archdiocese, the week
was observed with the celebration of the 8 a.m. televised Mass
on the feast of the Epiphany —
Jan. 4 — at San Fernando Cathedral by Archbishop Gustavo
García-Siller, MSpS.
The archbishop referred to
the gospel encounter between a
mother and a child, three wise
men from the East and King
Herod and his advisors. “This
familiar story is a study in
contrasts — between light and
darkness,” Archbishop Gustavo
The narrative opens with the
three wise men who are searching for someone special — led
by the light of a single star
in the darkness of night. The
archbishop explained, “They
are not looking for any newborn
child but rather a newborn king
of the Jews. They have come
to do him homage even though
they are Gentiles, not Jews.
They stop in Jerusalem and ask
about the newborn prince at the
king’s palace.”
The San Antonio prelate emphasized, “King Herod is both
puzzled and threatened — by
the mention of a mere child!
Herod ruled Judah with a heavy
hand and was known for his
wealth, power, ambition and
cruelty.” The king then consulted with his expert advisers
about messianic prophecies.
“Hypocritically,” stresses
the archbishop, “Herod tells
the three wise men to find the National Migration Week, an opportunity to raise awareness about the hardships faced by michild and let him know where grants. (Courtesy photo)
“Se oía la respiración de
la noche.... Al cruzar una
calle, sentí que alguien.... se
acercaba.... Intenté correr. No
pude.... Antes de que pudiese
defenderme, sentí la punta de
un cuchillo en mi espalda y una
voz dulce:
—No se mueva, señor, o se
lo entierro.
— ¿Qué quieres?
—Sus ojos, señor —contestó
la voz suave, casi apenada.
—¿Mis ojos? ¿Para qué te
servirán mis ojos? Mira, aquí
tengo un poco de dinero.... No
vayas a matarme.
—No tenga miedo, señor.
No lo mataré. Nada más voy a
sacarle los ojos.
—Pero, ¿para qué quieres
mis ojos?
—Es un capricho de mi
novia. Quiere un ramito de ojos
azules. Y por aquí hay pocos
que los tengan.
—Mis ojos no te sirven. No
son azules, sino amarillos.
—Ay, señor, no quiera
engañarme. Bien sé que los
tiene azules.
—No se le sacan a un
cristiano los ojos así. Te daré
otra cosa.
—No se haga el remilgoso
—me dijo con dureza—. Dé
la vuelta.
“Me volví. Era (un hombre)
pequeño y frágil. El sombrero
de palma le cubría medio
rostro. Sostenía con el brazo
derecho un machete de campo,
que brillaba con la luz de la
—Alúmbrese la cara.
“Encendí (un fósforo) y me
acerqué la llama al rostro. El
resplandor me hizo entrecerrar
los ojos. Él apartó mis
párpados con mano firme... y
me contempló intensamente....
—¿Ya te convenciste? No los
tengo azules.
“...Tirándome de la manga,
me ordenó:
“Me hinqué. Con una mano
me (agarró) por los cabellos,
echándome la cabeza hacia
atrás. Se inclinó sobre mí,
curioso y tenso, mientras el
machete descendía lentamente
hasta rozar mis párpados. Cerré
los ojos.
—Ábralos bien —ordenó.
“Abrí los ojos. La llamita me
quemaba las pestañas. Me soltó
de improviso.
—Pues no son azules, señor.
“Y desapareció”.
A este impresionante cuento
Octavio Paz le puso el inocente
título “El ramo azul”. Lo
que más nos impresiona de
la magistral narración del
Premio Nobel mexicano es la
naturalidad con que actúan el
apenado maleante — ¡como si
fuera lo más normal del mundo
el acto macabro que se propone
cometer!— y su víctima, que
pudiera ser cualquiera de
Aunque para muchos sea
igual de difícil concebirlo,
de igual manera nos acecha
Satanás, en la oscuridad
de nuestros momentos más
vulnerables. Lo hace con
el fin de sacarnos los ojos
espirituales, para que ya no
pongamos la mira en Dios sino
en las cosas perecederas de este
mundo. Más vale que abramos
bien los ojos. Así no seremos
víctimas del capricho de aquel
maleante que nos los quiere
cerrar para siempre.
Confraternity of Catholic Clergy issue
joint statement on marriage
By Thomas McKenna
The 2nd International gathering of Confraternities of Catholic Clergy meeting in Rome,
discussed issues pertinent to
the forthcoming Synod on the
Family in response to the Holy
Father’s call for reflection.
They issued the following
“The fathers pledge their
unwavering fidelity to the
traditional doctrines regarding
authentic marriage and the true
meaning of human sexuality
as proclaimed in the Word of
God and set out clearly in the
Church’s Ordinary and Universal Magisterium. Confraternity
priests and deacons from Aus-
tralia, Great Britain, Ireland
and the United States commit
themselves to the work of presenting anew the Good News
about marriage and family life
in all its fullness and helping,
with the Lord’s compassion,
those who struggle to follow
the Gospel in a secular society.
The Confraternities, furthermore, affirm the importance of
upholding the Church’s traditional discipline regarding the
reception of the sacraments and
that doctrine and practice must
remain firmly and inseparably
in harmony.”
Confraternity of Catholic
Clergy is currently in the USA,
Australia, Great Britain and
Ireland and are national associations of priests and deacons
promoting ongoing spiritual,
theological, pastoral and human formation of their members in a fraternal context and
espousing complete fidelity
to the Magisterium under the
patronage of Our Lady, Queen
of the Clergy.
“Dame entendimiento
para seguir tus preceptos,
pues quiero meditar en tus
Salmo 119:27
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
La Prensa de San Antonio
NEW Tires, 4
$13,025. (210)
Need a Baker specializing in Mexican
Bread & Cookies.
Good working environment. Please
call (210) 226-2979
or apply in person at
2200 W. Martin.
-------------------------Drivers: Immediate
Openings! Regional, TX andsurrounding states! Excellent
Pay, Benefit Package *100% PAID
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MARTIN TRANSPORT 1-855-2599360.
-------------------------Cooks, line, tortilleras, dishwashers,
servers. 145 E. Hildebrand. Taking applications at 3:00pm
(210) 822-9533
-------------------------PROGRAM ASSISTANT: MINIMUM
JANUARY 16, 2015
TO: citizenship@
-------------------------Drivers: CDL-A.
$2,400 Sign-On.
Excellent Benefits.
Home Weekly. Solos & Teams. Excellent Wages. Newer
Equipment. Monthly
Bonus Programs.
No CDL-A? We Will
Train. (877) 7238932
-------------------------Solicito mecánico,
plomero, soldador, nivelador, yardero de México
para trabajar en
un rancho. (210)
(830) 331-0818
-------------------------O’Connell Robertson, a full-service
architecture, engineering and interior design firm
with offices in Austin and San Antonio, is responding
to Requests for
Qualifications for
public work in the
State of Texas for
the 2015 calendar
year. Projects may
include public buildings, healthcare and
educational facilities, We are seeking qualifications
statements from
interested firms for
the following disciplines. Structural
Engineer, Civil Engineer, Landscape
Architect, Cost Consultant. Environmental Engineer.
Data/Communications, Acoustics and
Secunity. Interested
parties should request additional information or submit
qualifications via fax
or email to Allison
Taylor. (512) 4787441 or ataylor@
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any
areas and any condition, 25 yrs. experience. Privacy
assured! Call John
(210) 300-4000.
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
Financed – 2 Bed 1 Bath • 1922 San
Fernando, near Zarzamora • $64,000 •
$3,000 Down • $695
Month Includes Tax
& Insurance. Call
John (210) 4144210.
-------------------------FOR SALE • OWNER FINANCED –
1 Bed - 1 Bath •
Needs a Lot of Work
• 1708 Montezuma
• $29,500 • $1,000
Down. Owner: $395
MO includes Tax &
INS. Investor: $288
MO - Pay your own
Taxes/INS. Call
John (210) 4144210.
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
to Owner – 2 Bed –
1 Bath • 315 Arrid
$64,000 • $3,000
Down • $695 Month
Includes Tax & Insurance. Call John
(210) 414-4210.
Own and operate your own floral
and/or gift shop in
downtown San Antonio area for as
little as $795. per
month, $95. equipment rental fee per
month, plus $900. of
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located four blocks
from the newly developed Riverwalk
and Pearl Brewery
areas. We are leasing floral section
and selling most of
the floral tools and
materials needed
to run and operate
a full service floral
shop. We also own
a professional floral
school so we can
also train you for as
little as $800. and in
one month you will
be ready to open
your own business
for just slightly over
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interested or you
know of someone
who might be interested in owning and
operating their own
floral or gift business, please call
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(210) 772-2900.
