Isle of Man Protecting Children Board Child Protection Training Programme 2013-2014 Protecting Children Board Training Programme 2013-2014 Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3 Protecting Children Board Training Purpose and Principles ........................................................ 4 Application Process ................................................................................................................ 5 Target Audiences Guide.......................................................................................................... 6 Target Audiences Defined ....................................................................................................... 7 Level 1 Safeguarding for Administrative Staff ...................................................................................... 8 Introduction to Child Protection............................................................................................... 9 Basic Child Protection Awareness ...........................................................................................10 Safeguarding Children with Additional Needs ..........................................................................11 Level 2 Multi Agency Child Centred Working with Risk .........................................................................12 Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures .............................................................13 An Appropriate Adult ............................................................................................................. 14 Recognising Sexual Abuse & Appropriate Interventions ............................................................15 Awareness of Safeguarding Children & Young People Against Sexual Exploitation ......................16 Working Together in Case Conferences and Core Groups .........................................................17 Multi Agency Assessments .....................................................................................................18 Level 3 Understanding Young People Who Self Harm ..........................................................................19 Safeguarding Children in Domestic Abuse ...............................................................................20 Court Skills ........................................................................................................................... 21 Working with Families Affected by Parental Alcohol Problems ...................................................22 Assessment, Analysis and Intervention in Sexual Abuse: ..........................................................23 Working with Resistant, Hostile & Falsely Compliant Families ...................................................24 Awareness and Interventions for Safeguarding Babies .............................................................25 Internal Trainer Information ..................................................................................................26 Internal Trainer Information (continued) ................................................................................27 External Trainer Information ..................................................................................................28 External Trainer Information (continued) ................................................................................29 External Trainer Information (continued) ................................................................................30 Safeguarding Children Training Course Application 2013-14 .....................................................31 Your Bookings ...................................................................................................................... 32 Proposal for Safeguarding Children Training ............................................................................33 2 Introduction Welcome to the 2013/14 Training Prospectus of the Protecting Children Board (PCB). Responsibility for ensuring that child protection training meets strategic and operational needs rests with the PCB’s Training and Development Group (TDG) who are supported in the design and delivery of training by a Training Sub-group representing practitioners from all sectors who work closely with children and young people. In designing the programme for this year, we have again drawn on feedback from previous training events, consulted practitioners, prioritised issues identified with the PCB Work Programme, considered research outcomes and analysed need to produce a schedule which we hope will support you in the provision of high quality services that protect and safeguard all the children and young people on the Isle of Man. As we move forward, the TDG will continue to develop and refine the ways in which it collects feedback about, and evaluates the impact of training involving all partners in identifying training needs. This year we have introduced the following new courses: • Child Sexual Exploitation • Understanding and Recognising Sexual Abuse - (at levels 2 and 3) • Analysis – this will build on the general understanding of risk indicators and how professional judgment is used to decide the balance of risk versus protection • The Importance Of Listening To Children - will be built into each course as appropriate In addition we intend to publicise one or two appropriate events from the University of York, Making Research Count – Turning Knowledge into Practice 2013-14 Series. Dates for these events will be circulated when they are available. I hope that you will find training events stimulating, challenging and above all useful. However, one of the important ways in which you can help to shape future training is through honest and constructive feedback of what is provided and I would urge you to reflect this in any evaluations or feedback you may be asked to provide. In addition, if the training that you want is not in this prospectus, please contact a member of the TDG who will bring this to the attention of the Group for consideration for future programmes. Sally Brookes Training and Development Group (Chair) August 2013 Training and Development Group Members: Deborah Brayshaw – Department of Social Care Paul Bridson – Department of Community, Culture and Leisure Susan Coyle – Department of Health (Chair - Operational Training Group) Mandy Delaney – The Children’s Centre Stephen Maddocks – Isle of Man Constabulary Sue Owen – Department of Health Jacqueline Yates – Department of Health 3 Protecting Children Board Training Purpose and Principles Purpose The purpose of training for inter-agency work is to help