Alimentos para el alma - La Prensa De San Antonio

23 de noviembre de 2014
Eva, la proyección digital Speaker race may push
que guía a los viajeros
Texas farther right
Por Natalie Bobadilla
Trabaja las 24 horas al día los siete
días a la semana y siempre muestra
una actitud positiva. Eva es la más
reciente integrante al personal del
Aeropuerto Internacional de San
Antonio y aunque de lejos parezca
una persona normal, no lo es.
Similar a un holograma, Eva es
una representante de atención al
clien­te virtual. Su apariencia consiste en la proyección digital de la
actriz Michele Lepe. El video de
la actriz personificando a Eva es
activado cuando algún cliente se
acerca, de otra manera simplemente
luce con una sonrisa.
El propósito principal de Eva es
acelerar el proceso de la Administración de Seguridad en el Trans- Eva, una proyección digital, les avisa a los clientes del Aeropuerto
porte (TSA) y por esto se encuentra Internacional de San Antonio como prepararse antes de pasar por
Vea Eva en la pág. 6-A seguridad. (Foto, Natalie Bobadilla)
By Lea Thompson
Although Rep. Joe Straus, R-San
Antonio, is expected to handedly
win the House Speaker race in
Jan. 2015, the opposition, freshman Rep. Scott Turner, R-Frisco
shows no signs of backing down
from getting a vote on the record.
Turner, a former NFL player and
a Tea Party favorite, believes that
a new Speaker is needed to pass
more conservative legislation. Although Turner has managed to win
a handful of endorsements from
conservative groups, the majority
of Republican and Democratic
representatives show strong support for Straus, who has served as
Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus speaks at the San Antonio
House speaker since 2009.
Chamber of Commerce luncheon earlier this week.
See Speaker on page 6-A (Photo, Lea Thompson)
Van de Putte enters
mayoral race,
Villarreal won’t quit
By Joe Sandoval
State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte
is job hunting, and she wants the
citizens of San Antonio to check
out her résumé as she adds her
name to mayoral race for the City
of San Antonio.
To date, no one has officially
filed the paperwork for the office,
but already two lawmakers have
made it known that they want to
lead the nation’s seventh largest
city in to the next millennium.
The initial move for mayor
was made by State Rep. Mike
Villarreal, who after winning the
November election resigned to run
for mayor.
Despite Van de Putte’s entry in
the race, he told La Prensa that as
far as he’s concerned it’s business
as usual for he and his campaign.
“We continue to remain focused
on the voters and listening to our
fellow citizens about what their
highest and greatest concerns
are for our city,” he said. “We’re
excited. We’ve been at this for six
months and we have pulled together a common vision for the future
of our city, and I look forward to
sharing that and debating the issues
with whomever steps forward.”
In talking with Van de Putte, her
decision was made this past Tuesday, and she admits that it wasn’t
all that difficult.
“I had been inundated with so
many calls from community leaders and business leaders, elected
officials, past mayors, former and
current city council members all
asking me to consider coming
home,” she told La Prensa.
Leticia Van de Putte makes a speech during her campaign for lieutenant governor, now she’s entering the race to be the next San
See Mayoral race on page 6-A Antonio Mayor. (Photo, Lea Thompson)
Alimentos para el alma
Por José I. Franco
Jugadores del plantel Rampage
de San Antonio se unieron a un
selecto grupo de estudiantes con
necesidades educativas especiales
que participan en el programa Safe
Optimal Learning Environment
Con ellos compartieron sus
habilidades gastronómicas en la
preparación de alimentos, que
serán el menú a cocinarse y, posteriormente, a ser donado a familias
menos afortunadas.
Por estar cerca las festividades
del Thanksgiving Day (Día de Acción de Gracias) los estudiantes
que integran el grupo S.O.L.E.
Mates y del Team Up Challenge,
dependiente de la fundación Silver
& Black Give Back (SBGB) que
cursan sus estudios secundarios en
Lowell Middle School (asociada al
Distrito Escolar Independiente de
Estudiantes y personal docente del programa S.O.L.E. Mates en Lowell Middle School agradecieron
San Antonio –SAISD–), se dieron
la visita de los jugadores Brett Olson y Blake Parlett, quienes ayudaron en la preparación de
a la tarea de invitar a los jugadores
Alimentos para el Alma. Olson y Parlett se despidieron firmando autógrafos y deseándoles todo
Vea Alimentos en la pág. 3-A
lo mejor. (Foto Franco)
El desafío migratorio
está abierto
EFE (Compilado por La Prensa Staff) - Fue en Las Vegas donde
el presidente de EE.UU., Barack
Obama, delineó sus principios para
una reforma migratoria integral
y el viernes regresó a esa ciudad
para defender su regularización
unilateral de 5 millones de indocumentados y captar el voto hispano,
ya con la vista puesta en las elecciones de 2016.
La parte clave del plan de Obama
beneficiará a los indocumentados
con hijos que son ciudadanos
estadounidenses o residentes permanentes, que demuestren que
llevan en el país desde antes del 1
de enero de 2010 y que carezcan de
antecedentes criminales.
Además, el presidente extendió
la Acción Diferida (DACA), un
programa que ya ha evitado la
deportación de más de 580,000
jóvenes indocumentados y al
que ahora podrán acogerse todos
aquellos que llegaron a EE.UU.
antes de cumplir 16 años y con
anterioridad al 1 de enero de 2010,
con independencia de la edad que
tengan actualmente.
Sus medidas protegerán de la
deportación durante tres años a
cinco de los más de 11 millones de
indocumentados que hay en el país
y darán prioridad a la expulsión de
aquellos que tengan antecedentes
criminales o hayan llegado a Estados Unidos recientemente.
Esas acciones no pretenden ser
el sustituto de un marco legal que
arregle el “roto” sistema migratorio
estadounidense, según enfatizó
Obama en su discurso a la nación
al urgir de nuevo al Congreso a
aprobar una reforma mucho más
amplia e integral.
“Quiero trabajar con ambos
partidos para aprobar una solución
legislativa más permanente. Y el
día que firme ese proyecto de ley,
las acciones que hoy tomo ya no
serán necesarias”, anotó.
Pero hasta que eso ocurra “hay
acciones que tengo la autoridad
legal de tomar como presidente –el
mismo tipo de medidas adoptadas por presidentes demócratas y
republicanos antes que yo– y que
ayudarán a que nuestro sistema de
Vea Desafío en la pág. 2-A
México aguanta dos volcanes
Lo peor de
la actual crisis
de violencia,
impunidad y
corrupción en
México es esa
espantosa senJorge Ramos sación de que
no va a pasar
nada. Nada.
Es el temor, bien fundado, de
que no habrá justicia en el caso
de la matanza de 43 estudiantes
en Guerrero, ni habrá tampoco
una investigación oficial sobre
cómo se financió la casa de 7
millones de dólares de la familia
presidencial. Indigna sospechar
que todo seguirá igual.
Ya nos ha pasado antes. Nadie pagó por la masacre de
estudiantes de 1968; nadie ha
investigado oficialmente cómo
nuestros ex presidentes se han
hecho millonarios. Y ahora el
México del presidente Enrique
Peña Nieto es el paraíso de los
delincuentes. Casi nadie reporta
los crímenes – por desconfianza
en la justicia – y casi todos los
delitos que sí se reportan quedan
¡Cómo extraño a Carlos Fuentes! Cada vez que había una
crisis grave en México, iba a la
casa del fallecido escritor y él
me lo trataba de explicar. Pero
la última vez, tras analizar no
sé qué momento en la historia
reciente del país, me dijo como
conclusión una frase terrible:
“México aguanta dos volcanes”.
Se refería, por supuesto, a los
dos volcanes que vigilan y ame­
nazan permanentemente a la ciudad de México, el Popocatepetl
y el Ixtaccihuatl. Pero también
a esa capacidad tan mexicana
de aguantar las tragedias y los
abusos de sus gobernantes.
No entiendo, de verdad, cómo
pueden haber sido asesinados 43
estudiantes y no culpar de eso
a la fallida estrategia contra el
crimen de Peña Nieto. “Desde
luego que fue un crimen de Estado”, me dijo en una entrevista
José Miguel Vivanco, de Human Rights Watch. Participaron
policías, militares y políticos.
Y el presidente, en un pasmoso
acto de omisión e incapacidad,
se ocultó –primero– y luego actuó con negligencia y sin asumir
ninguna responsabilidad. Por
eso crecen las demandas, en las
calles y en las redes sociales,
para que renuncie. “Lárgate
EPN”, leí en una pared del Palacio Nacional.
La “casa blanca” de la familia
presidencial es otra historia increíble. La periodista Carmen
Aristegui y su equipo denunciaron con valentía y precisión
que una corporación –que recibió contratos millonarios del
gobierno del estado de México
y un licitación (ahora revocada)
de un tren rápido– es la dueña
de la casa que adquiere a plazos
Angélica Rivera, la esposa del
presidente Peña Nieto.
La pregunta es si Peña Nieto
y su familia se han beneficiado
económicamente por estar en
la presidencia. No conozco a
ningún mexicano o mexicana a
quien un excontratista gubernamental le financie una casa así.
Ninguno. La casa fue valuada
en 7 millones de dólares, pero
¿cuánto en realidad se está
pagando por ella? Esto es un
gravísimo conflicto de interés
y un serio error de juicio presidencial.
¿Qué pasaría en Estados Unidos si una empresa privada, que
recibió contratos del gobierno y
del partido político en el poder,
financiara en secreto la casa
privada de la primera dama, Michelle Obama? Habría, les aseguro, audiencias en el Congreso,
investigaciones independientes
–para determinar si hubo actos
de corrupción y encubrimiento–
y el mismo presidente correría
el peligro de perder su puesto.
Ni la suma de todos los salarios de funcionario público en
la vida de Peña Nieto alcanzaría
para pagar esa casa en Las Lomas.
En dos entrevistas, en
2009 y 2011 (aquí están: bit.
ly/1A8duxa) le pregunté a Peña
Nieto cuánto dinero tenía y si era
millonario. “No lo soy”, me con-
testó. Su problema es demostrar
que ahora, en la presidencia,
tampoco lo es y que su familia
no se ha enriquecido injustificadamente.
Finalmente, me resisto a creer
que los mexicanos hemos caído
en un estado de “desesperanza
aprendida”. Más bien, quiero
creer que, después de tantos
abusos, hemos aprendido a no
dejarnos más. Los próximos días
serán clave para que México
cambie y a fondo. Si dejamos
pasar este momento, estaremos
condenados a lo que tenemos. A
pesar del respeto y admiración
que siempre le tuve, espero que
en este caso Carlos Fuentes no
tenga razón.
Posdata a tiempo. El presidente
Obama hizo dos promesas a los
latinos. Ahora es el momento de
cumplir. A pesar de las amenazas
de los republicanos, debe ayudar
a millones de indocumentados
con una acción ejecutiva. “Be
bold” (sea audaz) le han pedido
los Dreamers. Beneficie a más
de 7 millones, le piden. Pero el
verdadero riesgo es quedar mal
con todos: con los republicanos
por hacerlo y con los latinos por
ser demasiado tímido.
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico a
Por favor incluya su nombre,
ciudad y país).
Vote to protect Edwards Aquifer
With the
this region
has had the
benefit of
Ron Nirenberg affordable,
clean water
since it was first settled centuries
ago. San Antonio – and communities around us – have drawn
from it for generations, and it
has been the base upon which
our entire city has grown and
prospered. According to all data
and plans, that will remain the
case for generations to come. In
the simplest terms, the Edwards
Aquifer has and will remain the
backbone of our city’s water
The Edwards is one of the
most efficient sources of clean
groundwater in the world. The
permeable rock structure and
geological features of its recharge zone cover six counties
and allow water to enter the
aquifer quickly, and over a
large area. While communities
throughout the world struggle
with short- and long-term water
shortages, San Antonio has been
able to stay ahead of the curve
because our water planning begins on a foundation of naturally
occurring, clean water sitting
right beneath us.
However, a highly efficient,
regional, and natural resource
like the Edwards Aquifer is
accompanied by a tremendous
responsibility to protect it. And
since 2000, San Antonio citizens
have voted three times in support of a watershed protection
program that has become a
model worldwide for innovation and efficiency. It is time to
do it again.
The Edwards Aquifer Protection Program (EAPP) is a
long-running, citizen-led effort
that protects our main supply of
water while balancing positive
growth that keeps our economy
strong. With voter approval, the
EAPP uses 1/8 of a cent of sales
tax to purchase conservation
easements over the recharge
zone to protect them from future
Since 2000, this program has
protected nearly 130,000 acres
of land over the recharge zone.
Based on the amount of water
that recharges per acre, that
equates to 36 billion gallons of
water per year.
The EAPP has not only effectively protected our natural
resources, it has also become a
market-based solution for San
Antonio’s water needs during
a time when other regions are
facing water supply difficulties.
I believe that’s why San Antonio
residents have voted 2-to-1 to
renew this program every five
years since its inception, and
that’s why I believe you deserve
to do it again in 2015.
The effectiveness of the pro-
gram is best illustrated by how
our city’s efforts compare to
other regions. At almost the
same cost as San Antonio, Austin has protected less than 20
percent of the sensitive acreage.
In New York, at nearly double
the cost, they are still far behind
in terms of the total area of the
watershed preserved. Here in
San Antonio, we’re purchasing
easements at pennies on the
dollar, ensuring that our main
source of water is available
and clean for our children and
In the next 25 years, San Antonio’s population is expected to
increase by over 1 million residents. This rapid growth makes
protecting the Edwards critical.
If water is the lifeblood of our
economy, then the EAPP is our
strategic economic advantage.
Let’s renew the Edwards
Aquifer Protection Program in
May 2015. We can’t afford
not to.
Just a Thought: Raul Jimenez Dinner
that time
again for
the Raul
Dinner on
Thanksg i v i n g
Steve Walker
Now in
its 35th year, the once a year
event continues to provide a
hot turkey dinner with all the
trimmings to senior citizens,
homeless and the less fortunate
from all over the city.
Traditionally, the dinner is
served at the Henry B. Gonzalez
Convention Center in downtown
San Antonio. Besides seniors
and the less fortunate, airmen
and soldiers stationed in San
Antonio who are unable to go
home for the holiday are bussed
from the numerous Air Force
bases and Ft. Sam Houston for
the annual gathering. Busses
also bring in seniors from the
various senior centers around
The mission of the dinner is to
invite seniors and others to dine
at a “community dinner table”,
celebrate the holiday with their
peers, and even enjoy live music
and entertainment.
As one who has participated
in the gathering in various capacities over the years, I find it
to be a rewarding experience.
The time spent at the Henry B.
Gonzalez Convention Center
on Thanksgiving Day with fellow seniors, military members,
homeless and the less fortunate
is really hard to put into words.
The dinner currently serves
more than 25,000 senior and
needy citizens from Bexar
County and the surrounding
areas and has grown to be one
of the largest Thanksgiving
benefits in the country.
Back in the 80s, I contributed
my time to doing numerous
tasks. One year, my brother Jeff
and I went downtown days before the dinner and spent nearly
a full day shucking the turkeys.
I remember we were given plastic gloves and extremely sharp
knives to skin what seemed like
a never ending stack of turkeys.
I walked away with a few minor
cuts on my hands for my efforts.
That particular year Thanksgiving happened to be my mother’s birthday which is why we
participated earlier in the week
so we could be home with her
on that day.
Another year, I bussed tables
for the workers eating area as
well as the tables in the main
makeshift dining room. That
was really rewarding as many of
the seniors graciously thanked
me for my efforts as I roamed
the hall for empty plates and
One year, I served plates
of food to the tables for those
waiting for a meal as a Balcones
Heights Councilman along with
other elected officials and community VIPS.
In 2006, when I started the
Walker Report photoblog, I
began covering the event for
the blog and from that point on
covered the dinner in photos.
Even as a judge I continued to
cover the event.
Currently over 4,000 volunteers work to make this annual event possible. Volunteer
committees assist with the coordination of transportation,
food preparation and service,
beverages, decorations, eventday volunteers, entertainment,
security, and finally, clean-up.
Numerous community and
corporate volunteers assist with
food preparation event week to
include shucking those turkeys
like I did many years ago.
Area school districts are also
an active part of the dinner as
they contribute student-made
table decorations and hundreds
of students who volunteer to
decorate the convention center.
On Thanksgiving Day, the volunteers gather to greet dinner
guests, prepare and serve the
meals, and clean up.
The City of San Antonio, a
sponsor of 34 years, contributes
the use of the Convention Center
exhibit halls and kitchen facilities needed to host the event.
Along with numerous sponsors,
the dinner is a city-wide team
effort to feed those who otherwise wouldn’t have a meal for
To those who volunteer and
give of their time for those less
fortunate, “Happy Thanksgiving.”
As Always, I write just a
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
La Prensa, raíces en la
cultura de San Antonio
23 de noviembre de 2014
What’s Taylor’s next move?
San Antonio’s political landscape has drastically changed in the
last two weeks and things became
more interesting when Senator Leticia Van de Putte announced she
will enter the race for San Antonio
mayor in 2015.
With State Rep. Mike Villarreal also stepping down from his
post to run it should make for an
interesting race and regardless of
who wins San Antonio should be
in good hands.
However, what no one is talking
about is what our current mayor,
Ivy Taylor will do. At this point,
the notion that she could compete
in the mayoral race seems farfetched and considering the pact
city council made whoever was appointed by City Council to succeed
former Mayor Julián Castro would
forgo running in 2015.
So, if that remains true then
Mayor Taylor must have her sights
set elsewhere.
And if you look closely at her
staff it shows she could be setting
herself up for a bigger prize. After
her appointment in July she began
to build her super staff or at least
one that was too good to just be
working in city politics.
Jill DeYoung, who formerly
worked for Reed Williams, is a
staunch GOP supporter and was
the one who reportedly canned
Taylor’s longtime friend Lou
Miller who served on the mayor’s
staff as director of community
relations. She also served as a
political consultant to Lyle Larson
and political director/treasurer for
13 years with Congressman Henry
Cary Clack was probably the
most interesting addition to the
staff considering he left U.S. Rep.
Joaquin Castro’s staff as communications director and senior advisor
to become Taylor’s communication director. It begs the question
why someone would leave Washington to come back and work in
city politics.
Now that there will soon be vacancies when Van de Putte and Villarreal begin their campaigns for
mayor will Taylor look to fill one
of their spots? Only time will tell.
inmigración sea más legal y más
justo”, defendió Obama.
Y después insistió: “Para aquellos
miembros del Congreso que cuestionan mi autoridad para hacer que
nuestro sistema de inmigración
funcione mejor, o cuestionan mi
capacidad de actuar donde el Congreso ha fallado, tengo una respuesta:
aprobad una ley”.
El viernes Obama firmaría el
decreto que contiene sus medidas
ejecutivas en su visita a Las Vegas,
en Nevada, el estado con mayor
proporción de inmigrantes indocumentados (un 7.6 %) en relación con
su población total.
Nevada es, además, un estado
de los considerados “bisagra” en
las elecciones presidenciales y uno
de los de mayor crecimiento de la
población latina en los últimos años.
Los latinos serán uno de los grupos
demográficos de mayor importancia
en las elecciones presidenciales de
2016, igual que lo fueron en 2012,
cuando Obama se llevó un 71 % del
voto hispano frente a su rival republi­
cano, Mitt Romney.
Si los demócratas quieren seguir
ocupando el Despacho Oval más allá
de enero de 2017 deben tener muy
en cuenta a los hispanos. Obama lo
sabe y ya desde hoy está trabajando
en ello.
El líder republicano John Boehner
alertó que las medidas ejecutivas
anunciadas por el presidente de
EE.UU., Barack Obama, para regularizar a cinco millones de indocumentados fomentarán la inmigración
ilegal y están “saboteando” cualquier
opción de aprobar una reforma en el
Las acciones de Obama “animarán
a más personas a venir aquí ilegalmente y poner sus vidas en riesgo”,
denunció Boehner, presidente de la
Cámara de Representantes, en una
comparecencia ante la prensa. Asimismo, Boehner acusó a Obama de
actuar como un “emperador o rey”
al proponer unilateralmente dicho
paquete de medidas migratorias.
De igual pensamiento fue el gobernador de Texas, Rick Perry, quien
criticó el jueves la regularización de
cinco millones de indocumentados,
al augurar que creará más “inmigración ilegal” e inseguridad en la
Según Perry, “Texas conoce de
primera mano los problemas que
conllevan la inmigración ilegal y una
mala política federal”.
El gobernador puso como ejemplo
(viene de la pág. 1-A)
la oleada de menores no acompañados que cruzaron la frontera durante
el último año, cerca de 70,000.
Por su parte, el gobernador electo y
actual procurador general del estado,
Greg Abbott, anunció que impugnará
judicialmente la medida unilateral del
“El presidente Obama ha eludido
el Congreso y ha anulado la voluntad
del pueblo estadounidense. Estoy
preparado para impugnar inmediatamente la medida”, afirmó Abbott en
un mensaje a través de su cuenta de
la red social Twitter.
Quien sí apoyo abiertamente la
posición del presidente fue Hillary
Clinton, a la que muchos dan por candidata segura en la carrera demócrata
a la Presidencia en 2016. “Al abdicar
de sus responsabilidades (al negarse a
actuar en inmigración), la Cámara de
Representantes allanó el camino para
esta acción ejecutiva, que sigue los
precedentes de presidentes de ambos
partidos décadas atrás”, señaló Clinton en un comunicado titulado “Yo
apoyo la decisión del presidente”.
En cuanto a los beneficiarios,
millones de inmigrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos, desde
California hasta Washington, se
sintieron por primera vez “libres”
tras el anuncio sobre inmigración del
presidente Barack Obama, que les
sabe “agridulce” por las muchas personas que aún seguirán en la sombra.
“Por primera vez me siento libre.
Libre de andar por la calle sin miedo
a la policía o libre de aplicar para
un trabajo”, dijo a Efe la mexicana
Enriqueta Juárez, sobre la que pesaba
una orden de deportación, que ahora
queda suspendida y que vivía con el
“miedo constante” de ser entregada
a las autoridades fronterizas.
Asimismo, gobiernos de países
que tienen altas tasas de indocumentados en Estados Unidos también
Por ejemplo, el presidente de
Guatemala Otto Pérez Molina dijo
que unos 100,000 guatemaltecos
podrían ser beneficiados con las
medidas migratorias anunciadas por
el presidente Obama.
