here - Buckingham Camera Club

The Buckingham Camera Club exists
to promote the art and science of
photography in all its forms and to
provide technical and social facilities
for its members.
Beached by Adrian Court 2013
Underground Mini by Adrian Court © 2014
The club’s programme has always been an organic thing. There
will be changes to the published list as we take advantage of
events that come to our attention. Sometimes the hall is booked
for another event and we have to change the venue. You can
keep on top of things by keeping an eye on the website, Notice
Board and listening to the Chairman’s Notices at the meetings.
Programme 2015
During January the Photo Images 2015 exhibition
is at the Queen’s Park Arts Centre in Aylesbury. See
the noticeboard for the dates and times.
Wednesday January 7th 2015
Casual first meeting of the year pay subs and the
theme is equipment gains and tool exchange =
gadgets PLUS talks on the CACC, PAGB, RPS
distinctions AND the Flickr and Facebook media.
How to size and title pdis for the competitions
Show of walks photographs from last summer—
images to TC before Christmas please
Wednesday January 14th 2015
Steve Brabner: 10 years with a Harley Davidson
and audio visual in 2nd half
This an expensive speaker and we will use posters to
attract new members and a larger audience. £5.00
on the door for non-members.
The CACC Audio Visual Trophy is suspended for
There is a PAGB Awards session for Audio Visual
near Oxford on Sunday 10th May 2015.
Tickets to observe will be available.
Wednesday January 21st 2015
Practical Not New. Table top antiques. Rusty tools
or bring your Granny for a portrait session (just
Wednesday January 28th 2015
BCC AV Trophy to pick the winning two or three to
represent us later in the year
February 2015
February is usually the month for the Jubilee
Trophy at LBPC. Full details will be circulated
when the date is known. This time it’s prints.
Wednesday 4th February 2015
Competition #1 – PRINTS – ‘Not New’ & Open
Images are required to feature an element demonstrating
ageing be it an old building / second-hand car / wrinkled
face / wear and tear such as rusty scrap / torn jeans / peeling
paint / shoe soles or even horses (or hens) teeth! The judge
tonight is Gerry Coles, ARPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, BPE4
Come and join us!
The Buckingham Camera
Club was formed in 1979
out of a desire to promote
Buckingham and Winslow
The club now numbers
nearly 40 photographers
with many and varied
specialities: aviation, natural
history, digital imaging, ink
jet printing, special effects,
landscape, still-life, figure
studies, candid and abstract you name it and we have a
member involved in it!
The Club is affiliated to the
Photographic Alliance of
Association of Camera
Clubs (CACC). This gives
us access to speakers and
enables core highly.
competitions in which we
often s
The programme is roughly
divided into five types of
Competition nights, when
current work to a competent
and independent judge and
are awarded marks which
Photographer of the Year
Practical evenings, when we
photograph a subject or a
special effect.(There are
SOME clubs where you
never see a camera!!)
Casual evenings when we
just meet and discuss our
latest projects and share our
skills with our fellow
photographers. These are
ideal for the beginner or the
new member.
Speakers. We invite an
expert to give an illustrated
lecture on a specialist
Social event: several times
in the year we are able to get
together with a Christmas
party, a Barbeque, Garden
Party or an informal supper.
Guests welcome.
In addition there are
workshops, Sunday trips and
extra evenings in the week
to visit other clubs.
There is we think, a well
balanced programme for
everyone's interest be it
monochrome, colour print,
projected colour, audio
Membership of the club is
currently £37.50 per year
and entitles you to attend
each of the weekly meetings.
(works out at just 72p per
week!). We have lighting
background, slide copier,
ColorMunki, TriggerSmart
and other equipment for
hire to members only.
Come and join us!
Duston CC (MCPF)
Wednesday 11th February 2015
Speaker: Micki Aston—The Americas. This gifted
photographer is well known to many of us on
Facebook where she shows her creativity daily.
This an expensive speaker and we will use posters to
attract new members and a larger audience. £5.00
on the door for non-members.
Henley PC will host round 3 of the Rosebowl on Tuesday
17th February 2015.
Wednesday 18th February 2015
Practical Flags—draped over what exactly?
