2014 – 2015 School Year Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Data Collection Training Manual for the 2014– 2015 School Year Randy I. Dorn State Superintendent of Public Instruction October 2014 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Old Capitol Building PO Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504-7200 Please refer to the document number below for quicker service: 14-0069 This document is available online at: http://www.k12.wa.us/titleiia/HighlyQualifiedTeachers.aspx This material is available in alternative format upon request. Contact the Resource Center at (888) 595-3276, TTY (360) 664-3631 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Topic Program Telephone E-mail ESEA HQT Requirements Title II, Part A 360-725-6340 title2quality@k12.wa.us IDEA HQT Requirements Special Education 360-725-6075 speced@k12.wa.us State Assignment Rules David Brenna, Professional Educators Standards Board 360-725-6238 david.brenna@k12.wa.us Teacher Certification Certification 360-725-6400 cert@k12.wa.us Parents Right-to-Know Title I, Part A 360-725-6100 Paraeducator Requirements (Title I) Title II, Part A 360-725-6340 title2quality@k12.wa.us Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Digital Learning Department 206-616-9940 dldinfo@k12.wa.us OSPI provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. For questions and complaints of alleged discrimination, contact: Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator Equity and Civil Rights Director P.O. Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504-7200 (360) 725-6162 Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection Training Manual 2014 – 2015 School Year Meeting the Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 2001 Prepared by: Julia Fallon, Program Supervisor Deborah Parriott, Program Supervisor Pat Smithson, Program Supervisor Hisami Yoshida, Program Supervisor Title II, Part A Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy I. Dorn Superintendent of Public Instruction Ken Kanikeberg Chief of Staff Gayle Pauley Assistant Superintendent Special Programs & Federal Accountability Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection October 2014 CEDARS to HQT Tool Data Map OSPI Customer Support – 1.800.725.4311 – customersupport@k12.wa.us Created February 2012 This document describes how data is pulled from CEDARS into the HQT tool for the 2014-15 school year. It references data elements from the CEDARS Data Manual, available at http://www.k12.wa.us/CEDARS. HQT data comes from six different CEDARS files: DistrictStudent, SchoolStudent, CourseCatalog, StudentSchedule, Staff and StaffSchedule. The Staff file is used to populate the main listing of teachers at each building (school). CourseCatalog contains information about the courses, and StaffSchedule and StudentSchedule are used to join a staff person to a course. HQT updates with CEDARS edits made in “Edit Data” as soon as they are made in CEDARS. HQT updates with new CEDARS data or edits made through a CEDARS submission before business hours each morning (using the previous night’s load of CEDARS data). HQT updates with S-275 data as soon as the S-275 is accepted in SAFS. Data Sources for CEDARS Term Dates The ‘CEDARS Term’ column in the ‘CEDARS Term Dates’ box on the main district page comes directly from CEDARS term values reported by your district in the StaffSchedule CEDARS file. The valid values for terms are defined in CEDARS Appendix P and tell the HQT tool the date the term begins. Data Sources for Building The buildings or schools listed on the District page are the schools currently being reported to CEDARS. The column ‘grades’ pulls the span of grades reported in the Education Data System Administration (EDS Admin) from the school profile page for the school displayed. Data Sources for Teacher Column The teachers listed in this column for each school come primarily from CEDARS. The data source for the teacher’s demographic information is indicated in parenthesis (CEDARS) or (S-275). This document only references teachers whose data originates from CEDARS. Teachers with the (S-275) indicator are not referenced in this document. Teacher Name and Certificate Number – The name reported here is from S-275 (this is for consistency with other screens within eCert which display the name from S-275). The number reported in bold as the certificate number is from CEDARS Staff File (F), element F05. Courses – All courses listed are from CEDARS Staff Schedule File (G) selected by joining the Staff ID, element G04 to the Staff ID of element F03. All courses for each teacher reported in the Staff Schedule File are listed. An indicator in red text stating, “(no students)” means that the Course ID, element G05 in the staff schedule plus the Section ID, element G06 did not match any records in the Student Schedule File in elements E06 (Student Course ID) and element E07 (Student Section ID). Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection October 2014 Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection October 2014 Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection Training Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Logging Into the Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection Tool ........................................................... 7 Verifying Data ............................................................................................................................... 9-26 District Tab .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 CEDARS TERM Dates Box ………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….11 Message Box .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 List of Term Valid Values …………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….13 District Tab……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......................14 Building Tab……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................15 Building Complete, Saving Changes ....................................................................................................................... 17 Grade Level Key ……..…………………………....………………………..…………………………………………………………… ………………..…18 Teacher and Course Information ……………………………….………………….………………………………………………………………....20 Core and Non-Core Content .................................................................................................................................... 20 List of Content Area Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 21 S-275 Teachers ........................................................................................................................................................ 22 Conditional/Emergency Certificates........................................................................................................................ 23 Special Education Teachers .................................................................................................................................... 25 Teachers with Block Schedules ............................................................................................................................... 26 Inputting HQT Data Teacher and Course Information ................................................................... 27-38 Adding Content Area, Route, Grade Level, and Effective Date ............................................................................... 28 Adding a HQ Content Area .................................................................................................................................29-30 Action(s) to become HQ …. ..................................................................................................................................... 31 HQT Exempt ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32 Special education consultative teachers ELL – Teachers who teach English language acquisition Physical education, health, computer teacher at elementary level Online teachers who facilitate online courses HQT Specialists (music, art, reading), Out-of-State, Special Education................................................................... 33 Special Education HOUSSE .………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………34 Valid and Invalid HOUSSE Forms ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….36 Summer School Data ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………............37 Inputting Paraeducator Data…… ....... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….38 Viewing Reports.......................................................................................................................... 39-44 Uploading Data ................................................................................................................................ 45 Appendix 1-Adjusting the Browser Setting ........................................................................................ 47 Terms and Definitions .. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….50-52 Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection October 2014 Logging Into the Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection Tool 1. Go to the EDS Login screen; type your user name and password; then click Login. Note: The URL to use is: https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/Login.aspx Login 2. From the Home screen, click View my applications. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 7 Login 3. From the My Applications screen, click on Highly Qualified Teacher Data CollectionTool. 4. The due date for complete and accurate reporting of all data in the Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection Tool to OSPI is April 24, 2015. 5. For training on the tool, please view the webinars on the Title II, Part A webpage: Communications: Webinars/k20s: http://www.k12.wa.us/TitleIIA/communications.aspx Note: Questions concerning the tool should be directed to OSPI’s Title II, Part A program office by contacting deborah.parriott@k12.wa.us or OSPI’s Customer Support office at customersupport@k12.wa.us. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 8 Step 1 VERIFY DATA IN THE HQT TOOL Verify all open buildings in the district are listed in the building list and showing teachers. Verify that all teachers are reported to their correct building assignments. Verify that all teachers in the building are under contract for the current school year. Contact CEDARS personnel to deactivate teachers who are not under contract for the current school year (e.g., resignations and retirees). All elementary teachers (K-5/6) should be reported in CEDARS with Content Area Code 1, Elementary Curriculum, including reading, art, music, PE, and technology teachers. All secondary teachers (6/7-12) should be reported with the correct Content Area Code for the subject areas they are assigned to teach. Verify that all course information reported in CEDARS is accurate for each teacher. Verify that all courses are listed under the appropriate Content Area Code (e.g., reading classes are reported under the reading Content area Code 3). Misc and Non-Core courses should not show any core classes unless they are taught in a block schedule. Are there teachers reported via the S-275 that could be connected to students and reported in CEDARS? If so, contact district personnel responsible for student information and request that the students be connected to the teacher. This will improve the accuracy of reporting the number of courses taught by a teacher. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 9 Tool Overview/Verification of HQT Data District Tab The front page of the Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Data Collection Tool contains several tabs. The first tab is the district identification information. In this example it is the Bethel School District. 6. Bethel School District tab is followed by tabs for Teacher, Summer School, Paraeducator, Reports and Upload. More information on the each of these tabs can be found as follows: Teacher, Summer School, page 37; Paraeducators, page 38, and Reports and Upload on pages 39-45. 7. The box below the district tab is labeled School District. This includes district name, the name of the person who last worked in the tool, the date and time the tool was last updated, and a phone number to assist OSPI in contacting district HR personnel. If you would prefer a phone number, other than the one listed, please contact the Title IIA program office. Below the phone number is the Submit button which locks the district against changes. After all the data for each school building has been verified as accurate, set the Building Locked box to Yes (see page 17); the district can then submit information by clicking the Submit button. Data should be submitted to OSPI no earlier than April 10, 2015, and no later than April 24, 2015. When a school district has submitted data, all teacher quality information for the district is “View” only for the current school year. No edits can be made. A submitted school district can be unlocked by OSPI’s Title II, Part A program office at 360-725-6340, or OSPI Customer Support at 360-725-6371. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 10 District Tab — CEDARS Term Dates 8. CEDARS Term Dates box will no longer be required. The HQT tool will compare the CEDARS Staff Schedule Instruction and Term start dates (Element G09 – Instruction Start Date) with the Effective Date in the tool to determine whether the teacher is highly qualified before the start of instruction. Term is defined by the district, using valid values and descriptors for Term as noted on page 13 of this training manual and can also be found in the current CEDARS Data Manual Appendices P at http://www.k12.wa.us/CEDARS/default.aspx. 9. CEDARS Business rules require Term for all courses attempted during the current school year for all students. This value will be used to connect teacher and student schedules so the designator for Term must be the same for Element E08 and Element G07 –Term. CEDARS Term includes a Term designator for each course in the CEDARS Student and Staff Schedule Files as well as when to use SEM1 versus Q1 or Q2. Alternative Schools and Online Education: If not able to identify with one particular session type, use the Quarter designation that most closely aligns with the quarter the course was taken/taught based on the number of weeks into the school year. When to use SEM1 versus Q1 and Q2: If a course is taken / taught for only one quarter out of a semester, use the appropriate quarter designation. Otherwise, use the Semester designation. Do not use Term “OTHER”. OSPI will be unable to count the classes for federal reports. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 11 District Tab — HQT Message Box 10. Message Box The Message Box, found on the front page of the application, is designed for one way communication initiated by OSPI to districts. When OSPI has a need to communicate with users about the function of the HQT Data Collection tool, a message will be sent. All messages for the year will remain in the box for your reference. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 12 TERM VALID VALUES - CEDARS Data Manual Appendix P (used by Element E08, G07, and H-19) SEM1 The first 18 week session of the school year on the semester system SEM2 The second 18 week session of the school year on the semester system TRI1 The first 12 week session of the school year on the trimester system TRI2 The second 12 week session of the school year on the trimester system TRI3 The third 12 week session of the school year on the trimester system Q1 The first 9 week session of the school year on the quarter and/or Semester system Q2 The second 9 week session of the school year on the quarter and/or Semester system Q3 The third 9 week session of the school year on the quarter and/or Semester system Q4 The fourth 9 week session of the school year on the quarter and/or Semester system ALLYR Nine month (can be used for elementary schools) SIXWKT1 The first six week session during current school year SIXWKT2 The second six week session during current school year SIXWKT3 The third six week session during current school year SIXWKT4 The fourth six week session during current school year SIXWKT5 The fifth six week session during current school year SIXWKT6 The sixth six week session during current school year TERM1of8 The first term of an eight-term school year TERM2of8 The second term of an eight-term school year TERM3of8 The third term of an eight-term school year TERM4of8 The fourth term of an eight-term school year TERM5of8 The fifth term of an eight-term school year TERM6of8 The sixth term of an eight-term school year TERM7of8 The seventh term of an eight-term school year TERM8of8 The eighth term of an eight-term school year OTHER Other school session that does not meet any other Term definition SUM1* Either the first session of a two session summer program or the only session of a single session summer program SUM2* Second session of a two-session summer program *Sum1 & Sum2 are only to be submitted to Student Grade History (H), Element H19 – Term. Sum1 & Sum2 are not valid values within Student Schedule File (E), Element E08 – Term or Teacher Schedule File (G), Element G07 – Term. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 13 District Tab — Building List 11. The building view provides the following: An Edit button to access building information - Clicking the Edit button will open a building. You will be taken directly to the HQT Data Collection screen. In the screen shot above, Bethel High School is showing with 73 teachers. Clicking the Edit button allows you to enter the building to edit/update teacher information. A View button will appear in place of the Edit button when the building data is Complete and ready for submission to OSPI. If the number of teachers assigned to a building is zero, then an Edit button will not appear, and the building is not accessible. This occurs when a district closes a school, or when teachers are not reported in that building through CEDARS or the S-275. Building name and school district code. Grades is the grade level span of the building. It is important that the grade level span be accurate in order to accurately highly qualify teachers. To correct the grade level span data with OSPI, contact Customer Support to make changes in EDS Admin. Bulletin B017-14, May 2014, explains the process for Data Directory Changes for the 2014-2015 school year. The deadline for those changes is July 1, of each year. Teachers signifies the number of teachers assigned to the building as reported in CEDARS Staff File, Element F, in the CEDARS Data Manual, located at http://www.k12.wa.us/CEDARS/default.aspx, or the district’s S-275 report. Verify that all teachers assigned to a building are certificated employees assigned to teach students during the current school year. Locked is the indicator (Yes or No) designating that a building has been edited/updated and all information is complete. Prior to successfully submitting building data on April 24, 2015, all buildings must show as Yes under Locked. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 14 Building Tab 12. The data contained within the HQT Data Collection Tool is pre-populated from three sources: The primary source is CEDARS data. Following a scan of CEDARS data, the HQT Quality Data Collection Tool searches the district’s S275 report for all teachers not currently reported in CEDARS, primarily itinerant teachers. Teacher name and certificate number are verified from the eCertification database. State test information, endorsements, and National Board Certified Teacher data is provided from the eCertification database. 13. District personnel must first verify the data in the tool. The tool is filtered to capture only certificated staff with Staff Type Codes 31-33 and 63 from CEDARS Staff File F, as noted in the CEDARS Data Manual, Element F04, from Appendices U, located at http://www.k12.wa.us/CEDARS/Manuals.aspx. Preschool teachers will show in the HQT tool because they have Washington State certificates and are attached to students. The tool does not capture principals, counselors, TOSAs, librarians other certificated staff unless students are attached to them. Staff Type Code Staff Type Description 31x Elementary Teacher 32x Secondary Teacher 33x Other Teacher 63x Contracted Teacher Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 15 Building Tab cont. 14. The CEDARS Staff File contains information about district staff teaching a course or assigned to a homeroom for the current school year in grades PK–12. If a staff member serves more than one school, that information is captured in Staff Schedule File G. 15. As soon after mid-October when the HQT tool reopens with current school year data, Human Resource Personnel should verify the teaching assignments in all buildings to be sure they accurately reflect the correct building for the teacher and the correct course(s) being taught. If the district does not report a full one year schedule for all teachers during the first enrollment report due to OSPI in October, then a second check should be done in February verifying the courses teachers are teaching for second semester. 16. To correct the inaccurate reporting of teaching assignments or courses, contact the building registrar or district SIS/CEDARS personnel. 17. District staff reported in the tool but not teaching a course or assigned to a homeroom for the current school year should be deactivated from the district’s CEDARS submission. Preschool teachers will show in the tool because they have Washington State teaching certificates. The tool ignores preschool teachers for federal reporting purposes and no action is needed on the part of the district to highly qualify them. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 16 Verifying Data — Building Complete, Saving Changes 18. When the Building Locked box is set to No, data can be updated and saved within the tab. 19. When the Building Locked box is set to Yes and the Save button is clicked, then all data appearing within the tab is validated. The following message will appear at the top of the page when the Building Locked box is set to Yes: This building is locked against changes. To unlock the building set Building Locked to "No". Changes are still allowed, but the Building Locked box will need to be set back to No and Saved to update teacher information. Only the Submit button will lock the building tab against changes and present a view only format. 20. Changes to any data in the building are saved only when the Save button is clicked. As soon as any data is changed, an Unsaved Changes message will appear in red below the Save button as a reminder to click the Save button . Districts should save data periodically. Any data entered and not saved within a two hour window will be lost. 21. When all data has been entered and districts are satisfied that the data is accurate, click the Submit button (see illustration on page 10). The expected due date for complete and accurate reporting of all data in the Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection Tool is April 24, 2015. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 17 Verifying Data — Grade Level Key 22. The Grade Level key corresponds to the teacher’s endorsement and assignment. The appropriate Grade Level box is pre-populated from eCertification when endorsements come through eCert. When a teacher is highly qualified through a pathway other than an endorsement, the grade level box appropriate to the teaching assignment will need to be marked. Example: A special education teacher is highly qualified to teach English at the high school level via Points Based HOUSSE worksheet 2C. Grade level box E is marked. See below for additional examples. Endorsement Assignment Grade Level Box Elementary K-8 Grade 3 B Elementary K-8 Grade 8 D Early Childhood Grade K A Middle Level Math Math – Grade 7 D Pre-87 Unendorsed English – Grade 9-12 E English, Math, Science, History Middle School/High School D,E Foreign Language, Art, Reading, Music, Theatre K-12 C - Grade Level Box C should not be used other than for these 5 content areas Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 18 Verifying Data — Grade Level Key cont. It is critical that the Grade Level box be marked accurately. Marking this box incorrectly will reflect inaccurate information in the eCertification database as shown below. English, history, math, and science are taught grades 6-12, not K-5/6. For highly qualified purposes, elementary curriculum is the content area for grades K-5/6. Grade Level boxes B and D should never be marked at the same time. 23. State Test data - Teacher information is updated as new information is received through CEDARS submissions and eCertification. In cases where the teacher’s name does not match the test results database (e.g., teacher was certified under one name and tested under a different name), state tests will not be added. District personnel will need to request a copy of the test scores from the teacher to verify the teacher passed the test and enter “State Test” in the tool as the Route to highly qualified status. 24. As information is updated, on a nightly or weekly basis dependent upon the district’s submission schedule to CEDARS, any changes made to the teacher data will be reflected in the HQT Data Collection Tool the following business day. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 19 Verifying Data — Teacher and Course Information – Core and Non-Core Content 25. The teacher’s name comes from the S-275 and the certificate number comes from either the CEDARS Staff File, element F05 or the S-275 report. The courses teachers are assigned to teach during the current school year will be reported in the CEDARS Course Catalog File D, element D06 in the CEDARS Data Manual located at http://www.k12.wa.us/CEDARS/default.aspx if the teacher can be linked to students. If the teacher is an itinerant teacher and cannot be linked to students, courses taught by the teacher will not appear in the tool. 26. Clicking on Courses will reveal a list of Core, Non-Core, and Miscellaneous classes the teacher is teaching or assigned to teach during the current school year. Through CEDARS, districts report the Content Area Code, element D06. The Content Area Code is used to determine the highly qualified status of the teacher. Content Area Codes, as defined in the CEDARS Data Manual, Appendix O can be found on page 21 of this training manual. The courses are grouped by highly qualified Core Content Area codes 1-14. If a course is not identified by the district as core content, it will appear in the list as Miscellaneous (Misc) using Content Area Code 122, or as Non-Core Content using Content Area Code ZZZ (see page 21) as noted in the example above. Misc should be used for non-core classes where instruction is provided (P.E, health, psychology, etc.). Non-Core should be used where little or no instruction is provided (T.A., study hall, advisory). If the course is a block class where more than one subject is taught during a class period, mark one subject with the appropriate Content Area Code and the second subject with Content Area Code 123. For more information on block classes, see page 26. Teachers assigned to teach physical education/fitness, health, and CTE courses are not required to meet HQT requirements. At the secondary level (grades 6/7-12), no action is required other than verifying that the course listing are accurate for these teachers. At the elementary level (grades K-5/6), all teachers should be assigned to teach Elementary Curriculum including PE teachers and reading, music, and art specialists. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 20 Appendix O – Content Area Codes (As defined by CEDARS --- Elements D06 and H14) HQT Content Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 107 108 Content Area Code No No 109 110 No 111 No No No No 112 113 114 115 No No No 116 117 118 No No 119 120 No No No Yes 121 122 ZZZ 123 Content Area Description Elementary Curriculum English Language Arts Reading Math Science Foreign Languages History Civics and Government Economics Geography Visual Arts Theatre Dance Music Religious Education and Theology Physical, Health, and Safety Education Military Science Computer and Information Services Communications and Audio/Visual Technology Business and Marketing Manufacturing Health Care Sciences Public, Protective, and Government Service Hospitality and Tourism Architecture and Construction Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Human Services Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Engineering and Technology Miscellaneous Non-Instructional Time More than one core content area 27. Highly qualified teacher requirements apply to all teachers who provide instruction in the core academic subjects. Core academic subjects, as defined by ESEA, include: Math, Science, History, Geography, Civics/Government, Economics, Reading, English/language arts, Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Theatre, Foreign (Designated World) Languages, and Elementary Curriculum Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 21 Verifying Data — Teacher and Course Information – S-275 Teachers 28. CEDARS is the primary source for teacher and course information. However, itinerant teachers and some specialists are not always reported to CEDARS via the Staff Schedule File because it is not possible to link students to the teacher. 29. Reporting S-275 Teachers Teachers not reported in CEDARS will be picked up from the S-275 and reported on the HQT Data Collection Tool as noted above. The tool searches CEDARS first for new data, and then looks at the S-275 to find teachers not already reported in CEDARS. Because the S-275 does not report courses or teaching assignments, district personnel will need to click on Core Content Courses and check the box indicating the content area(s) the teacher is assigned to teach. Clicking on Core Content Courses should only be done when reporting on S-275 teachers. When Elementary Curriculum is checked within the S-275 Core Content Courses list, no other subjects can be checked. Note: If the teacher is endorsed, highly qualified, or needing to be highly qualified in Elementary Education, check one box only, Elementary Curriculum. All elementary teachers should be coded with Content Area Code 1, Elementary Curriculum, including elementary reading, art, music, PE, and technology teachers assigned to an elementary building. In the tool, these teachers will be marked specialists (reading, art, music) or exempt (PE, technology). Note: Do not mark a content area under the Core Content Courses if the course the teacher is teaching has been reported in CEDARS. This will create a duplicate count of classes for the federal report. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 22 Verifying Data — Teacher and Course Information cont. – Conditional/Emergency Cert. 30. Click on the icon next to the teacher’s certification number to display information about a teacher including: Certification and Endorsements Employment Test Results National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) To return to the Building data screen, click the Building tab. DO NOT use the back arrow in the Windows navigation bar as this may cause an early exit from the HQT application with a message “Web page has expired.” 31. Conditional or Emergency Certificate information comes from the match of the teacher’s certification number as entered in the CEDARS Staff File and cross-walked with eCertification. When a teacher is reported in the eCertification database holding either a Conditional or Emergency certificate, a check box with the message Enrolled in an Alternative Route to Cert Program will appear (see below). If the teacher is enrolled in an Alternative Route education program, including a residency teacher preparation program, mark the box. Any current endorsements and state test scores as reported in eCertification will appear. If the teacher is highly qualified, no further action is required. If the teacher cannot demonstrate content knowledge and is not highly qualified, enter in the Action(s) to become HQ box how and when the teacher will meet the ESEA HQT requirements (see page 31 for more information). 32. If the teacher is not in an Alternative Route to Certification Program, leave the check box blank and complete the Action(s) to become HQ box explaining how and when the teacher will meet the ESEA HQT requirements. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 23 Verifying Data — Teacher and Course Information cont. – Conditional/Emergency Cert. Note: Special education candidates in Alternative Route to Certification programs, such as Teach for America, meet the ESEA HQT requirements if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied: Bachelor’s Degree Enrolled in a teacher preparation program Pass the WEST B Pass the WEST E in Special Education Demonstrate content knowledge in the subject area they are assigned to teach 33. Teachers with temporary permits are assigned T numbers through OSPI’s Certification office. These teachers should always show in the tool, though there may be no information on these teachers in the eCertification database initially. Teachers on permits meet the definition of “full state certification.” Highly qualify the teacher on a permit as you would any other teacher. If the teacher on a permit is out-of-state and can provide documentation they have been deemed highly qualified in the previous state and is not assigned to a Title I building, the teacher can be considered highly qualified for up to one year. Mark the Out-of-State for one year box. Out-of-State teachers on temporary permits must meet all testing requirements prior to placement in a Title I building. Note: ESEA prohibits the placement of non-highly qualified teachers in a Title I building. If the Out-of State teacher cannot document highly qualified status from a previous state, or is in a Title I building and has not satisfied the testing requirements, then complete the Action Box (see page 31) as you would for any other non-highly qualified teacher. In-State teachers on temporary permits are not highly qualified until they have satisfied all the endorsement/testing requirements. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 24 Verifying Data — Teacher and Course Information cont. – Special Education Teachers 34. Below the name of each certificated staff member is a SpEd icon. The tool has no way to determine whether the teacher is assigned to a special education program, or whether the teacher meets IDEA certification requirements. It is the district’s responsibility to report the information on special education teachers. For teachers assigned to teach in the special education program, mark one of three boxes to identify either: How the teacher meets IDEA certification requirements, or Indicate that the teacher is not highly qualified because IDEA requirements have not been met. If the teacher does not meet the IDEA requirements, then a box appears below the SpEd icon, Not IDEA HQ. Complete the box with a simple explanation on how and when the teacher plans to meet the IDEA requirements. Do not mark the SpEd box just because a teacher is special education endorsed. Mark the SpEd box only if the teacher is in a special education assignment. Special Education teachers serving in a consultative role are addressed on page 32. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 25 Verifying Data — Teacher and Course Information cont. – Block Schedule Classes 35. CEDARS Staff Schedule File does not recognize more than one content area per teacher, per session or class. To validate the highly qualified status of the teacher teaching more than one content area during a block class or class period, a Core Content Courses button has been provided below the SpEd icon. This button will appear ONLY if the Content Area Code in the CEDARS Course Catalog File, element D06, has been marked with123 for block classes— more than one content area taught during a single block of time. Refer to the Content Area Codes on page 21 in this manual, or Appendix O in the CEDARS Appendices located at http://www.k12.wa.us/CEDARS/default.aspx Reporting teachers with Block Schedules— If the teacher is assigned to teach a block class, more than one content area or subject to the same group of students for an extended block of time (80, 90, 100 min. etc.) during a class period, report class in the SIS using Content Area Code 123. When the block course information comes into the tool, district personnel will need to indicate the two subjects taught. Click on the Core Content Courses button and mark the two subject areas the teacher is assigned to teach. Example: A middle school teacher teaches a Humanities class: English and history. In the Student Information System (SIS) report the class using content Area Code 123. Click the Core Content Courses button and mark English and history boxes. Then SAVE. The list of courses is shown in the screen shot above. If the teacher is not highly qualified in one or both of the content areas, an Action(s) to become HQ box will appear (see page 31 for more information). Complete the box explaining how and when the teacher will meet the ESEA HQT requirements. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 26 Step 2 INPUT HQT DATA For teachers in a special education assignment during the current school year, mark the special education box and indicate how they meet IDEA HQ, or when the will do so. For S-275 teachers mark the appropriate subject(s) under Core Content Courses. Complete any open Action boxes To Become HQ by indicating when and how a teacher will become highly qualified. Determine if you have teachers who meet the criteria for Exempt, Specialists, Out-of-State for One Year, or have a caseload of 100% WAAIM portfolio tested students. Complete any special education HOUSSE forms. Add any highly qualified content subject if applicable. Correct or delete any HOUSSE forms that have been marked invalid. Complete Summer School data for summer 2014 – (separate tab – see page 37). Complete paraeducator data as of October 1, 2014 – (separate tab – see page 38). Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 27 Inputting HQT Data Inputting Data — Content Area, Route, Grade Level and Effective Date CEDARS data, S-275 reports and eCertification alone are not always enough information to highly qualify a teacher. Academic majors, scores on state tests, and Points Based HOUSSE information for special education teachers are not available at OSPI. Districts will need to input this data to verify the teacher’s HQ status. 36. The HQ Content Area, Route, Grade Level and Effective Date in the navigation bar pertains only to adding a HQ Content Area and the Route taken to achieve said designation. HQ Content Area contains a drop down list of 14 content areas for which a teacher may be highly qualified to teach. Route is a list of up to six routes (depending upon the content area) that a teacher can take to become highly qualified. The six routes are: - Academic Major - Coursework Equivalent to a Major - Graduate Degree - Points Based HOUSSE (sped only) - National Board Certification - State Test The Elementary Curriculum HQ Content Area has only two routes available: - Points Based HOUSSE (sped only) - State Test. The endorsement route can only be assigned by OSPIs Certification office. Grade Level refers to the grade level(s) and content area(s) in which a teacher is highly qualified. When adding a HQ Content Area, mark one or more of the corresponding grade level boxes A-E. The Grade Level Key is located above the navigation bar. See page 18. Effective Date denotes the date upon which the teacher became highly qualified to teach the indicated highly qualified content area. The date on the Points Based HOUSSE paper work and the date in the tool should match. The date on a HOUSSE should never precede 4/17/2006. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 28 Inputting HQT Data — Teacher and Course Information – Adding a HQ Content Area 37. To update a teacher’s highly qualified status, begin by clicking on the button, and then click on the down arrow to the right of Select a Subject (see screen shots below). 38. A list of core content subjects will appear as pictured above. Click on the content area to be added. 39. To select the route the teacher became highly qualified, click on Select a Route, and then click on the appropriate route. Endorsement is not listed as a route option because district personnel do not have the authority or the ability to add an endorsement. Endorsement information can only be added by OSPI’s Certification office. The Points Based HOUSSE remains an option, but can ONLY be used for special education teachers. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 29 Inputting HQT Data — Teacher and Course Information - Adding a HQ Content Area cont. 40. Mark the Grade Level at which the teacher is deemed highly qualified and enter the Effective Date the teacher became highly qualified in that content area as noted on the Points-Based HOUSSE worksheet (special education teachers only), the state test score report, or other documentation. See pages 18-19 for additional information on Grade Level and page 28 for additional information on Effective Date. 41. To remove a HQ Content Area, click the red delete button entry. next to the Effective Date Note: Grayed out data is information pre-populated from eCertification and cannot be changed by the district. Data entered by the district is in a darker font and can be edited. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 30 Inputting HQT Data — Teacher and Course Information - Action(s) to become HQ 42. When not enough information is available through the CEDARS platform or the electronic Certification system, the HQT Data Collection Tool is unable to determine the highly qualified status of a teacher. When this occurs, a box marked Action(s) to become HQ for will appear. 