Library events

Havering Libraries
October-December 2014
National Poetry
Day 2014
£3 members
£4.50 non-members
Collier Row 01708 434936
Open: Mon 10am-8pm/Tue, Thurs, Fri -Fri 9am-5pm/Wed 9am-8pm/Sat 9am-4pm
An Evening with Peter Suchet
Peter Suchet,
brother of David
Suchet (Poirot)
and newsreader
John Suchet
joins us for a
talk about
his family’s
history as well
as his own life as
former director of Saatchi & Saatchi,
creator of Fantasy Football and the
custodian of his family archive.
Wednesday 1 October
7pm, all ages
£5 members, £6.50 non-members
Collier Row Diary
Please phone for details of regular groups
New to Collier Row Library. Every Tuesday,
4pm-5pm for 11-16, free.
Kids Craft Club*
Portraits of Centenarians
Jayson Brinkler’s photographic
exhibitiondocuments the lives of
100 living centenarians who
witnessed the 20th century in its
entirety. Selections from his work will
be on display in Collier Row Library
from 6-17 October.
Monday 6 to Friday 17 October
All day, free
Welcome To My House
Autumn Craft Fair & Shopping Night
An evening of craft and shopping
with a variety of great stalls from local
crafters and traders.
Wednesday 15 October
6-10pm, age 14 years +, entry £1
Go Batty! Kids Bat Event
Go Batty with our half -term bat event
with Essex Bats. Learn all about these
Evening Reading Group
Second Monday of the month, 6.30pm, free.
‘In Stitches’
Fridays, 11am and 2pm
crazy creatures and
get up close and
personal with a
live bat.
Tuesday 28 October
members, £4.50 non-members
Card Craft Workshops
Third Monday of the month, 6-7.30pm,
£6 members, £7.50 non-members.
First Monday of the month, 6-8pm.
Prices from £12.
Nightly Knitters
Fridays, 3.30pm, under-16s only, free.
First Thursday of the month, 11am, free.
Every Wednesday, 6-8pm, free.
Scrapbooking Workshops
Young at Heart
Third Wednesday of the month,
2.30pm, over 50s, £1.
4 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Collier Row
Christmas Lights
Switch On
A fun evening with Santa Claus and
his helpers to get the Christmas
festivities started in Collier Row.
Friday 5 December
4-8pm, all ages, free
Jewellery Workshops
Daytime Reading Group
Every Thursday 3.30pm, £2 members,
£3.50 non-members.
Second Wednesday of the month
6-8pm, £5 members, £6.50 non-members
I Am Dracula:
Yu-Gi-Oh/Lego Club*
Festive Shopping Event
Tuesdays, 2.15-2.45pm, free
* Term-time events only
Join us for our annual Christmas
shopping event, pick up some
wonderful hand crafted gifts for
friends and family.
Saturday 6 December
11am-3pm, free entry
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 5
Elm Park 01708 434919
Open: Mon 10am-8pm/Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-5pm/ Wed 9am-8pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Adult Craft Workshop:
Get Ready for Christmas (1)
Make your own stunning but simple
Christmas cards for the special people
in your life. Booking essential.
Tuesday 21 October
10-11.30am, adults
£6 members, £7.50 non-members
Halloween Craft
Enjoy some spooky fun at our half
term craft. Booking essential.
Monday 27 October
10.30-11.30am, 5-10 years
£4 members, £5.50 non-members
Funny Bones Story Time and Craft
Listen to the story of Funny Bones
and get creative by making a spooky
character. Advance booking is
Wednesday 29 October
11-11.45am, ages 2-5
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Young at Heart
Friendly group offering the chance to
meet new friends and enjoy a cuppa
and a chat. Monthly meetings include
a guest speaker.
Wednesday 29 October
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Adult Craft Workshop:
Get Ready for Christmas (2)
Young at Heart
Young at Heart
Meet new friends and enjoy a cuppa
and a chat at this friendly monthly
group with a guest speaker.
