2015 Proposed Operating Budget 2015 Proposed Capital Budget Page intentionally left blank. Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Executive Summary The revenue and expenditure forecasts contained herein represent the proposed Operating and Capital Budgets of the Long Island Power Authority and its subsidiaries (“Authority” or “LIPA”) for the year ending December 31, 2015. The Authority’s mission is to oversee the performance of our primary service provider, PSEG Long Island, meet the expectations of our bondholders, and faithfully carry out our fiscal and contractual duties, all with the goals of providing efficient, reliable, and affordable service to Long Island electric customers. While our goals require continual improvement and change, the 2015 budget benefits from the significant progress made in 2014, including reorganization of the utility business model under a new and unique public-private structure; seating a new Board of Trustees; developing a new Authority management team; transitioning utility operations to PSEG Long Island on January 1, 2014; signing agreements for over $1.4 billion of federal grants for storm recovery and hardening; establishing a constructive dialogue with the newly formed Long Island Office of the Department of Public Service; and continued progress on the evaluation of important energy efficiency and renewable investments. During this period, PSEG Long Island has demonstrated the value of an experienced and focused utility operator. PSEG Long Island has made measurable progress toward achieving (or maintaining) first quartile performance within five years for nearly all operating performance metrics under the Amended and Restated Operations Services Agreement (“OSA”); maintained 99.9% system reliability with fewer outages; made significant progress in the JD Power Residential and Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys with improvements of 78 and 51 points, respectively; achieved nearly 90% customer satisfaction in after-call customer surveys; begun implementation of over 40 business process change initiatives; improved customer-facing technology in the call centers and for storm response; demonstrated management and employee engagement in the Long Island community; completed a new Emergency Response Plan; and filed its first annual Utility 2.0 Long Range Plan. The proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for 2015 incorporate additional initiatives designed to further improve the levels of reliable service, enhance customer satisfaction, improve storm response, accommodate system needs, promote energy efficiency and renewable energy, and complete the transition of remaining operating functions from the Authority to PSEG Long Island. The budget reflects both the Authority and PSEG Long Island’s continued commitment to managing costs while meeting our goals. The budget also reflects the continued benefits to customers of Long Island Power Authority ownership, including the Authority’s non-profit status, lower cost of capital, and access to federal and state grants, which are estimated to save customers approximately $400 million per year. -1- Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets The proposed Operating Budget maintains delivery (i.e., non-fuel related) rates at their 2014 levels. Since 2006, the cost of electricity on Long Island has increased 3.9% compared to a general increase in the cost of living in the region of 15.2%. In real terms (after inflation), the cost of electricity on Long Island has declined by 11.3% over the period, as compared to increases at neighboring utilities (in real terms) of up to 19.9%. The proposed 2015 Operating Budget totals $3.6 billion. This is an increase of $74.0 million or 2.1% from the approved budget for 2014, primarily reflecting higher projected fuel and purchased power costs of $80.4 million, decreased grant and other income of $121.0 million, and offsetting reductions in operating expenses of $127.4 million. The proposed 2015 Capital Budget totals $677.8 million, representing a record level of investment in electric system resiliency and reliability, with significant positive effects on the local economy and jobs. Over $176 million of this investment will fund a storm hardening program, better preparing Long Island for the effects of climate change and severe weather. This investment will be paid for by a $730 million grant secured during 2014 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”). This FEMA grant is expected to be sufficient to harden between 300 and 400 of the worst performing electric circuits on the Authority’s electric grid over the next several years, positively impacting service reliability and customer satisfaction. Electric sales for 2015 are forecast at 20,077,119 MWh, which is 0.9% less than the budgeted sales level for 2014 (but 2.4% higher than the current projection of 2014 sales, largely due to cooler than normal temperatures in 2014 and an expectation of normal weather conditions in 2015). The sales forecast reflects general economic conditions in the region and a higher level of energy conservation efforts employed by customers. Revenues reflect continued monthly Power Supply Charge adjustments for actual fuel and purchased power costs as incurred as well as two cost recovery riders implemented in 2010: (1) a rider to recover costs associated with the Efficiency Long Island (“ELI”) and Renewable Energy programs, similar to the System Benefit Charge mechanisms used by New York regulated utilities; and (2) a rider to recover costs associated with the New York State Temporary Energy and Utility Conservation Assessment, enacted by the State in 2009. This budget also proposes a revenue decoupling mechanism, budgeted at zero, with the first of any such adjustment to occur in 2016, to mitigate the revenue losses arising from proposed increased investment in demand-side management and end-use energy efficiency as well as the sales-related variability in revenues from weather and general economic factors. Each of these riders is similar to mechanisms approved by the New York State Public Service Commission for regulated utilities. -2- Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Fuel and Purchased Power expenses for 2015 are budgeted at $1.60 billion, an increase of 5.3% as compared to the 2014 budget. The budget is based on forecasted commodity prices using the ten-day average of the forward price curve as of October 20, 2014 and the projected cost of purchased power and nuclear fuel. The primary drivers of the increase, versus the budgeted level in 2014, are higher projected commodity expenses, net of lower sales and the projected impact of the Authority’s commodity hedge positions. PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses are budgeted at $457.9 million, which is $37.6 million below the level approved for 2014. PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses include the following major areas: Transmission and Distribution - $136.5 million, Customer Services - $95.7 million, Shared Services – $116.8 million, Power Markets - $14.7 million, and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program - $83.9 million. The proposed budget for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program reflects the additional peak load reductions of the ELI initiative as well as support of customer-based solar and wind distributed generation. The Operating Budget includes $2.0 million towards development costs of the Utility 2.0 Long Range Plan and $13.3 million for program implementation. An additional $3.9 million for Utility 2.0 AMI deployment is contained in the 2015 Capital Budget. Both amounts are contingent upon a recommendation for implementation/deployment to the Board of Trustees. The budget also reflects the transition to the statewide NY Sun residential and commercial solar rebate programs administered by the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (“NYSERDA”). Also included in PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses is $16.3 million associated with the Transition Services Agreement (“TSA”) with National Grid related to the termination of this agreement, including the transition of these functions to PSEG Long Island in early 2015. PSEG Long Island Managed Expenses are budgeted at $582.1 million, a decrease of $6.7 million as compared to 2014. These costs include the National Grid Power Supply Agreement (“PSA”) – $456.0 million, activities associated with LIPA’s 18% ownership interest in the Nine Mile Point 2 (“NMP2”) nuclear power generating plant – $28.4 million, storm restoration – $48.6 million, assessments – $21.5 million, and losses on uncollectible accounts – $21.7 million. Transmission and Distribution (“T&D”) Utility Depreciation is budgeted at $107.7 million in 2015, $51.1 million below the budgeted level for 2014. This is comprised of the depreciation of Authority-owned electric assets managed by PSEG Long Island. The year-over-year reduction is due to the adoption of updated depreciation rates in 2014 that more accurately reflect the estimated service lives of the assets. Taxes and assessments imposed by the State, counties, and local jurisdictions continue to represent a large burden to Long Island electric