43. The electronic Certification system will display this box for every subject a teacher is teaching for which the teacher is not highly qualified. The list of courses the teacher is teaching can be viewed by clicking on Courses below the teacher’s name. 44. When district Human Resource personnel enter information that deems the teacher highly qualified, the Action(s) to become HQ for box will disappear once the information is saved by clicking on the Save button. The Action(s) to become HQ for … box should only be used to state how and when a teacher will become highly qualified. It should not be used to correct inaccurately reported teaching assignments in CEDARS (e.g. “course is listed as science, but it is really an English/language arts class”); nor should the box be used to explain former or unknown teachers that may appear in the tool (e.g. “teacher is no longer employed in the district”), nor for any other reason. Contact your building registrar or SIS/CEDARS personnel to remove or correct teacher/course information. 45. If the teacher is not highly qualified, complete the Actions to become HQ box by stating how, when and by what date the teacher will become highly qualified in the content area. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 31 Inputting HQT Data — Teacher and Course Information cont. – HQT Exempt 46. There will be instances when a teacher is exempt from needing to meet HQT requirements, and OSPI is not required to capture this teacher for federal reporting purposes. Marking the Exempt box indicates the teacher does not need to meet the HQT requirements, and the tool will not count the teacher for purposes of the Highly Qualified Teacher Quality Data Collection report. It is not necessary for a teacher to become highly qualified if: a special education teacher serves in a consultative role an ELL teacher provides only supplemental instruction related to the acquisition of the English language a physical education, health, or computer teacher is assigned at the elementary level a general education teacher facilitating credit retrieval online courses in a comprehensive high school setting where no instruction is provided. Mark the Exempt … box by clicking in it. This will prevent the teacher from being counted on reports. Teachers marked Exempt will not be counted for federal reporting purposes. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 32 Inputting HQT Data — Teacher and Course Information cont. – Specialist, Out-of-State, SpEd 47. The Specialist box is designed for elementary use only. It should not be used for secondary teaching assignments. Elementary specialists (music, art, or reading) do not need to be highly qualified in elementary curriculum if they possess an endorsement in their area of specialty and the only subject they teach is related to their endorsement. OSPI, however, does need to count the teacher in the HQT Data Collection report. If a teacher is a music, art, or reading specialist at the elementary level and does not have an elementary endorsement, click the Specialist box to indicate that the teacher does not need to be highly qualified in elementary curriculum. The teacher will still be counted for federal reporting purposes. See the blue Note on page 22 for additional information. 48. Teachers who come to Washington from another state have up to one year to complete the WEST-B and WEST-E tests and meets all other Washington State credentialing requirements, provided they are not placed in a Title I building. If the teacher is issued a permit, and can document highly qualified status from their previous school district in another state, or through the Points Based HOUSSE, they can be considered highly qualified for up to one year. This flexibility does not apply to out-of-state teachers placed in a Title I building. If the district can document the teacher’s highly qualified status, then mark the HQ Out-of-State for one year box. If not, then complete the Actions to become HQ….box. 49. Special Education teachers assigned a caseload of 100% WA-AIM assessed students need to meet the highly qualified requirements at the elementary level only. If these teachers are working in a secondary assignment, an action box will appear asking you to highly qualify them at the secondary level in a content area the teacher is assigned to teach. Because they do not need to meet the middle/high school level HQT requirements, mark the SpEd students only 100% WA-AIM tested box. The Action box will disappear. Be sure to complete the highly qualified pathway for elementary curriculum. To add a HOUSSE form for a special education teacher, see page 34 of this training manual. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 33 Inputting HQT Data — Completing the SPECIAL EDUCATION Points-Based HOUSSE 50. The Points-Based HOUSSE forms for special education teachers and those marked invalid by OSPI must be completed at the time of submission for the 2014-2015 data. Districts will not be able to submit their data to OSPI in April 2015 until all HOUSSE forms are complete and all documentation provided. No HOUSSE form should have an effective date prior to 4/17/2006. To complete a HOUSSE form for a special education teacher, mark the SpEd box under the teacher’s certification number, indicate whether the teacher meets IDEA HQT; save. Then add the subject area, route, grade level and effective date; save again. This action will make available the HOUSSE form which has been modified to increase rigor. 51. The Grade Level box determines which HOUSSE form will appear (e.g. If Grade Level Box D is checked, it will launch HOUSSE worksheet 3B for completion.) If two HOUSSE forms appear, you have incorrectly marked the Grade Level boxes. Grade Level boxes B and D should never both be marked. Delete the HOUSSE form not needed by unmarking the incorrect Grade Level Box and SAVE. See example below. 52. HOUSSE forms can now only be added to highly qualify special education teachers. To complete a HOUSSE form for a special education teacher, mark the SpEd box under the teacher’s certification number, indicate whether the teacher meets IDEA HQT; save; and then add the subject area, route, grade level and effective date; save again. This action will make available the HOUSSE form which has been modified to increase rigor and includes: teacher name and certification number, grade level assignment, content assignment automatic calculation as boxes are checked upload capacity print feature Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 34 Inputting HQT Data — Completing the SPECIAL EDUCATION Points-Based HOUSSE cont. 53. Complete the HOUSSE by marking the appropriate boxes in all categories. When highly qualifying a teacher using credits or clock hours in Categories 1 and 3, you will be prompted to upload transcript, clock hour, and other appropriate documentation. See below. Category 2 has an optional attachment for uploading payroll documentation to verify teaching experience. 54. It is not necessary to upload the documentation at the time you start work on the HOUSSE. You can enter endorsement information in Category 1, years of experience in Category 2 and save. Documentation in the other categories can wait until you are ready to upload the information. If done this way, the HQT tool will show the number of points marked at this point; the lettering under the Points Based HOUSSE will remain red until the teacher reaches 100 points. At that time the red lettering will turn to black indicating that you are finished with that HOUSSE form. See below. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 35 Inputting HQT Data — Valid and Invalid Points-Based HOUSSE cont. 55. The Title IIA program office has begun reviewing and validating completed HOUSSE forms in the Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection Tool and will continue to do so until complete. Questions on the HOUSSE validation process should be directed to title2quality@k12.wa.us. As all HOUSSE forms are reviewed, each one will be marked Valid or Invalid. See below. Valid HOUSSE Forms HOUSSE forms will show in green lettering. Valid HOUSSE forms will be locked and cannot be updated or changed. Invalid HOUSSE Forms Invalid HOUSSE forms, forms either incorrectly done or completed in such a way the teacher is found to be not HQ (e.g., clock hour documentation lacking specific content area details), will show with red lettering. Districts will need to correct the form or delete it if the teacher cannot meet the highly qualified requirements. Multiple Subjects Assignment (MSA) HOUSSE A designation of “(MSA)” will show for HOUSSE forms that have been completed using Multiple Subjects Assignment under Category 1. Forms MSA is only allowable for teachers assigned to middle school block, special education, juvenile detention, ELL/Bilingual, Alternative Education, and 1418 Open Door Reengagement schools. Districts will be responsible to ensure that a teacher meets the HQT requirements in one subject area before using MSA and is assigned to teach in one of the allowable program assignments. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 36 Inputting HQT Data — Teacher and Course Information cont. – Summer School 56. Summer School Reporting – The summer school tab, to the right of the building name, captures the number of teachers and the number of courses taught during summer education classes. It is now collecting information on the highly qualified status of teachers at this time. The report will need to be completed manually by all districts who offer summer school programs. Summer School data reported in the April 24, 2015 HQT Data Collection will be data from the summer of 2014. Answer the question, “Were summer courses offered?” during the summer of 2014. If summer school was not offered, flip the “Please Select” flag to No and Save. If summer school was offered, flip the “Please Select” flag to Yes. Boxes will populate for each building in the district to capture summer school information. Report summer school information as follows in the buildings where summer school was held: Session A Teachers: Report the number of teachers teaching the first session of summer school. Session A Courses: Report the number of courses taught during the first session of summer school. Session B Teachers: Report the number of teachers teaching the second session of summer school. Session B Courses: Report the number of courses taught during the second session of summer school. Note: Elementary teachers/courses are counted one teacher, one course. Secondary teachers/courses are counted one teacher and the number of courses taught. It is not necessary to populate the empty boxes with zeros (0). Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 37 Inputting Paraeducator Data Paraeducator Tab 57. To report paraeducator data, click on the Paradeducator tab on the navigation bar. 58. The Paraeducator screen collects information on paraeducators working in Title I schools only. No other paraeducators in the district need to be reported here. The data is a snapshot of the paraeducators employed by the district and working in Title I funded buildings as of October 1, 2014. 59. Answer the first two questions on the Paraeducator screen by entering the correct number of Title I paraeducators assisting with instruction in reading, writing, and math in a: Targeted Assistance Model -Provides supplemental services to “identified” children who are lowachieving or at risk of low achievement. Who should you report? Paras paid in part or in whole from Title I funds. Schoolwide Model - Ensures all students, particularly those who are low-achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced level in the state achievement standards. Title I funds are pooled with other district funds such as Basic Education and levy dollars. Because funds are pooled in a Schoolwide Model, it is difficult to determine the funding source for paras. Who should you report? In a Schoolwide building report ONLY those paras that assist with reading, writing and math instruction. 60. In the third question, enter the total number of paraeducators working in Title I schools who MEET the Title I requirements. 61. Click on the Save button to save the data. This data will be submitted with the rest of the district data. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 38 Viewing Reports 62. OSPI has provided several reports for district use. They can be accessed by clicking on the Reports tab as noted below. All reports can be exported in one of six formats including an Excel spreadsheet. Reports available to districts include: Building Report Federal Report Class Count Report NHQ Report Content Area Count Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 39 Reports Tab — Buildings 63. The Building Report provides the following information on all teachers reported in the HQT tool at the building level. number of teachers and the number of courses taught during summer education classes. school name certification number teacher name teaching assignment whether or not the teacher is highly qualified the route used to highly qualify the teacher the date the teacher was highly qualified the grade span for which the teacher is highly qualified the action plans for non-highly qualified teachers The report provides the district the capability of downloading current and previous years data, the ability to move back and forth between pages or to export the data to an excel spreadsheet. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 40 Reports Tab — Federal Report 64. The Federal Report displays information on elementary and secondary schools in the district including total number of core academic classes, classes taught by highly qualified and not-highly qualified teachers and the free and reduced poverty level of elementary and secondary schools. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 41 Reports Tab — Class Count 65. The Class Count report summarizes, at the building level, the total number of classes taught, the number of classes taught by non-highly qualified teachers, and the percent of classes taught by non-highly qualified teachers for each session reported by the district in the CEDARS Term Dates box. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 42 Reports Tab — NHQ 66. The Non-Highly Qualified (NHQ) report provides summary information on non-highly qualified teachers within the district and the district plan of action for each teacher to become highly qualified. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 43 Reports Tab — Content Area Count 67. Content Area Count provides the information below for each building in the selected school district list. The total number of classes. The total number of classes taught by a non-HQT teacher. The subject areas taught at each building. The total number of classes by subject area. The total number of classes by subject area taught by a non-HQT teacher. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 44 Upload Tab — Uploading Data from a Template 68. The Upload tab allows districts to upload a list of teachers who meet the HQT requirements or a list of NHQT. The teacher information provided by the district can be uploaded in one of two formats, either as an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV document. Excel and CSV templates have been provided for ease of use. Data can be uploaded as often as district need dictates. Specifications for each of the categories in the template are provided as either a Word or PDF document. See below. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 45 Upload Tab – Template Specifications 69. Below is a screen shot of the template available to districts and the information required for uploading teacher information. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 46 Appendix 1 - Adjusting the Browser Settings 1. To ensure that screens and reports display correctly, use Internet Explorer (IE) as your web browser. If necessary, you may need to adjust the browser settings for IE. In the top right-hand corner of the browser window, click on the Tools icon. In the drop-down list that displays, select 'Internet Options'. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 47 Adjusting Browser Settings cont. 2. A window will display with Internet Options. On the General tab, under the heading 'Browsing history' click the Settings button. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 48 Adjusting Browser Settings cont. 3. Another window will display with Temporary Internet Files and History Settings. Under the heading 'Temporary Internet Files' select the first radio button that says 'Every time I visit the webpage.' Click OK. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 49 HQT Tool Terms and Definitions Actions to become highly qualified – In this box, district personnel briefly detail the plan for how and by what date a non-highly qualified teacher will become highly qualified. The box is not to be used to record CEDARS errors or district hardships on meeting the HQT requirements. All open action boxes will count against the district when completing federal reports and determining HQT accountability. Block Class – A class where the same teacher is assigned to teach more than one content area or subject to the same group of students for an extended block of time (80, 90, 100 min. etc.). To report a block class in the Student Information System (SIS), use content area code 123. Building Locked – Prior to submission, all buildings will need to be locked by flipping the Building Locked flag to YES. When the Building Locked box is set to No, data can be updated and saved within the tab. When the Building Locked box is set to Yes and the Save button is clicked, then all data appearing within the tab is validated. See page 17 for more information. CEDARS – The Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS) is a longitudinal data system that will allow Washington’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to collect, store and report data related to students, courses, and teachers in order to meet state and federal reporting requirements and to help educators and policy makers to make data driven decisions. CEDARS Term Date box – District personnel will no longer be required to manually complete the CEDARS Term Date box. The HQT tool will compare the CEDARS Staff Schedule Instruction and Term start dates with the Effective Date noted in the HQT tool for the pathway selected to highly qualify the teacher. Based on this comparison, the tool will determine whether the teacher met the requirements before the start of instruction. More information is can be found on page 11. Conditional Certificate – Official name under WAC 181-79A-231 for Limited Certificates. Issued to an individual, upon request of the district, who has exceptional knowledge, skills and experience in subject areas where teacher shortages exist or the opportunity to secure the services of unusually talented individuals. Valid for two years or less and only for activity specified. Content Area Code – This code defines the primary content of a course and is used to identify and pre-populate the Teacher Quality Data Collection tool to make highly qualified determinations. Content Area Codes 1-14 are used for the 14 core academic subjects as defined by the Department of Education. See page 21 for a list of content area codes and the 14 core academic subjects. Core classes – Core subject areas as defined by the ESEA: Math, Science, History, Geography, Civics/Government, Economics, Reading, English/Language Arts, Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Theatre, Foreign (Designated World) Languages, and Elementary Curriculum. Credit Retrieval – When students fail a course, often times one needed for graduation, the opportunity to redo coursework or retake a course through alternate means and earn the academic credit. Teachers of credit retrieval courses, including online courses, must meet the HQT requirements. The only exception is for credit retrieval courses offered in the traditional, comprehensive high school. Effective Date - denotes the date upon which the teacher became highly qualified to teach the indicated highly qualified content area. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 50 Emergency Certificate - Official name under WAC 181-79A-231 for Limited Certificates. Issued to an individual, upon request of the district, who has appropriate degree and has substantially completed a Washington teacher preparation program. Certificate holder is scheduled to complete teacher preparation program within one year or less. Granted when no regular certificated teacher is available or when the position is essential and circumstances warrant consideration of issue of an emergency certificate. Grade Level - Refers to the grade level(s) and content area(s) in which a teacher is highly qualified. When adding a HQ Content Area, mark one or more of the corresponding grade level boxes A-E. The Grade Level Key is located above the navigation bar. Grade Level boxes B and D should never be marked at the same time. See page 18 for more information. Highly Qualified – General Education teachers earn this ESEA designation when they hold a BA, have full state certification and can demonstrate content knowledge in the core academic subject they are assigned to teach. HQT 100% WA-AIM – A new alternate assessment, WA-AIM, replaces the former Washington Alternate Assessment System (WAAS portfolio). Aligned with the Common Core State Standards for students with significant cognitive challenges, it will be used for federal and state accountability in grades 3-8 and 11 and can be used to meet a student’s CIA requirements. For more information, please see the OSPI Assessment information at http://www.k12.wa.us/Assessment/WA-AIM/default.aspx. Teachers whose case load is comprised of 100% WAAIM tested students need to meet the federal highly qualified requirements at the elementary level. HQT Exempt – A teacher with this designation does not need to meet the federal highly qualified requirements. For more information, see page 32. HQT Out-of-State for One Year – A teacher on a temporary permit who can provide written documentation of their highly qualified status from their previous state can be deemed highly qualified for one year, pending testing. This designation is no longer available to out-of-state teachers who are placed in Title I schools. ESEA prohibits the placement of non-highly qualified teachers in Title I buildings. For a teacher who can demonstrate highly qualified status from out-of-state, the district can mark the HQT Out-of-State for One Year box. HQT Specialist – Elementary teachers who are not endorsed in elementary education, sometimes serve as specialists in a single content area and carry an endorsement specific to the content area they are assigned to teach (e.g. reading, music, art). These teachers do not need to meet the federal highly qualified requirements for elementary curriculum. District personnel can mark these teachers as specialists. The Specialist box is designed for elementary use only, and should not be used for teachers at the secondary level. Miscellaneous - A designation used in the HQT tool to identify courses that are not core, but instruction is provided (e.g. psychology, health, P.E.). In CEDARS the course will carry a content area code of 122. Non-Core Classes – A designation used in the HQT tool to identify courses where little or no instruction is provided (e.g. T.A., study hall, advisory). In CEDARS, the course will carry a content area code of ZZZ. Online teachers – Instruction provided online may be from employees of a school district or with individuals in a contractual relationship with the district. Online teachers who provide instruction in core academic subject areas must meet the HQT requirements. This includes teachers of online courses or teacher using online courseware. The only exception is for online courseware used for credit retrieval in a traditional, comprehensive high school where the teacher is not providing instruction. Paraeducator – Educational assistants, also called paraeducators, must meet the federal Title I highly qualified requirements. See the Paraeducator Guidelines available on the OSPI website at http://www.k12.wa.us/Paraeducators/Guidelines.aspx. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 51 S-275 Teachers – Not all teachers come into the HQT tool through CEDARS. Itinerant teachers who cannot be connected to students will be reported in the tool via the S-275. Because the S-275 does not report courses or teaching assignments, district personnel will need to click on Core Content Courses and check the box indicating the content area(s) the teacher is assigned to teach. Clicking on Core Content Courses should only be done when reporting on S-275 teachers. When Elementary Curriculum is checked within the S-275 Core Content Courses list, no other subjects can be checked. Do not mark courses for teachers when those courses are already reported via CEDARS. Doing so creates a duplicate count of courses. Summer School – Data reported for the any summer school program during the summer preceding the current school year. Districts are responsible for providing teacher and course information for the summer program. For more information, see page 32. Traditional, comprehensive high school – A secondary high school program with a broad study of a variety of courses for children of all abilities from the same district. A comprehensive high school offers more than one course of specialization in its program including a college preparatory course and one or more scientific or vocational courses. Upload button - The Upload tab allows districts to upload a list of teachers who meet the HQT requirements or a list of NHQT. Specifications and templates have been provided for district use. Highly Qualified Teacher Data Collection 52
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