develop and foster the following, in order to achieve better outcomes for children and young people: a shared understanding of the tasks, processes, principles, and roles and responsibilities outlined in national guidance and local arrangements for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare more effective and integrated services at both the strategic and individual case level improved communication between professionals, including a common understanding of key terms, definitions and thresholds for action effective working relationships, including an ability to work in multi-disciplinary groups or teams; and sound decision-making, based on information sharing, thorough assessment, critical analysis and professional judgement Principles (PIAT 2003) All aspects of inter-agency training and development to safeguard and promote children’s well being are based on the following principles: Child Centred Incorporating and promoting children’s rights and needs and ensuring their welfare is paramount Partnership with parents/carers Promoting partnership and recognising families’ strengths in responding to the needs of their children Inclusion Respect for diversity and inclusive of the wide range of individuals and organisations that have responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the well being of all children Inter-agency collaboration Placing value on people working collaboratively, bringing people together in ways that mirror the diversity of practice networks engaged with children and families “Sustaining Quality: Standards for Inter-agency Child Protection Training and Development” PIAT Promoting Inter-Agency Training (2003) 4 Application Process To apply for a course, please complete the application form on page 31. Please complete application forms clearly and in full and return to the address shown at the top of the form either by post, email or fax. Upon receipt of the application form, a member of The Learning Team will contact you or your manager to acknowledge receipt. Incomplete applications may be rejected. Applications may also be rejected due to course availability and suitability so it is recommended that applications are submitted as early as possible and that any course pre-requisites detailed on the course advertisement, are met. If a course states that spaces are limited and places will be prioritised, please evidence your need for the training in your application in the relevant section. Course details and joining instructions will be sent out 2 weeks before the course date by email. If you don’t have any email address, please ensure you include a postal address on your application. If you still haven’t received joining instructions a week before the course is due to take place, please contact a member of The Learning Team on 687550. Costs Unless otherwise stated, Safeguarding Children Training courses will be free of charge to Statutory and Voluntary organisations. Terms and Conditions If you need to cancel your place on a course for any reason, please contact a member of The Learning Team on 687550 no less than 14 days before the course or in case of sickness, as early as possible. Venues Venues are as stated on the course information pages but are subject to change. A member of The Learning Team will be in touch as early as possible to advise of the change. Catering In the current financial climate we are unable to provide lunch at training events. Refreshments will still be provided upon arrival and during breaks. Certificates Certificates will be provided upon completion of each course. Replacement Certificates can be issued but there may be a fee for this service. Disclaimer While every effort will be made to ensure the named trainers will deliver their course, circumstances may require the use of a substitute. Further Information More information can be found at 5 Target Audiences Guide 1 - Basic Contact Hospital Staff Community Groups 2 - Work Regularly Nurseries Social Workers in Specialist Areas Sports & Leisure Staff Psychologists 3 - Specified Responsibility Probation Officers Citizen’s Advice Bureau School Nurses Designated Teachers Education Liaison Officers Family Centre Staff 4 - Operational Managers & Strategic Responsibility GP’s Childminders CAMHS Hospital and Community Health staff Field Social Workers Health Visitors Housing Officers Teachers & ESO’s Police in Public Protection Unit Named Health Professionals Foster Carers Youth Workers Residential Care Workers Government Admin Key Voluntary Agencies Staff in Refuges Play Groups Police (uniformed and non-specialist) Religious Groups Residential and Day Care Staff 6 Target Audiences Defined This training schedule refers to target audiences in terms of four levels. These are not necessarily hierarchical and access to training should be matched to role rather than being dependent on having completed training at previous levels. However, to ensure you get the most out of some Level 2 and 3 courses, a basic understanding of Child Protection, together with its processes and procedures is advised, and you will find recommended pre-requisite information on each course description. Level 1 Those who are in contact/work with children and young people and adults who are carers. These will be people who are in a position to identify concerns about maltreatment. Examples include: Childminder, Nursery staff, Volunteers, Adult Social Work Assistants, Leisure & Sport Centre Staff, Housing Officers, Hospital Support Staff, Occupational Therapists, Teaching Assistants, Youth Support Workers, Administrative Staff within Schools, GP Surgeries and Counselling Services, etc. Members of this group have a responsibility to contribute to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the community, but do not necessarily have specific organisational responsibility or statutory authority to intervene in the lives of children and their families. They require the skills and knowledge necessary to manage the interface between themselves and statutory agencies (if not employed in one), and where appropriate the child and family. They therefore need to understand the nature of worries about children’s welfare and the systems in place to safeguard children from harm and promote their welfare. Level 2 Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers: including practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need. For example: Social Workers and Social Work Assistants (Children & Families), Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Paediatric Hospital and Community Health Staff (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers, and Mentors etc. This