2015 May 17-20, 2015 HAULAGE & LOADING EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE Wigwam Resort Phoenix, AZ USA Quality Leads are Hard to Come By. Haulage & Loading Delivers. Contact for Information Michael Schoppenhorst Sales Director michael@semcoproductions.com +1 678 822 9801 Haulage & Loading 2015 will give you face-to-face interaction with top prospects like no other show can. With an intimate exhibit floor and a reputation for delivering quality leads, the biennial Haulage & Loading event sells out fast! Don’t miss out on this exceptional exhibiting opportunity – reserve your space now! W W W. H A U L A G E A N D L O A D I N G . C O M WWW.HAULAGEANDLOADING.COM P R O D U C T I O N S , I N C. A MINING MEDIA COMPANY HAULAGE & LOADING 2015 EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE May 17-20, 2015 Wigwam Resort Phoenix, AZ USA Floor Plan attendee promotional campaign. Electronic promotions, direct mail, and monthly ads in Engineering & Mining Journal, Coal Age, and Equipo Minero, will be reaching the most important people in the mining industry. With a brand new program being prepared by the Steering Committee, the 2015 event will present even more ideas, strategies, and innovations for the mining professionals that you want to meet. To ensure the best exhibiting experience for all the companies who attend, Mining Media is preparing an extensive 44 27 26 25 24 23 22 43 45 Registration 28 17 18 19 16 15 14 20 21 42 12 11 Booth Space Includes 29 13 6’ x 10’ exhibit space 30 41 10 Food & Beverage Service Area 1 9 7” x 44” booth sign with company name and booth number 8’ back drape One full conference registration Additional discounted registrations 2 3 4 5 31 40 Meeting Room 32 34 7 8 6’ table Two chairs To Luncheon 33 6 39 38 35 37 36 Network Central Contact for Information Michael Schoppenhorst Sales Director michael@semcoproductions.com +1 678 822 9801 Waste Basket 100 word product/service description in the official show guide Attendee contact list for post-show marketing HAULAGE & LOADING 2015 EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE May 17-20, 2015 Wigwam Resort Phoenix, AZ USA Application & Agreement for Space Four Ways to Apply 1 E-mail all information to: michael@semcoproductions.com Exhibitor Information Contact Name____________________________________________________________ Job Title_________________________________________________________________ 2 Fax form to: +1 770 642 4715 City____________________________ State/Province_____________________________ 3 Mail this form to: SEMCO Productions A Mining Media Company 295 W. Crossville Rd. Bldg. 200 Roswell, GA 30075 Country________________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________________ 4 Telephone: +1 678 822 9801 Phone____________________________________Fax_____________________________ Select Your Sponsorship E-mail (required)____________________________________________________________ May 17, 2015 Sunday Golf Tournament $15,000 Cocktail Reception $25,000 Company________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ Web Address_____________________________________________________________ Signature (required with all contracts)_______________________________________________ Space Requirements Total number of exhibit packages required:_______________________________________ x $2,800 Per Package Total Cost____________________________ Booth Preferences First choice____________ Second choice______________ Third Choice________________ Payment Information Make checks payable to SEMCO Productions, Inc. Payments made by check drawn on a US bank payable in US$, international money order payable in US$, or wire transfer in US$. For wire transfer information, call Lola Alexander at +1 678 822 9802. Payment Terms: 50% deposit required with all signed agreements. Final balance due for booth cost is due February 17, 2015. Space must be paid in full before set-up. Find complete Terms and Conditions online at www.haulageandloading.com. By signing and submitting this application, exhibitors agree to abide by all terms and conditions. Payment Enclosed: Check Credit Card Please Charge My: Visa Mastercard American Express Card Number_____________________________________________________________ Billing Address____________________________________________________________ Expiration Date____________________________________________________________ Total Amount to be Charged $________________________________________________ Signature_________________________________________________________________ Cancellation: Show management must receive written notice of cancellation. There is a 50% processing fee for all cancellations received 90 days prior to the event. No refunds within 90 days of the event. Show Management Use Booth Assigned_________________ Paid___________________________ Date___________________________ May 18, 2015 Breakfast Morning Coffee Lunch Afternoon Coffee $6,000 $5,000 $13,500 $5,000 May 19, 2015 Breakfast Morning Coffee Lunch Afternoon Coffee $6,000 $5,000 $13,500 $5,000 May 20, 2015 Morning Coffee $5,000 Other Sponsorship Opportunities Network Central $12,000 Delegate Bags $6,500 Bottled Water $5,000 Lanyards $4,250 Note Pads $1,200 Insertion in Delegate Bag $1,000 Full Page Directory Ad $2,000 1/2 Directory Ad $1,200 1/4 Directory Ad $750 Logo w/ Directory Listing $150 Sponsorships are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Application for sponsorships will not be charged until verified and approved by show management. Managed By Notes: P R O D U C T I O N S , I N C. A MINING MEDIA COMPANY SEMCO Productions A Mining Media Company 295 West Crossville Road Building 200 Roswell, GA 30075 WWW.HAULAGEANDLOADING.COM HAULAGE & LOADING 2015 EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE May 17-20, 2015 Wigwam Resort Phoenix, AZ USA Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsorships get you noticed. First Right of Refusal Haulage & Loading offers you a unique opportunity to make an impression to a select and influential group of potential customers. Sponsorships help you stand out throughout the show. Until September 30, 2014, all of our returning sponsors and exhibitors have first right of refusal for exhibit space and sponsorships held in 2013. All sponsorships include logo with company listing in the official show guide. May 19, 2015 (cont.) May 17, 2015 Afternoon Coffee - Second Day (US $5,000) • Coffee, beverages and snacks for all attendees • One complimentary conference registration Sunday Golf Tournament (US $15,000) • Golf, box lunch, and cash and hole-in-one prizes • Two complimentary conference registrations May 20, 2015 Sunday Cocktail Reception (US $25,000) • Top-shelf cocktails and gourmet hors d’oeuvres for all delegates • Podium for remarks • 10-minute speaker slot during reception • Four complimentary conference registrations Other Sponsorship Opportunities May 18, 2015 Breakfast - First Day (US $6,000) • Continental breakfast for all attendees • One complimentary conference registration Morning Coffee - First Day (US $5,000) • Coffee, beverages and snacks for all attendees • One complimentary conference registration Lunch - First Day (US $13,500) • Gourmet Luncheon for all attendees • 10-minute speaker slot during lunch • Two complimentary conference registrations Afternoon Coffee - First Day (US $5,000) • Coffee, beverages and snacks for all attendees • One complimentary conference registration May 19, 2015 Breakfast - Second Day (US $6,000) • Continental breakfast for all attendees • One complimentary conference registration Morning Coffee - First Day (US $5,000) • Coffee, beverages and snacks for all attendees • One complimentary conference registration Lunch - Second Day (US $13,500) • Gourmet Luncheon for all attendees • 10-minute speaker slot during lunch • Two complimentary conference registrations Morning Coffee - Third Day (US $5,000) • Coffee, beverages and snacks for all attendees • One complimentary conference registration Delegate Bags (US $6,500) Heavy canvas bags include sponsor’s logo on one side, event logo on the opposite. One complimentary conference registration. Bottled Water (US $5,000) 16.9 oz. bottles of premium water with sponsoring company color logo distributed on all conference tables after lunch. One complimentary conference registration. Lanyards (US $4,250) Heavy-duty quality lanyards featuring sponsoring company color logo. Used throughout event and beyond. One complimentary conference registration. Printed Material Insertion in Delegate Bag (US $1,000) Place printed promotional materials (six page maximum) in delegate bags. One complimentary conference registration. Note Pad Sponsorship (US $1,200) Network Central (US $12,000) • Free WiFi service to all attendees in this area only • Two workstations including printers • 6-8 bistro tables and chairs for meetings • Snacks provided on each table • Two speakers at conference • Two complimentary registrations • Ceiling-hung, 16’ Network Central banner with sponsoring company logo • FP, 4/C ad in Directory
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