PHOTO MALAWI ASSEMBLIES OF GOD UNIVERSITY HERE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES Complete this form in BLOCK letters and return it in HARD COPY form to: The University Registrar MAGU University P.O. Box 184, Lilongwe Cell:0884394302 0998784590 A. Type of programme applied for Normal entry [ ] Mature entry [ ] Evening entry[ ] Weekend entry [ ] PERSONAL DETAILS Surname: ______________________________ First Name: ______________________ Initials ___________ Sex: Female: Male Age Nationality________________________ Contact Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tel/Mobile:_______________________ Email _______________________________________________ Next of Kin Address __________________________________________________________________ Tel/Mobile:___________________ Email_____________________________________________ B. ACADEMIC RECORD (Tick/indicate on all appropriate sections. Refer to the addendum below) Fill in the gaps below with the information of the certification you possess following the reference in the addendum below. Attach copies of your statement of results or certificates which officially stamped and signed by the headmaster/headmistress of the secondary school where you wrote the examinations or the District Education management or the District commissioner or any Commissioner of Oaths. MSCE: O-Level: 1st Attempt grades Year Exam No. Centre No. Centre Name Subject Grade MAGU ADMISSION IB: AS: NSC 2nd Attempt grades Year Exam No. Centre No. Centre Name Subject Other:_________________ 3rd Attempt grades Year Exam No. Centre No. Centre Name Grade Subject Grade UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION FORM C. CHOICE OF PROGRAMME Please indicate under the column marked X your choice from 1-3 (with 1 being the highest) in the program you want to be considered for in the 2013-2014 academic year Faculty of Education X Diploma in Early Childhood Development BEd (Science) Geography BEd (science)Mathematics BEd (science) ICT BEd (Arts) History Bed(Arts) English BEd (Arts) Religious Education Faculty of Commerce and Management X Faculty of Theology and Ministerial Formation BA Human Resource Management BA Christian Education BCom (Accounting) BCom (Marketing) BCom (Banking and Finance) BCom(Bussiness Information Systems) BCom (Insurance) BA Cooperative Business BCom (Business Administration) PAEC/ICAM - Diploma BA (Bible and Theology) BA Church Ministries BA Intercultural Ministries BA in Biblical Counseling PRE- UNIVERSITY –Bridging program . Tick here X Number of credits Have you studied with any other University elsewhere? If Yes, when______________________ Programme____________________________ University_________________________ Reason for leaving the institution D. EMPLOYMENT RECORD (attach a reference from each employer given below) Name of Employer Post held (start with the recent employer) From Dates To E. REFERENCES List the name and addresses of two people (Religious leader and educator/employee) of at least one year’s acquaintance who are not family members and who can verify your ability to pursue an undergraduate degree. Give reference form to each. Name _______________ Relationship __________Address_______________________________ Name _______________ Relationship __________Address_______________________________ F. DISABILITY: State any disability you may have: G. APPLICATION FEES (All applicants are STRICTLY required to DEPOSIT a non-refundable application fee of K5,000 for Malawian internal applicants, applicants and U$30. for international applicants to the following bank account. MALAWI ASSEMBLIES OF GOD UNIVERSITY(MAGU) NATIONAL BANK OF MALAWI LILONGWE BRANCH ACCOUNT NUMBER: 348422 NOTE: Applicants are advised that deposit slips for application fees or any other fees should be completed in triplicate and that one copy should be attached to the actual forms sent to the MAGU University Registrars’ Office. MAGU ADMISSION UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION FORM H. RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION [ ] Christian [ ] Moslem [ ] Baha’i [ ] Hindu [ ] Other (Specify) If Christian - Church You attend:____________________________City___________________________________ Denomination______________________________________________________________________ I: DECLARATION I ______________________________________________________________________ hereby Certify that the information given above is true and to the best of my knowledge. I further recognize that any misrepresentation of facts on the application could be cause for expulsion or suspension from the Malawi Assemblies of God University if discovered after enrolment. Signature____________________________________ Date__________________________ K: FINANCIAL SUPPORT Who will sponsor your education at the Malawi Assemblies of God University? If it is an institution or any other body other than self, please attach a letter from the sponsor. If self, please indicate how you will raise the money. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Recommendation by Dean of Faculty Recommended programme: Not Recommended – Reason: Dean’s Signature Date: Endorsed by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) DVC’s Signature: Date: Years [1] [2] [3] [4] Selection Committee Decision Approved – Programme: Not Approved – Reason: Chairperson’s Signature: Date: Action by University Senate: Signature of Chairperson of University Senate: Date: MAGU ADMISSION Years [1] [2] [3] [4] UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION FORM Addendum PROGRAM INFORMATION a. General Entry Information Either 1. Be holders of MSCE, IGSCE or other internationally recognized qualification comparable to ‘O’ level certificates with at least six credits including English Language. The following is the MAGU University interpretation of IGCSE results for admission purposes: A*= 1; A = 2; B = 3; C = 5; D = 7; EFG = 8. 2. Candidates who failed to satisfy the university entry requirements in the recent past (not more five years but successfully improved their grades after re-sit for up to a maximum of four subjects may use their supplementary statements for purposes of accumulating credits. Please note that for purposes of accumulating grades, applicants cannot use two independent certificates, i.e. applicants who passed MSCE in a certain year such as 2008 or 2009 and were awarded a full certificate and sat again MSCE in 2010 and obtained another full certificate cannot combine grades from the two independent certificates. 3. Candidates with ‘A’ level qualifications must have a minimum of three principal passes with an aggregate of at least 9 points obtained in 2011, 2010 or 2009. For purposes of selection, A level grades are interpreted as follows: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1. 4. Candidates with an International Baccalaureate (IB) must have a minimum of 30 points. 5. Candidates with an Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Certificate must have achieved at least grade ‘C’ in four AS-Level recognized subjects and one IGCSE Credit including English Language. 6. Candidates with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) must have a minimum score of 60% (Achievement Level 5) in four designated NSC subjects including English OR Pre-University information Candidates should have at least 4 to 5 credits in the Malawi School Certificate of education or its equivalent including English. 1. Addendum stays with the Prospective Student MAGU ADMISSION UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION FORM P.O. Box 184, Lilongwe -Malawi. Phone 265-998784 590/ 884 394 302 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REPORT Section I: To be filled by the Student Student Name ____________________________________ Date: ___________________Sex ___________ Age ________________ Have you been ill or in the hospital in the last three months? _________________________If so explain: ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ History of previous illnesses: (student must fill out before taking this form to be filled by a doctor) Pleases place a “tick” () in box () before each disease or condition you many have had in the past: Diabetes Breathing problems Ear problems Syphilis Heart Problem Liver Problems Gonorrhea Anemia Flue symptoms Diarrhea Tooth Pain Sore throat Eye Diseases Malaria Other Blood Problems Hypertension Tuberculosis Kidney or urinary problems Headaches Other (name below) Details of “others” as ticked above: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate when you had the last occurrence or any of the conditions you have ticked above: Please place a tick “(4)” in the box () before each of the following immunizations for communicable disease you have had: Polio Measles DPT Other ____________________________________________________ Describe any depression, anxiety or mental illness you may have had: Section II: To be filled by the Physician Weight ___________ BP ___________ Pulse ___________ Review of system HEENTI CHEST CVS ABDOMEN QU (include pelvic exam on women) EXTREMITIES – NERO – LABARATORY: (ALL LAB SLIPS MUST BE ATTACHED) BLOOD: HGB _____ HCT _____WHITE COUNT _____ VDRI _____URINE: Microscopic: ____________Blood Type _________ Sugar ______________Albumin _____________Pregnancy ____________PPD Result ____________ (if positive then do a chest x-ray) VISION: Right eye ____________________ Left Eye: ____________________ Any apparent eye problem: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommended for University Studies Yes Date ________________________________ Signature of Examiner ______________________________ MAGU ADMISSIONS (UNDERGRADUATE) No PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REPORT MALAWI ASSEMBLIES OF GOD UNIVERSITY