Entre otros análisis políticos, el
exgobernador de Nuevo México Bill
Richardson, demócrata, dijo que las
medidas ejecutivas del presidente
Barack Obama ayudarán a Hillary
Clinton en su objetivo de llegar a la
Casa Blanca en 2016.
“Estas medidas no solo van a ayudar a la campaña de Hillary Clinton,
sino a todos los demócratas en el
Congreso y el Senado”.
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23 de noviembre de 2014
Calendario de la comunidad
of Thanksgiving, VIA Metropolitan Transit buses, streetcars, and
information centers will operate on the following special schedules:
Thursday, November 27, 2014 Bus routes – “Sunday” schedule, information line, (210) 362-2020 – CLOSED, all information centers
– CLOSED. Friday, November 28, 2014, Bus routes – “Saturday”
schedule, information line, (210) 362-2020 – 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Downtown Information Center – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., All other information
centers – CLOSED.
LITTLE FLOWER BASILICA - The Basilica of the National
Shrine of the Little Flower in San Antonio will host an exhibit of the
walking cane of St. Teresa of Avila Thursday, November 27, 2014
and Friday, November 28, 2014. A vigil prayer with St. Teresa will
be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 27, 2014 at the Basilica
and events continue Friday, November 28, 2014 at the Basilica from
10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
CHRISTMAS AT THE CAVERNS - Natural Bridge Caverns is
seeking choirs for Caroling in the Caverns, part of a new and exciting month-long holiday show debuting Friday, November 28, 2014.
Christmas at the Caverns will provide new adventures for visitors
showcased in a magical Christmas wonderland with thousands of
twinkling lights and a beautiful Hill Country Christmas setting. Interested choirs should contact Jo Posey, jposey@naturalbridgecaverns.
com, or phone her at (210) 651-6101, ext. 1230.
DECADES OF MEMORIES – Brackenridge High School Annual Reunion Dance honoring the Class of 1964 celebrating its 50th
anniversary and the Class of 1969 celebrating its 45th anniversary,
Saturday, November 22, 2014, Alzafar Shrine Temple Ballroom.
Social hour from 7-8 p.m. Dance is 8-midnight with music by Celsius.
Tickets available at
BRIGHT SHINING LIGHTS - Family Service Association’s
Festival of Lights “A Celebration of Stars,” will take place Monday,
November 24, 2014, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the new Tobin Center
for Performing Arts located at 100 Auditorium Circle. For additional
information, please contact Xochitl Cortez-Davis at (210) 299-2400
or visit
NOMINATIONS FOR MLK AWARDS - The City of San Antonio Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission announces that nominations are currently being accepted for the 2015 Martin Luther King,
Jr. Distinguished Achievement Award, the 2015 Baha’i Unity of
Humanity Award and the 2015 Rev. Dr. R.A. Callies, Sr. Courage
Award. The deadline to submit entries for all three awards is Sunday,
November 30, 2014. Applications and information are available at
ZONARTE -El Mercado de Aztlan begins Friday, November 21,
2014 from 6 p.m.–9 p.m. and continues Saturday November 22, 2014
and, 10 a.m-6 p.m. Centro Cultural Aztlan, 1800 Fredericksburg
TURKEY TROT 5K FUN RUN/WALK - The School of Nursing
Alumni Association at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio is
hosting its annual Turkey Trot 5K Fun Run/Walk for all levels of walkers and runners. The event will benefit the School of Nursing Alumni
Scholarship Fund. The Track on the Long Campus of the UT Health
Science Center, on Saturday, November 22, 2014. Race start time is
9 a.m. Bring canned goods to donate to the San Antonio Food Bank.
BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT - Holiday Basketball Tournament Toy Drive by Fast Athletes of San Antonio, East Side Boys and
Girls Club 3503 MLK Dr., December 20 - 21, 2014, 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
on Saturday. Sunday is Championship Day from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m..
Contact Nicholas Espinoza (210) 390-6520 for more information.
LaHood unveils dream team
By Amanda Lozano
It’s been nearly three weeks
since elections, and freshly elected Bexar County District Attorney Nico LaHood is already getting things done.
On Wednesday, the district
attorney-elect revealed his picks
of 10 Division Chiefs and management team. Each one of his
appointees has a lofty set of
credentials behind their name, different political stances and come
from all walks of life.
The common denominator that
united the variety of people was
one thing: LaHood’s vision.
“Everyone standing beside me
is going to work with me, and I’m
going to lead with them. They
have the vision for Bexar County,
for a safer Bexar County to seek
justice,” LaHood said.
Defense attorney Woodrow
Halstead was appointed as first
assistant, and replaced Cliff Herberg. The decision came as a
shock. La Hood’s office stated
prior that Herberg would maintain
the position.
Only two of the seven chiefs
District attorney-elect Nico LaHood’s appointees are all smiles after officially being introduced at a
news conference earlier this week. (Photo, Amanda Lozano)
that held the position prior remain: Enrico Valdez will stay
chief of the appellate division and
Edward Schweninger will abide
as chief of civil division.
Juanita Vasquez-Gardner, former Judge of the 399th State
District Judge will take on the
role of Chief Administrative Attorney. Wendy McClellan, project
manager in many of the former
district attorney’s major projects
for the past 16 years takes the title
as chief of intake division.
Jim Wheat, chief of the special
del equipo Rampage, el defensor
Blake Parlett, y el central Brett
Los miembros del Rampage,
tras presentarse ante el director
de la escuela, Claudio García, y
personal docente, procedieron a interactuar con estudiantes del Team
Up Challenge y S.O.L.E. Mates,
quienes presentaron a estudiantes
con necesidades especiales que
dejaron sus respectivas actividades
académicas para elaborar lasaña,
así como galletas de chocolate, que
–con el delicioso aroma– transformaron el salón de clase en cocina
de alta escuela.
El aula designada a estudiantes
con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE) cuenta con cocina y
alacena, por ser parte del sistema
educativo en el que estudiantes
discapacitados alternan con alum-
crimes division is in charge of
the child abuse unit LaHood had
mentioned prior and Michael
Hoyle, former district assistant attorney in Harris County will take
chief of criminal trial division.
Rose M. Zebell, who also
represents the district attorney’s
Crossroads Specialty Court and
the 386th Post Adjudication Drug
Court earns the title of chief of
juvenile crimes division. Emily
McCready Angulo will be the incoming chief of the misdemeanor
Willie Ng Jr, who has been a
San Antonio Police Officer for
over 21 years and spent the past
12 as a detective investigator, will
become chief investigator.
They join LaHood’s team on
Jan. 1, 2015.
“The district attorney’s office
has no room for politics. Every
person, man and woman beside
me is focused on doing the right
thing—not the easy thing— in
seeking justice. Ultimately making sure our streets are safer for
our children,” LaHood said.
(viene de la pág. 1-A)
nos en la preparación de alimentos.
Esto es parte de su currículum
académico, así entre ambos grupos preparan “Alimentos para el
Cabe anotar que en la preparación de alimentos, los estudiantes
del NEE se ayudan utilizando
utensilios adaptados de acuerdo
a sus capacidades, valiéndose por
sus propias iniciativas y guiados
por el personal docente.
El equipo Team Up Challenge
de Lowell Middle School lo integran 12 estudiantes. Recientemente quedaron elegidos entre
los 20 equipos semifinalistas para
el periodo 2014-15, recibiendo la
cantidad de $2,500 que les ayudará
a financiar costos del programa
S.O.L.E. Mates.
De los 20 equipos elegidos se
formaron cinco grupos que están
compitiendo entre sí con sus res­
pectivos proyectos en beneficio de
sus respectivos centros educativos
y sus comunidades.
Los cinco grupos que resulten
campeones recibirán como premio
la cantidad de $20,000, con lo que
se apoyaron mayormente en la
continuidad de sus proyectos.
“Estamos listos para ayudar a
nuestros compañeros. Cocinaremos Alimentos para el Alma y los
vamos a donar a familias necesitadas. Este es un programa que nos
llena de orgullo y satisfacción
al poder alternar con estudiantes
discapacitados, que cada día con
sus estudios superan sus discapacidades”, expresó el estudiante
Peter, miembro de Lowell Middle
School S.O.L.E. Mates y del Team
Up Challenge.
Por su parte, los jugadores Olson y Parlett coincidieron en sus
opiniones sobre el programa que
lleva S.O.L.E. Mates.
“Para nosotros esta es la primera
ocasión que nos toca participar en
un programa de tal magnitud. Es
impresionante ver cómo estudian­
tes se superan académicamente y
realizan actividades, como lo es la
preparación de alimentos. Esta es
una excelente causa, nos vamos
felices por haber visto caritas
contentas. Que todos pasen un feliz
Día de Acción de Gracias”.
Tiempos más rápidos de respuesta a apagones. Tendremos
la habilidad de ver, remota e instantáneamente, cuando
ocurre el apagón.
Faster outage response times: we will be able to see, remotely and
instantly, when the power goes out.
Ver su consumo energético por medio de una conexión
segura en nuestra página web permitirá que usted maneje la
energia que compra.
See the energy you’re buying through a secure connection on our
website, allowing you to better manage the power you buy.
Seremos capaces de responder remotamente a su solicitud
para la comenzar el servicio de energia y desconectarlo
cuando usted se mude.
We will be able to remotely respond to requests to connect power
when service begins, and disconnect it upon move-out.
Para mas información, visite
For more information, visit
Package includes:
Game Ticket, Collectable Danny Green Poster, Hot Dog, Chips and Soda
*While supplies last. Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, including select
H-E-B Locations, online at (all Ticketmaster fees apply). Call 225-TEAM or at the
AT&T Center Southeast Box Office.
23 de noviembre de 2014
23 de noviembre de 2014
23 de noviembre de 2014
Four UTSA students selected as Team Up Challenge Scholars
By Tim Brownlee
UTSA students Fedra Chapa,
Joey Cortez, Jose Medellin and
Zacharee Ramirez are among 20
college students named Team Up
Challenge Scholars by the Silver
& Black Give Backorganization.
The Team Up Challenge
Scholars will each be paired
with a semifinalist group to complete a community improvement
project. Scholars will receive a
$500-per-semester stipend for
their work throughout the academic year.
The Team Up Challenge en-
courages K-12 students and their
college mentors to apply what
they are learning in the classroom
to the real world, bringing education alive in powerful ways.
Students create projects that
address needs to help improve
their community in one of five
categories: Arts and Culture,
Education, Environment, Health
and Wellness, or Uniformed Services. Spurs and Rampage players work alongside the students
to help bring their visions to life.
UTSA’s four scholars will
each work with a group made up
of K-12 students that will receive
$2,500 to start a service-learning
project. In April, five of the
20 overall groups will
be named Team
Up Challenge
and will be
each to
t h e i r
Up Chall e n g e
Scholars are
selected based on
their ability to lead and
their interest in working with
young people to make
the San Antonio
community a
better place.
They will
enrich the
lives of
their students as
role models, meeting
and working
with the groups
to help plan and
execute a project.
Scholars also will provide
A playbook to help the U.S. regain its innovative edge
NewsUSA - Can the man who
invented an insulin pump, the
iBOT wheelchair and the “Luke
Arm” prosthesis help end all the
handwringing about whether
America has lost its competitive
edge in science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM)?
Inventor and not-for-profit
FIRST founder Dean Kamen is
sure trying, as evidenced by the
thousands of kids who have conquered hundreds of competitive
challenges through his organization. No wonder kids from FIRST
(For Inspiration and Recognition
of Science and Technology) and
their robots were chosen to lead
the iconic Macy’s Thanksgiving
Day Parade and invited to the
White House Science Fair on
multiple occasions and earned investment money for their invention from ABC’s hit TV show,
Shark Tank.
Why robotics?
“Robotics is the 21st-century
sport for the mind,” says Kamen.
“If we want kids to study STEM,
we need to show them that these
fields are just as accessible, fun
and rewarding as playing sports.
And it’s the one sport where
everyone can turn pro.”
Apparently, the need to push
this idea is self-evident in the
U.S. Data from the Program for
International Student Assessment, which shows how U.S.
students stack up against those in
65 top industrial countries:
* 31st in math.
* 23rd in science.
But take a look at students
involved with FIRST. Kids ages
6-18 take on robotics challenges
and invention programs while
they increase their problemsolving abilities and leadership
President Obama celebrated
students at the recent White
House Science Fair for their innovative ideas. One of the participants, Parker Owen, was honored
for his invention, the Cycle-Leg
-- an inexpensive prosthetic made
from a single recycled bicycle.
“For all of the problems in the
world, FIRST to me is a solution.
They are shaping and encouraging the next generation to be contributors rather than consumers,”
Owen says.
U.S. companies are also relying on the organization to fuel the
workforce pipeline with innovative problem-solvers -- more than
3,500 corporate sponsors include
Boeing, Google, Qualcomm and
United Technologies.
Here’s the biggest proof point:
FIRST offers more than $20 million in scholarships. So it’s no
surprise that its alumni accounted
for almost 10 percent of the
entering freshmen class in 2013
at the prestigious Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT).
“FIRST isn’t just a robotics
program, it’s a life-changing
experience,” says Emily Stern,
who is studying mechanical engineering at MIT.
momento perfecto para integrar a
Eva como parte del personal.
“Ya viene la temporada de las
vacaciones en familia y sabemos
que los padres tienen muchas cosas
en que pensar”, indicó Bailey. “Eva
va a estar aquí para decirles cuales
cosas están prohibidas, lo que se
tienen quitar antes de pasar por seguridad y lo que deben de guardar
en su equipaje”.
Según Bailey, otros cinco aeropuertos en la nación cuentan con
este tipo de tecnología, sin embargo
son personificados por diferentes
humanos y se llaman “Ava”.
“Decidimos escribir su nombre
con una “E” porque se identifica
más con el sur de Texas”, comentó
Michele Lepe es reconocida como
la presentadora del programa “The
Good Night Show” en PBS Kids
Sprout, pero también ha desempeñado papeles en series de NBC/
Telemundo, Mun2 y Univisión.
Es originaria de North Carolina
pero a los ocho años se mudó a San
Antonio, en donde se graduó de la
preparatoria Judson y de la universidad de St. Mary’s. La actriz ahora
radica en Miami.
(viene de la página 1-A)
en las líneas de seguridad en la
Terminal A.
Antes de que los pasajeros lleguen al punto de revisión de seguridad, Eva les da una bienvenida
al aeropuerto y les proporciona
información e instrucciones automatizadas en inglés y en español.
Los mensajes incluyen qué tipo de
identificación deben de tener a la
mano, las prendas de vestuario y
joyería que deben quitarse antes
de ser escaneados, los artículos que
tendrán que poner en el contenedor
y los artículos prohibidos.
Según el director de aviación del
sistema aeroportuario de San Antonio, Frank Miller, Eva mejorará las
líneas de espera y permitirá que el
personal de TSA haga otras tareas
más importantes.
Miller añadió que hasta ahora,
Eva ha sido todo un éxito con los
“Eva ha estado en el aeropuerto
por cerca de una semana y a todos
les encanta”, afirmó Miller. “Especialmente a los niños”.
Además, Evelynn Bailey, funcionaria de información pública del
Aeropuerto Internacional de San
Antonio, afirmó que ahora es el
LULAC National Education Service Centers, Inc
Cordially invites you to celebrate the accomplishments of our Honorees at the
7th Annual Education Awards Gala
Thursday, December 4, 2014
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Westin Riverwalk
420 W Market St, San Antonio, TX 78205
6:00 p.m. Mariachi Reception and Silent Auction
7:00 p.m. Ceremony and Dinner
unique insight into the benefits
of higher education and will take
their groups on campus visits.
Silver & Black Give Back is
a 501(c)(3) charity that invests
in the community in partnership
with the Spurs Sports & Entertainment family of teams. For
more than 25 years, its players,
coaches and staff have fostered
young talent and enriching the
community by encouraging
youth to become responsible
adults and give back to the community.
The four UTSA students selected as Team Up Challenge
Scholars will serve as mentors
for these projects:
• International School of the
Americas -- Social Entrepreneurship Scholar: Jose Medellin, undergraduate majoring in
criminal justice
• Lowell Middle School -S.O.L.E. Mates Scholar: Zacharee Ramirez, undergraduate
majoring in finance
• MacArthur High School
– JROTC Scholar: Joey Cortez, undergraduate majoring in
• Smith Elementary – Team
Tiger Scholar: Fedra Chapa,
master’s student in urban and
regional planning
Several conservative groups and
House members blame Speaker
Straus for not doing more to further
conservative issues, and for his actions that led to the Wendy Davis
filibuster in 2013.
“If I don’t vote for Scott Turner,
and he’s not the Speaker of the
House, almost everything that we
want to get done this session will
be unaccomplished things,” House
member-elect Tony Tinderholt of
Arlington said.
Even though Turner is a long
shot, he and other staunch conservatives say they are interested in
seeing the voting results on record
for the Speaker race. Several organizations, including the North
Texas Tea Party, have publicly
promised to preclude any Texan
Republican members who vote
for Straus.
“I don’t see how you can grow
in political strength and influence
if what you’re doing is threatening
people that ‘if you don’t support
me I’ll come after you.’ That’s not
how you build coalitions and that’s
not how you get things done in the
Legislature,” Straus said after a
speech to the San Antonio Chamber
of Commerce on Tuesday.
More than 62 Republicans have
publicly endorsed Straus for House
Speaker since Nov. 13.
Tea Party members like
Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, RSouthlake, have also declared their
support for Straus in the upcoming
Speaker race.
When the Texas Legislature
meets in Jan. 2015, all major state
offices will be filled with newcomers, including Greg Abbott
as governor and Dan Patrick as
lieutenant governor. House members may be looking to Straus as a
source of experience in delegating
House issues.
“The reality is there is no race
for Scott Turner versus Joe Straus,”
Coriglione said during a recent
Tarrant County Tea Party meeting.
“He just doesn’t have the depth on
Straus faced competition during
the last two Speaker elections, but
his opponents dropped out once it
became clear that Straus would win
the majority. Because they dropped
from the race, it prevented a voting session on the record by state
In the upcoming 84th Texas
Legislature session, a vote on the
record appears to be the goal of
Turner’s run against Straus, but it
is unclear how the results will affect
the session’s outcome, or the future
of the Texas Republicans.
“I don’t think the GOP in the
Texas House will splinter or divide,
but I think this may push Straus further to the center and further to the
right than he’s used to,” Dr. Bryan
Gervais, an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Political Science & Geography at UTSA said.
“We’ve seen at the federal level
of the Tea Party that traditional
Republicans have survived, but
they’ve moved more to the right.”
Straus announced his intentions
to work with both sides to improve
statewide education, water access,
and transportation on Tuesday.
“I think the House is coming
together, I think you look at the last
session for evidence of that, and
it’s not just within the Republican
Party, It’s within the entire House,”
Straus said.
Rep. Turner continues to garner
support from conservative groups,
but he has remained quiet on his
plans for the upcoming session,
or what issues he will focus on in
La Prensa called Turner’s office for his response to Straus’
comments made in San Antonio
earlier this week, however multiple
attempts went unanswered at the
time of press.
However, Turner did tell the
Houston Chronicle on Thursday:
“A lot of things are going to come
out … between now and Jan. 13.
My focus still remains strong and
the vision remains the same to go
and have the vote on Jan. 13.”
Despite a Republican majority in
the House, there does seem to be a
growing divide between Tea Party
Republicans and “moderate” Republicans throughout the country.
Many Republicans have shifted to
support more right wing policies to
survive in state and national politics, as recent elections have shown.
“Generally, establishment Republicans have been more likely
to support conservative positions
since the Tea Party has become
something of a force in the last four
to six years,” Gervais said.
“You do have more Tea Party
Republicans in state Houses and
U.S. Congress than there were
just 10 years ago. It’s somewhat
subjective, but I do think Tea Party
policy and ideas are winning out,”
Gervais added.
Mayoral race...
Keynote Speaker- San Antonio City Council District 1
Hon. Diego Bernal
Sammy Nieto
Valero Energy
Dr. Irene Chapa
University Health Science Center
Jimmy Green
J Green Jewelers/ Rey Feo Scholarship
Dr Yolanda Rodriguez-Escobar
Our Lady of the Lake University
Villarreal’s conversation with La
Prensa put to rest the rumors that he
would run for Van de Putte’s senate
seat after losing the lieutenant governor’s race and then announcing
her mayoral intentions.
“Anybody who knows me,
knows I don’t run away from a
fight. I made a commitment six
months ago to serve our city as the
next mayor of San Antonio, if the
voters want to have me,” he said.
Van de Putte is relying on her
experience in Austin to help her
govern the city if elected when the
city council elections come around.
“My years of experience in the
legislature bring a skill set that is
a great advantage to the city. The
question of the next mayor and the
voters is one of leadership. Who do
you want to lead this city to work
alongside council and set San Antonio for the next decade, the next
generation?” she said.
In the area of the ongoing firefighter and police contract, Van
(continued from page 1-A)
(continued from page 1-A)
de Putte said she sees it as an issue
of trust; that trust has been lost on
both sides of the issue, and it’s
something she feels is resolvable.
“What I bring is the trust and the
respect back to get people back to
the table. To get them focused on
what’s good for the city, on what’s
good in honoring the brave work of
the men and women who have been
and are our firefighters and police
officers,” she said. “It’s going to
take that leadership, and I know in
my heart with everything that I am
that I do the best in crisis; and I do
the best in bringing people back to
the table and getting them to realize
that this is not personal. That this is
not about one person or the other;
it’s not about personalities. This is
serious, and it’s about the people.”
She added this is what she excels
at, and that she can be a leader who
is respectful of the process and
can bring people back and has the
knowledge by which to achieve
that goal.
23 de noviembre de 2014
negocios & finanzas
business & finance
SAEDF commemorates 40 years of milestones, looks toward future
By Natalie Bobadilla
San Antonio is one of America’s fastest growing cities and an
instrumental driving force behind
the economic growth spurt celebrated four decades of success
earlier this week.
Business leaders and local officials gathered at the Tobin Center
for the Performing Arts Wednesday evening to honor the San
Antonio Economic Development
Foundation’s 40th anniversary.
In partnership with the City of
San Antonio and Bexar County,
General Robert F. McDermott
established SAEDF in 1974 with
a specific purpose of diversifying
and growing the San Antonio
Since then, the foundation has
assisted over 400 companies with
their location and expansion plans
in the San Antonio area, creating
more than 100,000 jobs.