customers. Such taxes and assessments are budgeted at $549.1 million, or 15.3% of customer bills (see schedule A-7). This reflects a decrease of $18.9 million, or 3.3% as compared to the 2014 budget. A portion of these -3- Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets expenses appear in the line items for Payments In Lieu of Taxes (“PILOTs”), while the remainder are components of PSEG Long Island Managed Costs. The 2015 Operating Budget benefits from the first year of a 2% cap on year-over-year increases in T&D system PILOTs under the LIPA Reform Act. However, the Authority also incurs real property-based taxes on generation assets under contract through the National Grid PSA, which do not benefit from this cap. The Authority continues to challenge the property tax assessments on the PSA plants, which are significantly over-assessed, so as to reduce this expense for our customers. The Authority’s Operating Expenses are budgeted at $60.9 million. This represents a decrease of $22.8 million, or 27.2%, as compared with the budgeted level for 2014, primarily due to the planned transition of the power supply planning and contract management functions from the Authority to PSEG Long Island on January 1, 2015. The Authority’s primary Operating Expense is the PSEG Long Island management fee budgeted at $45.4 million, before the reduction for the portion associated with capital planning and expenditures of $10.0 million. Authority Salaries and Benefits are budgeted at $10.1 million and constitute approximately 0.3% of revenues for 2015. The Salaries and Benefits budget reflects a staffing level of 40 employees, ten less than the level budgeted in 2014. General and Administrative Expenses, including office rent, insurance and other administrative activities, are budgeted at $5.5 million, a decrease of $1.2 million or 17.9%, and constitute 0.15% of revenues for 2015. Professional Services, consisting primarily of engineering consulting, auditing, legal, financial, and grant administration activities, are budgeted at $9.9 million, a decrease of $7.9 million or 44.2% as compared with the budgeted level for 2014. These expenses are approximately 0.3% of revenues for 2015. Authority Depreciation and Amortization is budgeted at $117.4 million and consists primarily of the amortization of the Acquisition Adjustment of $111.4 million related to the acquisition of the Long Island Lighting Company in 1998. Interest Expense is budgeted at $367.0 million, an increase of $14.3 million, or 4.0% as compared to the level budgeted for 2014. The higher expense for 2015 reflects an anticipated borrowing in December 2014 to fund capital investments made as part of the Capital Budgets in 2014 and 2015, assumed higher average interest rates on variable rate debt for 2015, and certain non-cash charges associated with a December 2013 debt refinancing. The average level of debt outstanding for 2015 is forecast at $7.62 billion, including the securitized debt issued in 2013, as compared to $7.65 billion in 2014. Other Income and Deductions is budgeted at $31.6 million, $6.3 million lower than the 2014 budgeted level. The decrease reflects lower short-term investment income and lower carrying charges on the deferred Shoreham property tax settlement. Grant Income is budgeted at $76.0 million for 2015, $114.7 million lower than the 2014 budgeted level. Grant Income primarily consists of a grant received from NYSERDA Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI”) funds to support energy efficiency programs (budgeted at $34.6 million) and a $143.4 million grant received from the Governor’s Office of Storm -4- Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Recovery from HUD Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) funds (of which $107.42 million is projected in 2014 and $36 million is budgeted in 2015). The CDBG grant provides the local match component of grants received from FEMA for storm restoration and funds certain storm mitigation protective measures. The FEMA grant for storm hardening mentioned above is an offset to capital costs in the Capital Budget and as such is not reflected in the 2015 Operating Budget. Pursuant to the LIPA Reform Act, the Authority and PSEG Long Island will file a three-year rate plan with the Department of Public Service by February 1, 2015, which will include a five year projection of revenues, expenses, sales, fuel and purchased power commodity costs, and capital budgets. -5- 2014 Operating Highlights PSEG Long Island assumed operating responsibility for the electric grid serving customers across Long Island and in the Rockaways on January 1st Committed to a stable delivery rate in 2014 and 2015, while enhancing system reliability and storm response, and improving customer satisfaction ► System Reliability • • ► Enhanced Storm Response • • ► • Implemented world-class IVR and call center procedures Dramatically improved J.D. Power customer & business scores and achieved nearly 90 percent customer satisfaction in after-call customer surveys Opened the first utility customer service walk-in center in the Rockaways Increased engagement in the communities we serve ► ► ► Implemented a state-of-art Outage Management System (OMS) Updated the Emergency Response Implementation Procedures and Finalized the Protocol for Post Flood Actions to towns and villages Improved customer satisfaction • • Maintained 99.9 percent system reliability with fewer outages Improved the tree trim program to a four-year, industry best practice cycle Participation in community causes at staff levels (e.g., top corporate participant in Jones Beach walk against breast cancer, team spirit award at Marcum Workplace challenge) Executive involvement in Long Island non-profits PSEG foundation grants to Long Island causes Began work to utilize the $720 million in FEMA grant funds to make the T&D System more resilient 6 Budget Highlights Budget maintains delivery rate stability for 2015 and reflects PSEG Long Island’s commitment to manage costs Lower costs offset lower sales and grant income while budget continues investments to improve service and maintain reliability $678 million 2015 Capital Budget represents record investment in electric system resiliency and reliability, with benefits to local economy and jobs ► $176 million in storm hardening paid for by FEMA grant Public ownership continues to benefit customer bills ► Non-profit utility with lower cost of capital and access to grants estimated to save customers nearly $400 million annually 7 2015 Sales1, Delivery Revenue, and Grant Income2 Projected Lower than 2014 Delivery Revenue and Grants Energy Sales 21,000 19,893 278 19,615 20,000 19,500 GWhs $2,192 $2,150 20,258 $1,950 Projected Normal weather adds growth adds 0.9% to 1.4% to energy sales energy sales in 2015 in 2014 18,000 17,500 $191 $2,084 $2,071 $136 $76 $2,050 $2,000 19,000 18,500 $2,100 20,077 184 $ millions 20,500 $2,200 $2,002 $1,995 $1,948 $1,900 $1,850 $1,800 $1,750 Down 2.7% due to actual decline in energy sales $1,700 $1,650 $1,600 Up 2.4% due to projected growth in energy sales $1,550 $1,500 17,000 2014 Approved Annual Sales 2014 Projected Weather 2015 Proposed Growth 1) 2015 sales are reduced by 529 GWhs (2.1%) for efficiency and renewables programs. 2014 Approved 2014 Projected Delivery and Other Revenue 2015 Proposed Grant Income 2) Grant income reflects income in the Operating Budget. LIPA also receives grants that reduce the Capital Budget (e.g. FEMA grant). 8 Use of 2015 Revenue Dollars (before deductions for grants and other income) State, County, and local jurisdiction taxes and assessments of $549 million (15% of revenue) remain a burden on customers LIPA continues to challenge the property tax assessments on PSA plants ► 2015 is first year customers benefit from 2% cap on increases in T&D property taxes ► 9 PSEG-LI Committed to Managing Costs While Enhancing Customer Satisfaction PSEG Long Island operating expenses are down $36 million or 7.3% PSEG Long Island commitment to maintaining reliability, enhancing storm response, improving customer satisfaction, and managing costs ► ► ► ► ► Investment in preventative/corrective maintenance, vegetation management, planning/training for storm response, and capital Execution of the FEMA storm hardening grant Investment in customer facing technology and process improvement Migration off National Grid TSA accelerated, providing significant savings Focus on reducing cost for shared services Power markets and fuel management functions move to PSEG Long Island, completing LIPA transition to new business model Continued investment in energy efficiency and renewables LIPA solar rebate programs replaced by NY Sun state-wide program ► Utility 2.0 program development budget of $2 million with $13.3 million for implementation upon review of plans and DPS/LIPA recommendation to the Board ► 10 LIPA Operating Expenses are Down 27% LIPA operating expenses of $61 million continue to decline ► ► ► ► ► ► PSEG Long Island management fee largest expense at $45 million (before reduction for portion associated with capital planning) Other operating expenses of $23 million down 27% LIPA headcount lowered from 50 to 40 FTEs (down 20%) Remaining staff responsible for contract oversight, finance, and legal with transition