Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering GUIDEBOOK 2014/2015 Table of contents Spis treści 1. WHY WARSAW ? ................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. FAMOUS STORIES.............................................................................................................................................. 5 3. PLACES WORTH SEEING IN POLAND .......................................................................................................... 6 4. FAMOUS PEOPLE ............................................................................................................................................... 7 5. EVENTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 6. WHY WUT ? ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 7. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING .......................................................................................................................... 12 8. POWER ENGINEERING & NUCLEAR POWER ENGINEERING ............................................................. 13 9. AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND ROBOTICS PROGRAMME (EMARO+) ................................................ 14 10. UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIES AT THE FACULTY ................................................................................. 15 11. FACULTY RULES .......................................................................................................................................... 16 12. COSTS OF LIVING IN WARSAW ............................................................................................................... 18 13. INFORMATION FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AT WUT ......................................................... 19 14. HOUSING ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 1. Why Warsaw ? Information about Warsaw. Warsaw (in Polish – Warszawa) is the capital of Poland. It is located on the Vistula River, roughly 260 kilometres (160 mi) from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometres (190 mi) from the Carpathian Mountains. Its population in 2010 was estimated at 1,716,855 residents with a greater metropolitan area of 2,631,902 residents, making Warsaw the 10th most populous city proper in the European Union. photos by Internet Warsaw is also known as the “phoenix city” due to the fact it has survived many wars throughout its history. Most notably, the city had to be painstakingly rebuilt after the extensive damage it suffered from World War II, during which 80% of its buildings were destroyed. The weather The climate has four seasons- spring, summer, autumn and winter. Poland has a moderate climate with both maritime and continental elements. This is due to humid Atlantic air which collides over its territory with dry air from the Eurasian interior. As a result, the weather tends to be capricious and the seasons may look quite different in consecutive years. This is particularly true for winters, which are either wet, of the oceanic type, or - less often - sunny, of the continental type. Generally, in north and west Poland the climate is predominantly maritime, with gentle, humid winters and cool, rainy summers, while the eastern part of the country has distinctly continental climate with harsh winters and hotter, drier summers. Current weather forecast you can find below: http://www.imgw.pl/index.php?lang=en&option=com_content&view=article&id=147&Itemid=180 Polish autumn in Warsaw Polish spring in Wilanów Polish summer in Mazury Strona 2 z 22 Polish winter (Wodospad Szklarki) Polish visa Please find below the link to the list of Polish Embassies- search. http://bazateleadresowa.poland.gov.pl/ Please also find below the link regarding the information how to obtain Polish visa: http://www.msz.gov.pl/Visa,requirements,2346.html What do you need from WUT to receive the visa. WUT is going to send directly to the candidate and to the Embassy the Acceptance Letter. All other documents the Candidate must show in the Embassy during his visit. Basic phrases in Polish: Pozdrowienia Dzień Witam Dobry wieczór Dobranoc Do widzenia Do zobaczenia Cześć Hej Na razie Smacznego Na zdrowie Greetings Good day, Good morning (universal greeting) Good morning (more official) Good evening Good night Good bye Good bye (a bit informal) Hi/Bye (informal) Hi See you Bon appetite Cheers! To your health! Przedstawienie się Introducing Jestem Paweł I am Paul Jak się masz? How are you? Jak się macie? How are you? (more people) Jak masz na imię? What is your name? Dokąd idziesz? Where are you going? Pan sir, Mr Pani Mrs, Miss Państwo a group of people to whom you refer with respect ja I ty you Pan, Pani you (politely referring to a man /woman) on, ona, to he, she, it my we wy you (referring to more persons) Państwo you (politely referring to more persons) oni they Rozumienie UNDERSTANDING Nie rozumiem. I do not understand Rozumiem tylko trochę. I understand just a bit. Słucham? Pardon? Pan (Pani) mówi za szybko. You speak too quickly. Proszę powtórzyć. Repeat, please. Proszę powoli. Slowly, please. Jeszcze raz . once more Trochę a bit ..., wiesz? ….you know? Nie znam polskiego, mówię tylko po I do not know Polish, I can speak only English. angielsku. Tak Yes Strona 3 z 22 Pozdrowienia Nie Jeden, dwa, trzy Co to jest? Ile to kosztuje? Dziękuję (bardzo) Proszę Przepraszam Kawę czy herbatę? Dwa piwa Podróż Dokąd jedziesz? Autokarem? Pociągiem? Samolotem? Na piechotę? Kiedy masz pociąg (samolot) do Krakowa? Muszę się przesiadać Zamieszkanie Gdzie mieszkasz? Mieszkam w hotelu/u znajomych Szukamy zakwaterowania. Szukam tanich noclegów . Zakupy Zapraszamy - Greetings No One, two, three. What is it? How much is it? Thank you (very much) Please/Here you are Excuse me/Sorry Coffee or tea? Two beers Travel Where are you going? By coach? By train? By plane? On foot? When is your train (plane) to Krakow? I have to change (trains). Accommodation Where are you staying? Where do you live? I am staying at a hotel/at my friends’ place. We are looking for accommodation. I am looking for a cheep lodging. Shopping Welcome/We invite you (a typical inscription on Polish shops) I love shopping. I dislike shopping. It is too expensive. I want something cheaper. I will buy this. May I help you? Food Bon appetit! Is there something you can recommend? Meat dishes / Dishes without meat starter, soups, salad, sauce, desserts Lubię zakupy Nie lubię zakupów Jest za drogo Chcę coś tańszego Kupię to W czym mogę pomóc? Jedzenie Smacznego! Czy może Pan (Pani) coś polecić? Dania mięsne / Dania bez mięsa przystawka, zupy, sałatka, sos, desery wołowina, wieprzowina, kurczak, indyk, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish jagnięcina, ryba ryż, ziemniaki, makaron, frytki, kluski rice, potatoes, pasta, chips, dumplings Smakowało? Did you enjoy it? Did it taste well? Rachunek poproszę. The bill, please Bar Na zdrowie! Sto lat! Jeszcze jedno duże (małe) piwo Dziękuję, nie palę Praca w pracy Karol jest już w biurze Co robisz? Pracuję na pełny etat Pub Cheers! (To your health) May (s)he live one hundred years! One more big (small) glass of beer. Thanks, I do not smoke. Work at work Charles is already in the office. What are you doing? I work full time. Strona 4 z 22 2. Photo Famous stories ................................................................................... Main figure Polish Mermaid Wars and Sawa Basilisk Golden Duck Stone Bear Description The Warsaw Mermaid Statue Presented as half fish and half woman. Images of a mermaid have been used on the crest of Warsaw as its symbol. From the middle of 14th century. Legend tells that once upon a time two mermaid sisters swam to the shores of the Baltic Sea from their home in the depths. They were truly beautiful, even though they had fish tails instead of legs. One of them decided to swim further towards the Danish straits. Now she can be seen sitting on a rock an the entry to the port of Copenhagen. The second swam to