-------------------------Cuarto de renta
céntrico $185 men-
TexSCAN Week of
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Some or LOTS of experience? Let’s
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erated Home. 1-844-945-3509 or
NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge
readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal
Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is
Extend your advertising reach with your Statewide Classified Ad Network.
suales, otro repare
cuenta de renta.
(210) 374-5425.
-------------------------Rento apartamento
de una recámara
con utilidades incluidas $560/al
mes. Zona militar/
Lackland. Llamar
después de las 5:00
p.m. (210) 4307270.
-------------------------Rento cuarto amueblado con utilidades
$350. Zona militar/
Lackland. Llamar
después de las 5:00
p.m. (210) 4307270.
-------------------------Se renta apartamento de 2 recámaras, $700 de renta, biles incluidos.
Preferible pareja.
(210) 734-7136.
-------------------------Rento cuarto amueblado cerca del
centro. (210) 4367640.
-------------------------MOBILE HOME
½ acre, Bandera
Hill Country, water & sewer already
installed. WILL FINANCE (210) 6831121, NO CREDIT
-------------------------LAND REPO,
Water & Sewer &
electric installed,
call (210) 683-1121.
-------------------------Se vende terreno
1229 Flanders Ave.
Precio rebajado
$7,500 o mejor oferta. (210) 834-7419.
-------------------------For Sale: Used mobile home doublewide in great condition it has 3 bedrooms 2 baths fir a
quick cash sale of
$30,000. Home is
located in Pleasanton ready to move
today! Call (210)
591-0129 to see
home. RBI 36845.
-------------------------Home on land we
have 10 properties
for Sale from 1 to
3 acres, starting at
$69,000. Call (210)
591-0129 for more
information. RBI
-------------------------Se vende casa con
terreno. Tenemos
varias propiedades
desde $69,000.
Llamar al (210)
591-0129 para más
información. RBI
-------------------------Vendo Mobile
Home: NUEVA por
solo $34,500. Llame
a (210) 591-0129
RBI 36845.
-------------------------Owner selling a plot
at San Fernando
Cemetary II for 2
people near corner
of General McMullen & Castroville.
Plot includes head
stone, $3,100 will
accept payment as
a cashiers check.
Transfer fee to be
paid by owner, more
info. (210) 870-7312 ----------------------Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
-------------------------You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector of
$7.50 SERVICIO the invalid and alA D O M I C I L I O , mighty doctor of the
REFRIGERADO- infirm. Holy Infant,
RAS, LAVADOR- we honor you.
Here you say three
Y ESTUFAS. UN Our Fathers, Hail
AÑO GARANTÍA. Marys, and Glory be
LLAME A (210) to God.
To remember this
(01/25/15) day I pray to you to
-------------------------- answer my requests.
Corto yardas, pon- Holy Infant of Atogo tile, azulejo, tex- cha I ask you with all
tura, hago y reparo my heart to help me.
cercas de madera Please be with me
y alambre, pinto in thought and spirit
casas, plomería, when I find my peace
sheetrock y remod- and that you will be
elaciones, carpin- with me in the Heavtería, pongo puertas ens of Bethlehem.
y ventanas. Habla Amén
con Jesús Villa. ----------------------Llame a (210) 797Miraculous
Dear Heart of
-------------------------- Jesus, in the past I
Reparamos des- have asked for fade $49 lavadoras, vors. This time I ask
secadoras, refrig- you this very special
eradoras, estufas, one (mention favor).
A/C’s. Todas mar- Take it dear Jesus
cas, garantizado. and place it within
Llame a (210) 605- your own broken
9418 o (210) 489- heart where your fa0604 ó (210) 488- ther sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
(01/18/15) will become your fa-------------------------- vor not mine. Amen.
Sobador/Masajista Say this prayer for 3
para toda clase las- days, promise å and
timaduras. (210) favor will be granted.
Never known to fail.
(02/22/15) -----------------------------------------------Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
Painting • Framing vida, consuelo de los
• Hardwood • Ce- cristianos, la gracia
ramic • Roofing • que necesito, pongo
Concrete • House en tus benditas maLeveling And More. nos, Padre Nuestro...
(210) 371-8144.
Tú sabes mis
(01/18/15) pesares, pues todo te
-------------------------- lo confío, dad la paz
Techos, pintura, a los turbados y alivio
reparaciones may- al corazón mío, Dios
ores y menores, te salve María...
cuidado del césped.
Y aunque tu amor
Servicio de árbol, no merezco, no renivelo casas, cer- curriré a ti en vano,
cas. Precios ra- pues eres el Hijo de
zonables. General Dios y auxilio de los
Handy Men. (210) cristianos, Gloria al
Acuérdate ¡Oh
-------------------------- N i ñ o S a n t o ! q u e
Cuido personas jamás se oyó decir
mayores de lunes que alguno te haya
– viernes. Inf. (210) implorado sin tu aux719-2224.
ilio recibir. Por eso
(01/18/15) con fe y confianza,
---------------------- humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y
esperanza este favor
yo te pido.
Oración a la
Pedir la gracia que
Virgen de Juquila se desea y decir siete
Madre Querida, Vir- veces.
gen de Juquila, Virgen
Divino Niño Jesús,
de nuestra esperanza, bendícenos.
tuya es nuestra vida, ----------------------cuídanos de todo mal.
Novena To
Si en este mundo de
St. Jude
injusti­cias, de miseMost holy Aposria y pecado ves que tle, St. Jude, faithful
nuestra vida se turba, servant and friend
no nos abandones. of Jesus, the Church
Madre Querida, pro- honors and invokes
tege a los peregrinos, you universally, as
acompañamos por the patron of diffitodos los caminos, cult cases, of things
vela por los pobres sin almost despaired of,
sustento y el pan que Pray for me, I am so
se les quita retribúye- helpless and alone.
selos. Acompáñanos
Intercede with God
en toda nuestra vida y for me that He brings
libéranos de todo tipo visible and speedy
de pecado. Amén.
help where help is
Doy gracias a la Vir- almost despaired of.
gen de Juquila, por Come to my assislos favores recibidos. tance in this great
Rece los 9 días esta need that I may reoración y publíquela ceive the consolation
al noveno día, nueve and help of heaven
Ave Marías durante in all my necessities,
nueve días. Pida tres tribulations, and sufdeseos. Uno de nego- ferings, particularly
cios, dos imposibles. - (make your request
Al noveno día pub- here) - and that I may
lique esta oración y se praise God with you
cumplicará aunque no and all the saints
lo crea.
forever. I promise,
O Blessed St. Jude,
18 de enero 2015
to be ever mindful
of this great favor
granted me by God
and to always honor
you as my special
and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
----------------------Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la
fe de mi alma, a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi difícil
situación, no me desampares de las puertas
que se me hacen de
abrir e mi camino, sea
tu Brazo Poderoso
el que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace
un corazón afligido
por los duros golpes del cruel destino
que lo han vencido
siempre en la lucha
humana, ya que sin
tu poder divino no
intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por
falta de ayuda. Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes).
Publicar antes de
los ocho. Confío en
Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y
observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día.
----------------------El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones
de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el
fuego de tu amor.
Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas
la faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a
los corazones de los
fieles con la luz del
Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del
mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar
de su consuelo. Por
Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen.
----------------------Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal.
Si en este mundo
de injusti­c ias, de
miseria y pecado ves
que nuestra vida se
turba, no nos abandones. Madre Querida, protege a los peregrinos, acompañamos por todos los
caminos, vela por
los pobres sin sustento y el pan que se
les quita retribúyeselos. Acompáñanos en toda nuestra
vida y libéranos de
todo tipo de pecado.
----------------------Doy gracias a la
Virgen de Juquila,
por los favores recibidos. Rece los 9
días esta oración y
publíquela al noveno día, nueve
Ave Marías durante
nueve días. Pida tres
deseos. Uno de negocios, dos imposibles. Al noveno
día publique esta
oración y se cumplicará aunque no lo
----------------------Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector of
the invalid and almighty doctor of the
infirm. Holy Infant,
we honor you.
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you to
answer my requests.
Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with
all my heart to help
me. Please be with
me in thought and
spirit when I find
my peace and that
you will be with me
in the Heavens of
Bethlehem. Amén
Dear Heart of
Jesus, in the past
I have asked for
favors. This time
I ask you this very
special one (mention favor). Take it
dear Jesus and place
it within your own
broken heart where
your father sees it,
then in your merciful
La Prensa de San Antonio
18 de enero 2015
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eyes it will become
your favor not mine.