23rd February 2015
CACC Competition Deadlines:
Chilterns Hundred Members Exhibition (Entries
via Clubs) - titles and images to submit via JW
Inter-Club Print Championship—titles for JDC to
Inter-Club Projected Championship—titles and
images to submit via JW
Wednesday 25th February 2015
Casual evening: Critique sessions where the club judges
or an invited photographer give constructive criticism on
how to make an image a winner. Adrian Court (POTY
2014) is happy to help with that even though he’s not a
judge, the input of others has been invaluable to him and
he’s happy to share it. The criticism will be open and fair,
and not put people off. Improving for all is the aim - which
will help the club. Bring your laptop, tablet, ideas
book and prepare to share. These members’
evenings will include books and mags swap, gadget
exchange, bring and buy etc and a tabletop set up
March 2015
Wednesday 4th March 2015
Competition #2: PDI = Flags (& Open)
Any form of flag should be included in the image, either as
a traditional fabric flag such as National flags, Advertising
flags or Himalayan prayer flags, or as a painted / printed
image, as seen on hoardings, sides of buildings etc.
The judge tonight is Don Byatt, MPAGB, ARPS Oxford
Wednesday 11th March 2015
Casual evening: members skills share on post
production (short lecture). Bring your laptop,
tablet, ideas book and prepare to share. These
members’ evenings will include books and mags
swap, gadget exchange, bring and buy etc and a
tabletop set up
Thursday 12th March 2015
Central Club Challenge (CCC) hosted by NCPS at
the Berrill Lecture Theatre on the OU Campus
Milton Keynes. Please ensure that JW has your best
PDI images for the selection.
Sunday 15th March 2015
PAGB Workshop for Awards for Photographic Merit
The Chiltern Association of Camera Clubs in conjunction with
the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain will be running a
workshop for those working towards a PAGB distinction.
10.30 - 5pm
The Drake Hall, Amersham Community Centre
Wednesday 18th March 2015
Talk by three members (tba)
Saturday to Tuesday 21 to 24 March 2015
The Photography Show at the NEC. Car sharing +
cheap/free tickets; see the notice board
Sunday 22nd March CACC Championship day at
Amersham. Prints in via JDC at 1230. Event starts
at 2pm.
Wednesday 25th March 2015
Macro quiz night—how close can you get?
Macro and normal images of domestic items are
submitted to Tony who primes the laptop with the
close ups and produces a quiz sheet. In the second
half we find out what they were. The more you
enter, the greater chance of winning?
April 2015
Wednesday 1st April 2015
Competition #3: PDI = After Dusk (& Open)
Images need to show a scene which is associated with
evenings or night. As such daylight and bright sunshine
Members’ equipment
The club has an
members to borrow
Studio flash - Portrait
backgrounds - Quartz
Halogen lights - back
cloth and supports - A
Tripod - Screens - a
slide projector and
back-projection unit - a
Matte Cutter—a light
box - Ring flash and
Macro-Flash Bracket Techniques videos on
Digital work and a
ColorMunki. The latest
acquisition is a Trigger
Smart and we spent
2013 working our way
through its attributes
whilst lending it out.
This machine is for
monitor, printer and
monitored according to
a list held by Tony
Chivers who also holds
the instructions for use.
Of all this stuff, some is in the
club’s cupboard in the hall,
some is at members’ homes.
Committee members are
approachable and will help
you locate what you need (or
contact the webmaster) but
don’t leave it until the
last minute!
Trips out
In the year 2015 members will continue their
informal club trips out
to London and other
places throughout the
year - mainly on
Sundays, usually with
an early start to
capture the light. The
events and dates will
be advertised on the
club notice board and
details are available
from those who have
been before.
Don’t forget!
It’s your club
If there’s something
you want to see in the
programme then let the
Prog Sec know and he
will try to include it.
Casual evenings have
a theme but there is
always room for
additional workshops in
one of the two rooms
and there will always
be experts on hand to
explain where you’re
going wrong...
That’s called the club
Please add to the
atmosphere by voicing
your opinion and
suggesting wild and
outlandish things that
can only benefit from
must not be evident, but images can be taken indoor
artificially lit candid portraits / still life or night shots with
bonfires, car / star trails etc.