the seaside town, Gdańsk. And then, up the Vistula River (…)then she came out of the Water (…) to rest. She liked it so much that she decided to stay. The fishermen who used to live in this area noticed that when they were fishing, someone was agitating the waters of the Vistula River , tangling their nets and freeing fish from their traps. They decided to catch the culprit and get even with him once and for all. But when they heard the enchanting song of the mermaid, they gave up their plans and came to love the beautiful woman-fish. From that time, every evening, she entertained them with her wonderful singing. But one day, a rich merchant strolling on the banks of the Vistula River caught sight of the little mermaid. He decided to catch her and keep her as a prisoner, and then make money by showing her at fairs. The merchant quickly put into practice his wicked scheme. He caught the mermaid by a trick and held her as a prisoner in a wooden shed, with no access to the water. Her cries were heard by a young farm-hand (…), who with the help of a friend freed her one night. The mermaid, in recognition of the fact that the inhabitants had come to her aid, swore that if they were ever in danger, she would come to protect them. That is why the Warsaw mermaid is armed with a sword and a shield, for the protection of our city. (According to book “Warsaw in short” by www.warsawtour.pl) In one version King Kazimierz Odnowiciel, while on his way from Kraków to Gniezno, came across a poor fisherman’s hut. The hungry king found his way to the hut thanks to the smoke and the smell of fresh food. As he was having some fish from the night’s catch, the fisherman told the king the story of his family which had just recently grown bigger thanks to the arrival of two marvellous twins. The poor fisherman and his wife could not baptise the babies, though, because there was no church in the area. The king, who had really enjoyed the meal, wanted to pay the peasants with gold, but they, according to the old Polish tradition of hospitality, refused to take any payment. Then the king asked them for one more favour – he asked to be the twins’ godfather at their baptism that he would organize. An altar was set up on a hill, and a priest commissioned by King Kazimierz named the twins Wars (the boy) and Sawa (the girl). And King Kazimierz announced that Pietrko Rybak (Peter Fisherman) would from then on be called Piotr Wars, the royal fisherman, the father of Wars and Sawa, and the owner of the vast forest. The king also told him that one day, when a village began to take shape near his hut, that he should give it a name derived from his new surname – and that the village would carry that name forever. Another version of the legend says that a long, long time ago there was a tiny hut standing at the shores of the Vistula River. Wars, a fisherman, and his wife Sawa lived there. One day a hunt was organized in the area and Prince Ziemomysł, the owner of the estate, got lost in the forest. He wandered around for many days and many nights and he finally reached the fisherman’s hut. Wars and Sawa made the stranger welcome and in the morning the grateful prince said, ‘You didn’t hesitate to take in a stranger and save him from hunger, cold and wild animals. Therefore this land will forever be called Warsaw, so your kindness can never be forgotten’. A legend says that in the basements of the buildings located at the Old Town lives a Basilisk. It guarded the treasures once stored there, and every man who tried to reach them was killed by the gaze of the Basilisk, which turns men to stone. He was defeated in the end by a wandering tailor who showed the monster a mirror. The Basilisk was petrified by its own appearance, and hid away; from then on, he was no longer a threat to residents. Today on the façade of the building there is a sign of the Basilisk, which is the symbol of the renowned Warsaw restaurant of the same name. A long, long time ago a princess who had been turned into a golden duck lived in the cellars of Ostrogski Castle. People said that anyone who found her would be rich beyond their wildest dreams. One year, on Kupala’s Night, a young cobbler went down into the cellars – he was lucky and he met the golden duck, who promised him riches. However, she said there was only one condition: she gave him a bag full of golden coins and said he had to spend them all within one day and not share his riches with anyone. It was almost the end of the day, and the boy broke the condition: he gave the last coin to a poor soldier. In a blink of an eye, he lost everything he had purchased with the gold coins. And that’s when he understood that money does not make you happy: true happiness comes from work and good health. From that time onwards, he lived the good life of a master cobbler and nobody ever heard about the Golden Duck again. According to a romantic legend the stone bear lying in front of the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace the Patron of Warsaw (Jesuit Monastery) is in fact enchanted, shy prince who’s waiting for the one woman whose love can bring him back to manhood. Strona 5 z 22 3. Places worth seeing in Poland ............................................................... Famous places City Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw Krakow Wroclaw Poznan Zakopane Mountains Salt mine Wieliczka Sopot (sea city) Gdańsk (sea city) Gdynia (sea city) Katowice Biskupin Place Castle Square with The Royal Castle The Column of King Zygmunt III Vasa The Presidential Palace The Church of the Holy Cross (Missionary Congregation) The National Museum The Royal Łazienki Park –Palace Complex The Wilanów Park-Palace Complex The Warsaw Rising Museum The Palace of Culture and Science Fabryka Trzciny – Artistic Centre Stadion Narodowy – The National Stadium Centrum Nauki Kopernik-Copernicus Science Center Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa POLISH NATIONAL OPERA AND POLISH NATIONAL BALLET Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina- Chopin Museum Official city website Official city website Official city website Official city website Website / Remarks http://www.zamek-krolewski.pl/en situated on the Castle Square http://www.president.pl/en/ Official website http://www.wieliczkasaltmine.com/?__utma=1.1504037311.139929406 9.1399294069.1399294069.1&__utmb= 9294069&__utmc=1&__utmx=&__utmz=1.1399294069.1.1.utmcsr=%28direct%2 9|utmccn=%28direct%29|utmcmd=%28none%29& __utmv=-&__utmk=158530746 Official city website Official city website Official city website Official city website Official website http://www.swkrzyz.pl/ http://www.mnw.art.pl/index.php/en/ http://www.lazienki krolewskie.pl/index.php?lang=en http://www.wilanow-palac.art.pl/index_en.php http://www.1944.pl/en/ http://www.pkin.pl/ http://www.fabrykatrzciny.pl/en_index.html http://en.stadionnarodowy.org.pl/ http://www.kopernik.org.pl/en/ http://www.teatrwielki.pl/en.html?no_cache=1 http://chopin.museum/en http://www.krakow.pl/english/ http://www.wroclaw.pl/en http://www.poznan.pl/mim/main/en/ http://www.zakopane.eu/fr/ http://www.sopot.pl/eGmina/pl http://www.gdansk.pl/en/ http://www.gdynia.pl/eng/ http://www.katowice.eu/en/ http://www.biskupin.pl/asp/en_start.asp?typ=13& menu=143&strona=1&m=10&nazwa=303&schema t=0&dzialy=143&akcja=agregatorarchiwum&strona =1 Strona 6 z 22 4. Photo Famous people .................................................................................... Name and Surname Description Fryderyk Chopin – a great Polish composer. “ A Varsovian by birth, a Pole at heart, a citizen of the world by virtue of his talent." This is what Cyprian Kamil Norwid, a romantic visionary poet, said about Chopin. A Polish composer of the 19th century whose adult life centred mainly on Paris. A Romantic composer who wrote almost entirely for the piano, Chopin changed the world of keyboard music forever. His distinctively expressive style is reflected in his many small-scale works and two concertos he created for the piano. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_Chopin Maria Skłodowska- Curie famous physicist and chemist. Through her discovery of radium, Marie Curie paved the way for nuclear physics and cancer therapy. Born of Polish parents, she was a woman of science and courage, compassionate yet stubbornly determined. Her research work was to cost her her own life. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Curie – John Paul II (1920-2005) – Pope Probably the most famous Pole ever, Pope John Paul II was born Karol Jozef Wojtyla in the small town of Wadowice in Poland. By being elected pope by the Catholic Church in 1978, he became the first non-Italian pope in 455 years. This pope modernised the papacy and spread his reach internationally through massive gatherings of Catholics and frequent consultations with heads of state. Lech Walesa- leader of the Solidarity movement This feisty, moustachioed electrician from Gdansk shaped the end of the 20th century as the leader of the Solidarity movement that led Poland out of communism. Walesa's contribution to the end of communism in Europe, and hence the end of the cold war, stands beside those of his fellow Pole, Pope John Paul II, and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Jozef Pilsudski-marshal Undoubtedly the dominant figure in Polish history of the first half of the twentieth Century. He was without doubt a major figure in European history and, at two points at least, in November 1918 and in the Summer of 1920, World history was profoundly influenced by his actions (in 1918 he led the Polish nation to independence, and in 1920 he stopped the Red Army’s aim to invade Western Europe. Tadeusz Mazowiecki- first postcommunist premier Former Polish dissident, journalist of the Catholic newspaper, first post-communist premier in Eastern Europe, and a UN special human-rights investigator in former Yugoslavia. One of the founders of the "Solidarity" movement, a lawyer and author, a staunch human-rights fighter, persecuted for his thoughts and activities, a Catholic and close friend of the Pope John Paul II. Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817) –general This great Polish patriot was leader of the forces taking part in the national uprising of 1794 (the so-called “Kosciuszko insurrection”). He had distinguished himself previously during the American War of Independence, notably as a brigadier at the battle of Saratoga in 1777. Kazimierz Pulaski (1747-1779)commander of the Bar Confederacy The commander of the Bar Confederacy and defender of Jasna Gora against the Russians. He commanded a cavalry brigade in George Washington's army during the American War of Independence. He died of wounds inflicted at the Battle of Savannah. Adam Mickiewicz- poet As a poet Mickiewicz first gained attention with his “Ballads and Romances”. This collection of poems opened the romantic era in Polish literature. Following this, Mickiewicz wrote the fantastic drama “Forefathers' Eve” (1823-32), in which Poland had a messianic role among the nations of Western Europe. The drama presents a vision of the country where the sufferings of Polish nation are equated with the Passion of Christ. Witold Gombrowicz- writer Novelist, short-story writer, dramatist, and best known for the novel “Ferdydurke” (1937) and other absurdist satires. The dominant theme of his writings is the innate immaturity of human beings. Czeslaw Milosz- poet Polish author, translator and critic, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980. Milosz's poetry and essays are a mixture of autobiographical confessions dealing with the effects of exile, religious or metaphysical fragments, as well as historical and literary analyses. Acclaimed as a Catholic poet, Milosz has also a strong pantheist element in his work. Strona 7 z 22 Photo Name and Surname Description Wislawa Szymborska- poetess Poet and translator, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996 at the age of seventy-three. Szymborska is one of the few woman poets who have received the prize. Her early works were born more or less within the straitjacket of Socialist Realism. Later she expressed her pessimism about the future of mankind in poems that are written in a misleadingly casual manner or in an ironic tone. Krzysztof Penderecki- composer He is a “doctor honoris causa” at several universities, and has been awarded numerous distinctions, including several Grammies and the award for the best composer at the Midem Festival of Cannes (2000). Henryk composer The first living classical music composer to have music topping the Billboard charts; his Symphony No. 3 has sold over 1,200,000 copies. Mikolaj Gorecki- Witold Lutoslawski- composer Zbigniew Preisner- composer Urszula Dudziak- vocalist Barbara singer Trzetrzelewska-jazz Nicolaus Copernicus-astronomer He was indisputably one of the major composers of the twentieth century. Born in Warsaw in 1913, he showed prodigious musical and intellectual talent from an early age. One of the most outstanding Polish film composers, best known for his work with the directors Krzysztof Kieślowski and Agnieszka Holland. His scores for the films such as “Decalogue”, “The Double Life of Veronique”, “Three Colours: Blue, White and Red”, have brought him international acclaim. Preisner received numerous prizes for his dedication to film music including a Silver Bear from the Berlin Film Festival and The Los Angeles Critics Association Award. A Polish vocalist, ex-wife of jazz violinist Michał Urbaniak, and ironically much more popular in the USA than in Poland. She started her career in the late 1950s, within a few years becoming one of the most popular jazz artists. In the late 1960s and early 1970s began to travel overseas, finally settling in New York. She has frequently worked with leading contemporary musicians, including Archie Shepp, Lester Bowie, Bobby McFerrin and Sting. Better known as “Basia”, she is a Polish pop and jazz singer. She has forged a wildly successful international career after moving to the UK at the beginning of the 1980s. She was the female singer for the group Matt Bianco and pianist Danny White, and then debuting her own solo projects in 1987. She has released a great number of successful records, and while recognized in Britain she is almost completely unknown in her native country. Copernicus is said to be the founder of modern astronomy. Born on February 19, 1473, in Torun, Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus was destined to become, through the eventual publication of his heliocentric planetary theory 70 years later, one of the seminal figures in the history of scientific thought. Jan Heweliusz- astronomer Polish 17th- century astronomer from Gdansk, who studied comets, catalogued the stars, and constructed some of first accurate maps of the moon's surface. In recognition of his scientific endeavours, one of the moon's craters is named after him. Henryk oceanographer A Polish scientist, oceanographer and Antarctic explorer. His name has been given to a phenomenon of a rainbow in the shape of a halo that forms around the sun as light is refracted through ice crystals in the atmosphere. Arctowski- Ernest Malinowski-sociologist In 1859 he submitted a very courageous plan to the Government of Peru for building a railroad line connecting the Pacific coast with the abundant resources of the country's interior. It climbs from sea level at Callao to an elevation of 15,806 feet by means of many zigzags and double zigzags. He is also a famous sociologist. Kazimierz Funk biochemist A Polish biochemist born in Warsaw, who studied in Berlin and Berne (Switzerland), worked in Paris, Berlin and London before eventually settling in America and becoming a US citizen in 1920. He was the first to discover a vitamin - a substance containing an amine group, one of the most important nutrients in human health. He put forward the hypothesis that vitamins could cure diseases like scurvy. Funk also carried out important work into animal hormones and into cancer, diabetes and ulcers. He improved