City of Dundas Administrator/Clerk’s Report City Council Meeting, January 12, 2015 To: Mayor and Council From: John M. McCarthy Date: January 9, 2015 Consent Agenda The consent agenda is a housekeeping function of meetings. Routine matters are placed in the consent agenda for approval without discussion. Any Councilor can request an item or items be removed from the consent agenda for discussion and/or action. Some of the items on this consent agenda are actions required by the Dundas City Code Chapter 3 § 300.01 City Council Meetings and other sections of the City Code. These actions shall occur at the first regular meeting in January (300.01 (D)): 1. Resolution 2015-01 Resolution Designating Depositories and Establishing Procedures for Depositing and Investing Funds: The City does everyday banking at Frandsen Bank and Trust. Frandsen provides the City with “excess collateral” for funds above the limits of FDIC insurance. We have CD’s with the other financial institutions. Currently, investments in the other institutions are below the coverage limit of FDIC. (3001.01(D)(1)) 2. Name Northfield News as the Official Newspaper: Designate the official newspaper (300.01(D)(2)). Special Action Claims: The payment to Wells Fargo is a payment on the 2006A GO Tax Increment Bonds. There are two principal payments totaling $400,000 plus interest remaining to be paid. The payment to Northfield Area Fire and Rescue Service is for the first half of 2015 fire protection. The US Bank and Wells Fargo payments are for expenses related to issuing the 2014A Bonds. Old Business Meeting with Bridgewater Township: In response to the Council’s request to meet regarding funding and liability issues for the PCARD, Bridgewater Township has suggested meeting at 7:00 PM, January 20, 2015. Recommend setting a special meeting of the Dundas City Council to be held at Bridgewater Town Hall, 7:00 PM, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. (Motion) New Business Appoint Acting Mayor: The City Code requires the Council to choose one of the Council Members as Acting Mayor. Councilmember Chad Pribyl served as the Acting Mayor in 2014. (300.01(D)(3)) Move to name Chad Pribyl as Acting Mayor (Motion) Appoint Officers and Members of Department, Boards, Commission, Committees: The City Code states the Mayor appoints the members with the approval of the Council (300.01(D)(4)). The following are the positions which are scheduled for appointment and the names of those whose terms have expired: Dundas Planning Commission Council Representative: Councilmember Grant Modory. Park and Recreation Advisory Board: Councilmember Chad Pribyl. 1 Mill Towns State Trail JPB: Glenn Switzer and Jim Kessler served as members in 2014. The JPA requires the appointments to be elected officials. Dundas Planning Commission Board Member: Former Councilmember Jim Kessler has resigned. This creates a vacancy in one of the board member positions. Park and Recreation Advisory Board: Both of the members, Lee Skaar and Ashley Galagher, whose terms are expiring, have applied for reappointment. Move to approve the following appointments: Grant Modory to a 1-year term on the Planning Commission; Chad Pribyl to a 1-year term on the Park and Recreation Advisory Board; Glenn Switzer and Larry Fowler to the Mill Towns State Trail Joint Powers Board; Larry Fowler to the remainder of a term expiring December 31, 2016 on the Dundas Planning Commission; Lee Skaar and Ashley Galagher to 3-year terms on the Park and Recreation Advisory Board. (Motion) Establish and Appoint Council Members to City Council Committees: The Mayor recommends members of the standing committees. There are two members of each committee. The following councilmembers serve on the 2014 standing committees: Finance and Legislation: Cruz and Switzer Human Resources: Pribyl and Modory Public Safety: Kessler and Pribyl Public Works: Modory and Kessler Business Development: Switzer and Cruz Move to continue the following committees and approve the appointments: John Cruz and Glenn Switzer to the Finance and Legislation Committee; Chad Pribyl and Grant Modory to the Human Resource Committee; Larry Fowler and Chad Pribyl to the Public Safety Committee; Grant Modory and Larry Fowler to the Public Works Committee; Glenn Switzer and John Cruz to the Business Development Committee (Motion) Annual Skating Party: The Park and Recreation Advisory Board requests approval to expend up to $150.00 from Park Programming for the annual skating party on January 31, 2015, from 10:00 2:00 p.m at the Bridgewater Heights Ice Rink. (Motion) Springsted Academy: Springsted will be conducting training on January 29, 2015. The cost is $25.00. Requesting normal and customary expenses to attend the Academy for Government Professionals in