NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. Marcy/Edic to Pleasant Valley Project Appendix B: Project Information Requirements Submitted to: State of New York Public Service Commission January 7, 2015 Case No. 13-T-0455 Table of Contents Requirement 1: Contact Information ........................................................................................................ 1 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 2 Structure of NEETNY’s Project Information Requirements .................................................................. 14 Requirements Applicable to All Routes.................................................................................................. 15 Requirement 3: A description of the project, including type, size, and geographic and electrical location, as well as planning and engineering specifications as appropriate....................... 15 Thruway Route................................................................................................................................ 15 Marcy Southern Route 1 ................................................................................................................. 18 Marcy Southern Route 2 ................................................................................................................. 22 Marcy Northern Route .................................................................................................................... 26 Knickerbocker Route ...................................................................................................................... 30 Requirement 4: Evidence of a commercially viable technology......................................................... 33 Requirement 7: A demonstration of Site Control or a schedule for obtaining such control ............... 36 Requirement 8: Status of any contracts (other than an Interconnection Agreement) that are under negotiations or in place ................................................................................................ 46 Requirement 10: Status of equipment availability and procurement .................................................. 48 Requirement 11: Evidence of financing or ability to finance the project ........................................... 52 Requirement 12: Capital cost estimates for the project ...................................................................... 54 Requirement 14: Any other information requested by the ISO .......................................................... 57 Thruway Route........................................................................................................................................ 58 Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods......................................................................... 58 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule ...................................................................................... 62 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications.................... 63 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement ..................... 65 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission.................................. 66 Marcy Southern Route 1 ......................................................................................................................... 72 Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods ............................................................... 72 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule ...................................................................................... 76 Page i Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications.................... 77 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement ..................... 79 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission .......................... 80 Marcy Southern Route 2 ......................................................................................................................... 86 Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods ............................................................... 86 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule ...................................................................................... 90 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications.................... 91 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement ..................... 93 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission .......................... 94 Marcy Northern Route .......................................................................................................................... 100 Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods....................................................................... 100 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule .................................................................................... 104 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications.................. 105 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement ................... 107 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission ........................ 108 Knickerbocker Route ............................................................................................................................ 114 Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods....................................................................... 114 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule .................................................................................... 117 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications.................. 118 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement ................... 120 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission ........................ 121 Page ii Requirement 1: Contact Information Should the New York State Public Service Commission (Commission) or Department of Public Service have any questions or require any additional information about the enclosed application, please contact NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. at the contact information provided below. Primary contact: Name: Title: Company Name: Street Address: City, State: Zip Code: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Cindy Tindell Vice President NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. 700 Universe Boulevard, UST/JB Juno Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 304-6023 (561) 691-2323 Secondary Contact: Name: Title: Company Name: Street Address: City, State: Zip Code: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Monique Brechter Executive Director NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. 700 Universe Boulevard, UST/JB Juno Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 694-3897 (561) 691-2323 Page 1 Executive Summary NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. (NEETNY) is pleased to submit this application to develop, construct, own, and operate the Marcy/Edic to Pleasant Valley Project (or Project). NEETNY’s proposed alternatives offer efficient and cost-effective choices to fully meet the objectives of the New York Energy Highway Blueprint (Blueprint) and the Commission. On October 1, 2013, NEETNY filed with the Commission its Part A Application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (Certificate) for the Marcy to Pleasant Valley Project (2013 Part A Filing). With this application, NEETNY supersedes its 2013 Part A Filing in response to the Commission’s February 2014 and December 2014 Orders in this proceeding.1 The February 2014 Order provided applicants the opportunity to submit alternatives to their projects that can be contained within the bounds of existing rights-of-way (or ROW). The Commission’s invitation reflected Governor Cuomo’s 2014 State of the State address, which included a proposal to expedite transmission projects that can be wholly contained within existing ROW or buried along existing state-owned ROW.2 NEETNY’s proposed Marcy/Edic to Pleasant Valley Project meets the objectives of the Blueprint and Commission: relieving congestion on the Upstate New York-Southeast New York (UPNY-SENY) and Central East interfaces, enhancing system flexibility and efficiency, reducing environmental and health impacts associated with electricity production, increasing 1 Cases 12-T-0502 et al., In the Matter of Alternating Current Transmission Upgrades, Order Authorizing Modification of the Process to Allow for Consideration of Alternative Proposals (issued February 21, 2014) (February 2014 Order); Case 12-T-0502 et al., Order Establishing Modified Procedures for Comparative Evaluation (issued and effective December 16, 2014) (December 2014 Order). In the February 2014 Order, the Commission “emphasize[d] that the proponents of such alternatives need not currently own or control the rightof-way proposed to be used.” February 2014 Order at n.5. 2 February 2014 Order at 3-4. Page 2 supply diversity, promoting lower cost generation upstate, and mitigating potential problems resulting from generator retirements. NEETNY’s proposal does so cost effectively, consistent with the state’s preference for using existing ROW or state-owned ROW, and in a way that minimizes community and environmental impact. NEETNY’s Proposed Route Alternatives NEETNY revisited the route options it proposed in its 2013 Part A Filing for consistency with the State of New York’s policy preference for containing transmission projects within existing ROW or buried along existing state-owned ROW. NEETNY proposes five alternative Project routes that reflect this policy and also achieve the multiple benefits of adding significant transmission capability between upstate and downstate New York: Thruway Route: An approximately 178-mile alternating current (AC) transmission line largely paralleling the New York State Thruway between the Edic Substation in Oneida County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County. This route is designed to stay almost entirely within existing state-owned ROW, and avoid conflict with existing electric utility assets and ROW and the potential for congestion during construction. The estimated cost for this route is $554.5 million, subject to further description below, and the expected in-service date is October 2019. Marcy Southern Route 1: An approximately 135-mile AC transmission line largely using existing utility ROW between the Marcy Substation in Oneida County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County including three new substations: Princetown 345 kV, Knickerbocker 345 kV, and North Churchtown 115 kV. As compared with the Marcy Southern Route 2, described below, it is designed to avoid a new Hudson River crossing and require less conflict with existing utility assets and ROW and potential Page 3 congestion during construction, and is lower cost. The estimated cost for this route is $301.3 million, subject to further description below, and the expected in-service date is July 2019. Marcy Southern Route 2: An approximately 167-mile AC transmission line largely using existing utility ROW between the Marcy Substation in Oneida County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County including three new substations: Princetown 345 kV, Knickerbocker 345 kV, and North Churchtown 115 kV. This route is designed to minimize development of new ROW. The estimated cost for this route is $418.8 million, subject to further description below, and the expected in-service date is July 2019. Marcy Northern Route: An approximately 147-mile AC transmission line. The first approximately 84 miles is to be situated largely adjacent to existing utility ROW between the Marcy Substation in Oneida County and terminate at the new Orchard Hill substation near New Scotland in Albany County. The lower portion consists of approximately 62 miles located within existing utility ROW between the Knickerbocker Substation in Rensselaer County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County. This route includes three new substations: Orchard Hill 345 kV, Knickerbocker 345 kV, and North Churchtown 115 kV. This route is designed to be a lower-cost alternative to Marcy Southern Route 2, avoid a new Hudson River crossing, and require less conflict with existing utility assets and ROW and the potential congestion during construction. The estimated cost for this route is $308.4 million, subject to further description below, and the expected in-service date is July 2019. Knickerbocker Route: An approximately 62-mile AC transmission line entirely within existing utility ROW between the Knickerbocker Substation in Rensselaer County and Page 4 the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County including two new substations: Knickerbocker 345 kV and North Churchtown 115 kV. This route is designed to avoid a new Hudson River crossing and is the most inexpensive option. The estimated cost for this route is $135.2 million, subject to further description below, and the expected inservice date is January 2019. Although all five proposed routes achieve the objectives of the Commission and the Blueprint with due consideration for limiting the development of new ROW, they each balance these objectives differently. NEETNY has presented all five routes to allow the Commission to fully evaluate each in balancing the objectives framed by the selection criteria. Benefits of NEETNY’s Proposal The Commission provided six selection criteria that it will use to determine which project or combination of projects will best achieve the Commission’s objectives: (1) the amount of increased transfer capability that each proposal offers; (2) the cost of the proposal(s) to ratepayers; (3) electric system impacts, emissions reductions, and production cost impacts, measured in terms of overall changes to generation dispatch; (4) the extent of any additional rights of way that the applicant(s) will need to acquire in order to build and operate the proposed facility(ies); (5) the application of innovative technologies to enhance transfer capability or reduce the physical footprint of the project; and (6) an initial assessment of environmental compatibility, including visual impacts.3 NEETNY’s proposed Project performs well on each of the Commission’s six selection criteria. 1. Amount of increased transfer capability: Many studies—including the New York Independent System Operator’s (NYISO) 2011 and 2013 Congestion Assessment and 3 December 2014 Order at 38. Page 5 Resource Integration Study (CARIS), the 2012 New York State Transmission Assessment and Reliability Study (NY STARS), and the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2006, 2009, and 2012 nationwide congestion studies—have identified the AC electric transmission corridor that traverses the Mohawk Valley Region, the Capital Region, and the Lower Hudson Valley, commonly known as the UPNY-SENY and Central East electrical interfaces, as a source of persistent congestion. The congestion on these two interfaces has resulted in a less efficient dispatch of generation, which causes higher electricity prices for ratepayers than would otherwise be the case. In particular, NYISO’s 2013 CARIS report cited these interfaces as the two most congested interfaces, which have cost the NYISO market over $5.3 billion of demand congestion over the course of five years, and are forecast to cost another $3.9 billion of demand congestion over the next 10 years. In comments to the Commission, NYISO recently reiterated the need for new and upgraded transmission facilities to address congestion in the New York Control Area (NYCA), which includes the UPNY-SENY and Central East Interfaces. NYISO notes that congestion costs in NYCA increased significantly from 2012 to 2013, and remained at this elevated level through the first three quarters of 2014.4 NYISO cites the other numerous benefits of increasing transmission capacity on the UPNY-SENY and Central East interfaces: additional production cost savings, reliability and resource adequacy benefits, generation capacity cost savings, market benefits including increased 4 Case 14-E-0454 et al., In the Matter of New York Independent System Operator, Inc.’s Proposed Public Policy Transmission Needs for Consideration, Comments of the New York Independent System Operator, Inc. at 14 (December 29, 2014). Page 6 competition, environmental benefits including reduced air emissions, reduced costs of meeting public policy goals, and increased employment and economic activity.5 The Commission has also identified congestion on the UPNY-SENY and Central East interfaces as a problem requiring action. Commission orders have concluded that alternating current transmission upgrades in the congested corridor could result in “a number of benefits to New York’s ratepayers,” including “enhanced system reliability, flexibility, and efficiency, reduced environmental and health impacts, increased diversity in supply, and long-term benefits in terms of job growth, development of efficient new renewable and conventional generating resources at lower costs in upstate areas, and mitigation of reliability problems that may arise with expected generator retirements.”6 NEETNY’s Project will provide congestion relief along the interfaces that both NYISO and the Commission have identified as a source of persistent congestion that drives higher electricity prices. 2. Cost to ratepayers: NEETNY presents a binding construction cost estimate for each alternative route and commits to applying the risk-sharing approach adopted in the Commission’s December 2014 Order when it files at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for cost recovery. Based on the fact that NEETNY’s preliminary cost estimate for construction of the Marcy to Pleasant Valley Project (included in NEETNY’s Statement of Intent submitted in Case 12-T-0502 on January 25, 2013) was less than half of the preliminary cost estimate supplied by a competitor for the same project, NEETNY again expects its estimates for these alternative routes to be very competitive. 5 Id. at 7-8. 6 Case 12-T-0502, Order Instituting Proceeding, at 2 (issued and effective November 30, 2012). Page 7 NEETNY’s preliminary cost estimate at that time (nearly two years ago) was $300 million, and with this filing NEETNY’s current binding cost estimate for this Project ranges from $135 million to $555 million, depending on the route selected. These estimates assume utilization of local craft labor. As described in the Appendix B: Developer Qualification Requirements filed concurrently with these Project Information Requirements, NEETNY’s parent company, NextEra Energy, Inc. (NextEra), has a strong balance sheet and track record on major projects that demonstrates its ability to develop and construct its projects on-time and on-budget. NextEra’s ability to provide competitive binding bids is based on the company’s construction management experience, low overhead, and sizable corporate purchasing power. 3. Electric system impacts, emissions reductions, and production cost impacts, measured in terms of overall changes to the generation dispatch: The Commission indicated that NYISO would verify contribution to emissions reductions, and production cost savings using General Electric Multi-Area Production Simulation modeling based on information provided in this filing. Therefore, the Project’s effect on overall generation dispatch will be quantified at a later date. However, in general, because this Project will enable more efficient dispatch of the least-cost resources statewide and additional renewable generation upstate, NEETNY reasonably expects that the Project will result in appreciable emissions reductions. With respect to ratepayer savings, based on the proposed Project’s capability to increase transfer capacity at two highly congested interfaces, NEETNY expects the benefits of its proposed Project to far outweigh the costs, based on studies of generic transmission solutions in NYISO’s 2013 CARIS. The 2013 CARIS Report studied the Page 8 impact of new transmission lines from Edic to Pleasant Valley, electrically equivalent to NEETNY’s Marcy Northern, Marcy Southern 1, Marcy Southern 2, and Thruway Routes, and found that it would relieve the congestion across Central East and UPNY-SENY interfaces, netting a 10-year total NYCA production cost savings of $210 million (present value) as the result of better utilization of economic generation in the state and economic imports from neighboring regions. 4. Extent of any additional rights of way: NEETNY carefully evaluated alternative route options in light of the Commission’s ROW policy objectives. Four of the five potential routes—Thruway, Marcy Southern 1, Marcy Southern 2, and Knickerbocker—have been designed to require minimal to no new ROW development because they would be constructed entirely or almost entirely within existing utility ROW or state-owned ROW. The Marcy Northern Route requires development of 84 miles of additional ROW along existing utility ROW; the remaining 64 miles would be constructed within existing ROW. Although the Marcy Northern Route requires new ROW, NEETNY believes this route alternative should be considered because, as compared with the Marcy Southern Routes, it requires fewer electrical outages during construction, and outages can result in increased costs to ratepayers due to congestion during construction. 5. Application of innovative technologies to enhance transfer capability or reduce the physical footprint of the project: NEETNY believes in an innovative approach to technology investment in the transmission grid of the future, and NEETNY will work with private and public partners as it plans transmission improvement projects in New York State. NEETNY is currently evaluating advanced technologies, including various smart grid and transmission design applications, that would further enhance power flow Page 9 through the system, reduce the physical footprint of the Project, and ultimately contribute to a more efficient and sustainable power sector. NEETNY’s proposed Project would incorporate smart energy monitoring and advanced diagnostic tools targeted at improving system operations, including the design and verification of new equipment for use in various power system applications. One of the important smart grid technologies that NEETNY is currently considering is phasor measurement units (PMUs). PMUs provide near-instantaneous measurement and observation of bulk-power system angles at strategic locations across the system, which when coordinated with energy management system tools can improve the real-time transfer and stability calculations on the key interfaces and will improve operational capabilities of the New York State transmission grid. NEETNY intends to construct the Project primarily using spun concrete monopole structures, which offer significant advantages over more conventional pole structure types. These advantages include reducing the disturbance area and visual impacts, as well as reducing the necessary time to build the transmission lines compared to traditional lattice or steel structures. In addition, spun concrete monopoles offer a high level of structural reliability and reduced inspection and maintenance costs. In prior projects involving affiliates of NEETNY, affected landowners and other members of the public have expressed significant and consistent support for monopole-type structures due to their smaller size, more limited footprint, and reduced visual impact as compared to traditional lattice or other traditional structures. 6. Initial assessment of environmental compatibility, including visual impacts: By designing the Project to be located within or adjacent to existing ROW, NEETNY has Page 10 minimized the potential for significant environmental impacts and disturbances to the surrounding built and natural environment. Wildlife habitat along the existing transmission corridor is already fragmented and the addition of new structures is expected to impact only edge habitat. The engineering design objective is to avoid locating poles within wetlands, streams, and stream banks. When poles are located in farmlands, they will be aligned, to the extent practical, with existing structures in order to minimize or avoid the permanent loss of croplands. Moreover, to minimize visual impact in the Hudson River Valley, for the Hudson River crossing that occurs on the Thruway Route, NEETNY plans to use horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to avoid creating a new overhead crossing, or partnering with other entities to use a bridge crossing. The Marcy Southern Route 1, Marcy Northern Route, and Knickerbocker Route avoid a new Hudson River crossing altogether. The Marcy Southern Route 2 includes two Hudson River crossings, a new one for which NEETNY will also use HDD and one that will exclusively rely on existing overhead structures. In addition to the above factors, for the following reasons, NEETNY is uniquely suited to successfully execute this Project in a timely and cost-effective manner to the benefit of New York customers. Experience in Timely and Cost Effectively Constructing Transmission Projects NEETNY will draw upon the resources of its NextEra affiliates to ensure successful project execution: Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), one of the leading utilities in the United States; NextEra Energy Transmission, LLC, which develops transmission infrastructure Page 11 throughout North America; and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, which is the largest developer of wind and solar energy generating facilities in the United States. NEETNY’s Developer Qualification Requirements, filed concurrently with these Project Information Requirements, demonstrate how NEETNY, working with certain NextEra affiliates and their personnel with transmission development, engineering, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance expertise, can deliver transmission projects in a timely and costeffective manner. NextEra has successfully obtained and maintained required federal, state, provincial, and local permits for major electric generation and transmission projects currently operating throughout the United States and Canada, including approximately 8,300 circuit miles of high-voltage transmission, 67,000 miles of distribution lines, and over 700 substations across North America. Since 2003, NextEra has constructed 95 new, stand-alone infrastructure projects, of which 86% were completed on time or early, and an overall average of 18 days early. Every one of these projects included a transmission component. All stand-alone transmission projects in this timeframe have been delivered on time. In the aggregate, these projects represent over $24.2 billion of capital expenditures. Significant Financial Strength NextEra’s year-end 2013 balance sheet included over $69 billion of assets and $18 billion of shareholder equity, and more than 70% of NextEra’s $15 billion in 2013 revenues were derived from regulated utility sources. Consequently, NextEra maintains strong investmentgrade credit ratings, with corporate credit ratings of “A-” from both Standard & Poor’s Financial Services and Fitch Ratings and “Baa1” from Moody’s Investor Services. These financial attributes give NextEra the ability to fund major infrastructure projects, such as the Marcy/Edic Page 12 to Pleasant Valley Project, on its own balance sheet without the requirement to access the capital markets to start and undertake construction. Recognition for Community Involvement, Leadership, and Performance NextEra has also been widely recognized for its community involvement, leadership, and performance as a company. In 2014, NextEra was named No. 1 in its industry sector for an unprecedented eighth straight year on Fortune magazine's listing of “Most Admired Companies.” In that same Fortune survey, the company was named No. 1 in its sector in innovation, No. 1 in social responsibility, and No. 1 in its sector for quality of products/services. For the seventh year, in 2014 NextEra was named one of the “World's Most Ethical Companies” by the Ethisphere Institute. According to Ethisphere, this designation recognizes a company's “outstanding commitment to ethical leadership, compliance practices, and corporate social responsibility.” Of the 144 firms named to the World's Most Ethical Companies list this year, only four were from the electric utilities sector. And finally, for an industry-record tenth consecutive year, FPL earned the ServiceOne Award, which is presented annually by PA Consulting Group, recognizing superior customer service. The honor is based on criteria that compare utilities across the United States and cover nearly all the areas typically found within utility customer service operations. Numerous other awards also recognize NextEra’s sustainable practices. Page 13 Structure of NEETNY’s Project Information Requirements The information below responds to the Project Information Requirements set forth in Pages 3 to 4 of Appendix B of the Commission’s December 2014 Order. NEETNY’s information is organized as follows: (1) a detailed description of each of the five routes; (2) information required that is common to all five routes: commercially viable technology, schedule for obtaining site control, contract status, equipment availability and procurement, financing, capital cost estimates, and additional information requested by NYISO; and (3) information that is route-specific: lead time, milestone schedule, permitting schedule, interconnection status, and permitting and other risks. Page 14 Requirements Applicable to All Routes Requirement 3: A description of the project, including type, size, and geographic and electrical location, as well as planning and engineering specifications as appropriate Thruway Route NEETNY proposes to construct, own, and operate an approximately 178-mile AC transmission line located within a ROW largely paralleling the New York State Thruway between the Edic Substation in Oneida County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County. The expected in-service date for the Thruway Route is October 2019. Geographic Location Please see Exhibit 1 for a map of the Project location. The route traverses Montgomery, Schenectady, Albany, Greene, Ulster, Dutchess, Herkimer, and Oneida counties. Electrical Location and Engineering Specifications Please refer to Confidential Exhibit 2 for a one-line diagram of the proposed Project.7 NEETNY’s proposed Thruway Route is composed of the following facilities, which are included in the capital cost estimate for the Thruway Route included in response to Requirement 12: Construction of a new 125-mile 345 kV line from the Edic substation to Leeds substation, utilizing double bundled, 1590 aluminum-conductor steel-reinforced (ACSR), Falcon conductor. For the first three miles, the line will use existing State Route 34 ROW. For the next 121 miles, the line will use existing Thruway ROW. The remaining mile into the Leeds 345 kV substation will require new ROW. 7 Confidential Exhibit 2 contains Critical Infrastructure Information (CII). NEETNY has therefore requested confidential treatment of this information. Page 15 Construction of a new 54-mile 345 kV line from Leeds substation to Pleasant Valley substation, using double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The first mile will require new ROW to get from the Leeds substation to the Thruway. The next 39 miles, the line will utilize existing Thruway ROW. For the next four miles, the line will run adjacent to existing utility ROW. The next three miles will require new ROW, bringing the line just west of the Hudson River near the Poughkeepsie “Walkway over the Hudson Bridge.” The line will then require an HDD Hudson River crossing and trenched duct banks totaling approximately two miles (one mile of which is on land but buried and one mile is under the river), near the Poughkeepsie “Walkway over the Hudson” Bridge. NEETNY is also evaluating the feasibility of using the Poughkeepsie “Walkway over the Hudson” Bridge to cross the river, which may be a less expensive and lowerenvironmental/community impact alternative. The remainder of the line (five miles) will then be located adjacent to existing utility ROW. NEETNY is further exploring an alternative connection that would require a connection to a new substation at Orchard Hill and an additional 18 miles of new ROW adjacent to the CSX Railway to connect to the new substation. This configuration may provide electrical benefits, but would likely also increase cost and land impacts, and is not included in the capital cost estimate described in response to Requirement 12. NEETNY could also offer undergrounding a portion of the last five miles of the route heading from the Hudson River towards the Pleasant Valley 345 kV substation at additional cost if directed by the Commission as more desirable. This configuration is not included in the capital cost estimate described in response to Requirement 12. Although undergrounding would Page 16 increase costs relative to overhead construction, given the population density along this segment, undergrounding may be a potential alternative for this portion of the route. With respect to the cost estimate included in response to Requirement 12, the elements above are included in the estimate with the exception of: Re-termination of existing transmission lines and existing substation upgrades necessary to accommodate new lines. These elements constitute interconnection work to be conducted by the relevant transmission owner. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. The alternative interconnection with a new Orchard Hill Substation and the option to underground the last five miles of the route, as discussed above. Page 17 Marcy Southern Route 1 NEETNY proposes to construct, own, and operate an approximately 135-mile AC transmission line largely using existing utility ROW between the Marcy Substation in Oneida County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County including three new substations: Princetown 345 kV, Knickerbocker 345 kV, and North Churchtown 115 kV. The expected inservice date for the Marcy Southern Route 1 is July 2019. Geographic Location Please see Exhibit 1 for a map of the Project location. The route traverses Columbia, Dutchess, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Rensselaer, and Schenectady counties. Electrical Location and Engineering Specifications Please refer to Confidential Exhibit 2 for a one-line diagram of the proposed Project.8 NEETNY’s proposed Marcy Southern Route 1 is composed of the following facilities: Construction of a new breaker-and-a-half 345/230 kV substation, Princetown, located near the intersection of the Marcy – New Scotland 345 kV lines and the Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV lines. The substation will include two 600 MVA 345/230 kV autotransformers. The substation will require the existing Marcy – New Scotland 345 kV and Edic – New Scotland 345 kV lines to be looped in. Construction of a new ring-bus 345 kV switchyard, Knickerbocker, located approximately 13 miles east of New Scotland along the New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line. The substation will require the existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line to be looped in. 8 Confidential Exhibit 2 contains Critical Infrastructure Information (CII). NEETNY has therefore requested confidential treatment of this information. Page 18 Construction of a new ring-bus 115 kV switchyard, North Churchtown, located just north of NYSEG’s existing Churchtown 115 kV switchyard. The substation will require the Lafarge – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line and North Catskill – Milan 115 kV line to be looped into the new North Churchtown switchyard. Retire 70 miles of the Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV line circuit #30. Retire 70 miles of the Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV line circuit #31. Retire approximately 62 miles of existing Greenbush – Pleasant Valley double-circuit 115 kV line. Construction of a new 68-mile 345 kV line from Marcy – Princetown, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The first 1.5 miles of the line will utilize existing vacant ROW. The next 12 miles of the line will be conductored on the towers that were previously occupied by the Porter – Rotterdam circuit #31. The remaining 54.5 miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 345 kV line, utilizing the ROW made available by retirement of the Porter – Rotterdam circuit #30. Construction of two five-mile 230 kV lines from Princetown – Rotterdam, utilizing 1192 ACSR, Grackle conductor. Both lines will utilize ROW made available by the retirements of the Porter – Rotterdam circuits #30 and #31. Construction of a new 115 kV line from Greenbush – North Churchtown, utilizing 795 ACSR, Drake conductor. The line is approximately 30 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first eight miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 115 kV line, and the last 22 miles the line will share a structure with the Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line. The line will be tapped and looped to Page 19 serve the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson, and ADM Milling 115 kV substations. o The existing 115 kV lines that branch off from the double circuit GreenbushPleasant Valley 115 kV lines and run towards the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson, and ADM Milling 115 kV substations will not be retired. These 115 kV lines will be reused and simply tap or loop into NEETNY’s proposed 115 kV line from Greenbush to North Churchtown. Construction of a new 345 kV line from Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The line is approximately 54 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first 22 miles of the line will share a structure with the new Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line. The last 32 miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 345 kV line. With respect to the cost estimate included in response to Requirement 12, the elements above are included in the estimate with the exception of: Looping existing transmission lines into the new substations, looping or tapping existing transmission lines into the new transmission lines, re-termination of existing transmission lines, and existing substation upgrades necessary to accommodate new lines. These elements constitute interconnection work to be conducted by the relevant transmission owner. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Page 20 Retirement of transmission lines. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Page 21 Marcy Southern Route 2 NEETNY proposes to construct, own, and operate an approximately 167-mile AC transmission line located within a ROW largely using existing utility ROW between the Marcy Substation in Oneida County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County including three new substations: Princetown 345 kV, Knickerbocker 345 kV, and North Churchtown 115 kV. The expected in-service date for the Marcy Southern Route 2 is July 2019. Geographic Location Please see Exhibit 1 for a map of the Project location. The route traverses Albany, Columbia, Dutchess, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Rensselaer, and Schenectady counties. Electrical Location and Engineering Specifications Please refer to Confidential Exhibit 2 for a one-line diagram of the proposed Project.9 NEETNY’s proposed Marcy Southern Route 2 is composed of the following facilities: Construction of a new breaker-and-a-half 345/230 kV substation, Princetown, located near the intersection of the Marcy – New Scotland 345 kV lines and the Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV lines. The substation will include two 600 MVA 345/230 kV autotransformers. Construction of a new ring-bus 345 kV switchyard, Knickerbocker, located approximately 13 miles east of New Scotland along the New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line. The substation will require the existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line to be looped in. 9 Confidential Exhibit 2 contains Critical Infrastructure Information (CII). NEETNY has therefore requested confidential treatment of this information. Page 22 Construction of a new ring-bus 115 kV switchyard, North Churchtown, located just north of NYSEG’s existing Churchtown 115 kV switchyard. The substation will require the Lafarge – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line and North Catskill – Milan 115 kV line to be looped into the new North Churchtown switchyard. Retire 70 miles of the Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV line circuit #30. Retire 70 miles of the Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV line circuit #31. Retire approximately 62 miles of existing Greenbush – Pleasant Valley double-circuit 115 kV line. Rebuild approximately 20 miles of existing Marcy – New Scotland 345 kV line, starting near the Princetown substation to the New Scotland 345 kV substation. The existing structures are 765 kV structures which take up a large amount of ROW. NEETNY’s proposal to rebuild the 345 kV line will allow room for a second 345 kV line in the same ROW. Rebuild approximately 13 miles of the existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line, starting at New Scotland 345 kV substation to the Knickerbocker 345 kV switchyard. The existing structures are 765 kV structures, which take up a large amount of ROW. NEETNY’s proposal to rebuild the 345 kV line will allow room for a second 345 kV line in the same ROW. The line currently contains an overhead Hudson River crossing. NEETNY assumes this portion will not be rebuilt, and that the existing overhead crossing will be utilized. Construction of a new 68-mile 345 kV line from Marcy – Princetown, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The first 1.5 miles of the line will utilize existing vacant ROW. The next 12 miles of the line will be conductored on the towers Page 23 that were previously occupied by the Porter – Rotterdam circuit #31. The remaining 54.5 miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 345 kV line, utilizing the ROW made available by retirement of the Porter – Rotterdam circuit #30. Construction of two five-mile 230 kV lines from Princetown – Rotterdam, utilizing 1192 ACSR, Grackle conductor. Both lines will utilize ROW made available by the retirements of the Porter – Rotterdam circuits #30 and #31. Construction of a new 32-mile 345 kV line from Princetown – Knickerbocker, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The line will be constructed as a single circuit 345 kV line utilizing ROW made available by the rebuild of portions of the Marcy – New Scotland 345 kV line and the New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line. The line will require a HDD crossing of the Hudson River in the Schodack area. NEETNY is also evaluating the feasibility of using the Schodack bridges (CSX Railbridge or New York Thruway Berkshire Connector Bridge) to cross the river, which may be a less expensive and lower-environmental/community impact alternative. Construction of a new 115 kV line from Greenbush – North Churchtown, utilizing 795 ACSR, Drake conductor. The line is approximately 30 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first eight miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 115 kV line, and the last 22 miles the line will share a structure with the Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line. The line will be tapped and looped to serve the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson, and ADM Milling 115 kV substations. Page 24 o The existing 115 kV lines that branch off from the double circuit GreenbushPleasant Valley 115 kV lines and run towards the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson, and ADM Milling 115 kV substations will not be retired. These 115 kV lines will be reused and simply tap or loop into NEETNY’s proposed 115 kV line from Greenbush to North Churchtown. Construction of a new 345 kV line from Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The line is approximately 54 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first 22 miles of the line will share a structure with the new Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line. The last 32 miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 345 kV line. With respect to the cost estimate included in response to Requirement 12, the elements above are included in the estimate with the exception of: Looping existing transmission lines into the new substations, looping or tapping existing transmission lines into the new transmission lines, re-termination of existing transmission lines, and existing substation upgrades necessary to accommodate new lines. These elements constitute interconnection work to be conducted by the relevant transmission owner. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Retirement of transmission lines. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Page 25 Marcy Northern Route NEETNY proposes to construct, own, and operate an approximately 147-mile AC transmission line located within a ROW consisting of 84 miles largely adjacent to existing utility right of way between the Marcy Substation in Oneida County and terminating at the new Orchard Hill substation, near New Scotland. Existing lines then link that northern portion upgrade to a new section of line that will be 62 miles long within existing utility ROW between the Knickerbocker Substation in Rensselaer County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County. This route includes three new substations: Orchard Hill 345 kV, Knickerbocker 345 kV, and North Churchtown 115 kV. The expected in-service date for the Marcy Northern Route is July 2019. Geographic Location Please see Exhibit 1 for a map of the Project location. The route traverses Albany, Columbia, Dutchess, Fulton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Rensselaer, and Schenectady counties. Electrical Location and Engineering Specifications Please refer to Confidential Exhibit 2 for a one-line diagram of the proposed Project.10 NEETNY’s proposed Marcy Northern Route is composed of the following facilities: Construction of a new breaker-and-a-half 345 kV switchyard, Orchard Hill, located approximately half a mile west of the existing New Scotland 345 kV substation. The switchyard will require re-termination of the existing 345 kV lines at New Scotland to the new Orchard Hill switchyard, which will require new ROW. 10 Confidential Exhibit 2 contains Critical Infrastructure Information (CII). NEETNY has therefore requested confidential treatment of this information. Page 26 Construction of a new ring-bus 345 kV switchyard, Knickerbocker, located approximately 13 miles east of the New Scotland substation along the New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line. The switchyard will require the existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line to be looped in. Construction of a new ring-bus 115 kV switchyard, North Churchtown, located just north of NYSEG’s existing Churchtown 115 kV switchyard. The switchyard will require the Lafarge – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line and North Catskill – Milan 115 kV line to be looped into the new North Churchtown switchyard. Construction of a new 84-mile 345 kV line from Marcy to Orchard Hill, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The line will be constructed utilizing ROW adjacent to existing utility ROW in order to minimize landowner impacts. Construction of two new half-mile 345 kV lines from Orchard Hill to New Scotland, utilizing bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. Both lines will utilize ROW made available by re-terminating existing transmission lines at New Scotland to Orchard Hill. Retirement of approximately 62 miles of existing Greenbush – Pleasant Valley doublecircuit 115 kV line. Construction of a new 115 kV line from Greenbush to North Churchtown, utilizing 795 ACSR, Drake conductor. The line is approximately 30 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first eight miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 115 kV line, and the last 22 miles of the line will share a structure with the Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line. The line will be tapped and looped to Page 27 serve the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson, and ADM Milling 115 kV substations. o The existing 115 kV lines that branch off from the double circuit GreenbushPleasant Valley 115 kV lines and run towards the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson, and ADM Milling 115 kV substations will not be retired. These 115 kV lines will be reused and simply tap or loop into NEETNY’s proposed 115 kV line from Greenbush to North Churchtown. Construction of a new 345 kV line from Knickerbocker to Pleasant Valley, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The line is approximately 54 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first 22 miles of the line will share a structure with the new Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line. The last 32 miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 345 kV line. With respect to the cost estimate included in response to Requirement 12, the elements above are included in the estimate with the exception of: Looping existing transmission lines into the new substations, looping or tapping existing transmission lines into the new transmission lines, re-termination of existing transmission lines, and existing substation upgrades necessary to accommodate new lines. These elements constitute interconnection work to be conducted by the relevant transmission owner. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Page 28 Retirement of transmission lines. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Page 29 Knickerbocker Route NEETNY proposes to construct, own, and operate an approximately 62-mile AC transmission line located entirely within existing utility ROW between the Greenbush Substation in Rensselaer County and the Pleasant Valley Substation in Dutchess County including two new substations: Knickerbocker 345 kV and North Churchtown 115 kV. The expected in-service date for the Knickerbocker Route is January 2019. Geographic Location Please see Exhibit 1 for a map of the Project location. The route traverses Columbia, Dutchess, and Rensselaer counties. Electrical Location and Engineering Specifications The Knickerbocker Route consists of new 345 kV single circuit, 115 kV single circuit and 345/115 kV double circuit transmission lines. Please refer to Confidential Exhibit 2 for a one-line diagram of the proposed Project.11 These new transmission lines will be connected to the Greenbush substation in Rensselaer County and the Pleasant Valley substation in Dutchess County. Additionally, a new Knickerbocker 345 kV substation located in Rensselaer County and a North Churchtown 115 kV substation located in Columbia County will be built as part of this Route alternative. Details of the Route proposal are as follows: Construction of a new ring bus 345 kV switchyard, Knickerbocker, located approximately 13 miles east of the New Scotland substation along the New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line. The switchyard will require the existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line to be looped in. 11 Confidential Exhibit 2 contains Critical Infrastructure Information (CII). NEETNY has therefore requested confidential treatment of this exhibit. Page 30 Construction of a new ring-bus 115 kV switchyard, North Churchtown, located just north of NYSEG’s existing Churchtown 115 kV switchyard. The switchyard will require the Lafarge – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line and the North Catskill – Milan 115 kV line to be looped into the new North Churchtown switchyard. Retire approximately 62 miles of existing Greenbush – Pleasant Valley double-circuit 115 kV line. Construction of a new 115 kV line from Greenbush – North Churchtown, utilizing 795 ACSR, Drake conductor. The line is approximately 30 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first eight miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 115 kV line, and the last 22 miles the line will share a structure with the Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line. The line will be tapped and looped to serve the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson, and ADM Milling 115 kV substations. o The existing 115 kV lines that branch off from the double circuit GreenbushPleasant Valley 115 kV lines and run towards the Schodack, Fort Orange, Valkin, Ghent, Hudson and ADM Milling 115 kV substations will not be retired. These 115 kV lines will be reused and simply tap or loop into NEETNY’s proposed 115 kV line from Greenbush to North Churchtown. Construction of a new 345 kV line from Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley, utilizing double bundled, 1590 ACSR, Falcon conductor. The line is approximately 54 miles long and will utilize existing ROW made available by the retirement of the Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV double circuit lines. The first 22 miles of the line will share a Page 31 structure with the new Greenbush – Pleasant Valley 115 kV line. The last 32 miles of the line will be constructed as a single circuit 345 kV line. With respect to the cost estimate included in response to Requirement 12, the elements above are included in the estimate with the exception of: Looping existing transmission lines into the new substations, looping or tapping existing transmission lines into the new transmission lines, re-termination of existing transmission lines, and existing substation upgrades necessary to accommodate new lines. These elements constitute interconnection work to be conducted by the relevant transmission owner. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Retirement of transmission lines. NEETNY’s response to Requirement 12 outlines the basis for excluding this work from the binding estimate and provides an indicative estimate for the Commission’s information. Page 32 Requirement 4: Evidence of a commercially viable technology NEETNY’s proposed Projects will be completed with equipment and material that is currently available for the utility industry generally and NEETNY in particular. NEETNY intends to purchase material and equipment that is available from qualified vendors. Evidence of the commercial viability of the various elements of the proposed Project and route alternatives is provided below. Conductors For the 345 kV lines proposed by NEETNY, 1590 54/19 ACSR “Falcon” conductor is proposed. The high strength-to-weight ratio of the Falcon conductor is well suited for the types of structural loads expected. In addition, the MVA rating of the 2 x Falcon bundle meets the required capacity of the lines. Falcon ACSR is a common conductor and readily available from multiple suppliers. NEETNY proposes 1 x 1192 54/19 ACSR Grackle conductor for the PrincetownRotterdam 230 kV #1 and #2 lines. The high strength-to-weight ratio of the Grackle conductor is well suited for the types of structural loads expected. In addition, the MVA rating of the 1x Grackle conductor meets the required capacity of the lines. Grackle ACSR is a common conductor and readily available from multiple suppliers. NEETNY proposes 1 x 795 26/7 ACSR Drake conductor for the Greenbush-North North Churchtown 115 kV line. The high strength-to-weight ratio of the Drake conductor is well suited for the types of structural loads expected. In addition, the MVA rating of the 1 x 795 26/7 ACSR Drake conductor meets the required capacity of the lines. Drake ACSR is a common conductor and readily available from multiple suppliers. Page 33 These high strength ACSR conductors were chosen over other conductor options such as ACSS and composite core conductors for the following reasons: ACSR is less expensive than its equivalent ACSS and composite core options. Composite core conductors are typically three times more expensive than ACSR, while ACSS is about 10-15% more expensive. The advantage of ACSS and composite core conductors is that less aluminum can be used to achieve the same rating because they can operate at higher temperatures. However, the smaller kcmil sizes results in higher system losses. ACSS and composite core conductors operating at high temperatures increases the risk of compression fitting failure. Poles Most of the transmission structures for the Project will be spun concrete monopole structures with braced polymer post insulators. Since 2009, NEETNY affiliates have built almost 550 miles of 345 kV lines utilizing spun concrete monopole structures. Please refer to Exhibit 3 for photographs of example concrete monopoles.12 Pole designs are based on project specific load cases, and reviewed by NEETNY subject matter experts and the engineer of record. These structures utilize a 345 kV braced post assembly with the same proven track record. The assembly was developed in cooperation with insulator manufacturers, and tri-axis load capabilities were determined in tests conducted at the University of Maine. The spun concrete poles suitable for this project are available from one supplier with multiple plants in the southeast and in Texas, and can efficiently be available for the Project. 