POSTAL CUSTOMER Non-profit Org. US Postage Paid Baudette, MN 56623 Permit No. 31 ECRWSS September, October, November & December 2014 “In pursuit of excellence and opportunities” Welcome to the 2014 - 2015 School Year Welcome Back, All of us at Lake of the Woods School District would like to welcome everyone back to the new school year. Lake of the Woods Open House/Meet Your Teacher Night on Wednesday, August 27th Open House/Meet Your Teacher Night Lake of the Woods Elementary and High School will have an open house for students and parents from 3:00 to 7:00 PM on Wednesday, August 27th. This is a good time for students and parents to meet their teachers, find their lock- ers, and check out their classrooms before the first day of school. th 7 Grade/New Student Orientation Kindergarten Round-up Meetings Kindergarten Teachers Judy Beckman and Colleen Stan- ton will be conducting several informational meetings for Kindergarten parents at 4:00 and again at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 27th in their classrooms. This will be a very important meeting for parents to attend. At this meet- ing staff will share information regarding a number of important topics, such as attendance and discipline poli- cies, transportation, immunization requirements, and breakfast and lunch programs. Most importantly, this will be an opportunity for students to meet their teacher and to tour their classroom with their parents. First Day of School School will begin on September 2, 2014. All students in grades 7-12 will meet in the auditorium at 8:15 p.m. where they will receive instructions for the remainder of the day. This meeting will be followed by grade level meetings where students will receive their final schedules and answers to other questions they may have. We will also conduct elections for class officers and student coun- cil. There will be a special orientation meeting for all students entering 7th grade or new to the district. The orientation session will also be held on Wednesday, August 27 th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the school auditorium. Students will become familiar with the high school layout and their schedules by completing a mock walkthrough. They will also have time to try out their new locker combination. Students and parents are encouraged to attend. Students who are not entering 7th grade but are new to the district (continued on page 3) are also encouraged to attend. NEW THIS YEAR! The 2014 Minnesota Legislature recently enacted the following revisions to state statutes affecting school meal benefits. These changes are effective July 1, 2014. Lunches must be provided at no charge to students qualified for reduced-price meals. Breakfasts must be provided at no charge to all participating kindergar- ten students. 2014-2015 Meal Prices Lunch cost for an elementary student is $2.10 and the lunch cost for a high school stu- dent is $2.50. Breakfast cost for both elementary and high school students is $1.00. Students approved for reduced meals receive free breakfasts. Be Alert! School’s Open Watch for school buses and children. Inside this Issue Free & Reduced Meal Information Classroom Supplies List District Wide Open House K-12 August 27, 2014 3:00-7:00 p.m. 7th grade orientation or students new to the district August 27, 2014 L/W School Auditorium 6:00-7:00 p.m. Kindergarten Round-up Meetings 2014 - 2015 District Calendar August 27, 2014 Open Enrollment Information Kindergarten Teachers Judy Beckman and Colleen Stanton will be conducting several informational meetings for Kindergarten parents at 4:00 and again at 6:00 p.m. on in their classrooms. Community Ed Activities Pool Schedule ECFE Information Enrichment Information Sports Schedules & Fees Local Educator Attends NEA’s National Assembly in Denver By Cynthia Hanson Educators from Education Minnesota were among the nearly 9,000 delegates to the National Education Associa- tion’s 2014 representative as- sembly from July 1-6 in Den- ver, Colo. The delegates authorized the NEA to begin a national campaign to develop and im- plement more effective forms of assessment and school ac- countability than the current systems, which rely on standardized testing in reading and math. The NEA reports the average American student and teacher now spend about 30 percent of the school year preparing Come see what makes Lake of the Woods School A GREAT CHOICE! Nurturing & Caring Environment Elementary & High School Computer labs Library, art, computer, music, & gym classes Math & Reading Programs Quality Educa on College Prep Courses For more informa on call: (218) 634-2735 ext. 1501 Or visit us on the web at: The Education Plus publication is a pro- duction of Lake of the Woods School and Lake of the Woods Community Education. The Education Plus newspaper will be printed 3 times during the 2014-2015 school year and distributed to postal pa- trons in Lake of the Woods County. It is also available on our school’s website for and taking standardized tests. The delegates also elected new officers to lead the nation’s largest union, representing nearly 3 million educators. Lily Eskelsen-García, a former Utah Teach- er of the Year, was elected to lead NEA as president after outgoing President Dennis Van Roekel, who is retiring. Rebecca S. Pringle, a middle school physical science teacher from Harrisburg, Pa, was elected vice president. Princess Moss, who taught elementary mu- sic education in Louisa County, Va., was elected sec- retary-treasurer. Education Minnesota sent 153 delegates from throughout the state to the national assembly. The delegate from Lake of the Woods School was Cynthia Hanson. Please join the Lake of the Woods School team for the 2014 Lake of the Woods County Relay for Life on August 16, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Lake of the Woods School Community Education Triple A Booster Club Invites you to their meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the L/W School Commons at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Holiday Craft & Vendor Extravaganza November 22, 2014 From 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. In the Commons/Big Gym Bingo, kids activities, entertainment and Santa Visit Lady Laker’s JO Volleyball will provide the food Lake of the Woods School Board Members: Tom Eaton, Chair (District #1) Tim Lyon, Vice-Chair (District #5) Jeff Birchem, Clerk (District #6) Terry Waibel, Treasurer (District 4) Doug Nosan, Director (District 2) Tim Pelach, Director (District 3) School board meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month. L/W School Administration: Community Education Meeting Dates: Jeff Nelson, K-6 Principal and Interim November 6, 2014 ITV Room 4:30 p.m. Superintendent January 8, 2015 ITV Room 4:30 p.m. March 12, 2015 ITV Room 4:30 p.m. June 11, 2015 ITV Room 4:30 p.m. Community Education Advisory Council: Ken Moorman, Sharon Feldman, Theresa Brown, Lisa Beckstrand, Judy Beckman, Jeff Nelson, Jeff Birchem, Nancy Jewell, Terri Marken, Ralph Christofferson, Cece Charlton, and Brian Novak Community Education: Cece Charlton - Coordinator Lisa Beckstrand - Pool Coordinator Theresa Brown - ECFE Coordinator/Instructor Muriel Crandall - Paraprofessional Rose Anderson - Adult Basic Education School Reach Lake of the Woods School ISD #390 P.O. Box 310 Baudette, MN 56623 218.634.2735 (phone) 218.634.2467(fax) Fall School hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday: 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Weekend hours: Saturday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. & Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. and for sched- uled events. The building is locked down when school is in session. Hours are subject to change. Whenever you change phone numbers at home, work, cell phone or email address, Lake of the Woods School is updating school census information. Census numbers remember to update these changes with help determine the amount of levy funding that our Early Childhood Program receives Diane in the high school office or Deb in from the State of Minnesota. When you are listed on our census, you will be notified the elementary office. of Early Childhood Screening dates and will receive important Early Childhood and Kindergarten information. If you have a child born on or after August 31, 2009 THE SCHOOL FACILITY WILL BE CLOSED AND LOCKED ON (children 0-4 year old), please call Deb Anderson at 634-2056, ext. 1518. Census Information HOLIDAYS AND WHEN SCHOOL IS CANCELLED. For the 2014-2015 classroom supply lists, visit Academic Progress Report cards will be generated every “quarter”. We encourage parents to opt in to paperless report cards. The instructor will average the grades from the first and second quarters and the resulting semester grade will be recorded on the permanent transcript. The same process will take place for 3rd and 4th “quarters” and second semester. Honor Roll status will be determined on a quarterly basis. Parent Experience/Student Experience Parents and students will be given a password at the beginning of the year that will allow viewing of individual student grades in each course in which a student is enrolled. On the school website http:// under the “Genesis” tab, parents and students can activate their accounts in the par- ent experience/student experience drop down menu. Grades will be posted following assignment evaluation by the in- structor. Please be aware that in some courses where there are large projects or term papers assigned, grading will take additional time. No Child Left Behind and Adequate Yearly Progress Adequate Yearly Progress Results (AYP) to meet the requirements of federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates will not be released until August of this year. Please look for further information on our website and in our local papers in late August or September. Dress Code The dress code will remain unchanged. Please consider the following when doing your school shopping for the upcoming year. 1. Clothing must not be hazardous to health or safety. 2. Clothing must be decent by reasonable standards: a. Straps on shoulders must be AT LEAST one inch in width. No spaghetti straps are to be worn. b. The inseam on shorts must be at minimum of 3 inches long and must fully cover your back side. c. When wearing skirts they must reach your mid-thigh. When standing with hands at your side, skirts may be no shorter than the end of pointer finger when your arms are placed at your sides. d. When wearing shirts like V-necks, tank tops, etc. Shirts must be no lower than your hand width from the base of the neck. e. No strapless shirts or dresses UNLESS you are wearing a cover up over it that covers your shoulders. f. Whether sitting or standing no under garments may be showing. g. No stomachs showing. h. When wearing a sheer shirt you need to wear a tank top or some type of clothing that will cover up your undergar- ment. 3. Appearance must not be disruptive to the normal opera- tion of a classroom. 4. Clothing or shoes must not be such as to cause damage to school property. 