t fnl.pl calendar 2014:Layout 1 6/9/14 12:38 PM Page 1 Borough of Pompton Lakes Calendar 2014-2015 Information & Reference Guide Emergency Prepare & Recover Insert Greetings To All The Residents Of Pompton Lakes! Our 2014-2015 calendar provides information for town events, meetings and services that are offered to the residents of Pompton Lakes. This has been a busy year and displayed throughout the calendar are some of the accomplishments we as the Governing Body have achieved. During the year a pocket park was designed for the gateway in the south end of town, the Cahill Memorial that pays tribute to a fallen firefighter has been refurbished by the Fire Department, and a photo contest sponsored by the PRIDE Committee portrayed spectacular views of our lake. As we began the New Year several presentations were provided during Council Meetings. Consultants for the Business Improvement District provided an in depth analysis which focused on redevelopment concepts within the business community. The BID, along with the Council is committed to the revitalization of our downtown area and the formation of a Redevelopment Agency has commenced. NJ Global Advisors Smoke Free enlightened us to the benefits of smoke free parks. The Environmental and Resource Management Agent for Essex/Passaic offered assistance with storm water management control as well as provided educational programs. Our annual events such as the VFW Memorial Day Parade, the Little League Parade, the Chamber of Commerce Car Show and Holiday Stroll are well attended and demonstrate the spirit of the community. Our Recreation Department also hosts various events during the year and provides a variety of activities for all age groups. This year Recreation will host the Tenth Annual Pompton Day, which has something for everyone. The youth of Pompton Lakes continue to amaze me!!! When we think of volunteers it is only natural that we think of our adult residents, but in Pompton Lakes our youth is a viable part of the make up of our volunteers. Very often when I attend an event I witness the generosity and kindness of this young generation such as collecting and wrapping holiday gifts for local residents as well as Toys for Tots, serving food and dancing with the seniors at the Annual Senior Luncheon, or just lending a helping hand for someone in need. Three of our Pompton Lakes High School students designed and maintain an APP on Pompton Lakes services, events and businesses. The Borough is always honored to welcome home those young residents who volunteered to serve our country and were stationed over seas. Keeping Connected With the Borough www.pomptonlakesgov.com The official website of the Borough is maintained and updated by the Clerk’s office and provides easy accessibility to the following links: • quarterly tax payments - link to “On-Line Tax Payment” or “Pay Property Taxes” • televised Council Meetings “Make a Motion” link to “Meeting Schedules, Agendas and Videos” • Borough laws and regulations - link to Borough Code Zoning and Land Use • newly adopted ordinances (laws and regulations) - link to “Meeting Schedules, Other Associated Documents” • registration for notification of emergencies and other important Borough announcements -link to “Code Red Reverse 911 Sign-Up” • local, County and State information links to sites referenced throughout the website POMPTON LAKES TV CHANNEL 77 (PLTV77) Town Meetings Locations Meetings noted throughout the calendar are held at the following locations (refer to last page for addresses): Municipal Council Chambers • Mayor & Council • Board of Health • Planning Board • Zoning Board • Open Space Committee • Environmental Committee • Shade Tree Commission • Flood Advisory Board Library • Library Trustees • Historic Commission Lakeside School Media Center • Municipal Alliance MUA Administration Building Channel 77 is the Borough’s local TV station that advertises local programs and events and televises Council Meetings. The Clerk’s office welcomes 501C Organizations who wish to advertise their events on Channel 77. • MUA Civic Center • Lake Restoration Committee • B.I.D. • Recreation Commission Our community provides many programs for school age children. Two such programs are DARE and CTO Day. The DARE program is introduced to fifth graders and instills the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. CTO Day is held yearly for high school students and provides guidance as well as raises awareness of how government functions. The Pompton Lakes Municipal Alliance continues its commitment to provide programs to educate and promote awareness for the prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse. Our Teen Center strives to coordinate activities for Middle and High School students. Over the past six years as Mayor of Pompton Lakes I have had the privilege of attending ceremonies that honor and acknowledge the achievements bestowed upon our youth. Eagle Scout Awards and Gold Awards are achieved through meritorious service, clubs assist the community through their good will and actions, sport organizations provide the opportunity for sportsmanship and team playing, and church groups organize food and clothing drives for those less fortunate. The youth energize our community with inspiration and the Borough is committed to investing in our young people, for they are the leaders of tomorrow. As always my thanks to everyone who strives to make our community such a wonderful place to live, work and visit. Katie Cole Mayor Front Row Left to Right: Councilman Richard Steele 973-835-0143 ext. 303 rsteele@pomptonlakesgov.com- Mayor Katie Cole 862-377-5391 973-835-0143 ext. 240 kcole@pomptonlakesgov.com Council President Michael Simone Jr. 973-835-0143 ext. 301 msimone@pomptonlakesgov.com Back Row Left to Right: Councilman Michael Serra 973-835-0143 ext. 300 mserra@pomptonlakesgov.com Councilman Lloyd Kent 973-865-3407 lkent@pomptonlakesgov.com Councilwoman Terri Reicher 973-835-0143 ext. 305 treicher@pomptonlakesgov.com Councilman William D. Baig 973-835-0143 ext. 302 wbaig@pomptonlakesgov.com PLEASE BE AWARE THAT MEETING DATES, TIMES AND/OR SCHOOL DATES AND CLOSINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Muncipal Clerk’s Office Elizabeth Brandsness, ext. 238 - clerk@pomptonlakesgov.com Barbara Padula, ext. 222 – deputyclerk@pomptonlakesgov.com The Municipal Clerk’s Office is open to the public Monday through Friday - 8:30am-4:30pm. The Municipal Clerk is an appointed position and is the secretary for the Governing Body. The Clerk is responsible for assuring the transparency of the Municipality’s conduct of business and some of the duties of the Municipal Clerk include: custodian of the Municipal Seal; preparation of advertisements of all Meetings of the Mayor and Council and Meeting agendas, maintenance of original documents such as ordinances, resolutions, minutes, bonds, contracts, budget documents and disbursement of documents to proper government agencies; OPRA request coordinator and records manager for government records overseeing proper archiving and destruction of records for various Borough departments. Election Information The Municipal Clerk is the Election official responsible for voter registration in the Borough, certifies local candidates, and coordination of all Borough held elections. • Primary Election: Month of June • General and School Board Elections: Month of November • Sample ballot will direct you to the voting site for your District • Voter Registration/Vote by Mail Application/Change of Party Affiliation forms are available in both the offices of the Municipal Clerk and the County Clerk Registered voters must be a U.S. Citizen, 18 years of age, and resident of Passaic County. Registration deadline is 21 days before the election Licensing As Per Borough Code It Is Unlawful For Any Person Or Business To Engage In The Following Without First Obtaining A License From The Municipal Clerk. The Municipal Clerk and support staff oversee the issuance of Borough licenses. Amusement Devices, Coin operated – Chapter 61 • Entertainment, Public – Billiards or Poolroom – Chapter 96 • Gasoline Pumps – Chapter 112 • Peddling, Hawking, Soliciting and Canvassing – Chapter 125 • Secondhand Precious Metals, Gems And Jewelry Dealers – Chapter 126 • Street Openings and Excavation – Chapter 161 • Tow Trucks and Wreckers – 175 •Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Therapy – Chapter 129 It is illegal for any organization to conduct Bingo, 50/50, or any kind of a Raffle without obtaining a license from the Borough of Pompton Lakes. • • • prior to submitting an application to hold Bingo, 50/50 or any other kind of a Raffle, a qualified organization must obtain a State identification certificate, which is issued by Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission the organization must then file the application in the municipality where the games are to be held. Pompton Lakes requires at least three months prior to the event date for processing per state regulations, all licensing applicants/members in charge of games are subject to criminal background checks Garage Sales The Borough of Pompton Lakes requires residents to obtain a “Garage Sale Permit” prior to conducting a garage sale. The garage sale permit application is available on the Borough’s website www.pomptonlakesgov.com under “Form Center” TOWN WIDE GARAGE SALE This year the Borough’s Town wide Garage Sale will take place on July 19th with a rain date of July 20th. This event is free – no permits or registration is required. Landlord Registration – N.J.S.A. 46:8-28 State Statute requires landlords to register residential rental units with the Municipal Clerk. A new registration must be filed each time there is a change of tenant. Services Provided Notary Services The Clerk’s Office provides notary services to Pompton Lakes’ residents as a courtesy and there is no charge for this service. All documents that are to be notarized must be signed in the presence of the notary public and proper identification must be provided. Any resident who is homebound may call the Clerk’s office to have this service provided at the resident’s home. Passports Information Passport applications are available at both of the County Clerk’s offices, 401 Grand Street, Paterson, 973-881-4337 and 1237 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell, 973-513-9900. In addition, the County Clerk offers outreach programs that provide passport and notary services during the year. Please refer to the Borough’s website for additional information. Borough Administrator Kevin Boyle, ext. 239 - administrator@pomptonlakesgov.com The Borough Administrator assists the Mayor and Council by coordinating the legislation and polices they enact with the various Boards, Agencies and Departments of the Borough. He also oversees administrative practices of all departments, negotiates contracts on behalf of the Borough, prepares annual operating and capital budgets, and is responsible for personnel policies. Drop Mail Box A drop mail box is located in the entrance lobby of Borough Hall, which is accessible to all residents when Borough offices are closed. Please do not deposit any cash payments in the drop box. Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Office of Emergency Management Shade Tree Commission, ext. 306 Al Evangelista, OEM Coordinator • oem@pomptonlakesgov.com shadetree@pomptonlakesgov.com The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for implementing, reviewing, and updating the Borough’s emergency plan, which provides each Borough department with information on what their responsibilities are in the event of flooding or other emergencies. The Borough of Pompton Lakes has an Emergency Operating Plan which is reviewed and approved by the New Jersey State Office of Emergency Management every four years. The Office of Emergency Management works with local, state, and federal agencies and oversees four basic phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION: • Office of Emergency Management e-mail – oem@pomptonlakesgov.com • Office of Emergency Management number to be used only during declared disasters 973-835-0143, ext. 707 • “Code Red Reverse 9-1-1” Notification system registration – www.pomptonlakesgov.com – Code Red Reverse 9-1-1 sign-up • Block Captain registration – e-mail oem@pomptonlakesgov.com • Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) registration – e-mail - plcert@gmail.com • Listen to WGHT 1500AM for local emergency information • Tune into Cablevision Channel PLTV 77 for flood or emergency information during emergencies • Visit websites www.pomptonlakesgov.com, www.ready.gov, www.fema.gov, www.redcross.gov, www.dhs.gov , and www.state.nj.us/njoem • “Like” Us On Facebook – POMPTON LAKES OEM FLOOD WATCH: 3 MINUTE SHORT INTERMITTENT BLASTS OF FIRE SIREN FLOOD WARNING – 3-MINUTE STEADY BLAST OF FIRE SIREN Tax Collection Department, ext. 234 collector@pomptonlakesgov.com Gail Bado, Collector (hours 5:00pm-7:00pm – Thursday evenings) JoAnn Lynch, Principal Tax Clerk (8:30am-4:30pm – Monday – Friday) The Tax Collector provides tax bills to all property owners in the Borough of Pompton Lakes which states the amount of taxes to be collected as per certification by Passaic County after the adoption of the budget. Taxes are due four times per year; February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st. The tax bill identifies the municipal, county and school components. A late fee is assessed on the amount of taxes following a ten day grace period. Payment of taxes is available to all property owners on the Borough’s website home page, Tax payments by check only may be placed in the blue drop box located in the lobby of the Municipal Building and is available to the public seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. The Tax Collector also provides Tax Relief program booklets (PTR-1) to eligible residentsadditional information is available on the State of New Jersey Division of Taxation website – www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation. For the sixth year in a row, The Borough has earned a Tree City, USA designation award through the efforts of the Shade Tree Commission who have worked diligently to meet the mandated criteria associated with this award. The plaque is proudly displayed in the Municipal Building. Five Shade Tree Commissioners and one Alternate Commissioner oversee the planting and care of ornamental and shade trees and shrubberies located on Borough streets and highways, public easements or right-of-ways and parks according to Borough regulations. Residents must seek permission from the Commission by filing an application prior to removing, planting, shaving roots or pruning trees on any Borough right-ofway. The application is available on the Borough’s website or at Borough Hall. The Borough’s arborist will review all applications and make a determination based on a visual inspection, and his findings will be forwarded to the applicant. An application must also be filed for reporting a hazardous tree condition on Borough right-of-ways. Only imminent emergencies should be reported to the Police Department. The Shade Tree Commission meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:30pm in the Municipal Council Chambers. Assessing Department, ext. 231 assessor@pomptonlakesgov.com Michael Barker, Assessor (hours 5:00pm-7:00pm Thursday evenings) Jill Walsh, Office Assistant (hours 8:30am-4:30pm - Monday-Friday) Michael Barker is a State certified Assessor who determines the value and taxability of all properties in the Borough. The ratio to true value for 2014 for Borough properties is 55.05% and the tax rate for 2014 will be determined through the budget process. The Assessor also mails assessment postcards to all Borough property owners, inspects improvements to properties that may result in added assessments, and manages reevaluation of all Borough owned properties. Tax appeals on assessments must be filed on or before April 1st of the tax year in question. Forms and instructions are available on Passaic County’s website or may be picked up in the office of the Assessor. The Assessor prepares tax lists for billings, provides information on tax relief programs, and approves tax deduction forms for eligible seniors, veterans and disabled residents. The Assessor field book, SR1As and tax maps are available for public viewing in the office of the Assessor. July 2014 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Refer to map on backcover to determine section schedule for garbage, paper and leaf pickup Brush, Branches and Leaves may be brought to Recycling Center 6 2 Garbage Pickup - North 7 8 Garbage Pickup - South 13 Wednesday 14 15 Thursday 3 Paper Pickup - South 9 Garbage Pickup - North Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 16 Saturday 4 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 10 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 1:00 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Friday 5 Library Closed Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm INDEPENDENCE DAY 11 12 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Leaves/Brush/Branch Pickup Sections 1 & 3 North Garbage Pickup - South Leaves/Brush/Branch Pickup Sections 2 & 4 South 17 18 Library Closed Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 19 TOWN WIDE GARAGE SALE 20 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm.- 7:30 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - North Paper Pickup - North Garbage Pickup - South 21 22 TOWN WIDE GARAGE SALE M.U.A. - 6:00 Historic Preservation Comm.- 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 (RAIN DATE) Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - North 27 28 Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 29 Garbage Pickup - North 23 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 1:00 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide 30 Last Pickup for Leaves/Brush/Branch Town Wide - North & South 24 Library Closed Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 25 26 Library Closed Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - North Garbage Pickup - South 31 S Garbage Pickup - South M June 2014 T W T F S S M August 2014 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 24 25 31 26 27 28 29 30 Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Health Department Clinics/Programs Office of Vital Statistics Health Officer – x 226 Mary Ann Orapello, CMR, orapellom@waynetownship.com Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) – x 226 Nurse – ext. 225 – office hours - Wednesday - 9:30am-11:30am Barbara Cichon,CMR, Registrar ext. 221 One of the main functions of the Health Department is to prevent the premature onset of disease and disability, and to help all residents achieve healthier, more productive lives. The Health Department is committed to maintaining, protecting, and promoting the health of its residents through organized health promotion and disease prevention efforts. These efforts are based on state-wide standards set forth by New Jersey’s Department of Health. The Health Department continues to offer a variety of clinics and programs to our residents designed to promote and maintain good health. Some of the clinics/programs offered during the year include Male and Female Cancer Screenings; SMAC Blood Chemistry Screenings twice a year; FLU clinics, Child Health Conferences; Dental Clinics – held at the Wayne Health Department; Annual Health Fair; and Blood Pressure Screenings offered to St. Mary’s seniors on the 2nd Wednesday of the month and Golden Agers on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The Public Health Nurse is available on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. to administer inoculations including adult vaccinations such as shingles, flu and pneumonia. Blood pressure screenings are also available during those hours. The Registered Environmental Health Specialist inspects all retail food establishments. In addition to food inspections the REHS inspects public swimming pools, youth camps, septic systems, and investigates public health nuisance complaints. Please check the Borough’s website and PLTV Channel 77 for dates, times and additional information regarding clinics and programs. registrar@pomptonlakesgov.com The Registrar maintains records of all births, deaths, marriages and civil unions occurring within the Borough of Pompton Lakes. • an appointment is necessary to apply for a marriage/civil union license- please contact the registrar 2-3 weeks prior to the ceremony • documents required with the application for a marriage/civil union license include a driver’s license, passport, or State/Federal ID, proof of residency, social security card, one witness eighteen years or older, $28.00 fee payable by cash or check • there is a seventy-two (72) hour waiting period between the time of the application and the time the license can be issued. Once the license is issued it must be used within thirty (30) days • the Mayor performs wedding/civil unions for residents only for an administrative fee of $100.00 • certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates are issued only for the events that have taken place in Pompton Lakes. Individuals requesting a copy of a record of birth, death or marriage must file an application and pay $5.00 per copy. The application form may be downloaded from the Borough’s website • a State or local Registrar may issue a certified copy of a vital record only to persons who establish themselves as the subject of the vital record, the subject’s parent, legal guardian or legal representative, spouse, child, grandchild or sibling, if of legal age, to a State or Federal Agency for official purposes, pursuant to court order Dog and Cat Licensing, ext. 235 Jill Walsh, license@pomptonlakesgov.com • Fees for dogs - spayed/neutered - $13.00 - non-spayed/neutered - $16.00 • Fees for cats - spayed/neutered - $9.00 - non-spayed/neutered - $12.00 • Notify the Licensing Department if the dog/cat is deceased or no longer at the address • Application can be downloaded from the Borough’s website and mailed with proper payment, proof of rabies and a stamped self addressed envelope – license and tag will be mailed • ALL LICENSES RECEIVED AFTER JANUARY 31ST WILL RESULT IN A 10.00 LATE FEE PER ANIMAL The Borough of Pompton Lakes requires all dogs and cats to be licensed annually and the renewal license application is due by January 31st. Proof of rabies must be presented with each application; State Law mandates any vaccination that expires prior to November 1st of the current licensing year will require an updated vaccine prior to the renewal of the license. Proof of spaying/neutering is required for all new licenses. The Borough has contracted with the Borough of Bloomingdale Animal Control to conduct an annual canvass as per Ordinance 92-14. Violation of the ordinance will result in a $75.00 penalty per unlicensed dog or cat. Ordinance No. 92-21 – No person, owning, keeping or harboring any dog shall permit it to be on the public streets or in any public places of the Borough unless it is