Wednesday 26 November
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Pre-school activities
All pre-school activities in Havering Libraries
are aimed at parents, carers and children.
Attendance by pre-schools or nurseries is
subject to space. Please contact your local
library before attending.
Elm Park Diary
Listen to
Christmas stories
and make a
Booking essential.
Saturday 20 December
2-2.45pm, 2-5 years
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
First Tuesday of the month, 4pm, 7-11, free.
Elm Park Writing Group
Wednesdays, 10am, 0-2yrs, free.
Daytime Reading Group
6 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Christmas Stories
and Craft
Please phone for details of regular
Second Wednesday of the month, 1pm,
adults, free.
Are you in a reading group or would like to join one? Come and meet
other reading group members for a relaxed and enjoyable Reading
Group Afternoon at Hornchurch Library 21 October, 1-3pm
If you are planning to attend please advise your reading group
co-ordinator or email
Enjoy our annual Christmas quiz.
Wednesday 17 December, 2-3.30pm
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Make table and/or tree decorations
which will amaze your family and
friends. Booking essential.
Tuesday 18 November
10-11.30am, adults
£6 members, £7.50 non-members
Baby Bounce*
Wiggle and Giggle*
Wednesday, 2-4yrs, 11.30am, free.
First Thursday of the month, 11am,
adults, free.
In Stitches*
Evening Reading Group
First Monday of the month, 6.30pm,
adults, free.
Thursdays, 2pm, adults, free.
Fridays, 2pm, ages 2-5yrs, free.
*Term-time only
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 7
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON Thursday 4 December, 3.30-6pm
Gidea Park 01708 434978
Harold Hill 01708 434973
Harold Hill Diary
Young at Heart Club
Monthly meeting with a guest speaker.
Tuesday 28 October
11am, over 50s
£1 including refreshments
Quick Reads Reading Group
Halloween Craft
Baby Bounce*
Open: Mon 10am-5pm/Tues and Thu 9am-8pm/Wed and Fri 9am-5pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Medium Talk
Christine Conley offers an insight into
her experiences with the spiritual
world and mediumship work.
Monday 13 October, 2pm, adults
£4 members, £5.50 non-members
Ian Porter reveals the ancient history
of the ghosts around London town.
Thursday 23 October
2pm, adults
£5 members, £6.50 non-members
To avoid disappointment,
always pre-book ticketed
events at our libraries
Gidea Park Diary
Please phone for details of regular
groups. Most Gidea Park events require
Tuesdays monthly, 4-5pm, 7-11yrs, free.
Relax and Indulge
First Saturday of the month, 10am-3pm
Pre-booking required
Easy Computer Basics
E ssex Ghost Hunters
An insight into the techniques and
equipment used in investigations.
Saturday 25 October
1.30pm, adults
£5 members, £6.50 non-members
Halloween Storytime and Craft
A spooky themed story.
Wednesday 29 October
10-10.45am, ages 2-5
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Halloween Party
Creepy fun and games!
Wednesday 29 October
2.15-3pm, ages 6-10
£4 members, £5.50 non-members
The Harlequins Presents
England, My England
Poetry and prose about the English
and their way of life.
Wednesday 26 November
7-9pm, adults
£5 members, £6.50 non-members
In Stitches
Thursdays, 10.30am-12noon, adults.
Open: Mon 10am-5pm/Tue 10am-8pm/Wed & Fri 9am-5pm/Thu 9am-8pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Creative and spooky fun.
Tuesday 28 October
2.30pm, 4-10 years
£2 members, £3.50 non-members
Love Food Hate Waste
Cookery Workshop
Cut waste and save money. Back by
popular demand, please book early.
Tuesday 11 November
5-7.30pm, adults, free
Young at Heart Club
Golden Years, a talk by the
Disablement Association of Barking
& Dagenham, a charity which helps
people access opportunities.
Tuesday 25 November
11am, over 50s, £1
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-6pm and
Wednesdays 10-11am, adults, free.
