JANUARY 6, 2015 VOL. 32 NO. 1 Dinner 5:30 p.m. A Service of Healing & Wholeness Wednesday, January 7— 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Experience God’s promise of healing and wholeness in a very tangible way with the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. The Lord’s Supper is also celebrated. Questions? Contact Dieter Heinzl at 314-993-4771 ext 3106. Did you know your gifts to Ladue Chapel make such a difference? Seven Ladue Chapel members and youth give over 500 hours service a year to tutor and mentor 27 children from the City of St Louis who attend the Leading Education and Developing (L.E.A.D.) Promising Youth program. Ladue Chapel interns and adult teachers log 300 more hours in an intensive month long summer teaching program. LEAD inspires and empowers low income youth to sever the bonds of poverty and become educated, self-sufficient adults. And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” ~ Matthew 25:40 JANUARY 6, 2015 · THE CHAPEL BELL LADUE CHAPEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) · ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Barbara Brown Taylor has a knack for seeing the theological in the most ordinary things and the sacramental in the every day grist of life. It’s a talent worth cultivating and a skill worth practicing. Would that each of us could see God’s presence so readily in the routine of our harried lives. In a summer issue of The Living Pulpit, she shares how she learned that the sacraments she practiced in church were patterns of countless ways that God uses material things to reach out to human beings in the world. She writes: “The same pattern of rebirth that I learned in Baptism showed up in everything from bathing to watering plants. The same pattern of relationship that I learned in Communion was available in every meal eaten mindfully. The laying-on of hands took place as I held a crying baby or rubbed the shoulders of a tired friend. With a little oil, I could even offer the sacrament of a pretty good massage. When I walked outside and looked at the smoking compost heap, I saw a sacrament of death turning into life. When I used a bottle of white-out to correct a mistake, I remembered that my errors did not have to be permanent.” “Everywhere I turned, the most insignificant things in the world were preaching little sermons to me. Everywhere I turned, the world was leaking light.” It’s that last image that captured my imagination and makes me eager to be more attentive to my surroundings. The world is leaking light, the light of God’s love made known to us is Jesus Christ. No matter how pervasive the darkness may be—how unbearable the grief, how hopeless the prospects for peace, how discouraging the future—the light of God’s eternal love is still leaking through to dispel our fears and tears. It’s often said that the task of thinking theologically is too important to leave to the professionals. Theology is the task of the church, which means it’s our task, yours and mine. As you begin the new year, I encourage you to practice the art of finding the sacramental in the ordinary and reflecting theologically on your most mundane tasks. Look for the presence of God in everything and everybody. Watch for the ways that God is offering God’s self to us and pouring love out for us. Indeed the world, dark as it may sometimes appear, is leaking light—God’s light. It’s there for us to see, to notice, to bathe ourselves in, and to enjoy. Faithfully yours, 1 Welcome Elders Class of 2017 Marj Alderson grew up in Saint Louis. She an her husband, Phil, have two daughters, Lisa (40) and Kelly (36), and four grandchildren. Marj joined Ladue Chapel in 2008 and has served as a Deacon and covenant partner for confirmation classes. Landon Boehm was born and raised just down the road from Ladue Chapel. He participated in a number of activities at the church in his youth including being an acolyte, a bell ringer and a lector. His wife Patty is also a member of the church and is expecting their first baby in February 2015. Dale Knight was born in Iowa, but grew up in St. Louis. At Ladue Chapel, Dale was ordained as an Elder in 1959, has served three previous terms on Session, served on the Stewardship and Adult Ed Committees, and is currently active on the Memorials and Finance Committees. Steve LeResche and wife Vicki are the parents of three children— Laura (Hardy), David, and J.C.