group have considerable professional and organisational responsibility for protecting and safeguarding children. They have to be able to act effectively on child protection concerns. This group also needs to be able to work within an inter or multi-agency context. Level 3 Those with a particular responsibility for safeguarding children for example: Social Workers and Social Work Assistants (Children and Families), Residential Care Staff, staff working with disabled children, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Police Officers in the Public Protection Unit and those whose role places them in a key child protection position, Key Paediatric Medical and Health Staff, School Designated Child Protection Officers (e.g. Designated Teachers), CAMHS, Community Mental Health Professionals, Drug & Alcohol Practitioners, all Lead Officers. This group hold particular professional/organisational authority and a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy to act on child welfare concerns, including those where a child is or may be suffering significant harm. They work extensively within an inter or multi-agency context. They often have responsibility for the work of others. Level 4 Strategic/Operational Managers with responsibility for safeguarding and child protection. Managers should be competent to offer appropriate consultation and advice to practitioners; to challenge effectively; to facilitate an understanding of the consequences of decision making for the organisation, themselves, practitioners, and children and families. Practitioners have to manage the same issues with respect to working in an Inter or multi-agency context and directly with service users. 7 Level 1 Safeguarding for Administrative Staff: Half day course Trainer: Sue Coyle & Alison Quayle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm Dates: 7th November 2013 4th April 2014 24th June 2014 Aim: To raise awareness of Safeguarding, and Adult & Child Protection. Identify the role of Administrative Staff within it. Learning Outcomes: Identify the different types of child and adult abuse. Describe the Child and Adult Protection processes within Safeguarding. Outline own role within the Child and Adult Protection process. Referring concerns to appropriate body/person. Target Audience: Administrative staff who work in the areas where families in need and people in need of protection may be availing of Primary Health Education & Social Welfare Services. These may include: School Administrative Staff, Reception and Administrative Staff in GPs Surgeries and Counselling Services, DAT and Family and Children’s Resource Centres. Administrative Staff who may come into contact with Vulnerable Adults, Reception staff, Administrators in Resource Centres, Caretakers, Gardeners, Porters and Patient/Residential Transport Drivers. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 8 Level 1 Introduction to Child Protection: 2 hour course Trainer: Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm Dates: 24th October 2013 30th January 2014 9th April 2014 3rd July 2014 Aim: To provide an introduction to Child Protection within Safeguarding. Learning Outcomes: Explore the subject of child protection, including values and attitudes. Have an understanding of the child protection responsibilities of organisations who work with and care for children and the individuals who work with them. Recognise some common indicators of child abuse. Know what to do if you have a concern about a child’s welfare, including making and keeping records and sharing information. Target Audience: Those who are in contact/work with children and young people and adults who are carers. These will be people who are in a position to identify concerns about maltreatment, including those which may arise from the use of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF). This includes for example, Nursery Staff, Volunteers in Community Groups and Community Sports and Leisure Groups, Church and Faith Organisations, Leisure & Sport Centre Staff, Youth Support Workers. Members of this group have a responsibility to contribute to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the community, but do not necessarily have specific organisational responsibility or statutory authority to intervene in the lives of children and their families. They require the skills and knowledge necessary to manage the interface between themselves and statutory agencies (if not employed in one) and where appropriate, the child and family. They therefore need to understand the nature of worries about children’s welfare and the systems in place to safeguard children from harm and promote their welfare. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 9 Level 1 Basic Child Protection Awareness: 1 day course Trainer: Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 3:00pm Dates: 16th October 2013 6th December 2013 4th February 2014 Saturday 22nd March 2014 14th May 2014 10th July 2014 Aim: To raise awareness of Child Protection within Safeguarding and identify roles and responsibilities of staff within the child protection process. Learning Outcomes: Explore the subject of Child Protection, including values and attitudes. Have an understanding of the Child Protection responsibilities of organisations who work with and care for children, and the individuals who work with them. Recognise some common indicators of child abuse. Know what to do if you have a concern about a child’s welfare, including making and keeping records and sharing information. Explore what constitutes a safer working environment. Target Audience: Those who are in contact/work with children and young people and adults who are carers. These will be people who are in a position to identify concerns about maltreatment, including those which may arise from the use of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF). This includes for example, Childminders, Nursery Managers & Senior Staff, Education & Health Staff, Dentists, Police Officers & Emergency Services Workers, Probation Officers, Prison Officers, Adult Social Care Staff, Children’s Residential Care & Family Centre Staff, Foster Carers, Counsellors, Family Court Advocates, Leisure & Sport Centre Staff, Housing Officers, Occupational Therapists, Senior Youth Support Workers. Members of this group have a responsibility to contribute to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the community, but do not necessarily have specific organisational responsibility or statutory authority to intervene in the lives of children and their families. They require the skills and knowledge necessary to manage the interface between themselves and statutory agencies (if not employed in one) and where appropriate the child and family. They therefore need to understand the nature of worries about children’s welfare and the systems in place to safeguard children from harm and promote their welfare. