Newsletter - First Baptist Church Cornelia

Reconnect Classes continued:
Are you stuck in a rut?
It's easy for Christians to find themselves caught up in the life of cluttered schedules, rhythms, and routines dictated by our culture. Many
feel stuck in the routine of life—their jobs, relationships, and daily circumstances. They know it's not the life they dreamed of. And they feel
stuck in a life yearning for deeper meaning.
The Unstuck Bible study has been designed to help guide you out of the
ruts and pitfalls that so often ensnare us all. You will be inspired and
equipped through the powerful biblical teaching of Mark Batterson,
Francis Chan, Lisa Harper and Rich Stearns.
Each of these teachers will draw from the lessons of the award-winning short film Journey to Jamaa—a true story about two kids who are
forced to search for hope in a broken world.
The dynamic combination of the film, profound biblical teaching and
powerful real-life stories from everyday people will help you and your
group get unstuck and back on the path to a life of purpose that God
intends for you!
Beginning Wednesday night January 21 in THE WELL (3rd floor Family
Ministry Center).
Session Title: January 21 – UNIMAGINABLE with Francis Chan
January 28 – UNSAFE with Lisa Harper
February 4 – UNWANTED with Rich Stearns
February 11 – UNSTUCK with Mark Batterson
Interim, Part-time Children’s Pastor
Ski Trip February 21
Leave FBC:6:00 am / Return: 7:00 pm
Transportation: FBC van and private cars
Cost: (per person): $70 + $10 First Timers Lesson
Deadline for Registration & Payment is February 15th.
Contact Shelia Thomason ( or 706.778.4412)
for reservations.
Sunday Worship
What is a Worship Design Team? The purpose
of the WDT will be to design worship experiences for First Baptist Cornelia which lead our
congregation to respond to God’s Living Word.
January 11
Title: Walk with Jesus
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35
How often will the Worship Design Team Meet?
The WDT will meet 5 times a year to work with
the staff in planning each season of worship.
January 18
Title: Walk Behind Jesus
What kinds of gifts are need on the Worship
Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13
Design Team? We need writers, decorators,
musicians, dramatists, artists, technology folks,
and social media folks.
January 25
If you are interested, please contact Bobby Ivey Title: Walk Towards Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33
FBC Committee Retreat
Sunday, January 18
5:00 pm
Supper will be provided
All committee members
need to attend. This will
be each committee’s first
meeting of the year.
Publication Schedule for the Good Tidings
Pub. Date
Jan. 21st Jan. 24th-Jan. 31st
Jan. 15th
Feb. 1st
Feb. 1st - 28th
Jan. 15th
Content for the February Good Tidings is
Due January 15th.
<<address 1>>
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First Baptist Cornelia is looking for an Interim, Part-time Children’s
Pastor. The Interim Children’s Pastor provides leadership for developing, leading and evaluating an integrated ministry to preschool and
elementary aged children and their families. If you know of anyone
who is interested, please have them find the job description at www. Send their resumes to Search Committee, PO Box 96
Cornelia, GA 30531 or For more information, contact Pastor Eric (
Worship Design Team Starts
First Baptist Church
Cornelia, Georgia
P.O. Box 96
Corner of Oak and Wyly Streets
Cornelia, GA 30531
Address Service Request-
Ministry Staff
Dr. Eric T. Spivey
Senior Pastor
Rev. John Swindler
Assoc. Pastor, Faith Formation
Jarvis McFarlin
Business Manager
Bobby Ivey
Minister of Worship & Music
Bobbie Foster
Mary Turner
Ministry Assistants
Sheila Thomason
Bernice Widding
(706) 778-4412
(706) 776-7776
Bulk Rate
U.S. Postage
Cornelia, GA
Permit No. 6
Good Tidings
325 South Oak Street, Cornelia, Georgia
Loving the world as
God loves us.
Newsletter Volume 34, No.1
(706) 778-4412
January 7, 2015
ReConnect Classes
Unexpected Grace
Teacher: Rev. Jan Thompson
Location: Fellowship Hall
Goal: To explore both the Old and New Testaments in search of instances of God’s grace in order to understand that God’s grace to us is a gift
not based on our worthiness.
• To “remember” the stories of the people of the Bible and God’s grace
they experienced.
• To reinforce an appreciation of God’s love for God’s people.
• To foster a love for the Story that is our Story: the basis of Christianity.
• To encourage reading of Holy Scripture.
• To foster joy in the telling.