—and are Mason Hardy’s grandparents. The LeResches have been members of Ladue Chapel for 12 years. Steve has served as a deacon at Ladue Chapel and served as a deacon and elder at his previous church home. Candace O’Connor and her husband, Bob Wiltenburg, have been LCPC members for two years. She is part of our tutoring team at Hamilton School and of our Project COPE team and is president of the COPE board of directors. Candace was an elder in previous congregations and enjoyed serving on various committees, primarily pastoral care and mission. Candace and Bob have two grown daughters and three grandchildren. Colleen Ruiz and husband Victor have three children, Victor (15) and twins Richard and Andrew (13). She has been a member at Ladue Chapel since 1999. Most recently, Colleen co-chaired the 2014 Stewardship Campaign. She has also completed Disciple I, served as chair of one of the search committees for a director of youth fellowship, initially formed Route 345, worked with the senior high youth fellowship program, and has taught Sunday School for children and youth. She is also an usher. John Spencer grew up in St. Louis, as did his wife Carol. They have two children, Brad (41) and Molly Benton (39), and two grandchildren, Dotty Benton (6) and Joey Benton (3). During a brief period as a member of Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, John was a Deacon and a member of several committees. Upon returning to Ladue Chapel, John served on an Ushering Team for 10 years and is currently a member of the New Member Committee and a Greeter Team. Note: This Sunday, January 11 is the ordination and installation of Elders and Deacons at both services. CALENDAR An extended calendar is available at www.laduechapel.org Thursday, January 8 9:15 am LCNS Exec Board Bickel 6:30 pm Chapel Ringers Fireside 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm Friday, January 9 7:00 am Food Bank Service Bldg 12:00 pm Cap. Campaign Cab Offsite Saturday, January 10 9:00 am Décor Removal Various Rm Sunday, January 11 8:15 am Infant Care Nursery 8:30 am Worship Sanctuary 9:45 am Confirmation Class Gulick 9:45 am Rms 9:45 am Children’s SS Educ. Wing 9:45 am Youth Education Upper Rms 11:00 am Worship Sanctuary 1:00 pm Youth Ice Skating Offsite 2:00 pm Morning Etude Sanctuary 3:30 pm Youth Choir Choir Rm 4:00 pm Carillon Ringers Choir Rm 6:00 pm Fire Lines Movie Fireside Monday, January 12 7:00 am Food Bank Service Bldg 1:00 pm Women’s Book Club Bickel 3:45 pm Children’s Snacks FH 4:00 pm Chorister Choir Choir Rm 4:00 pm Route 345 Upper Rms 4:45 pm Carol Choir Choir Rm 5:30 pm Genesis Ringers FH-S 5:30 pm Revelation Ringers Choir Rm 6:30 pm DISCIPLE I Gulick 7:00 pm Mission Committee Leutwiler Tuesday, January 13 8:15 am PDO Staff Meeting Gulick 9:30 am Mailing Angels Gulick 9:30 am Program Staff Mtg Staff CR 10:00 am WA Bandages FH-N for Developing Countries 12:00 pm FH-N/C 1:00 pm Women’s Study Grp Bickel 4:00 pm New Member Com Leutwiler 7:00 pm Stewardship Comm Bickel Wednesday, January 14 8:00 am Men’s Bible Study Leutwiler 9:00 am DISCIPLE III Gulick 9:00 am Contractor’s Meeting Bickel 12:00 pm Grief Support Group Library 5:30 pm WOW Dinner FH-N 6:00 pm Family Worship Fireside 7:00 pm Lectors Sanctuary 7:00 pm Christian Edu Comm Library Thursday, January 15 9:00 am LCNS Board Mtg FH-N 9:30 am Theology Group Leutwiler 6:30 pm Chapel Ringers Fireside 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm Fast Forward SAVE THE DATE! Concert: Bach Society Young Artists Recital Sunday, January 18 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary 2 JANUARY 6, 2015 · THE CHAPEL BELL Exploring the Many Sides of St. Louis Monday, January 12 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Join Rev. Dieter Heinzl, Rev. Mel Smith, and Natalie Clay—Education and Training Manager at Diversity Awareness Partnership, for an interactive bus tour of and dialogue around context for the variety of perspectives on the unrest in the St. Louis region. We will spend time considering the role that housing, education, and public safety changes have played in creating varied perspectives on the St. Louis community. We will also weave in topics