2015 May 3 Announcements - Saint David`s United Church

Church Announcements
Sunday School Teachers are needed from now until the end of May. If you have a Sunday to give
an hour of your time, please let Alicia know. She is working on a schedule.
The Gift of Ministry - Every 5 years, Ministry Personnel are entitled to a sabbatical.
While Rev. Audrey, of Quispamsis United Church, is enjoying hers, Saint David’s will
be lending them a hand. From mid-April to the first Sunday in July, Rev. Sean and
Alicia will be providing pulpit supply to our sister church as a gift to them. We are
alternating when possible, when not, Harold McKinnon will start our service and we
will be here as quickly as the speed limit allows. Be proud of this gift we are offering be proud of our ministry!
Kraft Dinner Lunch Update We continue to have a wonderful connection with
Rothesay High School. There are only 6 weeks remaining in this school year. A
special thank you to all who contribute to this program by donation of funds, items
or. If you would like to join us one week, let us know. We presently have a
wonderful supply of Kraft Dinner and napkins. On a weekly basis the following
are the supplies we use: Kraft Dinner, paper plates, disposable cups, ketchup,
cookies, juice crystals, butter, milk, and rolls.
Avgen Shopping Card We raised just over $50 on our last order. Ruth Pearn,
Sally Ann Wagstaff, Valerie Dingee and Joy MacDonald will be handing out order
forms. The next order will be placed May 4. Please have forms and payment in to
the office by Sunday, May 3.
Bible Study - Are you curious about the word of scripture? Looking to take your faith
a little deeper? Interested in making new friends and having fun along the way?
Rev. Sean Handcock is offering a bible study class every 2nd & 4th Thursday morning
of the month at 10AM.
Youth Group will meet this Sunday evening at 6:30PM. Meet at the Rothesay
Commons by the playground. Wear a white shirt. Come and be prepared to
have fun and get messy with colour. We are challenging the Quispamsis
youth to join us. This is also a special invitation for Grade 5 youth to come and
get a taste of Youth Group for next year. Come and bring a friend!
The Sweet Caroline Foundation will hold its 1st Annual Casino Night on Saturday,
May 9, 2015 beginning at 7PM at Rothesay High School. Tickets are $15 per person
and available at Kennebecasis Drugs & Cochran’s Country Market.
Church Announcements May 3, 2015
Upcoming Service Schedule
May 10 – Service at 10:30AM. Mother’s Day/Christian Family Sunday
May 17 – Victoria Day Weekend. Service at 10:30AM
May 24 – Service at 10:30AM
May 31 – Service at 10:30AM led by Worship Committee
Greeters & Ushers
May 3: Stan Prime, Deb Maber, Richard & Felicity Osepchook
May 10: New Schedule TBA
Lay Reader
May 3: Richard Osepchook
May 10: New Schedule TBA
Offering Stewards
May 3: Stan & Margaret Prime, Gwen Messer
May 10: Blair MacDonald, Ruth & Howard Pearn
Sunday School Teachers
May 3: Christina Dobson, Lori Heron, Bonnie Demmons
May 10: Christina Dobson, More Volunteers required
Community Announcements
Tickets are now on sale for A Day in Her Shoes on May 6th in support of the programs and services offered
by CMHA of New Brunswick in Saint John. The evening will include Hors d’oeuvres, wine and beverages,
silent auction, and an amazing raffle draw which includes a round trip for two in a sleeper cabin from Moncton
to Montreal and a Wyndham Worldwide Resort Vacation Certificate!! The fashion show will feature the latest
spring merchandise from the stores at Market Square. Our guest speaker is Donna Craig - Wife, Mother and
Mental Health Advocate. Her message of forgiveness and unconditional love is intriguing! Tickets for A Day in
Her Shoes can be purchased at Manchester Shoe Salon, online at www.nb.cmha.ca or by calling (506) 6331705.
Third Annual Spring Variety Concert on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at Grace Presbyterian Church,
101 Coburg Street, Saint John in support of The Saint John Jewish Historical Museum. All of the musicians are
from the Saint John area. The programme includes David Dow (clarinet), Van Burdon (cellist), Luan Salmon
(soprano), Claire Driscoll (piano) ,The Rotary Kings District Honour Choir led by Dr. Kevin Langford, and the
Cantabile Women’s Choir led by Gisele Roy. Master of Ceremonies will be Robert Selby. The pieces
performed will include selections by Jewish composers: traditional, classical and modern. You will be able to
experience the variety of Jewish and secular music. It is aimed at appealing to a broad range of musical
interests. The entire proceeds will be used to further the activities of the Saint John Jewish Historical Museum
in the summer of 2015. Tickets for the evening are $10.00 and can be purchased from Board members (see
Richard Osepchook), the Saint John Jewish Historical Museum (633-1833 / sjjhm@nbnet.nb.ca) and the
Imperial Theatre Box Office (674-4100).
The 27th Annual Rothesay Netherwood School Art Show and Sale will be held on Friday evening, May
8 from 6-9pm and on Saturday, May 9 from 9am-4pm in the school’s Irving Gymnasium. Over 300 pieces of
artwork from amateur and professional Canadian artists will be displayed for sale. Proceeds from this year’s
show will be used to construct a new Fitness and Wellness Centre on campus, we all as support our music
room renovations. For more information, please call the School Office at 847-8224 or email artshow@rns.cc .
To preview artwork, please visit www.rns.cc/artshow.
Church Announcements May 3, 2015