VIEWS December Issue 2014 Mid-Southern Watercolorists, Inc. President’s Message Change… The Tao Te Ching reads, “If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.” While MSW is steeped in tradition, we must be willing to look at how we exist in today’s environment versus the way we were 45 years ago when we began. For example, we had no internet or social media, we had telephone committees. Now, MSW has a robust website. More “change” is in the air, and not just because fall has changed to winter. I want to make you aware of some of the changes that your Board has voted on that will happen in the months ahead: *There will not be a meeting in December. We will have a Christmas Potluck and an exchange of paintings between members. It will not be a white elephant gift exchange, as in the past. Just an exchange as we gather to lift our glasses and toast to celebrate the end of another year together as watercolorists! *There will not be a program meeting on the third Wednesday in January or February. Rather, we will have a “Winter Meeting” on Wednesday, February 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Arkansas Arts Center. Our juror for the annual juried exhibition, Ms. Linda Baker, will be in town to select the awards for the show. She will be our presenter at the program; all are welcome! That means the next regularly scheduled program meeting will be a demo by our workshop presenter, Ms. Linda Kemp, on March 18 at the Arts Center. *We opened up our membership to students at a special student rate and we now have two student members in MSW! *Membership dues will increase to $40 effective March 1, 2015 to help to pay for increased administrative costs, such as our website. *Mini-workshop fess will increase to $25 effective January 1, 2015. *We have a By-Laws committee that will begin a multi-year year project to review and, eventually, submit for your vote changes to our By-Laws. This will undoubtedly include a review and discussion of the requirement for the number of annual exhibitions that a member is accepted into for signature status in MSW. Change is inevitable. Some people say, “Change is good.” I hope that these changes will be “good” for MSW. And, I hope that you feel free to suggest any other changes that the Board might want to consider! As we close out this year, I wish each of you a safe and blessed holiday and a new year filled with joy, happiness and new adventures in watercolor. December 6th MSW Member Holiday Gathering – a Potluck at George Wittenberg’s starting at 11:30 AM 1509 Louisiana St. Unit AB. It is very easy to get to. One block west of Main Street and south of I-630 in Little Rock. ****Bring your special dish for the potlock. Drinks will be provided. **** At 1:00 we will begin the gift exchange. Bring a gift wrapped matted original January/February 2015 **No Program Meeting Scheduled in January** Special WINTER PROGRAM on February 4th!!! January 2015 26-30 Shipping deadline to the Arkansas Arts Center February 2015 2 Hand Deliver accepted paintings to 45th Annual Exhibition at the Arkansas Arts Center. Details to follow 4 Board Meeting 5:30 PM Program Meeting 7 PM Presentation by Linda Baker, NWSAWS, juror for the exhibition 5-6 Member Individual Critiques with Linda Baker (** contact George Wittenberg to sign up) 13 45th Annual Juried Exhibition opens at Arkansas Arts Center, Strauss Gallery 20 Opening Reception for Annual Exhibition at Arkansas Arts Center, Strauss Gallery 6-9 PM March 2015 18 Board Meeting 5:30 PM Program Meeting 7 PM Demo by Linda Kemp 18-20 Workshop with Linda Kemp April 2015 12 Annual Exhibition Closes 13 Pick up paintings at AAC 15 Board Meeting 5:30 PM Program Meeting 7 PM MSW Art from the AAC Archives painting. Calendar 2014-2105 May 2015 20 Board Meeting 5:30 PM Program Meeting 7 PM Demo by Marlene Gremillion June 2015 17 Board Meeting 5:30 PM Program Meeting 7 PM Presentation by Art Outfitters about new and old media found in today’s art markets. December 2014 6 28 29 Christmas Potluck Special Juried Members Exhibition at Christ Episcopal Church closes Pick up paintings from Church 10-2 October 2015 Open Members’ Exhibition at Cox Center 45th Annual Juried Exhibition February 13 – April 12, 2015 Arkansas Arts Center Awards Reception February 20, 2015 Juror: Linda Baker ************ Special Opportunity ***Critiques offered by Linda Baker, juror for the 2015 Exhibition What it is: A special one-on-one time with an accomplished watercolorist, Linda Baker. As you may know Linda Baker is our juror for the 2015 Annual Exhibition. She has agreed to have these critique sessions and to review some of your work