St. Paul. (Motion) Engineer’s Report Approve Recommendation to Engage Engineers: City Engineer McMahon is in the process of selecting engineers to assist him with two important projects. He is recommending Council approve engaging engineers to work with the City Engineer to complete the sidewalk and lift station/force main projects. Administrator’s Report. LGA Payment: On December 24, 2014, the City received the second half LGA payment of $74,842. Redeem 2006B Bonds: On January 12, 2015, the 2006B bonds will be refunded by a payment of $811,122.15 from proceeds of the 2014A Series Bonds. After paying for the costs of issuance, the refunding will save the City $84,284.66 in interest over a period of 10 years. Cannon River Regional Park: The City of Northfield has been able to work with MnDNR to amend and increase the Grant Agreement. The increase will also require additional participation from both entities. For Dundas, it appears the increase will require an additional commitment of about $14,000. The City has been contacted by a representative of the property owner regarding a desire to sell, but a formal offer to sell has not been received. Northfield has not taken action regarding the amendment. Page 2 Antenna Lease: ATT has paid the City $34,916.07 to lease space on the east water tower for 2015. Continuing Disclosure Report: The City has entered into an agreement with Springsted to provide Continuing Disclosure for the 2013 bonds. On December 24, 2104, Springsted informed the City that the Annual Report and required financial information had been filed. All of the information is available on the EMMA site. Railroad Siding: The City has been contacted by a company working for Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) in regards to UPRR’s plans to build a siding from south of CSAH #1 in Dundas to north of CSAH #8 near Little Prairie Church. The drawing which accompanied a letter indicates UPRR will need to acquire about 20 feet of right-of-way on the west side of the existing tracks. They are requesting certain information regarding the location of public utilities in the project area. The drawings also indicate the railroad intends to close the crossing at 118th Street. Water Break on Hester Street: City Staff and local contractors responded to a leak in a service line at the intersection of Hester Street and 1st Avenue N. Superintendent Meliza decided to work on Saturday to avoid the coming cold weather and the leak was quickly repaired. Council and Boards NAFRS Meeting: The Northfield Area Fire and Rescue Service Joint Powers Board held the first meeting of 2015 at the Fire Hall. The Board selected Glen Castore to serve as Chair and Bron Scherer to serve as ViceChair. The Facilities Committee reviewed information regarding the Fire Station Expansion and Remodeling Project. The Committee has developed a process to determine if it is feasible to expand and remodel the existing building. The Committee has begun discussion with two architectural firms to review existing information and propose solutions. Northfield Mayor Graham cautioned the Board the parties needed to be properly informed regarding the major financial commitment which the project will require. Much of rest of the discussion centered around replacement of equipment including a fire truck, breathing apparatus and the air compressor for the SCBA. A committee proposed CIP recommends replacement of one of the fire trucks this year. No funds have been requested or budgeted for this estimated $600,000 expense. It was suggested the project would be included in the 2016 request. Another proposal was presented which would replace the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus and the Air Compressor. The total cost for the SCBA equipment would be $177,661.00 and the quote for the compressor is $52,726.00. The cost attributable to Dundas would be about $12,400 depending on installation. It was estimated the sale of existing equipment could return about $15,000 to $25,000. Page 3 CITY OF DUNDAS COUNTY OF RICE STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NUMBER 2015-01 A Resolution Designating Depositories and Establishing Procedures for Depositing and Investing Funds WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §118A.02 requires the governing body of each government entity to designate one or more financial institutions as depositories of funds; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §118A.01 Sub. 3 defines financial institution as “…savings association, commercial bank, trust company, credit union...”; and WHEREAS, the financial institutions to be designated meets the requirements of the State of Minnesota and the City of Dundas; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Frandsen Bank and Trust of