The judge tonight is Paul deSilva APAGB
Wednesday 8th April 2015
Practical eyes (Keep ‘em peeled)
Wednesday 15th April 2015
Casual evening: Critique sessions where the club judges
or an invited photographer give constructive criticism on
how to make an image a winner. Adrian Court (POTY
2014) is happy to help with that even though he’s not a
judge, the input of others has been invaluable to him and
he’s happy to share it. The criticism will be open and fair,
and not put people off. Improving for all is the aim - which
will help the club. Bring your laptop, tablet, ideas
book and prepare to share. These members’
evenings will include books and mags swap, gadget
exchange, bring and buy etc and a tabletop set up
Thursday 16th April 2015
The Felicity Bickley AV Trophy at Swavesey (EAF).
The two best AVs selected earlier in the year.
Judge: Keith Leedham FRPS, EFIAP, FIPF. The Felicity
Bickley Trophy is an interclub competition, featuring clubs
predominantly from an area centred on Milton Keynes.
Swavesy are defenders of the title, having been joint winners of the event in 2014.
Sunday 19th April 2015
CACC Big Day at Amersham for the Rose Bowl:
AGM, and guest speaker, and Rose Bowl Final.
The Audio Visual Trophy is suspended for 2015.
There is a PAGB Awards session for Audio Visual near
Oxford on Sunday 10th May 2015.
Monday 20th April 2015
We are away with 15 prints to the Rosewood
Trophy contest held at the Chenderit School and
hosted by Banbury Camera Club
Wednesday 22nd April 2015
A free evening for that which is bound to come up—
watch this space.
Wednesday 29th April 2015
Speaker John Humphrey on close-up and macro
techniques. This an expensive speaker and we will
use posters to attract new members and a larger
audience. £5.00 on the door for non-members.
May 2015
Wednesday 6th May 2015
Competition #4: PDI = Eyes (and Open)
Not only are human eyes acceptable, but so are any animal
or insect, sewing needles, London eye or the like (iPads /
iPods / iPhones etc do not meet the set subject criteria!)
The judge tonight is Chris Sargeant
Wednesday 13th May 2015
Practical: Man Made
Wednesday 20th May 2015
Prints Critique Night— We each bring 3 images as
prints. Separate tables are numbered, say, 1 to 9
and an equal number of prints (which are also
numbered, say 1-5) are put on each table. So for
Table 1 we have T1 and the image number. The
members organise themselves into groups for the
amount of tables. For each group there is a record
sheet for every table and we give a score from 0 to 5
for each image on the table. 5 is a rarity; the images
have to be exceptional to get top marks. We have
about 4 minutes to critique and mark each table’s
images before moving on to the next table and
eventually scoring all the images. The 2014 winner
was Mike Kirby LBIPP LSWPP
Wednesday 27th May 2015
Speaker: Chris Palmer - The Prints and the Paper.
This an expensive speaker and we will use posters to
attract new members and a larger audience. £5.00
on the door for non-members.
June 2105
Wednesday 3rd June 2015
Competition #5: Prints = Man made (& Open)
Architectural images / machines / computers / bottles /
jewellery / simply anything that is not a natural feature or
phenomenon. Day or night / interior or exterior / close up or
distant images are all suitable approaches.
The judge tonight is Stan McCartin, Harrow PS (CACC)
The Summer Programme starts here—attendance
levels tend to drop due to the due to the long warm
The Programme Group is
coordinated by
John Credland
assisted by several
members who are all
Colin Kitchen
Peter Silver
Bernie Harfield
Tony Chivers
Mike Kirby
Others will be drafted in
for the casual evenings’
themed talks and demos
Thank you all for your
suggestions and support
The Rose Bowl panel
The prints and the PDI
images are held in a bank.
The two banks are added
to at the end of each
competition round. They
are sorted into the best 20
images and from this
image bank the competing
images are chosen by the
Panel: Jim Waddington
administers and arranges
the PDI matches and the
current trophy holders
help him to choose the
entries. John Credland
administers the prints
assisted by the available
current trophy winners:
Nick Steadman. Let these
people know if you want
to help.