accompanied by a person over 12 years and is securely confined and controlled by a leash not more that six feet long. Ordinance No. 06-06 – When walking your pet take measures for proper disposal-placement in a designated waste receptacle, or other suitable container, and discarded in a refuse container which is regularly emptied by the municipality or some other refuse collector; or disposal into a system designed to convey domestic sewage for proper treatment and disposal. Animal Control Office (973) 838-8959 The North Jersey Community Animal Shelter (973) 850-6767 Lisa Perry, Director of Animal Services, lperry@bloomingdalenj.net Animal Control and Animal Shelter services are provided through a contract with the Borough of Bloomingdale. The Animal Control Officers (ACO) work to protect and preserve the well being of all animals, both domestic and wild and make public health and safety a priority as well. Rabies control is an important function that aims to protect the community and their pets. The ACO coordinates the annual Free Rabies Clinic held in the Borough of Pompton Lakes in the month of November – date and time will be announced on the Borough’s website and PLTV Channel 77. In addition, the ACO handles complaints and issues warnings/summonses for animal related violations. Animal Control will also remove and dispose of dead animals. Animal Control is available 24/7, however, after hour calls are reserved for emergencies only. The North Jersey Community Animal Shelter (NJ CAS) is operated by Bloomingdale’s Animal Control Department at the same Bloomingdale location, 23 Brandt Lane. To reclaim a pet or for adoptions, call the shelter directly (973) 850-6767. To report cases of neglect or cruelty please call Animal Control (973) 838-8959. August 2014 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday July 2014 S 6 M 7 W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 7 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 28 29 30 28 29 30 Wednesday Thursday 31 3 4 Friday 1 September 2014 T 14 27 Tuesday Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 Saturday 2 Library Closed Third Quarter Taxes Due 5 6 7 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 8 9 Library Closed Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 10 11 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm.- 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 17 18 Garbage Pickup - North 12 Paper Pickup - South 13 14 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 1:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North 19 Garbage Pickup - South 20 Garbage Pickup - North 15 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 16 SENIOR PICNIC 12:00 - ELKS LODGE Library Closed Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 21 Garbage Pickup - North 22 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 23 Library Closed M.U.A. - 6:00 Garbage Pickup - South 24 25 POMPTON DAY 31 Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 26 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North Paper Pickup - North 27 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 1:00 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - South 28 Garbage Pickup - North 29 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 30 Library Closed Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - North Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 10th Annual Pompton Day Pompton Lakes Municipal Alliance Volunteer – Make a Difference! Mission: The Pompton Lakes Municipal Alliance’s mission is to assess the needs of Pompton Lakes in order to enhance collaboration and coordinate individual and environmentally focused prevention efforts that foster a drug free lifestyle and create a healthy community. Teen Center Vision: Our Vision is by 2019, the Pompton Lakes Municipal Alliance will create prevention prepared communities through a collaborative effort to reduce underage drinking, marijuana use, the misuse of opioids and prescription drugs, heroin use and new and emerging drugs across the lifespan. August 31, 2014 (rain date September 1, 2014) 247 Wanaque Avenue (Behind the Smiling Rhino Theater) Traci Cioppa, Director The Pompton Lakes Council, the Recreation Commission and the Municipal Alliance support and encourage teens to participate in the variety of activities that are provided by the Teen Center. The Pompton Lakes Teen Center is open during the school year Monday through Friday 3:00pm-10:00pm and extended hours during the summer months are Monday through Friday 1:00pm-10:00pm. Boys and girls are permitted to begin using the Teen Center beginning the summer after grade 5 through grade 10. The Teen Center offers adult men’s basketball (17-23 years old) every Tuesday and Wednesday night from 8-10pm. The Teen Center welcomes teens to come and visit the game room with two flat screen T.V.’s and pool and ping pong table. The gym is available and open during the hours of operation for basketball, dodge ball, whiffle ball and soccer. Special events are offered during the year that include theme dances, movie nights and sports tournaments. The Pompton Lakes Municipal Alliance focuses on underage drinking prevention in our community. The programs we help to coordinate are: School: Extended Day Programs featuring 15 school clubs • Game of Life • Change Agents Youth Task Force Community: Courageous Conversations: Community Awareness Forums • Sticker Shock Underage Drinking Campaign Capacity Building: Professional Development Trainings • TIPs Beverage Server Training To find out more or to join the Pompton Lakes Municipal Alliance, please contact Michael Litterer at mlitterer@preventionlinks.org or (732)381-4100. The Municipal Alliance meets on the second Thursday of every other month from September to May 13, 2014. The Teen Center is chaperoned at all times by at least two counselors 18 years of age or older. Registration is required at a yearly fee of $25.00. Snacks and drinks are also available at a minimal cost. Follow us on Facebook @ Pompton Lakes Teen Center. Recreation Commission, ext. 290 facebook.com/PomptonLakesRecreation The Pompton Lakes Recreation Commission offers a wide variety of programs for all ages during the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter seasons. Some of the programs offered are bowling, tennis, indoor field hockey, karate, arts and crafts, gymnastics, women’s boot camp, indoor softball clinic, basketball, walking club and special needs. Registrations are held at the Pompton Lakes Teen Center, 247 Wanaque Avenue at specific dates and times or on line with capturepoint.com. The Recreation Commission has part time employment positions available. The Recreation Commission also sponsors special events such as the Egg Hunt, Senior Picnic, Halloween Hunt and Breakfast with Santa. In addition, they help organize the annual Pompton Day event, which is in its tenth year offering all day events beginning with a 5K Run and Fishing Derby, followed by Plywood Regatta, Talent Shows, Sport Competitions, Fear Factor, DJ’s, Vendors and Food Concessions, and ending with a spectacular firework display. The Pompton Lakes Recreation Commission consists of Director Karen Murphy, seven commissioners and two alternate commissioners. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Pompton Lakes Civic Center beginning at 8:00PM. Youth Sporting Activities Pompton Lakes sports organizations are committed to teaching the fundamentals of various sports as well as promoting good sportsmanship. These organizations are separate from Recreation programs. Please visit the organizations’ websites for meeting times, schedules, and more information. • Pompton Lakes/Riverdale Little League - www.plrll.com Mike Coss, President – 973-907-6354 | Gary Charyak, Secretary – 862-219-0519 • Pompton Lakes/Riverdale Soccer Association - www.plrsa.org Mike Serra – 973-610-8306 – Fall, Indoor, and Traveling Soccer • Pompton Lakes/Riverdale Youth Organization - plryosports@yahoo.com or www.plryo.com Football – Rob Sturla – 973-417-2433 Cheerleading – Paula Sturla – 973-214-8719 | Wrestling – Joe Truono – 973-865-6617 • PAL Basketball –– LKent@kitagawa-america.com Lloyd Kent – 973-865-3407 • Joe Grill Snack Stand – 973-835-4494 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday September 2014 Monday 1 Pompton Day (Rain Date) Tuesday 2 3 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed No Garbage Pickup 8 9 Board of Health - 6:30 Shade Tree Comm.- 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 14 15 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South 21 22 M.U.A. - 6:00 Garbage Pickup - South 28 29 Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Paper Pickup South Garbage Pickup - North 10 16 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 23 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 30 Garbage Pickup - North St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide 17 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South Paper Pickup North 24 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Saturday 6 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 12 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Municipal Alliance - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 18 Council Meeting - 7:30 Friday 5 11 9/11 REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - North Thursday 4 Council Meeting - 7:30 LABOR DAY 7 Wednesday Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 13 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 19 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 25 20 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 26 Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 27 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North October 2014 August 2014 S M T W T F S 1 2 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 The Pompton Lakes Volunteer Fire Department was founded in 1895 and incorporated in 1901. We have continually served the residents of Pompton Lakes for 113 years. In 1963, a monument was erected at the intersection of Hamburg Turnpike and Center Street to honor all Pompton Lakes firefighters. On May 14, 1974, Pompton Lakes volunteer firefighter Raymond Cahill was killed while fighting a basement fire in a commercial building on Hamburg Turnpike. It was the first time that Pompton Lakes experienced a Line of Duty Death. Firefighter Cahill left two children, aged 9 and 15. In 1975, the triangular area around the monument was dedicated as Cahill Square as an everlasting memorial to our brother firefighter. This year, the PLFD replaced the deteriorating 50-year old monument with a completely new design in remembrance of all of our Pompton Lakes volunteer firefighters, past and present, living and deceased. In a solemn service, the monument was commemorated on May 18, 2014. October 2014 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday September 2014 T W T F S M S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5 Tuesday November 2014 T W T F S M 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 30 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 1 4 5 6 7 8 6 LAST TWICE A WEEK PICKUP Garbage Pickup - South ANNUAL RIVER CLEAN UP 13 1 ONCE A WEEK GARBAGE PICKUP IN EFFECT. 7 ANNUAL RIVER CLEAN UP 12 LEAF SEASON BEGINS THIS MONTH. S Wednesday 9 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide 15 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CAR SHOW 19 Shade Tree Comm.