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 10 Level 1 Safeguarding Children with Additional Needs: Half day course Trainer: Carole Williams Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm Dates: 29th October 2013 12th June 2014 Aim: To develop an awareness of safeguarding children and young people who have additional needs. To enhance knowledge of Child Protection Learning Outcomes: Identify the factors that lead to an increased risk of abuse. Recognise the importance of direct and effective communication with children. Be alert to indicators of abuse. Be more confident in their ability to manage Child Protection concerns involving children with additional needs Target Audience: Those who are in contact/work with children and young people and adults who have additional needs. This includes for example, Nursery Staff, Volunteers in Community Groups and Community Sports and Leisure Groups, Church and Faith Organisations, Leisure & Sport Centre Staff, Youth Support Workers. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 11 Level 2 Multi Agency Child Centred Working with Risk: 1 day course Trainer: Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Date: 10th October 2013 Aim: Overview of risk assessment theories and recognised effective practice in using these in multiagency interventions in Child Protection investigations, assessments and interventions. Learning Outcomes: Identify contrasting theoretical models of risk assessment and assess value in relation to various client groups. Understand the components of effective risk assessments. Developed awareness of relationship between risk assessment, analysis, professional judgement, decision making and action planning in context of Child Protection. Explore the effectiveness of various current frameworks and tools in risk assessment in relation to case studies and exercises. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: Social Workers in Children and Families and all practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers and Mentors etc. This group have considerable professional and organisational responsibility for safeguarding and promoting children’s well-being. They have to be able to act effectively on child welfare concerns. This group also needs to be able to work within an inter or multi-agency context. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 12 Level 2 Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures: Half day course Trainer: Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm Dates: 26th November 2013 Aim: To introduce and examine the Isle of Man Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures for inter-agency working. Learning Outcomes: Describe the main changes in the revised PCB Child Protection Procedures. Outline implications of the new inter-agency procedures and demonstrate an understanding of agency and individual professional responsibility. Describe own Professional role and responsibility in Child Protection in respect of referral assessment and intervention to protect children & young people from harm abuse and neglect. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: Social Workers in Children and Families and all practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers and Mentors etc. This group have considerable professional and organisational responsibility for safeguarding and promoting children’s well-being. They have to be able to act effectively on child welfare concerns. This group also needs to be able to work within an inter or multi-agency context. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Basic Child Protection Awareness training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 13 Level 2 An Appropriate Adult: 1 day course Trainer: Victor Whiteside Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Dates: 11th December 2013 Aim: To prepare staff that have been asked to be an Appropriate Adult when accompanying a young or vulnerable person at a police station. At the end of the training participants should be familiar with all aspects of the role of an Appropriate Adult. Through knowledge gained, participants should have increased confidence in the role and be familiar with all aspects of Police procedure following the arrest of someone. Learning Outcomes: By the end of the training session participants will be able to outline and describe the following: The rights of an individual who is arrested. The Police Codes of Practice. What is meant by mentally vulnerable? Who is entitled to an Appropriate Adult? Who decides if someone is a mentally vulnerable adult? Who can/cannot be an Appropriate Adult? What is your role as an Appropriate Adult? What is a custody record and why I should insist on seeing it? What happens if you are called to the police station to act as an Appropriate Adult? What are my rights as an Appropriate Adult? When should I demand an Advocate – Can I decide? What is confidential? Rules on disclosure by detained person to Appropriate Adult? What if I have concerns over the health of someone in custody? Should I be present when detained person is speaking to Advocate? What happens during ID parades, house searches and do I need to be there? Intimate/strip searches – What is my role and how should they be completed? Finger prints and DNA samples – What is my role? Target Audience: Social Workers, Social Work Assistants, Care Providers, Outreach Workers and Youth Workers, Foster Carers, Youth Justice Team members, Residential Social Workers, staff who work with vulnerable adults and those with learning disabilities. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures Training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 14 Level 2 Recognising Sexual Abuse & Appropriate Interventions: 1 day course Trainer: Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Date: 28th November 2013 Aim: To facilitate an understanding of Sexual Abuse within the context of Child Protection. Learning Outcomes: Identify signs of Sexual Abuse & the impact on children & family dynamics. Demonstrate an understanding of the short & long term effects of Sexual Abuse. Demonstrate a knowledge of sex offending behaviours & models of offending. Demonstrate a knowledge of a range of evaluation tools to assist in multi-agency assessment. Identify a range of interventions relating to the specific needs of children. Target Audience: All Practitioners and Managers who come into contact with children and families who want to build on their knowledge regarding multi-agency working where sexual abuse is an issue. Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: Practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need, Social Workers and Social Work Assistants in Children & Families, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Education Staff, Hospital, Community (including GP’s and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers Learning Support Assistants and Mentors etc. This group have considerable professional and organisational responsibility for safeguarding and promoting children’s well-being. They have to be able to act effectively on child welfare concerns. This group also needs to be able to work within an inter or multi-agency context. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 15 Level 2 Awareness of Safeguarding Children & Young People Against Sexual Exploitation: Half day course Trainer: Grainne Burns & Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm Date: 29th January 2014 Aim: Raise Awareness of Child & Young People Sexual Exploitation Learning Outcomes: Define Child & Young People Sexual Exploitation Identify Children & Young people who may be vulnerable Recognise indicators that a child may be at risk Outline strategies and interventions that are effective Target Audience: Social workers, Social Work Assistants, Care Providers, Outreach Workers and Youth Workers, Foster Carers, Youth Justice Team members, Residential Social Workers, staff who work with vulnerable adults and those with learning disabilities. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures Training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 16 Level 2 Working Together in Case Conferences and Core Groups: 1 day course Trainer: Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Dates: 26th February 2014 Aim: Provide participants with overview of the purpose and content of Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups. Clarify multi-agency roles and responsibilities. Identify best practice behaviours and skills that promote partnership and authoritative working with children young people and their families. Learning Outcomes: Outline the content policy and legislative background of Child Protection processes. Describe the purpose of Case Conferences and Core Groups. Define multi-agency roles and responsibilities in Case Conferences and Core Groups and the skills for engaging effectively with the children, young people and families subject to these processes. Use multi-agency assessment tools such as the strengths/vulnerability matrix, change matrix, eco maps, flow charts, genograms, chronologies. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: Social Workers in Children and Families and all Practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers and Mentors etc. This group have considerable professional and organisational responsibility for safeguarding and promoting children’s well-being. They have to be able to act effectively on child welfare concerns. This group also needs to be able to work within an inter or multi-agency context. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures Training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 17 Level 2 Multi Agency Assessments: 1 day course Trainer: Sue Coyle Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Dates: 6th March 2014 Aim: Examine best practice in achieving Multi-Agency Assessments in Safeguarding. Learning Outcomes: Summarise and describe key principles of inter-agency and multi-agency assessment. Outline barriers to achieving useful and comprehensive multi-agency assessments for children and families. Identify the strategies for multi-agency working together according to best practice. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including Social Workers in Children and Families and all Practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers and Mentors etc. This group have considerable professional and organisational responsibility for safeguarding and promoting children’s well-being. They have to be able to act effectively on child welfare concerns. This group also needs to be able to work within an inter or multi-agency context. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures Training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 18 Level 3 Understanding Young People Who Self Harm: 1 day course Trainers: Helen Craster & Julie Bennion Venue: Santon Professional Development Centre Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Dates: 8th November 2013 Aim: To increase staff awareness and understanding of suicidal and self-harming behaviour in young people. Learning Outcomes: Have increased skills in dealing with young people presenting with suicidal and self-harming behaviour in a non discriminatory manner. Have raised awareness regarding resources available for staff and the young person. Understand the range of factors that may promote resilience in children & young people affected by self-harming behaviours. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need and children in need of protection, Social Workers and Social Work Assistants in Children & Families, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers, and Mentors etc. This group have considerable professional and organisational responsibility for safeguarding and promoting children’s well-being. They have to be able to act effectively on child welfare concerns. This group also needs to be able to work within an inter or multi-agency context. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures Training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 19 Level 3 Safeguarding Children in Domestic Abuse: 2 day course Trainer: Michelle Walmsley Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Date: 18th and 19th November 2013 Aim: Raise awareness of the extent and impact of Domestic Abuse on families, children & young people and multi-agency assessment and intervention methods that safeguard. Learning Outcomes: Outline a framework for understanding the nature of Domestic Abuse within our society and how it impacts on families. Identify risk factors for children and young people living with Domestic Abuse. Describe multi-professional roles and the range of multi-agency interventions which improve outcomes for children & young people. Practise assessing levels of risk and protective factors using risk assessment tools. Outline the main tenets of best practice in Safeguarding where Domestic Abuse is a risk factor for children and the IOM Protecting Children Board practice guidance on working with Domestic Abuse. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need and children in need of protection, Social Workers and Social Work Assistants in Children & Families, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers, and Mentors etc. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures training before attending this course. Priority will be given to Safeguarding Leads and those involved in Risk Assessment. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 20 Level 3 Court Skills: 1 day course Trainer: Sue Coyle and Alison Quayle Venue: The Courts & The Lodge, Strang Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm Dates: 21st November 2013 8th May 2014 Aim: Gain confidence and learn skills to deliver effective evidence in Court Proceedings Learning Outcomes: Outline the structures of Isle of Man Courts Describe scope of their role and responsibility in terms of Court Proceedings Write or contribute sections to Court Reports Demonstrate awareness of Court Protocols and rules of giving effective evidence Action plan how to use the learning in the event of being requested to give evidence Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: Practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need and children in need of protection, Social Workers and Social Work Assistants in Children & Families, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers, and Mentors etc. This group will likely be required to give evidence in Court Proceedings as a result of their work with children and families. Pre-requisites: Places on this course are very limited and will be prioritised. Applicants should evidence their requirement for this course as much as possible within their application. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 21 Level 3 Working with Families Affected by Parental Alcohol Problems: 2 day course Trainer: Viv Mumby Venue: The Lodge Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Date: 11th and 12th February 2014 Aim: To increase the effectiveness of work with children and families not only within the Alcohol field but also Childcare, Social Work and Family Support. To provide an opportunity for skill sharing and relationship building across professional networks. Learning Outcomes: Explore concepts of safe parenting and risk. Understand Child Protection concerns and statutory safeguarding processes. Utilise risk assessment tools and develop collaborative approaches for multi-agency working. Develop skills to work with problem drinking parents towards making sustainable changes. Develop Holistic approaches to work with dependency and parenting. Develop skills to facilitate parents to realistically achieve safety and well being for their children. Develop skills to work with children’s fear, shame and overall adversity. Develop a time limited intervention based on resilience building in children. Target Audience: Multi-Agency Practitioners who work with children and families where Alcohol misuse is a safeguarding concern. Practitioners seeking to move from assessment to positive, skill based interventions with families within a safeguarding model. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 22 Level 3 Assessment, Analysis and Intervention in Sexual Abuse: 2 day course Trainer: Martin Calder Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Dates: 27th and 28th March 2014 Aim: To provide participants with a range of materials to enable them to understand and assess various areas subsumed within the Sexual Abuse umbrella. To start to develop capacity for analysis of information collected. Learning outcomes: Identify the differences between Sexual Abuse assessments and other types of assessments. Differentiate between adults, young people and children who sexually abuse. Explore the differences and similarities between men and women who perpetrate Sexual Offences. Identify the key issues surrounding assessment of offenders with a learning disability. Provide a range of initial and core assessment frameworks for operational use. Introduce the concept of actuarial risk tools into our work and to provide several examples of these materials. Identify the problems associated with our intervention with non-abusing carers. Provide a holistic framework for assessing mothers whilst supporting and understanding them. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: Social Workers in Children and Families and all practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers and Mentors etc. Pre-requisites: Applicants should have completed the Level 2 Recognising Sexual Abuse training before attending this course. Places on this course are very limited and will be prioritised. Applicants should evidence their need for this course as much as possible within their application. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 23 Level 3 Working with Resistant, Hostile & Falsely Compliant Families: 2 day course Trainer: Ruth Pearson Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Date: 22nd and 23rd May 2014 Aim: To To To To To facilitate discussion and address concerns in working with families resistant to involvement. consider lessons from practice and research. assist understanding of reasons for hostility or resistance. address the impact on workers engaged with difficult families. develop practical authoritative working ways with families to meet the needs of the child. Learning Outcomes: Outline lessons from serious case reviews. Describe factors underlying hostility towards workers in families. Understand the impact on worker. Recognise a range of strategies for working with hostile families. Identify best practice in multi-agency working. Identify the barriers to making effective partnerships with families in the Child Protection system. Describe the paths workers can take to avoid provoking hostility. Outline strategies for working effectively with families where there is hostility. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need and children in need of protection. For example Social Workers and Social Work assistants in Children & Families, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers, and Mentors etc. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Protecting Children Board Child Protection Procedures training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 24 Level 3 Awareness and Interventions for Safeguarding Babies: 1 day course Trainers: Lynda Thompson & Sue Owen Venue: The Lodge, Strang Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm Dates: 2nd July 2014 Aim: Raise awareness of the vulnerability of babies pre-birth and in early infancy and the multiagency safeguarding responsibilities in assessment and interventions that promote safety and well being. Learning Outcomes: Describe the nature and impact of a range of family and parental stress factors on the development, safety and welfare of babies. Outline the pathways for effective early intervention including Child Protection processes that Safeguard babies and contribute to better health and welfare outcomes. Demonstrate and understanding of effective multi-agency interventions that keep babies safe and promote healthy development. Target Audience: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers including: practitioners contributing to assessments of children in need and children in need of protection, Social Workers and Social Work Assistants in Children & Families, Adult Social Workers, Residential Social Workers, Family Centre Workers, Education Welfare Officers, Hospital, Community (including GPs and Practice Nurses) and Mental Health Staff, Police Officers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Educational Psychologists, Day Care Staff, Professional Youth Workers, Probation Officers, and Mentors etc. Pre-requisites: Applicants should complete Basic Child Protection Awareness training before attending this course. Applications: Please complete an application form – see page 31. 25 Internal Trainer Information Julie Bennion Julie began her career working with homeless adults and young people in Oxford before qualifying as a Social Worker in 1993. She has 20 years professional experience as a Mental Health Practitioner and Manager. She has worked in Homelessness Teams, an Assertive Outreach Service and in both Acute and Rehabilitation and Recovery Services. Julie originates from the Isle of Man and returned in 2010 to take up the post of Specialist in Mental Health Promotion with the Mental Health Service. Julie’s role is focused on improving the Mental Health of the Isle of Man population and addressing stigma and discrimination for people with Mental Health problems and their families. She has a particular interest in prevention and early intervention to tackle mental distress, especially in relation to children and young people. Julie is a qualified Practice Teacher for Social Workers and was previously a member of the East Midlands Approved Social Worker Consortium with responsibility for assessing and improving trainee Approved Social Workers across a region covering four counties. Grainne Burns Grainne has worked in the Youth Work field for over 20 years, initially as a Youth Worker and Residential Worker, and latterly as a Youth Officer with the Department of Education and Children’s Youth Service. She has been involved with Child Protection in all of these roles and is committed to enhancing training and practice in this area. She is involved in the Multi-Agency training team and in the last few years has developed a particular interest in raising awareness around Child Sexual Exploitation. Sue Coyle: Sue has 30 years combined experience as a Social Worker in both Ireland and the Isle of Man. She has a B. Soc. Studies degree and a CQSW and Diploma in teaching, and is currently working towards a Masters in Professional Practice. Since moving to the Isle of Man in 1996, she worked as a Social Worker in Child Protection and now co-ordinates the Child Protection training on behalf of the Protecting Children Board. Helen Craster Helen qualified as an Integrative Arts Psychotherapist in 2002 and is registered through the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy (UKCP). She holds a Diploma and Masters Degree in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy and a Certificate in Emotion Literacy, Helen has spent the past 25 years dedicated to the emotional and therapeutic needs of Looked After Children or the prevention of children being received into the care system. Helen is currently seconded to the Department of Social Care as the Therapeutic Support Manager. Her permanent position is Looked after Children’s/Young People’s Psychotherapist within the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service where she has worked for 9 years. Sue Owen Sue is a Health Visitor and Safeguarding Children’s Nurse within Primary Care in the Department of Health. Sue currently delivers training on Safeguarding Babies with Linda Thompson. 26 Internal Trainer Information (continued) Linda Thompson Linda is a Named nurse for Safeguarding Children within Primary Care in the Department of Health and currently delivers training on Safeguarding within the Department of Health and Safeguarding Babies with Sue Owen. Victor Whiteside Prior to living and working in the Isle of Man, Victor worked in youth and community, including centres in Northern Ireland and Berlin. Victor also worked in Austria with refugees from the then Eastern Bloc countries, delivering a leisure service as well as supporting asylum seekers. Since moving to the Isle of Man since 1989 Victor has had a number of roles, including Residential Worker, Outreach Support and Director of a large Residential provider. Latterly he has been employed in the children and families team as a social worker and currently leads the development of the integrated children system, primarily focussing on the electronic recording system. He has special interest in the role of the Appropriate Adult and is currently scoping an Appropriate Adult scheme supported by volunteers and offering an on call duty service. Pool Trainers: Also delivering training are a selection of specialists, released by their organisations to help deliver Basic Child Protection Awareness training each year: Kim Capper Karen Davies Margaret Howie Teresa Jones Emma McClean Jo Richardson Steve Winchester 27 Social Worker Children’s Services Officer Teacher Senior Nursery Nurse Manager Headteacher Prison Officer The Children’s Centre Crossroads Cronk y Berry Primary School The Children’s Centre CAMHS Onchan Primary School Isle of Man Prison External Trainer Information Viv Mumby Viv Mumby B.A.(Hons) DipCouns DipSupv Cert Ed. (FE) initially trained as a counsellor between 1991 and 1995. She has worked for 17 years in Cardiff County Council Drug and Alcohol Team both as a counsellor and trainer. She has had extensive experience in direct client work with individuals and families during this time. She is involved with the training of Social Workers in Cardiff and runs LSCB courses in substance misuse and parenting capacity. She now runs a training project that equips Health and Social Care Professionals to offer the best possible evidence based interventions to families. This aims to maximise both change around problem substance misuse in adults and the safeguarding of children. She is an experienced Motivational Interviewing Practitioner and Trainer and trained with Bill Miller and Steve Rollnick. Viv regularly trains groups throughout the UK for Alcohol Concern and other organisations including The Salvation Army, Royal College of General Practitioners and has just secured a consultancy and training contract with BAAF (British Association of Adoption and Fostering). 