of operational responsibility to PSEG Long Island Outside professional fees decline by $7.8 million or 44% Total LIPA operating expenses excluding management fee are 0.7% of revenues 11 Delivery Rate Stable for Third Year Total delivery rate (excluding the Power Supply Charge) stable at the 2014 level Efficiency and Renewables Charge will be reduced, due to NYSERDA assumption of solar rebates and larger RGGI grant funding ► NY State Assessment lowered from 1.0% to 0.5% ► Delivery rates will be adjusted to maintain parity with the 2014 levels ► Revenue decoupling proposed for 2015 Mitigates revenue loss associated with continued investment in energy efficiency through ELI and Utility 2.0 ► Consistent with PSC practice for all the regulated electric utilities ► First adjustment will occur, as necessary, in 2016 ► Only actual fuel and purchased power cost will continue to be recovered through Power Supply Charge each month 12 Rates for a Typical Residential Customer Apr 1, 2014 Approved Rate Mar 1, 2015 Proposed Rate Change in Delivery Rate Change in Total Bill $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh (%) 0.0930 0.0930 0.0000 0.00% Delivery Charge 0.1046 0.1071 0.0025 1.23% Efficiency/Renewables Charge 0.0032 0.0017 -0.0015 -0.74% NYS Assessment 0.0020 0.0010 -0.0010 -0.49% Revenue Taxes 0.0040 0.0040 0.0000 0.00% 0.1098 0.1098 0.0000 0.00% $85.10 $85.10 $0.00 Residential (180) Rate Components Power Supply Charge Total Delivery Rate 1 2 Monthly Delivery Bill @ 775 kWhs note 1) Assumes estimated annual rate from calendar year 2014 note 2) Delivery bill consists of Delivery Charge, E&R Charge, NYS Assessment and PILOTs 13 Commitment to Affordability Cumulative Change in Residential Rate since 2006 (including power supply and delivery charges) United Illuminating 19.9% Orange & Rockland 18.2% Consolidated Edison 17.2% Atlantic City Electric Jersey Central Power & Light Long Island Power Authority Connecticut Light & Power 37.3% 8.0% ‐7.9% 3.9% ‐11.3% Nominal Increase 38.3% 13.1% ‐3.6% ‐16.1% 40.7% ‐1.7% Real Increase 14 Page intentionally left blank. Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Table of Contents Schedule Schedule A-1 Statements of Revenues and Expenses A-4.7 National Grid Power Supply Agreement A-2 Sales and Revenues A-4.8 Nine Mile Point 2 Expenses A-3 Fuel and Purchased Power Costs A-5 LIPA - Operating Expenses A-4 Operating Expenses A-6 Depreciation and Amortization A-4.1 PSEG Long Island - Operating Expenses A-7 Taxes, Payments in-lieu-of Taxes, and Assessments A-4.2 PSEG Long Island - Transmission & Distribution A-8 Other Income and Deductions A-4.3 PSEG Long Island - Customer Services A-9 Grant Income A-4.4 PSEG Long Island - Shared Services A-10 Interest Expense A-4.5 PSEG Long Island - Power Markets A-11 Cost of Debt A-4.6 PSEG Long Island - Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Programs B-1 Capital and Deferred Expenditures Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Statements of Revenues and Expenses (Thousands of Dollars) Projected (a) Approved Revenues Fuel and Purchased Power Costs $ Revenue Net of Fuel Costs PSEG Long Island Operating and Managed Expenses PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses PSEG Long Island Managed Expenses(b) Utility Depreciation PILOTs - Revenue-Based Taxes PILOTs - Property-Based Taxes LIPA Expenses LIPA Operating Expenses LIPA Depreciation and Amortization Interest Expense Total Expenses 3,525,675 1,524,067 $ $ 2,001,608 $ 495,556 $ $ Other Income and Deductions Grant Income Excess of Revenues Over Expenses 3,625,620 1,677,889 $ $ 1,947,731 $ 495,556 588,791 158,809 37,631 299,242 $ 3,599,685 1,604,422 $ $ 1,995,263 $ (6,345) -0.3% $ 457,951 $ (37,606) -7.6% (6,733) (51,126) (640) (1,336) -1.1% -32.2% -1.7% -0.4% (22,789) (21,432) 14,270 -27.2% -15.4% 4.0% (127,392) -5.9% 598,119 104,607 35,167 295,630 83,719 138,820 352,735 $ 2,155,303 $ Change from Approved 2014 $ % Proposed 2015 2014 582,058 107,682 36,991 297,906 64,109 119,642 360,153 $ 2,072,984 $ 60,930 117,388 367,005 $ 2,027,910 $ 74,010 80,355 2.1% 5.3% Ref. A-2 A-3 A-4.1 A-4 A-6 A-7 A-7 A-5 A-6 A-10 37,942 35,570 31,632 (6,310) -16.6% A-8 190,753 135,783 76,015 (114,738) -60.2% A-9 - 0.0% 75,000 $ 46,100 Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 (b) PSEG Long Island Managed Expenses includes the Power Supply Agreement and Storm Restoration expenses. A-1 $ 75,000 $ Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Sales and Revenues Change from Proposed 2015 2014 Projected (a) Approved Sales of Electricity (MWh) Residential Sales Commercial & Industrial Sales Other Sales to Public Authorities/Street Lighting Total Sales of Electricity (MWh) Revenues ($ in thousands) Delivery Charge Power Supply Charge Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy New York State Assessment Suffolk Property Tax Settlement Revenue Related PILOTS Sales for Resale Amortization of Suffolk Property Tax Settlement $ Wheeling Revenues Pole Attachment Fees Late Payment and Dishonored Check Charges Prior Years Over/(Under) Recovery of Efficiency and Renewables Miscellaneous Revenues Total Revenues $ Approved 2014 $ % 9,809,663 9,867,433 581,062 9,282,242 9,744,394 588,698 9,562,411 9,935,481 579,227 (247,252) 68,048 (1,835) -2.5% 0.7% -0.3% 20,258,158 19,615,334 20,077,119 (181,039) -0.9% $ 20,789 80,356 (25,236) (11,174) 884 (4,450) 1,069 (884) 298 130 2,883 8,339 1,005 1.1% 5.3% -33.9% -31.2% 2.1% -10.7% 176.1% 2.1% 8.0% 3.4% 17.9% -100.0% 20.7% $ 74,010 1,829,014 1,524,066 74,527 35,839 41,578 41,440 607 (41,578) 3,737 3,813 16,108 (8,339) 4,863 3,525,675 Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-2 $ $ 1,771,588 1,677,889 73,876 36,994 40,184 35,167 1,928 (40,184) 3,665 6,133 14,188 4,191 3,625,620 $ $ 1,849,803 1,604,422 49,291 24,665 42,462 36,991 1,676 (42,462) 4,035 3,943 18,992 5,868 3,599,685 2.1% Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Sales and Revenues Electric sales for 2015 are forecasted at 20,077,119 MWh, or 0.9% lower than the level included in the approved 2014 Budget and 2.4% higher than the full year sales level projected for 2014, largely reflecting the cooler than normal temperatures experienced in 2014. LIPA’s load and energy forecast is prepared utilizing econometric regression models and incorporates the effects of reductions related to LIPA’s efficiency and renewables programs. The forecast assumes normal weather for 2015. Revenues are budgeted at $3.6 billion, or 2.1% higher than the level budgeted for 2014, reflecting forecast higher Power Supply Charges to recover the costs of fuel and purchased power. Revenues net of fuel and purchased power costs are forecasted at $1,995 billion, or 0.3% lower than the budgeted level for 2014 due to lower budgeted sales. Revenues are derived primarily from retail sales of electricity to residential, commercial and industrial customers. Also included are revenues from electric sales to public authorities and for street lighting. In accordance with LIPA’s Tariff for Electric Service (“Tariff”), LIPA’s Delivery Charge recovers the costs associated with maintaining and improving its transmission and distribution system and serving its retail customers. Additionally, LIPA recovers those costs associated with purchasing and producing electric energy (fuel and purchased power) through the Power Supply Charge. Finally, LIPA imposes various surcharges and non-electric service charges, such as those to recover costs associated with its Efficiency and Renewables program, assessments, revenue-related PILOTs, fees for pole attachments, late payment charges to customers whose bills are in arrears and other miscellaneous service fees. A-2 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Fuel and Purchased Power Costs (Thousands of Dollars) Projected (a) Approved Fuel Oil Natural Gas Purchased Power Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Renewable Power Wheeling Charges Capacity Charges Nine Mile Nuclear Fuel (incl. Disposal and Decomm. Costs) Y-49 Cable Operating Costs Fuel Hedging Program Costs ESCO Bill Credit Adjustment Payments Transco Power Supply Management Services Fuel Management Services Total Fuel and Purchased Power Costs Change from Approved 2014 Proposed 2015 2014 $ $ 59,166 261,657 618,934 16,702 35,608 28,805 433,565 16,687 26,008 1,066 8,736 11,680 5,454 $ 143,278 383,041 505,983 16,481 35,794 30,791 457,920 12,407 23,650 4,636 46,626 12,012 5,270 $ 61,605 297,256 635,382 21,122 36,416 28,875 425,747 15,471 25,506 11,273 18,254 9,274 13,941 4,300 $ $ 1,524,067 $ 1,677,889 $ 1,604,422 $ 1 Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-3 % 2,439 35,600 16,448 4,419 808 70 (7,818) (1,216) (502) 10,207 9,519 9,274 2,261 (1,154) 80,355 4.1% 13.6% 2.7% 26.5% 2.3% 0.2% -1.8% -7.3% -1.9% 957.5% 109.0% n/m 19.4% -21.2% 5.3% Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Fuel and Purchased Power Costs Fuel and purchased power costs for 2015 are budgeted at $1.604 billion, an increase of 5.3% as compared with the expense level budgeted for 2014, and a decrease of 4.4% when compared with the expense level projected for 2014. The primary driver of the increase is higher projected commodity expenses, net of the impact of lower sales and LIPA’s commodity hedge positions. Fuel and purchased