2015 STATE GAMES OF NORTH CAROLINA TABLE TENNIS COMPETITION ENTRY FORM OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF NC, SC, AND ANY OTHER STATE THAT DOES NOT HAVE A STATE GAMES TT COMPETITION June 21 & 22, 2015 Sanctioned by USATT Sponsored and hosted by Triangle Table Tennis www.triangletabletennis.com or 919-388-0272 Participant Information Last Name ____________________________________________________________ First Name ____________________________________________________________ Male Female DOB____/____/____ mm / dd / yyyy Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________________________ State: NC Zip _______________ Note: Participants must be residents of North Carolina. Phone: Mobile/Cell ( ) _________________ Work ( ) _________________ Home ( ) __________________ Email _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Information (If participant is under age 18) Parent Last Name ___________________ Parent First Name ___________________ Emergency Contact #______________________ Affiliated Table Tennis Club (if applicable) ___________________________________________________________________________ USATT Information (if applicable) USATT Membership #____________ USATT Membership Expiration Date__________________ Current USATT Rating* _____________ Date Start-Stop Times Event Pick ONLY events that do NOT start at the same time (or within 45 minutes of each other) on each day 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Entry Fee/Person Tables Medal Medal Medal $25 29-32 Medal Medal Medal $25 25-28 Medal Medal Medal $25 25-28 Medal Medal Medal $25 29-32 Medal Medal Medal $30 17-20 Medal Medal Medal $30 21-24 Medal Medal Medal $20 25-28 Medal Medal Medal $30 1-8 Medal Medal Medal $30 9-16 Medal Medal Medal $25 21-24 Medal Medal Medal $25 25-28 Medals (2 per team) Medals (2 per team) Medals (2 per team) $25 29-32 Medal Medal Medal $30 17-24 Medal Medal Medal $35 1-8 Medal Medal Medal $35 9-16 Medal Medal Medal $35 9-16 Medal Medal Medal $35 17-24 Medal Medal Medal $35 1-8 Medal Medal Medal $35 9-16 Medals (2 per team) Medals (2 per team) Medals (2 per team) $30/person 1-8 Medal Medal Medal $35 1-12 Medal Medal Medal $35 13-20 Check Selected Events RECREATIONAL DIVISION EVENTS Youth Under Age 11 6/20 SATURDAY 9:00am – 12:00 Noon 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 9:00am – 12:00 Noon 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 12:30pm 3:30pm 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 12:45pm 3:45pm 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 4pm -7pm 6/20 SATURDAY 4pm -7pm 6/20 SATURDAY 4pm -7pm 6/21 SUNDAY 10:00am – 1:00pm 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/21 SUNDAY 10:00am – 1:00pm 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/21 SUNDAY 1:15pm – 4:15pm 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/21 SUNDAY 1:15pm – 4:15pm 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group 6/21 SUNDAY 4:30pm7:30pm Youth Under Age 15 Youth Under Age 13 Youth Under Age 18 Men's Singles (any age) 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group Women's Singles (any age) 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group Wheelchair Open Singles 8 Players max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group Senior Men (Age 55-65) Senior Women (Age 55-65) Senior Men (Age 66-75) Senior Women (Age 66-75) Recreational Doubles (any age) 8 Teams max (2) groups of 4 using 2 tables/group Partner Name: ____________________________________ TOURNAMENT DIVISION EVENTS U-1000 Event 6/20 SATURDAY 9:00am – 12:00 Noon 6/20 SATURDAY 9:15am 12:15pm 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 9:30am 12:30pm 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 12:30pm 3:30pm 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 12:45pm 3:45pm 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group 6/20 SATURDAY 1pm -4pm 6/20 SATURDAY 4pm -7pm 6/20 SATURDAY 4:15pm 7:15pm (or first timer/beginner event) 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group U2400 Event U1500 Event U1700 Event U-1300 Event U2100 Event 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group U1900 Event 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group Open Doubles 16 Teams max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group Partner Name: ____________________________________ 6/21 SUNDAY 1pm -4pm 6/21 SUNDAY 1pm -4pm Open Men’s Singles Event 24 Players max; (3) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group Open Women’s Singles Event 16 Players max; (2) groups of 8 using 4 tables/group Required USATT Rating Fee (Tournament Division Events Only) $7 USATT Registration or Renewal, if not current (Tournament Division Events Only) Based on membership type selected Late fee for registrations submitted after 6/1/15 $25 TOTAL FEES $ *Ratings as of 6/12/2015 will be used for draw in tournament Division Register On-line at www.triangletabletennis.com or mail in this entry form with your check and waivers to Triangle Table Tennis, 2900 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 200, Morrisville NC 27560. Checks Payable To: Triangle Table Tennis LLC You must COMPLETE the ALL of the following waivers, with printed name AND signature, and return with your entry form and payment, for your