The Jesus I Never Knew
Teacher: Eric Spivey
Location: Banquet Room
Join Pastor Eric in this video driven study to look more deeply into
Jesus. Based on the Best Selling book by Phillip Yancey, the study
will offer a new and different perspective on the life of Christ and his
work—his teachings, his miracles, his death and resurrection—and
ultimately, who he was and why he came. “No one who meets Jesus
ever stays the same,” says Yancey. “Jesus has rocked my own preconceptions and has made me ask hard questions about why those
of us who bear his name don’t do a better job of following him.”
Beginning Watercolor Class
Teacher: Jack Boozer
Cost: The only cost is for supplies. If you do not already have watercolor
supplies, a suggested basic supply list will be provided at a cost of $48
at the Artful Barn in Clarkesville.
Class limit: 6
Time is running out to register for this class to explore the basics of beginning watercolor painting. Jack says, “We will be watching an excellent video series of painting demonstrations by the prominent
watercolorist, Tony Couch, as well as discussing design, drawing and
painting techniques.” You will have an opportunity to practice these
techniques by creating your own painting in a “non-threating” environment. If you have questions please contact Jack at 706-499-1371
for details.
On The Journey
2015 marks the beginning of a new
chapter in the life of First Baptist Church
Cornelia! We have invested months into
prayer and preparation for a new future
for our church. Now that future is here.
Our theme for 2015 is Walking with Jesus.
Think about this phrase for a minute. Walking with Jesus. Imagine
yourself at your job – at school, in the office, on the road – or at home – by the
fire or in front of the computer – and Jesus comes up to you and says, “Follow
me.” What would you do?
This happens repeatedly in the Gospels. The disciples are going about
their daily tasks and Jesus comes to them says, “Follow me.” And to the person
– Peter, Andrew, Matthew – they leave what they are doing and begin walking
with Jesus. From Capernaum to Cana these new disciples walk with Jesus – listening to his teaching, participating in his miracles, discovering his true identity.
What will happen in our lives if we spend the year Walking with Jesus:
Getting to know Him, listening to Him teach, and modeling our lives after His?
Jesus sits at the core of our faith. Being a disciple means being transformed
more into the image of Jesus for the sake of the world. But what does Jesus
look like? How often do we spend time getting to know Him from scripture?
This year I hope you will join me in walking with Jesus. Let’s see where Jesus
takes us.
You can also see glimpses of FBC’s new future in the pages of this newsletter. Let me highlight them with you.
Worship Design Team
To become the worshiping community we envision will require a
broader investment of the gifts of our entire church. This is where our
new Worship Design Team comes in. This team will meet 5 times a year
to pray for, dream about, create, and empower the worship services of
Bobby and I will work closely with this team to design worship experiences that draw us closer to Jesus, invite us to follow Jesus, and challenge us to hear God’s Word. We need artists, writers, computer people, social media people, decorators, dramatists, and musicians to lead
us. Together we will make our worship a liturgy – a work of the people.
Please consider investing a year in helping us plan our worship services. Contact Bobby or me if you have questions or want to be a part.
Children’s Pastor
Another of the great new things for 2015 is the addition of a part
time children’s pastor to our staff. The first step in this process will be
hiring an interim children’s pastor. This person will work through the
summer as we gear up a search committee to locate and call a person to
serve as our permanent children’s pastor. Information about the interim
position can be found our website. Resumes are due by January 15.
Discipleship Pastor
Finally, I am thrilled that Pastor John begins a new set of responsibilities at FBC in 2015. He is now our Associate Pastor of Discipleship
and Student Ministries. He will continue to lead our youth ministry. In
addition to that he will now be working with our young adults, Sunday
School, and Wednesday night ReConnect Classes.
In addition to what we already have, John’s greatest new task will be to
develop a discipleship ministry at FBC. Our Discipleship Initiative Team
will be working with John and me to build the structures and process of
this new ministry. The goal of our discipleship ministry will be the same
goal as Walking with Jesus. We are hoping for more of our lives to be
transformed to mirror the life of Jesus for the sake of the world. What
this means – new programs, opportunities, classes and small groups will
be developed over the coming year.
There are lots of great things happening at First Baptist Cornelia. I hope that
you will begin the year in prayer for our church. Pray for our membership. Pray
for the people God is already bringing to our church. Pray for those we still have
not met. Pray for us to be vessels in God’s Kingdom. Finally, pray that each us
will be able to look back on 2015 after a year of walking with Jesus and say that
we now love God and each other more than when we started. Thanks be to
See you Sunday.
