Saint Leonard of Port Maurice Parish Established 1873 Sacred Heart Italian Church 10 North Square Saint Leonard’s Church 320 Hanover Street Saint Stephen’s Church 401 Hanover Street Saint Francis Gift Shop Saint Leonard Peace Garden Mass Schedule Pastoral Staff Saint Leonard’s Church Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 10:30am Italian 12noon English Pastor: Rev. Antonio Nardoianni, OFM, email: Parochial Vicar: Rev. Claude Scrima, OFM Sacred Heart Italian Church Sunday: 9:00am Bilingual Monday – Friday: 12:05pm Saint Stephen’s Church Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 11:00am Monday – Friday: 7:30am 145 Commercial Street, Wednesday: 4:00pm North End Nursing Home & Rehab Center, Friday: 10:30am Saint John Parochial School Karen McLaughlin, Principal 9 Moon Street, Boston, MA 617-227-3143 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 Parish Office Mailing address: Saint Leonard’s Church, 320 Hanover St., Boston, MA 02113 Office: 4 North Bennet Pl., Boston, phone: 617-523-2110, fax: 617-367-0456 Office hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:30am to 2:30pm Secretary: Donna Piscatelli, email: Website: email: Sacraments Baptism – At Saint Leonard’s Church, 2nd Sunday of each month at 1:00pm. Baptismal instruction: Tuesday before date of Baptism 7:00pm in Saint Leonard’s Church. Reconciliation – Saturday, 4:15 - 5:00pm at Saint Leonard’s Church and any time upon request. Also, during Advent and Lent, Wednesdays at 6:30pm at Sacred Heart Church. Marriage – Engaged couples are requested to contact one of the priests at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date. Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction – 1st Friday of each month at Sacred Heart Church, 6:00 – 7:00pm. Anointing of the Sick – Please notify us if anyone you know is ill, in the hospital or home-bound. Rosary – Monday – Friday 11:40am and 6:15pm at Sacred Heart Church. Perpetual Novenas Saint Anthony – Every Tuesday at Saint Leonard Church after 12:05pm Mass and every Wednesday at Sacred Heart Church after Rosary. Saint Rita – Every Thursday at Sacred Heart Church after Rosary. Parking is available at the garage on Sudbury Street, Parcel 7 (directly across from the Haymarket T Station). Price of Ticket is $1 for first 2 hours, $3 for 3 hours. Sundays free until 1pm. Tickets must be validated after Mass or any other church activity in the Sacristy to the left of the Altar. Mass Intentions January 10-18, 2015 January 10 – Saturday 5pm: Souls in Purgatory; Gilda (Scrima) Pasto; Marie Reagan. January 11 – Sunday – The Baptism of the Lord 9am: Deceased members of the Saint Mark Society 10:30am: Filomena Pezzano; Eurico Giammarco; Gina & Giuseppe DiCenso; Filippo De Rossa; Lucia Frattaroli 12noon: January 12 – Monday 12:05pm: Angelo Martignetti January 13 – Tuesday 12:05pm: Clementina Raspa January 14 – Wednesday 12:05pm: Living and deceased members of the Vincent & Poulin families 4pm: Vincenza Mastrangelo by Antoinetta January 15 – Thursday 12:05pm: Ferdinand Carangelo January 16 – Friday 12:05pm: Luigi Cataldo January 17 – Saturday 5pm: Souls in Purgatory; Anthony & Francine Picardo; James D’Ambrosio January 18 – Sunday 9am: Dom Campochiaro 10:30am: Luigi Terra; Filippo DeRosa; Antonio & Gilda D’Amato 12noon: Josephine Buscemi; Frank & Laura Brogna For the week of January 11, 2015 The Sanctuary Lamp will burn at Saint Leonard Church for Filomena Pezzano. Celebration of the Baptism of Jesus signals His full commitment to His Father’s will. His life shows that to be true – right up to Calvary, the death on the cross. So each one of us who has been baptized is called to the same commitment. Thy will be done. from the Pastor: Dear Parishioners: As most of you might realize, during this past year we have been able to bring to completion most of the work badly needed to water-proof Saint Leonard Church building. There are some details that must still be addressed like a canopy on the church entrance from the Peace Garden and paving the alley that connects the main entrance of the rectory/office to N. Bennet Street. By the end of February, a complete report of the related costs as well as the donations received to this end will be printed in our parish bulletin. We are grateful to all of you who extended your helping hand, parishioners and benefactors alike. We are now in the planning stage of restoring the interior of the Church for which much prayer and financial help are needed. Our dream is to restore Saint Leonard to its original splendor, in order to keep it as a place of prayer and spiritual nourishment for the thousands of people who enter it every year. I know that you share in this dream and do all you can to make it come true. I will inform you as