5. Buttons or insignia on clothing which displays obscenity, advertises alcohol, drugs or smoking or promotes its use, may not be worn. 6. Hats, caps, scarves, hoods, or “rags” are not to be worn in the school building during the school day. 7. Any clothing with derogatory, offensive, or suggestive pictures or slogans is not allowed. Internet Usage The Internet is a collection of many worldwide networks that support the open exchange of information. The Inter- net provides immediate access to information anywhere in the world, participation in distance learning activities, awareness of global diversity and the promotion of intellec- tual inquiry. High school students will have access to the Internet through our network. The Lake of the Woods High School wants to provide a stimulating educational environment, yet protect students from information that is not appropriate in an educational setting. With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in a school setting. It is impossible to control all materials or access on a global network and an industrious user may soon discover inappropriate infor- mation. Lake of the Woods School does use content filter- ing to censor sites deemed inappropriate to the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school district. Each high school student will be trained on the proper use of the Internet. Each student will also sign a statement stating they agree to follow the guidelines set up by the school district. In the event a student does not follow the guidelines, technology network privileges will be revoked. Students who wish to use their personal laptops to con- nect to the school network must see Mr. Chambers to se- cure a temporary password. The school has anti-virus soft- ware installed on our network, but assumes no liability for viruses that may contracted by student use of personal lap- tops. (Student must have anti-virus software installed on their personal computers). Systems other than laptops ie;; tablets, cell phones, etc, are not allowed on the school network. In the event you do not wish your child to have Internet privileges through the Lake of the Woods School network, you must submit in writing a statement to this ef- fect. Please send this statement to Lake of the Woods School, P.O. Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623. the school year begins or on the first day of school. New School Staff Please welcome new members to our school teaching and/or support staff: Chad Larson will teach High School Mathematics. Jennifer Olson and Katelyn Mooney will be joining our Elementary teaching 5th and 1st grade, respectfully. Rachel Glowack-Hasbargen will be teaching High School English and Spanish. Website Please check our website at http:// On the site you will find numerous items of interest including: upcoming events, testing dates and resources, school policies and rules, men- us, staff directories, etc. There are two features that you may want to take advantage of: Pay School allows you to pay school fees such as lunch accounts and athletic fees online via e-check, or credit card. Instant Alert allows school staff to deliver a single, clear message to the stu- dents, parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, email, pager or PDA in any combination. Instant Alert will also be used to notify you of a school closing due to in- clement weather. Both Pay School and Instant Alert can be found on the home page of our web site. Parent Contact The Lake of the Woods High School has implemented internet-based access to student information. With the use of a computer, parents and guardians may access their child’s attendance, grades, lunch account and more. This is a great opportunity for parents/guardians to stay involved in their child’s education. They will be able to contact and communicate with their child’s teacher through their per- sonal email address. This effort is by no means a replace- ment for parent/teacher conferences or phone calls to teach- ers. To access your child’s account simply register with an Attendance At no time in our history has school attendance been account password issued by the school. Then you may more important than it is today. Colleges, vocational access your child’s account through our website at schools, and the workplace continue to require accelerated academic skills. The number of jobs requiring specialized skills and higher degrees continue to grow at unprecedented Emergency Notification rates. Our job as educators is to prepare your child for the Our school district has contracted with a new provider rigors of the workplace as well as those of post-secondary for Emergency notification services. We will be working education, but we need your help. Please make every effort with SchoolReach. This company can provide us with ex- to have your child in school every day. Schedule appoint- panded services such as notification of student absences ments and trips outside the school schedule whenever pos- during the school day and if your student’s lunch account sible, and remind your children of the importance not only reaches a low funding point. We believe this service will of graduating from high school, but of being well prepared be of greater benefit to the constituents of the school dis- for the next stage of their lives. By working together as trict. parents and educators we can assure our children of a bright and promising future. CyberBullying Hotline coming to Lake of the Woods In the event your child needs to be absent from school School for any reason other than school sponsored events, parents The CyberBullying Hotline is an anonymous reporting may call our high school secretary Diane Laine at 634-2510 solution designed for schools to enhance school safety, and (ext. 1421) to leave a voice mail message excusing your ultimately build a more positive school climate. The hot- child’s absence. We encourage you to call early in the line is a tool where students, parents, and community mem- morning if your child is ill and will be absent from school bers can safely call or text a tip. Then, an anonymous dia- that day. logue takes place in real time, between the school’s admin- istration and the incident reporter. The report feels safe to Schedules communicate because it’s anonymous, and the administra- The vast majority of students registered via computer tor is getting information they need to address the report. and developed their preliminary schedules before they left Lake of the Woods School plans to have the system in school in the spring of last year. Students will be able to place and active in early September. More information will access their schedules via internet by the middle of August. be made available at that time. If there are conflicts in student’s schedules, Mr. Nelson or Mr. Novak will be in contact with the student either before To download the 2014/2015 District Calendar, visit NEW STAFF AT LAKE OF THE WOODS SCHOOL Rachel Hasbargen-Glowack English & Spanish Teacher Katelyn Mooney 1st Grade Teacher My name is Rachel Hasbargen-Glowack, and I'm the new English & Spanish teacher at Lake of the Woods High School. I grew up on a farm in Birchdale, MN and am the youngest of seven children. My husband, Marc, and I live in International Falls, and he teaches fifth grade there. We have two young sons, Joe, 13 and Ben, 10. I received my B.A.A. in Teaching English and Spanish from the Universi- ty of Minnesota-Duluth in 1997 and my Master's Degree in English from Bemidji State University in 2008. With 17 years of experience in education, I am very excited to have the opportunity to teach and interact with my new students here at Lake of the Woods School. Jennifer Olson 5th Grade Teacher My name is Katelyn Mooney, and I’m from Bemidji, MN. I am recently married and new to the community. I graduated from Bemidji State University this May with a degree in Elementary Education with a Preprimary Endorsement. I love working with children and am very excited to be teaching 1st Grade at Lake of the Woods Elemen- tary. My hobbies include reading, rollerblading, and spending time with kids. I am looking forward to becoming active in the community and getting to know the people and families in it. Chad Larson High School Mathematics Teacher My name is Jennifer Olson. I graduated from Warroad High School and earned my teaching degree at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. I previ- ously worked as a missionary at a Catholic school in Belcourt, ND on the Turtle Mountain Reserva- tion teaching kindergarten. I have worked at Lake of the Woods Elementary for the past 3 years as a Title I Math paraprofessional. I am married to my wonderful husband of 2.5 years, Chris Olson, who works for Polaris in Roseau. We live in Warroad with our two beautiful children, Elsie Belle (15 months) and William (4 months). I am very excited to have this opportunity to teach at Lake of the Woods School. Howards Open 7 Days a Week 5:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Gas - Diesel - Propane - Car Wash - ATM Convenience Store - f’real milkshake 218-634-2550 509 W. Main, Baudette, MN My name is Chad Larson and I will be the new math teacher this fall. I have been teaching math for 13 years as well as being a coach and advisor for many different groups. When I am not at school I enjoy spending my time outdoors. I have been visiting the Baudette area for over 25 years both fishing and snowmobiling. I am look- ing forward to becoming part of the Lake of the Woods staff and Baudette community. As the name implies, SchoolReach is a parent notification system. SchoolReach has a process called EX Data Synch that allows us to build the automated transfer of parent contact information from Synergy, our student information system, to the SchoolReach hosted location. It simply saves time and provides more up to date, accurate parent contact information. Once we make a parent contact change in Synergy, it will update in SchoolReach every day. The most current parent contact information in Synergy will now be in our parent notification system. Our staff should no longer have to change parent contact information in multiple systems. Teco’s Taco’s NO HUNTING Inside Howards on Hwy. 11 Will Cater - call 218 - 634 - 3317 “Under M.S. 609.66 Subd. 1d., it is a felony to hunt on school owned land when students are pre- sent for school related ac- tivities.” To view the breakfast and lunch menus, visit Let the conversation begin! Over fifty Lake of the Woods High School students involved in S.T.U.Ds (Students Teaching Uniform Decisions) have people talking! This local group of youth have taken a pledge to be alcohol, tobacco and drug free and their mission is to encourage other teens to join them. Recently, this energetic group prepared and distributed “Conversation Starters” throughout the Lake of the Woods community. This pack of questions, located at your favorite restaurant or hang-out, is a fun way to get parents and teens talking about many different topics...including the importance of not using alcohol. The questions are both simple and thought pro- voking. Some examples include: “What are you dreaming about for your life?” or “Who do you have an influence over?” The idea is to get people talking, interact- ing and thinking about what’s positive and important in their lives. Research shows that parents have great influence on their child’s decision NOT to use alcohol. According to a recent survey* of nearly 5,000 Minnesota students, those who reported their parents would feel it was wrong for them to drink alcohol, were 5 times LESS LIKELY to drink alcohol in an average month. A similar survey** revealed that most Lake of the Woods 7-12th grade students (77%) agree that parents and other adults should talk with them about the im- portance of NOT using alcohol. The Conversation Starters are a way of opening the lines of communication between adults and youth;; many of the questions offer opportunities for parents and teens to discuss important topics in a non-confrontational way. These ques- tion packs have become so popular that the S.T.U.Ds group is currently working on a second edition and looking into the possibility of creating a Conversation Starter APP! The Conversation Starters are branded with a message that can also be found on local billboards, newspaper ads and posters. The S.T.U.Ds members hope this common message will help inspire parents to keep the lines of communication open…even when it’s difficult. The message is simple and important to the stu- dents: Parents…Talk with Us. *Data from the 2013 MN Planning and Implementation Grant Positive Communi- ty Norms Student Survey. **Data from the 2014 Positive Community Norms student survey taken by 168 Lake of the Woods 7-12th grade students. S.T.U.Ds is organized through the Lake of the Woods Prevention Coalition funded by the Minnesota Department of Hu- man Services, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division. Look for these Conversation Starters at many locations around