registration to be valid. WAIVER #1 – TRIANGLE TABLE TENNIS I, for myself or as parent or guardian for _________________________________________________________________________________________________________, (CLEARLY PRINT name of player, participant, or spectator here) and for personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin, in consideration for being allowed to participate as a spectator, member, event participant, contractor, vendor, or in any way at or with Triangle Table Tennis LLC, HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE ARE INHERENT RISKS IN ENGAGING IN TABLE TENNIS PRACTICE, TRAINING, CONDITIONING, OR COMPETITION (the “ACTIVITIES”), OR IN BEING PRESENT IN A FACILITY WHERE THE ACTIVITIES ARE CONDUCTED. I acknowledge and agree that it is my responsibility to evaluate my (and/or my minor child’s) fitness and ability to safely participate in the Activities. I represent that my (or my minor child’s) fitness and ability are sufficient to safely participate in the Activities, and I agree to cease participation if I believe it is unsafe for me (and/or my minor child). I further acknowledge my responsibility for safe behavior and conduct while in or around Triangle Table Tennis LLC’s facility located at 2900 Perimeter Park, Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 (the “Facility”). I REPRESENT THAT I (FOR MYSELF AND/OR FOR MY MINOR CHILD) KNOWINGLY ASSUME ALL THE RISKS AND HAZARDS INCIDENTAL TO PARTICIPATING AS A SPECTATOR, MEMBER, EVENT PARTICIPANT, CONTRACTOR, OR VENDOR IN THE ACTIVITIES. I (FOR MYSELF AND/OR FOR MY MINOR CHILD) HEREBY RELEASE, ABSOLVE, AND INDEMNIFY TRIANGLE TABLE TENNIS LLC, ALONG WITH ITS PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE MEMBERS, MANAGERS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, VOLUNTEERS, VENDORS, SPONSORS, PARTICIPANTS, SPECTATORS, LANDLORD, AND ANY AND ALL OTHER INDIVIDUALS OR ENTITIES (“RELEASEES”) FROM ALL RISKS, HAZARDS, DAMAGES, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, COSTS, OR LOSSES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE CAUSED BY INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, EVENT CANCELLATION, AND LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY) ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACTIVITIES OCCURING AT THE FACILITY AND/OR INGRESS OR EGRESS TO OR FROM THE FACILITY, WHETHER OR NOT RELATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO NEGLIGENCE OR ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF ANY RELEASEES. I (FOR MYSELF AND/OR FOR MY MINOR CHILD) HEREBY COVENANT NOT TO SUE ANY RELEASEE, AND FURTHER AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS EACH OF THE RELEASEES FROM ANY LITIGATION EXPENSE OR COST THAT MAY BE INCURRED AS A RESULT OF A CLAIM MADE ON MY BEHALF (OR ON BEHALF OF MY MINOR CHILD). I (and/or my minor child) understand and acknowledge that Triangle Table Tennis LLC promotes its Facility and events using articles, photos, videos, and summaries of event results that may appear on its web site or newsletter, its sponsors’ web site or newsletter, social media feeds, and other publications and media outlets (“Promotions”). I agree that Triangle Table Tennis LLC has express permission to submit or publish my (and/or my minor child’s) name and to submit or use a photograph or likeness of me (and/or my minor child) for its Promotions. I further agree that it is acceptable for video recordings to be taken of me (and/or my minor child) at the Facility for use in Promotions and/or historical records. I also acknowledge and agree that Triangle Table Tennis LLC is the owner of all intellectual property rights associated with any pictures or videos used in its Promotions. I (FOR MYSELF AND/OR FOR MY MINOR CHILD) HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS ALL RELEASEES FOR ANY USE OF MY AND/OR MY MINOR CHILD’S LIKENESS IN TRANGLE TENNIS LLC’S PROMOTIONS. I (and/or my minor child) further agree to the following: to abide by all Triangle Table Tennis LLC Rules, specific event rules or instructions, verbal instructions from management or staff or contractors or volunteers, and all USATT Regulations; to be responsible for damage caused by violations of rules, or careless or intentional misuse or mistreatment of equipment or facilities; to be responsible for supervising any minor child brought to the Facility by me at any time he or she is not engaged in an event such as a lesson, in which a coach is actively engaged in supervision for an agreed upon period of time; that any failure to abide by Triangle Table Tennis LLC Rules may result in my (and/or my minor child) being removed from the Facility, and that repeated failure entitles Triangle Table Tennis to cancel membership and/or participation in the Activities. I (FOR MYSELF AND/OR FOR MY MINOR CHILD) HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, HAVE SIGNED IT FREELY AND WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT OR ASSURANCE OF ANY NATURE, INTEND IT TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, AND AGREE THAT IF ANY PORTION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS HELD TO BE INVALID, THE REMAINDER OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL CONTINUE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. I (FOR MYSELF