Tecumseh United Methodist Church Est. 1854 By the time you read this, I will be back in Mexico. This will be my twentieth trip according to the tally I started a few years ago. That’s a lot of tacos. Every visit to Pimpollo (a home for children in Juchitan, Oaxaca) is different. I never quite know who will be home, who will have left home, or who will be new to the house until I arrive. And even then, it takes a few days to ask questions and get things sorted out. After the founder Madre Estela died, the mission changed considerably. The focus now is on raising the children who remain and providing a home for the youth with special needs who will never live independently. The youngest children and babies are generally the children of the children I first fell in love with in 2001. I figure that makes me an abuela, a grandma, by now. The kids aren’t shy about this. They tell me all about my grey hair. I really can blame plenty of it on them. I was never planning on this border-crossing life. I did not expect that a group of Mexican kids would move into my heart and take up permanent residence. But that’s the way it has worked out. When they ask me, as they always do, “When are you coming back?” I’ve never had it in me to be vague. Too many people have abandoned these kids in their lives and I’m just not going to be one of them. So I tell them, it will be another year. I’ll be back in a year. It’s always too long for any of us to be really happy about, but I figure it’s not too shabby considering all the other parts of life I’m juggling. So here we are. Another year has passed and 2015 is upon us. I return to Mexico again because that is a commitment I have made to a family I have chosen, and what about you? What are the commitments that you have made to others and to yourselves over the years and how will you live them out in this New Year? Maybe this January is a good time to consider how we are doing in our commitments and especially in our relationships. How are we showing others that we love them? How are we showing up to listen, to laugh, to play, to comfort, to provide? How are we paying attention to those dearest to us and is there enough space in our lives to welcome someone new into our hearts? It can be a delicate dance, managing our time, our commitments, and our relationships. But if there is anything that my spiritual mentor Madre Estela taught me, it is that with faith there is always room for one more. There are always enough beans for one more mouth. There is always enough love for one more child. God’s love is abundant and overflowing. It is always more than enough. May you know this love is absolutely committed to you, now and always. See you soon! Peace, joy, and every blessing, Rev. Marsh Rev. Sarah Marsh Office: 379-5005 Home: 379-1586 www.tecumsehumc.com Helpful Websites Great Plains UMC www.greatplainsumc.org Upper Room devotional.upperroom.org Topeka JUMP topekajump.weebly.com Facebook TUMC-Facebook this issue Rev. Marsh P.1 Upcoming Dinners P.2 Justice P. 3 Bulletin Board P.4 Thank you /Good Life P.5 Monthly Calendar P.6 Fall Festival P. 8 1|Page Our Christian Sympathy goes out to… Rev Sarah Marsh and family, in the loss of Rev. Marsh’s grandmother, Marjorie whose services were December 17. Frances Meyer’s friends and family whose services were December 20. Mark your Calendar Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, Children’s Sunday school class will be serving soup or chili, corn bread and brownies following the church service. Money raised will be used to purchase materials for the children’s Sunday school lessons and Bible school. United Methodist Women’s Welcome Dinner January 20, 2015 6:30 PM Fellowship Hall Catered meal by Sweet Dreams Catering Cost $5.00 Open to all women of the church, join us and learn about what it means to be a Methodist Women and what we do here at Tecumseh United Methodist Church to support mission work and our church. Call the church office 379-5005 to make reservations by January 15. CROCK POT COOKERY Saturday, Jan 24 at 1pm The TUMC Health Ministry team is presenting another of their now-famous cooking presentations. Bring your appetites, and any personal slow –cooker recipes you might want to share, and prepare to be wowed with of full range of slow cooking options to sample!! This afternoon of food and fellowship may be the thing for after the holiday blues. Plus, you may go home with some great ideas and recipes for feeding your family (or a church potluck). AND, there is a chance for a great door prize?! Once again, all are invited to this Health Ministry offering. 