JANUARY 27, 2015 VOL. 32 NO. 4 Dinner 5:30 p.m. Healing & Wholeness Worship Wednesday, February 4— 6:00 p.m. in Woods Chapel Dinner is a catered meal ($10 for adults/$5 for children) featuring healthy, garden-fresh options. RSVP by noon on Monday, February 2, to 314-993-4771 ext 0. Join us for dinner in Fellowship Hall! Experience God’s promise of healing and wholeness in a very tangible way with the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. The Lord’s Supper is also celebrated. Questions? Contact Dieter Heinzl at 314-993-4771 ext 3106. Did you know your gifts to Ladue Chapel make such a difference? Your financial support enables Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to witness to the healing love of Christ and to help bring recovery from natural and human -caused disaster situations. The PDA keeps a list of active accounts to provide an opportunity to make donations to specific disaster situations around the world. See www.presbyterianmission.org for more information. LADUE CHAPEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) · ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI The Stewardship Committee and I thank you for your generous financial support of the ministries of Ladue Chapel. Not only did we finish 2014 in good financial condition, but we begin 2015 with confidence as well. Now, however, the Stewardship Committee invites you to think about your stewardship of time. Time is different from money. We don’t earn it, nor can we save it. Time is a gift from the Lord of life. How should we steward the gift of time? Our time is limited, to be sure. We are not eternal. And when we talk about time we are talking about the present. The past is past, and the future is always not yet. The only time we have to allocate is what we have right now. So the stewardship of time invites us to think about how we manage and allot our time in the most efficacious way, to benefit not just ourselves, but others, and to fulfill our purpose in life. It’s critical, first of all, to allocate time to God, the giver of our time. Time for worship is primary. It helps us know who we are, whose we are, and how we can live the abundant life. It shapes us for a life of meaning and joy, and invites us to allocate additional time for prayer, devotion, study, fellowship, and ministry. Time allocated to strengthening our relationship with God turns out to be an investment in all our relationships, especially those with family, friends, church members, and co-workers. It even strengthens our relationship with our self. Time in worship is time well spent. It’s also important to devote time to yourself, the time you need to be mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, awake, alert, and healthy. That’s not selfish, but rather a way of acknowledging that you need to care for the gift of yourself, so you can continue to serve as a gift to others in the way God intended. Time is neutral, but you are a treasured child of God. Nurture the gift of yourself, and you keep on giving. Most of our waking time is devoted to work, to contributing to the greater good of others. A good steward of work acknowledges it as a calling, a vocation in which to express faith in God. Meaningful work is a good and efficacious use of time. Bottom line, our stewardship of time is mostly about having a Godly attitude toward it. Time is a gift. Like any gift, it can be enjoyed, used, or wasted. It’s offered to us by our Creator, so we can offer ourselves to others and to the world. Like all God’s gifts, time is not for taking, consuming, or wasting, but for offering. How are you offering your time in service to the one who created you and gifted you with the miracle of time? That’s the question that invites us to think about our stewardship of time. Faithfully yours, Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. ~ Romans 12:12 JANUARY 27, 2015 · THE CHAPEL BELL 1 Mission: Fill the Bucket Campaign This campaign takes place at church on Sundays January 25 and February 1 following worship services. Once the campaign is complete, the buckets will be stored for future use following disasters. We estimate $25 will buy necessary supplies for each bucket. Our youth will help fill buckets and apply labels on Sunday, February 1. $3,000 is needed to buy supplies for all 120 buckets, so please be generous! Visit our table in the Gathering Place on Sundays in February or send your check to the church office (payable to “Ladue Chapel” with Fill the Bucket on the memo line). Thank You! Mission: Small Business Shopping This is a great way to help support the small businesses in Ferguson! Come along with your Ladue Chapel friends for a FUN Saturday of shopping in Historic Ferguson and also to have lunch at the Ferguson Brewing Company (fergusonbrewing.com). Need flowers to brighten your home on a dreary winter's day; visit the florist! Have a sweet tooth; visit