The Chiltern’s
Association of Camera
Clubs administers 43
clubs in the Bucks, Berks,
Middx, London, Herts
and Oxon areas.
They publish a yearbook
with judges and lecturers
(and rules) and this is
issued to the BCC
They organise various
inter-club events, mainly
in April and May and
these are well worth
attending as you get to
see the best work from
the photographers in
those 43 clubs.
The Photographic
Alliance of Great Britain
Organises the 14
federations, of which the
CACC is one. There are
national contests and
exhibitions for PDI
images, prints and audio
visual material and a
regular newsletter.
They publish a yearbook
for the committee which
gives us access to
adjoining clubs from
other federations
(Midland Counties and
East Anglia) so we can
compete and meet
photographers from a
wider area.
evenings, cricket and beer. We use this period to
encourage the hardy photographers to get out and
about to riverside walks, garden parties and
members’ talks which tolerate a lighter audience.
Wednesday 10th June 2015
Buckingham’s Town Trail meet at 7.30pm in the
Waitrose car park and finish at nine in the King’s
Wednesday 17th June 2015
Walk around the Claydon Lakes meeting in the
layby at 7.30pm
Wednesday 24th June 2015
Walk around the village tba (maybe Stowe gardens
at dusk?)
July 2015
Wednesday 1st July 2015
WADAS prints event. Paintings vs Photographs
(prints only) The titles this year are: Signs and
Symbols, Man Made, Seasons and Open.
Wednesday 8th July 2015
Out for a walk—watch the Notice Board for details
nearer the time.
Wednesday 15th July 2015
Out for a walk—watch the Notice Board for details
nearer the time.
Wednesday 22nd July 2015
Garden Party courtesy Mike and Christine at
Finmere. And the release of the titles for the
Versatility Challenge in two weeks time. The setter
and judge is Pete Silver.
Wednesday 29th July 2015
Walk around Stony Stratford—the opposite
direction this time.
August 2015
Wednesday 5th August 2015
Versatility Challenge—judge is last year’s winner:
Peter Silver. Five PDIs on five subjects announced
only two weeks before. The images must be taken
from your existing bank of images and NOT taken
specially for the contest. The winner is next year’s
judge and receives free membership next year.
Wednesday 12th August 2015
Instant Slide Battle and prepare the projection
system for the Triptych and Trio competitions next
Wednesday 19th August 2015
Triptych and Trio competitions. Judge is to be
advised nearer the time.
Wednesday 26th August 2015
Practical photography in the hall : Sloooow!
The Summer programme ends here and we are back to the
tried and tested plan of competition, speaker, practical and
casual evenings in the Padbury Village Hall. New faces
will appear as the nights draw in. Make them welcome:)
September 2015
Wednesday 2nd September 2015
Competition #6: PDI = Slow (and Open)
This subject is open to much interpretation. A high speed
subject taken with a slow shutter speed or a photo of a snail
are both acceptable subjects. The only constraint is that
there must be an element of the image which demonstrates
something which is clearly ‘slow’, be it subject or
The judge tonight is Colin Southgate FRPS
Wednesday 9th September 2015
Practical tba
Wednesday 16th September 2015
bring and buy sale
Wednesday 23rd September 2015
Casual evening: Critique sessions where the club judges
or an invited photographer give constructive criticism on
how to make an image a winner. Adrian Court (POTY
2014) is happy to help with that even though he’s not a
judge, the input of others has been invaluable to him and
he’s happy to share it. The criticism will be open and fair,
and not put people off. Improving for all is the aim - which
will help the club. Bring your laptop, tablet, ideas
book and prepare to share. These members’
Casual evenings:
The casual evening each
month has a theme. We
can accept or ignore this
theme depending on
what else we find
interesting to discuss but
there will at least be a
table, demo or short
lecture on the theme to
ensure the evening has a
focal point.
Please ensure you have
read the rules on page 11
and the separate
guidelines before
submitting any work for
competition. Please
contact any of the
committee members who
are fully conversant with
the presentation needs of
the print easel, the
projector and the audio
visual system.