12 The first picture in Exhibit 3 shows an example of a concrete monopole. The second picture shows a concrete monopole adjacent to a traditional lattice structure for comparison purposes. Page 34 Substations Substation equipment will be procured using specifications developed by NEETNY and the engineer of record. The specifications will be based on industry standards (such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), site specific requirements (such as elevation), and specific electrical and mechanical requirements. The equipment required for the substations is common to the industry. Underground Cable Hudson River Crossing The Thruway and Marcy Southern Route 2 require new Hudson River crossings. NEETNY proposes to cross the Hudson River using solid dielectric 345 kV underground cable in conduits. The conduits will be installed utilizing HDD. There are two domestic sources for 345 kV XLPE cable, and multiple others overseas. XLPE cables have been available at 345 kV for many years. The XLPE technology is reliable and cost effective compared to pipe type options. The solid dielectric cables do not require oil filled pipes. The submarine HDD length is approximately 3,000 feet, well within the realm of successful HDD installations. NEETNY will evaluate the advantage of a jet plow installation, if indicated after further field and geotechnical studies are performed. Page 35 Requirement 7: A demonstration of Site Control or a schedule for obtaining such control NEETNY provides the following plan and schedule for obtaining site control for its five alternative routes for the Marcy/Edic to Pleasant Valley Project. NEETNY, through affiliates of NextEra, has considerable experience in obtaining site control for transmission projects throughout North America. For the Marcy/Edic to Pleasant Valley Project, NEETNY has tailored its approach to site control to align with the State of New York’s policy preference for containing transmission projects within existing ROW or along existing state-owned ROW. NEETNY notes that in inviting applicants to submit alternatives to their existing proposals filed in this proceeding, the Commission, in an approach unique to New York State, “emphasize[d] that the proponents of such alternatives need not currently own or control the right-of-way proposed to be used.”13 NEETNY’s plan and schedule for obtaining site control depends on the planned use of the property and the nature of the rights needed to obtain site control. In particular, NEETNY expects to take the following steps to obtain site control, which are further detailed for each route alternative below: Substation or Switchyard Parcels: NEETNY plans to acquire land necessary to construct substations and switchyards and, if necessary, obtain easements for access to those parcels. Adjacent ROW or New ROW: The Marcy Northern Route requires development of 84 miles of new ROW adjacent to existing utility ROW, and the Thruway Route requires development of three miles of new ROW adjacent to a state route, and a total of five 13 February 2014 Order at 4, n.5. Page 36 miles of new ROW, and approximately 13 miles adjacent to existing utility ROW; a bridge crossing is also being considered as an alternate river crossing. In addition, some routes require short portions of new ROW to interconnect to substations or switchyards, NEETNY plans to enter into easements with private landowners adjacent to the existing utility ROW, along state roads, or in new ROW; and with institutional landowners of other longitudinal parcels with existing uses such as bike trails, railroad, or bridges. Where necessary and appropriate, NEETNY may seek to purchase parcels outright. Government ROW: Two routes include a new Hudson River crossing (Thruway and Marcy Southern 2), which will affect lands owned by New York State and managed by the New York State Office of General Services (NYSOGS). NEETNY plans to seek an easement or similar interest in real property from NYSOGS for the use of the Hudson River bottom lands for those routes where it crosses the river. Thruway ROW: NEETNY is in discussions with the New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA) to enter into a long-term lease or easement to construct NEETNY’s Project within the Thruway ROW for the Thruway Route alternative. In areas where the Thruway parcels do not extend far enough from the Thruway to fully meet NEETNY’s ROW requirements, NEETNY will also enter into easements with adjacent landowners. Vacant Utility ROW: NEETNY plans to work with the transmission owner that owns the relevant ROW for use of vacant ROW where there is sufficient space to accommodate new structures without interfering with existing utility facilities. Joint Use of Facilities: In some cases, there is insufficient room in existing utility ROW to accommodate new structures without affecting existing transmission facilities. In cases where joint use of existing structures would be most appropriate, NEETNY would Page 37 pursue the execution of a joint use agreement with the incumbent transmission owner(s) to make the most efficient and beneficial use of the ROW, and provide for the simultaneous use of facilities by NEETNY and the incumbent transmission owner. NEETNY will work cooperatively with the relevant transmission owners to execute a mutually agreeable joint use agreement to secure site control in the event that NEETNY’s Project is selected by the Commission. Replace Existing Facilities: In cases where the most appropriate path is for existing structures to be removed and replaced with new and improved facilities, NEETNY proposes that the affected transmission owner(s) take the steps necessary to accommodate the new structures that are contemplated in a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need (Certificate) that would be issued to NEETNY by the Commission under Article VII of the Public Service Law (PSL). NEETNY would work cooperatively with the transmission owner to negotiate an easement for access to the ROW that will be vacant upon the transmission owner taking the steps necessary to accommodate the new structures. Based on Governor Cuomo’s 2014 State of the State address, which included a proposal to expedite transmission projects that can be wholly contained within existing ROW or buried along existing state-owned ROW, the Commission’s February 2014 Order expressed a preference for proposals that incorporate, “to the maximum extent possible, projects that can be contained within the bounds of existing rights-of-way.”14 The Commission’s December 2014 Order lists “the extent of any additional right-of-ways that may be needed” as one of the six 14 February 2014 Order at 4. Page 38 criteria to be used to compare proposed projects.”15 While the Commission found that it would be “impractical” and “unduly restrictive to impose an outright ban on all new right-of-way acquisition,” the Commission also stated that “the degree of necessity for such acquisition will be a key distinguishing factor affecting the viability of project proposals.”16 The Commission has also emphasized that applicants “need not currently own or control the right-of-way proposed to be used” in their projects.17 This final point is important given the Commission’s recognition that the “appearance of independent transmission developers” such as NEETNY in the alternating current transmission upgrade proceedings has created “an opportunity for consumers to reap the benefits of an enhanced AC transmission system, at a cost reflecting effective competition.”18 Taken together, these unique New York state policy objectives, based on New York’s transmission reliability challenges, would be severely undercut if not eliminated if independent transmission developers were not afforded access to existing ROW. With respect to utility ROW and facilities, NEETNY is committed to working cooperatively, under state policy and Commission auspices as necessary, to reach negotiated agreements to obtain site control under reasonable terms and in a length of time necessary to support the construction schedule required to accomplish the objectives of the Commission and the Blueprint. NEETNY understands that the Commission’s existing legal authority under New York law would support the Commission’s actions with respect to utility ROW and facilities outlined in this application. 15 December 2014 Order at 38. 16 December 2014 Order at 39. 17 February 2014 Order at 4. 18 Case 12-T-0502 – Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to Examine Alternating Current Transmission Upgrades, Order Establishing Procedures for Joint Review Under Article VII of the Public Service Law and Approving Rule Changes, at 16 (April 22, 2013). Page 39 With respect to private landowner property, NEETNY considers condemnation the least desirable approach. NEETNY will thus seek willing landowners when routing its Project, and NEETNY will then make a concerted effort to reach agreement with such willing landowners. Given that the majority of the Project routes are within existing ROWs, the number of new landowners affected has been minimized. To facilitate an understanding of NEETNY’s plan and schedule for site control, the below tables provide an overview of each Route with reference to key sections of the transmission line and elements applying the policy set out by the Governor and the Commission. The “Path to Site Control” column refers to the bulleted list above. Thruway Route Project Element New Edic – Leeds 345kV line (125 miles) Path to Site Control 3 miles: Adjacent ROW to state route 34 121 miles: Thruway ROW 1 mile: New ROW Schedule October 2016 – November 2017 New Leeds – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line (53 miles) 1 mile: New ROW October 2016 – November 39 miles: Thruway ROW 2017 4 miles: Adjacent ROW 3 miles: New ROW 2 mile: Government ROW for HDD for Hudson River crossing 5 miles: Adjacent to utility ROW Page 40 Marcy Southern Route 1 Project Element New Marcy – Princetown 345 kV lines (68 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of two Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV lines (70 miles) Path to Site Control 1.5 miles: Vacant Utility ROW 12 miles: Joint Use of Facilities 54.5 miles: Replace Existing Facilities Schedule October 2016 – November 2017 New 345/230 kV Princetown Substation Two new Princetown – Rotterdam 230 kV lines (5 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of two Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV lines referenced above (70 miles) New Knickerbocker 345 kV switchyard (15 acres) - Requires loop in of existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line New Greenbush – Knickerbocker 115 kV line (8 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of 115 kV lines Greenbush – Knickerbocker (62 miles) New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345/115 kV lines (22 miles) New North Churchtown 115 kV switchyard (15 acres) - Requires looping of existing 115 kV lines into North Churchtown New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line (32 miles) Substation Parcel October 2016 – November 2017 October 2016 – November 2017 5 miles: Replace Existing Facilities Switchyard Parcel October 2016 – November 2017 8 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 22 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Switchyard Parcel; Vacant Utility ROW October 2016 – November 2017 32 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Page 41 Marcy Southern Route 2 Project Element New Marcy – Princetown 345 kV lines (68 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of two Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV lines (70 miles) New 345/230 kV Princetown Substation Two new Princetown – Rotterdam 230 kV lines (5 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of two Porter – Rotterdam 230 kV lines referenced above (70 miles) New Princetown – Knickerbocker 345 kV line (32 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of 765 kV structures Marcy – New Scotland - Alps New Marcy – New Scotland 345 kV line (20 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of 765 kV structures Marcy – New Scotland – Alps referenced above New Scotland – Knickerbocker 345 kV line (13 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of 765 kV structures Marcy – New Scotland – Alps referenced above New Knickerbocker 345 kV switchyard (15 acres) - Requires loop in of existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line Path to Site Control Schedule 1.5 miles: Vacant Utility October 2016 – November ROW 2017 12 miles: Joint Use of Facilities; 54.5 miles: Replace Existing Facilities Substation Parcel 5 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 October 2016 – November 2017 31 miles: Replace Existing October 2016 – November Facilities 2017 1 mile: Government ROW for HDD for Hudson River crossing 20 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 12 miles: Replace Existing Facilities 1 mile: Utilizes existing overhead structures; Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Switchyard Parcel October 2016 – November 2017 Page 42 Project Element New Greenbush – Knickerbocker 115 kV line (8 miles) - Requires retirement and removal of 115 kV lines Greenbush – Knickerbocker (62 miles) New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345/115 kV lines (22 miles) New North Churchtown 115 kV switchyard (15 acres) - Requires looping of existing 115 kV lines into North Churchtown New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line (32 miles) Path to Site Control 8 miles: Replace Existing Facilities Schedule October 2016 – November 2017 22 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Switchyard Parcel; Vacant Utility ROW October 2016 – November 2017 32 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Marcy Northern Route Project Element New Marcy – Orchard Hill 345 kV line (84 miles) New Orchard Hill 345 kV switchyard - Requires retermination of six existing 345 kV lines from New Scotland substation to Orchard Hill switchyard Two new Orchard Hill – New Scotland 345 kV lines (0.5 miles) New Knickerbocker 345 kV switchyard - Requires loop in of existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line Path to Site Control 84 miles: Adjacent ROW to utility ROW Switchyard Parcel; Approximately 0.3 miles of New ROW Schedule October 2016 – November 2017 October 2016 – November 2017 0.5 miles: Vacant Utility ROW October 2016 – November 2017 Switchyard Parcel October 2016 – November 2017 Page 43 Project Element New Greenbush – Knickerbocker 115 kV line (8 miles) - Requires removal and replacement of 115 kV lines Greenbush – Knickerbocker (62 miles) New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345/115 kV lines (22 miles) New North Churchtown 115 kV switchyard - Requires looping of existing 115 kV lines into North Churchtown New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line (32 miles) Path to Site Control 8 miles: Replace Existing Facilities Schedule October 2016 – November 2017 22 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Switchyard Parcel; Vacant Utility ROW October 2016 – November 2017 32 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Knickerbocker Route Project Element New Knickerbocker 345 kV switchyard - Requires loop in of existing New Scotland – Alps 345 kV line New Greenbush – Knickerbocker 115 kV line (8 miles) - Requires removal and replacement of 115 kV lines Greenbush – Knickerbocker (62 miles) New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345/115 kV lines (22 miles) New North Churchtown 115 kV switchyard - Requires looping of existing 115 kV lines into North Churchtown Path to Site Control Switchyard Parcel Schedule October 2016 – November 2017 8 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 22 miles: Replace Existing Facilities October 2016 – November 2017 Switchyard Parcel Vacant Utility ROW October 2016 – November 2017 Page 44 Project Element New Knickerbocker – Pleasant Valley 345 kV line (32 miles) Path to Site Control 32 miles: Replace Existing Facilities Schedule October 2016 – November 2017 Page 45 Requirement 8: Status of any contracts (other than an Interconnection Agreement) that are under negotiations or in place NEETNY will have ultimate responsibility for siting, permitting, engineering, procurement, construction, and placing the Project into operation. As with other projects completed by the NextEra family of companies, NEETNY will draw from expertise across the entire NextEra organization, and engage a selected suite of respected consulting firms, specifically in the areas of engineering design, construction, environmental permitting, land management, and legal and regulatory support to bring the Project to successful completion. NEETNY has already entered into agreements with respect to environmental, engineering, public outreach, power flow modeling, land agent, legal services, and other services to support this current application stage for the Project. Below are our current key team members: Engineering: Sargent & Lundy LLC Environmental: TRC Environmental Corporation Visual Analysis: Saratoga Associates Electrical System Analysis: Pterra, LLC Land Valaution: Atwell, LLC Public Outreach: Behan Communications, Inc. Legal and Regulatory Counsel: DLA Piper LLP (US) NEETNY’s current team includes best-in-class professionals from these firms supporting bid preparation, development, preliminary design and engineering, legal and regulatory support, public outreach, and other activities. Once designated as the approved project sponsor, NEETNY will conduct competitive solicitations for the detailed design, environmental and permitting support, land acquisition, and general contractor services from amongst top-rated, Page 46 nationally- and internationally-known firms and vendors, most of whom NextEra has longstanding relationships, which will result in the best overall product and cost for ratepayers. These contracts would be put in place during the licensing process and prior to the start of Project construction. Agreements with respect to land/real property interest acquisition are discussed in the Site Control section. Page 47 Requirement 10: Status of equipment availability and procurement NextEra’s Procurement Experience NextEra has a dedicated and experienced in-house procurement team that supports all of its transmission line and substation projects and is adept at material and equipment procurement. Once a Certificate is received, the procurement team would group this project with other various projects underway to solicit competitive bids on all of the projects and place orders for site delivery based on guaranteed lead times to meet project schedules with adequate additional time allowances. The procurement of multiple projects enables NextEra to leverage its purchasing power, therefore buying large quantities of equipment at discounts, as well as leveraging its relationship as a large customer in terms of on-time delivery and other service considerations. The strengths of NextEra affiliates in material equipment and procurement include: Experienced in‐house procurement staff with the ability to work through vendor selection; Long‐standing relationships with vendors and significant buying power that allows access to better pricing from reputable suppliers, as well as expedited purchasing and delivery during critical times; Established procurement processes that incorporate quality, cost, reliability, financial stability, delivery, field support, safety track record, commitment to continuous improvement, and innovation when selecting suppliers; and Practice of buying major long-lead equipment in advance, thereby mitigating risks such as delivery delays, owner caused delays or material cost escalation. Procurement Process The majority of material and equipment procurement will be performed by the substation and transmission line contractors per the specifications developed by the engineer of record and NEETNY subject matter experts. NEETNY typically procures long lead time items such as high voltage breakers, transformers, switches, reactors, transmission line structures, conductors, and optical and overhead shield wires. For equipment purchased directly by NEETNY, the Page 48 company’s Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) department will coordinate all delivery to the site, monitor vendor progress, and expedite delivery of materials to maintain schedule. The contractor will be responsible for the procurement of all materials in their individual scope and will be required to coordinate delivery, monitor vendor progress, and expedite delivery of materials as needed to maintain the Project schedule. The overall procurement process plays an important role in controlling capital costs through specific Scope of Work (SOW) documents, which include specifications and contracted terms and conditions (T&Cs) made between NEETNY, its equipment suppliers and engineering and construction contractors. The SOW spells out the technical and performance requirements that the contractor will address in the contract. The legally binding T&Cs ensure that NEETNY, its suppliers and contractors understand the division of responsibility, contracted price, invoicing terms, payment date requirements, contract scope change process and scheduled due dates. This process outlines various T&Cs for different types of procurements and the requirements for source and price analysis on purchase orders and change orders which again contribute to cost control. These guidelines combined with managerial oversight provide cost control of procured activities across the NextEra enterprise, including capital procurements made by NEETNY, and ensures that NEETNY’s capital costs are well controlled by established and proven effective procurement processes. NEETNY will evaluate the individual equipment and material bids and award the contracts based on the lowest evaluated cost, production capabilities, supplier performance, safety, prior experience, delivery schedule, quality control, and financial capabilities. Once orders are placed, NEETNY’s ISC personnel will perform material expediting functions such as coordinating, monitoring and controlling the procurement process. Major Page 49 procurement activities will be incorporated in the Project schedule. Material expediters will assure that suppliers meet the scheduled submittal dates for product designs, shop drawings, and product details. Similarly, material expediters will assure that the Project’s engineering teams review and approve supplier submittals, and that these results are returned to the suppliers as required to maintain schedule. If necessary, material expediters will schedule meetings with the engineer and the supplier to review submittal comments in order to assure that all stakeholders understand the requests and changes. The procurement process will thereby maintain the needed pace to achieve the scheduled delivery milestones. Equipment Lead Times and Scheduling The longest lead equipment for the Project would be the two auto-transformers, which are required for Marcy Southern Route 1 and Marcy Southern Route 2 and take 46-60 weeks to procure, depending on voltage and MVA ratings. Typical high-voltage breakers can be procured in 26-38 weeks depending on voltage. Concrete poles can be procured in 12-16 weeks and steel poles in 16-24 weeks. Transmission line conductors, insulators, hardware, and optical ground wire can be procured in less than 22 weeks. The balance of substation equipment—including structural steel, disconnect switches, ground grid wire, surge arrestors, etc.—can be procured in less than 20 weeks. Based on past experience and industry forecasts, no equipment or materials in the Project design are difficult to procure, requiring special procurement efforts such as queue positions, or other extraordinary advance planning. NEETNY will re-confirm these lead times as appropriate at later development stages. As noted above, procurement would commence upon Certificate issuance, with equipment and materials delivery occurring in support of the start of construction. procurement period is currently expected to be over twelve months. The The detailed project Page 50 schedule for each project reflects current material and equipment lead times, which is informed by the on-going experience of NextEra affiliates with major equipment purchases. Page 51 Requirement 11: Evidence of financing or ability to finance the project NEETNY has provided evidence of its ability to finance the proposed Project in its Appendix B: Developer Qualification Requirements, pages 33 through 40. As explained in those materials, NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. (NEECH) owns and provides funding for NextEra affiliates operating in competitive markets, including NEETNY. NEETNY has provided evidence of NEECH’s demonstrated experience financing or arranging financing for NextEra affiliate projects of similar scope as to those proposed here on pages 35 through 37 of the Developer Qualification material. The NEETNY Project will be financed by NEECH from corporate funds, consisting of both debt and equity, during the development, permitting and construction phases. This approach is in large part possible because of NextEra’s credit standing and available liquidity. As such, NEECH is one of the few companies in the energy industry that has such optionality to initially fund a project without the need for external financing during the early stages. Therefore, ratepayers receive the benefit of a project constructed with strong equity support, without any risk of project-level leverage. Further, corporate parent funding benefits ratepayers by avoiding unnecessary and costly third-party transaction costs and providing the flexibility to complete the project under a range of possible scenarios (e.g., construction delays, regulatory interventions, etc.). As of December 31, 2013, NEECH had over $3.6 billion of net available liquidity, primarily consisting of bank revolving line of credit facilities and cash equivalents, and commercial paper outstanding. Following construction, NEECH will continue to be a resource for any necessary NEETNY funding requirements. Page 52 At some point in the future, likely following the completion of construction and the Project being placed into commercial operation, the Project could benefit from a financing undertaken by NEETNY, or another NextEra affiliate. This financing would be secured at a lower cost of debt by virtue of not having construction risk. Page 53 Requirement 12: Capital cost estimates for the project Consistent with the Commission’s December 2014 Order, NEETNY supports and will accept the risk-sharing proposal adopted by the Commission in that order. The components of the cost on which NEETNY’s bid are based will be provided on March 2, 2015, in accordance with the Commission’s December 30, 2014 ruling. NEETNY’s “reliable and binding estimates” for the project elements within the scope of NEETNY’s estimate, as discussed further in this section, for the routes are as follows: Thruway Route: $554.5 million Marcy Southern Route 1: $301.3 million Marcy Southern Route 2: $418.8 million Marcy Northern Route: $308.4 million Knickerbocker Route: $135.2 million Project bids assume the utilization of local craft labor. NEETNY clarifies the following with respect to the scope of Project elements that are included in NEETNY’s capital cost estimates: Demolition Costs The cost of demolishing and removing existing utility structures—required for the Marcy Southern Route 1, Marcy Southern Route 2, Marcy Northern Route, and Knickerbocker Route— are not included in the binding estimate. NEETNY assumes that this work will be done by the relevant utility in advance of the Project’s construction mobilization. If desired, NEETNY would be willing to propose a firm cost for this demolition following further detailed analysis, and anticipates that it would be in line with the following indicative estimates: Marcy Southern Route 1: $48.2 million Page 54 Marcy Southern Route 2: $66 million Marcy Northern Route: $23 million Knickerbocker Route: $23 million Interconnection Costs Costs of interconnection work to be conducted by the relevant transmission owner are not included in the binding estimate.19 NEETNY is unable to estimate these costs until NYISO completes its Facilities Study. Further, NEETNY may not be the entity constructing the upgrades and is therefore unable to provide a binding estimate for that work at this time. However, NEETNY expects that the work would be in line with the following indicative estimates: Thruway Route: $19 million Marcy Southern Route 1: $20 million Marcy Southern Route 2: $16 million Marcy Northern Route: $31 million Knickerbocker Route: $10 million Utility ROW and Facilities NEETNY has not included in its cost estimate potential costs of acquiring utility ROW or utility facilities. NEETNY notes, however, that if the Commission finds it appropriate that Transco developers include estimates for the cost of transferring utility ROW or facilities to the 19 Interconnection costs refer to work assumed to be done by the transmission owner, including: modifications to existing substations to accommodate NEETNY’s proposed transmission lines, re-termination of existing transmission owners’ lines, and looping in and/or tapping existing transmission owners’ lines into NEETNY’s proposed substations or transmission lines. Page 55 newly-formed Transco limited liability corporation in their bid, it would be appropriate to use those costs as a benchmark for inclusion in NEETNY’s cost estimate. System Upgrade Costs System upgrade costs are not included in the binding estimate. NEETNY is unable to estimate these costs until NYISO completes its Facilities Studies. In addition, even after the estimated costs of the upgrades are known, NEETNY may not be the entity constructing the upgrades and is therefore unable to provide a binding estimate for that work at this time. Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) The capital cost estimate is exclusive of AFUDC. Page 56 Requirement 14: Any other information requested by the ISO The modeling information requested by the Commission for NYISO powerflow modeling in Appendix C to the December 2014 Order is filed concurrently with these Project Information Requirements as Confidential Exhibit 6.20 20 Confidential Exhibit 6 contains Critical Infrastructure Information (CII). NEETNY has therefore requested confidential treatment of this exhibit Page 57 Thruway Route Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods NEETNY provides the following information on the lead time necessary to complete the Thruway Route based on (1) electrical outages; (2) construction windows; and (3) environmental windows. NEETNY has incorporated all of the timing considerations outlined in this section into its project schedule. Electrical Outages The key outages required for the Thruway Route are outlined in the table below. The outages listed in this section do not include those required for line crossings, which are anticipated to require minimal time. Outages Required For Transmission Element Substation Interconnection Edic 345 kV Substation Substation Interconnection Leeds 345 kV Substation Substation Interconnection Pleasant Valley 345 kV Substation NEETNY will plan these outages during the detailed design stage and will coordinate all requests for transmission outages with NYISO and the relevant transmission owners. NEETNY will follow the transmission outage procedures as outlined in the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual 29,21 and will work with NYISO and all impacted parties to provide enough time for NYISO to perform the required studies and to verify power system thermal, voltage, and stability criteria and to ultimately determine potential impact on power system reliability. 