Amen. Say this
prayer for 3 days,
promise å and favor will be granted.
Never known to fail.
---------------------Divino Niño
Niño amable de
mi vida, consuelo
de los cristianos, la
gracia que necesito,
pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo de
Dios y auxilio de los
cristianos, Gloria al
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza
este favor yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño
Jesús, bendícenos.
----------------------Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful
servant and friend
of Jesus, the Church
honors and invokes
you universally, as
the patron of difficult cases, of things
almost despaired of,
Pray for me, I am so
helpless and alone.
Intercede with
God for me that He
brings visible and
speedy help where
help is almost despaired of. Come
to my assistance in
this great need that
I may receive the
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (make your request
here) - and that I
Call this newspaper or
the Texas Community Newspaper
Association’s Texas-wide
Advertising Program at
January 24 & 25 - the Real texas Gun
Show. Bell County Expo Center, 301
W loop 121 Belton, tX 76513. Sat: 9-6
pm Sun: 10-4 pm. Admission $8.00.
Register to Win drawings for $100
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may praise God with
you and all the saints
forever. I promise,
O Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful
of this great favor
granted me by God
and to always honor
you as my special
and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
----------------------Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con
la fe de mi alma,
a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi
difícil situación, no
me desampares de
las puertas que se
me hacen de abrir
en mi camino, sea
tu Brazo Poderoso
el que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace
un corazón afligido
por los duros golpes del cruel destino
que lo han vencido
siempre en la lucha humana, ya que
sin tu poder divino
no intercede en mi
favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso,
asísteme, ampárame
y condúceme a la
gloria celestial.
Gracias dulce Jesús
(rezar quince días
empezando viernes).
Publicar antes de
los ocho. Confío en
Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino
y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo.
Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que
ocurrirá el cuarto
----------------------Prayer to the
Sacred Heart of
O most holy heart
of Jesus, fountain
of every blessing,
I adore you, I love
you, and with lively
sorrow for my sins I
offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, Good Jesus,
that I may live in
you and for you. Protect me in the midst
of danger. Comfort
me in my afflictions.
Give me health of
body, assistance in
my temporal needs,
your blessing on
all that I do, and
the grace of a holy
death. Amen.
----------------------San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro. Singularísimo
DISCLAIMER: This publication does not
warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any
advertisement, nor the quality of the goods
or services offered. Readers are cautioned to
thoroughly investigate all claims made and to
use good judgment and reasonable care when
dealing with persons unknown to you. We
suggest never sending money until you are
certain of the company.
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príncipe de los discípulos del redentor, primer vicario
de Jesucristo en su
Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes
y, especialmente a
la de tu Santísima
Sombra, pues con
ella se libra el que
con devoción implora tu amparo a
tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con
tu sombra se auxilia al que sorprende
el malhechor, tu
sombra refrigera al
afligido, al enfermo y a cuantos te
piden favor. ¡Oh!
Sombra prodigiosa
por cuya intercesión
obró el Señor tantos
favores y tan admirables prodigios,
permíteme, Pedro
Santo, que a tu sombra los pecadores alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten en las banderas
de la gracia y a tu
sombra no pierdan el
derecho que tienen a
la gloria.
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----------------------Saint Ignatius
Dearest Lord, teach
me to be generous;
teach me to serve
You as You deserve: to give, and
not count the cost;
to fight, and not to
heed the wounds; to
toil, and not to seek
for rest; to labor,
and not to ask for
reward, except that
knowing that I am
doing Your Will.
-----------------------Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of Jesus,
in the past I have
asked for favors.
This time I ask you
this very special
one (mention favor).
Take it dear Jesus
and place it within
your own broken
heart where your father sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days, promise publication and favor will
be granted. Never
known to fail.
---------------------San Judas Tadeo
¡San Judas Tadeo!, pariente de Jesucristo, glorioso
apóstol y mártir
reconocido por tus
virtudes y milagros.
Fiel y puntual intercesor de todos los
que te honran y confían en ti. Tú eres
poderoso protector y auxilio en las
grandes aflicciones.
Te ruego, desde lo
más profundo de mi
corazón, que vengas
en mi ayuda con tu
poderosa intercesión, pues has recibido de Dios el privilegio de socorrer con
tu ayuda a aquellos
que casi carecen de
toda esperanza. Vela
por mí. Mi vida es
una vida de cruces,
mis días son días
de tribulación y mi
corazón es un océano de amargura. Mi
alma está envuelta en las tinieblas.
El desasosiego, el
desánimo, la desconfianza, y a veces, aún
la falta de esperanza,
agobian mi alma.
La Divina Providencia parece perderse
de mi vista y la fe
parece fallar en mi
corazón. Abrumado
por estos pensamientos, pido tu ayuda.
No me abandones en
esta triste situación.
Apresúrate en mi
ayuda. Te lo agradeceré toda mi vida
y te honraré como
mi especial patrono.
Agradeceré a Dios
todos los dones que
te ha otorgado y fomentaré tu culto cuanto me sea posible.
----------------------A prayer to
St. Peregrine for
sick relatives and
Saint Peregrine,
as a humble servant
of Mary, you experienced human weakness and the pain and
suffering of sickness. Knowing that
medicine and human
knowledge have limits, we pray for all
those involved with
the medical profession that they will
be a true source of
healing and comfort
to all people.
Like you, we also
turn to God in our
suffering. Just as Jesus reached out and
touched you with
His healing hand, we
pray that the following sick person(s)
will be strengthened
in body and spirit
and cured of their illness by Jesus Christ
through your intercession.
In gratitude we pray
for all the people of the
world that they will
come to know you,
St. Peregrine, and the
love that God has for
each of them. Amen
----------------------Oración de
las dificultades
Señor, que has creado todo el universo, y
has dotado a la tierra
de riquezas suficiente
para alimentar a todos los hombres que
habitan para alimentar
a todos los hombres
que habitan. Ven en
nuestra ayuda. Señor que cuidas de los
lirios del campo y de
las aves del cielo, los
vistes, los nutres y
los haces prosperar,
manifiesta sobre nosotros tu providencia
paterna. Ayúdanos,
Señor, ya que nuestra
salvación solo puede
venir de hombres
honestos y buenos.
Infunde en el corazón
de nuestros prójimos
el sentido de la justicia, de la honestidad,
y de la caridad. Cuida
de nuestra familia que
confiadamente espera
de ti el pan de cada
día. Fortalece nuestros
cuerpos. Da serenidad a nuestra vida, a
fin de que podamos
corresponder más
fácilmente a tu gracia
divina. Y sentir que
sobre nosotros, sobre
nuestras preocupaciones y angustias, vela tu
amor de Padre. Amén.
*Ver más oraciones *
----------------------Oración a la
Divina Providencia
* ¡Oh Divina
¡Concédeme tu
clemencia y tu infinita
bondad! Arrodillada a
tus plantas a ti caridad
portento. Te pido
para los míos casa,
vestido y sustento.
Concédeles la salud,
llévalos por buen
camino. Que sea
siempre la virtud la
que los guíe en su
destino. Tú eres toda
mi esperanza. Tú eres
el consuelo mío. En la
que mi mente alcanza,
en ti creo, en ti espero,
y en ti confío. Tu
divina providencia
se extiende a cada
momento, para que
nunca nos falte casa,
vestido y sustento.
----------------------Oración al
Sagrado Corazón
de Jesús. Oraciones
para una grave
Oh Divino Jesús
que dijiste: “Pedid y
recibiréis; buscad y
encontraréis; llamad
y se os abrirá; porque
todo el que pide
recibe, y el que busca
encuentra, y a quien
llama se le abre”.