External competitions:
Please ensure you have
read ALL the rules and
guidelines before
submitting any work for
selection for external
Each year, as you rejoin
and pay your subs, you
will be asked to fill in
and sign a form
permitting your images
to be used for display on
the club’s website.
Committee work
The current committee
members are listed on
page 12 with their contact
If you feel you have the
time and enthusiasm to
help the club, please
make yourself known to a
committee member.
We have a core number
of seven members but are
happy to co-opt
additional members for
specific tasks. The more
the merrier.
The committee meets just
four times per year. The
meetings last about two
hours and provide a
forum for suggestions and
If you’d rather see it
run your way, join us
and ensure that it is!
I’ll be the judge of that!
In 2012 for the first time
we started a monthly
series of on-line-only
competitions for fully
paid up members. It takes
place on the BCC website
where we can post
images: 1400x1050 jpegs.
There is an entry fee of
£1.00 per image and a
deadline for entries.
Members can score the
images from 1 to 20 and
the winner gets 50% of
the pot. 50% goes to club
Good luck!
evenings will include books and mags swap, gadget
exchange, bring and buy etc and a tabletop set up
Wednesday 30th September 2015
Speaker: Bernie Raffe AMPA from Leighton
Buzzard. Learn to be a Strobist; practical demo
with tethered camera linked to the big screen.
This an expensive speaker and we will use posters to
attract new members and a larger audience. £5.00
on the door for non-members.
October 2015
During Oct /Nov 2015 the Jubilee Trophy for
individual members’ Audio Visuals will be
organised by LBPC and hosted at NCPS—full
details not available at press time.
Wednesday 7th October 2015
Competition # 7: Prints = Seasons (& Open)
Any image which demonstrates a characteristic feature of a
particular season, such as flowers / lambs (Spring),
beaches / sunshine (?) (Summer), falling leaves (Autumn)
and frost / snow (Winter). (Note this list is not exhaustive!)
The judge tonight is Chris Forster MFIAP DPAGB FBPE
Wednesday 14th October 2015
Linda Sharp—Mostly Landscapes
This an expensive speaker and we will use posters to
attract new members and a larger audience. £5.00
on the door for non-members.
Wednesday 21st October 2015
Practical signs and symbols.
Wednesday 28th October 2015
Instant PDI battle. Bring a memory stick with 20
diverse images. Two teams will be selected. Two
laptops and one projector. The judge will be one of
the members without images. It was fun last year. It
can be again. (Current holder is Adrian Court, team
November 2015
Wednesday 4th November 2015
Competition #8 – PDI – ‘Signs and Symbols’ & Open
Road Signs / Shop Signs / Advertising Hoardings / Egyptian
Hieroglyphs etc are all suitable subjects. Signs may contain
text or images or a combination of both. However, the signs
must be shown in context and not simple record shots of the
sign / symbol alone. The judge tonight is Colin Mill, NCPS
Wednesday 11th November 2015
Speaker Colin Harrison FRPS FBPE FIPR MPAGB
MFIAP, EFIAP/s: Going for Gold—working towards
EFIAP/gold qualification
This an expensive speaker and we will use posters to
attract new members and a larger audience. £5.00
on the door for non-members.
Wednesday 18th November 2015
Colour and Black and White prints contests
Judge is Phil Joyce—Oxford PS
Wednesday 25th November 2015
Casual/practical evening. Shoot your own last
minute Christmas Card.
December 2015
Wednesday 2nd December 2015
This Year’s PDIs and the cover competition (Best of
the twenties)
Wednesday 9th December 2015
AGM and members’ prints contest
Wednesday 16th December 2015
Christmas Social
Wednesday 23rd December 2015
No meeting—Merry Christmas
Wednesday 30th December 2015
No meeting—Happy New Year
Please do not write in this space.
Competition rules 2015
1. The internal club competitions are open
to all paid up members. The purpose of
having competitions at all is to enable
members to submit their work to a
competent judge and receive constructive
criticism. Trophies are awarded as a bonus
and to add a little competition to the
2. All photographs entered must be taken
by the entrant but may be home or trade
processed. Recent work is encouraged.