21 See NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, version 4.1 (October 2013). Page 58 Construction Windows The construction timeframe in the major milestone schedule attached as Exhibit 4 provides for typically-anticipated construction limitations. NEETNY has incorporated the environmental windows below into the construction schedule, and has not identified any significant limitations on construction timing. Environmental Windows Based on the current proposed route and a preliminary review of publicly-available mapping and databases, there are several state and federal listed rare, threatened, and endangered (RTE) species that have been documented in counties crossed by the Project, including: Karner blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. During the Part B Application studies, NEETNY will consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Natural Heritage Program (NHP) to confirm whether any of these RTE species have been documented within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, it will be determined whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and preconstruction species field surveys confirm any species’ presence within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities as identified in the table below may be applied. Page 59 Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Distribution Status (last known Name Subgroup Protection Timing Restrictions documented by Status NY Natural Heritage) No mowing from April 1 through August 31 Karner blue Plebejus Melissa samuelis Indiana Bat Butterflies and moths Mammals Myotis sodalis Albany (2009) and Schenectady (1999) Counties Federal Endangered/ State Endangered Albany (2010), Ulster (2010) and Dutchess (2009) Counties Federal Endangered/ State Endangered No trampling of known habits at any point in time *Found within Albany Pine Bush Preserve which is located adjacent to the Thruway No tree clearing from April 1 to November 1 within the geographic summer range of the Indiana bat (all three identified counties). Extend the seasonal restriction to November 15 if within 10.0 miles of a known hibernaculum. *Known hibernacula in Albany and Ulster Counties Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Birds Recently confirmed all along route State Threatened **May be avoided if no tree clearing is required No clearing, construction, and landscaping January to July within 660 feet of an identified Bald Eagle nest. Page 60 Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Distribution Status (last known Name Subgroup Protection Timing Restrictions documented by Status NY Natural Heritage) No work from October 15 through April 1 within Bog Turtle Reptiles Ulster (2002) Federal identified habitat areas. and Dutchess Threatened/ Clemmys (2010) Counties State *With authorization from muhlenbergii Endangered USFWS may be allowed to have a certified bog turtle specialist clear area prior to construction each day. N/A New England Cottontail Mammals Dutchess County (2011) Sylviagus transitionalis Northern Long Eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis Mammals Found throughout the state Federal Candidate/ State Special Concern Federal Proposed for listing No tree clearing from April 1 to September 30 *May be avoided if no tree clearing is required Page 61 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule Please refer to Exhibit 4 for the major milestone schedule for the Thruway Route. Page 62 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications In addition to the Certificate that the Thruway Route will require, based on the Project’s approximately 178-mile 345-kV transmission line route, the Project will also be required to obtain: NYSDEC State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002); Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement from the New York Office of General Services (NYSOGS) (for aerial crossing of Mohawk River); Coastal Zone Consistency Determination from the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS); Canal Permit from the New York State Canal Corporation; a Utility Work Permit from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) (for highway crossings); and a Work Permit from NYSTA (for crossing of New York State Thruway I-90). The need for NYSDEC wetland permits and/or Section 404 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be determined based on the performance of the field studies identified and the ability to refine the Project’s engineering design to avoid ecologically sensitive resources to the maximum extent practicable. NEETNY may also be required to obtain work permits and easements for the crossings of railroads. The field activities and supporting environmental studies required in support of this Project are anticipated to be completed between September 2015 and September 2016 in support of the Part B Application that is expected to be submitted to the Commission in 2016. Upon the receipt of the Part B Application, the Commission would review the Application for completeness/compliance with the regulations, and then would begin the hearing and decision phase. A conservative estimate of nine months has been reflected in the Project’s permitting schedule for the review of the Part B Application and issuance of the Certificate and another 12 months to obtain the other required permits, including the Commission’s approval of the Page 63 Project’s Environmental Management and Construction Plan (EM&CP). The Project’s proposed permitting schedule showing the timing of field programs and other permitting milestones is included as Exhibit 5. In preparing the schedule for the environmental studies, NEETNY has assumed that it will have obtained necessary access to properties in the Project study area. In order to minimize the risks associated with obtaining access agreements, NEETNY will obtain Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data for the route and use remote sensing technology in conjunction with field surveys to support its resource evaluation. If access is not granted, or only limited access is available, and field studies cannot be completed as proposed, portions of the Part B Application would be supported by remote sensing data. All or part of the proposed field surveys would then be completed when access to the site becomes available, likely after the Certificate is issued but prior to construction. Page 64 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement NEETNY has initiated the interconnection process for the Thruway Route, and according to NYISO’s OATT Section 30, Attachment X schedule, NEETNY expects completion of the Feasibility Study by August 2015. Based on that timing, NEETNY expects that the System Reliability Impact Study would be underway by September 2015. Page 65 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission Based on the proposed route and preliminary constraints analysis, there do not appear to be any major permitting or other environmental risks that would prevent the construction of the Thruway Route. In general, by siting the proposed transmission line within the Thruway corridor, direct impacts to environmentally sensitive resources will be minimized. A preliminary constraints analysis of the proposed route was performed to initially identify potential Project impacts to allow for initial engineering design efforts to avoid and/or minimize identified sensitive resources and areas and/or the development and incorporation of certain mitigation measures within the proposed Project plan. Land Use: Because the proposed route generally follows the Thruway corridor, land uses along the proposed route will not be adversely affected. NEETNY will work with NYSTA throughout the siting process to ensure that NYSTA activities are not adversely affected. For those segments out of the Thruway ROW, new ROW will be minimized by locating adjacent to utility ROW or selective routing. Visual: To identify and address potential visual impacts, NEETNY has conducted an initial visual resource assessment of the proposed transmission line to determine the effect or difference in the visual character of the landscape before and after the Project is completed. NEETNY will further assess impacts and potential mitigation using photo simulations of the project in relation to certain sensitive receptors, such as historic sites and major roads, within the zone of visual impact. The results of this initial visual assessment will identify: the potentially impacted receptors; efforts made to assure the Page 66 Project avoids scenic, recreational, and historic areas; and measures to minimize the visibility of the Project from areas of public view to the maximum extent practicable. Vegetation: Because it uses the Thruway corridor, the proposed route will require minimal tree clearing. NEETNY will utilize vegetation field surveys and state-of-the-art remote sensing technology and spatial analysis to comprehensively assess vegetation and forest composition of the ROW and adjacent areas in conjunction with actual field surveys in order to expedite the resource evaluation process required to complete the Part B Application. The proposed route will require tree clearing in order to comply with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Standard FAC-003 transmission vegetation management requirements. NEETNY will develop a Projectspecific vegetation management plan to identify the appropriate vegetation management actions for construction and subsequent operations. During construction, NEETNY will review appropriate vegetation clearing and disposal with NYSTA landowners, regulatory agencies (including the Commission and NYSDEC), and other stakeholders. Once constructed, vegetation will be controlled according to a specific transmission vegetation management plan to ensure the reliability of the transmission line. NEETNY will perform a baseline survey to identify areas of concern for invasive vegetative species. NEETNY will consult with the agencies to develop an Invasive Species Control Plan for implementation during construction that will include methods to control and prevent the spread of invasive species by construction activities. Cultural Resources: The proposed route does not cross any known archaeological sites and no properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), but it does cross two places listed on the State Register of Historic Places (SRHP). However, as the Page 67 proposed route follows the Thruway through these properties, direct impacts are not anticipated. There are also a number of places listed on both NRHP and SRHP within 0.5 miles of the proposed route. Through consultation with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP), NEETNY will conduct a Phase IA literature review and develop a Phase IB work plan to study an area of direct potential effect (APE) for the Project. The APE will encompass the existing and new right-of-way as well as any temporary laydown areas, construction access roads, and other locations where Project construction activities may result in ground disturbance that has the potential to affect archeological resources. In addition, the APE will include an area of indirect potential effect, which is the area of visual effect on above-ground architectural properties listed or eligible for listing on the NRHP and SRHP. NEETNY will submit a Phase IA/IB Report for OPRHP review and approval. In the event that the field studies identify areas of archaeological significance, NEETNY’s engineering team will identify alternatives to avoiding such areas to the extent practicable and reflect any mitigation alternatives to OPRHP for their consideration and approval. During construction, NEETNY will develop a plan for the unanticipated discovery of cultural resources or human remains that will describe the measure and procedures to be implemented to protect these resources. Protected Species and General Wildlife: NEETNY will consult with the USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to determine if any RTE species are known to occur within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, NEETNY will determine whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its Page 68 further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publiclyavailable mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed RTE species are known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project, including: the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Karner blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm the presence of these species within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities will likely be applied, unless further consultation provides accommodation. Wetlands and Water Resources: NEETNY will conduct wetland delineation field surveys and remote sensing to identify all wetlands and streams within the proposed ROW. While the proposed route crosses NYSDEC and National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)-mapped wetlands and NYSDEC-protected streams, NEETNY’s engineering team, to the extent practicable, will site the transmission structures outside of all identified wetlands and outside of protected streams and their associated floodplains, minimizing direct impact to these resources. NEETNY proposes an HDD crossing of the Hudson Page 69 River, which will minimize direct impacts to the river and associated tidal wetlands. Further, temporary laydown areas and construction access roads will be designed to minimize impacts in and near wetlands and if access is required, timber mats will be utilized to protect the wetlands. Noise: Potential noise during the construction of the proposed transmission facilities is expected to be limited as construction activities will be short-term, primarily occurring during daylight hours, and will be conducted in accordance with local ordinances. If a local ordinance were to be determined to be unduly restrictive, NEETNY would seek a waiver from the Commission. The construction and operation of the proposed switchyards is also not expected to cause a significant impact to nearby sensitive receptors as it will not involve transformers or major noise producing equipment. NEETNY will prepare a noise impact assessment to document that anticipated facility noise levels will be in compliance with local and state noise level standards and guidelines. Traffic: NEETNY will comply with the requirements of the NYSDOT, NYSTA, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for working within the Thruway ROW. NEETNY will prepare detailed drawings as part of the EM&CP that will reflect construction techniques, best management practices for working within the Thruway ROW, and any timing restrictions that arise during consultations with these agencies. NYSTA, NYSDOT, and FHWA: NYSTA policy does not currently provide for longitudinal installations of transmission facilities, so the Thruway Route requires approval of the NYSTA, NYSDOT, and FHWA. NEETNY has been in consultation with Page 70 the NYSTA to discuss the approval process and plans to present the proposed use of Thruway ROW to the relevant agencies for consideration in the coming months. Community Opposition/Outreach: Other project development risks include community opposition and the potential for resulting regulatory uncertainty. NEETNY is committed to working with all interested stakeholders through a robust outreach and education (O&E) program to address/respond to community concerns and inform the public about the Project to the greatest extent practicable. NEETNY believes a well-designed O&E program can have numerous benefits, including fostering a cooperative relationship with landowners and other stakeholders, expediting the regulatory permitting process, and assisting with project development. Notwithstanding these efforts, NEETNY recognizes that the duration and magnitude of community opposition and resulting regulatory uncertainty can be difficult to predict; NEETNY has thus incorporated both time and resource contingencies into its Project development planning approach. Page 71 Marcy Southern Route 1 Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods NEETNY provides the following information on the lead time necessary to complete the Marcy Southern Route 1 based on (1) electrical outages; (2) construction windows; and (3) environmental windows. NEETNY has incorporated all of the timing considerations outlined in this section into its project schedule. Electrical Outages The key outages required for the Marcy Southern Route 1 are outlined in the table below. The outages listed in this section do not include those required for line crossings, which are anticipated to require minimal time. Outages Required For Transmission Element Substation Interconnection Marcy 345 kV Substation Substation Interconnection Pleasant Valley 345 kV Substation New Substation Princetown 345/230 kV Substation New Switchyard Knickerbocker 345 kV Switchyard New Switchyard North Churchtown 115 kV Switchyard Transmission Line Retirement Transmission Line Retirement 22 Porter - Rotterdam 230 kV lines Greenbush - Pleasant Valley 115 kV Double Circuit22 In order to maintain service to each substation served on the Greenbush-Hudson, Greenbush-Schodack, and Schodack-Pleasant Valley 115 kV lines, NEETNY plans to install load break interrupting switches at each tap. These Motor Operated Load Interrupting Phase Over Phase (Molipop) switches have been used successfully by FPL on 115 kV systems to isolate line segments. Molipops will be installed at the taps for Fort Orange, Valkin, ADM Milling, Churchtown and Blue Stores. Page 72 NEETNY will plan these outages during the detailed design stage and will coordinate all requests for transmission outages with NYISO and the relevant transmission owners. NEETNY will follow the transmission outage procedures as outlined in the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual 29,23 and will work with NYISO and all impacted parties to provide enough time for NYISO to perform the required studies and to verify power system thermal, voltage, and stability criteria and to ultimately determine potential impact on power system reliability. Construction Windows The construction timeframe in the major milestone schedule attached as Exhibit 4 provides for typically-anticipated construction limitations. NEETNY has incorporated the environmental windows below into the construction schedule, and has not identified any significant limitations on construction timing. Environmental Windows Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publicly-available mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed RTE species have been documented in counties crossed by the Project, including: Karner blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii) New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. During the Part B Application studies, NEETNY will consult with USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to confirm whether any of these RTE species have been documented within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, it will be determined whether site surveys will 23 See NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, version 4.1 (October 2013). Page 73 be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm any species’ presence within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities as identified in the table below may be applied. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Name Subgroup Distribution Status (last known documented by NY Natural Heritage) Protection Status Timing Restrictions No mowing from April 1 through August 31 Karner blue Plebejus Melissa samuelis Indiana Bat Myotis sodalis Butterflies and moths Mammals Albany (2009) and Schenectady (1999) Counties Albany (2010), Columbia (2010) and Dutchess (2009) Counties Federal Endangered/ State Endangered Federal Endangered/ State Endangered No trampling of known habitats at any point in time *Found within Albany Pine Bush Reserve which is located approximately 5 miles from the proposed ROW No tree clearing from April 1 to November 1 within the geographic summer range of the Indiana bat (all three identified counties). Extend the seasonal restriction to November 15 if within 10.0 miles of a known hibernaculum. *Known hibernacula in Albany County **May be avoided if no tree clearing is required Page 74 Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Name Bald Eagle Subgroup Recently confirmed all along route State Threatened Reptiles Columbia (2009) and Dutchess (2010) Counties Federal Threatened/ State Endangered Clemmys muhlenbergii New England Cottontail Mammals Columbia (2011) and Dutchess (2011) Counties Federal Candidate/ State Special Concern Mammals Found throughout the state Federal Proposed for listing Sylviagus transitionalis Northern Long Eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis Protection Status Birds Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bog Turtle Distribution Status (last known documented by NY Natural Heritage) Timing Restrictions No clearing, construction, and landscaping January to July within 660 feet of an identified Bald Eagle nest No work from October 15 through April 1 within identified habitat areas. *With authorization from USFWS may be allowed to have a certified bog turtle specialist clear area prior to construction each day. N/A No tree clearing from April 1 to September 30 *May be avoided if no tree clearing is required Page 75 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule Please refer to Exhibit 4 for the major milestone schedule for the Marcy Southern Route 1. Page 76 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications In addition to the Certificate that the Marcy Southern Route 1 will require, based on the Project’s approximately 135-mile 345-kV transmission line route, the Project will also be required to obtain: NYSDEC State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002); Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement from NYSOGS (for aerial crossing of Mohawk River); Coastal Zone Consistency Determination from NYSDOS; Canal Permit from the New York State Canal Corporation; a Utility Work Permit from NYSDOT (for highway crossings); and a Work Permit from NYSTA (for crossing of New York State Thruway I-90). The need for NYSDEC wetland permits and/or Section 404 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be determined based on the performance of the field studies identified and the ability to refine the Project’s engineering design to avoid ecologically sensitive resources to the maximum extent practicable. NEETNY may also be required to obtain work permits and easements for the crossings of railroads. The field activities and supporting environmental studies required in support of this Project are anticipated to be completed between September 2015 and September 2016 in support of the Part B Application that is expected to be submitted to the Commission in 2016. Upon the receipt of the Part B Application, the Commission would review the Application for completeness/compliance with the regulations, and then would begin the hearing and decision phase. A conservative estimate of nine months has been reflected in the Project’s permitting schedule for the review of the Part B Application and issuance of the Certificate and another 12 months to obtain the other required permits, including the Commission’s approval of the Page 77 Project’s EM&CP. The Project’s proposed permitting schedule showing the timing of field programs and other permitting milestones is included as Exhibit 5. In preparing the schedule for the environmental studies, NEETNY has assumed that it will have obtained necessary access to properties in the Project study area. In order to minimize the risks associated with obtaining access agreements, NEETNY will obtain Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data for the route and use remote sensing technology in conjunction with field surveys to support its resource evaluation. If access is not granted, or only limited access is available, and field studies cannot be completed as proposed, portions of the Part B Application would be supported by remote sensing data. All or part of the proposed field surveys would then be completed when access to the site becomes available, likely after the Certificate is issued but prior to construction. Page 78 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement NEETNY has initiated the interconnection process for the Marcy Southern Route 1, and according to NYISO’s OATT Section 30, Attachment X schedule, NEETNY expects completion of the Feasibility Study by August 2015. Based on that timing, NEETNY expects that the System Reliability Impact Study would be underway by September 2015. Page 79 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission Based on the proposed route and preliminary constraints analysis, there do not appear to be any major permitting or other environmental risks that would prevent the construction of the Marcy Southern Route 1. In general, by siting the proposed transmission line within a utility corridor, direct impacts to environmentally sensitive resources will be minimized. A preliminary constraints analysis of the proposed route was performed to initially identify potential Project impacts to allow for initial engineering design efforts to avoid and/or minimize identified sensitive resources and areas and/or the development and incorporation of certain mitigation measures within the proposed Project plan. Land Use: Land uses along the proposed route will not be adversely affected due to the use of the existing transmission corridors. NEETNY will consult with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to ensure best management practices are utilized to minimize and/or avoid impacts when crossing through agricultural lands. Visual: To identify and address potential visual impacts, NEETNY has conducted an initial visual resource assessment of the proposed transmission line to determine the effect or difference in the visual character of the landscape before and after the Project is completed. NEETNY has also proposed selective photo simulations from certain sensitive receptors, such as historic sites and major roads, within the zone of visual impact. The results of this initial visual assessment will identify: the potentially impacted receptors; efforts made to assure the Project avoids scenic, recreational, and historic areas; and measures to minimize visibility of the Project from areas of public view to the maximum extent practicable. Page 80 Vegetation: By utilizing the existing transmission line corridor, the proposed route will require limited tree clearing. NEETNY will utilize vegetation field surveys and state-ofthe-art remote sensing technology and spatial analysis to comprehensively assess vegetation and forest composition of the ROW and adjacent areas in conjunction with actual field surveys in order to expedite the resource evaluation process required to complete the Part B application. The proposed route will require tree clearing in order to comply with NERC FAC-003 transmission vegetation management requirements. NEETNY will develop a Project-specific vegetation management plan to identify the appropriate vegetation management actions for construction and subsequent operations. During construction, NEETNY will review appropriate vegetation clearing and disposal with NYSTA landowners, regulatory agencies (including the Commission and NYSDEC), and other stakeholders. Once constructed, vegetation will be controlled according to a specific transmission vegetation management plan to ensure the reliability of the transmission line. NEETNY will perform a baseline survey to identify areas of concern for invasive vegetative species. NEETNY will consult with the agencies to develop an Invasive Species Control Plan for implementation during construction that will include methods to control and prevent the spread of invasive species by construction activities. Cultural Resources: The proposed route does not cross any known archaeological sites or properties listed on the NRHP and the SRHP. There are a number of places listed on both NRHP and SRHP within 0.5 miles of the proposed route. Through consultation with the OPRHP, NEETNY will conduct a Phase IA literature review and develop a Phase IB work plan to study an APE for the Project. The APE will encompass the existing and Page 81 new ROW as well as any temporary laydown areas, construction access roads, and other locations where Project construction activities may result in ground disturbance that has the potential to affect archeological resources. In addition, the APE will include an area of indirect potential effect, which is the area of visual effect on above-ground architectural properties listed or eligible for listing on the NRHP and SRHP. NEETNY will submit a Phase IA/IB Report for OPRHP review and approval. In the event that