DIARY 27th December 2014/3rd January 2015 DIARY 3rd January/11th January 2015 Sat. 27 Dec: 6.30pm Mass – anniversary of Maureen Carter Sat. 03 Jan: 6.30pm Mass – anniversary of Hugh Moran Sun. 28 Dec: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 10.30am Family Mass - Month's Mind for Peadar MacCanna 12.00 Noon Mass - for all parishioners and those attending Mass in St. Fintan’s 6.30pm Mass – anniversaries of Eamon and Jane Kennedy Sun. 04 Jan: 10.30am Family Mass - First anniversary of Des Turvey 12.00 Noon Mass - for all parishioners and those attending Mass in St. Fintan’s 6.30pm Mass – anniversary of Carmel O'Shee Monday 29 Dec: 10.00am Mass – anniversary of Brian Hogan Tuesday 30 Dec: 10.00am Mass – anniversary of Michael Fitzpatarick Wednesday 31 Dec: 10.00am Mass – anniversary of Tess O'Brien Thursday 01 Jan: 10.00am Mass – anniversary of Andrew Brown Friday 02 Jan: 10.00am Mass – for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead Sat. 03 Jan: 10.00am Mass – anniversary of Nicky Maher CHURCH READERS – WEEKDAY MASSES: The following are listed to read at 10.00am Masses – 29th December/3rd January Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Seamus Hanrahan P. O'Cearbhaill Harry Gallagher Catherine Yeomans Michael Murray Dominic Browne CHURCH READERS – WEEKDAY MASSES: The following are listed to read at 10.00am Masses – 5th January/10th January Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Tom Keane (10.00am) Aidan Hilliard (7.30pm) Canice Kelly (10.00am) Marie McEntee (7.30pm) Terence Horgan Gerry Breen Patricia O'Reilly Bart O'Brien WE PRAYERFULLY REMEMBER: + Anniversaries Paddy Lacey Monday 05 Jan: 10.00am Mass – for Patricia McGrath, recently deceased 7.30pm Mass - anniversaries of Mary and John Hanley Tuesday 06 Jan: 10.00am Mass – anniversary of (Mrs) Terri Johnston 7.30pm Mass - Month's Mind for Stiofán ÓhAnnrachain Wednesday 07 Jan: 7.30am Mass – Get Well Intention 10.00am Mass – for Susan Hennessy, recently deceased Thursday 08 Jan: 7.30am Mass – for deceased members of The Grant Family 10.00am Mass – for Peadar MacCanna, recently deceased Friday 09 Jan: 7.30am Mass – anniversaries of Thomas and Mary Powell 10.00am Mass – for Pat Quigley, recently deceased Sat. 10 Jan: 10.00am Mass – anniversaries of Myra and Margot Gallen 6.30pm Mass – anniversary of Pauline Nangle Sun. 11 Jan: 10.30am Family Mass - for Special Intention 12.00 Noon Mass - for all parishioners and those attending Mass in St. Fintan’s 6.30pm Mass – Third anniversary of Ray McLoughlin WEEKEND MASSES: Sat./Sun. 3rd Jan./4th Jan. Saturday 6.30p.m: A. Naughton Sunday 10.30a.m: Family Mass Sunday 12 noon: M. Hughes Sunday 6.30p.m. Abbie O'Neill WEEKEND MASSES: Sat./Sun. 10th Jan./11th Jan. Saturday 6.30p.m: G. Allmann Sunday 10.30a.m: Family Mass Sunday 12 noon: R. Doherty Sunday 6.30p.m. M. Mulhall _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ St. Fintan’s Parish Sutton: Web address: www.stfintansparish.ie Email: office@stfintansparish.ie Parish Office: Tel No. 01 8392001 - Office Hours 9.30 am to 12.30 pm st fintans parish sutton Weekend Church Collections 20th/21st December First Collection: €1,840 (down 3.7% on previous week and up 8.9% on average). Share Collection: €1,389 (down 13.7% on week of 7/12 and up 23.9% on average). A BIG THANK YOU to all those who helped in any way to make our Christmas liturgies so special. There was so much effort and goodwill from all concerned and our church looked wonderfully festive for parishioners and visitors alike. It was much appreciated. We are most grateful to everybody for their continued support and generosity, especially in these difficult financial times. WELCOME - We welcome into our Christian community Evan Thomas Williams who was baptised recently at St. Fintan’s. MASS TIMES: Weekday Mass, 29th January to 5th January is at 10.00am only. The 7.30am Mass resumes on Wednesday 7th January. BIBLE STUDY GROUP The Bible Study Group with Fr. Damian will resume on Friday 9th January 2015 at 11.00am in the Parish Centre. All are welcome. FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY 6th January is a Holy Day of Obligation Mass Times: Vigil, Monday5th January 7.30pm. Tuesday 6th January: 10.00am and 7.30pm PARISH BOOK CLUB The book chosen for December is “The Story of Lucy Gault” by William Trevor. The novel is a brilliant, subtle and moving story of love, guilt and forgiveness. A beautifully written tale of an AngloIrish family set in 1920s Ireland, filled with sadness and grief but also resilience and reconciliation. Why not join us on Wed. 14th January at 7.30p.m. in the Parish Centre for an informal discussion about the book. PARISH OFFICE CLOSURE The Parish Office is closed for the holiday period and will reopen at 9.30 am on Monday 5th January. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is suspended for the Christmas period. It will resume on Wednesday 7th January 2015. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY will be observed from 18th-25th January 2015. Its inauguration in Dublin will take place at an interdenominational service in St Bartholomew’s Anglican Church, Clyde Road, Dublin 4 on Sunday 18th January at 3.00pm. Fr Damian McNeice, Chairperson of the Dublin Council of Churches, will preach the sermon. This year’s theme, “Give me to drink” (John 4:7) was chosen by the Christian communities in Brazil. ALTAR SERVERS Congratulations to our four new Altar Servers who were commissioned last Sunday at the 10.30am Family Mass. PRO-CATHEDRAL – UNWANTED GIFTS COLLECTON FOR CROSSCARE Before you start looking for the gift receipts to exchange unwanted presents why not put them to really good use, by supporting one of Dublin’s busiest charities? Staff at St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin are urging people not to exchange unwanted Christmas gifts but to donate them to Crosscare who will give them to those most in need, young people living on the margins and the homeless. Unwanted presents can be brought to the crib in the Cathedral anytime up to Tuesday 6th January 2015. DO THIS IN MEMORY PROGRAMME Our next Do This In Memory Mass is on Sunday 18th January at 10.30am, in St. Fintan’s Church. SAVE THE DATE - Saturday 31st January 2015 "Strictly St. Fintan's (National School)". This will be a great fundraising night in the Crowne Plaza, Santry. Tickets will be on sale soon! office closed. LOST PROPERTY A Daily Prayer Book was found in the Church. Please apply to the Parish Office. A Yale Key with a Disney key ring was found in the Church on Thursday. Please apply to the Parish Office. PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR: God our Father, please look after our world at the beginning of this New Year. Thank you for the message of peace that Christmas brings to our world. Where there is war, let there be peace. Where there is hate, let there be love. Where there is sadness, let there be joy. Where there is suffering, let there be hope. At the beginning of this New Year, Lord, hear our prayer. NEWSLETTER Our next Newsletter will be on Sunday 11th January 2015.
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