town. To download the 2014/2015 District Calendar, visit The Enrichment Program By Bobby Castle The Lake of the Woods Enrichment Program is launching its fourteenth year of offer- ing fun and exciting programs for students of high potential. The Enrichment Program (EP) offers eleven specialized classes, four academic competitions, and inclusion oppor- tunities for all students. Students who participate in the program receive services in many areas: pullout classes in creative problem solving, mathematics, and writing;; individual classes in reading and independent studies;; and special events and competitions such as the Spelling Bee, Na- tional Geography Bee, the MN History Contest, the Creativity Festival, and the Young Author's Conference. The program also offers coaching for special competitions, such as the Fifth and Sixth Grade Math Masters. In addition to these services, the EP also sponsors school-wide Enrichment activities and coordinates the Bergeron Memorial visits from the Science Museum of Minnesota. Academic Competitions This program's current funding is secured in three ways: The Lake of the Woods School District allocates an annual award The State of Minnesota, Dept of Education allocates a per student dollar amount Business sponsorships of specific classes or events Your donations, memorials, and grant awards make up the remaining dollars Events Math Masters Grade 5 and 6 - Classroom teachers select the top math students to form teams coached by the EP Coordinator MN History Contest - Interested 6th graders are given a selection test. The top three students are taken to the competition hosted by the Roseau Historical Society. Spelling Bee - Classroom teachers submit the top spellers from each grade who are invited to the district spelling bee. The winner advances to the regional bee. Grades 4-8 National Geography Bee - Classroom teachers submit contestants from each grade level to compete in our district Geo Bee. The winner has a chance to advance to state. Grades 4-8. Young Author's Conference - a one day trip for young writers in grades 5-8. Creativity Festival - a one day trip offering a wide range of workshops for all students in Grades 5-8 Science Museum of Minnesota - K-6 classrooms are invited to take part in a residency from the SMM in the spring of the year. End of the Year Field Trip - This trip varies from year to year and is available to This year's target goal for the Lake of the Woods Enrichment Program is $21,000 and we EP students in grades 3-6. Past trips have included The Big Bog and Zippel Bay. need your help to accomplish this goal! Check out the great programs you can support! ENRICHMENT PROGRAM OFFERINGS Pull-out classes and recess clubs Writer's Workshop - Grades 4-6 Advanced Readers - K, 1st, and 3rd Math Club - Grade 5 Chess Club - Grades 3-6 Broadcasting Bonanza - Grades 4-6 Young Scientists - Grades 3-6 Kaleidoscope - Grades 4-6 Math Club - Grade 6 Second Grade Explorers The Enrichment Program Provides the challenges and opportunities our gifted and talented students need and deserve. If you would like to make a donation to our Enrich- ment Program, please fill out this form, clip it and mail it in with a check to: The Enrich- ment Program, Lake of the Woods School, District #390, PO Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623 If you would like to make a donation to our Enrichment Program, please fill out this form, clip it and mail it in with a check to: The Enrichment Pro- gram, Lake of the Woods School, P.O. Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623 Name: __________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ Street or P.O.: ___________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________ State:___________________________________________________________ Phone number: __________________________________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Thank You! Your donation will make a difference in the lives of our stu- dents. Baudette Dental David C. Wohlrabe, D.D.S. General Dentistry Latex Free Call for an appointment 634-2389 or 888-288-1490 406 Main Street NW Baudette Visa & Mastercard accepted New Patients Welcome Northern Sports & Machine 634-1089 • Polaris ATV, Ranger, RZR & Snowmobiles • Golf Carts, Sales & Service • Full Service Machine Shop 651 Co. Rd 1 SW - Baudette, MN 3/4 mile South of Baudette Motel Alice’s Family Restaurant Wi Fi Availa- Randy Orton, Dealer Serving breakfast, lunch & dinner 634-1165 Open at 5am Everyday! Home of the Breakfast Special! www.facebook/AlicesFR Daily Lunch and Dinner Specials! 634-2202 1-888-634-2202 After Hours: Electrical: 634-2603 1-888-668-8243 To view your student’s lunch account balance, visit Nurse’s Column Tiarra Shaw, L.P.N., School Nurse Lake of the Woods School Nursing Office: 218-634-2510 ext. 1522 CHI LakeWood Health - Public Health Office: 218-634-1795 It’s back to school time! Time to make sure your chil- dren’s immunizations are up to date. Minnesota requires that all students meet minimum requirements for vaccines. These requirements have recently changed and vary by age and grade level. Im- munization schedules can be found online at An immunization clinic for students in grades six to 12 will be held at Lake of the Woods School on Wednesday, September 10 from 1 to 3 pm. Tdap, Menactra and Gardisil will be provided at no cost. A consent form must be signed and re- turned to the school nursing office before immunizations can be given. Consent forms will be available at the school nursing office once classes begin. Back to school time is also a great time to schedule a check-up or sports physi- cal for your child. This can be done through your medical provider. If your child qualifies for the Child and Teen Check-Up Program - the check-up, which can also be used for a sports physical, can be scheduled through CHI LakeWood Public Health. If you are unsure if your child qualifies for the Child and Teen Check-Up Program, contact us at 218-634-1795. Does your child need to have medication administered throughout the school day? If so, a medication form with your signature along with the doctor’s medica- tion order and signature will need to be provided to the school nurse. This also applies to over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen. All medica- tions are kept in a locked cabinet in the school nursing office. Please contact Lake of the Woods School to obtain a copy of the required medication form. If you have any questions regarding your child’s health needs, please contact me at CHI LakeWood Public Health 218-634-1795 or during the school year at the school nursing office 218-634-2510, ext. 1522. I am looking forward to working with you and your children this year. Enjoy the rest of your summer! When is my child too ill to attend school? School. You can access this in- When your child Woods formation on the school’s website, is not feeling well, you, as the parent, get to make the de- cision as to what to do next. A handout will be sent home with elementary students with tips to help make that deci- sion. It also provides a reminder about medication administration at Lake of the High School Yearbooks Contact yearbook staff to order 634-2510 ext. 1404 Always bring a copy of a physician’s note to school and/or notify the school if your child will have an extended ab- sence due to a health condition for 10 days or longer. If you have any ques- tions, please call your personal health care provider or the Lake of the Woods School Nurse, Tierra Shaw, RN, at 6342510 ext 1522. Thank you! To all the area businesses that support the Lake of the Woods School and the Education Plus. Immunization clinic For students in grades 6 to 12 Wednesday, September 10 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Lake of the Woods School Lake of the Woods School has three Au- tomatic External Defibrillators (AED). The three AED’s are located in the cafe- teria/commons area, by the multipurpose gym/pool area and in the east hall of the elementary/high school area. NO HUNTING “Under M.S. 609.66 Subd. 1d., it is a felony to hunt on school owned land when students are present for school related activities.” For the pool schedule visit Lake of the Woods Activity Fees Lake of the Woods Bears 2014 – 2015 School Year Athletic / Activity Gate Fees and Game Passes Gate Fees: Adult: $ 5.00 College Student (w/ college ID) $ 3.00 Senior Citizen (65+) $ 1.00 Game Passes: Adult (all games 2014-15 school year) $ 75.00 College Student (w/college ID-all games) $ 45.00 Senior Citizen (65+ all games 2014-15) $ 30.00 *Family Maximum $ 200.00 *Consists of individual passes *Passes will be honored at all home games EXCEPT Minnesota High School League tournaments… *Game Passes will be sold at regular season games and through the District Office… *College students must have a current col- lege/university identification to purchase “student game passes”… Lake of the Woods School District Student Athletic and Activity Fees 2014-2015 School Year Activity Grade_________ High School Football 9-12 $150.00 Junior High Football 7-8 $ 75.00 High School Volleyball 9-12 $150.00 Junior High Volleyball 7-8 $ 75.00 HS Cross Country 9-12 $125.00 Jr. High Cross Country 7-8 $ 75.00 High School Basketball 9-12 $150.00 Junior High Basketball 7-8 $ 75.00 High School Hockey 9-12 $150.00 High School Track 9-12 $125.00 Junior High Track 7-8 $ 75.00 High School Baseball 9-12 $125.00 Junior High Baseball 7-8 $ 75.00 High School Softball 9-12 $125.00 Junior High Softball 7-8 $ 75.00 High School Golf 9-12 $125.00 Junior High Golf 7-8 $ 75.00 Sr. High Knowledge Bowl 9-12 $ 75.00 Jr. High Knowledge Bowl 7-8 $ 37.50 One Act Play 9-12 $ 37.50 One Act Play 7-8 $ 25.00 Lake of the Woods Upcoming Events Aug. 16 Lake of the Woods Relay for Life Aug. 25 School Board Meeting Sept. 2 1st Day of School Sept. 7 - 13 Homecoming Week Sept. 17 Picture day for the High School Sept. 18 Picture day for Elementary Sept. 20 Baudette Chamber Fall Festival Sept. 22 School Board Meeting Sept. 24 Noon dismissal Oct. 15 Noon dismissal Oct. 16 & 17 MEA - No School Oct. 27 School Board Meeting Nov. 6 Community Ed Advisory Council Mtg Nov. 10 Deer Day No School Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day Nov. 13 Parent/Teacher Conferences Nov. 22 L/W Community Education “Holiday Extravaganza” Nov. 22 Baudette Chamber Tree Lighting Nov. 24 School Board Meeting Nov. 27 & 28 Thanksgiving - No School Dec. 15 School Board Meeting Dec. 23 Noon dismissal Dec. 24 - Jan. 2 Holiday Break *Individual “game passes” must be present- Maximum Per Family Per Season - $250.00 ed to ticket taker's) for entry into games… Family Maximum Paid Per Year - $500.00 For more information please call Brian No- vak, Activities Director at 634 - 2735 ext. Checks or Money Orders may be mailed to: 1423. Lake of the Woods School High School Office—Diane Laine Make checks payable to: P.O. Box 310 Lake of the Woods School Baudette, MN 56623 Cash, Checks, or Money Orders may also be dropped off in the High School Office . VACANCIES: Athletic Coaching 2014/2015 School Year at Lake of the Woods School – No closing date – positions open until filled. Girls Basketball, Head Coach Girls Basketball, Assistant Coach Girl’s Hockey Head Coach Boy’s Basketball ,Junior High Coach Please contact Brian Novak for more infor- mation. Letters of application/interest may be sent to: Brian Novak/Activities Director Lake of the Woods School P.O. Box 310 Baudette, MN 56623 218/634-2735 ext. 1423 218/634-2750 fax Lake of the Woods School is an E.O.E. New comers welcome For more information contact Stuart Noble @ 634-2717 or Rick Blodgett @ 634-3366 Parent’s Night Football vs. Onamia on October 3rd Volleyball vs. Roseau on September 30th “Senior Night” Volleyball vs Kelliher on October 13th Football vs Floodwood on October 15th “Dig Pink” Volleyball vs Clearbrook on October 9th Bears Den “Best Concession in Northern Minnesota” Lake of the Woods School has three Automatic External Defibrillators (AED). The three AED’s are located in the cafeteria/commons area, by the multi-purpose gym/pool