Tuesdays, 2.15pm, 2-5yrs, free.
Baby Bounce*
Kids Knits
Young at Heart Club
Every fortnight, 2.15pm, 0-2yrs, free.
Pre-booking is required
Wednesdays 3.45-4.45pm, 8-12yrs,
£2 members, £3.50 non-members.
*Term-time only
8 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Join in our Christmas festivities.
Tuesday 16 December
11am, over 50s, £1
Please phone for details of regular
First Friday of every month
11am-12noon, adults, free.
Tuesdays, 2-2.30pm, 0-2yrs, free.
Craft Club
First Saturday of the month
10.30-11.30am, ages 5-10 years, £2
members, £3.50 non-members
Every Friday, 2-5yrs, 2-2.30pm.
Gratitude Group
Tuesdays 21 October, 18 November and
9 December, 11am-12noon, adults, £1.
Age Concern Dementia Advice
Thursdays 9 Oct, 13 Nov and 11 Dec,
11.15am-12.15pm, free
Reading Buddies*
Every Tuesday, 4-5pm, 5+yrs, free.
Homework Club*
Every Tuesday, 5-7pm, 7+yrs, free.
In Stitches
Thursdays, 10am-12noon, adults, free,
50p for refreshments.
Art Group
Weds, 2-4pm, adults, 50p refreshments.
*Term-time only
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 9
Harold Wood 01708 434975
Open: Mon 10am-5pm/Tues & Thu 9am-8pm/Wed & Fri 9am-5pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Young at Heart
talk by Julia Griggs and Louise
Edmonds introducing Langtons
House, the services it provides, how it
has evolved into a venue and the type
of ceremonies/packages on offer.
Wednesday 8 October
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Harold Wood Diary
Please phone for details of regular
In Stitches
Mondays, 2pm, all ages, free.
Kids Club*
Tuesdays, 4.30-5.30pm, 5-10yrs, £2
members, £3.50 non-members.
Young at Heart
Young at Heart
A talk by Gemma Smith on the Old
Chapel of Upminster, exploring its
history as well as how the building is
used today. The Old Chapel was built
in 1800 by Protestant Dissenters and
is one of the few remaining buildings
from this period in Upminster.
Wednesday 12 November
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Fridays, 10.30am, adults, free.
*Term-time only
Join in the Christmas fun and make
something nice to take home.
Tuesday 16 December
4.30-5.30pm, ages 4-10 years
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Free and confidential advice on
dementia and other services
provided by Age Concern Havering
Thursday 2 October
Thursday 6 November
Thursday 4 December
11.30am-12.30pm, adults, free
10 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Children’s Halloween
Make something spooky to take
Tuesday 28 October
4.30-5.30pm, ages 4-10 years
£3 members, £3.50 non-members
Gidea Park 01708 434978
Tuesday 21 October
Tuesday 18 November
Tuesday 16 December
Romford 01708 432389
Tuesday 21 October
Tuesday 25 November
Tuesday 16 December
Share your favourite
books and recommend
reading to your friends
Wednesdays, 10am, 2-5yrs, free.
In Stitches
Come along and test your knowledge
with our fun Christmas quiz.
Wednesday 10 December
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Age Concern Havering
Dementia Advisory Service
One Thursday a month (phone for
dates) 6.30pm, adults, free.
Young at Heart
Children’s Christmas Crafts
Every second Wednesday of the
month, 11am-12noon, over 50s, £1.
Reading Group
For ages 7-11years (children under 10
years must be accompanied by
an adult). All sessions 4-5pm
Elm Park 01708 434919
Tuesday 7 October
Tuesday 4 November
Tuesday 2 December
Upminster 01708 434933
Friday 3 October
Friday 7 November
Friday 5 December
We have children’s Chatterbooks groups at four ibraries in Havering
so why not pop down, join in and find out what’s going on?
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 11
Hornchurch 01708 434903
Open: Mon 10am-10pm/Tuesday to Friday 9am-10pm/Saturday 9am-8pm
A Fascinating talk on the types of war
records held by the National Archives.