Mírame postrado a tus
plantas suplicándote
me concedas una
audiencia. Tus
palabras me infunden
confianza, sobre todo
ahora que necesito
que me hagas un
favor: (Se ora en
silencio pidiendo el
¿A quién he de pedir, sino a Ti, cuyo
corazón es un manantial inagotable de
todas las gracias y
dones? ¿Dónde he
de buscar sino en el
tesoro de tu corazón,
que contiene todas las
riquezas de la clemencia y generosidad
divinas? ¿A dónde
he de llamar sino a la
puerta de ese Corazón
Sagrado, a través del
cual Dios viene a
nosotros, y por medio del cual vamos
a Dios? A Ti acudimos, oh Corazón de
Jesús, porque en Ti
encontramos consuelo, cuando afligidos y
perseguidos pedimos
protección; cuando
abrumados por el peso
de nuestra cruz buscamos ayuda; cuando
la angustia, la enfermedad, la pobreza o el
fracaso nos impulsan
a buscar una fuerza
superior a las fuerzas
humanas. Creo firmemente que puedes
concederme la gracia
que imploro, porque
tu misericordia no
tiene límites y confío en que tu corazón
compasivo encontrará
en mis miserias, en
mis tribulaciones y
en mis angustias, un
motivo más para oír
mi petición. Quiero
que mi corazón esté
lleno de la confianza
con que oró el centurión romano en
favor de su criado;
de la confianza con
que oraron las hermanas de Lázaro, los
leprosos, los ciegos,
los paralíticos que se
acercaban a Ti porque
sabían que tus oídos
y tu corazón estaban
siempre abiertos para
oír y remediar sus
males. Sin embargo...
dejo en tus manos
mi petición, sabiendo
que tú sabes las cosas
mejor que yo; y que, si
no me concedes esta
gracia que te pido,
sí me darás en cambio otra que mucho
necesita mi alma; y
me concederás mirar
las cosas, mi situación, mis problemas,
mi vida entera, desde
otro ángulo, con más
espíritu de fe. Cualquiera que sea tu
decisión, nunca dejaré
de amarte, adorarte
y servirte, oh buen
Jesús. Acepta este
acto mío de perfecta
adoración y sumisión
a lo que decrete tu
corazón misericordioso. Amén.
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio
personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté
interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave
que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Soy mexicano durangueño, tengo 67
años, aparento menos. Peso 150 libras,
cuerpo atlético. Voy al gimnasio 6
días por semana. Mido 5’2” pulgadas.
Católico de buen carácter. Buen
sentido de humor, noble y sencillo,
nada vanidoso. Busco una dama de 50
a 55 años de edad, blanca, ojos de color,
muy bonita pero aún más importante
que tenga buenos sentimientos y que
esté dispuesta a quererme y amarme
como yo también lo puedo hacer. 5’
pies o menos de altura, no más de 110
libras. Por supuesto que sea católica
también. Espero tu contestación y
muchas gracias.
----------------------------50 year old Christian man seeks Latina
to marry. I live in the state of Iowa.
I work factory job. I live on 40 acre
farm. Prefer Latina to stay a home help
with raising animals and garden. Send
picture and email.
----------------------------Busco linda dama. Tengo 56 años.
Me interesa mucho encontrar a una
dama que le guste ir al cine, bailar
y le guste la diversión y la música
romántica. A quien regalarle una
rosa y tal vez algún día decirte que
la amo.
----------------------------Hola soy un hombre de 50 años y deseo
conocer una mujer de 30 a 60 años,
solteras, casadas, viudas o divorciadas
sin compromiso. Soy muy romántico y
cariñoso. No se arrepentirán.
----------------------------Soy soltero, me veo muy joven para mi
edad (estoy en mis 60’s). Y soy poco
alto (5’10’’). Estoy retirado, deseo
conocer una muchacha o señora de
buenos sentimientos, buena honesta y
más o menos bonita. Preferible de 175
libras para arriba de peso. Preferible de
estatura de 5’1’’ para arriba. De edad
no me importa. Que sea cariñosa, que
me mande una foto si es posible, pero
su teléfono (aunque sea celular) que
me lo mande en la primera carta por
favor. Es una relación seria la que ando
buscando. Me siento solo y triste.
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Mido 5’2’’
pulgadas. Peso 150 libras. Católico de
buenos principios y sin vicios. Busco
una damita que sea hispana, no más
de 5’ pies de altura, no más de 110
libras, blanca y de ojos de color. Que
sea buena y tenga buenos principios y
católica. No más de 55 años de edad.
----------------------------47 años. Mexicano. 5.8. 235 libras. 9
años de viudo. 2 hijos de 18 a 19 años.
Busco una mujer sincera, honesta y
hogareña que quiera algo serio. De
40 a 50 años. El físico no me interesa.
Que sea de México o de aquí, Estados
Unidos, de San Antonio TX o de afuera,
sin compromiso.
----------------------------Soy una mujer mexicana de 50 años,
piel morena clara, 5’4” de estatura,
190 libras, pelo largo, ojos cafés, no
fea, trabajadora, sin vicios, alegre con
buen sentido del humor, educada, me
encanta la música me gusta la cocina,
soy hogareña. Busco la amistad
con un hombre que tenga cualidades
semejantes a las mías. No importa el
físico, ni la edad.
----------------------------Soy mexicana de 56 años y viuda.
No tomo, no fumo, hogareña. Me
encanta leer, tejer, cocinar, caminar
con diversiones sanas. Peso 160 libras
y mido 5’1”. Me gustaría conocer una
persona sin compromisos, trabajadora
y cariñosa para compartir nuestra
----------------------------Busco caballero edad 50-53 años, que
sea persona seria honorable de buenas
costumbres, católico y que no tenga
compromiso con nadie. Que sea sincero
respetuoso, compatible a mis ideas. Soy
viuda de 57 años de buenas costumbres.
Físico: morena clara 5’2”. Peso 130,
según mis amigas, atractiva. Mi Trabajo
es en una escuela, altamente educada.
Prefiero personas serias. Absténganse
si solo quiere divertirse, no contestaré
si solo encuentro mentiras.
----------------------------Deseo una persona que se sienta solo
(mayor de 60 años) y que no tenga
problemas de familia. Sea libre, no
tenga compromiso y desee y quiera
unir una familia cuando él decida y
me conozca. Cuando él quiera, no
me interesa su físico y la religión que
tenga, deportes y amigos que tenga.
Yo respeto su decisión. Yo soy una
mujer sin compromiso, sin problemas
de familia. No tomo ni fumo. Me gusta
la cocina. Me gustan las diversiones
sanas, el baile, la TV, la música y
salir a pasear. Vivir y disfrutar de
un hogar o una amistad sincera. Yo
no tengo ningún defecto físico. Soy
agradable y tengo cualidades. Yo tengo
demasiados años viviendo sola en San
Antonio, Texas, de vivir y sostenerme
sola. Tengo familiares pero no me dan
problemas de ningún aspecto y viven
separados de mí. Yo los visito a ellos
cuando y tengo tiempo. Respeto el
espacio y tiempo de cada uno. Puedo
vivir donde él quiera de Estados
Unidos, yo puedo trabajar, trabajo hay
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio
Llegando a casi
todo el sur de texas
Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi
18 de enero 2015
18 de enero de 2015
Herencia Puertorriqueña presentó Día de Los Reyes
Texto y fotos
por Roberto J. Pérez
La Fiesta religiosa de la Epifanía
con la adoración al Niño Jesús por
los Reyes Magos fue celebrada el
domingo en el AT&T Community Center de la Catedral de San
Fernando bajo la organización de
Puerto Rican Heritage Society.
Como es costumbre la festividad –con entrada libre– tuvo gran
asistencia desde la una a las cuatro
de la tarde del domingo 4 de enero
con música en vivo que dio sabor
auténtico del Día de Los Reyes,
como se festeja en Puerto Rico.
Los Reyes hicieron su entrada
para postrarse ante el niño a las
2:30 de la tarde ante el júbilo de los
niños que lucían coronas doradas.
El evento tuvo todos los elementos que componen esta tradición en
la Isla del Encanto. Personificó a
la Virgen María en la puesta en
escena una angelical niña acompañada por un niño en el papel de
San José. No faltaron los pastores
y los “borreguitos” que circundan
el pesebre del nacimiento.
Los Reyes fueron personificados por Rafael Goyco, José M.
Borrero y César Silva.
Gregg Popovich, entrenador en jefe de los Spurs, en el banquete
anual Tux ‘N Tennies organizado por la fundación Silver & Black
Give Back (SBGB). Popovich encabezó la delegación del pentacampeón vistiendo una camiseta retro alusiva del campeonato ganado
en 1999. “El banquete es para recaudar fondos económicos que
serán destinados a programas de beneficio en nuestra comunidad.
De antemano propietarios, jugadores y directivos de los Spurs
agradecemos a fans y empresas copatrocinadoras por su respaldo
en este tradicional evento”, dijo Popovich. (Fotos, Franco)
Aficionados y representantes de empresas patrocinadoras del
banquete anual Tux ‘N Tennies con elegancia hicieron su entrada
al AT&T Center, donde disfrutaron del ameno ambiente. El
evento Tux ‘N Tennies Spurs Night Live fue patrocinado por las
compañías SWBC y el Lone Star Auto Group. La compañía Dahill
ofreció una elegante VIP Party durante la noche. El programa
de los acontecimientos fue presentado por Michelle Breadle de
ESPN y el exdelantero de los Spurs Sean Elliot, quien es narrador
de los partidos de su exequipo por la televisora FOX Southwest.