we progress in this new endeavor. May God bless you. Feast of the Baptism of the Lord The Baptism of the Lord is observed as a distinct feast in the Roman rite, although it was originally one of three Gospel events marked by the feast of the Epiphany. Long after the visit of the Magi had in the West overshadowed the other elements commemorated in the Epiphany, Pope Pius XII instituted in 1955 a separate liturgical commemoration of the Baptism. In fact, the Tridentate Calendar has no feast of the baptism of the Lord. It was almost four centuries later that the feast was instituted, under the denomination “Commemoration of the Baptism of our Lord.” In his revision of the calendar five years later, Pope John XXIII kept on 13 January the Commemoration of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ with the rank of a second-class feast. A mere 14 years after the institution of the feast, Pope Paul VI set its date as the first Sunday after January 6 or, if in a particular country the Epiphany is celebrated on January 7 or 8, on the following Monday. Pope John Paul II initiated a custom whereby on this feast the Pope baptizes babies in the Sistine Chapel. The feast marks the end of the liturgical season of Christmas. On the following day the season of ordinary time begins. Schedule of Prayer Meetings in Italian Calendar of upcoming meetings: !January 15, 29 !April 2 (Holy Hour), 16 !February 5, 19 !May 7, 21 !March 5, 19 !June 4, 18 The meetings will be held at 8:30 pm in the Sacred Heart Church Parish Hall. For further information, contact Why Catholic? Coming Soon to a Parish or Collaborative Near You . . . Journey through the Catechism Introduction to LIVE Workshops for Small Community Leaders and “Why Catholic?” Parish Teams This Lent, explore the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments as guides for Christian living. " Strengthen understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and grow in confidence to share with others. " Read, reflect on Scripture and share faith " Meet new friends " Live the Good News! ALL ARE WELCOME! To register for workshops and for more information, please contact Mary Ann McLaughlin or Ann Cussen, Office of Spiritual Life, at 617-779-3640 or email Classic Art Church Calendars The 2015 Classic Art Church Calendars, compliments of Boston Harborside Funeral Home, are now available at the Churches. Please help yourselves. For your convenience, Budget Envelope Boxes are available at the entrances to the churches. Please take a box home to use for your weekly donations during the coming year. We urge every family to be as generous as your means permit, and please keep in mind the dollar amount it costs to run your personal home and business when thinking about how much to contribute in support of running your spiritual home and business. Volunteers Needed As winter approaches and the inevitable snowstorms arrive, Saint Leonard Parish greatly needs volunteers to help remove the snow and ice from the walkways around Saint Leonard and Sacred Heart Churches. If you are interested in helping, please contact the Parish Office at 617 523-2110 or send e-mail to with your contact information. Food for Thought “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” ~Jesus Christ Weekly Contributions in Support of our Parish Last week’s collection (January 3-4, 2015) Saturday 5:00pm Mass $620.00 Sunday 9:00am Mass 401.00 Sunday 10:30am Mass 129.00 Sunday 12noon Mass 747.00 Total $1,897.00 2nd Collection – St. Leonard Restoration: $1,702 We are grateful for your financial contribution to the ministry of our Parish. We appeal to the whole community of the North End and to our visitors to support our efforts in restoring Saint Leonard Church. We appreciate your continued support! A special collection on the weekend of January 17/18 has been designated a “Catholic Social Ministries Collection,” to support Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston, St. Mary’s Women and Children’s Center, Inc., and St. Ann’s Home and School. Please visit, and for further information. A special collection on the weekend of January24/25 will support “Share Your Faith.” Your donation to the Collection for the Church in Latin America will help the faithful and fund projects in marriage and family life, youth ministry, religious and seminarian formation, and catechesis. To learn how your donation makes a difference, please visit (search “Collection for the Church in Latin America”). Electronic Offering We encourage our parishioners and benefactors to use electronic giving to extend their financial support of Saint Leonard Church. For a sustained or single donation, please visit our website at Thank you! Saint Leonard Restoration We embarked on a long overdue