Saint Leonard of Port Maurice Parish Established 1873 Sacred Heart Italian Church 10 North Square Mass Schedule Saint Leonard’s Church Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 10:30am Italian 12noon English Sacred Heart Italian Church Sunday: 9:00am Bilingual Monday – Friday: 12:05pm Saint Stephen’s Church Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 11:00am Monday – Friday: 7:30am 145 Commercial Street Wednesday: 4:00pm North End Nursing Home & Rehab Center Friday: 10:30am Saint John Parochial School Karen McLaughlin, Principal 9 Moon Street, Boston, MA 617-227-3143 4th Sunday of Easter “The Good Shepherd” Saint Leonard Church 320 Hanover Street Saint Stephen Church 401 Hanover Street Saint Francis Gift Shop Saint Leonard Peace Garden Pastoral Staff Pastor: Rev. Antonio Nardoianni, OFM, email: Parochial Vicar: Rev. Claude Scrima, OFM Parish Office Mailing address: Saint Leonard’s Church, 320 Hanover St., Boston, MA 02113 Office: 4 North Bennet Pl., Boston, phone: 617-523-2110, fax: 617-367-0456 Office hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:30am to 2:30pm Office Manager: Donna Piscatelli, email: Website: email: Sacraments Baptism – At Saint Leonard’s Church, 2nd Sunday of each month immediately following the noon Mass. Baptismal instruction: Tuesday before date of Baptism 7:00pm in Saint Leonard’s Church. Reconciliation – Saturday, 4:15 - 5:00pm at Saint Leonard’s Church and any time upon request. Also, during Advent and Lent, Wednesdays at 6:30pm at Sacred Heart Church. Marriage – Engaged couples are requested to contact one of the priests at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date. Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction – 1st Friday of each month at Sacred Heart Church, 6:00 – 7:00pm. Anointing of the Sick – Please notify us if anyone you know is ill, in the hospital or home-bound. Rosary – Monday – Friday, 11:30am and 6:15pm at Sacred Heart Church. Stations of the Cross, Fridays during Lent, 6:15pm at Sacred Heart Church. Perpetual Novenas Saint Anthony – Every Tuesday at Saint Leonard Church after 12:05pm Mass and every Wednesday at Sacred Heart Church after Rosary. Saint Rita – Every Thursday at Sacred Heart Church after Rosary. April 26, 2015 Parking is available at the garage on Sudbury Street, Parcel 7 (directly across from the Haymarket T Station). Price of Ticket is $1 for first 2 hours, $3 for 3 hours. Sundays free until 1pm. Tickets must be validated after Mass or any other church activity in the Sacristy to the left of the Altar. Schedule of Prayer Meetings in Italian Calendar of upcoming meetings: May 7, 21 June 4, 18 The meetings will be held at 8:30pm in the Sacred Heart Church Parish Hall. For further information, contact Saint Anthony Feast Spaghetti Supper, Saturday, June 6 at 5:00pm until … Saint Leonard Parish Hall Tickets: $15.00 in advance; $20.00 at the door xProgram 2015x Sunday, June 14 Masses: 9:00am 10:30am 12:00noon Sacred Heart Saint Leonard Saint Leonard Bilingual Italian English Procession: The procession with the statue of Saint Anthony through the streets of the North End, accompanied by the North End Marching Band, will start at 2:00pm on Sunday, June 14. Blessing of the Children: The Blessing of the Children will take place at Saint Leonard Church at the end of the procession, about 5:00pm. Blessed Saint Anthony’s bread and Saint Anthony’s oil for the sick: Blessed Saint Anthony’s bread and oil will be available all day on Saturday, June 13 in Saint Leonard Church. GAC This year’s Grand Annual Collection was taken during one of the most disastrous weekends weather-wise. Because of this, our income has been the lowest for this same period in the last ten years. Meanwhile, the utility bills and heating expenses for the rectory and the two churches have skyrocketed. We are grateful too all those who have contributed to our GAC, many of whom have given beyond anyone’s expectation in spite of the treacherous weather, I appeal to those parishioners and ask for their consideration to contribute now toward this vital collection. You can use any envelope marked Grand Annual Collection and deposit it in any collection basket or even send your donation through the mail. We thank you for your participation. . Weekly Contributions in Support of our Parish Weekend collections (April 18-19, 2015) Saturday 5:00pm Mass $655.00 Sunday 9:00am Mass 634.00 Sunday 10:30am Mass 614.00 Sunday 12 noon Mass 864.00 Total: $2,767.00 T his week’s second collection supports three important national Catholic missions: 1) The Military Archdiocese collection provides for Catholic chaplains throughout the world for American servicemen and servicewomen. 2) The Home Missions collection subsidizes the evangelization and formation activities of mission dioceses. 