around identity, race, class, and bias. After the tour, we will have a dialogue over lunch to surface solutions, next steps and actions you can take to support a prosperous St. Louis region. The bus tour begins and ends at Ladue Chapel. The tour will gather at 9:30 a.m. to leave at 10:00 a.m. The cost for the tour and lunch is $20 per person. There are only 20 spots available so be sure to make your reservation to Emily Holman, 314993-4771 ext 3109, by Monday, January 12. Your check ensures your reservation. Carillon Ringers Chili Lunch Fundraiser All are invited to this fundraiser for our upcoming 31st Anniversary Bell Tour. The lunch will feature chili made by Ladue Chapel members, homemade macaroni and cheese, grilled hot dogs, and a variety of entertainment by members of our Carillon Ringers! Costs are $10 per adult, $5 per child (312 y.o.). RSVP on Sundays in the Gathering Place, phone 314-993-4771 ext 0, or email Anne Peacock: apeacock@laduechapel.org. Let Anne know if you would like to donate a pot of your chili for the lunch. Don’t forget! The Super Bowl Chili Pre-sale is Sunday, January 18 and Chili Sales/Pick-up are Sundays, January 25 and February 1. You may also pre-order our homemade chili by contacting Laurie Senol: ldsenol@earthlink.net. Thank you for supporting our Carillon Ringers! This year’s retreat will be at Marianist Retreat Center in Eureka, about a 30-minute drive from church. The theme this year is “Your Place at the Table: Discerning God’s Call for Your Life.” Brochures are available on the Welcome Table in the Gathering Place. For more information, contact Sarah Brouwer at 314-993-4771 ext 3123 or sbrouwer@laduechapel.org. Save the Date! Fire Lines Movie Screening 6:00-8:00 p.m. on January 11 Join us for a special screening of the new documentary film that tells the story of the Palestinian firefighters who joined the rescue during Israel’s worst natural disaster-the Carmel fire of 2010. The film screening will last 42 minutes and will be followed by a discussion with the filmmaker. If you have any questions, call Dieter Heinzl at 314-993-4771 ext 3106 or email him at dheinzl@laduechapel.org. Last Chance! Christmas Lights Recycling Did you know that last year Ladue Chapel recycled over 400 lbs. of Christmas lights that our members found were no longer working? Again this year we have a collection box in place in the Mission alcove next to the Fireside Room for all those lights that our members or friends discover are no longer working. Please be a good steward of the earth & recycle those lights rather than sending them to the landfill. Please make your donations by January 11. Winter Weather Advisories If we are forced to close the church building due to inclement weather, there will be a message on our answering machine 314-993-4771, on www.laduechapel.org and www.kmov.com. JANUARY 6, 2015 · THE CHAPEL BELL 3 YOUNG MINDS YOUNG HEARTS YOUNG F AITH Journey To Bethlehem On Sunday, December 14, 2014, 160 people came to watch the children perform their Christmas Pageant. Sunday, January 11 Worship Services 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Scriptures Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11 Music Ministry At both services, Lelah Schneider’s string quartet from Lindbergh High School will be playing. At 11:00, Chancel Choir will sing “Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace” by Samuel Sebastian Wesley. Church will be closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 9450 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63124-1568 Making A Difference Monday, January 19 The Chapel Bell Bach Society Young Artist Concert January 18 The Young Artists of the Bach Society of Saint Louis will perform a recital on Sunday, January 18 at 3:00 p.m. in our sanctuary. The program will feature Bach arias and duets as well as selections from operatic and recital repertoire. Performers include our own soprano Mary Beth Freitag, mezzo-soprano Lori Hoffman, tenor Anthony Heinemann and bass Ravi Raghuram, all accompanied by pianist Sandra Geary. The Bach Society Young Artist Scholarship Program was established to provide performance experience and professional training for careeroriented soloists. Free admission. Newsletter of
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