power cost projections are prepared utilizing a generation economic dispatch model that considers among other variables, the availability and efficiency of generating resources, delivered fuel prices, and environmental regulatory requirements. The projected fuel prices are currently provided by energy consulting firm EVA, whose forecast was as of October 20th of forward prices by month for 2015. In addition to the cost for generation fuels and purchased power, fuel and purchased power costs include expenditures for environmental compliance related to generation, generation and transmission cable capacity covered by contract, LIPA’s share of costs incurred by the New York, New England and PJM independent system operators (“ISO”), electric power wheeling, payments made to Energy Service Companies (“ESCOs”) in accordance with the Long Island Choice program, services received under energy, power and fuel management agreements, fuel hedging program costs, and renewable energy resources. The cost is net of revenues from the sale of ancillary services. A-3 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Operating Expenses (Thousands of Dollars) Change from Approved 2014 Proposed 2014 Approved 2015 Projected Ref $ % (27,483) -6.8% A-4.1 (10,123) (37,606) -10.8% -7.6% A-4.6 14,916 (4,289) 860 765 3.4% -13.1% 4.1% 1.6% A-4.7 A-4.8 (b) (b) PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses PSEG Long Island Operating Services Agreement $ 401,546 $ 405,542 $ 374,063 Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Programs Total PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses $ 94,010 495,556 $ 90,014 495,556 $ 83,887 457,951 PSEG Long Island Managed Expenses National Grid Power Supply Agreement Nine Mile Point 2 O&M Uncollectible Accounts Storm Restoration Fuel Supply and Fuel Management Contract Transition Cost NYS Conservation Assessment and ORPS Accretion of Asset Retirement Obligation Miscellaneous Total PSEG Long Island Managed Expenses Total PSEG Long Island Operating and Managed Expenses LIPA Operating Expenses Management Fee (including incentive) Capitalized Management Fee LIPA Operating Costs Total LIPA Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses $ 441,059 32,720 20,866 47,832 $ 443,817 32,859 26,524 47,832 $ 455,975 28,431 21,726 48,597 $ $ 5,833 3,183 - (5,833) -100.0% (b) $ 37,323 4,244 2,337 598,119 21,463 4,611 1,254 582,058 (13,353) 531 (331) (6,733) -38.4% 13.0% -20.9% -1.1% A-7 (b) (b) $ 34,816 4,080 1,585 588,791 $ 1,084,347 $ 1,093,675 $ 1,040,009 (44,339) -4.1% $ $ $ 44,500 39,219 83,719 $ 902 (10,000) (13,691) (22,789) 2.0% n/m -34.9% -27.2% $ 1,074,056 $ $ (57,005) -5.3% $ n/m=Not meaningful Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 (b) Not detailed on a separate schedule A-4 44,507 (9,896) 29,498 64,109 1,067,771 $ $ $ $ 45,402 (10,000) 25,528 60,930 1,017,051 $ (b) (b) A-5 Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses are budgeted at $1.017 billion, a decrease of 5.3% from the budgeted expense level for 2014. Operating Expenses are comprised primarily of costs associated with operating and maintaining LIPA’s T&D system and providing generated and purchased power. They consist of three major expense categories: PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses, which are budgeted at $457.9 million, a decrease of $37.6 million from the approved 2014 level; PSEG Long Island Managed Expenses, which are budgeted at $582.1 million, a decrease of $6.7 million from 2014, and LIPA Operating Expenses, which are budgeted at $60.9 million, a decrease of $22.8 million from the budgeted level for 2014. Costs related to each category of expense are detailed and discussed on Schedules A-4.1 through A-4.6(a). PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses, budgeted at $457.9 million, are based on the Amended and Restated Operating Services Agreement (“OSA”) and include costs related to the following major areas: Transmission and Distribution ($136.5 million); Customer Services ($95.7 million); Shared Services ($116.8 million); Power Markets ($14.7 million) and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs ($83.8 million). The budget for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs provides for additional peak load reductions as well as customer-based solar and wind distributed generation. Also included is $16.3 million in costs associated with the Transition Services Agreement (“TSA”) with National Grid related to the termination of this agreement and the transition of these functions to PSEG-LI. PSEG Long Island Managed Expenses total $582.1 million and include costs related to the National Grid Power Supply Agreement, Assessments, LIPA’s 18% share of operation and maintenance expenses related to the Nine Mile Point 2 nuclear generating plant, losses on uncollectible accounts, and Storm Restoration. LIPA Operating Expenses, which are budgeted at $60.9 million are detailed on Schedule A-5 and consist of the PSEG Long Island Management fee and costs related to LIPA staff and outside professional services. Major variances from the 2014 budgeted level include PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses, excluding Efficiency & Renewables programs and Storm Restoration costs (decrease of $27.5 million, or 6.8%): See Schedules A-4.1 through A-4.5 (a) A-4 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy program, including LIPA Edge and research costs (decrease of $10.1 million due to transition of the Long Island solar rebate program to the NYSERDA NY Sun program): See Schedules A-4.6 and A-4.6 (a) National Grid Power Supply Agreement (increase of $14.9 million): See Schedules A-4.7 and A-4.7 (a) NMP2 (decrease of $4.3 million): See Schedules A-4.8 and A-4.8 (a) NYS Conservation and ORPS Assessments (decrease of $13.4 million) LIPA Operating Costs (decrease of $22.8 million): See schedules A-5 and A-5(a) LIPA and PSEG Long Island continue to discuss certain proposed items in the operating and capital budgets totaling approximately $15 million and $6.5 million, respectively. Resolution of such items will be reflected in the final adopted 2015 operating and capital budgets, as amended. A-4 (b) Page intentionally left blank. Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses (Thousands of Dollars) 2014 Projected (a) Approved Transmission & Distribution $ 154,943 Customer Services $ Change from Approved 2014 $ % Proposed 2015 142,673 $ 136,525 $ Ref (18,418) (11.9%) A-4.2 99,652 87,085 95,746 (3,907) (3.9%) A-4.3 Shared Services 113,966 100,056 116,784 2,818 2.5% A-4.4 National Grid Transition Services Agreement 32,985 75,728 16,309 (16,676) - - 14,725 14,725 94,010 90,014 83,887 - - Power Markets Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Programs PSEG Long Island Vacancy Rate Subtotal $ 495,556 $ 495,556 (50.6%) A-4.4 n/m A-4.5 (10,123) (10.8%) A-4.6 (1,591) n/m 462,385 (33,171) (6.7%) (1,591) $ 2015 Non-Capital Portion of FASB Accounting Differential of Pensions and OPEBs - - 54,996 54,996 n/m Deferral of 2015 Non-Capital Portion of FASB Accounting Differential of Pensions and OPEBs - - (54,996) (54,996) n/m Rate Case Cost(b) - - (4,434) (4,434) n/m (37,605) (7.6%) Total PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses $ 495,556 n/m=Not meaningful Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 (b) LIPA will defer these costs and amortize them over the period of the rate case. A-4.1 $ 495,556 $ 457,951 $ Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island Operating Expenses PSEG Long Island 2015 Operating Expenses are budgeted to be $462.4 million. These costs are related to six major areas: Transmission and Distribution - $136.5 million; Customer Services - $95.7 million; Shared Services - $116.8 million; National Grid TSA expenses - $16.3 million; Power Markets - $14.7 million, and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs - $83.9 million. PSEG Long Island’s budget is based on the Amended and Restated OSA that became effective on January 1, 2014. This budget is aligned with the OSA metrics and PSEG Long Island’s commitments to enhance customer satisfaction, maintain reliability, and improve storm response. This budget includes significant investment in process improvement activities including storm response and communication, preventative maintenance activities and vegetation management. It also reflects the utilization of newly implemented systems including the Outage Management System, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology, and the Asset Management Model in T&D. Labor costs are based on an organization structure consisting of 2,261 employees. The benefit costs are based on programs designed and utilized in 2014 that substantially duplicated the benefits of the transitioned bargaining unit employees from National Grid and in accordance with the requirements of the OSA and the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The operating costs for Pension are based on expected contributions to the Pension Investment Trust during 2015 and do not reflect the additional requirement of non-cash FASB pension cost of $55 million. Post-retirement medical costs are budgeted on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. During 2015, PSEG Long Island will migrate to the PSEG ERP