before the sessions. Date & Time: Thursday, Feb 5 1 to 4 PM Friday, Feb 6, from 9 to 11 AM Where: Butler Center Room #124 Please show up 10 minutes early with 2 original paintings for her to review. Cost of the Session: The cost of the session is $50. Please bring your check for $50 with you to the session; make it out to MSW. I will collect the checks (George Wittenberg, MSW chair) and send them in to MSW. Sign up deadline: Please sign up by January 5, 2015 . Selection for the session process: Email me your wish to be included in the session and I will place your name in a slot based on the chronology of the email messages sent – on a “first come” basis. George Wittenberg e mail: January 9, 2015 – Deadline to send your paintings to be reviewed before the session: Linda Baker has graciously agreed to review some of your paintings before she arrives. Please send digital photos of your paintings to Ms. Linda Baker at her email address,, by January 9, 2015. Send 2-5 images. Specs for the images should be the same as the 2015 Prospectus. Schedule: Thursday, February 5, 2015 Session 1 – 1- 1:30PM Session 2 – 1:35 – 2:05PM Session 3 – 2:10 – 2:40PM Session 4 – 2:45 – 3:15PM Session 5 – 3:20 – 3:50 PM Friday, February 6, 2015 Session 6 – 9:00 – 9:30 AM Session 7 – 9:35 – 10:05 AM Session 8 – 10:15 – 10:45 AM Session 9 – 10:50 – 10:20 AM Board Meeting Bulletin OPPORTUNITIES Held on November 19, 2014 1. The mini-workshops held on Saturdays and presented by MSW members will cost $25 beginning January 1, 2015. The board moved and approved this change. 2. It was reported that the both artists contacted for workshops in 2017 have accepted. See the workshops section for their names. NOVEMBER MEETING WITH BARBARA RHODES A demonstration with Yupo As you may know, the Ozark Regional Arts Council hosts a monthly art exhibit and reception at the ASUMH Art Gallery located on the second floor of the Vada Sheid on the Mountain Home campus. January 2015, will be OPEN CALL TO ARTIST month. Artists in 2-D mediums are welcome to display up to three pieces depending on size. Hanging of the work will be on Monday January 5th, from Noon to 2:00. Take down of work will be Feb 2nd, from 10:00Noon. Reception for the artists will be January 8th from 4:00-6:00 pm. ALL WORK MUST BE READY TO HANG WITH WIRE ON BACK. NO SAW TOOTH. Anyone wishing to exhibit MUST contact Deborah Lively at 870-425-8291 or at Please have in mind the three pieces you wish to exhibit and their sizes. I will take the first 12 2-D medium people who contact me. ORAC takes 25% of all sales made during the reception and month exhibit. ************* Some of us remember Marguerite Pinson, deceased former member of MSW. Art and art-related items, including a large hardwood floor easel, supply box, art supplies, and some of Marguerite's art will be available at her family's estate sale. The sale will be Saturday, Dec. 6 from 10 to 2, and Sunday, Dec. 7 from 12 to 3, and the same hours the following weekend. The location will be 10633 Rivercrest Drive, Little Rock, AR 72212. ************ Meetings are held at the ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER 9th & Commerce / MacArthur Park Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Use the south entrance Meetings start at 7 pm but come early for the social hour with cookies and drink. MEMBER NEWS Congratulations to our 4 new signature members!!!! L.S. Eldridge Karlyn Holloway Judy Wright Walter Peggy Wenger ******* Congratulations to our new Active members! First timers accepted in the annual exhibition are Freda Angeletti AJ Cantrell Lawrence McElroy Ann Sauve Lee Scroggins *********** Venice Plein Air Watercolor Workshop (June 14-20, 2015) to be conducted by Marlene Gremillion! This is collaboration between the Arkansas Arts Center and Italy Adagio. To find out more details, contact Marlene at or the Arkansas Arts Center at ************* Fifth Annual ALA Art Show Arkansas League of Artist Juried Exhibition September 12th - December 27th 2014. Butler Center Galleries Manuel Well-Off-Man, Juror, Ph.D, Curator at Crystal Bridges ************ Jason Sacran has a painting in the article written by Tim Breaux, entitled “Understanding Light, Value and Color #2”, in the October/November issue of international pg 47. Congratulations! Mini Workshop Conducted by Jacqui Kaucher: “Negative Shapes” MEMBERS’ SHOWCASE: Christmas Greetings!!! Luanne Stone Linda Ferstl Anne Lyon Judy Smithey Jeannie Fry Jackie Walker Joyce Hartmann Kay Aclin NEXT MONTH We are showcasing some of our members’ paintings in the newsletter! If you have a YUPO painting you would like to share …..send to me (Anne) at by December 28th to be in the January newsletter! If you need to mail me a photo…please look up my address in the directory you received and send it by post. ARCHIVES Bryan Kellar Many of you may have objects pertaining to MSW at your home or studio that you would like to find a “home” for. Doris Mapes established an archive at UCA many years ago, and we would like to begin to fill that archive with more recent information. If YOU have anything you would like to give, bring it to any of our meetings and you will find a container there to put it in. Suzann Waggoner, our archivist, will gather them and deliver them to the university. Objects we can think of are catalogs, newspaper clippings, news announcements, photographs, etc. Cynthia Schanink Arkansas Arts Center 2014 Traveling Show The AAC has now chosen the following artists from our 2014 exhibition to be in the 2014 traveling show: Gary Alexander, Justin Bryant, Ruth Byrn, Jeannie Knod Edwards, L.S. Eldridge, Ruth Fein, Diana Foote, Jeannie Fry, Karlyn Holloway, Linda Larey, Sandra Marson, Yuri Ozaki, Luanne Stone, Gary Weeter, and George Wittenberg. This will be the final traveling show for the AAC. UPCOMING WORKSHOPS MSW workshop policy is to offer two 3-4 day workshops each year using non-member instructors. These workshops are lined up for the future. Make your plans now. Paul Padzuikas March 2015 October 2015 March 2016 October 2016 March 2017 October 2017 Linda Kemp Carl Purcell Robert Burridge Frank Francese Michael Holter Kathleen Conover If you have any suggestions for future workshops, please send the names to Cheryl Kellar at or 501-9448736 Officers for 2014/2015 Jeannie Fry Barbara Rhodes* George Wittenberg* Cheryl Hall Cynthia Schanink Selma Blackburn President President-Elect President-Elect eff 3/1/15 Treasurer Secretary Corresponding Secretary More from the Desk of Regional Advisor Charlotte Rierson This year we are profiling our Regional Advisors in our Newsletter. We want all MSW members to know our outstanding advisors more. This month we are featuring Sandy Barksdale, Judi Coffey, Gloria Garrison, and Kay Aclin. Regional Advisors for 2014/2105 Their contact information is in the Membership Directory or email Charlotte We are excited about the new year and are looking forward to expanding our regions and membership. Regional Advisors & Counties: Charlotte Rierson Regional Director - Fairfield Bay includes Cleburne, Van Buren Janis Gill Ward - Fayetteville includes Washington, Benton, Carroll, Madison Kay Aclin -Ft. Smith includes Crawford, Sebastian, Franklin, Logan, Johnson Gloria Garrison- Russellville includes Pope, Newton, Yell, Scott Sheila Parsons- Conway includes Perry, Conway, Faulkner Sandy Barksdale - Cotter includes Boone, Marion, Baxter, Fulton, & Southern Missouri Sue Coon- Mt. View includes Searcy Izard, Stone Sharp, Lawrence, Independence, Jackson Sally Papich - Jonesboro includes Randolph, Clay, Greene, Poinsetti, Craighead, Mississippi, Crittenden Bill Branch - Helena/Memphis, Tenn. includes Lee, Phillips, Monroe, Arkansas John Keller- Searcy includes White, Woodruff, Prairie, Lonoke, St. Francis, Cross Inis Ray -Pine Bluff includes Jefferson, Cleveland, Grant, Dallas, Lincoln Richard Stephens-Hot Springs includes Hot Springs, Saline, Garland, Clark, Pike, Montgomery Howard, Polk Sarah Merkle- El Dorado includes Union, Ashley, Chicot, Drew, Bradley, Calhoun & Northwest Louis. Linda Larey- Texarkana, TX includes Columbia, Ouachita, Sevier, Miller, Little River, Lafayette, Hempstead, Nevada Mary Ann Stafford includes Pulaski Judy Coffee-Houston, TX, advisor at large Sandy Barksdale is president of White River Artists, organizer and chairman of Plein Air on the White River, a member of Ozark Regional Arts Council Board of Directors, and a Mid-Southern Watercolor Society Regional Advisor. Sandy works in watercolor, acrylic, oil, and pen-and-ink. She is known for her bold, bright watercolors. She has received awards in numerous juried exhibitions, including Watercolor USA, Small Works on Paper, Mid-Southern Watercolorists Annual Juried Show, Texas and Neighbors, Artists of Northwest Arkansas Regional Exhibition, and Arkansas League of Artists Exhibition. Her interpretations of nature scenes, trout, old barns, and a variety of subjects reflect her love of the outdoors. Sandy moved to the Mountain Home area in 2004 and rediscovered her passion for painting. Gloria Garrison attended Arkansas Tech and has studied with such contemporary artists as Milford Zornes, Irving Shapiro, Frank Web, Gerald Brommer, Cheng-Khee-Chee, and many others I am a signature member of Mid Southern