2|Page From the Stewardship and Finance Committee: As of December 1, 2014, the projected cost of the three main areas of necessary expenses for our church-personnel, property (which consists mainly of utilities and insurance), and our connectional commitment to the Conference-- exceeds our projected income. Income is projected based on the total amount committed by members and friends of Tecumseh United Methodist Church for furthering God's work through our church in the year 2015. Please pray with us that we may see God's purpose for us in the coming year as we seek to teach and share God's love with all. Special Sundays 2015 The United Methodist Church designates 6 Special Sunday offerings to be taken churchwide. Human Relations Day- (Jan 18) supports Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Service and Youth Offender Rehabilitation programs. One Great Hour of Sharing- (March 15) provides major support of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) which allows 100% of designated gifts to be used for the specified disaster response or other ministry. Native American Ministries Sunday- (April 19) - funds urban ministries with Native Americans, scholarships for Native Americans attending UM seminaries and annual conference Native American ministries. Peace with Justice Sunday- (May 31) supports peace with justice ministries through the General Board of Church and Society and the annual conferences. World Communion Sunday- (Oct 4) supports World Communion Scholarships, the Ethnic Scholarship Program, and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program. United Methodist Student Day- (Nov 29) provided loan and scholarship funds for United Methodist college, university, and graduate students. The suggestion has been $1 per member. Please give generously. Your gift makes a difference. More information can be found by clicking link- Special Sundays 2015 Justice Ministry Update Justice Ministry @ TUMC through our involvement in the Topeka JUMP (Justice Unity Ministry Project) is beginning its second year. After choosing Mental Illness as this year’s focus, the Research Committee has already participated in interview meetings and three more are scheduled for the first week of January. We have met with the Director of the Council on Developmental Disabilities, staff @ Family Service and Guidance Center, Director of the Shawnee County Department of Corrections, Director of the Topeka Metro, and the Exec Director of Kansas NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Starting off January, meetings are scheduled with the Rescue Mission, NETReach, Topeka Reentry Action Group, and Recovery Oriented Systems of Care. Through these and many more interview meetings, the Research Committee will look for recurring problems that will narrow the focus and lead to an issue and hopefully, possible solution. This is the same process used last year. Updating the Education campaign: we continue to attend Topeka 501 Board of Education meetings-with our presence still seeking the goal of three more Communities in Schools Coordinators in the Topeka elementary schools. 3|Page THE BULLETIN BOARD January USHERS Jan Mason Olga Hennessey JANUARY BIRTHDAYS GREETERS Willa Norwood DORCAS CIRCLE 4- Marie Winter-Zima 6- Charlene Proper (84) 8- Lucille Zimmer 12- Nancy Rush 14- Justin Chilcott (87) 20-Wade Hapgood 21- Laura Atkinson 24-Bruce Waller 28- Sandra Parnell 29- Tim Lavin 30-Sis Long Carol Roberts 31-Doris Skinner Wednesday, Jan 18 9:30am JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES HOSPITAL & HOME VISITS NURSERY EVE CIRCLE Tuesday, Jan 17 7:00pm FINANCE REPORT January 1, 2014 Balance Forward: $3,534.07 TOTAL INCOME NOVEMBER: $15,433.66 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: $9,811.69 CASH BALANCE: $1,240.90 February Newsletter Guest Pastors in January January 4, Reverend Kent Melcher a former pastor of Shawnee Heights Methodist church, Topeka District Superintendent, and retired from the Kansas East conference will be filling in for Reverend Marsh who be be returning to her children at the orphanage. January 11, Reverend Wayne Castle will be in the pulpit preaching for Reverend Marsh. Reverend Castle is a former pastor of Tecumseh United Methodist church and recently retired again from Stull United Methodist church. Please make sure the office has any announcements, articles, or information for the February newsletter. Deadline for submissions is Jan 20 Newsletter folding will be on Jan 26. 