system. The interim use of the National Grid ERP System through the National Grid TSA agreement will be discontinued in 2015. A-4.1 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island - Transmission & Distribution (Thousands of Dollars) Proposed 2015 2014 Projected Approved Asset Management Overhead / Underground T&D Operations Projects & Construction Substation / Protective / Telecom T&D Services Total Transmission & Distribution Operating Expenses Change from Approved 2014 (a) $ % $ 22,570 18,020 35,241 43,084 32,180 3,848 $ 17,330 16,888 45,293 35,272 22,669 5,222 $ 18,673 18,496 38,720 31,477 22,903 6,256 $ (3,897) 476 3,480 (11,607) (9,278) 2,409 (17.3%) 2.6% 9.9% (26.9%) (28.8%) 62.6% $ 154,943 $ 142,673 $ 136,525 $ (18,418) -11.9% Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-4.2 Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island – Transmission and Distribution The 2016 T&D operating costs are budgeted at $136.5 million. The budget is based on a T&D organization consisting of 1,262 employees, and supports the safe and reliable operation of the T&D System. The T&D organization is comprised of the following departments: Asset Management, Overhead & Underground Construction, T&D Operations, Projects and Construction, Substation/Protection/Telecom, Emergency Planning, and T&D Services. The 2015 budget provides for the following major activities: 24 x 7 x 365 monitoring and operation of the T&D system; 24 x 7 x 365 response to outages and emergencies; preventative maintenance tree trimming, preventative maintenance of substations and switching stations; preventative maintenance of lines and equipment; corrective maintenance; operation of fleet cars, trucks and specialty equipment; operation of the damage prevention program; and planning and training for storm response. A-4.2 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island - Customer Services (Thousands of Dollars) Proposed 2015 2014 Projected Approved Revenue Operations Meter Services Customer Contact and Billing Customer Experience and Utility Marketing Total Customer Services Operating Expenses Change from Approved 2014 (a) $ % $ 20,995 31,824 31,403 15,430 $ 17,702 28,005 27,908 13,470 $ 17,449 31,121 33,508 13,668 $ (3,546) (703) 2,105 (1,763) (16.9%) (2.2%) 6.7% (11.4%) $ 99,652 $ 87,085 $ 95,746 $ (3,907) -3.9% Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-4.3 Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island – Customer Services The Customer Services organization is comprised of four departments, which include Revenue Operations, Meter Services, Customer Contact and Billing, and Customer Experience and Utility Marketing. Customer Services plays a key role in the success of the organization. Of the 18 non-financial OSA targets, Customers Services has direct responsibility for 10 targets and shared responsibility for five OSA targets, resulting in an 80% stake in the OSA metrics. Of the 15 OSA targets that Customer Services influences, 14 of them are improvement metrics, meaning that by the year 2018, it is expected that all 14 of these targets would be in the top quartile of their benchmark. To achieve the improvement path, Customer Services must close the gap between 2013’s performance level and top quartile performance by 20% each year. Customer Services operating costs are budgeted at $95.7 million. The budget is based on a Customer Services organization consisting of 718 employees, which falls within the industry benchmark for top quartile companies based on the number of employees per customer served. The operating budget consists of 80% labor, inclusive of all labor related costs, such as base labor, OT spend, fringe benefits, and payroll taxes, and 20% non-labor, inclusive of outside services costs, vendor contracts, materials and business expenses. The non-labor portion of the budget includes funding for billing and payment processing functions that are primarily performed by outside vendors, customer communications, and vendor/supplier support for various areas of the business. Customer Services has 96 vendors/suppliers supporting the business. Also included in the Customer Services budget is funding to support improved Customer technology such as the “My Account” application, paperless billing, and the municipal storm portal. The Revenue Operations department is responsible for the overall collections strategy, timely and accurate processing of customer payments, revenue integrity via investigations of metering conditions, business documentation and controls, and walk-in customer offices. The department has direct responsibility for three OSA metrics, which includes Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), Net Write-Off Per $100 Billed Revenue, and Personal Contact Survey, specifically for our walk-in centers. A-4.3 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets The Meter Services department is responsible for meter reading, field collections, systems and technology infrastructure to support meter and field services, testing and maintenance, and acts as the lead for Customer Services regarding health and safety related initiatives. The department has direct responsibility for one OSA metric, which is Actual Meter Read Rate, with significant contributions to Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and Net Write-Off Per $100 Billed Revenue. The Customer Contact and Billing department is responsible for all call center operations, bill calculation, bill print, and billing support. The department has direct responsibility for five Operating Service Agreement (OSA) metrics, which includes After-Call Surveys for both residential and business customers, Average Speed of Answer (ASA), Abandonment Rate, and Timely Billing. The Customer Experience and Utility Marketing department is responsible for the management of major customer accounts, marketing and promotional initiatives, customer relations, customer experience, and customer-facing technology. The department has direct responsibility for three OSA metrics, which includes JD Power Residential Survey, JD Power Business Survey and Web Transactions Completed. Note: All areas have shared responsibility for OSHA Injury Rate, OSHA Severity Index, Personal Contact Survey, and JD Power Residential and Business Surveys. A-4.3 (b) Page intentionally left blank. Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island - Shared Services (Thousands of Dollars) Proposed 2014 Projected Approved Business Performance Excellence Communications Public Affairs Finance & Accounting Human Resources Information Management Procurement Legal Internal Audit NMP-2 Oversight Facilities Management Security Other $ 3,096 1,579 974 22,065 7,373 33,813 4,516 17,333 1,962 516 27,020 4,878 (11,158) Change from Approved 2014 (a) 2015 $ % $ 1,494 1,099 682 16,621 4,094 31,884 3,947 9,764 1,537 475 18,755 5,737 3,968 $ 2,642 1,253 389 24,096 5,944 40,013 4,273 15,424 1,457 16,447 4,651 195 $ (454) (326) (585) 2,031 (1,430) 6,200 (242) (1,909) (505) (516) (10,573) (226) 11,353 Total Shared Services Operating Expenses $ 113,966 $ 100,056 $ 116,784 $ 2,818 National Grid Transition Services Agreement $ 32,985 $ 75,728 $ 16,309 $ (16,676) n/m = not meaningful Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-4.4 (14.7%) (20.7%) (60.0%) 9.2% (19.4%) 18.3% (5.4%) (11.0%) (25.7%) (100.0%) (39.1%) (4.6%) (101.7%) 2.5% (50.6%) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island – Shared Services The Shared Services organization is comprised of Business Performance Excellence, Communications and Public Affairs, Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, Information Management, Procurement, Legal, Internal Audit, Facilities Management, and Security. The Shared Services organization operating costs are budgeted at $116.8 million and consists of 215 employees. The operating budget is 21% labor (including labor-related costs) and 79% non-labor. The non-labor portion of the budget is comprised of costs relating to insurance, facilities leases and operating costs, decommissioning cost for the use of the National Grid ERP system and migration to the PSEG ERP system, information technology license and maintenance agreements, and data center and network costs. The 2015 budgets for the Shared Services organizations reflect lower costs as compared to 2014 achieved through a continued focus on cost reduction. In 2014 PSEG Long Island utilized the National Grid SAP and other information technology systems. The cost for the use of these systems is included within the cost of the National Grid Transition Services Agreement (“TSA”). In addition, the majority of the Finance and Accounting staff remained with National Grid as required to utilize the National Grid financial system and these costs were included within the costs of the TSA as well. The schedule to transition from the National Grid SAP has been accelerated, resulting in an earlier transition to the PSEG SAP system. The earlier transition reduces 2015 costs. In 2015 the cost for PSEG Long Island systems is included within the budget for the Information Management organization and the transitioned staff positions are included within Finance and Accounting. The 2015 budgeted costs for the National Grid TSA are substantially one time