More recently, the foundation
has attracted 100 companies and
brought more than 23,000 jobs in
the last six years, translating into
an economic impact of more than
$8.7 billion.
The foundations services include analyzing labor markets,
arranging community briefings
and custom city tours, introducing
community partners, identifying
local and state incentives as well
as organizing specialized market
research and following through
with the development process.
“It is so important that a community have an entity like the
Economic Development Foundation that is constantly searching
the world for companies that are
looking for a new site,” SAEDF
president Mario Hernandez told
La Prensa.
When Toyota needed to build
their sixth automobile plant in
2003, the foundation made sure
Toyota looked at San Antonio.
“Ultimately we were successful in bringing the plant and it’s
supporting companies that now
employ 6,000 people,” Hernandez said.
Rackspace, Valero and AT&T
are just some of the major corporations that moved to San Antonio as
a result of the foundation’s efforts.
Hernandez added that companies like Microsoft, Wells Fargo
and Citibank were simply not here
20 years ago.
“They didn’t have a presence
and now they’re some of the largest employers and some of the best
jobs are provided by those companies,” Hernandez said. “That’s
economic success.”
Hernandez indicated that the
foundation’s main focus is to
provide enough opportunity for
San Antonians to climb the ladder
of success through proper training
and education.
Looking toward the future,
Hernandez believes San Antonio
is poised for even more success.
“We are going to be the future
of this country,” Hernandez said.
“When you think about renewable
energy and solar energy, when
you think about the biosciences
and health care opportunities, we
are a major hub for those types of
industries and we’re positioned
so that the jobs of the future in
information technology and information security can find a good
home here.”
He added that it’s not just about
being successful in manufacturing and keeping that strong, “It’s
about attracting the attention of
the occupations that are going to
grow over the years.”
developing the workforce to supMayor Ivy Taylor said she port the expansion of business in
expects the foundation to excel at San Antonio.
Former Mayor Henry Cisneros speaks to business leaders and
city officials about the triumphs of the San Antonio Economic
Development Foundation. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla)
Seis consejos del IRS sobre donativos
de fin de año a caridades
Por Irma Treviño
Cada año durante la época de
fiestas muchas personas donan
a caridades. Recuerde, si usted
quie­re reclamar una deducción
tributaria por sus donativos,
deberá detallar sus deducciones.
Existen varias reglas tributarias
que debe saber antes de hacer
una donación. Aquí hay seis consejos del IRS que debería tener
Organizaciones calificadas.
Usted solo puede deducir donaciones que haga a organizaciones
caritativas calificadas. Utilice la
herramienta del IRS Select Check
(en inglés) para ver si el grupo
al que hace el donativo califica.
Recuerde que usted podrá deducir
donativos que haga a iglesias,
sinagogas, templos, mezquitas
y agencias gubernamentales. Es
así aun si Select Check no los
enumera en su base de datos.
Donativos monetarios. Los
donativos monetarios incluyen
aquellos hechos en efectivo o
cheque, transferencias electrónicas de fondos, tarjetas de crédito
y deducción de nómina. Usted
deberá tener un registro bancario
o comprobante por escrito de la
organización benéfica (en inglés)
para poder deducir cualquier
donación de dinero en su declaración de impuestos. El comprobante debe mostrar el nombre
de la organización y la fecha y
la cantidad de la contribución.
Los registros bancarios incluyen
cheques cancelados o estados de
cuenta de bancos cooperativas
de crédito y tarjetas de crédito.
Si usted es contribuye mediante
deducción de nómina, debería
mantener un talón de cheque de
paga, el formulario W-2 u otra
documentación de su empleador.
Debe mostrar la cantidad total
retenida como donativo, junto con
la tarjeta de compromiso mostrando el nombre de la caridad.
Artículos de uso doméstico.
Artículos de uso doméstico incluyen muebles, artículos del
hogar, electrónicos, electrodomésticos y ropa de cama. Si
usted dona vestidos y artículos del
hogar a la caridad, generalmente
deberán estar por lo menos usados
y en buenas condiciones para
poder reclamar una deducción de
impuestos. Si usted reclama una
deducción por más de $500 por
un artículo no tiene que cumplir
con este requisito si incluye una
valorización calificada del artículo junto a su declaración de
Registros requeridos. Debe obtener un recibo de la organización
(en inglés) por cada deducción
calificada (ya sea dinero o propiedad) de $250 o más. Aplican
reglas adicionales a la declaración
por donativos de ese monto. Esta
declaración se suma a los registros necesarios para la deducción
de donativos en efectivo. Sin embargo, una declaración con toda
la información requerida podría
cumplir con ambos requisitos.
Regalos de fin de año. Usted
puede deducir contribuciones en
el año en que las hace. Si usted
carga su donativo a una tarjeta
de crédito antes de que termine
este año, contará para 2014. Este
es el caso aunque no pague el estado de cuenta hasta el 2015. Un
cheque también contará para 2014
siempre y cuando sea enviado por
correo en el 2014.
Reglas especiales aplican (en
inglés) si dona un automóvil, bote
o avión a una caridad. Para más
información visite
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23 de noviembre de 2014
for a free delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings
See Research on page 7-A
Thursday, Nov. 27th at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
Exhibit Hall A (enter off of Alamo Street)
9:00 am Doors Open
10:00 am – 10:30 am All Faith Worship Service
10:30 am – 4:30 pm Free Turkey Dinner
11:00 am – 5:00 pm Entertainment & Dancing
• Mariachi Los Parientes
de Pedro Moreno
• Rocky Hernandez &
the OBG Band
• Ezzencia Musical Band
• Willie “The Kid” Cantu
and Starlight
23 de noviembre de 2014
con Medicare Parte D
tan bajos como
en planes
Para más información, consulta a
nuestros farmacéuticos hoy mismo.
*Se aplica a los medicamentos genéricos de Primer Nivel.
23 de noviembre de 2014
A time to give thanks
most as a child in the Shelter
was the thought that he may
never belong to a family.”
Where would he spend the holidays, who would he call when
Thanksgiving is a time when he needed help? Who could he
families and friends gather turn to for support and love?
to celebrate blessings with Luckily, he was adopted by a
an abundance of
food, spirits and
stories. Many of us
look back at past
Thanksgiving and
holiday gatherings
and are filled with
warm memories.
Many of us travel
during the holidays
to get us back to
those warm memories - back to caring family and today he has
family and friends and a sense his own loving family with two
of belonging.
Two years ago at a Holiday
Every day in Bexar County
event benefitting The Chil- there are close to 2,000 children’s Shelter, a middle aged dren hoping to belong to a
man approached me and shared family—wondering those same
with me that he once lived at questions. The Children’s ShelThe Children’s Shelter as a ter in 2013 consummated 44
child. I asked him what his adoptions. Forty-four forever
fondest memories were and he families were created. And for
shared stories about friendships those children, they could stop
he created and how caring the wondering if they would ever
staff had been. “But”, he stated, belong.
“the one thing that scared him
The Children’s Shelter not
By Annette Rodriguez
The Children’s Shelter
¿Necesita ayuda para inscribirse
¿Tiene preguntas para un experto
¡No hay problema
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only creates new families but
we also strengthen existing
families. We are committed to
working with families who are
in crisis or need support. Our
family strengthening programs
work with parents, fathers,
grandparents, first-time mothers, and teen mothers.
Our programs help
them build strong
bonds and warm
memories. In 2013,
we helped 1,790 parents strengthen their
families and enriched
the lives of 1,944
Thanksgiving is a
time for reflection and a time
to give Thanks. The Children’s
Shelter gives thanks to the
countless individuals and corporations who care for children
and support our work. Thank
you San Antonio!
For more information about
The Children’s Shelter’s Family Strengthening program,
please call 210-212-2576 or if
you are interested in becoming
an adoptive parent, please call
210-212-2590 or visit www.
Para información o hacer
una cita llame
La fecha límite de inscripción abierta es el 15 de febrero.
No te quedes afuera con un resfrío! Infórmate en
To Th
Publi e
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is
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South Alamo Medical Group works with a team of professionals who have many years of working
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El periodo anual de inscripción de Medicare INICIA YA y sigue hasta el 7 de diciembre de 2014
South Alamo Medical Group trabaja con un equipo de profesionales que tienen muchos años de
experiencia con planes de Medicare y Medicare Advantage y ellos están disponibles para responder
preguntas sobre los cambios para el 2015 en Medicare y/o Medicare Advantage, incluyendo:
Amerigroup, Cigna, Humana Gold, Secure Horizon y United Health Care.
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November 14, 3-5pm, Southcross Clinic
November 18, 3-5pm, Westover Hills Clinic
November 19, 10am-noon, Barlite Clinic
November 19, 3-5pm, Downtown Clinic
December 3, 3-5pm, Southcross Clinic
December 4, noon-1pm, Rosarios, 910 S Alamo
December 11, 3-5pm, Barlite Clinic
This is an advertisement. A licensed insurance agent will be available to answer questions about certain Medicare Advantage and Part D plans. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 210-222-0333, TTY 711.
Westover Hills Clinic
9215 Westover Hills Blvd.
San Antonio, Texas 78251
Downtown Clinic
740 S. Alamo
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Southside Clinic
7355 Barlite Blvd., Ste. 301
San Antonio,Texas 78224
Southeast Clinic
4203 E. Southcross
San Antonio, Texas 78222
Southside Pediatric Clinic
7355 Barlite Blvd., Ste. 201
San Antonio, Texas 78224
Nogalitos Clinic
2801 Nogalitos, Inside CVS
San Antonio, Texas 78215
23 de noviembre de 2014
Adictos a la comida deben buscar ayuda
Por José I. Franco
Recientemente me di cuenta
sobre la existencia de organizaciones sin fines de lucro
dedicadas a concientizar a hombres y mujeres sobre sus respectivas adicciones por la comida.
Como alcohólico en recupera­
ción, mis testimonios son relativos a los excesos de bebidas
que contienen alcohol, así como
drogas legales y estupefacientes
Por aproximarse las fiestas
de invierno, en las que por
tradición se come todo tipo de
platillos, se ingieren bebidas de
alto contenido en calorías que a
la par nos hacen subir de peso y
aumentar el flujo sanguíneo en
nuestras respectivas estructuras
En San Antonio y en 80 países
del planeta existen hermandades
dedicadas en asistir a personas
que padecen adicción a la comida. Sus programas se manejan
dentro de un delicado formato
en calidad de anonimato, algo
similar a los capítulos de Alcohólicos Anónimos (AA) y
Jugadores Anónimos (Gamblers
Anonymous), donde los únicos
requisitos son acudir personalmente con el deseo de cambiar
hábitos por una mejor calidad
de vida.
Quienes padecen de ansiedad
crónica son los más frágiles en
caer en la adicción de alimentar­
se consumiendo grandes porciones de bocadillos preparados,
ya sea en casa, restaurantes o a
El estrés hace que personas se
inclinen por comer productos de
alto contenido dulce, almidón y
graso, dejando a un lado bocadillos sanos, entre ellos legumbres,
frutas, almendras, nueces, carne
blanca y bebidas naturales, como
agua, jugos de coco, naranja,
toronja, etc.
En lo personal, aparte de
mi adicción por las bebidas
alcohólicas, tuve el problema
de comer grandes porciones de
alimentos cocinados en la estufa
o en la parrilla. Mi pasión por
las parrilladas siempre fue la excelencia en mis borracheras. Me
gustaba combinarlas con carnes
de res, avícolas, porcinas y ma­
riscos, a tal grado que nunca me
fijaba sobre mi aumento de peso,
hasta que una vez mamá me
dio tremenda regañada, porque
según ella, ya tenía panza de
borracho y cachetes de marrano.
Llegue a pesar 260 libras, las
cuales– a decir verdad– para mí
era común. No sentía ningún
malestar; sin embargo, mi esposa
e hijo, a veces, me hacían burla,
porque me decían que dormido
roncaba como oso.
Tras cambiar mi hábito alimenticio, durante mi primer
año de sobriedad, fui bajando de
peso sin recibir ayuda médica,
a tal grado que mi doctor llegó
a pedirme dizque la receta para
reducir de peso, ya que su consultorio se dedicaba a “ayudar”
a pacientes a perder peso.
En mi último chequeo médico,
hace un par de semanas, la
CPRIT gives $4M for
CTRC-led research
enfermera encargada de mi
expediente quedó sorprendida
al pesarme y ver que la báscula
indicaba que mi peso era de 198
libras. “Señor Franco, deme la
receta para bajar de peso. Mire
como he aumentado de peso desde que usted vino la última vez
(mayo de 2014). Dígame cual
es su secreto, estoy dispuesta
a seguir el régimen alimenticio
que usted está llevando”, se expresó mi estimada enfermera. Mi
respuesta fue ser claro con ella
diciéndole que no tiene ningún
problema tomar la iniciativa
para perder peso. Simplemente
le recomendé desayunar con su
cereal preferido, tomar agua y
un par de blanquillos con pan
integral y fruta.
En la cena, comer media
ración de lo acostumbrado, agua
con limón, ensaladas y fruta.
“Son dos comidas las que hago
durante el día. Para calmar el
hambre como nueces, almendras
o una banana. Mi cena la componen, primero: un poco de fruta,
luego pechuga de pollo, pescado
al vapor con arroz blanco, agua y
jugo de limón. Las carnes rojas
no se llevan bien conmigo”, esa
fue una de mis recomendaciones
que le di a la enfermera, a quien
en verdad le deseo que se le
cumpla su propósito por lograr
recuperarse por el trauma que
pasa en su adicción a la comida.
Uno mismo puede llegar a
consumar su meta sobre la pérdida de peso y consumo de bebidas
embriagantes. Para lograrlo se
tiene que evaluarse a sí mismo, si
en verdad queremos un cambio
de rutina en nuestra vida, que
nos conlleve a seguir viviendo
saludablemente en beneficio
propio y para bien de nuestras
respectivas familias.
El cambio y control de nuestro
metabolismo está en elegir una
dieta balanceada, así como buscando ayuda con nuestro doctor, o acudir a una cita con el
psicólogo de su preferencia.
Acudir también a los programas
de Comedores Compulsivos
Anónimos, entidades que están
para ayudar a quienes necesitan
reajustarse en su hábito alimenticio.
Ahora que estamos viviendo
la época de las comunicaciones electrónicas, entre ellas el
Internet, esa es la herramienta
más fácil para encontrar tanto
en inglés como en español agrupaciones de Comedores Compulsivos Anónimos (Overeaters
Anonymous San Antonio Area
Basta localizar el capítulo
conveniente navegando la red
electrónica, donde encontrarán
direcciones y números telefónicos para obtener información
sobre horarios hábiles en terapias de grupo.
Retomar nuestro peso ade­
cuado nos ayudará a evitar
trastornos físico mentales y hasta
ataques cardiacos, por lo que mi
última recomendación es que
añadan actividades deportivas
o cuando menos hacer ejercicio
por la mañana y noche antes de
ir a la cama por espacio de unos
cinco o diez minutos.
Hasta la próxima D.M.
To help
me live.
The CTRC center in San Antonio received a big boost to its research. (Courtesy photo)
By Elizabeth Allen
Two Cancer Therapy & Research Center scientists are leaders on $3.99 million in grants from
the Cancer Prevention Research
Institute of Texas that will help
them develop next-generation
breast cancer treatment drugs.
Rong Li, Ph.D., professor of
molecular medicine, is principal
investigator on a proposal that
will both harness an existing drug
for hot flashes that has potential
anti-tumor activity, and create
other agents that will help it work
with greater precision.
“It balances feasibility and innovation,” Dr. Li said.
Ratna Vadlamudi, Ph.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology, is leading a proposal
to develop an innovative breast
cancer drug that potentially could
prevent the development of drug
resistance in breast cancers.
“This funding will help us develop these first-in-class cancer
therapy drugs that address the
critical need of targeting therapy
resistance and metastasis of breast
cancer,” Dr. Vadlamudi said.
“Huzzah!” Ian M. Thompson
Jr., M.D., CTRC director said.
“This is a tangible confirmation
of the exceptional merit of the
science and clinical care provided
by our CTRC scientists and physicians.”
Also collaborating on the two
grants are scientists from the University of Texas at San Antonio
— through the two institutions’
shared Center for Innovation in
Drug Discovery —and UT Southwestern Medical Center and The
University of Texas at Dallas.
In Dr. Li’s work, two different
receptors drive estrogen activity
– Estrogen Receptor alpha and
Estrogen Receptor beta. Much
more is known about ER alpha,
while Dr. Li calls ER beta the
“Cinderella sister.”
“It has a lot of similar characteristics, but in many cases it
behaves in the opposite manner,”
he said. “And in many cases – unlike ER alpha – it inhibits tumor
Because ER beta is present in as
many as half of all breast cancer
cases, scientists want to tap its
tumor-suppressing activity.
A drug being developed by
pharmaceutical company Ausio to treat menopause-related
symptoms has already been tested
enough to be proven clinically
safe. One of its characteristics
happens to be that it turns on the
ER beta switch. Through a materials transfer agreement with Ausio,
the CTRC will be able to test this
drug in combination with agents
being developed at the Health
Science Center.
“The novel part of this work is
that we’ve discovered how to turn
on the ER beta function – and also
how to inhibit the process that
turns it off,” Dr. Li said. “This
proposal seeks synergy among
these three approaches that might
maximize the anti-tumor activity
of ER beta.”
Dr. Vadlamudi’s proposal fo-
cuses on the mechanisms in treatment-resistant cells. The majority
of breast cancers grow in response
to the hormone estrogen, and
therapies involve treating them
with antiestrogens or aromatase
inhibitors. But many patients,
after an initial response, develop
resistance to these drugs. Their
tumors will mutate or modify an
estrogen receptor (ESR1) and
continue to develop by ESR1driven pathways.
Dr. Vadlamudi and his team
have designed a small-molecule
drug called ECBI (ESR1 coregulator binding inhibitor) that has
the potential to block multiple
oncogenic pathways that occur
in resistant cells, in that way
preventing the development of
drug resistance. The ECBI also
potentially has fewer side effects
and could delay the need to begin
chemotherapy treatments that are
much harder on the patient.
The CPRIT grant will allow
researchers to take the next steps
in the laboratory necessary to get
the drug ready for clinical trials
in patients. Both grants are early
translational research awards.
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23 de noviembre de 2014
La neumonía se puede prevenir vacunándose
A nivel mundial, la neumonía
mata cada año a casi 1 millón de
niños menores de 5 años. Esta
cifra es mayor que el número
de muertes que causa cualquier
otra enfermedad infecciosa, tales
como la infección por el VIH, el
paludismo o la tuberculosis.
Sin embargo, la neumonía no
es solo un problema de salud
pública en los países en desarro­
llo. Por ejemplo, anualmente en
los Estados Unidos, cerca de 1
millón de personas son hospitalizadas por neumonía, y cerca de
50,000 mueren a causa de esta
enfermedad. La mayoría de las
hospitalizaciones y muertes por
neumonía en este país se producen en adultos y no en los niños
Muchas de estas muertes, tanto
a nivel mundial como en los EE.
UU., se pueden prevenir con
la vacunación y el tratamiento
adecuado (como antibióticos y
En los EE. UU. hay varias
vacunas que previenen las infecciones por bacterias o virus que
pueden causar la neumonía:
• Vacuna contra las enfermedades por Haemophilus influen-
zae tipo b (Hib)
• Vacuna contra la influenza
• Vacuna contra el sarampión
• Vacuna contra la tosferina
• Vacuna contra las enfermedades neumocócicas
• Vacuna contra la varicela
Estas vacunas son seguras; sin
embargo, pueden producir efectos secundarios. La mayoría de
los efectos secundarios son leves
o moderados, lo que significa
que no afectan las actividades diarias. Consulte las declaraciones
de información sobre la vacuna
para cada una en particular con el
fin de informarse sobre los efectos secundarios más comunes.
Proteja su salud siguiendo
estas prácticas saludables en su
vida diaria
Trate de evitar el contacto cercano con las personas enfermas.
Mientras esté enfermo, limite lo
más que pueda el contacto con
los demás para evitar contagiar­
los. Tener buenos hábitos de
higiene también puede ayudar a
prevenir las infecciones respiratorias. Esto incluye lavarse las
manos con frecuencia, limpiar
las superficies que se tocan a
menudo y cubrirse la boca y la
nariz al toser o estornudar con
un pañuelo desechable o la parte
interior del codo o la manga.
Usted también puede reducir su
riesgo de contraer neumonía al
limitar la exposición al humo del
cigarrillo, y al tratar y prevenir
afecciones como la diabetes.
¿Qué es la neumonía?
La neumonía es una infección de los pulmones que puede
causar una enfermedad de leve a
grave en personas de cualquier
edad. Los signos comunes de la
neumonía incluyen tos, fiebre y
dificultad para respirar.
¿Quién tiene riesgo de contraer neumonía? Ciertas personas tienen más probabilidad de
enfermarse de neumonía:
• Los adultos mayores de 65
• Los niños menores de 5 años
de edad.
• Las personas con ciertas
afecciones subyacentes como
asma, diabetes y enfermedad
• Las personas que fuman
Motive a sus amigos y seres
queridos que tienen ciertas enfermedades, como la diabetes y
el asma, a que se vacunen contra
la influenza y la neumonía bacteriana.
Causas y tipos
La neumonía puede ser causada por virus, bacterias y hongos.
La neumonía, una infección de los pulmones, afecta anualmente y sin razón a millones de personas
en todo el mundo. Las infecciones por neumonía con frecuencia se pueden prevenir y por lo general
se pueden tratar. (Foto, cortesía CDC)
En los Estados Unidos, las causas comunes de la neumonía
viral son el virus de la influenza
y el virus respiratorio sincicial
(VRS), y una causa común de
la neumonía bacteriana es el
Streptococcus pneumoniae (neumococo).
Cuando una persona contrae
neumonía en la comunidad (no
en un hospital), se denomina
neumonía adquirida en la comunidad.
La neumonía que se contrae
durante o después de la estadía
en un centro de atención médica
(como los hospitales, instituciones de cuidados a largo plazo
y centros de diálisis) se llama
neumonía asociada a los cuidados de la salud, la cual incluye
la neumonía adquirida en un
hospital y la neumonía asociada
a la ventilación mecánica.