AND/OR FOR MY MINOR CHILD) FURTHER AGREE THAT THE TERMS OF THIS RELEASE SHALL BE BINDING UPON MY HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, REPERSENTATIVES, AGENTS, ATTORENEYS, AND ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY CLAIMING THROUGH ME OR ON MY BEHALF. X ______________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PLAYER, PARTICIPANT, OR SPECTATOR _________________________________ DATE ________________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Parent or Guardian (if participant is under 18) X ______________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE of Parent or Guardian (if participant is under 18) _________________________________ DATE WAIVER #2 - USATT By signing below, I agree to abide by all USATT regulations. USA Table Tennis Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement (“Agreement”) 1. IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in any way in USA Table Tennis sanctioned events, I and/or my minor child, our personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin: 2. ACKNOWLEDGE, agree, and represent that I and/or my minor understand the nature of Table Tennis Activities and that I and/or my minor child are qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I further agree that if at any time I believe conditions or equipment to be unsafe, I and/or my minor child will immediately discontinue further participation in the Activity. 3. FULLY UNDERSTAND that (a) TABLE TENNIS ACTIVITIES INVOLVE RISKS AND DANGERS OF SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, INCLUDING PERMANENT DISABILITY, PARALYSIS AND DEATH (“RISKS”); (b) these Risks and dangers may be caused by me and/or my child’s own actions, or inaction, or the actions or inaction of others participating in the Activity, the condition in which the Activity takes place, or THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE “RELEASEES” NAMED BELOW; (c) there may be OTHER RISKS AND SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LOSSES either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES, COSTS, AND DAMAGES I and/or my minor child incur as a result of my participation in the Activity. 4. HEREBY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN AND ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LOSSES, COSTS, AND/OR DAMAGES FOLLOWING SUCH INJURY, DISABILITY, PARALYSIS, OR DEATH, EVEN IF CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE “RELEASEES” NAMED BELOW; 5. HEREBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE USA TABLE TENNIS, their respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, officials, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the “RELEASEES” herein) FROM ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES ON MY ACCOUNT CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE “RELEASEES” OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING NEGLIGENT RESCUE OPERATIONS; AND I FURTHER AGREEE that if, despite this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT I and /or my minor child, or anyone on my and/or my minor child’s behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releases, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE, AND HOLD HARMLESS EACH OF THE RELEASES from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which may incur as the result of such claim. 6. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND HAVE SIGNED IT FREELY AND WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT OR ASSURANCE OF ANY NATURE AND INTEND IT TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW AND AGREE THAT IF ANY PORTION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS HELD TO BE INVALID THE BALANCE, NOTWITHSTANDING, SHALL CONTINUE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. 7. I will abide by all USATT regulations. PARTICIPANT MUST Sign here: X_______________________________________Date_____________ _______________________________________________________ Print Name of Minor Child (if participant is under age 18) _______________________________________Date_____________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian (if participant is under age 18) WAIVER #3 - STATE GAMES WAIVER In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the POWERADE STATE GAMES OF NORTH CAROLINA athletic/sports program and its related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that: 1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and, 2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and, 3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If however I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and, 4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS NORTH CAROLINA AMATEUR SPORTS, their officers, officials, agents and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“Releasees”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE. X PRINTED NAME OF PARTICIPANT PARTICIPANT’S SIGNATURE DATE USATT MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL (Valid USATT membership is required by all players in USATT rated events in the Tournament Division ONLY) Membership Application ( ) New ( ) Renewal Date of Birth: / Name: Address: City/State/ZIP: Home Phone: E-Mail: Affiliated Club: Membership Number (if renewal) ____________ Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female / Work Phone: Please circle one of the options below: Adult (64547) One Yr - $49 (64549) Three Yrs - $130 (64551) Five Yrs - $200 Miscellaneous Junior (64553) One Yr - $25 (64555) Three Yrs - $60 (54559) One Yr College- $25 Household (64556) One Yr - $90 (64558) Three Yrs - $250 (64560) First Time Pass -$10 Membership Rates: *First Time Tournament Pass ………………..