This form serves as contractual evidence of MAGU student recruitment agent. MAGU has given a mandate to the undersigned person to assume the responsibility of Student Recruitment which includes distributing forms on its behalf. Therefore, MAGU is interested to know who has taken an initiative to connect you to this fast growing university by attaching this form to the MAGU application packet. This form is not for sale, therefore, prospective students are advised never to pay the MAGU agent but make all MONEY transaction through MAGU bank account or direct to MAGU accounts office For info, call 0998784590 or 0884394302 or email: MAGU AGENT DETAILS Name:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... P.O. BOX………………..…. ………………………… ..............E-mail……………………………………………... PHONE……………………………………………………If you are MAGU STUDENT give your Student ID. NO…………………………………… If not a Student give another IDENTITY NUMBER…………………… PROGRAM OF STUDY………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OCCUPATION……………………………………………………DENOMINATION……………………………………… PLEDGE: I………………………………………………………………………. Sorely accept a responsibility of being an agent for MAGU and all the condition attached. Signature…………………………………………………………………………Date………………………………………… NOT FOR SALE! This form must be authenticated by the Registrar’s Office before distribution MALAWI ASSEMBLIES OF GOD UNIVERSITY (SHEAFFER CAMPUS) 2015 NORMAL UNIVERSITY INTAKE Malawi Assembly of God University is pleased to announce to all prospective students to apply now . Op opening date is 5 January 2015 PROGRAMS OFFERED THE FACULTY OF COMMERCE AND FEES PER SEMESTER MANAGEMENT (4 Years) RESIDENTIAL NON -RESIDENTIAL WEEK-END BCom (Accounting) EVENING BCom (Marketing) BCom (Banking and Finance) BCom (Insurance) K336,000 K286,000 K278,000 BA Cooperative Business BCom (Business Administration) BCom(Business Information Systems) THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION DURATION:3 Years Diploma in Early Childhood Development K256,000 K211,000 K203,000 DURATION:4 Years BEd (Geography) BEd (Mathematics) K336,000 K286,000 K278,000 BEd(Languages) BEd(History) BEd (ICT) BA Religious Education THE FACULTY OF THEOLOGY AND MINISTERIAL FORMATION (4 Years) BA (Bible and Theology K336,000 K286,000 K278,000 BA Intercultural Studies BA Biblical Counseling Note: The private caterer operates MAGU kitchen, charges are K35, 000 per month and it is subject to change. Requirements: M.S.C.E with 6 credits or equivalent. GRADUATE PROGRAM (24 Months) MA- Community Psychology K75,000 Per subject 3 subjects per Term MA- Christian Leadership Books, Accommodation, library -separate charges MA-Intercultural Studies PRE-UNIVERSITY INTAKE The Pre-University is a Bridging Program solely designed for students Fees Residential with 4 or 5 credits .This Bridging Program runs for six months, split K252,000 into two terms .The Pre-university covers eight courses, and two (3 Months) courses are transferrable to MAGU regular programs. Therefore, Upon completion of the pre-university, students may choose any of above listed MAGU programmes. Non-Residential K202,000 (3 Months) ACCREDITATION The University is registered with the Registrar of companies under the Companies Act (1984) and registration No 13057. Currently, MAGU is working with National Council of Higher Education (NCHE) to finalise the Accreditation Process. MAGU COUNCIL During the 2010 General Assembly of the Malawi Assemblies of God, the delegates adopted the 2020 Vision, which among other things called for the creation of a high standard university to serve the nation of Malawi. The University Charter was adopted then facilitated the appointment of the University Council, Senate and the recruitment of the lecturers and administrators in setting up the university. Malawi Assemblies of God (MAGU) Council comprises of the following members: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dr. Ted Nakhumwa, Chairman Rev. Benito Chisamba Dr. Wilfred Kadewa Dr. Alfred Maluwa Ms. Sara T. Nayeja Mrs. Victoria Geresomo 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rev. Justin Nyondo Rev. Maxton Chipungu Rev. Adrian Phiri Mr. Robert C. Mkandawire Dr. Agnes Mwangwela Dr. Enson M. Lwesya, Deputy Vice Chancellor Mr. Albert Neba, Registrar. MAGU MISSION To Advance knowledge and produce innovative spirit-empowered technocrats and leaders who serve the nation and entire world with integrity. MAGU Delivery mode: Regular, Week-end & Evening BANK :NATIONAL BANK OF MALAWI-LILONGWE BRANCH , BANK ACC:348422 CONTACTS: The University Registrar Malawi Assemblies of God University Paul Kagame Road, Area 32 P.O Box 184, Lilongwe Call: 0998784590 or 0884394302 ,0884214539, O999187001,0888874532 or Apply online or download a form. Applications to be submitted not later than 1 December 2015. Opening Date is on 5 January 2015
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