methods for drug manufacture and developed several new commercial products. ((1884-1967)- Strona 8 z 22 Photo Name and Surname Description Ludwig Zamenhoff (1859-1917)physician and linguist A Polish-born Jew, a great physician and linguist, born in Bialystok and known for the invention of Esperanto - a pan-European language that he hoped would bring understanding between all the people across the world, notwithstanding national distinctions and cultural diversity. In fact, Esperanto was essentially a “corrected” Latin. All aspects of grammar and syntax, including the formation of derived words, was relentlessly regularized so that the language could be learnt in the least possible time. Eventually nothing came of it, because Esperanto was not accepted by many people; however, a lot of research is still being done into it and there are 8 million speakers worldwide. Korczak Ziolkowski (1908-1992)architect and sculptor He was of Polish descent, being born in Boston, and was a completely self-taught architect and sculptor. He never took any lessons in art, began experimenting with woodwork as a teenager, and was soon sculpting in wood and stone. In 1939 Ziolkowski briefly worked as an assistant on the construction of Mount Rushmore Monument in South Dakota, commemorating the four greatest US presidents. Later on was got involved in many other cultural projects of the time and became a distinguished artist. Irena Szewinska-sportswoman From the age of 18 until she was 34, Szewinska had one of the longest (and most glorious) careers in international sport. Between 1964 and 1980 she participated in five Olympic Games, winning seven medals, three of them gold. She also broke six world records and was the first woman to hold world records at 100m, 200m and 400m at the same time. Adam Malysz- ski jumper Kazimierz Deyna-football player Robert walker Korzeniowski-the best Zbigniew Boniek- football player Dariusz Michalczewski- boxer Roman Polanski- film director Andrzej Wajda- film director Krzysztof Kieslowski- film director Krzysztof Zanussi- film director A ski jumper, and the most famous Polish sportsmen of today. Malysz is known for his spectacular success at the prestige Tournament of Four ski jumps and soon after this in ski flights in Harrahow. Later came the triumphs in Salt Lake City, Spporo, Willingen, Falun, Trondheim well as in Holmenkolen. At the end of the season he set a new record for Poland in Polanica - 218.5 m, and then he received the Crystal Ball for becoming World Champion He was the best Polish football player in history. He was nicknamed “Rogal' (croissant), so called by his team mates because Deyna's shots looked like croissants. His life was just like his shots - unforeseeable. The best walker in the world, he won 4 gold medals at the Olympics (Atlanta, Sydney and Athens). One of the most talented Polish footballers, debuting on the Polish national team at the age of 20, an effective goal scorer (24 goals in 80 matches), has played for Italian football teams such as Juventus Torino and AS Roma, and since then has settled permanently in Italy. After finishing his professional career prematurely in 1988 he set up his own business. Nevertheless he has remained closely related to football, serving as the vice-president of the Polish Football Association and the main coach of the Polish national team. A remarkably successful boxing champion of recent years, born in Gdańsk, came up through Poland's state-run sports program as a boy and had a brilliant amateur career before turning professional in 1991. Fighting mostly in neighbouring Germany, he began piling up wins and was soon signed by Universum Boxing Promotions, one of the leading boxing promoters in Europe. His aggressive style earned him the nickname “The Tiger”. One of the most famous Polish directors and an Oscar winner. The story of Roman Polanski's life is as tortuous and full of incident and tragedy as one of his dark films. Polanski survived the Nazi atrocities committed in the Krakow ghetto, but lost his mother in a concentration camp gas chamber. He spent a large part of his life in the US and made several important films with top American actors, such as Chinatown (with Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, and John Huston), and Rosemary’s Baby (with Mia Farrow). In 1969 he experienced another personal tragedy when his pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, was murdered by the Manson Family. In 1978 he fled to France where he has directed Frantic, Death and the Maiden, The Ninth Gate, The Pianist, and Oliver Twist (2005). On Sunday 26 March 2003, Hollywood acknowledged the talent of one of the men commonly regarded as the father of modern Polish cinema, by awarding Andrzej Wajda with a special Oscar for lifetime achievement. Andrzej Wajda is considered by the world to be Poland's finest directors, especially respected for his ability to engage the audiences' emotions as well as their intellects. His films were considered political and rebellious, especially the notorious Man of Marble. Many of his films were based on the famous books of Polish writers, such as Ashes and Diamonds, The Wedding, The Promised Land and The Maids of Wilko. In 2007 he finished another important film, Katyn. Although probably the best-known Polish film director of the last two decades, Kieslowski began by making documentaries. These films concentrated on aspects of Polish life, culture, and political conditions under the Communist Party. Indeed it was these conditions that helped spark the Solidarity movement that ultimately forced the Party to relinquish power by way of new general elections. Among his best-known films are Camera Buff, A Short Film about Killing and A Short Film about Love, and the The Decalogue cycle. Many of his films were produced in France, such as the Three Colours trilogy and The Double Life of Véronique. A director and producer, he studied not only film but also physics and philosophy, all of which influenced his psychological films and which are often associated with the cinema of moral concern - a tendency in Polish film of the 1970s. Among his notable films are The Structure of Crystals, The Illumination, The Contract, Camouflage, In Full Gallop, and Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease. Strona 9 z 22 Photo Name and Surname Janusz Kaminski- cameraman and film director Krystyna Janda- actress Jerzy Skolimowski – film director Andrzej Seweryn- actor Izabella Scorupco- actress Description A cameraman and director, making his feature directorial debut with Lost Souls following a decade as an acclaimed director of photography, most recently for Steven Spielberg in Saving Private Ryan, for which he received an Academy Award. Kaminski also won an Academy Award and a BAFTA Award for his black-and-white cinematography for Schindler's List, as well as honours from New York and Los Angeles Film Critics. Kaminski is currently working as Director of Photography for Steven Spielberg. One of the most famous Polish actresses, frequently acting under the guidance of that renowned Polish director Andrzej Wajda, Krystyna Janda has appeared in politically oriented films mostly aimed at the negative effects on their homeland following the death of Stalin. Her most famous roles were in Man of Marble, The Iron Man, The Interrogation, and My Mother’s Lovers, but she has also starred in many stage plays. Janda now runs her own theatre in Warsaw. A Polish director, one of the most original and innovative of all eastern European filmmakers, graduate of the famous Lodz Film School and classmate of Roman Polanski, he emigrated to the UK to strive for a professional career. He has not achieved commercial success; nevertheless, he gained international respect for his great imagination and the realism of his films, which presented difficult and often prohibited topics. A film and stage actor, graduate of the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Warsaw, distinguished within the television and film industry, which