area and in the east hall of the elementary/high school area. For Wednesday nights 2014-2015 season VB vs Warroad on September 9th Football vs Northland on September 12th Lake of the Woods School Help Wanted: Substitute custodians, paraprofessionals, bus drivers and cooks. Please contact Nancy Olson at 218/634-2735 ext. 1501 or Lake of the Woods School, P.O. Box 310 Baudette, MN 56623 Lake of the Woods School is an E.O.E. Baudette Curling Club Is looking for curlers HOMECOMING WEEK! High School Yearbooks Contact yearbook staff to order 634-2510 ext. 1404 Open Game Nights Menu Items Include Hamburger Cheeseburger Chicken Burger Taco in a Bag French Fries Shakes & Much More... Thank you To all of the area businesses that support the Lake of the Woods School and the Education Plus. For athletics/activities schedule visit Fifth grade students can join school band Submitted by Liz Tange If you have a fifth grade student, this fall they can have their first chance to learn how to play a band instrument. Band is an excellent opportunity to learn about self-discipline, teamwork skills, and a sense of pride and accomplishment. Band instruments include: flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and percussion. French horn and tuba are also possible. Students join band because it’s fun, they like playing music together, or their parents make them join. Students in band create different brain connections than those who do not play an instrument. These students have shown to score higher on standardized tests, can recall information quicker, and have an easier time thinking critically and creatively. If you have questions about elementary band, please stop in Mrs. Tange’s elementary music room during the school open house Wednesday, August 27th. Information and registra- tion will be available, and forms will also be sent home during the first week of school. I’m excited to see you all soon! Your Ad Here for more information contact Cece Charlton 218/634-2735 ext. 1504 or email Andy’s Located on Highway 11 • Williams • 218/783-6155 Convenient one-stop shopping and gas! LP TANK EXCHANGE • GAS • DIESEL Coffee Bar, Groceries & Snacks, Cleaning Products, Greeting Cards, and Lottery Retailer Vehicle Repair Shop - Cars & Semis! Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 am-6 pm Sat 7:30 am-3 pm Sun Closed Frank Covino painting workshop. SAVE THE DATE Community Education’s Holiday Craft & Vendor Extravaganza Lake of the Woods School Commons November 22, 2014 - 9:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. For Community Ed activities visit Early Childhood Family Education Lake of the Woods School~2014-2015 Schedule Instructor: Theresa Brown ~ Paraprofessional: Muriel Crandall 218-634-2510 ex.1564 “Back to School Night” will be held on September 2, 2014 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the ECFE classroom (E164) School Readiness Family Education and Recreation/Event Nights This class will be held every Monday through Wednesday of the month beginning Mon- Classes and events will be held every first and third Tuesday of the month from 5:30 p.m. day, September 8, 2014 and ending Wednesday, May 20, 2015. *There will not be class to 7:00 p.m. beginning the month of December 2014 through April 2015. The classes and the week of December 22, 2014 or the week of March 16, 2015. Class will run from 8:15 events are for age birth to 5 years old and their parents/family members. Every 1 st Tuesday am until 3:00 pm. Transportation will be available both to and from school via the school of the month will be a family event night (gym night, swim night, circus, Zoo mobile, etc.) bus. This class is for children ages three to five years old. Children must be potty trained. A schedule of events will be made available at the beginning of the school year. Every The class focuses on socialization, problem solving, sharing, turn taking, and various third Tuesday of the month will be parent education classes. Centers will be set up around school readiness skills. Conferences (in January and May for children advancing to kinder- the room according to a given theme. There will be story time, guest speakers, parent garten) will be held throughout the school year to discuss the progress made by the chil- pullout sessions, as well as free exploration. There is currently no fee for these classes/ dren. There is currently no tuition for this class. events. Parent and Infant/Toddler Class: “Play with Me” This class will be held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. beginning the month of December 2014 through April 2015. Parents are re- quired to attend with their child/children. The class is for children ages’ birth to 3 years old. Snacks will be provided. There will be guest speakers from the community as well as opportunities to discuss issues of concern. There is currently no fee for this class. *Minimum of 4 registered families required. ECFE School Readiness School Supplies 2 boxes of crayons (eight pack-standard size) 1 box of Kleenex 1 set of water colors (ANY size & ANY colors) Please send registration form to: P.O. Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623 Attn: Theresa Brown/ECFE *Please include a copy of your child’s updated immunization records ECFE REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Child’s name: ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________________ State, Zip: ______________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________________________ Child Birth Date: ________________________________________________ Classes registering for_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ New Baby? New to the Area? It is important for our future planning to have all children in our census files. Census numbers help determine the amount of levy funding that our Early Childhood Program receives from the State of Minnesota. When you are listed on our census, you will receive updates from our Early Childhood program and pre-school information for kindergarten. Please call Deb at 634-2056 ext. 1518. Lake of the Woods Community Educa on Registra on P.O. Box 310 Baude e, MN 56623 634-2735 ext. 1504 Name (adult):___________________________________ Name (student): ________________________________ Class/Ac vity __________________Fee $ ____ Age: ___ Grade:___ Teacher:__________ _________________T-Shirt Size: (If applicable): ____________ Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________(Parent/Guardian must sign if under 18) Address ________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Phone (Day) _________________Phone (Eve)_________________ Cell_____________________ Email:___________________________________________________ ______________________ I cer fy that myself/dependent is adequately covered by insurance. ______________________________ Signature I cer fy that we do not have insurance, but will assume all legal responsibility for accidents or injuries arising there from. _________________________ Signature For the pool schedule visit Pesticide General Notice for Parents or Guardians 2014-2015 Dear Parent or Guardian: Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Notice This is to inform you that the Lake of the students and our employees. A Minnesota state law went into effect in year 2000 that requires schools to Woods Public School District #390 is in In keeping with this legislation, the pre- inform parents and guardians if they apply certain pesticides on school property. compliance with regulations established by sent school buildings were built in 1992 and Specifically, this law requires schools that apply these pesticides to maintain an estimated schedule of pesticide applications and to make the schedule available to parents and guardians for review or copying at each school office. State law also requires that you be told that the long-term health ef- fects on children from the application of such pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood. If you would like to be notified prior to pesticide applications made on days other than those specified in the estimated schedule (excluding emergency applications), please complete and return the form below and mail it to: Jeff Nelson, Interim Superintendent, Lake of the Woods Public School, P.O. Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Superintendent at 218/634-2735. Sincerely, Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requiring that all schools serving each primary and secondary school in the nation to complete a stringent inspection for asbestos and to develop a plan of manage- ment for all asbestos-containing building materials. As a matter of policy, the district shall continue to maintain a safe and health- ful environment for our community, our 1998 and were built asbestos free. If you have questions, please contact the Office of the Superintendent. A copy of the management plan is also located in this office. THIS ANNUAL NOTICE IS PRESENTED IN COM- PLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS ESTABLISHED BY AHERA. Crisis Management The community, school board members and school staff worked together to develop a comprehensive crisis management plan, which was approved on May 25, 2000. The plan provided an egress map posted in each occupied room, and emergency drills were conducted last spring. A copy of the “LAKE OF THE WOODS CRISIS MANAGEMENT POLICY/ PLAN” is on file in the Superintendent’s office. Notice of Nondiscrimination Jeff Nelson, Interim Superintendent Lake of the Woods School #390 does Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 1973, Title IX of the Education Amend- Request for Pesticide Notification Lake of the Woods Public School I understand that the school will make available an estimated schedule of pesticide applications for review and copying at the school office. Should a pesticide application be scheduled on a day different from the day(s) specified in the original schedule, I would like to be notified. I under- stand that the school may ask me for reimbursement for the costs of noti- fication. I would prefer to be notified by (circle): US Mail E-mail Please print neatly: Name of Parent/ Guardian:_______________________________________Date:___________ Address:__________________________________________________________ Day Phone:(___)____________Evening Phone:(___)______________ Email:______________________________________________________ Return to: Jeff Nelson, Interim Superintendent Lake of the Woods Public School P.O. 310 Baudette, MN 56623 national origin, sex/gender, age, or disabil- ity in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their opera- tions. Lake of the Woods School #390 also does not discriminate in its hiring or em- ployment practices. This notice is provided as required by Title VI or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabili- ties Act of 1990. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regard- ing these laws may be forwarded to: Jeff Nelson, Interim Superintendent, P.O. Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623. He may be reached at 634-2735 ext. 1506. School Reach Instant Alert/Storm Days Whenever you change phone numbers at home, work, cell phone or email address, remember to update these changes at 634-2735, with Diane in the high school office, ext. 1421 or Deb in the elementary office, ext. 1518. As the name implies, SchoolReach is a parent notification system. SchoolReach has a process called EX Data Synch that allows us to build the automated transfer of parent contact information from Synergy, our student information system, to the SchoolReach hosted location. It simply saves time and provides more up to date, accurate parent con- tact information. Once we make a parent contact change in Synergy, it will update in SchoolReach every day. The most current parent contact information in Synergy will now be in our parent notification system. Our staff should no longer have to change parent contact in- formation in multiple systems. Free & Reduced Meals If your financial circumstances or household size change during the school year and you find that you qualify for free/reduced meal prices, you may submit an application to Lake of the Woods School at any time during the school year. Free & Reduced applica- tions may be picked up in the District Office, Elementary Office or High School Office. If you have questions regarding the free/reduced application, please call 634-2735 ext. 1504 or email A student's eligibility status is confidential. To view the Education Plus, visit Community Education/Pool Classes/Activities Community Ed Class Registration Registration forms may be picked up in the Elementary, High School, Pool and Community Ed offices. A registra- tion form is also included in this paper and is available online on Class registra- tion is required. Many classes have a minimum number of people needed to offer the class, and if enough people have not registered one week prior to a class, the class will be cancelled. All checks are to be made payable to Lake of the Woods School. American funds only. Adult Volleyball League Adult volleyball will start on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 and go through April 2015. If you have questions, please call Cece at 634-2735 ext. 1504. Dates: Wednesday nights Time: 7:00 p.m. in the small gym. Learn how to make Potica Facility Use, Policies, and Procedures The Community Education Department coordinates use of all school facilities and equipment beyond the regular school day. School functions take priority. School activi- ties may be scheduled subsequent to approval and the af- fected party will be notified if that situation occurs. The use of facilities is governed by policies and regulations ap- proved by the Board of Education. No activities will be scheduled on legal and/or school holidays. For mor e information contact the Community Education Office at 634-2735 ext. 1504. Potica (po-TEET-sah) is a traditional nut bread served at Easter and Christmas in Slovenia and is still very popular in some Elementary Football parts of the United States. It is a yeast Learn football skills and drills. Wear suitable dough rolled and stretched paper thin and Charm Swap clothing, tennis shoes and bring a water bottle. spread with a mixture of ground walnuts, Make a Unique Charm Bracelet Grades 3-6. butter, eggs, cream, and honey or sugar. It is then rolled Bring a set of 20 charms to the swap. At the end of each Coach: Bob Laine, Football Coaches and Varsity jellyroll fashion and baked. Come and join Carol Laine as session, charms will be randomly packaged so each partici- Football Players she demonstrates how to make a traditional walnut potica. pant receives 20 different charms. No wire work experi- Dates: Sept 13, 20, 27 and Oct. 4 & 11, 2014 She will then teach the class how to make an apple potica. ence required. Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon Class is limited to 8 people. An ingredient list will be given Making Your Charms Locations: L/W School practice football field to you after you have paid and registered for the class. A: should be all the same or ver y similar Fee: $15.00/resident;; $20.00/non-resident Fee: $15.00/resident;; $20.00/non-resident B: can have mor e than one component to them (Fee includes a T-shirt) Time: 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. C: can be gemstone, metal, polymer clay, paper , shr ink Date: November 8, 2014 plastic, etc., but they need to be able to be cleaned in soap Elementary Volleyball Instructor: Carol Laine and water Join the fun! First, second and third grades will Location: Lifeskills Room D: do not have to be r ound work on passing, target, setting, serving (over E: color of beads and/or metal type does not matter and underhand) & footwork. Fourth, fifth and Applique Quilt Class sixth grades will work on passing, setting, serv- Audrey will teach four different methods of applique: fusa- unless otherwise specified F: r ound beads should be no lar ger than 10mm ing, footwork and hitting. Emphasis will be on ble, freezer paper, machine and needle (thickness matters in this type of bracelet) learning proper technique. Wear t-shirt, shorts, turn. You will make one block each of G: Each charm needs to have a way to attach it to the tennis shoes and bring a water bottle. the different methods. You will need to bracelet, such as with a jump ring or trigger clasp-maker Sat Sept. 6 bring a sewing machine, cutting mat, ro- supplies the jump ring or clasp. If you need headpins for Sat Sept. 13 tary cutter, scissors and pins. Please reg- each charm, you need to provide them. Thursday Sept. 18th grades 1-3 from 3:15 to 4:30 ister two weeks in advance of class in H: Each char m should not have an over all completed Sat Sept. 27 order for Audrey to order supplies. Class Thursday Sept. 25th grades 4 & 5 from 3:15 to 4:30 supplies will be payable to Audrey and the class fee is pay- length, including the attachment section, of more than 1”. Four Different Chain Designs Thursday Oct. 2nd grades 1-3 from 3:15 to 4:30 able to Lake of the Woods School. Thursday Oct. 13th grades 4 & 5 from 3:15 to 4:30 We will be making a different chain at each of the four Class dates: Tuesdays, Oct. 7, 21, & Nov. 4, 18, 2014 Tentatively Oct. 25th for the 4-6 home scrimmage charm swaps. Note: You will not be able to attach multiple Time: 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. Fee: $25.00/resident;; $30.00/non-resident charms to several of the chains made in this series of clas- Maximum students: 12 (Fee includes a t-shirt) ses. Those chains would look best with just one or two Minimum students: 5 Location: Multi-purpose gym dangling from the closure. Class fee: $5.00/resident;; Coach: Chrissy Draper Materials Needed $10.00/non-resident *16, 18 and 20 gauge round wire-up to 15 feet may be Location: Lifeskills Room required for each chain Elementary Cross Country-Run with the Bears! Instructor: Audrey Olson Boys and girls in grades 3-6 are encouraged *Solid Core wire such as copper, bronze or nickel silver to join us for an introduction to cross coun- Adult Basic Education would be best. Of course, you can use silver or argentium try running. Fun runs, basic stretching and GED – Preparation for the high school equivalency diplo- *Clasp-handmade or purchased-a clasp tutorial will be flexibility, tips for nutritious snacking, and ma. Set of 5 tests: math, reading, writing, social studies, available at class more. Wear comfortable running clothes, and science Tools Needed: tennis shoes, bring a sweatshirt and water Instructor: Contact Rose Anderson @ 634-1563 for more *Round, chain, flat and bent nose pliers bottle. Wednesdays right after school. *Mandrels or 3 or 6 step pliers These are the pliers information. Coach: Patty Jerde, and the Cross County High School Must be 16 years old or older and not enrolled in second- used: 3 Step Wir e Wr apping Flat Nose Plier s-ID: G2-85Runners ary school. $9.57 or 6 Step Barrel Plier-ID: G2-503-$22.97Location: Elementary Playground 6-step pliers recommended Dates: September 10, 17, October 1, 8, 22, 2014 “Holiday Craft & Vendor Extravaganza” *Soft jaw pliers No practice Sept. 24 or October 15, (early out.) November 22, 2014 - 9 am-3 p.m.. Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m. Lake of the Woods Community Education will be sponsor- *Optional: Hammer and bench block Fee: $15.00/resident;; $20.00/non-resident ing a “Holiday Extravaganza” again this year. We had over Dates: October 8, December 3, 2014, February 4, (Fee includes a t-shirt) 85 booths last year. with about 850 people registering for April 8, 2015 door prizes. Vendors or crafters who are interested a booth, Time: 4:30 Adult Weight Room Membership please call Cece at 634-2735 ext. 1504 or Lisa at 634-2735 Location: Lifeskills For information on how to join the Lake of the Woods ext. 1101 for more information. Instructor: Judy Larson School weight room, call 634-2735 ext. 1504. Fee: $8.00/resident;; $12.00/non-resident For Community Ed activities visit Community Education/Pool Classes/Activities Fall Pool Schedule ~ Beginning Tuesday, September 2nd Schedule subject to change Monday Tuesday Wednes- day Thursday Friday Saturday 5-8 a.m. 5-8 a.m. 5-8 a.m. Adult Swim Adult Swim Adult Swim Sunday Water Comfort for Infants/ Toddlers Swimming for Your Heart 3:30 - 8 p.m. 3:30– 8 p.m. 1-4 p.m. 1-4 p.m. Open Swim Open Swim Open Swim Open Swim Costs for Open Swim .75 - Preschool, $1.50 - Student, $2.50 - Adult, $10.00 - Family Max Punch Card prices - $5.00 - Pre-school, $10.00 - Student, $22.50 - Adult American funds only. Family Fridays - Every Friday from 3:30-8:00 –Cost $5.00 per family (maximum 2 adults/4 chil- dren) A great time to enjoy family time at the pool at a great price!!! Upcoming pool events in 2015 Birthday Parties at the Pool The pool is a wonderful place to hold birthday parties! Par- ties can be held during open swim hours and the observa- tion area overlooking the pool is a great place to have games and lunch as part of your cele- bration. If you have any ques- tions or would like to book the pool and observation area for your next party, call the Pool Office at 634-2735 ext. 1101. All of our elementary students have swimming throughout the school year as part of their physical education class. Give & Swim...replenish the food shelf Water Exercise Class September: Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays - 4:15-5:15 p.m There are many benefits of water exercise, here are just a few: Water exercise decreases stress, blood pressure, tension, weight, pain, body fat, im- pact on joints, risk of injury and prescription drug requirements. It increases strength, flexibility, energy, range of motion, muscle tone, oxygen/circulation, endurance, balance, coordination, fun, self esteem, safety and enjoyment of life. It enhances feelings of well-being;; sleep patterns, recovery from injuries, social pleasures and reversing or slowing of ageing, both mentally and physically. Remember you don’t have to be a swimmer to do water exercise and if you are uncom- fortable wearing a swim suit…you can wear a t-shirt and shorts. Pre-registration is not required. You can start classes at any time...and the first time is FREE. For more infor- mation call the pool office 634-2735 ext. 1101. If you are interested in being a lifeguard, or WSI (Water Safety) Instruc- tor, please contact Lisa Beckstrand at 634-2735 ext. 1101. Walking Track The walking track is open Mon/Wed/Fri 5:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Tues/Thurs 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat/Sun 1:00-4:00 p.m. (during pool hours). For our records, please sign in one time at either the Pool Office or the District Office. For information about exercise classes, swimming lessons, (private & group), open swim/adult swim times call Lisa at Pool Office, 218-634-2735 ext. 1101 or email Water Walking Club Join us as we track our miles through Minnesota! (32 laps in the pool equals 1 mile) We will be walking on The pool will be closed August 11-17, 2014 for maintenance and Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Labor Day Observance August 30, 31, Sept 1, 2014 Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15 pm. Starting on Wednesday, October 1st. The cost is $3.00 per time, the 1st time is free. You don’‛t need to be a swimmer to participate… Call Lisa at the pool office if you have any questions. 