Thursday 2 October
2.30pm, adults
£6 members, £7.50 non-members
Please phone for details of regular
Ancestry Help Session
Mondays, 10.30-11.30am, adults, free.
Tuesdays, 2.15pm, 2-5yrs, free.
Love Poetry?
12 November and 17 December,
4.30pm, adults, free.
In Stitches
Tuesdays, 2.30pm, adults, free.
Baby Bounce*
Wednesdays, 11.15am and 2.15pm,
0-2yrs, free.
Reading Groups
First Monday, 2.15pm; first Thursday,
7.30pm; first Friday, 2.15pm, adults, free.
Children’s Saturday Craft
First Saturday of the month 2.15-3.15pm,
£2 members, £3.50 non-members.
*Term-time only
Ghosts, spirits, prophecies and curses of the maiden voyage
Thursday 30 October
7pm, adults
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
National Archives
Hornchurch Diary
Professor Roger Luckhurst of Birkbeck
University London, gives a fascinating talk
on the mysteries surrounding the Titanic.
Met Office:
The Public Weather Service
Mark Rogers of the Met Office gives a
talk on the public role of the
Met Office and how they forecast
the weather.
Thursday 16 October
6.30pm, adults
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Children’s Halloween Craft Come to our spooky Halloween craft,
wear your spooky costumes, see if you
can scare the library staff. Make some
hanging bats. Wednesday 29 October
2.30pm, age 4
£4 members, £5.50 non-members
Children’s Christmas Craft
Make some beautiful Christmas
Monday 22 December
2.30pm, age 4+
£4 members, £5.50 non-members
12 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Can you crochet, sew or knit?
Share your skills with other
enthusiasts at our
Big ‘In Stitches’ Day
There will be a demonstration
on making things with lace
and an update on the
Congo Sewing project.
Tuesday 4 November, 10am-3pm
Adults, free, optional refreshments 50p
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 13
Rainham 01708 434970
Open: Mon 10am-8pm/Tues, Thu, Fri 9am-5pm/Wed 9am-8pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Rainham Diary
Please phone for details of regular groups
Baby Bounce*
Thursdays, 10.30am, 0-2yrs, free.
Listening Group
For blind and partially sighted people.
Every second Tuesday, 10am, adults, free.
Messy Play*
Wednesday once a month, 10.15am,
£2 members, £3.50 non-members.
In Stitches
Tues, 2-4pm, 14+yrs, free, 50p refreshments
Reading Group
Young at Heart
T his month’s meeting features a talk
by Friends of the Earth.
Tuesday 7 October
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Black History Month
elebrations of black history month.
Saturday 18 October, 10-3pm
All ages, free Paranormal
Activity 2
A talk about paranormal
investigations, including new
footage, still photos and a
demonstration of how their
equipment works.
Thursday 27 November
7pm, all ages
£5 members, £6.50 non-members
Come along to
Rainham Library
to meet Santa.
Saturday 6
all ages, free
Last Monday of month, 6.30pm, adults, free.
Computer Basics
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am, adults,
free. Please phone to book in advance.
Crafty Craft Club
Every four weeks on Saturdays, 10am12noon, adults, free, 50p refreshments
Night Knitters
Alternate Mondays, 6.30pm,14+, free,
50p refreshments
Crafty Edibles*
Every fourth Saturday, 10.30, under-10s,
£3.50 members, £5 non-members.
Saturday Kids Craft
Every fourth Saturday, 10.30, 4yrs+,
£2 members, £3.50 non-members.
* Term-time only
Young at Heart
This month’s talk is about the National
Trust property, Rainham Hall.
Tuesday 4 November
Over 50s, £1 including refreshments
Pamper Day Event
Come and be pampered at Rainham
Library. Treatments consist of reflexology,
manicures, pedicures and more.