Entrants must hold the copyright of the
i.e. TV programme images or pictures
taken from books or websites are not
3. The main club competition comprises 8
rounds. The 4 rounds held in February,
April, June, October are for prints and the
4 rounds held in March, May, June, and
November are for digital projected images
(DPI); colour slides are no longer eligible.
4. Each round will have an assignment and
an open category and a member can
submit up to 2 images in each category of
the 8 rounds. The assignments are listed in
the programme. Where a member submits
two images in one category, both marks
will score. If he/she enters the Assignment
and Open, all four pictures will score.
Marks are awarded out of twenty. The
marks awarded in each round are totalled
at the end of the year and the member with
the highest marks in each class will be
awarded the appropriate club trophy.
5. There are five trophies to be won: Two
Open sections - PDI and prints, colour or
monochrome*, Two Assignment sections
– PDI and prints, colour or monochrome*.
The Photographer of the Year (POTY) is
awarded to the member with the highest
combined marks in these four sections; it
is not necessary to have marks in every
6. No image may be submitted for more
than one assignment or more than one
round of the club competition. The
pictures used in the club competition may
also be used in
· The Versatility Challenge
· The “Best Use of Colour”
· Instant PDI battles
· The Monochrome Trophy for
the best panel of four mono*
7. Digital Images for Projection (PDI)
must be 1400x1050 pixels, an image may
be any size within the maximum of
1400x1050 pixels but if smaller the image
should have a black surround to give the
required 1400x1050 pixel image.
The image should have a sRGB colour
space, all layers merged, and be saved as a
jpeg file (a jpg file extension) with
maximum quality / minimum
The images can be submitted on a CD-R
or memory stick or emailed to
uk no later than the Wednesday evening
before the competition evening. The file
naming convention is ‘set#title#members
name.jpg’ for assignment images and
‘opent#title#member’s name.jpg’ for open
8. Colour and monochrome* prints shall
be of a minimum size of 6” x
4” (Bonusprints) and must be mounted
and be properly identified, on each
competition evening the titles shall be
announced. The maximum preferred size
is 50 x 40cm including the
mount. Joiners, multiple prints, digital
output and photocopies are acceptable.
Only prints that have 50x40cm mounts
will be retained in the image bank for
submission to external competitions.
The closing time for entry to the prints
competition is 7.55pm on the competition
evening. Members unable to attend should
contact the competition secretary in
advance who will arrange to submit the
entry for them.
9. The competition is, wherever possible,
judged by a visiting judge from the CACC
list or, if none available, from any area of
the PAGB and not by a club member. If,
in an emergency, a club member is
required to judge, he/she is debarred from
entering that round of the competition.
10. The President’s Cup is awarded to the
most improved or highest scoring
competitor who has not qualified for any
other cup.
11. The Newcomer Trophy is awarded to
the highest scoring new member
12. The Monochrome* Trophy
competition will be held on one date only.
The subject is open and comprises a panel
of four prints (Min 6”x4”) current year’s
work only. The 4 prints to be mounted on
a single board that will fit inside the
maximum capacity of the club’s print
display easel: 24” x 24” (60 x 60
cm). (Prints can be re-used. See rule 6).
13. The “Best Use of Colour” Trophy is
awarded for the print showing best use of
colour. An entry is up to three colour
prints, (Prints can be re-used. See rule 6),
current year’s work only.
14. Versatility Challenge. Members
submit five PDI on five different subjects,
which are announced only two weeks
before. A year’s free membership goes to
the winner who will select the subjects
and judge in the following year.
15. The John Harding Audio Visual
Trophy is won by the entrant with the best
audio/visual sequence and is digitally
16. An instant battle may be held during
the year. The Cock-up Trophy is awarded
to the winning team.
17. It is assumed that as you have entered
the competitions you will not object to
your images being displayed on the club’s
website and/or be selected for external
competitions. Should this not be so, please
inform the webmaster and the external
competitions secretaries. Should you be a
member of another club please notify the
external competition secretaries to
confirm which club is to use your images
for interclub external competitions.
