ar THE ch 2 015 MINI ar GREEN BOOK ja nu /m 100% gu d great st uf f ee t an ar y / f e b r u a ry Tis the season to update your showroom and start new projects! So whether you¶UH custom or GHVLJQDQGDFFHVVRUL]HZHKDYHVRPHJUHDWSURGXFWVWRNLFNRIIWKH\HDU:H¶YH added more Columbia Forest Products hardwood plywood and built up our inventory, and have a limitedtime offer on the table to help you complete your first Valspar project at no charge. :H¶YHJRW\RXFRYHUHGLQVLGHDQGRXWRIWKRVHFDELQHWVDVZHOO%OXP¶VQHZ$9(1726+.-XS lift system and sleek LEGRABOX metal drawer system are featured along with Rev-A-6KHOI¶V new soft-close knife & utensil and storage container base organizers. You can feature $PHURFN¶V6LPSOH6WHSVGLVSOD\ERDUGVZLWKSRSXODUDQGSURILWDEOHKDUGZDUH to help you save time selling and also check out their new coordinating Wall Plates to enhance your designs. To top it off there is a featured granite section and incredible pricing on select Kohler enameled cast iron sinks. .9¶V HFRQRPLFDO 'XUL6OLGH7UX7UDF DQG 0X9 VOLGHV DUH IHDWXUHG IRU WKRVH new projects hitting the ERRNV DORQJ ZLWK 3DQRODP¶V LQQRYDWLYH )LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG /DPLQDWH )5/ DQG 6WD¶-3XW¶VSP80 and SPHS products in canisters, pails and aerosols. Ask your Strategic Account Manager about display discounts on many of these products to set your business up for a successful 2015 ± and thank you for choosing C.H. Briggs! P.S. Join the Conversation! Come spend some time with us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter! Best regards, C.H. Briggs David Cheslock Market Segment Manager - Hardware & Wood 2 Innovating Responsibly.™ Supplier of Choice. Photo shows Radius™ Bending Plywood perfect for dimensional interior application ecorĂƟǀe ,ĂrĚǁooĚ WlLJǁooĚ ͻ WreͲĮŶiƐheĚ hs ͻ eĂĚeĚ WĂŶelƐ rĂǁer SiĚeƐ ͻ SƚĂiŶSelecƚΡ ͻ CuƐƚoŵColorƐΡ ͻ uroplLJ W>hSΠ Sale prices in this catalog are effective from January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 3 COOL SAVINGS WITH KV ® Pricing Valid through March 31, 2015 Drawer Slides MuV and MuVHD Undermount Soft-Close Drawer Slides MuV soft close undermount drawer slides set a new standard for quiet and reliable operation. Featuring a number of technological innovations, MuV is the perfect balance of performance and affordability, with no sacrifice in reliability or ease-of-installation. It’s time to MuV up to the maximum undermount value in the market today. MuVHD is a 120 pound load class slide that supports drawers up to 30” deep and 42” wide. MuV HD is perfect for heavy pot and pan drawers, deeper cabinets, and for wider drawers that are becoming more popular. MuV HD offers two additional lengths than its competition (20” and 22”), that provide up to 2” additional drawer storage for 24” base cabinets. • Stabilizing cassette rollers • Hydraulic soft-close cylinder eliminates drawer “bounce-back” • 32mm and Traditional Hole Patterns • Elongated front and rear mounting holes 4 TruTrac 100-Pound Class Drawer Slides DuriSlide 100-Pound Class Drawer Slides Tru-Trac™ 100 is a smart and