Wake Forest Presbyterian Church

Roy Wilson (25)
Melanie Mohlmann (14)
Elaine Kubich (10)
Evelyn Patton (15)
Cynthia Hardy (21)
Nancy Goethe (19)
Jim Cook (23)
Milly Boyt (18)
Dana Wills (13)
~~~Our sympathy is extended to Sandy Christos (1) and family on the loss of her
mother, our beloved church member Sharlene Shuman (37), on December 20~~~
A Memorial Service for family and close friends of Sharlene will
be held at WFPC at 3:00 PM on Saturday, January 3, 2015.
Note: (#) denotes branch numbers. Prayer concerns for extended family members and friends can be found on the password
protected portion of the church website, which is updated weekly. Be sure to include these names as part of your daily prayer
life. If you need assistance with your password, contact Robert Deeprose at 919-801-8914 or itsvc@wakeforestpres.org
Class of 2016
Randall Keen (Finance)
Paul Kucyk (Discipleship)
Pat Schweigert (Worship)
Kevin Sharpe (Mission)
Alan Perry (Finance)
Class of 2014
Lucy Deeprose (Fellowship)
Elizabeth Esguerra
Deb Keller (Moderator)
Amanda McCabe (Branch)
Carole Tinker (Visitation)
Moderator of the Deacons: Deb Keller
Class of 2015
Class of 2016
Jody Alston (Visitation)
Ron Anderson (Welcome)
Ginny Honkomp (Compassion)
Trish Floyd (Branch)
Sharon Lineberry (Fellowship)
Shirley Wood (Compassion)
Rob Patterson (Welcome)
Rev. Rebekah Maul……..……………..…Pastor
Amy Donahoo..…..Director of Youth Ministries
Kim Glasscock...…………….Director of Music
Lisa Baker..…...Director of Children’s Ministries
Dawn Brown……….….…...Preschool Director
Debbie Choplin…..….……….…Finance Secretary
Mandy Duguid...….…..Director of Food Ministries
Renee Engel…….…Pastors’ Asst/Admin Secretary
Stephanie McKinney.......…Preschool Director Asst
Karen Pettyjohn..…..………...…9:00 Accompanist
Susie Vogt.……..…………...…11:15 Accompanist
Check the church website: www.wakeforestpres.org or the e-newsletter, Leaflets
If you miss a Sunday, you can view the bulletin on our website under “Worship”
Lay Leader:
Elder of the Week:
Worship Leaders Today:
Bill Stevens
Deacon of the Week:
Kathy Dudley
Service of Worship and Praise
Age 4 through 5th Grade: “Grow, Proclaim, Serve!” This curriculum helps teachers
nourish and enrich the faith of our children by incorporating Bible stories, engaging
activities, videos, and games into energetic lessons. Modular 2.
9th Grade through 12th Grade: High School Youth meet in the Youth Room in the
Christian Life Center
“the work of church is strengthened when it is done in a spirit of openness and trust”.
Stated Clerk: Sarah Kirby
Class of 2015
Kathy Drake (Missions)
Krista Fuller (Discipleship)
Charlie Jones (Cong. Care)
Bill Stevens (Membership)
Rick Mohlmann (Personnel)
Wake Forest
Presbyterian Church
Birth through Age 3: While you worship God and study His word, we want you to
have a sense of peace knowing your child is being loved and cared for by our staff of
highly trained, CPR certified, and background checked professionals. Our goal is for
your child to experience the love of Christ through the smiles and the care received from
the nursery staff. Preschool Wing.
December 28, 2014, 10:00 a.m.
6th Grade through 8th Grade: Middle School Youth meet in Modular 1, Room 3
NEXT SESSION MEETING: Thursday, January 15 at 7:00
NEXT DIACONATE MEETING: Thursday, January 8 at 7:00
NEXT MINISTRY TEAM NIGHT: Thursday, February 5 at 7:00
*In the PC(USA), officers’ meetings are open as
Class of 2014
Bob Beichner (Discipleship)
Kathy Dudley (Worship)
Kevin Meese
Shannon Whitley (Ch.
Hank Patrick (Facilities)
We’d love to see you in Sunday School in 2015!