18 de enero de 2015
El guardia neoyorquino Danny Green se mostró sonriente y feliz
durante la tradicional gala Tux ‘N Tennies donde compartió
honores con sus compañeros y directivos de la franquicia Silver
& Black. “De nueva cuenta estamos apoyando a la fundación de
los Spurs y a la vez conviviendo con fans que nos han respaldado
tanto en la cancha como en eventos como este. Los tenis que esta
noche estoy usando no son nada extravagantes, pero estaré divirtiéndome viendo a los demás como se estarán viendo durante
este interesante banquete”, comentó Green, quien a la vez indicó
que seguirá apoyando programas deportivos en la comunidad
infantil y juvenil.
Fans visitaron cada sitio en el que se exhibieron artículos en Caballeros y damas recorrieron lugares donde se exhibieron 200 Un aficionado puso su oferta en el sitio del trío Duncan, Parker,
En el partido Spurs vs. Suns Chuck Cureau, presentador de promociones, felicitó al fan ganador La gerencia general del club Rampage continúa invitando a los partidos que se celebran en el AT&T
de la cantidad de $625 en la promoción H-E-B Beach Ball Mania. El premio del espectador fue un Center a organizaciones que promueven actividades sanas en la comunidad infantil y juvenil. En
certificado de compras para su tienda H-E-B favorita.
la foto aparecen integrantes del grupo Drama Kids International.
El grupo de baile Lil’ Wranglers se presentó con éxito durante el intermedio del partido Spurs vs. En la celebración de la “Noche de los 80’s”, que presentó exitosamente la gerencia general de los
Spurs, las esculturales chicas de la porra Silver Dancers hicieron derroche de alegría y colorido.
Suns de Phoenix siendo ovacionados por más de 18 mil espectadores.
Con el éxito deseado los Spurs presentaron competencia de dis- Fans disfrazados de la saga Star Wars estuvieron recorriendo el La gentil señora Irma Betancourt añadió un año más a su feliz
fraces con el tema de “Star Wars, la cual fue sancionada por la AT&T Center, donde se efectuó un concurso de disfraces y a la existencia siendo felicitada por su esposo Jesse Betancourt y sus
mascota oficial The Coyote.
vez complacieron a espectadores tomándose fotografías.
hijos Héctor, Armando, Jorge, Rubí, nueras y nietos.
soluciones 2015
REcetas NUTRITIVAS, consejos y MÁS a precios bajos
7-20 de enero
18 de enero de 2015
El lunes 12 de enero Network for Young Artists presentó en una velada musical su medalla oficial de Fiesta San Antonio 2015. Esto como preámbulo al evento Deco District Arts and Musical Festival
a celebrarse el 19 de abril en Deco District, zona que aloja a un número de negocios en torno al cruce de las avenidas Zarzamora y Fredericksburg. Esto dentro del programa oficial de Fiesta 2015.
Katy McKenzie, de 18 años de edad, intérprete de Country Music.
Ashley Littlefield, Fiesta 2015 Teen Queen, invitada especial a
la recepción.
Miss Fiesta, Sophia Campos, muestra la Medalla de Network
for Young Artists.
Katy McKenzie, Graciela Gómez, Maya Crane y Seryna Lobo, alumnas de la academia de música de Network for Young Artists Graciela Gómez, alumna de la escuela de música de Network for
animaron al recepción cuando fue presentada la Medalla de Fiesta 2015 de la institución NYA.
Young Artist.
La calle Alta Vista en el Distrito No. 5 cambiará
de nombre por el de Jaime Martínez, dirigente
laboral que sigue activo en favor de los derechos
de los trabajadores, a pesar de una larga batalla
contra el cáncer. (Fotos, Roberto J. Pérez)
Con la renovación que el gobierno municipal hizo
a fin del año pasado en el Parque Travis, este ha
adquirido un nuevo y propicio aspecto para celebraciones culturales o presentación de artistas
Ardilla disfrutando una galleta en el Parque de la Hemisferia.
locales, como en el caso de James Martín.
H-E-B tiene ahora nutricionistas registrados para ayudarte y a tu familia con:
• Soluciones para perder peso
• Recetas saludables para todos los presupuestos
• Planificación de comida personalizada y ¡más!
Visita para obtener una lista de servicios, precios y ubicaciones
Disponible en inglés
©2015 HEB, 15-0520
Tacos and Tequila: Austin’s take
on tacos hits the Alamo City
By Amanda Lozano
Price range: $-$$
Austin and San Antonio: it’s
the never-ending feud of which
city reigns supreme.
Most of the time, Austinites
and San Antonians have conflicting viewpoints on everything
from lifestyles to music.
That being said, the Alamo
City and the Capital City have
two completely different interpretations on the way the towns
prepare tacos. Enter Tacos and
Tequila (TNT): Austin’s take on
the iconic eat.
TNT is an experimental concept, much like everything in
Austin. The interior of the place
is extremely trendy, modern and
urban, yet comfortable enough
to relax and down a few drinks.
The art within is a mix of Pablo
Picasso meets Market Square:
lyrical abstraction with that touch
of modernism. TNT is smack
dab on Broadway Street, across
from the Pearl, on the corner of
Josephine. Seeing cars and pedestrians from the windows only
adds to the urban feel.
Like most taquerias in town,
you are greeted with a generous serving of chips and salsa.
Served in a large brown bag,
there are yellow and blue corn
chips, in addition to baked sweet
potato in the medley. I’m not a
fan of sweet potato in the slightest, but TNT dusts this addictive
seasoning on them that hooked
me in.
Made with ingredients like
buffalo chicken, seared ahi tuna,
and chimichurri beef tenderloin,
you won’t be seeing any chorizo
con papas or queso y frijoles tacos here, but that’s OK. It’s good
to turn from the comfy breakfast
taco phase and trek for tortillas
elsewhere sometimes.
There are five more types
of meat you can choose to put
in your tacos, including BBQ
pulled pork, grilled chicken or
steak, corn crusted chicken, rojo
shrimp and southwest veggie.
Each of them has a flavor spectrum of its own.
A couple of my favorites
include the shrimp, tuna and
buffalo chicken. Rojo Shrimp
is rubbed with recado rojo, or
achiote paste. Popular in Yucatan, this spice gives the shrimp a
warm, savory taste. Sriracha and
orange baste are marinated with
the shrimp, too, giving it a spicy,
yet citrusy taste. Garnished with
sweet mango, red peppers, and
red onions, the combination is
Seared Ahi Tuna is like sushi meets tacos in a Japanese/
Mexican love affair. The tuna,
is drizzled with an agave soy
glaze, horseradish and sesame
seeds. There is a beauty in seared
tuna. Almost raw but barely to
the point of cooked, TNT has
mastered the art of finding the
delicate balance between the two.
Buffalo Chicken is good for
those that prefer something more
typical. Like a saucy chicken
Pictured is a Seared Ahi Tuna, Rojo Shrimp and a Buffalo Chicken
street taco. (Photo, Amanda Lozano)
wing, the sauce is spicy, and buttery. The street taco is adorned
with cauliflower, cabbage and
red and green bell pepper. It’s
good for those that don’t want
to venture out into something too
Tacos are served with a small
scoop of sweet corn cake. The
tacos cost about $3.50 a pop, but
they are definitely worth it. No
need to diss TNT as their tacos
are in a league on their own, and
you only need to eat like two
of them to feel full. During the
week, TNT has a lunch special
that gets you two tacos, and unlimited refills on a drink for $10.
It happens Monday-Thursday.
Salads are a little more costly,
and will run you anywhere from
$10 to $14, but who really goes
to a taco place for a salad?
In addition, TNT has $1.50
street tacos daily from 4 p.m.-7
p.m. You can choose from four
flavors of street tacos: three that
aren’t on the menu normally.
These include picadillo, chicken
in salsa verde, and black beans.
Happy hour runs during the same
times. Margaritas, mojitos and
sangria run for $4 a pop. The
drinks are made with a heavy
pour, so you do get your money’s
On Sundays, from 10 a.m.-3
p.m, TNT hosts brunch. For
$19.99, anything at the buffet is
up for grabs. Omlettes made toorder, waffles, huevos rancheros,
waffles, fried chicken and more.
Two mimosas are included in the
price, as well.