28-Boos Ed & Stacy 31-Krug Dan & Pat (50) Dillons Cards When you buy the cards from this church Dillons makes a 6% donation to the church! Therefore, each card you buy Dillons donates $3 to our church. You do not pay anything extra- you pay $50 for each card and you have $50 to spend on groceries, gas, and pharmacy items. We will be selling cards every Sunday after church in the south room. Cards may also be purchased in the office during regular office hours. Thank you, Dillons! 4|Page I would very much like to thank the anonymous individual for the Christmas card I received at the church. The love and generosity of people in this community never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for truly touching my heart at a time when it was needed most. God bless. -Cindy Whitsell Thank you for coming to my party. It was a great day!! But I sure blew it the next day. It is a slow process and a frustrating time. My arm is healing from the x-rays but it will be a month or more before I am out of the sling able to move my arm much. I am in no pain unless I move it which I am very careful not to. It has been quite an adventure!! I want to thank all of you who made my birthday party so special! I was sorry I blew it the next day, but I thank you all for so many cards, visits and prayers. It has been hard and a real challenge to function with one left hand but I have learned how to slow down and be more patient with life. (I hope) I miss all of you and will be glad when I feel up to coming back to church. Right now, I just feel safer at home. But thanks for all your love and caring. -Betty Fergola We invite you to Service January 7 5 pm Community Dinner Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Jell-O Salad, Vegetables, Dessert & Drink 6 pm Good Life Service We will be talking about New Beginnings! Good Life -New Beginnings Discovery Club… will resume after the holidays on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. We are always looking for a “few good men” (or women!) –actually a LOT! - to join us in sharing God’s love with kids from T North. Especially now. We have 40-45 kids who come eager to be in relationship with adults that care. And we do care. It isn’t always easy to come each week with the patience that’s required to share God’s love and establish those relationships that may make a world of difference in a young life. Please give it some thought and consider if this might be a place for you to make a difference. We can certainly use you! 5|Page Sun Mon Tue Wed Sunday Services Sunday School 9:30 Worship10:45 4 10:30a- Kids choir practice 5 7p-Boy Scouts 6 3:30p-5:30p Discovery Club 7 5p-6:30p Community Dinner 6p- Good Life Thu Fri Sat 1 Office Closed 7p-Choir Practice 2 3 8 7p- Choir Practice 9 10 5-8p- FH Reserved New Beginnings 11 10:30a- Kids choir practice 2p- Let’s Go Visiting 12 7p- Boy Scouts 13 3:30p-5:30p Discovery Club 5:45p-Good Life Leadership Team 14 11:30a-Golden Age 6:30p- Kiwanis 15 TUMC Serving Lets Help 12:30p Harvesters 7p- Choir Practice 16 18 10:30a- Kids choir practice 5p-Stewardship & Finance 7p Trustees 19 Office Closed 9a-Mission Committee 7p Boy Scouts 20 Newsletter Deadline 3:30p-5:30p Discovery Club 7p- United Methodist Women’s Welcome Dinner 21 9:30a- Dorcas Circle 6:30p- Kiwanis 22 7p- Choir Practice 23 24 9a- CERT 1p-Crock Pot Cookery 25 10:30a- Kids choir practice 26 7p-Boy Scouts 27 Newsletter Folding 28 6:30p- Kiwanis 29 7p- Choir Practice 30 31 1-4p-FH Reserved TUMC Calendar 17 Church & FH Reserved 9-9- Church & FH Reserved 6|Page TECUMSEH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 334 SE Tecumseh RD PO Box 5 Tecumseh KS 66542-0005 XL Volume 1; January 1, 2015 June 1, 2014 -CHURCH OFFICE HOURS- -SUNDAY MORNINGS- 8:30am-12:30 Monday-Thursday 785-379-5005 SUNDAY SCHOOL children and adults 9:30am WORSHIP - 10:45am Nursery Available www.tecumsehumc.com Open hearts. Open minds. Open Doors. The people of The United Methodist Church Our Mission is to teach and share God's love with all. A New Year With The Lord A new year is about to unfold With new opportunities to explore Doors will open for new experiences New adventures with the Lord Remember not the former things The things of this past year The Lord will do new things in us Much more than we are aware What God has placed within our hearts We find we'll be able to do If we look for the opportunities We'll see the door to go through We mustn't let anything hold us back But rise up and take our place And be all that God wants us to be With a fresh touch of His grace! - M.S.Lowndes For He will make a way for us As we put our trust in Him And He will guide our every step By His presence we have within 7|Page
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