A monthly calendar of resources for your health. For Information, call 402-362-0420 Allergy Dr. Michael J. Sullivan III Cardiology Dr. Mathue Baker Dr. Timothy Gardner Dr. Dale A. Hansen Dr. Joseph L. Kummer Dr. Clyde R. Meckel Dr. Keith Miller Dr. Ryan T. Whitney Dr. Kaliprasad Ayala Dr. Anuj Jain Cardiothoracic Dr. Robert Oakes Dermatology Dr. Geoffrey C. Basler Brent J. Behrens, PA-C Ear, Nose, & Throat Dr. V. Richard Bowen Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists Dr. John W. Pflug Omaha Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic Audiologist: Sandra K. Miller Associated Hearing Health Care Audiologist: Blake Studley Audiology and Hearing Center Nephrology Dr. Matthew Glathar Dr. Leslie A. Spry Dr. Rugmini Warrier Neurology Dr. Lewiston W. Birkmann Dr. James A. Bobenhouse Dr. Matthew S. Kniss Neurology Associates, P.C. Neurology Associates, P.C. Neurology Associates, P.C. Neurosurgery Dr. Eric W. Pierson Corlan Vonderschmidt, PA Neurological & Spinal Surgery LLC Neurological & Spinal Surgery LLC Obstetrics/Gynecology Dr. George M. Adam Dr. Tyler Adam Oncology Dr. Steven G. Dunder Dr. Nathan B. Green Oncology/Gynecology Dr. Steven W. Remmenga Dr. Kerry Rodabaugh Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, P.C. Bryan Heart Bryan Heart Bryan Heart Bryan Heart Bryan Heart Bryan Heart Bryan Heart Nebraska Heart Institute Nebraska Heart Institute Bryan Heart Complete Family Dermatology Complete Family Dermatology Lincoln Nephrology and Hypertension Lincoln Nephrology and Hypertension Lincoln Nephrology and Hypertension Obstetricians and Gynecologists, P.C. Obstetricians and Gynecologists, P.C. Southeast NE Cancer Center Southeast NE Cancer Center UNMC – OB/GYN UNMC – OB/GYN Orthopaedics Dr. Scott D. Bigelow Dr. Dennis R. Bozarth Chad J. Springer, PA-C Charles E. Scholtes, PA-C Pain Management Dr. John Massey Dr. Liane Donovan Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gustavo Machado Psychiatry Annette Marget, APRN-NP Pulmonology Dr. Lisa Mansur Spine Surgeon Dr. Robert Vande Guchte Lincoln Orthopaedic Center, P.C. Urology Dr. Andrew J. Lepinski Melissa K. Fulton, APRN Dr. LaRoy E. Williams Urology, P.C. Urology, P.C. Kearney Urology, P.C. Vascular Dr. Robert N. Hibbard Dr. Matthew Johnson Dr. Steven H. Tyndall Kacie Zysset, PA Dr. Thomas B. Whittle Timothy Yrastrorza, PA-C Bryan Heart Bryan Heart Nebraska Heart Institute Nebraska Heart Institute Lincoln Surgical Group Lincoln Surgical Group Wound Care Dr. David W. Voigt Roy Maurer, PA Ophthalmology Dr. Vince Sutton Bell Clinic: Podiatry Dr. Kevin Larson Bell Clinic: Chiropractic Dr. Brett Eimermann Dr. Nicky White CareLink HEALTHWISE Specialty Clinic Lincoln Orthopaedic Center, P.C. Lincoln Orthopaedic Center, P.C. Lincoln Orthopaedic Center, P.C. Lincoln Orthopaedic Center, P.C. Spine & Pain Centers of Nebraska Spine & Pain Centers of Nebraska Prairie Shoulder, Elbow & Hand Center Premier Psychiatry Group, LLC Lisa I. Mansur, MD, P.C. Saint Elizabeth Wound Care Clinic Saint Elizabeth Wound Care Clinic Eye Surgical Associates for appointments, call 402-484-9000 Call 1-800-847-8544 402-362-2123 402-362-2123 SUPPORT GROUPS January 2015 Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group will meet on Tuesday, January 13, at 4:00 p.m., in the Hearthstone Great Room. For more information call the Hearthstone Social Work Department at 363-0239. Parkinson’s Support Group will meet on Tuesday, January 20, at 2:00 p.m., in the Lower Level of the Medical Office Building. For more information, contact Rita Maloley at 362-0440. Cancer Support Group will meet Tuesday, January 13 and January 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Willow Brook Assisted Living. For more information, call 362-4662. La Leche League will meet Tuesday January 20, at 7:00 p.m. in Lower Level of the Medical Office Building. All women interested in breastfeeding education are invited; babies welcome. No pre-registration or fee. Contact accredited volunteer, Gloria at 362-6875 or turnbull@inebraska.com. OBSTETRIC CLASSES For more information on Childbirth Preparation classes contact OB Director Nancy Hengelfelt, RNC, at 402-362-0457. OB Enrollment is Monday January 12, at 8:00 a.m. and Monday, January 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the Lower Level of the Medical Office Building. Please attend class as soon as possible after your positive pregnancy test. WELLNESS CENTER CLASSES • Strengthening/Toning • Aerobic • Circuit Training • Yoga/Pilates • Step Class • Power Sculpt • Tai Chi • Monitored Exercise Wellness Center – The Wellness Center has membership packages and punch card passes available. Call 362-0434 for more information on these and other aerobic and fitness classes. Strong Women is a 20-minute toning and strengthening class held over the lunch break (12:15 – 12:35 p.m.) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Just wear comfortable clothes to work that day and bring a pair of tennis shoes along. Stretch for Life is a perfect class for those with arthritis, needing rehab after a stroke, or anyone wanting an easy exercise program. Meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1:30 p.m. and Tuesday/Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Tai Chi – Tues., Thurs. 10:00-10:45 AM. Focuses on fall prevention and through practice the improvement of one’s balance to reduce the likelihood of falling. Tai Chi is based off the principal of Chinese Martial Arts and consists of slow rhythmic movements. This class can be performed in a seated or standing position. Fit Express – Tues., Thurs. 4:40-5:20 p.m. This class consists of toning/strengthening exercises with some interval training. TNT – Tues., Thurs. 3:50-4:30 p.m. Similar to the popular “Strong Women” this class will focus on strength and toning activities and is great for the beginner as well as the advanced participant. Pilates – Thurs. 12:15-12:45p.m. Focuses on moves to strengthen and tone your core and incorporates breathing techniques with movement for a well-balanced workout. Group Cycling – Monday and Wednesdays, 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.. Yoga – Mondays 4:00 p.m., Tues., Thurs. 5:30-6:30 p.m., and Saturdays 8:15 a.m. This hour-long class challenges the limits of your mind, strength and flexibility. It is a soothing, relaxing way to relieve stress. Zumba – Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:45-7:45 p.m. Zumba® Fitness is the Latin inspired dance-fitness program that blends red-hot international music and contagious steps to form a “fitness-party”. York General Health Care Services is a Community, Non-profit, 501C (3) Corporation Board of Directors: Charles Harris, President | Don Witte, Vice President | Ann Kirkpatrick, Secretary | C.G. Kelly Holthus, Treasurer Kristie Holoch |Darroll Loschen, MD | Cy North | Candy Otte | Sally Ruben | Jerry Stahr | Kelly Thomas Ye Ye, MD, Chief of Staff | Charles K. Schulz, Chief Executive Officer In this issue: Star of Lights York General Health Care Services Auxiliary The York General Auxiliary is extremely thankful to all who donated to the Star of Lights. Proceeds will be used to purchase television equipment for the York General Hearthstone Country Kitchens and the Oncology Department at the hospital. Donors to date include: 3-L Friendship Club Carol Bittinger Mel & Claudia Braden Deb Demuth Chuck and Karen Harris Amanda & Seth Hengelfelt Ned & Susan Hoffschneider Kris Holoch Amy Holthus Mark & Valerie Kaliff Ben & Ann Kirkpatrick Ryan & Jill Koch Dr. Darroll & Donna Loschen Tom and Carmen McKenny Dr. Harold & Judi Nordlund Past Presidents Parley -Connie Hubbard Kara & Kent Rauert Jeanette Richardson Dan & Leslie Robinson Barbara Sylvester Sally Ruben Kelly & Rita Thomas Jane Thompson Eunice Troester Dr. Don & Shirley Witte Page 1: 100 Year Celebration Page 2: Survivor Christmas Page 3: Dukettes/Cheerleaders Page 4: Specialty Clinic Info A Century of Caring York General is Celebrating 100 Years York General Hospital has a proud history of caring for people. indirectly led to the establishment of York’s Lutheran Hospital. This history started in 1915 with the hospital, and has now expanded to include York General Hearthstone, York General Willow Brook, the Medical Office Building, and West View Medical Building. As Drs. George Shidler and O. M. Moore worked in their office to set the youngster’s arm they told Rev. Batz: “It would be so much better if we had a hospital where we could treat youngsters like Gerhard.” We are committed to providing accessible quality health services, individualized treatment, and compassionate care now and for