Presbyterian Tidings PresbyterianJanuary Tidings 2015 page January 2015 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1 Inside this edition: PALS 8 Christian Education 9 What’s Happenin’... 10 11 Pastor’s Letter 2 Unofficial Summary of Session Activity 3 In Our Hearts and Prayers 4 East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry Growing deeper in our Faith 5 Calendar 12, 13 Celebrate 6 Serving this Month 14 Youth Mission Project 7 Trustee News 15 Pastor’s Letter Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 2 “And the One who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.’” Revelation 21: 5a Time goes by at warp speed- even in your church office. I joked in November with one of the committees that the first Lent-Easter catalogue would come in the mail around December 23rd. The record was broken this year, as I found the first such item in the mailbox on December 8th. But while we plan for the future, we should live in the moment, for this is the day the Lord has made. And it is the start of 2015. Who knows what this year will bring each of us? What will First Presbyterian Church of Sugar Land look back on when the first Advent-Christmas catalogue comes in the mail sometime after Labor Day? It will be interesting to find out! On the first Sunday of 2014, if you came to worship you probably received a slip of paper with a “star gift” printed on it. (We will offer them again on January 4th at both services.) Do you remember what yours said? Mine was “Balance”. I wondered about it at the time. I do admire J.J. Watt and his work ethic, and appreciate how he has worked hard to earn his salary with the Houston Texans—but I have also tried over the years to balance family and personal time with the work of ministry. I thought perhaps the Lord was telling me to look at how well I was doing with the balancing act, and to be ready to do some adjusting. Ruth and I had no idea that she would have surgery last spring. I also did not know how well I would become acquainted with my periodontist during the first half of the year, or that my super-energetic mother would break her ankle a few weeks ago and have to adapt to a very different routine. “Balance” took on a different meaning in our family. It has not always been fun, but I can say with assurance that the Lord has been with us at every moment. And amid the things I’d just as soon we not have to repeat, we have been blessed. Now to see what “star gift” I get in my bulletin. We will also have the opportunity at both services on January 4th to remember and affirm the vows of our baptism. Whatever 2015 brings, God is with each of us. And I am glad to be sharing the new year as your Pastor, and looking forward to the fourth anniversary of my arrival in Sugar Land. See you in church! Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 3 UNAUTHORIZED SUMMARY OF SESSION ACTIVITY The Session held its regular meeting on Monday, December 8, 2014. It opened with a hymn, Scripture reading, devotional, and prayer by the Pastor/Moderator and received reports from the Pastor, Trustees, Deacons, and Stephen Ministers. Elders Jeff Lynch and Robin Chew reported on the stated meeting of the Presbytery of New Covenant at the Indian Presbyterian Church in Livingston on November 15th. Besides hearing reports from the Apple Tree School Board and each committee, the Session took the following actions: ✟ Discussed the Trustee’s preliminary budget work, the status of the Generosity Campaign, and approved extending the 2014 Budget into the start of January 2015 and until a finalized budget is approved; ✟ Discussed the Pastor’s Terms of Call for 2015; ✟ Set a congregational meeting for Sunday, January 25th, following the 11:00 A.M. service to approve the Pastor’s Terms of Call for 2015 and, if a finalized budget is approved by then, to present it to the Congregation; ✟ Approved the Worship Committee’s meeting that as Seminary Student Annemarie Wallace will not be able to fill the pulpit on December 28th, that Rev. Dr. Rose E. Niles, Development Officer for Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary for the Houston Area, be authorized to preach at both services that Sunday in the