$10 (Once in a lifetime pass for players who have NEVER been a USATT member) Adult Junior Household One Year (18 Years or Older)...…………$49 One Year (17 Years or Younger)……….$25 One Year…………………………...$90 Three Years…….……$130 Three Years (14 Years or Younger)…………$60 Three Years………………………….……….…….$250 Five Years....................$200 (A household is defined as a maximum of two adults and any number of minor children living at the same address. Please provide names and birthdates of all household members. Each household will receive one magazine.) Collegiate……………………………….………$25 (This membership option is only available to those who are full-time students at an accredited college or university. Proof of enrollment must be provided.) For USATT memberships make checks payable to: Triangle Table Tennis LLC Mail To: Triangle Table Tennis, 2900 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 200, Morrisville NC 27560 Your membership will be submitted to USATT in conjunction with the tournament report submitted by Triangle Table Tennis within 2-weeks following the tournament per USATT guidelines. Check list of items you must submit to register: Total Amount Due Payable to “Triangle Table Tennis.” Entry Form The entry form must be completed in its entirety. Waiver Forms Triangle Table Tennis, NCAS, and USATT waivers must be completed and signed. USATT Membership Application (if applicable) General Tournament Information EVENT ENTRY FEES: See registration form for fees, which vary by event. ENTRY DEADLINE June 6, 2015 5:00pm LATE ENTRY FEE AFTER June 1, 2015 (applied) All entries submitted in-person or online (or mailed and postmarked) June 2, 2015 or thereafter must pay a $25 late fee. Absolutely no entries accepted after June 6, 2015. Sponsors: Triangle Table Tennis, Butterfly/Martin-Kilpatrick Corp. Tournament Referee: Jim McQueen, CR/CU Chief Umpires: Mike Babuin/CU, Tom Gabriel/CU, Michael Whitmeyer/CU, AJ Carney/CU Tournament Director: Mike Babuin Registration Policy: All registrations must be properly and completely submitted. Please read the registration details carefully for each event. Your registration will be considered incomplete and will not be processed if any of the following is missing: A legible and fully-completed entry form Completed waivers, including printed names and signatures for ALL waivers Payment in full for ALL registered events, plus USATT rating fee, plus late fee (if applicable) A current USATT membership number or membership registration form and fees for all USATT-rated events Registration Payments: Full payment must be made at the time of registration. Accounts will be charged a $25 fee for returned checks. Participants with declined payment will be withdrawn from the tournament. Mailed registrations – payments can be made in US dollars via personal check, cashiers/registered/bank check, traveler’s check In-person registrations – payments can be made with check, cash or credit card at the Center. No telephone entries. Online registrations – payments can be made via VISA, MasterCard, or e-Check at www.triangletabletennis.com. Make Checks Payable to: Triangle Table Tennis LLC Mail Fees and Entry Forms to: Triangle Table Tennis, 2900 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 200, Morrisville, NC 27560 For registration questions & information contact: Mike Babuin, mbabuin@triangletabletennis.com Entries are processed in order received. Full payment & fully completed entry forms are required to process an entry. Waitlists: If an event is full at the time you register then you will be automatically put on that event’s waitlist. You will be informed if you are waitlisted. You will be notified if a spot becomes available. If a spot does not become available or you request to be removed from the waitlist, the registration fees for the waitlisted event will be refunded to you. Refund Policy: ALL entry fees paid become NON-REFUNDABLE 7 days prior to tournament date. Withdrawals & Refunds: A written withdrawal request MUST be submitted by the player and received by Triangle Table Tennis more than 7 days prior to the tournament to be considered for a refund. Please include your name, phone number, and the events from which you wish to be withdrawn. An administrative fee of $10 will be applied to all refunds. If an event is cancelled by Triangle Table Tennis or the tournament director for any reason, then entry fees will be refunded. Refunds may take up to four weeks. No-Show Policy: Players who are not present at match start time for any event forfeit their position and entry fee. Dress Code: USATT Dress Code will be enforced in all cases as determined by the Tournament Referee. All players must wear shoes with non-marking soles, and shirts that are not white, yellow or orange. Event Limitations: Rating and gender restrictions apply depending upon the event. It is the player’s responsibility