January 9, 2015 at 11:55 AM IU#ASIAN#CULTURE#CENTER 807#E.#10th#Street#|#(812)#856.5361 www.indiana.edu/~acc#|#@ACC_IU#|#facebook.com/asianculturecenter Promo%ng(awareness(and(understanding(of(Asian(and(Asian(American(cultures,(history,(and issues(at(Indiana(University(and(beyond.(Providing(ins%tu%onal(resources,(educa%onal(support, and(community(outreach(ac%vi%es(to(students,(faculty,(staff,(and(the(Bloomington(community. ( ACC(EVENTS(FOR(JANUARY(–(FEBRUARY(2015 # ACC Welcome Back Open House Date: Thursday, Jan. 15 Time: 2 to 5 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Welcome to campus! Drop by the Asian Culture Center to learn about the programs, services, and volunteer opportunities we have to offer. We’ll also help you connect with the 24 Asian student organizations on campus and show you how we can make your stay at IU an enjoyable and memorable learning experience. We will provide hot soup, snacks, and great company! For more information, check our website at www.indiana.edu~acc or email us at acc@indiana.edu. Who are Asian Pacific Americans? A Monthly Lunch & Discussion: “How Our Brains Perceive Race,” co-moderated by Margaret Oates and Chris Hooten Date: Friday, Jan. 23 Time: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Lunch is on us! We are not born with racial prejudices, but perhaps we have not been “taught” them either. In this article, found online at http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/howour-brains-perceive-race, journalist Chris Mooney explores possible root causes of racial prejudice. Professor Eliot Smith, Attitudes & Social Cognition Chancellor's Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, will be in attendance to give his expert insight as well. Come with an appetite for discussion! Please RSVP for your free spot at acc@indiana.edu. Over a Cup of Tea presents, “Social Justice Defined: Thoughts on Affirmative Action” Date: Wednesday, Jan. 28 Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: This year marks the 54th anniversary of the Executive Order 10925, used to promote actions that achieve non-discrimination, also known as affirmative action. Kevin D. Brown, the Richard S. Melvin Professor of Law and the Maurer School of Law, will discuss how affirmative action and how it applies to the Asian Pacific American communities. Student Development Workshop Series: Paul Park Date: Thursday, Jan. 29 Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Dr. Paul Park, IUB BS ’04, IUPUI MD ’09, will share his experience about how he arrived at his chosen profession, which combines his passion for social justice and medicine. Cooking demonstration: Ramen Noodles, co-hosted by Hutton Honors College’s Diversity in Action Date: Friday, Jan. 30 Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Join us as we learn how to make variations on this college student staple. This will also be a chance for you to buy the Diversity in Action cookbook, which features easy-to-make recipes submitted by IU students. Please email acc@indiana.edu to reserve your free spot! Presidents’ Luncheon Meeting Date: Friday, Feb. 6 Time: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Sponsored by the Asian Culture Center, these monthly meetings of all Asian student leaders is an opportunity for student leaders to network, get support, and learn from each other’s activities. Community organizations and other student groups are welcome to attend, especially to make important announcements. Please email acc@indiana.edu to be included in the agenda. Over a Cup of Tea presents Prof. Cara Caddoo:(“Mobilizing an Envisioned Community: Asian Americans and the Importance of African American History” Date: Wednesday, Feb. 11 Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: “Why should Asian Americans study African American history?” To answer this question in honor of Black History Month, Assistant Professor of American Studies Cara Caddoo will discuss her own career trajectory, ideas about social justice, and a chapter of her book Envisioning Freedom, which demonstrates why African American and black diasporic history is essential to understanding race in America. Freshmen Outreach Lunch Date: Friday, Feb. 13 Time: 12 to 1:30 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: This is an opportunity for freshmen to meet other freshmen over a light lunch. Please RSVP at acc@indiana.edu. Asian Cultures Around Campus presents, “Lunar New Year Celebration: The Year of the Sheep” Date: Saturday, Feb. 14 Time: 2 to 4 p.m. Time: 2 to 4 p.m. Venue: Monroe County Public Library, 303 E. Kirkwood, Bloomington, IN 47408 Description:(There will be stories, performances, crafts, and snacks for children to celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Drop-in to celebrate! No registration necessary. Children between ages 5-7 should be accompanied by an adult. There will be a 30 minute program featuring stories and performances starting at 2:15 pm to 2:45 pm in the Library Auditorium and crafts for kids will be held starting at 2 pm to 4 pm at meeting rooms B and C next to the auditorium. Who are Asian Pacific Americans? A Monthly Lunch & Discussion: “Remembering the Japanese-American Internment” with Dr. David Suzuki Date: Friday, Feb. 20 Time: 12 to 1 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Dr. David Suzuki, Director, Equity Institute on Race, Culture & Transformative Action and Professor Emeritus, Indiana University School of Medicine, will lead this discussion in remembrance of the Japanese-American Internment. Talking points will include the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during WWII in the context of a history of racism and the implications of the imprisonment for considerations of current events, e.g., treatment of Muslim and Sikh Americans. Please email acc@indiana.edu to reserve your free spot. Title: Special Roundtable Discussion on Racial Balancing at Harvard Date: Wednesday, Feb. 25 Time: 12-1:15 pm Venue: IMU Maple Room Description: Bring your own lunch and thoughts on the New York Times article, “Is Harvard Unfair to Asian Americans?” Campus Pen Pal Orientation Session Date: Thursday, Feb. 26 Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Learn how to become a campus pen pal by attending this session! We will pair you up with a member of the IU family based on your academic and non-academic interests. Unplug from the digital world and re-discover the joy of handwriting letters. Cooking demonstration: Korean Steamed Eggplant, co-hosted by Hutton Honors College Diversity in Action Date: Friday, Feb. 27 Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Venue: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. 10th Street Description: Join us as we learn how to make Gaji Namul (steamed eggplant), a Korean side dish. This recipe, submitted by Sarah Zeng, is featured in the Diversity in Action cookbook, which will be available to purchase after the demo. Please email acc@indiana.edu to reserve your free spot! # To#be#featured#in#ACC#newsleNer:#email#acc@indiana.edu#with#name, descripRon,#date#and#Rme#of#event.##Please#email#no#later#than#Monday#to#be featured#in#that#week’s#leNer.
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