- 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 20 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CAR SHOW (RAIN DATE) 26 HALLOWEEN HUNT 7:00 HERSHFIELD PARK Garbage Pickup - North 21 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South Paper Pickup North 22 Garbage Pickup - North 23 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 11 Garbage Pickup - North 17 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 LEAF SEASON BEGINS Leaf Pickup South No Garbage Pickup Saturday 4 10 16 (RAIN DATE) Friday 3 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South Paper Pickup - South St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 14 Thursday 2 8 LAST TWICE A WEEK PICKUP Garbage Pickup - North Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 18 LEAF SEASON BEGINS Leaf Pickup North No Garbage Pickup 24 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 25 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 M.U.A. - 6:00 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South 27 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 28 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide 29 Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Leaf Pickup - South No Garbage Pickup 30 Leaf Pickup - North No Garbage Pickup Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 31 HALLOWEEN HUNT (RAIN DATE) 7:00 HERSHFIELD PARK Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - North Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 No DPW Pickups Leaf Pickup - South No Garbage Pickup Leaf Pickup - North No Garbage Pickup Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Flood Advisory Board Pompton Lakes MUA The Flood Advisory Board consists of nine volunteer members appointed by the Mayor. The Board consults with Municipal, State and Federal agencies to pursue means of mitigating flooding within the Borough. Recent activities included field assessment of river obstruction conditions, recommendations on priorities for clearing those obstructions, support of legislation aimed at relief from flooding, and involvement in the usage of land adjacent to or near flood zones. The Pompton Lakes Municipal Utilities Authority, a separate Authority from the Borough, is responsible for the Borough’s water supply, as well as wastewater collection and treatment. Monthly meetings are held at 6:00pm in the Authority’s Administrative Building, located at 2000 Lincoln Avenue and are open to the public. The Borough CRS Coordinators work in conjunction with various Borough agencies to maintain a Class 5 CRS rating for the Borough. This achievement has resulted in up to a 25% savings in flood insurance premiums. Pompton Lakes was the first community in the State of New Jersey as well as the Northeast to receive a Class 5 CRS rating. The Flood Advisory Board meets the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:30pm in the Municipal Council Chambers. Lake Restoration Committee (PRIDE) The PRIDE Lake Restoration Committee is a branch of the Flood Advisory Board and is committed to the care, improvement and management of our waterways. The Committee is currently focusing on the creation and implementation of a lake management plan for the long-term sustainability of Pompton Lake. Last year’s “Picture Pompton Lake” photo contest highlighted the shared “pride” of our residents, and will be repeated this year. For additional information please “Like” PomptonLakePride on Facebook and click on the camera to enter or vote for photos. Paddle with PRIDE will also continue this year, beginning in mid-May, every Tuesday evening (weather permitting) at approximately 7pm at Lakeside Park. Anyone with a boat and paddle is invited to join. The Pompton Lakes MUA recently completed various upgrades to Well House #3. The main electrical service to the well house was upgraded from a 240 volt service to 480 volt service. This involved the replacement of the JCP&L transformers and underground electrical service lines as well as the replacement of all interior electrical components and controls which were obsolete. The upgrade will allow the well to run more efficiently, saving money on electrical power costs. In addition, the Authority took this opportunity to replace a majority of the interior piping and valves, which were in service since 1974. Pompton Lakes was the winner of the “Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest” for the State of New Jersey conducted by the New Jersey Water Association in 2004, 2005, 2008, and 2009. Meetings are the second Monday of each month at the Civic Center, beginning promptly at 7:30 pm. The Environmental Protection Committee Like many other groups in the Borough, the Environmental Protection Committee is made up of duly appointed citizen volunteers. It is the duty of this committee to consider, investigate and over-see matters of environmental importance and concern. When appropriate, the committee makes recommendations to the Mayor and Council and informs the public about environmental issues. Because the environment is everywhere, both indoors and outside, this committee addresses a truly wide variety of topics. Energy conservation, solid waste reduction, re-cycling, pests, invasive species, rare plants and animals and development impacts all must be considered at one time or another. It is much easier to plan and protect the environment than it is to clean it up after the fact. The Environmental Protection Committee also works with and sponsors Clean Community activities. Some of those activities are purely informational like programs or lectures in the schools. Other activities are more hands-on like our annual River Clean-Up Day. The River Clean-up program is now scheduled in the fall and volunteers of all ages are encouraged to participate and help in what ever way they can. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm in Borough Hall. Open Space Committee In 2001, the citizens of Pompton Lakes voted to establish an Open Space, Park Land and Recreation Trust Fund to acquire and maintain open space, park land and recreational facilities. In 2002, the Borough established an Open Space Committee to make recommendations to the Mayor and Council about all manners of open space issues and in 2003, that Committee produced the Borough’s first comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Master Plan. In the time since then, that Committee has continued to work on open space matters, including open space acquisitions and the creation of an up-dated version of its planning documents that were prepared with ANJEC grant assistance in 2012. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm in the Municipal Council Chambers. November 2014 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday S M Monday October 2014 T W T F S 1 3 4 2 S M 1 Tuesday December 2014 T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 31 2 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS 9 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 4 17 M.U.A. - 6:00 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South 24 30 Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 5 6 ELECTION DAY Garbage Pickup - South 10 Saturday Fourth Quarter Taxes Due 11 Paper Pickup South 12 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Open 10 am - 5 pm No Garbage Pickup VETERAN’S DAY CEREMONY 7:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide VETERANS DAY Garbage Pickup - South 23 Friday 1 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Schools Closed Library Open 10 am - 5 pm No Garbage Pickup General and School Board Election Polls Open 6:00 am - 8:00 pm 3 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 16 Thursday S 12 26 Wednesday Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 18 B.I.D. 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 25 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 19 Paper Pickup - North 26 Library Open 10 am - 5 pm St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide 7 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Town Wide Pickup for Leaves North & South No Garbage Pickup 13 8 No Leaf Pickup Garbage Pickup - North 14 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Municipal Alliance - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Town Wide Pickup for Leaves North & South No Garbage Pickup 20 15 No Leaf Pickup Garbage Pickup - North 21 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Flood Advisory Board - 7:30 Leaf Pickup - South No Garbage Pickup 27 THANKSGIVING DAY Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 22 Leaf Pickup - North No Garbage Pickup 28 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed No Garbage Pickup Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 29 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed No Garbage Pickup Recycling Center Closed Holiday Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Pompton Lakes Police Department DEPARTMENT CONTACT INFORMATION 973-835-0400 Office of the Chief Operations/Internal Affairs Detective Bureau Traffic Bureau Records Bureau Chief Moises Agosto Lt. Derek Clark Lt. William Jernstedt Sgt. Michael Klepacky Sharon Sonne magosto@pomtonlakespolice.org dclark@pomptonlakespolice.org wjernstedt@pomptonlakespolice.org mklepacky@pomptonlakespolice.org ssonne@pomptonlakespolice.org 9-1-1 INFORMATION EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW Cheryl Verrone (Public Safety Telecommunicator), Sharon Sonne (Records Bureau), Dan Cottrell (Patrolman), Al Evangelista (Class II Special Officer), Stanley Sukiennik (Crossing Guard) 9-1-1 is only called in the event there is an emergency that required medical assistance or the need for police or fire. 9-1-1 operators are skillfully trained and will remain on the telephone until everyone is safe. If the person calling 9-1-1 cannot talk, the operator will advise him or her to hold the telephone so that the operator can hear what the emergency pertains to. It is important for everyone to memorize pertinent information about themselves and their family, and , if not at home, to look for street signs or landmarks. ******IF YOU CALL 9-1-1 BY MISTAKE DO NOT HANG UP****** Stay on the telephone until the operator says it is okay to hang up. CROSSWALKS Drivers must: • Stop and remain stopped while a pedestrian is in a marked crosswalk. • Stop and remain stopped for pedestrians crossing within the adjacent crosswalk into which the motorist is turning right from either a red signal, stop or yield. • Stop and remain stopped if a pedestrian is within one lake of their half of the roadway. • Not overtake and pass a vehicle that is stopped to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway. • Yield to pedestrians at unmarked crosswalks at an uncontrolled intersection. • Exercise due care for the safety of any pedestrian upon a roadway. Pedestrians must: • Not leave a “curb or other place of safety” by walking or running into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield or stop. • Yield to drivers when crossing a road at any point other than within a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. • Yield to drivers at intersections where the pedestrian does not have a green “walk” signal and where drivers have a green signal. • Walk on sidewalks where they are provided and accessible. • Walk along the extreme left side of a highway or its shoulder when possible facing approaching traffic if there is no sidewalk. • Exercise due care for his/her safety. • Not cross any highways having roadways separated by a median barrier except where provision is made for pedestrians. SAFETY TIPS FOR BICYCLE RIDERS Obey all traffic laws. In New Jersey, bicycles have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicles. Ride on the right • obey all signals • travel no more than two abreast when traffic is not impeded • ride with traffic • Wear an approved Bicycle helmet. Make sure your bicycle fits you and is in good working order. Inspect the following before each ride to make sure your bicycle is in good working order. Tires/wheels • Brakes • Chain • Lights • Reflectors • Bel Spare inner tube and tire levers/irons • Seat height Wear comfortable reflective clothing conducive to weather conditions. Ride within your abilities and avoid busy streets COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMS • Law Enforcement Torch Run – raising money for Special Olympics through a special event of running and passing the torch to other police departments. • Junior Police Academy - offered to students – ages 11 through 14 who maintain a “c” average and have no juvenile record –involves physical and educational activities. • D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) – programs taught by police officers to instruct children on how to resist peer pressure and live drug and violence free lives. • Domestic Violence Response Team – volunteers who are trained to provide immediate emotional support and safety to victims of domestic violence. Borough Ordinances may be accessed through the Borough website at www.pomptonlakesgov.com (Borough Code e-Code 360) § 183-15 Seasonal parking A. Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the street, highway or thoroughfare to such a depth that snow removal or plowing is necessary, thus creating an emergency, it shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be parked on any street in the Borough of Pompton Lakes. The above parking prohibition shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased until the streets have been plowed sufficiently to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic. B. Upon declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking upon streets or sections of streets where temporary emergency no-parking signs are displayed. The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the ranking police officer is authorized to declare an emergency and direct the posting of said emergency no-parking signs when weather conditions, accidents, fire, flood, construction, obstructions or public celebrations dictate or require the avoidance of hazards or other conditions which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Notification that emergency no-parking signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs. December 2014 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 8 9 Board of Health - 6:30 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 14 15 TWICE A WEEK GARBAGE PICKUP RESUMES M.U.A. - 6:00 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South 21 22 Garbage Pickup - South 28 3 29 Paper Pickup South 10 Council Meeting - 7:30 17 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 23 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 30 Paper Pickup - North 24 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Leaf Pickup - North No Garbage Pickup Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 13 LAST LEAF PICKUP LAST LEAF PICKUP Leaf Pickup - South No Garbage Pickup Leaf Pickup - North No Garbage Pickup BREAKFAST WITH SANTA AT ELKS LODGE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLIDAY STROLL (RAIN DATE) Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 19 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Flood Advisory Board - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 25 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 No Recycling Pickup CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLIDAY STROLL 12 18 TWICE A WEEK GARBAGE PICKUP RESUMES Saturday 6 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Leaf Pickup - South No Garbage Pickup Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North Friday 5 11 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 16 Thursday 4 Garbage Pickup - North Garbage Pickup - South 7 Wednesday Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 20 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 26 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed No Garbage Pickup 27 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide No Garbage Pickup - North Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm January 2015 November 2014 31 S M T W T Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Garbage Pickup - North S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 23 30 24 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed No DPW Pickups F S Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Pompton Lakes/Riverdale First Aid Squad Community Emergency Response Team 700 Ramapo Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 973-835-1480 THE 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE “MOTHER SQUAD” The Pompton Lakes First Aid Squad, Inc. is referred to as the “Mother Squad” as it was the first squad in the area covering calls from Greenwood Lake to Paterson For the past 80 years, the Pompton Lakes/Riverdale First Aid Squad has responded to emergency calls and has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to the community. The Borough of Pompton Lakes acknowledges this wonderful corps of volunteers and honors both the past and present group of first responders. The Pompton Lakes/Riverdale First Aid Squad consists of a group of volunteers who continue to enhance the emergency care they provide to the communities they serve. The squad responds to approximately 1400 calls per year and most members are Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) certified by the New Jersey Department of Health. Other members are trained as drivers who drive the ambulance and assist with patient care and retrieving equipment. Through the years progress has brought change to the services provided by the Pompton Lakes/Riverdale First Aid Squad. EMT’s work in conjunction with paramedics from local hospitals as well as local emergency rooms, medivac helicopters and regional trauma centers. A Bicycle EMS Team was formed to assist crowds of people in areas where roadways are closed during special events such as carnivals or parades, thus eliminating access to an ambulance. The bicycles are equipped with defibrillators, airway equipment and oxygen. The Pompton Lakes/Riverdale First Aid Squad maintains the Passaic County Mass Casualty Incident/Rehab Truck and Trailer, which were purchased by Passaic County with Homeland Security funds. The trailer is equipped to manage 50-75 persons who may become injured during a disaster and includes trauma kits, burn kits, an inflatable tent with heating and air conditioning equipment and respiratory management kits. The tow vehicle, a Ford F350 pick up truck is equipped to respond independently of the trailer and acts as a rehabilitation unit at fires and other emergencies. The truck includes pop-up shelters, portable heaters, generator, misting fans, chairs and coolers. The Pompton Lakes/Riverdale First Aid Squad also provides outreach programs to scout and sport groups and holds special events and participates in local parades. New members interested in joining the Pompton Lakes/Riverdale First Aid Squad are required to pass the NJ State EMT course as well as several other courses required for a basic understanding of operations. Maintaining the NJ State EMT certification requires members to complete 48 continuing education units every three years. Anyone interested in becoming a member may call the First Aid Squad at 973-835-1480 or contact any squad member. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members partner with emergency management, local government, response agencies and community members. These volunteers are trained in basic response skills so as to prepare them to assist emergency responders in the event of any type of disaster. CERT classes train volunteers in basic response skills so as to be prepared during emergencies as well as prepares them to assist emergency responders in the event of any type of disaster. • Core training includes Fire Safety, Disaster Preparedness, First Aid Medical Care and Disaster Psychology, as well as introductions to Fire Safety and Search and Rescue. • CERT training prepares members to understand and handle potential threats to their home, workplace and community and offers citizens the ability to be prepared, to respond and to cope with the aftermath of a disaster. • CERT members organize and participate in various drills, periodic refresher courses and education fairs to reinforce the initial basic training and supplement their skills. • CERT members have assisted during past flooding events and power outages and have been an intricate part of making arrangements for food and shelter for many displaced residents. • CERT members also assist emergency responders by alerting residents of the potential of imminent dangers and assisting with evacuations. CERT is always looking for new members who want to learn how they can help themselves, their neighbors and their community in a disaster. CERT training is offered on a yearly basis without any obligation to join the team. Please contact Deborah Ross at plcert@gmail.com for additional information. January 2015 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday December 2014 T W T F S M February 2015 T W T F M 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 5 12 Thursday 1 DOG AND CAT LICENSES DUE BY 1/31/15 6 Board of Health - 6:30 Garbage Pickup - South 11 Wednesday S S 4 S Tuesday 7 Garbage Pickup - North 13 Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 Council Reorganization Meeting - 12 pm 14 2 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 8 Paper Pickup - South Friday 3 Garbage Pickup - North 9 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Municipal Alliance - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 15 Saturday Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 10 Garbage Pickup - North 16 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 17 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 18 19 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Open 10am - 5pm No Garbage Pickup MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY 25 26 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North 20 B.I.D. 