the field studies identify areas of archaeological significance, NEETNY’s engineering team will identify alternatives to avoid such areas to the extent practicable and propose any mitigation alternatives to OPRHP for their consideration and approval. During construction, NEETNY will develop a plan for the unanticipated discovery of cultural resources or human remains that will describe the measure and procedures to be implemented to protect these resources. Protected Species and General Wildlife: NEETNY will consult with USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to identify RTE species known to occur within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, NEETNY will determine whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publiclyavailable mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed RTE species are known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project, including: the Indiana bat (Myotis Page 82 sodalis), Karner blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii) New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm the presence of these species within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities will likely be applied. Wetlands and Water Resources: NEETNY will conduct wetland delineation field surveys and remote sensing technology to identify all wetlands and streams within the proposed ROW. While the proposed route crosses NYSDEC and National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)-mapped wetlands and NYSDEC-protected streams, NEETNY’s engineering team, to the extent practicable, will site the transmission structures outside of all identified wetlands and outside of protected streams and their associated floodplains, minimizing direct impact to these resources. Further, temporary laydown areas and construction access roads will be designed to minimize impacts in and near wetlands and if access is required, timber mats will be utilized to protect the wetlands. Noise: Potential noise during the construction of the proposed transmission facilities is expected to be limited as construction activities will be short-term, primarily occurring during daylight hours, and will be conducted in accordance with local ordinances. If a local ordinance were to be determined to be unduly restrictive, NEETNY would seek a waiver from the Commission. The construction and operation of the proposed switchyards is also not expected to cause a significant impact to nearby sensitive Page 83 receptors, as it will not involve transformers or major noise producing equipment. NEETNY will prepare a noise impact assessment to document that anticipated facility noise levels will be in compliance with local and state noise level standards and guidelines. Traffic: NEETNY will design the temporary construction access roads to be located within the proposed ROW to the maximum extent practicable. However, some new offROW temporary access roads will be required. To ensure safe and continued traffic flow and to maintain access to local residences and to provide a safe construction work zone near the edge or within a traffic lane for construction activities within the road ROW, NEETNY will prepare Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) Plans for each location where construction vehicles will access the Project ROW frequently from local roadways. The MPT Plan will indicate temporary signage, lane closures, possible shoulder closings, stabilized construction entrances, placement of temporary barriers, traffic diversion patterns and procedures for moving equipment and materials onto the proposed ROW, as necessary. NEETNY will utilize the proposed ROW for laydown and staging to the maximum extent practicable to minimize impacts to adjacent roadways and properties. Community Opposition/Outreach: Other project development risks include community opposition and the potential for resulting regulatory uncertainty. NEETNY is committed to working with all interested stakeholders through a robust O&E program to address/respond to community concerns and inform the public about the Project to the greatest extent practicable. NEETNY believes a well-designed O&E program can have numerous benefits, including fostering a cooperative relationship with landowners and Page 84 other stakeholders, expediting the regulatory permitting process, and assisting with project development. Notwithstanding these efforts, NEETNY recognizes that the duration and magnitude of community opposition and resulting regulatory uncertainty can be difficult to predict; NEETNY has thus incorporated both time and resource contingencies into its Project development planning approach. Page 85 Marcy Southern Route 2 Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods NEETNY provides the following information on the lead time necessary to complete the Marcy Southern Route 2 based on (1) electrical outages; (2) construction windows; and (3) environmental windows. NEETNY has incorporated all of the timing considerations outlined in this section into its project schedule. Electrical Outages The key outages required for the Marcy Southern Route 2 are outlined in the table below. The outages listed in this section do not include those required for line crossings, which are anticipated to require minimal time. Outages Required For Transmission Element Substation Interconnection Marcy 345 kV Substation Substation Interconnection Pleasant Valley 345 kV Substation New Substation Princetown 345/230 kV Substation New Switchyard Knickerbocker 345 kV Switchyard New Switchyard North Churchtown 115 kV Switchyard Transmission Line Retirement Transmission Line Retirement Transmission Line Rebuild 24 Porter - Rotterdam 230 kV lines Greenbush - Pleasant Valley 115 kV Double Circuit24 Marcy - New Scotland In order to maintain service to each substation served on the Greenbush-Hudson, Greenbush-Schodack, and Schodack-Pleasant Valley 115 kV lines, NEETNY plans to install load break interrupting switches at each tap. These Motor Operated Load Interrupting Phase Over Phase (Molipop) switches have been used successfully by FPL on 115 kV systems to isolate line segments. Molipops will be installed at the taps for Fort Orange, Valkin, ADM Milling, Churchtown and Blue Stores. Page 86 Outages Required For Transmission Element Transmission Line Rebuild New Scotland - Alps NEETNY will plan these outages during the detailed design stage and will coordinate all requests for transmission outages with NYISO and the relevant transmission owners. NEETNY will follow the transmission outage procedures as outlined in the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual 29,25 and will work with NYISO and all impacted parties to provide enough time for NYISO to perform the required studies and to verify power system thermal, voltage, and stability criteria and to ultimately determine potential impact on power system reliability. Construction Windows The construction timeframe in the major milestone schedule attached as Exhibit 4 provides for typically-anticipated construction limitations. NEETNY has incorporated the environmental windows below into the construction schedule, and has not identified any significant limitations on construction timing. Environmental Windows Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publicly-available mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed RTE species have been documented in counties crossed by the Project, including: Karner blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal 25 See NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, version 4.1 (October 2013). Page 87 listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. During the Part B Application studies, NEETNY will consult with USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to confirm whether any of these RTE species have been documented within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, it will be determined whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm any species’ presence within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities as identified in the table below may be applied. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Name Karner blue Plebejus Melissa samuelis Subgroup Butterflies and moths Distribution Status (last known documented by NY Natural Heritage) Albany (2009) and Schenectady (1999) Counties Protection Status Federal Endangered/ State Endangered Timing Restrictions No mowing from April 1 through August 31 No trampling of known habits at any point in time *Found within Albany Pine Bush Reserve which is located approximately 5 miles from the proposed ROW Page 88 Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Name Indiana Bat Subgroup Mammals Myotis sodalis Distribution Status (last known documented by NY Natural Heritage) Albany (2010), Columbia (2010) and Dutchess (2009) Counties Protection Status Federal Endangered/ State Endangered Timing Restrictions No tree clearing from April 1 to November 1 within the geographic summer range of the Indiana bat (all three identified counties). Extend the seasonal restriction to November 15 if within 10.0 miles of a known hibernaculum. *Known hibernacula in Albany County. **May be avoided if no tree clearing is required Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Birds Recently confirmed all along route State Threatened Bog Turtle Reptiles Columbia (2009) and Dutchess (2010) Counties Federal Threatened/ State Endangered Clemmys muhlenbergii New England Cottontail Mammals Columbia (2011) and Dutchess (2011) Counties Federal Candidate/ State Special Concern Mammals Found throughout the state Federal Proposed for listing Sylviagus transitionalis Northern Long Eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis No clearing, construction, and landscaping January to July within 660 feet of an identified Bald Eagle nest No work from October 15 through April 1 within identified habitat areas. *With authorization from USFWS may be allowed to have a certified bog turtle specialist clear area prior to construction each day. N/A No tree clearing from April 1 to September 30 *May be avoided if no tree clearing is required Page 89 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule Please refer to Exhibit 4 for the major milestone schedule for the Marcy Southern Route 2. Page 90 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications In addition to the Certificate that the Marcy Southern Route 2 will require, based on the Project’s approximately 167-mile 345-kV transmission line route, the Project will also be required to obtain: NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002); Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement from NYSOGS (for aerial crossing of Mohawk River and the new underwater crossing of the Hudson River ); Coastal Zone Consistency Determination from NYSDOS; Canal Permit from the New York State Canal Corporation; a Utility Work Permit from NYSDOT (for highway crossings); and a Work Permit from NYSTA (for crossing of New York State Thruway I-90). The need for NYSDEC wetland permits and/or Section 404 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be determined based on the performance of the field studies identified and the ability to refine the Project’s engineering design to avoid ecologically sensitive resources to the maximum extent practicable. NEETNY may also be required to obtain work permits and easements for the crossings of railroads. The field activities and supporting environmental studies required in support of this Project are anticipated to be completed between September 2015 and September 2016 in support of the Part B Application that is expected to be submitted to the Commission in 2016. Upon the receipt of the Part B Application, the Commission would review the Application for completeness/compliance with the regulations, and then would begin the hearing and decision phase. A conservative estimate of nine months has been reflected in the Project’s permitting schedule for the review of the Part B Application and issuance of the Certificate and another 12 months to obtain the other required permits, including the Commission’s approval of the Page 91 Project’s EM&CP. The Project’s proposed permitting schedule showing the timing of field programs and other permitting milestones is included as Exhibit 5. In preparing the schedule for the environmental studies, NEETNY has assumed that it will have obtained necessary access to properties in the Project study area. In order to minimize the risks associated with obtaining access agreements, NEETNY will obtain LIDAR data for the route and use remote sensing technology in conjunction with field surveys to support its resource evaluation. If access is not granted, or only limited access is available, and field studies cannot be completed as proposed, portions of the Part B Application would be supported by remote sensing data. All or part of the proposed field surveys would then be completed when access to the site becomes available, likely after the Certificate is issued but prior to construction. Page 92 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement NEETNY currently has queue positions 417 and 404 in NYISO’s Interconnection Process for Marcy Southern Route 2. However, because the Project also involves 345 kV, 230 kV, and 115 kV lines, NEETNY is required by the NYISO Tariff to file an additional interconnection request to cover the 115 kV segment of the project. NEETNY has initiated the process for this segment, and expects completion of the Feasibility Study by August 2015 according to NYISO’s OATT Section 30, Attachment X schedule. Based on this timing, NEETNY expects that the System Reliability Impact Study would be underway by September 2015. Page 93 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission Based on the proposed route and preliminary constraints analysis, there do not appear to be any major permitting or other environmental risks that would prevent the construction of the Marcy Southern Route 2. In general, by siting the proposed transmission line within existing electric transmission corridors direct impacts to environmentally sensitive resources will be minimized. A preliminary constraints analysis of the proposed route was performed to initially identify potential Project impacts to allow for initial engineering design efforts to avoid and/or minimize initially identified sensitive resources and areas and/or the development and incorporation of certain mitigation measures within the proposed Project plan. Land Use: Land uses along the proposed route will not be adversely affected due to the use of the existing transmission corridors. NEETNY will consult with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to ensure best management practices are utilized to minimize and/or avoid impacts when crossing through agricultural lands. Visual: To identify and address potential visual impacts, NEETNY has conducted an initial visual resource assessment of the proposed transmission line to determine the effect or difference in the visual character of the landscape before and after the Project is completed. NEETNY has also proposed selective photo simulations from certain sensitive receptors, such as historic sites and major roads, within the zone of visual impact. The results of this initial visual assessment will identify the potentially impacted receptors, and efforts made to assure the Project avoids scenic, recreational, and historic areas and minimize visibility of the Project from areas of public view to the maximum extent practicable. Page 94 Vegetation: By utilizing the existing transmission line corridor, the proposed route will require limited tree clearing. NEETNY will utilize vegetation field surveys and state-ofthe-art remote sensing technology and spatial analysis to comprehensively assess vegetation and forest composition of the ROW and adjacent areas in conjunction with actual field surveys in order to expedite the resource evaluation process required to complete the Part B application. The proposed route will require tree clearing in order to comply with NERC FAC-003 transmission vegetation management requirements. NEETNY will develop a Project-specific vegetation management plan to identify the appropriate vegetation management actions for construction and subsequent operations. During construction, NEETNY will review appropriate vegetation clearing and disposal with NYSTA landowners, regulatory agencies (including the Commission and NYSDEC), and other stakeholders. Once constructed, vegetation will be controlled according to a specific transmission vegetation management plan to ensure the reliability of the transmission line. NEETNY will perform a baseline survey to identify areas of concern for invasive vegetative species. NEETNY will consult with the agencies to develop an Invasive Species Control Plan for implementation during construction that will include methods to control and prevent the spread of invasive species by construction activities. Cultural Resources: The proposed route does not cross any known archaeological sites or properties listed on the NRHP and SRHP. There are a number of places listed on both NRHP and SRHP within 0.5 miles of the proposed route. Through consultation with OPRHP, NEETNY will conduct a Phase IA literature review and develop a Phase IB work plan to study an APE for the Project. The APE will encompass the existing and Page 95 new ROW as well as any temporary laydown areas, construction access roads, and other locations where Project construction activities may result in ground disturbance that has the potential to affect archeological resources. In addition, the APE will include an area of indirect potential effect, which is the area of visual effect on above-ground architectural properties listed or eligible for listing on the NRHP and SRHP. NEETNY will submit a Phase IA/IB Report for OPRHP review and approval. In the event that the field studies identify areas of archaeological significance, NEETNY’s engineering team will identify alternatives to avoid such areas to the extent practicable and propose any mitigation alternatives to OPRHP for their consideration and approval. During construction, NEETNY will develop a plan for the unanticipated discovery of cultural resources or human remains that will describe the measure and procedures to be implemented to protect these resources. Protected Species and General Wildlife: NEETNY will consult with USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to identify RTE species known to occur within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, NEETNY will determine whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publiclyavailable mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed RTE species are known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project, including: the Indiana bat (Myotis Page 96 sodalis), Karner blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm the presence of these species within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities will likely be applied. Wetlands and Water Resources: NEETNY will conduct wetland delineation field surveys and remote sensing technology to identify all wetlands and streams within the proposed ROW. While the proposed route crosses NYSDEC and NWI-mapped wetlands and NYSDEC-protected streams, NEETNY’s engineering team, to the extent practicable, will site the transmission structures outside of all identified wetlands and outside of protected streams and their associated floodplains, minimizing direct impact to these resources. NEETNY proposes an underground crossing of the Hudson River, which will minimize direct impacts to the river and associated tidal wetlands. Further, temporary laydown areas and construction access roads will be designed to minimize impacts in and near wetlands and if access is required, timber mats will be utilized to protect the wetlands. Noise: Potential noise during the construction of the proposed transmission facilities is expected to be limited as construction activities will be short-term, primarily occurring during daylight hours, and will be conducted in accordance with local ordinances (unless If a local ordinance were to be determined to be unduly restrictive, NEETNY would seek Page 97 a waiver from the Commission. The construction and operation of the proposed switchyards is also not expected to cause a significant impact to nearby sensitive receptors, as it will not involve transformers or major noise producing equipment. NEETNY will prepare a noise impact assessment to document that anticipated facility noise levels will be in compliance with local and state noise level standards and guidelines. Traffic: NEETNY will design the temporary construction access roads to be located within the proposed ROW to the maximum extent practicable. However, some new offROW temporary access roads will be required. To ensure safe and continued traffic flow and to maintain access to local residences and to provide a safe construction work zone near the edge or within a traffic lane for construction activities within the road ROW, NEETNY will prepare MPT Plans for each location where construction vehicles will access the Project ROW frequently from local roadways. The MPT Plan will indicate temporary signage, lane closures, possible shoulder closings, stabilized construction entrances, placement of temporary barriers, traffic diversion patterns and procedures for moving equipment and materials onto the proposed ROW, as necessary. NEETNY will utilize the proposed ROW for laydown and staging to the maximum extent practicable to minimize impacts to adjacent roadways and properties. Community Opposition/Outreach: Other project development risks include community opposition and the potential for resulting regulatory uncertainty. NEETNY is committed to working with all interested stakeholders through a robust O&E program to address/respond to community concerns and inform the public about the Project to the greatest extent practicable. NEETNY believes a well-designed O&E program can have Page 98 numerous benefits, including fostering a cooperative relationship with landowners and other stakeholders, expediting the regulatory permitting process, and assisting with project development. Notwithstanding these efforts, NEETNY recognizes that the duration and magnitude of community opposition and resulting regulatory uncertainty can be difficult to predict; NEETNY has thus incorporated both time and resource contingencies into its Project development planning approach. Page 99 Marcy Northern Route Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods NEETNY provides the following information on the lead time necessary to complete the Marcy Northern Route based on (1) electrical outages; (2) construction windows; and (3) environmental windows. NEETNY has incorporated all of the timing considerations outlined in this section into its project schedule. Electrical Outages The key outages required for the Marcy Northern Route are outlined in the table below. The outages listed in this section do not include those required for line crossings, which are anticipated to require minimal time. 26 Outages Required For Transmission Element Substation Interconnection Marcy 345 kV Substation Substation Interconnection New Scotland 345 kV Substation Substation Interconnection Pleasant Valley 345 kV Substation New Substation Orchard Hill 345 kV Switchyard New Substation Knickerbocker 345 kV Switchyard New Substation North Churchtown 115 kV Switchyard Transmission Line Retirement Greenbush - Pleasant Valley 115 kV Double Circuit26 In order to maintain service to each substation served on the Greenbush-Hudson, Greenbush-Schodack, and Schodack-Pleasant Valley 115 kV lines, NEETNY plans to install load break interrupting switches at each tap. These Motor Operated Load Interrupting Phase Over Phase (Molipop) switches have been used successfully by FPL on 115 kV systems to isolate line segments. Molipops will be installed at the taps for Fort Orange, Valkin, ADM Milling, Churchtown and Blue Stores. Page 100 NEETNY will plan these outages during the detailed design stage and will coordinate all requests for transmission outages with the NYISO and the relevant transmission owners. NEETNY will follow the transmission outage procedures as outlined in the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual 29,27 and will work with NYISO and all impacted parties to provide enough time for NYISO to perform the required studies and to verify power system thermal, voltage, and stability criteria and to ultimately determine potential impact on power system reliability. Construction Windows The construction timeframe in the major milestone schedule attached as Exhibit 4 provides for typically-anticipated construction limitations. NEETNY has incorporated the environmental windows below into the construction schedule, and has not identified any significant limitations on construction timing. Environmental Windows Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publicly-available mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed RTE species have been documented in counties crossed by the Project, including: Karner Blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. During the Part B Application studies, NEETNY will consult with USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to confirm whether any of these RTE species have been documented within the 27 See NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, version 4.1 (October 2013). Page 101 area of the Project. Through these consultations, it will be determined whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm any species’ presence within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities as identified in the table below may be applied. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys after more definition of its design, route, and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Distribution Status (last known Name Subgroup Protection Timing Restrictions documented by Status NY Natural Heritage) No mowing from April 1 through August 31 Karner blue Plebejus Melissa samuelis Butterflies and moths Albany (2009) and Schenectady (1999) Counties Federal Endangered/ State Endangered No trampling of known habits at any point in time *Found within Albany Pine Bush which is located approximately 5 miles from the proposed ROW Page 102 Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Distribution Status (last known Name Subgroup Protection Timing Restrictions documented by Status NY Natural Heritage) Indiana Bat Mammals Myotis sodalis Albany (2010), Columbia (2010) and Dutchess (2009) Counties Federal Endangered/ State Endangered No tree clearing from April 1 to November 1 within the geographic summer range of the Indiana bat (all three identified counties). Extend the seasonal restriction to November 15 if within 10.0 miles of a known hibernaculum. *Known hibernacula in Albany County Bald Eagle Birds Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bog Turtle Reptiles Clemmys muhlenbergii New England Cottontail State threatened Columbia (2009) Federal and Dutchess Threatened/ (2010) Counties State Endangered No clearing, construction, and landscaping January to July within 660 feet of an identified Bald eagle nest No work from October 15 through April 1 within identified habitat areas. *With authorization from USFWS may be allowed to have a certified bog turtle specialist clear area prior to construction each day. Mammals Columbia (2011) Federal and Dutchess Candidate/ (2011) Counties State Special Concern N/A Mammals Found throughout the state No tree clearing from April 1 to September 30 Sylviagus transitionalis Northern Long Eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis Recently confirmed all along route Federal Proposed for listing Page 103 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule Please refer to Exhibit 4 for the major milestone schedule for the Marcy Northern Route. Page 104 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications In addition to the Certificate that the Marcy Northern Route will require, based on the Project’s approximately 147-mile 345-kV transmission line route, the Project will also be required to obtain: NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002); Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement from NYSOGS (for aerial crossing of Mohawk River); Coastal Zone Consistency Determination from NYSDOS; Canal Permit from the New York State Canal Corporation; a Utility Work Permit from NYSDOT (for highway crossings); and a Work Permit from NYSTA (for crossing of New York State Thruway I-90). The need for NYSDEC wetland permits and/or Section 404 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be determined based on the performance of the field studies identified and the ability to refine the Project’s engineering design to avoid ecologically sensitive resources to the maximum extent practicable. NEETNY may also be required to obtain work permits and easements for the crossings of railroads. The field activities and supporting environmental studies required in support of this Project are anticipated to be completed between April 2016 and July 2016 in support of the Part B Application that is expected to be submitted to the Commission in 2016. Upon the receipt of the Part B Application, the Commission would review the Application for completeness/compliance with the regulations, and then would begin the hearing and decision phase. A conservative estimate of nine months has been reflected in the Project’s permitting schedule for the review of the Part B Application and issuance of the Certificate and another 12 months to obtain the other required permits, including the Commission’s approval of the Project’s EM&CP. The Project’s proposed permitting schedule showing the timing of field programs and other permitting milestones is included as Exhibit 5. Page 105 In preparing the schedule for the environmental studies, NEETNY has assumed that it will have obtained necessary access to properties in the Project study area. In order to minimize the risks associated with obtaining access agreements, NEETNY will obtain LIDAR data for the route and use remote sensing technology in conjunction with field surveys to support its resource evaluation. If access is not granted, or only limited access is available, and field studies cannot be completed as proposed, portions of the Part B Application would be supported by remote sensing data. All or part of the proposed field surveys would then be completed when access to the site becomes available, likely after the Certificate is issued but prior to construction. Page 106 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement NEETNY currently has a queue position 419 in NYISO’s Interconnection Process for the Marcy Northern Route. However, because the Project also involves both 345 kV and 115 kV lines, NEETNY is required by the NYISO Tariff to file an additional interconnection request to cover the 115 kV segment of the Project. NEETNY has initiated the interconnection process for this segment, and expects completion of the Feasibility Study by August 2015 according to NYISO’s OATT Section 30, Attachment X schedule. Based on that timing, NEETNY expects that the System Reliability Impact Study would be underway by September 2015. Page 107 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission Based on the proposed route and preliminary constraints analysis, there do not appear to be any major permitting or other environmental risks that would prevent the construction of the Marcy Northern Route. In general, by siting the proposed transmission line adjacent to and within the existing corridor, direct impacts to environmentally sensitive resources will be minimized. A preliminary constraints analysis of the proposed route was performed to identify potential Project impacts to allow for initial engineering design efforts to avoid and/or minimize initially identified sensitive resources and areas and/or the development and incorporation of certain mitigation measures within the proposed Project plan. Land Use: Expanding the existing ROW to accommodate a new adjacent line is not expected to adversely affect existing land uses due to the presence of the existing transmission corridors, and that the adjacent land appears to be primarily vacant land, with some agricultural uses and undeveloped forest. Therefore, the project will not significantly affect existing land uses, and could be viewed as a net socioeconomic benefit in the region. For those areas that have agricultural uses, NEETNY will consult with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to ensure best management practices are utilized to minimize and/or avoid impacts when crossing through agricultural lands. Visual: To identify and address potential visual impacts, NEETNY has conducted an initial visual resource assessment of the proposed transmission line to determine the effect or difference in the visual character of the landscape before and after the Project is completed. NEETNY has also proposed selective photo simulations from certain Page 108 sensitive receptors, such as historic sites and major roads, within the zone of visual impact. The results of this initial visual assessment will identify the potentially impacted receptors; efforts made to assure the Project avoids scenic, recreational, and historic areas; and measures to minimize the visibility of the Project from areas of public view to the maximum extent practicable. Vegetation: NEETNY will utilize vegetation field surveys and state-of-the-art remote sensing technology and spatial analysis to comprehensively assess vegetation and forest composition of the ROW and adjacent areas in conjunction with actual field surveys in order to expedite the resource evaluation process required to complete the Part B Application. The proposed route will require tree clearing in order to comply with NERC FAC-003 transmission vegetation management requirements. NEETNY will develop a Project-specific vegetation management plan to identify the appropriate vegetation management actions for construction and subsequent operations. During construction, NEETNY will review appropriate vegetation clearing and disposal with NYSTA landowners, regulatory agencies (including the Commission and NYSDEC), and other stakeholders. Once constructed, vegetation will be controlled according to a specific transmission vegetation management plan to ensure the reliability of the transmission line. NEETNY will perform a baseline survey to identify areas of concern for invasive vegetative species. NEETNY will consult with the agencies to develop an Invasive Species Control Plan for implementation during construction that will include methods to control and prevent the spread of invasive species by construction activities. Page 109 Cultural Resources: The proposed route does not cross any known archaeological sites or properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the State Register of Historic Places (SRHP). There are a number of places listed on both NRHP and SRHP within 0.5 miles of the proposed route. Through consultation with OPRHP, NEETNY will conduct a Phase IA literature review and develop a Phase IB work plan to study APE for the Project. The APE will encompass the existing and new ROW as well as any temporary laydown areas, construction access roads, and other locations where Project construction activities may result in ground disturbance that has the potential to affect archeological resources. In addition, the APE will include an area of indirect potential effect, which is the area of visual effect on above-ground architectural properties listed or eligible for listing on the NRHP and SRHP. NEETNY will submit a Phase IA/IB Report for OPRHP review and approval. In the event that the field studies identify areas of archaeological significance, NEETNY’s engineering team will identify alternatives to avoid such areas to the extent practicable and propose any mitigation alternatives to OPRHP for their consideration and approval. During construction, NEETNY will develop a plan for the unanticipated discovery of cultural resources or human remains that will describe the measure and procedures to be implemented to protect these resources. Protected Species and General Wildlife: NEETNY will consult with the USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to identify RTE species known to occur within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, NEETNY will determine whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further Page 110 review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publiclyavailable mapping and databases, several state and federally listed RTE species are known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project, including: the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Karner blue (Plebejus Melissa samuelis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm the presence of these species within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities will likely be applied. Wetlands and Water Resources: NEETNY will conduct wetland delineation field surveys and remote sensing technology to identify all wetlands and streams within the proposed ROW. While the proposed route crosses NYSDEC and NWI-mapped wetlands and NYSDEC-protected streams, NEETNY’s engineering team, to the extent practicable, will site the transmission structures outside of all identified wetlands and outside of protected streams and their associated floodplains, minimizing direct impact to these resources. Further, temporary laydown areas and construction access roads will be designed to minimize impacts in and near wetlands and, if access is required, timber mats will be utilized to protect the wetlands. Page 111 Noise: Potential noise during the construction of the proposed transmission facilities is expected to be limited as construction activities will be short-term, primarily occurring during daylight hours, and will be conducted in accordance with local ordinances. If a local ordinance were to be determined to be unduly restrictive, NEETNY would seek a waiver from the Commission. The construction and operation of the proposed switchyards is also not expected to cause a significant impact to nearby sensitive receptors as it will not involve transformers or major noise producing equipment. NEETNY will prepare a noise impact assessment to document that anticipated facility noise levels will be in compliance with local and state noise level standards and guidelines. Traffic: NEETNY will design the temporary construction access roads to be located within the proposed ROW to the maximum extent practicable. However, some new offROW temporary access roads will be required. To ensure safe and continued traffic flow and to maintain access to local residences and to provide a safe construction work zone near the edge or within a traffic lane for construction activities within the road ROW, NEETNY will prepare MPT Plans for each location where construction vehicles will access the Project ROW frequently from local roadways. The MPT Plan will indicate temporary signage, lane closures, possible shoulder closings, stabilized construction entrances, placement of temporary barriers, traffic diversion patterns, and procedures for moving equipment and materials onto the proposed ROW, as necessary. NEETNY will utilize the proposed ROW for laydown and staging to the maximum extent practicable to minimize impacts to adjacent roadways and properties. Page 112 Community Opposition/Outreach: Other project development risks include community opposition and the potential for resulting regulatory uncertainty. NEETNY is committed to working with all interested stakeholders through a robust O&E program to address/respond to community concerns and inform the public about the Project to the greatest extent practicable. NEETNY believes a well-designed O&E program can have numerous benefits, including fostering a cooperative relationship with landowners and other stakeholders, expediting the regulatory permitting process, and assisting with project development. Notwithstanding these efforts, NEETNY recognizes that the duration and magnitude of community opposition and resulting regulatory uncertainty can be difficult to predict; NEETNY has thus incorporated both time and resource contingencies into its Project development planning approach. Page 113 Knickerbocker Route Requirement 2: The lead time necessary to complete the project, including, if available, the construction windows in which the Developer can perform construction and what, if any, outages may be required during these periods NEETNY provides the following information on the lead time necessary to complete the Knickerbocker Route based on (1) electrical outages; (2) construction windows; and (3) environmental windows. NEETNY has incorporated all of the timing considerations outlined in this section into its project schedule. Electrical Outages The key outages required for the Knickerbocker Route are outlined in the table below. The outages listed in this section do not include those required for line crossings, which are anticipated require minimal time. Outages Required For Transmission Element Substation Interconnection Pleasant Valley 345 kV Substation New Switchyard Knickerbocker 345 kV Switchyard New Switchyard North Churchtown 115 kV Switchyard Transmission Line Retirement Greenbush - Pleasant Valley 115 kV Double Circuit28 NEETNY will plan these outages during the detailed design stage and will coordinate all requests for transmission outages with the NYISO and the relevant transmission owners. NEETNY will follow the transmission outage procedures as outlined in the NYISO Outage 28 In order to maintain service to each substation served on the Greenbush-Hudson, Greenbush-Schodack, and Schodack-Pleasant Valley 115 kV lines, NEETNY plans to install load break interrupting switches at each tap. These Molipop switches have been used successfully by FPL on 115 kV systems to isolate line segments. Molipops will be installed at the taps for Fort Orange, Valkin, ADM Milling, Churchtown and Blue Stores. Page 114 Scheduling Manual 29,29 and will work with NYISO and all impacted parties to provide enough time for NYISO to perform the required studies and to verify power system thermal, voltage, and stability criteria and to ultimately determine potential impact on power system reliability. Construction Windows The construction timeframe in the major milestone schedule attached as Exhibit 3 provides for typically-anticipated construction limitations. NEETNY has incorporated the environmental windows below into the construction schedule, and has not identified any significant limitations on construction timing. Environmental Windows Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publicly-available mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed RTE species have been documented in counties crossed by the Project, including: the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. During the Part B Application studies, NEETNY will consult with the USFWS, NYSDEC, and NHP to confirm whether any of these RTE species have been documented within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, it will be determined whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and pre-construction species field surveys confirm any species’ presence within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities 29 See NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, version 4.1 (October 2013). Page 115 may be applied. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Timing Restrictions for Rare, Threatened and/or Endangered Species Preliminarily Identified within the Vicinity of the Proposed ROW Distribution Status (last known Name Subgroup Protection Timing Restrictions documented by Status NY Natural Heritage) Indiana Bat Mammals Myotis sodalis Columbia (2010) Federal and Dutchess Endangered/ (2009) Counties State Endangered No tree clearing from April 1 to November 1 within the geographic summer range of the Indiana bat (both identified counties). *May be avoided if no tree clearing is required Bald Eagle Birds Recently confirmed all along route Reptiles Columbia (2009) Federal and Dutchess Threatened/ (2010) Counties State Endangered No work from October 15 through April 1 within identified habitat areas. Mammals Columbia (2011) Federal and Dutchess Candidate/ (2011) Counties State Special Concern N/A Mammals Found throughout the state No tree clearing from April 1 to September 30. Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bog Turtle Clemmys muhlenbergii New England Cottontail Sylviagus transitionalis Northern Long Eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis State threatened Federal Proposed for listing No clearing, construction, and landscaping January to July within 660 feet of an identified Bald Eagle nest *With authorization from USFWS may be allowed to have a certified bog turtle specialist clear area prior to construction each day. Page 116 Requirement 5: A major milestone schedule Please refer to Exhibit 4 for the major milestone schedule for the Knickerbocker Route. Page 117 Requirement 6: A schedule for obtaining any required permits and other certifications In addition to the Certificate that the Knickerbocker Route will require, based on the Project’s approximately 62-mile 345-kV transmission line route, the Project will also be required to obtain a NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002); Coastal Zone Consistency Determination from the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS); and a Utility Work Permit from NYSDOT (for highway crossings). The need for NYSDEC wetland permits and/or Section 404 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be determined based on the performance of the field studies identified and the ability to refine the Project’s engineering design to avoid ecologically sensitive resources to the maximum extent practicable. NEETNY may also be required to obtain work permits and easements for the crossings of railroads. The field activities and supporting environmental studies required in support of this Project are anticipated to be completed between April 2016 and July 2016 in support of the Part B Application that is expected to be submitted to the Commission in 2016. Upon the receipt of the Part B Application, the Commission would review the Application for completeness/compliance with the regulations, and then would begin the hearing and decision phase. A conservative estimate of nine months has been reflected in the Project’s permitting schedule for the review of the Part B Application and issuance of the Certificate and another 12 months to obtain the other required permits, including the Commission’s approval of the Project’s EM&CP. The Project’s proposed permitting schedule showing the timing of field programs and other permitting milestones is included as Exhibit 5. In preparing the schedule for the environmental studies, NEETNY has assumed that it will have obtained necessary access to properties in the Project study area. In order to minimize Page 118 the risks associated with obtaining access agreements, NEETNY will obtain LIDAR data for the route and use remote sensing technology in conjunction with field surveys to support its resource evaluation. If access is not granted, or only limited access is available, and field studies cannot be completed as proposed, portions of the Part B Application would be supported by remote sensing data. All or part of the proposed field surveys would then be completed when access to the site becomes available, likely after the Certificate is issued but prior to construction. Page 119 Requirement 9: Status of ISO interconnection studies and interconnection agreement NEETNY has initiated the interconnection process for the Knickerbocker Route and expects completion of the Feasibility Study by August 2015 according to NYISO’s OATT Section 30, Attachment X schedule. Based on that timing, NEETNY expects that the System Reliability Impact Study would be underway by September 2015. Page 120 Requirement 13: Description of permitting or other risks facing the project at the stage of project development, including evidence of the reasonableness of project cost estimates all based on the information available at the time of the submission Based on the proposed route and preliminary constraints analysis, there do not appear to be major permitting or other environmental risks that would preempt the construction of the Knickerbocker Route. In general, by siting the proposed transmission line within the existing transmission corridor direct impacts to environmentally sensitive resources will be minimized. A preliminary constraints analysis of the proposed route was performed to identify potential Project impacts to allow for initial engineering design efforts to avoid and/or minimize initially identified sensitive resources and areas and/or the development and incorporation of certain mitigation measures within the proposed Project plan. Land Use: Land uses along the proposed route will not be adversely affected due to the use of the existing transmission corridors, therefore, the Project will be generally consistent with existing land uses. NEETNY will consult with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to ensure best management practices are utilized to minimize and/or avoid impacts when crossing through agricultural lands. Visual: To identify and address potential visual impacts, NEETNY has conducted an initial visual resource assessment of the proposed transmission line to determine the effect or difference in the visual character of the landscape before and after the Project is completed. NEETNY has also proposed selective photo simulations from certain sensitive receptors, such as historic sites and major roads, within the zone of visual impact. The results of this initial visual assessment will identify the potentially impacted receptors; efforts made to assure the Project avoids scenic, recreational, and historic Page 121 areas; and measures to minimize the visibility of the Project from areas of public view to the maximum extent practicable. Vegetation: NEETNY will utilize vegetation field surveys and state-of-the-art remote sensing technology and spatial analysis to comprehensively assess vegetation and forest composition of the ROW and adjacent areas in conjunction with actual field surveys in order to expedite the resource evaluation process required to complete the Part B Application. The proposed route will require tree clearing in order to comply with NERC FAC-003 transmission vegetation management requirements. NEETNY will develop a Project-specific vegetation management plan to identify the appropriate vegetation management actions for construction and subsequent operations. During construction, NEETNY will review appropriate vegetation clearing and disposal with NYSTA landowners, regulatory agencies (including the Commission and NYSDEC), and other stakeholders. Once constructed, vegetation will be controlled according to a specific transmission vegetation management plan to ensure the reliability of the transmission line. NEETNY will perform a baseline survey to identify areas of concern for invasive vegetative species. NEETNY will consult with the agencies to develop an Invasive Species Control Plan for implementation during construction that will include methods to control and prevent the spread of invasive species by construction activities. Cultural Resources: The proposed route does not cross any known archaeological sites or properties listed on the NRHP and the SRHP. There are a number of places listed on both NRHP and SRHP within 0.5 miles of the proposed route. Through consultation with OPRHP, NEETNY will conduct a Phase IA literature review and develop a Phase IB Page 122 work plan to study an APE for the Project. The APE will encompass the existing ROW as well as any temporary laydown areas, construction access roads, and other locations where Project construction activities may result in ground disturbance that has the potential to affect archeological resources. In addition, the APE will include an area of indirect potential effect, which is the area of visual effect on above-ground architectural properties listed or eligible for listing on the NRHP and SRHP. NEETNY will submit a Phase IA/IB Report for OPRHP review and approval. In the event that the field studies identify areas of archaeological significance, NEETNY’s engineering team will identify alternatives to avoid such areas to the extent practicable and propose any mitigation alternatives to OPRHP for their consideration and approval. During construction, NEETNY will develop a plan for the unanticipated discovery of cultural resources or human remains that will describe the measure and procedures to be implemented to protect these resources. Protected Species and General Wildlife: NEETNY will consult with the USFWS and NYSDEC NHP to identify RTE species known to occur within the area of the Project. Through these consultations, NEETNY will determine whether site surveys will be required for any protected species to confirm their presence/absence in the Project area. Alternatively, NEETNY can perform additional field surveys, subsequent to its further review of its Project engineering and construction limits of disturbance and anticipated construction time frames, to develop an appropriate construction alternative/work plan to be presented to USFWS and/or NYSDEC for their review and approval. Based on the current proposed route, and a preliminary review of publiclyavailable mapping and databases, several state and federally-listed listed RTE species are Page 123 known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project, including: the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), New England Cottontail (Sylviagus transitionalis), and a number of RTE plant species. In addition, the Northern Long Eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which is proposed for federal listing (either threatened or endangered) in 2015, is known to occur in the counties crossed by the Project. If consultations with the regulatory authorities and preconstruction species field surveys confirm the presence of these species within the Project ROW, seasonal restrictions on construction activities will likely be applied. Wetlands and Water Resources: NEETNY will conduct wetland delineation field surveys and remote sensing technology to identify all wetlands and streams within the proposed ROW. While the proposed route crosses NYSDEC and NWI-mapped wetlands and NYSDEC-protected streams, NEETNY’s engineering team, to the extent practicable, will site the transmission structures outside of all identified wetlands and outside of protected streams and their associated floodplains, minimizing direct impact to these resources. Further, temporary laydown areas and construction access roads will be designed to minimize impacts in and near wetlands and if access is required, timber mats will be utilized to protect the wetlands. Noise: Potential noise during the construction of the proposed transmission facilities is expected to be limited as construction activities will be short-term, primarily occurring during daylight hours, and will be conducted in accordance with local ordinances (unless If a local ordinance were to be determined to be unduly restrictive, NEETNY would seek a waiver from the Commission. The construction and operation of the proposed switchyards is also not expected to cause a significant impact to nearby sensitive Page 124 receptors as it will not involve transformers or major noise producing equipment. NEETNY will prepare a noise impact assessment to document that anticipated facility noise levels will be in compliance with local and state noise level standards and guidelines. Traffic: NEETNY will design the temporary construction access roads to be located within the proposed ROW to the maximum extent practicable. However, some new offROW temporary access roads will be required. To ensure safe and continued traffic flow and to maintain access to local residences and to provide a safe construction work zone near the edge or within a traffic lane for construction activities within the road ROW, NEETNY will prepare MPT Plans for each location where construction vehicles will access the ROW frequently from local roadways. The MPT Plan will indicate temporary signage, lane closures, possible shoulder closings, stabilized construction entrances, placement of temporary barriers, traffic diversion patterns and procedures for moving equipment and materials onto the proposed ROW, as necessary. NEETNY will utilize the proposed ROW for laydown and staging to the maximum extent practicable to minimize impacts to adjacent roadways and properties. Community Opposition/Outreach: Other project development risks include community opposition and the potential for resulting regulatory uncertainty. NEETNY is committed to continuing working with all interested stakeholders through a robust O&E program to address/respond to community concerns and inform the public about the Project to the greatest extent practicable. NEETNY believes a well-designed O&E program can have numerous benefits, including fostering a cooperative relationship with landowners and other stakeholders, expediting the regulatory permitting process, and assisting with Page 125 project development. Notwithstanding these efforts, NEETNY recognizes that the duration and magnitude of community opposition and resulting regulatory uncertainty can be difficult to predict; NEETNY has thus incorporated both time and resource contingencies into its Project development planning approach. Page 126 Exhibit 1 Maps ''I ' N A \ \'- -- ..-- ... --\ -,, ( ·-r,a ; I ' \ 0 3 75 7.5 15 Miles New York Energy Highway- Thruway Route, January 2015 - ADJACENT OR NEW ROW .A. New Substation - GOVERNMENT/RAILWAY ROW f", Existing Substation = THRUWAY ROW AND ADJACENT • City - - Rivers - - Major Roads County Line ,- ~~] State Boundary NEXTera~ ENERGY ~ TRANSMISSION NEW YORK --\ ',"· ( s ~ I v. a lila ) \ \ 0 3 75 7.5 15 Miles New York Energy Highway- Marcy Southern Route 1, January 2015 - JOINT USE OF FACI LITIES = REPLACE EXISTI NG FACILITIES - VACANT UTILITY ROW .. New Substation D Existing Substation e Oty - - Rivers - - Major Roads NEXTera~ ENERGY ~ County Line TRANSMISSION NEW YORK \ ' ................\ \ ' \ N '- - -~-- --... ... A ,, \,? e @ n s y I v. a\A ra 0 3.75 7.5 Miles New York Energy Highway- Marcy Northern Route, Janary 2015 = REPLACE EXISTI NG FACI LITIES - VACANT UTILITY ROW .A. 6 e New Substation - - Major Roads ENERGY ~ Existing Substation Oty - - Rrvers NEXTera~ Oounty Line TRANSMISSION NEW YORK Cortnecticut N A 0 New York Energy Highway- Knickerbocker Route, January 2015 = REPLACE EXISTING FACILI TI ES e Oty .A,. New Substation - - R1vers f'-.:. Existing Substation - - Major Roads County Line 2.75 5.5 NEXTera~ ENERGY ~ TRANSMISSION NEW YORK Exhibit 2 One-Line Diagrams CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATION – EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Exhibit 3 Photographs of Concrete Monopoles Ait 41kL2Ir N -.