economical choice for a 100-pound class ball-bearing slide solution. Designed to meet the needs of today’s value-conscious cabinet-maker, Tru-Trac™ 100 meets KCMA and BHMA test standards. DuriSlide™ 4500 is a smart and economical choice for a 100 lbs. class, full-extension, ball-bearing slide solution. Designed to meet the needs of today’s value-conscious cabinet-maker, DuriSlide™ 4500 meets BHMA Grade 1 test standards. The Tru-Trac™ 100 features a non-handed design, industry standard 1/2” side clearance and a lever disconnect for easy drawer removal. Ball-bearing construction delivers a smooth operation and a positive stop bumper provides an anti-rebound feature. The DuriSlide™ 4500 features a non-handed design, industry standard 1/2” side clearance and a lever disconnect for easy drawer removal. Ball-bearing construction delivers a smooth operation and a positive stop bumper provides an anti-rebound feature. • Full and Over-travel Extension Models Available • 32mm and Traditional Hole Patterns • Non-Handed Design • Face Frame Mounting Hole • Lever Disconnect for Easy Drawer Removal • 100 lbs. class slide • 1/2" side clearance • 32mm and traditional hole patterns • Non-handed design • Face-frame mounting hole • Lever disconnect for easy drawer removal Briggs Item # Sell Price MUV Drawer Slides KVMUV9 KVMUVB10 KVMUVB12 KVMUVB14 KVMUVB15 KVMUVB16 KVMUVB18 KVMUVB20 KVMUVB21 KVMUVB22 KVMUVHD18 KVMUVHD20 KVMUVHD21 KVMUVHD22 KVMUVHD24 KVMUVHD27 KVMUVHD30 KVMUVRBM KVMUVRBP KVMUV121 KVMUV122 KVMUV123 TruTrac Drawer Slides KVTTB10 KVTTB12 KVTTB14 KVTTB16 KVTTB18 KVTTB20 KVTTB22 KVTTB24 KVTTB26 KVTTB28 KVTT401 Briggs Item # Sell Price DuriSlide Drawer Slides $13.44 $13.44 $13.44 $13.44 $13.57 $13.71 $13.85 $14.00 $14.14 $14.28 $26.21 $26.21 $26.72 $28.44 $30.16 $33.51 $36.86 $0.38 $0.62 $63.33 $3.43 $2.75 $2.73 $3.33 $3.56 $3.78 $4.00 $4.08 $5.01 $5.06 $5.91 $6.29 $0.50 KVDUR45B450 $3.33 KVDUR45B500 $3.63 KVDUR45B550 $3.93 Soft Close, Undermount Waste & Recycle Bins KVUSC12135PT $116.25 KVUSC12135WH $114.87 KVUSC12150PT $121.91 KVUSC12150WH $119.14 KVUSC12227PT $120.52 KVUSC12227WH $117.75 KVUSC15235PT $123.18 KVUSC15235WH $121.78 KVUSC18250PT $135.76 KVUSC18250WH $132.99 CH Briggs is ready to say yes to your order for over 4,000 KV items thanks to our exclusive Simple Source Program. So whether you’re looking for cabinet hardware, door hardware, ergonomic items, closet accessories or kitchen convenience items, we offer: Instant pricing No minimum order quantities Easy access to absolutely anything KV! Shipping within 24 – 48 hours Contact our Customer Care Group USC15-2-35PT USC12-1-35WH Soft Close, Undermount Waste & Recycling Bins Color coordinated aluminum side rails provide stability and conceal slide hardware. Bins with optional Lids. Installs in minutes using self-aligning brackets. • Heavy-duty, soft-close, undermount slide technology • Unique, washable solid backsplash and floor • Installs in minutes using self-aligning brackets secured with only four screws All KV® slides are designed to meet or exceed ANSI performance standards