restoration project of Saint Leonard Church. The first phase, comprising of repointing of the bricks and windows and roof repairs is complete. Though we do not have the final figures, we know that bringing this project to completion will take much more money than the Parish alone can raise. We appeal to everyone, visitors and tourists included, to offer whatever you can to help us preserve for future generations this magnificent and peace-filled sacred edifice that stands as a fitting memorial to the faith of past generations. No donation is too big given the scope of the overall project. No donation is too small not to deserve our gratitude and daily remembrance in our prayers. At the entrance of the church, you will find envelopes marked “Restoration Fund.” You can also donate electronically. Please check this bulletin for instructions. Thank you for your generous response! Greater Boston’s Affordable Private Cemetery Boston Harborside Home of Joseph A. Langone 580 Commercial Street ~ NORTH END ST. MICHAEL CEMETERY www.bostonharborsidehome 617-536-4110 617-524-1036 Serving the families of Boston’s North End since 1886 We accept all major credit cards Ottavio Nardone, MD Internal Medicine ~ MARIA’S ~ PASTRY SHOP World Famous Pizza since 1926 The Oldest Pizza House in New England in the Heart of the North End THE MEDICAL PRACTICE 358 Hanover Street Boston, MA 02113 11 ½ Thacher Street North End – Boston – 617-227-0765 617-227-5201 190 North Street, Boston, MA 617-523-4480 Italian Cakes –Confectionery – Candies Maria Merola Tel 617-523-1196 Fax 617-557-4925 46 Cross Street The North End Boston, MA 02113 R I S T O R A N TE SINCE 1931 WALTER & SHUFFAIN, P.C. Cantina Italiana 346 Hanover Street Certified Public Accountants & Business Advisors ANGELA PARZIALE, CPA, MST LUNCH & DINNER ITALIAN AND FRENCH PASTRY Office Parties Catering for All Occasions Cakes Confectionery Candies 257 Hanover Street, Boston, MA 02113 Beer & Wine 617-523-3783 ORDERS TAKEN FOR ALL OCCASIONS SHAREHOLDER North End, Boston, MA 101 Huntington Avenue, 8th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02199 Tel: 617-447-2742 Fax: 617-778-6142 617-723-4577 Serving Lunch & Dinner 288 Cambridge St. Boston 617-367-3310 Parziale’s Bakery Italian Breads, Pizza, Pizza Dough & Cookies Salumeria Italiana Augie Parziale, Owner Over 100 Years of Service (1907) 80 Prince St, North End, Boston, MA 617-523-6368 Wholesale/Retail GENNARO’S 151 Richmond Street, Boston, MA 02109 617.523.8743 Italian Specialty Grocer 800.400.5916 Online shopping and mail order available. Mare Oyster Bar 5 Bar Bistro 333 Hanover St., Boston, MA 02113 North Square R I S T O R A N T E 5 NORTH SQUARE BOSTON, MA 02113 5NORTHSQUARE.COM 617.720.1050 617-227-1777 Bricco Natural Coastal Italian Cuisine 35 Richmond St. 617-723-MARE Boutique Italian Cuisine 341 Hanover St. 617-248-6800 Bricco Panetteria Homemade Artisan Bread 241 Hanover St. 617-248-0859 Quattro Grille, Rosticceria & Pizza 266 Hanover St. 617-720-0444 New Bricco Salumeria & Pasta Shop A Classic Cigar Parlor Step into our extensive Cigar Club & slip into another place & time. This lavishly furnished setting combines old world charm with modern convenience. Carefully selected antiques & a museum quality presentation of cigar memorabilia adorn this room. OPEN SUNDAYS CIGAR LOCKERS AVAILABLE FREE WI-FI The Original Italian Caffe Coffee Pastry 290-296 Hanover Street Gelati Liquers Boston, MA 02113 617-227-7606 292 Hanover Street Boston, Massachusetts 617-227-0295 Trattoria Il Panino 11 Board Alley in Boston’s North End (located behind 241 Hanover Street) 617-248-9629 Boston’s 1st Original Cuisine 11 Parmenter St. 617-720-1336 207 ENDICOTT STREET BOSTON’S NORTH END 617-523-5959 93 Salem St. North End, Boston, MA 617-723-8733 Dante Bellucci Owner/Executive Chef Organic Ingredients 22 Union Street Newton, Massachusetts 617-244-8833 617-795-2538 (fax) + 300 Hanover Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02113 617-742-3050 Michael Mercogliano, Founder DELLO RUSSO FAMILY FUNERAL HOME The Dello Russo Family has been proudly serving The people of Saint Leonard’s Parish since 1929. MEDFORD 781.396.9200 WILMINGTON 978.658.9476 WOBURN 781.933.0083 North End Athletic Association Serving the Community Since 1960 154 Salem Street Boston, MA 02113 Would you like to place an Ad? This space is available. Call the Parish Office for information. 617-523-2110 FINE ITALIAN DINING 125 Salem Street North End, Boston 617-3-7233 Proprietors Rita & Lisa Fine ItalianCuisine Carmine DiPietroantonio 104 Salem Street – North End 617-723-7847 Boston, MA 02113 Would you like to place an Ad? This space is available. Call the Parish Office for information. 617-523-2110
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