Pastor’s absence. ✟ In the process of receiving Committee reports the Session also approved having Ambassador Cleaning do the Office and Fellowship Hall Building on Mondays as well as on Fridays, as well as the Communion dates for 2015. The next regular meeting of the Session will be on Monday, January 12th, at 7:00 P.M. in the Meeting Place. In our hearts and prayers…. times of loss Velda Waldo, Ruth Allen’s sister Peg “Honey” Bickett, Skip’s mom and Megan’s Grandma Heberto Ybarra, The York’s former housekeeper Juanita’s brother Ray Santana, Emma Ford’s friend J.B. Flannery, Evelyn Flannery’s bother in law; Jennifer Sic’s uncle Marjorie Rozell, Mary Shelton’s life-long friend The family and friends of Susie Shields, Cindy Hart’s coworker’s sister in OK the hospital last month Susan, Billie Sutton’s daughter Debbie Jones, the Lawson’s daughter Connie Lambert, neck surgery Ronnie McDonald, Family Promise Van driver, heart surgery Mytran Pham’s father Molly Chew, Robin’s mother Ann Master’s, Judie Larkin’s mother, pneumonia, sepsis ...for those at home Lee Scott, Barbara Shelton’s father Ally Babineaux, a Bailey family friend, awaiting a second heart transplant surgery Rachel Davis, Jennifer Sic’s school friend, awaiting a kidney transplant Kendall Boyd, Martha and Don Stewart’s friend Mackenzie Brown, baby daughter of Wayne and Brittney (Lambert) Brown, Chuck and Connie’s great grand daughter Marilyn Dean Jerry Siler, Chris and Valerie Williams’ friend, continued healing from 5th bout of cancer treatment Susie Taylor, Harriet Keel’s daughter, San Marcos Shirley Shilts Dana Brown, Maureen Broughton’s friend, hospice care Mary Ondoua Dixie Ellis Craig Oliver Robin Fluke Don Racz Robert Henderson Lena Marcantel, Barbara Clark's mother Inez Mims John Reed, the Deans’ son-in-law Doris Svec, stepmother of Shirley Jack ...for those in assisted living or nursing facilities Lynn Burkhalter, Shirley Jack’s friend, following surgery James Flannery, Evelyn’s brother in law, in Ohio Patsy White, Ohio Diane Cisler, Will’s mother Bill Fogleman, Joyce’s father, Silverado Jean Shrull, Keith’s mother Bill Streich, Beverly Mathew’s father Lila Marshall, Lu Ann York’s mother, the Atria Joyce Clark, Ray Clark’s mother Rhelma Evans, Ruth Peterson’s grandmother Oleta Strom, Greatwood ...for healing Billie Sutton and her grandson Ryan, flu Octaviano Gallegos, Carrie’s husband Sandra Gandy, Bill Broughton’s sister, COPD, CHF Rick Bates, knee surgery Glenmary Seay, Pastor Fred’s mother, broken ankle Rebecca Sidique, Presbyterian pastor’s wife from Pakistan Randy Emmons, James Robinson’s business associate, stage 4 colon cancer Mike Schofield, gall bladder removed, ankle problems Andres Kubarii, Carrie Prince’s coworker, his grandfather has cancer Joe Pruitt, Jennifer Marrero’s friend Dorothy Dugas, John York’s friend from the Atria Jaime Anderson, the Altman’s friend, tumors in her brain, stunting her growth Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 4 hospice care Joyce Clark, Ray’s mom Berter Troutman, Jennifer Marerro’s friend, Mary Tann’s mother ...for general concerns Ron Gaines, Marsha’s son Eric Francis, Arlene’s son Matthew Frnka and family, Diane Blom’s coworker’s nephew Lynn Dozzei, Jack Ashton’s co-worker Josh Murphy, Jennifer Sic’s nephew Susie, Chuck and Connie Lambert’s daughter Cheryl Hunter, Judie Larkins’ sister, teaching in Dubai Nora Oliver, Craig Oliver’s mother Lenore Bridgewater, Connie and Chuck Lambert’s daughter ...for those undergoing treatment McKinley Paige Hinkle, Patsy Armbruster’s 2 month old great grand child, possible epilepsy Lance Miles, Maureen Broughton’s son, Neuromuscular dystrophy LaVita Prazada, Judie Larkins’ friend, recurrence of cancer Joan Vacarro, Bill Broughton’s sister, Trigeminal neuralgia Shelly Coldiron, Carrie Robinson’s friend, Breast cancer Earlene Outlaw, Maureen Broughton’s friend, extensive cancer Waylon Gandy, Lee Shelton’s friend, rehabilitation Sue, Betty Coit’s sister, cancer Rose Dartez, Leslie Myers’ coworker’s mother, Melanoma Chris, Connie Lambert’s friend, brain cancer Kaitlyn Barnes, the Shelton’s granddaughter Charles Miles, Connie Lambert’s daughter’s friend’s father, trying new treatment