Las bacterias y los virus que
causan con más frecuencia neumonía en la comunidad son
diferentes a los que la causan
en entornos de atención médica.
Es importante saber la causa
específica de la neumonía para
tomar la mejor decisión sobre el
Nonprofit stresses health care coverage in S.A.
By Cathy Zambrano-Chavez
The Alamo City’s only nonprofit health plan is partnering with local nonprofits and
healthcare organizations to help
the public identify chronic disease risks and encourage more
uninsured people to get covered
under the Affordable Care Act.
The campaign is tied to Community First Health Plans’ participation in the federal Health
Insurance Marketplace, where
the company will offer Bronze,
Silver and Gold health plans for
the second year.
“Obviously, we want people
to enroll in a health plan with
Community First,” President
and CEO Greg Gieseman said.
“But our mission as a nonprofit is ultimately to promote a
healthy community and provide
greater access to affordable
health coverage. Whether you
enroll with us or not, it’s your
right to get covered.”
Since the marketplace first
opened, the San Antonio area
has seen a decrease in its uninsured population as some
76,000 people enrolled in a
marketplace plan. More than
220,000 uninsured people in
San Antonio still qualify for a
subsidized plan under the Af-
fordable Care Act.
Texas and San Antonio in
particular still rank among the
top for uninsured residents
in the nation. At the same
time, San Antonio continues
to struggle with high rates of
obesity and diabetes. About
13 percent of the San Antonio
population – twice the national
average – has been diagnosed
with diabetes while many more
remain undiagnosed.
“The key to managing chronic
disease is to have access to quality health care, where a doctor
can identify your risks and help
you better manage your lifestyle,” Dr. Priti Mody-Bailey
said, Community First’s vice
president and senior medical
director. “That’s where health
insurance is critical for our city
as many people with chronic
illnesses like diabetes go uninsured and undiagnosed for years
before their health and finances
ultimately deteriorate.”
Community First will begin
its healthy city initiative by offering free glucose screenings in
partnership with the Goodwill
Industries of San Antonio’s
Good Careers Academy (GCA).
The first screening will take
place Thursday, Nov. 20, 1-5
p.m., at the downtown GCA at
703 Dolorosa. The American
Diabetes Association will be
on hand to provide educational
information and outreach to the
public as November is Diabetes
Awareness Month.
Dr. Priti Mody-Bailey says
preventative care is also very
important for young people
as asthma and other chronic
diseases can be avoided early
on with annual check ups and
medications made financially
feasible with health insurance.
The Texas Diabetes Council
(TDC) recently recognized
Community First Health Plans
for delivering comprehensive
diabetes care in the San Antonio
area at the nationally standard-
ized level. Each year, the TDC
recognizes Texas HMOs that
exceed or are equivalent to the
state average for 10 performance measures for diabetes
care established by the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and
Information Set (HEDIS).
With more than 145,000
members, Community First
provides affordable insurance
to roughly 10 percent of the
San Antonio area, making it
one of the largest health insurers in South Texas. The health
plan will be giving back to the
community in unique ways as it
celebrates its 20th anniversary
in 2015.
An end to acid reflux?
NewsUSA - Nearly everyone
gets heartburn now and then. But
the fiery sensation that grips your
chest and throat after eating spicy
food, for example, can also be a
symptom of a more serious condition: gastroesophageal reflux
disease, which in its most chronic
form can lead to cancer.
For years, the roughly onethird of Americans with GERD
have mainly relied on prescription or over-the-counter medications to reduce stomach acid.
However, as we’ve learned more
about the potential long-term effects of the newest class of drugs
called “proton pump inhibitors”
-- which now take up more space
on the shelves than good ol’
Tums ever did -- that’s made for
a different kind of heartburn.
“The Food and Drug Administration has issued numerous
warnings about PPIs, saying
long-term use and high doses
have been associated with an
increased risk of bone fractures
and infection with a bacterium
called Clostridium difficile that
can be especially dangerous to
elderly patients,” the New York
Times has reported.
That helps explain the current
excitement over a simple outpatient procedure that may actually
correct GERD for good without
the need for invasive surgery.
Stretta Therapy (, which is FDAapproved, uses radiofrequency
(RF) energy delivered to the
muscle between the stomach
and esophagus to, in effect, “remodel” the problem area.
“The sphincter muscle gets
thicker and stronger, so it won’t
open as easily,” explains Dr.
Mark Noar of Endoscopic Microsurgery Associates in Towson,
Maryland, who performs the
procedure in his own practice.
Dr. Noar is also the lead author of a newly published, peerreviewed study that tracked patients for 10 years after receiving
Stretta Therapy, which is covered
by most insurance (including
Medicare). Among the most
remarkable findings: 72 percent
were found to have remained
GERD symptom-free.
That’s almost a job requisite
for someone like Kathleen Dickinson, who -- loathe to even consider surgery -- sought the doctor
out for Stretta Therapy after what
she describes as “years of suffering” and concerns about possibly
developing osteoporosis from the
medication she’d been taking.
“For me, it wasn’t just that
I couldn’t enjoy my favorite
dishes,” says the 70-year-old
Maryland woman. “I’m a corporate trainer, and the constant
coughing and clearing my throat
affected my speaking presentations.”
She’s now back to eating
Mexican food.
A simple procedure may correct GERD for good.
La Prensa, raíces en la
cultura de San Antonio
23 de noviembre de 2014
23 de noviembre de 2014
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23 de noviembre de 2014
Week In
J.J. Watt gets boost
in Madden
Ianno earns C-USA
Being one of the best in the league, Watt
has a 99 overall rating - out of 100 - as
a defensive end, as one would expect.
More surprisingly, however, the Texans’
star was upgraded to an 86 overall rating
as a tight end with the latest “team of
the week” update for the popular video
UTSA kicker Sean Ianno was named
Conferences USA Special Teams
Player of the Week for the second time
this season earlier this week. In a 12-10
win over Southern Miss last week he
kicked a game-winning 38-yard field
goal with two seconds remaining.
Watt a Popovich y Duncan, la dupla
más ganadora en la NBA
Por José I. Franco
By Jessica Duran
Let’s talk about J.J. Watt,
defensive end for the Houston Texans. The 6-foot-5,
289-pound monster of a football
has been dominating on the
field this season scaring opponents when they face the No.
99 jersey. He has been putting
up numbers that place him in a
clear running for the NFL MVP
award after a struggling pervious season.
This season, Watt has 44
tackles, two forced fumbles,
and nine and a half sacks. The
former first-round draft pick
recently made history after scoring a one-yard offensive touchdown against the Cleveland
Browns. He is the defensive
lineman with the most touchdowns since 1948.
Watt is tied with the most
touchdowns this year with 26
former pro bowlers. He has
more than the Texans’ running
back Arian Foster and wide
receiver Andre Johnson. Watt
does have an offensive background occasionally playing
tight end for the University of
Wisconsin in his college days
and for his former high school.
A small town kid from Pewuakee, Wis.Watt loves his team
and does whatever it takes to get
the job done. Not only is his size
a gift, but he has the football
knowledge smarts that gives
him an edge over his competition. Watt is a leader both on
and off the field. Watt is known
for being an athlete that really
listens and participates in his
team’s community.
From visiting kids in the hospital to doing his own comedic
H-E-B commercials to visiting
local high school football teams
in Houston, he does it all. So far,
there is nothing this man cannot
do. As a face for the entire NFL,
he is the kind of player and man
the league wants across all organizations.
“Mega-Watt” has been a popular choice of nickname across
the Texans fan base but clearly
he should be called “Ironman.”
Not only for robotic strength
and an intellectual mind, but the
term “Ironman” is associated
with football players playing
both offense and defense.
Without a doubt Watt has
played like an MVP so far, but
he has played like a super hero
for the city of Houston and the
entire Texans fan base. Only
time will tell what other tricks
he has up his sleeve, we might
even see him play quarterback,
watch out Ryan Mallett.
Scan with
QR reader
for more
sports news
from La
La candidatura para su
inmortalización en el Naismith
Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame,
con sede en la ciudad de Springfield
(MA), le espera al preparador Gregg
Popovich, que por 18 temporadas ha
sido el entrenador en jefe del ahora
pentacampeón equipo Spurs de San
Antonio (Los Spurs). Y también al
delantero titular Tim Duncan, nativo
de St. Coix, Virgin Island, territorio
de Estados Unidos.
Pop y Tim ganaron su partido
número 900 en su cotejo número
1,257 jugando en el AT&T Center.
El partido fue ganado con
marcador de 94-92 contra el visitante
Hawks de Atlanta, dirigido por
Mike Budenholzer, exasistente de
entrenador de Spurs.
Con dicha marca, Popovich y
Duncan alcanzaron lo impensable
estableciéndose como la dupla más
ganadora de partidos en la historia de
la NBA, ambos sin percatarse de la
hazaña realizada en sus respectivas
carreras de 18 temporadas.
Pop como timonel y Timmy
como jugador vieron su marca
personal ascender a 900 triunfos
por 357 derrotas, con promedio de
juego de .716.
Posteriormente, en su primera
gira de la temporada 2014-15 NBA,
visitaron las plazas de Clippers de
Los Ángeles, Warriors de Golden
State y Lakers de Los Ángeles.
En esta última Duncan celebró la
victoria en la que llegó a los 25 mil
puntos anotados en la NBA, marca
que fue aumentando en su visita
ante Kings de Sacramento, que los
derrotaron con pizarra de 94-91.
Duncan anotó 15 unidades y se
apoderó de 8 rebotes.
“Nuestro sistema de juegos no
es como para imponer marcas en la
liga, sino para seguir compitiendo
y observando el desarrollo en las
habilidades de nuestros jugadores,
tanto de experiencias como novatos
y prospectos”, expresó a comienzo
del campo de entrenamiento el
entrenador Popovich, quien –a pesar
de su modestia– es sincero y claro
sobre lo que tiene que decir ante los
medios que cubren la fuente.
Gregg Popovich, quien tomó las
riendas de los Spurs siendo gerente
general en el año 1997, fue el más
interesado en que la franquicia
Silver & Black se convirtiera de
plaza chica a plaza grande en la
Por su bajo rendimiento de juego
en dicha época, los Spurs fueron
favorecidos tras ser el club que
obtuvo el derecho de elegir en el
1997 NBA Draft al primer jugador,
ubicado en la primera ronda, siendo
el alero Tim Duncan, procedente
de Wake Forest University. Spurs
lo eligieron y posteriormente lo
firmaron, dándole inolvidable y
colorida bienvenida popular frente
a El Álamo, donde se congregaron
cientos de fans, que en ese entonces
vieron algo en él.
Duncan, por seis temporadas,
formó pareja con el poste David
Robinson, apodado “The Admiral”,
con quien logró la captura de los
títulos en las temporadas 1998-99,
y 2002-03.
La fanaticada los llegó a nombrar
como The Twin Towers, tanto por
sus estaturas como por la gran
aportación al plantel, cuya mesa
directiva fue y ha sido presidida
por el magnate Peter M. Holt.
En los 18 años juntos, Pop y Tim
han logrado guiar a los Spurs a los
campeonatos de las temporadas
1999, 2003, 2005, 2007 y 2014.
Pop ha sido distinguido un par
de ocasiones como el entrenador
del año. Mientras que Tim fue
elegido novato del año en la
a 5-loss
By Samantha Hyde
FOX Sports Southwest
Tim Duncan, alero titular de los Spurs, captado en uno de sus
clásicos disparos al aro, sobre jugadores rivales, estrategia que le
ha sido reconocida por su entrenador Gregg Popovich, quien al
fondo aprecia la espectacular jugada ante la defensiva del visitante
Sixers de Filadelfia. (Foto, Franco)
temporada 1997-98, con 3 trofeos
del MVP en las finales de 1999,
2003 y 2005. A ello se le suman
14 elecciones al NBA All-Star
Para Duncan, la presente
temporada es la última en su
contrato con la franquicia Silver
& Black, en la cual espera que los
Spurs retengan el título.
Para lograrlo, Tim ha dicho que
durante la temporada se estará
jugando un baloncesto de alto
nivel, sobre todo ante rivales de
la Conferencia del Oeste, donde
milita San Antonio. Tampoco
descarta la calidad de juego de
rivales en la Conferencia del
Este, donde ya han ganado a tres
partidos: ante Hawks, 76ers de
Filadelfia y el más contundente
ante Cavaliers de Cleveland,
capitaneados de nueva cuenta
por el alero estelar LeBron James
“King James”, que para el jueves
12 de marzo del 2015 vendrá a
San Antonio a pagar visita en su
segundo partido del rol regular.
Spurs en la temporada regular
juega dos partidos contra clubes
del este.
“Mi único compromiso
en la temporada es seguir
apoyando a mis compañeros
con asistencias y encestando a la
hora oportuna”, aseveró Duncan
en su presentación el día con los
We're just going to go ahead and
assume Charlie Strong isn't superstitious, because the bold prediction
he just made might make those who
are a little queasy.
Speaking to, Charlie Strong said a five-loss season
"will never happen in this program
"I told the coaching staff it's on
us," Strong told Max Olson. "We
were sitting here at 3-5 and I said
we should not be pleased with
where we are. At the University
of Texas, that will never happen
that, with our [track] record, we go
out and get five losses. We're not
comfortable with that."
The season certainly started
rough for Strong, dropping two of
his first three games and four of
his first six in his inaugural season.
Murmurs of his firing, while slight,
where still there. but currently,
Texas is on a three-game winning
streak since that 3-5 mark Strong
referenced and the coach says he's
not turning back.
"I never thought I had more than I
could chew," he continued. "When
you're dealing with young people, it
doesn't matter how big the program
is. When you're dealing with young
people and you get them to trust
you and they believe in what the
mission is, it's all about that."
The Longhorns only have one
game left on their regular-season
schedule, a Thanksgiving showdown on FOX Sports 1 against No.
4 TCU in Austin. Then comes a
bowl game, where the Longhorns
may or may not face former foe
Texas A&M.
Romo and his back bracing for three games in 12 days
By Keith Whitmire
FOX Sports Southwest
the Giants. This is a very important
game, a big game for us."
Romo has one advantage in that
the Cowboys are coming off a bye
week before heading into the threegame gauntlet. The time off in particular was helpful to his transverse
process fractures, suffered in the
Oct. 27 loss to Washington.
"It's improving," Romo said.
"It continues to improve as each
day goes by and hopefully it will
be non-factor here shortly. ... The
week off was good. It came at a
good time."
Prior to the bye week, Romo
was pulled in the fourth quarter
of a 31-17 win over Jacksonville
in London. Knowing the schedule
coming up, the Cowboys would
probably take the same opportunity
to rest Romo if they were able to get
a big lead against the Giants.
However, that's not in Romo's
Starting Sunday, the Cowboys
will play three games in a span
of 12 days. For quarterback
Tony Romo and his aching back,
that could mean a change in approach.
Romo was already taking
Wednesdays off from practice
because of offseason disk surgery. Now that he's also dealing
with two fractures in his transverse processes, his back requires
more care and attention.
For now, Romo said his focus
remains on playing at the Giants
on Sunday and not taking any
steps to ensure that he will be
healthy to play against the Eagles
on Thanksgiving and at the Bears
the following Thursday.
"I don't think I'm going to do
anything," Romo said Wednesday at Valley Ranch. "It's really
about this week and getting ready
for the Giants. Once that game is
over, I'll set a different plan and talk
to trainers and coaches and we'll go
from there.
"But this week it's not about
thinking about next week at all.
You've got to get yourself ready to
play in this one game and against Cowboys QB Tony Romo's back will be tested over the next two weeks. (Couresy photo)
"After the game against New
York, we'll reassess everything, but
that's not on my mind right now,"
Romo said. "This game right in
front of us against New York is the
most important thing. Worry about
next week, next week."
La Prensa de San Antonio
23 de noviembre de 2014
Morgan Smith player of the month
Special to La Prensa
Orlando, Fla.-US Youth Soccer
recently announced that San Antonio, Texas youth soccer players
Morgan Smith a member of Classic
Elite Soccer Academy (CESA) has
been named the US Youth Soccer
Player of the Month presented by
Olive Garden.
Each month, US Youth Soccer
recognizes one male and one female
player whose accomplishments on
and off the field stand out among
the rest. Morgan achieved the honor
by representing a balance of athletic
achievement, sportsmanship and
“Olive Garden is proud to honor
Morgan for his ongoing superior contributions to the CESA and the San
Antonio community,” said Agustin
Morin, general manager of the Olive
Garden in San Antonio. “Morgan
is not only a skilled player, but also
a humble individual. He attributes
his goals to support his teammatesmuch like we do at Olive Garden by
treating each other like family and
celebrating our wins as a group. We
can’t wait to serve Morgan at our
Morgan practices soccer four days
a week with his team and also participates in extra training before school.
He is playing up a year this season
and had excellent results in the first
three games, including a goal late in
the first half of an eventual 4-3 win
against a skilled team. Earlier this
year, Morgan attended the US Youth
Soccer Olympic Development Program Boys Region III Camp in
Alabama and impressed coaches
with his hard work and dedication.
“Morgan embodies our player of
the month with his vibrant personality, coachable attitude, skills and
leadership on and off the field,” said
Todd Roby, director of marketing
and communications of US Youth
Soccer. “Each players of the month
exhibits strong soccer skills and
demonstrates good sportsmanship
and citizenship, making them great
teammates on the field and successful leaders in the community.”
Each player of the month is recognized with an Olive Garden gift
card. Additionally, through Olive
Garden’s ongoing partnership with
US Youth Soccer, teams across the
nation have a place to gather around
the dinner table.
United States Youth Soccer Association (US Youth Soccer) –“The
Game for ALL KIDS!” is the largest youth sports organization in the
country and largest member of the
United States Soccer Federation,
the governing body of soccer in the
United States. US Youth Soccer
registers more than 3 million players annually, ages 5 to 19, and over
900,000 administrators, coaches and
volunteers in 55 member State Associations. US Youth Soccer programs
provide a fun, safe and healthy environment for players at every level of
the game. For more information, visit
Olive Garden is the leading restaurant in the Italian dining segment with
more than 800 restaurants, more than
96,000 employees and more than
$3.6 billion in annual sales. Olive
Garden is a division of Darden Restaurants, Inc., (NYSE:DRI), which
owns and operates more than 1,500
restaurants that generate over $6.4
billion in annual sales. Headquartered
in Orlando, Fla., and employing
more than 150,000 people, Darden is
recognized for a culture that rewards
caring for and responding to people.
In 2014, Darden was named to the
FORTUNE “100 Best Companies
to Work For” list for the fourth year
in a row. Olive Garden is committed
to making a difference in the lives
of others in the local community.
As part of this commitment, Olive
Garden restaurants have donated
nearly 30 million pounds of food to
local community food banks across
the country. For more information, Morgan Smith a member of Classic Elite Soccer Academy (San Antonio) has been elected the
November US Youth Soccer Player of the Month. (Courtesy photo)
DeMarco Murray feeling fresh, Vela, contento con su regreso
'ready' for home stretch
Redacción FOX Deportes
David Helman
FOX Sports Southwest
Marco Murray said he's rested
and ready to run on Monday, as
the Cowboys get set for a grinding final six weeks to the season.
"I'm ready. I'm ready to go,"
Murray said. "Like I said before,
whatever they ask me to do, I'm
going to do it times 10. It's going to be an exciting next couple
weeks for us."
Murray was one of several
Cowboys veterans to serve
an early Thanksgiving meal
to needy fans Monday at The
Salvation Army. The community event ended the team's bye
week, as they get set to begin
preparations for their Week
12 trip to play the Giants this
The trip to MetLife Stadium should serve as a fitting
preview for the home stretch.
Dallas plays four of its final
six games on the road, with
all four of those trips in cold
weather cities -€“ New York,
Chicago, Philadelphia and
Washington D.C.
"In this part of the year, you
know it's cold, the weather, so
I think the running is going to
be a little bit more of a factor,"
Murray said. "It's good -€“
we've got a strong offensive
line, we've got some backs who
can run and also we've got a lot
of guys on the edge who can go
up and get the ball. It's going to
be huge for us."
Murray began a tear of strong
running days at this time last
year, starting with a similar
trip to New York. Beginning
with an 86-yard effort on Nov.
24, 2013, against the Giants, he
averaged 95.5 yards per game
over the last six games of the
year, helping him to his firstever 1,000-yard campaign.
The dominance of the Dallas ground game has already
helped Murray to 1,233 yards
through 10 games this season.
If the Cowboys are able to continue their effectiveness on the
ground, the fourth-year veteran
has a chance at a 2,000-yard
"Whenever you can finish
the first half of the season like
we did and come off the bye
week at 7-3 – we've got
a lot of positive things going
for us," Murray said. "We've
got to continue to work during
the week, we've had a lot of
great practices and that's why
we've had a lot of success on
With a week to rest, Murray
said he's feeling fresh despite
boasting 244 total carries to
this point in the season. That's a
sentiment the Cowboys will be
hoping to feel across the locker
room as the final push toward
the playoffs begins on Sunday.
"After 10 weeks of playing
ball, it's huge," Murray said.
"Obviously, guys feel good,
but there's nothing like having a couple days off to get
rejuvenated and refreshed and
refocused to go. We're excited
about this next week."
The Cowboys running back DeMarco Murray is having a career year. (Courtesy, FOX Sports)
Fue un mensaje cordial que
invita a pensar que Carlos Vela no
se la pasó mal en su regreso a la
selección mexicana, luego de tres
años de negativas implacables.
Si la selección mexicana y el
delantero de la Real Sociedad al
fin hicieron las paces, no se verá
sino hasta el siguiente año, cuando
haya una nueva convocatoria de
Miguel Herrera y Vela, libre de
presión, acepte el llamado. Pero
por ahora, Carlos agradeció a
quienes lo apoyaron y se dijo
“contento” por su participación
con el conjunto tricolor, donde
fue titular ante Holanda y marcó
dos goles.
“Ya de regreso en Donosti y
muy contento de haber vuelto a
jugar con la selección, muchas
gracias a todos por su apoyo”,
publicó el delantero de la Real
Sociedad, quien podría ver
actividad este fin de semana por
la liga de España en la vidita
‘txuri-urdin’ al Deportivo La
Vela regresó de Bielorrusia,
junto al resto de la selección
mexicana tras la derrota del Tri, en
lo que fue el partido de despedida
de un 2014 mundialista.