The Buckingham Camera Club is a
member of the CACC and the
PAGB. The competitions that we run in
the club are administered by our own
rules BUT some of the best images may
be retained by the external competitions
secretary for use by the club in
competitions organised by the
Associations and Federations listed in the
PAGB Handbook. Each has its own rules;
the relevant information is available on
the CACC website: (http://
If our images conform to ALL the rules
and guides then we shall not be
embarrassed by entering external
competitions with work that does not fit
the regulations.
* The club accepts the FIAP (2003),
PAGB (2004) and CACC (2004)
definition of monochrome:
“A black and white work going from the
very dark grey (black) to the very clear
grey (white) is a monochrome work with
the various shades of grey. A black and
white work toned entirely in a single
colour will remain a monochrome work
able to stand in the black and white
(monochrome) category. On the other
hand a black and white work modified by
a partial toning or by the addition of one
colour becomes a colour work
(polychrome) to stand in the colour
BCC/tc 241113
Triptych and Trio: TBC
There is a supplement to these rules for those new to entering prints and digital PI—please ask a committee member for a copy
Your contacts - these are the people you elected to run the club - use them!
Chairman & Hon Treasurer
Vice Chairman, Comp Admin and Webmaster:
Tony Chivers
Hon Secretary and internal competitions sec.
Wendy Credland
Committee members
External prints sec. and programme coordinator:
John Credland APAGB DPAGB BPE3*
Virtual images secretary (pdis and av)
Jim Waddington
01280 814574
01280 813641
Colin Kitchen
Jon Downs
Peter Silver
(Social media)
01296 714200
01908 506195
01869 278949
Barbara Chivers
Competition winners 2014
Photographer of the year 2014 Adrian Court
Prints Open 2014– Peter Silver
Prints Assignment 2014– Adrian Court
PDI Open 2014 - Adrian Court
PDI Assignment 2014 - Adrian Court
Newcomers’ Trophy 2014 - Linda Court
Monochrome Prints Trophy 2014 - Jim Waddington
Best Use of Colour Trophy 2014 - Adrian Court
Versatility Challenge 2014 - Peter Silver
John Harding Audio Visual 2014 - John Credland
President’s Cup 2014 - Tony Chivers
Club Person of Year 2014 - Colin Kitchen
Members’ Print Trophy 2014 - Peter Silver
Macro Quiz Night 2013 - Adrian Court (44)
Print Critique evening 2014 - Mike Kirby LBIPP LSWPP
Triptych Contest 2014 - Jeff Wright
Trio contest 2014 - John Credland
Instant battle: CU Trophy 2014 - Adrian Court’s team B
Cover shot 2014- Adrian Court
Mobile phone contest 2013 - Jon Downs
Title of the Year 2011 - Adrian Davies
Comic image 2010 - Barbara Edmondson
The Quicksnap Trophy 2007 - Chris Williams
Leoni Seymour Trophy 2006 - John Credland etc
Album Competition 2006 - John Credland etc
Joiners Competition 2006 - John Credland etc
The Ashes Trophy (2006) - Bernie Harfield
SRB Quiz Trophy 2006 - Mike Kirby LBIPP LMPA LWPA
01280 814574
2014 The Bedford Invitation Trophy
7images vs 16 other clubs
2013 the Rosewood Trophy
16 prints vs Badby and Banbury
2010 The Felicity Bickley Trophy
2 AVs from club members vs clubs in Bedford, NCPS, etc
2009 selected by dSLR User magazine to review
the Canon S90 compact camera
The Tomlinson Trophy 2006 & 2008
3 AVs from club members vs Banbury and NCPS
Photo Monthly 9th in club league table 2001/2
Southern Regional Winners Camera Club 2000
The St Albans prints trophy 1999 and 2002
4-page feature in AP 1996
Best Panel of Prints at the CACC Rose Bowl 1996
Organised the Buckingham Biennial ’96, 98, 00, 02 and 04
Organised PhotoClub 1985 to 2007
Published: Practical Photography digital imaging 1994
CACC Rose Bowl Finalists ‘93, ‘02, ‘05, ‘06, ‘08
Winners of 2nd Round
AP Club Challenge 1992 & 1994
Three times winners of
Central Club Challenge 1989 & 1993 & 2005
Winners of the
SRB/Orwo Challenge 1989
It’s not just about winning—
it’s about taking part.