for liver cancer Virginia M Campbell, Maureen Broughton’s friend, for successful cancer treatment Gaye Failla, Chris Williams’ cousin, abdominal surgery Lolita Smith, Connie Lambert’s daughter’s friend, chemotherapy Eugene Ramon, the Seay’s friend Kyla Kapche, Richard Stegemeier’s mother Craig Burnett, Jennifer Marrero’s friend Tom Liu James Bosi, Steve Bailey’s niece’s husband, Esophageal cancer Stacey Carter, the Williams’ friend, return of cancer Sarah, Taylor Davenport’s friend, diagnosed with Leukemia Marlene Roach, Cindy Hart’s aunt Lauren Siegrist, the Lawson’s and the Stewart’s granddaughter Stephanie, Pat Lawson’s niece, stage 2 breast cancer Ruth Allen, high blood pressure, glaucoma, macular degeneration Alison Young, Carolyn McGee’s brother, cancer David Evans, Eileen Hanson’s brother, brain tumor Lynn Mitchell, JR Larkin’s coworker, stage 4 lung cancer Mary Boisen, Pat Lawson’s daughter’s friend, leukemia Leslie Catron, Vickie Coates’ cousin, kidney failure ...those serving as missionaries For Christians suffering persecution, especially those in parts of Iraq and Syria controlled by ISIS Emily (Esposito) and Mark Heger Sharon and Dennis Welch, Connie Lambert’s nephew, Cambodia Wes Stewart, the Jochecs’ grandson, the country of Georgia Erin Brasher, New York City Jacob and Aliamma George, South Sudan Kayla and Cameron Cook, the Jochecs’ granddaughter and grandson, serving in Bolivia ...for those serving our country Samuel Broughton, Bill and Maureen’s great nephew, 2nd deployment to Iraq Ray Nahar, Connie Lambert’s nephew, Jordan Russell Skov, Navy, Cathi Simons’ nephew Kevin Watson, Navy, Ford's nephew Jason Smith, Army, Marsha Gaines’ grandson, deployed to Afghanistan Andrew Shomette, Marines, the Shows’ friend Matthew Wehr, US Navy, Denise Herbers’ cousin, Guam Kirstin Mahler, Air Force, Svoboda granddaughter Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 5 Growing deeper in our faith... (Disclaimer: a dramatic event in the life of the congregation, nation, or world—or the insistence of the Holy Spirit—could result in a change of Scripture or sermon topic!) WORSHIP AND SERMONS FOR JANUARY January 4, Epiphany and First Sunday of the New Year Isaiah 60: 1-6 and Matthew 2: 1-12 “Our Light is Come!” January 11, Baptism of the Lord and Communion Sunday Isaiah 64: 1-12 and Mark 1: 4-11 “Invasion!” January 18 Psalm 139 & John 1: 43-51 “God Knows…and Calls Anyway” January 25 Psalm 62: 5-12 & Mark 1: 14-20 “Repent, Believe, Follow” Coming Attraction: Ash Wednesday is February 18th All sermons are recorded and available for listening through the church website: COMMUNION DATES FOR 2015 January 11 (Baptism of the Lord) June 28 (Reformed Patriotic Service) February 18 (Ash Wednesday) August 23 (Back to School) March 1 (Lent) October 4 (World Communion) April 2 (Maundy Thursday) November 1 (Communion of the Saints) April 5 (Easter Sunday) November 29 (first Sunday of Advent) May 24 (Pentecost) December 24 (Christmas Eve) You are welcome to be a part of the Thursday’s Angels’ Bible Study that meets at 10:00 am in the Meditation Room. And there’s a bonus...the members go to lunch afterward! Led by Ellen Svoboda Presbyterian Women’s next meeting is Monday, January 12 at 10:00 A.M. for Bible study in the Meeting Place. Bible Study led by Patsy Armbruster Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 6 Celebrate! 2 William Broughton Billie Sutton 17 Cassidy Williams Samuel Williams 3 Boum Nkot 20 Corey Ray 4 Inez Mims Angelique Pike Elliot Smith 22 Will Shrull 23 Lu Ann York 7 Christopher Racz Evelyn Flannery 9 Chris Venissat 11 Robin Chew 24 Marilyn Dean Stephen Simons 25 Ricky Ford 27 John York 14 Chris Williams 29 Larry Simons 15 Toby Shows 31 Michelle Simons Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Psalm 127:1 Happy Anniversary! 