years to come. The 38-year-old German born pastor was quick to reply: “Maybe the people of my church will build a hospital.” York General is planning a full-year of events to celebrate our “Century of Caring.” Watch for ads in the York News-Times regarding the history of York General, interviews with members of the York General Board of Directors and long-time employees. We will share with you articles and old photos too. With the blessing of the local medical profession, there began an intensive campaign, spearheaded by Rev. Batz, to obtain funds for the proposed hospital. Excerpt from the York Daily News-Times, Friday, November 9, 1973. Gerhard, 9 year old son of the Rev. and Mrs. Otto Batz, was just like any youngster of his age, forever climbing trees and experiencing the exhiliration only a boy could get from such antics. But one day in 1914 Gerhard lost his handhold and fell from a tree branch onto the hitching post in front of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. He suffered a broken arm. That broken arm The Rev. Otto Batz, founder and first administrator of York’s Lutheran Hospital, which later is renamed as York General Hospital. a publication of York General Health Care Services 2222 N. Lincoln Ave. | York, NE 68467 | www.yorkgeneral.org Congratulations Balance Trainer New Equipment in Therapy Charity Drive York General Health Care Services employees donated food, funds and Adopt-a-Family gifts to the local Blue Valley charity during the months of November and December. Our organization is proud to announce that 575 lbs. of food and over $2,300 in paid time off donations (each dollar representing one pound of food) were donated, bringing the total amount to over 2,800 pounds. Food Drive Coordinator Angee Kreikemeier, who works as a Ward Clerk at the Hospital, stated “It’s great to be part of an organization who gives so much to others.” Ornaments with possible gifts for families were displayed by the employee time clock. Staff selected ornaments and brought the purchased gifts to the hospital, where they were prepared for Blue Valley to pick up. A total of five families were adopted (23 individuals total). Liz Scott, Jen Hight, Dennissia Sova and Abbie Rhodes help to load the the Adopt-a-Family gifts at York General Hospital. December Employees of the Month Karen Kline, Environmental Services, York General Hospital From left: Rehabilitation Services Director John Kowalski and physical therapists Caitlin Demuth-Sehi, Matt Perry, John Sehi, Paul Rosenau, and Braden Theiszen with the New Balance Trainer that was recently installed at York General. The York General Health Care Services Auxiliary recently donated $10,000 to the York General Rehabilitation Services Department to go toward the purchase of equipment for the therapy gym. “Thanks to the money provided by the Auxilary we were able to purchase an updated balance system trainer,” said John Kowalski, Rehabilitation Director. “We are using the machine with practically every age group of patients, young and old. It is somewhat similar to our previous trainer, which had become obsolete as it was over ten years old. The new technology has increased our usage a great deal and is really easy to use.” Physical Therapists Matt Perry and John Sehi concurred that the trainer has helped them in the treatment of fall risks and also with sports injuries. “I have recently used it to assess balance and weight bearing on a variety of patients” Perry commented. “I am currently using the trainer with two students from York Public Schools with sports related injuries” added John Sehi. Kara Rauert, Auxiliary President, said that the money for the unit was raised primarily at the annual Auxiliary Golf Tournament. “Every year, we raise monies for York General,” she said. Some of our past projects have funded monitoring equipment for the Emergency Department, a procedure bed for the Oncology Department, and, of course, our annual project of Christmas gifts for the residents of York General Hearthstone.” “The Rehabilitation Department would like to publically thank the Auxiliary for their efforts” concluded Kowalski. “We look forward to utilizing this equipment here in our current location at York General and also look forward to moving it to our new area that is currently being built. We are tentatively