Dundas, Minnesota; Castle Rock Bank of Castle Rock, Minnesota; Community Resource Bank of Northfield, Minnesota; Citizens Community Federal of Faribault, Minnesota; and Reliance Bank of Faribault, Minnesota, are is hereby designated as depositories for the funds of the City of Dundas; the City Administrator/Clerk is authorized to deposit City funds therein in accordance with Minnesota Statues §118A.01 to 118A.06; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes §118A, Sub.1, Sec. b, the City Administrator/Clerk be authorized to designate additional depositories; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, for deposits beyond insurance the depositories will furnish collateral in the manner and to the extent permitted by law. All such collateral must be approved by the Dundas City Council and accompanied by a written assignment providing that, upon default, the financial institution shall release to the Dundas City Council on demand, free of exchange or any other charges, the collateral pledged; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all collateral must be placed in safekeeping in a restricted account at either a Federal Reserve Bank or in an account at a trust department of a commercial bank or other financial institution that is not owned or controlled by the financial institution that has furnished the collateral. The selection must be approved by the Dundas City Council. In case of default upon the part of the depository, the Dundas City Council shall have full power and authority to sell such collateral or, as much as may be necessary, to realize the full amount due the City over such federal guarantee. ADOPTED, by the Dundas City Council, of Dundas, Minnesota, on the 12th day of January 2015. CITY OF DUNDAS BY: ATTESTED TO: __________________________ Glenn Switzer, Mayor ___________________________________ John M. McCarthy, Administrator/Clerk Resolution 2015-01 _____________Switzer ____________ Cruz ____________Fowler ______________Modory ____________Pribyl John McCarthy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bridgewater Clerk <> Thursday, January 08, 2015 5:02 PM John McCarthy Kathleen Doran-Norton; John Holden; Gary Ebling Re: 115th St. Good Afternoon, I have spoken with the Bridgewater Township Supervisors and they are available to meet with the Dundas City Council on Tuesday, January 20th, at 7pm at the Bridgewater Town Hall. Please let me know if this date will work for Dundas. Thank you. -Frances Boehning Bridgewater Township Clerk On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 9:31 AM, John McCarthy <> wrote: Good Morning Frances, Last night the City Council approved the 115th Street Agreement and it is has been signed, I will have a signed original in the office unless you want me to mail. The Council also requests another meeting to discuss funding of the PCARD, especially liability issues. One question which came up last night was if the Town has reviewed their insurance policy regarding liability. Merry Christmas, John John McCarthy City Administrator City of Dundas, MN 507-645-2852 1 218-244-1152 (cell) 2 John McCarthy From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Municipal_Advisors <> Monday, January 05, 2015 10:23 AM John McCarthy YOU are Invited: 2015 Springsted Minnesota Academy 2015 Springsted Minnesota Academy - AGENDA.pdf VIEW in browser 2015 Minnesota Academy for Government Professionals presented by: Date: Time: Location: Thursday, January 29, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. CST (registration begins at 9:45 a.m.) Springsted at Cray Plaza (formerly Galtier Plaza) 380 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 CLICK HERE for map 1 SPRINGSTED ACADEMY To keep you updated on a number of important and timely public sector topics along with providing you with day to day solutions, Springsted Incorporated presents the 2015 Academy for Government Professionals. Academy sessions include information on Municipal Advisors (their Fiduciary duty, the relationship between the MA and YOU the Issuer and Market Participants). Finance topics include Continuing Disclosure and Revenue Diversification. There will be a session on Economic Development as well as a session on Organizational Management and Human Resources. Discussions on how to Finance Community Projects, Collaboration and Strategic Planning will top off the day. Along with information presented by Springsted's team of professionals, you will receive practical and useful materials to take back to your organization for use in your jobs. ACADEMY LOCATION AND FEE The Academy will be held at Cray Plaza (home to Springsted’s Corporate Headquarters) in downtown Saint Paul. Parking (included in fee) is available at the Jackson Street Ramp (across the street from Cray