decommissioning costs. In 2014 the costs for Nine Mile Point 2 oversight were budgeted in the Shared Services Organization. In 2015 the oversight of Nine Mile Point 2 is included within the functions of the Power Markets organization. A-4.4 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island - Power Markets (Thousands of Dollars) Proposed 2015 2014 Approved (a) Projected Change from Approved 2014 (a) $ % Labor and Benefits Resource Procurements Resource Planning and Project Management Offshore Wind NY Transco Association Dues Data Systems Professional Fees General and Administrative $ - $ - $ 5,202 5,022 1,576 100 600 544 520 660 502 $ 5,202 5,022 1,576 100 600 544 520 660 502 n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m Total Power Markets Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ 14,725 $ 14,725 n/m Note: (a) The 2014 Approved Budget and 2014 Projection are not comparable as Power Markets was part of LIPA during 2014. A-4.5 Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island – Power Markets The Power Markets organization is comprised of three major areas, Strategy and Planning, Cost and Rate Impact Analysis, and Power Resources and Contract Management. The organization performs long term supply planning including the Integrated Resources Plan; manages the power plant contracts, merchant transmission contracts and the Nine Mile Point 2 agreement; supports LIPA’s management of the NYISO, PJM, ISO-NE and FERC relationship, and develops and monitors the Fuel and Purchased Power budget. The Power Markets 2015 operating costs are budgeted at $14.7 million. Fuel and Purchased power costs are budgeted separately from the department’s operating budget. The budget is based on an organization consisting of 21 employees. The Power Markets department is being created in 2015 by combining the functions of LIPA’s Power Supply Long Island department with staff from PSEG Long Island in the areas of Resource Planning, Power Asset Management, and Nine Mile Point 2 contract oversight. A s a result, there is no meaningful 2014 budget comparison. A-4.5 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Preliminary Operating Budget PSEG Long Island - Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Programs (Thousands of Dollars) Projected (a) Approved Change from Approved 2014 Proposed 2015 2014 $ % Expenses Recoverable Under ELI Tariff and RGGI Funding Residential Efficient Products Home Performance with Energy Star Home Performance Direct Cool Homes $ Residential Energy Affordability Partnership Residential New Commercial Renewables (b) LIPA Edge Program Research, Development & Demonstration Total Efficiency and Renewables O&M Expenses $ Labor, General and Administrative Total Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Program Expenses 14,664 986 3,370 7,407 $ $ 14,672 1,582 4,126 7,098 2,820 1,892 2,868 520 42,705 11,149 1,532 500 275 42,700 11,149 1,290 - 43,822 648 1,391 - 85,652 $ 8,358 $ 14,300 1,085 3,259 5,796 94,010 81,746 $ 8,268 $ 90,014 76,207 $ $ 7,680 $ 83,887 $ 8 596 756 (309) 0.1% 60.4% 22.4% (4.2%) 48 1.7% (520) 1,117 (10,501) (141) (500) (100.0%) 2.6% (94.2%) (9.2%) (100.0%) (9,445) (11.0%) (678) (8.1%) (10,123) (10.8%) Utility 2.0 - Development(c) - - 15,300 15,300 n/m Deferred Utility 2.0 Expenditures - - (15,300) (15,300) n/m (10,123) (10.8%) Total Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Expenses $ 94,010 $ 90,014 n/m = not meaningful Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 (b) LIPA solar rebate program merged into NYSERDA's NY Sun and not reflected in Renewables budget. (c) Does not include Utility 2.0 AMI cost that appear in the capital budget. A-4.6 $ 83,887 $ Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets PSEG Long Island – Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Program This category of expense includes those programs designed to promote the efficient use of electric energy and the development and expanded use of renewable energy technologies to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, with the goal of delaying the need for additional generating capacity to serve customers during peak demand periods and investments in T&D infrastructure to meet load growth in certain pockets of the electrical system. To accomplish its objectives, the program relies on rebates and incentives to promote utilization of efficient equipment and other conservation measures as well as the expansion of renewable technologies. The program also relies on industry and government-sponsored research and development programs, including qualified program funding, and participation in related demonstration projects. The 2015 budget is based on achieving a reduction of 70 MWs of peak demand, a 17% increase over the amount budgeted in 2014, but at a lower net cost, primarily through the transition of the Long Island solar rebate program to the statewide NYSERDA NY Sun program. The budget for the programs under the Efficiency & Renewables program is proposed at $83.9 million, a decrease of $10.1 million, or 10.8%, from the approved level for 2014. The reduction reflects the transition to NY Sun and does not include the solar PV rebates paid directly by NYSERDA for the installation of solar PV on Long Island. PSEG Long Island expects that the funding level proposed for 2015 will allow it to continue to achieve program goals. The approved budget reflects programs in the Commercial and Industrial and Residential sectors that take advantage of costeffective approaches that appeal to customers. Utility 2.0 programs are budgeted at approximately $2.0 million for program development and $13.3 million for program implementation. An additional $3.9 million for Utility 2.0 AMI deployment is contained within the 2015 Capital Budget (see schedule B-1). The review of the implementation budget will occur with recommendation by the Department of Public Service and approval by the LIPA Board of Trustees. Utility 2.0 costs will be recovered from customers over the period each program provides customer benefit. A-4.6 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets National Grid Power Supply Agreement (Thousands of Dollars) Proposed 2015 2014 Projected Approved Power Supply Agreement Operation and Maintenance Expenses Property Taxes $ 244,781 196,279 Total Power Supply Agreement $ 441,059 $ Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-4.7 $ Change from Approved 2014 $ % (a) 246,001 197,816 $ 443,817 $ 263,247 192,729 $ 455,975 $ 18,466 (3,550) 14,916 7.5% -1.8% 3.4% Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets National Grid Power Supply Agreement Expenses included in this section are comprised of costs related to the Power Supply Agreement (“PSA”) with National Grid. PSA O&M expenses include a return of and a return on National Grid’s generating facilities that serve LIPA, including projected capital additions, and other related operating costs. PSA costs also include property taxes assessed on the facilities. PSA costs are budgeted at $456.0 million, an increase of $14.9 million or 3.4%, as compared with the 2014 budgeted level. The largest component of increased cost is increases in pension funding and recognition of the future costs for other retirement benefits. A-4.7 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Nine Mile Point 2 Expenses (Thousands of Dollars) Proposed 2015 2014 Approved Refueling Outage Amortization Non-Outage Operating Expenses Total Nine Mile Point 2 O&M Expenses Projected (a) $ 4,638 28,082 $ 4,517 28,343 $ 32,720 $ 32,859 Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-4.8 Change from Approved 2014 $ % $ $ 4,499 23,933 28,431 $ (140) (4,149) -3.0% -14.8% $ (4,289) -13.1% Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Nine Mile Point 2 Expenses This category relates to LIPA’s share of expenses incurred to operate and maintain the NMP2 nuclear generating station. NMP2, of which LIPA owns an undivided 18% interest, is one of two nuclear units at the Nine Mile nuclear power station located in Oswego, New York. The other 82% interest in NMP2 is owned by CNG, a nuclear generating company jointly owned by Exelon Corporation and EDF. CNG is managed by Exelon Corporation. LIPA is responsible for 18% of all operation, maintenance and capital expenditures related to NMP2 (see Schedule B-1 for budgeted capital expenditures.) NMP2 O&M expenses are budgeted at $28.4 million, a decrease of 13.1% from the level budgeted for 2014, largely reflecting the benefits of merger integration synergies at Exelon Corporation. A-4.8 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets LIPA Operating Expenses (Thousands of Dollars) Projected (a) Approved $ 44,500 - $ $ 14,770 2,249 1,684 2,769 21,472 $ $ $ 5,263 3,033 969 1,545 840 807 5,000 291 17,747 Total Labor, General, Administrative & Professional Services $ Total LIPA Operating Expenses $ PSEG Long Island Management Fee Capitalized Fee Labor, General and Administrative Employee Salaries & Benefits Expenses Insurance Office Rent Miscellaneous Total Labor, General and Administrative Professional Services Engineering Legal Financial Advisor/Cash Management Deferred Rate Case Expenses Accounting and Audit Services Information Technology Risk Management-Fuel & Insurance Superstorm Sandy Grant