28 External Trainer Information (continued) Carole Williams Carole worked as a Teacher for 37 years, 25 of which were spent in Special Needs, teaching at Glencrutchery Special School in Douglas, before becoming Unit Manager at Scoill Vallajeelt. Up until her recent retirement from teaching, Carole taught in Elmer's Room, the Special Unit at Scoill Phurt le Moirrey. She has a degree in Special Needs and joined the pool of Child Protection trainers during the latter part of her teaching career. Ruth Pearson: Ruth is a Lecturer in Social work at Sheffield University and has over 20 years’ experience in the field of Child Protection. She has worked in Multi-Agency Child Protection training and managed Safeguarding Training Services for ACPC’s /LPCBs. She is the author of Working with Hostile or uncooperative families in Good Practice in Safeguarding Children (Hughes & Owen, 2009). She has also written national guidance on Disguised Compliance. Ruth is a free lance trainer and facilitator and has been the independent author of a number of serious case reviews and audit of professional practice. 29 External Trainer Information (continued) Michelle Walmsley: Michelle’s Professional background is in Women’s Aid, Youth & Community Work and Adult Training. She specialised in anti-discriminatory practice, Domestic Abuse and self-esteem building through activities. Michelle was involved in devising and delivering the very first child protection training for education staff across Manchester. She’s been part time Multi-Agency Safeguarding Training Coordinator in Bury, Greater Manchester, since 2000. Michelle was a founding member of the North West Inter Agency Training Group (NWIAT) in 2001 who are an influential professional group of senior LSCB Training Co-ordinators that collaborate to raise standards of Safeguarding training across the region, write regional courses and train members of each other’s Training Pools. She runs her own training & consultancy business around single agency safeguarding issues, offering tailor-made courses to organisations as diverse as Skills Solutions, Refugee Action, The National Brain Injury Federation, Toni & Guy and Educational Staff. Michelle also supervises individual managers / staff groups [including Manchester Women’s Aid and Hyndburn & Ribble Valley Domestic Abuse Project (HARV)] and devises ‘Managing Change’ programmes to staff groups. Martin Calder Martin Calder has operated as a specialist Child Protection Social Worker, Child Protection Coordinator and latterly as Operations Manager for the Child Protection Unit with Salford City Council. Martin has also worked as a lecturer on the Child Care Award at the University of Salford and he is now an Honorary Research Fellow with Durham University. Martin has written and published extensively around policy and procedural issues in the child care field as well as the development of accessible, evidence-based assessment tools Martin spends a significant amount of time travelling around England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and this encourages a greater cross-fertilization of functional ideas and initiatives. Full details are available at 30 Safeguarding Children Training Course Application 2013-14 Please use this form for all Safeguarding Children Courses. Complete in full, one form per person, per course, and return to: Administrator for Sue Coyle, The Learning Team, The Lodge, Strang, Isle of Man IM4 4RF Or Alternatively Fax: 01624 686848 or Email to: Course Title: Course Date: 2nd Choice of Date (If Applicable): Name (No initials please): Job Title: Organisation/Department: Work Postal Address (or Home if Preferred): Post Code: Email: Telephone: Please detail any requirements you have relating to a disability: Please use this section to any detail information that supports your need for this training: Date: Applicant’s Signature: Line Manager’s Name: Line Manager’s Signature: Line Manager’s Email: Line Manager’s Work Address (If different from above): Places on courses are limited; please ensure you are available to attend the whole course. The Learning Team will contact applicants or their line managers upon receipt of completed applications to confirm bookings. 31 Your Bookings Course Attendees and their Line Managers should keep a record of their bookings, either here or on their own system. Name: 32 Course Title: Date: Proposal for Safeguarding Children Training The purpose of this form is to identify what the current training needs are as identified by organisations or individuals and to enable a prioritisation of those needs. Please complete as much of this as possible. Items marked with an asterisk are essential. 1 *Aim(s) of the course 2 *Learning outcomes 3 *Brief indicative content 4a *Rationale for the course 4b *How has the need been identified? Approaches and learning styles Level 2: Those who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers Level 3: Those with a particular responsibility for safeguarding children Level 4: Strategic/Operational Managers with responsibility for Safeguarding Children 5a 5b Using the above level descriptors, who will need this training? Is there a specific target group that needs this training? * Comparing this with other training needs would you describe it as: (Please tick one) RED: essential to complete in this financial year 6 AMBER: important and quite urgent – need to complete next year GREEN: would be valuable but is less high priority 7 Do you already have thoughts on who might deliver the programme? If so, who would it be? Which organisation to you represent? 8 Who is the main contact person for the proposed training/programme? Please give their details: Address: Email: Tel: Has this identified training been discussed with your line manager? If so, please ask them to countersign this form. Signed: Name: Date: Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, please return it to: Jo Gibson Administrator to Training & Development Group, Department of Education and Children Hamilton House, Peel Road, Douglas, IM1 5EZ Email: Tel: 685796 33
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