Plaza). Fee: $25.00 SAVE 40% ($15.00 per attendee) when you register 2 or more! Lunch and Parking are included To Register, contact Stacey Stewart at or 651-223-3000. The Academy Agenda is attached to this Invitation 800-236-3033 To be removed from the Springsted eMessage list, reply to this email with "remove" in the subject line. 2 Amendment # 1 for Grant Agreement PL13-001 Contract Start Date: Original Contract Expiration Date: Current Contract Expiration Date: Requested Contract Expiration Date: 06/20/14 06/30/16 [IF APPLICABLE] [IF APPLICABLE] Total Contract Amount: Original Contract: Previous Amendment(s) Total: This Amendment: $608,000.00 $560,000.00 $ $ This amendment is by and between the State of Minnesota, through its Commissioner of Natural Resource (“State”) and Cities of Northfield and Dundas, 801 Washington Street, Northfield, MN 55057 (“Grantee”). Recitals 1. The State has a grant contract with the Grantee identified as PL13-001 Cannon River Regional Park to acquire approximately 103 acres along the Cannon River and develop a biking trail, picnic shelter and shore fishing area. 2. To amend the original agreement to delete the biking trail, add access walkways to the project scope and revise the cost breakdown of the project components. The total contract amount is increased to $608,000.00, the grant amount remains at $408,000.00. 3. The State and the Grantee are willing to amend the Original Grant Contract as stated below. Grant Contract Amendment REVISION 1. “Grantee’s Duties” is amended to add: Grantee shall perform the following additional duties: Delete the development of a bike trail and add the development of access walkways. The cost breakdown of the project components is revised according to the Attachment A, attached. The total project cost is $608,000. The grantee must provide a nonstate cash match of at least $200,000.00. The grant amount remains at $408,000.00. 1. STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION 3. STATE AGENCY Individual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. §§16A.15 and 16C.05. Individual certifies the applicable provisions of Minn. Stat. §16C.08, subdivisions 2 and 3 are reaffirmed. Signed: _______________________________________ By: Date: Title: ________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Deputy Director, Parks and Trails Division Grant Contract No: A-#78300, PO #3-56724 Date: ___________________________________________ 2. GRANTEE ________________________________________ GRANTEE City of Northfield The Grantee certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the grant contract on behalf of the Grantee as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. City of Dundas The Grantee certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the grant contract on behalf of the Grantee as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. By: ____________________________________________ By: ___________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ By: ____________________________________________ By: ___________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ Rev. 6/11 Attachment A Project Budget Recipient: City of Northfield and Dundas Grant: PL13-001 Cannon River Regional Park Grant Amount: $408,000 Local Match: $200,000 Total Cost: $608,000 Project Scope: Acquisition of approximately 103 acres along the Cannon River and development of access walkways, a picnic shelter and shore fishing area. Notes / Conditions: A Phase 1 archaeological survey will need to be completed, review and approved prior to any development on the property. Project Components Acquisition +/- 103 Acres Estimated Total Cost $503,000 Access Walkways $25,000 Picnic Shelter $70,000 Fishing access $10,000 Total Cost $608,000 City of Dundas, Minnesota Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2013 Filing Requirements: The City’s Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 and its Annual Budget were filed separately on December 24, 2014. CUSIP 265179 - General Obligation Dated Date Final Maturity 9/4/2013 2/1/2029 Amount Issue name $3,650,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A Issuer Contact Information: Name: Employer: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Email Address: Issuer Website Address: Client #: Mr. John McCarthy, City Administrator/Clerk City of Dundas 216 Railway Street North; PO Box 70 Dundas, MN 55019-0070 507-645-2852 w 001621 Phone: 651-223-3000 Fax: 651-223-3046 Email: Website: Exhibit A Resolution 2013-49 City of Dundas 2014 Budget Final Revenues Tax levy Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue Other revenue and financing Total Revenues $ $ $ $ $ 665,873 375,367 1,041,240 1,041,240 Expenditures General Government Administrative / City Hall Mayor and Council City