TNT may not be from San
Antonio per se, but they have this
taco thing down just as well. If
you are looking for a tasty taco,
or good beverage, I would definitely recommend the place, even
if it’s just once, and remember
drink responsibly
18 de enero de 2015
18 de enero de 2015
Jamie Lee Curtis: Believe in someone
By Trey Hilburn III
“Spare Parts” is a remarkable true story of four high school student underdogs from Phoenix, Ariz. who achieved the impossible
when they banded together to compete in a submersible robotics
It was there that they went against major national universities
with inspiring results.
The iconic Jamie Lee Curtis, plays the inspirational principal at
Carl Hayden Community High School who helped inspire the four
boys to follow their creativity. Her character, a naturally driven
high school principle, was an endeavor in finding a character who
would be willing to change the lives of her students.
“I made her a woman who was previously married to another
woman who had died,” Curtis told La Prensa. “Now she was a
widowed woman who dedicated her life to changing the lives of
these young people through her humor and creativity rather than
the letter of the law which is often what academic administrative
types often succumb to.”
Previous to her involvement in “Spare Parts” Curtis was not faSee Jamie Lee Curtis on
page 3-D
Televangelist to release
new album after 2 years
By Alyssa Bunting
I first heard of Televangelist
from a friend of a friend who,
ironically, later joined the band.
My friend played their minialbum “Crime Waves” for me
once, and I was immediately
drawn in with the whimsical way
my favorite song off the album,
English Subtitles starts.
When I saw them for the first
time at the 1011 bar, I already
knew all the lyrics to their foursong EP. Needless to say the
self-proclaimed indie/math rock
band is one of the gems among
the San Antonio music scene and
that very scene eagerly waiting
for their new album.
La Prensa got the opportunity
to speak with Mark Anthony
Esquivel, guitarist for the band
who said they started on this album when “Crime Waves” was
released two years ago.
“One of the songs was even
supposed to make it to ‘Crime
Wave’ but wasn’t done. I’m too
particular with those sorts of
things” Esquivel shared. “It’s
taken us two years to finish this
EP, mostly due to the fact that
I wrote all of the instruments
except for one song on the new
album which was mostly written
by our bassist Steven Valencia.
A lot of the record was finished
by the time he jumped into
Over the two years, life and
changes have trickled into the
cracks of time and the band
that once had five members has
become a trio, which means the
Mark Anthony Esquivel plays a show with his band Televangelist
at the 1011 circa 2013. ( Photo, Alyssa Bunting)
pressure to carry the weight of
the missing instruments was a
hurdle the band faced.
“Steven Valencia and Mario
Alverado are much more of
an influence in Tele’s writ-
ing although you won’t really
hear those songs until after this
record is done,” Esquivel said.
“We have about eight new
songs in the works aside from
the seven that are done. We all
feel more comfortable with each
other’s playing, writing and
The band explained that they
were going to release the album digitally before they get it
pressed due to the high demand
and anticipation from their
fans. It will not be available to
the general public unless it is
pre-ordered through their Indie
Gogo page, where they’ve had
pre-orders all the way from
Australia and Asia. Through
their Indie Gogo crowd fund,
their fans raised over $1,000 so
that they can release the record
on vinyl.
According to Esquivel, “This
alone really made us want to
step up our game. We felt we
couldn’t let our fans down, so
we worked hard to produce
something we’d feel accomplished with, something they
could be proud of. This album
was completed due to them supporting us.”
The much anticipated album is
set to be released any week now
and vinyl to follow in March.
And as for what is next for the
local band, Esquivel said, “We
plan to push this record harder
than we have before.”
“We plan to tour Texas very hard
for the next year and will be hopefully doing our first national tour
in winter along with a new record.
My personal goal is to be a better
musician. I feel I have a long way
to go with my singing and guitar
playing. I also feel Tele is at about
60 percent of what we can be but I
have faith we can really achieve our
true potential, to leave something
behind, something that inspires.”
S.A. keeps it simple at
Cocktail Conference
Mixologists kept busy during Opening Night of the 2015 San
Antonio Cocktail Conference held at the Majestic Theatre on
Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015. Visitors can experience some the best
of craft cocktail culture during the SACC, which runs from Jan.
15 to 18. (Photo, Lea Thompson)
By Lea Thompson
The San Antonio Cocktail Conference (SACC) kicked things off
with a special opening night at the
Majestic Theatre. Now in its fourth
year, the conference has become
known for its dedication to charity,
and as a place for unique food and
drink culture.
This year’s festival has attracted
visitors across the country, but the
key players behind San Antonio’s
drink and culinary scene prefer to
keep their food and drink experiences “puro” and simple.
“I think it’s less important to be
a destination for food or whatever,
as that’s our thing, food and bar
culture,” Chad Carey, owner of The
Monterey and Hot Joy said. “You
can only get certain food and drink
experiences in New Orleans, and
New York, and Chicago. I think
San Antonio still has a long way to
go, but its moving towards that.”
The 2015 SACC brings more
than 50 mixologists and chefs from
throughout the country to San Antonio for three days, and this year’s
events feature more Texas restaurants and bars than ever before.
“We’ve always participated
in the charity portion of it, but
we’ve never really been here until
now,” Misael Gonzalez, the Bar
Manager at Bar du Mon Ami said.
“Everything about this event really
educates folks on the scene here and
outside of this town.”
In addition to the opportunity to
sample new beverages, the SACC
also offers attendees a chance to
learn more about the drink-making
process through special classes designed for anyone with an interest.
Most of San Antonio’s chefs
and mixologists hope that visitors
will learn that the best experiences
don’t necessarily have to be trendy
or complicated.
“In my opinion, cocktails should
be aggressively simple, once you
add too many ingredients to it,
you’re hurting the natural sweetness of that particular spirit and
you’re really ruining the taste,”
Gonzalez said.
Although the city’s culinary reputation has grown slowly, San Antonio continues to make their food
and drink with the same distinct
spirit. Whether it’s menudo and
breakfast tacos or a blood orange
mojito, the flavors are unique, and
they can’t be found anywhere else.
“Birdman” y “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
se proclaman favoritas a los Óscar
PAX South brings ‘This
War of Mine’ along with it
Survive as a group of civilians in 11 Bit Studio’s “This War of Mine.” (Courtesy photo)
By Trey Hilburn III
PAX South is coming to San
Antonio on Jan. 23-25 and is
brining the world of gaming with
it. Thousands of booths from
developers working on a ton of
great titles are all going to be at
the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center.
Among them, 11 Bit Studios
will be in house at booth #1442.
11 Bit Studio’s game “This
War of Mine” will be on hand and
hopefully playable.
The unique game shows the
other side of war. Instead taking
on the role of a solider, you go in
and take on the role of a group
of civilians trying to survive in
a war-torn city. The group can’t
leave their home during the day
due to snipers, but at night they
are able to scavenge and learn to
survive together.
Other people on the war-torn
streets will also attempt to kill
and loot you so that they can
survive. The cold and starvation
are always right around the corner
as well.
The game makes the player
make life and death decisions. It
is impossible to protect everyone
and, at times, sacrifices have to
be made.
The launch trailer for “This War
of Mine” featured Emir Cerimovic
who was only 9-years-old when
back in 1992 he and his family
struggled to survive in Sarajevo
during the longest siege in history.
Drop by the booth and talk to
the team that put together one of
the grittiest and most real games
of 2014.
Netflix announces filming of
“Club de Cuervos” in Mexico
EFE - Netflix announced
Wednesday in a communique the
start of filming for its first Spanishlanguage series - entitled “Club
de Cuervos” - at different sites in
The digital content platform,
together with Alazraki Entertainment, has reunited the team from
the successful Mexican film “Nosotros los Nobles” and is now
filming the series dealing with a
18 de enero de 2015
family feud among heirs after the
death of the owner of a professional
soccer team.
Gaz Alazraki is the director of the
project and Luis Gerardo Mendez
will star in the series.
The 13-episode series, which will
provide a satirical and entertaining
view of the world of pro soccer, will
begin airing in 2015.
Rounding out the cast are Mariana Treviño, Stephanie Cayo,
Daniel Gimenez Cacho, Antonio
de la Vega, Ianis Guerrero, Jesus
Zavala, Veronica Teran and Carlos
Bardem, among others.
Alazraki, Leo Zimbron and Mike
Lam will produce the project, which
is based on a story created by Lam.