quickly caught wind of him. Seweryn starred in several Polish films, including: Andrzej Wajda's The Promised Land and Jan Rybkowski's The Peasants. In 1980 he decided to move to France, where started his international career. In 1993, he was accepted into one of the most prestigious theatre troupes in the world, the Comédie Française. Seweryn's French stage debut was in the title role of Molière’s Don Juan. He also acted in Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List, Peter Brook's The Mahabharata and Marco Bellocchio's The Conviction. An actress and model known for her role as a Bond girl opposite Pierce Brosnan in Martin Campbell's Golden Eye. She then returned to Poland to star in Jerzy Hoffman's With Fire and Sword - a historical film based on Nobel prize winner Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel of the same name. Joanna Pacula- actress This actress was born in Poland and remained relatively obscure in her native country until forced by the changing political climate to relocate to Paris, where she started her professional career as a model and screen star. Later she appeared in Hollywood productions, mainly in B-class films. Daniel Olbryski – actor Polish actor best known for leading roles in several Andrzej Wajda movies and also known for playing the Russian defector and spymaster Vassily Orlov, alongside Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie in the movie Salt. information from the webpage Staypoland.com 5. l.p. Events ............................................................................................... Main figure Events in Warsaw Events in Krakow Events in Wroclaw Events in Poznań Events in Sopot Events in Toruń Events in Gdańsk Events in Gdynia Description http://www.inyourpocket.com/poland/warsaw/concertsculture-events-entertainment http://www.krakow.pl/english/ http://www.inyourpocket.com/poland/wroclaw/concertsculture-events-entertainment http://www.inyourpocket.com/poland/poznan/concertsculture-events-entertainment http://www.inyourpocket.com/poland/sopot/concertsculture-events-entertainment http://www.visittorun.pl/277,l2.html http://www.inyourpocket.com/poland/gdansk/concertsculture-events-entertainment http://www.inyourpocket.com/poland/gdynia/concertsculture-events-entertainment Strona 10 z 22 6. Why WUT ? Because we are the biggest Polish technical University Because we are fully entitled to provide education in a multilevel system Because our degree is the beginning of the road to real professional success Because we run courses at engineering, M.Sc and PhD levels in all areas of technology – ranging from civil engineering and architecture to optoelectronics, materials nanotechnology, biotechnology and biomedical technology (the most modern ones) Because we are the oldest and largest technical University (40 000 students) Because we offer the variety of studies in English on the Bachelor, Master and PhD level Our B.Sc offer : Aerospace Engineering at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Power Engineering at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Computer Science at Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science Civil Engineering course at Faculty of Civil Engineering Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Engineering at Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering Electrical Engineering at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Telecommunications (ICT) at Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology Environmental Engineering at Faculty of Environmental Engineering Photonic Engineering at Faculty of Mechatronics Our M.Sc. offer : Architecture and Urban Planning at Faculty of Architecture Architecture for Society of Knowledge at Faculty of Architecture Aerospace Engineering at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Power Engineering at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Nuclear Power Engineering at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Automatic Control and Robotics at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Civil Engineering course at Faculty of Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Information and Communication Technologies at Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology Optics in Science and Engineering at Faculty of Mechatronics Computer Science at Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science Global Production Engineering and Management at Faculty of Production Engineering Biotechnology - Specialization: Applied Biotechnology at Facutly of Chemistry Environmental Protection Engineering at Faculty of Environmental Engineering Management of Sustainable Enterprise at Faculty of Management Strona 11 z 22 Aerospace Engineering 7. Aerospace Engineering – B.Sc and M.Sc studies Bachelor of Science in Engineering The duration of the study is 3.5 academic years, divided into 7 almost equally loaded semesters. Graduates of Aerospace Engineering receive education satisfying the requirements of modern aerospace industry, airlines and other industries utilising novel technologies. They are also prepared to meet the needs of scientific institutions for research, design, development and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft. The education is based on mechanics and thermodynamics , including combustion processes, materials and manufacturing technology, with a particular focus on those used in aerospace industries, basic electronics and information science including CAD. Master of Science in Engineering: The duration of the study is 1.5 academic years, divided into 3 semesters. Graduates of Aerospace Engineering are provided with the knowledge required in scientific research and design, optimisation, modernisation, as well as the maintenance of flying vehicles. Graduates are well-prepared to working for aviation engine design offices, research laboratories and maintenance centres, as well as to deal with all types of internal combustion engines (automobile, railway and power plant engines) or continue the PhD studies. Objectives : The objectives of the study are to create solid fundamental engineering knowledge during the first year of study and then study the problems devoted to the subject in more details. Graduates are prepared to work in the engineering industry and to solve the problems related to the area of engineering. At first, the aforementioned abilities should be proven by the diploma thesis, where a given problem must be solved and the work must be documented and explained. Each diploma thesis is reviewed by two reviewers and is examined by a committee composed of professors and assistant professors. Information regarding enrolment and tuition fees: The tuition fee per academic year is 3000 Euro for non EU- citizens. The enrolment is done by the “on-line” system. More information may be found here: http://www.pw.edu.pl/engpw/University2/Candidates/Instructions-for-Applicants-of-Foreign-Citizenship-to-Study-onthe-Same-Conditions-as-Citizens-of-Poland or for non EU-Citizens: http://www.students.pw.edu.pl/index.php?id=17 We require the following documents to be presented: - Legalizacja lub Apostille / Legalization or Apostille Międzynarodowy certyfikat językowy B2 / International language B2 certificate Paszport lub dowód osobisty/ Passport of ID document Potwierdzenie dokonania opłaty aplikacyjne 200 Euro/ Proof of application fee payment (200 Euro) for EU-citizens or candidates who are enrolled by International Student Office. Dyplom ukończenia studiów I stopnia (dla kandydatów na studia II stopnia) / Original of Bachelor Diploma (only for 2nd cycle studies Candidates) Matura (dla kandydatów na studia II stopnia tylko kopia, dla kandydatów na studia I stopnia – oryginał) st Secondary School Certificate (for 2nd cycle studies candidates only copy, for 1 cycle studies Candidates ORIGINAL) Wykaz ocen z matury/dyplomu (w zależności od wybranego stopnia studiów/ Original of Transcripts of Records from previous school/University (depends on the chosen