Administrator Administrative Staff Elections Planning and Zoning General Government $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 83,725 19,563 67,065 51,960 2,850 41,339 266,501 Public Safety Police Department Fire Ambulance/CD/Animal Control Building Inspections Public Safety $ $ $ $ $ 256,412 51,233 1,651 33,169 342,464 Public Works $ 193,605 Cultural and Recreation $ 63,950 Total General Fund Expenditures $ 866,521 $ $ 83,545 91,174 $ 1,041,240 Debt Service 2013A Bonds Other financing uses Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses CITY OF DUNDAS, MINNESOTA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2013 John McCarthy From: Sent: To: Subject: John McCarthy <> Wednesday, January 07, 2015 10:45 AM '' RE: Union Pacific Railroad - construction along Dundas Siding, Dundas, MN Jon, I have looked at the attachment and do not believe there are any city owned utilities which would be impacted by the planned construction. The limited construction documents in possession of the City do not indicate any utilities on the west side of the tracks beyond about 1000 ft SW of West Ave. (CSAH #1). This appears to be in the neighborhood of 200 to 300 ft NE of the beginning of the proposed 20ft ROW expansion. The reason I have delayed a formal response is that the City has contracted with a surveyor to properly locate the utilities in the area. This project was driven by a question regarding another piece of property and locating the utilities was added to it. The surveyor has begun the work and I will send a formal response as soon as the surveyor provides the information. Hopefully this will help. John John McCarthy City Administrator City of Dundas, MN 507-645-2852 218-244-1152 (cell) From: [] Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 9:29 AM To: John McCarthy Subject: FW: Union Pacific Railroad - construction along Dundas Siding, Dundas, MN Hi John: I’m just following up to see if you’ve had a chance to review the attachments. We’re trying to accommodate any City of Dundas facilities that may be impacted by UPRR’s planned construction. Thanks Jon From: WI-Jon Wolverton Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 12:12 PM To: 'JMcCarthy@Dundas.US' Cc: FW-Tim Frost Subject: Union Pacific Railroad - construction along Dundas Siding, Dundas, MN Mr. McCarthy: Union Pacific Railroad is planning some construction along the Dundas Siding in Dundas, MN. 1 Please see the attached correspondence and drawings. Thanks Jon 2 Northfield Area Fire & Rescue Unapproved Minutes of the December 4, 2014 Board Meeting Members Present: Gary Bollinger, Glen Castore, David Drenth, Dana Graham, Paul Liebenstein, Glenn Switzer, Bron Scherer Members Absent: Bernie Street Ex‐officio Present: Jerry Anderson, Brian Edwards, John McCarthy, Monte Nelson Ex‐Officio Absent: Gerry Franek, Nick Haggenmiller Others present: Jeff Machacek The meeting was convened at 9:00am by Chair, Glenn Switzer The meeting agenda was approved by unanimous vote. The minutes of the November 20, 2014 meeting were approved by unanimous vote. Chief’s Report: Chiefs report was presented by Jeff Machacek; no special issues were noted. Finance Report: Bron reviewed the November 24 statements; there was no unusual activity. Brian Edwards noted the availability of grant funds for first responders. Disposition of Year‐End surplus: thE Board agreed that the surplus will be retained by the NAFRS and carried over to the general fund reserve. Disbursements: Cash disbursements, Batch #5, totaling $5,489.84. A motion to approve was made by Glen Castore and seconded by Bron Scherer. The vote to approve was unanimous. Facility Study: Gar Bollinger said that the Facility Committee would be meeting December 8 and expected to complete a request for quote for the Facilities Study. Monte Nelson emphasized the importance of the flood plain issues and noted that the city had studies done on this in the past. Monte will forward electronic copies to Char Hamblin for records. NAFRS Implementation Status: Glen Castore reviewed where the organization is on administrative and set‐up issues. Administrative Issues: The status of the SWAT Team volunteers was discussed and it appears that our insurance will cover workman’s compensation. Glen will have Ryan Blumhoefer draft a brief agreement between the NAFRS and the SWAT Team acknowledging the coverage. John McCarthy brought to the Boards attention notice of a workshop on open meeting laws; the Board agreed that her registration and travel expenses will be paid. Meeting was adjourned at 10:07 a.m. Minutes recorded by Charlene Hamblin. ___________________________________________ Chair _______________________________________ Chief Intergovernmental Meeting 7 pm Wednesday January 28th, 2015 Northfield City Hall - Council Chambers