3) The Black and Native American collection strengthens evangelization and outreach programs which would otherwise be in danger of disappearing among the Black, American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut communities of the United States. We are grateful for your financial contribution to the ministry of our Parish. We appeal to the whole community of the North End and to our visitors to support our efforts in restoring Saint Leonard Church. We appreciate your continued support! Electronic Offering We encourage our parishioners and benefactors to use electronic giving to extend their financial support of Saint Leonard Church. For a sustained or single donation, please visit our website at Thank you! Spiritual Bouquets Mass Cards / Enrollments can be obtained in the parish office Tuesday through Friday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Divine Will Conference May 15, 16, 17, 2015 The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette Attleboro, Massachusetts Main speaker, Padre Bernardino Bucci Member of the Tribunal for the Cause of the Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta will speak on “The Book of Heaven – The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which He was Created by God” and his personal experiences of knowing her. For Registrations contact: Sandy and Ed Duggan, PO Box 628, Sudbury, MA 01776 or email: 4th Sunday of Easter: The Good Shepherd “I am the good shepherd.” In classical art there are many lovely images of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Most of them are bucolic, placid, scenes that depict Jesus cradling a sheep in his arms, or carrying a sheep on his shoulders. But shepherding is hard work, and, Jesus tells us, not without danger. A shepherd must be ready to lay down his life for his sheep. The Church needs good shepherds. Do you know a young – or not so young – man who would make a good priest? Ask for the grace to pose the question: “Have you ever thought about becoming a priest?” Mass Intentions April 25 – May 3 April 25 – Saturday 5:00pm: Domenico Federico; Sestilia Federico; Marie Mirabella April 26 – 4th Sunday of Easter 9:00am: Deceased members of the Saint Mark Society; Iacoviello Family; Anne Marie Luongo; Vittorio D’Amore; Amando (Eddie) Vignolo; Dom Campochiaro; Louis, Mary & Louis Jr. Molinari 10:30am: Filippo DeRosa; Franco Guarino; Antonio Carnevale; Susanna Siervo; Virginia Iannella; Iolanda DiBenedetto 12noon: Elmer Capodilupo; Carmela & Carmelo Caruso; for the recovery of Elizabeth & Rawd Holbrook April 27 – Monday 12:05pm: Sacred Heart of Jesus April 28 – Tuesday 12:05pm: Aldesia & Michael Reppuci April 29 – Wednesday 8:15am: First Communion Rehearsal 12:05pm: St. Anthony 4:00pm: Rocco & Carlo Ianello April 30 – Thursday 12:05pm: Julia & Duncan Stevenson May 1 – Friday Mary and the Angels 12:05pm: Roy Mastrullo May 2 – Saturday 5:00pm: Anthony Picardo; Marie Polcari; Vito Maniscalco May 3 – 5th Sunday of Easter 9:00am: Deceased members of the Frank Barassi Family 10:30am: Madonna Della Libera; Filippo DeRosa; Luigi Torra 12noon: Simonelli Family; Antonio Solomita; Mario Solomita; Ralph Ficociello This week . . . the Sanctuary Lamp will burn at Saint Leonard Church for Carmela Galanti. Bread & Wine will be offered at Saint Leonard Church for Julia & Duncan Stevenson. Saint Anthony’s Shrine … at Arch Street is offering a training program for people to be Certified by Cardinal Stritch University as a Spiritual Director. The program will begin in September and information can be obtained at: or 781-704-1010. from the Pastor … Dear Parishioners – I am happy to invite you to attend a three-day prayer and reflection on the devotion to Mary and the Holy Angels led by Fr. Wolfgang Seitz and Fr. Matthew Hincks. I have chosen the month of May for this minimission that usually takes place during Lent for two reasons. First, because February and March were too inconvenient to schedule any evening program due to the abundant snowfall we experienced. Second, because May is traditionally the month dedicated to Mary and fostering devotion to the Blessed Mother is an integral part of our Catholic faith. I pray that the warm weather and our love for Mary will motivate us all to attend. True Devotion to Mary & the Holy Angels Presented by Fr. Wolfgang Seitz and Fr. Matthew Hincks of the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross Preaching at Masses, May 16-17 5:00pm - Saturday Vigil Mass at Saint Leonard 9:00am - Mass at Sacred Heart Noon - Mass on Sunday at Saint Leonard Monday & Tuesday, May 18-19 6:30pm - Confessions & Rosary 7:00pm - Holy Mass followed by mission talk (Evening ends about 8:30pm) Wednesday, May 20 6:30pm - Confessions and Rosary 7:00pm - Mission Talk followed by Holy Mass with reception of the Consecration to the Guardian Angel of those who have completed