Watercolorists, Artists of Northwest Arkansas, and Watercolor USA Honor Society. Also I am a member of Heart of America Artists Association. My work can be seen in corporate collections including UAMS Hospital in Little Rock, Mercy Hospital in Fort Smith, Tyson Foods and in Fayetteville Bank in Dardanelle I have paintings in India, England, and across the United States. I have been painting seriously for over 30 years but feel I have been an artist all my life. My subjects are usually intimate rather than vast. I was selected as Artist-in-Residence in Glacier National Park and the Buffalo National River along with my husband Bill Garrison. Recently I have been working in oil as well but watercolor is my medium of choice. I currently live in Russellville Arkansas where we built our home and studio 40 years ago. Kay Aclin is a versatile artist whose subject matter covers a wide variety. She has worked in many mediums, but watercolor truly captured her heart. Its “unexpected” nature brings joy and challenge to her work. She has studied with master watercolorists across the county-Tony Couch, John Salmadin, Doug Walton, Karen Vernon, Timothy Clark, etc. Kay is a signature member of Mid-Southern Watercolorists. She is also a member of the Hoover Watercolor Society, Museum of Women in the Arts, Who’s Who in Women’s Arts Center for Art and Education, Ft. Smith Regional Art Museum and a member of the Arkansas Art Registry. She is a Regional Advisor for the MSW. Many honors have been awarded to Kay including Best of Shows and many first prizes. She has been a recipient of the MSW’s Purchase Award and in 2005 the mayor of Ft. Smith presented her with the Visual Arts Award. She has had many solo shows and she and her sister (also an award winning artist) have had sister exhibitions in AR, LA, and TX. She has been showcased in the Arkansas Governor’s Calendar for each edition and has been featured in Art Galleries and Artists of the South as well as Du South (March issue this year). Kay’s body of work, “Colored Water” has been represented by the Blue Moon Art Gallery in Hot Springs, AR. for the past twelve years. She can be contacted by email at o or her web site: www.therwnka or WAYS TO BE IN TOUCH WEBSITE: On the website you can find the latest VIEWS, information about workshops and exhibitions, and see galleries of past exhibition paintings by members. GOOGLE GROUP: With membership you will receive announcements, information and the newsletter via this group. If you are NOT receiving it in your email, either check your scam folder or contact Marlene Gremillion to ensure she has your correct email information. REGIONAL ADVISORS: We have several members from throughout the state and neighboring states that work with MSW. Contact Charlotte Rierson, Regional Advisor, to find out who is the advisor in your area. FACEBOOK: We are on Facebook, just go and “like” us!!! And check out the Facebook page Catalyst for Creativity to find the challenge and enter your submission! DIRECTORY: The 2014/2015 issue is now out. Be sure that MSW has your correct information. Contact Shirley Brainard if you have had any changes. NEWSLETTER: Our newsletters are available online thru our website. If you wish to receive a printed copy, contact Anne Lyon. Anne also welcomes your ideas, pictures and information for the monthly newsletter. Membership Fiscal Year is June1 – May 31 Go to the MSW website and print and fill out a membership form. Make your check for $35 ($40 effective March 1, 2015) payable to MSW. Mail the membership form and the check to: Membership Chairperson, MSW P. O. Box 55762 Little Rock, AR 72215 The Language of Art (This comes from a deck of cards recently purchased at the Cleveland Museum of Art, copyright Dona Budd) Impasto Impasto is a thick application of paint that often bears the trace of the motion and/or instrument (brush, palette knife, stick) with which it was applied or manipulated. Used for emphasis by Tintoretto and Rembrandt, impasto has become increasingly important to painters interested in incorporating the act of painting into the work itself or for whom impasto adds a sculptural element. For instance, in Jay Defeo’s 2,300 pound masterpiece The Rose (1958-1966 in the Whitney Museum of American Art, NY), which shows a kind of starburst of white rays shooting out into a field resembling gray rubble, the thickly built-up pigment forms a highly expressive third dimension on the two-dimensional canvas. Mid-Southern Watercolorists, Inc P.O. Box 55762 Little Rock, Arkansas 72215 RETURN ADDRESS REQUESTED VIEWS DECEMBER ISSUE 2014
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