Saturday 22 November
10-3pm, a
ll ages, £
5 entry
14 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 15
Romford 01708 432389
Opening Hours: Mon 10am-8pm/Tue to Fri 9am-8pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Halloween Craft
The Real Christmas
Make a spooky Halloween character.
Come in fancy dress ready to trick
or treat.
Friday 31 October
2.30-3.30pm, ages 4-11
£4 members, £5.50 non-members
Havering: A Bigger Picture
Discover the secrets of Redstone in
this mini Minecraft taster session.
Full Minecraft account needed,
spaces limited.
Saturday 25 October
10am-12noon, ages 9-16
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
local history
screening and
launch event.
See page 18 for
Wednesday 26 November
Contact branch for times, all free
Romford Library Diary
16 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Young Persons’ Reading Group
Wednesdays 8 October, 5 November and 3
December, 6.30-7.30pm, 18-25 years.
Reading Buddies*
Every Monday, 3.30-5pm, drop-in sessions,
age 5+. Volunteers listen to your child read.
Teenage Reading Group
Christmas Craft
Meet Father Christmas and his library
elves. Enjoy green screen fun and
elf yourself! Come dressed in your
best Christmas fancy
dress and make a
personalised Christmas
frame and card Why
take a selfie when you
can have an elfie?
Tuesday 16 December
5-7pm, ages 4-11
£5 members,
£6.50 non-members
In Stitches
Please phone for details of regular groups
Susan E. Clarke, local
film maker and winner
of five Los Angeles
film festival awards,
talks about how she
went from university
to film making via
Thorntons chocolate
shop in Romford.
Wednesday 29 October
£1 members,
£2.50 non-members. Free parking after 6pm
Join Pastor Dave Chuck, the Salvation
Army and Boys Brigade with
Christmas crafts all day in the library.
Saturday 6 December
10.30am-3pm, all ages, free
Wednesdays, 10am-12noon
Drop-in Computer Help
Mondays and Tuesdays, 11am-12noon. No
need to book but first come, first served.
Give and Take Day
Last Wednesday of every month, 10.30am.
Baby Bounce*
Thursdays, 2.15-2.45pm.
Thursdays 2 October, 13 November and 11
December, 6.30-7.30pm.
Adult Reading Group
First Thursday of the month, 2-3pm.
Mondays, 2.15-2.45pm.
Tuesdays 21 Oct, 25 Nov and 16 Dec, 4-5pm.
*Term-time only
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 17
South Hornchurch 01708 434921
Open: Mon 10am-5pm/Tues and Thu 9am-8pm/Wed and Fri 9am-5pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Sam Dilley
London’s Screen Archives and Havering
Local Studies and Family History Centre
invite you to celebrate the launch of the
Bigger Picture project with a screening of
heritage films of the Havering area from
the archive’s own collection and from
other archives across the city.
Highlights include a portrait of Hornchurch
from 1952, ‘Congestion on Romford Roads’
from 1963 and a visit by Queen Elizabeth,
the Queen Mother, in 1959.
A specialist film archivist will talk about
the films and Local History Librarian Simon
Donoghue will explain how they fit into
the borough’s history.
The Bigger Picture is led and managed by
Film London on behalf of London’s Screen
Archives with support from the Heritage
Lottery Fund and British Film Institute.
People in 15 London boroughs, including
Havering, will have the chance to see and
learn about historic film of their area ...
and will be invited to donate more. We are
encouraging people to share their home
movie records and are actively searching
for new film and video donations to fill
gaps in the borough’s film archives.
A travelling cinema, the ‘KinoVan’, will
be touring the borough in the coming
months, and volunteers will be sought to
help to identify old film formats and find
more film of the area.
Romford Library
Wednesday 26 November 2014
Contact branch for times. Free entry.
Gingerbread Man Decorating
Come and decorate a gingerbread
man to take home and eat. Booking
essential. Friday 31 October, 10am, ages 2-5
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Halloween Masks
Second Thursday of the month, 2pm,
adults, free.
In Stitches
Wednesdays, 2pm, all ages, free.