City of Northfield I. Call to order II. Intro of guest speaker – Dennis Luebbe, Rice County Engineer III. Community /Township Updates x Bridgewater Township x Dundas x Greenvale Township x Northfield Township x Waterford Township x Northfield IV. Other/Open V. Adjourn Host list for 2015 Bridgewater Township April 22nd, 2015 Greenvale Township July 22nd, 2015 Northfield Township October 21st, 2015 Dundas Police Department-Reports and Calls for Service for December 2014 12.02-Traffic stop citation issued for No MN D.L and Display Revoked Plates Civil matter reported in the 1400 block of Bluff Street 12.03-Janell Kay Cady, 52, cited for shoplifting at Menards Yellow lab wandering the highway was impounded at Countryside Animal Hospital 12.04-Possible identity theft scam reported in the 200 block of Railway St. S. Assisted the Rice County Sheriff’s Office with a traffic stop 12.05-Two juvenile females were cited for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia Jeffery Robert Briskie, arrested on an outstanding warrant 12.06-Juvenile male was issued a citation for No MN D.L. Juvenile female was issued a citation for No MN D.L. 12.09-Winter parking ban citation issued in the 200 block of Bridge Street Winter parking ban citations issued in the 400 block of Grindstone Lane 12.10-Background checks Dog at Large reported in the area of Pinnacle Park Piglet found wandering Hwy 3 and Hester St. was impounded to Countryside Assisted the Sheriff’s Office with a medical 12.11-Noise complaint reported in the area of Cannon Street 12.13-Jeffery Robert Briskie arrested on another outstanding warrant 12.14-Dyan Lee Gare arrested on suspicion of DUI Assisted other agency with trying to locate a suspect wanted in a burglary 12.16-Compliance checks conducted on local business-ALL denied sales to the buyer 12.19-Medical reported in the 100 block of Forest Ave. Michael Paul Lind was cited for Driving after Revocation 12.20-Christopher Todd Johnson was arrested suspicion of DUI 12.22-Civli matter reported by American Mattress 12.23-Responded o a medical alarm in the 100 block of 1st St. N. Property damage accident with no injuries reported at Hwy 3 and Cannon City Blvd. 12.26-ID theft reported in the 400 block of Schilling Drive Fire alarm reported in the 300 block of Railway St. S. 12.27-Suspicious activity reported near Hwy 3 and Cannon City Blvd. 12.28-Martin Rosas Garces cited for Driving after Suspension and No Insurance 12.31-Marc Lewis Anthony cited for Driving after Revocation and No Proof of Insurance Brady Allen Gora was arrested on suspicion of DUI DUNDAS POLICE DEPARMENT Citations/ Warnings Monthly Report December 2014 Submitted by: Gordon Mincke, Chief of Police OFFENSE ‐ DECEMBER 2014 CITATION WARNING COMPLAINT 1 SHOPLIFTING 1 SPEED 5 9 POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 2 POSSESSION OF SMALL AMOUNT OF MARIJUANA 1 NO MN D.L. 2 DRIVING AFTER REVOCATION 1 3RD DEGREE DUI 1 DUI 2 G. M. DRIVING AFTER CANCELLATION INIMICAL TO PUBLIC SAFETY 1 1 OPEN BOTTLE 1 4TH DEGREE DUI 1 PARKED ON SIDEWALK 1 EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS 4 TOTAL FOR MONTH 20 13 Public notice is hereby given of 2015 Regular Meetings of: Dundas City Council Regular Monthly Meetings held on the 2nd & 4th Mondays at 7:00 p.m. January 12 & 26 April 13 & 27 July 13 & 27 October 12 & 26 February 9 & 23 May 11 & 26* August 10 & 24 November 9 & 23 March 9 & 23 June 8 & 22 September 14 & 28 December 14 & 28 *Meeting change to Tuesday due to Holiday A quorum of Planning Commission may be present at any Regular/Special Meeting or Public Hearing of the City Council Dundas Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Monthly Meeting held on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. January 13 May 12 September 8 February 10 June 9 October 12 March 10 July 14 November 10 April 14 August 11 December – No Meeting Dundas Planning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting held on the 3rd Thursday at 7:00 p.m. January 15 May 21 September 17 February 19 June 18 October 15 March 19 July 16 November 19 April 16 August 20 December 17 A quorum of the City Council may be present at any Regular/Special Meeting or Public Hearing of the Planning Commission --------------------------- All meetings are held at: Dundas City Hall - Council Chamber 216 Railway Street North Dundas, MN 55019 The City of Dundas complies with the ADA. Individuals with disabilities who require special aids should contact City of Dundas, PO Box 70, 216 Railway Street North, Dundas, MN 55019, or call 507-645-2852, 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Any other information concerning these meeting, please contact Administrator John McCarthy at the Dundas City Hall.
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