8 Will and Glenda Cisler 13 Charles and Connie Lambert 17 Joe and Mary Floyd 25 Paul and Kathy Duecker 26 George and Sue Chiles Mary’s thank yous…… I want to say thank you to all of you who help me in the office through out the year. Even when I fail to see my need, it is anticipated. I hesitate to mention those by name in case I happen to leave out someone! Most recently, Ruth Seay, Daniel Seay (who I believe folded many of the Easter bulletins and inserts), Arlene Francis, and Joyce Fogleman helped get the bulletins for all the Christmas services folded. Even the carolers lent a hand before we left for our singing! Lissette Diaz who proofs the newsletter every month and Kim Shrull who looks at the bulletin every week, this is an invaluable help. Jim Coats, who lent his computer knowledge and Tejal, an Apple Tree School mom, who helps fold the Sunday bulletins on Fridays. Patsy Armbruster, who stepped in to answer the phones in my absencesthese are all true examples bearing one another’s burdens, fulfilling the law of Christ. JOYFUL NOISES ARE MADE IN SMALL GROUPS TOO! The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is wonderful - as is the New York Philharmonic or even the Houston Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. However, we at FPCSL are blessed with our own special musical group—our Choir - under Jennifer's leadership. Their Christmas presentation last week was as joyful and spiritual as any of the giant ensembles of the world, and we all thank them for their gift to us. We all know that dynamite comes in small packages, and we don't need to hear the cannons roar - or the cymbals clashing to be stirred by Christmas music that is from the heart. Thank you choir for your hard work and dedication that made our Christmas in a still, small, and joyful, way. Christmas love from your many friends in the audience. Youth Mission Project Our Liaisons: Adrielle Chew 713-826-2099 or Joyce Fogleman 832-754-7478 Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 7 Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 8 PALS January Calendar 1/4/15: No PALS 1/11/15: PALS @ FPCSL 1/11/15: Mo Ranch Deposit due 1/16/2015: 8:00 pm Lock–in at South Minster Presbyterian 1/18/15: PALS @ FPCSL 1/25/15: PALS @ FPCSL The PALS will be holding a garage sale in the upcoming months. If you have any donations you would like to donate please contact Stacey Williams, Valerie Davenport or Leslie Myers. We will be collecting donations soon! Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 9 Christian Education Faith is not an I-land adventure... Join us in Sunday School each Sunday, 9:30 - 10:30 am Classes for Children Class for Adults and Teens FAITH FOUNDATION CLASS HeartShaper We will be studying the New Testament beginning in the book of Matthew. Taught by Kim Shrull and Will Cisler Shaping Hearts with God’s Word 4 Yrs Old to Pre K Class with Cindy Hart & Diane Blom Elementary School Class with Connie Esposito & Carol Racz and Judie Larkins & Carrie Prince We will continue in the book of Leviticus. The English name is from the Latin Leviticus, taken in turn from Greek and a reference to the Levites, the tribe of Aaron, from whom the priests descended. Leviticus takes place during the month or monthand-a-half between the completion of the Tabernacle and the Israelites' departure from Sinai. Many life lessons can be found in this book! Class led by Mary McMaster FEASTING on the WORD Middle School Class with Valerie & Craig Davenport A lectionary-based curriculum that provides intentional connections between education and worship. The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers, by Jonathan McKee. Touching on the real-life struggles faced by teenagers today, using this popular post-apocalyptic fictional premise. With Eric Peterson and Robin Chew faith limps - trusting a good God in a broken world by Michael Kelley Six Sessions - Bible study for adults that helps believers respond to suffering by confronting their questions and doubts and by placing their faith in God. This study is designed to help people confront the difficult issues surrounding pain and disappointment and see their suffering as an opportunity for a deeper walk with God in Christ. with Ruth Peterson What’s happenin’... Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 10 Men’s Breakfast Fifties Plus Dinner Group January 10th Restaurant Schedule 7:30 am in the Meeting Place January 7 Mystery chef! "Out of Wildwood" - last few copies now available As many of you know, I am planning to make a move in the very near future - from a house in Quail Valley that is way too big to a more manageable place several blocks away. BUT - a move is a move, and they are all difficult when one is trying to downsize - which I must do. This is a round about way of saying, that I still have fewer than 100 copies left of "Out of Wildwood" that I don't particularly want to move with me. I am happy to reduce these remaining books by 50%. The hardbacks are now $20, and the soft backs are $10. If you want your 1st copy or an additional copy for someone else who loves Louisiana and Texas history - and a sweet story that is true, I would be happy to get a copy to you - in person -or by mail. Thanks - Betty Verdino - 281-437-8881 or e-mail me at January 14 January 21 January 28 To be determined! ARE YOU PLANNING TO MAKE A PLEDGE FOR 2015? The Trustees and Session are working to finalize the budget for next year. January 12 is the next Session meeting at which time they plan to set a firm budget. If you plan to make a pledge, and have not sent in the Estimate of Giving Card yet, please mail it to the church or put it in the offering plate. This will help the church’s officers as they plan for next year. If you need another Estimate of Giving Card, there are some available on the table closest to the hallway leading to the restrooms in the narthex. A Sugar Land film company, Premier Pictures, Inc. will soon begin producing a movie from the wonderful book entitled “Out of Wildwood” by local author BETTY VERDINO, a long time member of First Presbyterian Church. Any church members that are interested in participating in the production as cast or crew should email the producer their contact info to: . The experienced and the novices are welcome, as informative classes will be held each Saturday, starting after the new year, until principal photography begins in March 2015. Everyone involved will be listed in the rolling credits. Merry Christmas. You may also contact Stacey Williams: Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 11 East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry Follow us on Facebook! and 425 Stafford Run Rd. in Stafford, off Ave. E, near Hwy 90 and Murphy Road 281-499-8833 Save the Date for the 6th Annual Empty Bowls fundraiser! CURRENT NEEDS: April 17, 2015 For the Food Pantry Linda Day and Kip Johnson will serve as co-chairs for the event. Flour-2lbs, sugar-2lbs, cooking oil and saltine crackers. FOOD FAIR is held the 2nd Saturday and the 4th Thursday of every month except N ovember and December at the ministry. Non-food items: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, feminine hygiene items, bath bar soap, toilet paper and brown bags, diapers (especially toddler sizes). January 10 & 22 February 14 & 26 Always appreciated: donations for the Resale Shop. March 14 & 26 April 11 & 23 Hours: 10:00 am– 4:00 pm Monday-Saturday Open late Wednesday: 10:00 am—7:30 pm May 9 & 28 June 13 & 25 July 11 & 23 Pick up for large item donations available. August 8 &27 September 12 & 24 October 10 & 22 Volunteers are always appreciated to help sort and distribute fresh produce received from the Houston Food Bank. Become a Volunteer at East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry... Volunteers are an integral part of East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry. Hundreds of volunteers each month donate their time and talents to come together to help the community. There are many ways you can help out by volunteering at the Ministry and/or Resale Shop. Please contact the Ministry at or call 281-261-4902 to schedule your orientation if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. All volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application Form. Please return completed form to the Volunteer Coordinator, Mary Weiland. Click link on the website to access Volunteer Information Form. Thanks! Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 12 CALENDAR Thursday, January 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Office closed. Friday, January 2 Saturday, January 3 Sunday, January 4 8:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm Worship (S) Sunday School for all ages Worship (S) Deacon Meeting (MP) BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S) Thursday, January 8 9:15 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Friday, January 9 10:00 am 5:15 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Epiphany of the Lord. Girl Scout Troop # 28041 (MP) Jam with Sam (FH) Wednesday, January 7 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Fifties Plus Dinner Group Girl Scout Troop # 152007 (MU) Worship Committee Meeting (MP) Choir (CR) Men’s Breakfast (MP) Worship Committee to take down Christmas decorations Sunday, January 11 Girl Scout Troop 28210 (MP) Tuesday, January 6 FPCSL at the Food Pantry Girl Scout Troop # 28210 (MP) Saturday, January 10 Monday, January 5 6:30 pm ATS Chapel (S) Angel’s Bible Study (MR) Girl Scout Troop #28096 (FH) Fort Bend Quilters (MP) Stephen Ministry (MR) Property Committee Meeting (SH) 8:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 pm 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Baptism of the Lord Communion Sunday Worship (S) Sunday School for all ages Worship (S) Baby Shower for Tiffany Williams (FH) BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S) PALS Monday, January 12 10:00 am 10:00 am 7:00 pm ATS Board Meeting Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study (MP) Session (MP) Tuesday, January 13 7:00 pm Jam with Sam (FH) Wednesday, January 14 MP= Meeting Place CR=Choir Room MS= A11 SH= A4 PS=Pastor’s Study MR=Meditation Room, EB= Education Building MU=Music Room in the Education Bldg., FH= Fellowship Hall S= Sanctuary, L= Library, PALS-youth group for grades 6-12, Fifties Plus-dinner group BVPF = Bellaire Vietnamese Presbyterian Fellowship 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Fifties Plus Dinner Group Compassionate Friends (MP) Choir (CR) Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 13 “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90: 12 Thursday, January, 15 5:00 pm 9:15 pm am 7:30 10:00 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Fifties Plus Dinner Club-Chili’s ATS Chapel Choir (CR)(S) Angel’s Bible Study (MR) Girl Scout Troop #152007 (MU) Fort Bend Quilters (MP) Stephen Ministry 9MR) Friday, January 16 8:00 pm PALS Lock-in at South Minster Presby. Church Saturday, January 24 Sunday, January 25 8:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Saturday, January17 Sunday, January 18 8:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Worship (S) Sunday School for all ages Worship (S) BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S) PALS Monday, January 19 Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday Monday, January 26 7:00 pm 8 Wednesday, January 21 7:00 pm 9:15 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm ATS Chapel (S) Angel’s Bible Study (MR) Girl Scout Troop #28096 (FH) Fort Bend Quilters (MP) Friday, January 23 10:00 am FPCSL at the Food Pantry 5:15 pm Girl Scout Troop #28210 (MP) Jam with Sam (FH) Wednesday, January 28 5:00 pm Fifties Plus Dinner Group 7:30 pm Choir (CR) Thursday, January 29 9:15 am ATS Chapel (S) 10:00 am Angel’s Bible Study <MR) 6:30 pm Fort Bend Quilters (MP) Friday, January 30 5:00 pm Fifties Plus Dinner Group 5:30 pm Girl Scout Troop # 152007 (MU) 6:00 pm Trustees Meeting (MP) 7:30 pm Choir (CR) Thursday, January 22 Christian Education Committee Meeting (SH) Tuesday, January 27 Tuesday, January 20 6:00 pm Girl Scout Troop #28041 (MP) 7:00 pm Jam with Sam (FH) Worship (S) Sunday School for all ages Worship (S) Congregational Meeting (S) BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S) PALS Saturday, January 31 2:00 pm5:00 pm Baby Shower-Shilts (FH) Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 14 Serving this Month (lead at both services unless noted) January 4 8:30 am Frans Pike 11:00 am January 11 8:30 am 11:00 am Craig Landin January 18 8:30 am Ben Svoboda 11:00 am January 25 8:30 am Steve Jack 11:00 am January 11 8:30 am Mary McMaster 11:00 am Connie Lambert Kim Shrull January 25 January 4 January 4 8:30 am Alex Sic 11:00 am Boum Nkot January 4 Leslie Myers January 18 Sanctuary Committee Acolytes Worship Leaders Elders Hieu and Mytran Pham January 11 8:30 am Austin Robinson 11:00 am Abby Shows January 18 8:30 am Meridian Ashton 