Carlos Vela ya está en España y recuerda su retorno a la selección
Mexicana. (Courtesy photo)
Spurs fall basketball clinics
The Spurs will host two different opportunities for young
athletes to get elite basketball
instruction at the Spurs Fall
Basketball Clinics. Both Spurs
Fall Basketball Clinics have
been scheduled during the week
of Thanksgiving and are open to
boys and girls ages 7 to 18 at the
following locations.
Monday, Nov. 24 & Tuesday, Nov. 25. George Gervin
Youth Center 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
(two- day clinic). Registrations
fee: $160. Special appearance
by Marco Belinelli. Friday,
Nov. 28, AT&T Center 11:30
a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Registration
fee: $100.
Registrations fees for each
Follow us
and daily
local news
clinic include a Spurs practice
shirt and a ticket credit to an
upcoming game. The Spurs Fall
Basketball Clinics develop boys
and girls ages 7-18 to be better
basketball players by teach-
ing basketball fundamentals
and practice drills, situational
learning, positive values and encouraging fun! For registration
of more information call (210)
444-5021 or visit
23 de noviembre de 2014
La Prensa de San Antonio
Partidos interliga Liga Soccer de Softbol Rápido
La potente temporada invernal
en Tex-Mex Independent Baseball
League (Tex-Mex IBL), dividida
en zona norte y sur, que se está
jugando en los estadios del Capital
Park y Colt 45, este domingo 23
de noviembre tiene interesantes
partidos interliga en los que clubes
del norte visitarán a rivales del sur.
En la primera jornada de partidos
inter zonas, los Indios de Nava, de
visitantes en el norte, ganaron 1 a 0
al The Wolfpack.
High Sox, monarcas invernales,
apalearon con 13 a 3 carreras a los
En el sur hubo grandes sorpresas
pues el visitante Rough Riders
derrotó al campeón del verano
Astros con pizarra de 12-10. Y
en cerrado duelo los Juggernauts
decidieron el partido a su favor
derrotando al local Tecolotes
con score de 4 a 3 carreras. Los
Tecolotes en las últimas entradas
dejaron varios corredores en los
senderos, cerrando fuerte con relevo
del exprofesional Arnold Ponce,
quien en el segundo episodio entró
al quite del prospecto utility Gilbert
Rodríguez Jr., quien aceptó par de
Con ambos resultados, la zona sur
sufrió par de reveces, mientras que
en el norte los visitantes debutaron
Este domingo 23 de noviembre a
las 10 a.m. en el norte Desperados
recibirá a Indios de Nava.
A la 1:30 p.m. el local Saints
enfrentará al campeón Astros de
Jaime Guerrero y José Montes.
En el sur contenderán a las 10 a.m.
Tecolotes vs. Rough Riders.
El clásico dominical lo estarán
disputando a partir de la 1:30 p.m.
el club local Bobcats y el visitante
Wolfpack, subcampeón de verano.
y Veteranos
Los Altos
Pocos partidos se vieron en la Liga
Soccer de Los Altos, que preside el
señor Juan Padilla, debido a la onda
fría que se dejó sentir el pasado fin de
semana. Varios directivos optaron
por descansar a sus jugadores y así
evitarse trastornos de salud.
Liga Soccer de Los Altos, que
ofrece al campeón de la primera
división un premio en donativo
económico por la cantidad de
$599, se encuentra jugando su
décimo segundo campeonato en las
canchas del Monterrey Park y Levi
Strauss Park, donde recientemente el
equipo Estudiantes retuvo su título
conquistando su segunda gema
contra el Deportivo Juvenil.
A pesar del drástico cambio
ambiental (de calor a congelante
frío), el señor Padilla, sin quitar
el dedo del renglón, se ha echado
a cuestas de nueva cuenta salir
adelante en el presente torneo
invernal promoviendo el desarrollo
del balompié independiente regional,
que desde su creación ha sido su
compromiso ante la comunidad
deportiva de San Antonio.
En los partidos que se lograron
jugar sobre las canchas del Levi
Strauss Park, el Atlético Talgua
blanqueó 5-0 al Deportivo Juvenil,
victoria celebrada por su director
técnico y patrocinador Ángel
Perdomo y seguidores.
Real Nacional doblegó 2-1 a
Leones Negros. Atlas blanqueó 6-0
al Deportivo Realeza.
Deportivo Linares 1-0 al
Deportivo Lousiana.
Real Madrid blanqueó 5-0 al
debutante Atléticos.
Sandoria y Deportivo Laredo
finalizaron empatados 3-3.
Liga Soccer de Los Altos convoca
a dueños de equipos, y directivos de
equipos en formación, para que se
registren en el presente campeonato
que lleva dos jornadas. Informes
llamando al teléfono (210) 4264305.
Con dos partidos se inauguró la
liga sabatina Women’s Fast Pitch
Softball Carraman y con disciplina
deportiva se cantó el “playball”.
Lady Astros fue derrotado por el
representativo Colt 45 con pizarra de
15 a 3, con pitcheo de Stacy Kindles,
quien ponchó a 15 rivales, y con
jonrón de la manager y jugadora
Janelle Cisneros, que produjo tres
Cardinals blanqueó 15-0 a Lady
Rol de juegos
A las 9:30 a.m. se miden Lady
Bombas vs. Lady Astros.
A las 11:30 p.m. el primer clásico
entre Cardinals y Colt 45.
En la pelota dura (béisbol) Liga
Regional Veteranos Carramán
presentó dos buenos partidos, con
el tercero entre Cachorros y O’s,
cancelado por falta de luz ambiental
y el congelante clima.
Por su parte, los Broncos de
Reynosa, de los padrinos de la
temporada invernal Linda y Roberto
Garza, contaron con su lanzador
estelar derecho Gilberto Rodríguez
Sr., quien se fajó por seis episodios
ante el expitcher profesional Luis
Alfonso “Chorejas” Velázquez y sus
Águilas de Piedras Negras, dejando
la pizarra empatada 7-7 carreras. Y
gracias al relevista derecho Hugo
Méndez, se fueron a episodios
extras (nueve innings), con victoria
para los aguiluchos fronterizos con
score de 9-8.
“Los errores y corredores que
dejamos en bases fueron el factor de
nuestra derrota. Se jugó para ganar,
pero así es el béisbol, ahora nos toca
contra el campeón Astros. Espero
que salgamos adelante”, expresó el
timonel Garza.
Por otra parte, Astros apalearon
7-1 a Cardenales, que no han podido
retomar el vuelo; sin embargo,
todavía tienen posibilidades de
seguir peleando su clasificación al
Rol de juegos en la novena
jornada sabatina. 10 a.m. Red Sox
vs. Águilas.
12:45 p.m. Cardenales vs. Pirates.
3:30 p.m. Astros vs. Broncos de
En partido interliga, el receptor Adam Deil, del club Juggernauts,
observa el batazo conectado por Sergio González, sexto bate de Acción entre jugadores de los equipos Atlético Talgua y Deportivo Hugo Méndez, lanzador relevista del club Broncos de Reynosa, con
Tecolotes, quien posteriormente se embaso en bases por bolas. Juvenil en partido celebrado bajo congelante temperatura en el su gran experiencia pudo contener los ataques del rival Águilas
de Piedras Negras.
(Fotos, Franco)
Levi Strauss Park.
Halcones van por otro título
Por José I. Franco
El plantel Halcones,
entrenado y patrocinado
por el señor Carmelo Niño,
quien cuenta con los valiosos
servicios de los asistentes y
jugadores don Juan Sánchez
y Juan “Cadillac” Sánchez
(sin relación familiar), sigue
tumbando rivales en el
sexagésimo sexto campeonato
de la pionera Liga Latina, que
preside Manuel de la Rosa.
Halcones, que debutó en la
división de ascenso, con su
delantero Juan Sánchez Jr.,
quien ha ganado cuatro títulos
de campeón goleador, no
tuvo problema para conseguir
subir a la máxima categoría
conquistando su primer
En la primera división,
Halcones se fue en plan grande
ganando un par de banderines
y un espectacular partido de
Campeón de Campeones 2014
ante el duro rival Correcaminos.
“Todos nuestros jugadores
han respondido con eficacia
y dedicación. Esperamos que
esta temporada volvamos a
tener el trofeo de campeón en
nuestras manos”, expresó el
estratega Niño.
En su partido del rol regular,
Halcones blanquearon 5-0 a los
Leones Rojos, dirigidos por el
arquero Apolinar Lara, quien
pudo recortar la goliza con
ocho atajadas.
En otros resultados, el
Pique F.C. tras su derrota
ante Veracruz retomó el vuelo
derrotando 2-0 a Juniors con
goles anotados por Marcos
Caballero y Luis Betancourt,
victoria celebrada por su
entrenador Alberto “Malancas”
Ramírez y su copatrocinador y
jugador José “Lobo” Romero,
quienes felicitaron a cada
jugador que le echó ganas al
partido jugado bajo intensa
onda gélida en la cancha del
Normoyle Park.
En otros resultados, San Luis
goleó 7-1 a La Raza.
Zacatecas 2-1 a Xolos.
Independiente y el campeón
San Pablo empataron sin goles.
Chapines 2-1 al Manchester.
Felinos y Veracruz
empataron 1-1.
Real Azteca blanqueó 5-0 al
Los partidos clásicos
los jugarán a la 1 p.m. en
Normoyle Park, Halcones y el
Independiente, y el Pique F.C.
a las 3 p.m. enfrentará al subcapeón El Valle.
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Halcones, dirigidos y patrocinados por Carmelo Niño, con la valiosa labor de sus asistentes y jugadores Juan Sánchez Sr. y Juan “Cadillac” Sánchez, van invictos rumbo a otro título en la pionera
Liga Latina. Este domingo a la 1 p.m. juegan el clásico ante el Independiente en Normoyle Park.
(Foto, Franco)
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Buy tickets at
For tickets call 444-5554 or visit Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster ticket centers including H-E-B locations, online at or sarampage.
com (all Ticketmaster fees apply), by calling 225-TEAM, or at the AT&T Center Southeast Box
Office. Not valid with any other offer. Valid only while supplies last. Not valid on previously
purchased tickets. Seating based upon availability. Box Office hours are Monday thru
Friday, 8am until 6pm and weekend game days at 10am.
La Prensa de San Antonio
23 de noviembre de 2014
Ozone Pollution Season leaves S.A. in violation of standard
By Tiffany Harris
The 2014 Ozone Season, a
period stretching from April
through October when air pollution tends to spike, was a milder
season than those experienced in
recent years.
Pending verification by the
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the
season’s fourth-highest, eighthour average ozone concentration
measured by a regulatory ozone
monitor in the San Antonio-New
Braunfels Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), was 72 parts
per billion (ppb). The federal
threshold for ground-level ozone
is 75 ppb. Values above this
number may cause health issues,
particularly for sensitive groups.
The fourth highest, eight-hour
average ozone concentration of
2014 is averaged with the fourthhighest concentration from the
two previous years’ ozone seasons to determine whether an
area is in violation of the 2008
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) standard for allowable ground-level ozone, the
major air pollutant in this region.
Attainment of the ozone standard
is based on the three-year average
of the fourth-highest concentration measured at any one of the
area’s three regulatory monitors.
An area is in compliance with the
2008 standard as long as a threeyear average does not exceed 75
Although the 2014 season was
relatively mild, with its fourthhighest, eight-hour concentration
of only 72 ppb, when combined
with the fourth-highest concentration of 83 ppb in 2013, and the
fourth-highest concentration of
87 ppb in 2012 at the Camp Bullis monitor, the MSA’s three-year
average is 80 ppb, which violates
the EPA’s standard threshold of
75 ppb.
In fact, 2014 is the third consecutive year that the area’s
three-year average of fourthhighest ozone concentrations has
surpassed the standard threshold.
Because the EPA has not designated areas as nonattainment
since 2012, however, the MSA
has not officially been deemed
as nonattainment and therefore
has not been subject to mandatory
corrective measures.
If the area’s fourth highest
eight-hour ground-level ozone
concentration is no higher than
72 ppb during the ozone season
of 2015, the area could regain
compliance with the 2008 ozone
standard. Since its fourth highest concentration of 2014 was
also 72 ppb, this goal is certainly
within reach.
The EPA, however, has made
public its intention to set a new,
more stringent threshold for
ground-level ozone that will
fall within the range of 60 to
70 ppb, asserting that the 2008
standard of 75 ppb did not go
far enough to adequately protect
human health and the environment. An EPA announcement
in this regard is expected in
December 2014. If the new,
lower threshold is set, it would
not be possible for the area to
meet that new standard unless
its ozone concentrations decline
In the meantime, area governmental agencies and businesses
have been working through the
Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) to participate
in the EPA’s Ozone Advance
Program, which promotes expeditious improvements in air
quality. Participating agencies
and industries in our region
have implemented numerous
voluntary measures that reduce
the emission of chemicals that
form ozone and they continue
to seek additional strategies that
will benefit our air quality.
Individuals and employers
alike can take steps towards
improving air quality. Since
ground-level ozone production is
strongly linked to transportation,
individuals could, for example,
carpool, take the bus, brown bag
rather than drive out for lunch,
combine errands, or avoid heavy
traffic congestion. Employers
could, for example, offer incentives for carpooling, create flexible schedules that would reduce
rush hour traffic, or, to the extent
possible, allow some employees
to work from home.
Should the MSA be found
in nonattainment of the EPA's
standards, it will be required to
take steps to reduce pollution
with the goal of regaining our
current clean air status. New or
expanding businesses in the area
would be required to secure pollution reductions to offset their
proposed growth. Also, transportation planners could be required
to prove that adding capacity to
the roadway system would not
increase pollution from cars and
trucks in order to qualify for
federal highway funds to make
the proposed roadway improvements.
The season’s fourth-highest, eight-hour average ozone concentration measured by a regulatory
ozone monitor in the San Antonio-New Braunfels Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), was 72
parts per billion (ppb). (Courtesy,
Seniors get free rides City announces Thanksgiving Holiday
to Jimenez Dinner
schedule of services
By Andy Scheidt
Senior citizens who ride the
bus to this year’s Raul Jimenez
Thanksgiving Dinner will get an
added treat: a free ride.
On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27,
VIA will allow people 55 years of
age and older to ride free if they are
going to or coming from the Jimenez
Dinner in the Convention Center.
The free rides are good for both
regular line service and VIAtrans
service for registered patrons. When
boarding, riders will need to inform
the bus or van operator that they are
attending the dinner, and they will
need to present identification with
proof of age.
Seniors who want more information regarding routes and scheduling on Thanksgiving Day can call
(210) 362-2020.
City Hall and most municipal
offices will be closed to observe
the Thanksgiving holidays Nov.
27-28, 2014.
The schedule for garbage collection is as follows:
Residents who normally receive a Thursday recycling, garbage or organics collection will be
serviced on Wednesday, Nov. 26.
Friday, November 28 recycling, garbage and organics recycling will be collected as usual.
Bitters Brush Recycling Center,
Bitters Household Hazardous
Waste Facility, Nelson Gardens
Brush Recycling Center, Bitters
Bulky Waste Center, and Frio
City Road Bulky Waste Center
will be closed Thursday, Nov. 27
and Friday, Nov. 28.
All centers will re-open on
Saturday, Nov. 29.
Dead Animal Collection crews
will not be on duty on Thursday,
Nov. 27.
Dead Animal Collection crews
will return to duty on Friday,
Nov. 28.
The 311 Call Center will be
closed on Thanksgiving Day. It
will re-open on Friday, Nov. 28
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Residents
can also submit City service requests through the City’s mobile
app, San Antonio 311, or by visiting the self-service online portal
All four Pre-K 4 SA Centers,
classes, after-school programs,
administrative offices, and enrollment processes will be closed the
week of Nov. 24-28. The Office
of the CEO will remain open
from Monday, Nov. 24 through
Wednesday, Nov. 26.
The Animal Care Services
lobby and adoption center will
be closed on Thursday, Nov. 27.
They will re-open on Friday,
Nov. 28.
All libraries will close at 6 p.m.
on Wednesday, Nov. 26, and remain closed Thursday, Nov. 27
and Friday, Nov. 28. They will
re-open on Saturday, Nov. 29.
Municipal Court, 401 S. Frio.
Spanish Governor’s Palace,
Market Square, and La Villita
will be closed on Thursday, Nov.
27. They will re-open on Friday,
Nov. 28.
Dr. Manuel P. Berriozabal
cafécollege will be closed Thursday, Nov. 27 through Sunday,
Nov. 30.
·City of San Antonio Senior
Centers and Nutrition Sites,
City of San Antonio Emergency
Assistance Centers, City of San
Antonio Child Care Services
Administrative Offices, and Financial Empowerment Centers
will be closed.
EFE - Texas mantendrá a
sus efectivos de la Guardia
Nacional desplegados en la
frontera con México al menos
hasta el 31 de agosto de 2015,
tras la aprobación de una partida
de 86,1 millones de dólares
destinada a tal efecto.
"Texas ha demostrado
que esta frontera puede ser
segura, incluso si el Gobierno
federal se niega a tomar las
medidas necesarias como
fija la Constitución", dijo el
gobernador texano, Rick Perry.
Ante la oleada migratoria de
mediados de año y la presencia
de organizaciones criminales
en la zona, Perry desplegó a
finales de agosto a un millar
de efectivos de la Guardia
Nacional en la frontera, en
una misión que tenía que durar
inicialmente tres meses.
La medida no fue bien recibida
por el Gobierno de México, que
en agosto rechazó el despliegue
al considerarlo "injustificado" y
por no contribuir "a la solución
del fenómeno migratorio".
De hecho, el propio presidente
mexicano, Enrique Peña Nieto,
afirmó ese mes desde Los
Ángeles, donde se encontraba
de visita, que "hay estados
que no han evolucionado tanto
como California y que todavía
escatiman reconocimientos y
derechos a los inmigrantes".
Además de la tensión
con México, la "Operación
Seguridad Fuerte" -el nombre
que recibió- también levantó
una gran polémica dentro
del país, al considerarla sus
detractores una actuación
propagandística de Perry para
una potencial carrera hacia la
Casa Blanca en 2016.
A punto de terminar el periodo
previsto de tres meses de la misión,
que tuvo un presupuesto de 38
millones de dólares, Perry alcanzó
un acuerdo con el legislativo
estatal para ampliar la medida.
El vicegobernador texano,
David Dewhurst, explicó que en
los últimos ocho años el estado ha
destinado cerca de 800 millones de
dólares a la seguridad fronteriza, lo
que demuestra a su juicio que el
estado de Texas "es serio".
"En ausencia de medidas
suficientes por parte del Gobierno
federal, el estado de Texas ha
demostrado que es posible asegurar
la frontera, reducir la delincuencia
y luchar contra el impacto de la
inmigración ilegal", añadió.
La nueva partida de 86,1
millones de dólares también
servirá para reforzar el papel de
los agentes del Departamento de
Seguridad Pública de Texas, con
la adquisición de nuevos equipos
y más lanchas rápidas.
También está previsto que la
presencia de los agentes fronterizos
y de la Guardia Nacional se amplíe
más allá del sector del Valle del
Río Grande, donde se concentran
actualmente en su mayoría.
Perry no se presentó a la
reelección en las elecciones del
pasado 4 de noviembre, por lo que
entregará el cargo el próximo 20 de
enero a su compañero republicano
Greg Abbott, también partidario
de reforzar la seguridad fronteriza.
El aún gobernador sopesa
By Javier Flores
All Parks and Recreation
Department Community Centers and Senior Centers will be
closed, but will resume regular
schedules on Saturday, Nov. 29.
The McFarlin Tennis Center,
the San Antonio Natatorium, and
the Enrique Barrera Community
Fitness Center will be closed.
The Parks and Recreation
Ron Darner Headquarters will
be closed.
There will be no Fitness in the
Park classes held.
Animal Care Services officers
will be on duty.
Downtown visitors will enjoy an on-street parking meter
holiday on Thursday Nov. 27 and
Friday, Nov. 28.
Uniform police officers and
Fire/EMS personnel will be on
The Magistrate’s Court and
Detention Center will be open.
Texas mantendrá a la Guardia Nacional en
la frontera hasta agosto de 2015
A volunteer serves the attendees of last year’s Raul Jimenez
Thanksgiving Dinner. (Courtesy photo)
Meter Readers to work
Saturdays through early
Special to La Prensa
CPS Energy meter readers and
contractors will be on the job Saturdays for the next several weeks,
and customers are asked to assist
them with getting an accurate
meter read.
The Thanksgiving holiday and
a reduced number of weekdays
during the month of November
is leading to the weekend work.
Because the month starts on a
Saturday, there are only 18 nonholiday, workdays to read CPS
Energy’s 1.1 million meters.
Customers are asked to provide
access to the CPS Energy meter
during the meter reading dates
listed on the back of their bills
(Manage My Account users will
find the dates on page two of their
previous bill file). Access to the
meter will ensure an accurate bill.
All meter readers wear shirts
with logos that either identify
them as being with CPS Energy
or a contractor for CPS Energy.
They also wear badges.
Customers are reminded that
employees and contractors will:
• NEVER threaten customers
with disconnection of service by
phone or in-person.
• NEVER direct customers to
purchase pre-paid cards to make
• NEVER call customers to
request any credit card or banking
• NOT ask to enter a house
unless the customer initiates the
request for service or has received
prior notification.
Customers can call (210) 3534000 any time of the day or night
to verify the employee number
and name of anyone who approaches their home.
presentarse a las primarias
republicanas a la Presidencia de
2016, como ya hizo sin éxito en
2012, aunque no tomará la decisión
hasta mediados del próximo año,
según admitió recientemente.
El gobernador de Texas, Rick Perry, celebra la victoria del Partido
Republicano de Texas en los comicios. (EFE/Archivo)
Like us on Facebook for
updates, local news and
weekly contests
23 de noviembre de 2014
La Prensa de San Antonio
“Este año conocí a mi padre”
Pew Research:become
significantly more support- of U.S. adults think that businesses resenting their views on abortion.
By Katherine Ritchey
Nearly three-quarters of the public (72%) now thinks religion is
losing influence in American life, up
5 percentage points from 2010 to the
highest level in Pew Research polling over the past decade. And most
people who say religion’s influence
is waning see this as a bad thing.
Perhaps as a consequence, a
growing share of the American
public wants religion to play a role in
U.S. politics, according to a new national Pew Research Center survey.