Sunday School Classes Begin at 10 AM
Kate Stevens
Ron Anderson
Kids Corner – There are children’s bulletins and worship kits available for
each service located in the bookshelf at the parking lot entrance in the CLC
The Daily Walk: The goal of this class is to foster better understanding in how to apply
Christian faith to everyday life. The class uses scripture, videos, and works by
contemporary authors to spawn friendly, educational discussion. Modular 3, Room 3.
Explorations: The focus of this class is understanding the Bible. The course is primarily
intended for those who are just beginning their biblical studies, but those who want to
advance their foundational knowledge of scripture will enjoy the class as well.
Modular 3, Room 4.
Reading Scripture: Yesterday and Today: This class studies the Bible a book at a
time and verse by verse, seeking to uncover what the author meant and how his original
reders interpreted it...while remembering that the scripture is also for us today.
Modular 3, Room 1.
Practical Christianity: This class is designed to equip WFPC members and friends to
live as intentional disciples of Jesus rather than “ho-hum” church members. This class will
seek to engage participants in an ongoing and transformational conversation about the
basics of faith and how to live faithfully in the world. Christian Life Center, Room B-018
The Stumbling Disciples: This class will bring together all of Christ’s “Stumbling
Disciples” for fellowship, scriptural readings and discussions, and guest speakers - all of
which will be accompanied by good old-fashioned adult conversation. It is intended for
individuals just beginning their journey with Christ, as well as those who have been
walking (or stumbling) with the Lord for many years. Christian Life Center, Room B-017
Daughters of the King: This women’s class plans to have different studies throughout
the year. Resources include Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity by Keri Wyatt Kent, Gifts from
the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and Catch Your Breath by D. Postema.
Modular 1, Room 1.
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TOGETHER will return on January 14, 2014. We offer
something for everyone! Mandy Duguid, our Kitchen Manager, will nourish our
bodies with a delicious dinner, while our program opportunities will nourish our souls.
We offer music, classes, and small groups for all ages. Look for program
announcements coming soon!
Check out our website for more details on Sunday morning and Wednesday
evening opportunities!
Wake Forest Presbyterian Church
12605 Capital Blvd.
Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587
Wake Forest Preschool
Prelude and Processional
*Call to Celebration
It’s the third day of Christmas.
There are nine more days to go.
We’re too tired to keep up the Christmas rush.
Then let us be still and remember that we don’t have to rush. We can
simply rest in the presence of God through His remarkable gift of
Himself in Jesus.
Then with the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ, let us enter into a time of
*Prayer of Praise and Adoration
*Opening Hymn # 146
“Gentle Mary Laid Her Child”
Confessing Our Sins Together
Some of us can’t even remember what we got for Christmas, even though it
has only been a few days. Some are already shuddering at the thought of having
to put away all the decorations. Seasons change, but the love and presence of
God can never be put away. Let us, with hope, confess our sins to God.
Holy and Merciful God, we stand anxiously upon the threshold of a new
year. Every day we visit the doorways of opportunities for service to Your
will, but we turn aside. In the doorway of this year, help us to say “yes”
to You. We say we don’t have the time, the talent, or the energy for the
task. Help us to see and believe that You will equip us in every way for
Your good purposes when we doubt. Forgive us when we charge
through life without remembering You. Forgive us every day when we
choose not to see those who are downcast, broken, and afflicted because
we simply find it inconvenient. Burden us this upcoming year with Your
heart, so that we might care more. Amen.
(Time of silent confession)
Lord, in Your mercy…
Hear our prayer.
Assurance of Pardon
This is our assurance. Jesus bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we
might be dead to sin and be alive to all that is good. He does not tease us with
visions and hopes that we cannot attain. He promises to see us to that goal.
Without Him we could not make it. With Him, all things are possible through
Him who gives us strength.
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
*Response to God’s Grace #137
“He Came Down”
What’s Happening at Wake Forest Presbyterian
He came down that we may have love;
He came down that we may have love;
He came down that we may have love;
Hallelujah forevermore.
*Sharing of the Peace of Christ
One: God will speak peace to His people, to those who turn to Him in their hearts.
God has called us to live in peace.
One: The Apostle Paul said: “Aim for perfection, be of one mind, live in peace.” So, let us
greet one another with the peace and love of Jesus.