634-2735 ext. 1101 FREE FAMILY POOL PASS!!! Bring this coupon in to the Lake of the Woods School Pool for a one time admittance for a day of free swimming for the family! Offer Expires October 31, 2014 For the pool schedule visit Community Education/Pool Classes/Activities Wire wrapped ring/bangle jewelry class Judy will show you how to make a beautiful wire wrapped ring or bangle. Some wire work experience required. Below is a list of supplies you will need for the bangle: Sterling Silver or Copper Wire 18 Gauge (1.0mm) Round 3.5 feet (106.68cm) 16 Gauge (1.2mm) Round 2 feet (60.96cm) 18 Gauge (1.0mm) Half Round 4 feet (121.92cm) Additional Half Round Wire the amount will depend on how you embellish your bracelet Optional: 24 or 26 gauge round wire Optional: Beads of your choice. Below is a list of supplies you will need for the ring: 3 feet (91.44cm) of 21ga (0.7mm) square wire in metal of your choice 2.25 feet (71cm) of 20 or 21ga (0.8mm or 0.7mm) half round wire (if you choose to wrap the shank) · 6 inches (15.24cm) of 18ga (1.0mm) half round wire (Binding wire) 1-18X13 mm Oval Cabochon stone of your choice Bring your own jewelry tools. Date: September 24, 2014 Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: Lifeskills Instructor: Judy Larson Fee: $8.00/resident;; $12.00 non-resident This course is geared toward students who would like to learn how to play piano. Instructed by Heidi Olson, these piano lessons will instruct the beginning student in basic pi- ano knowledge, note reading, technique, and music theory. As the student progresses, the course will become more spe- cialized to meet individual needs. Come learn to play the piano, sharpen musical skills, and have a great time in the process! Individual sessions of 1/2 hour each. Session length varies. Students will need to have a piano or keyboard available to practice on a regular basis. Students will need to purchase piano instruction books from the instructor Cost: $16.00 per lesson payable in advance. Sorry, no refunds for missed lessons. Teacher: Heidi Olson Location: Elementary music room or choir room Infant/Toddler Water Comfort Class Hershey’s Track & Field Results June 12, 2014 Lake of the Woods School Hershey Track and Field - 6/12/2014 Results Boys 11-12 100 Meter Dash Finals 1 Besch, Justin Boys 13-14 100 Meter Dash 1 Novak, Daniel Unattached 14.58 2 Davidson, Chase Unattached 16.44 Boys 11-12 800 Meter Run 1 Besch, Justin Unattached 3:23.20 Boys 13-14 800 Meter Run 1 Davidson, Braedon Unattached 2:53.04 2 Davidson, Chase Unattached 2:53.49 3 Novak, Daniel Unattached 2:57.88 4 Auguston, Avery Unattached 4:46.57 Boys 13-14 1600 Meter Run 1 Davidson, Braedon Unattached 6:02.27 10 2 Auguston, Avery Unattached 6:06.77 8 Boys 11-12 Long Jump 1 Besch, Justin Unattached 6-07.25 10 Boys 13-14 Other Softball Thr 1 Auguston, Avery Unattached 156-01.00 2 Davidson, Braedon Unattached 153-10.00 3 Novak, Daniel Unattached 147-05.00 4 Davidson, Chase Unattached 105-03.00 Piano Lessons Just For Me! Lake of the Woods School Hershey 2014 - 6/12/2014 Lake of the Woods High School Results Girls 9-10 200 Meter Dash Name Team Finals Finals 1 Aery, Rian Unattached 48.23 Girls 11-12 200 Meter Dash Name Team Finals Finals 1 Aery, Ashton Unattached 37.08 Girls 9-10 400 Meter Dash Name Team Finals Finals 1 Aery, Rian Unattached 1:40.23 Girls 11-12 400 Meter Dash Name Team Finals Finals 1 Aery, Ashton Unattached 1:24.07 Girls 11-12 Long Jump Name Team Finals Finals 1 Aery, Ashton Unattached 5-03.25 This class is designed to help Infants and Toddlers (ages 6 months to 2 years) get comfortable in the water. Information will also be shared on water safety. Parents will need to be in the water with their child. Classes will be held on Thursday evenings beginning on February 5th, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. and running until February 26. The cost is $20.00 Call Lisa at the pool to register or if you have any questions For the pool schedule visit Lake of the Woods Community Education “Holiday Craft & Vendor Extravaganza” “ November 22 2014 Lake of the Woods Community Education and The Baudette-Lake of the Woods Chamber of Commerce are teaming up again this year to kick off the holiday season in grand style. The Chamber, will hold its Frost Fest kick-off celebration on the same day as the Holiday Craft and Vendor Extravaganza hosted by Community Education. Both or- ganizations are excited to be working together to bring the area a great way to kick off the holiday season. The Holiday Craft and Vendor Extravaganza will be held in the Lake of the Woods School Commons and Main Gym on Sat, Nov 22, 2014 from 9am-3pm. Last year over 85 vendors were on hand with about 850 people registering for door prizes. Each year, the Extravaganza has been growing so this year promises to be bigger and better than ever. In addition to craft and vendor booths, the event will feature a visit from Santa, children’s activities (sponsored by 4-H), a “Just for Kix” performance, Turkey Bingo (sponsored by Lake of the Woods Women of Today), door prizes, a food booth operated by the Lady Laker Junior Volleyball Teams and a new event, a local singing group, Half Past Twelve, will be singing Christmas songs If you are interested in a booth or for more information on this event, contact Cece Charlton at 218/634-2735, ext 1504, 218/766-3242, cell or email her at or Lisa Beckstrand at 218/634-2735, ext 1101 or email her at The fun will continue on November 22nd but the action will shift to downtown Bau- dette as the Chamber of Commerce hosts their Frost Fest 2014 kick-off. Merchants will be offering special deals all day. In addition, several activities are planned including an- other visit from Santa, sleigh rides, the annual Holiday Light and Fish House Parade, Community Dinner and Dance, Silent Auction, caroling, a Downtown Window Walk, the Community Tree Lighting and more. Please watch the local papers and check soon for more details. Questions and inquiries can also be directed to committee chairpersons, Mike Hovde at 218-434-0273 or Karoline Ketchum at 218-929-7160. Holiday Craft & Vendor Extravaganza” Schedule of Events (Tentative) 9-3 p.m. Craft &Vender Sale Commons & Main Gym Concession - Commons Lady Laker JO Volleyball 11 a.m. “Half Past Twelve” Singing Christmas Songs 1 p.m. “Just for Kix” Dance Performance - Gym 1:30-3 p.m. Turkey Bingo ITV Room Sponsored by Woman of Today 2 p.m. “Half Past Twelve” Singing Christmas Songs 2 p.m. Santa Visits & Kids Crafts (4-H) Door prizes drawn throughout the day. TURKEY BINGO Sponsored by Women of Today “Holiday Craft & Vendor Extravaganza November 22, 2014 ITV Room—1:30-3:00 p.m. Half Past Twelve, Local singing group, to perform at Holiday Extravaganza Local singing group, Half Past Twelve, will be sharing songs from their Christmas CD. Enjoy 3 & 4 part harmonies of some of your favorite Christmas songs like O Holy Night, Silent Night, and more. Half Past Twelve was organized by Vicki Morrison Goble as a grant project with her sisters to create a sing-along CD to emulate the good ol’ days when families & friends use to gather around the piano or guitar. That project has changed over several years to now include other local music lovers along with Vicki: Connie Nesmith, Stacy Novak, and Arlene Pierce. Kicks off Saturday, November 22, 2014 Holiday Cra & Vendor Extravaganza! Downtown Window Walk! Holiday Light & Fish House Parade! Promo ons & Sales at Area Businesses! Community Dinner! Dance! Silent Auc on! Caroling! Annual Tree Ligh ng! VISITS WITH SANTA! Horse-Drawn Sleigh Rides! And More! And the fun con nues through the season with FREE MOVIE SATURDAYS AT THE GRAND THEATER! CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OPEN HOUSE! CHAMBER BUCKS GIVEAWAYS! To view your student’s lunch account balance, visit www.lakeofthewoodsschool Title 1 Summer School Measuring water depth and clarity at the school pond. Outdoor adventures and fun with math filled our time dur- ing the Title 1 Summer School this year. Our summer school dates were June 17, 18, 24, and 25, as well as August 5, 6, 12, 13, and 19. Approximately 20 students have eagerly partici- pated in exciting activities and learning opportunities integrat- ing reading, science, and math skills. June’s focus was on soil, seeds, and water. We spent time learning about different types of soil and the importance and role of each, and what seeds need in order to grow, including how much water and soil. With their newly acquired knowledge of soil, seeds, and water, the students had fun with Ms. Klaustermeier and Alyssa, from the Conservation Corps, planting green beans in the courtyard (we ate the fresh beans with lunch in August) and bulrushes in the pond, which for some, turned into a cool swim on a hot summer day. With Mrs. Olson, we examined seed packets, and learned which ways we could use math to be successful in growing plants, measuring the depth at which seeds are planted and the distance between each seed. We also looked at how we can use the information on seed packets to estimate approximately when plants will germinate and flower. In addition to these activities, we played math board games and SMART board games and used the computer lab to get extra math practice on This August, Mrs. Nelson is working with the students on animal tracking;; they have made plaster animal track casts and have been learning how to identify scat. They have also worked at the pond, doing a pond survey and analyzing water clarity. Throughout the summer, Mrs. Olson asked students to observe weather temperatures and graph the high and low temperatures for each Monday throughout the summer. We used this data to interpret trends we observed each month and practice calculating the mean, median, and mode of the high and low temperatures. Our summer school experience provided practical applica- tions for the knowledge students gain in school. Students were shown that learning can be fun and full of adventure, and they are using science, reading, and math skills in their summer activities. This years Title 1 Summer School was a great success! Thank you to all students and families that helped to make it possible, once again! Found a caterpillar. Discovering and surveying pond life. Casting prints at the school pond. Baudette Grand Theater Movie Hotline 218/634-1784 215 North Main Avenue Baudette, MN 56623 Locally owned and operated Serving you for over 80 years. Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc. 1300 Industrial Avenue Int’l Falls, MN 56649 (218)283-3221 To download the 2014/2015 District Calendar, visit Triple A Booster Club Has Spirit! Over the years Triple A Booster Club has shown its school spirit by supporting the edu- cation and development of students in grades 7 through 12, in the areas of Academics, Arts, and Athletics. Established as a 501© (3) non-profit or- ganization, Triple A Booster Club serves as the financial manager for the funds raised by each of its Group Accounts and also conducts its own fundraising to help support those groups and to sponsor other events and activi- ties. Currently, the organization manages funds for and helps supplement the funding needs of over thirty Group Account holders, such as Choir, Hockey, Knowledge Bowl, and Special Olympics. Requests by individuals or other organizations for contributions to sup- port Academics, Arts, or Athletics are consid- ered. Triple A Boosters also sponsor events and activities that benefit Lake of the Woods School and the communities it serves. Triple A Booster Club provided the sign on Highway 11 and the banner in the gym celebrating the success of our State Volleyball championship team. Working with Dollars for Scholars, the Boosters have been able to provide scholarships to graduating seniors. They have also worked with National Honor Society students to create a school calendar of events, including the dates of sporting events, choir and band concerts, dates of parent/ teacher conferences, and school testing dates. Although a large portion of the Club’s general fund comes from the sale of advertising space in the events program used at athletic and other school-related events, sales of the calen- dars serve as another source of revenue. The 2014-2015 calendar will be available in late August. Being active with the Triple A Booster Club is a great way for parents and communi- ty members to become involved in more as- pects of student activities. New ideas are always welcome! Meetings are held the sec- ond Wednesday of each month throughout the year. Summer School 2014 Brenda Nelson Summer school has been an outdoor adventure this year. About 25-30 students have been meeting nearly every Wednesday this summer learning about our outdoor environment. We have been able to