Cose Dolci or Natalie's bakeries! Join us on Saturday, February 7. We will meet at church at 10:00 a.m. to board the shuttle bus. The cost is whatever you decide to purchase and your own lunch. If you would like to go, please RSVP by January 29 to Jan DaGue at jkdague@gmail.com. Sunday February 1, 2015 VS. Over 140 Million Americans will tune-in to watch the Super Bowl, while 50 Million are facing hunger. The Souper Bowl of Caring is a small way to do great good! Ways to Participate: Bring a food donation with you to church on February 1 Drop off at the Souper Bowl of Caring table in the Gathering Place. Make a monetary donation after the 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. church service. Look for students holding soup pots with team logos-place your money in the bucket with the team logo you KNOW will win the Super Bowl! All food and monetary donations will be distributed to local area food banks: Kingdom House, Isaiah 58, Harris House and Chapel for the Exceptional. Together we can make a difference and help alleviate hunger in St. Louis! Most-Needed Food Items: beef stew, evaporated milk, canned fruits, chicken & dumplings, juices (100%), applesauce, chili, jelly, diced tomatoes, canned chicken, mustard, spinach, canned ham, ketchup, white potatoes, Spam, whipped salad dressing, sweet potatoes, Vienna sausages, saltine crackers, instant potatoes, canned salmon, pancake mix, pancake syrup, dry beans, corn muffin mix, cake frosting CALENDAR An extended calendar is available at www.laduechapel.org Thursday, January 29 7:00 pm Session/Lee Institute Bickel 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm Friday, January 30 7:00 am Food Bank Service Bldg Saturday, January 31 8:15 am Men’s Breakfast FH-N 8:30 am Communion Prep Vestry 10:30 am Synergies Rehearsal Sanct. Sunday, February 1 8:15 am Infant Care Nursery 8:30 am Worship Sanctuary 9:45 am Rms 9:45 am Children’s SS Educ. Wing 9:45 am Youth Education Upper Rms 9:45 am Confirmation Class Gulick 11:00 am Worship Sanctuary 12:15 pm Clean Up Buckets FH 12:15 pm New Member Class Fireside 3:30 pm Youth Choir Choir Rm 4:00 pm Carillon Ringers Choir Rm Monday, February 2 7:00 am Food Bank Service Bldg 1:30 pm Kindermusik Choir Rm 3:45 pm Children’s Snack Time FH-N 4:00 pm Route 345 Youth Rms 4:00 pm Chorister Choir Choir Rm 4:45 pm Carol Choir Choir Rm 5:30 pm Genesis Ringers FH-S 5:30 pm Revelation Ringers Choir Rm 6:30 pm DISCIPLE I Gulick 7:00 pm Worship & Music Leutwiler Tuesday, February 3 9:30 am Mailing Angels Gulick 9:30 am Program Staff Mtg Staff CR 9:30 am WA Board Meeting Leutwiler 10:00 am WA Bandages FH-N for Developing Countries 11:00 am WA Guest Speaker Fireside 12:00 pm WA Taster’s Lunch Fireside 1:00 pm Women’s Study Grp Bickel 7:00 pm Staff Resources Bickel 7:00 pm Special Gifts Meeting FH-N Wednesday, February 4 8:00 am Men’s Bible Study Leutwiler 9:00 am DISCIPLE III Gulick 5:30 pm WOW Dinner FH-N 6:00 pm Healing & Wholeness Chapel 6:00 pm Board of Deacons Various Thursday, February 5 9:15 am LCNS Exec Board Bickel 9:30 am Theology Group Leutwiler 6:30 pm Chapel Ringers Fireside 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm Fast Forward Cares & Concerns Carole Mellow, Diane Milburn We offer our Christian love and sympathy to Robin & Shep Hermann on the death of Robin’s father-in-law, Frederick A. Hermann on January 14. Joys & Celebrations SAVE THE DATE! Synergies Concert Sunday, February 8 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Please contact Member Care Secretary Sue Schreiner at 993-4771 x 3101 to report hospitalizations, family cares and celebrations. 2 JANUARY 27, 2015 · THE CHAPEL BELL Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8 at 12:00 p.m. The Session has called a Congregational Meeting on February 8, 2015 immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service for the purpose of receiving the 2014 Annual Report, electing one Ruling Elder to the Class of 2015 and one member of the Nominating Committee, and approving changes to the terms of call for the pastors. Open Your Heart Stewardship Pledges To date, 381 households have joined us in “opening our hearts” with their 2015 financial pledge to Ladue Chapel. These pledges total $1,380,000. We are grateful for the faith and commitment of the households who have pledged. Their gifts allow Ladue Chapel to continue to strengthen the spiritual growth of our congregation and to demonstrate our love for our neighbor through our mission work. ~Elaine Burkhardt & Randy Clary Monthly Men’s Breakfast Women’s Association Taster’s Luncheon & Guest Speaker Tuesday, February 3 at 11:00 a.m. in Fireside All women are welcome to come to hear Elke Buckland, a fellow Ladue Chapel member, speak about KidSmart where she works as the Director of Operations. The most in-need items at KidSmart are pencils, pens, markers, crayons, glue, scissors, and notebooks or notebook filler