scheduled to occupy that area in November 2015.” Celebrating Survivorship at Christmas York General Health Care Services hosted their Annual Cancer Survivor Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 2, at Faith Lutheran Church in York. Fifty-three survivors were in attendance as well as over 30 caregivers. Together they celebrated their years as cancer survivors. The York General Auxiliary graciously continued the tradition of providing holiday tree ornaments as gifts to those present at the celebration. Two attendees celebrated 24 years of survivorship. “Special thanks to the Faith Lutheran Church for hosting this event” stated Karrie Otoupal, Director of Oncology and Infusion Services. She continued “Thanks to all who helped in to put this celebration together for these amazing survivors.” Butch Sanders, Plant Operations, York General Hearthstone YORK Dukettes and Cheerleaders Row 1: Riley Osentowski, Catie Bergen, Duke Mascot Kalon Beeson. Row 2: Sam Ellis, Cassie Pickrel, Baileigh Ivey, Laura Ellison, Whitney Schlueter, Ally Warneke. Row 3: Alyssa Arndt, Clare Leif, Ellie Zieg, Madelyn Royal, Brianna Cobb, Alex Dolan, Eva Hanson, Makenna West. Row 4: Emergency Department Director Deb Stanek, Obstetrics Director Nancy Hengelfelt, Vice President/Director of Nursing Jenny Obermier, and Med-Surg Coordinator Jen Hirschfeld. York General Hospital is grateful to the York High School Dukettes Dance Team and High School Cheerleaders for the donation of handmade blankets. Each year these groups create cozy fleece blankets for our young pediatric patients treated throughout the hospital. The girls are under the direction of sponsors Laura Plaas, Alison Veburg and Becky Jinright. Jenny Obermier, Vice President/Director of Nursing commented “These blankets are given exclusively to children who come through our facility. The kids love them, and the parents are very appreciative during what is typically a stressful time.” an important project for the teams to do because it reminds us all that giving is so much more important than receiving. Every year we get thank you notes from the children that receive these blankets, and just to know that we were able to provide a little bit of comfort in a time of Sponsor Laura Plas added crisis makes it all worthwhile. “We have been making The teams look forward and donating blankets ever to working on this project since my first year as coach each year.” 8 years ago. I think this is Willow Brook Adopts a Family Willow Brook Assisted Living residents and staff once again participated in the Adopt-aFamily Program as a Christmas project this year. This event enables Willow Brook to give back to the community. In addition to the purchased items from the family’s wish list, one resident in particular (Mary Ellen Blatchford) decided she would include handmade items for the family. Residents and staff gathered for an informal interview about the Adopt-a-Family opportunity. Marian Luber explained “I am so glad we get to do this; it’s really neat.” Corrinne Good added “All the gifts will be wrapped up— can you imagine the surprise when they open them? That’s half the fun.” “Can’t you just see their faces?” commented Virginia Fuller. Staff members John Vodicka and Genni Lekai concluded that “It is such a blessing that we are able to give, the shopping was really fun.” To learn more about Willow Brook and its various activities, call 402-362-4886. health challenge York County Take the Challenge York General Wellness Center is sponsoring the 2015 York County Health Challenge which is a chance for area residents to get serious about living a healthier lifestyle beginning in 2015. Teams registered last month and will weigh in beginning January 5 – 7. Weigh-in times are 7-8 am, 11 am– 1 pm, 5-7 pm, or by appointment. Both members of your team must be present and wearing your Health Challenge t-shirts for weigh-in. The York General Wellness Center is a 10,000 square foot facility that provides a positive workout experience to all age groups with both aerobic and strengthening options. Wellness also offers worksite opportunities and plan agreements to employers wanting to provide access to services for their employees. For more information contact the Wellness Center at 402362-0434.
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