11:00 am Emma Prince January 25 8:30 am Jackie Sic 11:00 am Yadhitha Reyes January 11 Gary and Pam Robinson January 18 Michael & Jocelyn McConnell January 25 Chuck and Connie Lambert Church Officers for 2014-2015 Elders: Kirsten Ashton, Robin Chew, Craig Landin, Gary Robinson, Steve Jack, Ben Svoboda, Amanda Leary, Connie Lambert, Stacey Williams, Frans Piké, Jeff Lynch, Elaine Brasher and Colby Myers (Youth Elder). God Caring for People Through People For help in crisis, or in everyday trials call (281) 240-3195 Deacons: Joyce Fogleman (Moderator), Diane Leary, Betty Schofield, And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. Acts 6:8 Craig Davenport, Lu Ann York, Hieu Pham, Dan Graves (ATS Bursar), Richard Stegemeier, and Valerie Williams. Our Stephen Ministers Diane Blom, Coordinator Ellen Svoboda † Carol Racz Ben Svoboda † Elaine Brasher Barbara Shelton † Jim Shilts Jessica Herbers † Ruth Peterson Barbara Shelton, bryanne bickett, Judie Larkins, Judy Schaub, Carrie Prince, Delarue Ondoua (college), Debra Larkins (Youth), and Erin McMaster (Young Adult), Trustees: James Robinson, Kathy Duecker, Bill Broughton, Committee Moderators for 2014-2015 Christian Ed Vice Moderator Ben Svoboda Mission Amanda Leary Personnel NO MOWING IN JANUARY! Kirsten Ashton Evangelism Vice Moderator Lawn Crew Lissette Diaz-Burgos Vice Moderator Jeff Lynch Steve Jack Craig Landin Property Frans Piké Generosity Robin Chew Deacons Joyce Fogleman Worship Gary Robinson Vice Moderator Connie Lambert Presbyterian Tidings January 2015 page 15 Trustee Items November YTD INCOME $27, 313.00 $275,671.25 EXPENSE $23,287.49 $282,171.17 NET ADJ PREPAID PLEDGES $(4,025.51) $(6,499.92) $(4,525.51) $(999.92) NOVEMBER INCOME and EXPENSES Total income for the month of November was $704.84 more than the budgeted forecast. Pledged Offerings were $1,624.17 greater than pledged and the Year-to-Date pledge deficit is $6,395.13. Loose Offerings were $769.00 less than forecast for October and the Year-to-Date Loose Offering is below budget by $11,804.10. November expenses were $400.16 over budget. Repairs and Maintenance expense were helped by a $1,103 transfer from Capital Improvement for the ladies room remodeling. Year-to-Date total expenses are $6,155.46 below budget. IMPORTANT NOTICE!! WHY DO WE ASK FOR SEPARATE CHECKS? WHEN WE RECEIVE A SINGLE CHECK FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO MORE THAN ONE FUND, WE MUST USE CASH DONATIONS OR A TRANSFER BETWEEN BANK ACCOUNTS TO DEPOSIT THE FUNDS INTO THE APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS. THIS CAUSES ADDITIONAL EFFORTS FOR THE TREASURER AND ACCOUNTANTS AND DISTORTS OUR FINANCIAL RECORDS. WHEN MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS TO OPERATING, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, PALS, BEREAVMENT OR CHOIR, PLEASE WRITE A SEPARATE CHECK FOR EACH ACCOUNT. ANY QUESTIONS MAY BE DIRECTED TO A TRUSTEE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS WILL BE EMAILED IN JANUARY 2015, TO ALL MEMBERS FOR WHOM WE HAVE EMAIL ADDRESSES ON FILE. IF YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED, PLEASE ADVISE THE OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU! First Presbyterian Church, Sugar Land Presbyterian Tidings January 20152015 page 16 January 502 Eldridge Rd. Sugar Land, Texas 77478 (281) 240-3195 FAX: (281) 240-3196 Published monthly. 새해 복 많이 받으십시오 Ein glückliches neues Jahr Felice Anno Nuovo Godt NytAr Gelukkig nieuwjaar Chúc mừng năm mới viết Manigong Bagong Taon Bonne année Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Worship Services 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School for All Ages, 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church During 8:30 am and 11am service Rev. Dr. Fred Seay, Pastor Mary McMaster, Church Secretary, Newsletter Editor * Sara Lee Morgan, Organist Jennifer Marrero, Director of Music Kim Shrull, Volunteer Christian Education Coordinator * Stacey Williams, Youth Director Rita Rodriguez and Beverly Martin, Nursery Attendants bryanne bickett, Wedding Coordinator * Diane Blom, Stephen Ministry Coordinator Website: * Email:
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