to manage their time and to be available for their matches at their designated tables when their match is called. Players not present at the table for a match may be defaulted (see noshow policy). You cannot register for events that have overlapping time conflicts. Max of four events based on age and rating qualification. Triangle Table Tennis Center rules will be enforced; violators may be asked to leave. If ejected due to violation of Center rules, the player will be defaulted automatically and no fee refunds will be issued. Equipment: All USATT Regulations Apply. Only USATT/ITTF approved equipment will be used. Tables and nets will be Butterfly. Floors are all covered with Gerflor (Taraflex) flooring. Ceiling clearance and lighting meet USATT/ITTF standards. Balls will be white ~40mm premium competition Butterfly poly balls for all events. Host Hotel Accommodations: State Games of North Carolina host hotel information is available on its web site. USATT Ratings: Ratings used for USATT-rated events in the tournament division. USATT Membership is required to enter USATT-rated and USATT sanctioned events. Rates are below: Adult: One year (18 Years or older) - $49; Three (3) years -$130; Five (5) Years - $200 Junior: One year (17 years or younger) -$25; Three (3) years (14 years or younger) - $60 Collegiate: One year $25 (Full time students enrolled in college or university. Proof of enrollment must be provided.) First Time Tournament Pass: Once in a lifetime pass for players who have NEVER been a USATT member - $10 Directions: Traffic on Interstate-40 and HWY 54/Chapel Hill Road may be extremely congested between 4:30-6:30 p.m. on weekdays. You must consider this as you plan your travel. Please note that HWY 54 and Chapel Hill Road are the same road. You must pay close attention to the directions and street names. See map on our web site or call Triangle Table Tennis Center at (919) 388-0272 to get directions if needed. Competition Venue: 2900 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 200, Morrisville, NC 27560 GPS Address: 2900 Perimeter Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560 Directions to Venue From I-40 On I-40 take the Airport Blvd exit (south) STAY on Airport BLVD for 0.6 miles and turn right onto Perimeter Park Drive Stay on Perimeter Park Drive for 0.5 miles and 2900 is last building on right hand side Directions to Venue From Host Hotel Airport Courtyard by Marriott/Morrisville: Turn LEFT at light onto Airport BLVD STAY on Airport BLVD for 0.5 miles and turn right onto Perimeter Park Drive Stay on Perimeter Park Drive for 0.5 miles and 2900 is last building on right hand side Required USATT Statements: 1) Events with insufficient entries may be cancelled at the discretion of Triangle Table Tennis, and fees refunded. 2) If a rating event is cancelled, player will automatically be placed in the next highest rating event. 3) The current USATT rating system will be used for the purposes of conducting all draws with the possible exception of hardbat events if offered. For players who do not have a USATT rating, an estimated USATT rating will be assigned based upon a recommendation by a coach who knows the player or by visual evaluation of the player by a coach, whenever possible. Important Note: Players not present at start times WILL BE DEFAULTED! Where prizes include gift cards, those are Triangle Table Tennis gift cards that are valid payment for pro shop merchandise, or future lessons, programs, or events. Triangle Table Tennis depends on event registrations to generate revenue for advertised prize money. If entries are markedly lower than anticipated, Triangle reserves the right to cancel any necessary events within the tournament, and to notify players accordingly at the earliest opportunity. Unrated Players (players without a USATT rating): Unrated players may enter any rating event(s) in the tournament division, and any event(s) in the recreational division for which they otherwise qualify (example, qualify by age). In the tournament division for purposes of seeding and advancement, unrated players will not be allowed to advance beyond the first round in any event (if they win that first round group). This is to prevent ‘sandbagging’ by players that are better than they let on to be. In that instance, the next highest finisher in the first round group shall advance. For tournament division rating events that have only one round (like a giant RR of 8 players), the unrated player may not receive a prize for his/her placement, if that placement wins the group or event. The exception to this policy is an ‘unrated event’ or an age event, if so offered. The Tournament Director will be the final authority on a player’s rating status and ability to advance. Doubles or Team Partners: Players MUST pre-register with a partner for all doubles or teams events (if applicable). TTTC will NOT arrange for a doubles or teams partner. TTTC cannot be responsible for the non-participation of selected Doubles or team partners. It is the responsibility of the player to contact his/her doubles or teams partner about participating in (and paying for) the event. No refunds will be given for an event if a partner is not available. Last updated November 19, 2014
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