as established by BHMA, BIFMA, and KCMA. Limited lifetime warranty. Sale prices in this catalog are effective from January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 5 444 Series Pull-Out Organizer 448 - KB Series With 8” OXO Storage Container Organizer With Blum Soft-Close • • • • • • Glide effortlessly on Blumotion soft-close slides )HDWXUHV5HY$6KHOIҋVSDWHQWHG door mount brackets Includes adjustable rub bushings 6XSSRUWLYHUHDUEUDFNHWVIRUH[WUD strength and stability Size accomomdates 8-1/2” minimum RSHQLQJµ%DVHFDELQHWV &RPHVZLWK2;2*RRG*ULSV 323FRQWDLQHUV%3$)UHH For Base Cabinet • • • • Item # Width Finish Material AX448OXBCSC8C 8” Wood Wood Price/Ea. $ 448 - KB Series With 8” Knife & Utensil Base Organizer Item # With Blum Soft-Close • • • • • • • • Designed for full-height base 12” cabinets Features a stainless steel SDQHODQGDQDUUD\RI accessory hooks and SHJVIRUFXVWRPL]DWLRQRI storage needs $GYDQFHGSDWHQWSHQGLQJ ´WULVOLGHVµSUHYHQWDQ\ side-to-side motion and SURYLGHVWDELOLW\DQGHDV\ bottom mount installation Provides adjustable door mount brackets that allow XSWRµRIÁexibility for trouble-free installation on any door style Includes rub bushings for 1-1/2” or 1-3/4” face frames Adjustable shelf Easy to clean removable stainless steel bin and inserts Glide effortlessly on Blumotion soft-close slides )HDWXUHV5HY$6KHOIҋVSDWHQWHG door mount brackets Includes adjustable rub bushings Adjustable rear wall for extra strength and stability Size accomomdates 8-1/2” PLQLPXPRSHQLQJµ%DVH FDELQHWV Width AX444BCSC8SS 8” Depth 21 ⁹⁄₁₆” Height Finish 25¹⁄₂” Wood/ Stainless Price/Ea. $228.43 Tray Divider/ Foil Wrap Holder 447 Series • • • Item # Width Finish Material AX448KBBCSC8C 8” Wood Wood Price/Ea. $ • )HDWXUHVWZRFRPSDUWPHQWVIRU storing baking sheets and SODWWHUV Designed for 9” & 12” base cabinets 'RRUPRXQWEUDFNHWVSURYLGH XSWRµRIÁexibility for trouble free installation of any door style &$5%,,FRPSOLDQW 5UPD Series Universal Pull-Down • • • • • • Available for 24” wall cabinets Contains Anti-Skid Lined Drawers Features removable VWRUDJHELQVZLWKGURSLQ dividers. Personalize with SUHSULQWHGDQGEODQN labels Frosted acrylic DFFHVVRULHVSURYLGHHDV\ viewing ,QFRUSRUDWHVD1LWURJHQ &KDUJHG*DV6SULQJ mechanism. Two-way GDPSHQLQJVRIWFORVH 0LQ&DELQHW2SHQLQJRI 5HIHUVWRIUDPHOHVV Item # $;83'&51 6 Width 22¹⁄₄” Item # Width Depth Height Material Price/Ea. Foil Wrap Holder/Tray Divider w/ Blum Soft-Close Depth 10¹⁄₂” Height Finish 21¹⁄₂” Metal/ Chrome Price/Ea. $414.15 AX447BCSC5C 5” 21¹⁄₂” 19¹⁄₂” Wood AX447BCSC8C 8” 21¹⁄₂” 19¹⁄₂” Wood $121.28 $147.02 448 - BCSC Series Base Cabinet Organizer The Cloud - Contemporary Blind Corner With Blum Soft-Close • • 6WRSWKHQRLVHVWRSWKH madness from slamming cabinets with the innovative soft-close base Fairfax® organizers • Designed for 9” and 12” full height face frame base cabinets • Glide effortlessly on Blumoton soft-close slides • The concealed slide design are the utmost in cleanliness • Alteo® • • • Floats on a bottom-mount smooth glide track system Blind Right Cabinet For Door On Left Fits Face