take advantage of our outdoor classroom, school forest, and school pond area to learn about water, woods, and the wildlife that inhabit them. Each day begins with a focus on a particular plant, bird, or animal that lives in Minnesota. The students have learned the differences between damsel flies and dragonflies, studied mac- ro-invertibrates that live in our pond, and replaced invasive species with habitat friendly bull rushes and sedges. Participants have also spent time in the computer lab studying math and keeping their math skills honed and sharp. A huge thank you to our experts in the field from the DNR, MinnAqua, Lake of the Woods Soil and Water, and other local experts who have made this a valuable learning op- portunity for our students. Colorado Youth Hunt Essay Contest Deadline September 5 All past participants of the Take of Kid Hunt Fishing events that are ages 12-17 are en- *What you have dome to make your com- couraged to write an essay to win a Colorado munity a better place. (this point will Youth Hunt (Elk, Mule Deer, Antelope). count for 50% of the winning essay) The hunt is available October 20-December Essays should be mailed to the Rotary Club, 7, 2014 (Monday-Friday) You must possess Attn: Mike Larson, P O Box 411, Baudette, a firearms safety certification. This hunt in- MN 56623. Essays need to be received no cludes a 5-day horseback hunt, Colorado later than September 5, 2014. The winner hunting license, room and board for the will be chosen on September 15, 2014. If youth and their chaperone. It does not in- you have any questions or concerns, please clude transportation to and from Craig, CO, contact Reed McFarlane-218-766-3814, game processing and guide gratuity. Mike Larson- 218-434-0822 o Tim Lyon- In your essay tell us in your own words… 218-556-0220. *What you liked about the Take a Kid Last year’s winners were Kyden Krause and Gunner Ferrier. Fishing event *Why you would like to go on the Elk A message from Amy Potts, your Box Tops Coordinator. Welcome back to school! I’m thrilled to be the Box Tops for Educa- tion® Coordinator for Lake of the Woods School. Box Tops is such an easy way for parents to get involved in their child’s education. Just by purchasing Box Tops products, clipping the coupons and sending them into school, we earn cash that can be used to buy anything we need. You can find Box Tops on thousands of your favorite products, from Big G® cereals to Avery® office supplies to Hanes® T-shirts to Boise® printer paper. Our goal this year is to exceed $2,000. Box Tops cash is used to purchase a variety of educational supplies and materials throughout the school year including dictionar- ies, books, art supplies, playground equipment and materials, indoor educational re- cess games, and more! Most recently Box Tops funds were used to order new kick balls, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, and horseshoe sets for elementary recess. I hope the students enjoy these playground supplies this fall. To learn more and track our school’s progress, register at ( When you visit, opt to receive the newsletter. That way Box Tops can send you emails full of helpful information and coupons to save on Box Tops prod- ucts. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 218-634-2056 ext. 1553 or email me at I’m here to make our school’s Box Tops program a huge success! “Save the UPC Bar Codes” Lake of the Woods School continues to collect UPC bar codes from both “Campbell’s Labels for Education” products and “Our Family Labels for Learning” products. These are two separate programs that both benefit the school in many differ- ent ways. “Campbell’s Labels for Education” UPC bar codes are worth points for each bar code are turned in, and the school is allowed to order numerous items with different point values from a catalog that the company provides. All items in the catalog are school related, from band instruments to gym equipment. “Our Family Labels for Learning” UPC bar codes are worth 5 cents a piece. A bundle of 500 will earn the school $25.00 in cash. Often they will run a promotion where each bar code is worth 10 cents a piece. The main thing to remember is save the “UPC bar code” on both programs. We no longer save the front of the label for either program. If everyone in the surrounding area would do this, it would help provide many different products and items for our students that attend Lake of the Woods School. Simply cut, save and turn the “UPC bar codes” into the school, L/W Foods or the Brink Center. Colorado Youth Hunt Essay Contest Elk, Mule, Deer, Antelope Sponsored by Elkhorn Outfitters In your own words tell us….. *What you liked about the Take a Kid Fishing event, *Why you would like to go on the Elk Hunt. *What you have done to make your community a better place. (this will count for 50% of the winning essay) Please mail essays to: The Rotary Club Attn: Mike Larson P O Box 411 Baudette, MN 56623 no later than September 5, 2014 Winner will be chosen on September 15, 2014 To view the Education Plus, visit *On July 1, 2016, foods may not qualify using the 10% DV criteria. **On July 1, 2016, Smart Snacks in SchoolUSDA’s “All Foods Sold in Schools” snack items must contain ≤ 200 mg sodium per item Standards USDA recently published practical, science-based nutrition standards for snack foods and beverages sold to children at school during the school day. The standards, required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, will allow schools to offer healthier snack foods to children, while limiting junk food. The health of today’s school environment continues to improve. Students across the country are now offered healthier school lunches with more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The Smart Snacks in School standards will build on those healthy advancements and ensure that kids are only offered tasty and nutritious foods during the school day. Smart Snacks in School also support efforts by school food service staff, school administrators, teachers, parents and the school community, all working hard to instill healthy habits in students. Nutri on Standards for Foods ● Any food sold in schools must: • Be a “whole grain-rich” grain product;; or • Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food;; or • Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable;; or • Contain 10% of the Daily Value (DV) of one of the nutrients of public health concern in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (calcium, potassium, vitamin D, or dietary fiber).* ● Foods must also meet several nutrient requirements: Calorie limits: ° Snack items: ≤ 200 calories ° Entrée items: ≤ 350 calories Sodium limits: ° Snack items: ≤ 230 mg** ° Entrée items: ≤ 480 mg Fat limits: ° Total fat: ≤35% of calories ° Saturated fat: < 10% of calories ° Trans fat: zero grams Sugar limit: ° ≤ 35% of weight from total sugars in foods Smart Snacks in School: USDA’s “All Foods Sold in Schools” Standards Nutri on Standards for Beverages ● All schools may sell: • Plain water (with or without carbonation) • Unflavored low fat milk • Unflavored or flavored fat free milk and milk alternatives permitted by NSLP/SBP • 100% fruit or vegetable juice and • 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water (with or without carbonation), and no added sweeteners. ● Elementary schools may sell up to 8-ounce portions, while middle schools and high schools may sell up to 12-ounce portions of milk and juice. There is no portion size limit for plain water. ● Beyond this, the standards allow additional “no calorie” and “lower calorie” beverage options for high school students. • No more than 20-ounce portions of • Calorie-free, flavored water (with or without carbonation); and • Other flavored and/or carbonated beverages that are labeled to contain < 5 calories per 8 fluid ounces or ≤ 10 calories per 20 fluid ounces. • No more than 12-ounce portions of • Beverages with ≤ 40 calories per 8 fluid ounces, or ≤ 60 calories per 12 fluid ounces. Other Requirements ● Fundraisers • The sale of food items that meet nutrition requirements at fundraisers are not limited in any way under the standards. • The standards do not apply during non-school hours, on weekends and at offcampus fundraising events. • The standards provide a special exemption for infrequent fundraisers that do not meet the nutrition standards. State agencies may determine the frequency with which fundraising activities take place that allow the sale of food and beverage items that do not meet the nutrition standards. ● Accompaniments • Accompaniments such as cream cheese, salad dressing and butter must be included in the nutrient profile as part of the food item sold. • This helps control the amount of calories, fat, sugar and sodium added to foods by accompaniments, which can be significant. “Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act” The “Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act” went into effect July 1, 2012. This is changing how school lunch is planned and what students must take as they go through the line. The pre- vious combined fruit and vegetables group has been divided into a separate fruit group and a separate vegetable group. Changes in the meat/meat alternate and grains have also taken place. The minimum following must be offered each day: Milk: Must be skim or 1 % . Meat/Meat Alternate: K-5th- 1oz equiv per day, (8-10 oz per week) 6-8th – 1 oz equiv per day, (9-10 oz per week) 9-12th-2 oz equiv per day, (10-12 oz per week) Grains: (> 50% must be whole grain-rich) K-5th-1 equiv per day,( 8-9 per week)=(a decrease of 2 equiv ) 6-8th- 1 equiv per day, (8-10 per week) = (a decrease of 2 equiv) 9-12th-2 equiv per day, (10-12 per week) = (a decrease of 3 equiv) Fruits: K-8th-1/2 cup per day 9-12th- 1 cup per day Vegetables: K-8th- ¾ cup per day (3 ¾ cup per week) 9-12th-1 cup per day (5 cups per week) Additional vegetable requirements: Dark green- ½ cup per week Red Orange-3/4 cup per week for K-8 and 1 ¼ cup for 9-12th Legumes (Beans/Peas)-1/2 cup per week Starchy :(corn,potatoes,green peas)1/2 cup per week Other Vegetables-(cabbage,celery,green beans,etc,)1/2 cup per week for K-8th,3/4 cup per week for 9-12th. Calories averaged over a week must be within the following ranges: K-5th – 550-650 daily 6-8th-600-700 daily 9-12th-750-850 daily STUDENTS MAY STILL TAKE ONLY THREE ITEMS FOR LUNCH BUT ONE OF THE ITEMS MUST BE A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE! To view the breakfast and lunch menus, visit Lake of the Woods School Food Service Brenda Wahl, Food Service Director & Cece Charlton Food Service Coordinator Menus for breakfast and lunch will be sent home monthly with elementary stu- dents and are available in the district, ele- mentary and high school offices. Menus are also available online on the school’s website Parents/ guardians are invited to have lunch at school anytime during the school year. As per government regulations, Lake of the Woods School incorporates a feature called “Offer vs. Serve.” This program re- quires the student to select a minimum of three of the five food components included in the lunch program and three of the four food items on the breakfast menu. The por- tions of all the food items will be the same and the price of the meal will not be low- ered when taking less than the entire meal. State law specifies the responsibility of a school to provide a lactose-free milk with a written request from a parent/guardian. The state does not allow the district to make any other substitutions, such as juice to lactose intolerant students. Milk may be purchased for 25 cents a carton for students bringing lunch from home. If your child has any food allergies, please contact, Brenda Wahl in Food Service and our school nurse, Tierra Shaw. The district uses an Individual Meal Ac- counting System where each student has their own account which records all meal payments and purchases. Meal accounts must have money in the account in order for the student to use it. We encourage parents/ guardians to pay in advance of the first