- N' l /1-- gil 4, At. S. • Exhibit 4 Milestone Schedules NYEH 1/6/15 Thruway Activity ID Activity Name NYEH 1/6/15 Article 7 Part A Application Ap A1030 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C A1500 A1520 A1040 A1490 File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 Part B Original Start Duration Finish 15-Aug-13 A 09-Oct-19 203 11-Nov-14 A 01-Sep-15 4 11-Nov-14 A 02-Jan-15 11 28 71 58 493 05-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 03-Mar-15 11-Jun-15 05-Aug-15 20-Jan-15 02-Mar-15 10-Jun-15 01-Sep-15 24-Jul-17 302 05-Aug-15 17-Oct-16 Agency Consultations Stakeholder Outreach and Open Houses 20 60 05-Aug-15 02-Sep-15 01-Sep-15 30-Nov-15 PER1030 Biological and Cultural Surveys and Reports 250 04-Sep-15 01-Sep-16 PER1040 NY Article 7 Application Part B Preparation including proposed certificate conditions 80 23-Jun-16 17-Oct-16 PER1060 Final Route Determined based on Environmental Constraints. 1 01-Sep-16 01-Sep-16 191 18-Oct-16 24-Jul-17 Article 7 Part B Rev Review and Approval PER2000 PER2010 PER2020 PER2030 PER2040 Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations 1 75 20 67 43 18-Oct-16 19-Oct-16 09-Feb-17 09-Feb-17 16-May-17 18-Oct-16 08-Feb-17 09-Mar-17 15-May-17 17-Jul-17 PER2070 Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP 1 24-Jul-17 24-Jul-17 563 02-Sep-15 01-Dec-17 402 02-Sep-15 12-Apr-17 175 120 160 02-Sep-15 18-Oct-16 22-Aug-16 13-May-16 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Permitting USFWS Section 7 C Consultation PER4000 PER4010 Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence NYS DOT Highway Work W and Use Permits (NEPA EA Process) 2015 2016 2017 2018 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Agency Consultations Stakeholder Outreach and Open Houses Biological and Cultural Surveys and Reports NY Article 7 Application Part B Preparation including proposed certificate conditions Final Route Determined based on Environmental Constraints. Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence A1320 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application 40 22-Aug-16 18-Oct-16 PER5000 Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit 120 19-Oct-16 13-Apr-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 131 26-Jan-17 21-Apr-17 17-Jul-17 26-Oct-17 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval 60 1 40 10 20 311 21-Apr-17* 18-Jul-17 19-Jul-17 14-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 02-Sep-16 17-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 13-Sep-17 27-Sep-17 26-Oct-17 01-Dec-17 EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review 60 250 02-Sep-16 02-Dec-16 01-Dec-16 30-Nov-17 Section 68 Joint Use Us Petition PER5100 Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application SPDES Storm Water Wate Permit PER5200 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit Environmental Man Management and Construction Plan PER6000 PER6010 PER6020 PER6030 PER6040 ACOE Section 10/404 10/40 PER3000 PER3010 Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 1548 PER1000 PER1010 Article 7 Part B App Application Activities 06-Jan-15 14:58 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Page 1 of 3 NYEH 1/6/15 Thruway Activity ID Activity Name PER3020 Permit Issuance Permitting - Thruway Thruw Exception to Accomodation Accom Plan Original Start Duration Finish 2015 06-Jan-15 14:58 2016 2017 2018 01-Dec-17 14-Oct-14 A 01-Dec-17 24-Jul-17 672 17-Nov-14 A 24-Jul-17 Permit Issuance Review of draft proposal for longitudinal access 30 17-Nov-14 A 30-Jan-15 Review of draft proposal for longitudinal access A1340 Application/proposal for longitudinal access submitted to NYSTA 1 02-Feb-15 02-Feb-15 Application/proposal for longitudinal access submitted to NYSTA A1350 NYSTA/DOT submits project documentation and request for exception to FHWA 20 03-Feb-15 03-Mar-15 A1360 FHWA determines NEPA review level (Class II, EA) 40 04-Mar-15 28-Apr-15 A1370 Preparation of Environmental Assessment 110 18-Oct-16 29-Mar-17 Preparation of Environmental Assessment A1380 A1390 Submittal of EA to FHWA Record of Decision on Exception 1 1 656 30-Mar-17 24-Jul-17 14-Oct-14 A 30-Mar-17 24-Jul-17 25-May-17 Submittal of EA to FHWA Record of Decision on Exception 134 14-Oct-14 A 27-Apr-15 A1410 SEQRA Short Form & Vendor Responsibility forms 60 14-Oct-14 A 30-Jan-15 A1420 Site Access obtained via Annual Highway Work Permit 60 02-Feb-15 27-Apr-15 330 04-Jan-16 26-Apr-17 60 04-Jan-16* 29-Mar-16 250 20 21 30-Mar-16 30-Mar-17 27-Apr-17 29-Mar-17 26-Apr-17 25-May-17 Real Property Application App NYSTA A1430 NYSTA Request for Qualifications Process A1440 Request for Proposals A1450 Property Disposition Easement / Use and an Occupancy Agreement NYSTA/DOT submits project documentation and request for exception to FHWA FHWA determines NEPA review level (Class II, EA) SEQRA Short Form & Vendor Responsibility forms Site Access obtained via Annual Highway Work Permit NYSTA Request for Qualifications Process Request for Proposals Property Disposition A1460 Easement Agreement /Use and Occupancy Agreement 1 27-Apr-17 27-Apr-17 A1470 NYS Attorney General and Comptroller approval 20 28-Apr-17 25-May-17 NYS Attorney General and Comptroller approval A1480 FHWA approval of breaks in access and easement agreement 20 28-Apr-17 25-May-17 FHWA approval of breaks in access and easement agreement 616 11-Jun-15 22-Nov-17 60 80 5 250 80 11-Jun-15 01-Jul-16 19-Oct-16 26-Oct-16 01-Aug-17 03-Sep-15 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-17 22-Nov-17 1548 15-Aug-13 A 09-Oct-19 ROW Acquisition A1300 LND2000 A1290 LND2010 LND2020 Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain Engineering Procurement Proc and Construction EPC1000 Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement 60 15-Aug-13 A 02-Jan-15 EPC1030 Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options 16 05-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 EPC1010 EPC1020 Design Engineering Material Procurement 250 250 559 02-Mar-16 02-Mar-17 25-Jul-17 01-Mar-17 27-Feb-18 09-Oct-19 Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction 80 25-Jul-17 15-Nov-17 1 0 468 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 09-Oct-19 Construction A1510 UCA Unrestricted Construction Access A1310 Seasonal Delay for Construction Thruway (179 Miles) Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 1 696 A1330 Land Acquisition / R Real Property Disposition 2019 Easement Agreement /Use and Occupancy Agreement Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options Design Engineering Material Procurement Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction Unrestricted Construction Access Seasonal Delay for Construction Page 2 of 3 NYEH 1/6/15 Thruway Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Duration Finish 05-Dec-17 09-Oct-19 THR1010 NTP THR999 Final Commissioning and COD Edic-Leeds 345 3 kV (125 Miles) 0 20 345 05-Dec-17 12-Sep-19 05-Dec-17 09-Oct-19* 16-Apr-19 THR1030 ROW prep and Traffic control THR1050 Structure framing and setting THR1060 Conductor & Fiber install Leeds-New Paltz345kV P (40 Miles) 300 300 310 240 05-Dec-17 04-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 28-May-18 12-Feb-19 12-Mar-19 16-Apr-19 08-May-19 THR1110 Existing ROW prep THR1130 Structure framing and setting THR1150 Conductor & Fiber install THR1160 HUDSON RIVER CROSSING New Paltz-Pleasant Paltz-Ple Valley 345kV (14 Miles) 200 178 169 100 128 28-May-18 26-Jul-18 06-Sep-18 01-Nov-18* 13-Mar-19 12-Mar-19 09-Apr-19 08-May-19 27-Mar-19 11-Sep-19 30 34 31 33 13-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 12-Jun-19 26-Jul-19 23-Apr-19 11-Jun-19 25-Jul-19 11-Sep-19 THR1180 THR1190 THR1200 THR1210 Timbering of ROW Clear and Grub of ROW Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 468 2.3 Thruway Plan 2015 06-Jan-15 14:58 NTP Final Commissioning and COD ROW prep and Traffic control Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install HUDSON RIVER CROSSING Timbering of ROW Clear and Grub of ROW Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Page 3 of 3 NYEH 1/6/15 Marcy Southern 1 Activity ID Activity Name NYEH 1/6/15 Article 7 Part A Application Ap A1030 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C A1500 A1520 A1040 A1490 File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 Part B Original Start Duration Finish 15-Aug-13 A 24-Jul-19 203 11-Nov-14 A 01-Sep-15 4 11-Nov-14 A 02-Jan-15 11 28 71 58 191 05-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 03-Mar-15 11-Jun-15 18-Oct-16 20-Jan-15 02-Mar-15 10-Jun-15 01-Sep-15 24-Jul-17 191 18-Oct-16 24-Jul-17 Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations 1 75 20 67 43 18-Oct-16 19-Oct-16 09-Feb-17 09-Feb-17 16-May-17 18-Oct-16 08-Feb-17 09-Mar-17 15-May-17 17-Jul-17 PER2070 Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP 1 24-Jul-17 24-Jul-17 563 02-Sep-15 01-Dec-17 402 02-Sep-15 12-Apr-17 175 120 160 02-Sep-15 18-Oct-16 22-Aug-16 13-May-16 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Permitting USFWS Section 7 C Consultation PER4000 PER4010 Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence NYS DOT Highway Work W and Use Permits (NEPA EA Process) 2016 2017 2018 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence A1320 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application 40 22-Aug-16 18-Oct-16 PER5000 Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit 120 19-Oct-16 13-Apr-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 131 26-Jan-17 21-Apr-17 17-Jul-17 26-Oct-17 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval 60 1 40 10 20 311 21-Apr-17* 18-Jul-17 19-Jul-17 14-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 02-Sep-16 17-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 13-Sep-17 27-Sep-17 26-Oct-17 01-Dec-17 EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance 60 250 1 616 02-Sep-16 02-Dec-16 01-Dec-17 11-Jun-15 01-Dec-16 30-Nov-17 01-Dec-17 22-Nov-17 Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain 60 80 5 250 80 11-Jun-15 01-Jul-16 19-Oct-16 26-Oct-16 01-Aug-17 03-Sep-15 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-17 22-Nov-17 1494 15-Aug-13 A 24-Jul-19 Section 68 Joint Use Us Petition PER5100 Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application SPDES Storm Water Wate Permit PER5200 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit Environmental Man Management and Construction Plan PER6000 PER6010 PER6020 PER6030 PER6040 ACOE Section 10/404 10/40 PER3000 PER3010 PER3020 ROW Acquisition A1300 LND2000 A1290 LND2010 LND2020 Engineering Procurement Proc and Construction Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 1494 PER2000 PER2010 PER2020 PER2030 PER2040 Article 7 Part B Rev Review and Approval 2015 06-Jan-15 14:50 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain Page 1 of 2 NYEH 1/6/15 Marcy Southern 1 Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Duration Finish Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement 60 15-Aug-13 A 02-Jan-15 EPC1030 Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options 16 05-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 EPC1010 EPC1020 Design Engineering Material Procurement 250 250 505 02-Mar-16 02-Mar-17 25-Jul-17 01-Mar-17 27-Feb-18 24-Jul-19 Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction 80 25-Jul-17 15-Nov-17 UCA Unrestricted Construction Access A1310 Seasonal Delay for Construction Marcy to Pleasant V Valley 1 0 414 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 24-Jul-19 PV1000 NTP PV1040 Final Commissioning and COD Substation Work 0 20 275 05-Dec-17 26-Jun-19 05-Dec-17 24-Jul-19* 07-Jan-19 A1510 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S EPC1000 Construction 2015 06-Jan-15 14:50 Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options Design Engineering Material Procurement Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction Unrestricted Construction Access Seasonal Delay for Construction NTP Final Commissioning and COD MPS1010 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (5-345 K) 180 05-Dec-17 20-Aug-18 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (5-345 K) MPS1560 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (2-345 K) 180 05-Dec-17 20-Aug-18 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (2-345 K) MPS1570 Orchard Hill kV Substation (5-6 bay) 180 04-Jan-18 18-Sep-18 Orchard Hill kV Substation (5-6 bay) MPS1020 Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 -4 breaker ring bus 180 02-Feb-18 16-Oct-18 MPS1030 Church Town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of tie in 180 20-Apr-18 07-Jan-19 394 05-Dec-17 25-Jun-19 Marcy-Princeton 345kV (12 miles reconductor) Marcy-Prince 61 05-Dec-17 02-Mar-18 MSA1000 Existing ROW prep MSA1010 Prepare existing Towers MSA1020 Conductor & Fiber install Marcy-Princeton 345kV (56 miles) Marcy-Prince 28 44 31 193 05-Dec-17 27-Dec-17 19-Jan-18 05-Dec-17 16-Jan-18 28-Feb-18 02-Mar-18 07-Sep-18 MSA1030 Existing ROW prep MSA1040 Structure framing and setting MSA1060 Conductor & Fiber install Princeton-Rotterdam 230kV (10 Miles) Princeton-Ro 116 125 127 63 05-Dec-17 04-Jan-18 12-Mar-18 11-Jun-18 21-May-18 29-Jun-18 07-Sep-18 07-Sep-18 MSA1050 Existing ROW prep MSA1070 Structure framing and setting MSA1080 Conductor & Fiber install Greenbush-Knickerbocker 115kV (8 Miles) Greenbush-K 16 40 38 58 11-Jun-18 02-Jul-18 17-Jul-18 07-Aug-18 02-Jul-18 27-Aug-18 07-Sep-18 26-Oct-18 MSA1140 Existing ROW prep MSA1160 Structure framing and setting MSA1170 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345/115kV (22 Miles) Knickerbocke 17 38 23 123 07-Aug-18 28-Aug-18 26-Sep-18 03-Jul-18 29-Aug-18 19-Oct-18 26-Oct-18 27-Dec-18 MSA1090 Existing ROW prep MSA1100 Structure framing and setting MSA1110 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345 (32 Miles) Knickerbocke 95 74 74 153 03-Jul-18 28-Aug-18 12-Sep-18 15-Nov-18 14-Nov-18 12-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 25-Jun-19 69 125 120 15-Nov-18 13-Dec-18 07-Jan-19 26-Feb-19 11-Jun-19 25-Jun-19 Marcy Southern 1 (140 miles) MSA1120 MSA1130 MSA1150 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 -4 breaker ring bus Church Town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of tie in Existing ROW prep Prepare existing Towers Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Page 2 of 2 NYEH 1/6/15 Marcy Southern 2 Activity ID Activity Name NYEH 1/6/15 Article 7 Part A Application Ap A1030 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C A1500 A1520 A1040 A1490 File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 Part B Original Start Duration Finish 15-Aug-13 A 24-Jul-19 203 11-Nov-14 A 01-Sep-15 4 11-Nov-14 A 02-Jan-15 11 28 71 58 191 05-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 03-Mar-15 11-Jun-15 18-Oct-16 20-Jan-15 02-Mar-15 10-Jun-15 01-Sep-15 24-Jul-17 191 18-Oct-16 24-Jul-17 Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations 1 75 20 67 43 18-Oct-16 19-Oct-16 09-Feb-17 09-Feb-17 16-May-17 18-Oct-16 08-Feb-17 09-Mar-17 15-May-17 17-Jul-17 PER2070 Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP 1 24-Jul-17 24-Jul-17 563 02-Sep-15 01-Dec-17 402 02-Sep-15 12-Apr-17 175 120 160 02-Sep-15 18-Oct-16 22-Aug-16 13-May-16 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Permitting USFWS Section 7 C Consultation PER4000 PER4010 Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence NYS DOT Highway Work W and Use Permits (NEPA EA Process) 2016 2017 2018 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence A1320 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application 40 22-Aug-16 18-Oct-16 PER5000 Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit 120 19-Oct-16 13-Apr-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 131 26-Jan-17 21-Apr-17 17-Jul-17 26-Oct-17 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval 60 1 40 10 20 311 21-Apr-17* 18-Jul-17 19-Jul-17 14-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 02-Sep-16 17-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 13-Sep-17 27-Sep-17 26-Oct-17 01-Dec-17 EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance 60 250 1 308 02-Sep-16 02-Dec-16 01-Dec-17 04-Sep-15 01-Dec-16 30-Nov-17 01-Dec-17 29-Nov-16 Application Preparation and Submittal NYS OGS Review Permit Issuance 57 250 1 616 04-Sep-15* 30-Nov-15 29-Nov-16 11-Jun-15 25-Nov-15 28-Nov-16 29-Nov-16 22-Nov-17 Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition 60 80 5 250 11-Jun-15 01-Jul-16 19-Oct-16 26-Oct-16 03-Sep-15 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-17 Section 68 Joint Use Us Petition PER5100 Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application SPDES Storm Water Wate Permit PER5200 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit Environmental Man Management and Construction Plan PER6000 PER6010 PER6020 PER6030 PER6040 ACOE Section 10/404 10/40 PER3000 PER3010 PER3020 NYS OGS River Crossing Cro Permit PER6050 PER6060 PER6070 ROW Acquisition A1300 LND2000 A1290 LND2010 Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 1494 PER2000 PER2010 PER2020 PER2030 PER2040 Article 7 Part B Rev Review and Approval 2015 06-Jan-15 15:02 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance Application Preparation and Submittal NYS OGS Review Permit Issuance Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Page 1 of 3 NYEH 1/6/15 Marcy Southern 2 Activity ID Activity Name LND2020 Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain Engineering Procurement Proc and Construction Original Start Duration 80 Finish 22-Nov-17 1494 15-Aug-13 A 24-Jul-19 Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement 60 15-Aug-13 A 02-Jan-15 EPC1030 Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options 16 05-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 EPC1010 EPC1020 Design Engineering Material Procurement 250 250 505 02-Mar-16 02-Mar-17 25-Jul-17 01-Mar-17 27-Feb-18 24-Jul-19 Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction 80 25-Jul-17 15-Nov-17 UCA Unrestricted Construction Access A1310 Seasonal Delay for Construction Marcy to Pleasant V Valley 1 0 414 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 24-Jul-19 PV1000 NTP PV1040 Final Commissioning and COD Substation Work 0 20 275 05-Dec-17 26-Jun-19 05-Dec-17 24-Jul-19* 07-Jan-19 A1510 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 01-Aug-17 EPC1000 Construction 2015 06-Jan-15 15:02 Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options Design Engineering Material Procurement Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction Unrestricted Construction Access Seasonal Delay for Construction NTP Final Commissioning and COD MPS1010 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (5-345 K) 180 05-Dec-17 20-Aug-18 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (5-345 K) MPS1560 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (2-345 K) 180 05-Dec-17 20-Aug-18 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (2-345 K) MPS1570 Orchard Hill kV Substation (5-6 bay) 180 04-Jan-18 18-Sep-18 Orchard Hill kV Substation (5-6 bay) MPS1020 Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 -4 breaker ring bus 180 02-Feb-18 16-Oct-18 MPS1030 Church Town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of tie in 180 20-Apr-18 07-Jan-19 Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 -4 breaker ring bus Church Town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of tie in 389 05-Dec-17 18-Jun-19 Marcy-Princeton 345kV (12 miles reconductor) Marcy-Prince 61 05-Dec-17 02-Mar-18 MSB1000 Existing ROW prep MSB1010 Prepare existing Towers MSB1020 Conductor & Fiber install Marcy-Princeton 345kV (56 miles) Marcy-Prince 28 44 31 163 05-Dec-17 27-Dec-17 19-Jan-18 24-Jan-18 16-Jan-18 28-Feb-18 02-Mar-18 12-Sep-18 MSB1030 Existing ROW prep MSB1050 Structure framing and setting MSB1070 Conductor & Fiber install Princeton-Rotterdam 230kV (10 Miles) Princeton-Ro 116 125 127 63 24-Jan-18 01-Mar-18 15-Mar-18 08-Mar-18 06-Jul-18 24-Aug-18 12-Sep-18 05-Jun-18 MSB1060 Existing ROW prep MSB1080 Structure framing and setting MSB1090 Conductor & Fiber install Princeton-Knickerbocker 345kV (32 Miles) Princeton-Kn 16 40 38 249 08-Mar-18 29-Mar-18 12-Apr-18 05-Dec-17 29-Mar-18 24-May-18 05-Jun-18 28-Nov-18 MSB1040 HUDSON RIVER CROSSING MSB1100 Existing ROW prep MSB1110 Structure framing and setting MSB1120 Conductor & Fiber install Marcy- New Scotland S (20 Miles) 100 71 115 116 97 05-Dec-17 11-May-18 01-Jun-18 14-Jun-18 13-Aug-18 26-Apr-18 20-Aug-18 12-Nov-18 28-Nov-18 31-Dec-18 MSB1140 Existing ROW prep MSB1160 Structure framing and setting MSB1170 Conductor & Fiber install New Scotland Scotland-Knickerbocker (13 Miles) 28 67 70 217 13-Aug-18 04-Sep-18 20-Sep-18 04-May-18 20-Sep-18 07-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 14-Mar-19 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install 100 04-May-18 25-Sep-18 HUDSON RIVER CROSSING Marcy Southern 2 (205 Miles) MSB1130 HUDSON RIVER CROSSING Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone Existing ROW prep Prepare existing Towers Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install HUDSON RIVER CROSSING Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Page 2 of 3 NYEH 1/6/15 Marcy Southern 2 Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Duration Finish 2015 06-Jan-15 15:02 2016 2017 2018 2019 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S MSB1220 Existing ROW prep MSB1230 Structure framing and setting MSB1260 Conductor & Fiber install Greenbush-Knickerbocker 115kV (8 Miles) Greenbush-K 28 44 46 58 21-Aug-18 11-Sep-18 09-Jan-19 17-Sep-18 28-Sep-18 09-Nov-18 14-Mar-19 07-Dec-18 MSB1240 Existing ROW prep MSB1270 Structure framing and setting MSB1280 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345/115kV (22 Miles) Knickerbocke 17 38 23 202 17-Sep-18 08-Oct-18 05-Nov-18 28-May-18 09-Oct-18 30-Nov-18 07-Dec-18 14-Mar-19 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install MSB1150 Existing ROW prep MSB1180 Structure framing and setting MSB1190 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345 (32 Miles) Knickerbocke 95 74 74 160 28-May-18 03-Jul-18 28-Nov-18 30-Oct-18 09-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 14-Mar-19 18-Jun-19 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install 69 125 120 30-Oct-18 20-Nov-18 28-Dec-18 08-Feb-19 21-May-19 18-Jun-19 MSB1200 MSB1210 MSB1250 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2020 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Page 3 of 3 NYEH 1/6/15 Marcy Northern Activity ID Activity Name NYEH 1/6/15 Article 7 Part A Application Ap A1030 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C A1500 A1520 A1040 A1490 File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 Part B Original Start Duration Finish 15-Aug-13 A 24-Jul-19 203 11-Nov-14 A 01-Sep-15 4 11-Nov-14 A 02-Jan-15 11 28 71 58 191 05-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 03-Mar-15 11-Jun-15 18-Oct-16 20-Jan-15 02-Mar-15 10-Jun-15 01-Sep-15 24-Jul-17 191 18-Oct-16 24-Jul-17 Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations 1 75 20 67 43 18-Oct-16 19-Oct-16 09-Feb-17 09-Feb-17 16-May-17 18-Oct-16 08-Feb-17 09-Mar-17 15-May-17 17-Jul-17 PER2070 Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP 1 24-Jul-17 24-Jul-17 563 02-Sep-15 01-Dec-17 402 02-Sep-15 12-Apr-17 175 120 160 02-Sep-15 18-Oct-16 22-Aug-16 13-May-16 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Permitting USFWS Section 7 C Consultation PER4000 PER4010 Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence NYS DOT Highway Work W and Use Permits (NEPA EA Process) 2016 2017 2018 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence A1320 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application 40 22-Aug-16 18-Oct-16 PER5000 Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit 120 19-Oct-16 13-Apr-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 131 26-Jan-17 21-Apr-17 17-Jul-17 26-Oct-17 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval 60 1 40 10 20 311 21-Apr-17* 18-Jul-17 19-Jul-17 14-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 02-Sep-16 17-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 13-Sep-17 27-Sep-17 26-Oct-17 01-Dec-17 EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance 60 250 1 616 02-Sep-16 02-Dec-16 01-Dec-17 11-Jun-15 01-Dec-16 30-Nov-17 01-Dec-17 22-Nov-17 Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain 60 80 5 250 80 11-Jun-15 01-Jul-16 19-Oct-16 26-Oct-16 01-Aug-17 03-Sep-15 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-17 22-Nov-17 1494 15-Aug-13 A 24-Jul-19 Section 68 Joint Use Us Petition PER5100 Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application SPDES Storm Water Wate Permit PER5200 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit Environmental Man Management and Construction Plan PER6000 PER6010 PER6020 PER6030 PER6040 ACOE Section 10/404 10/40 PER3000 PER3010 PER3020 ROW Acquisition A1300 LND2000 A1290 LND2010 LND2020 Engineering Procurement Proc and Construction Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 1494 PER2000 PER2010 PER2020 PER2030 PER2040 Article 7 Part B Rev Review and Approval 2015 06-Jan-15 14:56 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain Page 1 of 2 NYEH 1/6/15 Marcy Northern Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Duration Finish Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement 60 15-Aug-13 A 02-Jan-15 EPC1030 Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options 16 05-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 EPC1010 EPC1020 Design Engineering Material Procurement 250 250 505 02-Mar-16 02-Mar-17 25-Jul-17 01-Mar-17 27-Feb-18 24-Jul-19 Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction 80 25-Jul-17 15-Nov-17 UCA Unrestricted Construction Access A1310 Seasonal Delay for Construction Marcy to Pleasant V Valley 1 0 414 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 24-Jul-19 PV1000 NTP PV1040 Final Commissioning and COD Substation Work 0 20 275 05-Dec-17 26-Jun-19 05-Dec-17 24-Jul-19* 07-Jan-19 A1510 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S EPC1000 Construction 2015 06-Jan-15 14:56 Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options Design Engineering Material Procurement Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction Unrestricted Construction Access Seasonal Delay for Construction NTP Final Commissioning and COD MPS1010 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (5-345 K) 180 05-Dec-17 20-Aug-18 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (5-345 K) MPS1560 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (2-345 K) 180 05-Dec-17 20-Aug-18 Princeton 345/230 kV Substation (2-345 K) MPS1570 Orchard Hill kV Substation (5-6 bay) 180 04-Jan-18 18-Sep-18 Orchard Hill kV Substation (5-6 bay) MPS1020 Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 -4 breaker ring bus 180 02-Feb-18 16-Oct-18 MPS1030 Church Town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of tie in 180 20-Apr-18 07-Jan-19 262 05-Dec-17 17-Dec-18 Marcy-Orchard 345kV (84 miles) Marcy-Orchar 200 05-Dec-17 18-Sep-18 MSN1530 Existing ROW prep MSN1540 Structure framing and setting MSN1550 Conductor & Fiber install Greenbush-Knickerbocker 115kV (8 Miles) Greenbush-K 160 160 127 60 05-Dec-17 04-Jan-18 21-Mar-18 05-Dec-17 23-Jul-18 20-Aug-18 18-Sep-18 01-Mar-18 MSN1050 Existing ROW prep MSN1070 Structure framing and setting MSN1080 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345/115kV (22 Miles) Knickerbocke 17 38 23 117 05-Dec-17 29-Dec-17 30-Jan-18 29-Dec-17 28-Dec-17 22-Feb-18 01-Mar-18 14-Jun-18 MSN1000 Existing ROW prep MSN1010 Structure framing and setting MSN1020 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345 (32 Miles) Knickerbocke 95 74 74 150 29-Dec-17 07-Feb-18 02-Mar-18 16-May-18 15-May-18 22-May-18 14-Jun-18 17-Dec-18 69 125 120 16-May-18 23-May-18 27-Jun-18 21-Aug-18 15-Nov-18 17-Dec-18 Marcy Northern (147 Miles) MSN1030 MSN1040 MSN1060 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 -4 breaker ring bus Church Town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of tie in Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Page 2 of 2 NYEH 1/6/15 Kinckerbocker Activity ID Activity Name NYEH 1/6/15 Article 7 Part A Application Ap A1030 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C A1500 A1520 A1040 A1490 File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 Part B Original Start Duration Finish 15-Aug-13 A 23-Jan-19 203 11-Nov-14 A 01-Sep-15 4 11-Nov-14 A 02-Jan-15 11 28 71 58 191 05-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 03-Mar-15 11-Jun-15 18-Oct-16 20-Jan-15 02-Mar-15 10-Jun-15 01-Sep-15 24-Jul-17 191 18-Oct-16 24-Jul-17 Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations 1 75 20 67 43 18-Oct-16 19-Oct-16 09-Feb-17 09-Feb-17 16-May-17 18-Oct-16 08-Feb-17 09-Mar-17 15-May-17 17-Jul-17 PER2070 Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP 1 24-Jul-17 24-Jul-17 563 02-Sep-15 01-Dec-17 402 02-Sep-15 12-Apr-17 175 120 160 02-Sep-15 18-Oct-16 22-Aug-16 13-May-16 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Permitting USFWS Section 7 C Consultation PER4000 PER4010 Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence NYS DOT Highway Work W and Use Permits (NEPA EA Process) 2015 2016 2017 2018 File Part A Data, Appendix B and C File part A Data Appendix D (Partial) File part A Data Appendix D (Remainder) DPS Report and Motion Commisison Decision on DPS Motion Article 7 part B Application Submittal