The share of Americans who
say churches and other houses of
worship should express their views
on social and political issues is up
6 points since the 2010 midterm
elections (from 43% to 49%). The
share who say there has been “too
little” expression of religious faith
and prayer from political leaders is
up modestly over the same period
(from 37% to 41%).
And a growing minority of Americans (32%) think churches should
endorse candidates for political office, though most continue to oppose
such direct involvement by churches
in electoral politics.
The findings reflect a widening
divide between religiously affiliated
Americans and the rising share of
the population that is not affiliated
with any religion (sometimes called
the “nones”).
The public’s appetite for religious
influence in politics is increasing in
part because those who continue to
identify with a religion (e.g., Protestants, Catholics and others) have
ive of churches and other houses of
worship speaking out about political
issues and political leaders talking
more often about religion. The
“nones” are much more likely to
oppose the intermingling of religion
and politics. The desire for religion
in public life is much more evident
among Republicans and those who
lean toward the GOP than among
Democrats and Democratic leaners.
These are among the key findings from a new survey by the Pew
Research Center, conducted Sept.
2-9 among 2,002 U.S. adults. The
survey tracks public attitudes about
religion in public life, maps the
contours of the religious elements
of the political landscape heading
into the 2014 midterm elections and
monitors trends on important social
issues. Among its other findings:
A slight drop in support for allowing gays and lesbians to marry, with
49% of Americans in favor and 41%
opposed – a 5-point dip in support
from a February Pew Research poll,
but about the same level as in 2013.
It is too early to know if this modest
decline is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off in
attitudes toward gay marriage after
years of steadily increasing public
acceptance. Moreover, when the
February poll and the current survey
are combined, the 2014 yearly average level of support for same-sex
marriage stands at 52%, roughly
the same as the 2013 yearly average (50%).
Fully half (50%) of the public
considers homosexuality a sin, up
from 45% a year ago. Nearly half
like caterers and florists should be
allowed to reject same-sex couples
as customers if the businesses have
religious objections to serving those
Roughly two-thirds (65%) think
gays and lesbians face a lot of discrimination in the U.S., and half or
more say the same about Hispanics
(50%), blacks (54%) and Muslims
(59%). Fewer think that Jews (32%),
evangelical Christians (31%), atheists (27%) and Catholics (19%) face
a lot of discrimination.
Among Republicans and those
who lean toward the GOP, half or
more say the party is not doing a
good job representing their views
on government spending, illegal
immigration or same-sex marriage,
and they are divided about whether
the party is doing a good job rep-
Democrats get better ratings from
their partisans on all of these issues. Evangelical Republicans who
express discontent with the GOP
would like to see it move in a more
conservative direction on abortion,
same-sex marriage and immigration.
Non-evangelicals in the GOP are
more conflicted.
A larger share of the general
public sees the Republican Party as
friendly toward religion (47%) than
sees the Democratic Party that way
(29%). And 30% says the Obama
administration is friendly toward
religion, down 7 points since 2009.
About six-in-ten Americans say
it is important for members of Congress to have strong religious beliefs
(59%), a figure that has not changed
significantly since the most recent
midterm campaign in 2010.
Por Carlos Rey
En este mensaje tratamos el caso
de una mujer que “descargó su
conciencia” en nuestro sitio www. Lo hizo de manera
anónima, como pedimos que se
haga; así que, a pesar de que nunca
se lo había contado a nadie, nos
autorizó a que la citáramos, como
“Tengo veinticuatro años, y este
año conocí a mi padre. Él nos abandonó (a mi mamá y a mí) y se fue
a otro país cuando yo aún no había
nacido. No voy a negar que crecí
con resentimiento hacia él, pero lo
(había perdonado)....
“Lo vi, lo abracé, y no puedo
describir con palabras la felicidad
que sentí. Al parecer, él (sintió lo
mismo). Me hice ilusiones; sin
embargo, solo lo vi una vez más,
y él se olvidó de mí de nuevo. ¡Me
duele tanto su actitud, ya que yo no
le he reclamado nada! ¿Debiera yo
seguir buscándolo?”.
Este es el consejo que le dio mi
“Estimada amiga:
A new Pew Research study reveals statistics on religion. (Courtesy,
“El dolor que siente se hace más
Pew Research)
intenso debido a las esperanzas y los
sueños que usted había guardado en
el corazón para el momento en que
por fin llegara a conocer a su padre
biológico. Usted le dio el regalo del
perdón, y es como si él se lo hubiera
devuelto bruscamente, como si ese
perdón no tuviera valor alguno. La
esperanza que usted albergaba como
adulta se esfumó, como también se
esfumó ese anhelo de niña por un
padre. Lamentamos mucho todo el
dolor que está sintiendo.
“En lo que está equivocada es en
pensar que él la está rechazando. No
is what God is calling me to do,” we feel honored for him and our
shared Michael Coronado. Join- family. We are looking forward
ing him were his parents Roy and to meeting the other parents and
Margaret Coronado, who travelled learning more about the seminary
from Corpus Christi to share the today as this will be our son’s
day with their son.
new home during his journey
“We support our son in his to become a priest,” said Mrs.
decisions and if this is his calling; Coronado.
Family day allows seminarians spend
time with biggest supporters
By Katherine Jass Slone
Recently bishops from around
the world were invited to the
Vatican by Pope Francis for the III
Extraordinary General Assembly
of the Synod of Bishops on the
Family to discuss topics related
to the family and evangelization.
This is an important focus for our
pontiff as he looks to the Church
to strengthen all families. In a
continued effort to bring families
together, the archdiocesan Office
for Vocations, with assistance
from The Lay Vocation Promoters
(LVP), sponsored the Assumption
Seminary Family Day Nov. 8 on
the seminary campus.
“This day is our opportunity to
invite the family and friends of our
seminarians, who are studying for
the priesthood, to come and visit
and see where they live, eat, study,
and pray. It also gives the family’s
time to get to know each other as
they share a connection of having
a son in the seminary. Our office,
together with the help of the Lay
Vocation Promoters, wanted to
give the seminarians the chance
to share their new home and new
family members, their brother
seminarians, with their parents,
brothers, sisters, grandparents and
friends,” explained Father Alex
Pereida, Vocation director for the
Following their call to serve the
seminarians, as well as encourage
the promotion of vocations, the Lay
Vocation Promoters, support the
Vocations Office in various events,
including the family day and events
which encourage individuals to
pursue their vocation, such as the
annual Life Awareness weekend.
“We are here to serve and help
out wherever needed, especially
with the food. Currently, we are
about 20 members but we are always looking to grow our ministry.
We also are working to support
parishes that are looking to create
their own vocation committees.
Promoting vocations is very near
to our archbishop’s heart; we
just want to support that because
without priests, we don’t have the
sacraments,” commented Barbara
Hintz, president of the LVP.
Festivities for the day began
with a celebration at the table of
the Eucharist as Father Pereida
celebrated Mass in the recently
renovated chapel on the seminary
grounds. He was joined by Father
Jonathan Felux, director of the San
Antonio seminarians, and Father
Jim Meyers, SS, director of Spiritual Formation. The pews were
filled with seminarians and their
family members, praying together
as one family.
“It is so wonderful to see so
many of you hear to support your
seminarian; they need your support and all of our prayers to meet
their goal of being ordained to the
priesthood,” Father Pereida said.
Currently there are 32 men
representing San Antonio who are
studying for the priesthood. Included in the family day were three
men in the process of discerning
their call to serve.
“I’ve been discerning my vocation and talking with Father Alex
and hope to enter the seminary
next year. It’s seems crazy to leave
my career as a teacher to join the
seminary but I feel a sense a peace
with my decision and know this
Bishops from around the world were invited to the Vatican by
Pope Francis for the III Extraordinary General Assembly of the
Synod of Bishops on the Family to discuss topics related to the
family and evangelization.
“Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos,
pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas”
Salmo 119:27
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
es así. Eso no tiene nada que ver con
usted. Cuando él se encontró con
usted, estaba sinceramente contento
de ver que ha llegado a ser una mujer
maravillosa, y en definitiva no se trataba de que estuviera rechazándola.
Estoy segura de que él considera
ese tiempo que pasaron juntos como
una experiencia maravillosa que está
contento de haber disfrutado.
“Sin embargo, para un hombre
como él, el vínculo biológico que
los une no significa nada. Él la
abandonó desde el principio porque
no le dio ninguna importancia a
ese parentesco, y su actitud no ha
cambiado. Él es producto de una
cultura en la que es aceptable tener
relaciones sexuales con una persona
con la que uno no está casado, tal vez
procrear hijos como resultado, y no
sentir ningún afecto por la mujer ni
por los hijos.... Lo más probable es
que él no sea capaz de comprender
cómo ve usted las cosas ni cómo la
ha lastimado.
“Nuestro Padre celestial diseñó
el matrimonio para que fuera un
vínculo que evitara el dolor que
usted está sintiendo. El matrimonio
no es una idea arcaica que tenga el
fin de restringir la libertad sexual,
sino la sempiterna creación de
Dios diseñada para proporcionar
un ambiente de amor y de afecto
de parte de padre y madre hacia
los hijos. Cuando los padres suyos
decidieron tener una relación sexual
sin estar casados, en efecto optaron
por negarle a usted la oportunidad de
crecer en tal ambiente. Lamentamos
mucho esa pérdida que usted sufrió.
“Cambie su manera de pensar
acerca de ese hombre. Él fue un
donante biológico, pero nunca fue
ni llegará a ser su padre. Considérelo
como algo del pasado, y resuelva
llevar una vida en la que jamás
permita que sientan tal dolor sus
futuros hijos”.
Con eso termina lo que Linda, mi
esposa, recomienda en este caso.
El caso completo, que por falta de
espacio no pudimos incluir en esta
edición, puede leerse con sólo pulsar
la pestaña en
que dice: “Casos”, y luego buscar
el Caso 313.
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
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-------------------------Cooks, line, tortilleras,
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-------------------------Se solicitan
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y 5:00 p.m. de la tarde. 1322 S. Laredo.
-------------------------Necesito linero (linemen) para restaurante mexicano.
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-------------------------Drivers: Carter Express - Now Hiring
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-------------------------Se solicita: persona
para mantenimiento
general de apartamentos. Se prefiere
que tenga experiencia en pintura,
carpintería, limpieza,
y plomería básica.
Llame a (210) 8875353.
-------------------------Need a Data Entry
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-------------------------Necesito trabajador
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De lunes - viernes,
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llamar a (210) 2049328.
-------------------------Solicito mecánico,
plomero, soldador,
nivelador, yardero de
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-------------------------Housekeeper needed to live in or come
and go. (210) 6433888.
-------------------------Estamos contratando
trabajadores y excavadores con experiencia para una
compañía grande de
plomería en San Antonio. Deben tener
transporte propio. Ofrecemos excelente
pago y beneficios.
Solo interesados serios. Llame a Sam al
(210) 336-1376.
4 bedroom, 2
bathroom house
for sale in Devine
TX with attached
land. Good family
home and within
distance from the
Eagle Ford Shale.
Serious buyers
only. For more info
contact (210) 3556527.
-------------------------COMPRO CASAS
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any
areas and any condition, 25 yrs. experience. Privacy
assured! Call John
(210) 300-4000.
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
Financed – 2 BED,
1 BATH - 1922 San
Fernando, near Zarzamora $64,000.
$3,000 Down • $695
per month. Includes
Tax & Insurance.
Call John (210) 4144210.
(11/23/14) *
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
to Owner • LARGE
- 1918 San Fernando, $74,000 •
$4,000 down • $795
per month. Includes
Tax & Insurance,
Call John (210) 4144210.
(11/23/14) *
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
Financed • 1 BED, 1
BATH • Needs a Lot
of Work • 1708 Montezuma, $29,500
• $1,000 down.
Owner: $395 MO
includes Tax & Insurance. Call John
(210) 414-4210.
(11/23/14) *
-------------------------FOR SALE • Owner
to Owner • 2 BED,
1 BATH • 315 Arrid
• $64,000 • $3,000
down • $695 per
Month • Includes
Tax & Insurance.
Call John (210) 4144210. (
11/23/14) *
-------------------------Wanted 100 Families to participate
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o limitado es aceptado. Por favor de
llamar al (210) 5910129 para hacer
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wide Manufactured
Home, 3 bedrooms,
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-------------------------Se vende casa prefabricada. Nueva
Modelo 2015 con 3
recámaras y 2 baños, iniciando desde $49,999. Llame
a (210) 591-0129
para ver esta casa.
RBI 36845.
-------------------------Liquidación de
Casas. Pre-Fabricadas. Modelo
2014. ¡Ahorre hasta $5,000 dólares!
Llame hoy a (210)
591-0129. RBI
Own and operate
your own floral and/
or gift shop in downtown 1 newly developed Riverwalk
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shop. We also own
a professional floral
school so we can
also train you for as
little as $800 and in
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be ready to open
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for just slightly over
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know of someone
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operating their own
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(210) 772-2900.
-------------------------$99 Primer Mes.
Excelente ubicación, céntrico,
bajo depósito, lavandería y amplio
1010 N. Frio Street.
Llame a (210) 2222992.
-------------------------Apartamento: 2
recámaras, biles
pagados. $550
(210) 862-3873.
-------------------------House for rent: 2/1
- 325 Toledo St.
$600/month, $300/
deposit. (210) 3882251.
-------------------------Room for rent: Private entrance &
bathroom, $275 a
month. (915) 5916460 or (512) 7576661.
-------------------------Vendo terreno, panteón San Fernando
por Castroville Rd.
& Gen. McMullen,
buen precio. (210)
-------------------------Vendo Viagra
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LLAME A (210)
-------------------------Reparación de: Lavadoras, secadoras y refrigeradoras.
Estimado Gratis.
Trabajo rápido a domicilio, garantizado.
También los compro y vendo. Tele:
(210) 324-9821.
-------------------------Corto yardas, pongo tile, azulejo, textura, hago y reparo
cercas de madera, pinto casas,
plomería, sheetrock
y remodelaciones,
carpintería, pongo
puertas y ventanas.
Habla con Jesús
Villa. Llame a (210)
-------------------------Reparamos desde $49 lavadoras,
secadoras, refrigeradoras, estufas,
A/C’s. Todas marcas, garantizado.
Llame a (210) 6059418 o (210) 4890604 o (210) 4880779.
-------------------------Se hacen trabajo
de plomería, techo,
carpintería, azulejo
y remodelaciones.
Llame a (210) 3826424.
para toda clase lastimaduras. (210)
-------------------------REPAIRS ON
CALL (210) 7270587. (12/07/14)
Buy, sell & repair
dearborn heaters.
(210) 932-0932.
Cuido personas,
mayores lunes viernes o fines de
semana. Inf. (210)
Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal.
Si en este mundo
de injusti­c ias, de
miseria y pecado
ves que nuestra vida
se turba, no nos
abandones. Madre
Querida, protege
a los peregrinos,
acompañamos por
todos los caminos,
vela por los pobres
sin sustento y el
pan que se les quita retribúyeselos.
Acompáñanos en
toda nuestra vida
y libéranos de todo
tipo de pecado.
Doy gracias a la
Virgen de Juquila,
por los favores recibidos. Rece los
9 días esta oración
y publíquela al no$7.50 SERVICIO v e n o d í a , n u e v e
A D O M I C I L I O , Ave Marías durante
nueve días. Pida
tres deseos. Uno
de negocios, dos
imposibles. Al noveno día publique
esta oración y se
cumplicará aunque
no lo crea.
Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector
of the invalid and
almighty doctor of
the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you.
Here you say
three Our Fathers,
Hail Marys, and
Glory be to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you to
answer my requests.
Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with
all my heart to help
me. Please be with
me in thought and
spirit when I find
my peace and that
you will be with me
in the Heavens of
Bethlehem. Amén
Dear Heart of
Jesus, in the past
I have asked for
favors. This time I
ask you this very
special one (mention favor). Take
it dear Jesus and
place it within your
own broken heart
where your father
sees it, then in your
merciful eyes it will
become your favor
not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days, promise å and
favor will be granted. Never known
to fail.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de
mi vida, consuelo
de los cristianos, la
gracia que necesito,
pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo
de Dios y auxilio
de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza este favor yo
te pido.
Pedir la gracia
que se desea y decir
siete veces.
Divino Niño
Jesús, bendícenos.
D.N. De La Garza
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and
friend of Jesus, the
Church honors and
invokes you universally, as the patron
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with
God for me that He
brings visible and
speedy help where
help is almost despaired of. Come
23 de noviembre de 2014
to my assistance
in this great need
that I may receive
the consolation and
help of heaven in
all my necessities,
tribulations, and
sufferings, particularly - (make your
request here) - and
that I may praise
God with you and
all the saints forever. I promise, O
Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by
God and to always
honor you as my
special and powerful patron, and to
gratefully encourage devotion to you.
J.M.T. (03/16/14)
Para los casos
más difíciles
Ante ti vengo con
la fe de mi alma,
a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi
difícil situación, no
me desampares de
las puertas que se
me hacen de abrir
e mi camino, sea tu
Brazo Poderoso el
que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace
un corazón afligido
por los duros golpes del cruel destino
que lo han vencido
siempre en la lucha
humana, ya que sin
tu poder divino no
intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por
falta de ayuda. Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes).
Publicar antes de
los ocho. Confío en
Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y
observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día.
E.V. (04/27/14)
Prayer to the
Sacred Heart of
O most holy heart
of Jesus, fountain
of every blessing,
I adore you, I love
you, and with lively
sorrow for my sins I
offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, Good Jesus,
that I may live in
you and for you. Protect me in the midst
of danger. Comfort
me in my afflictions.
Give me health of
body, assistance in
my temporal needs,
your blessing on
all that I do, and
the grace of a holy
death. Amen.
La sombra de
M.R.G. (04/20/14)
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones
de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el
fuego de tu amor.
Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas
la faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a
los corazones de los
fieles con la luz del
Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del
mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar
de su consuelo. Por
Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen.
R.C. (04/20/14)
Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal.
Si en este mundo
de injusti­c ias, de
miseria y pecado ves
que nuestra vida se
turba, no nos abandones. Madre Querida, protege a los peregrinos, acompañamos por todos los
caminos, vela por
los pobres sin sustento y el pan que se
les quita retribúyeselos. Acompáñanos en toda nuestra
vida y libéranos de
todo tipo de pecado.
Doy gracias a la
Virgen de Juquila,
por los favores recibidos. Rece los 9
días esta oración y
publíquela al noveno día, nueve
Ave Marías durante
nueve días. Pida tres
deseos. Uno de negocios, dos imposibles. Al noveno
día publique esta
oración y se cumplicará aunque no lo
Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector of
the invalid and almighty doctor of the
infirm. Holy Infant,
we honor you.
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you to
answer my requests.
Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with
all my heart to help
me. Please be with
me in thought and
spirit when I find
my peace and that
you will be with me
in the Heavens of
Bethlehem. Amén
Dear Heart of
Jesus, in the past I
have asked for favors. This time I ask
you this very special
one (mention favor).
Take it dear Jesus
and place it within
your own broken
heart where your father sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days, promise å and
favor will be granted. Never known
to fail.
E.T. (06/15/14)
E.C.B. (06/18/14)
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo de
Dios y auxilio de los
cristianos, Gloria al
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza
este favor yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño
Jesús, bendícenos.
D.N. De La Garza
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful
servant and friend
of Jesus, the Church
honors and invokes
you universally, as
the patron of difficult cases, of things
almost despaired of,
Pray for me, I am so
helpless and alone.
Intercede with
God for me that He
brings visible and
speedy help where
help is almost despaired of. Come
to my assistance in
this great need that
I may receive the
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (make your request
here) - and that I
may praise God with
you and all the saints
forever. I promise,
O Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful
of this great favor
granted me by God
and to always honor
you as my special
and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
J.M.T. (03/16/14)
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con
la fe de mi alma,
a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi
difícil situación, no
me desampares de
las puertas que se
me hacen de abrir
e mi camino, sea tu
Brazo Poderoso el
que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace
un corazón afligido
por los duros golpes del cruel destino que lo han vencido siempre en la
lucha humana, ya
que sin tu poder divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso,
asísteme, ampárame
y condúceme a la
gloria celestial.
Gracias dulce Jesús
(rezar quince días
empezando viernes).
Publicar antes de
los ocho. Confío en
Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino
y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo.
Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que
ocurrirá el cuarto
E.V. (04/27/14)
23 de noviembre de 2014
La Prensa de San Antonio
M.R.G. (04/20/14)
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
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Sombra, pues con
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plora tu amparo a
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tu sombra se libra
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Prayer to the
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Sacred Heart of
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live in you and for sombra refrigera al
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O most holy heart you. Protect me in afligido, al enfermo
of Jesus, fountain the midst of danger. y a cuantos te piden
of every blessing, Comfort me in my favor.
RECEIVING PAYMENTS from real estate
I adore you, I love afflictions. Give me ¡Oh! Sombra proyou sold? Get cash now! Call Steve. 1-888you, and with lively health of body, as- digiosa por cuya insorrow for my sins I sistance in my tem- tercesión obró el Se870-2243 .
offer you this poor poral needs, your ñor tantos favores y
heart of mine. Make blessing on all that I tan admirables pro- cadores alcancen el Dear Heart of Jesus,
me humble, patient, do, and the grace of digios, permíteme, perdón de sus cul- in the past I have
p u r e a n d w h o l l y a holy death. Amen. Pedro Santo, que a pas, para que arre- asked for favors.
tu sombra los peo b e d i e n t t o y o u r La sombra de
pentidos se alisten This time I ask you
en las banderas de t h i s v e r y s p e c i a l
la gracia y a tu som- one (mention favor).
bra no pierdan el Take it dear Jesus
derecho que tienen and place it within
Bexar County, Texas
a la gloria.
your own broken
heart where your faAddress offers in response to RFP-Event 351, Request for Proposal
Saint Ignatius
ther sees it, then in
for Bexar County Towing Services, to Bob Myers, Buyer/Contract
your merciful eyes it
Specialist, Bexar County Purchasing Department, 233 N. Pecos – Dearest Lord, teach will become your faSuite 320, San Antonio, TX 78207-3178. Offers will be accepted me to be generous; vor not mine. Amen.
until: 10:00 o’clock a.m., Central Time, on December 5, 2014. The teach me to serve Say this prayer for 3
solicitation documents may be downloaded by registering with the Y o u a s Y o u d e - days, promise publiTexas Bid System at
serve: to give, and cation and favor will
not count the cost; be granted. Never
to fight, and not to known to fail.
heed the wounds; to E.C.B. (04/20/14)
Purchasing Agent
toil, and not to seek JE.T. (04/20/14)
for rest; to labor,
San Judas Tadeo
and not to ask for
¡San Judas Tadreward, except that eo!, pariente de JeRequest for Proposals
knowing that I am sucristo, glorioso
doing Your Will.
apóstol y mártir
reconocido por tus
The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates Amen.