day of school to alleviate the constraints stu- free. High school students not having tion to be reviewed and a response sent to dents experience those first few days of the enough money in their account to cover the the parents/guardian. You will be notified school year. Please make checks payable to meal will be turned away in the lunch line. by mail when your application is approved. Lake of the Woods School, and mail to P.O. ELEMENTARY children will be offered a Benefits from the previous school year will Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623. The Lake cheese sandwich and milk if they are turned be carried over until October 14, 2014. of the Woods School District also offers the away due to non-payment. Any family that has not reapplied by Octo- online payment processing system, ber 14, 2014 will be changed to full priced PaySchools (see below for the information.) FREE & REDUCED MEALS meals. Lake of the Woods School has the capa- Free or reduced meals are available to Applications may be completed at any bility for parents/guardians to look up their students who qualify. To determine if you time throughout the year. You may reap- meal account balance on our school website: qualify, please complete the Application for ply at any time during the school year, Click on Educational Benefits and return the com- whenever your situation changes (income, Food Services, “account lookup” enter pin pleted form to the Food Service department. family size.) Funding for sever al educa- number, your account information is now Applications for free/reduced priced meals tional programs is based on the number of available.. Each student knows his/her pin are mailed to every household in the district students who qualify for free and reduced number. Please call 634-2735 ext. 1504 if in August and are available in the district, meals. Information regarding who is en- you need your student’s pin number. elementary and high school offices, on the rolled in the free and reduced meal program Payments can be sent with the individual school web site or call 634-2735 ext. 1504 is kept confidential. student. If sending a check, please include and one will be mailed to you. Applications If you have any questions about free and the students name and PIN#. If you have must be submitted each year. A student reduced applications or would like addition- more than one student in school, you may transferring from another school during the al information on our food service program, send one check and in the memo area write school year must fill out an application for call Cece at 634-2735 ext. 1504. each students name and how you want the this district. The family must have money money divided. If sending cash, please in the student’s account in order for the stu- In accordance with federal law and U.S. De- partment of Agriculture policy, this institu- place it in an envelope with the students dent to eat while the application process tion is prohibited from discriminating on the name on it. Staff and students are required takes place. You may reapply at any time basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, to PREPAY for breakfast/lunch and extra during the school year, as often as your situ- or disability. To file a complaint, write milks. A positive balance must be estab- ation changes (income, family size.) Please USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, lished in the account to allow participation fill out the form and return the application to 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washing- in the school meal programs. Balances are the Food Services department. The infor- ton, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 rolled over from one year to the next. mation is confidential, and students who (Voice.) Individuals who are hearing im- Students and parents are responsible for receive the benefits are not identified in any paired or have speech disabilities may contact checking their meal balances. Students re- way. USDA through the Federal Relay Service at ceiving free/reduced meals must have The district Food Service Office will (800) 877-8339, or (800) 845-6136 money in their account for a milk if they review applications on a timely basis, how- (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity bring a lunch from home. Milk is not ever, it may take 7-10 days for an applica- provider and employer. It’s the mark of our times: the merging not save or store bank or credit card infor- processing of payments and handling fewer of the Internet with our day-to-day business. mation to ensure privacy and security for The Lake of the Woods School District users. offers the online payment processing sys- PaySchools offers parents the ease of tem, PaySchools. being able to make purchases 24 hours a Through this system, parents can ac- day/7 days a week, the security of knowing cess PaySchools through the school’s web the school has received payments, the pro- site at and tection of sensitive account information pay for school-related fees and products [credit card and bank account numbers are online, either by e-check or MasterCard, not stored in the database], and the conven- Visa or Discover cards. The parent will ience of having records of purchases and immediately receive an e-mail receipt con- payments available online. Schools save firming their purchase(s). PaySchools does significant labor costs by reducing manual checks. Items that may currently be purchased online include: • Athletic Fees • Community Education Fees • ECFE • School Meal Account • School Fees • Weight Room Fees To make payments log onto and click Lake of the Woods School has three Automatic External Defibrillators (AED). The three AED’s are located in the cafeteria/commons area, by the multi-purpose gym/pool area and in the east hall of the elementary/high school area. To download the 2014/2015 District Calendar, visit 2014-15 Elementary Supply List Kindergarten – 3 boxes of eight count crayons;; 1 dozen pencils (Dixon-Ticonderoga works best);; 1 Fiskar brand children’s scissors;; 1 plastic school box (large enough for 1 box crayons, 1 glue bottle, several pencils, a glue stick, 1 large eraser, and a pair of scissors);; 2 plastic folders;; 1 backpack that accommodates folders and winter gear;; 1 beach/bath towel for rest time (no mats will be allowed this year);; 2 bottles of Elmer's Glue (glue-all works best);; 1 dozen glue sticks (Dollar Store brands do not work well);; 1 complete change of clothing to be kept in their locker;; 1 pair of tennis shoes that can easily be taken off and on (Velcro is great!). Grade One – 24 pencils (not plastic coated), plastic pencil box (5 in. x8 in.), scissors, eraser, 2 boxes of 24 crayons (no markers please), 1 bottle white school glue, 2 glue sticks, 2 folders (one needs to be strong plastic type);; 1 wide ruled spiral notebook, 1 wide ruled composition notebook, gym shoes, school bag or backpack, 1 large box of facial tissues. High School Supply List 7-12 Mathematics Students All students in 7-12 mathematics classes will need a scientific calculator. While it does not have to be a gra- phing calculator but it should be capable of operations with fractions and negatives Immunization clinic For students in grades 6 to 12 Wednesday, September 10 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Lake of the Woods School Grade Two – 36 Dixon Ticonderoga pencils, 24 count Grade Four – Colored pencils, markers, 1 pack loose leaf (only) box of crayons, 6 large composition notebooks (not notebook paper, wooden pencils, 1 or 2 large boxes of faci- spiral), white school glue, 4 large glue sticks, 3 yellow al tissue, 6 pocket folders, 6 notebooks, calculator, ruler, highlighters, 12” wooden ruler with inches and centimeters, scissors, white school glue, glue sticks, plastic pencil box 5 plastic folders (1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 black), 2 – 1½” 3 ring plastic covered binder (no larger, no Trapper Grade Five – 3 spiral notebooks,2 packages wide ruled Keepers), large pink erasers and pencil top erasers, scissors, loose leaf notebook paper, 4 plastic pocket folders, 1 - ½”colored pencils, wide tipped markers, 1 large box of facial 1” 3 ring binder, 1 composition book, 2 boxes regular lead tissue, school bag or backpack (no wheels, they do not fit in pencils, 1 jumbo glue stick, 1 pencil box, scissors, 2 boxes lockers), gym shoes. of facial tissue, 1 box of crayons, 1 highlighter marker, 1 pack of markers or colored pencils, gym shoes. Grade Three – 48 pencils, small pencil sharpener, colored pencils, 1 pack of markers, 1 box of crayons, scissors, 2 Grade Six – 1 Trapper Keeper, 5 pocket folders – 3 hole bottles school glue, 1 glue stick, plastic pencil box, 4 pocket punched, 1 Avery 8 tab insertable plastic dividers, 1 pack folders, 2 wide ruled composition notebooks, 2 wide ruled highlighters, 2 composition notebooks, 2 large glue sticks, spiral notebooks, 1 package wide ruled loose leaf notebook 500 sheet three hole punched lined paper, 3 subject note- paper, 1 large box of facial tissue, gym shoes, school bag or book, calculator with square root function, 144 pencils, 1 backpack large eraser, 1 pack colored pencils, 1 scissors, 1 pack as- sorted colored markers, 1 box tissue. For Sale Old Elementary Yearbooks Some $1.00 Some $5.00 Some $10.00 Last year’s 2013-14 $12.95 See Mrs. Cynthia Hanson at the Open House Her room is the Old Community Education Room Mosaic class taught by Sue Hopkins on July 17-21, 2014 To view your student’s lunch account balance, visit Breakfast at School Mornings can be really crazy! The alarm doesn’t go off, the kids don’t want to get up, there’s no time to eat breakfast before the bus comes or they’re just not ready to eat. Or maybe your teenager grabs a can of soda and a candy bar on the way to school. If this sounds like your house, we have good news for you. Breakfast is available at school! Take advantage of this option to ensure your child eats a nutritious breakfast. Recent studies show a link between nutrition and learning. A nutri- tious breakfast helps students be more alert so they can actively participate in class. Breakfast has vitamins and nutrients for a strong and healthy body. Breakfast at school is affordable, too. A full breakfast costs less than convenience store items. Breakfast at Lake of the Woods School cost $1.00 for both elementary and high school students. If you qualify for free and reduced price meals, you also qualify for the breakfast program, with no additional paperwork. If you qualify for reduced meals, break- fast is free. Nowhere else will you find a balanced breakfast at such a low cost. So take advantage of this opportunity to start the day on the right foot. Your child will find breakfast at school provides not only a nutritious meal but also a relaxed atmosphere for socializing with friends and siblings. To download the 2014-2013 District Calendar, visit SUMMER COLLEGE CAMP 2014 To view the breakfast and lunch menus, visit Summer Food Program Lake of the Woods School participated in the Minnesota State Summer Food Program. Meals were provided to all children under the age of 18 without charge. Meals met the nu- tritional standards established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA.) Lake of the Woods School partnered with Lakewood Health Care Center. Meals were served to the community starting on June 17 and ending on August 14. Meals were served at the Lake of the Woods School Commons and at Lakewood Care Center. Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities were the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age or disability. Lake of the Woods School would like to thank Lakewood Health Care Center for all of the help they gave to the school, without them the program would not have happened. To view the breakfast and lunch menus, visit NHS Luau at the Care Center Activities at Lake of the Woods School To view your student’s lunch account balance, visit www.lakeofthewoodsschool
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