Time with the Youngest Disciples
Rebekah Maul
Scripture Readings
NT page 2
Rebekah Maul
Children wishing to go to Children’s Worship, in the Ladybug room, may leave following this time.
Matthew 2:13-15
“In Between Time”
*Affirmation of Faith
I believe in the importance of celebrating Christmas in the Church. I
believe in God at the center of Christmas, whose hope for the world was
dreamed by seers and told by prophets. I believe in the messengers of
God, who speak to human beings in quiet moments and in dreams. I
believe in the pondering spirit of Mary, who knew God was involved in
the birth of her child, and in the generosity of Joseph, who could accept
the involvement of God in Mary's life. I believe in the beauty of the
manger, transformed by the coming of Jesus, and in the eligibility of
every simple place to be ennobled by His presence. I believe in
shepherds, that they often hear songs of grace and glory not heard by
those who lead busier, noisier lives. I believe in gold, frankincense and
myrrh, and less expensive gifts as well, especially when they are gifts of
the heart, and not merely tokens of duty or obligation. But, above all, I
believe in Jesus, without Whom there would be no Christmas, and in
using this season to discover again my relationship to Him, so that for
me it will not be just an ordinary Christmas, but a time of great joy that
will change my life. I too would be born in the manger.
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
The Offering of Our Time, Talent and Treasure
Offertory Anthem
“The Angels Cried”
Kim Newton/Kevin Jones
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*Sung Response #132
“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”
“Good Christian Friends, Rejoice”
wife, Madeline Burgess. They will begin their journey south this week. John’s first day in
the office will be Monday, January 5. His first Sunday will be Sunday, January 11. There
will be a Reception of Welcome, sponsored by the Deacons of WFPC, following the
11:15 Service of Worship on the 11th. Please plan to come and help give John and
Madeline a warm and gracious welcome. If you can help by bringing dessert items,
please sign up on our webpage under the “Forms” tab, in “Registrations” or contact Pat
Moore at pamoore921@gmail.com or 919-616-8318.
because it’s January 1st! Various ministries of the church will meet on their own, if
THE DEBT ELIMINTION TEAM Starting in January you will hear more about the
campaign that we are putting together to eliminate the over $1.2M debt. If you’d like a
head start in contributing to this effort, and have a capital gain in stocks, mutual funds,
bonds or any investment securities and would like to use that as a way to give to the
church in 2014, the church has an investment account to facilitate that. Please let the
church office know at 919-556-7777 or finanaicls@wakeforestpres.org that the gift
should be directed to the debt elimination team. Contributions of Securities can be directed to: Edward Jones Investments, Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, account number 330-05648-1-6. Please call Mike Baer at 919-554-3743 for questions.
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TOGETHER will resume on January 14, 2015 after the
holiday season. We hope to see you back then for fellowship and food and many new
learning opportunities for adults, along with our S.T.A.R.S. program for children.
MINISTRY TO MILITARY M2M sends care packages to those deployed overseas,
and we need your help! To provide for them this winter, we are looking for canned
goods, nuts, tube socks, protein bars and hand warmers. You can drop them off in the
donation center in the main building, or in the box located by the exterior doors in the
CLC. Contact Deidra Powell at dpowell64@yahoo.com for more information.
Ornament and the WFPC Cookbook are available on the workroom counter along with
a dropbox for donations. All donations will be forwarded to Mission and Outreach to
support our various mission ministries. If making a donation by check, please indicate
“Ornament” or “Cookbook” in the memo line.
*Prayer of Dedication
*Closing Hymn #128
EPIPHANY SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, we will get back to our regular Worship
Schedule at 9:00 in the Christian Life Center and 11:15 in the Sanctuary, with Sunday
School for all ages at 10:00. We will celebrate communion at both services, as we do the
first Sunday of each month.
(v. 2)
Good Christian friends, rejoice with heart and soul and voice;
Now ye hear of endless bliss: Jesus Christ was born for this!
He has opened heaven’s door, and we are blest forevermore
Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this!
* All who are able may stand
Bold Type – congregation responds in unison
If your child becomes restless and you need to take them from the service, you can hear the service through the
speakers in the lobby area of the church, as well as in the sitting area located at the back of the
Administrative Offices. Ushers can assist you.