paper. Please feel free to bring donations of any school supplies to Elke for the students in need. For lunch at 12:00 p.m., the Women’s Association will provide beverages and dessert. Everyone attending is invited to bring a favorite salad, side dish, or casserole to serve 6-8 people, which will enable just a taste of each dish for all attending. Bring recipes, too! Join us for this wonderful opportunity to gather together, share, and make some new friends! Please call the church office at 314-993-4771 ext 0 if you plan on attending! Giving Thanks Campaign The Ladue Chapel Men’s Fellowship Group Steering Committee is sponsoring a Saturday morning breakfast on January 31. The format for the morning will be a casual breakfast cooked by the men of the church. Breakfast will begin at 8:15 a.m. and the morning will end at 9:15 a.m. giving participants plenty of time for the many other things that need to be done. Please call the church at 314-993 -4771 and let us know you will be attending or you can just show up. The cost for the breakfast will be $5.00 per person and can be paid at the door. Ladue Chapel has asked its members to prayerfully consider pledging to the Giving Thanks Campaign in order to benefit the entirety of the congregation with a new organ, renovated sanctuary, building improvements and investment in mission and endowment building. Since beginning the Giving Thanks Campaign, 26 pledges have been made totaling $3,300,000 toward our goal of $5.5 million. On behalf of a grateful congregation, we thank you! If you would like to keep tabs on our new organ’s progress, David Erwin has created a blog to keep you updated, complete with pictures and facts! Go to https:// laduechapelorgan.wordpress.com to check it out! The Floral Committee New Member Class begins February 1 Saturday, January 31 reports an opportunity for honoring or memorializing loved ones with Sanctuary flowers on February 15. For more information call Margie Robertson at 636-220-2648 or e-mail her at jimmargie800@charter.net. Join the Welcome Team The hospitality offered by our Welcome Team Ministry greeters makes Ladue Chapel a friendly place for members and visitors alike. The commitment is one Sunday per month for fifteen minutes before and after one worship service. We are holding an informal training in the Gathering Place at 9:45 a.m. on February 8. Please contact Sue Schreiner if you'd like to attend: sschreiner@laduechapel.org or 314-9934771 ext 3101. JANUARY 27, 2015 · THE CHAPEL BELL Join us in the Fireside Room on Sunday, February 1, at 12:15 p.m. to learn more about Ladue Chapel and the meaning of being Presbyterian. The second class will meet in the Bickel Room at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, February 8. Breakfast with Session at 9:45 a.m. and recognition in the 11:00 a.m. worship will be held on Sunday, February 15. Contact Julie Walther-Scheibel at 314-993-4771 ext 3112 for more information. Winter Weather Advisories If we are forced to close the church building due to inclement weather, there will be a message on our answering machine 314-993-4771, on www.laduechapel.org and www.kmov.com. 3 YOUNG MINDS YOUNG HEARTS YOUNG F AITH The Lord's Supper Supper For 2nd through 5th Graders and their families, we hope you can join us for The Lord's Supper Supper on Sunday, February 8. We'll gather in Fellowship Hall at 5:00 p.m., enjoy a kid-friendly Middle Eastern meal, learn about Communion, and have a behind-the-scenes tour of the Communion table and elements with Dieter. The evening will end at 6:30 p.m. There is not a charge for the meal but we do need to know how many folks are attending. Please RSVP to Robin Crawford rcrawford@laduechapel.org with your child's name and number of guests attending. Your children will be prepared to take Communion on March 1 with your family and the congregation. Do this in remembrance of me. Sunday, February 1 Worship Services 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Scriptures Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28 Music Ministry At both services, Chancel Choir will sing “Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace” by Samuel Sebastian Wesley and the women of the choir will sing “Ave verum corpus” by Gabriel Fauré. DON’T FORGET! 9450 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63124-1568 Synergies Concert Sunday, February 8 at 3:00 p.m. Synergies Ensemble will present an all-French concert featuring the music of Couperin, Fauré and Debussy. Members of Synergies pictured to the right are Chris Banks, viola; Alison Rolf, violin; Jennifer Adams, flute; Marcia Mann, cello. They will be joined by pianist Diana Umali and harpsichordist David Erwin. Making A Difference Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8 12:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary The Chapel Bell Newsletter of
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