Administration 428 Program Grant Administration Grant Admin. Reimbursement Insurance Claim Administration Insurance Claim Admin. Reimbursement Miscellaneous Total Professional Services $ $ $ 45,402 (10,000) $ 902 (10,000) 2.0% n/m 11,127 2,266 1,711 1,951 17,054 $ 10,128 2,397 1,685 1,421 15,631 $ (4,642) 148 1 (1,348) (5,840) (31.4%) 6.6% 0.1% (48.7%) (27.2%) $ 1,700 4,250 1,560 (1,000) 1,702 840 439 1,500 2,000 (3,500) 1,300 (1,300) 406 9,897 $ $ 4,263 3,433 1,184 1,545 1,400 619 12,444 (3,563) 1,217 592 (1,000) 157 (368) (3,500) 2,000 (3,500) 1,300 (1,300) 115 (7,851) (67.7%) 40.1% 61.1% n/m 10.1% 0.0% (45.7%) (70.0%) n/m n/m n/m n/m 39.7% (44.2%) 39,219 $ 29,498 $ 25,528 $ (13,691) (34.9%) 83,719 $ 64,109 $ 60,930 $ (22,789) (27.2%) $ n/m=Not meaningful Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-5 44,507 (9,896) Change from Approved 2014 $ % Proposed 2015 2014 $ $ $ $ Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets LIPA Operating Expenses LIPA Operating Expenses are projected at $61.4 million. This represents a decrease of $22.3 million, or 26.6%, as compared with the budgeted level for 2014. The salaries and benefits budget of $10.1 million reflects a decrease in staffing from 50 to 40 positions with the transition of power supply planning and contract management positions from LIPA to PSEG Long Island on January 1, 2015. General and Administrative expenses, consisting of office rent, insurance and other administrative activities, are budgeted at $5.5 million, a decrease of $1.2 million, or 17.9% from the approved 2014 level. Professional Services, including engineering consulting, auditing, financial, legal, and grant administration activities, are budgeted at $10.4 million. This represents a decrease of $7.4 million, or 41.5% from the budgeted level approved for 2014. The lower budgeted level for 2015 is primarily due to the transition of power supply planning and contract management responsibilities to PSEG Long Island and reimbursement from Federal grants and insurance proceeds for administrative costs related to auditing and processing invoices and insurance claims related to Superstorm Sandy. A-5 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Depreciation and Amortization (Thousands of Dollars) Proposed 2015 2014 Projected Approved PSEG Long Island Managed Utility Depreciation Change from Approved 2014 $ % (a) $ 158,809 $ 104,607 $ 107,682 $ (51,126) (32.2%) $ 111,375 23,287 4,158 $ 111,375 2,488 5,779 $ 111,375 1,513 4,500 $ (21,774) 342 0.0% (93.5%) 8.2% Total LIPA Depreciation and Amortization $ 138,820 $ 119,642 $ 117,388 (21,432) (15.4%) Total Depreciation and Amortization $ 297,629 $ 224,250 $ 225,070 (72,558) (24.4%) LIPA Depreciation and Amortization Amortization of Acquisition Adjustment Depreciation - LIPA Deferred Transition Cost Amortization Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-6 $ Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Depreciation and Amortization Depreciation and Amortization is budgeted at $225.0 million, a decrease of 24.4% versus the budgeted expense level for 2014. PSEG Long Island Managed Utility Depreciation, which consists primarily of transmission and distribution and information technology assets, is budgeted at $107.7 million, a decrease of $51.1 million, or 32.2% from the approved level for 2014. The lower expense reflects the adoption of depreciation rates from a depreciation study completed in 2014 that more accurately reflects the estimated service lives of LIPA-owned electric utility assets. The depreciation rates are consistent with the service lives approved by the New York Public Service Commission. LIPA Depreciation and Amortization consists primarily of the amortization of the Acquisition Adjustment related to the merger with the Long Island Lighting Company in 1998, which is budgeted at $111.4 million (consistent with the 2014 budget), and certain LIPA leasehold improvements referred to as LIPA Depreciation. LIPA Depreciation is budgeted to decline from $23.3 million to $1.5 million. The lower budgeted expense level reflects the reclassification of transitionrelated capital expenditures from LIPA Depreciation to PSEG Long Island Managed Utility Depreciation. Amortization of Deferred Transition Costs are budgeted at $4.5 million and reflect the amortization of certain costs associated with the transition to PSEG Long Island as LIPA’s service provider. The cost is based on an amortization period that corresponds to the 12 year term of the OSA. A-6 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Taxes, Payments in-lieu-of Taxes, and Assessments (Thousands of Dollars) Projected (a) Approved PILOTs - Revenue-Based Taxes Change from Approved 2014 $ % Proposed 2015 2014 $ 37,631 $ 35,167 $ 36,991 $ (640) -1.7% $ 282,036 6,030 11,176 $ 278,350 6,046 11,234 $ 280,709 5,674 11,522 $ (1,327) (356) 346 -0.5% -5.9% 3.1% Total PILOTs - Property-Based Taxes $ 299,242 $ 295,630 $ 297,906 $ (1,336) -0.4% Property Taxes on National Grid Power Plants (PSA) (b) $ 196,279 $ 197,816 $ 192,729 $ (3,550) -1.8% Other Taxes and Assessments NYS Temporary Energy and Utility Conservation Assessment NYS Office of Real Property Services $ 34,655 $ 37,323 $ 21,295 $ (13,360) -38.6% Total Other Taxes and Assessments $ 34,815 $ 37,323 $ 21,463 $ (13,352) -38.4% Total PILOTs, State and Local Taxes and Assessments $ 567,967 $ 565,936 $ 549,089 $ (18,878) -3.3% PILOTs - Property-Based Taxes Long Island and New York City Nine Mile PILOTs Merchant Power Plants 160 - 168 Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 (b) PSA property taxes are contractually increased and not subject to the 2% property tax cap on Transmission and Distribution property. A-7 8 4.9% Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Taxes, Payments-in-Lieu of Taxes and Assessments Payments-In-Lieu of Taxes (“PILOTs”) and NYS assessments are budgeted at $549.1 million, or 15.3% of LIPA’s total revenues. This reflects a decrease of $18.9 million, or 3.3%, compared to the 2014 budget. Taxes and Assessments are provided for elsewhere in the budget are shown here to present a compilation of the non-discretionary costs imposed on LIPA by the State, counties and local jurisdictions. Revenue-based PILOTs are budgeted at $37.0 million, a decrease of 1.7% as compared with the approved level for 2014. These PILOTs are based on gross revenues received from the sale of electricity and tax assessments on other sources of revenues. Property-based PILOTs are budgeted at $297.9 million, a decrease of $1.3 million, or 0.4%, as compared with the level budgeted for 2014. The lower budgeted expense for 2015 is primarily attributable to a 2% cap in the increase in T&D property based PILOTs allowable under the LIPA Reform Act. Additionally, LIPA also incurs real property-based taxes associated with the generating assets under contract through the PSA, which are included in Operating Expenses. These taxes are budgeted at $192.7 million, a decrease of $3.6 million, or 1.8% below the 2014 budget. LIPA continues to challenge the property tax assessments on the PSA plants, which are overassessed, to reduce this expense. The budget for the New York State Temporary Energy and Utility Conservation Assessment is $21.3 million, a decrease of $13.4 million, or 38.6% as compared to the 2014 budget. The lower budgeted expense level for 2015 reflects the continued phase-out of this charge through 2017. A-7 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Other Income and Deductions (Thousands of Dollars) 2014 Approved Short-Term Investment Income $ Carrying Charges on Deferred Shoreham Property Tax Settlement Costs 4,250 $ Projected (a) 213 Change from Approved 2014 $ % Proposed 2015 $ 619 $ (3,631) (85.4%) 27,973 27,968 25,660 (2,313) (8.3%) Income on Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund 3,783 3,128 3,500 (283) (7.5%) Miscellaneous Income and Deductions 1,936 4,261 1,853 (83) (4.3%) (6,310) (16.6%) Total Other Income and Deductions $ 37,942 Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-8 $ 35,570 $ 31,632 $ Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Other Income and Deductions Other income and deductions are budgeted at $31.6 million, a decrease of $6.3 million, or 16.6%, compared with the level budgeted for 2014. This category consists of income on LIPA’s short-term investments, non-cash carrying charges accrued on deferred balances related to the Shoreham property tax settlement, earnings on NMP2 decommissioning fund balances, and miscellaneous sources of revenues and expenses, such as income from certain customer-requested work not included in electric rates. The decrease reflects lower short-term investment income and lower carrying charges on the Shoreham property tax settlement costs. A-8 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Grant Income (Thousands of Dollars) 2014 Approved Build America Bonds Subsidy - U.S. Treasury Smart Grid Corridor Project - ARRA Efficiency & Renewables - RGGI Funding Storm Restoration Costs - FEMA Community Development Block Grant Offshore Wind Study - Congressional Grant Total Grant Income $ $ 3,763 2,890 24,600 14,500 144,500 500 $ 190,753 $ Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-9 Projected (a) 3,763 24,600 107,420 135,783 Change from Approved 