Come and decorate your own small
tree for Christmas. Booking essential
Tuesday 16 December
4.30-5.15pm, ages 5-9
£5 members, £6.50 non-members
South Hornchurch Diary
Quick Reads Reading Group
Christmas Tree Decorating
Create your own mask to wear for
Halloween. Booking essential
Tuesday 28 October
4.30pm, ages, 5-7 years
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Please phone for details of regular
Buy handmade Christmas
presents at our unique
stalls. The opportunity to
get an exclusive once
only gift for your loved
ones. Christmas crafts
for children to
make and enjoy.
Saturday 29
free entry
Saturday Craft Club*
Saturdays monthly, 4+yrs,
£2 members, £3.50 non-members
Friday 10am, 2-5yrs, free.
Bits ‘n’ Pieces*
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10am
Under 5s, £5 joining fee, then 50p per
session. Booking essential.
*Term-time only
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 19
Coffee and Mince Pies Join our staff on Christmas Eve 10-11.30am
Upminster 01708 434933
Opening hours: Mon 10am-8pm /Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-5pm/Wed 9am-8pm/Sat 9am-4pm
24/7 Library Online Taster Session
Introducing our 24/7 Library Online.
Some knowledge of using the internet
is needed. Booking is essential, please
contact the library. You must bring
your library card with you.
Monday 6 October,
10am-12noon, adults, free
Upminster Diary
Please phone for details of regular
Baby Bounce*
Mondays, 1.30pm-2pm, 0-2yrs, free.
Wiggle & Giggle*
Thursdays, 10.30-11am, 2-4yrs, free.
Memory Matters Roadshow
If you have memory concerns
about yourself or someone you care
for, come along to Age Concern
Havering’s Dementia Advisory
Services roadshow for a free and
confidential chat.
Wednesday 15 October
10am-2pm, free
Adult Craft Workshop: Getting
Ready for Christmas
Try different craft techniques in a
friendly environment. All abilities
welcome, all materials supplied.
Booking is essential.
Tuesday 21 October
1.30-3pm, adults
£6 members, £7.50 non-members
Christmas Craft
Join our crafty Christmas
Saturday 22 November
10.30-11.30am, age 9+
£4 members,
£5.50 non-members
Christmas Tree
Make three different
Christmas tree decorations.
Saturday 6 December
10.30-11.30am, age 7+
£4 members,
£5.50 non-members
Christmas Storytime
Songs & Craft Stories, songs, craft and
fun. Booking essential.
Tuesday 16 December
10.30-11.30, ages 3-5
£4 members
£5.50 non-members
Christmas Crackers Join our crafty Christmas
make. Saturday 20 December
Age 5
+ years
£3 members
£4.50 non-members
Age Concern
Read and Rhyme*
Adult Craft Workshop: Getting
for Christmas 2
Please check with the library for dates.
Wednesdays, 11.30am, 2-5yrs, free.
Ancestry Drop-in and Advice
Wednesdays, 6.30-7.30pm, free.
Family History Group
First Friday of the month, 2-4pm, £2.
First Friday of the month, 4-5pm, 7-11yrs, free.
Safer Neighbourhood
Please check with the library for dates.
*Term-time only
Essex Farm (Never Forgotten)
Essex Hundred Publications will
talk about their new publication
which tells the story of Essex
Farm one of the First World War
cemeteries in Belgium that will
forever bear the Essex name.
Saturday 22 November
2-4pm, adults, £3 members,
£4.50 non-members
20 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Halloween Craft
Try different craft techniques in a
friendly environment. All abilities
welcome, all materials supplied.
Booking is essential.
Tuesday 18 November,
1.30-3pm adults
£6 members, £7.50 non-members
Make something spooky for
Halloween. Booking is essential.
Saturday 25 October
10.30-11.30am, 5+ years
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Anansi the Spider Craft
Join us for spider fun, followed by
a free drumming workshop by the
Academy of African Arts at 11.30am.