level of studies) Zaświadczenie lekarskie o braku przeciwskazań do podjęcia studiów/ Medical Report with information that the candidate is fit to study. (The English form can be provided by International Student Office). Potwierdzenie opłaty za czesne/ Proof of tuition fee payment Strona 12 z 22 Power Engineering & Nuclear Power Engineering 8. Power Engineering – B.Sc. and M.Scs. studies / Nuclear Power Engineering – M.Sc. studies Power Engineering- Graduates are prepared to work creatively and do research within the field of control of the processes occurring in power industry and related industries, energy conversion processes in power machines and equipment, as well as for conducting the modernisation of machines and the implementation of new technology, establishing small enterprises and their management. Nuclear Power Engineering – The faculty is realized on the master degree only. Graduates are provided with the knowledge inter alia of elements of nuclear physics, nuclear reactor physic and systems, nuclear fuels cycles and also thermonuclear synthesis. Staring a job with nuclear power engineering students are equipped with the knowledge of the modelling and simulation of nuclear Installation. Information regarding enrolment and tuition fees: The tuition fee per academic year is 3000 Euro for non EU- citizens. The enrolment is done by the “on-line” system. More information may be found here: http://www.pw.edu.pl/engpw/University2/Candidates/Instructions-for-Applicants-of-Foreign-Citizenship-to-Study-onthe-Same-Conditions-as-Citizens-of-Poland or for non EU-Citizens: http://www.students.pw.edu.pl/index.php?id=17 We require the following documents to be presented: - Legalizacja lub Apostille / Legalization or Apostille - Międzynarodowy certyfikat językowy B2 / International language B2 certificate - Paszport lub dowód osobisty/ Passport of ID document - Potwierdzenie dokonania opłaty aplikacyjne 200 Euro/ Proof of application fee payment (200 Euro) for EU-citizens or candidates who are enrolled by International Student Office. - Dyplom ukończenia studiów I stopnia (dla kandydatów na studia II stopnia) / Original of Bachelor Diploma (only for 2nd cycle studies Candidates) - Matura (dla kandydatów na studia II stopnia tylko kopia, dla kandydatów na studia I stopnia – oryginał) - Secondary School Certificate (for 2nd cycle studies candidates only copy, for 1 cycle studies Candidates ORIGINAL) - Wykaz ocen z matury/dyplomu (w zależności od wybranego stopnia studiów/ - Original of Transcripts of Records from previous school/University (depends on the chosen level of studies) - Zaświadczenie lekarskie o braku przeciwskazań do podjęcia studiów/ Medical Report with information that the candidate st is fit to study. (The English form can be provided by International Student Office). - Potwierdzenie opłaty za czesne/ Proof of tuition fee payment Strona 13 z 22 9. Automatic Control and Robotics programme (EMARO+) Emaro + (Automatic Control and Robotics Master programme) Objectives: 2 years mater program supporting the best students from the whole World by the stipends funded by EU within ERASMUS+ initiatives. The EMARO Master is designed to promote a high-quality educational offer in the area of advanced and intelligent robotics. After graduation the students will have mastered the different areas of robotics (Mathematical modeling, Control Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical design) in order to be able to deal with Robotics systems as a whole rather than just to concentrate on one particular area. The career prospects for EMARO graduates are very good as the proposed courses are relevant to today’s high technology society. Students may take the master as a professional terminal degree, or to join PhD programmes afterwards. Duration and mobility: The programme of study lasts two academic years (120 ECTS) split into four equally loaded semesters. The student has to spend the first year in a European institution and the second year in another European institution. Programme summary. The language of instruction is English, but local language and culture courses of the hosting countries are included in the programme of study. The programme of the first two semesters is the same in the consortium institutions, it provides the students with a solid interdisciplinary background across the main areas of robotics (Cognition, Action, Perception). During the third semester, more specialised courses (varying from partner to partner and based on the specific research strengths of the partners institutions) are proposed. The fourth semester is devoted to the Master thesis. Degrees awarded: Students that graduate from EMARO masters course will obtain two masters degrees from the institutions where they studied. The degrees are officially recognised and give full access to PhD study programmes. were successfully completed by the student. At Warsaw University of Technology robotics research activities are covering: general robotics including the design and prototyping of novel robots, e.g. prototype of fast manipulator with large work space, robots for cardio-surgery, mobile robots, and walking machines, biomechanics (hip implants, prosthesis, rehabilitation devices), mechanical design method, analysis and modelling of multi-body systems, biomechanics of impacts with applications to car occupants and glider pilots safety and sport injury prevention. biologically inspired motion synthesis methods, walking machines and bipeds (design, prototyping and motion synthesis). mobile robots: design and navigation principles (exploration using a group of robots) advanced study of human locomotion design and development of control systems of mobile platforms ( robots, walking machines, etc.) navigation of mobile robots group, dynamic simulation of moving platforms biomechanics including its relations with advanced robotics application of mobile robots to various tasks. mechanical systems modelling and analysis multibody systems analysis • robots control A professional laboratory equipped with modern industrial and research robots is available (with serial and parallel manipulators, professional outdoor and indoor mobile robots). The students can perform their projects using fully equipped workshop belonging to the Robotic Students Research Club. Strona 14 z 22 10. Photo University Authorities at the Faculty ...................................................... Position and name e-mail and/or telephone Admission/Opening hours DEAN; Professor Jerzy BANASZEK dziekan@meil.pw.edu.pl Monday 14.00 - 15.00 Wednesday 14.30 - 15.30 Vice Dean for Student pyrzan@meil.pw.edu.pl Affairs; Professor Paweł PYRZANOWSKI Tuesday 13.00 - 14.00 Thursday 13.00 - 14.00 Vice Dean for Affairs; Professor Teresa ZIELIŃSKA Monday 11.00 - 12.00 Wednesday 10.00 - 11.00 General teresaz@meil.pw.edu.pl Vice Dean for Education mjawo@itc.pw.edu.pl Affairs; Ph.D. Maciej JAWORSKI Monday 14.00 - 16.00 Thursday 13.00 - 14.00 Faculty Erasmus Phone: 022 234 6029 Coordinator – area of activity elajarz@meil.pw.edu.pl Monday 14.00-15.00 Room 141 in Faculty Building Aerospace Engineering: Prof. Elżbieta Jarzębowska Second Erasmus Faculty (22) 234 + wew: 5297 Coordinator area of activity Power uzunow@itc.pw.edu.pl Institute of Heat Engineering, room – 415. and Nuclear Power Engineering: dr inż. Nikołaj Uzunow Monday 10.00-12.00 Administrative support for + 48 22 234 61 45 &14.00-15.00 Erasmus students krozycka@meil.pw.edu.pl Tuesday 09.30-12.30 Krystyna Różycka M.A. Thursday 12.00-15.00 Administrative Specialist + 48 22 234 57 79 for Power Engineering iszulc@meil.pw.edu.pl Izabella Szulc Administrative Specialist + 48 22 234 59 63 for Aerospace Engineering monika.kosnik@meil.pw.edu.pl Monika Kośnik The Dean’s office is CLOSED for students on Wednesday. Strona 15 z 22 Friday 10.00-13.00 Faculty building, room 128 Monday 10.00-12.00 &14.00-15.00 Tuesday 09.30-12.30 Thursday 12.00-15.00 Friday 10.00-13.00 Faculty building, room 128 Monday 10.00-12.00 &14.00-15.00 Tuesday 09.30-12.30 Thursday 