Frame and 5H¿QLD )UDPHOHVV$SSOLFDWLRQV Image Shown is for Reference. Review GHVFULSWLRQDQG VSHFLÀcations for exact details before ordering. Shelf Holds 45 lbs Item # Width Diameter Height Finish Price/Ea. Width Depth Height Finish Material Price/Ea. Blind Corner Organizer for Left Door/Blind Right Vibrant Brushed Nickel Finish Vibrant BrushedSinge-Tier Nickel Finish Blum Soft-Close Cabinets AX537140GRL 27⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁄₂” 5⁵⁄₈” Grey $140.64 AX448BCSC14C 14” 21⁵⁄₈” 25¹⁄₂ $212.09 29¹⁄₂” Wood Wood AX537140MPL 27⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁄₂” 5⁵⁄₈µ 0DSOH $1 Item # Wine Base Organizer with Soft-Close • • • *DV6SULQJ$VVLVW 6RIW2SHQ6RIW&ORVH Holds twenty wine bottles Patented AMB door mount EUDFNHWVWKDWDOORZXSWRµ RIDGMXVWDELOLW\863DWHQW 1R AX537145GRL 31¹⁵⁄₁₆” 19³⁄₁₆” 5⁵⁄₈” Grey AX537145MPL AX537150GRL 31¹⁵⁄₁₆” 19³⁄₁₆” 5⁵⁄₈µ 0DSOH 33⁷⁄₁₆” 19¹⁄₈” 5⁵⁄₈” Grey AX537150MPL 33⁷⁄₁₆” 19¹⁄₈” 5⁵⁄₈µ 0DSOH AX537160GRL 34⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁵⁄₁₆” 5⁵⁄₈” Grey AX537160MPL 34⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁵⁄₁₆” 5⁵⁄₈µ 0DSOH Devnshire® Single-Tier Blind Corner Organizer for Right Door/Blind Left Cabinets AX537140GRR 27⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁄₂” AX537140MPR 27⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁄₂” AX537145GRR 31¹⁵⁄₁₆” 19³⁄₁₆” AX537145MPR 31¹⁵⁄₁₆” 19³⁄₁₆” Item # Width Depth Height Finish Price/Ea. Wine Base Organizer with Soft-Close AX537540WR1CR 14¹⁄₈” 17” 25³⁄₄” Chrome $295.14 AX537150GRR 33⁷⁄₁₆” 19¹⁄₈” AX537150MPR 33⁷⁄₁₆” 19¹⁄₈” AX537160GRR 34⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁵⁄₁₆” AX537160MPR 34⁷⁄₈” 18¹⁵⁄₁₆” $140.64 $143.45 5⁵⁄₈” Grey $140.64 5⁵⁄₈µ 0DSOH $143.45 5⁵⁄₈” Grey $144.55 5⁵⁄₈µ Polished 0DSOH Chrome $147.44 Finish 5⁵⁄₈” Grey $145.37 5⁵⁄₈µ 0DSOH $148.19 5⁵⁄₈” Grey 5⁵⁄₈µ 0DSOH Double-Tier Blind Corner Organizer for Left Door/Blind Right Cabinets 5786 Series Pullout U-Shaped Wire Basket • $140.64 $143.45 $144.55 $147.44 $145.37 $148.19 Fits around obtrusive SOXPELQJXQGHUWKH kitchen sink AX537245GRL 32¹⁄₂” 17¹⁵⁄₁₆” 25³⁄₄” Grey AX537245MPL AX537250GRL 32¹⁄₂” 17¹⁵⁄₁₆” 25³⁄₄µ 0DSOH 35” 18¹⁄₂” 25³⁄₄” AX537250MPL 35” Grey 25³⁄₄µ 0DSOH AX537260GRL 37” AX537260MPL 37” 18¹⁄₂” 25³⁄₄” Grey 18¹⁄₂” 25³⁄₄µ 0DSOH 18¹⁄₂” Forte® $419.64 $421.56 $429.11 $431.03 $429.11 $431.03 Double-Tier Blind Corner Organizer for Right Door/Blind Left Cabinets Item # Width Depth Height AX578630CR 29¹⁄₂”-31³⁄₄” 22” 5¹⁄₄” AX578633CR 32¹⁄₂”-34³⁄₄” 22” 5¹⁄₄” 17¹⁵⁄₁₆” 25³⁄₄” Grey AX537245MPR 32¹⁄₂” 17¹⁵⁄₁₆” 25³⁄₄µ 0DSOH Forte® AX537250GRR 35” 18¹⁄₂” AX537250MPR 35” 18¹⁄₂” AX537260GRR 37” 18¹⁄₂” AX53720MPR 37” 18¹⁄₂” Price/Ea. $113.18 $117.44 $419.64 $421.56 25³⁄₄” Grey $429.11 25³⁄₄µ 0DSOH $431.03 Finish 25³⁄₄”Polished GreyChrome$429.11 25³⁄₄µ 0DSOH $431.03 AX537245GRR 32¹⁄₂” Sale prices in this catalog are effective from January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 7 8 S I M P L I F Y Y O U R D E C O R AT I V E H A R D WA R E OFFERING AND INCREASE YOUR PROFITS WITH