Miraculous Prayer
request proposals for:
Pre-Construction and Construction Manager Services. Proposals
will be received until 2:00 p.m. (CST) on, December 19, 2014 and
publicly opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A
pre-submittal meeting will be held on December 3, 2014 at 10:00
a.m. (CST) at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204
This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result, contractors will
be required to provide economic, educational and/or training opportunities to very low and low income individuals.
Specifications packages are available online at http://www.saha.
org,,, or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S.
Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez
President and CEO
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Dear Heart of
Jesus, in the past I
have asked for favors. This time I ask
you this very special
one (mention favor).
Take it dear Jesus
and place it within
your own broken
heart where your father sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days, promise å and
favor will be granted. Never known
to fail.
E.C.B. (11/30/14)
J.B.F. (11/26/14)
Prayer to the three
Beloved Archangel
Gabriel, Archangel
of purity and resurrection, I love you
and bless you and
thank you for what
you mean to me.
Load these my decrees and provide
me your cosmic love
your help, I thank
Beloved Archangel
Michael, on behalf
of the divine presence of God in me
and all of humanity, I invoke your
presence and your
legions of Blue Angels to protect me
and my loved ones,
I thank you.
Beloved Archangel
Raphael, Archangel
of healing of consecration, I love you
and bless you, seal
me in your flame
healing and help me
to be aware only of
M.G.H (09/14/14)
Divino Niño
Niño amable de
mi vida, consuelo
de los cristianos, la
gracia que necesito,
pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo de
Dios y auxilio de los
cristianos, Gloria al
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza
este favor yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
M.G.H (09/14/14)
Prayer to the
Sacred Heart of
O most holy heart
of Jesus, fountain
of every blessing,
I adore you, I love
you, and with lively
sorrow for my sins I
offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly
obedient to your
will. Grant, Good
Jesus, that I may
live in you and for
you. Protect me in
the midst of danger.
Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and
the grace of a holy
death. Amen.
R.C. (10/21/14)
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones
de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el
fuego de tu amor.
Envía, Señor, tu
Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas
la faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a
los corazones de los
fieles con la luz del
Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del
mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar
de su consuelo. Por
Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen.
Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal.
Si en este mundo
de injusti­cias, de
miseria y pecado
ves que nuestra vida
se turba, no nos
abandones. Madre
Querida, protege
a los peregrinos,
acompañamos por
todos los caminos,
vela por los pobres
sin sustento y el
pan que se les quita retribúyeselos.
Acompáñanos en
toda nuestra vida y
libéranos de todo
tipo de pecado.
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio
personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté
interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave
que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Caballero de 47 años, viudo, con 2 hijos
grandes de edad. Busco una dama de
40 – 50 años que sea hogareña, con
buenos sentimientos, no hay problema
si tiene familia. Dama que sea mexicana
o americana. Soy un caballero, honesto,
sincero, respetuoso y fiel.
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años, 5.6 alto, 155
de peso, y moreno. Busco una señorita
entre 45 y 65. No importa el físico.
Solo que sea hogareña, comprensiva,
y sin vicios. Yo no tomo, ni fumo.
Contéstame, no te arrepentirás.
----------------------------Hombre soltero busca compañera para
compartir vida. Tengo 42 años. Soy
trabajador, no tengo vicios, no tomo,
no fumo, mi único vicio es trabajar.
Me gustaría conocer alguien de 30
a 42 años. Si no te importa lo físico,
llámame o escríbeme. Te aseguro que
no te arrepentirás.
----------------------------Hola, busco a una mujer entre 60 a 70
años, de 120 a 150 libras. Honesta, no
juegos, que le guste bailar, que no fume,
sin compromisos de familia. Yo tengo
67 años, 150 libras de peso, 5’4” de alto,
no gordo, ni flaco. Sin compromisos,
voy al gym. Si alguien se interesa que
escribe por mi número.
----------------------------Soy mexicano durangueño, tengo
67 años, aparento menos. Peso
150 libras, cuerpo atlético. Voy al
gimnasio 6 días por semana. Mido
5’2” pulgadas. Católico de buen
carácter. Buen sentido de humor,
noble y sencillo, nada vanidoso.
Busco una dama de 50 a 55 años
de edad, blanca, ojos de color, muy
bonita pero aún más importante que
tenga buenos sentimientos y que esté
dispuesta a quererme y amarme como
yo también lo puedo hacer. 5’ pies o
menos de altura, no más de 110 libras.
Por supuesto que sea católica también.
Espero tu contestación y muchas
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 50 años y busco mujer
de cualquier edad. Soy trabajador y muy
romántico, me gusta caminar, no fumo y
tomo muy poco. Interesadas por favor
escríbame. No se arrepentirá.
----------------------------50 year old Christian man seeks Latina
to marry. I live in the state of Iowa. I
work factory job. I live on 40 acre farm.
Prefer Latina to stay a home help with
raising animals and garden. Send picture
and email.
----------------------------Busco linda dama. Tengo 56 años.
Me interesa mucho encontrar a una
dama que le guste ir al cine, bailar
y le guste la diversión y la música
romántica. A quien regalarle una rosa
y tal vez algún día decirte que le amo.
Señora de 68 años. 5.4, peso 1.17 libras.
Busco amistad, hombre viudo por favor.
Serio, delgado, entre 69 a 70 años, sin
vicios, que no fume, responsable, no
gordo, de preferencia de México. Yo
soy de Jalisco. Escríbeme.
----------------------------Soy una mujer hispana de 45 años.
Persona alegre con diversiones sanas
no tomo, no fumo, no tengo vicios.
Soy cariñosa. Me gusta viajar, leer,
caminar, convivir sanamente en una
fiesta, algún restaurante. Me gustaría
conocer el amor de mi vida, que sea
detallista, amoroso, cariñoso y de buenos
sentimientos. Que no tenga vicios, no
tome, no fume y que no tenga problemas
familiares. Que sea soltero, viudo, o
divorciado. Que sea fiel, respetuoso y
que sea un caballero en toda la extensión
de su palabra. Que me dé mi lugar y sea
sincero. Yo espero y sea de agrado y sé
que no te vas a arrepentir cuando me
conozcas. Espero yo sea lo que tu buscas
para formalizar una relación. Manda
foto y número de teléfono.
----------------------------Soy una mujer mexicana de 50 años,
piel morena clara, 5’4” de estatura,
190 libras, pelo largo, ojos cafés, no
fea, trabajadora, sin vicios, alegre con
buen sentido del humor, educada, me
encanta la música me gusta la cocina,
soy hogareña. Busco la amistad con un
hombre que tenga cualidades semejantes
a las mías. No importa el físico, ni la
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio
Llegando a casi
todo el sur de texas
Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi
23 de noviembre de 2014
23 de noviembre de 2014
Comunidad puertorriqueña celebró sus fiestas patronales
Texto y fotos
por Roberto J. Pérez
Una gran celebración es lo
que ofreció la Sociedad de la
Herencia Puertorriqueña con
motivo de las Fiestas Patronales
de dicho país el domingo en el
Templo Alzafar. Una numerosa
asistencia bailó con música en
vivo y presenció el tradicional
desfile de personajes típicos
de esta celebración nacional en
Puerto Rico.
Entre los puestos de comida
y artesanías típicas en esta ocasión hubo un exhibición de las
pequeñas ranitas que en Puerto
Rico llaman coquí, una especie
de diminutos anfibios que son
uno de los emblemas populares de este país. La exhibición
fue posible a la participación
del Zoológico de San Antonio
donde, actualmente, se lleva a
cabo un estudio para la preservación de esta especie.
María Pérez y Andrew Peréz.
Ray Colao.
Erica Benavides.
Maritza Diaz.
Augie Santiano y Rachel Rangel.
Marcia Custodio, Reina de las Fiestas
Graciela Pintado.
Raymond, Maggie, Edna y Ada.
Los Pleneros de San Antonio.
Nereida Burgess.
Lydia Borrero, presidenta de la Sociedad
de la Herencia Puertorriqueña.
23 de noviembre de 2014
Rampage celebró Día de Clases en el AT&T Center
Por José I. Franco
La gerencia general del club
de hockey profesional Rampage
de San Antonio celebró su quinta
edición anual de “Rampage Cool
School Student Education Day”
(Día de Clases con el Rampage).
Personal docente estuvo atento
a los más de diez mil estudiantes
durante las dos horas y media que
duró el partido que se tuvo que ir
a tiempo extra y a tiros de penaltis.
Durante dicho lapso, los es-
tudiantes estuvieron realizando
trabajos didácticos, así como
contestando a preguntas de los
jugadores escritas en coloridos
libros que les fueron entregados al
hacer su entrada al AT&T Center.
De tarea, los brillantes estudiantes
se llevaron en mente y por escrito
el continuar cumpliendo con sus
respectivas obligaciones, tanto
dentro de las aulas como en sus
Se les insistió en la importancia
de no abandonar las clases, seguir
observando excelente disciplina y
cumplir con todas las asignaciones
que sus profesores les den por el
resto del año escolar, ya que con
ello, estarán enfocándose a obtener
buenos resultados.
También, se les instruyó sobre
el veloz deporte del hockey en
pista de hielo, desde la preparación
física de quienes lo practican hasta
el vestuario que usa cada uno de
los patinadores del Rampage.
Finalmente, se les recomendó
hacer todo tipo de ejercicios para
mantenerse en buena forma física
y mental, alimentarse adecuadamente, respetando un buen desayuno, almuerzo y cena.
Más de diez mil estudiantes en el Día de Clases con el Rampage intercambiaron ideas y contestaron Pequeños jugadores de los equipos Jr. Rampage, división Pee Wees & Squirts, jugaron partido
preguntas impresas en los libros de aprendizaje con el Rampage. Para ellos fue una excelente ex- inter escuadra durante intermedio del partido que Rampage le ganó a Barons de Oklahoma City
periencia estudiar y observar un partido de hockey profesional. (Fotos Franco)
con marcador de 4-3 goles.
Estudiante haciendo su trabajo académico con pluma y libro
proporcionado por el club Rampage de San Antonio.
Estudiante contestando preguntas en la página 7 del libro “Rampage Cool Education Day”, en el que tuvo la oportunidad de
conocer sistema de juego del equipo de hockey de San Antonio.
De guantes y bufandas. Algunos estudiantes estuvieron soportando la baja temperatura en el AT&T Center, mientras que
otros gritando y bailando entraron en calor.
Las cámara y los reflectores proyectaron la felicidad de estudiantes.
Pequeños y adultos se divirtieron de lo lindo.
Estudiando y con mucha emoción apoyaron al Rampage.
Hubo momentos de silencio y algarabía en las gradas.
Por estar cercanas las fiestas navideñas, los organizadores de la
estación reclutadora de San Antonio (Marine Corps Recruiting
Station) han comenzado a instalar cajas alusivas donde la comunidad puede aportar su ayuda con juguetes nuevos, con o sin
decoración (empaquetados) para la campaña de recaudación de
juguetes denominada “Marines Toys for Tots”. Ayudemos a los
Al unísono con el grito de “Go Rampage, Go!” apoyaron las ac- Marines a iluminar los días festivos de pequeños menos afortunados haciendo nuestras respectivas aportaciones. (Foto cortesía)
ciones del equipo.
©2014 HEB, 14-5627
feliz día de acción de gracias
23 de noviembre de 2014
Bellas estampas en el Teatro Guadalupe del reciente Flamenco Fest con la participación de Parks and Recreation, que presentó los espectáculos de “Frases Flamencas” y “Alma de Mujer”, a cargo
Guadalupe Dance Company. (Fotos, R. J. Pérez)
Diversas escenas del evento anual Luminaria, que la municipalidad patrocina como una vitrina para la exposición del trabajo de artistas locales. En esta ocasión se instalaron diferentes escenarios
en torno al Tobin Center for The Performing Arts, con la intención de que el público se apropie de este nuevo escenario y sus alrededores ubicado en el centro de la ciudad. (Fotos, Roberto J. Pérez)
Buena oportunidad de fotografía con la colección de periquitos en el Zoológico de San
6a.m. a 2p.m.
Abriremos nuevamente
el viernes 28 de noviembre en
nuestro horario regular.
Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias
te desean tus amigos de
©2014 HEB, 14-5627
Figura de un colibrí de más de dos metros de largo
estructurado por miles de piezas Lego en San Antonio Botanical Garden.
23 de noviembre de 2014
Big Easy Cafe: N’awlins in the Alamo City
By Amanda Lozano
Price range: $$
Despite the diverse range of food
in San Antonio, I can count the
amount of Cajun restaurants in town
on one hand and still have fingers
left over.
During Fiesta, one of the most
popular and oldest events is Taste
of New Orleans. To some, this is the
only time they’ll ever eat that kind
of food. Well, not anymore.
The Big Easy Cafe is hidden
behind the IHOP on 4822 Walzem, along I-35 North. It’s a small
kitchen, but inside is some seriously
snazzy N’awlins cookin’.
This place takes the cake. Or,
should I say, gumbo? I’m warning
you right now: come to Big Easy in
loose fitting clothes, because there is
no way you are leaving there with an
empty belly.
Walking in, you’ll be greeted with
the iconic colors of Mardi Gras:
purple, gold and green. It’s a very
informal, but comfortable environment. Upbeat jazz music plays in
the background that will have you
tapping your toes as you wait for
your food. The staff is very friendly
and makes you feel like family.
Everyone was endearing.
Believe me, the food is worth
the wait.
Po’ boys, gumbo, boudin, fried
catfish, stuffed crab, jambalaya and
red beans and rice are some of the
staples on the menu. In addition Big
Easy Cafe has daily kitchen specials
that vary by the day.
I decided to go all out and ordered
the kitchen special Taste of New Orleans. It came with a heaping serving
of seafood gumbo, red beans and
Pictured is Big Easy Cafe’s seafood gumbo, red beans and rice, jambalaya, catfish, potato salad
and a chicken po’ boy. (Photo, Amanda Lozano)
rice, and jambalaya. Add a filet of
catfish, Cajun potato salad and slices
of buttered french bread to that, and
you’ve got a bayou banquet.
For having so much rice, you get
different textures and flavors from
each dish that still work in perfect
harmony when eaten together.
The seafood gumbo tasted very
herbal and green, and wasn’t fishy
at all. Plenty of shrimp, sausage and
shredded pork give you something
to bite into with every spoonful.
Just be warned, the shrimp still have
their tails. Some like to eat the hard
tails. I, on the other hand, don’t. Be
sure to peel those little buggers off
before digging in. Other than that, it
was perfection.
The red beans and rice were very
hearty. Very rich, and earthy, these
are good for someone who doesn’t
want something spicy or savory.
Consider these the happy medium
of the three.
Big Easy’s jambalaya is…jamming! This one in particular was
my favorite. This jambalaya is a
trickster. Upon first bite, it is savory,
then the kick gets you: spicy, bold
and loud — a symphony of flavors.
With the combination of upbeat music, I could have easily envisioned I
was stepping in the bayou. Wash it
all down a serving of sweet tea.
The catfish filet was seasoned
to perfection. I’m usually one to
slather lemon and salt on fish, but
this fillet was flavorful without any
garnish. Buttery and flaky, you can
just dig your teeth into this one. Eat
a bite of the potato salad to get a
sharp mustard-y flavor to counter
the catfish. It works out.
Mac n’ cheese here is made
with bacon bits and six to10 (they
wouldn’t disclose the exact amount)
different types of cheeses. This
one took a little while to come out
of the kitchen, but it was baked
to perfection. The combination
of cheeses make it sharp, savory,
milky, creamy and rich, without
being overbearing.
Last but not least, the po’ boy.
This boy is a big one. A whole
sandwich is enough for two to
partake. Be sure to order half a
sandwich, unless you’re really hungry. They come in shrimp, catfish,
BBQ chicken, oyster, sausage, and
cheeseburger. This one can be a
little sloppy, so prepare with plenty
of napkins.
Big Easy is open WednesdaySunday, but their hours are a little
different: Sunday 12 p.m.-6 p.m.,
Wednesday: 11a.m.-3 p.m, Thursday: 11a.m.-8 p.m., Friday: 11a.m.-9
p.m., and Saturday: 12 p.m.- 9 p.m.
For those that can’t wait ‘till Fiesta, jazz lovers, or simply anyone
wanting to try some authentic New
Orleans cuisine, come on down. Big
Easy’s will take care of you.
23 de noviembre de 2014
3BallMTY: The sound of a new genre
By Alyssa Bunting
Electronic dance music has
come a long way since the underground club days. One no longer
has to scour the underground
scene to see what dance music
has become.
Though the underground scene
still exists and is always breeding
what the best new thing is, dance
or house music has been brought
to the light over years with giant
festivals dedicated to the EDM
(electronic dance music) genre.
In fact, EDM has grown so
much it has become an entire
culture and life style on its own
and has broken into many subgenres that have taken on entirely
new lives of their own, all over
the world.
Although it seems as though
Europe is home to many of the
world’s renowned DJs, three
young men from Mexico are
starting to change not only the
game, but the way it sounds as
DJs Erik Rincon, Sheeqo Beat
and Otto were three individual
DJs playing at different clubs
in the Monterrey underground
club scene.
“It was Sheeqo’s and Erick’s
idea to form a DJ collective,” DJ
Otto told La Prensa in a phone
interview as the guys finished
up business on the West Coast.
“There were too many DJs of all
shapes and forms.”
And thus the beginnings of
3ballMTY (pronounced Tribal
Monterrey) were born.
The trio came together to start
what the Latin Grammys called
3BALLMTY backstage at the Tony Hawk & Friends Vert Jam enent in Mexico City. (Photo courtesy
“Best New Artists” back in 2012
and expose the world to their
world of Guaracha culture that
they pay homage to with their
music making it their own and
creating what they call “tribal”
“We live in a nation where
we listen to a lot of cumbia, a
lot of electronic music, and a
lot of influence of Columbian
music, we’re mixing things that
have been in existence,” DJ Otto
So what’s the difference between Tribal and EDM?
In DJ Otto’s words, “The
compositions, principals, and
voices in Spanish apart from
an element of the fact that we
incorporate Latin music such
as cumbia, shakers, bocharaka
from Columbian music, and we
go in that direction because we
ourselves are Latinos.”
It comes down to the funda-
mentals of music such as the
instruments they use, the way
they sing, and the biggest difference is that all the beats are
composed through instruments
used in Latin music.
Since their rise in the music
industry, they have since gained
national attention in the United
States and have even performed
at the biggest American music
festival this side of the states,
The music website stereogum.
com named them on their list of
“10 Less Obvious Must-Sees at
Coachella ‘13”.
They will perform at the Honda
Civic Tour coming to San Antonio Nov. 28 at 210 Kapone’s
at 8 p.m.
They will share the stage with
artists such as Portugal. The Man,
American Poets, The Mowgli’s,
Tokyo Police Club, Grouplove
Typhoon and Los Rakas.
What is interesting about this
tour is that all the bands are
mixtures of American-alternative
except for Las Rakas who are
a hip-hop duo (and who just
played San Antonio’s Echalé
Block Party not too long ago)
and 3BallMTY.
“It’s going to be a lot of fun,”
DJ Otto said, “it’s going to be
a very diverse show with a lot
of different kinds of music and
Meet the “Hunger Games” Mahershala Ali Lammily, la muñeca con
By Dennis M. Ayotte Jr.
Before Mahershala Ali made
a name for himself with his role
as Remy in the insanely popular
Netflix series “House of Cards”
and the now the latest “Hunger
Games” movie as Boggs, there
was the unknown actor Mahershalalhashbaz Ali with small roles in
TV shows like “NYPD Blue” and
“Crossing Jordan.”
And before Mahershalalhashbaz
Ali there was Prince Ali the rapper.
And before Prince Ali, there was
Mahershala Gilmore, a studentathlete at St. Mary’s College in
California. As he described in an
article he wrote for the school’s
alumni page, “I didn’t know where
I was, or what I was doing there .
. . I was a scared kid just trying to
hold it all together.”
A sense of peace came his senior
year while doing the George C.
Wolfe play “Spunk.” He was 22
at the time experienced some highs
and lows in life, most notably the
death of his father during his junior
year at SMC.
But, as he revealed, “Spunk”
inspired him in a way that nothing
had before. He had a purpose.
“I experienced a very clear,
palpable transformation while
in college,” he wrote. “I started
writing and performing my poetry.
I competed in poetry slams, and
began to take my academics more
After college he took apprenticeship as an actor in the California
Shakespeare Festival. He described
it as an intense four months, but his
background as a student-athlete
made it an easy transition.
One thing he doesn’t write about
is his short-lived music career as
the rapper Prince Ali.
When I brought it up to him in
our interview to support the release
of “Hunger Games: Mockingjay,
Part 1” he responded with: “Oh,
wow, that’s crazy!”
He was shocked that someone
had found his rap album, and,
admittedly, it is something he was
Meet the “Hunger Games’” Mahershala Ali. (Courtesy photo)
able to keep a secret until now.
His album “Curb Side Service”
is available on Spotify if you’re
But he says those days are out
of his system, and he’s a full time
actor these days.
However, if he were to come out
retirement from rapping he’d make
a track with Adrian Brody.
“He still makes beats and stuff
quite a bit,” Ali said. “I’ve heard
a few of them, and he’s a pretty
talented dude.”
Ali is quite talented in his own
In “Hunger Games” his character Boggs is a military man who’s
lived his whole life underground
in District 13. Boggs is tasked to
protect Katniss at all cost as she
emerges as Panem’s Mockingjay,
the symbol of hope and a revolution. But as we see in the film
Boggs isn’t completely sold on
Katniss being the one to lead this
“When you take someone who
was born and raised underground
in District 13 who everyday is
thinking and being trained about
this moment in time when the
revolution is actually here, then
to be a commanding officer in the
district and of the district and to be
asked to basically be a bodyguard
is a little bit disappointing,” Ali
said about Boggs’ mentality in the
film. “I think all that is mixed in
on how he feels about Katniss early
on. Later on he sees how she’s
able to galvanize people and how
brave and selfless she is. I think
he becomes a believer and ally as
a result of that.”