12.00-15.00 Friday 10.00-13.00 Faculty building, room 126 11. Faculty rules ....................................................................................... Academic Timetable 2014/2015 Academic Year 2014/2015 the first day of classes in the winter semester the inauguration ceremony of the academic year a free day WUT DAY the first day of the winter break the last day of the winter break university examination on foreign languages the last day of classes in the winter semester the beginning of the winter examination session the deadline of submitting the diploma thesis at first-cycle study the end of the winter examination session the beginning of the registration period the end of the registration period the first day of classes in the summer semester the first day of the spring break the last day of the spring break Juvenalia - a free day a free day the last day of classes in the summer semester university examination on foreign languages the beginning of the summer examination session the end of the summer examination session the beginning of summer holidays the last day of summer holidays university examination on foreign languages the beginning of the autumn examination session the deadline of submitting the diploma thesis at first-cycle study the last day of the autumn examination session the beginning of the registration period the last day of the registration period the last day of the academic year university examination on foreign languages – at the B2 level. at the School of Engineering and Social Sciences in Płock Juvenalia – a free day – 22.05.2015 In the winter semester: 13.11.2014 (Thursday) classes for a missing Monday. 09.01.2015 (Friday) classes for a missing Tuesday. In the summer semester: 01.04.2015 (Wednesday) classes for a missing Friday. 12.05.2015 (Tuesday) classes for a missing Friday. 01.06.2015 (Monday) classes for a missing Friday. Strona 16 z 22 Dates 29.09.2014 01.10.2014 10.11.2014 15.11.2014 22.12.2014 06.01.2015 31.01.2015 01.02.2015 02.02.2015 02.02.2015 15.02.2015 16.02.2015 22.02.2015 23.02.2015 03.04.2015 07.04.2015 15.05.2015 05.06.2015 16.06.2015 17.06.2015 17.06.2015 30.06.2015 01.07.2015 31.08.2015 01.09.2015 01.09.2015 10.09.2015 14.09.2015 15.09.2015 24.09.2015 30.09.2015 Student Card – All Erasmus students have the right to receive the temporary student card. However to receive the card, the student must submit to the Dean’s Office (room 128) the following documents: Description One photo Information about the address in Poland Confirmation of payment for the card Remarks with student’s name and surname on the back of the photo The student fill Inquiry form in which the Polish address is required The card costs 17 zlotych. The payment may be done in bank PEKAO S.A. on Noakowskiego 18/20 street. The bank account number is : 08 1240 1053 5111 1130 0010 0091 Please indicate in the transfer title that the payment is for: legitymacja studencka + name and surname. Verbis Dean Office – Every student is registered in the Faculty system called Verbis Dean office. Two times in academic year the student is obliged to prepare so called “Declaration of subjects”. The instruction how to prepare such declaration will be submitted to the student after his/her arrival in Dean’s Office. Subjects schedule will be available on the Faculty website in September. The plan of the Faculty building classes is available on the website. Arrival Information Airport information: 1. Pick – up service and “buddy” programme. http://www.pw.esn.pl/content/mentor 2. Airport information and recommended taxies: Name Telephone WWW ELE SKY TAXI +48 22 811 11 11 www.eletaxi.pl SUPER TAXI +4822 578 98 00 www.supertaxi.pl SAWA TAXI +48 22 644 44 44 www.sawataxi.com.pl For safety reasons we strongly advise you to use licensed taxi services offered at Chopin Airport. Taxi tariffs should be clearly displayed in the car window. The taxi fare from the airport to the city centre is approx. PLN 40. Description Website Going by bus http://www.lotnisko-chopina.pl/en/passenger/access-and-car-parks/Public-transport Airport information http://www.lotnisko-chopina.pl/en/passenger/contact/contact Transport in Warsaw Website Route planner http://wyszukiwarka.ztm.waw.pl/bin/query.exe/en How to get from one place to another http://warszawa.jakdojade.pl/?locale=en Types of tickets http://www.ztm.waw.pl/index.php?c=516&l=2 After receiving the student card you can buy the transport ticket on it and use it in means of transport. Insurance and Medical Information Website If you want to receive more information about medical treatment in Poland please visit the following website: https://www.ekuz.nfz.gov.pl/en/info_dla_uprawnionych_z_innych/general-information-concerning-access-healthcare-during-temporary-st Strona 17 z 22 12. Costs of living in Warsaw...................................................................... Below you can find the information regarding costs of living in Warsaw. Restaurants Average Range from …to Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 20 zlotych 18-25 zlotych Meal for 2, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course 120.00 zł 85.00 -140.00 zlotych Combo Meal at McDonalds or Similar 17 zlotych 15-20 zlotych Domestic Beer (0.5 litre draught) 8 zlotych 7-10 zlotych Imported Beer (0.33 litre bottle) 8 zlotych 5-10 zlotych Cappuccino (regular) 8,20 zlotych 7 -10 zlotych Coke/Pepsi (0.33 litre bottle) 3,75 zlotych 2,50- 5 zlotych Water (0.33 litre bottle) 2,66 zlotych 1,60-4 zlotych Market Average Range from …to Milk (regular), (1 litre) 2,76 zlotych 2,50-3 zlotych Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 2,91 złotych 2,50-3,50 złotych Rice (white), (1kg) 3,79 złotych 3-6 złotych Eggs (12) 8,15 złotych 7-10 złotych Local Cheese (1kg) 25 złotych 21-28 złotych Chicken Breasts (Boneless, Skinless), (1kg) 17,20 złotych 15-20 złotych Apples (1kg) 3,54 złotych 2,89-4,41 złotych Oranges (1kg) 4.91 złotych 4-6 zlotych Tomato (1kg) 4.96 złotych 4-6 zlotych Potato (1kg) 2.38 złotych 2-3 zlotych Lettuce (1 head) 2,75 zlotych 2-3 zlotych Water (1.5 liter bottle) 2,07 zlotych 2-2,50 zlotych Bottle of Wine (Mid-Range) 25 zlotych 20-35 zlotych Domestic Beer (0.5 liter bottle) 3,20 zlotych 3-3,50 zlotych Pack of Cigarettes (Marlboro) 13 zlotych 11-14 zlotych Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 4,40 zlotych 4-5 zlotych Strona 18 z 22 13. Information for people with disabilities at WUT ........................................ Name of the Faculty Polish name of the Faculty Information for people with disabilities Faculty of Power and Wydział Mechaniczny Available: ramps for people with disabilities; Aeronautical Engineering Energetyki i Lotnictwa elevators for people with disabilities Faculty of Engineering Electrical Wydział Elektryczny Faculty of Civil Engineering Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej Faculty of Electronic and Wydział Elektroniki Information Technology Technik Informacyjnych Faculty of Engineering Environmental Wydział Środowiska Faculty of Engineering Wydział Architektury Production Wydział Produkcji Faculty of Chemistry Available: ramps for people with disabilities; elevators for people with disabilities i Available: ramps for people with disabilities; elevators for people with disabilities; special work place for blind person; special lecture rooms prepared for hard-of-hearing people. Inżynierii Facilities for the disabled people not available Faculty of Mathematics and Wydział Matematyki Information Science Nauk Informacyjnych Faculty of Architecture Available: ramps for people with disabilities; elevators for people with disabilities i Available: elevator for people with disabilities, entrance from the ground floor; special lecture rooms prepared for hard-ofhearing people Available: ramps for people with disabilities; Inżynierii Available: elevator for people with disabilities Wydział Chemiczny Available: elevator for people with disabilities Wydział Zarządzania Available: elevator for people with disabilities (Applied Biotechnology) Faculty of Management Strona 19 z 22 14. Housing ............................................................................................ Student’s dormitories Photo Name of Address the contacts dormitory Tatrzańska and Rooms Tarzańska 7a 00 -742 Warszawa + 48 22 234 3400 tatrzanska@ca.pw.edu.p l laundries ballrooms available tv-watching room table-tennis room Ustronie double and triple rooms Żaczek ul. Wołoska 141a 02-507 Warszawa +482223488 88 +4822 84547 89 +4822 84534 23 sekretariat@zaczek.pw. edu.pl two-room segments four people; share a kitchen and a bathroom ul. Ludwika Waryńskiego 10 00-631 Warszawa + 48222349863 lidia.boniecka@ds.pw.e du.pl a lot of double and triple and a few of single rooms. All the students that live on the same floor share a bathroom, toilet and kitchen Ludwika Waryńskiego 12 00-631 Warszawa +48228252597 +48222349883 +48222349881 riviera@ds.pw.edu.pl two-room segments, 6 students share one bathroom, toilet and a kitchen Riviera and Small, double rooms Księcia Janusza 39 01-452 Warszawa + 4822836 14 73 +4822836 15 12 + 4822836 1473 Mikrus Facilities library, computer room, gym, cinema room and laundry gym, ‘silent’ rooms (for studying), laundries and ballrooms gym, ‘silent’ rooms (for studying), laundries and ballrooms akademik@ds.pw.edu.pl gym, swimming pool, library, TV room, ballroom and laundry available BratniakMuszelka ul. Grójecka 39 02-031 Warszawa +4822234 4470 +4822822 06 96 j.sobol@ds.pw.edu.pl segments consisting of two or three rooms gym, swimming pool, library, TV room, ballroom and laundry available Pineska ul. Uniwersytecka 5 02-036 Warszawa +48228221775 +48228220422 pineska@ds.edu.wp.pl segments consisting of two or three rooms Akademik ul. Akademicka 5 02-038 Warszawa +48 22668 77 24 single, double or triple rooms gym, swimming pool, library, TV room, ballroom Strona 20 z 22 Payment s Other remarks It is situated farther from the Warsaw University of Technology Central Area than other dormitories. Transport to Tatrzańska by bus (131, 359, 522 from the bus stop ‘Metro Politechnika’). You should get off at the stop ‘Stępińska’. It can be found on Księcia Janusza Street (Wola district). You can get to Ustronie by bus (109 from the central train station [“Dworzec Centralny”], 171, 410 from the city centre and 523 from the ‘Metro Politechnika’ bus stop. You should get off at the stop ‘Ciołka’ Trams (10, 17 and 33 routes) stop by the dormitory. It is easy to get there by bus (107, 117, 138, 192 routes) as well It is located near the main campus of WUT. The easiest way to get to Mikrus and Riviera is by the underground or by any bus that stops at the underground station “Politechnika”. It is located near the main campus of WUT. It is the most expensive dormitory it presents the highest standard. The easiest way to get to Mikrus and Riviera is by the underground or by any bus that stops at the underground station “Politechnika”. It is placed on Narutowicz Square(pl. Narutowicza). The dormitory is easy to reach from the WUT main campus (tram routes: 15, 36, 47) and from the downtown – bus, tram and the underground stop “Centrum” (tram routes: 7, 9, 25, 44, bus routes: 517, 523). It is placed on Narutowicz Square(pl. Narutowicza). The dormitory is easy to reach from the WUT main campus (tram routes: 15, 36, 47) and from the downtown – bus, tram and the underground stop “Centrum” (tram routes: 7, 9, 25, 44, bus routes: 517, 523). It is placed on Narutowicz Square(pl. Narutowicza). The dormitory is easy to reach from the WUT main campus (tram routes: 15, 36, 47) and from the Photo Name of Address the contacts dormitory and Rooms Facilities Payment s and laundry available ul. Uniwersytecka 5 02-036 Warszawa +48228221775 +48228220422 pineska@ds.edu.wp.pl Tulipan Kopińska 12/16 02-321 Warszawa +4822823 28 36 kinga.luzar@ds.pw.edu. pl Babilon segments consisting of two or three rooms segments consisting of two or three rooms gym, swimming pool, library, TV room, ballroom and laundry available gym, swimming pool, library, TV room, ballroom and laundry available Other remarks downtown – bus, tram and the underground stop “Centrum” (tram routes: 7, 9, 25, 44, bus routes: 517, 523). It is placed on Narutowicz Square(pl. Narutowicza). The dormitory is easy to reach from the WUT main campus (tram routes: 15, 36, 47) and from the downtown – bus, tram and the underground stop “Centrum” (tram routes: 7, 9, 25, 44, bus routes: 517, 523). It is placed on Narutowicz Square(pl. Narutowicza). The dormitory is easy to reach from the WUT main campus (tram routes: 15, 36, 47) and from the downtown – bus, tram and the underground stop “Centrum” (tram routes: 7, 9, 25, 44, bus routes: 517, 523). How to get the place in student’s dormitory: Electronic System of Accommodation Students at WUT apply for rooms in dormitories using the Electronic System of Accommodation (SEKS – System Elektronicznego Kwaterowania Studentów): www.kwaterunek.pw.edu.pl Erasmus students To get an abode in WUT’s dormitory assigned You have to e-mail a scan of a filled application form. You can find it on the webpage of Erasmus Student Network of WUT (www.polibuda.info/esn), e-mail address: dormitory@samorzad.pw.edu.pl You must also send the paper form with other documents concerning Your exchange program. Deadline is August 30th. After a few days You will get confirmation of accommodation assignment in a dormitory. Details about exact deadlines will be sent to each student with accommodation confirmation. Winter semester – registration period is at the end of September Summer semester – registration period is in second half of February Short-term accommodation Name of Address & Rooms the hostel contact details Facilities Prices Website Main website with the hostel’s offer - http://en.eholiday.pl/accommodation-warsaw-46008-hostel.html Tamka 30 Street 00-355 Warsaw TATAMKA Hostel phone: +48 22 826 30 95 http://www.tamk ahostel.com/galle ry http://www.tam kahostel.com/ap artment http://www.tamkah ostel.com/prices http://www.tamkahostel.com/about-us tamka@hostel.pl ul. Myśliwiecka AGRYKOLA Hostel +48 22 622 91 10 +48 22 622 91 11 recepcja@agryko la-noclegi.pl Single, triple, room, rooms double, 4-bed shared http://www.agry kolanoclegi.pl/pl/s26 8/Standard_Hot elowy.html http://www.agrykol anoclegi.pl/pl/s267/S chronisko.html From 30 zlotych (shared rooms) to 85 zlotys (single Strona 21 z 22 http://www.agrykolanoclegi.pl/pl/s267/Schronisko.html Name of Address & Rooms the hostel contact details Facilities Prices room bathroom) Plac Dąbrowskiego 3 (Dąbrowskiego Square) 00-057 Warsaw OkiDoki hostel (+48)224231212 with http://okidoki.pl /wp/galeria/lang /en/ http://okidoki.pl/ wp/jakwygladamy/lang/ en/ (+48)228280122 Website http://okidoki.pl/wp /ceny/lang/en/ http://okidoki.pl/wp/lang/en/ http://www.kanonia .pl/strona/rooms http://www.kanonia.pl/ http://www.hostelhelvetia.pl/pl/prom ocje http://www.hostel-helvetia.pl/?page=0&lang=en http://www.thewar sawhostel.com/inde x.php/en/prices http://www.thewarsawhostel.com/index.php/en/ http://www.hostelc oco.pl/en/price.htm l http://www.hostelcoco.pl/en/ Skype: okidokihostel okidoki@okidoki. pl ul. Jezuicka 2 http://www.kan onia.pl/strona/r eception 00-281 Warszawa (+48)2263518 96 (+48)2263506 76 Kanonia hostel (+48)2229215 28 SKYPE kanoniahostel tylko czat http://www.kano nia.pl/strona/apar tamenty - hostel@kanonia. pl 7th Sewerynów Street 00-924 Warsaw Hostel Helvetia +4822 8267108 mobile phone (+48)609020145 http://www.hoste lhelvetia.pl/en/acc ommodation http://www.host elhelvetia.pl/en/s pecial-offers info@hostelhelvetia.pl Kopernika 30, 00-336 Warsaw The Warsaw Hostel info@thewarsaw hostel.com http://www.thew arsawhostel.com/ index.php/en/gall ery?id=83 http://www.the warsawhostel.co m/index.php/en / (+48)2211544 42 Al. Jerozolimskie 107 http://www.host elcoco.pl/en/ab out-us.html 02-011 Warszawa T +48 531 771 171 Hostel COCO http://www.host elcoco.pl http://www.hoste lcoco.pl/en/galler y.html http://www.face book.com/hostel coco Strona 22 z 22
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