FBC Calendar of Events
Sunday, January 11th
9:45am Sunday School
Tuesday, January 13th
7:00am Men’s Prayer
Breakfast/Stew &
Wednesday, January 14th
5:15pm Supper/FH
Sunday, January 18th
Sunday, January 25th
9:45am Sunday School
9:45am Sunday School
5:00pm Committee Retreat 6:00pm Joint Youth Worship/
Monday, January 19th
2:00pm Benfield Grp/Rm212 Monday, January 26th
11:00am Round Table
Tuesday, January 20th
7:00am Men’s Prayer
Tuesday, January 27th
Breakfast/Stew &
7:00am Men’s Prayer
Reservations Required
Breakfast/Stew &
6:00pm Adult Prayer/FH
Wednesday, January 21st
Preschool/Children 5:15pmSupper/FH
Wednesday, January 28th
Reservations Required 5:15pmSupper/FH
Youth Worship
6:00pm Adult Prayer/FH
Reservations Required
6:15pm Reconnect Classes Preschool/Children 6:00pm Adult Prayer/FH
7:30pm Sanctuary Choir
Youth Worship
pm Reconnect Classes Youth Worship
Thursday, January 15th
pm Sanctuary Choir
pm Reconnect Classes
Content Deadline for the
7:30pm Sanctuary Choir
February issue of The Good
Tidings magazine.
Wednesday Night Menus
Saturday, January 17th
January 14th
January 21st
9:00am NEGA Veterans/FH
Pork Roast
Baked Spaghetti
Blackeyed Peas, Steamed
Cabbage, Cornbread,
Salad & Dessert
Pastor Eric
DISCIPLESHIP IS EVERYTHING! That quote from missionary Jill Branyon has stuck
with me for many years. Looking forward to how this will be lived out here at FBC
in the new year.
YOUTH MINISTRY NOTES: Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm in the THE
WELL! Wednesday night January 14 we will hear from Mr. Jacob Griffin. Then
on Wednesday January 21 we will begin a new 4 week series called UNSTUCK:
more on outreach, so begin praying about friends you can invite to join us to be a
part of what God is doing here at FBC. Dates to remember: WINTERJAM is coming
February 7, just about a month away! Listen up for more details about this event.
Our churchwide missions day OPERATION INASMUCH is coming March 7. Our
DNOW weekend is coming March 13-15. More details coming soon!
our important time of training on Sunday January 18 starting at 5 pm! We need
your input.
JOINT YOUTH WORSHIP SERVICE with Cornelia United Methodist Church is
coming SUNDAY EVENING JANUARY 25 at 6:00 pm! Featuring the band Georgia
Street. Plan to join us across the street for a great night of community worship!
I look forward to speaking at ROUND TABLE here at FBC on January 26! I will
be sharing about the importance of discipleship in my life and more about how
discipleship will be emphasized more here at FBC this year! Thanks to Mrs. Helen
Bryson for asking me to share at this month’s meeting.
Garlic Bread
Salad & Dessert
Sunday, January 11th
Sunday, January 18th
Sunday, January 25th
SS Greeters: Mozelle Carlan, SS Greeters: Mozelle Carlan, SS Greeters: Mozelle Carlan,
Charlotte Meister,
Charlotte Meister
Charlotte Meister
Effie Parham
KidsChurch: Becky Hughes KidsChurch:
Danny & Linda Almond
Child Care
Al & Allyson Carter
Nursery: Jennie Swindler Child Care
Child Care
2s & 3s: Carrie Trotter
Nursery: Margaret Jenkins Ushers: Jarvis McFarlin,
2s & 3s:
2s & 3s:
Herman Benfield,
Alan & Heather NeSmith
Ronnie & Pat Parham
Donald Crowe, Wes Dodd, Ushers: David Foster, Jason
Murphy Doran, Terry Doran,
Ushers: Chester Skelton,
Hughes, Jack McMullan,
David Elder, Jack Irvin,
Grant Bentley, Bill Chandler,
Richard McMullan,
Jared McFarlin
Steve Doran, Greg Jenkins,
Mark Reed, Caleb Souther,
Brian Peek, Richard
Church Greeters:
James A. Stapleton III,
Whatley, Larry Whitfield
Donald & Kathy Crowe
Larry Warren
Church Greeters:
Patrol: Phil McClain
Church Greeters:
Drew & Andrea Irvin
Bob & Elaine Dillashaw
Wednesday Night Lockup/
Patrol: Mark Reed
January: Ed Vaughn
Patrol: Terry/Murphy Doran
Wednesday Night Lockup/
Wednesday Night Lockup/
January: Ed Vaughn
January: Ed Vaughn
Jan. 11th
Jack McMullan
(706) 754-4042
Jan. 18th
Ronnie Parham
(706) 778-2433
If there is a ministry need, please call the Deacon or the church office.
Jan. 25th
Tony Reabold
(706) 754-6223