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 27 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 21 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 22 M.U.A. - 6:00 Paper Pickup - North 28 Garbage Pickup - North 23 Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 29 Garbage Pickup - North 30 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 24 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 31 St. Marys Seniors at Carnevale Center - 11:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - North Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 February 2015 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 3 Wednesday 4 Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 First Quarter Taxes Due Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 8 Garbage Pickup - North 9 10 Paper Pickup - South 11 Garbage Pickup - South 12 Garbage Pickup - North 13 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 14 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 15 17 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed No Garbage Pickup B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North PRESIDENT’S DAY 23 24 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South S M January 2015 T W T F S 1 2 3 S M March 2015 T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 18 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 19 M.U.A. - 6:00 Paper Pickup - North 25 Garbage Pickup - North 20 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 26 Garbage Pickup - North 27 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 21 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 28 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - North Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm S 4 25 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North 16 22 Council Meeting - 7:30 Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Pompton Lakes Historic Preservation Commission The Pompton Lakes Historic Preservation Commission, which consists of seven commissioners and two alternate members appointed by the Mayor was established by ordinance to safeguard the heritage of the Borough by preserving resources that reflect elements of its cultural, social, economic and architectural history. Seventeen properties have currently been designated as historic landmarks and markers indicating the designation have been placed on the properties. Information on these historic landmarks can be found on the Borough’s website. The Commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00PM in the meeting room of the Einstein Memorial Public Library. Pompton Lakes - A Part of History Pompton Lakes Women’s Club On Labor Day, 1914 Pompton Lakes dedicated the Maine Monument. The man who was behind obtaining the copper ventilator from the battleship as well as building the Memorial was Mayor Henry G. Hershfield. The Pompton Lakes Women’s Club provides women the opportunity to enhance the lives of others in their communities. Organized in 1942, members are enriched through education, training, and leadership providing the community with volunteer service and programs. The Club advocates and focuses on Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention, Women’s Health Concerns, Baby Well Care, Open Space Preservation, and Literacy. Henry Grah Hershfield (1876-1937) “The Prophet of Pompton Lakes,” as described in one of the memorials in 1937, was born in St. Louis, Missouri. His parents and grandparents were early pioneers of Kansas and Montana. He was educated in public schools in Helena, Montana as well as Columbia University in New York City. A veteran in the Spanish-American War, he also served duty on Indian Reservations. His career included various jobs including working for the New York “Morning Journal”, lawyer, real estate and owner and operator of fire insurance offices in New York City and Pompton Lakes. The Hershfield Agency was located on Wanaque Avenue. Starting in 1909 he was elected Mayor for four consecutive terms, nominated by both parties. Through his efforts Pompton Lakes built and operated municipally owned water and electric light plants. He was one of the organizers and board members of both the First National Bank of Pompton Lakes as well as the Pompton Lakes Building and Loan Association. 1917 saw his election to the New Jersey Assembly and re-elected seven more times. Assembyman Hershfield was the author of many laws especially in areas of housing, workman and injury compensation. In 1920 he was the Republican Leader. He donated the land at the corner of Passaic Street and Wanaque Avenue that became the Hershfield Building of the Jewish Community Center of Pompton Lakes (Now an office building). On the Monday of his funeral the schools and local businesses were closed. The local newspaper, The Bulletin, said this was “the man who, perhaps more than anyone else, mapped out Pompton Lakes and established the plans along which the town has been developed.” Hershfield Park was named in his honor in 1938. Pompton Lakes Women’s Club members select and participate from a diverse group of departments that include Arts Creative, Arts Performing, Culinary, Education, Garden and Conservation, International, Museum and Social Services. The Club members volunteer for meaningful projects that shine hope for notable causes. Child Abuse Prevention Month is a statewide campaign to raise awareness about preventing child abuse with supporting families and children in ways that promote healthy, safe and nurtured childhoods. The Organization participates in planting pinwheel gardens in public places symbolizing a happy and carefree childhood. A few of the special annual events held by the Women’s Club include the Victorian Tea to be held on November 15, 2014, Library Tag Day, to be held on October 17th and 18th, 2014, and the Bunny Breakfast, which was held on March 28, 2014. Beautification programs include maintaining gardens throughout the Borough with plantings, the Golden Broom Award presented to businesses that display well kept store fronts, and the Flower Barrel Contest. The members archive and preserve the history of Pompton Lakes and support fund raising for educational endeavors that include scholarships, the public library, and sponsorships for young women to attend Girls Career Institute at Douglas College. Some of the outreach programs the club is involved with and support are the UNICEF program with local schools, collection of attire for the Dress for Success program, used eyeglasses for New Eyes for the Needy, and cell phones for 911 Cell Phone Bank. The Club also donates bags of groceries to Shelter Our Sisters, blizzard bags for Meals on Wheels, tray favors to Chilton Hospital and cookies to nursing homes. Get involved, volunteer, and become member! The Club cordially invites local women to attend the Pot Luck Dinner Meeting on October 2nd to discover the benefits of becoming a member. Meetings are held at 7:00pm at the Christ Episcopal Church, 400 Ramapo Avenue, Pompton Lakes on the first Thursday of the month, October through June. For further information please contact Jo-Ann Sisco (973-835-3508) / Kathy Troast (973-839-1137) or pomptonlakes@gmail.com. March 2015 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 4 8 9 Garbage Pickup - North 10 Paper Pickup South 11 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS 15 16 EGG HUNT 2:00 PL TENNIS COURTS 23 18 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 24 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 25 7 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 13 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Municipal Alliance - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 19 Paper Pickup North Saturday 14 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 20 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 26 21 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 27 28 EGG HUNT (RAIN DATE) 2:00 PL TENNIS COURTS Garbage Pickup - South 29 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North 17 M.U.A. - 6:00 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South 22 Council Meeting - 7:30 Friday 6 12 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South Thursday 5 EMERGENCY AWARENESS SEMINAR 7:30 PM Board of Health - 6:30 Garbage Pickup - South Wednesday Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 30 Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 31 Garbage Pickup - North St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North February 2015 S M T W T April 2015 F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Pompton Lakes Building Department The Building Department is Open Daily From 8:30am-4:30pm. Construction/Zoning Official Additional Hours Mon-Thurs 3:30pm-6:00pm. Construction/Zoning Official, Ron Van Dine – ext. 224 Building Dept. Clerk/T.A.C.O., Marlene Smith –ext. 223 Planning/Zoning Secretary, Lori Clinton – ext. 241 Property Maintenance Inspector, Ray Forrester – ext. 223 To fax information 973-831-7494 e-mail addresses – building@pomptonlakesgov.com rvandine@pomptonlakesgov.com To schedule Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Inspections please call ext. 223. Construction / Zoning / Sub Code Official The Construction Official is the enforcement agency that oversees the State Uniform Construction Code (UCC). The Building Department is responsible for processing permits, performing inspections, investigating code violations, and is entrusted with the safety of the residents. The State of New Jersey updates and adopts new construction codes periodically. • construction permits are required for interior and exterior construction work on residential and commercial structures; failure to comply may result in penalties or fines • inspections require at least 72 hours notice • all inspectors carry identification which shows their affiliation with the Borough of Pompton Lakes • prior to construction please contact the Building Department for additional information or visit www.state.nj.us/dca/codes Projects that require permits are fences, steps, sheds, hot water heaters, decks, hot tubs, roofing or siding and any type of pool, including blow up pools, kitchen and bathroom renovations, tank removal or abandonment, electrical & plumbing work. • a survey of the property and a zoning application are required before a permit can be issued for any exterior projects which will expand the primary or accessory structures • Continued Certificate of Occupancy – CCO’s are required for all resale or changeof tenancy for residential homes and businesses • applications may be obtained from the Building Department and appointments must be scheduled for the CCO inspections. Please allow three weeks to complete the process • as per Ordinance 13-12 Storage containers and /or Dumpsters now require permits. Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment, ext.241 planning@pomptonlakesgov.com Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 9:30am-1:30pm, Friday 10:00am-1:00pm Land use rules, regulations and standards have been established to guide land development in the Borough of Pompton Lakes in order to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the municipality. The function of the Planning and Zoning Boards is to ensure that new development and changes to existing development are made responsibly in an effort to preserve the character of the Borough. Planning Board: The Planning Board consists of nine members, who are designated by four different classes, and two alternate members. The Board is responsible for reviewing subdivisions, site plans, planned development, conditional uses and certain variances. The Planning Board has the authority to prepare, adopt and from time to time amend or revise the Borough’s Master Plan. The Planning Board meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 8:00pm in the Municipal Council Chambers. Zoning Board of Adjustment: The Zoning Board of Adjustment consists of seven members and four alternate members. The Zoning Board reviews applications to grant variances to allow relief from municipal zoning laws. They hear requests for interpretation of the Zoning Map and local Zoning Ordinances. The board also hears and decides on appeals of decisions of the administrative officer enforcing the zoning ordinance. Zoning ordinances may be viewed on the Borough’s website: www.pomptonlakesgov. com, Borough Code, Zoning and Land Use. Answers to “Frequently Asked Questions” with regard to zoning may also be found on the Borough’s website. The Zoning Board of Adjustment meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:00pm in the Municipal Council Chambers. BOROUGH ORDINANCES PERTAINING TO MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTIES These ordinances can be accessed through the Borough’s website www.pomptonlakesgov.com. (link to Borough code (e-code360)) Property Maintenance (Ordinance No. 99-19) Chapter 142 Sidewalk Maintenance Property (Ordinance No. 93-12) Chapter 163 Rental Occupancy Standards (Ordinance No.07-07) Chapter 148 April 2015 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 6 7 8 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 12 13 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 19 20 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North 14 Garbage Pickup - North 21 15 Paper Pickup - North 22 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 M.U.A. - 6:00 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South 26 27 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 28 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide 29 Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Garbage Pickup - North 4 Municipal Building/ DPW Closed Library Closed No Garbage Pickup Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 9 10 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 SPRING CLEANUP BEGINS WEATHER PERMITTING Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 1 & 3 North Garbage Pickup - South SPRING CLEANUP BEGINS WEATHER PERMITTING Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 2 & 4 South Garbage Pickup - North 16 17 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 11 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 24 Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 1 & 3 North Garbage Pickup - South Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 2 & 4 South Garbage Pickup - South Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 18 23 30 No DPW Pickups Saturday 3 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Board - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - South Friday Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South Paper Pickup - South 5 Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 25 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North S M March 2015 T W T F S 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 S M May 2015 T W T F S 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 29 30 31 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Senior Citizens Services Veterans John Harris – 973-569-4090 930 Riverview Drive, Suite 200, Totowa, NJ 07512 Office Hours - Mon., Wed., Fri. - 8:30am-12:30pm | Tues. and Thurs. – 12:30pm-4:30pm Meals for Seniors 9am-1pm $1.25 donation Bloomingdale Senior Center - 973-835-4433 101 Hamburg Turnpike, Bloomingdale, NJ 07403 Transportation Available Discount Prescription Drug Programs – 1-800-633-4227 Pompton Lakes Golden Agers – 973-839-0385 Saint Mary Seniors – 973-839-3681 Shepherd’s Haven Social Adult Center – 973-835-4747 County Services: • Passaic County Satellite Office- 1237 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell 973-513-9900 • Passaic County Department of Senior Services, Disability and Veterans Affairs, 930 Riverview Drive, Suite 200, Totowa, NJ 07512 973-569-4060 - Fax 973-256-5190 • Senior Citizen Housing – 973-839-2000 • Meals on Wheels – 973-569-4099 • NJEASE (easy access single entry) – 800-222-3737 • Public Assistance – 973-839-5705 1237 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell Passaic County Division of Veterans Affairs provides information and assists veterans and their families with benefits they are entitled to such as pensions, insurance, education, tax deductions, survivor benefits, medical, and nursing home placement. As part of the County’s Outreach Program, free veteran identification cards are available for Passaic County veterans. Information regarding locations, times and dates is posted monthly on the Borough’s website. • • • • Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs Outreach Clinic, 275 Getty Ave. Patersonopen Monday/Friday 8:00am-4:30pm. (973-247-1666/ 973-247-8903.) Passaic County Para Transit provides transportation Mondays and Tuesdays for outpatient County residents at Veterans Administration Hospital in East Orange. red and yellow mailbox depository for old and/or ripped American flags is located in the vicinity of Wells Fargo Bank on Wanaque Avenue. A display banner in front of the Municipal Building welcomes home anyone who has served overseas in the Armed Forces. The Borough sponsors an annual Veterans Gathering in the month of November to honor all veterans. Senior Transportation: • Passaic County Para Transit – 973-305-5756 The Passaic County Para Transit program maintains a fleet of vehicles, which provides free transportation for the County’s senior citizens and disabled residents in need of non emergency rides to medical appointments, shopping centers, County run nutrition and adult day care sites, and for disabled residents to attend group work programs. Special lift vans are available to accommodate non-ambulatory individuals. • Easy Ride Community Cars Program-973-340-3400, ext. 7275 Annual membership fee of $15.00-initial pick up fee: $2.50 trips within 10 miles - .57 /mile-----trips beyond 10 miles $1.14/mile Program provides affordable and customized transportation for seniors. Rides are not restricted and can be used for various needs such as shopping, luncheon with friends, or medical appointments Utility Assistance: Public Service Gas and Electric – 800-436-7734 Jersey Central Power and Light – 800-662-3115 (dial 0) Tax Assistance: Property Tax Reimbursement Program (PTR) - 800-882-6597 Homestead Rebate – 877-658-2972 Photos displayed on VFW Building Local Government Directory Passaic County: Kristin Corrado, Clerk 401 Grand Street Paterson, NJ 07505 973-225-3632 kcorrado@passaiccountynj.org Board of Chosen Freeholders 401 Grand Street Paterson, NJ 07505 973-881-4000 www.passaiccountynj.org 11th Congressional District 40th Legislative District: Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen 30 Schuyler Place, 2nd Floor Morristown, NJ 07960 973-984-0711 Senator Kevin J. O’Toole Wayne Plaza II 155 Route 46, West Wayne, NJ 07470 973-237-1360 senotoole@njleg.org Richard Berdnick, Sheriff 435 Hamburg Turnpike Wayne, NJ 07470 973-389-5919 www.pcsheriff.org Bernice Toledo, Surrogate 77 Hamilton Street Paterson, NJ 07505 973-881-4760, ext. 208 bernicet@passaiccountynj.org Assemblyman Scott Rumana Wayne Plaza II 155 Route 46, West Wayne, NJ 07470 973-237-1362 asmrumana@njleg.org Assemblyman David C. Russo 22 Paterson Avenue Midland Park, NJ 07432 201-444-9719 asmrusso@njleg.org May 2015 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday June 2015 T W T S M April 2015 T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 F S Tuesday S M 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 28 29 30 F Wednesday Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 Thursday Friday 1 S Saturday 2 Second Quarter Taxes Due Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 3 4 5 Board of Health - 6:30 Garbage Pickup - South 10 11 6 Garbage Pickup - North 12 Paper Pickup - South 13 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 MOTHER’S DAY 17 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 18 25 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North 19 M.U.A. - 6:00 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South 12 NOON 24 MEMORIAL Council Meeting - 7:30 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 26 20 7 8 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 1 & 3 North Garbage Pickup - South Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 2 & 4 South Garbage Pickup - North 14 15 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Municipal Alliance - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South 21 Paper Pickup - North 27 9 Garbage Pickup - North 22 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 1 & 3 North Garbage Pickup - South Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 2 & 4 South Garbage Pickup - North 28 29 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 16 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 23 Library Closed Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 30 DAY PARADE Municipal Building/ DPW closed Library Closed No Garbage Pickup MEMORIAL DAY 31 Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Library Closed Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - North Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 June 2015 www.pomptonlakesgov.com Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 7 8 Paper Pickup South 10 14 15 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Garbage Pickup - North 16 Saturday 5 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 11 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Shade Tree Comm. - 7:30 Lake Restoration Comm. - 7:30 Garbage Pickup - South Friday 6 Library Closed Garbage Pickup - North 9 Thursday 4 PRIMARY ELECTION Polls Open 6 am - 8 pm Garbage Pickup - South Pompton Lakes Cable TV Channel 77 17 Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 12 13 Environmental Comm. - 7:00 Open Space - 7:30 Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 1 & 3 North Garbage Pickup - South Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 2 & 4 South Garbage Pickup - North 18 19 Library Closed Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 20 Library Closed FLAG DAY 21 22 FATHER’S DAY 28 M.U.A. - 6:00 Library Trustees - 7:00 Garbage Pickup - South Garbage Pickup - South 29 Garbage Pickup - South Municipal Building (973) 835-0143 B.I.D. - 4:00 Planning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 23 Historic Preservation Comm. - 7:00 Recreation Comm. - 8:00 Zoning Board - 8:00 Garbage Pickup - North 30 Garbage Pickup - North Paper Pickup - North 24 Golden Agers at Civic Center - 12:00 Garbage Pickup - South 25 St. Mary’s Seniors at Carnevale Center 11:00 Council Meeting - 7:30 Recycling Pickup Borough Wide Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Garbage Pickup - North 26 Flood Advisory Bd. - 7:30 Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 1 & 3 North Garbage Pickup - South 27 Library Closed Leaves/Brush/Branches Pickup Sections 2 & 4 South Garbage Pickup - North Recycling Center Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm July 2015 May 2015 S M T 5 W 6 T 7 F S 1 2 8 9 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 24 31 25 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 6 7 Police (973) 835-0400 | Emergency 911 Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Recycling Saves Tax Dollars Items that Cannot be Recycled Broken Glass, Mirrors, Windows, Auto Glass, Light Bulbs of any type, Building Products and Construction Materials, Pots & Pans, Auto Parts. Recycling Center A Ton Of Garbage Costs Us $70 A Ton Of Recycling Pays Us $60 Last year, Pompton Lakes collected more than 5,000 tons of solid waste. Converting half of this to recycling would save taxpayers $325,000! Not to mention the many benefits to our environment. We all need to do our part. Did You Recycle Today? Recycling is now MANDATORY in the Borough of Pompton Lakes and shall be enforced. All persons, firms, corporations and other entities, whether public or private, shall be subject to the mandatory recycling provisions of Chapter 160B of the Administrative Code of the Borough of Pompton Lakes, and State of New Jersey-Regulation N.J.A.C. 7:26-2C Collection Schedule – Refer to Borough Map on last page of the Calendar to determine your “Section”. Then refer to the Calendar for your collection schedule. The Borough strives to collect Co-Mingled Recyclables