Months ago, Ted Sarandos, the
director of content for Netflix, said
that he was sure that the platform’s
customers “will love this family
Netflix announced the start of filming for Spanish-language series “Club de Cuervos” at various
locations in Mexico. (EFE/File)
EFE - La película del cineasta
mexicano Alejandro González
Iñárritu “Birdman” y “The
Grand Budapest Hotel” se convirtieron en las grandes favoritas
a los Óscar, tras empatar con 9
candidaturas como las producciones más nominadas a la 87
edición de estos premios, según
anunció la Academia de Hollywood.
La cinta argentina “Relatos
salvajes” competirá por el título de mejor filme de habla no
inglesa, mientras que Iñárritu
opta a tres galardones (película,
dirección y guion original) y su
compatriota Emmanuel Lubezki
podría revalidar con “Birdman”
la estatuilla de mejor fotografía
que consiguió en 2014 con
De México es también Martín
Hernández, candidato a mejor
edición de sonido por “Birdman”
y “La Parka”, obra de Gabriel
Serra Arguello que tratará de
lograr el Óscar en la categoría de
mejor cortometraje documental.
El anuncio de nominaciones celebrado en la sede de la
Academia de Hollywood, en
Los Ángeles, que tuvo entre
sus presentadores al mexicano
Alfonso Cuarón, puso a “Birdman” y “The Grand Budapest
Hotel” en cabeza de la carrera
por las estatuillas, y confirmó
al drama “The Imitation Game”
como gran contendiente.
Esa cinta obtuvo 8 candidaturas, por 6 de “American
Sniper”, de Clint Eastwood,
y “Boyhood”, del realizador
Richard Linklater que, según
los pronósticos en Hollywood,
tiene muchas papeletas para
imponerse como mejor película.
“Foxcatcher”, “Interstellar”,
“The Theory of Everything”
y “Whiplash” consiguieron 5
menciones en total.
“Interstellar” fue la única de
las producciones más nominadas
en no entrar en la pugna por la
categoría de mejor película, una
disputa en la que sí está “Selma”,
que cosechó únicamente dos
Es la primera ocasión en la
que la Academia elige ocho
largometrajes para competir por
el galardón de mejor película
desde que en 2011 se eleva el
abanico de elegibles de 5 a un
máximo de 10. Desde entonces
siempre había habido 9 filmes en
Todo apunta a que el Óscar
de dirección recaerá bien en
Iñárritu, en Linklater o en Wes
Anderson (“The Grand Budapest
Hotel”), quienes comparten
candidatura con Bennett Miller
(“Foxcatcher”) y Morten Tyldum (“The Imitation Game”),
mientras que “Birdman” dominó
las categorías interpretativas.
18 de enero de 2015
‘La Vida Robot’ isn’t
‘Blackhat’ only has one
missing any ‘Spare Parts’
trick up its sleeve
By Trey Hilburn III
The boys from Carl Hayden Community High School, along with their teacher, determined to
build a submersible robot. (Courtesy photo)
By Trey Hillburn III
When Wired Magazine published an article titled “La Vida
Robot,” it was almost hard to believe. It told the remarkable true
story of 4 Hispanic underdogs
from Phoenix who managed to
achieve the impossible.
Fast-forward to the present;
that true story has been made
into a movie that tells the same
inspirational true story from the
Wired Magazine article.
It follows a group of students
from Carl Hayden Community
High School who banded together to build a submersible
robot and took it to compete
against some of the top universities across the nation.
These guys mange to build
a robot for fewer than $800 by
using cheap parts that went so
far as to include pool noodles
and feminine hygiene products,
despite them going against universities who spent thousands
on building their robots.
Oscar Vazquez (Carlos PenaVega) tries to join the military in order to bypass being
deported, but when that fails he
decides to compete in a robotics
Naval sponsored competition to
give his life direction.
And much like the “Avengers,” the team came together from there: the leader, the
brains, the muscle and the mechanic.
“Spare Parts” makes an interesting choice by combining two
teachers into one in the form of
George Lopez. Allan Cameron
and Fredi Lajvardi were instrumental in the success of the team
from Carl Hayden and Lopez
makes the role work as a funny
and warm mentor.
While at the beginning of
this one I thought I was in for a
cheesy Lifetime channel movie
due to its basic digital cinematography and over enunciated
dialogue, the story is what ends
up pulling you in and makes you
suspend that pesky disbelief.
It is incredible to know how
hard these kids had it at that
point in their life and how all
of them eventually went on to
great things.
“Spare Parts” has a couple of
surprises up its sleeve, too. It
isn’t the straight forward montage followed by a win. If you
like inspirational films, you will
feel right at home.
Michael Mann is one of my
favorite directors. “Heat,” “Manhunter,” and “The Insider” are all
great films with unique cinematography that might as well have
a watermark for Mann’s style.
With his latest film “Blackhat,” Mann takes on the world of
espionage and cyber-terror.
After a nuclear plant goes into
meltdown and the stock market is
taken control of, due to a hacker
malware upload, the world is sent
into a panic.
The Chinese and American’s
decide to band together to find
out who was responsible for the
attack. In comes the “one man”
in every action movie scenario.
Nicholas Hathaway (Chris
Hemsworth), a convict, is given
a deal to be freed of all charges if
he helps to help locate the hacker.
Hathaway helps authorities conduct a worldwide man-hunt using
digital footprints to find out who
caused the attacks and figure out
what they were planning next.
Michael Mann still brings his
unique kinetic cinematography to
“Blackhat,” but it ends up feeling
like something that would have
been better suited for the ‘80s.
The hacking that seemed to be
a central point of the story takes a
back seat to exposition and while
the action is fantastically filmed
and reminiscent of the gunplay in
“Heat,” there is very little left to
fill the overly long two hour and
fifteen minute length film.
Another huge issue with
“Blackhat” was lead man Hemsworth. Hemsworth is great as
Thor; there is no doubt about that.
But this film made me realize
that Hemsworth is all mumbles.
And in a movie where he has to
shoot lines of sharp tech inspired
dialogue, it becomes clear that
anyone else would have been
better suited.
I know hackers, and none have
six pack abs, a perfect completion and pretty princess hair. This
film needed more acne, pasty
skin and Mountain Dew. Or, at
least someone that would have
been more believable and could
give a line of tech talk without
sounding like it was from Cliffs
The writer really failed Michael Mann. Mann tries desperately to gain momentum and
make it one of his trademarks
but falls short due to some below
mediocre writing. This may be a
Mann’s world but it seems not
this time around.
Rating: R
Runtime: 133 Min
Director: Michael Mann
Stars: Chris Hemsworth,
Viola Davis, Wei Tang
“Spare Parts”
Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 83 Min
Director: Sean McNamara
Stars: George Lopez,
Jamie Lee Curtis, Carlos
Instant Classic
“You have to be creative.
You have to come up with new ideas.
Give people something they can not
experience anywhere else.”
In Loving Memory
Mentor.Visionary. Philanthropist.
Nicholas Hathaway leads a worldwide hacker manhunt. (Courtesy photo)
Jamie Lee Curtis...
miliar with the story till she read
the original article that Wired
Magazine published.
“‘La Vida Robot,’ which I read
and just couldn’t believe,” she
said. “I mean, I was flabbergasted
by the true story and the courage
and tenacity of these young people and the way they decided to
compete against colleges instead
of high schools.”
Curtis, while not popular or
deemed an achiever in high
school, is the perfect example of
how creativity can lead places
that academia might not always
be able to lead to.
“High School was a misery
to me. I am the classic underachiever. I wasn’t popular,”
Curtis admitted. “My entire
high school experience could
be boiled down to when I was a
cheerleader. I loved it. But, from
a scholastic standpoint, I was
an underachiever. I think I got
a combined 840 on my SATs, I
barely got out of high school.”
Lucky for Curtis a writer and
friend of her mother’s, Gwen
Davis, gave Curtis the confidence
to come out of her shell.
“She told me ‘You are special,
there is something about you, you
are very smart and funny and I
believe you will do great things,’”
Curtis recalled. “And that is not
dissimilar to the George Lopez
character (who is actually playing
both high school instructors, Allan Cameron and Fredi Lajvardi)
and the principle of the school
who give voice to that inner cre-
(continued from page 1-D)
ativity in these young people.”
Curtis’ strong affinity is focused on giving young people
the added bonus of a pat on the
back or a vote confidence earlier
in life to get them started on the
right path.
“I believe that every human
being wants somebody to believe
in them,” she said. “It is what
we strive for, to be believed and
thought of as worthy. I would
love to see every adult in America
take one teenager and mentor
them and get to know them and
figure out what their strengths
While Curtis has played legendary roles across her career you
wouldn’t know it from speaking
to the modestly humble Curtis.