AMEROCK SIMPLE STEPS! Simple Steps by Amerock contains a broad range of simple to unique, trend-right designs and finishes from traditional to contemporary styles. Amerock Simple Steps Boards VILLA DISPLAY BOARD - AMSSVILLA All skus $3.00 retail price point 36 of our top selling skus in 9 finishes MANOR DISPLAY BOARD - AMSSMANOR All skus $5.00 retail price point 39 of our top selling skus in 9 finishes Simple selection for dealers to offer to customers. Generates great margins for dealers. Offers consumers a variety of finishes and styles to choose from. Sale prices in this catalog are effective from January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 9 New from Blum AVENTOS HK-XS High quality, cost-effective lift system in a slim design AVENTOS HK-XS is a smaller cost-effective lift system which can be used in applictions ranging from shallow depth wall cabinets above a refrigerator to pantries—all with varying designs and materials. LEGRABOX Premium metal drawer system LEGRABOX offers an impressively slim 1/2" drawer profile thickness in two luxurious finishes with solutions for both standard drawers and interior roll-outs. The LEGRABOX program allows for a wide range of design options for any kitchen, bath, or furniture application. New, innovative “MUST SEE” products Contact your Account Manager today for more information about our showroom program! Contact C.H. Briggs for more information C.H. Briggs distributes Blum cabinet hardware in central and eastern Pennsylvania 10 style with strength > bringing more to the surface FRL = Durability + Design ® The Anatomy of FRL ® High Wear Surface Decorative Paper Fire Resistant Substrate Fiber Reinforced Core Fire Resistant Substrate Balancing Back Overlay 0ore colorways, more Ànishes, more options color options _ Ànishes _ &ustom printing FRL® is a patented product from Panolam® Surface Systems. It is the ideal wall surface solution for hiJhtraǬc and hiJhimpact environments that need to be aesthetically pleasinJ. 7he solid construction with ÀberJlass reinforcement gives FRL its unique qualities, including ease of application, job-site workability, long-lasting style and durability year-after-year. FRL OFFERS: &lass $ Àre rated for Áame spread and smoke development Solid construction +igh-impact strength 'urable, easy to clean surface $ wide range of colors and Ànishes $ variety of seam treatments APPLICATIONS: +igh-density public areas in airports +ospitals Schools Fast food restaurants 'epartment stores 0ass transit facilities Panolam Industries International, Inc. | 20 Progress Drive, Shelton, CT 06484 | 1.877.726.6526 | Sale prices in this catalog are effective from January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 11 CONTACT ADHESIVES STA’-PUT SP80 Non-chlorinated. Solvent-based. Low VOC. Water resistant. High solids. High strength, grab & tack. Bonds laminate, wood products, most metals, urethane foams, particle board and many other materials. 