twice per month and Paper Recyclables once per month. Recyclable Materials – Co-Mingled Materials and Paper/Cardboard should be kept separate and are collected on different days. Co-Mingled Materials • • • • • • • Glass, Aluminum, Plastic and Metal Food & Beverage Bottles, Cans and Containers Plastic Jugs and Containers (detergent, cleaners, shampoo, bleach, mouthwash, oil) Plastic Bags, Buckets, Plates, Utensils, CD Cases, Flower Flats & Pots, Blister Packs Wax Coated Containers (juice, milk, frozen cartons) Aluminum Foil, Trays & Tins Styrofoam Egg Cartons, Cups, Plates, Coolers Plastic Toys The Borough Recycling Center is located on Grove Street and is open to all Borough Residents and Businesses. Residents and Businesses must display on their mirror or show the attendant a valid Borough decal or I.D. upon entering the Center. The Center is open Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Recycling Center offers biodegradable lawn and leaf bags at a cost of $.35 cents per bag. The following materials are accepted at the Recycling Center: • Grass Clippings • Leaves, Brush & Tree Limbs (max length 8 ft; max diameter 2 inch) • Co-mingled Glass, Plastic & Metal Recyclables • Aluminum cans - must be separated from other co-mingled recyclables • Paper & Cardboard Recyclables • Corrugated Cardboard – must be separated from other paper recyclables • Electronic Equipment & Computers • Metals • Waste Engine Oil • Car Batteries Tires may be brought to the Recycling Center at a cost of $2.50 per tire without the rim and $5.00 per tire with rim. Propane tanks are not accepted at the Recycling Center. Be advised that leaving materials at the recycling center gate when the center is closed is considered illegal dumping and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. Recycling Educational Materials Are Prepared By Pompton Lakes Environmental Committee, And Paid For With Recycling and Clean Community Grant Monies. REMOVE CAPS FROM ALL CONTAINERS – ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE EMPTY, RINSED AND FREE FROM FOOD Paper and Cardboard • • • • • • Newspaper, Magazines, Junk Mail, Soft Cover Books, Hard Cover Books w/o cover Cardboard & Corrugated Cardboard Cereal Boxes, Cake Boxes, Cardboard Boxes, Paper Towel Tubes, Paper Bags Pizza Boxes (no grease) Wrapping Paper (non-foil/non-metallic) Break down and crush boxes to save space DPW 973-835-1465 Recycling Center 973-616-5900 dpw@pomptonlakesgov.com Benjamin Steltzer C.P.W.M., DPW Superintendent, bsteltzer@pomptonlakesgov.com Tim Duffy, D.P.W. Supervisor, tduffy@pomptonlakesgov.com Solid Waste Collection Regulations DPW 973-835-1465, Recycling Center 973-616-5900, dpw@pomptonlakesgov.com Benjamin Steltzer C.P.W.M., DPW Superintendent, bsteltzer@pomptonlakesgov.com • Tim Duffy, D.P.W. Supervisor, tduffy@pomptonlakesgov.com Collection Schedule – Refer to Borough Map on last page of the Calendar to determine your “Section”. Then refer to the Calendar for your daily collection schedule. Except during declared emergencies or during leaf recycling season, the Borough strives to collect solid waste twice per week. in the month of October and continues through the beginning of December, thereby eliminating one trash pickup day each week for the entire leaf season. Refer to calendar for collection dates. Trash collection shall be restored to twice a week upon ending of leaf season. Do not sweep or blow leaves into storm drains. Acceptable Waste Containers –All containers shall be maintained in a sanitary condition consistent with rules and regulations established by the Board of Health. No containers shall have ragged or sharp edges or other defects liable to hamper or injure workers collecting solid waste or be in such condition that they are unable to prevent contents from leaking out of the container or precluding vermin, rodents, insects or animals from accessing the contents of the container. Containers shall be made of metal or plastic with suitable handles, tight fitting covers and shall be water tight. Containers shall have a capacity of no more than 45 gallons and shall weigh not more than 60 pounds when fully loaded. We encourage those homeowners who have the yard space, to compost their own leaves on site, and/or use the “cut it and leave it” philosophy when doing your own lawn work. Collection Practices –All recyclable materials must be separated from the materials which are placed out for solid waste collection. Solid waste shall have free liquids drained from it. Solid waste containers shall be placed at the curb line of the property or at such other locations as may be designated by the Superintendent of Public Works. Containers may be placed for collection at any time after 6:00 pm the night before collection day and before 6:00 am of the day of collection. The following materials may not be included with normal waste for collection: Recyclable materials * Contagious disease solid waste including contaminated apparel, bedding, etc. *Highly flammable or explosive refuse *Waste oil, tires, appliances *Hazardous Waste *Propane tanks *Construction materials, demolition materials, tree trunks and stumps, cinderblocks, etc. Branch & Brush Collection – Branches must be tied and bundled and cannot exceed 3 feet in length and must be no wider than ½ inch in diameter. Branches, brush, and thatch pick-up begins in the spring. Refer to calendar for collection dates. BRANCH OR BRUSH THAT IS PROTRUDING FROM TRASH CANS WILL NOT BE COLLECTED. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please refer to map enclosed. Sections 1 & 3 will be collected on Thursday. Sections 2 & 4 will be collected on Friday. Recycling – See Recycling Calendar Page for details on Recycling. Street Sweeping Information –Borough streets are scheduled to be swept twice each month through a shared service with Bloomingdale DPW. Street sweeping is suspended during the heavy leaf drop period beginning at the end of October. During the months of November through March, street sweeping will be scheduled as needed. The schedule may be amended during the year depending on weather conditions, equipment emergencies, etc. Please note street sweeping does not pertain to Wanaque Avenue, which is regularly swept by Passaic County crews. For information on the proper disposal practices for these or any other questionable materials, please contact the Department of Public Works at 973-835-1465. Paint, Hazardous Waste and Special Collections – Household Hazardous Waste and Computer/Electronics collection events are scheduled throughout the year by Passaic County Office of Recycling and Natural Resource. For more information call Passaic County Natural Resources Hotline at 973-881-4506. Grass Clippings – Pompton Lakes does not collect grass clippings. “Cut It and Leave It” or bring the clippings to the Recycling Center. Note: Grass cannot be put in plastic bags. Stain and oil based paints are hazardous waste and cannot be put in the trash. Latex paints should be disposed of in the trash after removing the lid and allowing the contents to dry completely. Leaf Collection – The Borough of Pompton Lakes will be providing designated collection of leaves from all households (refer to calendar for collection dates), weather permitting. To ensure curbside collection of leaves, the leaves must be placed in special biodegradable paper bags (available at the recycling center) or containerized loosely in clean garbage pails and/or trash cans. Leaves in plastic bags and/or raked into the streets will not be collected. Leaf collection begins Remember – the dumping of leaves, grass, or other debris, in rivers, streams, or lakes, is in violation of our Borough Ordinances. We encourage those homeowners who have the yard space, to compost their own leaves on site, and/or use the “cut it and leave it” philosophy when doing your own lawn work. Borough of Pompton Lakes • 25 Lenox Avenue • Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 • 973-835-0143 Municipal Building Main Number - 973-835-0143 Mayor Katie Cole Council President Richard Steele Councilman Lloyd Kent Councilman William Baig Councilman Michael Serra Councilwoman Terri Reicher Councilman Michael Simone 240 303 304 302 300 305 301 Administration Administrator, Kevin Boyle Borough Clerk/Deputy Administrator, Elizabeth Brandsness Deputy Clerk, Barbara Padula Registrar of Vital Statistics, Barbara Cichon Licensing Dog and Cat, Jill Walsh Main Office - General Borough Fax Animal Control 239 238 222 221 235 275 973-839-8132 973-838-8959 Building Department Construction & Zoning Official, Ron Van Dine Building Department Clerk/T.A.C.O., Marlene Smith 224 223 Court Court Administrator, Heather Prokop Emergency Management, Al Evangelista Environmental Officer, Ed Merrill Finance Department, Peggy Cohen Fire Department (Non Emergency), 25 Lenox Avenue First Aid Squad (Non Emergency), 700 Ramapo Avenue 236/237 973-583-2879 227 229 973-835-0072 973-835-1480 Health Department Health Officer, Mary Ann Orapello Registered Environmental Health Specialist Nurse Health Department Library, 333 Wanaque Avenue Planning Board/Zoning Board, Lori Clinton Police Department (Non Emergency) 226 226 225 235 973-835-0482 241 242 or 973-835-0400 Public Works Department Superintendent, Ben Steltzer General Information Recycling Center, Grove Street Recreation Department Shade Tree Commission Tax Assessor, Michael Barker Tax Collector/CFO, Gail Bado 973-835-1465 973-835-3524 973-616-5900 290 306 231 234 Pompton Lakes Board of Education, 237 Van Avenue 973-835-1553 973-835-2221 973-839-3777 973-835-1910 Lakeside School, 316 Lakeside Avenue Lenox School, 35 Lenox Avenue Lincoln School, 40 Mill Street Pompton Lakes High School, 44 Lakeside Avenue St. Mary’s School, 25 Pompton Avenue PL Municipal Utilities Authority, 2000 Lincoln Avenue Post Office, 47 Lakeside Avenue 973-835-7100 973-835-2010 973-839-3044 800-275-8777 Senior Citizen Services Pompton Lakes Golden Agers St. Mary’s Seniors Senior Citizen Housing Passaic County Office on Aging Passaic County Para Transit Meals on Wheels Public Service Gas & Electric Jersey Central Power & Light Cablevision 973-839-1377 973-839-2665 973-839-2000 973-881-4950 973-305-5756 973-569-4099 800-436-7734 888-544-4877 201-337-2100 Houses of Worship Christ Episcopal Church, 400 Ramapo Avenue Congregation Beth Shalom, 21 Passaic Avenue First Church of Christ Scientist, 243 Hamburg Turnpike Kingdom Hall/Jehovah’s Witness, 146 Willow Avenue Lutheran Church of Incarnation, 220 Hamburg Turnpike Pompton Reformed Church, 59 Hamburg Turnpike Powerhouse Catholic Church, 222 Wanaque Avenue rear St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, 17 Pompton Avenue The Journey Within, 25 Carr Street 973-835-2207 973-835-3500 973-835-2125 973-839-1273 973-835-5537 973-835-0541 973-248-6635 973-835-0374 973-616-9685 County of Passaic Services Passport Surrogate’s Office County Roads Board of Elections Public Assistance County Satellite Office 973-225-3632 973-881-4760 973-881-4500 973-881-4515 973-839-5705 973-531-9900 Local Organizations VFW Tri-County Post #2906, 260 Wanaque Avenue Pompton Lakes Elk Lodge #1895, 15 Perrin Avenue Pompton Lakes Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 129 PL League of Woman Voters, 96 Summit Avenue Rotary Club of Pompton Lakes, P.O. Box 289 Woman’s Club, 10 Furman Drive, Wayne NJ 07470 Lakeland Marine Detachment, P.O. Box 8 Genesis Freemasons Lodge #88, 15 Hamburg Turnpike 973-835-7370 973-835-1895 973-839-0187 973-568-1578 973-839-1400 973-839-0826 973-835-3352 973-616-8550
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