WIHN Through Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN), we will host homeless
families at our church three times in 2015, providing food, shelter, transportation and
hospitality to 4 - 5 families. WIHN provides professional case management for these
families as they work to restore their independence. A network of churches houses and
feeds the families and transports them back and forth to the WIHN center in Raleigh,
where they are provided with day care or transportation to school for their children,
transitional housing and job placement assistance, and counseling, as needed. Many volunteers are needed each time we host to set up the facilities, prepare food, provide fellowship and transportation, and spend the night a the church. The next hosting dates
are Sunday, January 25, 2015 through Sunday, February 1, 2015. You can sign up to
help at the link on our church website. For more information ontact Sharon Kucyk at
WHAT DO WFPC LADIES DO BEST? Talk? How about “Walk and Talk?” Join the
Daniel Plan group on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 in the CLC, room B018. We
begin with a devotional followed by 30 minutes of walking exercise and good conversation!
Dress in comfortable clothes and shoes; bring a water bottle and flashlight in darker
months. We will not be meeting December 24 or 31. Remember, a healthy Lifestyle isn’t
just about Food… It’s about Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus and Friends! Every BODY needs
a BUDDY, so bring a friend! Classes stand alone, so join us anytime!
MORNINGS WITH CHRIST: Join us for our new study beginning January 14! We will
begin The Parables of Jesus, Deeper Connection Series by Matt Williams. Open to women of all
ages, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 9:30 AM until noon in the CLC, Room
B103. For more information contact Loretta Highfield at loretta.highfield@gmail.com
quiet time of Contemplative Prayer and Reflection. The entire church family is invited to be
still and know that our God sees the journey each of His children has taken in 2014 and the
path He has laid out for us in 2015. Come in comfortable clothing and be prepared to visit
New Year prayer stations or sit in silent prayer. You may drop in anytime between 1 and 3
PM and stay as long as you feel called. Please use the 2nd floor entrance to the Christian
Life Center at the breezeway and turn off all cell phones before entering. Contact Director
of Youth Ministries Amy Donahoo at amydonahoo@wakeforestpres.org.
Sunday, January 11. Enjoy your winter break and we will see you in the New Year. For
more information about Youth Ministries activities, contact Director of Youth Ministries
Amy Donahoo at 919-608-0439 or amydonahoo@wakeforestpres.org.
FIRST FRIDAYS FOR FAMILIES First Fridays for Families will be held on Friday
January 2. Bring your sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, lawn chairs, whatever you need to
get comfy and enjoy How to Train Your Dragon 2 on the big screen in the CLC. Pizza dinner
begins at 6 PM with the movie starting at 6:30 PM. We'll wrap up by 8:30 PM. RSVP to
Amy Stevens at alstev@nc.rr.com or Angie Perry at aperry1992@embarqmail.com. If you
are unable to RSVP, please come anyway. All are invited and there is no charge for this
event. There will be a donation box out to help offset the cost of the food. We hope to see
you there for a night of fun and fellowship with your WFPC family.
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP LEADERS for January 4: 9:00 - Johanna Miller;
11:15 - Amy Cebrick and Paige Telep
CHICK FLICKS: Due to the holidays, Chick Flicks will meet the 2nd Friday in January
(January 9). Let’s get together for some good conversation, deepened friendships, encouragement and inspiration. Bring an appetizer to share at 6:30 PM and we will start the movie
(The Fault in Our Stars) at 7:15. After the movie we will discuss how it relates to our Faith
walk. We will gather at Shannon Whitley’s house (110 Wall Creek Drive in Rolesville).
Contact Shannon at shannon_whitley@yahoo.com or 919-562-7081.
REGISTRATION FOR THE 2015/2016 PRESCHOOL YEAR will be held Tuesday,
January 20 beginning at 9:15 AM end ending Friday, January 23 at 12:15 PM. We offer
classes for 2-year-olds through our transitional kindergarten program for 5-year-olds, and
church members have priority over open community. For more information or to schedule
a tour, check us out on the website at www.wakeforestpres.org under the Preschool tab!
Sunday School
9:00 Worship
11:15 Worship
GF Sunday Offering
GF MTD Actuals
GF MTD Budget
Designated Gifts