Lutheran Church of the Incarnation THIS WEEK AT LCI Sunday 1/11 8:30 9:30 10:30 4:30 am am am pm Monday 1/12 Tuesday 1/13 Saturday 1/17 Sunday 1/18 A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) The Reverend Dan Smith, Pastor 1701 Russell Blvd. • Davis, CA 95616 • (530) 756-5500 • Pastor Dan’s Sabbath Welcome to LCI! 6:15 pm Council Dinner (SSP) 7:00 pm Council Meeting (SSP) Wednesday 1/14 10:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 Thursday 1/15 Second Cycle Sunday Baptism of Our Lord Worship Service (S) LCI Sunday School Baptism of Our Lord Worship Service (S) Confirmation Class (DLC) 7:00 10:00 7:00 7:00 am pm pm pm Staff Meeting (LCI office closed until 11:30 am) AA (AP) Crossways Bible Study (DLC) NA (AP) am am pm pm Men’s Fellowship Breakfast (Caffé Italia) Women’s Group (Lynn Evert’s home) Choir Rehearsal (Sharon Cuthbertson’s home) GA (SR) 8:00 am Property Committee Workday 8:30 9:30 10:30 4:30 am am am pm Second Sunday after Epiphany Worship Service (S) LCI Sunday School Second Sunday after Epiphany Worship Service (S) Confirmation Class (DLC) We are glad you are worshipping with us this morning. If you are a visitor and have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask one of the ushers or anyone seated near you. Please take a moment to fill in the Friendship Folder when it is passed down the row. Check any boxes that apply and return it to the center aisle. We look forward to getting to know you! We extend a special welcome to families with young children. We hope your worship experience at LCI will be meaningful for all members of your family. There are blue craft bags, filled with activities to keep kids engaged, available in the former entry at the back of the sanctuary. Also, children who have been receiving Communion at another church are welcome to do so at LCI. Please have them hold out their hands when it is time to be served. If you would like your children to start receiving Communion, contact Pastor Dan. Finally, nursery care is available for children under the age of 6. The nursery is located in the portable trailer in the parking lot. And a warm welcome to UCD students! We are happy you are worshipping with us today and hope you will make us your church home. Be sure to visit your Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCD. It sponsors a number of events at The Belfry (216 A Street). Assisting with worship this Sunday, January 11, 2015 Assisting with worship next Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:30 am 10:30 am Assisting Minister: John Fortuna Jerry Schlenker Reader: John Fortuna Roger Willmarth Ushers: Steve & Karen Slinkard Peter & Debbie Kennedy Greeters: Lynn Evert Joey & Ridz Aquino Prayer Minister: Judi Berry Marilyn Moyle Koki Mochizuki Jared Hunt Kids’ Talk: NA Susie Carlson Closer: NA Jerry Marr Counters: NA Peter Kennedy & Autumn Marr Acolyte: 8:30 am 10:30 am Assisting Minister: Dick & Judi Berry Mary Stewart Reader: Dick & Judi Berry Diane Machuga Ushers: Richard & Pat Wheeler Craig Lundgren & Karen Hamilton Mark Lundgren Patrick Odland & Caren Livingstone NA Susie Carlson Koki Mochizuki Kaitlyn Sedwick Kids’ Talk: NA Craig Lundgren Closer: NA Jerry Marr Counters: NA Dick Berry & Diane Machuga Steve and Karen Slinkard Susie Carlson and Diane Machuga ** 9:30 am ** Debbie Kennedy Greeters: Prayer Minister: Acolyte: Service Hosts: SS Hosts: Our Shared Life and Ministry January’s Monthly Ministry Partner (MMP) is Fourth & Hope Fourth and Hope, a community safety net providing care for the hungry and homeless throughout Yolo County, provides nearly 70,000 meals each year to the hungry and homeless and arranges shelter for over 450 homeless individuals yearly. The agency helps individuals and families in crisis at the Emergency Shelter, open 365 days a year. Their Family Transitional Housing Program provides shelter and support services to children and parents, helping to secure their economic independence through employment or other benefit programs and ultimately, secure permanent housing. A third program, Walter’s House, is a residential substance abuse program with a 60 percent success rate: a life free from drugs, with employment and stable housing. For more information, visit, call (530) 661-1218 or email LCI Workday Do you have two hands and a heart for tending the LCI campus? If so, please join us Saturday, January 17th as we care for our campus grounds and buildings. We will meet at 8:00 am for a light breakfast and devotions. Then, off to work until a brief meeting at 10:30, followed by more jobs at noon. For more information, contact Debbie and Peter Kennedy at (530) 756-8812. Ladies Dinner Out The Ladies Dinner this month is Monday, January 19th, 6:30 pm, at Jade Garden, 2939 Spafford St., Suite 125. All ladies are welcome. If you plan to attend, please call Judi Berry at (530) 753-6437. Belfry Dinners Needed Worship and Service is looking for volunteers to bring dinner to the Belfry on Wednesday, January 21st, for an average of 10-12 students. They have vegetarians who attend weekly dinner and worship, so be sure to include a veggie option. Please have the dinner there by 6:00 pm., although earlier works better. They are a little cramped on refrigerator space, so if your dinner needs to be refrigerated, bring it closer to 6:00. The Belfry provides plates, drinks, cups, and utensils. If you are interested in volunteering to bring a meal, please contact Craig Lundgren at (530) 792-8800. LCI Prayer Pal sign-ups for 2015 LCI's Prayer Pal program is taking sign ups for next year. It is open to all LCI women. Last year we had 31; so far we have 25 for next year. You draw a person's name and remember her in your prayers and send small gift throughout the year. Next Christmas will reveal who we had. Drawing for 2015 will take place about the 2nd week of January. If interested you can contact Lynn Evert at (530) 756-2030. Renovation Progress The back of the Fellowship Hall has walls again! The renovation is progressing rapidly now. Exciting stuff!! LCI’s New Office Hours Beginning January 12th, LCI’s new office hours will be: Monday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm Tuesday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Wednesday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm Thursday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Friday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm Prayers LCI is a community that prays for one another. If you would like a request added to the prayer chain and included here and in the prayers of intercession, contact Carole Franti at or (530) 756-3601, and also the church office at (530) 756-5500. Prayer requests remain on the list for 4 weeks. We pray this week for. . . Ruth Martin Linda Catena Michael Peart John Huegli Shannon Mingus Bobbie Koehler Todd Brewer Adriel and John Rische Manosh family Steve Beckham For those who mourn: Family and friends of Herb Hocking Family and friends of Dina Biscotti Family and friends of John Kenward Family and friends of Ed MacDonald Other prayers: We ask God’s special blessing upon those of our faith community celebrating upcoming: Birthdays: Audrey Holmes - 1/13 Janice Ariola - 1-16 Anniversaries: John and Carol Huegli - 1/15
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