Wednesday 29 October
10.30-11.30am, 4+ years
£3 members, £4.50 non-members
Pamper Evening
For more infomration about the
treatments available , please
contact the library.
Friday 21 November,
6-9.30pm adults
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 21
24/7 Library Online
To research your family tree, seek legal or business advice, improve your
education, read a magazine or listen to a good book, all you need is a
Havering library card.
Dictionaries, Art & Music Resources
online English
and bilingual
dictionaries, which
provide guidance
on writing,
spelling, and
grammar. Also covers the arts and music;
artists, architecture, textiles, history of
music, musical styles and techniques.
Driving & Citizenship Tests
Go Citizen helps
prepare for
the ‘Life in the
UK’ or ‘British
Citizenship’ tests
with Home Office
approved practice
Theory Test Pro is
a realistic
simulation of
the UK’s driving
theory test with
question bank,
hazard perception
videos and Highway Code online.
Encyclopedias & Study Help
Encyclopedia Britannica contains indepth articles, illustrations, photos, links
to other sites and
video content.
The individual
adult, student
and junior
versions provide
something for
Issues offers
guidance and links
to groups and
websites covering
crime and justice,
the environment,
family and
relationships, drugs and alcohol and
rights discrimination.
Family History &
Local History Resources and FindMyPast are
available to use on the public computers
at Hornchurch, Romford and Upminster
Libraries, providing help with family
history research. We also provide Online
help, please see page 26.
22 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Famous People & Their Lives
Who’s Who and
Who Was Who
is the essential
directory of the
noteworthy and
influential in all
walks of life, in the
UK and worldwide
published annually
since 1849.
The Oxford
of National
Biography: the
people who shaped
the history of the British Isles and beyond.
Includes 59,102 biographies, 68 million
words and 11,217 portraits.
Language & Learning
More than500
free courses,
including cookery,
gardening, crafts
and photography.
The courses
feature online
lessons, tests and
Courses from
Albanian to Zulu
include reading,
writing, listening
and speaking
skills. English as a second language
courses also available.
Legal & Business Resources
Citizens’ Advice Notes are an accessible
and regularly updated guide to
legislation covering family, employment,
consumer protection and taxation issues.
Cobra has practical information for
anyone with their own business, or who
is looking to start one. Includes help with
marketing and business plans and news
and business information for company,
financial and market research.
Newspapers & Magazines
The Times
Digital Archive
has articles and
photos available
from 1785-2007.
Consumer reviews
in Which? are
available on the
public computers
at Harold Wood,
Romford and
Zinio provides
unlimited access
to a wide range
of popular
Hello! Ideal Home,
New Scientist,
Newsweek and World Soccer. Download
the App for magazines ‘on the go’.
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 23
Meeting room hire
Meetings, conferences, training, exercise classes
Relax in Romford Library’s
new café area
Come and relax with a coffee in
Romford Library’s new café area
with Costa Express machine
Enjoy the Costa experience as
you check your emails on our free
wi-fi enabled ipads, or simply sit
back and read
a book
The machine uses wave and pay technology, it
doesn’t take cash
Library rooms for hire
Phone 01708 433855
Hornchurch Library
Romford Library
Main meeting room: capacity 100. Screen,
projector and kitchen facilities.
Large meeting room. Capacity for 60
seated. Includes a screen, projector and
kitchen facilities.
44 North Street RM11 1TB
£25 for the first hour, then £20 for each
subsequent hour
Classroom 1: capacity 50 £20 per hour
Classroom 2: capacity 15 £15 per hour
St. Edwards Way, RM1 3AR
£25 for the first hour, then £20 for each
subsequent hour
Elm Park Library
Rainham Library
St. Nicholas Avenue RM12 4PT
Meeting Room 1*: capacity 100.
£20 per hour
6 Celtic Farm Road RM13 9YW
First hour £25, then £20 for each
subsequent hour
Meeting Room 2*: capacity 58. £20 per hour
Meeting Room 3*: capacity 40. £20 per hour
Meeting Room 4: capacity 20. £15 per hour
*Includes screens and kitchen facilities
Capacity for 24 people, kitchen facilities.