Her roles from “Halloween” to
“True Lies” were all her “being
given a chance.”
“Here is what you need to
know about ‘True Lies’, a ‘Fish
Called Wanda’ and all the rest
of it,” Curtis said. “John Cleese
[director of ‘A Fish Called Wanda’] literally did the same thing
Freddy and Allan did with these
kids in the true story of ‘Spare
Parts,’ he said ‘I believe in you,
I want to give you a chance.’”
Curtis went on to say, “John
Carpenter’s confidence in me
when he hired me to be in ‘Halloween,’ Jim Cameron’s confidence in me when he called and
said ‘I wrote you a movie,’ these
are people who did the same thing
Gwen Davis did for me when I
was younger. They looked at me
A young Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode in the movie “Halloween”. (Courtesy photo)
and said ‘I believe in you.’ And I
think we are all looking for that,
we all need somebody to say ‘I
believe in you.’”
“Spare Parts” brings to light
an incredible story that not many
are familiar with if not for the
film. Curtis herself is focusing
her attention on bringing another
less known and inspirational true
story to the screen as a producer
this time around.
“I am trying to tell the story
of Glenn Burke,” she said. “He
was an African American rookie
baseball player for the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1977. After Dusty
Baker hit his grand slam homerun
that put him in the 30-30-30 (sic)
club of players that have hit 30
homeruns during a regular season, Glen Burke was the man on
deck so when Dusty Baker runs to
home plate Glenn Burke throws
up the first high-five ever given in
the universe. So, on Oct. 2, 1977
the high five was invented.
“It turns out Glenn Burke was
a closet gay black baseball player
who was ultimately kicked out
of baseball for being gay after
he was outed by his mother in
Sports Illustrated and died on the
streets of Oakland from AIDS.
His legacy is the high-five and
the first out gay baseball player.
I have been trying to get this one
made, I own the rights to his
life story which is called ‘Out at
Next up Curtis can be seen
in Ryan Murphy’s “Scream
Queens,” a return to the horror
genre for the icon behind horror
legends like “Halloween” and
“Prom Night.”
“Spare Parts” is now playing at
a theater near you.
Querida Nina:
Tengo un problema y creo que
es personal. Yo tengo 19 años y
estoy por entrar a la universidad.
Tengo a mi pareja con quien llevo
ya unos meses saliendo pero aun
no me ha hecho su novia. Él y
yo nos conocimos en el verano
y desde entonces hemos hablado
y hemos tenido hasta relación
física, pero nunca me toma de
la mano en público y nunca me
invita a lugares en donde otras
personas conocidas vayan a estar.
Por otro lado, mis amigas me
dicen que debería de dejarlo ir
y fijarme en el chico que sí me
busca y que quiere ser mi novio
de verdad, pero yo he batallado
mucho porque creo que estoy
enamorada del chico con el que
ahora salgo. Esto también me
ha ocasionado problemas con
mis amigas porque yo veo que
ellas están muy contentas con
sus novios y he llegado a sentir
envidia y celos de saber que a
ellas sí las invitan a salir y las
toman de la mano en público, y a
mí nunca nadie me ha tomado de
la mano en la escuela.
El chico con el que salgo me
dice que me quiere y que le
atraigo mucho. También me dice
que lo hago muy feliz y hasta ha
llegado a involucrar sentimientos
y familia conmigo; sin embargo,
no logro que me haga su novia.
Dime por favor qué debo hacer
y por qué me está pasando esto.
Querida jovencita tibia:
Eres tibia porque no has tomado
una decisión firme en tu relación.
No has logrado tener el coraje y
la dignidad para poder hacer lo
que tu corazón te pide y lo que
tu sentimiento te dice que hagas.
Lo primero que debes de hacer
es reflexionar y darte cuenta si
realmente lo que buscas es una
relación o si simplemente quieres
tener a un compañero. Te voy a
ayudar un poco, y es que por lo
que veo tú sí quieres tener una
relación porque tus amigas provocan envidia y celos al estar con
sus parejas. Asegúrate de pensar
en ti porque nadie más lo va a
hacer en este mundo, y si no te
das tu lugar y pides lo que tanto
buscas y anhelas, entonces nadie
va a hacerlo.
Recuerda que los hombres son
cazadores por naturaleza, y si no
lo dejas hacer su parte es posible
que nunca sea tu novio.
Deja de buscarlo, deja de tener
relación física con él y hazle saber
qué es lo que tú buscas. Si el chico
realmente tiene interés en ti, va a
darte lo que tanto buscas y te va
a hacer su novia.
De lo contrario, si no le interesas es porque no será para ti y tú
debes dejar de perder tu tiempo y
pensar en otra persona que te haga
verdaderamente feliz. Escucha a
tu corazón, pero también escucha
a tus amigas o a tus padres, ya
que ellos siempre tendrán otra
perspectiva de lo que te sucede.
Escriba a Querida Nina, 816 Camaron St. Ste 104, San Antonio,
TX 78212 o al correo electrónico:
18 de enero de 2015
The line-ups are coming, the
line-ups are coming!
By Alyssa Bunting
Music festivals have been releasing their lineups left and right
over the last few months.
Last Thursday, San Antonio’s
Maverick Music Festival released
four bands that would be playing
at their fest in April: The Tuneyards, Cake, The Toadies, and
Cypress Hill. With just those four
names, the diversity of old and
new has me at the edge of my seat
waiting for the rest of it.
Until the rest of the line-up is
released for Maverick, I would
say that Austin Psychfest in
May is what I’m most excited
for right now. Jesus and Mary
Chain, Tame Impala, The Flaming Lips, I mean how could you
not be excited?
Although, we’re all still patiently waiting for Free Press
Summer Fest in Houston (which
is usually out by November, I
wonder what the hold up is?) and
Austin City Limits (ACL) to use
To be honest, even music festival monster Coachella’s line
up doesn’t compare to Psychfest. It’s always been a painful
experience whenever Coachella
released what bands were set to
perform that year, a little piece of
my heart would shatter as I read
name after name knowing it was
highly improbable to make the
trip up there. Coachella was the
dream; it’s the Disney World of
music festivals.
This year however, my heart
remained intact, because to me,
it seemed as though Coachella
is recycling ACL’s 2014 line up
and took a page out of Fun Fun
Fun Fest’s book when I saw AC/
DC as one of the headliner when
FFFFest just had Judas Priest
as one of their 2014 headliners.
Don’t get me wrong, the lineup is
one of the most diverse I’ve seen
and that in itself is impressive.
A fake Bonnaroo lineup was
released last Tuesday with headliners that included Jay-Z and
Beyoncé which would have
been just utterly ridiculous and
would have shaken the entire
dynamic of a festival to the core
but, sadly not.
The real Bonnaroo line up
looks amazing but as far as music
festivals on a national level goes;
I think Governor’s Ball has the
best line up thus far this year,
although Lollapalooza hasn’t
announced their line up yet.
Governor’s Ball takes the best
acts of Coachella and Bonnaroo,
has that diversity factor, and a
lot of the acts are up and comers.
Bjork is one the artists on the
line up, and she just announced
she was releasing a new album
very soon so timing could not be
more perfect.
SXSW released some of their
2015 acts earlier this week as
well; it just confirmed that there
was no need to head out of state
because a lot of the bands that
peaked my interest on a national
scale are coming right here to
Now when I say SXSW released SOME of their acts, that
includes over 500 bands and it’s
not even scratching the surface,
the big names aren’t released
until beginning of March.
Of course, SXSW isn’t really considered a music festival
because there are more components other than the music factor. SXSW in itself is beautiful,
organized anarchy to put it plain
and simple.
I don’t plan for anything the
way I plan for SXSW. Then of
course, there’s nothing in the
world like it. One doesn’t complain because the whole dynamic
of it all is to find out where all the
free stuff and shows are.
The few weeks before are dedicated to RSVP-ing to shows and
mapping what where you need
to be and what time, the second
part of it is being glued to social
media like Twitter to find what
is going on and where.
However, with the tragedy that
took the lives of a dozen people
last year, SXSW officials had
announced earlier this year that
there would be no unofficial
shows that would probably remove the “free stuff” factor. I am
curious to see how it will change
things for this coming year.
On the Brightside, with SXSW
comes an influx of bands itching to play more shows and will
spill over into San Antonio, so it
would be wise to expect quite a
few shows that week in March.
Last year, I got to catch the Cosmonauts at the Limelight and
look forward to who will wander
into our neck of the woods this
year, especially since the venue
that is going to replace the White
Rabbit opens in March as well.
del Castillo
con Gaby Crassus
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