9 GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality 9 GREENGUARD Children & Schools 9 QualiÀes for LEED Credits 9 OTC Compliant Briggs Item # Description CCSP8013C 14 oz SP80 STA'-PUT Aerosol HPL Contact Adhesive Price/Ea $7.61 CCSP8005C 5 Gal Clear SP80 STA'-PUT Low VOC $144.90 CCSP8005R 5 Gal Red SP80 STA'-PUT Low VOC $144.90 CCSP8028C 27 lb Recyclable Canister Clear SP80 STA'-PUT Low VOC $224.98 CCSP8028R 27 lb Recyclable Canister Red SP80 STA'-PUT Low VOC $224.98 CCSP80140C 140 lb Returnable Canister Clear SP80 STA’-PUT Low VOC $799.00 CCSP80140R 140 lb Returnable Canister Red SP80 STA’-PUT Low VOC $799.00 CCSP8055C 52 Gal Clear SP80 STA’-PUT Low VOC $1,469.98 CCSP8055R 52 Gal Red SP80 STA’-PUT Low VOC $1,469.98 CCSP80270C 270 lb Returnable Canister Clear SP80 STA’-PUT Low VOC $1,451.28 CCSP80270R 270 lb Returnable Canister Red SP80 STA’-PUT Low VOC $1,451.28 STA’-PUT SPHS Non-Áammable. Solvent-based. =ero VOC. Patented non-Áammable propellant. High strength & grab. Bonds laminate, wood products, most metals, urethane foams, particle board and many other materials. 9 GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality 9 GREENGUARD Children & Schools 9 OTC Compliant 9 Non-Áammable Briggs Item # Description Price/Ea CCSPHS35ABC 34 lb Recyclable Clear SPHS STA’-PUT Contact Adhesive Canister $366.52 CCSPHS35ABR 34 lb Recyclable Red SPHS STA’-PUT Contact Adhesive Canister $366.52 CCSPHS375C2V 375 lb Returnable Clear SPHS STA’-PUT Contact Adhesive Canister $2,527.45 1-888-751-0409 · 12 Valspar Wood Finishes. $UH \RX LQWHUHVWHG LQ OHDUQLQJ PRUH DERXW 9DOVSDU¶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ale prices in this catalog are effective from January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 13 ices r P e l a S Shown KOHLER® Enameled Cast Iron White Sale Strive™ Undertone® Double Langlade® KO66266U0 Brook¿eld™ :KLWH $ %LVFXLW $ :KLWH KO59314U0 .28 %ODFN Iron/Tones® Smart Divide® :KLWHKDYHQ KO66250 .2 .2)' :KLWH $4 Indio® Smart Divide® KO641120 :KLWH 14 KO58465U Executive Chef™ KO28740 :KLWH %LVFXLW &DQH6XJDU Ledges® Canvas® $ $4 $116.2 KO28380 * All prices shown on page 14 are Sale Prices. :KLWH $148.19 The Selection Center at Telford 7KH%ULJJV6HOHFWLRQ&HQWHUDW7HOIRUGVKRZFDVHVDZLGHSDOHWWHRIPDJQL¿FHQWQDWXUDOVWRQHVIURP around the world, housed completely indoors for convenient viewing. Browse through aisle upon aisle of natural stone slabs while accompanied by expert consultants who will assist you in selecting the perfect material for your next project. &KHFNRXWRXUQHZHVWDUULYDOV Alaska White Lot T9 Bianco Carrara 5CM Lot T1 Luise Blue Lot T5 Polished Chrome Finish Santa Monica Lot T1 SIlver Cloud Lot T5 VIctoria Falls Lot T2 Forte® Polished Chrome Finish 551 East Church Road, Telford, PA 18969 Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Appointments can be scheduled online at or by phone at 1.800.355.1000. Sale prices in this catalog are effective from January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 15 P.O. Box 15188 • Reading, PA 19612-5188 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER, PA PERMIT NO. 472
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