Completeness review Response to Completeness Review Joint Proposal/Hearings Briefing by Parties and Recommendations Commission Decision, including portions of EMCP Consultation Packet Preparation Receive Concurrence A1320 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application 40 22-Aug-16 18-Oct-16 PER5000 Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit 120 19-Oct-16 13-Apr-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 26-Jan-17 17-Jul-17 120 131 26-Jan-17 21-Apr-17 17-Jul-17 26-Oct-17 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval 60 1 40 10 20 311 21-Apr-17* 18-Jul-17 19-Jul-17 14-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 02-Sep-16 17-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 13-Sep-17 27-Sep-17 26-Oct-17 01-Dec-17 EMCP Preparation FIle EMCP EMCP Review and Comment EMPC Revise and Resubmittal EMCP Review and Approval Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance 60 250 1 616 02-Sep-16 02-Dec-16 01-Dec-17 11-Jun-15 01-Dec-16 30-Nov-17 01-Dec-17 22-Nov-17 Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain 60 80 5 250 80 11-Jun-15 01-Jul-16 19-Oct-16 26-Oct-16 01-Aug-17 03-Sep-15 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-16 25-Oct-17 22-Nov-17 1366 15-Aug-13 A 23-Jan-19 Section 68 Joint Use Us Petition PER5100 Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application SPDES Storm Water Wate Permit PER5200 Obtain SPDES Storm Water Permit Environmental Man Management and Construction Plan PER6000 PER6010 PER6020 PER6030 PER6040 ACOE Section 10/404 10/40 PER3000 PER3010 PER3020 ROW Acquisition A1300 LND2000 A1290 LND2010 LND2020 Engineering Procurement Proc and Construction Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 1366 PER2000 PER2010 PER2020 PER2030 PER2040 Article 7 Part B Rev Review and Approval 06-Jan-15 14:45 Prepare NYS DOT /FHWA Permit Application Review and Approval of NYS DOT Highway Work and Use Permit Approve Section 68/69/70 petition filed with Article VII Application Application Preparation and Submittal ACOE Review Permit Issuance Obtain ROE for Civil and Env Surveys Title Search. Notify Land Owners of Part B Filing ROW Aquisition Secure Remaining Property Rights by Purchase or Eminent Domain Page 1 of 2 NYEH 1/6/15 Kinckerbocker Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Duration Finish Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement 60 15-Aug-13 A 02-Jan-15 EPC1030 Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options 16 05-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 EPC1010 EPC1020 Design Engineering Material Procurement 250 250 377 02-Mar-16 02-Mar-17 25-Jul-17 01-Mar-17 27-Feb-18 23-Jan-19 Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction 80 25-Jul-17 15-Nov-17 1 0 286 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 04-Dec-17 05-Dec-17 23-Jan-19 A1510 UCA Unrestricted Construction Access A1310 Seasonal Delay for Construction Knickerbocker (62 Miles) 286 05-Dec-17 23-Jan-19 KN1010 KN1070 NTP Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 breaker ring bus 0 180 05-Dec-17 12-Dec-17 28-Aug-18 KN1110 Church town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of 115kV tie 180 22-Dec-17 10-Sep-18 KN999 Final Commissioning and COD Greenbush-Knickerbocker 115kV (8 Miles) Greenbush-K 20 41 25-Dec-18 05-Dec-17 23-Jan-19* 02-Feb-18 KN1030 Existing ROW prep KN1040 Structure framing and setting KN1080 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345/115kV (22 Miles) Knickerbocke 17 38 23 135 05-Dec-17 07-Dec-17 12-Dec-17 29-Dec-17 28-Dec-17 02-Feb-18 17-Jan-18 12-Jul-18 KN1060 Existing ROW prep KN1090 Structure framing and setting KN1100 Conductor & Fiber install Knickerbocker-Pleasant Valley 345 (32 Miles) Knickerbocke 95 101 105 153 29-Dec-17 05-Feb-18 13-Feb-18 17-May-18 16-May-18 27-Jun-18 12-Jul-18 21-Dec-18 69 100 113 17-May-18 28-Jun-18 13-Jul-18 23-Aug-18 16-Nov-18 21-Dec-18 2.4Knickerbocker Only Plan 2.4Knickerbocke KN1130 KN1140 KN1150 Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S EPC1000 Construction 2015 06-Jan-15 14:45 Preliminary Engineering and Route Refinement Prepare Cost Estimates on Project Options Design Engineering Material Procurement Coordination of Outages and Demo by Others for Construction Unrestricted Construction Access Seasonal Delay for Construction NTP Knickerbocker 345 kV SY 3 breaker ring bus Church town 115kV SY Include .1 miles of 115kV tie Final Commissioning and COD Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Existing ROW prep Structure framing and setting Conductor & Fiber install Page 2 of 2 Exhibit 5 Permitting Schedules NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. (NEETNY) Thruway Permitting Schedule ID Task Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Duration 0 days 0 days 0 days 60 days 0 days 250 days Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Thu 6/11/15 Tue 9/1/15 Thu 10/1/15 Start Finish Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Wed 9/2/15 Tue 9/1/15 Wed 9/14/16 Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 40 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 10/13/15 Fri 9/2/16 Mon 10/26/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/12/15 Mon 10/26/15 Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 79 days 15 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Mon 11/23/15 Fri 12/18/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 11/20/15 Fri 12/18/15 Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 265 days 22 days 45 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/30/16 Fri 8/5/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Fri 5/27/16 Fri 8/5/16 Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 22 days 15 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 5/2/16 Mon 6/27/16 Fri 9/2/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 6/24/16 Fri 9/2/16 Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 35 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Mon 10/19/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/19/15 Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 90 days 15 days 40 days 35 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 11/17/15 Mon 1/4/16 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 11/16/15 Mon 1/4/16 Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation 179 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 4/25/16 Fri 5/6/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/22/16 Fri 5/6/16 EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 204 days 15 days 20 days 30 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/2/16 Fri 6/10/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/29/16 Fri 6/10/16 NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance Environmental Management and Construction Plan EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval 296 days 0 days 102 days 120 days 0 days 139 days 65 days 74 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 10/18/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 3/10/17 Thu 8/24/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Tue 10/18/16 Tue 10/18/16 Thu 3/9/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 10/26/17 Fri 7/14/17 Thu 10/26/17 Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application 749 days 325 days 65 days 260 days Mon 1/19/15 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 12/1/16 Thu 11/30/17 70 days Mon 4/17/17 Fri 7/21/17 65 days 5 days Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Fri 7/14/17 Fri 7/21/17 92 days 60 days 60 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 2/23/17 Tue 1/10/17 Thu 2/23/17 Jan 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement 322 days Fri 9/4/15 Mon 11/28/16 Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement 60 days 262 days Fri 9/4/15 Fri 11/27/15 Thu 11/26/15 Mon 11/28/16 NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application 150 days 30 days 120 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Wed 11/30/16 Tue 5/16/17 Tue 11/29/16 Tue 5/16/17 NYS Thruway Authority Exception to Accomodation Plan Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Reveiws Application FHWA Determines NEPA Review Level Preparation of Environmental Assessment Submittal of EA to FHWA Record of Decision on Exception 655 days 10 days 22 days 40 days 110 days 0 days 0 days Mon 1/19/15 Mon 1/19/15 Mon 2/2/15 Wed 3/4/15 Tue 10/18/16 Mon 3/20/17 Mon 7/24/17 Mon 7/24/17 Fri 1/30/15 Tue 3/3/15 Tue 4/28/15 Mon 3/20/17 Mon 3/20/17 Mon 7/24/17 January 2015 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Note 1: The scheduling of required field studies, many of which are seasonally dependent, are crucial to the ability to meet the task/activity deadlines noted below. Further, access to the existing utility corridor to be negotiated with property owners would be required prior to the commencement of field studes. Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Reveiws Application FHWA Determines NEPA Review Level 3/20/17 Preparation of Environmental Assessment Submittal of EA to FHWA 7/24/17 Record of Decision on Exception Task Milestone Project Summary External Milestone Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start-only Progress Split Summary External Tasks Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration-only Manual Summary Finish-only Deadline Page 1 TRC Environmental Corporation NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. (NEETNY) Marcy Southern 1 Permitting Schedule ID Task Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Duration 0 days 0 days 0 days 60 days 0 days 250 days Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Thu 6/11/15 Tue 9/1/15 Thu 10/1/15 Start Finish Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Wed 9/2/15 Tue 9/1/15 Wed 9/14/16 Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 40 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 10/13/15 Fri 9/2/16 Mon 10/26/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/12/15 Mon 10/26/15 Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 79 days 15 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Mon 11/23/15 Fri 12/18/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 11/20/15 Fri 12/18/15 Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 265 days 22 days 45 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/30/16 Fri 8/5/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Fri 5/27/16 Fri 8/5/16 Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 22 days 15 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 5/2/16 Mon 6/27/16 Fri 9/2/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 6/24/16 Fri 9/2/16 Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 35 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Mon 10/19/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/19/15 Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 90 days 15 days 40 days 35 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 11/17/15 Mon 1/4/16 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 11/16/15 Mon 1/4/16 Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation 179 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 4/25/16 Fri 5/6/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/22/16 Fri 5/6/16 EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 204 days 15 days 20 days 30 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/2/16 Fri 6/10/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/29/16 Fri 6/10/16 NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance Environmental Management and Construction Plan EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval 296 days 0 days 102 days 120 days 0 days 139 days 65 days 74 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 10/18/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 3/10/17 Thu 8/24/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Tue 10/18/16 Tue 10/18/16 Thu 3/9/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 10/26/17 Fri 7/14/17 Thu 10/26/17 Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application 585 days 325 days 65 days 260 days Fri 9/4/15 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 12/1/16 Thu 11/30/17 70 days Mon 4/17/17 Fri 7/21/17 65 days 5 days Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Fri 7/14/17 Fri 7/21/17 92 days 60 days 60 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 2/23/17 Tue 1/10/17 Thu 2/23/17 Jan 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Note 1: The scheduling of required field studies, many of which are seasonally dependent, are crucial to the ability to meet the task/activity deadlines noted below. Further, access to the existing utility corridor to be negotiated with property owners would be required prior to the commencement of field studes. Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement 322 days Fri 9/4/15 Mon 11/28/16 Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement 60 days 262 days Fri 9/4/15 Fri 11/27/15 Thu 11/26/15 Mon 11/28/16 NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application 150 days 30 days 120 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Wed 11/30/16 Tue 5/16/17 Tue 11/29/16 Tue 5/16/17 NYSDOT Utility Work Permit Preparation of Application NYSDOT Reviews Application 169 days 40 days 129 days Mon 8/22/16 Mon 8/22/16 Mon 10/17/16 Thu 4/13/17 Fri 10/14/16 Thu 4/13/17 Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Work Permit Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Reviews Application 169 days 40 days 129 days Mon 8/22/16 Mon 8/22/16 Mon 10/17/16 Thu 4/13/17 Fri 10/14/16 Thu 4/13/17 Preparation of Application January 2015 Feb Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application NYSDOT Utility Work Permit NYSDOT Reviews Application NYS Thruway Authority Reviews Application Task Milestone Project Summary External Milestone Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start-only Progress Split Summary External Tasks Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration-only Manual Summary Finish-only Deadline Page 1 TRC Environmental Corporation NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. (NEETNY) Marcy Southern 2 Permitting Schedule ID Task Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Duration 0 days 0 days 0 days 60 days 0 days 250 days Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Thu 6/11/15 Tue 9/1/15 Thu 10/1/15 Start Finish Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Wed 9/2/15 Tue 9/1/15 Wed 9/14/16 Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 40 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 10/13/15 Fri 9/2/16 Mon 10/26/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/12/15 Mon 10/26/15 Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 79 days 15 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Mon 11/23/15 Fri 12/18/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 11/20/15 Fri 12/18/15 Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 265 days 22 days 45 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/30/16 Fri 8/5/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Fri 5/27/16 Fri 8/5/16 Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 22 days 15 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 5/2/16 Mon 6/27/16 Fri 9/2/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 6/24/16 Fri 9/2/16 Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 35 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Mon 10/19/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/19/15 Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 90 days 15 days 40 days 35 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 11/17/15 Mon 1/4/16 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 11/16/15 Mon 1/4/16 Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation 179 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 4/25/16 Fri 5/6/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/22/16 Fri 5/6/16 EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 204 days 15 days 20 days 30 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/2/16 Fri 6/10/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/29/16 Fri 6/10/16 NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance Environmental Management and Construction Plan EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval 296 days 0 days 102 days 120 days 0 days 139 days 65 days 74 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 10/18/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 3/10/17 Thu 8/24/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Tue 10/18/16 Tue 10/18/16 Thu 3/9/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 10/26/17 Fri 7/14/17 Thu 10/26/17 Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application 585 days 325 days 65 days 260 days Fri 9/4/15 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 12/1/16 Thu 11/30/17 70 days Mon 4/17/17 Fri 7/21/17 65 days 5 days Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Fri 7/14/17 Fri 7/21/17 92 days 60 days 60 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 2/23/17 Tue 1/10/17 Thu 2/23/17 Jan 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Note 1: The scheduling of required field studies, many of which are seasonally dependent, are crucial to the ability to meet the task/activity deadlines noted below. Further, access to the existing utility corridor to be negotiated with property owners would be required prior to the commencement of field studes. Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement 322 days Fri 9/4/15 Mon 11/28/16 Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement 60 days 262 days Fri 9/4/15 Fri 11/27/15 Thu 11/26/15 Mon 11/28/16 NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application 150 days 30 days 120 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Wed 11/30/16 Tue 5/16/17 Tue 11/29/16 Tue 5/16/17 NYSDOT Utility Work Permit Preparation of Application NYSDOT Reviews Application 169 days 40 days 129 days Mon 8/22/16 Mon 8/22/16 Mon 10/17/16 Thu 4/13/17 Fri 10/14/16 Thu 4/13/17 Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Work Permit Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Reviews Application 169 days 40 days 129 days Mon 8/22/16 Mon 8/22/16 Mon 10/17/16 Thu 4/13/17 Fri 10/14/16 Thu 4/13/17 Preparation of Application January 2015 Feb Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application NYSDOT Utility Work Permit NYSDOT Reviews Application NYS Thruway Authority Reviews Application Task Milestone Project Summary External Milestone Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start-only Progress Split Summary External Tasks Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration-only Manual Summary Finish-only Deadline Page 1 TRC Environmental Corporation NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. (NEETNY) Marcy Northern Permitting Schedule ID Task Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Duration 0 days 0 days 0 days 60 days 0 days 250 days Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Thu 6/11/15 Tue 9/1/15 Thu 10/1/15 Start Finish Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Wed 9/2/15 Tue 9/1/15 Wed 9/14/16 Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 40 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 10/13/15 Fri 9/2/16 Mon 10/26/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/12/15 Mon 10/26/15 Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 79 days 15 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Mon 11/23/15 Fri 12/18/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 11/20/15 Fri 12/18/15 Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 265 days 22 days 45 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/30/16 Fri 8/5/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Fri 5/27/16 Fri 8/5/16 Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 22 days 15 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 5/2/16 Mon 6/27/16 Fri 9/2/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 6/24/16 Fri 9/2/16 Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 35 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Mon 10/19/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/19/15 Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 90 days 15 days 40 days 35 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 11/17/15 Mon 1/4/16 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 11/16/15 Mon 1/4/16 Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation 179 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 4/25/16 Fri 5/6/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/22/16 Fri 5/6/16 EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 204 days 15 days 20 days 30 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/2/16 Fri 6/10/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/29/16 Fri 6/10/16 NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance Environmental Management and Construction Plan EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval 296 days 0 days 102 days 120 days 0 days 139 days 65 days 74 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 10/18/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 3/10/17 Thu 8/24/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Tue 10/18/16 Tue 10/18/16 Thu 3/9/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 10/26/17 Fri 7/14/17 Thu 10/26/17 Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application 585 days 325 days 65 days 260 days Fri 9/4/15 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 12/1/16 Thu 11/30/17 70 days Mon 4/17/17 Fri 7/21/17 65 days 5 days Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Fri 7/14/17 Fri 7/21/17 92 days 60 days 60 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 2/23/17 Tue 1/10/17 Thu 2/23/17 Jan 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Note 1: The scheduling of required field studies, many of which are seasonally dependent, are crucial to the ability to meet the task/activity deadlines noted below. Further, access to the existing utility corridor to be negotiated with property owners would be required prior to the commencement of field studes. Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSOGS Use and Occupancy of Lands Underwater Easement 322 days Fri 9/4/15 Mon 11/28/16 Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement 60 days 262 days Fri 9/4/15 Fri 11/27/15 Thu 11/26/15 Mon 11/28/16 NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application 150 days 30 days 120 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Wed 11/30/16 Tue 5/16/17 Tue 11/29/16 Tue 5/16/17 NYSDOT Utility Work Permit Preparation of Application NYSDOT Reviews Application 169 days 40 days 129 days Mon 8/22/16 Mon 8/22/16 Mon 10/17/16 Thu 4/13/17 Fri 10/14/16 Thu 4/13/17 Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Work Permit Preparation of Application NYS Thruway Authority Reviews Application 169 days 40 days 129 days Mon 8/22/16 Mon 8/22/16 Mon 10/17/16 Thu 4/13/17 Fri 10/14/16 Thu 4/13/17 Preparation of Application January 2015 Feb Preparation of Easement Agreement NYSOGS Reviews Easement Agreement NYS Canal Corporation Canal Permit Preparation of Application NYS Canal Corporation Reviews Application NYSDOT Utility Work Permit NYSDOT Reviews Application NYS Thruway Authority Reviews Application Task Milestone Project Summary External Milestone Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start-only Progress Split Summary External Tasks Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration-only Manual Summary Finish-only Deadline Page 1 TRC Environmental Corporation NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. (NEETNY) Knickerbocker Permitting Schedule ID Task Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Duration 0 days 0 days 0 days 60 days 0 days 250 days Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Thu 6/11/15 Tue 9/1/15 Thu 10/1/15 Start Finish Tue 1/20/15 Mon 3/2/15 Wed 6/10/15 Wed 9/2/15 Tue 9/1/15 Wed 9/14/16 Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 40 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 10/13/15 Fri 9/2/16 Mon 10/26/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/12/15 Mon 10/26/15 Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 79 days 15 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Mon 11/23/15 Fri 12/18/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 11/20/15 Fri 12/18/15 Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation 265 days 22 days 45 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/30/16 Fri 8/5/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 11/2/15 Fri 5/27/16 Fri 8/5/16 Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 285 days 22 days 15 days 40 days 50 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/3/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 5/2/16 Mon 6/27/16 Fri 9/2/16 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 6/24/16 Fri 9/2/16 Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 35 days 15 days 20 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Mon 10/19/15 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 10/19/15 Topography and Soils Survey Desktop Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation 90 days 15 days 40 days 35 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/22/15 Tue 11/17/15 Mon 1/4/16 Mon 9/21/15 Mon 11/16/15 Mon 1/4/16 Water Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation 179 days 15 days 15 days 10 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 4/25/16 Fri 5/6/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/22/16 Fri 5/6/16 EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation 204 days 15 days 20 days 30 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 9/1/15 Mon 4/4/16 Mon 5/2/16 Fri 6/10/16 Mon 9/21/15 Fri 4/29/16 Fri 6/10/16 NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance Environmental Management and Construction Plan EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval 296 days 0 days 102 days 120 days 0 days 139 days 65 days 74 days Tue 9/1/15 Tue 10/18/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 3/10/17 Thu 8/24/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Tue 10/18/16 Tue 10/18/16 Thu 3/9/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 8/24/17 Thu 10/26/17 Fri 7/14/17 Thu 10/26/17 Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application 334 days 325 days 65 days 260 days Mon 8/22/16 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 9/2/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 11/30/17 Thu 12/1/16 Thu 11/30/17 70 days Mon 4/17/17 Fri 7/21/17 65 days 5 days Mon 4/17/17 Mon 7/17/17 Fri 7/14/17 Fri 7/21/17 92 days 60 days 60 days Wed 10/19/16 Wed 10/19/16 Fri 12/2/16 Thu 2/23/17 Tue 1/10/17 Thu 2/23/17 169 days 40 days 129 days Mon 8/22/16 Mon 8/22/16 Mon 10/17/16 Thu 4/13/17 Fri 10/14/16 Thu 4/13/17 Jan 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSDOT Utility Work Permit Preparation of Application NYSDOT Reviews Application January 2015 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr NEETNY Initial Part A Application Filing NEETNY Remainder of Part A Application Filing DPS Staff Needs Report Issued Access to Project ROW obtained by NEETNY for Surveys NYSPSC Decision on Project to Move to Part B May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug NEETNY Transmission Line Engineering to Support Part B Application Studies to Support Part B Application (See Note 1) Land Use Survey Desktop Studies Windshield Field Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Note 1: The scheduling of required field studies, many of which are seasonally dependent, are crucial to the ability to meet the task/activity deadlines noted below. Further, access to the existing utility corridor to be negotiated with property owners would be required prior to the commencement of field studes. Visual Resource Survey Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Cultural Resource Survey Agency Consultations Phase IA Literature Review Phase IB Work Plan & Survey Report and Exhibit Preparation Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Surveys Agency Consultations Desktop Studies Field Surveys Report and Exhibit Preparation Noise Survey Desktop Studies Noise Field Studies (if required) Report and Exhibit Preparation EMF Survey Desktop Studies EMF Field Studies Report and Exhibit Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Application Preparation NEETNY Article VII Part B Submittal NYSPSC Compliance Review NYSPSC Hearing and Decision Phase NYSDPS Article VII Certificate Issuance EM&CP Preparation EM&CP Review and Approval Other Anticipated Filings USACE Section 10/404 Authorization Preparation of Application USACE Review Application NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge during Construction Activities (GP-0-15-002) Preparation of Application NYSDEC Review Application NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency Determination Preparation of Consistency Statement NYSDOS Review Consistency Statements NYSDOT Utility Work Permit Preparation of Application NYSDOT Reviews Application Task Milestone Project Summary External Milestone Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start-only Progress Split Summary External Tasks Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration-only Manual Summary Finish-only Deadline Page 1 TRC Environmental Corporation Exhibit 6 Powerflow Modeling Data CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATION – EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE
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