their year of formation. Mission Topics Monday: The Angels and the Human Family Tuesday: Living a Life with Mary Wednesday: Working with the Holy Angels (cf. Padre Pio and St. Francis) Silent Retreats May 21-24, Marie Joseph Center in Biddeford, Maine Cost with full room and board: $265 single, $245 double May 28-31, Immaculate Conception Center in Putnam, Conn. Cost with full room and board: $230 single, $200 double For more info on mission, contact: Barbara Keville at (978) 453-7446 or email: website: Steubenville East – Youth Conference All high school aged youth are invited to attend this youth conference that is coming to the Archdiocese of Boston for the first time this summer! Join Cardinal Sean, a team of national speakers and musicians and thousands of other Catholic teens from the North East for this amazing opportunity. There is still availability through the Faith Formation of Youth & Young Adults Ministry. For more information please email Kathy Stebbins at Greater Boston’s Affordable Boston Harborside Home of Joseph A. Langone 580 Commercial Street ~ NORTH END Private Cemetery 617-536-4110 www.bostonharborsidehome 617-524-1036 Serving the families of Boston’s North End since 1886 ~ MARIA’S ~ PASTRY SHOP World Famous Pizza since 1926 The Oldest Pizza House in New England in the Heart of the North End THE MEDICAL PRACTICE 358 Hanover Street Boston, MA 02113 11 ½ Thacher Street North End – Boston – 617-227-0765 617-227-5201 Office Parties Catering for All Occasions ITALIAN AND FRENCH PASTRY Cakes Confectionery Candies 257 Hanover Street, Boston, MA 02113 Maria Merola Tel 617-523-1196 Fax 617-557-4925 Cucina italiano 288 Cambridge St. Boston 617-367-3310 ORDERS TAKEN FOR ALL OCCASIONS Italian Breads, Pizza, Pizza Dough & Cookies Over 100 Years of Service (1907) 80 Prince St, North End, Boston, MA 617-523-6368 Wholesale/Retail Certified Public Accountants & Business Advisors 800.400.5916 Online shopping and mail order available. Mare Oyster Bar Serving Lunch & Dinner 190 North Street, Boston, MA 617-523-4480 SHAREHOLDER 101 Huntington Avenue, 8th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02199 Tel: 617-447-2742 Fax: 617-778-6142 R I S T O R A N TE GENNARO’S Salumeria Italiana Italian Specialty Grocer 617-723-4577 ANGELA PARZIALE, CPA, MST 151 Richmond Street, Boston, MA 02109 617.523.8743 Augie Parziale, Owner North End, Boston, MA 46 Cross Street The North End Boston, MA 02113 WALTER & SHUFFAIN, P.C. Beer & Wine 617-523-3783 Cantina Italiana 346 Hanover Street Italian Cakes –Confectionery – Candies LUNCH & DINNER Parziale’s Bakery SINCE 1931 We accept all major credit cards Ottavio Nardone, MD Internal Medicine 5 Bar Bistro 333 Hanover St., Boston, MA 02113 North Square RISTORANTE 617-227-1777 5 NORTH SQUARE BOSTON, MA 02113 5 NORTHSQUARE.COM 617.720.1050 Bricco Natural Coastal Italian Cuisine 35 Richmond St. 617-723-MARE Boutique Italian Cuisine 341 Hanover St. 617-248-6800 Bricco Panetteria Quattro Homemade Artisan Bread 241 Hanover St. 617-248-0859 Grille, Rosticceria & Pizza 266 Hanover St. 617-720-0444 New Bricco Salumeria & Pasta Shop A Classic Cigar Parlor Step into our extensive Cigar Club & slip into another place & time. This lavishly furnished setting combines old world charm with modern convenience. Carefully selected antiques & a museum quality presentation of cigar memorabilia adorn this room.- OPEN SUNDAYS CIGAR LOCKERS AVAILABLE FREE WI-FI The Original Italian Caffe Coffee Pastry 290-296 Hanover Street Gelati Liquers Boston, MA 02113 617-227-7606 292 Hanover Street Boston, Massachusetts 617-227-0295 Trattoria Il Panino 11 Board Alley in Boston’s North End (located behind 241 Hanover Street) 617-248-9629 Boston’s 1st Original Cuisine 11 Parmenter St. 617-720-1336 207 ENDICOTT STREET BOSTON’S NORTH END 617-523-5959 93 Salem St. North End, Boston, MA 617-723-8733 Dante Bellucci Owner/Executive Chef Organic Ingredients 22 Union Street Newton, Massachusetts 617-244-8833 617-795-2538 (fax) + 300 Hanover Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02113 617-742-3050 Michael Mercogliano, Founder DELLO RUSSO FAMILY FUNERAL HOME The Dello Russo Family has been proudly serving The people of Saint Leonard’s Parish since 1929. MEDFORD 781.396.9200 WILMINGTON 978.658.9476 WOBURN 781.933.0083 North End Athletic Association Serving the Community Since 1960 154 Salem Street Boston, MA 02113 Would you like to place an Ad? This space is available. Call the Parish Office for information. 617-523-2110 FINE ITALIAN DINING 125 Salem Street North End, Boston 617-3-7233 Proprietors Rita & Lisa Would you like to place an Ad? This space is available. Fine ItalianCuisine Call the Parish Office Carmine DiPietroantonio for information. 104 Salem Street – North End617-723-7847 617-523-2110 Boston, MA
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