This “Hunger Games” more than
any other is all about Katniss and
her struggle. But, there is no shortage of warfare in this installment.
From start to finish it’s heavy on
war, which makes Boggs character
and important part of the story.
Many of Ali’s scenes involve
Jennifer Lawrence’s character
Katniss so there is no shortage of
screen time for Ali.
Despite having smaller roles in
the past, Ali said they were necessary for his growth as an actor.
“You have do a lot of this foundational work as an actor where
you have to build it one brick at
a time then eventually you find
yourself in the light, and I think
this is it for me,” Ali told La Prensa.
“This particular project [“Hunger
Games”] is a big step into that
because I have been building and
working a long time.
“It’s been hard to get here, but
I wouldn’t change anything about
my journey.”
“Acting is humbling, it really is,”
Ali laughingly admitted. “I walk
on set, and I never know what I’m
doing I really don’t. Honestly I
always feel like I’m living by the
skin of my teeth and just trying to
figure it out.”
It’s hard to tell that’s true judging from his latest work on “Hunger Games” and “House of Cards.”
Ali has held his own whether
it’s next to Oscar-winning actors
Kevin Spacey and Lawrence, or respected actors like Julianne Moore
and Robin Wright.
Fans of “House of Cards” should
be happy as his character will return for Season 3 which is expected
to come out in February, according
to Ali.
“I’m a few weeks away from
finishing House of Cards,” Ali told
La Prensa. “So that will come out
in the winter like sometime around
February. I’m really excited about
that. It’s going to be a really phenomenal season.
“I’m pretty involved,” he added.
“The only thing that I can say is
that I’m no longer a lobbyist; I’ve
shifted occupations.”
acné, estrías y celulitis
Por Adda Montalvo
Lammily, así se llama –por el
momento– la primera muñeca que
parece un Barbie, pero que lucirá
(según su creador) como una mujer
normal, con piernas gruesas, cintura ancha, trasero redondo, y hasta
vendrá con un paquetito de estampas
para añadirle acné, celulitis, tatuajes
y estrías.
Esta muñeca fuera de serie, pues
reta a la tradicional imagen rubia y
“perfecta” de la Barbie, hará su debut el próximo Viernes Negro, dijo
Nickolay Lamm, diseñador gráfico
y fabricante de juguetes de Pittburgh, a la cadena noticiosa CNN.
De acuerdo a la historia, todo
comenzó cuando el empresario de
26 años se preguntó: ¿Cómo se vería
Barbie si tuviera las dimensiones de
una mujer promedio?
Y dichas dimensiones las encontró en las estadísticas de los Centros
para el Control de Prevención de
Enfermedades de Estados Unidos
(CDC, por sus siglas en inglés):
una mujer americana promedio pesa
75.3 kilogramos y tiene una cintura
de 95.2 centímetros (y la cintura de
una Barbie es de 46 centímetros,
por ejemplo).
Con estos datos, Lamm creó la
versión inicial de la muñeca, el año
pasado, más bien como un proyecto
de arte. Y al obtener una respuesta
positiva del público, se decidió a
organizar el “crowdfunding” (financiamiento colectivo) para recaudar
dinero y así crear su muñeca. De
acuerdo a CNN, recaudó casi 100
mil dólares en un solo un día y en
30 días más de 500.000.
“El mensaje que quiero enviar
es que no es cómo te ves. Eso no
te define. Lo que haces es lo que te
define”, dijo.
Y añadió que en parte se basó
en su propia experiencia durante
su adolescencia, a la que describió
como la peor de su vida. “Realmente
me preocupaba por cómo me veía y
no me sentía bien conmigo mismo”,
comentó Lamm.
El nombre de la muñeca no es
Comenzó como un proyecto
de arte y se convirtió en una
muñeca que quiere promover
estándares reales de belleza.
(Foto, Nickolay Lamm)
Lammily, sino que esta palabra
es el nombre de la empresa. Y el
fabricante explica que las personas
que adquieran el juguete podrán
bautizarla con el nombre que prefieran, pues cada paquete vendrá con
un pasaporte numerado con el cual
se podrá registrar la muñeca.
Los primeros envíos por paquetería serán enviados a quienes le
ayudaron a recaudar el dinero a más
tardar el próximo Viernes Negro (28
de noviembre) y que miles más, pre
ordenadas, serán enviadas antes de
Según el sitio web de la empresa
( la primera
edición de la muñeca tiene un precio
de $25.
Además se muestra la línea de
ropa para la muñeca bajo el nombre
de “Mundo de la Moda de Lammily”, que ofrecerá jeans, bolsos,
zapatos, bufandas, vestidos, outfits
bajo el nombre de “Exploring Rio”,
“Celebrating Denmark”, “Scotland
Adventure”, “Barcelona Night Out”,
entre otros.
El sitio web también incluye links
a diferentes artículos publicados por
importantes medios como Time,
Huffington Post, ABC News, USA
Today entre otros que hablan sobre
la nueva muñeca.
23 de noviembre de 2014
The music never stops
By Alyssa Bunting
2014 is almost gone but that
doesn’t mean the San Antonio
scene is putting its foot on the
brakes just yet.
January is usually the month
of new ideas, adventures and
“resolutions” if you will, but the
creative scene just doesn’t have
that mentality. While things are
starting to nestle into just Christmas themed events, I have a few
events that aren’t waiting for the
New Year to start up:
Fall Fall Fall Fest IV
As I had stated in my last
column this is probably going
to be the last “fest” of the year,
major or minor. There are so
many great local bands that are
With over 20 bands of all kinds
of genres on the bill, I was very
curious as to how they were going to pack so much music into
one night, but it seems as though
they have broken the venue down
into three different stages: The
Korova Stage, The Lost Records
Stage and the Battle Stage, which
is indeed what it sounds like,
two bands going head to head
performing on the same set.
Fall Fall Fall Fest takes place
at the Korova on Saturday Nov.
29 starting at 5 p.m. and tickets
are only $8 pre-sale.
The Ghost Police Tour Fundraiser
Guys, I can’t stress enough
how important it is to support
local music, especially when
they’re about to go on tour. On
Saturday Nov. 29 at the 1011
hardcore punk band Ghost Police
is having a show to fundraise
their upcoming tour.
I also can’t stress enough how
badly you need to see Ghost Police if you’re a fan of hardcore
music. The energy they bring at
a show is electric, and I’m not
just saying that because the lead
singer once accidently hit me in
the face while head banging (it
was awesome).
Also on that line up, is a seminew screamo punk band called
Amygdala just put out an EP
titled “The horror of never being
able to forget” and are about to
go on a winter tour themselves.
I’ve heard so many good things
about this band’s stage presence,
and I can’t wait to see them live.
Other bands on the bill include
Ill Informed, Sudden Attack, and
PBLC who have come back after
taking a small hiatus.
It’s an all-ages show with a $5
cover and bands start at 9 p.m.
Santoros, Psychomagic, The
Oblios, The Beers, and the
Make Christmas more merry with
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This eclectic mix of psychedelic
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This show takes place on
Monday Dec. 1 at Café Rev at
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ing bands.
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Lonely Horse sadly SAN
to take
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his hand. However, I’m very
pleased to see that they’re back
at it in a few weeks with
a couple
of local indie synth-experimental
favorites, Femina-X and the
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First person heists in “GTA V” are a lot more immersive than before. (Courtesy photo)
By Trey Hilburn III
“Grand Theft Auto V” (“GTA
V”), has made the much anticipated jump to next gen consoles.
Last year our favorite satirical
crime simulator gave us the best
entry in the series so far. While,
at the time graphically the game
looked amazing, and even managed to look better than next gen
open worlds like “Watch Dogs,”
we are still being treated to a
graphically enhanced version.
Graphically the game is beautiful and has been re-hauled
from top to bottom. Resolution
is now in 1080p with 30fps.
Textures have been reworked on
everything from the floor of the
ocean to your characters clothes.
The ability to switch to first
person is one of the biggest
game-changers here. It makes
for a totally different experience
and makes it worth a second
play through. You are able to
change from third person to first
person at the press of a button.
While at first it seemed disorienting to switch, it’s something
you get used to. First person
mode is great for gun fights especially in “GTA Online.” The
first person mode is just plain
immersive. Driving a submarine
or helicopter now feels like a
simulator as opposed to a plain
video game.
Heists are a lot more fun in
first person, too. It just feels
like you are playing a different
game. But not at any sacrifice to
the gameplay. It is an intuitive
switch where Rockstar Games
included a cover system, a new
targeting system and a controller
scheme that feels more natural to
first person shooter enthusiasts.
I was concerned about losing
all my achievements and having to start over, but you can
sync up achievements, among
other things, between last gen to
next gen through your Rockstar
Social account. The process is
easy enough and will help you
keep the achievements that stole
hours of your life trying to get.
In addition to that, you are also
able to import your GTA online
character as well.
Returning players will also
be given exclusive content that
includes new weapons and vehicles in addition to the some
new missions.
My only regret was having
played “GTA V” on last gen.
It would have been amazing
to come in and experience this
version with brand new eyes. If
you have yet to play “GTA V,”
consider yourself lucky. And do
not hesitate on buying this one.
If you have played through
already, it is still great to see
Los Santos on next gen and if
you were an online gamer then
again there is no reason to not
pick this one up.
It is nice that Rockstar didn’t
just simply plop this version out
for the sake of having “GTA” on
next gen. They did their homework and handled each stitch
carefully to re-master something
that was already fantastic and,
somehow, managed to make it
even better. And, at times, a new
experience all together.
23 de noviembre de 2014
Mike Nichols, director of
‘Mockingjay, Part 1’ breaks “The Graduate,” dies at 83
mold but falls short
EFE - Mike Nichols, whose
1967 film “The Graduate” earned
him an Oscar as best director, has
died, ABC News reported Thursday. He was 83.
“He was a true visionary, winning the highest honors in the arts
for his work as a director, writer,
producer and comic and was one
of a tiny few to win the EGOT - an
Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a
Tony - in his lifetime,” ABC News
President James Goldston said of
Nichols, the husband of ABC News
anchor Diane Sawyer.
Nichols was nominated for the
best director Oscar on three other
occasions, for “Who’s Afraid of
Virginia Wolf?” (1966), “Silkwood” (1983), and “Working Girl”
Born in Berlin in 1931, Nichols
was only 7 when his family fled
Nazi Germany for the United
He graduated from Walden
School in New York and attended
the University of Chicago before
By Dennis M. Ayotte Jr.
Like the last installment of the
“Hunger Games” franchise, “Hunger Games: Mockinjay, Part 1” is
The endings are identical in that
they are both cliffhangers. Fans
of the “Hunger Games” will now
have to wait a year before Part 2 is
released to know the fate of Katniss Jennifer Lawrence is the Mockinjay in “Hunger Games: Mockand Panem, unless you’ve read the injay, Part 1.” (Courtesy photo)
books. But, for people like myself
Peetah). Katniss is fixated on saving knows how to push her buttons. And
it’s an awful long time to wait.
This appears to be Hollywood’s Peetah and the rest of the tributes one has to wonder how much of that
new formula to make more money. left behind in the Quarter Quell. It is true in real life when they weren’t
Conspiracy theories aside this throws a wrench in the plans, but in character.
Julianne Moore brings another
“Hunger Games” is the best of the it was her only demand in order to
become the Mockingjay and face of strong female presence to the “Hunfranchise.
ger Games” franchise as President
“Mockingjay, Part 1” isn’t split the revolution.
The love triangle between Gale, of District 13, Alma Coin. Her role
into two distinctive parts like the
first two films where it’s all about Peetah and Katniss has been awk- is solid and scenes with President
setting up the story then war. This ward from the start, but like Bella Coin and Katniss are some of the
movie is all about war from the start, chose Edward, Katniss appears to most engaging because they share
and it’s about Katniss’ character finally show she truly loves Peetah a lot of personality traits, but Coin
is much more refined emotionally.
growth. In the first two “Hunger more than Gale.
It was nice to finally see this dyI was not a fan of the first “HunGames” we were given glimpses at
EFE - Puerto Rican pop
the depth of her character like when namic to somewhat come to a close. ger Games;” the second film was singer Ricky Martin has met his
she saves Primrose from the games The film has so much more going on better. “Mockingjay” is the best of wax double during the unveiling
or sings to Rue while she dies in now and the love story was getting the three.
in the way. “Mockingjay” breaks the
“Mockingjay” is a film with pur- ceremony of the figure in the
her arms.
Madame Tussauds Museum in
This film is all about Katniss and mold of the past films and delivers a pose. The first two “Hunger Games” Las Vegas, Nevada.
did not have a clear purpose, it was
her internal struggle and the battle different pace and mood.
The singer, who came to NeFor those who didn’t like the first more about the awkward love story
against the capital.
to participate in the 15th
Her internal struggle is clear two films, “Mockingjay” is the most and the Games. This film is about edition of the Latin Grammys,
form the starts as she’s huddled in entertaining. It’s about warfare and rebellion and all out war.
Looking at the bigger picture, which will be held Thursday,
a corner mumbling her name and the underdogs rallying together for
“Mockingjay” is a good start to the posted a photo on his Instagram
other details about her life. She’s in a common cause: freedom.
Woody Harrelson and Elizabeth two-part series. Part 2 will have the account with a text saying: “I
a fragile mental state; she’s broken
Banks both return to “Mockingjay” obvious issue of replacing Hoffman, look like me! @MadameTusfrom the Quarter Quell.
The Oscar-winning actress Jenni- which makes the film that much but if the focus remains on Katniss
The wax double has the same
bring as a leader, I think it has a chance
fer Lawrence shows her growth not better. These seasoned pros
and dimensions as the artist,
only as an overall actress but with a element of humor to the film that to be another decent film.
statue will subsequently
Katniss’ character as well. This is a otherwise might not exist.p. 888.737.2812
from Las Vegas to the
“The Hunger Games:
The late Phillip Seymour Hoffdifferent Katniss; she shows weaknew
in Orlando, Florida,
Mockingjay - Part 1”
man is back, too. His role is a reness and vulnerability not present in
be on permanent
Rating: PG-13
minder of an incredible actor gone
the first two “Hunger Games.”
Runtime: 123 Min
too soon.
His 2014
role as Plutarch
coaxes AM
Wednesday, November
at 7:50:25
The singer had said previously
In the past films she was the silent the essence out of Katniss. Without
Director: Francis Lawrence
he was honored to be part of
Stars: Jennifer Lawrence,
symbol of hope, but in “Mocking- Hoffman, I don’t think Lawrence’s
because Florida has
Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemjay” her purpose is loud and clear: role as Katniss would have been the
in his heart.
take down the Capital (and save same in “Mockingjay.” Plutarch just
For the creation of the waxRatings:
work, the sculptors took more
than 500 measurements of the
Mike Nichols, seen here with his wife, news anchor Diane Sawyer.
dropping out to return to the Big
Apple to study acting.
Back in Chicago a few years
later, he joined a comedy troupe
that included Elaine May and the
two became a writing and performing team.
His career as theater director included Broadway hits “Barefoot in
the Park,” “The Odd Couple,” and
“Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
His more recent films included
“Charlie Wilson’s War” (2007)
with Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts
and Philip Seymour Hoffman, and
“Closer” (2004) featuring Roberts,
Natalie Portman, Jude Law and
Clive Owen.
Nichols picked up the last of his
nine Tony awards two years ago
with a revival of Arthur Miller’s
“Death of a Salesman.”
Ricky Martin meets his double
at Madame Tussauds in Nevada
n Antonio La Presna
turday, November 22, 2014
Instant Classic
Martin said that sitting down
with the talented group of artists
responsible for these extraordinary wax figures was a wonderful
Founded more than 250 years
ago in London, Madame Tus-
sauds is the most famous wax
museum in the world and has
the largest collection of figures,
honoring celebrities from the
world of cinema, television,
sport, music and politics, among
others, in all of its 17 locations.
Scorsese y del Toro llevarán la
vida de Hernán Cortés a HBO
For Information and Showtimes or call 1.866.420.8626
Making movie memories for over 100 years!
Photo provided by Madame Tussauds Orlando shows Puerto
Rican singer Ricky Martin posing with her wax double on November 19, 2014, at Madame Tussauds Las Vegas, Nevada. To
create this piece of Ricky Martin, sculptors museum took more
than 500 different measures of the singer. (EFE / Gabe Ginsberg
/ Madame Tussauds Orlando)
H THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 (PG-13) 11:20 AM, 11:50 AM, 12:30,
1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 4:10, 4:40, 5:10, 5:40, 6:15, 7:05, 7:35, 8:05, 8:35, 9:10, 10:00, 10:30,
11:00, 11:30; D-BOX 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00
H BEYOND THE LIGHTS (PG-13) 11:15 AM, 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15
H DUMB AND DUMBER TO (PG-13) 11:50 AM, 12:25, 2:35, 3:05, 4:35, 5:10, 5:45, 7:15,
7:50, 8:25, 9:55, 11:05
BIG HERO 6 (PG) 11:00 AM, 12:00, 1:15, 2:00, 2:45, 4:25, 5:25, 7:05, 8:05, 9:45, 10:45
INTERSTELLAR (PG-13) 11:30 AM, 3:15, 7:00, 10:40
JOHN WICK (R) 10:30 PM
OUIJA (PG-13) 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30, 11:50
H No Passes *Showtimes subject to change without notice Showtimes for November 22
EFE - Martin Scorsese y Benicio del Toro se han asociado para
llevar a la cadena HBO una serie
sobre la vida del conquistador
español Hernán Cortés, informó
esta semana el blog especializado
El proyecto está siendo desarrollado con un guion de Chris
Gerolmo (de la serie “The Bridge”)
y será producido por Scorsese y
del Toro.
Scorsese, además, podría ponerse detrás de las cámaras, mientras
que del Toro sopesa asumir el papel
La serie, titulada ahora simplemente como “Cortes”, narrará el
fin del imperio azteca, que dominó
la región central de México desde
1460 hasta 1519. Durante el gobierno del noveno emperador,
Moctezuma, el imperio alcanzó su
máxima expansión y poderío.
Cortés llegó al Valle de México
en 1519 y encontró una de las
metrópolis más importantes del
mundo en aquella época.
La serie, además de centrarse en
la figura de Cortés, dará protagonismo a Malinche, la joven indígena
que le ayudó en su titánica tarea, y
el propio Moctezuma, considerado
por muchos un traidor que se rindió
al conquistador español.
El soberano tomó a Cortés por el
dios de la sabiduría Quetzalcóatl,
cuyo retorno mítico esperaban los
mexicas, y envió a emisarios que
agasajaron al invasor con presentes. Moctezuma dejó entrar a los
españoles en Tenochtitlán y los
alojó en su palacio, donde acabó
eventualmente secuestrado por sus
Tras una masacre de nobles
mexicas a manos de los españoles,
Benicio del Toro podría asumir otro rol histórico y encarnar a Hernán Cortés, conquistador de
México, aquí en una pintura. (Foto, cortesía)
la ciudad se rebeló y Cortés intentó
usar al destronado monarca para
negociar un salvoconducto que le
permitiera escapar de la urbe, pero
cuando Moctezuma se dirigió a la
masa, resultó lapidado.
Scorsese regresa así a HBO,
donde debutó con el piloto del
drama “Boardwalk Empire”, y
adonde regresará con un trabajo sobre el rock neoyorquino en los años
70 que aún no posee título oficial.
Del Toro ha interpretado a figuras históricas con anterioridad en
“Escobar: Paradise Lost”, dando
vida al narcotraficante Pablo Escobar, y al Che Guevara en “Che”,
de Steven Soderbergh.
Querida Nina,
Te escribo porque yo tengo 16
años y tengo un problema. Pueda
que para ti no lo sea pero es muy
real para mí. Mi problema es
mi madre. Ella tiene más de 40
años y es muy bonita, pero su
modo de vestir es antiguo. Ella
paró de madurar en los años 60.
Ella se viste como una hippie.
Ella tenía 19 años cuando
ella entró a esa época, pero
se atoró y ahora ella sigue vistiéndose como si lo fuera hoy.
Al principio a mí se me hacía
muy divertido pero hoy me da
pena. Cuando mis amigos me
preguntan que por qué ella se
viste como se viste no sé qué
Tiene el pelo largo y lo usa en
una trenza y luego se pone una
pañoleta de color. Se compra
toda su ropa en el Goodwill
porque, dónde más puede conseguir esa ropa loca que ella usa.
Ayúdame con mi madre.
Saúl (sin apellido)
Querido Saúl:
Primero que nada quiero
decirte que me gusta mucho tu
nombre. Ese nombre lo tenía
un muchacho que me gustaba
cuando estaba en la escuela
secundaria. Ahora lo de tu
madre. Te voy a decir tú no eres
el primero ni el último con este
problema. Hay muchos que se
estancan en una época, las mujeres como los hombres.
Yo tengo un tío que todavía
usa trajes de polyester y nadie
lo puede convencer de que se
mira ridículo, ¿me entiendes?
Por qué no le pides que para un
día especial para los dos, como
tu cumpleaños o la Navidad por
ejemplo, que ella se vistiera a
la moda de hoy como un regalo
para ti o si tú trabajas, dale eso
de regalo. Dale certificados para
un corte de pelo, que le pinten
las uñas y fíjate en la talla de
vestido que ella usa y pídele a un
familiar la cual a ti te gusta cómo
se viste y dile que si ella te puede
ayudar a escoger un vestido para
tu mamá. Te aseguro que no te
dirán que no. Algo tiene que
funcionar. Con esto me despido.
Querida Nina:
¿Qué debe pasar con regalos
que se dieron a un matrimonio
que duró muy poco tiempo?
La pareja se separó después de
ocho semanas. No vivieron
juntos después del matrimonio.
La novia se quedó a vivir en la
casa de sus padres y el novio en
su apartamento.
¿Deberían de dividirse lo
regalos entre los dos o regresarlos? Ellos quieren hacer lo que
es correcto. Vamos a esperar tu
Querida Marisa:
Mucho guato para nada. Mi
consejo para ellos es que regresen los regalos. No son de
Escriba a Querida Nina, 816 Camaron St. Ste 104, San Antonio,
TX 78212 o al correo electrónico:
77 66 64 65 70
48 41 40 44 60
23 de noviembre de 2014