Upminster Library
26 Corbets Tey Road RM14 2BB
Small meeting area for between 15 and
20 people. £20 per hour
24 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
Havering Library Minecraft Server
Starting with just $30 in game currency, this and the
clothes on your back are all you have to start an amazing adventure.
On our server we have no-griefing areas as well as wilderness
areas where you can engage in pvp (player versus player), this
means all minecraft players can join in, from newbie to expert. Only Library Members under 16 will be on this server. We have
admins online at various times to keep things friendly. If you are
a parent or carer whose child knows more about this than you,
contact Romford Library on 01708 432389 for more details.
Survival Games/Towny/MobArena
All you need is a Havering Library card and a
Minecraft account (one-off charge from Minecraft)
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 25
Local Studies and Family History
Opening Hours Monday
10am - 6pm
1pm - 8pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 4pm
Enquiries are accepted in person,
by post, e-mail or telephone. Where
copies are produced and/or a postal
response made, a charge is made to
cover costs.
Digital Archive
Local Studies and Family History is
situated on the first floor of Romford
Library. A selection of books and journals
about the history of Havering and Essex
are available, along with specialist Family
History titles. We may be able to help
with research using archive newspaper
reports, photographs and illustrations, or
with information about the history of your
house or street.
Our computers provide access to the
internet for local studies and family
history researchers. PCs should be booked
in advance (contact local studies).
Online resources include free access
to Ancestry and FindMyPast. These
provide a selection of UK and worldwide
historical databases including census
Havering Libraries has launched
two exciting new digital
collections – Romford: the birth
and death of a Victorian town
and Rainham: a village near the
Thames including photos, maps,
illustrations, documents and
records to view online.
Search for your local history at
If you would like to volunteer to
help us add to the collection, or
have any material such as photos
that you would like to donate,
please contact
26 Havering Libraries October-December 2014
returns, military records, indexes to birth,
marriage and death certificates, and
some selected records from the London
Metropolitan Archive.
Access to these databases is available on
the computers in Hornchurch, Romford
and Upminster Libraries.
Family History
Occasional talks and workshops, including
a beginners’ course (with emphasis on
English and Welsh ancestry) are offered in
our libraries. For information please email
Appointments are required for work
requiring access to items not held in the
Local Studies room.
Free appointments are available for
family history advice. Please contact us to
discuss your requirements before visiting.
Advance booking is also required to use
the microfilm or microfiche reader/printer.
Songs and rhymes
your baby will love
Elm Park Wednesdays, 10am
Gidea Park fortnightly, 2.15pm
Harold Hill Tuesdays, 2-2.30pm
Hornchurch Wednesdays, 11.15am and 2.15pm
Rainham Thursdays, 10.30am
Romford Thursdays, 2.15-2.45pm
Upminster Mondays, 1.30pm
FREE Birth to two years
All sessions are for parents and carers only and run in term-time
October-December 2014 Havering Libraries 27
Havering Libraries
Collier Row Library
Hornchurch Library
Elm Park Library
Rainham Library
Gidea Park Library
Romford Library
45 Collier Row Road
Romford RM5 3NR
01708 434936
St. Nicholas Avenue
Elm Park RM12 4PT
01708 434919
Balgores Lane
Gidea Park RM2 6BS
01708 434978
Harold Hill Library
Hilldene Avenue
Harold Hill RM3 8DJ
01708 434973
Harold Wood Library
Arundel Road
Harold Wood RM3 0RX
01708 434975
44 North Street
Hornchurch RM11 1TB
01708 434903
Celtic Farm Road
Rainham RM13 9JA
01708 434970
St. Edward’s Way
Romford RM1 3AR
01708 432389
South Hornchurch Library
Rainham Road
Rainham RM13 7RD
01708 434921
Upminster Library
26 Corbets Tey Road
Upminster RM14 2BB
01708 434933