2014 $ % Projected 2015 $ $ 3,763 1,602 34,600 36,000 50 $ (1,288) 10,000 (14,500) (108,500) (450) 76,015 $ (114,738) 0.0% (44.6%) 40.7% (100.0%) (75.1%) (90.0%) (60.2%) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Grant Income Grant Income is budgeted at $76.3 million, $114.7 million, or 60.2% lower than the level budgeted in 2014. This budget category consists primarily of a grant of $34.6 million to be received from NYSERDA Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative funds to support LIPA’s energy efficiency programs and a $143.4 million grant to be received from the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery using HUD Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) funds (of which $107.4 million is projected in 2014 and $36.0 million is budgeted in 2015). The CDBG grant funds the local match component of grants received from FEMA for storm restoration as well as certain storm mitigation protective measures. Additionally, in February 2014, LIPA signed a Letter of Undertaking (“LOU”) with FEMA that provides for $730 million of grant funding for storm hardening measures. These grants are an offset to capital costs and are not reflected in the Operating Budget. $176.3 million is budgeted to be received from this LOU in 2015 (see schedule B-1). The budget for Grant Income also includes: Subsidy payments from the United States Treasury equal to 35% of the interest payable on LIPA’s debt issued as Build America Bonds pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ($3.8 million). Partial funding of costs associated with LIPA’s smart grid demonstration project ($1.6 million) Grant to fund a portion of LIPA’s participation in an offshore wind study ($50,000). A-9 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Interest Expense (Thousands of Dollars) Projected (a) Approved Interest Expense on Debt Securities Amortization of Premium Net Interest Expense on Debt Securities Other Interest Expense NYSERDA Loan Amortization of Deferred Debt Issue Costs $ $ $ 337,725 (15,176) 322,549 8,075 3,573 $ $ $ 341,359 (23,025) 318,334 4,570 Change from Approved 2014 $ % Proposed 2015 2014 $ 362,634 (20,236) $ 342,398 $ $ $ - Amortization of Deferred Losses on Refundings 11,436 30,696 4,758 19,857 Letter of Credit Fees Interest on Customer Security Deposits Bond Administration Costs and Bank Fees Remarketing Fees Other 13,848 461 901 796 455 12,702 640 779 505 743 9,231 703 500 490 - $ 377,937 $ 15,843 4.4% 8,816 10,932 1,573 16.8% 360,153 $ 367,005 14,270 4.0% Subtotal - Interest Expense $ 362,094 $ 352,735 Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014 A-10 $ (33.3%) 52.5% (44.5%) (38.4%) (100.0%) 368,969 50,635 $ (4,617) 242 (401) (306) (455) (10.1%) $ Total Interest Expense 73.6% (4,006) 39,545 9,359 8,421 (100.0%) 33.2% $ $ Less: Capitalized Interest (8,075) 1,185 7.4% 33.3% 6.2% 35,539 Total Other Interest Expense $ $ 24,909 (5,060) 19,849 $ Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries 2015 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Interest Expense Interest expense is budgeted at $367.0 million, an increase of $14.3 million, or 4%, as compared with the level budgeted for 2014. The budgeted expense for 2015 is based on forecasted levels of outstanding debt, associated fees, and the amortization of debt-related deferred charges and credits. The assumed rate of interest on the debt issues planned for December 2014 range from 3.792% to 4.593% for fixed rate taxable and tax-exempt debt. Variable rate debt is budgeted at 0.75%-1.25%. Interest expense to be incurred on debt securities is detailed by issue on Schedule A-11. (Please note that Schedule A-11 reflects interest expense related to debt securities. It does not include interest expense incurred on nondebt related liabilities such as customer deposits and overpayments.) The budgeted expense level for 2015 reflects a long-term bond sale expected to occur in December 2014 and short-term borrowing expected to occur during 2015. The average level of debt outstanding for 2015 is budgeted at $7.6 billion, including the securitized debt issued in 2013. The effective interest rate is 4.9%. This debt outstanding and effective interest cost compare with $7.6 billion and 4.7%, respectively, budgeted for 2014. A-10 (a) Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries Cost of Debt - 2015 Series Type Senior Lien Debt 1998 A Capital Appreciation Bonds 2009-2028 2000 A Capital Appreciation Bonds 2009-2028 Maturity 2015 2015 Year-End Principal Outstanding ($Thousands) $119,711 348,279 12 - Month Average Principal Outstanding ($Thousands) Effective Interest Rate Interest Expense ($Thousands) $116,895 5.209% $6,089 352,869 5.546% 19,571 2003 C Term Bonds 2027-2033 36,645 36,645 4.900% 1,796 2006A Serial Bonds 2009-2026 564,125 564,125 4.564% 25,744 2006B Serial Bonds 2035 95,655 95,655 4.866% 4,655 2006C Term Bonds 2035 194,105 194,105 4.948% 9,604 2006D Serial Bonds 2009-2025 85,155 85,155 4.741% 4,037 2006D Serial Bonds - CPI - 74,118 4.093% 3,034 2006E Serial Bonds 2009-2022 2015 391,085 391,085 4.414% 17,263 2006F Serial Bonds 2009-2028 159,835 166,540 4.128% 6,874 2006F Term Bonds 2033 91,055 91,055 4.250% 3,870 2008 A Term Bonds 2033 598,720 598,720 5.932% 35,518 2008 B Serial Bonds 2019-2025 94,740 94,740 5.770% 5,466 2008 B Term Bonds 2033 51,985 51,985 5.750% 2,989 2009 A Serial Bonds 2014-2039 302,025 302,025 5.189% 15,672 2009 A Term Bonds 29,195 29,195 6.250% 1,825 2010 B BABs - Serial Bonds 2020-2041 210,000 210,000 5.612% 11,784 2033 2011 A Serial Bonds 2016-2036 113,360 113,360 3.812% 4,322 2011 A Term Bonds 2038 132,230 132,230 5.000% 6,612 2012 A Term Bonds 2037-2042 250,000 250,000 4.694% 11,734 2012 B Serial Bonds 2012-2029 188,715 189,122 3.816% 7,217 2012 C Serial Bonds - Variable Rate 2030-2033 175,000 175,000 0.750% 1,313 2013T UDSA-Taxable 2017-2023 482,934 482,934 2.356% 11,376 2013TE UDSA-Tax-Exempt 2014-2039 1,434,390 1,448,765 4.502% 65,222 20,505 20,505 4.406% 903 2014A (1) Serial Bonds-Tax-Exempt Refunding 2034 A-11 Long Island Power Authority and Subsidiaries Cost of Debt - 2015 Series Type 2014B (1) Maturity 2015 Year-End Principal Outstanding ($Thousands) 2015 12 - Month Average Principal Outstanding ($Thousands) Effective Interest Rate Interest Expense ($Thousands) Term Bonds-Tax-Exempt New Money 2035-2039 423,550 423,550 4.593% 19,452 2014C (1) Serial Bonds-Taxable New Money 2018-2034 251,450 251,450 3.792% 9,534 2014D (1) Variable Rate Refunding 2027-2033 300,000 300,000 1.250% 3,750 Fixed Rate and Basis Swaps Swaps 13,384 Total Senior Lien Debt $ 7,144,449 $ 7,241,826 4.565% 200,000 0.750% $ 330,607 Subordinate Debt Series 2003 1A-3B Variable Rate 2033 200,000 1,500 Fixed Rate Swap Commercial Paper/Revolver 8,978 Variable Rate Various 175,000 175,000 0.750% 1,313 Total Subordinated Debt $ 375,000 $ 375,000 3.144% $ 11,791 Total Debt Securities $ 7,519,449 $ 7,616,826 4.495% $ 342,398 Other Debt-Related Interest Expense(2) Rebates Associated with Build America Bonds 34,836 (3,763) Total Average Debt Outstanding/Embedded Cost of Debt $ Notes: (1) Preliminary estimate (2) Excludes customer deposits A-11.1 7,519,449 $ 7,616,826 4.903% $ 373,471 Long Island Power Authority 2015 Proposed Capital Budget Capital and Deferred Expenditures (Thousands of Dollars) % Chg. From 2014 Projected (a) Approved Transmission and Distribution Regulatory Driven Load Growth Reliability Economic/Salvage Tools, Equipment & Other FEMA Related Projects(b) Total Transmission and Distribution Projects Other PSEG Long Island Capital Expenditures Information Technology Projects Information Technology Projects - Timing(c) Utility 2.0 - Deferred Expenses Utility 2.0 - AMI Customer Operations Other General Plant Projects Total Other PSEG Long Island Capital Expenditures LIPA Capital and Deferred Expenditures Nine Mile Point 2 - Including Capitalized Nuclear Fuel LIPA - Accounting System Deferred Rate Case Expenses - PSEG Long Island Deferred Rate Case Expenses - LIPA LIPA Capital and Deferred Expenditures Capitalization of FASB Accounting Differential for Pensions and OPEBs Deferred Power Supply Management Expenses Caithness and N-1-1 Reliability Projects $ Proposed 2015 $ 2014 17,848 81,759 136,884 6,741 6,190 - $ $ 249,421 $ 229,430 $ 496,785 $ 84,889 9,547 8,192 7,554 $ 92,400 22,129 5,680 3,659 $ 77,410 15,300 3,907 11,464 8,487 $ 110,182 $ 123,867 $ 116,569 $ 9,387 - $ 9,221 16 $ 33,056 5,000 4,434 1,000 431 252.1% n/m n/m n/m n/m 25,659 - n/m 18,603 6,000 - (100.0%) (100.0%) 16,369 33,300 20,832 70,013 136,343 6,747 (4,506) - Approved 36,024 126,456 148,584 1,324 8,075 176,323 101.8% 54.7% 8.5% (80.4%) 30.5% n/m 99.2% (8.8%) (100.0%) n/m n/m 39.9% 12.4% 5.8% Total LIPA Capital Expenditures & Deferrals $ 59,056 $ 59,499 $ 43,921 (25.6%) Capitalized Interest and Allocations $ 19,252 $ 18,712 $ 20,932 8.7% FEMA Contribution $ - $ - $ (176,323) Total Capital Expenditures & Deferrals $ 437,911 $ 431,508 $ 501,884 n/m=Not meaningful Note: (a) Projection as of September 30, 2014. (b) Amounts not available to be reallocated within the approved budgets. (c) Information Technology projects where costs have shifted from 2013 to 2014. These projects remain within the total project budget. B-1 n/m 14.6%
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